#he's just SO fun to hate and I do not respect him in the slightest nor do I think he deserves respect or validation.
essektheylyss · 21 days
You know what's hilarious, if Ludinus was indeed a young man being traumatized by the end of the Calamity. Deirta Thelyss is almost certainly older than he is.
This is not relevant but I think Essek should bring this up, just to be a bitch about it.
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stargirllanaa · 5 months
Dark!rafe beats you for cursing out his friends (as you rightfully should!) for making lewd comments about you and rafe does nothing about it, then forces you to apologize to them forcibly holding your face in place to look at them with a bruised face as you tearfully apologize to them. (Sorry if this is too dark but please I’ve been thinking about this for weeks😫🧎🏾‍♀️)
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Warnings: Dark!Rafe, toxic relationship, abusive relationship, domestic violence, manipulation, chocking, misogyny, topper is a weirdo,
Summary: Standing up for yourself isn’t always the best idea.
A/n: Omg my first request!! This was so fun to write and it’s never to dark love!! Hope you enjoy! Also please send more 🙏🏾
Wc: 1.1k
Rafe had his friends over again, and if you were being honest, you really didn't like them; they supported his coke addiction, they encouraged his drunken fights, and, worst of all, they didn't have respect for you in the slightest.
Topper was the worst; he always made weird comments, borderline creepy.
This time in particular, you were already having a bad day; you had unexpectedly started your period earlier and bled through your favorite pajamas, and you had just dropped your phone, cracking it slightly.
You tuned out most of Rafe and his friend's conversation focused on the music in your left airpod, and scrolled through Instagram.
All you heard was,
“Y/n’s shorts are way too short; I can see her whole ass.” your boyfriend's friend Topper commented, followed by a laugh, causing Kelce to laugh as well.
When you turned to your boyfriend, you hoped he would defend you or at least acknowledge that his friend's comment made you uncomfortable and maybe address it. Still, instead, he didn't say anything.
On a typical day when you weren't already angry, you wouldn't have said anything or ignored him like you always do, but today wasn't a typical day.
“Shut the fuck up, Topper.” You sighed under your breath, causing everyone to stare at you.
“maybe you wouldn't be looking at my ass if you could actually get some.” you finished.
Topper awkwardly laughed in response to your very true statement.
“Someone’s on her period,” Kelce said in a sarcastic tone that irritated you even more than his comment.
You got up from the couch and stormed upstairs; you fucking hated Rafe's friends, you hated that he made you guys all hang out, and what you hated the most was that Rafe never stood up for you.
You went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you; you didn't notice how much this situation upset you until you looked in the mirror. Tears of anger were threatening to spill as you went to grab a tissue to wipe your tears; the bathroom door flew open.
“What are you slamming doors for?” Rafe questioned you, closing the door behind himself and trapping you both in.
“Did you not hear what Topper said to me?” you asked in a shaky tone, still angry about it. “Why do you let him talk to me like that?” you continued.
Rafe nodded in response to your words; it was hard to ignore the evident smirk on his face.
Did he think this was funny?
The blonde took slow steps towards you.
“Well, he was right..”
You couldn't believe your ears, but at the same time, you could; sometimes, it seemed like Rafe intentionally hurt you, and sometimes it seemed like he was a bully rather than your boyfriend.
“When you clearly dress like a slut, someone is gonna mention it…” he trailed off.
You were so shocked and furious at his words that you didn't realize how close he was to you until he roughly grabbed your chin and tilted your head to look him directly into his eyes.
“Now, you're going to go back downstairs..” the blonde continued.
You shook your head no in response, pulling your face out of his harsh grip.
He immediately reached back; this time, his grip was rougher and harsher, leaving you with more than just physical discomfort. You were in pain.
“Listen to me, y/n!” his tone was just as harsh as his grip, showing his anger. “You're going downstairs and apologizing to Topper for your disrespect and language.” he finished, looking directly into your tearful eyes, waiting for a response.
“I'm not apologizing; he's been disrespectful to me ever since we started dating.” you tearfully defended yourself.
“My girlfriend is out here telling my friends to ‘Shut the fuck up.’” Rafe said in disbelief; his grip was getting tighter the more he spoke.
“How does that make me look? Huh?!” he shouted, removing his grip from your chin to push you roughly against the bathroom wall, causing your back to slam against it.
“Like I can't control my fucking girlfriend?”
His hands made their way to your neck, wrapping around it like you meant nothing to him; his eyes weren't their everyday shade of blue; they were dark, and his face was entirely even as he stared into your bloodshot eyes.
Your hands immediately found his, trying your best to pry his hands off of your throat, but his grip was tight; you couldn't breathe, you could barely think, and all you could do was look back into his eyes and regret ever biting back at topper.
Rafe held you there, staring intensely into your eyes while choking you for about 45 seconds in complete silence; he wanted you to think; he wanted you to regret this; he wanted you to learn your lesson.
When he eventually let go, you fell to the floor and gasped for air.
Your boyfriend bent down to your level and roughly grabbed your chin again, desperate for eye contact.
“I don't like you hurt you, y/n..” he expressed as if he deserved a reward.
“But you make me.” the tall blonde stated before letting go of your chin and standing up straight.
“Get up,” he said in a calm tone, way too quiet for this situation, and when you didn't listen, he roughly grabbed your arm, pulling you to your feet.
“Now…You're going downstairs and apologizing to Topper for your disrespect and language.” the blonde said slowly, explaining the steps as if you were stupid.
Your pride told you not to, but you knew Rafe wouldn't let this go, so you tearfully nodded, accepting defeat.
As you walked downstairs side to side with Rafe, you knew they probably heard all the banging and muffled yelling; you were embarrassed, not only by the fact you had to apologize but by the fact these people knew you were staying with a man who treated you like shit.
“I-im sorry, Topper…” you said, looking down at your feet; you couldn't bring yourself to look at him in this state; you looked a mess from all the tears and trauma.
Rafe clearly didn't like this; he gripped your chin again, this time not as roughly, forcing you to make eye contact with Topper.
“For what?” Rafe whispers into your ear. His voice was quiet, but his tone was sharp.
“I'm sorry for being disrespectful and my language.” you couldn't stop the tears from continuing to fall; you felt humiliated, but undoubtedly, that was the point.
“Dude…. What on her neck? Topper questioned, looking at Rafe and then back at you; he didn't acknowledge your apologies; instead, he squinted, trying to make out the marks around your neck.
“She fell,” Rafe stated before letting go of you and returning to his friends on the couch.
He wasn't wrong; you did fall, you fell into his trap.
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
What a fate
Ran x good girl! reader
this is a part 2 to my fic "i can't sleep", dont worry i'm feeding ur families they will no longer starve. apparently people are really into ran considering how many notes that fic of mine got (and who can blame them honestly)
unrelated but i cant believe it took me this long to get into housewife radio by ghost i love the horror vibes because of course i do
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You've had a turbulent few days recently. Ever since you agreed to do that stupid dare Ran hasn't left you alone.
He did promise to do so but you didn't think he was actually serious about "making you his". How could you let this happen?
Things turned out completely opposite to what you expected, though. Instead of dragging you to his gang meeting to beat the crap out of you, he's taking you there to threaten his lackeys that if they even so much as lay a finger on his girl (you), they'd feel hell on earth.
You suppose that it's nice that he wants to protect you but you feel extremely out of place and uncomfortable at a gang meeting of all places.
Your parents think you're studying at a library right now. Somehow, you feel like you're commiting a crime.
You also met his brother at that meeting.
It seems being a good-for-nothing delinquent runs in their family. You feel sorry for their parents. If they even have them.
"Wow, I would've never thought the nerd would be your type." Rindou teased Ran. Actually, maybe it was both of you he was teasing.
"She's the one that kissed me first." Ran smirked at you.
"You're the worst. Both of you." you furrowed your brows, not finding either of them amusing in the slightest.
"Your girlfriend hates you, man. Personally I would not put up with that." Rindou seemed disinterested, checking his nails as he said that.
"I am not his girlfriend, either!" you defended yourself but Ran just looked at you like he pitied you and Rindou looked like he didn't believe you.
"Right, okay, if you say so. You two have your lover's quarrel on your own. I'm going elsewhere." Rindou just casually left, leaving you all alone with Ran in an abandoned storage unit. Oh boy.
"Umm, I should get going- ack!" you felt your wrist getting grabbed, preventing you from leaving. There's your only exit up in smoke.
"Leaving so soon? But we haven't even had our fun yet." Ran smiled at you and you honestly felt scared at that moment. Oh no, you shouldn't have yelled back at him so daringly just now. Now he's going to beat the crap out of you and drop you off in front of your parents doorstep as a warning to never mess with his gang again.
He leaned in closer and you braced yourself for the pain, but instead of that you felt his lips on yours.
Kissing...?! Again?! Well, atleast it's better than a punch to the face... You can't believe it's come to a point where you're glad to get kissed by Ran.
But still, does he have to kiss you in the least romantic place possible? Even if you did have feelings for him you'd totally find this moment cringy.
"You suck at kissing." He comments heartily, pulling away.
"I'm not the one who kisses a new girl every day. Maybe I actually have some self-respect." You crossed your arms. He was your first kiss after all.
"Every night is an exaggeration. It's like, every week." You couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious, even if you saw his expression.
"Oh, wow. Glad to know that I'll get cheated on in about 3 days. Way to make your 'girlfriend' hate you less."
"I'll stop for you." He smiled.
"Uh huh, whatever." You rolled your eyes.
Though, his kisses are actually kind of making you.... No, no! Don't fall for that! You can't believe you almost admitted that you'd fall for him if he kissed you more.
"How's it going with your new boyfriend, girl?"
"God, do not call him that." You held your forehead in frustration.
"I think he's taken a liking to you." Your friend nudged you, pointing at Ran who was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria and smiling at you as he ate.
"Great." You said sarcastically, immediately looking away when your eyes met.
"See? It ended up well. Now you have a hot bad boy boyfriend." Your friend kinda wished she'd done it instead of daring you.
"Didn't I just... ugh! I don't think my parents would agree with you." You placed your forehead on the table, groaning. "You date him if you want a bad boy so bad. But I hate you for dragging me into this." Your voice was slightly muffled.
"Yeah, we'll see. You'll be the happiest couple ever in like, two months."
You raised your head, looking back at Ran once again. You're in quite the pickle, aren't you? The next thing you know, you'll fall for Haitani Ran.
How scarily exciting.
"Hop on." Ran stopped on his bike in front of the library. How he knew you had a study session there today? Don't worry about the details.
Another motorcycle ride... You feel like you barely survived the last one.
"My parents expect me to be home in 10 minutes." You crossed your arms. You weren't lying, either.
"Who cares? Live a little." Ran rolled his eyes playfully. Clearly he isn't going to let you back down.
"I'll do it, but only if you keep it to ten minutes." He was right, backing down isn't your thing. You wonder how much resisting him you could get away with if you weren't special to him.
Special to him... huh.
"Killjoy." He insulted you lightly as you sat down in front of him. Again, neither of you are wearing a helmet. This is the last time you'll let it slide.
"I prefer to not get scolded endlessly." You held onto him tightly because you knew what was coming and didn't want to almost fall off the bike again. He felt proud when you held onto him like that.
Like you're finally his. To be honest, he didn't really care much for you until you kissed him out of nowhere like that. How bold of you, the top-of-the-class rule stickler. But he likes that. And that's why he decided to make you his.
Isn't the fact that he lets you ride on his motorcycle enough to see that?
You felt the wind blowing against your face as you set off. Now that you feel it again, it doesnt feel too bad. It's kind of nice, actually. And Ran is warm, too.
The scenery moves past the two of you and strangely, you feel really calm and at peace. It feels like your parents don't exist in this moment and that you can just... live, and feel the adrenaline of the high speed.
This is so scarily exciting.
"You look relaxed." He said, looking down at you.
"I am. And look at the road, will you?" You scolded him but your voice was still relaxed. You look up at him again.
He actually isn't that bad looking. You kind of understand why some girls would fall for him. You, on the other hand...
Are unfortunately befalling the same fate.
He didn't say anything but you had a feeling he knew you were staring.
"You look like you're in love."
"What?! How would you even know?!" You looked back at the road, hiding your face from him. You can't help but get defensive of such a thing.
God, you hate that he's right.
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
Hii could I request Alastor x fem(or gn if you don't write fem)reader who is part of vees?? Like imagine meeting where velvet and Carmilla got into fight so can you do that but with reader and maybe like after meeting how it looked?
Hehe! I write female and how ironic is that, whilst I love Hazbin Hotel, I haven’t gotten the chance to watch the show since I am motherless broke and waiting for all of it to go onto YouTube so I am gonna have to guess this shit! Once again… kinda short, sorry!
Alastor- Little Mistake
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Alastor has always thoroughly disliked the Vs of the Overlords. Vox is obnoxious and egoistical, Valentino is sensual and annoying, Velvette is bratty and loud. But you… you’re not that bad. You’re the only V that doesn’t get under his skin and he does find you interesting so, throughout most Overlord meetings, he always sideyes you whilst you’re besides Velvette to see how you’ll respond to Carmilla
And respond to Carmilla you did. Making it a big song and dance that you don’t need to respect a fellow Overlord. Overlords barely respect one another so you don’t feel obligated in the slightest to respect her, which caused much friction throughout the other Overlords and deemed the meeting over
Alastor was amused by all of it. You’re much more calm, level-headed, less loud and sophisticated as compared to your fellow Vs and you’ve proven to Alastor that you do have quite the rebellious spirit and are determined to stick to your beliefs
He is impressed. He likes that
You just made a boring, insignificant meeting about ten thousand times better by beginning to argue with Carmilla over her statements and choices, and now, Alastor is hookline sinker for what is about to happen
Alastor may or may not rub you embarrassing yourself in front of your Vs and the Overlords in your face after everybody exits the meeting room and he tracks you down effortlessly, mainly thanks to his incredible shadow magic
Everybody else is so tense and avoiding you, cringing out of their skin at your lashout to their head… except the Vs, who are cheering your stand-up on whilst Alastor is already parting from the group to speak to you about what he wants to speak about
Those piercing crimson red eyes basically glare into your soul as he proclaims with a smirk. He expresses that he doesn’t hate you like he hates your fellow Vs
“I thought you were a good girl~ that wasn’t how good girls behave, my dear”
You don’t even want to hear it from him so you already attempt to regroup with the Vs(who are all proud of you, may I say) but Alastor has other plans and he doesn’t plan for this conversation to be cut so short so rudely, so he steals away you and your time. Is he in love with you? Well, he definitely likes you more than he’ll ever admit
“Oh. You’re so inconsiderate, darling. I was speaking to you and you just turned your back. That is not ladylike at all, don’t you want to give me, at least, a smile~?”
Needless to say, Alastor did indeed both find your butting heads with Carmilla Carmine very amusing, very interesting, very fun to poke fun at and especially… quite attractive— oh god. Did he actually think that? He did. He cannot believe how quickly a simple Overlord like yourself, a member of the Vs, have managed to make him smitten in any fashion
Alastor will make his amusement over your fight with Carmilla obvious, he presses you against the wall and speaks with the radio effects on full blast to make sure you pay attention and whilst he’ll shut out your fellow Vs, he’ll make you look at him and acknowledge him
Alastor teases you nonstop through the maybe 20-30 minutes he took talking to you about the incident in that big room. He openly expresses how much he enjoyed a good girl like you going bad but he hopes you stay obedient when you come to the Hotel. You don’t know what he is blabbering on about, though, Alastor knows you’re too good for the Vs and you’ll come to get redeemed any day now
And when that day comes, he will happy rub it more into your face. Maybe, give that face a bit of a kiss before sending you off
“Ah. Ah~ it’s not creepy, it’s acknowledgment. Creepy would be me following you around all the time. I was merely entranced by your behaviours and may I say, you’re better than those mindless idiotic Overlords you associate yourself with”
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moonsaver · 29 days
Your writing is very good! And I like it! I'm having it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, everytime
BUT LIKE, LISTEN TO ME, WHAT IF S/O WAS REBELLIOUS LIKE HIM TOO. But not like actually him, just typical rebellious student back then. Like, breaking the rules, pissing off the teachers, etc
AND, HIS S/O IS LIKE NOW, NORMAL. A PROFESIONAL, and probably embarrassed of their phase back then. I do see them being Friendly and chilled with Ratio?? Or like "Oh crap, it's the old rebellious dude that tries to teach me random smart stuffs"
But in my opinion, I do see S/O just being like "Oh, what's up Ratio" and just being neutral. Greeting him whenever they passed by or see each other again, while also slightly joking about the things Ratio tried to teach them back then. As they told him that they actually listened to his teaching.. Even though it's.. Well, it's used by unsuccessful methods
S/O WOULD DO THAT, telling Ratio old rebellious phase embarrassing stories to his students whenever they feel afraid of him. Like
"Oh, did you know that your professor (Veritas Ratio), used to talk so much about our teacher that just give the slightest wrong formula, to the point he keeps getting send to the office? Hah! I was there!"
As Ratio stood there with hidden embarrassed look, as he tries to hold the urge to not shut S/O up.
Under the cut,might be long!
Soso, you're the rebellious kid who's butting heads with the other jerkwad, the only difference between you two is that he's just a nerd on top of being a rebellious kid. He's the "worst" of both worlds.
It's a very cliche enemies to strangers to acquaintances who respect each other to tension between possible lovers. Its kind of funny.
In your student days, I imagine the moment both of you see each other in the hall, you scowl at each other. Or make fun of something the other has. Maybe he's lugging a bulky art project and you make fun of him saying he looks like a turtle dragging his own shell. Maybe you left your bag's zip open and Veritas comments on how "devoid of knowledge" it is, "like your head" (you forgot all your books somewhere, your bag is completely empty). God forbid either of you tried something experimental and the other catches a glimpse of it. If they're not within talking distance, they'll shout on the top of their lungs. To both of you, the louder it is the more humiliation is involved. You'll find this method is often used by Veritas, as he openly quizzes you and chides LOUDLY that you're a BUFFOON and an IDIOT for not knowing a SIMPLE FORMULA. You decide to retaliate by stealing more than half his stationary, so now he has to scramble to gather extras and literally no one helps him cause he's a jerk lol.
Everyone on campus absolutely either hates it or loves it. Theres fanpages of you two with cringe edits,or those really well-made shitpost ones. Sometimes your classmates just bait the other to go a certain place just so you two cross paths and stir up a lot of trouble. The teachers are all done with both of you.
Cut to the future (or present?), reader's a professor too now. Let's assume either of them is unaware when they join the job (as implied by the request).
I imagine professor reader, if they manage to stay calm and just.. talk normally, it does give Dr. Ratio some whiplash. His pride demands he straightens himself out though, so it's not too soon before he himself drones on about some or the other tedious topic. You mention the past and how often you used to butt heads, and Veritas' first instinct is to immediately retaliate the way his past self would have done; but he stops himself in time, and sighs at it. You've painstakingly ingrained that response into him. But he's still slightly embarrassed nonetheless. It's not too soon before the conversation becomes more relaxed (I mean.. considering Veritas,as relaxed as he lets it be), and as a form of "nostalgia" he brings up all the questions he used to ask you back then, only to be pleasantly surprised when you give him detailed but professional answers. It's not too soon before he learns that you've become a professor aswell. Dr. Ratio congratulates you – with reservations of course, which is completely thrown out the window when you tell him you knew all of this because.. you listened to him.
Ugh. Don't make him feel so sappy. A part of him detests it; warming up and being all chummy with a hopeless classmate of all people. But a part of him is.. kind of happy about it.
Which is promptly changed the moment you also realize he's a professor now.
And that his students aren't spared from the nostalgia either.
He's bursting through the door, jaw dropped, angry and shocked face as you prattle on about how much of an asshole he was back in the day to his students. For a moment, he contemplates whether he should just throw chalk at you and make an example of you to his students, or drag you out. After a few seconds of paralyzed contemplation, he immediately grabs you by the back of your collar and drags you out before something else comes out of your mouth.
It's almost the same all over again – both of you bickering back and forth as he's all pissy about you spilling everything to his students! You've positively tarnished his reputation! Perhaps he shall tell your students how you used to walk around wearing a lanyard and a shirt with the institution name written on it in big, bold letters on the first day? Or that time you tripped and faceplanted right into the trashcan while you complained about his (axe bodyspray) deodorant?
Ugh.. he'll just deal with you later. Although he won't admit this even to himself.. it's nice seeing you again. He didn't think of that, it must be the headache you gave him that's making him think all weird.
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 3 months
The thing with Alastor is that I think he genuinely does like people. I don't think he cares too much about many individual persons, but when it comes to people as a collective he likes and wants to be liked back.
You don't go into entertainment if you don't want some kind of validation from it, and Alastor got so into radio in life that his soul was moulded around it in death.
And that's fundamentally the source of a lot of the conflict in his character.
Alastor wants to be the feared and hated Radio Demon. But he also wants to be ‘Al, that charming guy from the radio!’
Alastor wants to be treated with respect and terror at all times. But he also wants to have fun and joke around with people.
Alastor wants to keep the reasons for his disappearance a deadly secret. But he also wants to go to the Overlord meeting and have everyone dying to know where he was and what he was doing.
(“And when Alastor's not in the scene, all the other characters should be standing around like ‘hey, where's Alastor?’!”)
This is why Husk, up until he touches that particular sore spot, gets away with so much more in his relationship with Alastor than, say, Angel gets with Valentino.
Val wants Angel to be a tool or a toy he can control. Alastor kind of wants the same from Husk, but he also wants to be able to play the role of the cheeky but charming boss who can talk Husk around with a wink and a bottle of cheap booze.
(A role that Husk, for his part, goes along with because it allows him to keep some of his dignity. He gets to snark at Alastor and act like he still has even the slightest control over his own destiny. Alastor gets to laugh it off and act like he's a good employer. They both know it's a lie, but Husk clings to it because the alternative is even more humiliation, and Alastor finds it too much fun to give up.)
This is also I think the real reason he and Rosie are such good friends. Because Rosie is also 100% playacting.
Cannibal Town is a fucking dangerous place. Given that Charlie considered the “sights to see en route to my hotel” a selling point for joining her army (a hotel in walking distance) I'm guessing there are some restrictions preventing the residents from leaving. People eat corpses in the streets.
Rosie is clearly a fearsome and vicious Overlord in her own right. Even Lucifer's daughter is twitchy around Cannibal Town.
But, at the same time, when the streets aren't covered in blood and viscera, they're gleaming. The people are all well dressed. There are quaint little shops. Everyone is smiling, all the time.
It's clearly a stage play, but it's one that Rosie and the residents seem to enjoy acting out, and one that they let Alastor have a role in when he visits. In Cannibal Town, Alastor gets to be the charming young man about town whose smile brightens up the place and who everybody (except, ugh, Susan) is pals with.
And I think it's this conflict of personas that is ultimately going to be the biggest factor in whether Alastor ends up being a hero or a villain on the show.
Cause like, Alastor the altruist is obviously an act. But, so is the Radio Demon.
Alastor isn't an all powerful killing machine. In most of the scenes he's in, he's not even the most powerful person in the room. (Albeit
primarily because he's usually accompanied by Charlie.) And he's not acting purely on his own whims, he's on someone else's leash.
I don't think Alastor is necessarily capable of feeling remorse for the stuff he's done in the past. Or caring about other people more than he does himself. It's just not his character.
But I think he is capable, given time to get attached and a lot of positive reinforcement, of deciding that playing 'steadfast hotelier' for Charlie and co is more fun than playing the evil Radio Demon for everyone else.
Picking other people over himself is probably not something that's going to happen for Alastor any time soon. But picking one persona over the other? That I could see.
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fandomnsfw · 9 months
Cherry - James Potter x Barmaid!Reader
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Pairing: James Potter x Barmaid!Reader
Prompt: the songs Cherry by Harry Styles and the song Best Friends by Rex Orange County
Warnings: smut basically. (Also first song type fic so go easy on me!)
No Beta today lovelies let me know about spelling errors. ENJOY!!!
You clutched your jacket to your body, running as fast as you could, your heart pounding against your chest as your lungs fought to take in more air. Your hair was whipping in the wind as you sped around the corner straight towards The Three Broomsticks. The second you burst into the pub everyone stared at you in mild shock before going about their evening. 
“Y/N your late!” Rosmerta huffed making you pout. 
“I know I was up late helping my sister with her homework.” You sighed as you slid the denim jacket off your shoulders before wrapping the plain black apron around your waist, putting your notepad and pen in the left pocket then your small tea towel hanging out the right pocket. 
“Be warned The Marauders are playing tonight so it's gonna be packed.” Rosmerta explained as she began ringing someone up. 
“O-Oh. Awesome.” You stuttered as you tried to control your emotions. 
“Don’t tell me you still fancy Ja--
“I am well aware he has Lily you don’t need to remind me.” You glared at her making her eyes widen. 
“Actually, they split up about 6 months ago.” Rosmerta whispered with a smirk. 
“R-Really?” You whispered trying to conceal the small flicker of hope. 
“There was a rumour that she found out one of his songs was about another girl.” You heard Frank whisper behind you making you jump a little. 
“I hate it when you do that. That’s the most stupid rumour I’ve ever heard.” You snorted with an eye roll. 
“It’s Cherry.” Her stated and suddenly you couldn’t breathe.
“I don’t think I’ve heard it.” You muttered with a frown. 
You had gone to school with both the Marauders and The Valkyries. You had been friends with them for the most part but they weren’t people you overly saw outside of school. So, when school finished you never really spoke to them again. When you got a job here, you’d occasionally see them after they performed. However, when they got more popular, they started doing bigger gigs. You had even dated James in year 9 when you were both 13 but you were kids, so it didn’t last. You both thought you were so mature, calling each other baby and kissing cutely behind the side of the science block.
You grinned at the adorable memory before shaking it off just in time to see The Marauders walk through the side door. You looked up to see those same hazel eyes, even to this day you would recognise in a crowd, even after all this time they still made you heart clench. You hadn’t seen him in over a year, it felt surreal. 
“Holy shit! Is that little Y/N Y/L/N?” You heard Sirius shouted excitedly making you tear your eyes away from James who was staring at you liked he’d seen a ghost. 
“We were in the same year, ya’ fuckin’ numpty.” You snorted making Sirius grin. 
“Hey show some respect! I'm a rockstar now!” Sirius laughed causing you to roll your eyes.
“Ha! I don’t give a shit if you're selling out 100,000 tickets love. This is my domain.” You snickered before passing him a beer.
“How’s Evan? You guys have been together since...year 10 right?” Sirius asked excitedly as he sipped his beer. 
“We broke up, about 2 years ago actually.” You muttered awkwardly as you tried to busy yourself drying the rim of a glass with your tea towel. 
“Oh! That sucks.” Remus sighed sadly as his eyes flickered towards James. 
“Right, I'm letting in the crazies so get yourself set up lads!” Rosmerta shouted as she pointed to the small stage in the corner of the pub. 
You watched the set as the boys played happily, they hadn’t changed in the slightest, even now with such a serious fanbase. They were still fun and down to earth. You watched the first few songs with interest as you served the gaggles of girls that were cheering too loudly but you couldn’t blame them. They’re in their element up on stage, like they’d always been. You chuckled as Remus and Peter told the other two they needed a break. 
“We’re gonna play Cherry whilst our Drummer and Bassist take a break.” James muttered breathlessly into the mic.
Sirius began playing a beautiful tune on his acoustic guitar that you instantly felt a connection with. It almost sounded like the first random tune James created when he first learnt to play guitar. You decided to take you break and stand a little closer to the stage. This is the song Frank had said was about someone else. When James started singing you listened to the lyrics intently. 
‘Don't you call him baby. We're not talking lately, Don't you call him what you used to call me.’ He looked at the floor as he sang making you frown in confusion, he usually sang with a lot more confidence, until he finally looked up to meet your eyes.
‘I, I confess I can tell that you are at your best, I'm selfish so I'm hating it.’ His eyes bore into yours and you couldn’t understand why, but you figured maybe the spotlight was obstructing his view.
‘I noticed that there's a piece of you in how I dress, Take it as a compliment. Don't you call him baby We're not talking lately Don't you call him what you used to call me’ You frowned as you realised he was wearing a red plaid shirt over a white T-shirt similar to one you had back in school. Don’t be stupid Y/N it’s not about you, you thought to yourself.
‘I, I just miss I just miss your accent and your friends. Did you know I still talk to them? Does he take you walking round his parents' gallery?’ You instantly felt your heart stop as your eyes widened. This song was about you, Evan’s parents owned an art gallery in the next town over. You looked for an escape spotting the door to the outdoor smoking area and immediately sped out the pub telling Frank you’d be back soon as you shoved past the hordes of girls. 
“You okay Y/N?” You heard someone shout as you got outside. 
“Is that song about me?” You asked blatantly making Remus smile sadly. 
“Its one of them.” Remus answered calmly taking a pull of his fag. 
“THERES MORE?” You shouted, your jaw dropping in shock.
“Yeah, there's also Best Friend that’s an old one though.” Remus laughed calmly, you grabbed the half-smoked fag from his fingertips and took a long drag of it. 
“You were always...the one that got away, I guess. You dated as children, but I think James always wished you guys had waited until later in life.” Remus added making your eyes soften. 
“This isn’t why Lily and James broke up is it?” You asked, guilt swimming in your gut but the question had laughing again. 
“Nah, Lily came out the closet.” Remus chuckled making your eyes widen.
“O-Oh okay.” You chuckled shyly before passing the lit smoke back to Remus which he motion for you to smoke. 
Remus left you to your thoughts as you took drag after drag trying to calm yourself down. Your hands were shaking causing the ash to drop off the cherry-Cherry…why was it called that? You thought curiously your nerves fading into curiosity. Just then you looked up to find those hazel eyes staring at you from the exit of the smoking area.
“Hey.” He muttered like he couldn’t quite believe you were here.
“Why Cherry?” You asked abruptly making his mouth open as if to say something but he paused for a moment before finally speaking.
“You had this red tinted lip gloss…when we dated, it was the girliest thing you owned, and it tasted like Cherry. You wore it everyday for a whole year even after we broke up, then in year 10 you started dating Evan and stopped wearing it.” He answered softly making your heart clench.
“I can’t believe you remember that. That was 12 years ago.” You chuckled in disbelief.
“I remember everything about you…about us. Like how you never used to style your hair because you’d always run your hand through it and ruin it. Or how you didn’t wear much makeup in summer because you have hayfever and are always rubbing your eyes. You used to hate the colour yellow but you think your baby sister looks amazing in it. I remember how you used to love when I’d play with your hair. I also remember the last time we really spoke, it was just after we had finished 6th form and we all went to the pub. You were out having a smoke and Evan had already passed out at the booth. I said to you that I was glad I’d met you and you replied—
—Don’t be such a sap. Just buy me somet nice when yer’ a rockstar.” You finished for him with a laugh which was quickly silenced when you looked at James hand that was holding a box in his hand.
Your eyes widened as you stared at the box like it was about to bite you. He seemed to find this amusing but he swallowed his laugh and opened to box showing you the contents. There sat a white gold chain with a white gold and rose gold cherry pendant hanging off it. He took it out the box, sliding the empty velvet box into his pocket before approaching you. You could feel tears building in your eyes as he came behind you.
“I was jokin’ ya’ fuckin’ sap.” You sniffled so quietly you were sure he heard you.
“I wanna say I forgot how much I love your accent but that would be a lie.” He chuckled happily as he lower the chain around your neck.
His fingers brushed against the skin at the back of your neck causing your body to come alive, goosebumps all over your body, you held your breath, praying this moment would never end. He did the clasp so slowly, you knew it was intentional, but you didn’t care you welcomed it. 
“Can I take you out next week?” He whispered in your ear his hands brushing all the way down your spine over your clothes.
 “Y-Yes.” You stuttered almost breathlessly.
You were just sliding your white strappy heels when the knock on the door came. You brushed off your white satin shirt that was tucked into a grey tight mini skirt that hugged your hips perfectly. You opened the door and instantly saw a bunch of what looked like a bouquet of flowers but when you took a longer glance you realised it was multi coloured chocolate covered fruit made to look like flowers.
“I suggest this be put in your fridge and not a vase.” James joked making you grin.
“Probably for the best. These are awesome, way better than normal flowers.” You giggled as you pulled out two gold dusted white chocolate cover strawberries before placing the ‘bouquet’ into the fridge.
“You’re wearing the lipgloss.” He muttered in shock as you passed him one of the strawberries.
“Well I’m wearing a cherry lipgloss. I don’t think they even sell the brand I had 12 years ago.” You giggled before biting into your own strawberry.
“You look gorgeous.” He muttered happily as he finished his strawberry, popping the stick in the bin before holding out his hand for you.
“I would return the sentiment but you have enough fan girls doing it for me. Where are we going?” You snickered as you slid your hand into his, lacing your fingers together.
“Thought I’d take you to that little Italian place they just opened then maybe dancing?” He muttered nervously making you soften.
“You could’ve said McDonald’s and I’d of been happy cos I’d still be with you.” You replied sweetly making him grin from ear to ear. 
“Careful, you almost sound like a sap.” He teased you playfully.
“I’m not 18 and emotionally stunted. I’m  allowed to be a sap.” You argued with a cute pout on your lips.
“Stop pouting or the only place I’ll be taking you will be the old science block.” He whispered in your ear as you both exited your flat block.
“Mr Potter the scandal!” You exclaimed in a Scottish accent, a clear imitation of the time Ms McGonagall when she’s found you both behind a wall kissing. Though you had joked back your cheek we’re still painted red with James previous ‘threat’.  
“Oh I miss Minnie. I wonder how she’s doing?” James sighed softly with a small smile on his face.
“I see her at Tesco a lot. She seems well. She recently retired lives just at the edge of Hogsmeade in a small cottage.” You answered with a grin.
“I miss living here. Don’t get me wrong I love being able to play music and live with my surrogate brothers but I miss the quiet here. I still come back to see mum and dad but it’s not the same.” James sighed as he looked around at everything around him as you both started walking towards the restaurant hand in hand.
“Could you not live here but still do your gigs?” You asked with a soft frown on your face.
“I never thought so but recently Remus has been talking about being closer to his parents. They moved up here a few years ago when Remus mortgaged them a little cottage with 2 bedrooms. I think he wants to settled down, have some roots. Sirius is a wild card though. He’d rather be in a new city every night. Peter only has his mum so I think he’d be happy to move back here too. So really it’s just Sirius stopping us.” James rambled making you smile at the utter familiarity of it.
“He’s dating that Pop singer right?” You laughed making James roll his eyes.
“I think she really understood him and it freaked him out so he ended it not long before we got here. That’s my guess anyway…he won’t talk to me about it.” James huffed with an eye roll. 
“Idiot.” You snorted as you both saw the restaurant ahead.
James opened the door as you both approached it, his face lighting up when you leaned up to kiss his cheek before walking past him into the restaurant. James stood in front of the host with a polite smile. However when the young woman looked up her face instantly lit up.
“You’re Jame Potter right? The lead singer of the Marauders?” She asked as if trying to keep the excitement out her voice.
“Yeah we have a table booked for 7.” He replied with a smile.
“I love your new song Cherry.” She gushed as she showed him the way your table clearly not even bothering with your presence.
“Thank you! Can we get two glasses of red please? And some menus?” James asked as he pulled out your seat and suddenly the girls eyes were on you. 
She scanned you with a look of mild disgust until she caught sight of something on you that seemed to have her flushing, with anger or embarrassment, you weren’t sure but you looked down and instantly realised you had the Cherry necklace James had given you on.
“Two glasses of red. Got it, here’s your menus.” She stated in a professional tone that made your eyes widen. When she walked away you turned to James with a deadpan look.
“She totally knows.” You whispered nervously.
“Knows what?” He asked with a frown.
“That I’m Cherry.” You hissed as she began coming back towards the table with two glasses of wine.
“Thank you.” You said sweetly making her eyes narrow before turning back to James.
“Can I get a quick picture and an autograph?” She asked in a sickeningly sweet tone that made you laugh behind your wine glass.
“Do you mind?” James asked you sweetly making you smile with rose tinted cheeks.
“Of course not love.” You whispered softly making him grin happily. 
He jumped up, posing for a picture with the girl before grabbing a napkin and signing it for her. She gave him a bright grin before scampering off probably to text her friends. You watched as James sat down with a happily look on his face.
“You’re really in your element aren’t you?” You chuckled softly as he looked up into your eyes, sipping his wine.
“Without our ‘fans’ I really would be no where. Did you know the first record company that approached us was because a young woman who worked there, retweeted a video clip of our gig in a run down underground bar in London. She gushed about it so much a few of the higher ups saw it. Sirius got his first photoshoot because a photographer saw her teenaged daughter liking a bunch of the bands Instagram pictures. Without fans we would probably be washed up nobody’s.” He explained and you felt your heart melt. 
“I’m so glad you stayed the same baby.” You whispered with a cheeky grin.
“I never called Evan baby by the way. Just wanted to clear that up.” You giggled making him flush.
“Good. I-I never called Lily it either.” James replied making you smile a sincere smile.
“Good.” You sassed playfully making him chuckle.
You both finally ordered food, flirting over the dinner table with an alarming amount of ease. It felt natural, like this was a normal everyday date night; and not the first proper date you two had ever been on. You laughed, you both got tearful and nostalgic. Everything was going swimmingly until your ex boyfriend walked in with a blonde girl you knew was his secretary.
When you both locked eyes he seemed to go through a slew of emotions ranging from sadness to love, until he caught sight of James and it all turned to anger. 
“I want to say I’m surprised but I really shouldn’t be should I?” Evan scoffed quietly as he approach your table.
“Evan, how are you mate?” James tried casually making Evan visibly sneer at him. 
“I’m well, thank you Potter. When did you two start dating?” He spat making James’ eyes narrow.
“This is our first date.” He stated as calmly as he could, clearly surprised by his hostility.
“I’m surprised, considering you’re the reason my girlfriend of 7 years said no to my marriage proposal.” Evan spat out and suddenly everything grew silent.
“If I remember her words correctly. She said ‘I’m sorry Evan I can’t marry you. I can’t picture my life in the future with you. I thought I’d give us a chance but I can’t take the next step when I don’t feel it.’ I obviously asked what she meant by it and she said ‘The pull.’ I had no idea what she even meant. I mean I was her first PROPER boyfriend she’d never been with anyone but me. Then I found her secret little—
“Shut up Evan.” You snapped in utter humiliation.
“I found a box full of things from when you two had you 3 month long relationship in year 9. Letters, notes with music notes on them, cute little gifts you gave her. There was even a cutely pressed flower sealed in resin. I mean I’d think that was cute if she had things like that from OUR relationship but nope. Nothing.” Evan finished making tears prick your eyes.
James was never gonna wanna see me again. He’s gonna think I’m some creepy stalker that has been obsessed with him for 12 years. You went to stand up but James reached out and wrapped his hand around your wrist.
“What did you honestly think was going to happen by telling me that she’d been longing for me just like I have for her? I also have a box filled with things from her including the red plaid top she left at mine after a party in year 11.” James snorted out proudly making your jaw drop. 
You wiped the unshed tears away carefully before you glanced at Evan who looked beyond angry. He didn’t say anything else just walked to his own table silently. You turned to James who let out a small sigh making your heart clench in fear. 
“I never understood why you dated that dick.” He huffed with an eye roll.
“Because you started dating Lily.” You whispered brokenly and he looked up at you with a frown.
“I didn’t start dating Lily till you started dating Evan.” He corrected making you frown.
“No I remember seeing you and Lily at Madam P’s on a date. You bought her my favourite cream puffs.” You huffed with an eye roll.
“I bought them for you! Then when I went to give them to you you were making out with Evan!” He argued and suddenly tears pricked your eyes.
“N-No cos then that would mean I wasted 7 years with the wrong person…” You whispered sadly with tears brimming your waterline.
“Oh baby…” He muttered sympathetically before standing up to kneel at the side of your seat.
“We were kids. We didn’t know better. As adults we know it’s easier to talk about things instead of assuming.” He stated gently, his hand caressing your thigh in a soothing manner.
“Come on, I’ll pay for dinner then we can go for a walk instead of dancing?” He offered sweetly making your heart pound heavily in your chest.
You gave a nod and collected your purse as he signalled for the waiter. The waiter came over with the bill which you quickly offered to pay half of, but James looked psychically wounded, so you dropped it. 
He offered you his arm which you took as you both began strolling towards the park. He was quiet until we got to the floral covered entrance of the park. He clutched your hands that were resting around his bicep as he looked down at you.
“I missed you.” He suddenly said making you flush under his gaze.
“I missed you too.” You replied sweetly making him grin happily.
You walked into your flat, locking the door behind you and putting the latch on before throwing your keys into the bowl near the front door. You kicking off your shoes before shuffling straight towards your bedroom. When you opened the bedroom door and turned on the light,  you instantly caught sight of your boyfriend making you frown a little before you let out a squeal of happiness.
“Shit…I fell asleep.” James grumbled huskily as he sat up rubbing his eyes. He grinned at you sleepily holding his arms out.
“I thought you weren’t back till next week?” You giggled as you launched yourself into his arms.
“The show in Sheffield got cancelled cos of the rain. So we came back early.” He explained as he nuzzled into your neck.
You and James had been dating for about a month, you’d only given him a key because he was always away so you told him if he ever got back early he was welcome to chill at yours. You guys had yet to take it to the next step, you weren’t sure why he was hesitant, but for the past three days since you’d accidentally given a full view of James naked torso over FaceTime, you’d been insatiable.
“I missed you baby.” You whispered in a rather seductive tone as you settles on his lap and leaned down to kiss him softly.
“Mmm missed you too.” He mumbled as he pulled away from the kiss. 
“Nope m’not done yet.” You grumbled as you brought him in for a more heated kiss.
He gasped against you lips but his hands gripped at the back of your work shirt. You moaned against his lips, your tongue sliding along his bottom lip teasingly before pulling away with a grin.
“I need a shower. You are welcome to join me.” You offered with a wink as you climbed off his lap to strip down to your undies.
“I’ll wait until your out. I’m not making love to you for the first time in the shower.” He chuckled as he stripped off his T-shirt and laid back on your bed with a smirk.
You couldn’t help the way your eyes raked over his now naked torso. It was like he was sculpted by the gods. The only thing you could think of in that moment was, I wanna lick him. He reached down and cupped his package, something that would usually make you roll your eyes but instead you found yourself wanting to drop to your knees and beg him to use you. 
“Ugh it should be illegal how fuckin’ hot you are.” You huffed before stomping off to your bathroom with a pout.
When you got into the shower you sighed happily, you realised you’d thankfully shaved the day before as well as washed your hair so it saved time. You quickly put on a shower cap before stepping into the water to start washing. You used your expensive lush Snow fairy shower gel, smiling at the sweet smell. Once done you got out and dried yourself off before using the matching Snow fairy body mist. 
You took the show cap off and wrapped the towel around you before wandering into your bedroom. When you walked in James looked up and immediately sat up straight. He must’ve been expecting you to come out in clothes because his face flushed softly.
“Why pray tell, are ya’ still dressed?” You smirked making him grin.
“Apologies my lady.” He exclaimed as he very dramatically dropped his pants making you openly laugh.
“Idiot.” You laughed as he threw his jeans and socks across the room leaving him in a pair of tight Calvin Kleins. 
“You look like a fuckin’ Calvin Klein advert.” You groaned deciding to wind him up as much as you felt wound up.
The second the towel dropped so did James’ jaw. You smirked as you sauntered over to the bed, your hips swaying as you went. James seemed in a slight daze as he shuffled after you. You laid down, leaning up on your elbows to raise an amused brow at him.
“Fuck you’re gorgeous baby.” He groaned as he crawled onto the bed admiring you body openly.
“Been wanting this for days.” You whispered as he hovered above you, his arms trapping you against the bed. 
“Oh really?” He teased his index finger trailing up your body slowly, until it reached your chin.
“Mhmm Sirius accidentally pointed the phone at you when you went to change a few days ago…haven’t been able to satisfy myself since.” You pouted playfully making him smile.
“Poor baby.” He whispered huskily in your ear before leaning down to kiss just below your ear making you gasp.
“Please James…” You whispered breathless arching again him as his hand slid downwards until he arrived at your hip.
He said nothing, instead he gave you what you wanted. His hand slid down a little further, his fingers brushing through your already wet folds. He groaned audibly as his finger pulled the wetness to your clit and began massaging in slowly tentative circles. You arched against him your moan long and full of desperation. 
“Feel good love?” He asked sweetly as he began pressing kisses over your chest before taking your left nipple into his mouth, suckling on it gently.
“Mhmm…oh f-fuck…just like that baby.” You moaned as he dipped two fingers into you tight wet heat before dragging them back out putting pressure on your clit before diving back in.
“Need to taste you.” James growled as he backed down the bed until his face was level with your dripping pussy.
You suddenly felt a little panic. Evan had only done this once of twice in the years you’d been together and it was never any good for you. As if James sensed your worry he sat up a little and stared at you with worried eyes.
“I-I’ve never…I’ve only done this twice a-and I-I didn’t really enjoy it..” You whispered shyly your ears and cheeks flushing bright pink.
“I’m sorry… I thought I just heard you just say you’d only had this done twice?” He whispered in disbelief making you shrink a little.
“Fuck that come ‘ere baby. Let me change your mind.” James whispered in a slight daze as he bent your legs back exposing you but before you could feel embarrassed his tongue was on you.
You moaned at the feeling as he began leaving sloppy kisses all over your exposed heat. You keened against him try to change the feeling but you loving accidentally caused his tongue to slip a little further than your pussy. You let out an embarrassing squeak covering your face with your hands as James peered up at you with the dirtiest smirk on his face, if you’d of been feeling more coherent you’d of slapped it off.
“Interesting.” He whispered smugly as he kept eye contact and over down to lick your puckered hole making you gasp loudly which was followed by a long drawn out moan as he did it again.
“Gonna file that but of information away for another day.” James chuckled huskily before moving back to your pussy which he quickly began devouring as he slid two fingers inside your sopping wet heat.
“O-Oh shit…” You moaned loudly as he pressed his fingers into your g-spot.
“Could do this all day.” James groaned, his hips grinding into the bed like a horny teenager which shouldn’t of been as attractive as it was.
“M’Close love.” You cried out as his finger sped up but his tongue stayed gentle and precise. The combination had you clenching around his fingers but you needed something but you couldn’t quite figure it out so you took the initiative.
“Stick your tongue out baby.” You moaned and he looked up at you with a hint of surprise before he looked at you lustfully and did what you asked.
You hands slid into his hair as you began grinding against his tongue. He groaned at the sight of you using him for pleasure but you couldn’t focus. You threw your head back in pure ecstasy as you thrust against his tongue.
“Fuck yes. That’s it baby…gonna cum all over your pretty face.” You moaned as your hand gripped his hair even tighter. Finally you felt yourself tumbling over the edge your thrusts erratic and untimed but you clenched around his fingers coming undone on his tongue.
“Ahhh James.” You cried out as your legs shook with the force of your orgasm. When your body turned to jelly you released his hair letting him sit up as he licked his lips happily.
“That was so fucking hot.” James growled as he leaned down to kiss you heatedly.
“Need you…Need to be inside you baby…please.” James whispered breathlessly as he shimmied out of his boxers.
“How could I say no when you look so pretty begging.” You chuckled seductively as you reached down to guide his rather large cock into your pussy.
He pushed in slowly making your head fling back in pleasure. You’d never felt this full, it was like you could feel him everywhere. You let out a long drawn out moan, your heat clenching around him as he bottomed out. He let out a husky groan, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
“Fuck your so tight.” He growled against your neck making you chuckle.
“That because the only person I slept with was barely 5 inches.” You snorted and James let out a surprised laugh.
“That is the only time talking about an ex is acceptable in our love nest.” He laughed as he leaned up to kiss you passionately making you instantly forget what you’d even been talking about.
When he began thrusting inside you wet heat you let out an embarrassingly high-pitched moan that had you flushing as you attempted to bite your lip to contain anymore.
“Ah ah. Don’t you dare cover your moans. Wanna hear you.” James growled as he gently freed your lower lip from your teeth.
“James.” You moaned as he sped up his pace.
You flung your arms around him, your nails digging into his back as you lost yourself in the feeling of him inside you. You pulled him into a messy heated kiss, your hands sliding into his hair to grip it tightly.
“Fuck…harder p-please.”  You so yes as you pushed your hips up to meet his thrusts.
“We’re supposed to be making love baby.” He teased as he refused to speed up.
“James if you don’t fuck me like a whore I’m gonna get myself off while you get to sit there with blue balls.” You growled threateningly making his eyes widen.
“You my love have got a dirty little mouth on you.— he gave a deep thrust to punctuate his words.— Such— thrust—An—thrust—impatient—thrust—little—thrust—slut.” He growled before he began pounding into you.
“Fuck yes! M’ yer’ little slut though.” You moaned loudly making him groan, his cock twitching inside you as he began thrusting at an animalistic pace.
“S-Shit so tight and wet for me.” He moaned huskily against your neck, his hand squeezing your arse cheeks roughly.
You clung to his muscular body unable to do more than lay there and let him fuck into you like his own personal fuck toy. You could feel yourself building up again so you reached down to circle your clit but James slapped your hand away before leaning up to spit on your pussy, the whole scene was something you’d thought would disgust you but it only had you moaning as he brought his fingers to your clit. 
He began circling the swollen bud as he contained fucking into you roughly. You felt yourself teeter towards the edge until he began drilling straight into your g-spot knocking your orgasm out of you like a punch. You came around his cock which triggered his own orgasm, growling through gritted teeth as he came inside you. 
“F-Fuck Y/N!” He groaned deeply as his came, his thrust begin to slow down until they came to a stop. Your legs were shaking and you felt limp everywhere but you’d never felt so satisfied.
“Wow.” Was all you managed to say as James moved your left leg to lay over your right one before laying down behind you making sure he didn’t slip out.
You flushed a little at the intimacy of the whole thing but as he left soft kisses on your spine and shoulders, you closed you eyes and basked in the feeling. Usually you’d jump straight up, pee and get dressed but this felt right. 
The sound of James phone ringing broke the moment and he rolled his eyes before sliding out of your pussy causing you to let out a breathless gasp. He smirked down at you as he grabbed his phone and answered the call.
“What do you mean your outside ay/N flat?” James sighed as you passed him his boxers. He slid them on after hanging up on his best friend and walking towards the front door of your flat. 
“Sorry to interrupt you screw sesh but this is important!” Sirius exclaimed as he pulled out the bands shared tablet and slapped it into James hand.
“Your ex girlfriend posted a new single?” James questioned with a frown as you finally came into the room dress in James t-shirt.  
The second the song finished you burst out laughing. You knew you shouldn’t of but the fact was, it WAS fucking hilarious in your eyes. 
“You finally pissed off the wrong girl.” You snorted through your laughter.
“What the fuck do I do now! Everyone knows this is about me!” Sirius growled as he began pacing.
“It’s a good song?” James tried as he tried to hold back his own laughter.
“Are you serious?” Sirius screamed making you fall into another round of laughter.
“Karma. Am I right?” You smirked before plugging the tablet into you speaker with the aux cable before blasting out the song.
“I don’t speak boy shit!” You cheered as you did a little dance making James burst out laughing. 
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cinnajun · 2 years
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: can i have a hug? | hrj
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summary | a series of routines between you and your boyfriend, renjun, shortly after moving in with each other.
genre | huang renjun x fem!reader. non-idol! au. angst with a cute ending, renjun is a bit protective
warnings | a lot of self doubt, jaemin’s girlfriend is awful and mean, y/n and renjun overset boundaries (if that’s a thing)
wc | 3.7k
a/n: renjun is the love of my life and i would do anything for him even w the military cut amen thank you god also suhyun isn’t based off anyone
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TO BE HONEST, it would be a lie to say you weren’t expecting this. Despite that, there was a glimmer of hope, an all-consuming glimmer, that made you believe your moving into Renjun’s apartment would be more than it actually was.
Renjun values his alone time, and you know that. You’ve respected it for your whole relationship, and, honestly, it wouldn’t be too far off to say you held the same sentiments. You would even say that was half the reason you both fit together so well.
When you first brought up moving in together, you’d suggested separate bedrooms, claiming it might be better for both of you. It was Renjun who rejected the idea, saying it would just drive a wedge between you two and how much you hung out.
You were overjoyed then, but not so much now.
Glancing at your clock, which read 1:03 am, you were upset that you couldn’t fall asleep. You were exhausted, with your eyes hurting at every movement and your limbs stuck to the mattress, but closing your eyes and letting your mind run made everything worse.
You were on the left corner of the bed, and Renjun had squared himself all the way to the right. He hadn’t so much as touched you, only offering you a small “good night” and a smile. He’d fallen asleep quickly, too, as he always did, not giving you a second thought.
Renjun wasn’t very touchy (and, once again, you weren’t either). Still, a part of you had also hoped that he’d initiate even the slightest bit of skinship, whether it be hand-holding or even the slightest bit of proximity between you two. But, no, he was at least a foot away from you, maybe more, tucked into himself.
As you were realizing, it felt…bad. Even if he normally slept like this, even if you both weren't big into skinship, it felt awful. It felt like he was afraid to touch you, uncomfortable with touching you, even though you lived together.
You’d get over it, soon enough. You knew Renjun loved you—he’d let you move into his apartment, for free no less, for god’s sake—but, in little moments like these, it’s hard to wrap your mind around.
Usually, you like hanging out with Renjun’s friends. They’re a fun group of people, always having something to bicker over or joke about, and you never leave without laughing until your cheeks hurt.
Tonight, though, was terrible.
Jaemin had invited his girlfriend—a rare occurrence from him, as they’d only started dating recently—and he had no issue with any sort of affection, even in front of so many people. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, practically dragged her onto his lap, and hugged her for nearly the entire night, all of which were things you would hate to happen to you.
Still, you couldn’t help but compare them to how you felt now.
Meanwhile, the rest of Renjun’s friends were going on and on about your new living situation, poking fun at how you came in the same car and left in the same one. Haechan particularly teased you both, referring to you as the first married couple in the relationship. At one point, he assumed a mocking old-lady voice, asking “when are you planning to have kids?” which drew a long sigh from both you and Renjun.
Unfortunately, the lovey-dovey jokes on top of Jaemin and Suhyun made you want to drive a drill into your skull more than ever.
You were particularly quiet on the ride home, staring at the moon from the car window. You wondered if the moon felt lonely orbiting the Earth, in the way you somehow managed to feel lonely in the most loving relationship you’d experienced in your whole life.
Of course, Renjun picked up on your quietness almost immediately. “Are you feeling okay?” he had asked, linking your pinkies together as he drove. The touch, as simple and as common as it was in your relationship, sent an uncomfortable sensation down your arm.
“I’m okay,” you replied, trying to sound as chipper as possible. “They tire me out.”
He didn’t press more, humming in response. You knew he didn’t believe you, but Renjun also trusted that, if something was wrong and you didn’t share, you would know how to handle it.
When you got home, you practically slid into bed almost immediately. Your skincare routine was cut short and you put on your warmest pajamas, mostly in hopes that they’d make you feel more loved at night than Renjun did.
You were in bed before him, but, once again, you couldn’t sleep. Instead, you kept your eyes closed, even when Renjun was talking on the phone with Mark in a hushed voice, even when he pressed his hand to your forehead and told Mark “no, she doesn’t have a fever,” even when he crawled into bed next to you (yet still so far away) and whispered a quiet “good night,” even though he thought you were sleeping.
You thought things wouldn’t get worse than they already were. You convinced yourself this was temporary, this was okay, that you’d get over it soon enough.
Renjun’s friends had other plans, though.
Living with him meant seeing them a lot more. Renjun held a lot of importance to making sure his friends knew you, and that you knew his friends. Skipping out on their get-togethers often would make him upset, and you didn’t want to make him upset.
Hanging out with his friends, however, was starting to make you upset, ironically enough.
Somehow, Mark had come upon a large amount of very illegal fireworks (his friend Johnny had given them to him, which upset Haechan a fair amount, for some reason). Now, you were sitting in Chenle’s backyard—his huge, multi-acre backyard—lighting them off.
The only issue was Jaemin inviting his girlfriend again, and them being all over each other, as per usual. You and Renjun were sitting next to each other, sure, but you were about half a foot apart and hadn’t touched each other since Renjun helped you onto the ledge you both sat on.
The moment Jaemin and Suhyun arrived, she was sitting in his lap, and he was whispering stuff in her ear, and she was marveling at the colors, and Jaemin was looking at her like she was the world. The only issue was that you knew that you’d hate it, once again, but you couldn’t help but yearn for what they had, what she had.
Mark dropped his phone onto the grass once a big group of fireworks went off, evidently done recording that round. He looked at Chenle, saying something to him (which you couldn’t hear), just before running off towards where the rest of the fireworks were.
As silence overtook the group, Suhyun turned towards your ledge, suddenly staring you down. It made you more anxious, and it took everything in you to stand your ground and not twiddle your thumbs in discomfort.
You began to open your mouth to comment on the fireworks, but Suhyun filled the silence before you could.
“So you two are dating?” she asked, looking between you and Renjun. He looked over at her, giving her a wary look you could only describe as his signature just-shut-up look.
“Uh, yeah,” you nodded, wondering if she’d miraculously forgotten that you both were introduced to her as a couple. She hummed in recognition, nodding and biting her lip. She looked as though she was plotting something, a certain emotion you couldn’t pinpoint flashing behind her eyes.
With the small upturn of her lips, she asked, “For how long?”
You weren’t looking at him directly, but you could’ve sworn Renjun rolled his eyes at her question. He looked annoyed that she even decided to speak to you, hell, he just looked annoyed.
“Three years,” he replied. Usually, when someone asked how long you’d been together, he was excited to answer, as if he was proud of the length of time. Now, he looked unhappy and angry, like he wanted nothing more than for Suhyun to shut up.
“Really?” she suddenly replied, her eyes widened and her brows lifted. This whole situation was off-putting; more often than not, when people responded to “three years” with “really?” their tone of voice was impressed, but hers felt surprised in a not-so-kind way.
You heard Haechan, who sat next to you, suck in a breath, like he was going to start speaking, but he never got the chance.
“Sorry, it just doesn’t look like you guys even like each other.”
The words were nails screeching on a chalkboard, a violin’s strings violently snapping in the middle of the song, a hammer flying through a glass door.
Your stomach tightened, and you tensed immediately. Without skipping a beat, Renjun said, “Excuse me?” with the most malicious tone you’d heard out of him in a while. She shrugged, looking back towards Mark and Chenle. Jeno hopped off the ledge instantly, looking back at Renjun and Haechan before jogging out towards the two stragglers.
“Hey,” Jisung suddenly piped in from his blanket on the grass, face contorting into one of apprehension. “Maybe let's talk about something else.”
Jaemin looked a bit shocked, his eyes widened and his mouth slightly ajar, but he didn’t try to say anything. In the tense silence, Haechan let out a loud scoff, drawing you to look at him. He had the same expression as Renjun—intense dislike, maybe even hatred—and you felt like you were missing something.
“What the fuck do you know?” Haechan spat, crossing his arms. “Just because they aren’t making out every second of the day doesn’t mean they don’t like each other.”
“What I want to know,” Renjun began with a tight voice, and, suddenly, you were scrambling, realizing he was very upset by the question, and Renjun was not easy to deal with when angry. You put your hand over his, cringing at the unconsented touch, but still hoping it would help in the slightest. “Is why you think you know anything about my relationship when you’ve met my girlfriend once before today? I suppose I’m not following.”
The sort of politeness in his voice was one you were accustomed to. When he was especially upset, he took on a sort of condescension, yet he lowered his chin to look up at whoever he was talking to. Jaemin, definitely not thinking straight, jumped to Suhyun’s defense at the sight of Renjun’s offense.
“Dude, chill out,” he said, visibly tightening his arms around Suhyun’s stomach. “She didn’t mean it like you think she did.”
Suhyun looked towards the speed-walking Mark, Chenle, and Jeno, puffing her lips out into an unassuming pout.
“No, I think she did mean it like that. Just like she’s meant everything else,” Renjun replied, and then the blame had shifted.
“Renjun,” you whispered, squeezing his hand. “It’s fine. Just ignore it.”
Instead, he ignored you. Haechan did too, apparently, coming to Renjun’s defense.
“I guess she didn’t mean it, though, huh? When she called Mark a loser, or when she told me to go waste my time pining over another one of my friends.” He laughed dryly, rolling his neck in a circle. “Get a grip, Jaemin. Holy shit.”
“Guys.” Mark “the mediator” Lee appeared, but he’d shown up all too late. Renjun returned your hand-holding, but he did so to pull you off the ledge with him. Abruptly, you were exiting the firework hang-out, Haechan following close behind.
“Guys!” Mark called out once again, but Renjun didn’t look back, not until you were in the car.
Upset Renjun had made things worse at home.
When you’d gone to bed, he opted to stay up with Haechan in the living room. You’d never seen him so worked up, not like this. Part of it made you feel good, feel loved, but the other part of it made you feel worse than before.
You knew the reason she’d said that was your lack of couple-presenting activities, or, more simply, PDA. She hadn’t heard an ‘I love you’ or anything similar once, and, if you had to guess, the first time she’d seen you touch Renjun was when you were trying to calm him down.
In a way, she was right. It was bad to even consider it, but she was kind of right.
The sound of your front door opening and closing was loud, but you were glad Haechan was gone and Renjun was coming to bed. Taking one last look at the moon, you squeezed your eyes shut, curling into yourself. If you were lucky, sleep would come easy tonight, but this was one of the unluckiest nights of your life, so far.
Renjun opened the door to your bedroom a little too roughly, but he closed it very gently, so as not to disturb your fake sleep. There was the sound of clothes rustling, of belts being taken off and sweatpants being put on, but it seemed like he would be bypassing his usual, extensive nighttime routine.
Instead, he got under the covers right beside you, tugging you into his chest. Your eyes flew open, followed by a small “Renjun?” that escaped from your throat.
“Go back to sleep,” he mumbled into your neck, causing goosebumps to sprout down your arms. “I love you. Good night.”
And, for the first time in about two weeks, you fell asleep with ease.
Nothing had changed. You were hopeful it had, after that night, but once Renjun calmed down, everything was the same, and you were back to feeling the sinking feeling in your stomach all too soon.
There was something that had shifted, though, and that is how you ended up sitting across from Mark at a small cafe in the city. He was nervous, you could easily tell from the way he spoke to the way he walked. When he texted you, he was sure to inform you that this was about Renjun and Jaemin, nothing more, nothing less.
“I don’t know what to do,” he sighed, putting his head in his hands. “They’re at each other’s throats, even though this should be something they get over easily. Hyuck is taking Renjun’s side, and so is Jeno, but the rest of us are pretty much neutral. It’s causing a lot of drama. I don’t know.”
“In the kindest way possible,” you began to respond, taking a big gulp of your coffee. “The problem here seems to be Suhyun and not Jaemin or Renjun.”
“I guess so, but…was the comment really that bad?”
In a burst of sudden discontent, you frowned. “I think…I think the issue is that she was a little too right.”
Mark furrowed his brows, suddenly confused. “I mean, right about what? You and Renjun orbit each other like…like two colliding stars, or something—god, that was a little cringy of me. But, seriously, I can’t see how she was right.”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you decided, at the moment, Mark was someone you could trust. He would know how to drag you out of the situation you were in, you were sure of it. “Can I be honest?”
“Of course.”
“Renjun and I, like, barely even touch each other. The last time we even kissed was three days ago, and it was only because he was going to be gone for a long while. It’s like…moving in with each other made us afraid of each other,” you lamented, looking down at your hands. “We share a bed, but he sleeps as far as he possibly could from me. Like, the other night, I felt uncomfortable even holding his hand. We are stepping over boundaries we had set like two weeks into our relationship. I guess Suhyun must’ve picked that up somehow, but…I don’t know.”
Mark was quiet for a minute, and, when you looked up, he seemed to be deliberating something. “That’s why you’ve been so out of it, then? Not because you're feeling bad or something is going on at work?”
“…Yeah, that would be why.”
“I get it. It makes sense now, why he got that angry and why things have been weird. I’m not saying I like Suhyun, she seriously is awful, but it makes sense.”
“What—what should I do?”
Mark thought for a minute more, tapping his chin. “Okay, here’s our plan. I break Jaemin and Suhyun up using Jeno, and you ask Renjun for a hug. How about that?”
You and Renjun used to ask each other for hugs a lot. Back in the first year of your relationship, it was commonplace for you both, and the answer was always yes. Then, during your second year, there was less asking and more just-doing. The third year brought a weird type of hesitation that came with living with someone else for the first time, not in the way of a roommate, but in the way of a lover.
You didn’t expect to be nervous to ask Renjun for a hug ever.
You were coming home from a movie you’d planned on seeing in the Cinema weeks in advance. You were quick to shed your wet raincoat, hanging it on the hooks next to your front door. Your shoes came off and you stretched your arms out, glad to be inside your warm apartment and no longer out in the rainy cold.
This was when you decided you’d ask Renjun for a hug. Even if you were so nervous you could die, you would ask him for that hug, no matter what.
When you put your purse down, you began hyping yourself up internally, screaming at yourself to just go for it, that he was your boyfriend, and you’d done much worse than a hug before. So, with a brave pivot, you stared at Renjun with conviction, and he stared back with confusion.
“Yes?” he asked, dropping the keys in the little bowl you had for them.
“Can I have a hug?” you forced out, ignoring how your throat tightened and you oddly felt like crying. He stared at you for a moment, before his mouth turned up into a big smile.
“What? You don’t have to ask me for a hug, loser,” he said, approaching you. He drew you into the allotted hug, rocking you back and forth with him. “We stopped asking so long ago. What prompted that?”
“I don’t know,” you lied, squeezing his waist as hard as you could. You couldn’t lie—Renjun gave very good, very warm hugs. He smelled of wood and the ocean, like the quiet beach town you’d both fantasized about living in. His sweaters were always warm and soft, engulfing you into a blanket-like embrace.
“You could…hug me more, you now. Maybe at night, and stuff. Like couples in a movie,” you suggested, burying your face into his neck. Renjun suddenly went quiet as you rocked around the room.
“Oh,” he finally erupted, squeezing you back. “Oh, I get it now. That was it.”
You didn’t say anything, even as Renjun erupted into a fit of little giggles. Through his chuckles, he said, “God, we are so stupid. I thought you were about to break up with me. I thought I’d done something. No, we were just being dumb. I have to tell Mark.”
“We aren’t dumb, we just respect each other too much. Isn’t that a good thing?”
Renjun unwrapped his arms from your waist, taking your face into his hands. “I guess, but not when it was driving us severely apart,” he mused.
Gently, Renjun pulled you into a kiss. It was reminiscent of the first few kisses you’d both shared, all of which were well-timed and disgustingly romantic. It was slow and soft, with no ill-intent behind either of your actions. It was filled with unspoken love and minty undertones, the softness of his lips and the warm feeling of his hands on your cheeks.
When he pulled away, you couldn’t help but feel a bit blue. You’d unknowingly deprived yourself of your boyfriend for so long under the guise of “respecting his boundaries,” and now you just wanted to spend your time with him eternally.
“I love you,” he spoke in a sing-songy voice. It was much happier than the last time he’d told you he loved you.
“I love you too,” you replied with the same tune, smiling like an idiot. “Also, Mark is going to try to break Suhyun and Jaemin up.”
“Thank god,” Renjun breathed out, leaning his forehead against yours. “Did you know she practically harassed Chenle to set them up? She’s seriously awful. But, I’m going to text him to wait, so I can make out with you in front of her right before Jaemin leaves her for good.”
“I’d hate that,” you laughed. “Maybe we can hold hands or something.”
“No, she’s going to have to sit and watch. Just to prove a point.” Renjun planted another short kiss on your lips, pulling away for good this time. You followed after him, realizing he was just going to start dinner and wasn’t going to do anything special. “You can have a hug whenever you like, my dear. Just say the word, and I’m there.
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thank you for reading!
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levenxa · 3 months
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Blue (Hail)
Gender: Cis-Man
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual
Height: 5’9
Age: 26
Likes: Swearing is his love language—makes him feel cool. Good at combat (yes he will beat the shit out of you for reasonable purposes). He’s a professional ice skater, he makes a lot of money; which explains why he owns a mansion :) He’s great at understanding people emotionally, and following their respectable boundaries. One of his guilty pleasures is charcoal painting.
Dislikes: Super lovey dovey things, when people come to his mansion for no reason, dressing up in stupid outfits. Shitty people I guess. He is terrible at mind games, manipulative behavior, and telling left from right.
Phobias: Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
Weapons/Powers: Ice Scythe, Blue Beams, Glitch Abilities
Backstory: Was abused by his brother still, both emotionally and physically. But he still loves him, he knows he shouldn’t but he does anyways. He was forced to keep up this shitty persona by Stretch which in turn gave him several unstable relationships, being unable to be himself whilst also being horrific at lying. One day they came across a poor woman who wished for even the slightest amount of change. Stretch made fun of them and encouraged Blue to do so as well so he did. But after Stretch left, Blue secretly gave some money to the woman, who thanked him endlessly with a warm smile. Blue for once felt loved and appreciated—even when his whole life he was told to hate love, why did he want more so badly? A few years after the whole world begins to fall apart due to several rips in the timeline, (both Cross’s Timeline & the DT Timeline) Stretch trips and is hanging off a cliff, Blue tries to save him but fails. He’s very upset but keeps on running because he wants to survive; this new found motivation made him discover his ability to teleport. He ended up teleporting to a random city. He found a magazine and found out about ice skating, he then went into many competitions and was really good at it. He earned enough money for a huge mansion and is now rich as hell. He often donates to a bunch of charity centers, he adores the thanks and appreciation he usually gets back whenever he does stuff like that. He also loves helping others despite his brother telling him that it was wrong and that Blue didn’t deserve it. Part of him agrees with that, he still has some buried trauma that is unsolved and instead hidden by a pessimistic and easily angered persona. He is that one aggressively nice person, who will be calm and comforting if needed.
Relationships: He meets Error first, and then Cross. Cross and Error are pretty much companions who just decided to stick with him, and he doesn’t care enough to shoo them away. He prefers his own group the ‘Amicable Brigade’, (Blue, Cross, & Error) over the ‘Unrighteous Surrenders’, (Dream, Nightmare, & Ink). He has probably cussed everyone out at least once.
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dia-souls · 7 months
Maybe a reaction for Carla and Shin who have Tomie!s/o
she has same powers, story ec.. with her.
Thanks in advance, dear! <3 ^^
Note: Welcome dear! You don't need to say thanks you waited so long for this ask. Instead of writting reaction, I decided to go for headcanons. Tomie is a fun character! She is scary and interesting.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🔮 Carla Tsukinami 🔮
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At first Carla will like the way. She has beauty as well as power. She proves to be a good Queen as her powers gives her a plus point.
One thing that annoys him is that not only she seduces him but also seduces anyone who can be characterize as man.
He still doesn't respect her but sees her above normal human women but still she is way too inferior to what he posses as king.
Carla is also curious about her history? What is her origin? How does she posses such power eventhough she is a human.
His curiosity further increased when he sees her coming back to life again and again he lowkey freaks out but this will provoke his sadistic side.
Carla enjoys tourturing her as in this way he can clearly shows who is actually in charge of their relationship.
Carla in terms of power is stronger than her but her manapulating tricks and her intelligence always caught him off guard.
Carla internally will realize that she is provoking his jealousy and rage just so he could go crazy at first countless men head roll because he is stronger than any victims of her.
But Carla is also smart. He isn't dumb, he will start to realize the way she plays game with him and will start reading her pattern of doing work.
Carla knows he has upper hand over her and won't hesitate to degrade her verbally and physically to keep her in place.
He isn't going to let her do what she pleases with other men. He hates sharing or seeing slightest of her attention going to other men as it boils his blood.
Carla doesn't fall her succubus acts and her manapulating tricks but he did feel irk whenever he sees her with other man.
It will take Carla a bit off time to understand her tricks the more she interacts with Carla the more Carla gains dominance over her.
He starts to reads her acts the way she behave in order for the man to kill each other. At first this used to frustrate Carla but the moment Carla manged to acknowledge her abilities, he will become immune to her powers.
Carla laughs internally whenever she gets frustrated for not getting her way with him. She can try her best to be authoritative but Carla will easily put her in place by dominating her verbally.
Carla sometimes will use her own tricks on her. He will manapulate her to think that Carla is most powerful and that she should obey if she doesn't want to lose her head.
"Huh! Haha!! Hah.... It's funny you think you can beat a Founder King with your cheap tricks?! You really think you can manapulate and control someone as superior and strong as me?!! Make no mistake women I am not like the other pest you came across in past! I will make you submit to me!!
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🐺 Shin Tsukinami 🐺
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The moment he noticed her beauty he got whipped. He felt a great amount of lust and attraction towards her.
Shin loves the way she looks, the way she sways her hair, the way she bat's her eyelashes etc etc. He is whipped for her!
Shin loves that his s/o isn't a weakling and has power.
At first he will test her power to see if she by an small chance has upper hand on him but he realized she is very weaker than him.
This increased his ego. He will degrade her by using their power difference whenever she tries to use her power.
Shin literally gave a shrill scream the moment he realized that she can come back from dead
When he realized that she actually isn't a loyal one that's when he starts to go into yandere and his possessive side awakens.
Shin isn't smart like Carla he does falls for her tricks but this all backfires as Shin will not only kill her lovers but will torture her brutally.
Shin is known to love violence and his s/o provoked a dangerous side of him by giving him a reason to kill.
He will be laughing while killing all thoes victims as he is stronger than all of her victims and none of them can even touch his single hair.
Shin will definitely is enjoying all this. He doesn't knows he is being manapulated by his smart s/o neither does his care he is just enjoying this too much!
His s/o will literally regret trying to mess with him because she isn't safe too as after getting done with her lovers he goes to tourturing her since she can come back from dead.
Shin will use this to his advantage by tourturing her too much to the point she gets killed and smiles whenever she returns.
If she tries to run away he won't hesitate to drag her back to have fun with her.
Eventhough she is intelligent but compare to Shin brutal strength and his craze for violence she is nothing instead of being dominant she will be forced to become shin play thing.
Their relations ship will be filled with abuse with Shin never getting bore off her and not letting her go.
Unlike Carla, his relationship with her is brutal as he always compete with her in strength his jealous side makes him more sadistic.
"Neh!? Isn't it so fun!?? I love all this thing you do but don't misunderstand I will never let you go to another man you are my plaything since you are powerful how about we fight?! I am sure I will win but still it's so pathetic the way you try to use your weak powers against me!! "
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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justmenoworries · 1 year
Lore Olympus Episode 245 Spoilers
So, just to summarize.
breaks into Leuce's home while she's sleeping,
manipulates a heck ton of animals to destroy Leuce's property,
steals Leuce's food to give it to her weird two-headed horse,
literally says she would kill Leuce if that didn't entail having to fill out some paperwork
ridicules and bullies Leuce the whole time she's there
and I'm supposed to be on Persephone's side here???
Like, let's remember, for a moment, that nymphs canonically face extreme discrimination in LO, to the point of being considered second-class citizens.
We've already seen that literally no one cares if a nymph dies or is forcibly transformed into something (which one could argue is a fate worse than death). Persephone can do literally whatever she wants to Leuce and would most likely face little more than a slap on the wrist.
Persephone knows that.
Leuce knows that.
The power dynamic here is not in the slightest bit balanced.
Persephone did all of this to Leuce, because Leuce flirted a bit with her husband. A man known to have lovers on the side, but let's not address that here.
RS keeps reiterating that Persephone is Not Like Other Gods, because she has compassion for and shows kindness to those of lower status.
Having read this chapter, I'll have to ask once again:
Bitch, where????
Aw hell nah, that weak sauce side-gag is LO's version of the myth of Sisyphus? Yikes RS, you really know how to suck the fun out of everything.
Thanatos' new mustache looks hideous, it's like he smeared porridge on his upper lip by accident.
Ares clowning on Hades will never get old.
"Do you think I have the capacity to be a father?"
Do I need to say it?
Do I really need to say it?
I fucking hate that RS made Thanatos say Hades would be a good dad because he bought him a sandwich. Fuck off, RS. Literally just fuck off.
Oh hey, Demeter's back.
We gonna treat her with the dignity and respect she deserves this time?
Oh, she's being made to act meek.
That means, probably not.
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mksbigg3stfan · 1 month
Ok, ok guys .... this is my interpretation of arc 1 (whatever it is?) mitsukou... heh...🤯🤯
Kou and Sousuke are two people that you'd think would be destined to meet, but are doomed to always pass each other by. The closest they'll ever get is glimpses at each other from different times, eye contact that's drawn out ever so slightly more than usual. Like they are meant to be separated.
Though Kou doesn't exactly remember him, Sousuke had always admired him. He was too much of a coward to be as loud and boisterous as Kou, the fear of his flaws holding him back. If there was one thing Sousuke hated, it was isolation. He never wanted it within his sights ever again. So he changed himself. Molded himself into the perfect, agreeable, quiet, well-behaved kid.
If he was perfect enough, people would like him, right?
In truth, he had simply stifled himself in the process of his change. A friend to all is a friend to none. He'd become so sterile that he was nothing more than a piece of scenery in the background, barely acknowledged as a person. And he was all alone again.
And then, his life was ripped away from him. It was abrupt and sudden, so quick that it was barely even painful. And just like that, he was dead. Before "Sousuke Mitsuba" could be polished into a person.
But he was still here. He was here. In a state of panic, he looked for someone, anyone, who could recognize him, see him. Then, he was bound to a rumor. And he met Kou for the second time. He's immediately paraded around by the boy, shoved and pushed like a sack of flour. It's clear that he doesn't remember him. Mitsuba has been so stressed that he spews all of his pent-up frustrations at Kou. He doesn't care about his flaws at the moment, not in the slightest.
On the other hand, Kou knows he has to take care of this ghost, as it's his duty to, being a Minamoto. But he doesn't want to exorcise him. He doesn't do that anymore. And in the back of his mind, something about this guy is familiar to him. So he settles for taking care of his unfinished business. After all, he wants to make Teru proud. He's a Minamoto exorcist, and he should make this spirit respect him like one!
Sousuke is surprised to find that he's having fun. He's free now, only in death. It feels like Kou sees him. He sees a person in Sousuke Mitsuba. It's the first time he's been recognized as real, as someone worth getting to know in years. For the first time in his existence, Sousuke feels like he can be himself completely around someone, with no fear of being too rude or brash. Kou will just always take him as he is.
Selfishly, he wishes to live. He wishes it with all his being. To live and stay friends with Kou, the one person who acknowledges him. He wants to keep a friend for once.
But he knows that he'll be gone soon. He's dead, and he can already feel himself getting lighter, like he may drift away at any moment. To him, Kou is a reason to stay, hut at the same time, a reminder that he must go. But he can't let Kou forget about him. The only person who knows who Sousuke Mitsuba might’ve been. So he takes the pictures, as a reminder to Kou, for when he's gone. Whatever you do, don't forget me.
Kou finds himself having a good time hanging out with Sousuke. He's always been wary of being friendly with spirits and supernaturals, and Hanako is just pushing what he'll allow. But Sousuke, it's almost like he's still alive. So Kou makes a promise to himself. I need to protect him until he can safely pass on. He's a Minamoto, after all. It's up to him to protect innocents from supernaturals.
Just when Sousuke is about to grasp peace, the freeness of absolute death, closure, it's ripped away from him. In his last moments, he can't even beg Kou to remember him as he was.
And all Kou can do is watch. He doesn't know what's wrong with him. He's a Minamoto! He's supposed to protect innocents from supernaturals! And he failed. He failed Sousuke. Kou couldn't protect him. He didn't get Sousuke to pass on. He couldn’t fulfill his friend's last wishes. Because of his failure, Sousuke would never get peace.
That night, he can't sleep. He looks over the photos Sousuke took. Gentle nature scenes that focus on the tiny bits of scenery in what would usually be the background. It had an attention to detail Kou hasn't seen before. And then - him. Kou. He observes it until his eyes sting, the image burned into his retina. Was that how he saw me? He wonders if the pictures are how Sousuke saw the world. They're beautiful. Kou wonders, if he lived, would he have become a famous photographer?
Sousuke is gone. He is gone. And Kou knows that. So, how is Sousuke right in front of him? Standing there like nothing happened? Like Kou's mistake had been washed clean. It clicks almost instantly for him. It's not Sousuke. It's not his Sousuke. But, whoever this is wears Sousuke's face.
If he tries hard enough, he can look at him and pretend everything is fine. That Kou didn't fail. That there's more pictures to be taken, more annoying quips to be made from his friend. There's almost an obligation to protect him, to fix his mistake. The biggest failure he's ever made in his life. He knows Sousuke hated being alone, so he'll protect this one. He won't fail him again.
Kou knows it's selfish. Desperately clinging to the pieces of a boy who is nothing more than a memory. It's not about Sousuke getting closure anymore. Kou needs to wash his tainted hands. He'll protect Mistuba with his life - for Sousuke.
It's difficult. Mitsuba doesn't know what it's like to be human, but he longs for it. He'd do anything to be human, and that's risky. Protecting someone who doesn't know who Sousuke Mitsuba is, and yet, he is him. He knows Kou, but he doesn't. He never will.
But if he can't do this, then Kou can't live with himself. He can't bear this guilt, knowing his friend was robbed from closure because of him.
Even though Mitsuba stands before him, he will always mourn the boy "Sousuke Mitsuba" was, and could've been.
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JessLeto + grabbing hold of your lover’s collar, begging them to kiss you
Early-era, PG-ish, also on ao3.
Jessica is in a mood.
Scratch that. Jessica is bored, and slightly drunk because there was really nothing else to do, because formal dinners are usually more fun for her paranoia and-
Normally, in this state, she would retreat down to the other end of the hallway because she doesn’t trust herself with lowered inhibitions. Normally, she would be the better person. Normally…
Hell with normal, she thinks, deciding that what she wants is more interesting.
She’s been here two years, long enough to have routines, long enough to know that pretty dresses are motivation for her lover – unnecessary, perhaps, his attraction to her is deeper than that, but pretty dresses help. And he likes when she’s assertive, that’s weird, she’s starting to figure out she has an actual personality and it is not what she thought and-
There really was nothing to do but sip bitter wine and try to make eye contact from an unfortunate angle. No projects for her. No useful eavesdropping. Nothing to keep her out of trouble.
She’s been spending occasional nights in her partner’s spaces without anything intimate happening, not often yet but starting to be, and there is part of her that does not hate how easily she has been domesticated, and-
Door closed, desire up, she knows what she is and what she wants and she is so many emotions right now and lust is apparently a fun one and-
She gets her hands on his jacket collar, gets his attention, gets real close and she likes how similar in size they are and-
“Is this… you?”
Oh, damn him.
Jessica knows, in the back of her mind, that she should be thankful to have been placed with a cautious and respectful man. Nothing has happened between them that she did not on some level want, either for other purposes or more often lately just for the pleasure of it, and-
“Are you going to kiss me or not?”
She knows she’s a vision too, pale blue silks like moonlight in the dim-lit bedroom, everything here is so cold and she fits right in, lip swollen from biting it too much too public, she wants everything, she wants-
“Is that a good idea right now?”
She’s reminded of their early encounters, of how he treated her like a flytrap plant, easy to look at but dangerous, and how much progress they’ve made in such short time but still-
She’s impatient, and she kisses him anyways, and he lets her. Perfect.
“Did that taste like a good idea?” she murmurs, so close too close.
“You’re not…”
“It doesn’t seem like you’re saying no.”
“What do you want?”
She is really too young for these problems, she thinks. Uncertain partner, uncertain situation, she isn’t sure-
“You,” she breathes.
“I am yours.”
She takes another kiss, and his hands get up in her hair this time and she likes how tactile he is, always little patterns anywhere he can touch, needing this, needing her, needing-
“You won’t lay me down,” she senses.
“You’re in no state for it. I’m not certain I am either.”
“Can I at least stay?”
She’s become familiar with how he reacts to her, the subtle hybrid emotions she provokes. She likes this one most, affection and protection and just the slightest-
“I doubt I could stop you even if I wanted to try.”
“You could. You could tell me to get gone and I would-“
“Who could ever do that to you?”
Someday, Jessica thinks, someday she will be asked to account for what she has done with her placement and she will have to say with blank eyes that she did nothing intentional. She has merely responded to what has been offered to her, and look where she is now, look what she may yet-
“At least help me undress? I’m not sure I COULD undo-“
“Of course.”
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charlywrites · 2 years
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Requested by anon
Request; hiii, i have an idea for an imagine with lewis, might be a little vague but i’ve been having these thoughts about lewis being in a relationship and his gf having to deal with constant girls trying to hit up on him like, i imagine she would be so mature about it cause at the end of the day he’s hers and she’s his and they make sure they always tell each other about how in love they’re. i just would love to see the maturity about both of them together!
Warnings; not really any? but it’s short and I don’t really know where I was going with this one tbh
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
From the very moment Lewis and you got together, your relationship was built on trust and communication- it was the most important and meant everything to the both of you. And so far, after months of dating, your love had only gotten stronger.
At the beginning, Lewis had warned you about hectic his life was during the race weekends, how hard it could be to deal with the medias and the potential hate on social medias- it didn’t scare you in the slightest.
With Lewis by your side, none of these were scaring you and you knew you could handle that. The hardest part was definitely all the women, and sometimes men, trying to hit up on him- but knowing he wasn’t interested in anyone else but you was enough for you to handle it.
It did hurt of course, but it wasn’t your boyfriend’s fault and you would never put the blame on him- what was hard about it all was that they couldn’t respect that Lewis had someone in his life that he loved very much and didn’t want to look somewhere else.
Maybe the reason that they still thought they could shoot their shot was because you weren’t into partying or going out at night- so it wasn’t rare that Lewis would go out with friends, only on rare occasions you would accompany him and it was fine for the both of you.
Lewis would always ask you if you don’t mind him going to a night club or somewhere else and would of course ask if you want to come, and when you didn’t go, you weren’t stressed, knowing that at the end of the night, he would be sleeping next to you.
Work had gotten in the way at the last minute and had been obligated to cancel your trip to join Lewis for the Grand-Prix of the weekend. Both of you were disappointed, but you had promised that you wouldn’t miss the race on tv, that you’d be cheering for him and would call him after the race.
Of course, it wasn’t the same, it was nowhere near being the same as being able to jump in his arms, kiss him and tell him how proud you are- but for this weekend, you’ll have to go without being able to do that. Just for this weekend.
Work had been exhausting but that didn’t prevent you from watching the practices, qualifying and the race. Tired or not, you weren’t going to miss watching the love of your life do what he does best. It had been a good weekend for the team and you couldn’t be happier for them.
However, on a bit more unpleasant note, you had seen how social medias that Lewis had went to a night club with some other drivers and of course had been pictured with random girls- you didn’t care in the slightest, it was just fans asking for a photo, nothing more.
You were glad he had fun, which he deserved to celebrate getting back to the level of the other top teams. He, and Mercedes were back at the top and celebrating that was more than understandable.
It was really late at night- or very early in the morning when Lewis finally made it home. After the party, he had taken the first flight to your city, wanting to get back to you as soon as he could, he had missed you way too much this weekend.
You didn’t hear him getting home as you were still fast asleep wrapped in your blanket, that was until you felt the bed sinks slightly on your side, barely cracking an eye open, you saw Lewis’ tired face, “ hi.”
“ Hi baby, I didn’t want to wake you up, go back to sleep.”
To follow his words, he pressed a kiss on your forehead while you opened your arms so he could slid under the blanket and cuddle with you, “ didn’t think you’d be back so early.”
“ I took the first flight after the party.”
“ I saw some pics, I hope you had fun and the songs were good.”
“ Already?”
You hummed, eyes still closed, knowing you’d fall asleep again in a couple of minutes, “ got tagged in some of them.”
“ I’m sorry babe.”
“ Don’t be, you had fun and you deserved to celebrate your podium.”
“ Would have been better with you by my side.”
Smiling sleepily, you nuzzled yourself against Lewis’ neck, enjoying his warmth that you had been missing the past few days, you jokingly replied, “ I’ll be here next time, make another podium and I’ll go to a party with you.”
“ You know how to motivate me, uh? I might even win for you.”
“ I’ll remember your words for the next weekend.”
“ I hope so. Maybe I’ll let you keep the trophy this time.”
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sea-salted-wolverine · 7 months
The House of Usher and the cardinal virtues
I thought to myself it's no good to whine about slotting characters into boring reductive categories without a good rebutal, so here's a dose of slightly more interesting archetypes.
Prospero reflects the cardinal virtue of Diligence and its mirror the sin of Sloth ("But he has an orgy so it has to be lust," by god you're so boring) He is the only Usher who tries to make anything of value. When Camille goes on her little spiel about how Ushers don't make stuff, she's not wrong. Perry got pretty ruthlessly shot down when he was presenting his ideas for trying to make value and start a night club chain, rather than just taking credit for someone else's work like all of his siblings and his dad. But he was at least trying. His drive to prove himself and gain respect is how he gets himself into the whole mess. However, it is the act of not doing his due diligence that kills him.
Camille has an interesting one because while breaking into a lab facility to expose mistreatment of animals would seem like the cardinal virtue of kindness, she's only there to get one over on her sister. The inverse of Kindness is Envy, and for as important as her role is as the family spin doctor, Camille is valued the least. Everyone suspects Perry when they hear about an informant, but that's because he's an idiot baby. Victurine is useful with her heart mesh implant, Napoleon took the role of the "chill fun sibling", and the other two are original Ushers, so Camille is left as the unfavored child.
Napoleon tried to buy his way out of his problem with Charity. He could have come home with a different cat entirely and told his boyfriend he was looking in shelters for Pluto and accidentally fell in love. Name it Mars, let the boyfriend chalk it up to a weird grief response. Bummer Pluto never came home. Verna would have had him trip over the thing on the stairs in the middle of the night and that would have been that. Instead, everything was transactional as he maximized what he could get out of his relationships for the least amount of effort. The boyfriend can live with him, the boyfriends cat can move in too, but as soon as that becomes even the slightest bit more effort (like when boyfriend wants to meet the family, or curb the drug use, or the cat brings home a dead thing) Napoleon wants it gone from his life.
Victurine likewise could have had a painless clean death had she mustered up the Humility to say that the device didn't work. Her demise, unlike her younger siblings, was a compilation of smaller shitty decisions and white lies. She could even recognize that each choice was morally wrong, but it was little choices that were easier to brush off. A dead monkey, a foraged signature, a rightfully concerned patient reassured with platitudes. Even before she was scrubbing blood off the floor to Bonnie Tyler, her inability to admit her choices were flawed was getting her in trouble.
Tamralane with her perfectly manicured curated life, is the one to take Temperance to its furthest extreme. I think it was Atwood who wrote about women and the internal voyeur to preform for, but I'm not going to Google it for a post about horror characters losing their minds and dying horribly. She lives under a personal panopticon of her own expectations and can never allow herself to experience her own life lest she fall short. Her wealth rather than mitigating this exacerbates the issue, giving her access to any and every distance she could possibly want. Death by mirrors isn't so much her going insane as it is the culmination of the life shes built for herself.
(Plus, I know her lonely evening was meant to be ~spooky~ but babe, that is literally just ADHD. Can't remember where you put the thing? Can't remember doing the thing? CAN'T SLEEP?! DOES EVERYONE HATE YOU AND THINK YOU'RE AN INSANE BITCH FOR PERFECTLY VALID REASONS?! Looks like Adderall for you).
Fraudrick. You dickwad. No Patience to allow your very injured and traumatized wife explain herself. The inverse of Patience is Wrath. Demonstrated that one in spades. I'm on Verna's side on this one. Pliers, really?
(His wife's name is fucking Mori. As in momento mori.)
Which leaves Madeline and Rodrick. What's a Gothic horror story without some really fucking weird and unsettling sibling dynamic? Dull, that's what. Anyway, never letting anything touch them or impede them in their lust for power and wealth offers a strange sort of Chastity. There's no love, not for the kids or Annabelle Lee that could touch them, no moral they wouldn't overturn, no value they wouldn't abandon. Madeline values her freedom above all else but she spent her life bound to her brother. They wouldn't even spare each other in ruthless pursuit of just a little more power.
So yeah, bummer for August Dupain that he wound up against the most supernaturally fucked up family that ever lived.
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xxktnexx · 1 month
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Who Does It Better
A succubus and incubus who really hates each other and decided to settle their differences in an unusual way. HOT but still unusual if you consider how they hate each other.
This is a Chanyeol x Reader pairing
Chapter 1 - Picking a Fight
The club was noisy. As always.
You and your friends just arrived and were lucky enough to get a good spot out of the place.
You look around to the familiar surroundings and an evil smile crept on your lips when you felt the sinful atmosphere.
The closed establishment was fully packed again with different breeds.
Vampires, werewolves, demons, and all the other night child like you.
You went back to your drink but was not oblivious to the lingering stares that some of the males gave you. Human males to be exact.
You feel sorry for those pitiful creatures for being too ignorant with their surroundings.
They felt delated for little things they possess, failing to see that they might cause them their very lives if they move by mistake.
A clueless rat leisurely stepping on a field full of landmines.
That's not good girl. Feeling sorry for your food would upset thy stomach. You thought to yourself.
"Yah gongju-nim you never fails to amaze me." Your friend Juna told you.
"We only got here and look, you already now have--- seven meals to feast on." She pauses for a moment to secretly count the men who is visually undressing you.
"Come on Jun it's not like it's new." You gave her a cocky smirk.
"Bet your right." Jina the other twin friend chime in.
The twins are vampires and you on the other hand is a Succubus.
You came from a rather well respected family in your race and sometimes called gongju-nim(princess) by your friends for fun.
It was annoying but just let it slide since your irritation would just fall from deaf ears considering the type of friends you have.
"So, who's the meal now?" Jina asked.
"I don't know. The ones who fantasize about me on their way to sleep, like the usual I guess?" You shrug answering.
"Wahh, and I think that means all seven of them. What a glutton. How does it even work?" Juna says her accusation and confusion.
"You call yourself my friend, but you know nothing?" You round your eyes like you were surprised but not the very least.
You were just teasing.
"Hello? We have different nightly activities if I remind you. And it's not like I fuck my food on their sleep."
"Excuse me lady bat. Don't say it like there is any physical contact okay? My succubus spirit form enters their wet dreams and consume some of their life forces. And it's not like I can help it when they think about me. Nor it was my fault that we feed that way." You said informing her.
"Ohh so that's how it works." The voice who talked behind you was not unknown nor uninvited.
"Oh, hey Jong In oppa. Glad you made it." Jina excitingly hugged her older brother, followed by Juna.
"That answers a lot. I was actually wondering how that works.”
“You my friends needs some get-to-know-Y/N-well session.” And place the glass of liquor on your lips to sip on.
“But you don't actually kill them, right?" The fairy Bacon who sneakily wrap his arm around your shoulder said in amusement.
"Yeah Bacon, we don't need to kill to eat. Me on the least never killed before but I might soon. If someone don't keep their arms to themselves."
I slowly looked at him and that made him retreat his limbs.
"Does that work the same way with you too Chanyeol?" Suho asked to the person behind you.
You froze for a moment and quickly consealed it from the others. You didn't expect him to be there.
Well, maybe a little. His presence is always present inside the bar since he never strays off away from this kind of places but behind you?
No not the slightest.
"Same." Just the low voice that came from him made you frown in annoyance.
Nevertheless, you were planning to ignore him for the whole night.
But the thought jinx you almost instantly. He was not thinking the same thing.
"Bad to see you doing well Y/N. Guess the nickname gongju-nim was not just for show after all." He said as he rounds up to your view and sat on the high chair just next to you."
Though the nickname did irk you most time no one would deny the pride that the title gives.  
Considering your age, you were already one of the best Succubus around earning you the title.
And you’re not liking the way Chanyeol roll your name on his tongue.
Sad thing to say he is actually one of the best league with you.
"Don't call me that scambag your tainting the name." You answered back with the same amount of sass.
You saw how he slightly clenched his jaw and that pleased you for sure.
But got the amusement withdrawn when you notice human girls flirty eyeing the big eared man.
Shit. Same number of victim or maybe greater. Tsk sluts these days. You thought.
Chanyeol scan what caught your attention before smirking.
"Oh, don't be too bitter if I fuck better than you." He notices your reaction and suddenly said.
"Don't mix up our activities Yoda. I only eat for food unlike you. You literally screw food for good."
He suddenly looked at you. Mock is visible on his eyes.
"Wow who would have thought that the great Y/N is still a virgin." That statement speaks fluent sarcasm but that was not where it shuts you off.
For what he said was true.
You're maybe incomparable in being a Succubus but honestly speaking, you never had any experience in physical interaction.
You bit your lower lip before looking at the bottles on the shelf in front you. You tried to stay nonchalant but Chanyeol already saw through your facade.
He leans in towards you. You could feel his hot breath brushing the side of your face.
"Aren’t you quiet shy for a sex demon?" You can feel your canine and claws aching in anger and you have to close your eyes to calm yourself down.
Chanyeol only chuckle at it because he knew he won.
"Whoa, we better stop this now before we make a scene here. There's too many humans around guys don't forget that." Suho stood in between you.
Chanyeol thankfully stopped and so did you.
"You two can't just get along well. You always fight every time you see even the tip of each others’ fingers." Juna and Jina said in a matter of fact.
"And to think you both came from the same ancestry." Sehun added.
The three immediately regretted they ever open their mouths when you and Chanyeol threw them killing glares making them gulp in sync.
They should have known better than to make open comments like that.
You understand that the younger friends don't know anything since it is a very long-time matter.
Actually, hidden incident and was only known by close friends and family member.
Ranging from your age and up knew about what happened.
The incident took place when the twins and Sehun were even born.
You can clearly remember. You were six years old at that time when you’re aware enough to know that your only older brother
was going out with Chanyeol's noona.
You sincerely liked her too. She was pretty and smart and talented and was very kind.
You want them to end up together. Not to mention how you saw the affection they gave when they look at each other.
Your brother is a total tease but still kind, handsome, and cool.
And even though he would tease you until you whine and tear up in annoyance, he would always do something that would make you forgive him.
He loves you dearly and you're well aware of that.
He's a well know player too but changed when he started to date with Yoora unnie.
For you, they might be the total opposite, yet they were made to be together.
They were loving each other tenderly like any normal couple do until you find yourself traumatized one night.
You saw your brother return home cover in blood. Face busted with tons of bite marks covering his skin.
When he enters the main door of your house your mother barely catches him.
You stood frozen, watching as the horrifying scene unfold.
You just stared as your father run to your brother’s side casting some spell you usually hear when you get wounded.
A healing chant.
You were just staring as your mother cry in vain as she hugs her only son, asking him to hold on.
Just staring as your dying brother repeat the same name over and over again. Yet you couldn’t move because of pure shock.
"Yoora." He said in gasp.
That's what prick you up. You ran beside him hurriedly enveloping his cold hand with yours.
“Stay.” The silent plea made your brother look at you with his somehow cloudy and unsteady sight.
You asked him, no you beg for him to hold on.
But his eyes are full of apology. And you realize what he meant.
His leaving. Leaving you.
You vigorously shook your head in disagreement and hugged him. "Please, not like this." You whispered.
He finally drew his last breath and died in your arms.
Your dad silently cried as your mom screams her agony and pass out in the process. You willed yourself to stay awake.
Refusing to pass out even how much your body wants to.The shocked is helping you to stay upright.
 You hugged your brother's body again as it slowly glimmers and fades away into ashes.
Your brother was gone but tears never came to you.
The nightly enforcers came and investigation resulted in murder.
Who would hate him so much to kill him like pig?
Many thoughts of suspects come and go through your head but none made sense.
Until the investigator told you that the suspect was a suitor of Yoora unnie from another clan.
On that most sorrowful days of your life many people came to mourn with the whole family. Including the Park family.
You remember clearly, Chanyeol was there too.
Following behind his father as they enter your household.
For the first time, you saw a glimpse of the woman your brother loved.
She was thinner and paler now. Her pretty face was painted with sorrow and pain.
She looks like a walking ghost because of how gloomy she looks.
But who are you to criticize? When you look as bad as her.
"We are sorry for what happened." Mr. Park said and pat your dad's shoulder. Who thanked him in return.
Mrs.Park hugged your mother too making her cry again.
Chanyeol look at you and smile but you didn't return the gesture. You could almost see your appearance in his eyes.
A pale life sized doll that would break any time soon.
But still he slowly walks up to you, held your hand and led you to the garden where both of you sat side by side.
He was talking about some things but you didn't listen. You can't focus to him even if you wanted to.
You’re too occupied, too sleep deprived, too dejected and what’s worse? You’re still bottling it up.
Tears never shed even once.
It had completely left you. Like how your brother did.
Chanyeol looks like talking to a lifeless doll but he seems not to mind.
The investigation cross to your mind and you spoke for the first time.
Your words were not thoroughly filtered, and you just muttered what comes first to mind.
What seats right with your jumbled thoughts and feelings.
"If oppa didn't love unnie that much maybe he’ll still be with us." Your voice was scratchy hollow.
Chanyeol look at you gaping in horror. "Are you blaming my sister?"
His voice was controlled but a glint of anger can be heard.
You didn't bother on explaining yourself and let him think whatever he think fits with your words.
He sighs. "I know you're in pain but you should not blame others for your loss. You are not the only one feeling the pain." He stood up and left you.
You didn't care.
Week after the incident you never saw Chanyeol. You never apologize for what you said and never even planned to.
It was another sorrowful day on your house when another tragic news came crashing in.
Park Yura is dead. She ended herself.
Your family went to sympathize with the Park family this time.
Until the end they still end up together and it might be in a wrong time but it made you smile.
They are so selfish to leave us like this.
Your parents are slowly recovering and you're pretending to.
Maybe a little forceful and slow but still better than not trying.
You saw Chanyeol for the first time after what happened in the garden.
He was as bad as you look a week ago and you feel sorry for him.
You knew the pain too well.
You walk towards him but didn't talk and just sat silently beside him as both of you stared at the same direction.
"If only my sister didn't love your brother that much maybe she’ll still be with us."
Chanyeol told you the same thing you told him last time.
You look at him with cold eyes.
"You are right. How selfish of them."
Chanyeol face painted with bafflement and anger again. He suddenly stood up.
"You're crazy." He mutters before leaving.
The word slowly sinks in as he left you there. "Yeah, maybe I am." You said in emptiness.
That was the final moment that snapped the thread of friendship that ever existed between you two.
You never talked since then.
It even took you 5 years to have a proper conversation out of each other and what you mean by proper conversation are exchanging arguments.
You still have the same group of friends.
You still grew up together.
Both of your families are still close to each other but not you and him. And you think that would never change.
"Hey gongju-nim. Are you okay?" The simple tap that Sehun gave you pulled you out from your long and heavy thought.
"Yeah. I just have a sudden--- drift." You said as you started twirling the glass of liquor on your hand.
"Thinking about me?" Chanyeol's words interrupted again.
He wore his famous smirk that would make all human or not swoon. The usual cocky smirk that surely mocks.
"Yeah." You answered back honestly.
For the first time in a long while you caught him off guard. He looks funny for a moment but then covered it up immediately.
You pretended you say nothing and he pretended he never heard anything.
These unplanned personal moments happen between you and him from time to time. But none made a word out of it.
No one acknowledges the thought that both of you can talk without fighting.
You don’t want to encourage the feeling, because of a hatred that sprouted from nowhere.
Just then you notice that your friends aren't even giving you guys a fuck.
Even Sehun just spare you some tap to pull you out from the comfort of your own world.
All of them are already busy with their own conversations.
In the corner of your eyes you saw a young beautiful petite woman coming towards your direction. And by the looks of it you already knew for whom.
She smiles seductively before seating beside Chanyeol, touching his arm while she's at it.
"Hi handsome. Mind if I take the pleasure of your company?" She opens her pouty red lips.
You were just watching through your peripheral view and did not dare to look over.
Afraid that Chanyeol might take it differently. You’re not really interested with his life.
You saw how his lips curled into a lap sided smile but what came out from his mouth after was unexpected.
"Sorry but I already have one." He drops the smile and just shot her cold eyes. The statement shocked you for a bit but keep it to yourself.
That should have offended the female human but in contradiction it only made her drool more for the incubus in your side.
"You look so wickedly hot and cool at the same time how do you even do that?" She whispers and bit her lower lip in appreciation.
And you did the same in annoyance.
Can you people stop flirting within my range of sight and hearing?
And when I said it that way that means go outside the club so you can spare my succubus eyes and ears from your corrupted interaction. You thought.
Chanyeol didn't respond at all and just enjoyed the bitter taste of his drink.
His face was scary calm too.
You know that face, he's not in the mood for any shits right now and you’re not sure what caused it.
"You're not really gonna talk to me?" The girl cares his arm through his leather jacket again, almost making her moan because of the delicious muscle she could feel under her touch.
That made Chanyeol face harden but says nothing.
The woman finally grumbles in defeating annoyance and walk away from the both of you. You fought a smile which you didn’t know where it came from.
"Now that's new. I never saw you rejected some hot babe like that before." Juna suddenly said and it made you agree silently. When you look at your friend you know she's already tipsy or maybe drunk.
"Not really in the mood." Chanyeol mutter while smirking.
"How can the both of you be so attractive without even trying?" She said again after gulping another shot down.
"It's in our kind baby. Now stop drinking you'll look like a piece of shit later and I know you'll regret it." You said as you reach out for the second shot.
"I know. I know." She was raising the glass away from you. "I know it's in your kind but you two are exceptional." She added.
"That's right twin sista!!" Jina was already drunk too. They high five each other barely missing each other's hands.
"Tch you girls can’t handle your alcohol well. Why did you guys even let these two drink?" You asked the other boys but fell in deaf ears.
"So, who does it better?" Juna suddenly blurted out.
"Does what better?" Chanyeol asked as he look at the drunk woman over his shoulder. His brow furrow in confusion.
"Who fucks better?" Her face was in pure innocence.
 Like a curious child who is asking what is the sun for. Her twin sister is clapping her hands together in total agreement.
That question caught yours and Chanyeol's attention.
You look at each other for a good second, actually preparing to answer the question like it is about who's so much better at school.
Succubus and Incubus take pride at their sexually related life.
It's in their nature. In their vein. In their genes. And you rather loss to anyone but him.
"Of course, I do." Both of you said at the same time.
Head snapping again towards each other. Throwing sharp glares while you’re at it.
But then Chanyeol's smirk slowly crept on his lips.
"You? If you haven't notice you just admitted earlier that you're a virgin."
You scowl at him. "Let me correct that Dickhead. I admit nothing. I stay silent, you assumed, your loss." Once again calling him with curse names other than his own.
When was the last time I called him by his name? I don't remember.
"You're not gonna fool me woman. You can play with anyone but me."
"Say what you want but I'm still better than you." You said.
"This will lead us nowhere." Jina mumble realizing that none of you wants to back down.
"We cannot prove who's better with just claim words and we can't do anything about it."
"Actually, we can." Juna interrupted. You can almost see the bright bulb that just lit inside her head.
"How?" Chanyeol and you asked again at the same time.
Can he stop talking along with me. Your inner beast growl.
She giggle at her inner humor before blurting out. "Simple. You two should have sex with each other."
You surely felt the long pause.
Okay, what the hell was that?
"Excuse me?!" You snap first.
"You've got to be kidding me." Chanyeol mumble under his breathe.
Words suppose to be said upon himself though you heard it still. Without a valid reason you felt offended with his reaction.
What the fuck. You don't want to sleep with him Y/N. Sort out your priorities will you?!
"Well you know. If you go with who gets the most victim would be tiresome and long. And I swear it won't end right there and then.
For sure one of you would want a rematch then another then another and another. Besides that game sounds quite slutty. We don't like it." Jina reasoned out.
"So if you guys just do it between yourselves. Maybe make some rule about who cums first, loses. Then we can settle it more simply and neatly." Juna added.
"No." You said flatly. "I won't say any other reason just plain no."
Chanyeol's meaty laugh beside you made you stop yourself from shoving the fucking wine bottle in his mouth. It was a hard restrain.
You glared at him making sure he can feel its intensity.
"Don't get me wrong but man, you're a coward. You just say no without even hearing anything out. Can't blame you though. Who would fight a losing battle."
"You really are a pain in my ass." You squinted your eyes at him.
He suddenly leans forward brushing his hot breath on your ears by the process.
"I can also inflict pain somewhere else in your body if you want." He whisper on my ears and thankfully the twins didn't catch that up or else I'm done.
He did not specify where but you could not help but to think dirty on that 'somewhere'.
Nevertheless, you hide your real reaction with a scoff and redden in annoyance but mostly in embarrassment.
Thankfully the stroblight is covering your face. 
"If I didn't know any better, I would think you're flirting with me." You smirk at him hiding your bashful side.
He did not talk for a second. But you saw him bit his lower lip as he was eyeing the seductive smirk on your lips.
The lip bite was gone as soon as it surface. He mask it with the sudden chuckle that made you doubt if that really happened or were you getting drunk?
"You can keep on dreaming. You cannot even fight me as an equal. How can I look at you like a probable consort."
You don't want to admit and you would never admit but his statement made a painful jab inside and you spoke before you could stop yourself.
"I feel sorry for Yoora unnie. To have a namjadongsaeng as fucked up as you."
You saw Chanyeol's face turn sour. You know you hit the wrong button but he was also hitting the wrong one.
The way Chanyeol's eyes turn cold almost made you feel guilty. Key word, almost.
"I feel sorry for your brother too. To have an egocentric, insensitive, and loser sister like you."
You are already on each others throat. You can feel your gums ache in absolute anger.
Canines threatening to bite on something fleshy to ease the pressure your giving it. Chanyeol being that something fleshy.
You both fell silent. An act of dismissing the argument unsolve or even finish.
This conversation is getting nowhere. Why did he even sat beside me if he hates me as much as I hate him.
To pissed you of course. A voice said in your head.
Damn Incubi and all his fucking tricks.
"Whoa, the world is swirling!" Juna squeals on you right arm. Jina taking the other.
It was already pass 1 when the three of you got out of the club. Too early for creatures like you. But Juna and Jina is nowhere close to sane now and you could not let them take another minute or second inside the club. Even though their vampire blood these two are still children and you don't want them to go bersik in there.
You could not spot Jong In and you've got the brightest idea that he may have hooked up someone and left the place.
What a good for nothing brother.
Sehun is also drunk and you let Suho take good care of him.
To make the situation worse it started raining and you could not find your keys anywhere.
Maybe, you have dropped it or worse stolen.
What can a lone Succubus do under the rain without a car, with twin drunkards each arm of her?
You can handle them both really. With their petite body and your inhuman strength that would be a piece of cake.
But you would not dare to soak them or yourself under the heavy pore of rain.
"Shit. And it so happens that I love this heels." You mumble under your breath when you look down to your black strapped footwear.
The sudden arm that snake over Jina, taking her away from your arm scared the wits out of you.
You were about to raise your leg to beat whoever's trying to steal the sleeping girl within your grasp.
"It's just me." Chanyeol's voice stop you from the attempt. No wonder you did not feel any presence.
He carry Jina on his arm like a lady and by pure instinct she lean closer to him encircling her fair limbs around his neck and burying her face on the crook of it.
You know Jina did not mean harm or even aware of what she's doing now. But the sudden frown consumed your face shocked you to no end.
You are irritated with something and it's so frustrating that you could not pin point the cause.
Chanyeol look at you for a moment. "I'm not doing this for you. It's for the twins."
Ahh it must be it. I was irritated that I am receiving help from him. Your inner you said but deep inside you know there's something more.
You followed Chanyeol to the side alley. Giving your best effort to stay dry including the young lady you are carrying beside you.
You can now see Chanyeol's car up ahead.
Both of you put the twins on the backseat but you stopped when you were about to open the front seat of the car.
He didn't say you can ride dimwit. You thought making your hands balled in withdrawal.
"What are you waiting for? Get in." Chanyeol eradicate the hesitation inside you.
You gladly hop in and welcomed the comfort inside the vehicle.
Chanyeol turned the car on and drive it out of the place.
"Thank you for taking the twins home Y/N." Mr. Kim said with a smile. You return the gesture openly.
"Thank you as well Chanyeol."
"It's no problem Mr.Kim." Chanyeol also smile and you stared at it for a moment.
What a rare display.
You averted your eyes when he looked over to you.
"You heard me Chanyeol? You cannot hide that feelings forever." Juna suddenly yelled. Pointing her perfectly painted nails to the big eared man beside you.
You look over at Chanyeol and gave him an asking look but he's as shocked as you.
"And you Miss Y/N, you should hop down your high horse for once. So you can finally see it." Jina suddenly joined the moment.
"Yeah. Yeah. Now go to sleep you two. Thank you again."  Mr.Kim said as he escorted his daughters into their own room.
Chanyeol and you descended the stairs as the door behind you closes.
You keep on thinking about what the two just said. What am I blind about?
The rain began to pore harder again and a sigh escape your lips.
"Let's get you home."
You just can't believe what you heard. "What?"
"Do you want to walk home wet?"
"No." You said in an instant.
"Then get your butt in the car before I change my mind." Chanyeol said before walking round the car.
And that’s what you did. You race to get inside the car before he really did change his mind because enemy or not, you are not going home wet and that’s final.
You had your eyes on the road but for a moment you turn to look at Chanyeol. He was frowning while tapping the GPS.
"What?" You asked, curious by the ugly emotion on his face.
"The road on your home is blocked."
"Blocked?! Why?!" You sat up from lazily resting your back on the leather seat.
"Seems like the water had rose up. The car can't pass."
"You've got to be kidding me." You cup your forehead.
What now?
You stayed rooted on your current place when Chanyeol suddenly U-turn.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"My apartment. Nothing good will come to us by just staying there."
"W-what about me?"
He glances at you once. "You stay with me for tonight." His lips pressed in a thin line.
"No. I can't do that."
Jina's words suddenly echoed inside your head.
"Then take your choice. Stay with me or swim home?"
You bit your lower lip. "Fine. I'll stay with you."
Chanyeol unlocked the door looking back at you for a second before finally opening it up.
His apartment is crystal clean and its beautiful.
To be honest, you did not expect it to be that neat.
Everything is organized from the slippers on the doorway to the kitchen and living-room.
You look like a lost child. Roaming your eyes inside Chanyeol's place. It's your first time to enter his space and you feel nervous altogether.
Chanyeol disappear into his room and when he came back he's now holding clothes by his hands.
Handing it to you nonchalantly.
"You can use the bathroom if you want. And feel free to use that spare clothes."
You did.
You grab the opportunity and make full use of his bathroom. Everything about it screams Chanyeol.
The bathroom’s black tiles, the towels and other equipment, especially the soap and shampoo. It all screams his name.
You take the soap and take a whiff at it. It surely smells like him.
Surprisingly it gives you comfort but you are not admitting that cause you yourself find it ridiculous.
You push yourself to dismiss the matter. Treating it like it’s once in a blue moon appreciation that you’re not telling him.
Hurriedly, you took a bath and got dress on the given clothes.
It was his black t-shirt and maybe the smallest of his boxers.
You stare at the mirror and honestly feels like a cloth hanger because of how big his shirt is. But it still looks good in you and it made you smile for able to rock even with the least clothes you can get.
When you got out of the bathroom you saw Chanyeol near the closet. Rampaging around.
"Hey, I'm done. You can use the bath now." You silently said. You could not even voice a thank you.
He looked at you and felt him stiffen for a moment. Chanyeol stare at you for a good time and you feel like scanning yourself.
"What? Do I look weird?"
That snap him from whatever thought he is having.
"You look ridiculous." He mocked.
"Oh, I'm so sorry your majesty." You said, sarcasm oozing in your words while rolling your eyes at him.
You decided to leave him alone.
Your feet lead you to the bar counter and you cringe at the thought of drinking again.
Nah. Enough is enough. Maybe a cup of hot coffee will help.
You take over of his kitchen again not minding if he would find you being nosy.
Making a drink for yourself won’t be label as one, considering that you're also making some for the guy who is currently in the shower.
Time comes by as fast as it went and before you know it you are seating side by side with Chanyeol on the couch.
Sipping on the hot coffee that you prepared while staring at the heavy droplets running down outside the glass window.
He was wearing his usual black hoody and gray sweatpants. The typical Chanyeol style when he’s ready for bed.
How you know that? Well let’s just say you do notice.
Both of you shared the comfortable silence that you never knew existed but that didn’t last long.
You should have known.
"You sleep in the couch."
You looked at him bewildered. "Pardon?"
"You sleep in the couch." He told you again.
"You should be a nice host and let me take your bed. I'm a lady if I remind you."
He scoffs. "I see no lady in you. And my bed was bought for me. So, it’s mine."
"Cheap." You mumbled.
"Uncute." Chanyeol mumbles back as he took another sip on his cup.
"Rascal." You retort back. The game of insulting each other began.
"Ugly." He said nonchalantly.
"Loser." He sip again not sparing you a glance.
This time around you are getting a little irritated.
He glared at you for a moment then. "Virgin."
You glared back. Was that supposed to be an insult?
And to make it more annoying he didn't just stop there. He continued his blabbering while enjoying his coffee.
If only you knew, you would have put poison in it.
"You really don't live for your name do you? Gongju-nim? Gongju-nim for what? Gongju-nim of virgins? Or maybe Gongju-nim of losers.”
Chanyeol was chuckling on his own joke which you didn’t find funny.
“You can't even be on par with me." He smirks and did not even bother to give you a glance as he place his finished drink on the table.
You felt a vain pop on your forehead and the last thin strand of resistant snap with it.
You smile menacingly.
"You know what I change my mind." You stood up beside him while slowly putting the cup on the center table.
Chanyeol look at your every move. Wondering to himself what are you up to.
"Change your mind on what?" He asked, you can tell that his confusion is genuine.
"On not taking you on. I can tolerate bad mouthing from others but just not yours. I had enough and I would not let you look down on me any further."
Chanyeol was confuse in what the hell is going on. And before he knows it, you're already sitting on his lap, straddling him.
"I'm gonna make you taste your own dose of medicine and beat you on your own game." You whisper under your breath.
He was shocked and stayed frozen for a moment before he immediately catches himself.
He did not expect for you to be this bold but who's complaining? He surely don't.
You lick his earlobe whispering seductively. "You should surrender now before it's already too late." You look down at him.
"Make me." His smirk made your blood boil. He counters your stare with his own.
"I warned you." You smirk back at him and he just shrug playfully.
"So, shall we start?" He said and grab the back of your neck to smash his lips to yours.
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