#good omens nanowrimo
radioactive-killjoy · 7 months
Let's be honest...my ultimate goal is to write an Aziracrow fic that inspires someone to make art for it.
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haridraws · 5 months
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A dead thing surrounded by dead things
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daneecastle · 7 months
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My Reverse Omens concept idea. Im writing a fanfic on it during nanowrimo. Progress for that and other art for this design are on my patreon account.
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ALRIGHT. Hello my maggots I hope you're all eating each other very deliciously. Good job I'm proud of you.
Y'know NaNoWriMo is November but they also have a Camp NaNoWriMo in April and July and you know what? Fuck it I've set a word goal (you can do that for Camp) and I'm gonna do it. My first novel I completed during a July Camp and so I have hope for this one.
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Is that too high a word goal, considering it's already the third of April?
No. I believe in the power of GAY.
A lot of things disappoint us but the power of gay always comes through.
Anyway wish me luck and more importantly if you wanna write this is your reminder to go for it and write.
You know what to do. Do it with style.
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actual-changeling · 7 months
sooooo apparently i am doing nanowrimo this year???
do i have an outline? no
a plot? eh somewhat
an idea? yes. yes i do.
good omens, ineffable husbands, a multi-chapter sequel to dead nightingales still sing.
they saved the world and are back together on earth, but can they rebuild what they lost and finally become an us?
would people be interested in me sharing my process throughout november?
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sectumsempress1 · 7 months
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Nanowrimo update 🤩
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fanovember · 8 months
Omg first post I'm so excited. Let me introduce this new blog! The admin's name is Rachel, and Fanovember is a challenge my friends and I came up with a few years ago. This time we decided to bring it to Tumblr as well!
This is, as many others, a monthly challenge dedicated to fans and fandoms. Which one? Your choosing! The main idea is writing a fanfiction drabble 200 words minimum a day following the prompt list that will be posted a few days before November starts! You can do whatever you feel like, though (writing, drawing, comic, anything will do!)
Any language can be submitted, although I can only read those in English and Spanish.
You can post your work in any other social media you want, just remember to mention this challenge to spread the word and more people can have fun with us.
(Also, tag properly and visibly if you're doing anything spicy/nsfw or any other delicate content!)
Stay tuned to know when the prompt list is updated! Let's have some funnn!
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thavron · 2 months
Wrote 5005 words today. I’m on fire 🔥
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mckiwi · 7 months
November 2nd
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838/50000: 1.67%
As of Nov 2nd, I have written 838 words in my short little fic, “Falling Angel”. It’s in the Good Omens fandom, just as a warm up to get my motivation going again. It’ll also be the first time I’ve ever written for that fandom, so hopefully it turns out well. Going to try to finish tomorrow.
A small excerpt from what I’ve wrote:
“We’re hardly stealing. We’re… participating in the economy. It’s not like good ol’ Jeff will miss any of it.”
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rhosmeinir · 7 months
As a treat, chapter 29 of AMONG THE STACKS is live!
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radioactive-killjoy · 7 months
Aziraphale doms when Crowley asks for it
Crowley doms when Aziraphale needs it
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jess-the-reckless · 7 months
NaNoWriMo day 16. Lazier than ever, but have decided that the church vagina thing has already happened. She just doesn't know about it yet. Also have a bulletproof way to make an angel accidentally say fuck in church, so that's fun. Chances of reaching 50k - hilarious.
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tokyoterri2 · 8 months
gonna Nanowrimo for the first time this year. it won’t be a GO fanfic although there’ll be bits of GO in places.
here’s a start:
As starting captain for the Brain City Whales, Pet (short for Petulia) Weatherby felt her Word-it-tank teeter on the edge of the desk.
‘Stop it!’ She growled under her breath.
The little electonic dictionary/thesaurus/IA device held still as statues. She sighed in relief and exasperation at her recently-acquired ability to, erm, do things.
At 66, as regards to life in general and hers in particular, Pet knew which side of the bread held the butter, and knew she would take a bite then put it away, because, after all, she felt great, but no use tempting fate. Fate was a neighbor and had quite enough to keep her occupied.
Pet had life to spend, jangling in her body’s pocket, and self-awareness dictated that, while she had rather less left than some of her teammates, she had rather more then some of the friends she visited occasionally in the pristine body -garden near her mother’s old house; and she must be properly grateful.
Of course, skin the shade of 70% cocoa helped a great deal to obscure the facts of her lifespan. But they were facts nonetheless. And when the magic gifted her this late in life, anxiety had taken its toll on her face. She hadn’t been ready.
Of course, smiling made the stress of becoming magical all but disappear.
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snek-panini · 1 year
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Book time! At last, a new one! This is a bind of In Death's Embrace, We Are Reborn by Arinia. It's a fantastic series from the Good Omens fandom. Angsty but sweet, canon-adjacent 20th century history fic. Absolutely gorgeous, rich prose and in character the whole way. Don't be discouraged by the 6/9 chapter count for part 2, it reads as a complete story and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
So! This is a Coptic bind, which means it has no glue holding it together, only stitching, which is visible. I see those recommended a lot of beginner bookbinders, but I have a habit of looking at a new craft and thinking "I don't wanna do the boring beginner project, I want to do the exciting intermediate/advanced one that I don't have the skills for", so I went right for case binding and skipped this kind until now. Two years and a dozen books later, this is my first Coptic. I learned a lot, tried a lot of new things, and will for sure do it again.
More pics and process talk under the cut!
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Pic of the spine and endpaper. I used metallic embroidery floss to stitch it, a decision I am going to call hubris. It looks beautiful but is so fucking slippery it's ridiculous. Also it won't hold a weaver's knot like the other thread I've used. I put a French link stitch in the middle (also a first for me) because I saw someone else on tumblr do that a couple of weeks ago and thought it looked really cool so I stole it, but I don't remember who it was so I can't credit them. I made a mistake in that part, where the needle caught a thread it wasn't supposed to, but I don't think it's visible in the photos. The endpaper is also stolen, in that I saw someone post a photo of stuff they'd bought and thought this one was perfect for this project, and I was right. White and black feathers are important to the story so it couldn't have been more perfect. Again, I don't remember who it was or I'd give them a shout-out.
When it came to cutting boards for the cover, I did the thing you do with case binding, which is cut them a little bigger than the text block on top and bottom, but because it's a glueless binding the stitching kinda sags down when it's upright on the shelf. I'm thinking it might put unnecessary stress on the text block down the line, so next time I do this I think I'll make the boards the same size as the block and see how that goes.
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Pic of the title page and the section break artwork I made. I really need to up my title page game, it looks so plain. The section break was made with free clip art of feathers that I found via google. I've never experimented with vector art before and I still don't really know anything about it. All I did was find the image, rotate it, mirror it, and draw that little diamond shape in the middle. I made it a little too big and too bold, so it kind of dominates the pages it's on more than it should. I was tired of using a plain gray line for section breaks though, so I'm more or less happy with how it came out. And I learned stuff for next time.
Materials: textured cardstock for the cover, chiyogami paper for the endpaper (I love this stuff, it was so much easier than cardstock), metallic embroidery floss for the stitching (terrible, would not use again), and gold embossing powder for the title. I'm trying to up my cover game but it's hard. The text for the "Reborn" part didn't come out as clear as I'd have liked. I like the gold frame, though. Would do that again.
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actual-changeling · 7 months
im too tired for it today i think but i am VERY excited to write a certain bathtub scene tomorrow.
(there will be hair washing. they are currently very filthy in a not fun way. if they make it up the stairs that is)
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sectumsempress1 · 7 months
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nanowrimo is going SO well truly I’m loving this time
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