#hanji seriously made my night with how beautiful these are
hellgiven · 5 months
i. am. in. LOVE.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 4 years
Amnesia (Levi x Reader)
A/N: so my boyfriend and i just watched attack on titan again in prep for season 4 in a few months. We both fell in love with levi all over again so i had to write a little story for our little captain. Definitely angst, and probably ooc bc levi is not the romantic type. enjoy.
word count: 5530
Although he appeared stoic, fearless and unattached in almost all ways, Levi Ackerman had a heart burdened with layers of  scalding emotion constantly burning painful holes in his heart. The loss of a childhood to violence, found-family killed in front of his eyes, comrades falling victim to this unfair world over and over again. He was a hardened man drowning in regret. 
Yet, he could never find himself regretting Y/N. She was a woman of talent and skill, grace flowing through her every movement, despite being a skilled soldier. Her voice, when he first heard it, the words she summoned from deep in mind; he found himself hanging on her every word, watching her every step. He often found himself wondering if she would make a mistake and let down some sort of facade, yet she never broke character. 
To some, she could be seen as ignorant, perhaps too trusting or even a bit self-righteous. She was far from perfect, but to him, for the first time in his life, he couldn’t find a flaw in what he saw. It seemed that he would do anything for her, even when no one knew why. 
And as he lay in his cold bed alone at night, rewinds of old memories played time and time again, each and every night. They ruined his life just a little more each time, driving him near mad.
This night was no different.
  “Y/N-san, oh my god. Wake up, shit,” Reiner begged the woman who he held in his arms. One second his squad leader was flying through the trees, slicing the neck of a 13 meter, the next she was tossed into a tree, rolling through the branches to the hard ground with a thud, blood seeping into the grass from her head. 
Sasha noticed Reiner hunched over a body on the ground, not having seen her leader fall victim to a titan. Her eyes widened at the blood and quickly went to his side. She nearly passed out at the sight of the woman she grew to know as a family. Reiner was frantic, pressing against the back of her head with her cloak, trying to stop the bleeding.
Tears gathered in Sasha’s eyes, despite having seen death before. “She has to be okay.” The young girl whispered, choking back sobs in her throat. She said it mostly to comfort herself, witnessing deaths time and time before just like this one. Hope just seemed so useless nowadays, just mourning.
He held his hand over her nose and felt soft breaths of air. Relief  flooded through him for just a moment as he gathered her close to him. Her crumbling body was limp, and he felt her arm move in an awkward way, definitely broken. He made sure to support that arm, placing it across her stomach.
“She’s dying, we have to get her to the medics, fuck,” Reiner cried, lifting her delicate body carefully in his strong arms. He hugged her head to his chest, and as he did so, it seemed like pints of blood seeped into his clothes and stuck to his skin. He shot off into the air, but Sasha couldn’t move from where she knelt, body almost limp. 
What if she died? What would they do then? Sasha was pretty sure Y/N was the only reason Levi maintained his temper at times. She was the person Hanji ran to tell about her experiments and the commander's only surviving childhood friend in the corps. Sure, Sasha would be hurt losing a leader she grew to trust, but what about the veteran soldiers. It had been years and years since they met, and they got attached. That’s what happens when everyone else dies and it seems like you just have one another to latch onto.
Dread filled her heart as they returned to the carts and gave Y/N over to one of the medics, who pressed something to her head and popped in one of her dislocated limbs. He was so casual, she thought. Anyone would turn that way working with dozens of injured soldiers every mission. The casualty of it all made it all the more depressing, even disturbing. 
“Will-will she be okay?”
“Hell if I know,” the boy confessed. “But we all better hope so.” Even though he failed to explain, both the cadets knew why.
Soldiers began pouring out of the forest on their gear or horses. Some carried the dead, while some carried pride for what they had done. No one paid mind to that particular medic cart. The medic opened her eyes and observed her condition, but that only made Sasha’s heart sink further. She was unresponsive to touch, just a limp body, nearly dead.
Heads turned at the distinct sound of blades falling to the ground. Levi landed beside the cart after seeing the mop of h/c hair lying in the cart. His eyes flashed to Reiner and Sasha for a moment, seeing the blood soaked clothes and tear-stained cheeks. 
For the first time in years, Levi felt his blood run cold in his veins and his heart to stop beating in his chest. Pain stabbed him in the stomach, feelings of throwing up his breakfast arose. He opened his mouth to say something, but his words got caught in his throat. He gasped for air before muttering hopelessly, maybe to himself or the cadets or even the woman herself lying half dead in the carriage.
His voice was weak, full of pain and fear. “Shut up.” No malintent, just a desperate need for silence among the horses trotting along and soldiers rejoicing the fact they made it out alive. He walked over to the cart and climbed in, his normally firm and strong hands shakily hovering over the woman’s cheeks, gently wiping the blood  from her lips and eyes.
For the first time, the cadets witnessed complete and utter fear and helplessness overtake their captain, the emotions of a broken man leaking past his wall of bravery. 
In that moment, Sasha realized that Y/N wasn’t hers to grieve. 
“Y/N, please…” he whimpered, running his fingers down her wet, bloody hair. ‘“M-my princess, please. I need you, please.” 
“Captain, she’s not dead. We just need to get her back to the wall and-”
“Will she live?”
“I’d stake my life on it, Captain Levi. Don’t you worry,” the medic, one who had only really heard of Levi by mouth, lied through his teeth. He was just a trainee. He had no idea what would happen to this woman, but one thing he did know was that in times of need people need comfort, and sometimes white lies can ease the pain.
Levi and Erwin stood outside the doctor’s office as Y/N sat inside being tended to by a nurse. The doctor shut the door quietly, and joined the two men in the hall. His eyes were solemn and regretful, not wanting to look up at the two incredibly powerful military forces before him. 
“Why was she acting like that? I thought you said she would be healed by now,” Levi grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“The blow to her head severely damaged her limbic system. I’m truly sorry to tell you, but she’s suffering from retrograde amnesia.”
Levi bit back an indecent curse, as Erwin spoke. “So, she can’t remember anything?”
“She still can function normally, but her memories are gone.”
“Everything?” Levi asked shortly, trying to stay calm. He hadn’t expected this after they’d heard of her waking from her coma. He thought that one month without her was long enough, but now it seemed the situation was much, much worse than any of them anticipated. 
“Unfortunately. She does remember a vague sense of the titans and the walls though.”
“What about people? Friends? Family?” Levi anxiously questioned, almost pleading with the doctor to say that she remembered him. Erwin placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and sighed.  The doctor shook his head, and it only buried Levi deeper in his misery. How could she forget everything? 
How was it right that she could forget the years they spent together but he had to live with the memories, all the emotions unreciprocated? It was cruel for fate to do this to him.
Erwin asked finally, “Is there any chance of her regaining her memories?”
“Perhaps. Amnesia, anything involving the brain really, is a tricky matter. My guess is not likely, but there is always a chance.” He sighed and pushed up his glasses. “Would either of you like to sit and talk with her? Being around familiar things can boost memory in patients.”
They walked into the room calmly, and the woman peered up at them, a small smile gracing her lips. Levi felt his heart jump to his throat, and he had to swallow down his feelings. She was rightfully so the most beautiful human being to ever walk within the walls. Her smile, seeing it for the first time in so long, it made him so happy. If only this was a happy scene, though.
"Ah! Finally some visitors. All I've seen is nurses and doctors for the past what? Five hours?"
“”Hello, miss Y/N. I am Erwin Smith, the commander of the Survey Corps as well as your long time friend.”
“Really? How did I manage to be friends with someone so distinguished?” she laughed, but in all seriousness, she didn’t know. “They told me I was a great soldier, is that true? If anyone would know, it’d be you.”
“Great soldier, but might I say, greater friend.”
Her cheeks turned just the slightest bit of pink at the compliment. She smiled at her blankets. “Thanks. Hopefully I get to meet more of my old friends soon. Seems to me like I was quite popular.” Erwin nodded, moving to sit down in the chair beside her bed, revealing Levi behind him. The man was quiet, his eyes dancing around the room without meeting her gaze. “I’m guessing you’re a friend too-”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“Levi-” Erwin started, but Y/n cut him off.
“They told me about you, Levi! Humanity’s strongest soldier, even better than me,” she laughed, sending him a playful wink. He winced at the sight of her smiling at him, her cheeks just a bit red from happiness. When she winked, he thought he might drop dead right there. Her beautiful eyes, the sparkle that they always held; he wanted them to be his again. “The nurse said you would visit me every morning and night while I was in the coma.”
“Yeah. Do...do you remember anything else about me?”
“Not right now, but the doc says I can get them back at any time.” Always so positive. If only he could think like that too.
The shorter man took a seat at the edge of her bed, staring down at the ring around his finger, twisting it back and forth. The gold was dull by now, he hadn’t polished it in a few months. Her eyes caught sight of the ring and she held back her questions about it.
“So, your name is Levi…”
“Hmm, I see. And we were good friends?”
She raised a brow, turning her head to Erwin, who nodded to assure she was assuming the right thing. He was certainly a handsome man, but she couldn’t see how someone so bubbly as her could be with someone so serious and quiet. He didn’t even want to make eye contact with her.
Y/N leaned over the edge of the bed to grab a small drawstring bag. “The doctor put all my belongings in this bag. Let me just..” Her swift fingers rummaged around for a few seconds before they enclosed a small, smooth piece of metal. “I’m guessing this is from you, huh?” she asked, pulling the sparkly ring from the bag. 
They had her look through her bag earlier to see if it would spark any memories, to no avail. Yet, she remained curious about the ring. 
“It’s very beautiful, thank you for giving it to me. Do you want it back while I’m-”
“No. Please,” he paused, taking a deep breath. He found himself pleading a lot more than usual these days. It was just sad. “Can you just wear it?”
She slipped the ring on her finger without hesitation. “Of course. I’m sure I loved you very much before the accident, Levi.”
Loved. That’s right. She didn’t love him anymore. She didn’t even know him. 
“Were we married?”
“Practically, but there’s no time for a wedding with our work schedules.”
“I see. Well, it’s nice to meet you again. Hopefully we can become close again soon.”
He frowned, nodding towards the ground. How could fate be this cruel to him? He stood up from the bed and left the room before anyone could stop him. This whole thing, seeing her, it was too much for him. He didn’t want to see her the way she was, and it broke his heart.
That day marked the single worst moment for Levi, above all else. Losing the love of his life.
Five months later, and a lot of shit happened. But of course, Y/N still couldn't remember anything. He couldn’t do a thing but sit around bitterly, knowing that his lover was lost to him. Others tried to tell him to build their relationship again, but what was the point in that? Their love was built on circumstance: on the wall breaking, on the missions they protected each other, on the nights they spent talking about everything and nothing by the stables.They could never get that back, the same love she once had for him was gone.
He spoke to her, but he didn’t go out of his way to find her, to speak to her. He would rather keep to himself, and if that made him come across as harsh and cruel, then so be it.
He still felt the urge to protect her, the need to maintain what they once had, how he felt for her. He still protected her as if his life depended on it, and he would walk to the ends of the Earth before he saw her die. Yet, he couldn’t be sociable and comfortable like before.
That morning he woke up as usual, got dressed, went about his day, headed to the dining hall for dinner, and ate in silence if not for curses under his breath as he watched the love of his life talk it up with Erwin and Hanji, laughing and smiling as if he wasn’t right there. He knew Hanji could sense his eyes trailing to them with every sip of his tea, and she sent him a sympathetic look. 
The woman felt for her friend and comrade. For 6 years, she witnessed the pair fall in love despite trauma and differences they had. She was there countless times to see Levi lay his life on the line for her, and Y/N do the same for him. There was a change in Levi from the moment those two became friends to the very last day they had together. It made her sad. Love didn’t feel real without these two being there for each other.
Erwin wasn’t as adept, but he saw the pain in humanity’s greatest soldier. He loved Y/N, having known her since they attended training together. He was amazed she lived this long as well, having lost so many soldiers and friends along the way. She was different now. Lost in her own mind half the time, and unreliable on missions. 
But they had to keep waiting. Doctors, the best the walls had to offer, told them the chance of her memories coming back to her were close to zero, but not quite. If there was even a chance their friend would remember them some day, it wasn’t worth abandoning hope.
“Y/N, I totally forgot to tell you. You and Levi need to go check the horses. I think I left the stable door open, I’m not sure, haha,” Hanji rushed to say, wiggling her brows at Levi. She pushed Y/N out of her seat and stacked her plates for her to take to the dishwashers. “Sorry, but it’s just got to be checked.”
“Why does Levi have to-”
“Because you shouldn’t go out at night alone, obviously,” she explained, but stupidly. A soldier couldn’t go out on their own base alone. Y/N nodded obediently, but she really didn’t want to go, especially with him. She twisted the ring on her finger absentmindedly as her friend rushed her to exit the dining hall. Levi followed, but not without sending a twisted glare at the squad leader.
Y/N kept ahead of him, walking briskly as to get the job done quickly. Levi already knew she wasn’t happy going with him and that she generally disliked him. 
It wasn’t until they got to the stables and saw that the gates were in fact closed, locked up, and all the horses were as they should be. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me? She sent us out here for what? Her own amusement?” Y/N said, her voice raising just a bit. She was angry, just enough to put a lump in Levi’s stomach. Before the accident, she never got angry with him, or anyone else. She was just happy to contribute to the cause and help anyone she could, even if the task was as trivial as checking the stables. Y/N would have been happy to take a walk outside at night with Levi. 
In fact, they stood in the same spot they would hang out at night under the stars time and time again. He stared at her now, and wished to god that he could go back in time to when she would cuddle and kiss him under the moon and the stars here. He wanted her to tell him silly stories about her day, and then lean over and pepper kisses to his neck and his cheeks and his nose and call him her baby.
But instead, she hated him for everything he was worth.
“Y/N, Hanji didn’t-”
“Oh, would you just shut up?” she rolled her eyes over to him, her fists clenched at her sides. “You’re literally my only problem right now, You, my supposed lover. Everyone tells me stories about how you loved me, how we fell in love even, yet you treat me like absolute horse shit.”
“Would you just-”
“Would I just what? Continue to pretend you’re not an absolute asshole? You ignore me, you avoid me, you tell people that you miss me, yet you won’t even bother to make an effort? How can someone who loved me so much act this way?” the woman yelled furiously, glaring at him. The sparkle in her eyes vanished the longer she spoke, the longer she was with him.
He grit his teeth for a second trying to keep himself under control, but he couldn’t stand it anymore. “You are the one that’s ruined my life, don’t even try to act like your life is so hard.”
“How dare-”
“In case you didn’t know, you are the only thing I have left. I’ve lost my family, seen hundreds of people die around me. I found you, my sweet and kind princess, the woman I would kill and be killed over. I opened myself up to you, to the idea of loving you, despite what little time we all have left, despite the risks that come with caring about someone.”
“I’m still the same person-”
“No, you’re not. You just fell in love with me, I didn't need to try this hard. It was natural that we come together after everything we had been through. When I thought about the day I would lose you, I expected you to die and for us to bury your body and for it all to be over. I could move on knowing I did everything I could to protect you and love you,” he gasped for air, so angry he forgot to breathe. His eyes burned into hers which were slowly widening, lips just agape. He took a deep breath and continued, “Do you know how much it hurts to see you walking around, talking to people, knowing that you are right there for me to touch and love, yet you will never love me again, not the way it was? Do you really, Y/N?”
“Levi...I’m sorry.”
He rubbed his face with his hand, covering his eyes in shame. He didn’t mean to be so emotional, to make a pathetic attempt at forcing the blame on her. “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything for it to be this way. You’re just living like anyone else, I’m the one wallowing in my own misery. I’m the one that should be sorry.”
“I know. I-I want more than anything to remember everything. I want to remember you and how much you loved me like everyone says, like you say. I just...I don’t know how. Levi, I’m so sorry.”
He let his arms fall to his sides limply, not having anything else left to say really. “Even though you’re right in front of me, I miss you,” he whispered. “I just miss you.”
Y/N stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him into a gentle hug. He tensed for a moment before falling into the hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulder and neck, pulling her form as close to him as possible. He missed her touch, her warm hugs by the stables. He would never say he missed the little intimacies, that was too much for him. Yet, these moments fueled him to wait for her, as long as she needed.
“Maybe it will never be the same. I’m sorry for that, Levi. I want to be friends with you. I long to know what the old me saw in you for so long. I wish I remembered what happened to spark something between us. I know it’s all still there somewhere, whether we have that history or not.” Silence from him, just faint breaths against her shoulder. “But it will be okay.”
It’ll be okay.
Six months after she lost her memory, six months of feeling like a burden to the corps, Y/N stood outside the castle with a few of the cadets and Hanji, watching as she tried more experiments on Eren. She leaned back against a tree and shut her eyes, taking in a breath of the fresh air. So much had happened over the past months that she nearly forgot she lost her memories all those months ago. Wall Rose was sealed, the titan shifters had left for the time being. It seemed like everything was at peace, or that time was just standing still.
In the middle of the peace, the sunlight shining down on her and her friends through leaves in the trees, through the warmth of the summer sun. her mind seemed to piece itself together, if only parts. Her world shifted together once again.
Flashbacks played over in her mind, one after the other, hundreds of memories flooding in so quickly. She stumbled forward a few steps, pressing a hand to her lips to hold back her gasp. Hanji hadn’t noticed as she was too focused on Eren, but Jean gave her a particularly strange look after noticing her.
“Y/N-san, you good?” the boy called to her.
Thankfully, no one noticed except him, and she just waved him off. “It’s nothing. Just have to go to the bathroom.” As she walked away, more and more memories flooded into her head, not everything. She felt millions of tiny pieces of her story were missing here and there, but she could remember enough.
Memories of her mother and her father in her childhood house. Memories of school, cadet training. Erwin, Eren, Hanji, her squad, the titans, the expeditions, her favorite foods and stories and books. 
But most of all, she remembered Levi.
The night was soldiering on, yet Y/N could not sleep. Her stomach churned every few moments and she felt a headache coming up at the same time. Something had been bothering her for the past week, actually, make that the past few months. She was a seasoned soldier, yet she was letting emotions cloud her mind. Her exercises were coming up short and clumsy, and she had a hard time focusing on paperwork or the commander’s orders. 
The only thing on her mind was a man, particularly short with a sharp tongue and the abilities of a godly warrior. It had been two years since she met him, two long years of fighting and struggling to live amongst the chaos ensuing. He was her only source of hope and light in this cruel world.
Slowly, she rolled out of her bed and wrapped herself in her blanket, leaving the room and shutting the door silently. She didn’t want to wake anyone else for them to ask what she was up to long after midnight. She stepped down the hall carefully, keeping her head hung just a bit. In hindsight, she shouldn’t have been scared at all. She knew just as well as he did what they were meant to be. It was obvious to everyone. 
Yet there were always variables. Death was inevitable, no one lived to die of old age anymore. They were busy beyond belief, always rushing around to get things done, fight titans, protect the people of the walls. It was high stress, which didn’t leave much thought for anything else. She had the mind to think about everything but her priorities, unfortunately.
She walked across the yard in the cold night to the men’s barracks, definitely not where she was supposed to be. She could probably be in a bit of trouble with Erwin if someone snitched on her, but her consequences wouldn’t be dire.
And as she approached the room, her body tensed. It was so quiet in the night that she could almost hear the sound of her heart beating ferociously in her chest. Softly, with the tips of her fingers, she knocked on his door. When he didn’t answer, she could only laugh to herself, of course he couldn’t hear her weak knocks. 
She was just so scared. Maybe if he didn’t answer the door, then she could forget all about this and never confess what she was thinking. 
Gathering some of that Survey Corps courage, she knocked a little harder on the door. Rustling sound from in the room, and the woman cringed, shutting her eyes and taking a few quick breaths. It would be fine, she assured herself. It’s not that big of a deal.
When the door opened and Levi looked into her eyes, rightfully confused, she lost all her thoughts. The hours she had spent rehearsing what she wanted to say were thrown out the window.
“Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?” he whispered, his eyes sliding to check down the hall left and right for anyone watching. 
Her mouth opened, lips opening and closing like fish. He took her wrist and yanked her into his room, shutting the door behind them. 
“Is something wrong?” he asked, still holding her wrist in his iron tight grip. Y/N shook her head and sighed, turning to look at the wall instead of him. “Don’t tell me you had a nightmare or something-”
“Levi, I love you. I-I don’t know how else to tell you, and Hanji said outright was the best way and...well, I don’t know.”
“Stay with me tonight?”
Her face turned to stare at him incredulously, her cheeks turning an all-telling pink. “What?”
“I anticipated this, to be honest. You’re very emotional.” He crossed his arms, trying his best not to lose his cool composure like she had. He’d gone to the same evil scientist for love advice about Y/N a month before. His heart felt like it would explode, and his cheeks were threatening to turn red and his palms to sweat. But he would remain cool. Y/N was always the one to be open with her more embarrassing emotions. Coolly, he replied, “Hanji told me you would do this, and then she told me to tell you to stay the night with me.”
“Hanji...that double-crossing bastard.”
He rubbed a hand over his eyes, feelings of drowsiness still running through his head after just waking up. “Listen, I just want to hold you and fall asleep so stay with me.”
It only took a second to think it over before Y/N nodded. He walked over to his bed, scooting over to the side against the wall so she would have room. They had tiny beds, almost cots, but thankfully being a captain warranted a slightly bigger one. She sunk down into his bed and rolled over to face him. His sheets and pillows smelt so clean and new, just like his clothes did every day. It was comforting, and she felt the smell lulling her to sleep.
“So, the feelings are mutual?” she finally asked, although her answer was already quite clear.
Levi just sighed, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to his chest. “Always so stupid.”
“Levi?” Y/N asked as she entered the man’s office without even knocking. She was practically bouncing with each step, energy bound up inside.
He didn’t bother peeking up from his desk, just checking more things off his paperwork. “Yes, Y/N?”
She didn’t really know what to say, truthfully. She could only stand there for moment, and think herself so stupid for not remembering him. Looking back on how she acted while she was recovering, how she acted like a stranger to him for so long, and now that seemed ridiculous. They had history. Thousands of moments that she forgot. 
Without thinking much else, she bluntly said the only thing on her mind, “Stay the night with me.”
He lifted his eyes from his paperwork, narrowing his brows. “Excuse me?” 
“You said that the first time I told you I loved you. You-You were too nervous to actually tell me you loved me so you said that instead,” Y/N rushed to say. “I remembered.”
As Levi looked up at the woman he loved, the one he never stopped loving this whole time, he noticed the sparkle in her eyes had returned. Her cheeks were dusted pink and she looked out of breath from excitement. He didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t expected this, and honestly he never thought he would hear her recall those times again.
“I remember you. Not everything yet, but I remember being in love with you. I remember how you loved me.”
He stood from his desk to walk over to the woman who was overflowing with so many words and thoughts and emotions that he thought she might burst. He rested his hands on her cheeks, bringing her eyes up to meet his. He could see, for the first time in forever, the way her eyes shone with love and affection for only him. She brought her hands up to rest on his, heat rising up to turn her ears red. 
Even though they were practically married before, she felt anxious and embarrassed being so close to him and touching him again. It was like she had just fallen in love again, a giddy young woman with so much ahead of her. Levi touching her, it made her feel something again. His warmth radiating onto her chilled skin; it was all she needed to go crazy.
God, did she miss having these feelings. The feeling of being in love is one of the most pleasant mankind has ever felt.
“Levi, I’m back.”
“God, I missed you. I really fucking missed you.”
And as she wrapped her arms around him once again, feeling his heart beating against her ear, she remembered what it felt like to be Y/N. A woman who was loved and important, someone with a history of good deeds and hard work. It was worth waiting six months, just to feel this bliss once again.
They would be together as long as they had left, and every minute would be cherished. War would come. Deaths would surface. But at least they had the present.
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“love me, love me, say that you love me. fool me, fool me, go on and fool me. love me, love me, pretend that you love me. leave me, leave me, say that you need me. So I cry, and I beg for you to love me.” 
character: levi ackerman - ATTACK ON TITAN
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you woke up the next morning with your clothes still on but you weren’t at home. you whipped your head to see Levi sound asleep. you gulped as you realized your mistake. 
“oh my God,” you whispered as you immediately grabbed your shoes to slip them on, “morning,” he whispered as you tried to not look at him, “morning,” you muttered as you got up. 
Levi saw your concerned face, “what’s wrong?” he asked as you looked at him with a very terrified look, “I slept with my BOSS! I committed the ultimate sin and Erwin could fire me. Levi, this might not be a lot to you but I might actually have consequences if this ever gets out,” you ranted before grabbing your bag. 
Levi grabbed your hand and his heart stung as you pulled away, “Levi, we shouldn’t have slept together. What I did was unprofessional and you have every right to fire me as soon as Monday comes,” you gave him one final look before leaving his bedroom and running down the stares. 
he walked out of his bedroom to see you hurriedly running to your car and seemingly wiping his tears away. 
Levi understood your concern. he knew employee and boss relationships were an unwritten rule but if he wanted to be truthful, he would go through the scrutiny as long as you stayed with him.
you got to Levi’s extremely lavish house as he had an arm wrapped around your waist. 
the house was HUGE. there was no dust in sight as there wasn’t many things in his house to begin with. you took Levi as minimalistic and true to your word, he was. the only thing in his house were a few photos hung on the wall. you assmued they were some of his friends. 
“who are they?” you inquired as you looked at the two people that were hugging Levi, “my old friends,” he muttered, “they looked like great people. you seemed happy with them,” you mentioned as he nodded. 
“they were. Isabel was a pain in my ass and Farlan was one of my closest friends.” 
you could tell that talking about them was making Levi a bit uncomfortable so you moved on to the next photo which happened to be, who you assumed, was his mother. 
“is that your mom? she’s beautiful,” you told Levi as he gave you the tiniest smile, “yeah, she was,” he murmured as he lightly touched your hand before holding it, “did she pass? if she did, I hope she found peace,” you whispered as you gently laid your head on his shoulder. 
you felt Levi toying with something next to him and suddenly heard music starting to play. ‘Lovefool’ was playing softly as Levi slowly started to dance with you. 
“isn’t this better than some dirty club?” he said in a low voice, “yeah, it’s a lot more comforting in a way,” you replied. 
the two of you stayed dancing in the middle of his living room as he twirled you before you bringing you back into his arms. you let out a small laugh making him press you closer to him. 
you sighed in the drivers seat of your car as you arrived home. you knew that Mikasa was likely already home and if she was home, that must’ve meant that Eren was also there and if Eren was there, Armin was more than likely there. 
“hiya, ( your name ),” Armin said a little to happy for your liking, “where did you go off last night,” Eren said mockingly. 
you shook your head before going straight to your room. even if Eren and Armin hadn’t picked up on your attitude, Mikasa had and excused herself to see if you were okay. 
“what happened?” Mikasa asked as she seen you laying on your bed, “did something happen to you last night?” she asked a bit more seriously. 
you sighed before looking at her with your bloodshot eyes, “I slept at Levi’s last night,” Mikasa’s eyes widened at the confession, “don’t look at me like that. I feel so shitty,” you groaned into your pillow. 
she sat you back up before looking at you. 
“did you enjoy it?” she asked as you nodded yes, “do you have feelings for him?” you stayed silent for a moment, “I mean, I think I do,” she nodded before sighing. 
“then go after him, what’s the problem?” she asked, “HE’S MY BOSS?” you exclaimed as she laughed, “so? it’s not like it’s forbidden. your personal relationship with Levi is different than your work relationship,” you remained silent as she gave you a pat on the shoulder before leaving. 
you decided to get up and shower before the day slipped away. you hadn’t touched your phone all day so you failed to see the text message that you got sent but considering you didn’t even want to do anything, you hadn’t seen that some a few of them were from Levi and someone who had taken a new found interest in you. 
Monday morning came as you awakened before the sun even came up. taking Mikasa’s advice, you figured that Levi would be there before anyone else. 
you pulled on your work jacket and grabbed your coffee before heading inside of the building. you had recognized Levi’s car in the parking lot but still hadn’t seen Hanji’s or Erwin’s which was a good sign. 
you got buzzed inside of the building before getting yourself to the main floor of Levi’s side of the building. you gripped your coffee in suspense as you unlocked the door and noticed it to be empty. 
Levi’s things were there but he wasn’t. nevertheless, you seen a single flower on your desk. 
“for you, my love. - H.B.”
you didn’t recognize the initials nor did you think it was from Levi. you shoved it inside of your desk before putting your back pack on the floor and getting your laptop and a few other files out. 
it took Levi a few minutes to come back into his office and while you had heard him, you didn’t have the guts to look up. you tapped away on your laptop for a while before looking into your desk and seeing the flower. 
“Levi? was this you?” you asked walking slowly to his desk, “tch, as if I would only give you one,” he replied sharply. 
you sighed as you put it on the chair and sat the ledge of the desk, “I think we need to talk about what happened,” you whispered as he gave you a look. 
“you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me.” 
you sighed as you grabbed his hand, “Levi, you know better than anyone what the repercussions of us dating can do to me and not only me, you and the company! we need to think about all of that,” you explained. 
he shook his head, “what we do is no one business outside of our own,” he started to say before bringing you around and having you sit on top of his desk, directly in front of him.
“but it is someone’s business. it’s Erwin’s business,” you reminded as he sighed, “and he’ll find out, within time,” he murmured before bringing you close to him, “for now, we can just focus on us,” he replied before capturing your lips for a kiss. 
it was like the stars had aligned once again as you heard ‘Lovefool’ play through your laptop headphones, “I’m beginning to think this is our song,” you mentioned as he chuckled, “maybe it is.”
you went for another kiss however this time, it was cut short by someone coming into his office, “WOWIE!” you heard Hanji’s voice scream as you fell stiff to the sound, “haven’t you ever learned how to knock?” Levi screamed as Hanji started to laugh. 
“I knew it! I knew it!” they screamed into the hallway as you tried to hide your embarrassed face, “I had so many bets placed on this,” they continued before Levi grabbed them and held them, “if you say a single word, I will have you buried six feet underground before the end of the workday,” he threatened as Hanji nodded, “I won’t say anything just know that when you guys announce it, I’m going to be $200 richer,” she emphasized before leaving. 
you gave Levi an annoyed look as his eyes wandered to the flower sitting on his chair, “I’m getting rid of this,” he ordered as he grabbed it and stomped on the Lily, “that was a beautiful flower, Levi,” you complained as he shrugged, “but it wasn’t from me so I got rid of it,” he simply replied before going back to his desk. 
you looked at the dead flower in the trash can and couldn’t help but wonder who it was. it had the initials H.B. and as far as you knew, no one in the building had those initials. 
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hi! Could I request for an Angst with Levi from SNK please ? Maybe something where he is (really) mean to his S/O, taking all his anger on her and going as far to compare her with Petra ? I think he would take time to acknowledge his mistake which is even harder as she feels not « good enough » and don’t want to fight because she would be a burden ? Sorry if it’s long and weird. Feel free to deny it! Take care !
A/N: Hello there my dear anon! Thank you so much for being my first request, it made me so happy to see someone actually requesting something in that short span of time!
I hope I managed to capture every aspect of your request and of course I hope you like it!  
Tags: Levi x reader ✅  SFW ✅  angst ✅  insults ✅  slight violence ✅
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Breaking point - Levi x reader
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“What is this?”
Unsure of what your captain and boyfriend Levi meant by that you look up slightly at the stack of papers which he holds in his left hand, staring at you with an annoyed look on his face.
“T-This is the report you requested..f-for the mission Eren, Petra and I went on.”
You hated that.You absolutely hated it when your voice started trembling like that and in front of your boyfriend nonetheless, but knowing that this uneasiness which was building up inside of you was a result of his behavior was something you absolutely would’ve never expected to happen.
It had all started almost a month ago.The whole Levi squad (which you were also a part of) came back from a successful rescue mission and even if you guys were happy about the result, Levi most certainly wasn’t.The moment you guys had returned to the base your boyfriend immediately called you all in for a meeting.Needless to say, but that’s where all went wrong.Even though you guys were successful, the number of casualties was too high for your perfectionist of a boyfriend.The squad was used to his sudden ‘tantrums’ and they didn’t pay much mind to his speeches, but in the end they agreed to train harder so that they could prevent such a high dead-body count.
As soon as they all had left the room, your boyfriend couldn’t help but let out a long sigh which he had been holding back for quite some time.The reason why you and humanity’s strongest soldier were actually a couple in the first place was because you were the only person who could see through his stoic façade. You were able to see the broken and hurt man behind those grey eyes and you always knew when he needed a shoulder to lean on. And that sigh right there, was exactly the sign you’ve been waiting for.
You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed them lightly, softly leaning your chin on his shoulder.
“Tell me how I can help you out and make you feel better at the same time…without letting you listen to some lip-service.”
A low chuckle was the only answer you received, before he gently placed his hand on top of yours.
“You know that I’d do anything for you, right Levi…?”
And that statement is what had brought you here, biting your lower lip in anxiety, nervously playing around with your jacket’s zipper and having your eyes unconsciously switch between Levi and his perfectly organized desk.
He lifted his hand and showed you the papers you had spent countless nights on rewriting so that they could be as perfect as possible for him.
“You call this a report?”
His question now had you frozen solid. You didn’t know what the perfect answer as of right now would be - heck you even wondered if you should even answer at this point, but before you could even make your mind up, Levi had stood up from his chair and had thrown all of your hard work at you - literally.Numerous handwritten papers scattered around you while the only thing you could look at was the rapidly changing facial features of your boyfriend.
“I call this nothing. It’s trash at best.”
“What the hell were you thinking of giving me something as low as this?”
“Do you think just because we’re in a relationship you can slack off at work?”
“Were all these promises just lip-service after all?”
“If you continue like that then you’re seriously useless to me…in all kind of ways.”
You managed taking in all of his anger without uttering a single word, but sadly you couldn’t manage to hold back the small tears that had been dying to roll down your flushed cheeks. If one would take a look at your face they could immediately tell that you were about to cry…everyone but the man in front of you.
Despite your slightly trembling body he continued throwing hurtful comments that questioned your purpose in life, your goals in the Survey Corps, your existence and even your love for him.You felt your emotions slowly scream at you, wishing to finally be released after such a long time, but you continued refusing them. It took you months to see Levi finally being more relaxed than ever before and you were not going to ruin it…or so you thought.
“(Y/N), you know what? I’m sick and tired of you. Go and call Petra for me, I’m pretty confident that she is going to do a better job than you. You can just go ahead and pick your ‘report’ up. Do me a favor and burn it while you’re at it as well.”
At that exact moment something inside of you snapped, the emotions you’ve been refusing for almost a whole month were finally unleashed.
Your common sense? Gone.Your remorse? Gone.Your restraint? Gone.Your empathy? Gone.Your loyalty as a soldier? Gone.Your loyalty as his girlfriend? Gone.Your love for Levi? Gone…
When you came back to your senses you were being embraced by Hanji who desperately tried keeping you as calm as you could possibly be at the moment. With her body placed in front of you, she tried to shield the scene behind her, but you still managed to catch a glimpse of what was going on.Levi’s face was bruised, his nose was bleeding and you could’ve sworn that he even spat out a tooth. Petra and Oluo were by his side trying to stop the countless bleedings that were covering his beautiful features.You noticed him glancing at you, the regret and sadness evident in his eyes, but before you could do or even say anything you were exiting the room alongside Hanji.
“Captain Levi, can I be bold with you for a second?”
Both Levi and Oluo just looked at Petra not saying anything, their silence answer enough.
“It’s your fault, Sir. (Y/N) started working harder than ever before, not even getting enough sleep. Every time we’d like to help, we get shoved away.”
Levi looked absentmindedly at her talking and even if it didn’t look like it, he was seriously thinking about it.
How could (Y/N) snap like that?What had been the trigger for it?
The more he thought about it the more certain he got that it was his fault.He hadn’t noticed just how much pressure he’d been building up on his partner.
Levi remembered the past few weeks and how much more exhausted you looked, but since you were smiling the entire time he thought that you were doing alright.And he saw just how wrong he had been this entire time.
The captain turned his face away from the countless tissues that had been surrounding his bruised face and stood up.
“I have something to do so excuse me.”
The captain was frantically looking for (Y/N), the scowl on his face and his deep voice ten times more intimidating than usual. He scared his cadets left and right and continued asking the same question over and over again.
‘Have you seen (Y/N)?’
And sadly he received the same negative answer from every single person - until he came across Erwin.
“Ah Levi, just the person I’ve been looking for.”
“Erwin if it’s work-related then bring it in my office, I’m quite busy right now.”
The blond nodded and held out a paper to him.
“If I’m not mistaken then I think this notice of withdrawal might interest you.”
Annoyed with the commander’s ignorance, Levi quickly took the paper in his hand and skimmed it - nothing of interest, until he saw your name.
“What does that mean Erwin? What do you want to tell me with this?”
The surprise in Erwin’s face wasn’t just for show. He never thought that it would be possible to see Levi - the calmest person he’s ever known - raise his voice like that.
“Hanji and (Y/N) were just in my office. Apparently (Y/N) is unfit to continue and be a soldier of your squad. When I tried to suggest another squad, Hanji immediately turned it down and said that from this day forward (Y/N) would be her assistant.”
Levi was fuming, frightening all the cadets and soldiers that had been passing them.He wouldn’t let that happen, so without further notice he walked past Erwin and continued the search for his partner, now more eager than ever before.
It had gotten dark outside, by the time your boyfriend had finally found you.He had looked for you everywhere except in your own room. The idea that you would be sitting on your bed, your blankets wrapped around your trembling figure, was something that dawned quite late on him.
The softness in his voice was something you weren’t expecting, this past month you were used to listen to his cold and demanding tone and you had come to hate it.While you were lost in your thoughts, the captain was now on his knees in front of you, his hands placed on your knees.
“(Y/N), can we talk?”
You nodded.Levi then took out a paper from his jacket’s pocket and placed it next to the pile of blankets that were covering you.There was no need to look at it, you knew it was your notice of withdrawal that Hanji had motivated you on filling up, after hearing the whole story behind the fight with your boyfriend.
It was no secret that you and her were quite the friends.You were probably the only person on the entire squad she could talk to about the greatness of titans. You two were fascinated by these creatures and Hanji had non-stop tried to recruit you as her assistant the moment Sonny and Bean were captured, but had to back out every time as soon as Levi had his eyes set on her. But after hearing what you had been through she couldn’t sit back any longer so she voiced her earnest concerns, that luckily got through you.
“Levi I know what you want to ask, but before you start wasting your time I’d like to tell you why I made this decision.”
He just nodded and looked up at you, dedicating his absolute attention to no one else but you.
“I don’t think I can keep up with this anymore. After what went down back at your office I had some time to think about it all and came to the conclusion that I would only be deadweight to all of you.”
“What…? (Y/N) that’s-”
“Please don’t interrupt me Levi…not now.”
He immediately shut his mouth and nodded apologetically.
“You asked me a lot of questions back at your office. And apparently one of them stood out quite a bit, since I can’t forget it. ‘Aren’t you dragging us down?’ that’s what you asked me, remember?”
You weren’t really waiting for an answer, so you just continued, tears once again forming at the corner of your eyes. This time though, you just let them fall down your cheeks.
“After thinking about it, I think that might actually be the case. Back then if I hadn’t stopped to ask Eld if he was hurt anywhere after barely escaping a titan, I could’ve saved more people and we would’ve been successful. Thanks to the following missions, I realized that I wasn’t able to live up to neither your expectations nor those of the Survey Corps.”
The silence that followed was suffocating for Levi. Should he say something now or remain silent?
“Levi, I think that I’m not good enough for you.”
“N-No wait (Y/N), please…”
You noticed that he was catching up on what you were about to say and it broke your heart to see his usually emotionless face contort with so much sadness, but you had no other choice. It was good for both of you.
“Levi, I think we should break up. I’m just not good enough for someone like you, I’d only drag you down. Maybe someone like Petra is more suitable for you.”
That last part was so hard to admit, but for Levi it was just heartbreaking to hear you even utter it.Seeing the love of his life degrading herself like this, was something he never wished witnessing with his own eyes.He wanted to caress your cheek, but you just shook your head slightly in denial.
“I’m sorry (Y/N)…I’m so sorry”
Humanity’s strongest soldier was now leaning his forehead on your lap while praying that you didn’t notice the tears dreading to leave his eyes.
It was his fault and he knew it.He knew that he would always have to live with these feelings of guilt and with the knowledge that it was because of him that you were feeling as if you weren’t good enough.
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commander-hanji-zoe · 4 years
Reassuring you - Part 1
This is a little self-indulgent, I made a mistake at work today and often find myself beating myself up for things that are human error, small mistakes or not my fault. So I imagined some of my faves and how they’d reassure you if you’re in that situation and upset. ♥ I plan on doing a Part 2 with other older characters/rest of the vets and Part 3 with the younger characters & others in a bit. ♥
When Mike finds you flustered/anxious and upset he is naturally worried and hates seeing you like that.
There’s so much reassurance/praise for all the things you’re great at.
“Who’d want to be perfect anyway?”
Lots of big bear hugs, rubbing your back/shoulders or hand holding and rubbing your knuckles. 
When he reminds you of what he thinks are your greatest strengths he’ll say something cheesy like, “You know what that smell is? It’s the sweet smell of sweet success” And he has this silly grin on his face as he says it that makes you smile. 
He’ll take you for a walk to distract you, pointing out things that are seemingly mundane but suddenly interesting. He’ll point out different types of trees or the place he first drank a beer, or the way paint has chipped from benches and formed into a shape that resembles a pigeon.
 When you sit down to rest he’ll nudge you with his shoulder, “You’ll be okay.”
Will buy you something nice to cheer you up, maybe flowers or sweeties or a musical whistle. He says it’s because no one deserves to be as mean to themselves as you are to yourself and he wanted to remind you that you are worth nice/beautiful things. 
It doesn’t matter whether the mistake was messing something up in the field, doing badly in training and letting others down, if you’d admitted something personal to someone and regretted it or even slept with someone without protection and now were feeling embarrassed and worried. Mike will absolutely not make you feel any worse than you already do, he’ll remind you it’s part of the human condition and that life is all about the ups and downs. It’s okay to be happy, it’s also okay to be sad.
If action needs to be taken based on the mistake you make (for example you need to improve your skills in someway, fix a uniform mistake or figure out what you’re going to do about that one night stand) Mike will offer to help where he can and if the situation involves another and you’re nervous, he’ll offer to come with you and ‘hold your hand’ as it were. But it’s not patronising in the slightest, talking to Mike just feels incredibly easy and natural. 
And he reminds you of the mistakes he too has made - some of them you never knew and you get the impression he doesn’t tell many people.
If you’re dating/seeing each other he’s bound to say something like, “You know what you are really good at though?” And he’s smiling, grinning from ear to ear and the way he emphasises the word ‘really’ makes your heart thud and forget about what it was. 
Is overall a precious cinnamon roll and would stop at nothing to reassure you and make you feel better. 
Erwin hates to see any of his soldiers or friends hurting and worrying about their abilities. If they are seriously worried it suggests to him he’s doing something wrong as Commander or that you’re not receiving enough support. 
He’ll ask if you want to speak in private in his office so that you’re not interrupted. Erwin is very conscious about people’s privacy and making sure you don’t feel anymore embarrassed. 
Pours a whiskey (or something else if you’d prefer) it’s nice because for a moment it feels like a barrier is broken between you. 
Reminds you immediately that you’re only human and sometimes we all make mistakes, that it’s okay. 
Also reminds you that he knows how hard you work and what a good person you are, but even people with the best hearts and intention are capable of making mistakes and feeling regret. And you get the sense from the way he says it that he’s speaking from first hand experience. 
“It will be okay, trust me,” he says it in such a matter of fact manner and you do because it’s Erwin and he’s rarely wrong. 
There’s a small smile on his face as he speaks with you that’s strangely warming. 
Erwin will remind you of your training days and how quickly you picked up the skills you were being taught.
“Masters only become masters through the mistakes they make, that’s what makes them so incredible.”
Erwin is nothing if not pragmatic, so whether the mistake is work related or more personal he will take the time to work through it with you to find a solution. 
If the mistake/regret is something non-work related or relating to another individual he will offer to speak to their team leader/section commander etc. to keep an eye on the situation and ensure nothing inappropriate is said. 
Erwin needs you to know he cares about each of his soldiers/friends.
Your exchange ends with an offer that his office is always open if you need to talk. 
When Levi finds you there’s an audible sigh which escapes his lips and makes you feel momentarily worse. You’re not sure whether he’s annoyed with you and thinks you’re being a whiny brat, which of course makes you feel worse. Or whether he’s concerned.
Knowing Levi as you do you suspect it’s a little of both, you’re okay with that. You’d rather your friends were true to their nature than pretend to be something they’re not to cheer you up.
But Levi does care, he’ll offer his hand to you to help you off the floor/bed/chair and give you this silent stare that says, “Come on what’s up.”
When you tell him there’s another small sigh but if you’re close he’ll pull you into a quick hug, if not he’ll place a reassuring hand on your shoulder and squeeze. 
“How do you expect to learn or get any better if you don’t make mistakes?” He asks. 
Levi makes you tea and it’s perfect, he decides to make a full pot because he doesn’t want to finish the conversation before you’re feeling better and able to move on with your day.
Will perhaps ask slightly more direct questions than the others which feels rather personal, but actually saying things out loud in detail is cathartic and as you speak to him you don’t even need his reply. Just hearing yourself speak and say what happened out loud helps you to work through it.
Levi will watch you talk over the rim of the cup, the porcelain disguises any smile he might be wearing. 
Once you’re feeling a little better he makes you feel much better with the following, “You know, even the Commander is capable of occasionally making a mistake.”
He also confesses to you that cleaning helps him to cleanse his mind and is a healthy distraction from allowing yourself to spiral. He offers to help you clean your room so you can continue talking - if of course the offer is returned.
If you’re really upset he might even let you make a cheap shot at him, but if you do it again he’ll probably tickle you - if you get caught he’ll be more embarrassed than you. It’s clear now this is something you both regret to be caught being so silly.
So you both end up cleaning and drinking a lot of tea together in a pleasant silence. 
Hanji is a good person to speak to when you’re regretting something or feel you’ve fucked up. 
They’re always there for you and happy to listen, they’ll never make you feel bad about taking up their time.
More than happy to share their own stories about things which have gone wrong in their life and the things they regret.
Will probably have a few tales similar to what you’re going through, they’ll talk you through them. Not because Hanji is self-centred or wants to talk about themselves, no, they just have a lot of empathy and talking through shared experiences helps them to help others and connect. 
It’s really, really nice. There’s no pressure from Hanji to say more than is needed, nor is it formal. It’s just like chatting to a sibling or a really old friend.
Big hugs, putting their arm round you as you walk. 
Tells several really bad jokes which make you laugh more than you should.
Hanji is likely to produce some really tasty food like cakes or freshly made bread and something sweet to drink. The sugar will make you feel better!
Is really excitable about all the things you’ve done well when you’ve impressed them and is keen to share with you just how far you’ve come.
Will ask if you want to join in with their titan research as a way of distracting yourself. After all they can teach you more and help you to learn, Hanji is sure this will help you to feel better especially if you’re feeling a bit useless. 
If the mistake you’ve made isn’t work related and involves another, they’ll get a little defensive (on your side) you know it’s because they care but you have to reassure them you can deal with it - and need to be the one who does.
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justanotherlifeff · 3 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff.
"Oi (Y/N)?(Y/N)? Get your lazy ass up!" I woke up to Levi's voice. "What's the time?" I groaned as I got up. "It's almost dawn. Everyone is already geared up. I told Armin to saddle your horse and I packed your bag with mine. Your cloak and fresh clothes are on the chair with the wig you got yesterday. Wear them." he commanded and went out of the room. Why didn't he wake me with everyone else? Why do I get to wear a wig and have a better chance of survival? I didn't question him because I decided that there wasn't much time to loose. I did exactly what he said, folded my clothes from last night and kept them in my bag. I hung the bag on my shoulder and went to the stable.
Everyone was already on their respectable horses except Levi who was in front of his and my own horse. "Sorry for being late.." I murmured towards everyone as I went for my horse. Before I got up, however, someone grabbed the bag from my back and when I looked back, I saw Levi taking my bag away and getting up on his horse. "Why did you take my bag?" I asked in complete confusion because that was the last thing I expected him to do. "I don't want you to take too much stress. Get on your horse." he commanded without looking at me. "But..." I started but he cut me off and said, "Don't question me." and trotted off. I was still in utter confusion as I listened to him and got on my horse and followed him with the rest of the group. We were going by roads into the forest because the military police were still looking for us and Kenny was at large.
It took us one whole day to avoid the military police and reach the Reiss territory. During the journey, a couple of things pissed me off but I didn't make a big deal out of it. Firstly, Levi gave me extra rations of food. I felt like it was unfair because Sasha clearly didn't try to hide her disappointment. I agreed with her in this case. I would just throw up what I eat anyway but I knew better than talking back at Levi. He already had a lot of burden on himself. Secondly, I offered to go check the roads before everyone since I had a good disguise. Levi didn't even consider the option and that got us in many strategic disadvantage and we almost got caught several times. Even in the forest roads, the military police had checkpoints.
We underestimated them. I didn't understand why Levi was restricting me so much and giving me special treatment. I felt like an useless burden to the team due to his behaviour. It was night when we reached a clearing inside a small forest like area in the Reiss territory. It was a cold night. "We will camp here. Get your sleeping bags out. This place by the rock is clean enough.." Levi said with an unsatisfactory tone. Of course, that man was the biggest clean freak ever. We all got our sleeping bags out and ate dinner. Again, Levi forced me to eat extra bread. I kept quiet about it again because I knew that he was already unhappy about the sleeping arrangement.
"Sasha, Jean, keep watch while the others sleep. Stay up for two hours and then Connie and Mikasa will be on watch for two more hours. I'll be up after that" Levi commanded. "But, heichou, you forgot to mention when I'll be on watch" I chimed in. I assumed that old rule of me calling him heichou in front of everyone still stands. He looked at me for a brief moment and said, "You're not gonna be on watch.". " But..." I tried to ask why but he he stopped me and told me again, "Don't question me." He paused for a while and then said, "You won't be needing your sleeping bag. Roll it up. You're using mine." and saying that, he went away leaving me unsure about how to react since he just said it in front of everyone. Everyone pretended that they didn't hear anything though, most probably to ensure that I won't feel embarrassed, except for Jean who went away giving half of his dinner to Sasha.
After a while, when everyone was done freshening up at the stream nearby, I went towards Levi's sleeping bag. Levi was still busy washing his hands and legs with an extremely annoyed expression due to the amount of dirt in in this place. I got into the slight warmth of the sleeping bag. It still felt cold when I was almost drifting off to sleep when I felt someone enter the sleeping bag, immediately warming the whole place up. I knew it was Levi because he always managed to smell good no matter what the situation is. "You smell disgusting" I heard Levi grunt behind me as he wrapped me into an embrace from behind making me feel incredibly warm and comfortable. I didn't answer to that and enjoyed the warmth he emitted onto me and fell asleep.
No one's POV
Jean was sitting on a tree and keeping watch. The fact that Levi literally commanded (Y/N) to sleep with him, and that (Y/N) didn't even get a chance to voice her opinion disturbed him. "I still don't understand why she's with him" he thought. (Y/N) was sleeping in Levi's sleeping bag alone. Jean looked at her from up there for a while. "She looks as beautiful as always" he sighed. He knew he stood no chance but he couldn't just shake away the fact that she was beautiful. A little while later, he saw Levi walking towards the sleeping bag. He averted his eyes because the sight of Levi with (Y/N) made him jealous.
He looked at the clearing outside of the forest for a while when his eyes betrayed him and looked back at (Y/N) and Levi. (Y/N) was almost invisible since she snuggled next to Levi facing him with her face buried in his chest. The sight made Jean both jealous and incredibly surprised as he noticed a slight movement of Levi's hand on (Y/N)'s head. Levi was patting (Y/N)'s head? Somehow, it seemed completely out of character for the cold hearted captain. "I guess that grumpy bastard does have feelings for her" Jean thought sourly.
The next morning:
(Y/N) woke up to the sound of everyone else around her. Everyone was already having breakfast and she was pissed because Levi didn't wake her up on time again. She had difficulty waking up on her own nowadays. She washed her face from the stream, puked on a tree, washed her mouth and joined everyone else to have breakfast. When we were done, Levi said, "Armin, Jean, Mikasa, go to the town nearby to get supplies. Try to get news about recent events too. There must be a reason for which the military police are literally on forest roads".
As he said that, (Y/N) started, "But heichou, Mikasa has a very unique face and she will be recognised easily. I should go with my disguise. If one of us is caught, we will be in greater disadvantage". Levi looked at her for a while and simply stated, "Mikasa is going. I already made that decision". Suddenly, (Y/N) felt a surge of anger flow through her and she shouted at Levi directly on his face, "Why are you not letting me do anything important? You're making me a fucking burden to the squad! Starting from giving me extra rations to not waking me up on time, you are not treating everyone fairly! Do you really think I can't take the pressure of being on the run? I thought you felt like I'm a strong person and now you're treating me like some fucking child who's good at nothing! Why the hell are you doing this?".
Levi looked at (Y/N) with a calm and bored face the whole time and when she stopped, Levi said, "Are you done whining like a fucking kid?". (Y/N) didn't know how to answer to that and just glared at him. "Oh shit! Are they gonna fight? I heard that their duels are worth watching!" Sasha whispered to Connie with excitement whereas Connie just replied with a "Shut up Sasha!".
The tension in the air was intensified when Levi said calmly but coldly, "I can't believe you don't understand why I'm doing this. I thought someone who spent so much time with Erwin would have some common sense. You're fucking pregnant (Y/N). I know you can take the pressure but do you seriously think that baby can? I thought you'd know some fucking biology given that you read books. Do you even read anything useful? Mikasa is going with Jean and Armin. Not you. Instead of questioning every fucking decision I make, use your excuse of a head for a change.".
Suddenly, (Y/N) understood the meaning of everything Levi was doing. Levi already walked away from the place and Mikasa, Armin and Jean went off to the town. (Y/N) felt like she was the most stupid person in existance and that she messed up big time, so, she ran after Levi who stormed off towards the stream.
Levi POV
Her stupidity was what pissed me off. I liked that she could strongly voice her opinion if required and also liked the fact that she challenged me but I never expected her to act so stupidly. I went towards the stream to enjoy the quietness. I needed some alone time to calm down. However, I heard the noise of leaves and knew that someone was coming this way. I waited till the sound came close enough and turned back to see a guilty looking (Y/N). "I'm sorry. I should've trusted your judgement. It was a really stupid thing to do.." she tried to say but I kissed her on her lips harshly to show just how frustrated she makes me.
She was taken aback by the kiss at first but then she kissed back. I kissed her till I felt more calm. "Don't do anything like that again" I muttered to her as she looked shyly at me and answered with an "okay" before going back to our camping ground. I went back too after a few moments. When I reached, she was sitting on the rock, looking completely bored. "(Y/N), get up a tree and keep watch." I commanded her. Even if I had every reason to be concerned about her, she was right about the fact that I was taking things too far.
Armin, Mikasa and Jean was back after a while. They brought news that all survey corps members including Erwin are jailed. We are the most wanted criminals now. Hanji and Moblit escaped arrest somehow as they were in the most wanted list too. I assumed that Erwin had a plan. Armin expressed his concern about our shortage of time and I mentioned that Eren is still safe since they are travelling by wagon and that will take one more day.
"I hear footsteps! Someone is coming this way!" Sasha said just as (Y/N) quietly got down from the tree and said, "Two military police soldiers are coming this way. By looks, they seem to be cadets". " Everyone, get up the trees except Armin. Armin, you go to the stream with buckets. (Y/N), come with me. We will have to maneuver down and get our swords at their throats. Take a sword from Mikasa since your maneuver gear doesn't have one. We will be on the trees beside the stream." I commanded as everyone climbed up the trees. The plan went smoothly.
I talked to the mp cadets named Marlo and Hitch about Annie being the female titan. After stripping them of their 3DMGs, I planned to send Sasha initially to test their loyalty but ended up sending Jean because he asked and I wanted him to get hit by one of them. I personally disliked him because he had a thing for (Y/N). "You sent him because he'll get hurt somehow. Right?" (Y/N) asked me with a smug look. "Seems like you're using your head again" I answered to that as we were waiting for Jean to return.
As expected, he returned with a swollen head to my delight. Marlo and Hitch informed us about the least protected and closest mp outpost that had someone from the interior. Our plan was to raid the place. Before going into action, I thanked them for their help. "(Y/N)? I want to see how good you got with swords after our knife training. We will only injure their limbs in a way so that it can be fixed later. I taught (Y/N) about it so we will be in cutting duty. Mikasa, Jean you will keep watch of our camping ground. Armin, Connie, Sasha you three will be in charge of the distraction. We need a horse and a wagon." I explained the plan.
This plan was beyond successful. (Y/N)'s cutting skills were as impressive as ever. She manages to bring perfection into everything by sheer hardwork unlike myself. I just always was good at fighting or anything related to that. Everyone in average did good. The only thing left was to torture the guy into talking. I've been doing it for a while but he wouldn't talk. "Should I help?" I heard (Y/N)'s voice. "I really am in mood for this. They arrested Uncle Erwin right? Who knows what he's going through now for these bastards..." she continued. "Go ahead" I replied monotonously. After all, I couldn't get anything out of his mouth anyway. I decided to take a break.
I watched (Y/N) go towards him, take a deep breath and kick the man's face almost as hard as myself, breaking his nose. Then she took her pocket knife and started inserting the tip of it under his nails. "I wish I could heat it but this will have to do.." she muttered. The military police wailed in agony and I felt both surprised and impressed that (Y/N) got so good with knives. "I don't care if you don't talk. I'm only doing this because you people tried to kill us, got my uncle in jail and had those people kidnap me and molest me. I want everyone who sees you next to know that you're a repulsive human who doesn't deserve to live." (Y/N) spat with hatred. " Atleast I'm human! You people are monsters!" he cried. "If you're human, I'm glad I'm not." she spat at him with hatred.
"Heichou, I'll probably kill him if he's anywhere near me. It's better if you take charge." she told me after that with her usual monotone voice. "Calm down. I'll take care of this piece of shit" I said to her as I went forward to continue my torture. He started talking after a while.
I felt good as Levi beat the guy into a pulp. I did my part but I was about to loose my control. I noticed that I was having a hard time keeping my emotions in check. It was probably because of the pregnancy. He started talking when Levi's beating, along with the bleeding of my cuts got worse. He mentioned that "Kenny Ackerman" doesn't give out important information. I was as surprised as Levi and Mikasa at that reveal. "Ackerman?" Levi asked in a monotone but curious voice.
"I know Kenny. Is that his last name?" he continued. "It is.. But.." the military police tried to talk but Levi stopped him and said, "True. There's a lot of things he doesn't divulge. Especially the important stuff. But you must have a rough idea. You best try to remember.. " he continued as the military police cried "stop it!" but Levi ignored him and continued, "You still have plenty of bones to break". " You.. You're insane!" the military police cried. To that, Levi simply said, "Maybe I am."
Hanji arrived after a while. We thought we were caught but that was not the case. The Coup d'état that Uncle Erwin planned was successful. It was decided that Eren and Historia were held in the Reiss chapel. "(Y/N), go back to Orvud district. That's the closest safe space from here. I don't want you anywhere near Kenny." Levi told me before turning at Hanji to ask if Moblit can take me there. I wanted to question his command because I didn't want to feel useless but I decided that he was right. Kenny was dangerous. I didn't question his command at the end. "Don't die on me" I told Levi before leaving for Orvud. "I'm not that easy to kill" he muttered as I got on my horse and galloped towards Orvud with Moblit.
I reached Orvud at dawn. We went to the military quaters and Moblit managed a room for me. I thanked him and fell asleep instantly. I woke up to find that it was already late afternoon. I went down to the canteen for some food and as I was eating the most disgusting porridge made in existence, I saw Moblit run towards me. As he got in front of me, he said, "The survey corp soldiers are here. They are sending a search party to the Reiss chapel to find Levi squad. Commander Erwin is here.".
To that, I sprang up from the table and said, "Moblit, do me a favour and tell Commander Erwin that I have to talk to him privately. I'm going to my room. I need to change clothes". " Y-yes of course" he muttered before getting out of the canteen. I went back to my room quickly and wore my Survey corps uniform because I assumed that something went wrong. I had to go with the search party. When I was done, I went for the courtyard of the military HQ. Soldiers were assembling and I found Uncle Erwin talking to Commander Pixis. As I went to him, he excused himself from Commander Pixis and told me, "I thought you were with Levi. Why didn't he take you with him? Won't they fight Kenny there? I heard he is hard to take down..." I interjected him to blandly say, "He didn't take me because I'm pregnant.".
Uncle Erwin's eyes widened as he exclaimed with concern, "What? But you two have been together for only about a month! How could you make a mistake like that in times like this? You two aren't even married yet!". "Uncle Erwin, we can't change the fact that it happened. Levi wants the child like myself. We will figure something out about marriage when all these shit are over. I needed to inform you about this. I need to be on the search party. I'm having a feeling that they might be in trouble. You won't arrange a search party for no reason." I assured him. To that, he said, "(Y/N), it's already hard for me to process all the information you just gave me. I can't allow you to go given that you're expecting a baby. Levi wouldn't want that too. You need to stay somewhere safe.."
"I don't have any intention to be useless. Even in this condition, I'm as good as a hundred soldiers. Taking me will give you tactical advantage. You're the commander of a military faction, Commander Erwin. Don't let personal feelings affect your decisions" I objected glaring at him. "(Y/N), you're not going." Uncle Erwin sighed. "I see." I answered bluntly as I went for the stable. Uncle Erwin was wrong because I had no intention to stay behind. I found Moblit on my way to the stable and called him out.
"What's wrong? Did Commander Erwin not let you join the search party?" he asked. I didn't mention him that I was gonna try to join the search party but as he was Hanji's second in command, he had to be smart. I wasn't surprised that he figured the issue out. "Yes. He didn't agree. I need you to get me a 3DMG in good condition. I'm going there alone. I'll be in the stable. Please, help me out. If Commander Erwin is arranging a search party, something is seriously wrong." I pleaded him. "I'm only doing this because you're Hanji-san's good friend. Could you, talk to her about me in return? I kinda like her..." Moblit mumbled. "Sure. I'll mention it to her" I reassured him as he ran off to find a 3DMG. I went to the stable to get a horse.
Moblit was back quickly. "I stole it from the supply storage. It's in good condition" he said as he handed me the very new and polished looking gear with new blades. "Thank you Moblit. I'll make sure Hanji goes on a date with you." I smiled at him as he blushed slightly and went off. I was done saddling my horse too. I strapped on to the gear, got on my horse and galloped towards the Reiss Chapel.
No one's POV
"Are you all ready to get your hands dirty?" Levi asked everyone. They all gave him a determined look. Levi assumed that they were ready and said, "I guess so" before reviewing the plan again and commanding everyone to go into action.
Sasha and Connie dropped the wheeled buckets full of gunpowder and oil bags attached. Everyone stormed into the basement of the chapel as Sasha threw fire arrows towards the buckets and exploded them. Taking the smoke to his advantage, Levi flew up to count the number of enemies. For more cover, Hanji and Connie were shootings smoke shells. "Forty Enemies! They are gathered behind the pillars! Continue the plan! We'll take em out right here!" Levi shouted out to his team before disappearing into the shadows. Connie, Jean and Hanji flew towards the enemy at that. Sasha kept shooting fire arrows at the buckets to keep up the smoke.
When (Y/N) reached the chapel, she heard sounds of explosion. Her horse was as fast as a messenger's so it took her only about an hour to reach the chapel. She got inside the chapel, found the entry to the basement and entered carefully to find Sasha shooting fire arrows at buckets down under the stairs which were exploding with heavy smoke. "Gun powder and oil" (Y/N) assumed. Just then, I saw a woman, not too far aim for Connie as he killed a man. (Y/N) didn't waste any time and flew as fast as she can and decapitated her with one slash. "Oi Connie! Get in the smoke now!" (Y/N) commanded as he looked at her and shouted "Hai!" before disappearing in the smoke.
7-8 anti personale squad members were trying to shoot Mikasa. Her speed saved her but before they realized anything, a blurry figure crossed them and they were dead before they knew it. "Is that Levi?" some anti personale squad members standing at some distance wondered but their mouth gaped open when someone slightly faster than the one attacking the squad members in the middle killed three of the men close to them. They only got a glance of him. If this was Levi, who was that? Before they were killed however, Kenny saved them by attacking Levi. "Thank God Kenny came just in time.." a guy started but couldnt finish because he was already stabbed with a blade thrown at his neck. That's when they saw (Y/N) swinging around and charging at them with unbelievable speed.
"Yo Levi. Not that I've got time to waste on you, but, if you get past here, it'll be all for nothin'. By the way, how's your little lady doing? I noticed that you taught her my slitting style! You gonna teach those to your runts too now?" Kenny told Levi smugly. He paused for an answer but didn't get any so he casually said, "So be it, guess I'll have to play" as he started flying and shooting at Levi.
Levi already noticed (Y/N) in the field. He was glad that Kenny didn't. While flying, he found Kenny's second in command flying and tried to get her. He missed but then he saw (Y/N) fly fast towards that woman. Levi noticed Kenny appear nearby too. "Not sick of playing yet? Good grief! Isn't that (Y/N) right there? So she's what was cutting my squad up when you were wasting my time here. Why was she so shitty at fighting back the last time?" Kenny sniggered before disappearing and attacking Levi from behind. Levi dodged the attack and the planks falling at him. "You aren't answering any questions brat!" Kenny said smugly as he charged at Levi with a knife, barely missing and cutting Levi's face. "She had morning sickness" Levi muttered as he threw a bag of oil at Kenny as he shot at Levi. Using the fire, Levi made a deep cut in Kenny's stomach.
After killing a few more soldiers on her way, (Y/N) kept following Kenny's second in command. Suddenly, Hanji appeared out of the shadows, joining the chase. "(Y/N)! How did you get here?" she asked eccentrically. "I made Moblit steal a 3DMG and stole a horse from the stable. You need to go on a date with him. That's what he asked for return" (Y/N) said monotonously. "Huh? Moblit likes me? I see..." Hanji muttered with a blush as Kenny's second in command shot at her. (Y/N) pushed Hanji and herself out of the way and Hanji shouted "You like to play risky too huh? Just like meee!" eccentrically but that didn't last because that woman shot a 3DMG hook at Hanji's arm. (Y/N) slashed the rope off and had to hide behind a pillar because Kenny came in sight and shot at Levi asking him to stay out of the way. Levi easily dodged this attack too but didn't follow them.
After the remaining anti personale squad left through a passage, (Y/N) noticed a really angry looking Levi stomping towards her with a menacing voice saying, "What part of 'Kenny is dangerous' and 'the kid can't take so much stress' don't you understand (Y/N)?". " I don't have morning sickness and they had to run for their lives only because I arrived. You were too busy with Kenny and Mikasa and myself are the only ones who can take down multiple opponents at once. I didn't interfere your fight with Kenny because I know he is dangerous." (Y/N) stated monotonously.
"Heichou, (Y/N) is right... We would've been perished if she wasn't here." Armin chimed in. Levi sighed and said, "I'm afraid both of you are right.. That doesn't change the fact that a pregnant woman should be fighting. It's risky for the baby and completely unacceptable. I can't believe Erwin allowed this.". "He didn't. I stole a 3DMG and a horse and got here. He has nothing to do with this." (Y/N) muttered. "Let's discuss this later. We need to find a way out of here and get to Eren first." Levi told everyone as the squad went towards the passage, only to find a huge net trapping them.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE:Let's assume, (Y/N) is travelling at 80km/h since her horse is a messenger horse and it is possible for survey Corp horses to attain such speed.
Reiss chapel is 80km far from Orvud district.
(Y/N) took 1 hour to reach the chapel.
Horse wagons usually travel with the speed of 15miles/h. That means its 20km/h approximately.
Erwin and the search party took 4 hours to travel to the Reiss chapel
Assuming that (Y/N) reached the Reiss chapel at 7:30pm, and that Erwin left for the Reiss chapel at 8:00pm, Erwin will meet Levi squad at approximately 11:00pm given that Levi squad already travelled 20kms after the fight.
Rod Reiss's titan will need to cover a distance of 80 km to reach Orvud district. That means, he travels at a speed of 12km/h approximately because it will take him 6 hours to reach as we know that it reaches Orvud at dawn which can be assumed as 5am. Rod reiss titan is slower than wagons due to his enormous size. It will take 3 hours for the search party and Levi squad to return to the military HQ therefore at 2am.]
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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duker42 · 4 years
25 Days of Christmas With Levi: Day 6
Day 6: An Unexpected Mission
“We’re doing what?” Y/N shook her head as if she hadn’t heard what the Commander had said.
Erwin looked back at Y/N and sighed. “You and Levi will be going Underground to find the orphans that the Queen would like to bring to the surface.”
“That’s what I thought you said.” Y/N muttered as she scowled at the idea of going back to the Underground.
She looked over at Levi gauge his reaction, but the only giveaway that he was not happy about the situation was the grip he had on the armrest of his chair.
“The rest of the Squad will remain at the staircase, with Hanji’s squad. But since you two know where they would most likely hide....” Erwin trailed off.
“Yeah, sure, all because we were those street rats.” Y/N shoved up from her chair and slammed out of the Commander’s office.
Erwin has the decency to look chagrined at Levi. “I’m sorry, but you know this is the best plan.”
Levi stood and pierced Erwin with a dark look. “She knows that too. But don’t expect us to skip down the staircase with shit-eating grins on our faces.” Levi countered, walking to the door and exiting to find where Y/N had run off too.
He found her in the gym, taking her frustrations out in a bag. He crossed his arms and watched as she repeatedly hit the bag over and over, the expression on her face murderous.
When she paused, he walked over and grabbed her arm. “Y/N....”
“I know Levi. I’ll get my shit together.” Y/N huffed, blowing her hair out of her eyes.
Grey eyes softened as he pulled her against him, rubbing her back. “Look at it this way, the sooner those brats come to the surface, they are going to get a Christmas we never had or could ever have down there.”
He felt her resistance melt at his words and knew that he had chosen right. Y/N had fallen in love with the holiday that fell on his birthday once they had come up to the surface. Enjoying the cozy traditions and even the snow.
Y/N worked herself up for the trip back to the Underground. She spent hours in the kitchens, baking cookies and treats to hand out to the kids. She had known that hunger pains and the promise of food would spark a child’s curiosity. That was how she and Levi had met.
She knew that it was going to be difficult, the dank Underground city that they had survived during their childhoods held bad and bittersweet memories for them both. She was just as worried about Levi as he was about her. He was just better at hiding his feelings than she was.
The day came that she had been dreading. It was funny how the smell never changed. As soon as she descended into the stairwell leading to the Underground the smell hit her. It was like a grim welcome home.
They descended into the caverns that the wealthy above conveniently forgot about. The poor that were starving to death or wasting away from disease right under their feet.
It didn’t take long to find their first waif, a little girl, no more than five. She had hidden away like a little mouse, scurrying away from the man with the fierce face.
It was so much like when she scurried away from Levi the first time she saw the older boy. His face was still just as scary as a boy to an abused little girl.
Y/N took over, offering the girl a cookie with a gentle smile. She had taken it hesitantly, already having learned to not totally trust seemingly kind people. She told her of the beautiful Queen’s new law, allowing the kids to come live up in the sunshine and play, rather than fight for survival down in the dark.
When the little girl, Cici, had taken her hand Y/N had felt like crying. Levi looked on with suspicious moisture in his own orbs.
The next kids came because of Cici. Children she had slept beside when the cold was too much not to share body heat. Y/N remembered those nights. Back before they were older, Y/N and Levi had huddled together many nights for warmth, now it was for love and comfort.
That day ended up with Levi and Y/N bringing 53 kids from the alleys and murk of the underground up into the chilly sunshine above. Her baskets of treats long gone, they had willingly followed the soldiers to the waiting wagons to transport them to the palace for baths and hot meals.
Y/N waved at the kids and promised to come see them the next day as they departed, leaving the squads to watch in satisfaction.
She felt Levi’s arm slip around her waist, pulling her to his side as his fingers stroked her side soothingly.
“I’m okay.” She answered his silent question, and surprisingly she was. It had felt good to take those kids out of that misery. Good to feel the true holiday spirit, the giving of her time and self to help others.
She turned to look at him, cupping his cheek and looking into his soulful grey eyes. “How are you?” She asked quietly.
He paused for a moment then looked at the entrance to the Underground again. “I think I want to go back down again. Maybe see our old place, if it’s not destroyed.” He replied, his eyes not wanting to meet hers again.
She reached down and entwined her fingers with his, feeling the warmth and strength of the man she loved.
“Let’s use this unexpected mission to our advantage. Let’s go visit with the good memories of our past.” Y/N said as she turned back to the stairwell.
“You sure?” He asked seriously.
“Levi, it’s the holiday season, we just helped 53 kids start a better life. I think we owe it to ourselves to celebrate the good times we had with Isabel and Farlan.” Y/N said as she tugged on her hand.
Levi hummed and walked beside her as they made their way back down the stairs.
“Hey Levi, you think that one merchant still has arm wrestling contests?” Y/N asked with a laugh.
He snorted as he thought back to that day. “If he is, I hope he learned his lesson on offering up his woman.”
Y/N’s laugh rang through the hollow staircase as they went back to their origins to make their peace with the past.
Mobile MasterList
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g-on-ef · 4 years
So many Tears throughout The year
A/N as promised here's chapter 4 of So many tears throughout the year ^^
Shinya was a coward, he was not afraid to admit that; nor was he afraid to call himself that. Instead of confronting Guren he ran, like a dog between his legs. It bugged him that he didn’t have the courage to yell at the prime alpha or to put him in his place.
Instead of speaking his mind and tearing Guren a new one he ran. All because he did not want to be near him. As he lay in bed he couldn’t help but be thankful towards Erwin and Fried for forcing Guren and his friend to leave the club.
Erwin assured him that he will not be coming to the club ever again. Shinya asked if it was okay to not go to work for the next week, just to be on the safe side.
Erwin agreed and told him he could take all the time he wanted he would still be paid and no money would be deducted from his check.
Shinya was happy about that and left home. Crowley and Erwin of course escorted him home; making sure that Guren wasn’t anywhere near the club to follow him back to his home.
Once he made it there safe he laid on his bed and thought about what happened.
Shinya didn’t know what to do, with the knowledge of Guren here he needed to be careful, he had to make sure that Guren and his kids never cross the same path.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to let himself sleep and try as hard as he could to not think about the Prime Alpha.
To bad his mind had other ideas, memories of both him and Guren filled his head. Memories of their time together, the promises they made to one another and of course the first time they had sex together.
Shinya tossed and turned on his couch, sleep will not come easy to him.
The next morning found Shinya making a simple breakfast, that is if chocolate chip pancakes, French toast, with ham and cheese omelets, sausage links, crispy bacon, fruit salad, cheese biscuits, apple sauce with a side of hash browns consider a simple breakfast.
Last night was a disaster, no matter how hard he tried he just could not sleep. Images of Guren filled his mind and once his head started to reminisce on Guren’s naked body Shinya gave up on sleep, once 6 o’clock hit Shinya decided to get up and make breakfast.
Aside from dancing, cooking was one of the things that was able to relax him and whenever he was stressed he would cook and he may or may not go overboard but hey no knew that when he was stressed he over cooked.
“Rough day at work?”
a sweet voice said, startled he dropped his spatula, turning around he couldn’t help but cooed as he saw his baby girl dressed in a white turtle neck shirt with the sleeves stopping right below her elbows, high waist black trousers, with some sandals on her feet. Her hair was done in a simple bum showing off her beautiful blue eyes.
She looked so beautiful that Shinya couldn’t help but walk over to her and wrap his arms around her and give scent mark her.
Zoe giggled as she returned the hug and did the same.
“You look beautiful darling,”
Zoe smiled as father and daughter pulled back.
“Thank you papa, but you didn’t answer my question,” her soft smiled turned into a look of worry as she looked at the table.
“Did something bad happened?”
Okay so maybe someone did know that he over cooked he was stressed.
“Whoa, did something happen at work?”
Make that two someones as Eren came down and saw the huge buffet before him.
“Who do we need to kill?” Yuu said as he grabbed a sausage link and began to eat it.
Okay so all three of his children knew when he was stressed, he over cooked, so much for keeping it a secret.
Taking a deep breath Shinya spread his arms open and all his kids ran into them. He hugged them as tight as he could.
If Guren found out about them…he would try and take them, if Tenri found out…he didn’t want to think about it, the kids were still 15, which meant that legally Guren could come and take them away from him. Hell, even Tenri could do it since technically he was Shinya’s legal guardian.
No, he would not let that happen, his children would never know their father (or sperm donor as his kids refer him as) was in town, besides for all Shinya knew he was only here for the wedding and then he would leave never to return again.
After all, why he would concern himself with a slutty omega when he had a pure one waiting for him.
“Papa, food is burning,” the scent of burning bread filled his nose as he turned to see the bagels burning.
Grabbing his spatula, he pulled all eight pieces off the pan and placed them on the plate and opened the window that was right above the sink.
All three kids looked at him before laughing at their papa.
Shinya turned and saw his kids laughing freely and over all being happy. He could not help but smile as he took in the sight.
He smiled and just enjoyed the joyful sound that filled his kitchen.
After their laughter died down Shinya told them that there was nothing wrong and he was just excited for his little girl and wanted to make sure she had a healthy breakfast.
The brothers looked at their little sister and smiled, they too were proud of her but their alphas wanted to make sure that the youngest member of their pack was safe so they each gave her both a mini taser and pepper spray in case she ever need to use it.
Shinya tired hard not to look upset, Guren was the same way, he would always give the omega something so that he could defend himself in case any alphas or betas with ill intentions would try and harm him.
He always ignored the nagging voice in his head that would always remind him how Yuu and Eren were exactly like Guren and not just in looks either.
Taking a deep breath, he served his kids some vanilla flavor coffee and handed it to each of them. The kids thanked him as they drank it and began to eat their food.
After cleaning the kitchen Shinya gave Zoe two containers, one for Levi to make sure he ate something and another for Zoe for her lunch. Zoe gave her father and Yuu a kiss on the cheek since it was time for her to go, Eren grabbed her bag as the two headed towards the door.
Eren had asked Levi if he could give Zoe a ride to her internship since his aunt worked there not to mention he had to go into work.
Mr. Hover wanted all his models there as he had to talk them about something important.
Levi of course said yes, and since he was always punctual, they knew the alpha would be waiting for them after breakfast, sure enough there was the alpha parked on the side of their house.
Both siblings walked over to him greeting him Zoe gave him the container of food while Eren gave him a kiss good morning.
The drive to her internship was filled with some Kpop song that Zoe begged Levi to play, the alpha would have said no but Eren also begged him.
And most of the times whatever Eren asked he got, especially since he never asked for much.
They pulled up at the building and stopped at the side of the road.
Eren turned and looked at Zoe with a serious expression.
“It anyone…and I mean anyone touches you, harasses you, belittles you, or makes you shed one single tear, tell me and I’ll kick their asses.
“Eren,” the omega whined.
“Don’t ‘Eren’ me little omega, if anyone makes you uncomfortable tell me or Yuu before you tell anyone else,”
Zoe nodded her head, ever since the incident with their papa at his work happened Yuu and Eren have become extremely overprotective with Zoe.
It got so bad that they would not let her be alone with her boyfriend even though Koji has been nothing but respectful towards Zoe and never pressured her to do anything that made her feel pressure or uncomfortable.
“Good, be safe okay,” he then pulled out his phone and handed it to her.
Zoe took it and placed in her pocket.
“If you can’t get to me call Yuu,”
“And if you can’t get to either one of them call me got it?”
Levi knew why his mate was overprotective of Zoe, he understood since over time he came to see her as a little sister and despite his aunt working here he didn’t trust any of the workers especially since he over heard his aunt talking about how some creepy alpha was harassing an innocent omega.
He did not want anything happen to Zoe and will kill anyone if they bothered her.
“Yes alphas,” she said in a timid voice. It wasn’t that she was scared she just knew when to fight back and when to back down, and she knew that this was one battle she could not win especially when both alphas were using their alpha voice.
“Good, now have a good day and please call me when you’re at lunch,”
“Okay,” she lean forward and peck Eren’s cheek before smiling at Levi knowing how if he wanted human contact with anyone other than Eren he’d be the one to initiate it, Levi smiled before leaning forward and pecking her forehead.
“Go, before you are late,”
She smiled as she got out and waved good-bye before heading inside.
Once she entered the building Zoe took in the sight, the building was huge, the floors were so shiny Zoe would beat that she could eat off it.
Smiling she headed towards the elevator since Hanji told her once she entered the building to head straight for the 13th floor. Getting in she was about to hit the 13th button when a man entered the elevator with her.
She turned and made eye contact with him, offering him a small smile Zoe asked,
“Which floor sir?”
“13th,” he said taking in the young girl’s features. Zoe smiled as she hit the button. Trying hard not to look anxious around this man.
“If I may ask, who are you?” the man’s deep voice asked.
She turned to look at him before replying,
“I’m Zoe Smith sir, and you?”
“Guren,” he said looking at the girl, she looked…familiar…something about her made the prime alpha want to grab her and scent mark her which was weird and admittedly a little creepy. Ignoring those thoughts, he asked,
“You’re the new intern right?”
“Yes sir, today is my first day,” she said with another smile. Seriously what was it about this girl that was giving him warm fuzzy feelings, the same feelings that he had whenever he was around Shinoa.
“Hmm…well I hope you know that you will be working with me Ms. Smith,”
“Oh, umm…I thought I was going to work with Hanji in the science department,”
“No, you were hire to work as my assistant,”
“Umm…I thought-“
“You start at the bottom and work your way to the top, if you can show me and everyone else that you are capable of good things then you’ll be promoted, is that clear?”
“Yes sir,”
He turned and gave the girl a soft smile.
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen your portfolio, you have amazing ideas and you and Hanji will be working side by side in no time,”
The praise made the omega smiled and once again Guren was tempted to hug the girl.
“That’s good sir,”
They arrived at their destination and both got out Zoe and Guren stepped out and headed towards his office.
“Alright Ms. Smith, did Hanji gave you a tour of the building?”
“Yes sir,”
“Good, you’ll be sending files to and from other offices, you will also be attending some meetings with me, taking notes for me as well as answering calls,”
“Any calls from my wife are to be sent on hold, unless it involves our daughter I don’t wish to speak to her while I am working,”
“And all emails are to be send to me or my secretary,
“Yes sir,”
“Good now tell me about yourself,”
“Umm…well I have two brothers and father I like science and wish to run my own business someday,”
“I see, is that all Ms. Smith?”
“Yes sir,”
“Alright then, what’s your status,”
“Omega sir,”
“Very well, according to our records you’re the youngest intern we ever hired,”
“Is that good or bad?”
Guren chuckled.
“It’s good, in fact I am impressed with your credentials, especially since you had the highest grade out of all our interns.”
Zoe smiled at the praise and bow in respect.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Alright we have a big meeting and we should start heading out,”
“Of course sir,”
Guren showed her were to put her stuff at, she placed her bad down before grabbing a notebook and pen before showing Guren she was ready.
Smiling at the young girl he gesture for her to follow him.
“Both Zoe and Guren headed towards the conference room, they were the first to arrive and began to get themselves situated.
Zoe was excited and ready for the day, she knew today was going to be good, she could feel it in her heart.
How wrong she was…
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🏰⚔️⚔️👑🐲 DMODT- 69. Now. You all want a small a chapters as this last chapter of arc 6, or you all want me to start the last arc here?
Over the next two weeks, Eren had his good days and his bad. Some days he was happy to share touches and be held, while others the slightest touch would send his omega spiralling. Levi knew one encounter with Willy wouldn't make Eren's confidence return instantly, but it was hard to watch his mate on his bad days. Eren would try to hold his tears in, he'd try so hard to get on with what needed to be done and while Levi respected him trying to be strong, he wished he could kiss away his omega's pain. More than once he caught Armin sneaking out his room to comfort Eren as Eren threw up in the middle of the night, and more than once he'd caught Eren staring at himself in the bathroom mirror with a hand on his stomach and tears running down his face. The closer to leaving Eldia, the worst Eren's nerves got. Any loud or expected noises had Eren jumping. Respecting Eren's need for space, Levi only offered comfort through small touches, kisses and cuddles when Eren allowed him. He praised his mate's hard work, and his dedication to making things better for Marley and Eldia. It was now the night before they were due to fly out in the morning. Freya and Steege would be coming to collect them, as Historia and Ymir needed to go ahead to make sure the accomodation and security measures in place were up to scratch. Heading Eren slipping out the room he was using in the middle of the night, Levi crept from his own room, determined to reassure his omega that everything would be alright. Letting himself into the bathroom, Eren was leaning against the counter. His breathing ragged, again his hand on his stomach as he tried to calm himself down. A weird hiccuping kind of purr was rumbling from his throat that set Levi's alpha on edge. Walking over to him, the alpha placed his hand on Eren's "Eren?" "I'm ok" "Bullshit. I know you're nervous. We all are" "I'm ok... just... a bad dream" The excuse may have been valid, yet Levi felt this wasn't the cause of a dream. Eren would actually have to have slept for that to be the case "Want to talk about it?" "No..." "Are we going to talk about it anyway?" Looking up at him, his omega opened his mouth before looking away "Eren, I want to know" "Do you? Because I'm pretty sure knowing is going to make you mad" Frowning, Levi released Eren's hand in order to slip his arm around Eren's waist to pull him into his hold "I'm not going to be mad. I know you're trying really hard, and I've been trying to respect that. I've seen you rubbing your stomach a few times, are you in pain? Is that why you're upset?" "No... no, I've healed. It's been a month a bit now..." "Then what is it? I promise, no matter what you say, I am not going to be mad at you" With a small whimper, Eren's arms wrapped around him. His mate then burying his face against his neck as let out a small sob "Can we go to your room?" "My room or my chambers?" "Room... the kids are sleeping" "Alright. Can you walk?" "I..." "Too slow" Moving, Levi released Eren enough to lift him off his feet as the omega scrambled to hold on "You don't have to carry me" "Humour me" Carrying Eren out into Armin's bedroom, he was careful not to disturb the beta's sleep as he made his way through to the room he was using. Closing the door with his foot, he winced at the door smacked shut loud enough for Eren to jump in his arms. When they finally reached the bed, Levi sank down with his back against the bedhead and Eren still in his lap "Take your time" "I'm scared" Or not... apparently Eren didn't need a moment to gather his words "You're scared?" "About the boys coming to Europe. I... keep thinking that if I was still pregnant, Viren would still be protected by my body... and then I start feeling empty. I miss... I miss feeling him inside of me and knowing he was there. It's horrible. I love him. I love him so much, but I feel so empty inside. And now we'll be going to Europe, I worry that he'll be hurt for not being Zeke's son. Or that Luca will be taken. That they won't let me have both the boys with me" Like fuck their boys wouldn't be with them. Mikasa's squad was coming with them, Historia and Ymir would be there, Historia and Steege, even Hanji and Moblit. And Armin, of course "We won't be alone. Your magic has started coming back, hasn't it?" "Small spells and sparks on my fingers don't really count. Levi... I love him, but I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm being a good mother to him. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. When I was pregnant, I was terrified I wouldn't get to meet him, or that something would be wrong... and now... I don't know... I feel so empty without him. I'm sorry" "Eren, it's ok. I can't say I know what it's like to carry a child inside of you. To feel them move, and to have them with you constantly. But I can tell you, you're being the best mother you can be" "But I feel empty... I love Viren, yet some days... it's so messed up, Levi. He's beautiful and perfect. Everything he does, I love him even more" "And that's why you rub your belly? Because you miss him" "I feel like shit..." Nuzzling Eren's hair, Levi kissed his temple as he did "Thank you for telling me" "You're not mad?" "I'm not mad at all. I've been working with you these last two weeks. I've seen how hard you've been working. You're amazing" "You're one to talk... juggling the four of us" Levi would watch the kids in the mornings when Eren stayed up late. That's why he was still living in Armin's chambers. He'd been back and forth during the first week after Willy's departure. But Eren was a workaholic, and Armin was sick of waking up to find Eren working away at odd hours, when he wasn't ill "It's easier than expected. Armin's much more prepared to listen than Erwin was, and it also means more time with you and the boys. And when I start thinking that all of this will soon be behind us, and that it's all leading towards our future, things aren't so bad. I know Europe will be a shit show. I know it's not going to be easy on any of us, and that we don't know what will happen, but once it's over... that dream keeps coming to mind. You standing in the kitchen with Viren on your hip as you talk to him about whatever your cooking. Luca sitting on the kitchen bench where he knows he's not supposed to be, but you let him anyway because he's our boy. I still don't know what I'm going to do, but a home where you're waiting for me..." "I like this dream" "So do I. Maybe another pup or three running around and causing trouble?" Eren sniffled "You don't need to lie" "Need to lie?" "I'm..." "You're perfect. You've always been perfect" "My stomach isn't flat... you liked it flat" Did Eren seriously think that he didn't find him attractive? Their last attempt at anything sexual hadn't gone exactly well, but he didn't think Eren still harboured doubts over his desire for him "And I loved it full of our pup. I know your stretch-marks are starting to fade, but I love them. I love that you carried our pup. It makes me proud" "God. You're being too nice again. I feel like a shitty mother and now you're telling me I'm not" "Because you aren't. Like I said, I don't understand because I can never carry a child, but that doesn't make these feelings and emotions any less real for you" "I hate feeling like this... I get so mad at myself. One day I'll be fine, then the next it's hard to even function" "You've always been too hard on yourself. We just need to get through this. We will get through this" "I haven't heard from Willy since he left. I don't think he appreciated what I said. Should I have apologised?" Levi very nearly snorted. Eren's words hadn't left much room for interpretation. If his mate had apologised, he probably would have wounded the alpha's pride even further "No. What you said was what needed to be said. Everything you've said is what needed to be said. You make me so damn proud of you, and then you don't even realise it" "Because I don't see what there is to be proud of. Words are just words" "Words aren't just words. You take your words and turn them into actions" "How do I know if my words are the right ones?" "Generally the angrier you get all those fucked up rich pigs, the more right you are" "I... they make me so angry" "I've noticed. Yet, you've always spoken of peace. For humanity to find its way to peace and and freedom. You are my hope" "Then you're an idiot" "Perhaps. No matter what happens Eren, I'll always support you" "Even when I fuck up?" "Even when we both fuck up" Eren gave a small laugh, before sinking against him completely. His mate's hand found his, squeezing lightly as he did "God. I don't want tomorrow to come" "I know. I promise you, I won't allow our boys to be alone" "Thank you... I mean, Mikasa is pretty capable, as is her squad. And you're capable... I know we won't be alone, but Levi... I need to ask you something serious, and I need you to promise me something" Levi had a feeling he knew exactly what Eren was about to ask of him "If something does happen, I want you to place Luca and Viren before me..." There it was... Even though he hadn't voiced his fears, Levi was also nervous about what would come once they left the comfort of the castle. Not everyone in Europe was as kind and welcoming as Hannes, and not everyone was accepting of dragons. Eren being pregnant before marrying Zeke would label him a slut or a whore, despite being both bonded and engaged, in the eyes of many "... I need you to promise me" "Eren" "Levi, please. I could never live with myself if something happened to them because of their association with me. I could never recover from losing them. We've already lost so much. They're both so young and small... they both need their father" "They also need their mother" "Please. If something happens, I'll find a way to take care of myself. They can't. Our boys can't" Nothing was going to happen. That was the prayer that played on loop on his mind. Eren was growing more and more distressed as he waited for his answer. Levi knew he couldn't lose Eren. He'd be destroyed, but he also couldn't lose his sons. If the time came, no matter what happened or what it cost him, he'd find a way for the three of them to keep living "I promise... I promise on our bond I'll find a way" "Thank you... I know I'm an idiot. I'm stubborn and hot headed, and tend to speak before I think. But thank you for loving me" "You make it sound like this is our last night together" "No... I don't want it to be our last night together. I want to keep getting better. I want that dream to be something more than a dream. Sometimes I wonder if I'm still dreaming. If I ever woke up from that coma... sometimes I want to wake up" Dreams hadn't been the greatest or easiest of things for either of them since Obsydin came into their lives. Again, it was another fear that Levi had swallowed down. The dragons madness had spread to Hannes, leaving him to wonder if maybe Luca and Eren had both been affected and tainted by the dragon's magic. Obsydin naturally took offence, but he also couldn't deny the natures of his own powers "So a small house, with more pups? You really wouldn't mind?" "I'd like more pups, or a brood. Sometime in the future. When we're finally free" "I promise you we will be" "Mmmm. I'll hold you to that. Thank you for coming to talk to me. I was so ashamed of what I feel. Though, I probably would have yelled at you if you'd tried to help sooner" "You don't need to be ashamed. I respect you, and know what this means to you. To have space to work your own headspace out" "I know it's not easy for you" "It's not easy for either of us. I was so caught up in trying to keep you safe, that I failed to really comprehend everything going on around us. I mean, I knew what was happening, yet when compared to you, I couldn't find the effort to truly care" "That's because you're a softy" Levi's alpha growled at their omega's playful words "I'm not soft" "Right. You're a big bad alpha" "I'll big bad alpha you, if you keep this up" Eren pulled back in his lap to meet his eyes "If I said I wanted to try, what would you say?" Try what?... oh... oh... seriously? "You want to..." Why was he suddenly feeling so shy about sex? And why did his face feel warmer than usual? Eren was quick to deflate, mumbling out "We don't have to" "No. I... would like to" "I've healed... but if you don't want to..." "It's not that I don't want to. I don't want things to dissolve into... well, what happened last time" "I understand" "I don't think you do. I really don't think I'm going... to... you know" "Come?" If the gods could slay him right now, his pride might just stand a chance. Giving them a moment, no divine intervention came. Levi overcome with embarrassment "Last. Ok. I don't think I can last. Last time, I nearly came before I even pushed inside of you, you little shit" "You're embarrassed" No fucking shit. Eren got him all kinds of worked up, and masturbating didn't help matters "Shut up" "I don't mind" "I do" "I don't... we... have all night..." "I'm an alpha" "I know. I know you've also been trying to be considerate. I appreciate it" This little shit... if he wasn't his omega, Levi would walk right out on him "I didn't mean to... I mean, I want to feel good with you. I want to try and bring back the more intimate side of this relationship, and I don't want to regret not being with you tonight if something happens" "Nothing is going to fucking happen" Eren sighed softly, clearly disbelieving him "Hey. I'm serious. I won't let anything happen" "Then be with me tonight?" "Alright. But no fucking laughing at me" "Levi, I would never. This... sex with you has always been something more. I want that back. I'm sensitive over my stomach, but I want this back" "I love your stomach" "I still need time" "Then I won't touch your stomach" "Good... can I present myself?" If the gods that he'd prayed to for help were watching, the were probably laughing at the fact Levi went hard embarrassingly fast at the thought. They were also probably as confused as he was as to how Eren had suddenly decided he wanted sex after crying in the bathroom... and now his mate wanted to present himself... maybe they really had slain him in bed, and now he was in some kind of Eren fuelled heaven? Growling, Levi pushed Eren down on the bed, his leg coming over so he was straddling his mate as his lips found his. Whining into the kiss, Eren's hands clawed at Levi's nightshirt, his hips bucking up as he fought to strip the alpha. Finding he couldn't kiss Levi and strip him, Eren let out a growl of his own. The half dragon using his strength to flip their position before Levi knew what had happened. Breaking the kiss for a moment, Levi found himself stripped of the stupid nightshirt before Eren rushed to free himself of his. Seriously, Levi could see nothing wrong at all with Eren's naked body, especially when illuminated by the soft glow of the glowstones as he discarded the garment. His soft lines and rounder hips... his small pert breasts and tummy... it was intoxicating "You're so fucking perfect" Diving in for another hard kiss, Levi's hands went to Eren's arse, the omega moaning as Levi tugged upwards "Sit on my face. I want to fucking taste you" "I have a better idea" With his arse on Levi's face, Eren had control of the whole situation as he bobbed his head. His soft sweet lips, and the slightest amount of teeth against Levi's dick. With each slide down, Levi was forced not to rock too hard up into Eren's mouth. His brain had was already struggling to keep up with Eren riding his tongue. He needed to be in his mate, and he couldn't take being so close to coming, and regaining some measure of self control. He was only human. Pushing Eren up, his mate whimpered as his lips and tongue left his sopping opening. Almost hesitantly, Eren pulled back to look over his shoulder "Levi?" "I need to fuck you. I'm about to lose control" Whining, Eren crawled forward to arch his back and push his arse out. His hands fisting the blankets as he presented himself perfectly "I'm close... I need it too. Need your knot" "Fuck... sweet boy..." "Please... I want to come, sir" "Hold still for me, and let me know if it hurts" "It hurts not having you in me. I want it hard and fast" Eren was certainly lose enough, though Levi was still apprehensive as he slid up from under him. Wet with slick and wet with Eren's saliva, Levi lined himself up. Pushing in slowly, Eren let out an obscenely loud and long moan. Levi's knot already beginning to swell "Shit..." "Fuck, Levi..." Neither of them could last. Riding Eren hard and fast, it was only a matter of moments before they both came, Eren clenching around him so hard that Levi saw stars for a moment. Shit... fuck. His hips stuttering as he rode Eren through his orgasm, the omega whimpering as he was pushed down hard against the mattress, Levi triggering a second orgasm in his younger lover that left his mate boneless beneath him. Riding out the harder of the first pulses of come ungainly, Levi moved to pull Eren up against him as they lessened, his mate's magic briefly warming his body before fading. Both of them needing several moments to come back to reality, which was enough time for Levi to begin to worry he'd hurt his mate "Eren? You ok, sweet omega?" "Mmm... I came so fucking hard" "I didn't hurt you, did I?" "Think I'm still coming. Feels good" Slipping his hand down between Eren's thighs, Levi gave a small experimental tug as he milked the last few drops of semen from his mate. Whining at him, Eren started to wriggle as Levi worked his spent dick "Came twice... let me recover" "Ok, baby boy. Do you want to lay down?" "Mmm... want to cuddle. Missed cuddles" Guiding Eren down, Levi's knot tugged hard enough for his mate to hiss. Apologising softly, Levi made sure Eren wasn't laying in his own mess as he snagged the closest blanket to cover them both. Trying to keep his omega's insecurities in mind, he had one arm awkwardly propping himself up, while the other was snaked around Eren, above the blanket "You ok?" "Mmm... we always did fuck good" Laughing, Levi kissed Eren's scales again "Still out of it?" "Yep... I think I passed out when I came" "That good?" "Mmmm..." "Ok. You just rest" "'m rest'n... feel really good" Despite Eren's dopey and sated state, his mate managed to stay awake long enough to demand a second round, before passing out for all of five minutes as their post coital bliss was interrupted by Viren's cries. Eren was in no state to even remember his name, let alone do something about feeding their son, leaving Levi to clean him down and gather him up, carrying him across to the omega's room to take care of their baby. With his breasts already leaking, the omega was a beautiful mess. Levi had over indulged in marking his lover's skin, littering his neck and shoulders with hickeys that Eren would probably scold him over in the morning, yet couldn't bring himself to regret it. Smiling sleepily, Eren curled into his as Viren fed, falling asleep with the pup still latched to his nipple. There was nothing he wouldn't do to protect his family. Nothing at all. * Frowning at the hickeys along his neck and shoulder blade, Eren's fingers ghosted across the bruised skin. Knowing how important today was the omega wished Levi had held back, yet at the same time the marks brought forth a dizzy kind of happiness each time he caught sight of them in the mirror. Each mark was proof that Levi held him, and each mark was a small sign that Eren belonged to the alpha. It was hard to be mad after the man had turned his mind to a soggy mess of pleasant numbness. He'd even slept like a log, sleeping through Armin waking and showering with Luca, Levi showering, Viren's early morning nappy change. When he'd finally been woken by Levi, he felt more refreshed and less nervous than he had in days, despite his fear that Europe was going to be one huge mistake. Scolded thoroughly by Armin for having "disturbingly loud sex" in his chambers was all it took for his mood to be ruined. Armin didn't mean it as more than teasing, with a slight reminder to be quieter in future, not when he'd asked more than once if they'd tried being physical again but Eren couldn't help but feel both ashamed and bad that Armin had overheard him crying out in pleasure. His anxieties manifesting as a queasiness in his stomach that had him unable to look at breakfast, let alone try to actually eat. Keeping to himself, his head was lowered as he followed Mikasa, Armin and Luca towards the castle training grounds to meet Freya. Levi was by his side, his alpha not sure what had upset him, but knowing they didn't have time to explore the issue. Reaching Freya, the female rider knew something was wrong with him the moments she laid eyes on him. His relationship wasn't as good with her as his one with Historia was, but he appreciated the fact she made the effort to congratulate him on Viren's birth, and that she same a special fuss of Luca. Leading Luca over to meet Steege, the little dragon showed no fear as he ran right up to Steege. Lowering his head to Luca's level, the elder dragon found himself cautiously bopped on the nose, before Luca wriggled his butt in a clear sign that he wanted to play. Groaning in embarrassment, Eren covered his face as their friends laughed at Luca's antics. He really needed to teach Luca that not everyone was a friend, even if Steege seemed to take no offence at the action. Squatting down next to Luca, Freya calmly introduced him to Steege. Despite Steege's usual stoicism, the elder dragon moved his front left foot to calmly play softly with Luca, rolling and running around in circles, Luca seemed to be having the time of his life as Freya returned to them "I'm sorry about Luca. He loves everyone" "He's a special little dragon. Historia spoke fondly of him, and I can see why. It's clear he is well loved" "Is Steege alright playing with him? I can't really shift at the moment..." Freya was quick to interrupt him "Steege might look fierce, but he would never hurt a young dragon" "I mean, I hope he isn't being too much of a handful. He gets quite enthusiastic over things" "They'll be fine. Now, do you have everything you need? Historia has arranged what she can on her end, but she was given a message to make sure you brought papers with you?" Willy. He couldn't leave well enough alone, could he? "Yes. Everything I need has been packed in the trunk I am sharing with Levi" With a duplicate copy left at the castle incase things went wrong "Excellent. And who else are we waiting on?" "The remaining members of Mikasa's squad, as well as the leader of our science division..." "I thought Shitty Glasses would have been here by now. She's usually pissing herself with excitement over dragons" Eren closed his eyes and counted to five before opening them again. He really needed Levi to not be quite so "Levi-ee". He couldn't handle it. He wanted everything to be as polite as possible, so they could hurry up and leave before he found the courage to run. It already felt like their plans to leave had changed a hundred times in the last month. His alpha was really fucking lucky that Freya was part of the new age royals that could take a joke "We still have time. I want to make sure no one is left behind. It's a long flight after all" "I don't know if Viren will sleep through..." Looking to his son, Viren was asleep for now... "Eren, I assure you that neither myself or Steege find offence in your two precious sons. I can feel how worried you are, and how weak your magic currently is. No harm will come to your children while we are present. You are a dragon of Draecia, despite what my father may say, and a friend to our royal household. Calm your heart and take a breath. We will get you there safely" Placing her hand on his arm, Freya's magic pulsed through him softly. His own magic allowing the gently calming feeling. Her specialty might not be healing, not on Historia's scale, but he appreciated it "I... I know. I'm sorry. I've been like this since the birth of Viren. This morning has been less than perfect, and I fear what happened once we reach Europe. I worry for Luca, given he's so friendly and has no magic of his own" "I think he's won Steege over. Albino dragons are exceedingly rare" "He was hatched from a damaged egg that took over 20 years to hatch. I wish he could have met his biological father. He was a great man" "Right now, he knows all he needs to know. That he is loved deeply by you and by Levi. It's almost as if he waited all this time to meet you" "I had a rough heat, and his father was kind enough to let me hold his egg close. I didn't know if I should bring him with me when he passed, but I couldn't imagine a life without him" "I was truly over joyed for you once I learned of your pregnancy. You deserve to be happy" "Thank you. I know I'll see Historia soon, but how has she been? It's not the same only conversing by letters" "She's good. Very happy, and very over being pregnant. Her clutch will be here soon, I say two eggs, but she won't listen to me" "Oh? How many does she say?" "Ymir said four as joke, now she's scared it's true" "Given that it's a small clutch, I hope for her sake it's only two. Yet the dragon part of me wishes her a large clutch" "Birth isn't easy" "No. No it really isn't. Poor Levi here had to deliver Viren, as well as most of my clutch. I'm very lucky to have him" "You two seem... happy" Eren didn't miss the way Freya paused. Historia probably told Freya a little of his ups and downs with Levi, or Ymir had been bad mouthing his alpha "We're trying. I'm all over the place at the moment, but we're trying. We're both adjusting to everything that happened, but yeah... we're getting better. Right?" "Yeah. We're getting there" Coming to join them, Armin was dwarfed in his thick fur coat. The winter morning holding more than a little bite despite the sun being up "Save me. Mikasa started talking security protocols and then noticed I wasn't paying attention" Eren couldn't stop himself as he took half a step away from Armin, trying to make it look natural as he did. His body reacting before he could do anything "Did you seriously run away from me?" "Mikasa is scary?" His excuse was strained. Armin didn't seem to notice, but both Freya and Levi did. Shit. He didn't want to be like this around his best friend "I am not scary. I wanted to know why Armin thought it was ok not to carry a sword, and why Levi hadn't advised him to" "We're probably going to be stripped of our weapons before entering the court. When we're not in court, we will be together. Armin is faster at running than with a sword" "Thanks, Levi" Levi had insisted that they make time in the mornings to go through basic drills, which clashed with Mikasa's training schedule for Armin. While Armin was training, Eren was forced to wield the knife Levi had gifted him. Of course, Levi could read him like a book, and every morning he chose was one of Eren's better days. He definitely wasn't a virtuoso, and it's led to him playing catch up on his reports for submittal in Europe, his proposals for Eldia, and the few papers he had in regards to Marley. Though Marley was pushed to the back burner once the warships had finally left their waters "He still should be carrying a sword, at least for the sake of appearances" "We can't show up in Europe preaching peace and brandishing weapons. It doesn't work like that. Eren, back me up" "Armin..." Mikasa sighed dramatically as she crossed her arms. Things were still a little shaky between them, and given how it was now a month to the day since his birthday had passed, he didn't know how to fix things between them. He could feel his emotions getting the better of him, even before Mikasa replied with "Don't back him up" Stepping sideways again, Levi wrapped his arms around him "That's enough. We're all cold and tired. We'll sort the sword thing out when we get there. Armin's dressed the part, and the idea of peace is that weapons will one day cease to be necessary. While I can't say I truly believe that will ever be the case, we don't know what we'll be walking into. For now, Armin doesn't get a sword. Eren, why don't we make sure Luca hasn't gotten himself hurt while playing with Steege. He's not the most coordinated of dragons" Eren could have kissed Levi if he wasn't feeling so upset at himself for being mad at Armin. Armin had done nothing wrong... he'd been the one in the wrong for wanting his mate, and wanting to reconfirm things between them "You're both running away. You're supposed to be on my side" "We would be if Mikasa wasn't so damn scary" "Excuse me for being scary. I don't want things to dissolve into an international incident" Levi snorted softly "It's far too late for that. We have two princes, two princesses, two dragon riders, and four dragons to protect, and my pup. As well as the human soldiers, Hanji and her baby sitter, Moblit. Knowing Marley, they'll be armed to the teeth, no matter what Eren wishes. Outside of our party, there really isn't anyone we can trust. Willy obviously has an agenda of his own, and there have already been death threats made towards Eren. Our first appearances will be everything. That's why Eren is unarmed, as is Armin. We need to appear as if we have nothing to hide" That wasn't strictly true. Eren had his blade hidden in his boot. It seemed to him that his mate had given more consideration to the circumstances of their arrival than he'd thought, or perhaps he was simply intending on getting under Mikasa's skin due to her attitude. He hated being in the middle of all of this. He hated his mate and his sister fighting because he'd lost his temper. He missed Mikasa "Let's check on Luca. My instincts are starting to play up" Lead away from the group, Eren let out a long breath that turned into a coughing fit. Taking Viren from him, Levi supported him until he finally regained control of his breathing, leaving him with niggling itch in the back of his throat. Across from them, Steege had Luca pinned down, their son squirming and kicking at the dragon's foot. Luca seemed far too happy for the hour of the morning, causing Eren to feel like a bad mother all over again at the lack of time they'd been able to spend playing "He seems happy" "I was just thinking that. We're lucky Steege is kind enough to keep him entertained" "Indeed. Do you want to talk about Armin?" "No. I mean, it's stupid. He asked if we'd been intimate and teased me when I said no. I feel bad that he heard us. I'm not exactly quiet, and I'm sure the scent of our sex was in the air when I woke up" "Don't let it bother you" "How can I not? I... sex with you is never just sex, and I... you do know Freya and Steege can hear this?" God. If only he could rewind time "Eren, you don't need to be embarrassed. I'm not embarrassed to be with you. Armin was asleep for most of the night" "He heard us" "He's probably heard us before. Neither of us are quiet. I for one love..." "Don't you dare continue that sentence. Look. I'm making myself sick with worry over Europe, and letting it put me on edge. I'm mad at myself for being upset over everything, and I know I'm building this up in my head" "I know you are. I also know the moment we land, you will slip into the role of prince effortlessly, because that's what you do. You have a drive and a fire in you that unites people. You brought together Draecia and Eldia, then Marley. I hadn't mentioned this, but if you are required to wear a sword on your hip, I think you should carry "Vermil". It was left to you by Zeke. It is also important evidence that Marley murdered and abused Obsydin's mate. I've spoken with him, and he agrees that you should be the one to carry "Vermil" Because dragon swords had never caused either of them problems. Obsydin may have helped Levi, but what came next for the elder dragon? And what if something happened to the sword? He'd never forgive himself if he took Vermil from Obsydin "Think about it. We also have other Eldia swords packed, though I am going to make certain you have no need to draw upon it" "I... will think about it" Both of them knew that meant no. Not unless it was absolutely necessary, which it might just be as Levi was correct. It was another piece of evidence. Historia had already submitted the collars and chains from the three tortured dragons. No doubt she had other evidence from the Draecia and Marley border. Maybe it was also somewhat selfish, but Vermil was always a reminder of Zeke's kindness. He wanted to reunite the sword, even if his reason wasn't right. He'd chosen at the last moment to reveal the desire. Other than the ring he'd been forced to wear when they wed, he had nothing else but his memories of the man... and whole lot more trouble to wade through before he got his dream ending with his mate "That's all I ask, and that you're open with me. Eren, if you feel you can't be open while we are in Europe, I can put a command on you for you're own safety" Wrinkling his nose, Levi was lucky he loved him "You sound like every abusive alpha in the world when you say it's for my safety" "What I mean is, I want you to tell me if anyone threatens you. I want you to tell me if you are a hurt, or hurting, emotionally or physically. If someone says something to hurt you, or insulting towards you. I want you to know you do not and will not have to follow the commands of any alpha other than myself, no matter why they say. You don't have to listen to their commands. I want you to know I believe in your and your words. I want you to tell me if someone hurts you, or if something else happens. I want you to be safe. No matter what anyone says, no one will place a command on you. If they try, you will ignore it" A shiver ran through Eren, Levi's voice had slipped into a command smoothly. Frowning, Eren didn't know how to interpret this "You put a command on me" "I can remove it. But that command is the command I would like to leave in place for your own safety and peace of mind. Alphas are arseholes and you, you're my omega. I refuse to let another alpha force their words upon you when you deserve the world. Would you like me to remove it?" "You... I didn't think you'd go ahead and place one on like that" "I will removed it this instant if you didn't like it..." "No... no. You've always been so kind and gentle with your commands. You've always looked out for me. I didn't think about commands, or the fact that I can be commanded by any other alpha even though we are bonded. I think it's best it stays. Though... there may be moments when I struggle because of it" "I understand. If you need me to take it off at any time, tell me and I will instantly. You're my partner and my equal. I don't own you, and I don't want you feel like my property. Even though you're mine and stuck with me" "I love you. Thank you. You manage to make things seem better, or is that because of the command" "No. I didn't command you to love me or to feel happy. I want you to feel your own emotions and make your own decisions accordingly" "I'm really fucking lucky to have you" "I'm the lucky one. Oh, shit. Hanji is finally here. I guess this means we'll be mounting soon?" "Will you be alright? Or should I take Viren?" "No. I'll carry him. At least Steege is wearing a saddle" "You survived perfectly fine without one" "We didn't have this little pup to think about last time we were flying long distances. Here, let's get settled before Hanji makes a scene" "Hanji is going to make a scene no matter what we do" "This is true... I may or may not want to sit as far away from her as possible" Groaning at his mate, Eren bit the bullet "Yes. Ok. Hanji and I have been off. You can't use that as an excuse to push her away. You need your friends and she needs you as much as you need her. I know you're going to say you don't, but if we're not working together, than this... all of this, will fall apart. I don't care what she says or does, I care about the fact I know it bothers you" "This coming from you, when you haven't made up with Mikasa" Eren hissed at his alpha "Exactly. When you make up with her, I'll give Hanji 5 whole minutes of my time for her to explain" "Those 5 minutes must all be at once and that explanation needs to be related to how she and you are going to fix things between both of us. We can't leave the kingdom with any friction remaining" Levi took the bait. His alpha wanted out of all of this as badly as he did "Fine. For our future, I will speak to her. Now, will you please get on the dragon? I've had enough standing around" Reaching out Eren cupped Levi's left cheek with his hand. Dropping a soft kiss on his mate's lips, he smiled slightly "Thank you, Levi"
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E05 Manga Reader Poll Results
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The poll closed with 407 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
Note: So we messed up this week by forgetting to add the additional comments section to the poll. While we still nabbed some comments from the “other” option on some questions, there won’t be as much commentary on this episode’s poll results.
RATE THE EPISODE 395 Responses
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The vast majority loved the episode, with most ratings being a 4 or a 5. A solid .5% of voters did not like the episode. 
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Seeing our protagonist again nearly three episodes of almost total absence won for the favorite moment of the episode. The cave was a sight to see for sure! Following behind Eren, Anka being dramatic, Pixis declaring the coup d’etat, and Squad Levi + Hange interactions were other favorite moments this week.
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While 81% of respondents thought the cave was incredible, a small amount of folks thought it was a bit too blue.  Either way I think we can all agree it was an overwhelming sight for Eren to wake up to!
Erwin's eyes are bluer!
Gorgeous but underwhelming compared to shirtless Eren's beauty
I believed it was going to be more shiny. In the manga Eren wasn't able to tell if that was day or night because the crystals were shining a lot.
I love how they tied the cave with the crystal we saw Annie make, but i always imagined it as the green glowing rocks we saw in the ACWNR Ova. Still great though.
Looks like Elsa's ice castle
So much blue... I mean, I know that it'll be blue but I imagined that a little bit different. But seriously I don't know what's I was expecting XD
Too blue, but still Breathtaking!
i was expecting a different colour/shade but still pretty cool
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Looks like 3/4ths of respondents thought Eren wore the chains better. Can we please stop seeing our fave characters in chains though?  
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Springles definitely take the gold and silver here with Connie’s kick and Sasha using Mikasa as ‘support’ for her jump of joy!  Third place was Levi with his characteristic lack of reaction.
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Looks like the majority of viewers thought getting more exposition this week was necessary and made sense, but we’re looking forward to the upcoming action in the next few episodes!
All the talk was necessary for the story. We can't always have action, especially in this arc. But this kind of talk is over I think and we're going to have a lot of juicy flashbacks next and I'm looking forward to that!
I think they crammed as much talking as they could to the last 3 episodes to get the political drama done and get to the real action.
It kinda made sense, but I'd like to see more action next time
The manga was better tham this shit
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This crack question was pretty much tied for first place, with 41% reacting with ‘lmao yikes™’ and close to 40% of respondents saying Zackley’s face is a Mood and - either way we all related to Erwin’s ‘huh?’ here.
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This question had responses all over the board with first place being those thankful for WIT doing his muscles justice and second being more of a *shrug*. The rest of the responses were… pretty much thirst.
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Looks like 53% of the manga reader fandom are very much enjoying the season so far and 28% are content. That’s a big change from episode two where only 15% of respondents were enjoying it.  
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Hange and Moblit’s role being passed to Flegel in the press confrontation was a change that the majority of voters didn’t really have an opinion about, though those that did would have preferred the anime to stay faithful to the manga here.
Better because they managed to make the subplot smaller without completely ruining it
Dissapointed but understandable bc of his earlier scenes being cut
Don't like the fact they leave out the whole story on the reporter
Either ways are fine for me. I'm just feel bad for Dime Reeves.
I prefer the Hange/Moblit version, but I wasn't upset at the Flegel version.
I think that they made a mistake by changing this scene. It made press people less important in my opinion. I liked that old man was scared, confused and stuff. Here, they just told him a few words and job done! I'm really dissapointed :(
I'm glad he got a little bigger role to play and he was more badass. This way maybe he won't be forgotten so fast.
I'm more concerned about the fact they reduced the whole subplot of the media staying quiet for fear of the government to a single flashback scene. Kinda diminishes the message that "everyone's small contribution can make a change", but I'll let it slide since the pacing is being improved
It definitely shows Flegel's development as a character, but I missed that Hange-Moblit action
Prefer isn't the right word. This was my favorite arc for Hange, so I wanted their moments of badassery captured as much as possible, but I found the Flegel substitution very fitting. I like how they've propped up Flegel in this adaptation!
Why not Flegel AND Hanji and Mobilt?
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Only 17% of respondents think were going to get the shit machine, while the rest thing it either won’t make an appearance or will be censored or replaced by another form of torture.  
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Over half the respondents are looking forward to Grisha killing the Reiss family - god this fandom is morbid - and second place goes to Kenny’s flashbacks. We say - why not both? The next episode is going to be a wild ride emotionally. Buckle up.
Thanks again to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Monday!
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ephemeralem0tions · 7 years
4100 Chapter 5 - It Takes Two
I seriously need to boost this story, I have noticed its having a hard time gaining reads unlike my past fics. Please drop by and read it if you can <3 
P.S. Abby is Hanji
Theme: future AU
Rating: PG
Warning: Curse words, future nsfw, violence
AO3 version overe here x
Send a request here >>> ASK
He adjusted the cuffs of his long sleeve polo with ease, then topped everything with a blazer which completed the formal look. He sure looked like a noble himself, if only he dressed like this every single day. But of course, he would not. The clothes may look good, but they are far less comfortable than people think. The tight slack restrain him from moving too much, collar somewhat chocking him and rubbing around his neck, the double layers making him feel the heat which will make him sweat a lot if there was no proper air conditioning. Still, he felt that the get up was incomplete.
He pulled out one of his white cloths that he usually used as bandanas from his closet. Artfully tying it around his neck till it became a cravat.
“Not bad” he whispered, admittedly admiring himself in front of the mirror. He also had his hair slicked back with hair gel, his freshly groomed undercut showing below the tamed hair above.
“I hate this dress” Abby groaned, entering his room and tugging the neckpiece of her halter type gown. She looked human, and started to act like a human as soon as he got up. This is the first time he’s actually seen her looking genuinely irritated and not smiling. What a good actress, she really did her research last night.
She continued to pull the sparkling fabric away from her neck and he sighed. Erwin may have went over board with their undercover outfits. The goal was to look less noticeable, but her stunning sparkly gown may even draw the attention closer to them. Abby’s back was also exposed to the public. Although her figure lacked some chest, she was tall, thin and well built for a woman’s body. She would surely be a topic for young bastards in the gala. Only they don’t know she actually isn’t human after all. Especially if she keeps a great act.
“Stop pulling at it, you might rip it. For all we know Erwin might have splurged his tight ass budget for this” he hissed, pulling her hands away from herself.
“But its really itching, I hate it” she frowned. Fucking great pretentious girl indeed.
He eyed at her nape which was already turning red fro all the scratching. Wow, she can even make herself physically human now and have rash.
“Its because of your hair, its hitting the area and causes more irritation” he pointed out.
“So what am I supposed to do? Cut it?” she rolled her eyes. Was that a terrible display or sarcasm? Or a bratty attitude.
He grabbed her hair and inched her face closer to his, slightly bending forward so their heights would match. Geez, her hair feels so greasy, is it the product of being a bionic? He made a mental note to tell her to take a bath. Or can she even take a bath?
“You tie it four eyes” this time, he was the one who rolled his eyes at her. “I thought you were supposed to be the smartest in your kind?” he smirked once seeing her rare, irritated look.
“I am! I’m just still having a hard time coping up with this human thing” she sighed.
His mind suddenly drifted off to the time when he’d fix Isabel’s hair into pigtails, or braids in some occasions. He wondered if he can still work the magic and do it on Abby.
“Where are you going?” she asked him, once he passed her and went straight towards a drawer beside his bed.
“Tying your hair” he nonchalantly replied, pulling out a spare black cord he remembered he had.
He gestured for her to sit on the edge of the bed, and he carefully, and artfully tamed her hair the best he could. He twisted it upwards with both hands as he stuck the cord between his teeth. He then layered her hair on top of her head into a neat bun before securing it with a cord. Then, he pulled small wisps of hair back to her face so it looks quite like an unintended but beautiful mess.
“This is actually really nice” she complimented his work, after looking at herself in the mirror. But his brows furrowed upon realizing that she would make the perfect show stopper with her current look. He should have messed up more to the point that she would look like a Poodle and no one would dare look at her. Or would that bring more disapproving looks on her?
“They’re here” she turned around and made her way towards the door with him in a tow. This is it, their second task begins.
“The deal is to look less distracting, you two look like you’re the fucking celebrant” Mike laughed, only to earn a harsh glare from Levi.
Compared to what him and Abby were wearing, Mike and Oriana’s suits were really far from what Erwin sent to him. Mike’s suit was almost similar to him, only that the fabric used was less shiny, cheaper in fact. The tall man also had a bowtie instead of a cravat, and he also made no effort with his looks. Mustache untamed as well as his hair. Heck, Mike’s bangs already covered his eyes. Oriana wore a rather plain satin dress, which had thin straps above her shoulders, and a straight cut right to her soles.
Certainly, Erwin had something up his sleeved, if he maid the pairs look different.
“You look beautiful” Abby greeted Oriana with a subtle smile.
“Thank you” Oriana replied, still stiff and evidently less human-like. Either Abby really did a great job, or it had something to do with their ranks.
“Considered we picked you up right at the HQ, it would only take us half an hour to reach Utgard. Did Erwin give special orders awhile ago?” he went back to his serious demeanor, and so did everyone inside the vehicle. This time, no more jokes, it was time to work.
“No, not at all” Mike responded. “But he did give the both of us these ear pieces so he can instruct things from the outside. He said he’ll be with the brigade to back us up at the perimeters of the palace” he was handed a small metal ball he inserted inside his ear. “Abby and Oriana can use the mind link to talk with everyone else” the two girls nodded.
“How about weapons? Did he give out guns?”
“Nope. He believes that we can pull this off with the help of our bionics. They are our lucky charm for this” Mike gave a glance to his partner, who just ignored him.
Damn yeah he has a clumsy bionic by his side. Whom he expected to be all great again on the mission. If there was a time to release all her talents, it was now.
“Sannes is by the bar, getting a drink” a static echoed right at his left ear after Mike spoke. Sure enough, he can see the target a good distance away from him and Abby.
It had been torture to him for the last two hours, trying not to shoot a death glare to everyone who came in their way. Glances were also directed to them, probably people thinking how wealthy he and his date are, but that is very far from reality. They were here for an undercover mission, possibly to kill someone if it was the worst case scenario.
“Target is on the move out” This time, Oriana was the one to speak. She had been standing on her post, casually chatting with a group of young men on a corner, while him and Abby stayed on the balcony. He figured it was the best spot, so he and Abby could be able to spy without any people watching their movements. She stood a good few meters away from him, a champagne glass in hand. If he didn’t know that she was a robot, he would have thought she was a princess.
“It is quite flattering Levi, but please, I am a bionic not a robot” damn, he forgot about the mind link. “Target moving towards the dance floor” She set her glass down on a tray of a server that passed by. His sight then followed Sannes, who indeed looked like he was about to socialize before he commits his crime.
“Levi” a sudden static made him wince and lean sidewards. Erwin’s voice came from the ear piece, booming and loud.
“Will you please be gentle?” he groaned.
“The dance is a waltz. Go to the middle with Abby” his eyes widened at the command.
“I thought we were supposed to go undercover? Not be the circus act?” he hissed. He wasn’t even sure if Abby can dance.
“Downloading basic step sequence” he internally cursed. “You know I can hear you right?”
He gave her a single glance, and in a split second the two were already making a grand re-entrance from the flower clad staircase, to the dance floor. God knows he never learned how to skate, nor dance. It was going to be a disaster, specially when he did not know how to lead.
“I’ll lead then” his eyebrows furrowed at her suggestion. “Just make it look like I’m the follow when I’m actually leading” This is going to be a disaster. “It won’t” her reassuring voice snapped him out of his negativity. “It takes two to tango. As long as you are showing effort, the two of us can pull it through”
He took one of her hands in his, his other arm supporting her back, while she grabbed his shoulder. She felt really warm, from the touch of her bare skin down her back. The heat seemed to envelope him as well, due to the piling circumstances. There was the pressure to dance, the lack of knowledge on why they are doing this, the number of eyes looking at them and only them. He knew he could not mess up and just get away with it. When Erwin has a plan, it always works, and he sure would not like to fail his second task. There will be a grave consequence if he slipped up on this one.
“I bust the windows out your car”
His eyes widened at the sudden change of phase by the music. This was no waltz! Damn Erwin tricked him!
“And no it didn’t mend my broken heart” Abby was quick to adjust, stepping sideways then right into a box step, the foundation of a tango. He silently prayed that his feet and body would let him sway with the flow. If he can shoot, fight, be acrobatically good, then perhaps he can also do an impromptu dance.
“I'll probably always have these ugly scars But right now I don't care about that part I bust the windows out your car”
She suddenly leaned backwards, and he caught her out of reflex, a few claps erupting from the crowd. She then lifted herself up, and stared at him right in the eyes. Her hazel irises were also warm, like her body. On contrast to his cold grey eyes and cold demeanor.
“Trust in me” it was as if she whispered inside his thoughts.
“After I saw you laying next to her I didn't wanna but I took my turn I'm glad I did it cause you had to learn”
Her hips started to sway into the rhythm, his breath hitched. ‘She’s just a robot, not a human’ he reminded himself.
“Again, I’m a bionic” She gave him a sinister smile and swayed even furiously against him. So she also knew the concept of teasing now. As she said, it takes two to tango, and it can also take two to play this game.
“I must admit it helped a little bit To think of how you'd feel when you saw it”
He took a few steps away from her and let himself loose in the music. He watched her every move against the light, remaining focused on his partner as he put on the face everyone loved. A playful looking Levi who smirked and glowed under the spotlight.
“I didn't know that I had that much strength But I'm glad you'll see what happens when You see you can't just play with people's feelings Tell them you love them and don't mean it You'll probably say that it was juvenile But I think that I deserve to smile”
They met again, their faces dangerously close to each other, while he caressed one of her cheeks in a seducing manner at the back of his palm, before pushing her away with a twirl and pulling her back into his arms.
“I bust the windows out your car You know I did it cause I left my mark”
He let her leaned backwards, slowly, and followed her till they were only inches away from the floor.
“Wrote my initials with a crow bar And then I drove off into the dark I bust the windows out your car You should feel lucky that that's all I did”
He pulled her back up, but never letting her free leg go. He brought it up to his waist level as her breath fanned out on his face. Their sweat started glistening like small beads through the light.
“After five whole years of this bullshit Gave you all of me and you played with it”
They stood there, in a daze, lips a few centimeters away from meeting entirely. She was really keeping up a good act. From his view, it looked like she was sincerely attracted to him as well for the moment.
He slowly closed his eyes as the crowd cheered for them. He pulled it off, thanks to his amazing partner, although he still would not admit.
“You don’t need to say it to my face” He saw her laughing as he opened his eyes. His breathing had barely turned to normal after fatigue and she was already laughing at him. Right, she isn’t human, he needed to get a grip.
“Hey short lover boy!” Mike’s voice echoed from his ear.
“What?” he asked with a groan.
“Target is already escaping towards the west wing. Oriana and I are on his trail, but we might need you on the opposite side” his eyes widened as he dragged Abby out of the dance floor.
“Shit” he cursed. “We are on our way”
He was already panting, trying to catch his breath whilst running, While Abby effortlessly jogged beside him with her usual smile. Either she is back to her old self, or adrenaline was rushing into her. But who knows? She is only a top class bionic with good acting skills and exemplary wits.
“Target has already reached the second floor” Abby had alerted him via the mind link. She was already effortlessly jumping from one step to another up the stairs, while he held unto the railings and silently cursed. Sure he was trained for cardio, but the dance had already slightly tired him. The running and jogging had taken its toll on him too. Days of no sleep, and no decent food due to his stress had surely caught up with him.
“Hey short stack, where are you? He’s already went out the terrace” Mike whispered from the other side of the intercom.
“This way Levi!” Abby peeked behind her to get a view of him as she turned towards the left.
“Already on the hallway you hairy beast” he responded, still trying to regain his normal breathing.
“Well hurry up!” he heard, before the line went dead.
They had no guns or knives to fight with, only two robots, or rather, bionics by their sides, and hand to hand combat skills. He aced the subject, and so did Mike, but the exact situation was never presented to them. They never knew how to apprehend Sannes the right way. There was a code, but he hoped the man did not carry a remote or any kind of bribing device with him or else the situation would be damned.
In all honesty, all he wanted for now is some rest and a cup of high grade tea. Everything in his life was already starting to set into place, his home and a stable but dangerous job. All he had to worry about now is Abby, and his budgeting.
“You fucktard! What are you doing?!” he winced as Mike’s booming voice rung in his ears.
“Levi!” Abby soon after followed. He started to wonder why they were talking like he did something wrong.
Then it dawned on him, he spaced out while walking. Abby, Mike and Oriana were no where to be seen, and Sannes was standing in front of him with a confused look. The now dark, and star clad sky behind the target.
“Can I, help you?” Sannes asked, a bit of hesitation evident with his tone.
He was shit with words, since then, he was never good with talking. He knew he would fuck up the first sentence that comes right out of his mouth, and he had no time nor patience to think about it logically. He gave away his most disinterested look and spoke.
“The code” he can already hear Mike’s face palm from his ear piece.
“The what?” his opponent tried to be innocent, and his brows furrowed in annoyance.
“You heard me” he growled. “The code”
“I have no idea what you are talking about” Sannes laughed, but he knew with the man’s tone that he was lying.
“Don’t shit with me. We know your plans for Trost and you are damned” the man smirked with his words. The intel was correct, the culprit had a plan in mind. Even if Sannes did not fire the missiles, he was already framed for stealing the code from the Factory city.
“So I suppose if I have the code, I’d just need to turn it over?” the man shrugged.
“Yes” he replied, although he already expected that there would be a catch. No villain was to succumb without a fight, not even in a fairy tale.
Soon enough, a metal controller was brought out of Sannes’ back pocket, a huge red button laying between the metal pad and the man’s thumb, just a few centimeters away from getting pressed. He knew it, the code would already be transmitted into one accessible object.
“I was going to fire this along with the fire crackers so that all Reeve’s attention would be on his beloved town as it crumbles. But you stealing the show had backfired my plan. At this very moment, the scientists are already probably trying to change the code so I don’t have any time to spare. I’d just have to let him witness a destroyed city the next morning after he comes ‘home’” his teeth gritted at the statement, if he took another step, Sannes would surely press the button without hesitation.
“Levi, distract him for a moment will you, I’m going in” He heard Abby from inside his mind.
“What?!” He reacted in disbelief. “What are you going to do?!” One single mistake, and the fate of the citizens of trost will vanish from their hands. He did not need a clumsy bionic right now, there must be another way.
“Just trust me! It takes two remember?” he sighed, he had to trust her, just like how they did on the dance floor.
“Any last words?” A sinister smile sat on Sannes’ chapped lips, making him cringe. Sure the villain role fitted the man, but his over try to become intimidating when he wasn’t — At least for him — was awful.
Abby emerged from his peripheral vision, sneaking behind Sannes. He silently prayed that she succeed in her plans, as he tried to take his gaze away from her.
“Yes” he replied, just to buy time.
“So what is it?” this, would probably be the dumbest antagonist we would know.
“Damn you little shit” Anger flamed from Sannes’ eyes. Surely, the once noble man could not take any insults.
“Why you-“ he was about to press the button, but Abby slapped it away just on time. She locked her hands on her wrists although she was failing miserably to hold the man due to him harsh movements.
He let his reflexes take over as he grabbed the remote from the ground, immediately putting it inside his pocket for safe keeping. Mike and Oriana had also emerged from one of the pillars behind him, stepping into the action.
“Fuck!” Abby yelped, one that greatly surprised him. She still held unto Sannes for a few good seconds before the taller man thrashed her to the side, whimpering. Although it is essential in work to finish the job first before thinking of yourself and your friends, he found himself rushing to his partner’s side while Mike and Oriana took care of Sannes.
Fury flashed in his eyes as Sannes dropped a steak knife down to the ground after getting pinned down by Mike. A gush of dark fluid rushed out of Abby’s left side, her eyes closed as if she was in pain. Maybe bionics can also feel pain once it reaches a certain intensity.
“Are you okay?” he crouch down beside her, pressing on her side and feeling the warmth.
For one moment, he was sure that he saw red after staring at his ‘blood’ tainted hands, but it suddenly turned blue, as if it was oil or gas. Her cut seemed like it was flesh as well, his confusion, curiosity and shock mixing all together with the mystery.
“Abby-“ he was about to ask her if she can heal, but she had already passed out in his arms, only a rip on her dress leaving the area where she was stabbed. Her skin, already a clean and fixed slate. All the regeneration must have taken its toll on her just as he was tired. They both needed a rest, and good food.
“Levi, lets go” Mike motioned for him to carry Abby, and so he did, despite the girl being ten centimeters taller than him. And for a moment, he wasn’t sure if it was shock, or dismay he saw in Oriana’s eyes, although he did not know why.
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sharky-bishaw · 7 years
Yoooooo gimme Erejearmin and LeviFar headcanons *grabby hands* 👀
Wait so you just want a list of them? Aight
As soon as you asked this I forgot half of my headcanons, so some of these are ones I thought of today
Levi is sorta uncomfortable in relationships and still needs his space, so Farlan respects that and isn’t too touchy or anything, but eventually Levi misses it and becomes incredibly clingy. Farlan takes full advantage of these moods with lots of cuddling and kissing (this is also usually when they would have sex)
(This is less LeviFar and more them just being kind souls together) When they were thugs/underground, if they ever had any sheets/clothes they didn’t have a use for anymore, they would go around and give them to homeless children on the streets, for them to wear/sleep under.
They would keep a small amount of the money they earned to themselves, so they could use it to buy gifts for birthdays. This idea mainly came about from Farlan’s need to spoil his boyfriend, and even though Levi though it was kinda pointless he slowly gave in to Farlan’s begging. Farlan always knew perfect gifts for Levi, and even though Levi wasn’t that good at it, Farlan still loved everything he got.
When Isabel joined they made it a smaller cut so they could afford for her to join in as well.
Farlan has a habit of walking around the house half-naked after showers because he can’t be bothered to get dressed yet. Although Levi got used to this eventually, it would’ve shocked him at first to see his new (suddenly very hot) roommate/partner in crime sitting naked in the kitchen, first thing in the morning.
Levi is most talkative at night and often will ramble on to himself about nothing because he’s too busy to notice Farlan fell asleep. Personally, Farlan loves to listen to Levi spewing nonsense as he drifts off to sleep, but everyone who in the same barracks as them hates it.
When Farlan and Levi got engaged (*coughcough* self-promotion) because they couldn’t afford rings or anything, they tied a thin coloured ribbon around the handle of their knives. Levi still has the knife with its ribbon during the current time of the snk universe, Hanji is probably the only who knows why he has it and when someone asks he doesn’t explain.
The ribbon things were from the one Farlan sometimes wore in the manga, which is on Levi’s knife, and Farlan’s knife has some of Kuchel’s shirt tied to it. They chose these because they both were very dear to them (Farlan’s ribbon was from his mum or something too idk).
They were both incredibly protective of each other (Isa too but not in a relationship way), mainly when it came to Erwin and Mike.
Farlan was always lowkey salty that Hanji forgot his name that one time, and would occasionally bring it up when they said his name like “Farlan? Who’s that? I don’t know a guy named Farlan. Weird name, huh?” *proceeds to ignore Hanji*. (but seriously Hanji wow, the only one to put effort into a salute and you forget his name? Wooooow rude much?)
In a modern au, Farlan would be the one to come up with impulsive ideas that they neither can or should do, and Levi is always the one who has to say no. These are the rare occasions where Isabel sides with Farlan, and it in no way helps Levi
“Levi, we should go to every Universal Studios around the world, and compare them!” “Farlan, no! We had to go to McDonald’s the other day, just to steal the ketchup packets because we can’t waste money on a whole bottle!”
Farlan had a slight crush on Levi before they had formally met, he’d always found him incredibly attractive but more importantly he looked up to him in a way, and found his personality very interesting. Then from moment they met he started falling for him further. 
Handholding during sex!
Before the three of them got together, Armin was a fucking nerd who wanted his to guy best friends (so excluding Mikasa, I haven’t just forgotten her) to get together. After a while of failed attempts, he went to Connie and Sasha for help, and they told him to fake love letters from each other. So Armin wrote them in the way Eren and Jean would, but they didn’t pick up on the style of writing and instead they both recognised Armin’s handwriting. He ended up with them both chasing after him, but he managed to work a compromise of “Let’s all just date each other then”
I can’t imagine them getting together in a non-messy way for some reason
When they found out about the whole titan shifters die after 13 years, there was not only an erejearmin cuddling/crying session, but also a 104th and Mikasa and Jean session.
Idk if the Jean’s mum owning some sort bakery/cafe is a popular hc in the fandom, or I’ve just happened to see it a lot, but we’re going with that for this one. Jean often takes Eren and Armin to see his mother, and then they will go to the cafe as a date.
 Eren and Jean will have little competitions over who loves Armin more, and even though Armin tries to stop them getting to into it, he loves the attention they give him. Eren will often have nightmares and night terrors that wake him up in the middle of the night. He used to either pace around the room or go down stairs, until he woke Jean up by accident. Before Jean had the chance to moan at him he noticed Eren was still shaken up, and after he explained Jean invited him to sleep in bed with him. They spoke with Armin in the morning, so now Eren alternates between them, rather than waking just one of them all the time. 
When sharing beds, Eren always has to snuggle into his boyfriend’s chest
Jean likes drawing Eren and Armin, and when they found out they put their money together to buy him some nice quality colours. Since he’s started using then he’s had a habit of accentuating their eyes.
When they started dating, Mikasa ran Jean through trials and tests to prove he was worthy to date her family. 
Eren was surprised to see how sensitive Jean actually when he got closer to him. 
One time when they went to help Historia at the care home, Jean got really attached to one of the children and spent the entire journey back to the barracks trying to convince Eren and Armin to adopt her. He cried when Historia told him she’d been adopted. 
If they’re sat together in the evening, Armin will take full advantage of being small and having two boyfriends, by laying his whole body across them, taking up as much of the space as he can. 
NSFW Headcanons
They’re comfortable enough with each other that they try out new kinks and stuff, but Levi is always the one a little more reluctant about things. 
Levi has a thing for making clean surfaces “dirty” which Farlan loves, but he doesn’t enjoy the thorough cleaning they have to do again afterwards.
Farlan loves to pleasure Levi, and will more than often put his entire focus on during sex. 
He also thinks that the Levi looks during and after sex is equal parts hot and cute.
Levi tends to swear and say I love you a lot whenever he bottoms (which is the majority of the time), whereas Farlan will normally say Levi’s name a lot.
Farlan always makes sure to start off very gently, to make sure it isn’t too much for Levi
Levi likes to keep going after he’s come, even if Farlan is done he loves it when he then either sucks him off or eats him out afterwards. 
Farlan makes sure to kiss Levi all over when they’re having sex, and he repeatedly tells him how beautiful he thinks he is
Farlan is especially good at eating Levi’s ass, and Levi is surprisingly good giving blow jobs. 
Levi’s skill however is from researching through dodgy books because he was nervous about his first time. 
|At first Levi would get embarrassed about cumming
One of Farlan’s favourite times was when he convinced Levi to ride him whilst wearing a skirt. 
His all time favourite is their first time though, as he remembers how great it felt to finally touch Levi in those ways he’d wanted to for so long. 
Farlan once managed to convince Levi to have a threesome, which they had with Jan. 
All three of them love frotting, not only because of how they feel but also because it’s one of the few things they can do where they know what the others are feeling at that time
Jean and Eren are generally quite vanilla, Armin, however, is pretty much the complete opposite. They’re both open to try pretty much anything, but some of the things Armin suggest can be quite intimidating. The two only really draw the line when it comes to hurting each other (further than spanking and choking) 
Armin likes to tease Eren and Jean a lot, but will often put in rules such as “you can only touch yourselves” or “you can only touch each other, but you have to watch me”
If he had the right pole, Armin would 100% know how to pole dance. 
Armin and Jean would probably want to make a sex tape
All three of them love the feeling of being wrecked, but Eren is the best at taking two at once 
They fucked by the ocean
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awesomest-awesomer · 7 years
Dreams: Cheater!Levi x Reader
(Y/N)’s POV
I open my eyes and see a crystal clear body of water. I’m lying on the sand and although I would normally be irked that this sand will be going in places that sand should not go, I find myself at peace. There’s something in my hand, I look down at my hand and see another. I follow the owner’s arm with my eyes and see the love of my life and my current boyfriend, Levi, looking at me with love and adoration a stark contrast to his normally bored and stoic visage. Normally I would soak in this beautiful yet rare experience but now I know that I’m in a fantasy world. The man I fell in love with would never look at me with love and happiness but instead disgust and shame and its all my fault.
Its my fault because I’m worthless, ugly and undeserving of even a glance of Levi and recently he’s been that to me everyday for the past month. I sigh and shift closer to the fake Levi, this dream started off so well but now is so bitter that I want to wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up…
I open my eyes for real this time. My eyes are met with the boring white ceiling, I move my hand around the other side of the bed and is met with cold and empty sheets.
He’s gone to work early again.
I’m not surprised anymore. For the past month Levi has been leaving for work early in the morning and coming home late at night. I always thought that he was just a hard worker or was trying to get promoted but now I think otherwise. I don’t know what he’s doing but I do know that whatever it is has been putting a wall between me and Levi. Its weird that we live in the same house but never talk to each other anymore maybe its because we don’t see each other either.
When me and Levi started dating he was kind and generous, always putting my feelings and needs above his own. I know he may not seem like it because of the stoic facade he usually puts on but he’s actually a nice person who cares about the people in his life. He always showered me with kisses, hugs, cuddles and little tokens of appreciation so much so that it was no longer surprising to feel an arm come out of nowhere for a hug or a pair of lips finding their way onto my cheeks, forehead, hand and finally my lips but now that pleasant normality went away faster than the speed of light.
“I have extra work today I’m going to be late.”
“I don’t have time for your neediness when there’s work to be done.”
“No (Y/N) I won’t give you a kiss I don’t have time for that.”
Those were just some of the many excuses he made but today’s excuse was far worse than anything that he has ever said.
“No (Y/N) I won’t be home early today. Why would I? There’s nothing special about this day. Now would you stop being so clingy and needy all the goddamn time I have more important things to do than look after you.”
That was the response that I got today when I called him. I felt tears well up in my eyes. “Yeah the day we first confessed our love to each other is just another day.” I say after he hanged up.
Am I the reason he’s acting so cold? Am I too clingy? Too ugly? Too fat?
~Time Skip to 1 am~
I stayed up late tonight, too worried about Levi to actually fall asleep. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen in search for some food when I hear the front door open. “That was a lot of fun! I never knew that one man could make feel so happy and naughty at the same time but then again you’re just full of surprises!” An annoyingly high pitched female voice says.
“Whatever. Get lost, you might wake up my girlfriend.” Levi says
“Fine.” She says with a sigh. “See you tomorrow.”
I hear the door close and immediately walk up to him. “Why were you out so late?” I ask
“I was working.” He says exhaustively.
Normally I wouldn’t question him but after his conversation with whoever that girl was I know that he’s hiding something. Is he cheating? “How was your day.”
I sigh and ask “Who was that girl you were talking to?”
“Just a colleague from work.”
“It sounded like she was more.”
Levi sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “Could you stop being so clingy. Seriously, what’s wrong with you?”
“Well maybe I wouldn’t be like this if you didn’t forget our anniversary.”
“Why would I even want to remember the day I got stuck with you!” he yells looking at me straight in the eyes with fire in his own.
I gasp and feel tears well up but hold them back so I don’t seem weak in front of Levi. “Why are you like this? What did I do to turn you into this? Please Levi talk to me. What can I do?”
“You could do nothing like always, you stupid brat.”
I turn my to him. “Fine. Don’t tell me. You’re sleeping alone tonight.” I say as I walk to the bedroom and lock the door. I body slam onto the bed with a sigh as I finally release the tears that I have been so desperately trying to hold in. What happened to the Levi I know and loved?
I close my eyes and dive into the world of my dreams, the one place where I’m safe.
I’m running up the stairs of my apartment but I’m way past my place and I seem to be on the last floor but I still continue to run, run from what I don’t know. I’m on the roof now and I’m close to the ledge. Feeling quite bold in this dream state I stand right on the ledge. I look down at city beneath my feet, everyone so busy with their own problems that mine seem miniscule. I hear the door open behind me and I turn to look who it was.
Why was he here? I was about to ask that when I felt his hand on my back, the warmth of his hand is felt on my clothed skin. I relax into his touch when he suddenly pushes me causing me to fall of the ledge.
I’m falling…
Before I hit the ground I open my eyes and find that I am back in my room. I’m shaken by the dream because it felt so real. What does this mean?
I have no time to ponder my dream, I’m a woman on a mission. I have to find out what Levi’s not telling me, I have to go to his place of work.
I get on the bus and make my way to Survey Corps International. I enter the building and get greeted with a smile by my best friend Hanji Zoe. “Morning (Y/N). What are you doing here?” she asks.
“I’m here to see Levi.” I say.
As soon as I said that Hanji’s smile instantly drops. “I don’t think thats a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“If you go up there you’re going to get hurt.” she sighs then says. “But its better if you find out sooner rather than never. His office is on the 25th floor.”
“Thank you Hanji.” I say. I turn towards the elevator and get inside and hit the big 25 button. The ride up is smooth with no interruptions. The door slowly opens and I get out only to find my friend and Levi’s boss Erwin Smith look straight at me.
“(Y/N)?” He asks with his beautiful eyebrows raised. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to see Levi.”
He sighs quickly after I say that and begins to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Okay it’s about time you found out anyways. His office is the first one on your right.”
I furrow my brow confused by his statement but thank him before heading down to Levi’s office. As soon as I reach the door I hear sounds that are very sexual. I open the door and see Levi pantsless fucking his secretary Petra Ral on his desk. I gasp in horror alerting them to my presence.  
“(Y/N)?” Levi asks shocked.
I found myself in shock so much so that I find it hard to move. I can’t breathe. The world begins to spin and my entire body feels heavy. My world becomes dark as I fall to the ground in a deep sleep.
~Time Skip~
I wake up on the bed of me and Levi’s room with a throbbing headache. After a few minutes of confusion my memories came back to me and hit me like a brick.
Levi cheated on me…
With Petra…
And everybody knew…
But nobody told me.
I feel sobs begin to rack my body. Why? Why did this happen? What did I do to deserve this? In midst of my thoughts the door opened revealing Levi.
“Hey honey. How are you feeling?” he asks in a calm voice.
“Don’t ‘honey’ me I want answers. Why did you do it? Was I not enough?”
“Everythings going to be fine babe we’re going to get through this together.” he says while stroking my hair.
I slap his hand away and get out of the bed. “Its not okay. I was crying alone and silently suffering while you’re having the time of your life.”
“Its okay babe, I’m here now.” he says while trying to hug me but I push him away.
“But you weren’t there when I needed you.” I say while tears run down my face. I turn towards the door and say. “You use to make me feel alive when I’m with you and I’m sorry but now the only place you do that for me is in my dreams. I’m sorry but I can’t live with the lie you call your love. I’m sorry that I can’t live without you.”
I run through the door and exit the apartment building. I hear Levi calling out my name but it falls on deaf ears.
I’m sorry.
I’m running up the stairs of my apartment way past the place that I use to call home as I seem to be on the last floor but I still continue to run, run from what I still don’t know. I’m on the roof now and I’m close to the ledge. I stand right on the ledge, I look down at city beneath my feet, everyone so busy with their own problems that mine seem miniscule. I hear the door open behind me and I turn to look who it was.
Funny how similar this was to my dreams except this time Levi is crying and telling me to get down from the ledge.
Don’t worry Levi I’ll get off soon.
You’re going to push me. Not physically but emotionally and mentally.
And that’s exactly how I fall.
I’m falling…
As the concrete comes closer and closer I close my eyes and think…
I’m finally going to be allowed to dream forever.
For more stories go to my Levi x Reader Oneshots on Wattpad:
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t3hwh1t3p4nth3r · 7 years
Trust me. It’ll be okay.
Armin was ecstatic. He had never been happier in his entire life. Honestly, he was feeling a little lightheaded from it, but he couldn’t care less.
They had made it to the ocean. It was more beautiful than he could ever have possibly imagined. 
Honestly, he wasn’t completely convinced that he wasn’t dreaming. His senses assured him it was real though. The feel of the sun and sea spray on his face, the smell of the salt in the air, the crashing of the waves and the feel of them rushing against his legs before fading away again. What could be better?
He beamed when Mikasa and Eren joined him. Even Hanji was enjoying the ocean, collecting new and strange specimens from the shore. 
“Hnaji, don’t touch that. You have no idea what it even is!” Levi, on the other hand, was still keeping a significant distance from the water. 
“Don’t worry so much, Levi!” Hanji replied, rolling the large shell around to look at it from every angle. Hanji jumped back slightly with a laugh when a pair of pincers came out of the shell opening. That crab still calling it home was not appreciating what Hanji was doing. 
Levi shook his head, stepping a bit further back. 
Armin frowned slightly. He knew Levi didn’t like things that were unclean or strange. He probably considered the ocean to be both of those things. But Armin really wanted Levi to share in the experience like everyone else was. He wanted him to just relax a little and unwind for once. He needed to loosen up. 
They set up camp on the beach for the night. Levi had done a lot of it to keep himself occupied while the others explored the ocean. 
The closest he got to it was when he was sitting on a tall rock about 5 feet away from where the water reached. The others had moved to the campsite to start a fire, but Armin was still walking around on the shore and in the shallow water. 
“So,” Levi’s voice surprised Armin out of his thoughts. He turned to look at the Captain. “This is the ocean, huh?”
Armin nodded, smiling lightly. “Yes, sir. This is the ocean.”
“I imagine you’ve got to be pretty pleased, right? You’ve wanted to make it here for a while, haven’t you?”
Armin nodded again. “I have. Ever since I was a kid. I never imagined it would be so perfect, though. I never imagined it would smell like this or what it would feel like to stand in the waves.”
He looked back to the man on the rock. “Why don’t you wade in too?”
Levi shook his head lightly. “Absolutely not... We’ve no idea whats in there. That goes for creatures and plants just as much as it does muck and germs...”
“The water is clear as glass, captain. And it’s just sand beneath my feet, there’s no muck.”
Levi eyed the blonde skeptically. He really wasn’t sure about this whole “ocean” thing. He could see a faint greenish tinge to the water that made him seriously question how sanitary it was. 
He looked back up to see Armin extending a hand to him. It was really more of a symbolic gesture, as there was too much space in between them for Levi to accept it if he wanted to. 
After a moment of watching the blonde cadet, Levi hefted a sigh. He slid down from his rock, crossing his arms lightly. 
Armin just smiled. “Slip your shoes off and roll up your pant legs like mine.”
Levi did so, slipping off the lower straps around his legs before rolling his pants up to his knees. He was shaking his head lightly, muttering to himself. 
He made his way towards Armin, but was still watching the line in the sand where wet met dry. He may as well be looking at a snake. 
Armin extended his hand again. He had moved closer to the shore, so now they actually could touch if they wanted. He hesitated for a good minute. 
Armin’s voice was soft. “Trust me. It’ll be okay.”
This must have resonated with Levi, because he reached out in response. He did withdraw slightly once, but eventually Armin had the captain’s hand in his. 
He led him in slowly, starting by simply getting him onto the wet sand. The waves washed up, just barely going over Levi’s toes. He tensed, his free hand balling into a fist. The hand Armin was holding only twitched a bit though. Gradually he led Levi out a bit further until his ankles were fully submerged. 
This seemed to be far enough for the Captain right now. Armin let go of his hand and simply smiled as Levi looked down into the water. It WAS incredibly clear. He could see smaller shells around his feet, some drifting ever so lightly when the waves came in and went back out. Armin would swear he saw a small smile grace Levi’s lips, which was absolutely astounding. Armin didn’t know the man even could smile. 
Of course, the first time that a little minnow same up by his feet he was out of the water. He did NOT like being touched by a fish, even a baby one. He also was not at all happy about the sand that clung to his wet skin. 
Still, Armin had seen the man loosen up a bit. He had caused it to happen. And that made him feel really happy. 
(This was requested by @pinkheichou. I hope ya’ll liked it!)
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chenziee · 7 years
The Office Affair
The Marketing Department Assistant Manager Eren Jaeger was the most popular guy in the whole company building. He was fun to be around, kind to everyone and brought a smile to people’s faces. There wasn’t day he didn’t receive a love confession from someone, anonymous or otherwise. The only damper on the single women’s moods was the ring adorning his left hand. And if the vehement refusal to any “just one night” propositions was anything to go by, he was happy in his relationship.
The Head of the Marketing Department Levi Ackerman was the most admired guy in the whole company building. He was talented, accomplished, demanded respect everywhere he went and he was unfairly attractive. He had three separate fan clubs. There wasn’t a day he didn’t receive a love confession, strictly anonymous of course. The only damper on his fan’s moods was the ring adorning his left hand. And if the vehement refusal to any “just one night” propositions was anything to go by, he was happy in his relationship.
So it was only natural the rumors spread like wildfire when one fateful day, the two of them were caught kissing in the break room by a lowly worker running an errand. It all went downhill from there as everyone started carefully watching any and all of their interactions.
The whole building soon realized that the mean Levi Ackerman knew how to smile when in the presence of Eren Jaeger. The whole building soon noticed the two of them left the office together more often than not. The whole building soon talked about how they always spent their breaks together. The whole building soon wondered how it was that Eren Jaeger was allowed to make Levi Ackerman his precious tea. The whole building soon saw the whole, dreadful truth.
The two most sought after men were cheating on their wives. With each other.
It went like this for months. There were more and more instances when the two men were caught kissing or holding hands, and everyone seemed to slowly accept the fact the two Company Idols were using the company grounds as the opportunity to cheat on their respective spouses. Everyone knew and everyone turned a blind eye to it.
Even with all this evidence, there were still people who didn’t believe the reality of the situation. Some even laughed at the idea. Like the Head of the Human Resources Department, Hanji Zoe, or the whole of the culprits’ own Marketing Department. Which was surprising since Hanji was Levi Ackerman’s best friend and “the Levi Squad”, as the Marketers were nicknamed, had the most opportunity to monitor the two, so they should be the first ones to identify their illicit behavior. The others wrote it off as denial.
That was how things were up until the afternoon when “she” showed up.
The surprisingly tall Asian woman strode into the building like she owned it, her impossibly high heels clipping on the polished floors intimidatingly while her confident posture, silky hair and beautiful figure turned heads and dropped jaws.
She only made a brief stop at the reception desk to announce her presence before she stalked over to the elevators and disappeared from the view of the people in the lobby, leaving only stunned silence behind.
Her deadly walk continued once again when she stepped out of the elevator on the fourth floor, leaving the same disaster behind her as she did downstairs. She paid no attention to the slobbering men and awed women, however, as she walked with a purpose, greeting the employees she knew but not stopping until she arrived at the marketing department, where she stopped to scan the open space, obviously looking for someone.
Dissatisfied, she stopped the young and maybe a bit terrified intern who tried to pass by her on her way out. “Miss?”
The girl jumped and squeaked at being addressed by someone like this, when the Asian woman’s eyes zeroed in on her and her perfectly manicured hand fell on her shoulder. “Y-Yes?”
The woman smiled lightly, only adding to the intimidating effect she had on the poor inexperienced girl. “I’m looking for Eren Jaeger; can you tell me where he is?”
The intern’s mind flashed to five minutes earlier when she saw the man in question enter Mr. Ackerman’s office, followed by the blinds being shut not so subtly. She was not deaf to the rumors, even though she was new. “Uhmm...” her voice jumped an octave higher still. “He’s busy right now. You can wait for him in the lobby, I’ll tell him you were looking for him, Miss...” she trailed off, not knowing the name of the mysterious woman.
“Mikasa Ackerman,” the woman replied slowly, her eyes narrowing before glaring at the closed door of the head of department’s office. “He’s with Levi, isn’t he.”
It wasn’t even a question and the intern gulped loudly. Mikasa Ackerman, she said her name was. Levi Ackerman. Was this his wife? If so, then she couldn’t fathom why he would cheat on her. She was beautiful. Every man’s dream and every woman’s goal.
The girl jumped again at the growl that left Mikasa Ackerman’s lips resembling something like “thanks”, before she stepped into the open space beyond the doorway.
Wait a minute.
Mikasa Ackerman was probably Levi Ackerman’s wife. She was looking for Eren Jaeger, who was having an affair with her husband. She immediately assumed that since the man was “busy”, he had to be with her husband. Unless they had some kind of open relationship, which was unlikely judging from how angry she seemed...
Hell was about to go down.
The intern turned around with wide eyes and watched as the woman stalked through the department, greeting everyone she passed. She obviously knew these people well; she even stopped to exchange a few words with some of them.
Particularly Petra Bossard, the cheery woman who doubled as the voice of reason in the department, especially when it came to her husband Auruo. “Hey, Mikasa! Long time no see!”
Mikasa smiled warmly at the other woman, answering in kind, “Hello, Petra. How are you?”
“I’m great, thanks!” Petra sang back happily. “You came to pick him up?”
The taller woman sighed, suddenly seeming tired. “Yeah. I texted him, like, fifteen minutes ago that we were in the lot. I swear to god, if we are late, I’m not covering his ass when mom goes off on her ‘you don’t care about me at all’ rant.”
Petra giggled, covering her mouth gracefully. “My mom does the same thing when we visit.” Mikasa just shook her head in resignation and the ginger continued, “Tell her we said hi and happy birthday,” she smiled while Mikasa nodded with a smile of her own, before jerking her hand towards the office door. “They’ve been in there for, like, ten minutes.”
Now the Asian rolled her eyes. “I swear to god I’ll murder them one day.”
Petra laughed again, patting her shoulder. “We all want to do that sometimes, trust me. But Erwin will cry if you take away his best friend and employee. None of us want to see that.”
Mikasa joined in on her laughter, the mental image of the Captain America look alike in tears over a tiny coffin simply too hilarious not to make her react. “Indeed. Anyway, I’m going to drag them out, now. Loved talking to you.”
“Me, too, Mikasa. All of us need to get together soon.”
“Yeah, I’ll call Sasha to organize something.”
“Great! Let us know how it went.”
Mikasa smiled widely and nodded, before striding on ahead and towards the closed door purposefully. By the point she came to a stop in front of it, the whole office looked on with grins on their faces.
Mikasa visibly took a deep breath before raising her hand to hit the door so hard it looked like it would fall out of its hinges. “I’m giving you five seconds to get dressed before I come in, take a video and send it to Hanji!”
A loud, muffled squeak and some cursing could be heard from inside the office and the whole squad burst out laughing. Soon the sound of the lock could be heard and Mikasa looked back with a self-satisfied smile, receiving a round of applause and several thumb-ups in return.
Their antics earned them a death glare from Levi as soon as he emerged from his door, but the blush on Eren’s face negated it, coming out right behind Levi, holding his hand. The display only resulted in a cat call and more laughter and Levi sadly recalling the times when his glare worked on these people.
“Hey, Mika,” Eren waved with hesitation, which was only met with an unimpressed stare. “Uhm, did you wait long?” he tried, not sure how to handle this.
“Eren, seriously, I texted you ages ago. Check your goddamn phone.” The woman deadpanned, shooting a glare of her own towards the short man sharing her surname.
Eren only blushed deeper, going to explain, “Well, I know! I read the text and went to say bye to Levi but then we got side-tracked and didn’t realize so much time passed and-”
“Right,” Mikasa interrupted still obviously unimpressed. “You know, one would think that after, what, ten years of being married, you would keep your hands to yourselves but no. I just have to barge in on my brother having sex with my cousin at least once a week.”
Another round of giggles went around the room as Eren puffed up in anger, glaring at his sister. “Eleven years. You were my Maid of honor; you should know that damn well.”
“That’s what you get upset about,” Levi spoke up for the first time, incredulous.
“Shut up, shorty,” Mikasa barked, only receiving an eye roll in return. “I can’t believe Erwin lets you work on the same floor. Worse, in the same office.”
“We might have some incriminating material on him,” Eren noted with a smirk, intending for it to only be heard by his husband but failing.
Mikasa seethed and continued to scold her brother and his husband, ignoring the fact she was only making them more late for their mother’s birthday party and forcing Armin to wait idly in the car, bored, and not knowing what was taking so long.
Meanwhile, the intern still standing rooted to the spot in the doorway gaped at the scene, the dots there, glaringly obvious, but refusing to connect. She was only sure of one thing: the rumors were terribly, terribly wrong.
Eren’s phone rang.
He groaned in frustration at being interrupted as he was swamped with work that day. Levi was at home sick so all of his responsibilities fell on Eren’s shoulders as his assistant manager, on top of his own things. It was terrible and he hated it. But there was nothing he could do but clench his teeth and hope to survive.
He snatched the annoying device since the phone wouldn’t shut up, and looked at the caller ID.
He felt like banging his head against the wall. Seriously, this was the third time today and it was not even lunch-time yet. Reluctantly, he swiped at the accept button, bringing the phone to his ear.
“Yes?” he sighed, resigned. “No, I’m still at work. ...The boss is sick, you see. I have to take care of the department. ...No, I seriously can’t leave just because you want me to. ...Honestly, I don’t give a damn. You can’t do shit about it. ...No. ...Just take your goddamn medicine and pass out for a few hours and let me work, okay? The more you keep me away, the longer it will take me, and the later I will get home. ...Yes, I’m serious. ...Bye. Don’t forget to eat! And drink! Lots of tea, you hear? ...Love you, too. ...Yeah. ...Of course. Bye.”
Eren sighed again, shaking his head. Honestly. Levi was like another person when he was sick, it was ridiculous. So clingy and needy; if anyone he dealt with only at work saw him like this, they wouldn’t believe it. They would probably think it was some impersonator or something.
A smile played on Eren’s lips without him realizing until Hanji burst into the office minutes later and perched herself on top of his desk.
Eren stopped reading the report in favor of raising his eyebrows at the woman in expectation. She only grinned back, not saying anything for a while. They just sat there like that for minutes, looking at each other, waiting who would be the first to break.
Of course it was Hanji. She was too excitable to stay still for too long.
“So...” she drew out.
Eren only reclined further in his chair, waiting.
Hanji’s grin widened. “Levi called me.”
Eren rolled his eyes. “No,” he stated firmly, sitting back up to return to work, set on ignoring Hanji as she rattled on and on about how her best friend was too cute and how Eren was so cruel for leaving the poor tiny baby alone to suffer his terrible fate.
Honestly. Eren couldn’t wait for Levi to be healthy again.
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🏰⚔️👑🐲 DMODT 69 - update
Over the next two weeks, Eren had his good days and his bad. Some days he was happy to share touches and be held, while others the slightest touch would send his omega spiralling. Levi knew one encounter with Willy wouldn't make Eren's confidence return instantly, but it was hard to watch his mate on his bad days. Eren would try to hold his tears in, he'd try so hard to get on with what needed to be done and while Levi respected him trying to be strong, he wished he could kiss away his omega's pain. More than once he caught Armin sneaking out his room to comfort Eren as Eren threw up in the middle of the night, and more than once he'd caught Eren staring at himself in the bathroom mirror with a hand on his stomach and tears running down his face. The closer to leaving Eldia, the worst Eren's nerves got. Any loud or expected noises had Eren jumping. Respecting Eren's need for space, Levi only offered comfort through small touches, kisses and cuddles when Eren allowed him. He praised his mate's hard work, and his dedication to making things better for Marley and Eldia. It was now the night before they were due to fly out in the morning. Freya and Steege would be coming to collect them, as Historia and Ymir needed to go ahead to make sure the accomodation and security measures in place were up to scratch. Heading Eren slipping out the room he was using in the middle of the night, Levi crept from his own room, determined to reassure his omega that everything would be alright. Letting himself into the bathroom, Eren was leaning against the counter. His breathing ragged, again his hand on his stomach as he tried to calm himself down. A weird hiccuping kind of purr was rumbling from his throat that set Levi's alpha on edge. Walking over to him, the alpha placed his hand on Eren's "Eren?" "I'm ok" "Bullshit. I know you're nervous. We all are" "I'm ok... just... a bad dream" The excuse may have been valid, yet Levi felt this wasn't the cause of a dream. Eren would actually have to have slept for that to be the case "Want to talk about it?" "No..." "Are we going to talk about it anyway?" Looking up at him, his omega opened his mouth before looking away "Eren, I want to know" "Do you? Because I'm pretty sure knowing is going to make you mad" Frowning, Levi released Eren's hand in order to slip his arm around Eren's waist to pull him into his hold "I'm not going to be mad. I know you're trying really hard, and I've been trying to respect that. I've seen you rubbing your stomach a few times, are you in pain? Is that why you're upset?" "No... no, I've healed. It's been a month a bit now..." "Then what is it? I promise, no matter what you say, I am not going to be mad at you" With a small whimper, Eren's arms wrapped around him. His mate then burying his face against his neck as let out a small sob "Can we go to your room?" "My room or my chambers?" "Room... the kids are sleeping" "Alright. Can you walk?" "I..." "Too slow" Moving, Levi released Eren enough to lift him off his feet as the omega scrambled to hold on "You don't have to carry me" "Humour me" Carrying Eren out into Armin's bedroom, he was careful not to disturb the beta's sleep as he made his way through to the room he was using. Closing the door with his foot, he winced at the door smacked shut loud enough for Eren to jump in his arms. When they finally reached the bed, Levi sank down with his back against the bedhead and Eren still in his lap "Take your time" "I'm scared" Or not... apparently Eren didn't need a moment to gather his words "You're scared?" "About the boys coming to Europe. I... keep thinking that if I was still pregnant, Viren would still be protected by my body... and then I start feeling empty. I miss... I miss feeling him inside of me and knowing he was there. It's horrible. I love him. I love him so much, but I feel so empty inside. And now we'll be going to Europe, I worry that he'll be hurt for not being Zeke's son. Or that Luca will be taken. That they won't let me have both the boys with me" Like fuck their boys wouldn't be with them. Mikasa's squad was coming with them, Historia and Ymir would be there, Historia and Steege, even Hanji and Moblit. And Armin, of course "We won't be alone. Your magic has started coming back, hasn't it?" "Small spells and sparks on my fingers don't really count. Levi... I love him, but I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm being a good mother to him. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. When I was pregnant, I was terrified I wouldn't get to meet him, or that something would be wrong... and now... I don't know... I feel so empty without him. I'm sorry" "Eren, it's ok. I can't say I know what it's like to carry a child inside of you. To feel them move, and to have them with you constantly. But I can tell you, you're being the best mother you can be" "But I feel empty... I love Viren, yet some days... it's so messed up, Levi. He's beautiful and perfect. Everything he does, I love him even more" "And that's why you rub your belly? Because you miss him" "I feel like shit..." Nuzzling Eren's hair, Levi kissed his temple as he did "Thank you for telling me" "You're not mad?" "I'm not mad at all. I've been working with you these last two weeks. I've seen how hard you've been working. You're amazing" "You're one to talk... juggling the four of us" Levi would watch the kids in the mornings when Eren stayed up late. That's why he was still living in Armin's chambers. He'd been back and forth during the first week after Willy's departure. But Eren was a workaholic, and Armin was sick of waking up to find Eren working away at odd hours, when he wasn't ill "It's easier than expected. Armin's much more prepared to listen than Erwin was, and it also means more time with you and the boys. And when I start thinking that all of this will soon be behind us, and that it's all leading towards our future, things aren't so bad. I know Europe will be a shit show. I know it's not going to be easy on any of us, and that we don't know what will happen, but once it's over... that dream keeps coming to mind. You standing in the kitchen with Viren on your hip as you talk to him about whatever your cooking. Luca sitting on the kitchen bench where he knows he's not supposed to be, but you let him anyway because he's our boy. I still don't know what I'm going to do, but a home where you're waiting for me..." "I like this dream" "So do I. Maybe another pup or three running around and causing trouble?" Eren sniffled "You don't need to lie" "Need to lie?" "I'm..." "You're perfect. You've always been perfect" "My stomach isn't flat... you liked it flat" Did Eren seriously think that he didn't find him attractive? Their last attempt at anything sexual hadn't gone exactly well, but he didn't think Eren still harboured doubts over his desire for him "And I loved it full of our pup. I know your stretch-marks are starting to fade, but I love them. I love that you carried our pup. It makes me proud" "God. You're being too nice again. I feel like a shitty mother and now you're telling me I'm not" "Because you aren't. Like I said, I don't understand because I can never carry a child, but that doesn't make these feelings and emotions any less real for you" "I hate feeling like this... I get so mad at myself. One day I'll be fine, then the next it's hard to even function" "You've always been too hard on yourself. We just need to get through this. We will get through this" "I haven't heard from Willy since he left. I don't think he appreciated what I said. Should I have apologised?" Levi very nearly snorted. Eren's words hadn't left much room for interpretation. If his mate had apologised, he probably would have wounded the alpha's pride even further "No. What you said was what needed to be said. Everything you've said is what needed to be said. You make me so damn proud of you, and then you don't even realise it" "Because I don't see what there is to be proud of. Words are just words" "Words aren't just words. You take your words and turn them into actions" "How do I know if my words are the right ones?" "Generally the angrier you get all those fucked up rich pigs, the more right you are" "I... they make me so angry" "I've noticed. Yet, you've always spoken of peace. For humanity to find its way to peace and and freedom. You are my hope" "Then you're an idiot" "Perhaps. No matter what happens Eren, I'll always support you" "Even when I fuck up?" "Even when we both fuck up" Eren gave a small laugh, before sinking against him completely. His mate's hand found his, squeezing lightly as he did "God. I don't want tomorrow to come" "I know. I promise you, I won't allow our boys to be alone" "Thank you... I mean, Mikasa is pretty capable, as is her squad. And you're capable... I know we won't be alone, but Levi... I need to ask you something serious, and I need you to promise me something" Levi had a feeling he knew exactly what Eren was about to ask of him "If something does happen, I want you to place Luca and Viren before me..." There it was... Even though he hadn't voiced his fears, Levi was also nervous about what would come once they left the comfort of the castle. Not everyone in Europe was as kind and welcoming as Hannes, and not everyone was accepting of dragons. Eren being pregnant before marrying Zeke would label him a slut or a whore, despite being both bonded and engaged, in the eyes of many "... I need you to promise me" "Eren" "Levi, please. I could never live with myself if something happened to them because of their association with me. I could never recover from losing them. We've already lost so much. They're both so young and small... they both need their father" "They also need their mother" "Please. If something happens, I'll find a way to take care of myself. They can't. Our boys can't" Nothing was going to happen. That was the prayer that played on loop on his mind. Eren was growing more and more distressed as he waited for his answer. Levi knew he couldn't lose Eren. He'd be destroyed, but he also couldn't lose his sons. If the time came, no matter what happened or what it cost him, he'd find a way for the three of them to keep living "I promise... I promise on our bond I'll find a way" "Thank you... I know I'm an idiot. I'm stubborn and hot headed, and tend to speak before I think. But thank you for loving me" "You make it sound like this is our last night together" "No... I don't want it to be our last night together. I want to keep getting better. I want that dream to be something more than a dream. Sometimes I wonder if I'm still dreaming. If I ever woke up from that coma... sometimes I want to wake up" Dreams hadn't been the greatest or easiest of things for either of them since Obsydin came into their lives. Again, it was another fear that Levi had swallowed down. The dragons madness had spread to Hannes, leaving him to wonder if maybe Luca and Eren had both been affected and tainted by the dragon's magic. Obsydin naturally took offence, but he also couldn't deny the natures of his own powers "So a small house, with more pups? You really wouldn't mind?" "I'd like more pups, or a brood. Sometime in the future. When we're finally free" "I promise you we will be" "Mmmm. I'll hold you to that. Thank you for coming to talk to me. I was so ashamed of what I feel. Though, I probably would have yelled at you if you'd tried to help sooner" "You don't need to be ashamed. I respect you, and know what this means to you. To have space to work your own headspace out" "I know it's not easy for you" "It's not easy for either of us. I was so caught up in trying to keep you safe, that I failed to really comprehend everything going on around us. I mean, I knew what was happening, yet when compared to you, I couldn't find the effort to truly care" "That's because you're a softy" Levi's alpha growled at their omega's playful words "I'm not soft" "Right. You're a big bad alpha" "I'll big bad alpha you, if you keep this up" Eren pulled back in his lap to meet his eyes "If I said I wanted to try, what would you say?" Try what?... oh... oh... seriously? "You want to..." Why was he suddenly feeling so shy about sex? And why did his face feel warmer than usual? Eren was quick to deflate, mumbling out "We don't have to" "No. I... would like to" "I've healed... but if you don't want to..." "It's not that I don't want to. I don't want things to dissolve into... well, what happened last time" "I understand" "I don't think you do. I really don't think I'm going... to... you know" "Come?" If the gods could slay him right now, his pride might just stand a chance. Giving them a moment, no divine intervention came. Levi overcome with embarrassment "Last. Ok. I don't think I can last. Last time, I nearly came before I even pushed inside of you, you little shit" "You're embarrassed" No fucking shit. Eren got him all kinds of worked up, and masturbating didn't help matters "Shut up" "I don't mind" "I do" "I don't... we... have all night..." "I'm an alpha" "I know. I know you've also been trying to be considerate. I appreciate it" This little shit... if he wasn't his omega, Levi would walk right out on him "I didn't mean to... I mean, I want to feel good with you. I want to try and bring back the more intimate side of this relationship, and I don't want to regret not being with you tonight if something happens" "Nothing is going to fucking happen" Eren sighed softly, clearly disbelieving him "Hey. I'm serious. I won't let anything happen" "Then be with me tonight?" "Alright. But no fucking laughing at me" "Levi, I would never. This... sex with you has always been something more. I want that back. I'm sensitive over my stomach, but I want this back" "I love your stomach" "I still need time" "Then I won't touch your stomach" "Good... can I present myself?" If the gods that he'd prayed to for help were watching, the were probably laughing at the fact Levi went hard embarrassingly fast at the thought. They were also probably as confused as he was as to how Eren had suddenly decided he wanted sex after crying in the bathroom... and now his mate wanted to present himself... maybe they really had slain him in bed, and now he was in some kind of Eren fuelled heaven? Growling, Levi pushed Eren down on the bed, his leg coming over so he was straddling his mate as his lips found his. Whining into the kiss, Eren's hands clawed at Levi's nightshirt, his hips bucking up as he fought to strip the alpha. Finding he couldn't kiss Levi and strip him, Eren let out a growl of his own. The half dragon using his strength to flip their position before Levi knew what had happened. Breaking the kiss for a moment, Levi found himself stripped of the stupid nightshirt before Eren rushed to free himself of his. Seriously, Levi could see nothing wrong at all with Eren's naked body, especially when illuminated by the soft glow of the glowstones as he discarded the garment. His soft lines and rounder hips... his small pert breasts and tummy... it was intoxicating "You're so fucking perfect" Diving in for another hard kiss, Levi's hands went to Eren's arse, the omega moaning as Levi tugged upwards "Sit on my face. I want to fucking taste you" "I have a better idea" With his arse on Levi's face, Eren had control of the whole situation as he bobbed his head. His soft sweet lips, and the slightest amount of teeth against Levi's dick. With each slide down, Levi was forced not to rock too hard up into Eren's mouth. His brain had was already struggling to keep up with Eren riding his tongue. He needed to be in his mate, and he couldn't take being so close to coming, and regaining some measure of self control. He was only human. Pushing Eren up, his mate whimpered as his lips and tongue left his sopping opening. Almost hesitantly, Eren pulled back to look over his shoulder "Levi?" "I need to fuck you. I'm about to lose control" Whining, Eren crawled forward to arch his back and push his arse out. His hands fisting the blankets as he presented himself perfectly "I'm close... I need it too. Need your knot" "Fuck... sweet boy..." "Please... I want to come, sir" "Hold still for me, and let me know if it hurts" "It hurts not having you in me. I want it hard and fast" Eren was certainly lose enough, though Levi was still apprehensive as he slid up from under him. Wet with slick and wet with Eren's saliva, Levi lined himself up. Pushing in slowly, Eren let out an obscenely loud and long moan. Levi's knot already beginning to swell "Shit..." "Fuck, Levi..." Neither of them could last. Riding Eren hard and fast, it was only a matter of moments before they both came, Eren clenching around him so hard that Levi saw stars for a moment. Shit... fuck. His hips stuttering as he rode Eren through his orgasm, the omega whimpering as he was pushed down hard against the mattress, Levi triggering a second orgasm in his younger lover that left his mate boneless beneath him. Riding out the harder of the first pulses of come ungainly, Levi moved to pull Eren up against him as they lessened, his mate's magic briefly warming his body before fading. Both of them needing several moments to come back to reality, which was enough time for Levi to begin to worry he'd hurt his mate "Eren? You ok, sweet omega?" "Mmm... I came so fucking hard" "I didn't hurt you, did I?" "Think I'm still coming. Feels good" Slipping his hand down between Eren's thighs, Levi gave a small experimental tug as he milked the last few drops of semen from his mate. Whining at him, Eren started to wriggle as Levi worked his spent dick "Came twice... let me recover" "Ok, baby boy. Do you want to lay down?" "Mmm... want to cuddle. Missed cuddles" Guiding Eren down, Levi's knot tugged hard enough for his mate to hiss. Apologising softly, Levi made sure Eren wasn't laying in his own mess as he snagged the closest blanket to cover them both. Trying to keep his omega's insecurities in mind, he had one arm awkwardly propping himself up, while the other was snaked around Eren, above the blanket "You ok?" "Mmm... we always did fuck good" Laughing, Levi kissed Eren's scales again "Still out of it?" "Yep... I think I passed out when I came" "That good?" "Mmmm..." "Ok. You just rest" "'m rest'n... feel really good" Despite Eren's dopey and sated state, his mate managed to stay awake long enough to demand a second round, before passing out for all of five minutes as their post coital bliss was interrupted by Viren's cries. Eren was in no state to even remember his name, let alone do something about feeding their son, leaving Levi to clean him down and gather him up, carrying him across to the omega's room to take care of their baby. With his breasts already leaking, the omega was a beautiful mess. Levi had over indulged in marking his lover's skin, littering his neck and shoulders with hickeys that Eren would probably scold him over in the morning, yet couldn't bring himself to regret it. Smiling sleepily, Eren curled into his as Viren fed, falling asleep with the pup still latched to his nipple. There was nothing he wouldn't do to protect his family. Nothing at all. * Frowning at the hickeys along his neck and shoulder blade, Eren's fingers ghosted across the bruised skin. Knowing how important today was the omega wished Levi had held back, yet at the same time the marks brought forth a dizzy kind of happiness each time he caught sight of them in the mirror. Each mark was proof that Levi held him, and each mark was a small sign that Eren belonged to the alpha. It was hard to be mad after the man had turned his mind to a soggy mess of pleasant numbness. He'd even slept like a log, sleeping through Armin waking and showering with Luca, Levi showering, Viren's early morning nappy change. When he'd finally been woken by Levi, he felt more refreshed and less nervous than he had in days, despite his fear that Europe was going to be one huge mistake. Scolded thoroughly by Armin for having "disturbingly loud sex" in his chambers was all it took for his mood to be ruined. Armin didn't mean it as more than teasing, with a slight reminder to be quieter in future, not when he'd asked more than once if they'd tried being physical again but Eren couldn't help but feel both ashamed and bad that Armin had overheard him crying out in pleasure. His anxieties manifesting as a queasiness in his stomach that had him unable to look at breakfast, let alone try to actually eat. Keeping to himself, his head was lowered as he followed Mikasa, Armin and Luca towards the castle training grounds to meet Freya. Levi was by his side, his alpha not sure what had upset him, but knowing they didn't have time to explore the issue. Reaching Freya, the female rider knew something was wrong with him the moments she laid eyes on him. His relationship wasn't as good with her as his one with Historia was, but he appreciated the fact she made the effort to congratulate him on Viren's birth, and that she same a special fuss of Luca. Leading Luca over to meet Steege, the little dragon showed no fear as he ran right up to Steege. Lowering his head to Luca's level, the elder dragon found himself cautiously bopped on the nose, before Luca wriggled his butt in a clear sign that he wanted to play. Groaning in embarrassment, Eren covered his face as their friends laughed at Luca's antics. He really needed to teach Luca that not everyone was a friend, even if Steege seemed to take no offence at the action. Squatting down next to Luca, Freya calmly introduced him to Steege. Despite Steege's usual stoicism, the elder dragon moved his front left foot to calmly play softly with Luca, rolling and running around in circles, Luca seemed to be having the time of his life as Freya returned to them "I'm sorry about Luca. He loves everyone" "He's a special little dragon. Historia spoke fondly of him, and I can see why. It's clear he is well loved" "Is Steege alright playing with him? I can't really shift at the moment..." Freya was quick to interrupt him "Steege might look fierce, but he would never hurt a young dragon" "I mean, I hope he isn't being too much of a handful. He gets quite enthusiastic over things" "They'll be fine. Now, do you have everything you need? Historia has arranged what she can on her end, but she was given a message to make sure you brought papers with you?" Willy. He couldn't leave well enough alone, could he? "Yes. Everything I need has been packed in the trunk I am sharing with Levi" With a duplicate copy left at the castle incase things went wrong "Excellent. And who else are we waiting on?" "The remaining members of Mikasa's squad, as well as the leader of our science division..." "I thought Shitty Glasses would have been here by now. She's usually pissing herself with excitement over dragons" Eren closed his eyes and counted to five before opening them again. He really needed Levi to not be quite so "Levi-ee". He couldn't handle it. He wanted everything to be as polite as possible, so they could hurry up and leave before he found the courage to run. His alpha was really fucking lucky that Freya was part of the new age royals that could take a joke "We still have time. I want to make sure no one is left behind. It's a long flight after all" "I don't know if Viren will sleep through..." Looking to his son, Viren was asleep for now... "Eren, I assure you that neither myself or Steege find offence in your two precious sons. I can feel how worried you are, and how weak your magic currently is. No harm will come to your children while we are present. You are a dragon of Draecia, despite what my father may say, and a friend to our royal household. Calm your heart and take a breath. We will get you there safely" Placing her hand on his arm, Freya's magic pulsed through him softly. His own magic allowing the gently calming feeling. Her specialty might not be healing, not on Historia's scale, but he appreciated it "I... I know. I'm sorry. I've been like this since the birth of Viren. This morning has been less than perfect, and I fear what happened once we reach Europe. I worry for Luca, given he's so friendly and has no magic of his own" "I think he's won Steege over. Albino dragons are exceedingly rare" "He was hatched from a damaged egg that took over 20 years to hatch. I wish he could have met his biological father. He was a great man" "Right now, he knows all he needs to know. That he is loved deeply by you and by Levi. It's almost as if he waited all this time to meet you" "I had a rough heat, and his father was kind enough to let me hold his egg close. I didn't know if I should bring him with me when he passed, but I couldn't imagine a life without him" "I was truly over joyed for you once I learned of your pregnancy. You deserve to be happy" "Thank you. I know I'll see Historia soon, but how has she been? It's not the same only conversing by letters" "She's good. Very happy, and very over being pregnant. Her clutch will be here soon, I say two eggs, but she won't listen to me" "Oh? How many does she say?" "Ymir said four as joke, now she's scared it's true" "Given that it's a small clutch, I hope for her sake it's only two. Yet the dragon part of me wishes her a large clutch" "Birth isn't easy" "No. No it really isn't. Poor Levi here had to deliver Viren, as well as most of my clutch. I'm very lucky to have him" "You two seem... happy" Eren didn't miss the way Freya paused. Historia probably told Freya a little of his ups and downs with Levi, or Ymir had been bad mouthing his alpha "We're trying. I'm all over the place at the moment, but we're trying. We're both adjusting to everything that happened, but yeah... we're getting better. Right?" "Yeah. We're getting there" Coming to join them, Armin was dwarfed in his thick fur coat. The winter morning holding more than a little bite despite the sun being up "Save me. Mikasa started talking security protocols and then noticed I wasn't paying attention" Eren couldn't stop himself as he took half a step away from Armin, trying to make it look natural as he did. His body reacting before he could do anything "Did you seriously run away from me?" "Mikasa is scary?" His excuse was strained. Armin didn't seem to notice, but both Freya and Levi did. Shit. He didn't want to be like this around his best friend "I am not scary. I wanted to know why Armin thought it was ok not to carry a sword, and why Levi hadn't advised him to" "We're probably going to be stripped of our weapons before entering the court. When we're not in court, we will be together. Armin is faster at running than with a sword" "Thanks, Levi" Levi had insisted that they make time in the mornings to go through basic drills, which clashed with Mikasa's training schedule for Armin. While Armin was training, Eren was forced to wield the knife Levi had gifted him. He definitely wasn't a virtuoso, and it's led to him playing catch up on his reports for submittal in Europe, his proposals for Eldia, and the few papers he had in regards to Marley. Though Marley was pushed to the back burner once the warships had finally left their waters "He still should be carrying a sword, at least for the sake of appearances" "We can't show up in Europe preaching peace and brandishing weapons. It doesn't work like that. Eren, back me up" "Armin..." Mikasa sighed dramatically as she crossed her arms. Things were still a little shaky between them, and given how it was now a month to the day since his birthday had passed, he didn't know how to fix things between them. He could feel his emotions getting the better of him, even before Mikasa replied with "Don't back him up" Stepping sideways again, Levi wrapped his arms around him "That's enough. We're all cold and tired. We'll sort the sword thing out when we get there. Armin's dressed the part, and the idea of peace is that weapons will one day cease to be necessary. While I can't say I truly believe that will ever be the case, we don't know what we'll be walking into. For now, Armin doesn't get a sword. Eren, why don't we make sure Luca hasn't gotten himself hurt while playing with Steege. He's not the most coordinated of dragons" "You're both running away. You're supposed to be on my side" "We would be if Mikasa wasn't so damn scary"
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