#german janus
didoofcarthage · 4 months
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January calendar page with Janus and Capricorn, from the Stammheim Missal
German, probably 1170s
tempera colors, gold leaf, silver leaf, and ink
J. Paul Getty Museum
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lisystrata · 9 months
When I first saw this poster,
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I immediately understood where Roman Viktyuk drew his inspiration when making art for titles
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for his play «Les Bonnes» / «The Maids» / «Служанки» (1992) based on the famous play by Jean Genet:
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oldpaintings · 2 years
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Philemon and Baucis' transformation, 1801 by Janus Genelli (German, 1761--1813)
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randomgreenchair · 2 years
what languages do y'all think the sides speak?
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marothro · 2 months
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belalugosi1882 · 3 months
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Bela Lugosi with Conrad Veidt in The Head of Janus 1920
In german: Der Janus-Kopf) is a silent horror film directed by F. W. Murnau. The film was an unauthorized adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886 novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but the source was not acknowledged in some German media due to changes in character names.
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any good logan headcanons?
I mean I hope these are good :3 (tbh this is just me projecting but shhh)
- Used to be really excitable when he/Thomas was younger. It started to fade out when the others would get upset when he got too loud or infodump-y.
- Extremely critical of himself, though he won’t stand for it if the others are of themselves.
- Will talk until his voice is hoarse if you give him the chance to.
- Complete shit at cooking. Excellent at baking. This is because in cooking, it’s all “do whatever, measure with your heart!” whereas baking is precise and scientific. (Also Patton is the exact opposite. They assist in making dinners and meals; Patton does the dinner, Logan will do desserts).
- Gets overstimulated easily, especially with Patton and Roman. They're always... a lot, to say the least. Thankfully, Virgil knows how to deal with it. (I've had analogical on the brain, okay?!)
- Writes poetry to relieve himself of certain emotions. It’s very… robotic? Not in an ai generated way, just in the Logan way. Very technical and acute.
- He wouldn't describe himself as creative, but he is, just in ways that aren't "typical". (This one's less of a headcanon and more an observation)
- Prefers classical music to other genres, but if any of the other sides ask him to listen to music with them, he will. Virgil tends to ask him more than the others, leading to him having an acute knowledge of music from bands like MCR, FOB, and the like. When Roman asks him it often ends with Logan (begrudingly) watching a one man performance starring Prince Roman of a musical of said prince's choosing.
- He's the type of guy to get accused of being a bot when responding to an email. He's not. He's just like that.
- He has a fireplace in his room.
- He doesn't often think of some of the bickering with others as actual bickering or fighting, more so as their way of debate. Until things get out of hand. Then even he can admit that it isn't just "civil debate".
- I feel like he'd know German, Latin, French (though he's not entirely fluent), a bit of ASL (in accordance with a Virgil headcanon of mine), and, while it isn't a language, he'd understand floriography (the "language" of flowers) quite well.
- Actually respects Remus and Janus. Another one that’s less headcanon and more observation.
- Holds a festering emotional rage that dates back years. No one else remembers why. He’ll make them remember.
- Really likes sciences! Astronomy especially, but ecology and biology fascinate him, along with social sciences.
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nyxshadowhawk · 5 months
Have you ever wondered what characters from Greek mythology would look like in a medieval AU? Wonder no more:
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In the first picture are Hercules on the top left, Menelaus and Helen in the middle, Paris underneath them, and Hector and Agamemnon underneath Hercules. In the second picture are Janus, Saturn, Picus, and Faunus on the right, and Juno on the left.
(This is the Nuremberg Chronicle, a fifteenth-century German incunabulum.)
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I like to think that Virgil knows German and he has a tendency to slip into it when he talks about technical music stuff. He also rolls his r's so it has a sort of purring quality that can hypnotize Remus and turn him to goo. It's so powerful that Roman and Janus have grabbed the spider and told him to "say German words" just to get Remus to calm down his chaos
Also just the thought of him reading the original Grimms' Fairytales to Remus is beautiful
I never knew I needed Vee knowing German until now I L O V E that so fucking much!!! Ree is weak at the K N E E S for those R rolls but can't really blame a Duke for wanting to hear his Spider purr <3 Also I'm cackling at the thought of Jan and Ro being like "Virgil for the love of everything just please say German words you're gonna break him further and we'll even translate if we have to" (Jokes on them Ree still finds it hot XD)
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meandmacats · 28 days
Some sides head cannons, but it’s super obvious who my favorite side is:
Both Remus and Roman glow, but Roman is more of a Disney fairy magic way and Remus is closer to bioluminescent like deep sea creatures
The imagination is not physically split into Remus’ and Roman’s sided, but rather just a collection of both of their creations in a space too big for either to largely effect the other
Remus is a big softie when he’s not being gross
Roman is asexual
Remus is aromantic
Roman and remus have literal twin telepathy
Roman has a black streak(mirroring Remus’ white steak)
Roman can get burnout, but Remus can’t despite them both being creativity(Roman is used as the main creativity)
When in burnout, Roman runs a fever and attempting to interact with any creative pursuits immediately chars it
Roman’s role of Ego is under the Sigmund Froid definition where it is a representation of the self rather than just self worth
Remus played Undertale and first played a true pacifist route where he attacked each monster until they were ready to spare(he loved the amalgamations)
Patton actually can’t cook(not for lack of effort)
Roman is trying to learn more Romance languages
Remus knows German
Janus knows ASL
Logan has always had issues with Pattons black and white thinking, but decided to ignore it
Remus is ferally protective
Janus can smell lies the same way snakes smell(sticking out tongue) so he doesn’t do it often
Repressing Remus is like punching an inflatable punching bag
Janus actually can’t think of lies. He encourages it, but he doesn’t actually come up with the excuses
Janus only knows psychology for lying, he doesn’t know any for the other sides
Intrusive thoughts warn the body of danger and can help keep the shot alert. When this is revealed to the other sides, Remus tries to be as obnoxious and aggressive with the intrusive thoughts as possible to try to convince them otherwise
There is actually a difference in abilities between dark and light sides
Dark sides abilities are:
see no evil-tunnel vision from Remus
hear no evil- Virgil’s voice thing(known to over rule all other sides in input)
speak no evil-Janus silence(literally hiding things from Thomas he doesn’t want to know)
Roman can speak to and understand animals in the Imagination like a Disney Prince
Remus is really good with animals
Roman and Logan bond over rhymes, poetry, and word-play
Logan can cook, but he can’t experiment with cooking
Roman can cook, but he struggles to actually follow the instructions
Remus can “cook,” but it’s not “food”
Janus can cook for himself and no one else
Virgil is to anxious to cook most days, occasionally finds baking relaxing
Patton can bake
Roman and Remus are closer than they present themselves to the others
Roman gets ego bruises
Remus gets antsy if he doesn’t harass Thomas
Roman is a much better actor than he lets on
Roman intentionally played characters badly in Can Lying be Good? because he knew that Thomas would not be able to handle true immersion into the scene
Logan is naturally ambidextrous
Roman learned to be ambidextrous
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tropinano · 2 years
An Organized List of Podcasts, based on the voice of the narrator
Also with one word to describe the voice, and the podcast itself. just in case you want something with specific vibes
Welcome to Night Vale (iconic, classic)
Camp Here & There (whimsical, intriguing, contains british jumpscare later on)
Janus Descending (appealing, dramatic)
Francis Forever (gravelly, mysterious)
The Way We Haunt Now (light, interesting)
Jack of All Trades (easy-going, quippy)
Illuminati Interns (overlapping, hilarious)
Death by Dying (energetic, high-quality)
Life with Leo(h) (heartwarming, kind also MAKES ME SO HAPPY I GOTTA TURN IT OFF EVERY 5 MINUTES)
The Night Post (conversational, southern guy, neat)
Hello from the Hallowoods (disembodied, descriptive)
Malevolent (dark, captivating, the one guy does every voice)
The Magnus Archives (brooding/droning, chilling)
The 12:37 (silvery, interesting)
Spirit Box Radio (whimsical, if i say interesting it means ive only listened to the trailer)
Lost Terminal (neat, also interesting)
I am in Eskew (precise, cool, forgot i listened to the pilot of this)
Neighbourly (winding, captivating)
The Switchboard (gruff, mid/lacks content warnings/inconsistent but the voice is fun)
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality (clean, quality)
Aurora Everlasting (quick, passionate)
The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society (ambitious french, lesbian sword wives)
if you have any more feel free to lmk or add them onto here (EDIT CHECK THE RB TAGS people have good recs and descriptions) since it seems to be a pretty top-heavy list haha but yeah i hope this is cool
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uwmspeccoll · 10 months
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Milestone Monday
On this day, July 3 in 1883, the Czech-Austrian author Franz Kafka was born into a middle-class German-speaking Czech Jewish family in Prague, and became one of the major figures of 20th-century literature before his death in 1924. Known for his sullen narratives that fuse the real and the surreal, Kafka explored themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity.
In remembrance of Kafka's 140th birthday anniversary, we present original lithographs by printmaker, letterpress printer, papermaker, and book artist Claire Van Vliet illustrating short stories and a fragment by Kafka on the theme of the Tower of Babel, which Van Vliet includes in your anthology The Tower of Babel, printed by Van Vliet in 1975 at her Janus Press in West Burke, Vermont, in an edition of 110 copies signed by the artist.
Van Vliet includes three of Kafka's very short stories -- "The Great Wall and the Tower of Babel," "The Tower of Babel," "The City Coat of Arms" -- and a fragment, "The Pit of Babel," in which Kafka writes, "What are you building? I want to dig a passage. A progress has to happen. My position is too elevated. We are digging the pit of Babel."
Our copy of the anthology is another gift from our friend Jerry Buff.
View our other posts on Franz Kafka.
View more works printed by Claire Van Vliet at her Janus Press.
View other Milestone Monday posts.
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lisystrata · 11 months
Hawthorn, Two-Faced Janus and Cesare the somnambulist. Part 2
Part 1 Der Januskopf
Ut populo reditus pateant ad bella profecto, tota patet dempta ianua nostra sera. Pace fores obdo, ne qua discedere possit; Caesareoque diu numine clausus ero. *
First of all, I should announce something like a disclaimer. By no means do I insist on the infallibility of my conclusions. Being a big fan of world mythology, I often find echoes of events from legends in various plots of books and films, not to mention songs and artistic pictures. There is no doubt that at the same time I sometimes get carried away and can see in a certain event something that has never been there. Of course, you have every right to accept my point of view or completely refute it. To make my post a little more concise, I will illustrate the plot of the myth with frames from the films that I analyze.
The 1920 film "Der Januskopf" (Schrecken) which also features Conrad Veidt, gave me the idea.
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This is similar to the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, simply due to copyright requirements, the German filmmakers were unable to use the original names of the character and his doppelganger.
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I think everyone knows who Two-Faced Janus is. Let me briefly explain here: this two-faced god in ancient Roman mythology was originally a demiurge god, and then gave way to Jupiter as the supreme deity.
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Janus was revered as the deity of all undertakings, doors, entrances and exits, in connection with which he received the attributes of a watchman — keys and a staff in order to drive away uninvited guests. The month of Janus is January, the loop — ∞ — is the symbol of Janus and the emblem of infinity. And finally one more argument in favor of my interpretation of the listed symbols. In connection with his function as the god of entrances and exits, doors, as well as door hinges and door locks, the Two-Faced Janus is well associated with the symbolism of a limited space. It is placed in some kind of framework: in a doorway, at the entrance to a cave, or, at worst, in a large box.
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The Temple of Janus was built in Rome. It was supposed to be opened during the war and closed at the conclusion of peace. Given the aggressiveness of the Ancient Roman Empire, the temple was closed less than ten times during its existence.
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In addition to all these events, Janus was also seen having an affair with a little-known goddess named Cardea (whom Ovid associates with another goddess named Carna).
* "My unbarred gate stands open wide, so that when the people go to war the return path’s open too. I bar it in peacetime so peace cannot depart: and by Caesar’s will I shall be long closed". He spoke, and raising his eyes that looked both ways, he surveyed whatever existed in the whole world. There was peace, and already a cause of triumph, Germanicus, the Rhine had yielded her waters up in submission to you. Janus, make peace and the agents of peace eternal… (Ovid: The Fasti / 280)
To be continued...
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merovingian-marvels · 10 months
Germanic first names
In Northern and Western Europe exist two major name groups. Christian names (Greek/Latin) and Germanic names. Most Christian names are derived from saints and apostles, such as Johannus (John, Hans, Johan, Janus). Their meaning is often based on what the saint/apostle represents.
Germanic names consist of many sub-language forms, with many names originating from titles, pet names and even descriptions of character. Animal related names were popular, such as Bernhard or “As tough as a Bear”. It is possible that a person could change names throughout their life by achievements, rank in society or skills. Theodorik of Bern was probaply not “King of the People” when he was born, but took the name during his life.
Anyone from English, German, Frisian, Nordic descent has a possibility of having a Germanic name with similar versions existing in these languages. For example “leader” in Old Norse (Akar), Old English (Aca), Old High German (Ahho), Low Franconian/Low Saxon (=predecessor of Dutch) Aka.
Sources in Dutch:
Meertens Instituut
Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren (DBNL)
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ofcruelheart · 4 months
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the godsbane as 'THE BAUTA' / the maskless ship
BAUTA is famous through the Carnival of Venice, as it is the main type of mask worn during the Carnival. The Bauta was used also on many other occasions as a device for hiding the wearer’s identity and social status. It would permit the wearer to act more freely in cases where he or she wanted to interact with other members of the society outside the bounds of identity and everyday convention. It was thus useful for a variety of purposes, some of them illicit or criminal, others just personal, such as romantic encounters.
The origin of the name Bauta is uncertain; It may came from the German “behten” (to protect), as well as from “bau” or “babau“, typical Italian representation of the monster, or bad beast; used by adults to scare children. (src)
Janus wears a meticulously restored BAUTA mask from the 16th century and a simple, all-black suit.
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mourningmaybells · 5 months
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