#he’s just malleus who wanted to be with his family make friends get along with his human neighbors and who likes gargoyles ahhhhh
hanafubukki · 27 days
I’ve been thinking and what if we do end up in Malleus’ dream world?
What then? What if his happiest dream is nothing grand?
What if Silver and Co end up in his dream and it’s just Malleus spending time at that cottage in the woods?
Just him spending time with him, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek?
Nothing grand, just them enjoying everyday life?
Not only that, what if we do add in that there’s other people involved?
His grandmother, random people who are not scared of him, and people who talk to him normally.
He’s just Malleus Draconia.
His parents aren’t even alive.
This simple dream of his, is his happiest dream.
How do you wake him up then?
How can you bring yourself to do such a thing? What do you say to him?
That’ll despite it all, despite the pain, we’ll get through this together?
Despite the fact that out of all of them, Malleus will live past them all?
How can Silver wake him? It was him who started it when he talked to his brother, but now it’s him who will end it.
But can you imagine? He wants a simple domestic life just like Silver wanted. Their dreams similar.
What do you say?
I keep thinking about this, because while it might not be the grandest dream, it is his happiest one.
One that is easily achievable.
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rnakamura22 · 6 months
When they heard that you found your way home
Random Characters
Prefect is female! Yandere vibes! Her name is Yu!
Malleus Dragonia
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Oh, Don't mind the sky getting pitch-black and thunder striking down rapidly! What? Flying classes got canceled? You saw Jack and Epel were totally soaked? Where are you even looking? Another man? That’s unacceptable!
You’re his first friend and crush! To him, you are like the first sunshine of spring! A beautiful blue butterfly in the meadow flying above the flowers! A gem more precious than any treasure he has! And now you’re just dumping him? Nuh-uh. Ain’t gonna happen! He’s one of the most powerful magicians in the world, so it takes no more than a flip of his hand to crush any form of way back home. He could lock you up in his room, mess with your body, destroy any form of mirror, etc. Hey, this was gonna happen one way or another since he already decided for the future Queen of the valley long ago(AKA when he met you).While he locks you up in his Diasomnia room, he could happily come and discuss the wedding plans. He already decided on the crown by the way, but he made a promise to discuss the dress colors with you since taking your opinion into account is necessary. Lila would be teary eyed of Malleus’s growth. You have no choice to accept your fate since even if you escape, he will come searching for you. After all, can a mere human win against a loving dragon?
Lilia Vanrouge
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This 700 year old vampire fairy has more knowledge and experience than any of the villains. He thought his love ended with Malleus’s mom. But then, you came along. A cute little innocent human who only lived about a little percentage of his life! You are like a baby! You’re too young to survive out there! What if your way back home never worked! What if some thing got messed up? No, you need to be in the world safe and sound! He will protect you! He still has feelings about the age gap though. I mean, what happens in family day at school with your future children? Well, not to worry! As for making you stay, just break a few mirrors or take out any bad memories! He needs to look out for his juniors after all! He won’t break you, but he will punish you if you disobey. Fairies are possessive. Blame your own luck for shooting the heart of the vampire fairy.
Rook Hunt
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At first, he seems happy for you! A lost deer should run back to her herd as quick as possible. But you forgot he’s a hunter. And a skilled hunter like him NEVER fails.
He casts his unique magic on you as you are about to leave. A part of him wishes for your happiness, but he couldn’t help it. A large part of him couldn’t forgive you. The most valuable prey were about to outrun him. He could never accept that. His magic will find you. Wherever you go, however you try to escape, the chase continues. Until you give up your world and return with him, they would be absolutely no peace.
Epel Felmier
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(Anyone else love peel’s smug VILLAN faces from the ghost bride?)
Epel acts happy but inside, he’s devastated. He wanted to visit his home village again just the two of you. He knows he’s got competition when it came to you, and it was all for nothing. Well, he ain’t admitting that, that’s for sure.
From that day on, with the help of Vill and Rook, he creates a special gift for you. An apple red as the roses. A glittering poison apple just like the Beautiful Queen of his dorm created. To trap you, his one and only Snow White. He still wants to have fun with you and the first years. He wants to graduate with you. You gave him courage, and made him happy. He wants to return you with his own thankful emotions. #Yeah, Right.
On the day you were going to leave, he comes up to you and thanks you, than he says the magic words.
“Prefect…I want to give you something. Please have a bite. It’s a special apple I picked. It’s the most delicious apple I harvested and the most beautiful one! I cared for it so much!”
Epel now understands what Vil said for so long. His cuteness can become a weapon. Look at your eyes! You melt for his cuteness, and bites the apple without thinking twice, I mean, who can resist his cuteness. Instantly, you fall unconscious.
“Whoah!? That was close… but now you can be with us forever Yu! Snow White won’t hold a candle to you…. Let’s graduate together Ok? And we can be together forever…”
He’s a poisoned apple, what would you except? As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Ah, he says like 90% of the time about how fairies are better than humans, but for you, it’s an exception. He might not show it, but he cares a lot about you. He’s a tsundere after all.(No, you cannnot tell me otherwise) But he blames you for dumping him and making him feel bad.(AKA you two are not dating)
“This is your own fault human, you made me fall to your schemes and now you’re throwing it all away? Unacceptable!”
He may not show it, but he enjoyed school life with you and the other humans of his grade. He wants to live with you at the valley of Thorns. But your comment of going back to your world snaps something.
Better run away because lightning bolts are coming down in 10 seconds to smash that mirror. He will not let you go. And is you disobey…say goodbye to your eardrums and your freedom.
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(Anyone else love this Silver’s face? I believe Silver can be a villain too, you won’t change my mind)
He is SHOCKED with a capital S. He’s a human, but raised by Lilia and fairies so he has fairy values and they may be SLIGHTLY different from humans especially about love.
He wants to be with you after graduation. He already planned a few preparations so you won’t be getting away.
Before you go, he casts his unique magic on you to appear in your dreams as a dashing prince. Saving you, chasing you, maybe choking you a little bit. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. Convincing that your world is horrible and terrible, and you should come back to Twisted Wonderland and live with him. Silver is a prince, and you are his princess. To him, the bad witch is your world. After all, he needs to defeat the bad witch to save his one and only princess. Than he can live happily ever after.
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blackopals-world · 2 years
I have a silly request that you may or may not enjoy.
Fem!Yuu who came from a long line of chefs and can make just about anything. From quiche to raspberry tarts to katsu sandwiches. She of course decides to share her skills in the form of making each of her friends a different bento catering to their tastes.
When asked why, she simply states that she cares about them and wants to see them well fed. Cue the marriage proposals.
~Okay, I can do that. Not for ever character of course because I have no time. Just allow me my personal flavor.~
"The way to a man's heart"
(part 2 here) (part 3) (part 4)
Characters featured:Azul, Jamil, Ace, Deuce, Malleus, Vil, Idia, and versus staff
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"Remeber sweetheart, the way to a man's heart is though his stomach. That's how I got your Baba. It's is also a measurement of love, a good dish is made with 3 cups of love and 4 tablespoons of care and 1 liter of dedication."
Yuu had those words etched in her mind since childhood. Every dish she made was filled with the TLC her family required for the perfect dish.
But being the youngest I such a line meant that she had never had many people outside of the family try her foods.
Mama, Baba, Ye ye, and Lola didn't lie; but they didn't want to hurt her feelings.
So Yuu couldn't help but tremble when she handed the two lunch boxes to Ace and Deuce. It was just before lunch time when she presented them before quickly running off.
She ran to the quad and hid behind an apple tree.
Her plan was to let them eat the lunches and later go to retrieve the boxes to get a review. They wouldn't feel pressured to say anything nice and Yuu would know how she did.
And if they like her cooking then they could be super close and eat lunch like this everyday!
But if they hate it then they might not. They might get mad and never talk to her again.
"Are you trying to poison me? What kind of girl doesn't know how to cook something so basic" Ace would say tossing away her lunch.
"It's not too bad, if it's your first time. I just don't think your cut out to be a chef." Deuce would say turning green.
Yuu managed to make herself depressed from her own imagination as she hid. Her wild imagination tended to get the better of her.
"Hey, Yuu! If you wanted to eat here just say so." Ace said standing behind her with lunch box still in hand.
"It's not a bad spot either. We should eat here more often. It's quieter." Said Deuce next to him.
Yuu internally screamed as they sat to eat. She focused on their every facial expression as they ate.
Ace had Monte Cristo sandwich with a summer fruit salad. He seemed to really like the dip for the sandwich.
Deuce had a simple fried egg sandwich with bacon, and cheese. There was a bit of blueberry jam on the side for the bread.
While the boys ate Yuu didn't notice that they eyed each others food and quickly ate theirs to see if they steal form the other. They guarded their lunch like dogs.
Yuu saw this and her eyes lit up believing they really loved her food. Eagerly she waited for them to finish so she could ask.
"Do you like it?!" Yuu asked
The boys after staring each other down heaped praise on her and asked her to make lunch again.
It became a regular thing as they were already spoiled by Yuu and she loved her first taste testers.
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With Yuu reassured of her skills came another challenge. He insatiable need to share her food.
"Good food makes for good company and friends." Ye ye always said.
Food is meant to be shared and it was good for the soul. Many souls in this school needed to be fed. Maybe they'd calm down a little.
So she started supplying her friends with homemade food.
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Yuu waited patiently for Jamil after basketball practice with a hefty lunch box. It was buttered chicken curry with jasmine rice. It had a side of vegetable sauté. And of course an after practice energy drink.
She had patted herself on the back for this one. She wanted to impress Jamil.
As she walked along the side of the court she offered Jamil the drink. He took it great fully before eyeing the lunch box suspiciously.
"I made you something to eat. I though you might want something to eat you didn't make yourself for once." Yuu said suddenly self conscious.
Floyd must have heard because he rudly began interrupting.
"Oh, sea snake is are so lucky! I want a shrimpy wife to cook for me too!" He whined loudly.
The "Ooo"'s that came from the other basketball club members made Jamil's ears turn red.
"Shut up Floyd!" Yuu yelled at him with her face burning.
"I'm sorry Yuu. You know how guys are. Thank you for doing this for me." Jamil said quietly trying to hid his face.
"It's no problem Jamil. I really wanted you to try this." Yuu said softly.
Just as she said this Jamil looked over his shoulder to the the boys laughing before leaning down and kissing Yuu's forehead.
"I wanted to thank you properly." Jamil said smiling before leaving to sit down to eat with Yuu.
She was an amazing cook and it felt good to be cooked for. It reminded him of when he didn't need to care for Kalim.
"I wish I could eat this everday." Jamil said absent-minded.
Yuu's eays widened before laughing. He didn't mean it. Right?
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There were times Yuu casually dropped off dishes.
Korean barbecue for Epel
Ratatouille for Rook
Fresh baked pie for Silver
None of this escaped Vil's notice who wondered why Yuu never came around to give him anything. I wasn't as if he didn't eat.
Though if memory serves he has turned his nose up at certain foods around her. She probably didn't want to be told her food wasn't good enough.
To Vil it didn't matter, if she was a chef she should know her customers tastes. Never mind that he wasn't a customer nor was she being paid to cook, his feeling were hurt.
But as luck would have it Yuu didn't forget him.
"Vil-sama! Here!" Yuu practically bubbled with energy was she leaned over Pomefiore's kitchen counter.
Epel was currently face deep in a slice of apple-apricot pie. and ice cream.
Vil hoped that she wasn't expecting him to eat that as he wouldn't have that much gusto. He didn't have the heart to lecture Epel on manners with Yuu around but he had no problem after she was gone so he better injoy it while he can.
"Try some." Yuu held out a cup of green liquid.
Yuu held out a cup of green tea with a palte of fresh sushi.
"Traditional green tea doesn't go well with heavy or greasy foods so I made some simple salmon sushi to help clean your palette." Yuu said smiling.
Vil took a sip and smiled at her.
"It's good. I wish I could drink this every morning." Vil said eating a piece of sushi.
Yuu turned pink as she quickly excused herself.
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Azul was the greediest of her friends. He loved trying new foods but especially fried chicken.
Azul eagerly awaited when Yuu entered the lounge with food in hand. They would eat in his office as Azul would try to trick Yuu into working hin the kitchen.
Even though he was trying to convince her to work for him the job offer was as a personal chef because he didn't want to share. Another reason she didn't agree.
"I just want to eat with you everyday." He said slyly over his Frutti di Mare. "Don't you want to eat with me too?"
Yuu bit the inside of her cheek as she turned red.
"Azul that's not funny. Don't say that unless you mean it." Yuu said stiffly.
"But I do mean it. Cross my heart." Azul said more earnestly but Yuu quickly said goodbye and fled. Azul was left confused.
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The next day Yuu spent lunch hiding in the teacher's lounge. She was allowed to as Crewel's pseudo daughter and bringing lunch.
Crewel dug into his beef stroganoff as he listened to Yuu's concerns.
"I don't know what to do! Pa, I can't face them again!" Yuu panicked her hands waving frantically.
"Slow down my pup. What happened." Crewel said unfazed by Yuu's familiar. She's expressive he'll give her that.
"Jamil, Vil and Azul asked to marry me!" Yuu shouted before slapping a hand over her mouth. Blabber mouth.
(telling someone you want to eat their cooking or drink their tea everyday could be considered a proposal. I just happens that in Yuu's family that how they propose marriage traditionally.)
There was a sharp spitting sound from across the room as Sam burst out laughing making seafood gumbo splattered.
"Congratulations, sugar! I always knew you were a charmer. It's no wonder all the boys want you!" Sam laughed.
"It's highly inappropriate. You're all to young to even think of such things." Trein said stiffly as he put down his spoon and stopped eat his potage parmentier.
Divus stared blanky before asking again. Crowley would raise hell over this if he didn't do it first. His puppy can't get married. Not yet.
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Yuu found herself at ease after it was explained that people don't propose that way here.
Feeling better she waited late for her nightly walk with Malleus. She made a late night snack of soft madelines and a thermos of cinnamon hot chocolate.
Malleus was more then happy to accept her gift. They sat in glen snacking before Malleus spoke up.
"I heard you are getting engaged." He said drinking hot chocolate
"No I'm not." Yuu sighed because of course he heard.
"I see, so they were all unacceptable. Please consider me an option then. I would happily marry you and eat with you everyday!" Malleus said taking Yuu's hand and getting on one knee.
Yuu almost fainted in shock.
'Papa you lied!'
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"Idia please come out! I brought you some Gyros." Yuu called out from behind the door.
Yuu had been working hard to lure Idia outside and was making progress. Soon enough Idia will be eating in the cafeteria before he knows it.
It was like getting a feral cat socialized as Idia cautiously opened the door. He knew to be wary of Yuu's offerings but like the call of a harpy he does as she wants. Everyday she lures him further away from his safe space.
"I made some tortoise candies last night." Yuu said holding the golden lollipop.
Idia would have to steel himself for this one.
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lancermylove · 5 months
Owl Beast Curse (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland, the Owl House
Pairing: Leona, Malleus, Riddle, Vil, Kalim, Azul with gn!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can you do twst dorm leaders(except Idia) with a gn s/o who has the owl beast curse? How they react the side effects(easily detachable limbs) and their sister is the one who cause it
A/N: Thank you for including the link to the wiki! Hope you like it.
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Ah, siblings. He hates them. Leona is not surprised that your sister cursed you, as he knows family does more harm than good. He is pissed off at your sister, to say the least, and doesn't care what excuse your sister has to curse you. Her actions are unforgivable.
Leona feels a twinge of sympathy for you, especially since you didn't deserve what your sibling did. But he doesn't show you pity, nor does he feel sorry for you because, in his eyes, you are strong. To be able to handle a curse, and that too, one inflicted by a family member, must be pain, both physically and mentally. Leona respects you more than he did before.
Leona is not a fan of you detaching your limbs to play pranks on him or who off, especially not your head. Whenever you do, he blankly stares at you.
Once he learns that the curse is triggered due to stress, he tries to help you maintain your stress, even if he doesn't show it outright.
Are you stressed because you have an overload of homework? Leona will sit next to you and practically tell you all the answers so you can finish the assignments before your stress levels get out of hand. Are your friends stressing you out? He will stand behind you and glare down at them until they shink and run away.
Once you tell Leona about the elixir, he will make sure you take it daily. The last thing he wants is for Crowley to learn about your curse. He doesn't trust the head mage, who is anything but benevolent.
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Malleus never told you this, but he had detected the curse on you since he first met you. However, the prince figured he would learn about your curse eventually, so he didn't try to pry any information from you.
However, when he learns the details about your curse, Malleus feels a wide range of emotions, from concern to anger. How could your own blood curse you? He wonders if this kind of occurrence is common among humans.
When he sees your owl beast form, he remains unfazed and finds it fascinating. He is not afraid in the slightest, as Malleus knows if you try to attack him, he has the strength to hold you back.
The prince is very concerned about your ability to detach your limbs. Does it cause you pain physically? He is a bit relieved to know you are not in pain from it, but Malleus still doesn't want you to pull your limbs off, not even as a prank. The only exception is Halloween.
The prince wants to track down your sister to learn why she did this and hold her accountable for causing you pain, but first, he wants to focus on finding a way to help you. All the mages in Briar Valley are attempting to find a way to get rid of your curse and, if you sympathize with the owl beast, a way to save it as well.
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Kalim will be taken aback if you tell him about your curse. However, if you don't tell him and accidentally transform into your beast form, Kalim will be shocked. Though, if anyone tries to attack you while you are in that form, he will protect you.
When he learns that your sister is responsible for cursing you, Kalim has difficulty wrapping his mind around it. Just the thought of your own family going against you is devastating to him. He has many siblings, and they all get along well, so he can't fathom there are families in which siblings can be enemies to this point.
Kalim is willing to do anything and everything to help you. You are his s/o, so he is responsible for helping and supporting you through thick and thin.
He also goes out of his way to ensure you are not stressed. If Kalim sees you stressing out, he immediately distracts you with his cuteness, hugs, kisses, or taking you on a magic carpet ride. He also enlists Jamil to help with your stress management.
When Kalim sees your limbs detach, he experiences a wave of emotions. First, shock. Second, discomfort for you, thinking you are in pain. Third, sadness. If you even remotely joke that the detachment causes you pain, it will draw tears to his eyes, as if he was filling the pain himself.
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Family members can be...a pain. He understands this, but to think they would go as far as to curse you. Riddle is angered by the thought, but his concern for your well-being overshadows his anger.
He is startled and a bit fearful when he sees you in your owl beast form. Even then, he stands his ground, knowing that he has to help you through this. However, when he sees/learns about your easily detachable limbs, Riddle is creeped out. If you try to detach your limbs in front of him, he will get angry. In fact, he wants to add a rule to the book of rules saying you are not allowed to take detach your limbs.
Like Kalim, Riddle enlists the help of his dorm members when he learns stress is your main trigger. When he is not around, Cater, Ace, Trey, and Deuce are responsible for helping you calm down.
Riddle is relieved that Ace and Deuce are in the same class as you so that they can keep an eye on you to prevent any incidents from happening on campus. Riddle worries that someone on campus might try to use you as a test subject if they learn about your unique curse.
If possible, he even learns how to make the elixirs you drink so that you never run out of them.
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On many occasions, Vil feels like you are hiding something from him. Then, he sees you drinking an elixir daily and knows for sure you have a secret. Part of him wants you to tell him when you are comfortable, but the other part knows he needs to know, especially if it could pose a danger to him and the other students.
When he sits down and talks with you, you detach your limb to show him the side effects. Vil immediately grosses you and gets upset with you. NEVER do that again in front of him. Even if it doesn't physically pain you, it hurts him to see your limbs not attached to your torso.
Vil asks another question: Why didn't you tell him about the curse earlier when the two of you started dating? Were you afraid that he would judge or leave you? He assures you he will not leave or judge you for being cursed; if anything, he wants to help you find a way to lift the curse.
The moment Vil learns your sister was the one who cursed you, he sympathizes with you but is angered beyond belief. His need to seek justice kicks in, and Vil's first instinct is to track down your sister and confront her. At some point in the future, with your permission or against your will, he will find your sister and confront her.
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Azul already knows you are cursed even before he sees you transform into the owl beast. Once he saw you drinking the elixir, he took a few drops from one bottle to test it. Though he couldn't find what the elixir was for, he found similar ingredients to a recipe in their world that is used to keep curses at bay.
Though he doesn't show it outright, Azul is deeply concerned about you. He doesn't confront you about your curse and waits for you to tell him or for the curse to take effect.
He is not surprised when he learns your sister is responsible for your state. He has firsthand experience in seeing the dark side of people around him. Azul focuses more on finding a cure to your curse rather than the past - for the time being.
He won't admit it out loud, but Azul finds your curse fascinating and wants to learn more about it. Even when he finds a way to separate the owl beast from you, Azul plans to keep the beast alive. Something tells him that you don't want the beast to be harmed, but more than anything, he wants to learn about the creature as there are no creatures like the owl beast in their world.
At first, Azul HATES it when you detach your limbs in front of him. Eventually, he gets used to it, especially with you and Floyd pranking everything with your detached body parts. Even if he walks into his office and finds your head on his desk, Azul will sigh, shake his head, and focus on his work.
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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twstjam · 1 year
The Tangled movie but I made it Malleyuu
Fic where thief!Yuu accidentally gets separated from their gang (Ace and Deuce) while being chased by officers after a big heist and ends up in a secluded place with a tower. Thinking that this would be a good place to lay low for a bit, they climb in, only to discover that this tower just so happens to be a hideout/safehouse for the Briar Fae's royal family.
Briar Prince Malleus is a sheltered prince who longs to see more of the world with his very own eyes, but since he's the only living heir to the Briar throne, his grandmother/the Briar Queen is very protective over him. A threat against the Draconias sees Malleus being sent away and out of the kingdom for his safety. Malleus is far from happy as he's been forced to leave his home and also forced to spend his time cooped up in a tower for an undetermined amount of time.
Malleus is incredibly upset about this... that is, until, a little human unknowingly stumbles into his tower. He initially thinks they're a threat, but they're so genuinely clueless about his identity that their visit really can only be unintentional. This is also supported by them being completely magicless. So, seeing this chance encounter as an opportunity, Malleus comes up with a plan.
First things first, Malleus hides the miniature hoard that Yuu had brought along with them and promises to give it back... *if* they in turn promise to help guide him through the human kingdom; show him around a little, and then take him back to the tower before his caretaker (Lilia ofc) returns.
Yuu agrees because them, Ace, and Deuce had busted their asses off for months planning their heist!! They can't just let this random creepy fae in a tower ruin this for them just because of Yuu's blunder! And besides, it's not like he's asking for much. All they have to do is give him a tour, basically.
So, the two of them set off on their little road trip. It goes well for the most part (aside from the fact that Yuu and their friends are wanted criminals)... but Malleus didn't take into account Lilia making an early return to the tower and, upon finding it empty of his charge, of course flips the fuck out. So now the fae guard, thinking they kidnapped the prince, are also after Yuu's ass.
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ashensgrotto · 3 months
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Why, greetings my dear anon! I’m happy that you enjoyed the ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’ to read it that many times - and I apologized that I haven’t been able to get started on the Scarbia segment yet (between that and Raison D’être plus work & other stories… and GloMas, I really need to get my priorities straight seriously -_-). However, I do intend on working on it as soon as I can so I can get it out sometime this month or in December - I mean, I think that would be the most logical since that one takes place during holiday break, right?
Now, for your request - I hope head cannons are alright for the time being. I’ll try to come back to them and do short stories for each of them that follows the same concept design as “Am I Feeling Love?” - which is the first installment of the Yandere!Azul series. I'm also going to divide this into two parts - about halfway through I realized I hadn't posted anything in a while and thus, I want to make it up to all of you for not writing or posting anything for some time.
Part 1 (Here) will feature Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, and Jamil Viper
Part 2 (Here) will feature Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, and Malleus Draconia
Vil Schoenheit
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Vil is a combination yandere - he is both a studdle stalker type, but also a projection type. Of course, in his youth, he was an up-and-coming movie star… famous for the villainous roles he played. This caused a lot of grief in his childhood, not to mention some of the trauma he had endured from other children who believed everything they saw on the big screen - thinking it was real, even though it was just special effects and players playing their roles on the stage. And, even though Jack Howl became the closest thing he had to a friend, there was nothing that he could do to shake the fear of wanting to be ‘the good guy’, the ‘hero’... to be the most beautiful of all.
As a junior in Night Raven, Vil and the rest of Pompfiore were just as shocked as the rest of the school when you appeared. At first, Vil was not interested in what you may have to offer - but ever faithful Rook was the one to point out certain features you had; soft cheeks, a creamy complexion, eyes wide and filled with wonder - not to mention a figure that would’ve had some acting agencies dying for; you almost reminded him the the princess the fairest queen had raised years ago. Vil was reluctant, but stepped forward and offered the headmage a place for you to stay in Pomfiore until you could return home. 
It was at this point that Vil realized that you were more than what you appeared. Whatever he asked of you, you did it - to nearly perfection. Scrub the ballroom flooring? It shone brighter than diamonds when you were done. Wipe down the windows? Clear as crystals. Tend to the gardens around the dormitory? Neat and tidy without a single flower or bush out of line. This, of course, caused Vil to backpeddle a little bit - if anyone from outside the dorm found out about how well you followed instructions (specifically a certain lion or scheming octopus), there would be trouble. Hence, Vil decided to try and keep you close, luring you in like the villain he was always meant to play.
He learned quickly that your home in your world was… chaotic. You often traveled back and forth between two families, plus your grandparents. If you had a choice in the matter - you would’ve stayed with your father and your stepmother full time as your mother and her on-again-off-again boyfriend often mistreated you. You were in charge of the cooking, cleaning, and caring for the home while under your mother’s care and were often trapped in her home more times out of the year. Vil had remembered about Niege LeBlance’s situation when the two stars were children - he could sympathize with your situation - and decided to take you under his wing. Vigorous training began shortly thereafter, and you soon found yourself secured under Vil’s thumb. You, along with Epel, were put through beauty regimens regularly, vocal and annunciation lessons followed classes and chores, and fashion and gossip columns replaced your books at night; and if either of you tried to escape or slip out of something, ever faithful Rook brought you straight back to Vil - a disapproving scowl on his face, arms crossed over his chest, and heeled foot tapping, looking very much like a disapproving mother.
With the arrival of spring and the fast approaching date of the Cultural Fair, Vil’s energy became more focused on the SDC - working long hours into the night perfecting the team for the competition. You did try to help sooth much of the stress that had fallen on the headwarden and offered your assistance in any way you could, Grim acting as your assistant under the watchful eye of Rook. It was also here that things slowly began to take a turn for the worst - after the mention of Neige LeBlance, Vil had begun turning to his phone more often, asking it every day who was the most beautiful of all. Mira always answered… Neige LeBlance.
The last straw was when you and Rook attempted to stop him from poisoning Neige, the vice warden ordering Neige to run and evacuate the premises. The other members of the team rushing in at the sound of Rook’s shouting. Vil couldn’t forgive himself for what he had attempted to do… he was as ugly as the poison that he created. If only he was the fairest… if only Neige LeBlance hadn’t walked into his life again… if only you could understand what it meant to be… the fairest one of all…
Idia Shroud
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Idia would also be a combination type yandere - possessive and clingy on a short list, with subtle stalker on the longer list. Not that anyone can blame him of course - his childhood was spent in it’s entirety on the Island of Woe, the next Shroud in line to take up the mantle as the Watchman of the Underworld. He, and his little brother Ortho, were the only children that lived in the facility, spending their days playing video games, reading manga and comic books, as well as creating original characters of their own. However, tragedy struck when the two boys snuck out of their room during a routine lockdown and one of the phantoms possessed the younger brother - Idia’s grief and self-blame pushed him away from others, even after he was able to reunite with his brother… in a technological sense.
Years later, during his junior year at NRC, Idia was surprised when Ortho volunteered to bring you into Ignihyde - as many other students were. When Idia demanded an explanation - Ortho explained the scan he did on you indicated that you had a lot of the same qualities as many of Ignihyde's students. What a drag - but what's done is done, and Idia found himself, not only in charge of a dorm, but an unexpected guest as well.
For the first few months, Idia holed himself up in his room - trying to avoid an encounter with the ‘normie’ of the dorm; the magicless guest of Ignihyde. Ortho attempted over and over again to get him to come out and meet the new member, telling him all about how interested you were in manga comics, fantasy RPGs, and the like - but Idia always refused… until one night during a routine midnight snack run, he ran into you. You were smaller than he expected you to be, the dorm’s heavy leather jacket baggy over your form - also swapping the typical heavy denim jeans and boots for leggings and slippers. Idia was even more surprised when you offered him a large roll of chocolate chip cookies you had picked up from the school store, a smile on your face, “Hello, I’m (y/n). You must be Idia, right?”
And following that first encounter, Idia slowly began to warm up to you. He was drawn to your sassiness and imagination, especially when the two of you talked about video games - Idia even went as far as to introduce you to his online friend, Muscle Red - the gamer excited about having another runner in the mix for events. 
However, what no one knew was that Idia slowly began to worm his way into your online presence. He hacked into your computer that Ortho had provided for you and watched when you were online, who you interacted with, and what you talked about. At first, Idia reasoned it was a way to get to know you - the best way to find out the internal workings of someone was to figure out about the mask you wore, right? But even so, the real pusher was when he was spying on a chatroom you were a part of and one member began insulting you - saying that you weren’t really a gamer, that you didn’t know anything about online gaming, or anime, and that you were a fake… a ‘normie’. If Idia had been standing next to you, you would have seen his typical calm blue hair turn red hot - hotter than the flames of Tartarus. No one was going to get away with calling his friend a ‘normie’ - magicless or not.
In the months that followed, Idia began to slowly attach himself to you - spending more time in your presence than ever before. Then, when he was summoned back to the Island of Woe to test the students that had overblotted, he brought you along with him, keeping you close as each test was conducted, examined, and recorded. The look on your face and the questions you asked him, yes, brought him joy.. But also made him worry - what did you think of him now that you knew what he was doomed to become? Would you eventually end up like Ortho because of his mistakes? Idia didn’t want to think about that… but even so, to be free of his responsibilities… to not have to be the caretaker of the Phantoms any longer… to reset the world… maybe then, you would be safe…
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus follows the same combination style - he’s definitely the obsessive, the stalker, and possessive style. Living in Briar Valley, it’s no secret that as the next in line it is his duty to help provide an heir that will take over for him when the time comes. As his mother and father had loved each other before him, Malleus often wished for the same kind of companionship that they had - however it is hard with Lilia away caring for a young human and Sebek, hence the only thing Malleus has is the comfort of his dreams. He dreams a lot, images of a fair young human traveling through the forests of Briar Valley playing in his mind - Malleus far too fearful to approach.
Many years later - during his junior year at NRC - Lilia informs him of a strange individual that has arrived - a magicless guest that is to be taking residence within the Ramshakle dorm that was on the school campus. Of course, Lilia had known about Malleus’ tendency to spend quiet nights in the dorm, listening to the sounds of the old building creek, the windows rattling against the wind… the silence and stillness of the place. Even so, Malleus does continue to travel to the dorm at night, walking around the premises like a dragon guarding his hoard. One night, however, he encounters you - the child of man with no magic abilities whatsoever - and is surprised by how easily you talk to him, without any fear in your eyes, even more so when you nickname him ‘Tsunotarou’. It slowly becomes a habit for him, heading to the Ramshakle dorm each night daily to spend time with you and talk to you - the first friend he has outside of the protection of Silver and Sebek. 
Malleus often sends Lilia to keep an eye on you, much to the chagrin of Sebek - the elder warming up to you and sharing everything he finds interesting with you with his charge - how you love visiting the other dorms, spending time with Ace, Deuce, and Grim, the struggles you encounter… never mind each of the overblot incidents that cause destruction and harm. Malleus then uses the reports to gain your trust, always lending out a hand to help when needed and offering comfort when there was none to be had. You slowly became his secret treasure - something he wanted to hide away, to protect endlessly until the end of your days.
But still… to a fae, a hundred years can pass in the blink of an eye… a thousand years was just the same way… And when the revelation of Lilia’s powers slowly depleting became noticeable, Malleus became lost for words. He was losing the closest thing he had to a father… and you were close to finding a way back to your world. He couldn’t allow that - he couldn’t lose anyone that was close to him.
When the others attempted to stop him - Malleus easily overpowered them. After all, he is one of the top five mages of the world - his power as a Draconia was more than enough to defeat an army, let alone students in a magic school. With ‘Fae of Maleficence’ casted, darkness covered the school - pulling everyone into slumber and keeping them as they were indefinitely. Everyone could be the protagonist of their own story… everyone could be happy… to live in their current state… and he would never be alone again…
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
What are your ideas on Yutu’s Unique Magic?
Maybe Riddle!Yutu having a countering UM to his father, or Cater!Yutu having one that allows him to see the true in people, etc, etc…
Also, what if Yutu has a sister/brother back in his OG timeline? Did he bring them with or they just got left behind?
for context, check these posts (1) (2) or look at the Fyuuture kid section under series on my masterlist.
oof I have a lot. Unique magic strikes me as something that is supposed to be reflective of who the mage is as a person as well as the Disney character/concept the boy is based on.  Since Yutu is not based on anyone really, we are more free with inspiration for his unique magic, with two exceptions. Idia and Kalim both have lines suggesting that their unique magics are passed down in their family's, though I imagine the incantation is different to each person; it makes sense for their Yutu's to have Gate to the Underworld and Oasis Maker respectively.
Before I really get into the weeds, I do like the idea of Yutu having (a) sibling(s) in the OG timeline, again because that can happen in Fire Emblem Awakening but also because it adds to the angst somewhat. As for whether or not he would bring them back in time, the answer to that is yes. Yutu has a few friends he traveled back in time with that are scattered around Twisted Wonderland with no way to contact each other, and if he had a sibling (with the exception of Malleus! Yutu whose sister is a bit... special) then they would be among that group. If you want some extra angst we can steal even more from FE: Awakening and make it so Yutu's sibling died before he arrived, maybe they turned into a blot monster that follows Grim's overblotted form as a replacement for his hench human.
We could even make it so Yutu's sibling doesn't have any magic, just like Yuu. You know. For the parallels ψ(`∇´)ψ
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Riddle! Yutu
Riddle! Yutu having a magic that counters his dad is such a good concept, especially for someone who initially hates him. There are two types of magic that we have seen counter Off With Your Head: Trey's Doodle Suit and a strong shielding spell used by Leona.  I can think of a few directions to take this line of thinking, so let's start with the most grounded.
A strong shielding spell, one that can be applied to multiple people, sounds like a spell that thematically fits Yutu.  We don't know a lot about how these spells function, but they're important for combat magic and shielding multiple people seems to be implied to be difficult.  Let's say in this case it's natural for Yutu and essentially the same for him as shielding himself.  This sort of spell feels like it should have a card themed name, Big Blind maybe?  It's a term that refers to the minimum bet required to continue a poker game if I understand what I read correctly. The only card game I know how to play is yugioh
The less grounded approach could be a sort of spell that creates an anti magic field… it's a concept I did toy around with mostly because I was thinking about more Alice in Wonderland themed names for a unique magic, and thought up “Everything is Nonsense” or something along those lines.  My one sort of caveat to this concept is that I think a spell like this would be heavily stigmatized, probably cause a lot of blot build up for a caster, and I'm uncertain of how it would work mechanically. Well that and I have an idea for a different Yutu who this spell would fit a bit better... but that would require me to cook with a different type of fire.
I did mention in my post about Riddle! Yutu that I liked the idea of his unique magic allowing him to shrink or grow because of Rule 42 in Alice Adventure's in Wonderland saying all people more than a mile high must be rejected from court. If Riddle is the Queen of Hearts, well then any time they argue all Yutu has to do is grow and then he won't be allowed to yell at him any more so there. As a side note do you think this logic could apply to the Chimera in the Prologue? Because I could see that being darkly funny if it comes up in game in that context.
Cater! Yutu
I had a really well thought out idea about Cater being able to see a limited amount into the future before I realized that I was describing the sharingan from Naruto so fuck me I guess.
So just hear me out, you know in twst battles you can see at least one of spells the enemy is going to use? That's sort of what I thought Yuu's unique magic would be if they had it, but I also like the idea of it being Cater! Yutu's. It would function more like an instinct than an actual vision (*clenches fist* just like naruto) but he can use his magic to tell what a person intends to do before they fully think it. Cater is skilled at divination so a unique magic that lets his kid see a little bit of the future feels like it could work for him.
Speaking of divination, I sort of also like the idea of Cater! Yutu having a magic that has something to do with stars and starlight. Maybe he can turn into a void like being made of cosmic energy, similar to how Cater's Split Card is symbolic of his many faces, Yutu's void form could be symbolic of how he feels displaced in the world.
Ace! Yutu
We don't know what Ace's unique magic is (yet) but there are a lot of theories. Time travel, something that steals another person's spell, something related to optical illusions?
I think it would be fun if Ace! Yutu could do something with reflections/mirrors. As in he can reach through mirror and attack, similar to how Hanged Man works in JoJo. The further the distance the more magic it takes, it can also work with things like water but that takes a lot more magic too.
Either that or he's able to travel between mirrors on his own without the dark mirror. That might be a much more difficult thing to do though...
Jade! Yutu
I have a very clear idea for what I wanted to do with Jade! Yutu's magic, but it's a bit complicated to explain because I'm not a physicist.
The basic idea was that Yutu is able to exert magical force on an object, so long as he knows it's exact dimensions and what it is made of. I called it "Crush the Heart" because I wanted both his and Floyd's Yutus to have magic to follow their dad's naming theme. To activate it he has to be looking at where the object should be and picture it in his mind, the more precise the crush the more concentration, control, and magic it takes.
The name could in theory be quite literal, but Yutu isn't quite there yet in his knowledge of biology or magical control.
Floyd! Yutu
Like I said, I want the twin's Yutu's to have a name that is similar to their dad's. Floyd's Bind the Heart uses Kanji that literally translates to "coiling tail"... which I guess is more similar to the magic I gave Jade! Yutu than the "gnawing teeth" that Shock the Heart does, but that magic is supposed to be something that requires calm collected control, which Floyd and his son simply do not have. Still, lets play off that and give Floyd! Yutu a magic that has something to do with shocks and teeth.
I think Floyd! Yutu should have a taunt. Floyd already loves the idea of a good fight, his son is really good at combat magic, and they both talk so much shit that the idea of that literally being his unique magic just sort of works.
Functionally the spell would work similarly to Jamil's, where the person has to look him in the eyes for it to work. The name of the spell could be something like "Reveal the Heart" but that does sound sort of stupid to me so I'm not sold on it. The spell makes a person unable to focus on anyone other than Yutu and wares off after a certain amount of time, it can fail in fashion similar to Riddle's if the enemy mage has a protection spell up.
Azul! Yutu
Another Yutu who I know exactly what I wanted to do with, I got the idea while playing Darkest Dungeon of all things. I feel like it's a bit lame though.
Azul! Yutu can create phantom limbs out of cosmic magic. When he is in octopus form those limbs take the form of human arms, and when in human form they take the form of tentacles. He says when asked that what he is doing is manipulating shadows because he likes to keep people on their toes (or fins take your pick) and he finds it very funny to watch people squirm when they realize there really is no escaping his grasp.
It is a very difficult magic to use, he needs physical strength to use those limbs because they are only as strong as his real ones, so he works out and a lot to make sure he doesn't hurt himself while using it.
Ruggie! Yutu
Laugh With Me is a perfect magic for a hyena to have, and it suits Ruggie's personality really well. Actually... I did write that his Yutu shares his laugh and I think it would be so painfully cute if that extended to his Unique Magic too. Ruggie makes a big deal about how he's kind of a crappy mage, how he has to do a lot of extra work to make up for his low mana pool and poor upbringing. Can you imagine how embarrassed, proud, and awed he would be if his son inherited his spell? That's something only great mages are supposed to have, not little guys like him. Good thing neither Yuu or Yutu care about that huh?
Vil! Yutu
I haven't done a post about Vil! Yutu really beyond this bit about him bonding with Vil, but I did mention what I think his unique magic would be.
I can't find it but I read a myth once about a painter who drew animals with a magic paintbrush that would bring them to life if he gave them two eyes, so he only ever gave them one. I thought it would be neat to have a spell like that and it feels like something that would fit Yutu Schoenheit very well. His magic allows him to create temporary familiars similar to Lilia's bats, bigger creatures take more magic and focus.
I wrote the name for this spell as "Technicolor Dream" since I thought it would be nice for the name of Yutu's magic to nod towards his father's job and his dreams about having his family back.
I have a lot more Yutu's chilling in my inbox, so I'll revisit this topic (lilia! yutu has a whole ask about his um that I really like) once we are done with round 2 of Yutu posting.
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
Twst analysis & theory- General Lilia and the Seeker of Cradles
In chapter 7 part 3, MC dreams about when Maleficent’s goons tell her that they can’t find Aurora, they also dream about Aurora being told she’s a princess by the three good fairies, but the most important connection I’ve made is what General Lilia Vanrouge and the other dark fae soldiers were doing in the woods during Lilia’s dream. 
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I think the dream is of a memory of when Lilia first found baby Silver, or rather, searched for. 
Maleficent’s goons (two of whom Lilia is based on design-wise and also is emulated on his helmet) are tasked with finding baby Aurora so Maleficent can make sure her curse comes to fruition. 
It’s very obvious now that Silver is twisted from Aurora. We know he was “found” abandoned in the woods, that he was found with a beautiful ring in the shape of Aurora’s crown, and has been associated with Aurora’s aesthetic and woodland friends since the beginning of the game. 
He’s most likely a lost prince, either deliberately left for his safety or because something awful has already happened to his parents.
The fae and humans of Briar Valley do not get along. It’s understandable that there are tensions between the two, and there’s a history of conflict. 
It’s possible Malleus’s grandmother knew Silver was a human prince and, whether in war or an act of revenge, wanted Silver killed or cursed and sent soldiers and the Nightmare General Vanrouge to go find him. 
There’s a chance Lilia could hate humans during the time that the dream takes place, or he could be saying such to save face around the other guards/to please Maleficia. 
Either way, Lilia’s newest title names him the “Seeker of Cradles,” and I believe he and the other guards are doing just that. (X)
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That brings me more towards theorizing and taking elements from Sleeping Beauty and connecting it to the unfolding plot. 
Lilia is out here on a search to find and possibly harm Silver…But obviously he doesn’t do that. 
He has a change of heart, or maybe he had always planned on saving Silver from harm’s way. 
He raises Silver alone in a cottage located in the middle of nowhere. Silver grows up isolated, only ever interacting with Sebek and Malleus. He recently confirms in his Broomquet vignette that he literally has no idea what goes on in the city of his own country because he’s always lived deep in the woods…Just like Aurora. (X) (notice Aurora overlooking the castle town, the same view Silver describes from his home)
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Lilia seems to purposefully keep Silver in one place, with the exception of bringing him to NRC (something I’m sure he or Malleus had to arrange.) Lilia wanted Silver to enjoy Halloween as humans do, but instead of letting him interact with other humans, he trick or treated alone with Lilia, walking around their cottage. 
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This is similar to how Aurora grew up isolated and alone in her own cottage with the three good fairies. They also discouraged her from interacting with other people and just like Silver, she relied on animals to be her companion. 
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Lilia himself has greatly changed his appearance, from his hairstyle, hair color, and also his voice. He claims that he’s leaving the Valley to go into retirement and to avoid orders from Maleficia; we know his magic is draining- but how much of that could’ve been attributed to protecting Silver?
The good fairies made themselves humans in order to best protect Aurora, could that Lilia’s goal as well?
Silver is already theorized to be cursed, so how much of Lilia’s magic went to keeping that curse at bay? 
How much of Lilia’s magic went to keeping Silver safe? Keeping him away from the prying eyes of fae who hate humans? Who wants this innocent little prince dead?
How much of Lilia’s magic went into changing his appearance? To make a distinct difference between the general and loyal servant of the Draconia family and a loving fae father to a human child. 
I could be super wrong about all of this, but when I see the similarities, I can’t help but just think further and try to discover all the secrets. 
Genuinely hoping that I’m right about Lilia’s dream being about finding Silver. I hope we get to see Lilia become a father, and I hope Lilia has been doing everything he can to protect Silver and not because he wants to do something nefarious with him. As if he hasn’t and isn’t going to suffer enough. 
tldr- Lilia is searching for Silver under Maleficia’s orders, likely to harm him, but gets a change of heart and raises Silver in secrecy to protect him in his dream.
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This may be an out-there one but stick with me for a sec! I remember Leona going off to Jamil about how Kalim’s best asset is that he’s friendly and he knows how to use that to sway people whether he knows it or not. With that in mind, may we see Kalim’s magical charms work on Maleficia?
Consider this interaction as a part 2 to this one! They just happen to flow together really well.
P.S. For no reason at all, you should totally go read Jade's School Uniform vignette :))
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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A single spot of sunshine lit up all of Diasomnia's dank, gloomy lounge.
Kalim, a gargantuan smile plastered on his face, was seated at a table, playfully swinging his legs back and forth. He had with him a portable stove and a tea set, both ridiculously fine and expensive. His friend Silver would soon be there, and the two would delight in sharing an afternoon snack and catching up on one another's lives.
I wonder when he’ll get here! Kalim thought, angling his head toward the doors that spilled into the room. He said he was meeting up with his dad first, so maybe they’ll come together?
From a corridor came faint voices, low and calm, like lost souls afraid to startle their own shadows. The shapes of two people extended along a stony wall, green candlelight haloing them as they approached. Their forms steadily grew larger and larger until they had, at last, consumed all light.
"Silver?" Kalim called as he hopped out of his chair.
A pair entered the lounge, chasing away the sun in favor of the stars. Cloaked in black and pale-faced, inhuman horns protruding from their heads, they heralded in the night and bad dreams like the monsters from under one’s bed.
Kalim greeted them with cheer anyway.
“It’s you, Malleus!! You’re with your family today, huh?” he cried out, excitedly waving at the duo. “Didn’t think I’d run into you today. Usually you’re so hard to find for meetings!"
“Asim. I had not expected to encounter you myself.” The corner of the prince's mouth lifted into a slight smirk. "Perhaps you've not looked hard enough."
"Gahahah! I'll try harder next time then!"
“Who might this be, Malleus?”
“Excuse me.” His eyes slid to the woman beside him as gestured toward Kalim. “Grandmother, I give you Kalim Al-Asim, a fellow dorm leader. Asim, my grandmother, and current queen of Briar Valley.”
“Your grandma?!” Kalim’s exclamation echoed off the cavernous walls. There was no effort to conceal his shock, not in tone nor in face. “Whoa, I never would have known…! I thought she was your sister or something! You look a lot alike.”
Maleficia chuckled darkly. “We fae mature quite differently than humans. Our true age rarely shows.”
“So you look a lot younger than you actually are? That’s so cool!” Kalim laughed, oblivious to his own brashness as he ran his mouth. “There’s someone in my year level that’s kind of like that too. Have you met Riddle? He looks small but he’s actually super smart and responsible! I really look up to him!”
Maleficia nodded as she patiently listened in.
Next to her, Malleus slowly surveyed the room, then allowed his gaze to drift back to Kalim. “If I may ask, where have your own relatives, Asim? Were they not to accompany you today?"
“Oh, that!! Only dad could make it this year.He had to take an important business call, so he said go hang out with some friends and he’ll catch up with me later!”
Kalim indicated the canister beside his tea making supplies. “He brought back a new blend from one of his trading partners. It’s a rare tea made with petals and buds from the Queendom of Roses and Briar Valley. That’s where Silver’s from, so I wanted to share it with him!”
“A tea made in part with plants from the Briar Valley, you say…” Malleus cradled his chin in one hand. “Most intriguing. Our kingdom is a small, isolated one. It is not often that our culture is able to merge with that of another."
“The Queendom of Roses is the country east of our continent,” Maleficia said sagely. "It is not only known for its roses, but all kinds of flowers that blossom in the springtime. Being that our Briar Valley is more northward, our flora tends to be much hardier than that of the Queendom."
"That means your flowers and theirs are different somehow, right? It's neat how someone thought to bring roses from two completely different places together!" Kalim grinned widely. "It's like going to a feast where each guest brings a dish from their culture so everyone can have a taste of where they come from.”
Maleficia stared at the young man, her expression indiscernable.
“Oh yeah, if you guys are interested in it, you can try some!” Kalim offered.
Malleus cocked his head. "I believe you stated that your intention was to share the tea with Silver?"
"Don't be shy! It's my treat, and there's plenty to go around! I'll go and brew it. Take a seat while you wait!"
“Hmm, if you are offering… I suppose it would be rude of us to refuse your thoughtful invitation. Grandmother?”
“No objections.”
The Draconias slunk to the table and sat, their lithe forms melded with the quilted leather chairs. They looked right at home with their refined posture, commanding the lounge from their thrones without so much as lifting a finger.
Kalim appeared like nothing more than an attendant in the powerful presence of royalty, buzzing about and fiddling with various tools as he set to making the tea.
Removing the lid off of his kettle, he poured in enough water to fill most of the vessel up. Kalim set it upon the portable stove and cranked the heat up. A soft electric hum started, and the flat disc upon which the kettle sat slowly warmed.
“What a strange device," Malleus mused, his brows creasing at the various dials and settings on the stove. "Would it not be more efficient to prepare the tea with magic? A single puff of fire breath would also suffice to hasten the tea."
"Probably! But you two are my guests. It's my job to feed you and make sure you're enjoying yourselves! This is my way of doing that."
As he talked, Kalim kept his hands in motion. He popped the cap off of his cannister, scooping out unassuming mounds of dried leaves and flowers and letting them fall into each teacup. First, the queen's, then Malleus's, and himself last.
"In my home country, guests are always served before the host. It's to welcome people into our homes. 'You're my friend, and I respect you. I want to honor you with food and drink, to treat you like you're a member of my family.' That's the feeling behind it!"
“I see. So this is the hospitality that comes specifically from the Scalding Sands.” A small smile formed on Malleus’s lips. “I do recall similar kindness from my trip to Silk City. The people of the Scalding Sands are very friendly and warm, much like the sun.”
“The times have certainly changed,” Maleficia remarked. “Back in my day, the children of man were not quite so open-minded. To invite fae to any gathering was to invite danger—such was the common sentiment.”
“Ahhh, that’s too bad. Being left out of a party never feels good!” Kalim let a rare frown appear. “I guess I never realized how lucky I am to live in a time where all kinds of people can be friends.”
The kettle rattled on the stove, a high-pitched whistle erupting from its spout. He swiftly removed it by the handle, and set to pouring hot clear liquid into Maleficia’s cup, then Malleus’s, and his own. Curtains of steam rose up, hiding his features as he chewed on his thoughts.
“Silk City wasn’t always as big as it is now,” Kalim finally said. “My ancestors found a way to use the waterways for trade. It connected us to new information, goods, and people. Then over time, the population grew into the big community we know today.
“Things changed a lot! I’m thankful that they did, because that means all of us can experience so much more together, like this tea. The world really opened up to us.”
The leaves and rosebuds started to unfurl, their colors and flavors seeping into the hot water. A subtly sweet, mellow scent wafted up, filling the lounge with a flowery perfume.
“Indeed, it has.” Maleficia agreed. “Our Briar Valley is set in its ways, yet the world around it seems to constantly shift. I did not think I would live to see the day a child of man so fearlessly entertains me for tea myself—but here we are, fae and human, on equal terms.”
She reached over and squeezed Malleus’s hand. He laid another over hers and smiled back. There was something sad and haunting in their eyes, a mutual understanding of something far darker than their words would allow.
“Yeah, it’s great that we can do stuff like this without worrying anymore! Speaking of, I think the tea’s about done brewing. One last final touch…”
Kalim picked up his entire sugar pot and inverted it over Maleficia’s cup. Several cubes tumbled out and splashed into the beverage. The typically composed queen startled at the sugar and tea concoction (especially when Kalim produced another sugar pot and proceeded to do the same to Malleus’s cup).
“Is this… customary?” Maleficia carefully inquired.
“No, we’d usually add more! Luxurious tea is sweet tea!!” Kalim responded, totally oblivious to her shock. “I thought I’d just be serving Silver today though, so I bought way less sugar than I usually do. I hope it’s still to your liking though!”
“Ah, this style of tea would be the same kind I was served in Silk City. The… exceedingly sweet kind,” Malleus said warily. He spoke no more, but the warning had already made itself evident.
“… I understand. This dish is an integral part of your culture.” Maleficia lifted her cup with the grace and elegance befitting of a queen. “I shall partake in your saccharine fare… Asim, was it?”
“Yup, that’s me! Kalim Al-Asim.”
“Fufu. I will remember your name and face, Kalim Al-Asim. Of that, you can be certain. After all, I had the opportunity to hear many interesting things from you. It would not do to forget such an important individual—and a beloved companion to my Malleus.”
She swallowed her overly sugared tea without flinching. It was strong, peppered with floral notes—two adjacent springtimes at the same threshold. To one side, the Queendom with a sweet medley of rainbow flowers clustered around its roses. To the other, the once great Briar Country, its rosen blooms shrouded by bitter bramble.
So different, yet still meeting in the middle. Humans and fae, reconciling under the same sun.
“How is it?”
Maleficia slowly lowered the cup from her lips. They ached from the sugar in a single sip, yet she was satisfied all the same.
“It was delicious.”
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althea-and-alcestris · 4 months
Imagine an AU where Althea is reborn as Silver's twin sister (biologically) after Alcestris dies as a nearly sick twist of fate (being reborn as the child of your enemy). She too put under the sleeping spell by the fairies, slumbering away along with her brother for 200 years and waiting for someone to love them until the retired General comes by the thorn infested and abandoned castle. Lilia's presence immediately awakens the twin babies from their 'blessing' because there is finally someone who can love them unconditionally after their parents perished in war. He gives his blessing to them, naming them Silver and Althea. Silver's blond hair changes to silver but Thea's hair remains the same ashy blonde..instead it's her right eye that changes. From the soft hazel brown that her left eye is like it becomes a fiery crimson red which hits Lilia too close to home. She looks just like the young half-fae that was so brutally murdered by the humans..but this child is not to blame and neither is Silver.
He raises them in the little cottage near the Zigvolt residence and often visited by Malleus, the twins both wanting to be knights along with little Sebek and so Lilia trains all three of them. Even though the little girl wants to wield a sword as well, she's always playing the role of the princess that the two boys need to save. Silver has the ability to attract small woodland creatures or even one as big as a bear, Althea on the other hand was gifted with a voice so heavenly some might even say it can do wonders.
The envelope of invitation from Night Raven arrives to Silver, meaning he can enroll into the college but Thea is upset about her brother leaving, refusing to accept being left alone in the cottage or in the care of the Zigvolt family so Lilia somehow manages to convince Crowley to let her enroll as well (because he is so kind as we know). Sorted into Diasomnia just like her father, twin brother, older brother figure and later her childhood friend (and crush(?)) .
Despite Silver having a sleeping curse that makes him doze off randomly throughout the day, Thea has the opposite. She's very much an insomniac, having trouble falling asleep even at night. Lilia also couldn't find a cure to this just he couldn't to Silver's condition.
Ashe (Yuu) shows up in the Opening Ceremony of their second year in NRC as the magicless human from another world. Thea quickly befriends the little outsider, making them best friends and her also helping them battle the Overblot incidents. But as time passes she begins to dream about a strange girl in green armor that looks very similar to herself and a man with long blond hair and silver armor. She can't put her finger on who either of them are but she feels that she's supposed to know.
Then inevitably come the time when Lilia announces he will be dropping out of college and move to a far away country because he's losing his magic, ultimately leaving his kids behind which leaves both Silver and Thea upset. This leads to Malleus's Overblot and the nightmare begins (get it?), him putting everyone on the island to sleep. Silver uses his Signature Spell to travel into Lilia's dream along with Sebek, Ashe, Grim and Thea. There they will unravel all the secrets and truth that has been kept hidden from them by the elders.
Silver and Thea discover their true origins, finding out their real parents being the enemy of the faes and thus General Lilia and Thea recognizes Knight of Dawn as the man who always showed up in her dreams. Thea however is hit with a bonus set of bricks. Discovering that she had a past life..as the half-fae girl that she also used to dream about. She finds out what happened to her and the truth is as painful as it gets. Alcestris was murdered by the Men of Steel, more specifically King Hendrick who is non-other than her and Silver's uncle. And she right now is the reincarnation of that unfortunate half-fae soldier, reborn as the child of the enemy who are the reason of her death in the first place. She's just as distraught as Silver is about their origins but Sebek and Ashe are there to pull both of them out of the darkest pit of their life. Life moves on and they're not to blame for the actions of their ancestors, they're still worthy of love..
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yuurei20 · 6 months
Trey Info Compilation part 16: Cater (3)
At the beginning of Spectral Soiree when it is revealed that over half the students in Heartslabyul vanished without a trace, Ace asks where Cater is and Trey does not respond. Ace says, “Oh geez…”
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Vargas Camp 2 is a stressful time for Trey for a similar reason.
A formerly-possessed Cater apologizes for slowing the group down after they reunite and Trey assures him, “no one blames you.”
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Cater seems to be a fan of Trey’s cooking: Trey says that during the Firelit Sky event Cater would keep suggesting spices for him to buy, and “I assume he wants me to make some of his favorite spicy foods when we get back.”
Also on the topic of Cater, Trey recommends that the prefect go to Cater if they want to know how to get along with their classmates, as “(Cater) has a ton of friends,” and he says that Cater won’t stop asking him if there’s a trick to growing taller.
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He also says that he is “always surprised by (Cater’s) ability to sweet talk his way out of things" and seems familiar with Cater’s issues at home: When Cater comments on Jamil being “driven half neurotic” by Kalim, Trey responds, “That’s funny coming from you.”
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Trey also says that Cater is big on astrology, is right a lot of the time and has told his fortune before, and is usually the one who smooths things over at Heartslabyul when there’s an issue or when students are in trouble.
When they run into a possessed Cater during Spectral Soiree Trey says, “On the outside, at least, Cater can come off as flippant and fickle…but he would never take out his anger on someone else.”
During Beanfest Trey says, “Cater’s upbeat and friendly, but he doesn’t exactly get heavily invested in events,” and we see in a vignette that Trey follows Cater on Magicam.
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We see Cater go through something of a crisis during Halloween when Lilia tells him that he may be the wisest one of them all by deciding not to get too close to anyone, only to reveal that Malleus, Sebek and Silver are his chosen family.
This might be tying into an interaction between Trey and Cater during Wish Upon a Star: Trey calls Cater out on making the same wish as the year before (“You were really enthusiastic about it, too”) so Cater makes another (“For my life at school to be chill”).
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Afterwards, however, Trey reflects, “You’d think he’d be open to sharing one of his actual wishes by now. Then again, maybe he is…just not with me.”
There is a fan theory that Cater is actively keeping Trey at arm’s length in certain areas of his life in anticipation of graduation when they will all go their separate ways, as they have become too close.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
What are the conditions in where they know it's you, how they feel.. What are their next moves?..
A/N: I haven't seen any other creator make this particular au, so I made it, it's basically the au of an manwha I read! (Though I have changed multiple details, and will continue adding my own twist) If you have questions/requests about this au, feel free to ask me!
GENDER NEUTRAL READER WARNINGS: Slight yandere themes (Implied in some parts)
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Astarol, a God's perfect creation.. a demigod of sorts, they were blessed with everything a human being could desire, and lived among mortals.. yet they had one fatal flaw..
Astarol's were cursed to fall for a Tara, otherwise known as human's, it all started when the very first Astarol fell for a demon, causing them to be kicked out of heaven, as they had been tainted in God's eyes..
They say when an Astarol first locks eyes with their Tara they'd know immediately, as if their entire world is standing in front of them... However, this was heavily one-sided.. as a Tara would never truly feel the same way.
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Vil's biggest pride was his elegance, and sheer perfection, it didn't take much for him to get what he desired, being an Astarol he was blessed at birth, with riches and power beyond one's wildest imagination.
He had met his Tara in his mid 20's, the moment he locked eyes with you', he was aware that you were his.. the gesture didn't last long as you looked away without much care.. it irked him on the contrary, most would glance his way for prolonged periods of time, hoping he'd notice them.. yet you seemed not to care in the slightest!
The way his gaze lingered on you, as you walked away without much care, exiting the gardens... he almost forgot he was in public! He was attending Marchioness Elodie's tea party.. he hoped no one noticed him losing his composure.
On that note, he should find out who you were.. he wanted to see you again- No.. he needed to see you again.. it felt odd, something had changed..
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Riddle grew up quite humbler then the average Astarol, sure he had everything within arms reach.. Yet his mother prevented him from doing so.. he wasn't particularly attached to anything, in the slightest.
He had come to enjoy sweets and whatnot, once he of course gained freedom, after his mothers.. rather miserable end.
Riddle's mind was quite elsewhere, he never imagined the thought of finding his Tara, something many questioned him for.. he had someone predestined just for him. And yet he didn't care for it.
Being closed off it was rare to see Riddle going out and meeting others, staying within his closed circle of friends he had made during his childhood, and a handful of others he had met along the way in his journey's, and business endeavors.
During a Business party, Riddle found himself out in the balcony, catching a breather, something he'd often do in crowded events such as this. He took a deep breath, taking another sip of the alcohol free beverage he had picked up.. God knew how bad he was with alcohol.. That's when he looked down, and saw you...
Your eyes locked for but a moment, yet he couldn't comprehend how he felt.. his world felt full.. and colorful.. so sweet.. like a tart, on a summer day.. He couldn't look away.. watching you till you disappeared from view. That's when he knew.. that you were his.. and he didn't plan on letting you go.
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Malleus was a prince of a highly respected family and a Astarol, he was praised from left to right, yet was viewed unapproachable. It came as no surprise as he was a standoff-ish person, and preferred staying in a close knit group of friends.
However, he did make an effort in attending certain events and socializing, after all he had an image to maintain.. And he planned to keep it intact..
That's when he saw you!... dancing with someone else.. the ball was crowded yet by accident the two of locked eyes, and his gaze continued lingering on your form, he felt as if he had just seen his entire world, right in front of him.. stolen from him..
His gaze turned towards your partner.. his stern yet soft gaze turned into a glare, as he dug holes to the person's back.. He had hoped his concerns were for nothing..
Calling his aide to do a background check on you.. even if that thing was of any value to you... who would refuse the words of the future king..
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Leona was the second child of a wealthy kingdom.. however, unlike his brother.. he was an Astarol.. A fact, he'd prefer keeping hidden, yet his pride refuted such an idea.
He watched the crowds from a distance, staying cooped up within his palace.. he preferred to rest in and never entertained the idea of attending every single social gathering he was invited too. His days were quite peaceful for an Astarol.. except for the day's his nephew would barge into his home as if it was his own.. Clinging onto him, as if he was a magnet.
Unluckily, as Leona had gotten older and received his own title, land, and wealth.. he was required to attend more and more events.. be it for conventional reasons, or to maintain a certain relationship between families..
It was at one of these many events that Leona had first laid eyes on you, it was the national founding day and the nobles were as lively as ever. Approaching the prince ever so often.. to be brutally honest, he couldn't care in the slightest.. wishing that he could go home..
He prayed that some sort of interesting event would happen today, something that could have kept him entertained.. and it did.. He locked eyes with you for but a brief moment, as you entered the palace, late as ever..
He grinned, were you stunned by his beauty? Taking aback by his looks by any chance.. 'Hey!?!?! Why were you looking away?'
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Azul prided his title as a Astarol, he had wealth beyond anyone's imagination, and connections with many outside his continent. He had lived quite luxuriously, and it would seem as if he could care less about his Tara, but that was a very wrong assumption.. Azul wanted nothing more but to meet his Tara.
Someone who was meant for him, predestined to be with him. The thought filled him up with joy, he spent many sleepless nights wondering of the day he'd come to meet you face to face.. He wondered how it felt like, meeting your Tara..
Azul, was a closed off and hard to reach person.. It was difficult to book and appointment with him, and you'd have to be lucky, powerful, wealthy, or even have extremely good connections, to even dream of attending one of his events.. Except for the yearly charity event that the Ashengrotto family holds every year, which was open to everyone, all other events held by the family were private, grand yet held for only the most prestigious and elite in society.
Azul often hoped that at one of these events, or even the charity event, will be where he first meets you.. Yet his hopes were in vain.. Floyd had forced the poor Astarol to attend the opening of the new opera house with him, and at then he locked eyes with you, you were in the crowd with who he assumed was your immediate family or friends.
The moment was brief and you quickly turned another way, breaking contact.. but it was enough time for the lovesick Astarol to know who you were....
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Idia was born into a highly prestigious family.. and he was an Astarol no less! Surely, he'd be a prideful and full of confidence- Well it's not like Idia wasn't confident.. He just preferred the idea of not-mixing with humans.
He viewed himself as a worthy being, quite above others.. he didn't even think of his Tara to be quite honest.. For a Tara is known to be the biggest curse to an Astarol.. or so he's overheard from the staff.
He grew up with high intelligence, and was viewed with respect.. He had access to all the luxuries one would crave for, and continued making a name for himself, with his many inventions that he had created over the past years. Publicly, he was loved, as all Astarol's are, yet he rarely made contact with the outside world, he preferred locking himself away in his study, creating various new devices to help with everyone's day to day life. Truly a genius of the time..
Yet like all noble's, Idia had to make an appearance in Royal banquets.. and some other events too, where he tried his best avoiding full crowds and staying out of the limelight... but.. while Idia planned his not-so graceful escape from the crowds, he met face to face with you.. locking eyes..
Something in him changed at that very moment.. He watched as you.. a human quickly excused yourself and left him without much care, his gaze lingered onto your form... He expected to be acknowledged.. rarely if not never was he NOT acknowledged.. He was an Astarol.. And a famous figure.. Why weren't you acknowledging him? Don't you realize what you are??
At that very moment Idia failed to remember an important fact.. how only Astarol's knew who their Tara was.. not the other way around..
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Kalim was born with wealth beyond one's wildest dreams, and his parents had taught him all about his duties as an heir.. and an Astarol... He grew up witnessing how in love his parents truly were, and how he hoped his relationship would be similar if not exact to the one his parent's had.. Their love was so indefinitely perfect and sweet.. Kalim couldn't have preferred anything else..
Kalim grew up with everything.. he wanted or needed.. if he so much as looked at a item with interest, he'd receive it. And he carried that mindset well into adulthood... even when it game to friendships. No one ever brought up his behavior and wrongs.. Making him all the more oblivious to the wrongs he might've done.. And no one would tell him about his wrongs, his power was overwhelming to the normal human beings who craved nothing more but peace.
Kalim threw luxurious parties, often... his spending of course came with a limit, he had set up personally.. making sure he spent within the limits he had set.. After all, though he had flaws.. he was still taught and grew up learning to be a responsible heir.. despite his imperfections when carrying out tasks.
At one of these over the top parties, he had met you.. locking eyes almost instantly.. he couldn't help but get lost in your gaze, even when you had walked away.. paying no mind to the figure who fell hopelessly for you.. at that very moment...
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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A Day for Silly Love Songs
I have no idea what posessed me to write this at 2AM, I blame the Wings and youtube for recommending me love songs. Anyways enjoy this valentine's day Jamil x gn!reader I made in a rush. As always, if you notice any mistakes no you didn't
The Prefect always thought Valentine’s Day was just a commercial thing back home, a holiday made to sell specials, food and perfumes at a “discounted” price. They were more of the idea that love, be it for friends or family or lovers, should be expressed all year instead of just this one particular day.
Still they couldn’t help but miss the gaudy decorations of red, pink and white that often took over the world during this time of year, the silly love songs that people loved to dedicate each other and the loving messages friends left in the chats.
The Prefect also knew Valentine’s Day wasn’t a thing in Twisted Wonderland. It became obvious when February came and no heart-shaped decorations nor red, pink and white ornaments filled the campus nor the internet pages Cater and Idia were so keen on showing them.
No trends related to love or friendship, no complaining about loneliness or happy couples, nothing to show liking or disliking this particular date.
So, naturally, they didn’t take it personally when the freshmen received their gifts on the 14th wondering why the sudden affection. The Prefect didn’t explain, simply giving a 'I just felt like giving you all a little something for being such good friends'. After all, the whole history behind Valentine’s was complex and frankly quite separated from how it was celebrated in modern times and they didn't have the time nor the energy to explain why such a holiday was of any importance. All they cared about was giving their friends a little token of their appreciation.
Some of the upperclassmen also were confused. Ruggie and the Octavinelle trio in particular seemed intrigued but cautious about needing to return the favor. But they all smiled upon learning the gifts were just that, gifts. Ruggie in particular was very happy about receiving free food, no matter how small the bag of cookies was.
Malleus meanwhile was ecstatic to get a present from his friend. The wooden charm, painted a beautiful purple, was elegant in its simplicity and the fae was more than glad to attach the little charm on his magical pen. 
So on and so forth, the Prefect gave everybody a little trinket to show them their love. Even the more reclusive Idia got a little something.
However, there was one person who was yet to receive anything from the Prefect. And he had surely noticed by now.
Jamil Viper was stretching along with the rest of the basketball club, preparing for the training ahead, but he was having a hard time focusing with Ace and Floyd talking nearby.
‘Heee so Shrimpy gave you candy too? No fair! I thought my gift was special!’ 
‘Hey don’t look at me like that! You’re seriously freaking me out-’ Ace was interrupted by Floyd suddenly standing up and approaching him with a menacing aura, to which he responded with darting out of his reach and into the court. Floyd chased him, laughing all the way, and soon the rest of the club was shouting at them both to encourage the race, hoping to either see Ace outrun Floyd or be caught by him. 
Jamil was honestly done. He could feel a headache forming from the stress as well as he could feel the frustration of hearing around campus how everybody was getting a gift from the Prefect. That’s it, everybody but him.
Was it something he said? He knows he’s been busy lately what with helping the Scarabia students get back to studying and settling back in the dorm after the holidays, and also the whole ‘Crewel wants to make sure you all have the basics down pat, so we’ll be having weekly tests until March’ but he didn’t think he’d been neglecting you so much. He still went over to the cafeteria on a semi-regular basis to give you the “leftovers” -food he totally cooked specifically for you to enjoy- he had. He still made some time on his schedule to teach you and Grim a little bit of History or Alchemy or Ancient Curses because he knew how much you struggled with it. Merciful Sands, he even made his best effort to walk a certain route, different from his original one, to and from class everyday just so he could make sure to say hi to you every day.
As Floyd, Ace and some of the other guys started playing something completely unrelated to basketball, Jamil decided he had better things to do than stay here and do nothing. So he promptly grabbed his things and left without a word.
He walked fast and tense, with a determination and purpose that made most students move out of the way immediately. He reached the Scarabia kitchen in record time, and put on his apron to begin gathering ingredients.
Oh so you want to give people food? But not him? The rational part of his brain told him the Prefect had either forgotten or given his gift to Kalim to pass it later, but the emotional side wanted to remind the Prefect of their bond. He was the guy they kept messaging in the middle of the night with the pretext of not being able to sleep. He was the guy they kept calling first thing in the morning to make sure he’d slept well and have a nice breakfast before class. He was the guy who returned all that affection tenfold with little details that he both hope you would and wouldn’t notice because he loves you but he has so much trouble admitting his feelings.
So now, he’s preparing you a dessert. He knows it's your favorite, and while he would have liked to make this with more time over the weekend, make it really tasty and beautiful and surprise you with it on Ramshackle, maybe even have a date while you shared the food right now he needed to remind you just how much better he was than the rest of the students at this school, and how well he understood you. 
Kalim was just getting back from his own club activities when Jamil was preparing to leave. ‘Ohhh what’s that? It smells soooo good!’ The shine on his eyes denoted how eager he was to try the dessert, but Jamil had no time to lose, he was on a mission ‘I have to hand this to someone, but there’s some leftovers from lunch if you get hungry’ and just like that he was gone. Kalim didn’t even have time to ask who it was for or where exactly the leftovers were.
The Prefect sat in the Ramshackle living room, staring at the one gift they had been unable to give. Grim had fallen asleep from a food-induced coma, so he couldn’t bear witness to the defeat and shame on the Prefect’s face.
‘Ugh why can’t I do something so simple? It’s just a box of chocolates, why do I have to make such a huge deal out of it? I already gave everyone else things, and nobody thought anything weird’ sighing, the Prefect dropped their weight back onto the couch and laid there for a few seconds, thinking.
The heart shaped box, which they had to make by hand as Twisted Wonderland didn’t have such decorations, looked surprisingly good despite being carried dragged around campus all day. In fact, the Prefect was pretty certain that if they looked inside, the assorted chocolates of the various flavors they could remember from back home would also be intact. So why was the box still here instead of with its intended owner? 
As much as the Prefect hated to admit it, it was because they knew this gift was different from the others. All of the others were just little trinkets, with much love and some money put into them but barely the same time, effort and dedication that this one had required. And all because the Prefect had somewhat hoped to find Jamil alone at some point and confess their feelings with this gift. But as they walked around campus, the nerves and fear of rejection got the better of them.
After all, Jamil often joked about how troublesome the students here were, or how he was always worrying about his juniors and doing things to help them out (even if it they hadn’t asked for help), or how stressed he was lately with all the tutoring lessons or helping students recover their usual sleep schedules. The Prefect could tell it was all getting to him,  to the point his replies to their usual texting and calling had shortened to a few one or two-word answers. 
No, right now wasn’t the right time to confess. Jamil had enough on his plate, the last thing he needed was to consider someone else’s feelings and stress about rejecting or dating someone. And the Prefect certainly didn’t want to think too hard about the possibility of rejection and what that would mean for their friendship. 
‘Welp, guess I better get rid of this. Not like I’m gonna use it anymore’ as they stood up and gave themselves a single, determined clap, the doorbell rang.
‘Hm? Who could it be at this hour?’ looking around the room, the only things here were theirs and Grim’s ‘Odd, I don’t think the guys forgot anything’
The Prefect approached the door, thinking that perhaps Malleus had dropped by to go sightsee some gargoyles. Instead, as they opened the door, they were greeted by the man of the hour. Jamil Viper, whose panting, flushed cheeks and slightly disheveled appearance, revealed he may have been running here.
‘Jamil? What’s going on?’ The Prefect made to grab him by the shoulder but he stopped them with a raised finger. He took a few deep breaths, and when he was confident in his ability to speak, replied ‘I don’t know what I did to be ignored out of everybody today, but I brought you something to hopefully fix it’ 
Just then, as Jamil raised teh bagged food, did they realize he was carrying something. Their eyes widened and their cheeks flushed, but nevertheless they let him in.
‘Um, I don’t know what to say Jamil… um sorry, I promise I didn’t mean to ignore you all day’ Jamil walked in and quietly left the food on the table, careful not to wake Grim. He turned to eye the Prefect, not fully believing their words but too infatuated not to. 
‘So then how come everybody got gifts today except for me?’ at his accusatory words, the Prefect flushed even harder, the tip of their ears growing hot with embarrassment. Instead of answering with words, they simply grabbed the heart-shaped box and gave it to him, hoping this would suffice as an answer instead of having to admit so soon to their feelings.
Jamil eyed the box curiously, growing flushed himself upon noticing the…peculiar shape of it. He carefully opened it to see the assortment of colorful and well-crafted chocolates inside, as well as a handwritten list of flavors corresponding to each shape and color on the back of the lid. 
‘Uhhh’ all of a sudden, Jamil didn’t know what to say. The speech he had rehearsed on his way over, to try and make the Prefect see how he felt and possibly choose him as a boyfriend, was completely gone from his mind. ‘is this what Floyd was raving about?’ 
‘No, I- I made these myself, the others gifts were bought’ their voice was wavering between being strong and weak, as if they had to overpower the need to protect their heart with the love they felt for him.
Jamil took the box and began reading some of the flavors with curiosity, and seeing his rising eyebrows, the Prefect added ‘these are from back home, at least the few flavors and shapes I could remember better’ Immediately Jamil smiled, soft and fond. Oh, a piece of your world? Just for him? Was he truly that special to you? He ought to find a way to repay this thoughtful and kind gift tenfold. But first, he needed to make sure of something.
Letting the box on the table, he opened his own gift to you, revealing the delicious dessert he’d made. Although not quite as good as a professional chef’s would be, he was sure it would taste amazing. And so were you, from the smell of it.
‘I made this for you, because I thought maybe you were upset we- I haven’t been paying- able to spend much time with you’ he coughed a little, trying to regain the strength of his voice and his resolve ‘I figured…well we could eat together and catch up a bit…if…if that’s quite alright with you, Prefect’ and how could they say no? When he whispered their name with such softness, such reverence and delicacy, as if saying it any other way would break them, break him. 
The moment truly felt like taken out of a cheap rom-com movie, but that only made their own determination stronger. ‘I would love that Jamil…’ they stepped closer, slowly entering his personal space. Timidly, asking for permission and giving time to reject, they closed the gap between them with a small, chaste kiss to the corner of his lips. The moment felt perfect, they took it in for the few seconds it lasted. And then, when Jamil didn’t respond, they stepped back in a panic.
Was it too much? Had they read the signs wrong?
Jamil was frozen, face completely flushed and breath gone. They looked at him with concern and he looked at them with fear. And then confusion. And then realization. And finally embarrassment. Quickly he his his whole face with his hoodie, mumbling something about wanting to be cool on their first kiss.
The Prefect had to laugh, it was an honest reaction not meant to embarrass him further, but it clearly had that effect. So, they had to grab his hands gently, pry them away from his hood strings, slowly peel the hood down and hold his cheeks tenderly. Their eyes denoted all the love, warmth and longing they had for him and Jamil hoped his showed the same.
With one last loving kiss, they sat down holding hands to enjoy their treats together before Grim inevitably woke up from the smell of food. 
The Prefect always thought Valentine’s Day was just a commercial thing, but maybe there was a bit of romantic magic to this day after all.
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violetlunette · 9 months
Silver Enchanted AU
An AU idea I got; When Silver was a baby, Lilia was visited by a bumbling fae who wanted to “help” Lilia by giving Silver the gift of obedience to make him a dutiful son and the gift of sleep so the boy would sleep more then left before Lilia returned. Lilia eventually discovered what happened and hunted this fae down but never found them. And so, Silver had to live with following everyone’s orders and falling asleep every now and again. Despite this, Lilia manages to give Silver a normal childhood, and only Malleus and Sebek know of the curse. However, when he goes to the NRC—despite Lilia’s concerns—someone discovers the curse and uses it against him. Silver is miserable about this, more so because he was ordered not to tell his friends anything. One day Silver is given an order by an enemy to hurt Malleus. Not wanting to carry this order out, Silver runs away, hoping that distance will keep Malleus safe. Along the way, he runs into the fae that cursed him and begs them to do something but is told to just be happy about being a dutiful son and do as he’s told. He returns to NRC and almost carries out the order, but Silver manages to overpower the spell and break it with familial love. Malleus gets revenge on those who took advantage of Silver, and Lilia—thanks to Silver’s lead—tracks the fae who cursed him down and--well, let's just say he showed them exactly how he felt about Silver's "gifts."
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merakiui · 1 year
Since you said the octo trio get their breeding kinks from their mer instincts, what do you think about Savannahclaw?
It also comes from the beastman instinct to breed! I think all of the twst characters with inhuman characteristics (Octavinelle trio, Savanaclaw trio, Che'nya, Malleus, Lilia, and even Sebek) will have some breeding kink in them because of the nature of their species.
With Leona, it's essentially expected that the royal bloodline be carried along with heirs for the future. Though Leona will never be king, he's probably heard from those around him (perhaps hearing it as reminders from Farena or even Farena's wife) that it's important to find a mate and have children, if only to keep the pride extant. Leona has no interest in any of this, constantly thinking that since he will never be in line for the throne there's no need for his family to get any children out of him.
But it's a different story when he meets you and he sees how good you are with Cheka, always keeping him entertained and occupied so Leona can slip away for a nap. Leona could do without children, but if you want children then he'll gladly give you plenty to fill your sweet, domestic heart. Part of him just wants to see how big your belly would get and how many children you might have if he bred you while he was in rut. After all, Leona never backs down from a challenge if he knows it's something he can easily accomplish.
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With Ruggie, it's really just a matter of wanting to be tied to you in the most intimate of ways. Since he grew up in the slums, he has a completely different outlook on reproduction. Rich, prince types like Leona have it nice and easy; he can make as much children as he wants and he'll never have to worry about scrounging anything together to afford the many expenses that come with a child, nor will he have to worry about any of the children getting sick or dying due to a lack of proper care. Ruggie sees children as a blessing. The birth rates are often high in the slums for various reasons, but it's not guaranteed that all of the babies will survive. So he never really dwells on the thought of breeding.
He brings leftovers back when he visits home and seeing how the children light up in excitement is enough for him. He doesn't need a child of his own when he has the children in the slums who he can occasionally look after. And for a while Ruggie's content with this way of thinking, but then you enter his life and things have become...complicated. It doesn't help that he has heightened senses, so every little thing you do is not lost on him. He'll be able to pick up the slightest changes in your body, such as a new subtle perfume scent or even when you're menstruating. Ruggie isn't a stranger to the scent of blood, but knowing the reason for your menstruation (and being able to smell and sense the change in hormones) has him thinking and fantasizing and promptly chasing such fantasies away. He can't afford that sort of life. He really can't...but maybe a certain lion prince wouldn't notice if a few valuables went missing so he could make enough to afford that kind of life for himself and you. :) Ruggie also likes the idea of being able to take care of you when you're all swollen and soft. <3
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With Jack, the concept of breeding ties in with the wolf's ideals: mating for life. It's his dream to find someone who he can love forever and indulge in the wonders of life with, both mundane and exciting. He'll want children of his own, preferably a boy and a girl, but he can settle for less (or more) depending on what his mate wishes. He's going to want to have children with you. In fact, the more time he spends with you as friends the more he realizes he wouldn't mind being with you for the rest of his life.
Jack sees how well his grandparents and parents get along and how they always spend every second of their lives together. He's grown up witnessing these deep, loving bonds, so it's only natural that he would want to seek something like that for himself. With you, it's a matter of love and protection. He wants to be there for you, he loves being able to help you (even if it's something as simple as using his height to reach the shelves you can't), and he will devote his everything to you if you'd let him. Of course he has thought about the future, picturing a life in which you're living with him and you're so happy together, bonded for life. That also means he's thought about you in a domestic setting. Jack wouldn't rush these things. He's patient. As beautiful as you would look pregnant, he wants to wait for the right time. For when he can make your everlasting bond more apparent and so that the both of you will be ready to tackle parenthood. Though that doesn't mean he's immune to his fantasies. They drive him wild all the time when he's particularly excited about sharing his life with you.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Major Spoilers ahead!
My five theories as to what might happen in Chapter 7 concerning Malleus and his spell.
So, I’ve been thinking of this line Malleus said during his overblot.
“All of you—become the heroes of this fairy tale”
It makes me think of a new theory. Considering that afterwards we go back to the logo with a ripples in the water(?) and it’s basically a restart or fade to black of sorts.
This makes me think of a few possibilities. Shoutout to @killersweetie who’s discussing this with me at this very moment.
The characters who overblotted have dreams where they are the heroes.
After the overblot of the recent characters they admit that what they did was wrong, or that it wasn’t the correct way to handle the situation. What if Malleus, in his overblot form, gave them a dream where their goal during overblot came true. For example, Vil successfully kills/poisons Neige and he wins the VDC. He has a life without being hindered by Neige.
2. Malleus is like the Matrix
It takes quite a lot of work to sustain a human body for a long period of unconsciousness. You have to make sure they get nutrients, you have to make sure they get water. Nevermind the fact that no matter how powerful you are, the overblot will eventually get to you. So, maybe it’s more like a symbiotic relationship with Malleus and the dreams he’s giving us. In exchange for Malleus giving(more like forcefully putting us in a dream state) dreams he takes our energy( I don’t think he would take magic considering the situation with Lilia) to keep himself running and gives us more dreams along with the proper nutrients and care for a human or humanoid body.
3. Malleus’s dreams are what HE thinks everyone wants
Considering that Malleus hasn’t known everyone as friends for a long time (I think Yuu might be the exception to this one) with the exception of Silver, Lilia, and Sebek, he doesn’t really know what everyone would want for a peaceful eternal dream. He could be giving everyone dreams that he thinks he wants.
For example, he might give us, Yuu, a dream where we’re friends with him forever and we live in Briar Valley with him. When we might realistically want a dream of us in our actual world with our family.
4. Malleus can control what dreams he gives us and who enters them
This theory assumes that Malleus isn’t letting our consciousness determine what dreams we have under his spell. I’ll just use this situation as a hypothetical, but suppose Malleus gives everyone one big dream that mimics real life. In the dream world, nothing has changed, it’s just like real life. Now Malleus might occasionally put himself in the dream just to see how things are going and if everyone is happy, but he didn’t count in the factor of a certain rodent named Mickey Mouse.
Considering that Mickey can see us during dreams and vice versa, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mickey tried to visit or talk to us, thinking we were asleep, only to get his presence noticed by Malleus. If mickey does appear in the dream, he may be visible to everyone now that everyone is dreaming. But back to Malleus! Malleus might notice Mickey’s foreign presence in his little dream domain and try to get him out so he won’t disturb or break anything in it.
5. Outside help would be needed to help defeat Malleus.
Assuming this takes place after Glorious Masquerade, Idia may have an advantage. He knows a weakness of Malleus’s. The Crimson Flower was able to weaken and eventually significantly weaken Malleus after long periods of exposure. This is probably the most craziest theory, but maybe Idia somehow escapes the isle of calls for help and gets Rollo to help free the island. Rollo’s city is where the Crimson Flower grows, and he could bring it so that Idia could figure out something to weaken Malleus and eventually defeat his overblot form.
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