#he's just turned 20 and I'm 27 so it really is like looking in a mirror
ivyxaur · 1 year
I made an online friend recently who’s around the same age I was when I got diagnosed. He’s bright, inquisitive, creative, and he will always do what is just, no matter the consequences. He’s realizing that he relates a lot to someone who’s openly Autistic, and it’s definitely way too scary to think about for him right now, just like it was for me.
We’d gone our whole lives knowing there’s something off about us, and deep down we both knew the one diagnosis that we dreaded the most was the answer. It meant that, fundamentally, at our core, there’s no fixing us. We’re trapped in a car with the brakes cut, doomed to be mocked forever.
But, since we’ve been talking, when I begin to dig my nails into my skin and pull my hair and taste my blood, I ask myself- would I ever dare to hurt him like I hurt myself? Would I pass to him the scourge, the discipline I use to atone for my social sin? Will I pass this self-hatred, or break the cycle?
There’s no cure for what we are. But if we can be gentler to ourselves, then that makes living through the rest all the more tolerable.
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
I rewatched Pride and Prejudice and it's surprising how my thoughts on it changed over the years 😃
When I was a teenager, Elizabeth Bennet was the plucky heroine that I wanted to be (lol) , now I'm older with a mortgage and responsibilities/bills, I'm like what was her plan in life?
Because she wasn't really educated per se (im thinking about how she answered lady Catherine about what she has to recommend her re:drawing, playing the piano etc) so I guess a 'career'(no matter how little it would be available at that time) was out of the question, but accepting marraige to the (admittedly obsequious) Mr Collins was also out of the question as well as Mr Darcys first proposal (which I get why sge turned it down!) ...I guess I'm asking what Elizabeth's plan for her future.
I've heard this from a lot of people upon re-read, "Why isn't Elizabeth more worried about her future?" I think there are a few things to note.
Early 1800s or not, Elizabeth is 20 years old when the novel begins (the average age of first marriage for women was 23). 27 year old Charlotte is in more of a future panic, but Elizabeth is still young. She has done practical thing like learn to play piano, but like most young people, she's probably just hoping for the best. And it's not like there is much she can actually do, Elizabeth is putting herself out there, she's dancing, she's playing piano, but otherwise she can just hurry up and wait. Her mother's marriage schemes are seen as vulgar and mostly backfire, and we would hardly want Elizabeth to act like Caroline. We read across Austen's novel's that women are largely stationary and it is the men who move in and out of their lives.
Also, I think a big part of Austen's point is that women are in a position where they feel the need to accept any and every proposal, because as Mr. Collins says, they may never receive another, but that this leads to misery (just look at the older couples and how many of them are unhappy!). While somewhat foolish from a financial perspective, Elizabeth is thinking about her long term happiness. She has watched her father turn bitter in an unequal relationship, she does not want that for herself. Elizabeth is choosing possible spinsterhood over being married to a person she knows she could not respect. Marrying for love, or at least on a basis of respect, is a big theme in Austen's novels. Let me add this quote from Mansfield Park to illustrate this point:
“I should have thought,” said Fanny, after a pause of recollection and exertion, “that every woman must have felt the possibility of a man’s not being approved, not being loved by some one of her sex at least, let him be ever so generally agreeable. Let him have all the perfections in the world, I think it ought not to be set down as certain that a man must be acceptable to every woman he may happen to like himself.... And, and—we think very differently of the nature of women, if they can imagine a woman so very soon capable of returning an affection as this seems to imply.”
So yes, Elizabeth Bennet isn't being financially prudent but she is being sensible in preserving her happiness. And for realism, we know Austen made this decision herself! She turned down an eligible offer.
Next, Mrs. Bennet is somewhat exaggerating: they are very unlikely to starve or be destitute. While it is never explicitly stated, Mr. Gardiner seems to be doing very well, and would probably very happily take at least Jane and Elizabeth if Mr. Bennet died. Mr. Philips is also doing well for a country attorney, he could take in his sister-in-law and nieces. It is going to suck, the Bennets should have planned better, but it's not the end of the world. We also do not know Mr. Bennet's age, but he may well only be in his late forties. He's no Mr. Woodhouse who may die tomorrow in a stiff breeze.
So what is Elizabeth's plan? She doesn't have one, she's 20. She's hoping life will throw her a man with a decent income that she doesn't hate. It works out in the end, but I don't think she would live to regret either turned down proposal if she had never met Darcy again.
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firesnap · 2 months
i have a genuine question. i promise i am not at all trying to defend him. ive dropped him entirely, literally deleted everything i had of him and unliked his songs.
ive just been wondering like considering that he has been in therapy, and also considering how if he does take a year off and then comes back, why cant it be redeemable? like cant people change? cant we give them second chances? he is 27. is he just doomed to be an abuser forever?
its just scary and im asking as like a younger person who is in my very early 20s. i know ive made mistakes. i know ive not been a good partner or friend sometimes. (and yes i was also abusive to a past partner...im not proud of it and ive learned from it. i have never ever touched anyone in that way after that. it took awhile but my current relationship isnt toxic and i would never hurt anyone or hit them again yknow?) and it scares me that people keep insinuating that he is irredeemable. like cant abusers change and become better? dont they get second chances? if shelby has grown and healed in 10 months wouldn't it be fair to say the same for wilbur?
im just genuinely asking because based on everything i believe you are older than me and im looking for guidance and just...idk im scared. growing up on the internet has made me so scared of making mistakes and doing anything wrong because when it happens to others i look up to, its always treated as something they'll never be able to change or improve. makes me feel like imma just be a horrible person forever because i made mistakes in the past.
This is a really complicated question that multiple answers can validly fit.
I don't think, personally, that anyone is irredeemable. I think everyone is on a journey of forgiveness and some of us may need more grace than others.
This is tw// abuse even more than the current topic, but my mom was incredibly abusive. We lived in a very rural area and she had a lot of undiagnosed problems and trauma of her own that created a pressure pot of issues. After I was born, she suffered through full on post-partum psychosis that nearly ended about as well as that sentence implies it could have. She was incredibly violent, controlling, and cruel for years. My sister went no-contact with her the second she turned 18. A significant event occurred that eventually spurned her into seeking real treatment that lasted for years. It's still ongoing.
My sister is also still no contact and I support her decision 100%. Those are her wounds and what she needed to do to get peace should be respected. I decided I wanted a relationship with the person who came out of all that work and, even then, it's been hard. I don't know if she's redeemed herself, and my god do we still have bumps in the road, but I support her for trying.
With Wilbur, how he responds to this is going to really impact a lot of things. I mean, I know no matter how he responds I won't be going on whatever journey of redemption and healing he has to go through. I'm tired and I feel hurt enough. I would think, if he wanted to show he was sincere, admitting what happened would be a great sense of closure for a lot of people who put time and energy and faith into this guy for years.
Not every person that causes harm is inherently evil, but there has to be some kind of knowledge that you're aware of the harm you've caused. No one is stuck as anything forever, life is constantly moving, and most people aren't saying his life is just over. You can work on yourself. You can change. And I'm saying that specifically to you, anonymous.
(Saying this, actually, there ARE people who would argue once you've done x you're beyond redemption based entirely on their life experiences as a victim, personal histories and many other factors. Kinda like my sister, that's their choice. And you have to accept that sometimes you fuck up so badly that you will permanently lose some people from your life. But your life isn't over.)
But I do think, regardless of what he says or does about this, his time of controlling a large platform is at an end. He can still do a lot of things in his life after he works on himself -- editing, song producing, directing, writing or whatever -- but being in charge of a large impressionable audience that could enable more destructive behaviors is just not it.
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shanastoryteller · 11 months
Happy birthday Shana!!! I wish for a continuation of the Lady Mo story if you have any inspiration. Otherwise I would love any untamed promt!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
"Are you hurt?" Sizhui asks anxiously, jumping off his sword to tun towards Lady Xuanyu.
"Nah," she says, wincing as she stresses. "Well, nothing important."
"You're bleeding!" Jingyi shouts at a really unnecessary pitch. He unsheathes his sword and points it at Song Lan. "What did you do?"
"Stop that," she scolds, knocking his sword down. "Go get Xiao Xingchen and the girl. He's probably really confused right now."
Song Lan's expression clears and he bows to her before flying off.
His father jerks as if to go after him and Lady Xuanyu calls out, "Leave him be! He's doing what I said."
Lan Wangji hesitates, but nods and finally descends to join them. He towers over Lady Xuanyu, looking down at her with a fierce glare that makes Sizhui cringe even though it's not directed towards him. "What happened?"
"Found Xiao Xingchen, found Xue Yang, Song Lan killed him," she says, not even so much as lowering her eyes. "Xue Yang, not Xiao Xingchen, obviously. Wasn't this guy supposed to be killed during the war or something? It was a little before my time, so to speak."
"Song Lan is unharmed and you are not," his father says, lifting a hand to press it against the sluggishly bleeding wound in her shoulder.
Lady Xuanyu hisses at the contact but doesn't pull away. "He's a more experienced cultivator. Give me a couple hours and they'll be all closed up."
It used to take days for Lady Xuanyu's golden core to heal anything more complicated than a paper cut. She's strengthened it to the point that what would have been weeks of healing is reduced to just a day.
"He should have protected you," Sizhui says stubbornly. He'd rather she didn't have to heal at all. "Why did you run off with him anyway?"
"Had a hunch and figured I'd be back before you noticed," she says. Jingyi sputters. "Also, I don't need him to protect me, geez. He's a more experienced cultivator, but I still am one. I've gotten more hurt in training."
It's true, but Sizhui doesn't like that either. To harm ones body without cause is against the rules. Perhaps it's not entirely without cause, considering her rapid growth, but none of their teachers had ever beat them as badly as she demands the disciples beat her, and their cores had all turned out fine.
"What hunch did you have?" his father asks.
She winces and says, "Oh, you know, womanly intuition."
It's a lie and not even a very good one.
Lan Wangji's eyes narrow but they're interrupted by Song Lan returning with two people balanced precariously on his sword. Sizhui assumes the other man clad all in white must be Xiao Xingchen but doesn't know who the blind girl that looks to be about his age is.
"Xuanyu!" the girl calls out joyously, causing him to reevaluate his assessment of blind. She's being awfully familiar with his step mother. The girl leaps from the sword before it's fully on the ground and goes running towards them, shoulder pass Lan Wangji to body slam into Lady Xuanyu. "You're still alive, right? You said you would be!"
Lady Xuanyu laughs, closing her arms around the girl's shoulders. Her shoulder is bleeding again now that his father isn't keeping pressure on it. Cant the girl see that she's injured? "Yes, yes, I'm still alive. Excellent work keeping Xiao Xingchen out of the fray, A-Qing. I knew I could depend on you."
The girl - A-Qing, apparently - glows under the praise, beaming up at Lady Xuanyu, still with her arms around her waist.
What's her problem anyway?
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esamastation · 6 months
Part forty-six of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five
Observation log, 11th of October, 12:00
07:05 Sephiroth wakes up.
07:34 Sephiroth eats a breakfast of porridge, canned apples and orange juice. Meal detailed in attachment E.
07:57 Sephiroth begins preparing for Energy Alignment with warmups and stretches, detailed in full in attachment D.
08:15 Sephiroth begins sword practice.
08:42 Sephiroth begins Energy Alignment. Energy output matches previous sessions visually. Movements and forms same as ones detailed in attachment C.
20:15 Sephiroth finishes sword forms and moves onto meditation. Visual concentration of light and energy in his cupped palms, no indication as to its nature or purpose, but likely a progression of Energy Alignment.
22:32 Sephiroth finishes Energy Alignment and begins preparations for bed.
Observation notes: Sephiroth only ate one meal today, with nowhere near enough kilojoules to support the level of physical activity he is practising - nor is he drinking enough water. Sephiroth shows no visual sign of exhaustion, starvation, or dehydration. Will continue to observe.
Addendum to observation log for the 11th of October: checking perimeter showed no sign of local activity. Angeal Hewley ventured out at 11:27 to hunt monsters and returned at 15:56. Reno is getting agitated.
End log for the 11th of October.
Observation log, 12th of October, 12:00
07:20 Sephiroth wakes up.
07:51 Sephiroth eats breakfast of rice, eggs, canned apples and tea. Meal detailed in attachment E.
08:20 Sephiroth begins previously mentioned warmups and stretches. He is joined by Hewley. They move on to a session of Buster Sword Lessons, detailed in attachment F.
09:34 Sephiroth begins going through his usual sword forms. Angeal Hewley moves to train by himself in the inner yard.
10:12 Sephiroth enters the Energy Alignment phase of training. No visual change in forms or energy output. In fact, forms are starting to look like they come in an established pattern.
15:23 Sephiroth finishes sword forms (notably early) and moves onto meditation. No visual concentration of energy observed this time.
15:54 Sephiroth finishes meditation and goes looking for Angeal Hewley, who is, at the time, examining the Charcoal Burner's House's old vegetable garden.
16:00, est. Dialogue:
Sephiroth: "Hey, what are you up to?"
Angeal Hewley: "Just checking to see if there's anything edible here - canned food is going to get really tiresome in the long run. What's up, it's everything alright?"
Sephiroth: "No, no. I'm just - getting a bit lost in my own head."
Hewley: "Do you want to talk about it?"
Sephiroth: "No, I want a bit of - I need a distraction, for a bit."
Hewley: "... Okay? Do you want to go hunt monsters, do you want to spar, or…?"
Sephiroth: "I think if I spent another moment thinking about physical cultivation I might lose it. So. No. Something else."
Hewley: "Uh?"
Sephiroth: "You know when you work on something for so long that it starts losing all meaning? Like, a report, maybe? Stare at it long enough, and it turns into nonsense. I need, you know. A break."
Hewley: "Ah, yeah, okay, I get what you mean. Yeah, I can take a break with you. What do you want to do?"
Sephiroth: "I have no idea. Just something else."
Hewley: "I'm sure we can figure something out."
16:00-18:00 est. Sephiroth and Angeal Hewley proceed to explore the Charcoal Burner's House's abandoned stores and discover an old, broken set of something called Weiqi. Sephiroth proceeds to teach Angeal Hewley how it was played.
18:15 Dialogue
Hewley: "Now, I don't want to sound impatient, but, this energy alignment stuff. How long is it going to take?"
Sephiroth: "Normally decades."
Hewley: "Decades?!"
Sephiroth: "Most of it is just energy gathering, that usually takes most of the time. I don't exactly have that issue. If anything, I have too much."
Hewley: "Oh. Right. Um, then, how long do you think it will take for you to sort it out?"
Sephiroth: "I've gotten things moving. If my veins can take it… maybe another week?"
Hewley: "That's not too bad, though… what do you mean if your veins can take it?"
Sephiroth: "... Have you figured out whether MP resides in your body yet?"
Hewley: "Um, no? I mean, I know it's there and I can sort of feel it there, but it's not really in any specific location."
Sephiroth: "Hm. Keep trying."
Hewley: "Sure, I'll try. I'm not sure what you're after, though."
Sephiroth: "You'll know it when you feel it."
19:12 Sephiroth fills the tub in the back room and has a full bath. 
20:07 Sephiroth eats a dinner of pasta, canned pickles, canned peas, crackers and apple juice. Meal detailed in attachment E.
20:24 Sephiroth turns in early.
Observation notes: Sephiroth ate two full meals and seems to have taken in enough nutrients for his daily requirements. It should be noted, however, that his level of physical activity was greatly diminished today. It should also be noted that between the training session and the later board games he seemed rather distracted. He might be procrastinating on his progress, perhaps having some sort of block? If faster results are desired, it might be advisable to remove Hewley from the situation.
Addendum to observation log for the 12th of October: Reno reports signs of activity in the forest - a smoke trail approximately 15 kilometres away. It is possible that our occupation has been noticed by Wutai troops. We are increasing our level of alert and redoing our traps. Though with two SOLDIER First Class present we have little to fear from any kind of Wutai assault, a surprise attack at an inopportune moment might be disastrous. Reno will be heading out to investigate at first light tomorrow.
End log for the 12th of October.
Observation log, 13th of October, 12:00
07:11 Sephiroth wakes up.
07:36 Sephiroth eats breakfast.
08:02 Sephiroth and Angeal Hewley proceed to meditate together in the main room of the house. Sephiroth is talking through the entire process, guiding Hewley every step of the way. No visual energy fluctuations to observe.
09:12 Sephiroth and Angeal Hewley proceed with sword practice, with Sephiroth instructing. 
10:35 Sephiroth and Hewley separate and Sephiroth proceeds with his sword forms in the usual manner.
10:54 Sephiroth enters the Energy Alignment phase. The forms seem to have settled into an established pattern. No other changes to the overall practice to be observed.
11:30 Reno returns and confirms there's Wutai troops making their way towards our location. With Sephiroth in the Energy Alignment phase, it's deemed unsafe to disturb him with the news. Hewley offers to take care of the enemy troops.
11:43 Hewley sets out to meet the Wutai troops. I will check the perimeter while Reno keeps watch on Sephiroth.
12:11 Perimeter secure, traps primed. Should the worst come to pass and Sephiroth goes into misalignment, we will proceed according to plan.
12:15 Sending the WIP log to Tseng, just in case.
Rude's logs are very factual I feel while Reno adds the nuance.
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quigonswife8 · 7 months
Training: Leon Kennedy x reader
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Leon trains you and teaches you to protect yourself
gif creds: @leon-jpg
Warnings: swearing, getting hurt.
Leon speaking is bold.
"You're not standing correctly"
He paces the room; his eyes locked onto you. The blueness of his eyes seem to compliment the uniform he wears, his right hand gripping onto his knife.
"...you have to adjust your positioning because if you stand like that while fighting you'll be hurt."
Leon Kennedy is your teacher: the age gap between the two of you is quite noticeable yet that doesn't seem to bring any problems. He is nearing his 30's, while you're in your early 20's which reminds Leon of when he was also in his early 20's, training to be a cop.
He's also your boyfriend ; the two of you hit it off pretty much straightaway a few years back. During a conversation where you laid with your head on his lap, he decided to teach you how to defend yourself not wanting anything to happen to you.
Over the course of your training Leon has been very instructive, very thorough. He looks out for you as not only your boyfriend but also as your mentor, while also maintaining that sternness and sense of leadership that is needed. Though this is his first trainee be it his partner, he has been doing super well in training you.
The sweat runs down your forehead, as you adjust your positioning like he had suggested- well, told. "Nearly, but not quite." the 27 year old approaches, he tucks his knife away and comes up behind you; you feel your breathing still for a moment, which makes Leon smirk a little, and when he places his hands on your back, you blush a bit.
"Okay now..." he shifts your body, hands shifting to your arms to adjust them. His touch is electric, intimate, and your heart beat begins to pick up- "..and keep your positioning like this..."
He leans in, breath against your ear and he decides to tease you a bit by keeping his hands on your arms a moment longer. Then he lets you go and turns around to face you. "Okay now show me what I just demonstrated to you."- he watches, and when you do it, a smile appears.
"That's good!"- he pats you on the back and nods.
"...you're learning very quickly i'm impressed. Although i'm always impressed with you sweetheart." and god if you didn't melt into a puddle right then and there. He really knows how to get you even if it's a simple word, or simple teasing.
"Thanks love."
Leon tosses you a bottle of water and let's you take a break for ten minutes. He sits nearby drinking his own water, although during this silence you notice him stealing glances at you every-so-often. His eyes soften, and he can't help the smile that plays on his lips; even while sweaty and your clothes messy, you still look perfect.
"I'm proud of you sweetheart.", he takes a chug of his water, pushing some blonde locks out of his eyes.
"...you're not a d.s.o. agent, or had any prior experience, but you're still holding your own so well."
"Well I have the perfect teacher to thank for that..."
Leon's heart melts; he reaches his hand out and takes yours, giving it a quick squeeze. The agent rubs his thumb over your knuckles, his touch so gentle and soft, he's memorizing your hand with his own. Then he raises it to his lips and presses a quick kiss to it, getting caught up in the intimacy of this moment.
"You're welcome sweetheart."-
Leon lets out a soft sigh and hesitantly lets your hand go. He props his water up nearby and then stands, "You ready for more sweetheart?"- unable to hide the smile you follow suit, tossing the water bottle on top of your jacket on the floor. Then raising to your feet and resuming the previous position with a confident look, one that wasn't there before.
"Shit." he curses and rushes to you, trying to get you to uncover your face. "Sweetheart let me see your eye.", with a groan you take your hand away and show him; his eyes widen though he keeps his composure.
"You have a black eye, sit down and i'll go and get you an icepack.", and, so you do. You wait in pain for your partner to return, and once he does he kneels in front of you and presses the icepack to your eye gently.
"Hold this on your eye, it should help bring down the swelling."
What happened? When Leon had told you to attack, you managed to hit yourself in the eye hence the black eye. Now he kneels in front of you worry on his features, his right hand moving to take the one of yours not holding the icepack. Now he feels bad, and you try and reassure him but it doesn't really work.
"It was my own fault baby, not yours-"
"I still feel like it is."
"Well it's not, don't worry..."
Leon is hesitant, he isn't fully convinced though he drops that part of the subject...for the meantime. Instead deciding to caress your cheek and look into your eyes, wanting to be close to you and care for you.
"Well apart from the black eye, today was great. I can't wait for tomorrow."
"We should wait until your black eye is healed up before we continue."- his fingers trail to your chin, and then back to your cheek, his fingers tracing so delicately. "...but you're right today was great and like I always say, i'm so proud of you."
The two of you, sitting there in the training room of your house, sit in silence until you leave. The two of you shower, and then Leon carries you to the couch and sets up a movie [your favourite movie]. He makes up some popcorn and then lets you cuddle up to him on the couch.
As the movie plays, the pain from the blackeye seems to subside enough to not be annoying, and Leon keeps an arm wrapped around your waist. It's nice just being able to spend time together, after a long day of training, and as you look at Leon out of the corner of your eye, you can't help but smile.
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deathknightrea · 6 months
I've seen a few people complaining about Anduin's new look and how he looks too "old" now, also they dont understand why he's acting so distant from his friends, so I figured I'd break it down from my perspective and a tiny bit of my own character analysis as a long time player since Lich King and have read a lot of the books. Also I'm a huge fan of Anduin as a character, so I'm sorry if it might be a bit biased.
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He was 18 years old in the book Before The Strom which takes place right before Battle for Azeroth, (he probably turned 19 around the beginning of BFA) so by the end of BFA he would've been between 20 and 21 since the war was fought over 2 years. He was fighting that war while still struggling with the death of his father as well as running the Alliance and his own Kingdom. He even said he had never given himself a proper time to grieve his father's passing. If you read Before The Storm, you know all the heartbreak and disappointment he suffered in that book. Including everything that happened with Calia Menethil. (I know not a lot of people view the books as canon, but I do believe the legit Warcraft published books to be part of the Lore.)
In Shadowlands, which was stated to be over the course of 2 years as well. Anduin would've been 22 or 23 when it ended. Let's not forget that while imprisoned by the Jailer, everyone was tortured mentally and physically. Anduin obviously had the worst of it, constantly being controlled by the Jailer and the Mourn Blade and forced to do horrible things that made him feel extremely guilty and question his own heart. Let's be honest, if Arthas had been able to break free from the Jailers' influence and not fallen so far, he would be struggling just as bad as/or worse than Anduin.
We were told 5 years had passed between Shadowlands and Dragonflight so that puts Anduin around 27 or 28 years old in War Within. The biggest clue to how much Anduin has been struggling, is his sword. The first thing I noticed is that the yellow glow that for us symbolized his role as a Priest was gone. He even told Thrall there was no Light left in him. It seems he's to a point where he is giving up and still can't accept what he was forced to do in Shadowlands.
I think they did a good job on aging him in the new cinematic. He isn't the hope filled, peace seeking, bright-eyed, boy King we all knew. Now he's the war-torn, mentality struggling, man who needs help coming to peace with himself. The trauma of constant war and loss have finally caught up with him. We also don't know where he's been or what he's been up to since he left. However, just looking at the scars and cuts on his face, he's clearly been through something rough while he was away. You can feel the pain in his voice and see it in his eyes. They really did a fantastic job putting that cinematic together.
I feel like, as an Alliance players and due to the connection our characters have had from quest lines and side Quests over the years with Anduin, through Pandaria to Shadowlands, we will be doing a lot of Quests with Anduin to help him regain his connection to the Light and bring back our Priest--but that's just a my Alliance fan heart wishing.
If you actually read all this....WOW! 😂 Thanks for reading my rambling.
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moongothic · 6 months
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Look I just had to get this out of my system man
I keep on thinking about what kind of theoretical hoops Crocodad would have to jump through to happen in canon and I figured being able to actually visualize the known timeline would help
And that's what this post is about. We have a visual of the timeline. Now let us think about it a whole lot.
Minor notes about the timeline graph; Luffy's birthday is on May 5th and Croc's is on September 5th, so both would get a +1 to their ages by the end of this year in the timeline. On this note, if I am not mistaken, the year Luffy was born Crocodile would've been 27 at the time of his birth and would then turn 28 a few months later. But this is assuming Crocodile is already, at this moment, 46 years old (as opposed to if he was only turning 46 this year in which case he would actually be 45 at this moment, which would further mean he would've been 26 at the time of Luffy's birth and would've turned 27. It's slightly hard to tell what the case is exactly since we don't really get those exact timestamps during the actual story, but I think he's supposed to be 46 turning 47, and that's the assumption this post is written with). (Further sidenote, according the Vivre Card Databooks (appearently), the Strawhats got to Whiskey Peak in February and by late March had obtained Thousand Sunny. Thing is that Luffy was implied to have left on his adventure around his 17th birthday, which would mean that 8-9 months would've passed between Luffy setting out and arriving at Whiskey Peak, and he would've been a few months away from turning 18 already. Which, like, is plausible, but I'm personally willing to ignore this trivia information, not gonna fucking lie)
Anyways, to recap the timeline
We don't know
When Crocodile set out to become a pirate; since he was present at Roger's execution I think the implication would be that he would've set out soon after that, at age 22, but it's entirely possible he might've already been a no-name pirate before that or he could've set out a few years after the execution
When he met Ivankov and if their meeting was like a one-and-done thing and that they never saw each other again until Impel Down, or if that's just when they first got to know each other. (In Iva's own words (in Japanese), they knew Crocodile "during the era when he was still considdered a rookie")
When he got humbled by Whitebeard; it was "soon after" he became a Shichibukai (in Oda's words), but we can't tell if that was like 2 days or 10 months after becoming a Shichibukai
What we do know is that
Crocodile made a name for himself fast "much like Luffy" (in Oda's words); you could interpret that as him causing just a ton of chaos within like a year of entering the Grand Line
He rose to fame and became a Shichibukai in the first half of his 20's (in Oda's words), so before he turned 25?
He supposedly "calmed down" / "went quiet" (again, in Oda's words) for an unknown period of time
By the time he was 30 he was appearing on the news for his heroics; we don't know when he started appearing on the news, just that by this point he was appearing on the news
So I believe the implication is that Crocodile set out on his adventure between the ages of 21-24. If you wanted to push the Crocodad angle, you might want to push it to that 24 (since his Rookie Adventure happened so fast), which would also be around the time of the Revolutionary Army's founding. And while it is entirely plausible Crocodile could've had his ass kicked by Whitebeard VERY soon after his promotion, or it could've been around the time he was like 25-26, if you really wanted to push it for the Crocodad angle. And indeed, we don't know how Crocodile and Iva-chan knew each other. The implication I think is that he transitioned before he rose to fame as a rookie, but he could've just befriended Iva-chan at the time and gotten more well acquainted with the Revolutionaries after his ass kicking and transitioned later. It would just push the "knew him in the era he was considdered a rookie" to an absolute limit, but it would be technically true, just. Kinda pushing it.
And indeed, the Problem Point; Crocodile would've transitioned at age 27 after having Luffy, already a Shichibukai, a public-ish figure.
So if you wanted Crocodad to be canon, either
A) Crocodile being trans isn't a secret, it's something else that Iva-chan tried to blackmail him with B) Crocodile being trans is a secret, so how the fuck did he keep it if he transitioned at 27
If A); Indeed, if there was a scandal about a Shichibukai suddenly transitioning, it would've been like 17-19 years ago. Arguably that would not be something worth bringing up by anyone anymore considdering he had spent at least the past 14 years (pre-timeskip) being a hero to the masses, followed by his warcrimes. Like, it'd be old news. Which would just leave us wondering what the hell the "weakness" Iva-chan mentions really was about (a child, maybe? Or a threat of detransitioning him? Something else?)
If B); Although he was clearly a menace as a rookie as he got himself a relatively massive bounty relatively fast and became a Shichibukai at a young-ish age, we don't know how many bounties he went through before he was offered the position and how he appeared on the news at the time. Like if he went through 2-6 bounty updates before becoming a Shichibukai and appeared in the news A TON it'd feel unlikely he'd be able to keep transitioning later a secret. But if he only had like 1-2 bounties in a short span of time without being photographed too much, it'd definitely feel more plausible. Especially if his OG bounty photos were either shitty sketches (like Sanji's OG poster) or like otherwise poor photos that didn't show his face/features too well. This could also be helped if pre-T (and pre-pregnancy hormones)!Crocodile was kind of androgynous (like Cavendish) and people confused him for a man to begin with On top of this, if Crocodile lost his left hand and got his scar from Whitebeard, if he just went "missing" and then came back transitioned 2-4 years later, he could maybe argue that he was like. A late bloomer. And had hit the gym after Whitebeard kicked his ass. Like yeah he had changed a lot but it's not like there's other Sand Sand Fruit users around claiming to be Crocodile. And it is worth reminding that Iva-chan ability to change people's bio-sex isn't super well known in-universe. So even if people saw him on the news and were like "wait wasn't Crocodile a chick", without knowledge of Iva's abilities people could've been like "no way, surely not, that's not possible". And although the Government maybe could've found it suspicious if they knew about Iva's abilities (which they might've, as Ivankov was a Revolutionary, and their Warlord interacting with a Revolutionary would be sus), as long as Crocodile played nice (which he did, during his Heroic Era) they might've just let it go? (Also if Crocodile was rich at the time he probably could've bribed Morgans to make sure whatever news they published about him didn't ever question his gender or anything)
So all of this to say,
The Most Likely and Most Viable Timeline for Crocodad to be canon would be, approximately;
24-25 Becomes a Shichibukai, gets his ass kicked
25-27 Enters his Quiet Era, Romances Dragon
27-28 Luffy is born, transitions, back to Shichibukai'ing
Of course, this is not an absolute timeline, it's just the one that seems the most viable to me. 'Cause even this timeline is really pushing what Oda and Iva have told us about Crocodile, both the "first half of his 20's" (as opposited to mid 20's), and the "when he was considdered a rookie".
It's pushing it. But it's kind of plausible. And I can't imagine how else it could work in canon.
I do find it interesting though how Crocodile's "quiet era" does overlap nicely with when Luffy was born. Like we don't know how long that era lasted, for all we know Crocodile could've started to get Alabasta like a year after getting his ass kicked by Whitebeard. But it's interesting! And interesting coincidence!
Another interesting note is that 17 is an... interesting number. Like Oda's first one-shot, WANTED! was published when Oda was 17 and that in some ways marks the begining to his adventure as a comic artist. Similarly, Luffy set out on his adventure at the age of 17. A lot of people have been speculating if the God Valley Incident is what caused Dragon to leave the Marines because he would've been 17 at the time. And... It's not quite the same, but if Crocodile transitioned at 27 (as in, started a 'new life', a 'new adventure' as a man at 27)... IDK it'd be an interesting coincidence
Sitenote Re:Missing Kuja Empress
19 years ago, the year Luffy was born, Hancock and her sisters were kidnapped off of the Kuja Pirate's ship when the previous Empress was still the head of the crew
15 years ago the Boa sisters escape slavery and return to Amazon Lily, the status of the former Empress is unknown
13 years ago Hancock becomes the new Empress, the former Empress is presumably dead by this point (as she is said to have died from Love Sickness)
Point being; I reaaally doubt Crocodile is the missing Empress. Like if the former Empress had also been a Shichibukai and had transitioned and was still around, there's no fucking way people wouldn't know about that, right. Like surely they wouldn't say she had died specifically of Love Sickness, right. Like it's not impossible but surely not
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seokmattchuus · 5 months
Hi I’m the anon that was asking about how many prompts I can request… I decided that I’m going to put them all in here and then you can pick what you want. If you want to make more than one go ahead of you want to use all of them in one be my guest, if you do use any of them, can it be with Matthew please hahahah okay so we are looking at 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30… sorry for being annoying, if you want to ignore this you can haha I get it…
A/n: This took so fucking long and I'm so fucking sorry but I really didn't like it at first and it needed to marinate in my mind. Then I got sick and it's just been a mess, but long story short, here it is and it kinda sucks just a teensy tiny bit.
P.S. I don't think I proofread and I'm sorry. I couldn't bring myself to reread this and I don't have writer friends that I can send to look over 💀 We will suffer about it together <3
"I can’t help but get a little angry when they’re looking at you like that." Matthew leaned over to whisper in your ear as he wrapped a possessive arm around your shoulder, his eyes never leaving the table that sat behind you. "They've been staring all night."
"Cameras, babe." You reminded playfully, trying to get him to remember you were currently at an award show.
"Everyone knows we're together, anyways." He gave you a boyish smile. "It'll be good press for our collab, anyways."
You left him be and focused your eyes back to the stage.
Matthew's protectiveness was something you loved to see. After years of dating people who didn't seem to care, Matthew's attitude made you feel like a prized possession. As cringey as it seemed, it did feel nice to be wanted to that extent.
"Your stylist must hate me." He whispered again. "Remind me just once," He licked his lips. "Who do you belong to?"
You turned to him with wide eyes and smacked his arm.
"We're in ear shot of a lot of people." You whisper-scolded. "They know we're dating but they don't know we're dating seriously."
"Are you saying you don't want to say it out loud?" He raised a brow, the playful tone long gone. "Do I have to make it known that we're dating seriously?" His eyes were serious, but you didn't back down.
There was a time and place for everything, and this was not it.
"I don't know what got into you, but we have to behave here." You tried to ration with him.
"We can always find a way out." He countered.
"You wouldn't."
"Don’t tempt me." He stated simply. "It's not like I asked for much, just something to prove a point." He shrugged. "So, you can prove the point, or I can."
"Did something happen?" Your face and tone were serious now. "You're rarely like this at events like this." You could tell something was getting to him, but you weren't sure and as he kept this act up, you were getting worried.
You pulled your phone out to message your manager, asking for the keys to the car because you were feeling a bit sick. Within minutes, she was at your table, and you explained you'd run to the store and be back soon, plus, it wasn't fair to your members to be left alone. Before she could reply, Matthew told her he'd go with you, and you could see her caving.
In the end, you were given the keys and Matthew all but ran to the car with you barely keeping up.
Once the doors were closed, he couldn't help but pull you on his lap.
“Open your mouth for me, darling.” He whispered as he brought his hands up to your lips.
Your stomach was swirling at the thought of doing this in the back of the car. In the parking lot of the award show at that. Getting caught by anyone was a high risk.
"Don’t pretend to be so innocent, now.” He tsked. "At least the windows are tinted. If we're careful when we get out, no one will know."
You licked your lips before parting them and letting his fingers coat themselves in your saliva.
As he took in the sight of you, legs spread over his dress pants, looking all dolled-up while he had his fingers almost knuckle deep in your mouth, he couldn't help but chuckle.
"You dirty, little slut." He cooed at you. "So oblivious, aren't you." He teased, one of his hands trailing down to pull up the hem of your dress so it was draped over his thighs. "I bet you couldn't hear them saying how much they wish they could be doing this to you."
Your eyes darted towards him, and you pulled back.
"That's what this is about?" You looked at him like he was crazy. "Because you're jealous?"
"And if you heard someone say how much they wish they could ride me all night long? How they give me a better night than you ever could? Right in front of you?" He paused and waited for a response.
You stayed silent, unable to think of how you'd react.
"That's what I thought." He scoffed. "Now be good for me."
He finished his sentence by roughly slamming his lips onto yours, the fingers that were in your mouth now moving under the dress and through your underwear.
"All this for me?" He smirked as his fingers were met with slick. "And to think.." He paused as his fingers slowly slid over your clit. "We wouldn't be doing this right now had you just said you were mine."
He let silence take over the car as his fingers quickly worked their way inside you, your legs unable to close due to being on his lap.
You started but got cut off as his thumb started working against your clit, your head falling against his shoulder in a silent scream.
"God, I hated hearing them talk about you like that." His voice was lower, almost a growl, as he roughly sucked hickies onto your neck. "You're fucking mine."
You wanted to respond, but with the way his hands and lips were working against you, you couldn't find it in you to make words.
He looked at the marks he left and his hand came up to grab your chin to make you look at him, the fingers that were inside you starting a rougher pace.
"Who left these marks on you?"
"Y-You, fuck." You felt your legs tighten around his thighs as your voice broke.
"Are you going to cover them up?" He challenged as his thumb worked faster against your clit.
You shook your head as you didn't trust your voice, your eyes closing as you felt yourself getting closer.
"Use your words, angel."
"No, fuck, no, just please." You could feel your face redden as the words just flew out of you. Something about Matthew always made you a mess.
“Say my name. Scream it.”
"Matthew~" You whined loudly, your legs shaking around him as you felt yourself cum undone.
"I-I can't," You gasped as you tried, and failed, to catch your breath.
"You don't have a choice here, angel." He gave you a boyish smile as he kept rubbing your clit, his free hand holding you in place as you started trying to back away. "Don’t forget who you belong to.” He paused to watch your mouth fall in an open scream. "I'll use you until I'm done with you."
He quickly pulled his fingers away from you and moved them to work against the button of his suit pants.
"Matter fact." He licked his lips as he pulled himself out of his boxers. “I’m not going to stop until you’re begging me to." He smirked down at you as he moved both hands to move you over him.
Your mind was still hazy as you let out a chuckle.
"Do you think this is a joke?" He furrowed his brows, but his tone was full of amusement. Watching you lose yourself because of him was an ego boost he'd never get tired of.
"You're cute." You giggled until you felt him slide into you, the pleasure making you shiver.
"And you're cuter." He pulled you in for a kiss as you were fully sat on him, your hips moving before he could tell you to do so. He smiled into the kiss as his hands moved you faster against him.
“That's my good girl.”
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zempumpkin · 6 months
Ok I've been thinking about the cast of captain laserhawk and it's keeping bugging me cuz they dont have a canon age in the show and I have some hcs and want to talk about it
So I'm gonna start with Rayman since he's the one that is more difficult to get the age, and I'm gonna say. This man is OLD. Yeah I know, people though and think that he's like 40 or something?? And I understand why but he's more old than that and I'm gonna tell why
So like first of all he's been alive since eua existed, and since the beginning of the series they talk about how it's been a long time since eua became Eden, so yea, Idk how long it was but it probably been some decades.
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I gonna use Sarah as an example cuz she was a kid and Eden already existed plus Rayman already did his shows, also Marcus was like 20 or something back there I think??? And when he appears again nowadays he looks old (probably 65?? Idk)
And also there's the fact that Rayman don't age, that's one of the reasons he became Eden's star
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I think that he's like between 60-70 or something cuz he's been alive since before Eden existed plus I'm using Marcus as an example because his one of the only people that was more close to have lived in the eua before (the other one is Sarah's dad but he died soo)
Gonna talk about Bullfrog now cuz he's another one with the same thing going on
So we all know he's younger than Rayman (cuz of that one line "when I was your age" when Ramon and Bullfrog talked) and some people think that he's 18??? Which doesn't make sense like yes he's younger but not THAT younger
I saw that you turn into an assassin when you become 23, so he has to be at least 23 but by the looks and how much experience he shows to have, I think he would be like 27 at least (the same goes to Jade but I gonna talk about that in a minute)
Also quick talk rn but I don't really ship Rayfrog like yes it's cute but bcs of my hcs my mind can't let me and plus they talked just once, but I don't mind who shipp it and I respect it since everyone has their hc about them, and this being another reminder that this is just how I see the characters I can just talking bullshit if the creators decide to tell us about their canon ages
Moving on! Jade, so as I said before I think she would be in the same boat with bullfrog since she looks and acts young but not that much?? And plus they seem to be closer (as close as you can say when you know a person for like 2 days) so they probably have the same age
Jade and Bullfrog: 27
Dolph e Sarah: between 37-40
Alex: 2-3 years older than Dolph....probably....
Pey'j: 60 something
Rayman: 70 IDK HUHHHH
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neonbrutalism · 9 months
Jefferson really saw some guy in his 20s going through it and struggling with adulting but also acting like an older brother/mentor to Miles and said "I guess I have two kids now"
Jefferson thought those two idiot kids should have guessed he'd be waiting for them, and yet when Miles and Miguel swung on to the roof of their apartment, they seemed surprised to see him. As if he wasn't a cop with access to the police scanner. As if he didn't have a TV and could watch the BREAKING NEWS, SHOTS FIRED AT SCENE OF ATTEMPTED ASSAULT IN CENTRAL PARK, SPIDER-MEN SEEN IN VICINITY. As if he couldn't connect two dots between the radio chatter of somebody saying they "shot the big guy but he just kept going".
"So," Jefferson, crossing him arms over his chest, "You had an interesting night."
"Did ... we?" said Miles.
Miguel just shrugged.
Jefferson's done that move before, back when he and Aaron had been up to some bullshit and were trying desperately to avoid consequences.
"So - nobody shot either you?"
"Okay, what were we - " Miles started. Miguel cut him off.
"Everything is fine, Mr. Morales. Miles isn't hurt, the woman in the park is safe, the two headed rat-man is back in his mother's custody."
"And nobody shot you four times?"
The dark lenses on Miguel's mask narrowed a little.
"My suit can't be penetrated by bullets of this time period."
Jefferson glared. It didn't seem to do much to Miguel - dammit, he should have brought a chair to stand on so he could do the dad-glare, it didn't work on somebody so tall.
"Miles, go downstairs and get changed before your mother catches you," Jefferson said. Miles nodded without saying anything and scrambled over the edge of the building to his bedroom, eager to get away from this confrontation.
"... I have a police scanner. I know you got shot."
Miguel's stiff postured relaxed with Miles gone - Jefferson got that, there was a certain pressure of trying to remain an Adult-Mode-Adult around a kid, "And Miles didn't."
"And you did!"
"I'm not hurt."
"You could have been!"
"Look - even if I'm ... Miles will be fine on his own too. He's good at this."
Jefferson grabbed his head with his hands and groaned, "That isn't what I'm talking about! I don't want you to get shot because I don't want you to get shot, kid! I'm worried about both of you!"
"...Why?" said Miguel.
"Because you - you - you're 27! BARELY 27, I know, because that orange lady mentioned you were born in September and it's November - and you have nothing in your kitchen but old yogurt and coffee! You have cat t-shirts and apparently pass out on your floor often enough that it's described as good-for-convalescing!"
Jefferson started a little when he realized Miguel had taken a step back, his posture oddly guarded and defensive, the dark lenses on the mask wide. ... He should calm down - he'd seen people react like this enough to know the yelling was probably triggering something in the kid's brain that was processing badly.
"Kid - Miguel," Jefferson conceded, "Do you ... uh, do you want me to get you a coffee or something? A granola bar? Rio made some Arroz con Pollo, I could put some in a tupperware -"
"That's ... not necessary, Mr. Morales," said Miguel, the fight-or-flight leaving his posture.
"I feel like you probably don't have any food -"
"I'm fine, Mr. Morales, I can -"
"I would really feel better if you'd please take some goddamn chicken."
"... Okay. Thank you," Miguel said, his voice suggesting he was at like a peak stress level. Jefferson could relate.
"Okay, just - wait here - uh, Layla? Orange lady? Don't let him open a portal while I'm, uh."
"Okay, Jefferson," LYLA said from Miguel's watch. Miguel glared down at it and Jefferson hustled downstairs. He gave silent thanks that Rio was working an overnight shift so he wouldn't need to explain why he was packing food up at 11pm.
"You can bring the container back, uh, next time you're here," Jefferson said, handing the container over.
"Sure. Thank you, Mr. Morales."
Miguel turned stiffly and opened a portal back to his home dimension.
"You can call me Je -" Jefferson called as the portal snapped shut.
Stupid goddamn kid.
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N Series CH 20 -> CH 21
Tagging:@roryculkinluvr@thatsthewrongwallcraig@icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06@shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver@ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999 @x-prettyboy-x @rorylover71 @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
Jack had made progress, real progress that he was happy to report to Dr. Carty. He had attended one of the meetings Y/n suggested and as corny as it sounded, he felt less alone in the struggles of his past that he had a hard time remembering. He received some legitimate guidance on searching for answers through old media. The man that ran the survivors group had a similar story to Jack's only he was lost in the foster care system and passed around between pedophiles collecting state checks.
He explained to Jack that media searches aren't the best way to access your past trauma. He suggested petitioning to have the court records opened for his own mental health. It meant getting a lawyer or an advocate but if Jack really wanted to pick at the scab of his trauma, he had the best place to start.
"I felt like a fucking idiot when I started crying. Shit just got super overwhelming really fast but they didn't really press me to keep talking which was great. Gave me time to collect myself and actually hear other people talking about their own shit." Jack explained.
"How did it make you feel having a small group of strangers telling you their stories?" Dr. Carty asked.
"Honestly, it was sad. This shit happens too often. There needs to be a better system in place, a better reporting center. I actually talked to some of the people in the group afterwards, exchanged some emails..." He trailed off knowing Dr. Carty would make a comment.
"You made friends!" He said gleefully making Jack roll his eyes.
"You say that like I'm a total shut in." Jack argued earning a laugh.
"As your doctor, I can confirm you just now started going out to get your groceries instead of having them delivered." Dr. Carty joked as Jack pulled into the driveway.
"I'm proud of Jack. You're making such amazing progress in your healing. The crying is a release. Don't fight it so much." Jack nodded his head.
"Well I made it home in one piece and I've got to send Y/n a text thanking her for the recommendation." Jack turned the car off and started to gather his things.
"She's provided a lot of healing for you Jack. You should keep her around. You need that positive push." Dr. Carty said confidently. Jack didn't disagree. Before he could respond, her name lit up on his phone.
"She's actually calling me now so-"
"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night Jack." Dr. Carty bid him farewell and he clicked over the call.
"I was just thinking about you." Jack said with a smile.
"Oh yeah? With or without clothes?" She teased.
"Well now I'm thinking about you without clothes but that's your own fault." He laughed.
"I wanted to call and check on you but I also wanted to let you know I might have left you some stuff inside your house." Jack froze on his porch.
"You broke into my house?" He asked looking over to her house.
"Of course not...I used the key." She said firmly. Jack opened the front door carefully and could smell food.
"You broke in to make me dinner?" He laughed.
"Again, I used the key. I didn't cook it. I had it ordered. I figured today would be draining so I wanted you to come home and not worry about feeding yourself." Y/n explained as he walked over to see brown bag sitting atop the counter. He opened and it smelled heavenly.
"It should still be warm but you can heat it up in the package if it needs to be." Jack pulled the box of spaghetti out and took a bit of the bread.
"You can break into my house anytime." He said with a mouthful of food. She laughed on the other end of the line.
"That's not all...I also left you something to keep you company tonight on your bed." Jack stopped eating and climbed the stairs.
"This feels like Christmas." He joked. When he got to the top of the steps he saw Ace sitting on his bed.
"Oh hey buddy! You came to visit me." Jack's voice changed to baby talk for the pup as he leaned down to snuggle him.
"I figured you could use the company and he's been missing you." Jack almost forgot he was on the phone and he picked Ace up in his arms.
"You know one of these nights, I won't be on the backend of an emotional breakdown and I'm going to ask you out on a date. You better be prepared with a better excuse to not say yes than trauma bonding." Jack said with a smile. She chuckled.
"I've got to get back to work but I'll give you a call later okay? Just to make sure you're settled in and don't need anything." Jack hung up the phone and took Ace down stairs with him to eat dinner. He spent his evening making a grocery list, feeding Ace and turning on the TV for a change. He left Ace to watch the TV while he showered and it was around 11PM when he was finally snuggling down with the pup.
He was started to get comfortable and when his phone vibrated. He smiled seeing Y/n was facetiming him. She was still in her scrubs but looked like she was in the bathroom about to clean herself up for bed.
"Well aren't you two the cutest thing I've ever seen?" She smiled seeing Ace sleeping on Jack's chest.
"Don't be jealous he loves me more than you." She chuckled.
"I won't keep you up, just wanted to make sure you were okay." She kept her eyes on them and Jack smiled.
"Today was a lot but it felt good. I definitely needed it. Thank you for the recommendation." Jack watched her take her hair down and wipe her face with a makeup wipe.
"Of course. I'm so happy that it was able to give you some support." She said as Jack watched her carefully.
"Was the food okay?" She asked not looking at him as she continued to get ready for bed.
"How long do I have to wait before I ask you out again?" He ignored her question and she looked at her phone, stopping what she was doing and smiled at him.
"Sleep on it tonight. If you wake up and feel good, you can ask me then. I just want you to wait until you're ready and when you are, I will say yes." She explained making him smile.
"I'll hold you to that." He said with a sleepy smile.
"Get some rest Jack. I will talk to you tomorrow." She said seeing how tired he was. He nodded his head.
"Goodnight Y/n." The screen went black and he let out a sigh. He had never felt so content in this moment. For the first time in a long time, he was hopeful for what was to come.
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fiveisnumber1 · 7 months
Timeless - Five Hargreeves X Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36
A/N: I know it's taken some time, but this chapter is finally here! Sorry for taking so long to update with a main chapter, two of my grandparents died, I had to quit my job because they kept leading me on about promoting me to full-time, and I had some really bad burnout from it all. I'm going to try my best to upload more frequently, but my chapters run pretty long so they still will take some time, but hopefully nothing crazy happens that pulls me away from this for that long again. I worked really hard to get this chapter done by the Hargreeves' birthday so I hope it's good! Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoy! <3
Pt 37 - Facing Your Mortality With Friends And Other Ways To Cope With The Inevitable
With a flash of bright blue, the sharp chill of cold wind whipped across Five and Lila as they arrived at their destination. Five looked around as frustration filled his system. All that the eye could see was a dark, snowy landscape. They botched it. They fucking botched it. And now he was stuck in a snowy wasteland with the last person he'd want to be around with no answers and a slim chance of getting back.
"Oh, brilliant idea, Lila!" Five remarked sarcastically, "Welcome to the Ice Age!"
Why? Why did he always have to jump back into some type of chaos when all he wanted was peace? He looked around before him for any sign that could give him an idea or clue on what to do. But all there was, was snow.
"Shut up and just look." Lila retorted
Five turned, finally looking behind him as he saw the dark, looming shape of a building across the snowy field.
"The Commission." He said under his breath "Shit."
With the briefcase still in his hand, Five began to walk as quickly as he could through the thick snow toward the building. Lila followed closely behind wrapping her jacket around her tighter to stave off the cold as she wondered how Five was not feeling the chill. The wind and snow were unrelenting as the pair arrived at what seemed to be the ruins of the Commission building. Frustration faded as concern now took over Five's brain. There were no lights, no sound, and no sign of life. The front door was broken in allowing Five to quickly step into the building, his eyes going wide as he saw the rubble and decay inside the main foyer. What happened here?
Walking in after him, Lila looked around at the remnants of what was once a very familiar building for her. Broken tile and dirt covered the floor and ruined furniture was scattered about the place as she glanced around the building's entrance.
"Holy shit. I was just here. How long was I bloody gone?" Lila asked aloud
"It seems the grandfather paradox is affecting everything." Five replied placing the briefcase on the ground "Even places out of time."
"Is that possible?" Lila questioned
"I stopped tracking what was possible a long time ago." Five commented back
As Five looked around once more, he nervously fiddled with the watch on his wrist. The one that you had gifted to him. He wondered where you were since he wasn't able to find you before leaving. He wondered what you were doing and if you were alright. He hoped that another wave hadn't hit and that you had someone around to take care of you while he was gone like Klaus or maybe Viktor since Diego seemed not to care since Stan showed up. Being here was leaving him with more questions than answers and he wanted nothing more than to get back to you as soon as possible. Seeing Lila move forward into the building, Five picked up the briefcase and began to follow her. But then the sound of something breaking could be heard as ceiling tile began to fall down from above. Both Five and Lila jumped back in time so as to not get hit, but this building felt more unsafe to be in at the moment. They needed to find answers and they needed to go.
"We better get moving." Five said as he walked toward the foyer staircase "I'll check the Infinite Switchboard."
"And I'll check Herb's office." Lila responded before commenting "Little cockroach would survive anything."
With the briefcase in hand, Five turned away from Lila and began to make his way up the steps heading toward the Infinite Switchboard when from down below he could hear as Lila called out,
"See ya." He replied curtly
"Miss you." Lila mentioned
While she couldn't see it as he was already too high on the staircase Five gave her a confused side-eye as he awkwardly stated,
"That's weird."
However, no response was returned to his comment and all that could be heard was the sound of her footsteps walking away. With a shrug of his shoulders, Five continued his journey to the switchboard. He had walked these halls plenty of times before but they were never this empty. There was always some type of hustle and bustle of the hundreds of workers that were employed here. Back then he hated it because he couldn't stand this place, what it stood for, or the power they held over him while he bided his time, but now it just felt eerie being so empty. The sounds of his footsteps echoed in the halls as he approached the room he was looking for. Entering the broken doorway, the lights in the room and on the machines were off and the windows on either side of the room were shattered into pieces. The cold wind and snow fell in from the outside as Five placed the briefcase down once more. Leaning over the switchboard he fiddled with a few of the knobs and dials managing to get one of the screens to illuminate.
"Okay. Okay. That's good." Five said to himself
It wasn't much, but it was a start. Tuning the large dial on the control panel a fuzzy image of Herb came into view and with a little more tuning the image became clear as a recording began to play.
"There's been a rip in the space-time continuum. It's swallowing everything." Herb explained, an urgent panic lacing his tone "Oh, my sweet Dot, Iris, Josh from accounting, they're all gone. I've tried everything! I don't know what else to do. The timeline is collapsing."
As Five watched the video, each word Herb spoke was more concerning than the last. The timeline itself wasn't just facing some unusual flux it was completely collapsing in on itself. The sounds of screaming could be heard in the background of the recording as Herb looked away for a moment before looking back. With a solemn face, he spoke his last words,
"This is... the end."
And as a flash of light came across the screen all that could be heard was the sound of Herb's painful screams before the switchboard screen went completely back. Five stood up from leaning over the board, a slight look of sadness could be seen in his reflection on one of the switchboard TV screens. As he placed his hands in his pockets, he took a moment to reflect on what he had just seen. The room was quiet but then from behind him he could hear Lila's voice call out,
"I could kill for some scrambled eggs right now."
"This is bigger than the timeline, Lila." Five said flatly
"What's bigger than the timeline?" She asked
"The entire universe." Five stated seriously turning to look at her, "The missing dogs, people... It's the opposite of the big bang. Instead of the universe expanding, it's now collapsing in on itself."
"Like a prolapsing rectum," Lila replied
Five blinked his eyes a few times both perplexed and disgusted by her statement. Technically, she wasn't wrong but what an unusual connection to make. Slightly disturbed, Five replied
"That's a weird analogy, but yeah."
"Here, then. This might give us some answers." Lila mentioned
Lifting up an old green book, Lila presented it to Five for him to look at. Taking the book from her, Five wiped off a thin layer of dust before reading the title on the cover,
"The master handbook."
"The one and only!" Lila commented as she sat on a nearby control panel
Flipping through the pages Five looked for anything that could be of use to the situation they were in. Things disappearing, waves of energy, grandfather paradox, really anything that could point them in the right direction. He quickly glanced at the words as they flew by on the pages only stopping to backtrack when he saw the bold letters spelling out EMERGENCY PROTOCOL. Flipping back to that page he scanned through finding something that seemed reasonably useful.
"Here we are. Okay, protocol." Five said as he began to read "In the unlikely case of the grandfather paradox, the founder and any essential personnel should-"
As he read Lila jumped up from her seat on a control panel quickly moving to his side as she leaned over the book. With a pencil in her hand, she pointed to the rest of the sentence finishing,
"...be immediately remanded to the operations bunker."
The two of them paused as they thought over the words they had just read. The master handbook was never really something of use to them because they were never upper-level enough to access it. They had both heard it referenced in passing before but it wasn't until now that they were actually looking at it. But even if the emergency protocol was giving them a helpful clue into what to do now, there were now even more questions to be had.
"The founder. What founder?" Lila asked
"I don't know." Five replied
As they stood in silence for a moment, once more part of the ceiling came crashing down. Placing a hand on her shoulder Five pushed Lila back as he took a step back himself. This place was falling apart by the minute and the last thing he needed was to be crushed under rubble. Again. He needed to find this founder, get his answers and get out of this decrepit structure before it came down on him before he could get back to you.
"We need to find that bunker..." Five stated
"ASAP." Five and Lila said in unison
"Jinx! A-B-C-1-2-3, personal padlock!" Lila exclaimed
Rolling his eyes, Five picked up the briefcase with one hand as he started to walk out of the room, now determined to find the bunker mentioned in the book. Lila following closely behind with a childish grin on her face at 'blocking' him from speaking. Trying to remind her of the seriousness of this investigation Five began to protest,
"Can you not-"
"You can't speak!" Lila shouted once more
Five let out an annoyed huff as he rolled his eyes once more. Whatever. The bunker is what mattered and that is what his goal was now. He only hoped that whatever you were doing was better than his situation.
And it was. You were surrounded by a peaceful blackness. Wherever you were right now, it was comfortable, you were cozy. The quiet of the dark void was soothing. This place, it was loving, it was safe. If it was possible, you would stay here forever surrounded by the comforting stillness of it all. However, that was not the case as a fit of shouting broke through your peaceful void. Quickly your eyes opened, as a voice yelled something but you couldn't quite make out the words.
You looked around at your surroundings. You were in Kenny's basement, laying across the couch. Sitting up you got a better lay of the land as you noticed Dean was sat upright fast asleep leaning against the front of the couch, his bow wrapped in his arms as if he was guarding you. Viktoria was in the corner of the room laying on the floor as she used her viola case as a pillow and a throw rug as a blanket. And then there was Bren, sprawled facedown and shirtless under the air hockey table. There was something written on his back but you could not tell what is said from where you were.
As the yelling from upstairs continued you could see the rest of your friends begin to groggily wake up. You all looked around at each other, sleep still in your eyes when words finally rang clear as Kenny shouted from upstairs,
"Are you guys shitting me?!"
"Well, this is sure to be interesting," Dean commented placing his bow down on the ground next to him as he stretched
"What's going on?" Bren asked groggily as he slid out from under the air hockey table
As he finally stood up, you could see ASSHOLE written across his back. You, Dean, and Viktoria all began to snicker at the sight only to be met with Bren's confused face as he turned around.
"What are you all laughing at?" He questioned
The three of you looked at each other for a moment before all of you released the laughter you were holding back. Bren looked at all of you even more confused before the shouting from upstairs pulled your attention as you all heard Kenny shout,
" Can't you two get intimate somewhere other than my bedroom!"
You stopped laughing as you all looked at each other with wide eyes. Jumping up from where she lay on the floor Viktoria ran towards the basement stairs as she called out behind her.
"Oh, I gotta know more!"
You, Dean, and Bren all looked at each other before bolting up the stairs after Viktoria and stopping on the first floor right at the bottom of the staircase leading upstairs. You all only stood there for a moment as you saw Lucas and Addison doing the walk of shame down the stairs. Their hair was both a mess, there were smudges of tinted lipgloss on Lucas' face and both of them were blushing profusely. Neither of them met your eyes as you all smirked and snickered with Dean going so far as to whistle at the pair. As they awkwardly stood off to the side away from the group Kenny came tromping down the staircase calling out,
"How dare you desecrate the sanctity of my bed chambers with your unfiltered hormones!"
You shot a look over to the pair.
"Did you guys-" You began to ask
"No! No!" Lucas exclaimed
"We were just making out!" Addison chimed in
"Pfft, making out." Kenny mocked before loudly complaining "You were eating each other's faces like wolves on a deer carcass. And in MY BED nonetheless."
"I don't get why you're so upset. You're like the resident slut of this group, shouldn't you be like pro-intimacy or something." Bren commented
"Listen while I appreciate being called the resident slut here, I don't appreciate having unwanted saliva and sweat on my pristine bamboo bedsheets." Kenny remarked back "And I'm not going to take any criticism from the guy whose back says asshole on it."
"My back says what?" Bren questioned attempting to look over his shoulder at his back
"Don't worry, he's lying," Dean interjected
Bren however was unsure of who to believe and continued to try and look at his back to see if something was written there. As he did so, Lucas piped up from the corner of the room,
"You could just have (Y/N) use her powers to remove any traces of us."
"No." You stated firmly
"Oh c'mon (Y/N)," Addison whined
You shot the pair a death glare. Something like this had happened before on a group camping trip where the pair had snuck far away from the campsite and back to the parking lot of the campground to Dean's backseat. However, unlike this case, things had escalated at that time. You were surprised Dean didn't kill them for desecrating Veronica when he found out but at his request, since you owed him a favor, you used your abilities to restore Veronica's backseat to its former state. It was gross. You couldn't look them in the eye for a good week, but it was fine because they couldn't look at you either. But from that day forward Dean implemented a new rule in his car and you implemented a new rule on what your friends can and cannot ask you to use your powers for. And this, while not as bad as that last incident, still fell under cannot.
"I did that shit once but never again." You strongly reaffirmed before looking at Kenny and stating "Kenny, stop being a baby and just wash your stupid sheets."
"Fine." Kenny grumbled, "But they owe me some type of favor."
"Yeah, that's fair." Addison replied
"Okay, deal," Lucas added "How about I start by making breakfast for everyone."
"I hope it's not a whole carton of scrambled eggs again." Viktoria quietly mentioned as Lucas walked away, "I couldn't even stand to look at eggs for like a month afterwards."
It seemed the small amount of tension that had been in the room had fully faded away as the group began to make their way toward Kenny's kitchen chattering about what you all should eat for breakfast. But as they walked ahead Dean pulled you odd to the side and asked,
"Can you help me grab something from my car?"
He sounded slightly nervous, but you had no clue why. Wanting to find out what was going on though you replied,
"Yeah, sure man."
You followed him to the front door, but as he opened it Bren asked from behind you,
"Where you guys going?" Bren asked
"Just out to the car to grab something, we'll be back." You replied
"Wait can someone please tell me if my back has something written on it?" Bren called out
But by that point, the front door was pretty much closed behind you two. It wasn't a far walk to Dean's car as it was parked in Kenny's driveway, but you could see more and more of Dean's nerves. He was rolling his shoulders back and flexing his hands whether he noticed it or not. As he stood in front of the driver's side door you could see him take a deep breath before turning to look at you. You stared at him waiting for him to say something but it seemed like nothing was coming. Trying to prompt him you inquired,
"So what do we need to grab?"
"Actually, I- um...I wanted to give you something." Dean replied softly
Your head tilted to the side as you looked at him slightly confused. You had no clue what he would want to give to you that would make him so nervous to do so. Your brother was like an open book to you just like you typically were to him so it was unusual to have him be nervous and you not know why.
"Oh?" You asked, "You do"
"Well yeah...y'know how last night I said I was going out to get food but it took a while for me to come back?" He asked back
"Yeah, I recall," You answered, "...Kind of."
You relatively recalled the night prior. There was Just Dance, karaoke, fanfiction reading, and overall fun. But things did get a little blurry with each drink you consumed. You could remember when Dean left to go get some fast food from a 24-hour diner but when he came back wasn't as clear.
"Well, it took me so long because actually, I made a bit of a side trip to get you some stuff that might help you feel a little better about everything."
You looked at him curious as to what he may have gotten you that would make you feel better but would also cause him to have such nerves. Perhaps he had somehow found Five and he was knocked out in the trunk of the car. That would make sense, but there's no way Dean would win a fight against Five. And even if he did, the minute Five came to he would just teleport out of the trunk. Besides that, you couldn't think of any grand gesture that might have him feeling this way, but you sure were willing to find out.
"So what are they?" You replied
"Oh right." Dean exclaimed as he realized he hadn't actually given you the items yet
You watched as Dean turned around and opened the driver's door to his car. He leaned over the center console and opened the glove compartment before pulling out some items. You could see the movement of him placing some of the items down on his driver's seat but you couldn't tell what they were yet since his body was blocking the view. As he turned back around though he extended a set of folders to you to take. Taking them into your hands, you smirked as you joked,
"You got me manila folders?"
"Look at the labels." He replied softly
You looked at Dean. There was a caring gentleness in his gaze and you could see saw the insistence on his face. Looking down at the labels on the folders, your smirk dropped. Your eyes slowly blinking in confusion as you read over the words again and again.
The labels had your parents' names on them.
Slowly, you looked back up at Dean and quietly asked,
"Dean what are these?"
"I wanted to get you something of your parents so I searched up articles about what happened and found out their names and the university they went to," Dean explained, "and so I may have broken in and stolen their old admissions and enrollment files."
"Their old university is like half an hour away Dean." You stated not fully believing this was real
"It's only ten minutes if you drive at 80 miles per hour." Dean replied before pointing at the folders and adding "The files have their applications including the essays, classes they were enrolled in, and their grades."
You looked down at the folders in disbelief before carefully opening them. You looked through your mother's first. Everything for her application was filled out in her beautiful cursive handwriting. She wrote so in-depth about why she wanted to major in both architecture and interior design. Why pursuing both for a future career was the best path for her. Why this school would be her perfect fit. You could almost hear her voice speak to you as you read her essay. It was familiar and comforting. And then there was your father's application. Besides the portions where things had to be written out, everything else was typed. You knew it was because his handwriting was just barely above chicken scratch, but when you looked over his essay you could see his sunny passion for the structural engineering work he wanted to do shine through. The warmth that your father exuded was just bursting off the page. You then flipped through the folders to look at their classes and enrollment profiles. Your dad of course had more courses listed as he was a year above your mom, but your mom was maxing out her credit limits every semester taking double what your dad would. And they were both exceptional students earning high marks in all their classes. How they managed all this work plus extracurriculars was astounding. Although you had managed to do the same for years so perhaps your family just had a knack for it. You lingered on the pages, your fingertips gliding over the words as if you were reaching out and feeling your parents for the first time in years.
"Your parents were really smart." Dean commented as he saw you look over their grades "Just like you."
You looked back up at Dean with tears beginning to form in your eyes. This was real. These were your parents. A part of them at least.
"Dean- I-" You tried to speak but you struggled to find the right words "This is incredible."
"Actually there's more," Dean responded,
"More?" You questioned
Although it had the inflection of a question, it was less of one and more so a request. A request for anything else he had. EVERYTHING else he had. You wanted it all. You wanted to see it, to read it, to feel it. You wanted to have and hold whatever tangible piece of your parents you could.
"Yeah." He answered, "As awful as your parents' deaths were they kind of got memorialized at the school and so I was able to take these."
You saw as Dean turned around once more and picked up the items he had put on the driver's seat. Turning back toward you he held out two things for you to take which you slowly reached out and took from him. In one hand there was a framed photo of your dad with a wide smile standing in front of the door to his old philanthropy fraternity house and in the other you held the Phi Kappa Theta yearbooks for 1988-1989 and 1989-1990.
"That's your dad's photo from when he was president of his fraternity and also the fraternity yearbooks. Your dad has more photos in the earlier yearbook, but there's a whole memorial section in the other one with pages from other members writing about how great your dad was. so I took both." Dean explained as he handed each item over "The fraternity was having a party so it was really easy to just uh- walk in and take stuff."
Before you could even begin to process how meaningful these were though, Dean added,
"And then for your mom, they actually had a little display for her in the architecture building so I got these photos too."
Carefully, you took the photos of your mom from him as well. There was one of her drawing a building plan, another of her putting together a miniture model of a designed interior, and then a picture from her time on the school dance team. Of course that had nothing to do with either of her majors, but it was nice to see that aspect of her reflected as well. You could vaguely remember your dad taking you to the sporting events where she would perform with her team. You two sat in the seats closest to the field and cheered her on, and when she was done performing she would meet you two on the event center concourse as you ran on your little legs to her shouting 'Mommy! Good job!' and 'I love you!'. It was bittersweet to remember those times but it was better than forgetting completely.
You looked at your parents' faces. They were familar, but different. Your parents weren't old when you disappeared, but you could see their youth reflected in the photos. They had smile lines and the beginnings of dark circles which you could only assume were the result of college all-nighters. You were older than they were in these photos. It was only by a few years, but something about it felt wrong. Children are supposed to outlive their parents, but not like this. You looked at the photos of your mom once more, your eyes lingering over every detail on her face. It was like looking in a mirror. Everything of hers was yours and everything of yours was hers.
"You look just like her, y'know." Dean commented
You looked back up at him, the corners of your lips turning slightly upward as you mused,
"Reading my mind again?"
"No, just stating the obvious." He replied
You looked back down at the photos of your mom once more, the corners of your mouth surprisingly staying in their upturned position. It was comforting to have someone tell you that you looked like her after so long of not hearing it. It meant that when you looked in the mirror, some part of her was looking back.
"Yeah...everyone always said that I was her carbon copy," You wistfully reminisced "Except for my smile. Everyone said I had my dad's smile."
Dean stepped away from the car and over to your side. Looking down at the photo of your father in front of his fraternity house he saw the smile he wore on his face. If someone had shown him the image of that smile and asked him to identify it, he almost certainly would've said it was yours. It was practically identical.
"I can see it." Dean recalled "When you smile it's the exact same."
You looked over at Dean who looked back at you with a kind smile on his face and slowly your smile reflected his own. You saw as Dean looked down at the photo he had handed you of your dad once more before looking back up at you again and commenting,
"Yeah, that's the same smile."
The words began to form in your mind on what you were going to say to thank him for such a gift but before they could even leave your mouth you saw as Dean's eyes shot wide and he recalled,
"Oh I almost forgot, this was in the display too."
Walking back over to the front seat of his car once more he grabbed what looked to be some type of spiral-bound book. Gesturing to the stuff in your hands, he carefully took the pile from you before handing you the item. As you finally got your eyes on it though, you finally recognized what it was.
"Mom's sketchbook..." You said under your breath
You traced the cursive of your mother's name written on the cover and the number one she printed below it. It was her first sketchbook. What should've been the first of many. Opening the front cover you slowly turned through the pages filled with different sketches of building plans and room interiors. It was a jumbled mix of rough drafts, doodles, and final works, some of which felt familiar as you realized they were the concepts your mother had adapted to fit the floor plans of your old home.
You recalled the way in which you would sit at the table with your mom over the years and just watch her draw in her sketchbooks. And when she was having a mental block she'd pass the sketchbook and pencil over to you and let you draw an idea of a building or a new concept for a room. And when you finished, she would always smile and thank you before flipping to the next page and turning your idea into a reality. When she didn't have any inspiration, you became her inspiration. And over the years, while you never became quite as good as your mom was, you developed a knack for drawing buildings and interior rooms too.
You flipped through the pages until you arrived at ones that were blank. Ones that should've been filled with ideas and drawings and eraser marks, but never would be. Slowly, you closed the book and you picked up the rest of the items that Dean had taken from you to hold. You stared at the pile as a bittersweet feeling washed over you. Gently, you held the items closer to you as you closed your eyes. A few streaks of tears rolled down your face as the water that had stayed in your waterline was forced out. You knew you were never going to see your parents again, but the items in your arms made them feel real and tangible in a way you hadn't felt in years. These items wouldn't change the fact that they were dead, or the fact that you never got to say goodbye, but they were much more healing of a keepsake compared to the newspaper clipping announcing their deaths. And for that reason alone, they were more than enough. You hugged the folders and books and photos tighter against your chest as if trying to send a message across time and space, life and death, that you loved them. You still loved them. You'd always love them.
There was a silence for a moment as you held the items in your arms, but then softly Dean spoke,
"I know it's not much and I'm sorry for kinda desecrating the memorials of them, but I just thought even if there's not that many days left, you still deserved something of them."
You looked over at him with a smile forming on your face. You couldn't care less about the mini memorials the university had. He had found and brought these items to you on the thought and hope that it would make you feel better. And it did. He took a risk just to make you happy. And he did. You didn't expect these items, but now they were yours and you'd never let them go.
"Dean besides the locket around my neck and my diary back at the hotel these are the most tangible pieces of my parents I've had in years." You replied "You don't how much this means to me."
A smile began to creep onto Dean's face as he realized he had succeeded in what he wanted to do. It was a risky decision that he made on a whim at like 3 a.m., but it was all worth it to see you just that little bit happier.
"That's good." Dean mentioned as he lifted up his hand "At least it means busting up my hand was worth it."
You looked at his left hand to see that it was bandaged around his knuckles with stains of dried blood on the gauze wrap.
"Oh my god, I didn't even notice that!" You exclaimed concerned "What did you do?"
"My lockpick broke so I uh- I had to break the glass of the display case your mom's stuff was in." Dean replied with a shrug "But hey uh- twins, am I right?"
You looked over at the pile of items he had given you down at your own bandaged left hand from the night before. While his gauze was a little more haphazardly done compared to the neat bandaging Kenny had done for you, they were both wrapped on the same hand in almost the exact same spot. When you called Dean your twin you didn't think it would also apply to matching injuries but here you were with fucked up hands all around.
"Huh yeah. Twins." You commented back, a smirk playing on your face
Throwing his left arm around your shoulder, Dean leaned you towards him as he placed a kiss on top of your head. He couldn't fix the world for you, but if he could do his best to make these last few days just a little better, then by the time the world ended he would be satisfied.
"C'mon, let's go see what's for breakfast." He suggested
Feeling your stomach slightly rumble, you nodded your head at the suggestion and the two of you turned to head back into the house. As you walked down the path back up to the stairs together, you looked over at Dean and said,
"You're an amazing brother."
Dean looked at you softly as he took in what you said. While he would never admit it out loud, he also would feel highly accomplished if, between him and Diego, he was deemed the better brother. The BEST brother. Of course, he would keep these feelings to himself out of respect for you, but amazing was pretty close to best and he was going to do his best to get there.
"I promised I'd take care of you." Dean responded cheerfully "I'm just doing my job."
As you walked back up the front stairs and into the house you could hear the sound of your friends conversing in the kitchen. Walking in with Dean, you saw as Kenny, Viktoria, and Addison sat around the kitchen table while Lucas had his back turned as he cooked something on the stove.
"Where did you two go?" Kenny asked
"Dean broke into my parents' old university and stole stuff of theirs for me to remember them by." You replied as you placed the items on the table
"Aww, that's sweet." Addison cooed before pointing at the images and questioning "Is that them?"
"Yeah, it is. My mom was 18 in those photos and my dad was between 19 and 20 in his." You explained pointing at each of your parents "Although there are probably some of him at 18 if you look in the yearbooks, I haven't had a chance to look yet."
Tilting the photos so they could see them better, your friends at the table took a look at the images. They had never actually seen a photo of your parents before. You would only talk about them openly on rare occasions and even then it was more so memories or facts about them rather than their appearance, so it was interesting to actually see what they looked like. However, as Kenny looked at the picture of your father, a smirk came to his face as he asked,
"Damn (Y/N), is your dad single?"
"No." You retorted unamused
"Is your mom single?" Viktoria chimed in
"No!" You exclaimed, "First of all, they're dead, and second of all they're married in the afterlife."
"How do you know?" Kenny questioned
"I just do!" You shouted back
Viktoria reached up a hand and patted your shoulder in an attempt to ease your annoyance as she stated,
"Calm down, we're just teasing."
You let out a frustrated sigh as you pulled out a chair and sat down at the table with the group. You pulled the pile of items Dean had gotten close to you as you took a moment to look through one of your dad's yearbooks. You listened as the group chatted about random events from the past before Addison broached the topic of 'what now?'
"So what do we do today?" She asked, "I mean the world is still ending, so how do we fill the time from now until doomsday?"
You looked up from the yearbook and saw the rest of your friends looking toward you for an answer. Carefully shutting the book, you placed it back on the pile with the rest of the items and gave your attention to your friends. But just because you were the smartest in the room didn't mean you always had an idea.
"Honestly, I don't know." You replied, "But I'll take any suggestions that don't end our existence earlier than a few days from now."
The group was silent for only a moment before the sound of Kenny clearing his throat could be heard. The rest of you turned your heads to look at him, and with a wide smile on his face he announced,
"I have a suggestion."
"Go on." Dean implored
"I just so happen to know of a very special boy who had an 18th birthday a few days ago, twice, but also it sucked, TWICE, so he should definitely get a do-over." Kenny explained enthusiastically, obviously insinuating that the very special boy was himself
"You want to go bowling again?" Viktoria asked confused
Kenny's face immediately contorted into a grimace of sorts as he retorted,
"What? No. I suck at bowling."
"Personally, I don't mind bowling." Dean chimed in
"Of course, you don't mind. You always win." Addison remarked
"It's not my fault you all can't keep up with my accuracy expertise." Dean bragged
"(Y/N) could." Viktoria mentioned
"Not without cheating." Dean jabbed
Turning your head to look at him, you shot him a displeased look. This had been a minor point of contention before, but he just couldn't seem to let it go.
"Uh excuse me ya dickhole, I have held my own in bowling without my powers on many occasions." You remarked
"Still cheated." Dean asserted
"I only cheated ONCE!" You loudly proclaimed "And it was because I was on my period and my ibuprofen wasn't working and I was upset because you were rubbing it in my face that you were winning. So really it was your fault I cheated at bowling."
"Stop talking about bowling!" Kenny interjected "We're talking about me getting a birthday do-over!"
"Why do you get a birthday do-over? My 18th birthday was a little over 2 weeks ago." Bren questioned
You saw as he stood there with an unpleasant look on his face, but it seemed he had finally managed to find his shirt. As the rest of the group turned to look at him though, Bren's eyes landed solely on Dean. Annoyance laced his tone as he mockingly commented,
"Thanks for lying to me Dean. My back did say asshole."
"I told you so." Kenny reminded
"Haha, yeah it did." Dean laughed
Lifting his hand up slightly, Bren smacked the back of Dean's head at his comment.
"Ow." Dean said as he rubbed the back of his head
Turning his back to the group, he lifted up the back of his shirt to show off where the word had been written. You saw that he had managed to scrub off both A-S-S on one side and the L-E on the other, but that left the unfortunate message of HO still there. Once again the group snickered at the message on his back causing Bren's face to contort into an even more annoyed expression.
"You're gonna help me get the rest of it off you prick," Bren demanded
"Alright ho." Dean teasingly joked
Rolling his eyes, Bren pulled down the back of his shirt as he finally took a seat at the kitchen table with the rest of the group. When he was fully seated, Kenny turned his attention toward him as he responded to Bren's prior question.
"To answer your question my dear Brennyboo," Kenny began
"Hate that nickname..." Bren mumbled
He said he hated it, but you all knew he didn't. The small smile he always tried to hide was a good indicator of his true feelings as Brennyboo was the earliest nickname Kenny ever gave him, so as much as he complained about it, everyone knew he actually loved it.
"I get a birthday do-over because my birthday is closest." Kenny finished
Things were quiet for a moment as everyone processed his reasoning. But as the words settled in, and the message was getting through, you all began to realize that his reasoning was kinda bullshit. Being the first to speak up, Dean replied,
"That's not fair. Viktoria and I's 18th birthday passed a while ago so we should be more qualified to get birthday do-overs."
"Well Lucas and I won't even get to see our 18th birthdays so I think we should actually get pre-emptive do-overs." Addison suggested
"Not to throw my hat in the ring, but I did have four birthdays without you guys which means four times the do-overs." You chimed in
You guys began to debate the logistics of who was the most qualified to have a do-over party. Granted, was it a very stupid and unnecessary debate? Yes. But by god were you going to die on this trash opinion of a hill? Also yes. Who would you be as a friend group if you weren't willing to die on the stupidest of hills every once in a while? But as you continued to debate each other, Lucas chimed in from over by the stove asking,
"What if we just all had a group party?"
The rest of you stopped for a moment before a collective of 'oh yeah's came from you all at the table. But with the debate laid to rest by the easiest and what should have been the most obvious answer, another question arose.
"Okay, but now we're back to square one of what do we do. If it's all our party who picks what happens." Addison asked
Confused looks came to the faces of those who sat around the table as you all tried to think of a solution that would work. But then, it was like a lightbulb came on in your head as an idea shot straight to the forefront of your mind. You just had to consult the ultimate decision-maker. Turning to Bren you inquired,
"Bren, do you still carry DND dice on you?"
"Yeah, of course." He replied matter-of-factly "I'm not THAT different from the last timeline."
"Hand me your d8." You requested, reaching out your hand
You watched as Bren dug through his pants pockets for a moment before pulling out a small drawstring bag and dumping out the set of seven dice on the table. Leaning in Bren looked over the dice trying to find the right one.
"Uh...percentile...no that's my d10..." He mumbled before exclaiming "Ah here it is! d8!"
Picking up the d8 die, he placed it in your hand as you brought it over to yourself. You rolled the die between your fingertips and for a moment you reminisced on the times you had played dnd with your friends. They were good times, but right now you needed the die to help you make a decision. You looked up and around at your group of friends, all of them looking back waiting for you to explain why you were asking for dice.
"As we all know, a d8 is numbered one through eight, and although I have never fully agreed with it, we all know what our numbers are." You explained holding up the die "I am going to roll this die and whoever's number it lands on gets to pick what we do. If it lands on 8, I'll roll it again. But no matter the outcome we follow the birthday rule that the answer is always yes. Okay?"
Looking around at everyone they either nodded their head at your explanation or verbally agreed to the terms you had laid out. With everyone's acknowledgment, you took that as your sign to roll. Shaking the die in your hand, you hoped for a reasonable outcome, but you would have to see what fate had in mine. Rather than it being the heart of the cards, it was the heart of the dice and the decision was in the hands of the dice gods now. Letting the die leave your hand you watched as it rolled on the table. You could feel the tension as everyone that sat around the table stared at it with the same intensity of a d20 death roll. Slowly the dice came to a stop and when it lay still you all leaned over the table to see the number on top.
A chorus of fucks and no rang out from most of you at the table as you realized this meant Kenny got to choose what you all were doing. The dice gods had turned their back on you and now you were dealing with the outcome.
"FUCK YEAH!" Kenny shouted as he jumped out of his seat excitedly "WE'RE SNEAKING INTO A CLUB AGAIN GANG!"
As Kenny began to take a victory lap around the kitchen table, Bren pointed down toward the die on the table as he scolded,
"That's it, you've failed me for the final time. You're going to dice jail."
As Bren shoved his dice back into the small drawstring bag and into his pocket again, the rest of the group sat back down, besides Lucas who had only chimed in once as he had been cooking the whole time. You all were slightly defeated but slowly came to accept the fact that the die rolled what it rolled and you just had to go with it.
"Okay fine, sure, whatever, we're sneaking into a club again." Addison mentioned "But might I remind that we don't even have clothes for that."
Looking at yourselves, you were reminded of the fact that you were all wearing the clothes you had on yesterday. Granted, you all could attempt to go home and get more clothes but that was risky and time-consuming. Both of which you weren't looking to do with the world ending so soon.
"We could go thrift shopping." Viktoria suggested
"Oooh thrifting!" Kenny exclaimed excitedly before adding "I need a new wardrobe, my current one isn't 'me' enough."
"I wouldn't mind doing that, I need more modern clothes anyway. Most of what I have is from the 60s." You added
"That dress doesn't look like it's from the 60s." Addison commented
"Well, I have it on loan from Sloane Hargreeves," You explained "aka Luther's girlfriend."
Still, by the stove, Lucas looked over his shoulder toward you and asked,
"If Luther becomes my dad, can she be my mom?"
"I don't see why not." You replied
"Hell yeah!" Lucas cheered before turning back to the stove
"Well if we have plans settled, then I guess we should head out." Dean stated
"Nuh-uh. Not without having some breakfast first!" Lucas replied as he finally turned away from the stove
You saw as he walked towards the table with a pan in hand. Placing it down on the table you saw a giant pan's worth of scrambled eggs sitting in front of you all. Like father, like son. Apparently, large portions of scrambled eggs were just built into the DNA of both Luther and Lucas. Honestly, it became more surprising how Lucas wasn't his son given the similarities. Nevertheless, none of you wanted to disappoint Lucas, given how hard he worked on making such a large pan, and so you grabbed some plates and forks from the kitchen before digging into the mountain of scrambled eggs.
It didn't take long for you all to feel either full or secretly disgusted by the amount of eggs you consumed. But with breakfast out of the way there was nothing else to do other than get your shoes on, grab the things you needed, and head out to the thrift store.
The drive wasn't a long one, but the city sure wasn't reminiscent of the one you had known. There were random items scattered all over the sidewalks and streets. Some businesses that you remembered to be popular were desolate and dark. Tow trucks could be seen on the roads pulling abandoned cars away and there were missing signs on every street corner. The people who were out and about either held flyers in their hands or looked around with unease as they walked. You couldn't blame them though, the world was in disarray and there was no explanation. Well, there was no explanation for them. For you and your friends, there was some comfort in the fact that you knew how and when it would end. There was no need to wonder what was going on because you already knew.
But still, you couldn't help but look at your friends for their reaction, but they had none. The boys were too occupied singing at the top of their lungs to How Far We've Come by Matchbox Twenty on the radio while the girls talked about the type of clothes they were hoping to find at the thrift store. None of them seemed to notice the world outside. They were all distracted by being with each other. You smiled a little before looking back out the window. You could only hope that you too would be able to become as distracted from the tragedy as they were.
As you arrived at the thrift store, you and your friends all exited Dean's car and walked to the entrance. This was your favorite of the local thrift stores to go to as all of you were always able to find something to take home when you came. You were slightly concerned that the place wasn't open given the lack of cars around, but with Lucas being able to open the front door with ease, it was maybe just a slow time for them. It was a Thursday at around 1 pm so probably not the busiest of times.
As you walked in with the rest of your friends you took a look around the place and noticed that it was filled to the brim with items. Clothes, furniture, books, music, movies. Anything and everything was there. Now that wasn't a surprise, all those items had been there the last time you came years ago. But it was the sheer volume of stuff that shocked you. The store itself wasn't large, but it also wasn't small either, so for it to be this full meant a lot of donations came their way, and you had some suspicions why. Nevertheless, you all started to make your way into the store. Addison quickly managed to grab both Lucas and Viktoria and drag them over to the women's clothing section, most likely to get their opinion on what she should wear. If she had four other hands she would've dragged the rest of the group with her too, but alas she only had two, and Lucas and Viktoria were the closest. Kenny and Bren slowly worked their way over to the media section leaving you and Dean near the front door. Glancing over at your brother, you wondered why he wasn't moving like the rest of the group and asked,
"You good?"
"Look over there." He mentioned tilting his head toward the corner of the store
You leaned forward slightly and peered around him to see what he saw. In the corner of the store were the cases by the cash register where jewelry or other valuable items were typically held. However, unlike normal, the cases were covered in cardboard with writing in Sharpie that read 'Broken glass. Do not remove.'
"The cases are broken." You stated
"It was probably a robbery." Dean suggested "Maybe we should look into it."
No, no, no. You weren't going to do this. It was not your responsibility to look into the petty crimes that were happening around the city. Sure, you all used to do so, and perhaps it may have been a bit of a pastime to "bring justice" to your hometown. But not now. As the black hole sucking up the earth progressed towards consuming time itself, things were going to get more chaotic. You had told Dean and the rest of your friends that you were not going to bother with saving the world anymore, you just wanted to have fun. And that included minor things like this. Was it a little selfish not to help? Maybe. But you weren't going to overextend yourself like you had before. You had 5 or 6 days left give or take and you were going to spend them how you wanted. This was better left to whatever was left of the police force in the city.
Even so, you saw the way that Dean looked at the broken cases and could feel the overwhelming sense of justice coming off him. But that was okay, you had a way to shut it down quickly.
"Pfft, you sound like Diego wanting to investigate." You mocked
Dean's head whipped toward you as a mix of shock and disgust resided on his face. How dare you compare him to that awful, uncool, stupid traitor, bad brother that he definitely never looked up to. He was nothing like him.
"Ha. Gotcha." You jabbed playfully
"That's not funny." He complained "I'm not like him."
"Oh, you're better?" You questioned sarcastically
"Uh yeah. I'm way better." Dean emphasized
You rolled your eyes at him and let out a little laugh. Whether he liked it or not he spent most of his formative years modeling himself after Diego and therefore had many similarities to him. Without Diego, he would've never taken up archery and perfected it to the extreme accuracy he had. You knew so given that he didn't do archery in this timeline before you made him remember you. But Dean was very ride-or-die when it came to you, especially after Diego and Eudora split. And if you were mad at Diego then he was going to be mad at Diego tenfold and there was nothing you could do about it. Except tease him of course. You had to get at least some entertainment out of his ego. Giving his shoulder a bit of a shove you picked up one of the reusable totes the shop kept by the door and began to walk over to where Bren and Kenny were.
"C'mon, you grump. Come look at shit with me." You teased
"I'm not a grump." Dean mumbled as he followed behind "You're just being mean to me."
Walking into the media section you looked around at all there was to offer. Shelves were lined with books, DVDs, and CDs while a line of crates were filled with records. You of course were only glancing over everything, but in a way, it felt nostalgic. You were surrounded by media you had lost to time by being stuck in the 60s and now here you were looking it over again. Slowly, you scanned the shelves hoping to find some stuff that you could watch, read, or listen to in the coming days. You knew that there wasn't much time left, and you probably couldn't do it all, but it was more so the memories from the first time you experienced them that you wanted to feel again. And if Five came back before you were all dead, and gave up on saving the world, then maybe you could share those things with him too. As you walked the DVD aisle with Dean, you ran a finger carefully over the back of each case making sure to read the titles correctly.
"Oh shit." Dean said aloud
You turned your head to look at him as he held some type of box set in his hands. Looking down at it he excitedly exclaimed,
"All four seasons of Big Time Rush on DVD?! Oh yeah, this is coming home with me."
"Nice find." You complimented as you opened the tote for him to place the set in
Continuing your search you pulled some DVDs off the shelves as well. Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Princess Bride, the complete Teen Titans series. But as you went along there were some more sentimental choices. You found a copy of the movie Cars and a DVD of the first Princess Diaries movie. You were genuinely pleased with your choices, recalling the good memories they had brought you, but right as you were about to turn the corner to go to the music section you were stopped by the sight of a very familiar superhero.
"Spider-Man." You whispered
As you took a closer look you realized it wasn't just Spider-Man. It was YOUR Spider-Man. Snatching the case off the shelf you looked at the cover intensely as you quickly read every word on the front,
"The Amazing Spider-Man Saga: Full Movie Set. Includes The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and-"
You stopped.
It couldn't be.
This couldn't be real.
But the words were right there on the package.
"The. Amazing. Spider-Man. THREE?!" You slowly read aloud, emphasizing each word
Looking away from the DVD shelves, Dean looked at you and nonchalantly replied,
"Oh yeah, we got a third movie in this timeline."
"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THEY MADE A THIRD!" You yelled, genuinely appalled no one told you
"I don't think about Spider-Man the way you do so it didn't cross my mind." Dean replied shrugging his shoulders
"Unbelievable." You complained as you placed the box set into the tote bag
Walking around the corner away from the DVD aisle you ended up in the music section and saw Kenny and Bren browsing through the selection. Kenny stood looking through the shelves of CDs while Bren flipped through the boxes of records. This was always their strategy. One would look through the shelves of CDs for stuff either wanted while the other did the same with records. As you approached the pair you could hear Bren comment to Kenny,
"Damn, what teenager died and had all their shit donated?"
You winced for a moment at his comment. Whoever it was, all their things were now here in some thrift store. You couldn't imagine having your whole life, all the things you valued and cherished, just given away. Maybe it was because you had a tendency to cling to your sentimental items, but it just seemed wrong.
"I don't know. More stuff for us though." Kenny replied "Also I found Welcome To The Black Parade. Do have this one in this timeline?"
"I do. Try looking for Fall Out Boy, for some reason I didn't get their stuff this time." Bren replied "Also I found a Vance Joy record."
"Is it Dream Your Life Away?" Kenny asked
"Yeah." Bren stated
"Oh give me that one. That's my favorite and I don't have it this time around." Kenny eagerly replied
Your moment of pain subsided as you saw how happy the two of your friends were. You really needed to try and focus on being in the moment and not the overall picture. Every time you thought about the inevitability of the future it drove you a little mad and pulled you away from what mattered. Your friends. Deciding to walk over, you approached the pair and asked,
"Find any good stuff?"
"Yeah we've been finding some stuff we like," Bren answered "Speaking of good stuff though I found you some records."
"Oh really? What are they?" You asked intrigued
You watched as Bren pulled out two records from the small pile he had resting on top of one of the boxes next to him. Holding one up in each hand you recognized them immediately.
"Hozier!" You said excitedly "Holy shit, what a score."
Bren reached his hands out for you to take the records from him, which you did immediately. You had both of these albums in the first timeline, but they unfortunately got crushed when Viktor blew up the house. And then of course there was no time to go get new copies before the world ended and you ended up in the 60s. So to have both his self-titled album Hozier and Wasteland, Baby! was a major find. Looking up at Bren you pointed toward the Wasteland, Baby! album and asked,
"Didn't this one come out like a month ago? Why would someone get rid of it?"
"Maybe someone's uber-religious parents found out that Hozier's worship-sounding songs are about y'know- a different kind of worship." Dean commented from behind the group
You turned around to see Dean who seemed to have had a sour look on his face. He was so excited about finding the Big Time Rush box set only a few minutes ago that you wondered what could've brought his mood down so quickly. Nevertheless, you responded to his comment saying,
"Well, whatever the reason may be, they're mine now."
Dean nodded his head slightly before Bren turned his attention away from the records toward him and questioned,
"So where have you been?"
"In the DVD section looking for the Big Time Rush movie." Dean answered
"Did you find it?" Kenny inquired
"No. All I found was the One Direction movie..." Dean complained, annoyance and disappointment evident in his tone
Walking over to Dean, Kenny gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and opened to say something, but before any words could get out you could hear Addison's voice call out,
"What are you guys doing?"
Down the aisle of CDs and record crates, she stood there with a pile of clothing in her arms. Lucas and Viktoria stood close behind her with their own smaller piles of clothes in their arms as well. The three of them looked at you with confused looks as the other four of you looked back with confused looks of your own. There was a silence between the two confused groups before Addison reminded,
"We are here to get clothes for someone's idea of what a birthday party is. So maybe the people who don't have fabric in their hands should go and get some."
"A please would be nice." Dean remarked
"Go." Addison emphasized "Now."
There was a moment where you all tried to resist the convincing nature in which she said 'now', but like all other times she had pulled her weird mental manipulation it did not work and you all were convinced to go.
"Fine." Dean replied as he walked towards the men's section
Looking between Bren and Kenny, you gave them a shrug before putting the records Bren had found you into the tote and walking off to the women's section. Like you had mentioned at breakfast, besides an outfit to go out tonight, you needed to find some new clothes. Your clothes from the sixties were a few decades outdated and although you looked good in the clothes Sloane had lent you, you wanted your old closet back. You didn't need a lot of clothes, just enough to get you to the end of the world, but if the Hargreeves somehow managed to finally stop the apocalypse, then you'd probably come back for more. But that wasn't likely given that they'd have to stop a literal blackhole and their track record of working together wasn't great.
But that wasn't your problem!
As you searched the aisles you started to pick out items that resembled the style of clothing you used to wear and to be honest, it was quite comforting. It was like regaining a piece of yourself that you knew you couldn't be in the 60s. Of course, you were able to be a bit more of yourself when it was just you and Charlie, but it was still a whole different world than what you had grown up used to. When you were stuck in the 60s you needed to blend in as best as you could. You couldn't risk having the people around you find out the truth, so you had to hide a lot of who you were to keep yourself safe. Back in the present though, that wasn't the case. You were you, the you that you knew yourself to be, and these clothes were one step in the right direction to get back to that place fully. It didn't take all too long for you to find enough outfits to last you til the end of time, but right as you were about to start searching for what to wear tonight, Addison quickly approached you. You looked at her waiting for her to say something but instead, without a word, she grabbed onto your wrist and dragged you behind her.
"Addison, where are we going?" You asked confused
"I found something you need to try on." Addison emphasized
With her response and the direction in which you were being dragged, you could tell that she was taking you toward the dressing rooms of the shop. Addison on previous shopping trips had presented you with things she wanted you to try on, but never had she been so adamant that you NEEDED to try something. Her insistence concerned you a bit.
"Need?" You questioned aloud
Before she could respond to your statement though, the two of you stopped as you saw Kenny and Bren step out of some dressing rooms in highly contrasting outfits. Kenny was sporting an outfit that consisted completely of neon green articles of clothing. He had on a neon green mesh tank top, a neon green leather vest, neon green pants, and somehow both neon green bedazzled boots and a neon green bedazzled cowboy hat. How he found that much neon green to create the brightest, gaudiest outfit known to man was honestly impressive. Bren on the other hand went in the complete opposite direction sporting all-black attire. A black hooded leather jacket, plain black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and his own black Converse. The two boys took a look at each other's outfits for a moment, to see what each other considered the perfect outfit.
"Dude, you look like a rave cowboy and a traffic cone had a baby." Bren commented
"Thank you, Prince of Darkness, that's what I was going for." Kenny replied
Bren smirked a little at the nickname. Of course, the little punk enthusiast of the group would enjoy being deemed the Prince of Darkness. Stepping around Bren, Kenny looked at the mirror on the wall outside of the dressing rooms admiring his striking outfit, but as he did so he could see you and Addison standing behind.
"Oh do one of you need a dressing room?" Kenny asked
"No, I'm good. I found the prettiest sparkly jumpsuit from the bridal section over there," Addison explained before adding "But she needs one."
"I'm not your personal Barbie doll, Addison." You interjected "If you want to play dress-up with someone why don't you grab your Ken doll of a boyfriend?"
"Because I'm done playing dress up with him. Lucas is going to wear an open, tan, short-sleeve button-up, with a white t-shirt underneath, and a nice pair of black, seven-inch inseam shorts with some white sneakers. He even got aviator glasses as an accessory," Addison explained "You however have no outfit."
At this point she was just being ridiculous about this whole thing. What was so important about this outfit anyway? Why was she practically dying over getting you to try it on? Trying to explain yourself, you began to reply,
"Well if you gave me the opportunity to pick-"
But you were quickly cut off.
"Will you just shush. I know what I'm doing," Addison interrupted before putting a ball of fabric in your hands and pushing you into a dressing room "Now put this on."
"But-" You tried to protest
"Put it on," Addison commanded "NOW."
You stared each other down as her command seeped into the farthest recesses of your brain. You didn't want to do what she said but something within you felt compelled to do so. You hated when she did this and how easily she would win. But the only way the feeling would subside is if you gave in. So you did, and relented,
Grabbing onto the clothing item she had put in your arms, you stepped back into the dressing room more and closed the curtain. Placing the tote bag from over your shoulder on the ground, you finally undid the ball of fabric in your arms to see what it was that Addison was so insistent you try on. Once the clothing item was fully unfolded, you held it up in front of you as you took a look at what it was.
"Oh no." You said aloud
"Oh yes!" Addison said excitedly from the other side of the curtain
The item that you held in your hands, the one your friend was so dead set on you wearing, was none other than a little black dress. Nevertheless, you said you would try it on and so you did. Slipping off the white dress Sloane had lent you to wear, you now put on the black one Addison insisted you try. As you suspected from looking at it, the fabric hugged tightly against your figure, but not in a way that was uncomfortable. Quite the opposite, the dress felt natural on you, like a second skin against your own. You also were a bit surprised with how supportive the dress was given the thinness of the spaghetti straps it had. Addison and you typically had different tastes, but this selection you kind of liked.
As much as you were beginning to like it though, you weren't fully sure of how it looked on you as there was no mirror in the dressing room. And how it looked was almost as important as how it felt. Therefore, the only way you were going to get the full scope of the dress was if you left the dressing room to use the mirror right outside. But that also meant you were going to get the full scope of your friends opinions on it too and your friends could be...unfiltered. You really didn't have a choice though if you wanted to see the dress in full and so after a moment of working up the courage you opened the curtain and stepped out.
Before you could say anything about the dress, you were immediately hit with the reactions of your friends. Kenny whistled that recognizable whistle to signify someone looked good towards you, while your other friends let the intrusive thoughts win when it came to their compliments.
"Damn (Y/N), if I wasn't straight nor your friend I'd ask you out." Addison mentioned
"Y'know what? I get why my ex-girlfriend was jealous of you now." Bren commented
"Nice tits!" Viktoria stated excitedly
You stared at them in disbelief. Why in the world did you choose these people to be your friends? Oh right, you didn't. They chose you and you loved them for it no matter how ridiculous they were.
"Thank you." You replied flatly as you playfully rolled your eyes
Walking past your friends, you stood in front of the mirror outside the dressing rooms and actually took a look at yourself, and honestly...
You looked hot.
Just as nicely as the dress felt, it looked even better on you. The fabric hugged you in all the right places, accentuating your figure in the best way. The hem of the dress went to right below your knee but the slit on the left side exposed your leg up to your mid-thigh. And although you would not acknowledge it verbally, Viktoria's comment was spot on. It was a really good dress on you. But there was one criticism you had with it.
"It's nice but I just don't feel like this is something I'd wear to a club..." You mentioned, turning to look at your friends, but specifically Addison "Don't get me wrong, it's really nice, but personally, I wouldn't pick it for a night out with friends."
You stood by the mirror waiting for Addison to protest your criticism but were surprised when instead she replied,
"You know what? You're right."
"I am?" You questioned
You were surprised by her admitting fault so easily. Granted, you were right about a lot of things a lot of the time, but you thought she would've at least tried to argue with you on it a little more given she was so adamant about this dress. However, the smirk on her face made you think that she still had some thoughts about it.
"Yeah. You're right, it's not something you'd wear on a night out," Addison explained before suggesting "But it would be perfect for a night in with Five."
Your jaw dropped slightly in disbelief. The audacity of this bitch. Of course, you meant that with love, but her desire to try and "assist" in other people's relationships was a flaw that she was continuously oblivious to. You knew this idea in her head was coming from a place of care. She just wanted you to be happy, but the ins and outs of your relationship were not something she needed to have a hand in.
"Oh my god. This was a ploy to play wingwoman?" You confoundedly stated before gesturing around "Like bestie- he's not even here."
"He'll be back." Kenny affirmed
"Oh yeah? How do you know?" You pressed
"Those bruises might've healed already, but his name was on your neck." Kenny elaborated "That's the work of a man who's coming back to finish what he started."
Turning your face towards the floor to hide it, you could feel a heat rise to your cheeks at the comment. And while he was correct in the fact that the marks on your neck from the night before had healed by this point, that didn't stop you from bringing your hands up to cover the sides of your neck. You weren't typically one to get flustered, but between trying to suppress thoughts about your boyfriend and the slight embarrassment at your inexperience in relationships you couldn't help but try to hide your reaction. All those years of teasing or making comments about your friends' relationships had finally come to bite you in the ass.
"Listen- while appreciate your attempt to- I guess- get me laid before the world ends-" You stuttered flustered before remarking "I can handle my own relationship without intervention from you all, thank you very much."
"Can you?" Bren asked
"Yes! I can!" You exclaimed just a little louder than speaking volume
The group stared at you with playful smirks on their faces as you walked over toward the dressing room you were just in and proclaimed,
"Now, I am going back into this dressing room and I am taking the dress off and actually finding something I want to wear tonight."
"But you're still gonna get the dress, right?" Addison asked
"No." You responded flatly trying to end the discussion
"But you have to!" Viktoria remarked
"(Y/N) pleaseeeeee," Addison begged
You closed your eyes and scrunched your face as you tried to get your thoughts and feelings in check. Why did your existence have to be so overwhelming in a variety of ways? Letting out a sigh, you replied,
"I'm still not wearing it tonight, but if I buy it will you all stop complaining?"
With wide smiles and collective nods of your friends' heads, you relented,
"Thank god you said yes," Kenny mentioned "My next threat was that I was gonna wear it and seduce your brother."
"Uh, no thanks." Dean replied as he walked up behind the group "If I were to date a dude you would not be on my list of choices."
"I meant her older brother," Kenny corrected before adding "You'd be lucky to get me."
"You're not my type!" Dean retorted "Also, you think sleeping with her older brother is a threat? That's a shame my guy. Have some self-respect. You're better than that."
See as you didn't want to be a part of this conversation nor the conversation that led up to this point anymore, you stepped back into the dressing room and as you closed the curtain you stated,
"Okay. I'm done. I'm going now. Goodbye."
With the curtain fully closed you slipped out of the dress you were tricked into and back into the one you were wearing before. Placing the black dress in your tote bag of stuff, you were still a little annoyed and flustered, but you couldn't be fully mad. It was a really good dress on you. But you still had no clue what type of event in the foreseeable future it would even make sense to wear it to. With your original clothes back on and all your stuff in your tote bag, you exited the dressing room and walked back over to the women's section to try and find something you actually would want to wear tonight. Something casual but also good enough to party in since Kenny had decided that's what you were doing. After a bit of searching you had managed to find a cute floral two-piece set to wear. The set was a warm cream color with a pattern of green tropical leaves and white flowers across both the short-sleeved blouse and shorts. As you placed the set into the tote bag, you could see Dean approaching.
"You find something for tonight?" He asked
"Yeah, I think this'll do." You replied gesturing to the set you had just placed in the bag "I'm going to head up to check out though."
"Okay. I think I'm going to try and see if I can find a pair of shoes to go with what I picked out." Dean replied holding up his clothes
In his hands were a pair of black dress pants and a silky, short-sleeve, maroon, button-up with a subtle rose pattern on it. The outfit he wore to prom was similar, but of course that had a suit jacket and a tie to it as well.
"I'll meet you up there soon." Dean added
"Alright, cool." You replied as you turned around and walked to the register
As you turned the corner and stepped out of the aisle, you caught view of the register by the broken glass cases. There was someone standing there talking to the employee behind the register. At first, you assumed that it was just another customer and so you stood off to the side waiting for them to go, but as you took the time to focus on the other person, it was as if time stopped. You recognized that voice. You recognized that face. You knew who that person in front of you was.
It had been years since you had seen her alive. And yet here she was, or at least a version of her was, living and breathing just as much as any other person. You could feel yourself becoming overwhelmed at all the emotions that were building up inside you. Disbelief. Joy. Confusion. Grief. Your brain felt overloaded and your body reacted as such. Tears built in your eyes that you tried your best to blink away. You balled your hands into fists to prevent them from shaking, but it only made the shaking more evident. The feeling in your chest went back and forth between clenching and feeling like it was about to explode.
And then she looked over at you. There was no semblance of recognition on her face. She didn't know who you were. But you knew her and you recognized the look of worry that she had. She turned to look at the cashier for a moment before turning back toward you and walking your way. You were still stuck in place, unable to move. She at you with such concern in her eyes as she spoke,
"Hi, I'm Detective Patch. I work with the city's police department. Are you okay? Do you need help?"
You looked at her. Really looked at her. It felt unreal to see her.
"It's you..." You whispered
"Huh?" She replied curiously
Why did you say that? What were you thinking? She doesn't know you. To her you look like some young girl on the brink of crying. You can only imagine what scenarios she thinks are going on right now, all of which would probably sound insanely more probable than the truth. You needed to pull yourself together.
"I'm sorry...you just look exactly like someone I know-" You said before correcting "Someone I knew."
"Knew?" She asked
"They- they passed away four years ago..." You replied quietly
You looked at her with tears ready to fall from your eyes. You never saw what had happened. Diego never mentioned it and you knew he would've never told you even if you asked. But the pain and the loss was still there. And while you had done some of your grieving in the 60s, this whole mess with Diego and Lila cut open that wound and filled it with salt. It hurt.
"Oh no. I'm so sorry." Eudora spoke before softly asking "Do you want a hug?"
And with those five words, the tears began to fall heavily from your eyes. Dropping your bag to the ground, you rushed to her and wrapped your arms tightly around her waist. You fought against your feelings as you tried to hold your cries in but it only helped to exacerbate the sobs. God how embarrassing it was to be physically and audibly sobbing in the middle of a thrift shop holding on to someone who just met you. But nothing in you was allowing you to let go. You felt as Eudora froze for a moment when you first hugged her, but quickly after she wrapped her arms around you too. As she held you, one of her hands ran gently through your hair as she attempted to soothe you. It felt the exact same as when she used to comfort you and as she held you, you let yourself believe this was your version.
"It's not fair..." You cried "I- I didn't even get to say g-goodbye..."
"No, that's not fair." Eudora comforted "You shouldn't have had to go through that, especially so young." It felt so relieving to hear her tell you that you shouldn't have gone through what you went through. To have her agree that it was unfair and painful. You had so many things you wished you could've said to her. So many things that your Eudora would never get to hear. But perhaps this one could. Pulling yourself together as best as you could, you took a step back and looked at her.
"I- I know this m-might sound awkward b-but can I-" You stuttered out "Can I say goodbye to you?"
"Sure," She replied gently "Go ahead." You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths as you tried to fully calm yourself. And when you felt ready enough you opened your eyes and spoke,
"You were an amazing woman and I miss you so much everyday. I miss the way you'd smile at me when you were proud and I miss the way you would get annoyed when I'd try to eat ice cream before dinner." As the memories came back though, your composure started to fail. The choking feeling in your throat started to return as did the tears in your eyes. You tried to push through the feelings as you continued,
"I miss seeing you in the crowd of all my achievements a-and the way you'd hold me when I was sad or scared. You helped raise me into the person I've become and it h-hurts to know that I never got a chance to thank you for that." It was too much though and your once confident voice was again reduced to sobbing stutters as you finished,
"I-I-I love you so much...I will n-never stop loving you and I swear I-I will never ever forget you." Eudora smiled at you. Gently, she pushed some hair that had fallen in your face behind your ear before wiping some of your tears away. Looking you in the eyes, she comfortingly stated,
"You seem like a lovely young woman and I'm sure that she loves you just as much and is so proud of you."
"I can only hope so." You replied quietly
"I know so." She responded You moved in to hug her once more. She was proud and she loved you. Even if she didn't realize the impact of what she had just said, it still meant so much to hear. You tried to pull yourself together, but it was so hard. You just loved her so much.
"Things are going to be, okay." She soothed "You're going to be okay."
It took a moment but you managed to calm yourself down. Stepping away was difficult but you couldn't hold on forever. She was Eudora but she wasn't yours. You couldn't keep her.
"Thank you." You sincerely stated
"If I only do one good thing today, then I'm glad that it could be to help you." She said with a smile before her face dropped slightly "But unfortunately, I need to go get back to work, there's a lot of trouble going on around this city."
"Yeah, I understand..." You quietly replied
"I know it's a bit of an ask, but you do think you can try and have a good rest of your day?" She questioned "For her and for me. I'm sure that neither of us would want you to be sad."
"I can try." You replied, trying to put on a brave face
"Good." She replied with a smile "Take care of yourself, okay?" You couldn't find the strength to speak so instead you opted to nod your head at her. She smiled once more at you although there was a tinge of sadness in her eyes. Giving you a nod back she said,
"Bye sweetie." And with that, you watched her walk away and out the front door of the building. She was gone, and there was a very high chance that was the last time you'd ever see her in person. At least she seemed happy.
"Goodbye Eudora..." You quietly replied You looked down at your hand and the item that was now in it. It was Eudora's detective ID. Was it wrong that you took it? Sure, but she had misplaced it so many times in the first timeline that you knew she would never think you took it. And if you couldn't get your Eudora back, you at least wanted something of her to remember her by. Her ID had a photo of her and just like in the original timeline, she had a smile on her face. She wasn't really supposed to smile in the picture but she was so happy that she had made detective that it was impossible for her to take one without it. It wasn't the same as having her, but it would suffice. You let out a sigh as you turned around and went back to pick up your tote bag. But as you looked at the space behind you, you could see all your friends standing there. They held their items in their hands, but there were sad and concerned looks upon all their faces. The group looked at Dean, who then stepped forward and began to ask,
"Are you-?" You put your hand up to stop him. He and the rest of your friends already knew the answer and this store was not the place to talk about it.
"Later." You stated flatly "Let's just pay and get out of here." Dean looked at you for a moment before looking back at the rest of the group. They looked between each other concern still on their faces, but none of them was going to be the one to press the issue right now. If you said later, then the answer was later. The group gave Dean small, cautious nods. Turning back to look at you, he quietly replied,
"Okay." The seven of you quietly went up to the cash register and paid for all of your items before leaving the store and getting back in the car. There were still a lot of hours in the day before the club would even be open, and so for now you all drove around in the car figuring out what to do next.
As you were carrying on with your day, Five was carrying on with his investigation to find the emergency bunker and this mysterious founder. For the past hour, he and Lila had been going through the entire building trying to find where the bunker could be. And with each passing minute, Five grew more and more annoyed with the situation. Besides having trouble locating where he was supposed to go, he was also subjected to the ramblings of the mad woman he was stuck with currently. Lila would announce whatever thought popped into her mind without thinking it through or caring about what it was she was saying. And because of that, Five had been subjected to a rant of how her back hurts, her thoughts on poultry farming, her craving for scrambled eggs, and a vivid description of his brother's performance in the bedroom. He felt like he was beginning to hit new lows in his life, which was surprising given how many lows he had experienced thus far.
In an attempt to ignore her, Five handed the briefcase over to her as he reopened the master handbook looking for more information on how to deal with an issue like the one they were facing. However, as he flipped through the pages there was nothing to be found. Continuously, he searched the book for anything but all he came up with was nothing. Five's pace quickened as a surge of frustrated anger welled within him. And as the pair rounded a corner and headed up the stairs Five burst out complaining,
"This is just like a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit. There's no clear directives in here about crisis management!"
Harshly closing the book Five looked around at where he was. The fucking commission. He wanted to distance himself from this place and his work here. He was supposed to retire. Doing what he did back in the 60s was supposed to be the end of it all. He thought he was free but look at him now. Right back where he started.
"You know, Lila, I shouldn't even be here. I was- I was out. I was done. And yet here I am, swept back into the chaos!" Five ranted angrily as he scratched the back of his neck "Why can't I just escape this hellhole?"
"Because you love it." Lila replied flatly
Making it to the top of the stairs, Five walked through the nearby doorway into the planetarium sector of the commission building. But as he turned back to address Lila's inaccurate remark he let out some unexpected gas. Forgetting what he was going to say and feeling slightly embarrassed all Five could come up with was,
"My bad."
Turning away, Five began to walk across the room scratching vigorously at the back of his neck once more. God, why did his neck itch so much? Had some of the debris that nearly fell on him have materials that caused irritation in them? Was the material of his shirt not comfortable and he didn't notice until now? Whatever it was he was going to keep scratching as with many of his other problems he wanted it to go away.
"Face it, Five, apocalypse problems are the only things that get your heart pumping." Lila remarked from behind him
That wasn't true. The only reason he got so worked up over apocalypses is because of the real thing that got his heart pumping. You. God forbid he'd want to keep you safe. Was it so difficult to understand that he did not want to be dealing with an apocalypse? That he was only doing this to protect the people he loved? That if he had a choice this is the last thing he'd want to do? It didn't make sense why most people thought he wanted this. Who would actively want the world to end? What he wanted was to do normal couple things with you and perhaps find a way to circumvent Klaus' continuous untimely intrusions.
"I don't know why people keep saying that. I don't actually like chaos. I don't want disorder." Five ranted before adding more softly "I... I want retirement. I want to be with (Y/N) and everything keeps getting in the way of that."
Lila rolled her eyes at the response. From what she knew of him, he had spent his entire life trying to solve and fight the apocalypse. He was the best agent during his time at the commission and he had dedicated all of his time during the past two catastrophes to fighting what was originally deemed to be the inevitable. And he was saying he wanted to retire? Bullshit. Five Hargreeves was not the type of person who would actually enjoy the day-to-day of civilian life.
"Yeah, right. A normal life of groceries and taxes? You would die of boredom." Lila scoffed
"I wouldn't." Five responded as he continued walking, "Not with her."
Lila didn't get it. For some reason, Five thought he could honestly give up the fast life for what? A 'happily ever after' with you? It seemed ridiculous. You were annoying, a smart-ass, rude, and a little sadistic. And he wanted a life with that? Sure he was a little bit of all of those things too but it was impossible to tell what he saw in you.
"What's so special about her anyway?" Lila questioned condescendingly
Five stopped walking as he heard the question come from Lila. Her tone was filled with copious amounts of judgment. It was as if the snark lingered in the air. Five didn't want to deal with many things right now, but snidely belittling his girlfriend shot its way to the top of his list. Turning to face her, his eyes narrowed on her as he firmly stated,
"You know Lila, I'm so tired of your attitude toward my girlfriend who you don't know."
"I think I know enough." Lila remarked
Five did not have a lot of patience for Lila to begin with but, throughout this whole endeavor, since they worked on the briefcase back at the hotel, she had been wearing down what he had left more and more. And this right here was the final straw. She could make her little comments about him, his motives, his past, and his family. But not you. Absolutely not you.
"You may like to think you know her, but you don't. You don't know her the way I know her. You don't know her the way Diego knows her. And you don't know her the way the rest of my family knows her." Five ranted "She was in our lives first. YOU are the outsider."
Lila's face contorted into a frown. So what did it matter if you came into their lives first? That meant nothing to her. It's not like she wanted to be part of the same group as you or anything.
"Pfft I don't want to be part of your weird family circle-jerk anyway." Lila scoffed "Like what's that even supposed to mean?"
"What that means is that you have no right to be condescending about her because you don't share history with my family like she does, okay? (Y/N) has a heart of gold. All she does is care for others. My siblings and I could be far worse than the dysfunctional mess we already are but were aren't because she came out of nowhere and changed the course of our lives." Five snapped back
Five rolled his shoulders back trying to reel in his demeanor before looking at Lila pointedly.
"For the better, might I add," Five continued "Something I can't quite say the same of you."
Lila crossed he arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at Five. What a brat he was. If he was trying to hit her where it hurt well...it wasn't working. It wasn't working at all and she was completely unfazed. She didn't care about you or Diego or the rest of the family AT ALL. And nothing Five was saying was going to change her mind.
"If this is your way of trying to get me to apologize or whatever, I'm not going to." Lila mentioned
"I don't want your apology, Lila. I want to be back home with (Y/N)." Five replied his annoyance growing again "She's kind, and smart and strong, and beautiful, and even after every one of my screwups, she still manages to love me."
"So? Who cares?" Lila replied
"I CARE!" Five shouted
Five's hand ran through his hair frustratedly as he began to pace back and forth. All of the feelings that he tried to keep below the surface so he could focus on the world began to bubble up and boil over. He hated all of this. This was not the life he wanted to live when he made the decision to jump to 2019 and stop the first apocalypse. He was fortunate enough to return to a young adult version of himself but he couldn't even do anything worth wild with it because he kept being dragged away. He couldn't stand it. It drove him crazy. Turning to face like Five began to rant,
"Can't you see I don't want to be here with you? I don't want to be here at all! I want to be with HER. I want to be able to love HER! She is the one and only reason I'm here trying to save the world, with YOU no less, because if she's not in it- if I-"
Five stopped. His face dropped as his thoughts changed from the anger of not getting to be with you to the fear and sadness of losing you. His eyes became glazed over as he looked off into the distance. The sound of you screaming in pain and the image of your lifeless body in his arms flashed across his mind causing him to visibly wince. He shut his eyes trying to shut the image and sound out but it was burned in there as a reminder of what happens when he fails.
Lila saw the change in Five's demeanor. She had never seen him this helpless. It confused her a little. He was always so stand-offish and acted like a know-it-all that she didn't even think it was in him to be vulnerable like this. Everyone had a weakness though and just like Diego was hers, you were Five's. She honestly felt a little bad for the guy. Not a lot but enough for her to approach him and try to grab his attention calling,
"If I lose her again..." He said, his voice strained and his eyes not meeting Lila's gaze "Then there's nothing in the world worth saving."
Lila's head cocked to the side. She heard what he had said but she was unsure if she was hearing him right.
"What are you saying?" Lila asked
"I'm saying I can't live without her again. No. I refuse to live without her." Five replied finally meeting her gaze "You wanted to know why she's so special Lila? It's because she is the only thing keeping me going. If I don't have my world, then there is no reason for there to be a world."
"What? You'd just let the world end if something happened to her?" Lila asked, slight concern in her tone
Five however didn't acknowledge the concern only the question. And that question had only one correct answer. The pain in his face washed away as a stoic expression took its place. Five's composure returned after his brief moment of weakness and in a steady tone, Five stated,
"Lila, I'd end it myself."
Lila silently blinked at him a few times. She definitely had heard him right the first time but the way he responded the second time sent a chill down her spine. She knew he meant what he said and she could see in his eyes the way he would scorch the earth if something happened to you. She didn't have to like you but it was in the best interest of both her and the rest of the world to make sure you stayed alive.
"But I don't know if you'd understand that because you're not exactly cut out for domestic bliss." Five said before turning around and walking towards the door on the opposite side of the room
Lila watched as he walked away before realizing what he had said. For a moment a sharp pain shot through her but quickly she pushed past it. Domestic bliss sounded so boring. Where was the fun in that? It was overrated and boring and the thought of it definitely made her want to puke.
"Course I'm bloody not. Thank God!" Lila shouted behind him
Following Five through the door, the two of them walked down a set of stairs into a dark hallway. Tipped-over filing cabinets and broken furniture littered the hall as they maneuvered their way around.
"I mean, maybe it's a tone thing? I don't know, but you could really work on, like, the way you speak. It's very... It's irritating." Lila commented as she followed behind "I'm just saying it's something you can work on, you know? For the future."
Five was not listening though as he spotted what they had come for up ahead. A sign that read Operations Bunker. A slight smile came to his face as he read it. He was getting closer to an answer. He was getting closer to fixing this and saving you. Noticing his smile, Lila asked,
"Why are you smiling, you little pisspot?"
"Cause of that." Five said gesturing to the sign
"Well, you could have led with that," Lila replied
The two of them looked at each other briefly before heading down the hall towards the door leading to where their answers may lie.
You and your friends however were on your way to sneak into one of the local clubs. After the incident you had in the thrift store, you all had driven around for a bit before deciding to go bowling at Super Star Lanes. It was of course a little odd being in the same place that you had last said goodbye to your friends before the world ended, but it also felt somewhat like a neutral ground. With some overpriced fries and lukewarm cans of soda, you finally let your friends comfort you from what had happened before as you all took turns bowling. Dean of course was in the lead, because he always was, but even so, you managed to have a nice time. Eudora asked you to have a good day and you were going to do so. Once, you had finished bowling and Dean inevitably won, you all hopped back in the car and headed back to Kenny's house to get ready.
All the clothes from the thrift store that could be thrown in the washer and dryer were, and for the ones that couldn't you used your powers to try and remove some of the grime that was probably in the fabric. When the washed clothes were dry though, you and the rest of your friends took to different rooms in the house to change into your outfits. As you stepped out of the guest room in the outfit you had picked from before, you saw Viktoria step out of the bathroom at the same time. She wore a flowy, long-sleeve, light blue blouse with a matching pair of flowy, light blue pants.
"Aw you look cute!" You complimented
"You do too!" she replied
Together the two of you walked downstairs to find everyone but Kenny waiting around. As you approached the group though, you took notice of the fact that Dean made the decision to keep the top 3 buttons of his shirt unbuttoned.
"What happened? Did you not pay for the rest of the buttons?" Viktoria asked sarcastically
"Ha-ha. You're so funny." Dean replied unamused "For your information, I happen to look good like this."
"Oh yeah," Viktoria stated sarcastically once more "I'm sure some lovely girl with parental issues will adore the distinct lack of chest hair."
Placing his hand over his chest, Dean looks shocked at her comment and looks to you for some backup, but instead, you turned your attention toward Bren and asked,
"Where's Kenny?"
"I don't know. Probably getting ready still." Bren answered, shrugging his shoulders "I'm his best friend, not his keeper."
"Are you sure about that?" You retorted
Bren looked at you before letting out a small sigh. He knew you were at least a little bit right. If he didn't keep track of Kenny then no one would. At least not to the same extent that is.
"I'll go get him." Bren stated as he walked back upstairs
From upstairs, you could hear Bren bang on a door and then say some words that you couldn't quite make out. However, whatever he said seemed to work as not even a minute later him and Kenny came back down the stairs. With the whole group together and ready to go, you headed out of Kenny's house and drive over to the club that you had snuck into back on Kenny's 16th birthday.
While the club wasn't in a bad part of the city, across the street and a few buildings over there was a very questionable bar nearby. The patrons there didn't take too kindly to anyone who wasn't white and the only reason you knew about it was that on occasion Diego would walk himself in there just to pick a fight with people. You wondered if Diego would head there again in this timeline, although you doubted it given he seemed so preoccupied with watching his "child". However, that didn't matter. You had no intention of worrying about Diego because it seemed he was having trouble worrying about you.
As you put your thoughts aside, Dean had finally stopped and parked the car on the street behind the club. Taking one quick look back at Kenny, you asked,
"You're sure this is what you want?"
"Yes." he answered confidently "My 16th birthday was the second most exciting day of my life. I want to relieve it."
"What was the first then?" Addison questioned
"My 18th birthday. I got to meet Klaus Hargreeves and we got shot at by time mercenaries. Very exciting." Kenny answered proudly
"Okay." You interjected "Let's just go before this conversation continues."
The rest of the group nodded their heads in agreement as you all stepped out of the car. The sound of pounding music could faintly be heard as you made your way to the back of the building. Up high on the wall, you all could see two small, rectangular, frosted glass windows. Although it was a while ago, you still could recognize these as the useless windows that were in the bathrooms of the club. The one on the left was shut, while the one on the right was open, and from inside it you could hear the sound of a few girl's voices seemingly giving someone a pep talk. You waited for a moment to hear the door open and shut before turning to your friends and quietly stating,
"We're going to do what we did last time. I'm going to check to see if the girl's bathroom is empty if it is. I will pull Viktoria, Addison, and Kenny through. Viktoria and Addison will go get us some booth or seating while Kenny is going to go into the men's bathroom and check if that is empty. If it's empty he's gonna jump and slap the window and I'll do the same thing for Dean, Lucas, and Bren. Then I show up and we're all together, got it?"
There was a cacophony of affirmations and head nods at your instructions.
"Good." You said before turning invisible and walking through the wall
Taking a look around the women's bathroom there was no one in the main area nor could you see any shoes on the floor inside the stalls. Seeing that the coast was clear you made yourself visible and stuck your arm through the bathroom wall you came through. You could feel as someone grabbed your hand and with a firm hold on them you pulled them through the way. Viktoria was the first to come through and after repeating the process twice both Addison and Kenny came in as well. You watched as the three of them walked out of the bathroom and with the door shut you went back outside the hang with the other three boys. It took a few minutes, but finally, the sound of Kenny's hand slapping the glass window came. And so one by one, you pushed the last three boys through the wall of the men's room.
With everyone else inside, you went invisible once more as walked through the wall into the women's bathroom. Instead of immediately becoming visible though, you walked through the bathroom door and over to the bar. Looking around you spotted the table where your friends sat and with the knowledge of where they were, you walked behind the bar and began to sneakily transport a few bottles of the high-shelf alcohol over. No one even knew you were there as you placed your hand on your choices and quickly made the bottles invisible. And after doing the same to a few glasses you floated them all over behind you before making them reappear on the table. While most would not consider it a point of pride, your ability to steal was beyond compare.
Your friends were slightly shocked at seeing the drinks appear but not surprised and within a few seconds of the drinks reappearing, so did you. Sitting down with the rest of your group, you began to let the drinks flow. Dean restrained from having too much to drink as he was the designated driver and he encouraged everyone to drink water like he was. And while most of the others relatively listened to his request, you felt less inclined to do so. You had a lot of up and down moments today and you wanted to take your mind off of them. And with each drink you consumed the more go with the flow you became. You were fine and it was just some harmless fun. You dragged your friends to the dance floor and as the music you loved and missed in the 60s played you were having the best time. The bass from the blasting music pounded through your system and for the first time since you found out that the world was ending, you felt good. You had your friends and you were having fun and all the drinks you were consuming were free. Time didn't matter and things literally couldn't be better.
As you continued to party though, things began to get a little fuzzy for you. You were aware of your surroundings, but things also became a little hazy. Maybe you were just tired from dancing. Deciding to take a seat for a bit, you started to walk back toward your group's table, but as you made it off the dance floor you could see a guy and girl off to the side. The guy was uncomfortably close, trying to offer her a drink while she continuously pushed it back. This couldn't be good. Turning on your heel, you walked over to the pair, putting yourself in between the two as you looked back at the girl and asked,
"Are you okay? Do you know this guy?"
"No. He's been following me for the past 20 minutes." The girl replied nervously "I've been trying to leave but he keeps following."
"Okay. You see the girl in the really sparkly jumpsuit and the guy that looks like a traffic cone over there," You say gesturing to the other side of the dance floor "Those are my friends and they can help you. I will deal with this creep."
The girl looked across the floor towards where Kenny and Addison stood before looking back at you. She hesitated for a moment, but as she did so the creepy guy grabbed at her wrist and tried to pull her toward him. And with that action, one of the "side effects" of your immense intoxication kicked in. When you got drunk, your impulse control typically lowered with each drink and right now it was at an all-time low. Without a second to think about it, you decked the guy right in his throat causing him to let go of the girl's wrist. You watched as she fled off across the place toward your friends but you had no intention to follow.
Instead, you turned back to the guy who was now doubled over and gasping for air and decided that one punch wasn't enough. There was no signal in your brain or body that this was a bad decision to make, but as so you turned away from making sure the girl got to your friends and back to him, he swung a fist up at you, upper-cutting your jaw.
You let your head lean back for a second as you could feel the impact still vibrating through your head and the taste of blood in your mouth from biting your cheek. Even if you weren't looking at him you could sense the smugness that seemed to radiate off of this guy. With your head still tilted back you began to laugh at the guy. He picked the wrong girl to fuck with and you were going to wipe his smugness away.
"What are you laughing at you bitch?" He demanded
Your head slowly tilted back down like that of a monster in a horror movie. A wide smile was on your face but the malice was evident in your eyes.
"You," you answered, your tone calm and collected "because you're going to die."
The guy looked at you disturbed for a moment before a flood of anger rushed through his system. The guy attempted to reach out and grab you, but instead he right through you. Quickly, you turned on your heel to look at him with that wide, creepy smile still on your face. He looked back at you confused but before he could rush you again, you took both of his hands in yours and used your powers to break them completely. Any bone that could break, did break. The guy dropped to his knees as he screamed in pain. Looking back up at you, the creep asked terrified,
"What are you?"
Your eyes began to glow a bright blue, and with that same malicious smile you stated ever so kindly,
While a sober version of you probably would've stopped at this point knowing that the guy was thoroughly terrified, currently you had no such restraint. And just like you had done to the Sparrows in your battle with them, you began to suck all the oxygen from this guy's body. Particle by particle, the guy began to wither and choke. The fear in his eyes was evident but as you continued, things started to get a little hazy. You shook your head a few times to try to clear things up, but it didn't do much to help and as you opened your eyes again you saw Dean standing in front of you with concern on his face. Looking down at the ground once more, you saw as the guy was beginning to crawl away as he gasped deeply for air. But before you could return to what you were doing, Dean grabbed ahold of your wrist and stated urgently,
"(Y/N). We need to go. NOW."
You looked around to see horrified faces on the people nearby where you were. Before you could react, he was already dragging you behind him as he ran through the crowded dance floor. But as your heart began to race, your vision began to blur. And as your friends ran out of an emergency with Dean dragging you along behind them, everything went black.
Following the corridors that ran underneath the Commission, Five and Lila made their way down an ever-winding series of hallways. It was quite tedious having to make their way to wherever this bunker was. Whoever this founder was, they sure didn't want anyone to find them unless it was absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, absolutely necessary was the situation they were in right now. The pair continued to walk until they were stopped by a sliding metal door. The sign above it read Operations Bunker, the same way that they had first seen leading this way. Five hoped that it was actually behind here and not another maze of hallways because he could feel himself getting thirsty from all the walking and with every step he could feel himself getting more and more paranoid. He didn't know why though. Nevertheless, Five grabbed onto the handle of the door and tried to pull, but god, it was heavy. Grabbing the handle with two hands instead, Five slowly managed to slide the door open, but once there was enough of a gap, Lila pushed her way past him curtly saying,
"Exsqueeze me."
Pushing his way through the door after her he replied annoyed,
"You're excused."
"Operations bunker," Lila said as she looked at the giant circular metal door
This had to be the place they were looking for, but as much as Five wanted to see for himself he couldn't focus because of all the itching he felt. His nails ran up and down the back of his neck as he leaned against the brick wall behind Lila, digging deeply as he tried to relieve the irritating sensation.
Stepping up closer to the door, Lila looked into the small darkened window. As she did so, a bright blue light shined and rotated in a clockwise motion scanning her. However, as the device beeped and the light faded away a loud buzzer sounded from the speaker above.
"We're screwed," Lila commented
"Unauthorized access." a robotic voice stated over the speaker
"Oh shit." Five replied as he continued to scratch his neck
Turning to look at Five for an idea of what to do next she noticed the state he was in. He paced back and forth, scratching the back of his head and neck as if his life depended on it. Loads of sweat covered his face giving it an uncomfortable shine under the dingy lighting.
"Jesus. You're sweating like a dodgy shrimp on ice. What's wrong?" She questioned
And with that question, something in Five clicked. The sweating, the thirst, the paranoia, and the occasional gas all started happening the minute they got close to this room. And the closer they made their way down the winding halls to where they were now, the worse it got. His eyes went wide as he quickly stepped forward towards the door and looked into the same opening that Lila had. The blue light, just as before, lit up and circled in a clockwise motion over Five's face before beeping. But instead of a loud buzzer over the speaker, it was instead a simple chime followed by the robot voice stating,
"Access granted."
"I guess you're essential personnel." Lila commented slightly disappointed
The two could hear the sound of the door unlocking before watching as it rolled off to the side allowing them to see into the room. The floor was all black tile that was clear enough it reflected the image of the room. The ceiling looked like it was entirely glass with lights behind it while the walls were made of all-white squares with light interspersed between every three rows. Immediately to their left, they could see three white globe-like seats with red insides that looked like they came from a 70's furniture catalog with a glass side table and white fur carpet to match. Bottles of alcohol sat on a serving tray on top of the table between the three chairs while a singular silver floor lamp stood behind in the corner. However, the main item of interest was some type of tube in the back of the room.
As Five and Lila stepped in, the lights on the ceiling became brighter, illuminating the entire room. The white walls and reflective floor making it that much brighter inside. But as Lila walked ahead and the door closed behind Five, he could feel his need to itch and his thirst and paranoia slip away.
As Lila looked in through the glass panels on the tube at who was supposed to be the founder of the commission, Five placed the briefcase and Master's handbook down on the side table.
"That's him, huh?" Five commented as he walked over toward Lila "The founder."
"Looks like tinned beef. I was expecting more man and less..." Lila stopped before tapping on the metal tube and commenting "...can.
Walking closer to the metal tube Five began to better see the man who lay on the table of the tube. The face stopped him in his tracks for a moment as his eyes went wide. Slowly, he inched closer and closer to the founder but as he stood next to them, Five's eyes blinked in confusion as he softly said,
"It can't be."
"What's wrong?" Lila asked
"It's me." Five replied quietly
This was him? The old, decrepit man being kept alive by some sort of commission contraption was him? There was a silent pause between the two of them before Lila broke out in laughter. She looked between the Five she was with and the one who lay on the table as she clapped in hysterics.
"No way. This whole time you've been complaining about the Commission, and you're the one who founded it. Classic." She snickered amused
"If I did, I have no memory of it." Five replied uneasily as he looked at his older self
"So here I was thinking you were a maverick, but you're a company man, down to the bone. I mean, you..." Lila continued to laugh "You literally cannot breathe without this place."
"Something's not right. I don't have paradox psychosis. I could feel it outside," Five said gesturing to the door before looking around the room "but in here, it's...nothing."
"Never were too bright, were we?" The sound of a rasping voice suggested
Both Five and Lila turned to look toward Founder Five as he looked back at the pair. His skin was wrinkled from years of age and his beard was long, gray, and unruly signifying no one had taken care of it in a while. The man on the table did not look well in the slightest. He looked like he was hanging by a thread in terms of his life left and with labored breathing, he continued to explain,
"The operations bunker is paradox-proof. I constructed it as a panic room in case of a collapse in the time continuum. In this room, all permutations of yourself can exist. You must be here because of a... Kugelblitz."
"Is that like a cheese blintz?" Lila asked confused
"It's German for ball of lightning." Five explained, "It's an extra kinky kind of black hole."
"The kind that can suck up entire timelines," Lila commented
"Or worse." Founder Five choked out
Five looked down at the ground. It was worse than just the timeline being sucked up. It was the kind of black hole that could cause strong energy disturbances. Granted any black hole that close would probably do so but this was on such a larger scale than that. Five felt like an idiot for not thinking of it as a possibility but at least now that he knew what it was he could finally figure out how to stop it. With a sense of renewed energy Five quickly asked,
"So, how do we fix it?"
"You don't." Founder Five replied raspily "You shouldn't have left."
"What?" Five questioned annoyed
Don't fix it? He shouldn't have left? That's ridiculous. Of course, he should fix it. He needed to fix it. He came all this way for answers on how to fix it! This didn't make sense. Out of all the people in the world to tell him not to fix it he never expected himself.
"No. If you created all of this, then you must have created a solution." Five snapped through gritted teeth
Founder Five coughed and gasped for air as he worked up the ability to reply to his younger self. Oh, how unaware he was. How easy it was for him to have a sense of purpose at this time. If only he knew what the future held and how painful it would be.
"All that will be left is...oblivion." Founder Five wheezed out
"Oblivion?" Lila asked leaning over the man, "What do you mean?"
With that question, the locks on the metal tube Founder Five was unlocked as the table he laid on slid out. Five and Lila looked at him in frustration and shock respectively. He looked frail and malnourished, his rib cage showing through his skin. And he was missing the lower part of his left arm.
"This is what you have coming. You are running out of time to change things." Founder Five said desperately
"Then tell me how to change it!" Five lashed out
"Go home." Founder Five answered weakly
Five had enough of this. He didn't know why this older version of himself was acting this way, but he wasn't going to tolerate it. Every second his older self spent beating around the bush about how to save the world was another minute he wasn't actively working on saving it. This version of him was being a prick and Five was tired of not having is answers he came so far for. Approaching the version of himself on the table, Five leaned in very close. With fire in his eyes and in a low, intimidating tone of voice, he ranted,
"Listen to me, you ass. I just spent the last 20 days running around saving the world from apocalypses, only to keep trying to save the world. I am losing my mind, my hormones are raging, and all I wanna do is go out and buy a 1970s Corvette Stingray that I can drive around in with my beautiful girlfriend."
For a moment, Founder Five's eyes went wide at the mention of you. And it was that quick action, that note of recognition that caught Five's attention and gave him an idea. If he wouldn't give the answer on how to save the world from destruction willingly then perhaps he would do so with a little emotional manipulation. Pulling out the Polaroid photo he had brought along with him from inside his jacket pocket he held it up in front of his older self's face.
"(Y/N)..." Founder Five whispered
"That's right, asshole. Look at her. Look at that beautiful woman. I had to leave her to bring my ass here to try and find out how to stop this thing. So if you love her the way I do, which if you're me then I KNOW you do, you will tell me how to stop this to save her!" Five yelled
There was a change in the man that lay on the table. Blinded by his anger and frustration, Five could not see it but Lila could. The minute young Five pulled out the photo of you, the light immediately disappeared from the eyes of the older Five. And although his face was mostly concealed by a long scruffy beard, it was easy to see the emotion that overwhelmed him, none of it positive. Lila could see slight tears form in his eyes as his chest began to heave. It was as if Five had broken through some type of barrier with his older self, but all it was doing was causing things to fall apart. Just minutes ago Five was expressing to her how if you didn't exist there would be no reason for him to go on, and now here lay an older version of him who looked so ready to let go seeing your face. Taking a step forward Lila reached out to put a hand on Five's shoulder as she commented,
"Take it easy on him, Five."
"Lila, this is between me and myself, so stay out of it." Five snapped at her before putting on a faux polite smile and adding "Thank you."
Turning back towards his older self, his anger didn't fade. Instead, it grew just as his frustration had been growing since the first time he had tried to fight against the end of the world. He wanted the cycle to be over. He came all this way for answers and by god he was going to get them.
"This Kugelblitz, it is not some tiny leak that we can simply fix by patching a couple of pinholes. It is a giant trash compactor that is grinding up the universe and consuming it whole. So tell me how you stop it!" Five shouted
"Whatever you do..." Founder Five began to choke out
The sound of the heart monitor began to beep rapidly and the sound of his breathing became ragged as Five and Lila watched in confusion.
"...don't save the world." He finished
For a moment the heart monitor beeped more rapidly before stopping altogether. The light of the room began to fade as the sound of the machines powering down could be heard. Five looked at his older self with wide eyes. He could feel his own heart begin to race at the sight before him. He still needed answers. Grabbing onto the metal of the table Five looked over the man who now lay still and hoping for some reaction pressed,
"What do you mean, don't save-"
But when none came, he shouted,
"Five! How do I fix this?"
Trying to cut short the inevitable realization that his older self had died, Lila placed two fingers on Founder Five's neck to try and find a pulse. As she expected though, there was none. Pulling her hand back, she knew she needed to rip off the and-aid and bluntly announced,
"He's dead, Five."
Dead? No. He couldn't be dead. This couldn't be happening. He- Five had survived so long it seemed impossible for him to die. And for him to die in such an unremarkable way? He had been through so much worse. So many other instances that could've killed him and yet they didn't. Not the terrible conditions of the apocalypse, not a bullet from a gunshot, not the end of the world. He just died. Of old age. Alone. Five looked on with a mix of sadness, and confusion, and fear. It felt almost impossible that this happened. His whole life it felt like he couldn't seem to die, not that he wanted to, but it didn't feel real. But there in front of him, another version of him lay dead. It was a lot to take in and he couldn't do this, at least not in front of Lila. He didn't meet her eye as he quietly asked,
"Can I have the room?"
"Er... I don't think I should leave you two alone." Lila responded
"Lila, I need the room." He emphasized
Lila stood there quietly for a moment. She didn't want to leave him, he had just witnessed himself die. That was a terrible thing to have hanging over you. She knew from experience watching the video of the handler shooting her over and over again. It still haunted her to see her lifeless body and that was through a screen on the infinite switchboard. It could only feel that much worse witnessing it in person. But as much as she thought it would be better to stay he would not be okay until she left, so without another word, she turned away and walked out the bunker door.
When the door finally closed once more Five let out a breath that he was holding in. His eyes turned up to the ceiling in an attempt to stop the water forming in his eyes from falling down. It took a moment, but with some semblance of composure he looked ahead once more mumbling under his breath,
"Son of a bitch."
Sadly, he looked over the corpse in front of him when he then noticed something on the chest of his older self. Stepping forward he quietly asked,
"What's this?"
Taking a closer look at it he saw it was a tattoo inked onto the skin. It was odd. He never saw himself as the type to get another tattoo, especially after how awful the first one was. But there was something about the odd symbol featured prominently on his chest that he felt he needed to look into. Pulling out the switchblade you had gifted him early he cut off the tattooed part of the skin to take with him.
Rolling up the cut-off skin, he placed it in the pocket inside of his jacket that didn't contain your photo. He knew it wasn't the best place to keep it, but he really didn't have any other option. Letting out a deep sigh, Five looked at the corpse of his older self. Wrinkled, alone, dead. Was this his future? And if it was why was it this way? What would cause him to spend the end of his life in as Lila described, a tin can surviving off of the place he despised most. He didn't understand but whatever this was, he couldn't let it be his future. He was going to change things this time. He had to. But as Five began to turn away, to leave this place and the sight of his lonely cadaver, he saw a glint of something.
Turning back to the body, he looked to try and spot what had caught his eye but with the main lights now mostly off it was a little more difficult. However, after a moment the emergency light caught just right and he could see the shine was coming from his older self's hand. Reaching out, Five opened the hand fully to find a key inside it. Picking up the item he inspected it closer. There was nothing too unusual about it. It looked just like any other key you would see for a house or safe or whatever except for one detail. On the part of the key that would not be inserted into a lock, there was an engravement, faded by time but still visible that read clé du monde.
Key to the world.
Five could feel a slight spark of hope reading the inscription. Key to the world. Maybe this would lead to the answers he was looking for. Perhaps his older self did not want to reveal how to stop the apocalypse with Lila around but knew he would find this with her gone. Looking away from the key, he searched for where this would go. If he had held onto this while stuck in this room then the lock it went to couldn't be far. As his eyes scanned the four walls he saw something different in the back corner, a cabinet with small frosted glass doors built into the wall. Leaving his older self's side he walked towards them and just as he expected he found a lock to slide the key in. Without hesitation, Five inserted the key into the lock and clicked it open with a single twist. Opening the doors, Five expected to find piles of documents, reports, or any information relating to a kugelblitz and how to stop it, but the sight he was met with caught him off guard.
Instead of information, he was met with a cabinet full of items related to you. As he looked about the cabinet he saw things he recognized instantly. On the lowest shelf sat your diary, the teddy bear he had given you on your friendaversary, and the music box he gifted for your 13th birthday. But as he continued to look at the items, he saw stuff that confused him. Sitting on the middle shelf were a watch and knife that looked exactly like the ones you had gifted him earlier. Lifting up his wrist he looked between the watch on the shelf and the one he currently wore before pulling the knife out of his pocket and looking at it too. Back and forth he inspected the items until he could no longer deny that they were the exact same.
Five's heartbeat began to pick up slightly. Why were these items here? Looking back to the middle shelf he then saw six distinct Polaroid photos. Grabbing at them he looked through them one by one, his heart sinking more and more as he realized they were the same photos from earlier today. Dropping the photos in shock, they scattered the floor below. His eyes darted across the objects as he tried to come up with some type of explanation, one that avoided the terrible thoughts forming in his mind. And as his eyes searched the cabinet for some type of rationale, he finally noticed an envelope taped to the inside of the door.
Snatching it off the door he immediately opened it. This had to have some explanation. Something that would elaborate on why these things were here, but surely not for the reason he thought. Pulling the paper inside out quickly he opened it up and began to scan the words on the page.
Dear Alternate Self,
I can only assume that it's you as I would never willingly let anyone else access this cabinet and especially since the rarest of people would be able to access this room to begin with. If you are reading this that means I must have finally been released from the torment that is my existence. As you know, these objects you find here are the most important in the universe. They are the key to the world. My world. Our world. I don't know if you will recognize each item yet, but I promise they hold more value than anything else. You may be confused, but they are the reason this building, this organization, exists. I built this place to fix my mistakes. To try and make things right this time. And this bunker was made to keep me safe from any apocalypse but more so these irreplaceable items safe from harm so they will never be lost to time the way I let her be.
Five's hands began to shake as he processed the words on the page. He could feel the fearful adrenaline course through his veins as he read over what his other self had written to him.
"No." Five said in disbelief
This couldn't be real. It couldn't be true. There had to be something else here. Something that negated all the words above. Something to make the letter a red herring of sorts. Quickly, his eyes ran down the page as he read on.
However, if by some chance the person reading this note is you my beloved (Y/N), probably as a version of you from a different timeline than my own, I want you to know how much I loved you. I didn't realize it then but I loved you from the minute I met you. I loved you every moment of my life. I loved you til your last breath. And I continue to love you every minute beyond that no matter how painful it is.
"God. Please. No." Five silently begged in the empty room
I have many regrets that I cannot fix, but my biggest is not asking you one very important question. But I won't because it's not my place to do so now. I failed you in my time, and I will never forgive myself for it. Although it may not make sense, I feel this, the Commission, is the only way now that I can hope to fix something. Although I'd still prefer to keep them forever safe here, you can take any of the items if you like. My physical and mental state have deteriorated more and more each day without you but I hope that by the time you are reading this, I'm with my version of you dancing together among the stars. It seems this world wasn't made for us to be together but perhaps the next one will be.
The shaking Five had felt in his hand spread to the rest of his body. His chest began to clench as his breathing became labored and erratic. It felt like the world was spinning. His legs shook under him as the weight of the grief overcoming him pulled him to the ground. His knees gave out as the letter and envelope both fell from his hands. But as the envelope hit the floor, he could hear the tiniest clink from it.
With his mind still in overdrive, he immediately snatched the envelope up and flipped it over, but as the item fell into his hand everything stopped. Time was frozen and for a second he forgot how to breathe as he stared at the pristine golden locket in his hand. He knew this was your locket. Not only because of the condition it was in but inside it held a very young picture of him. He recalled you explaining how you had cut it out of a newspaper article about the academy's missions. But he also knew that between this and the letter from his older self, his worst fears had come true. He failed somehow. And you died because of it. But it wasn't the locket itself that had made him stop.
It was the ring that hung on the chain that stopped him in his tracks.
Gently undoing the clasp of the necklace he slid the ring off the chain and held it in his other hand. It was perfect. The ring was made of a sturdy metal that wouldn't tarnish easily and the diamonds on it sparkled brightly even in the dimmer lighting. It was exactly how he had envisioned it. Exactly how his now-deceased self envisioned it. He was going to ask his version to marry him. But he didn't. He never got the chance.
However, the longer Five stared at the ring he could feel the temporary numbness wear off and his adrenaline return. He was going to change things. This scene before him was not going to be his future. He was not going to make the same mistakes as the man who died before him. He was going to save the world, he was going to keep you from harm, and he was going to change his future.
Picking himself up from the ground, he put the ring in his pocket before walking over to the body on the table. Placing the locket in the hand where he had first found the key, he slowly closed it, making a tight fist that would hold onto it forever. With one last look at his dead counterpart, he tried to push all the terrifying thoughts that wracked his mind out of his brain. Turning on his heel he made his way to the door worried about if you were currently safe but also determined to make things right this time. As the door to the bunker opened, Five grabbed the briefcase off the table before he quickly walked out and past Lila who was leaning against a wall.
"You good?" Lila called "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Get your powers warmed up." Five demanded as he continued walking "We need to find a power source and we need to go."
"A please would be nice, y'know." She remarked
"Now, Lila." Five snapped
"Fine, you little twat." Lila grumbled
Lila didn't know what had occurred in there while she was outside, but whatever it was, it was affecting Five greatly. Although annoyed, she let it slide. Everyone grieved differently and if he was going to be rude then she wasn't even going to try to help his feelings right now. Not that she really cared about his feelings. With a small huff, she began to follow behind him as they searched to find a power source to get home.
As for you, the sounds of the world started to come into focus just as your eyes adjusted to your surroundings. No longer was there the sound of pounding music and screams nor the sight of flashing neon lights. Instead, it was replaced with the dim shine of old lightbulbs, mild chatter, and old rock music. Your head felt heavy and as it tilted downward you saw you were sitting on a chair. The last thing you remembered, you weren't sitting down. Dean grabbed your wrist as you all fled the nightclub you snuck into after getting into a fight. Your head felt like it was spinning as you took in the surroundings. There was a dusty bar across the way and a pole dancer in the middle of the room you were in. A line of motorcycles sat in a row outside the building and as you forced your head to look up you saw a ceiling filled with metal rafters. Where were you? As your vision cleared fully and your head stopped pounding so much you managed to look around and see Viktoria standing next to you. Grabbing onto the fabric of her romper you tugged at it as best as you could to get her attention.
"Where are we, Vi?" You asked
"Remember how when we left City Hall we decided we wanted to do something that connected us together?" Viktoria asked
You went to City Hall? When? It was around 8 pm when you went to the club and you were there for some time so City Hall was definitely closed. Did you all break into a government building? Why? For what? What did you need to do in there that was so important it had to be done at the latest hours of the night? Confused and hoping for some elaboration you answered,
"Well, Kenny brought us here to this bar where they ask no questions and will tattoo minors since Lucas and Addi aren't 18 yet," Viktoria explained "So we're all getting matching tattoos. Thematically matching, at least."
That was not the elaboration you were hoping for. You were all getting tattoos? What were you getting tattoos of? What was the theme? What the fuck was going on? You had no clue where you were or how you got there. It was almost like time travel except for the fact that you could actually remember the times that you time traveled. If you could just get some clarity then maybe you would feel a little better about where you were now. Trying to understand the situation you asked,
"Did we just get here?"
"No, we've been here for a while now silly," Kenny commented placing a hand on your shoulder "Seems like someone had a bit too much to drink at the club, eh?"
You looked towards Kenny to shoot him a look but as you turned your head you saw an image on his wrist that extended up a part of his forearm. It was a skull surrounded by Red Spider Lily and Gomphrena flowers with two snakes coming out of the eye sockets twisting together like the Caduceus medicine symbol. The tattoo was wrapped in saran wrap with tape to stop it from opening. It was a little jarring seeing it since only a few hours ago he didn't have it but it looked cool as hell though.
"That's dope as fuck." You complimented pointing at the tattoo
"Thanks! The people who tat here might look scary but their art is beautiful." Kenny replied "I had a girl named Queenie do mine. She liked all the symbolism I told you about."
"Sorry, I don't recall." You said giving him an apologetic smile
"Ah shit, right." He replied before pointing at the image on his skin
"Red Spider Lilies symbolize death while Gomphrena has been known to symbolize immortality. The skull kinda adds to the life and death motif but the snakes intertwining are just for the health symbol because ima little medicine boy." Kenny explained
"Cool, so is it just you or did anyone else get tattooed yet?" You asked
Your friends, minus Kenny who had already clocked your semi-blackout state, all looked at you confused.
"Don't you remember Dean asking if you would hold his hand while he got tattooed because he felt a little nervous?" Addison inquired
"You make it sound like I was nervous because of the tattoo. I'm not a loser who is scared of needles." Dean interjected, "I was nervous because in the first timeline, I beat that guy in a street race when he challenged me and then he threatened to kill me when I won."
"Well, he doesn't know you in this timeline so you were fine," Addison remarked
"Yeah, well, having my super-powered sister made me feel a lot better." Dean replied back "The tattoo is dope though, I'll give him credit for that. But also we had a whole conversation with the guy about ways they could improve sunscreen to make it feel less gross when you apply it which I did find odd."
You held Dean's hand when he was getting his tattoo? And had a whole conversation about sunscreen? These felt like things you should've remembered but right now those memories were hazy at best. You could only hope that somehow your brain would move them from short to long-term memory so when you woke up tomorrow you would know what the hell has happened.
"Oh yeah, Axel has always been passionate about that." Kenny mentioned, "At least from what I recall the last time around."
"So how many of you have gotten your tattoos?" You asked
"All of us but you (Y/N)," Lucas answered holding out his wrist
On it, you saw what looked like a Grecian vase depicting Hercules slaying the Hydra. Between Kenny's tattoo and now Lucas' you were starting to get the theming that Viktoria didn't clearly mention earlier.
"Y'know I still think you're a coward for not letting Herc have a dick and balls," Dean commented
"How many times do I have to explain to you that you literally wouldn't see it from that angle!" Lucas exclaimed "And anyway it's MY tattoo on MY skin. If I don't want a dick on there, then there won't be one!"
"Lame," Kenny replied
"Oh fuck you guys," Lucas remarked
Dean and Kenny snickered with each other. You knew that their teasing was meaningless and based on the smirk that Lucas was trying to hide, he knew so too. Looking around you wanted to see what everyone else had gotten embedded into their skin.
"What about you guys?" You said gesturing between Dean, Addison, and Viktoria "What did you get?"
You could see Dean's eyes light up as he stepped in front of Addison and Viktoria and held his wrist out toward you stating loudly,
"I got this sick ass bow and arrow!"
He was correct. It was a sick ass bow and arrow that was overlaid on top of a circle target. And with your brother's reveal, you could definitely solidify the fact that the connecting theme the group was going for was tattoos symbolizing each of yourselves but more specifically your nicknames. Necrotic, Hercules, and now Marksman.
"Very cool, Dean." You said smiling before adding "Now can you please get out of the way of the girls."
"Fine." Dean huffed
Addison and Viktoria stepped forward as they held both their wrists out to you as well, albeit a little less aggressively than Dean just did. On Addison's, you saw three minimalist sparkles all in a row. It was simple, elegant, and a nice nod to her nickname Spotlight. And then on Viktoria there was a nice image of a viola with a small line of sheet music underneath. As you read them your hand instinctively moved as if you were playing the notes on the piano. D, A, G sharp, G. You stopped. You recognized those notes.
"Megalovania? Really?" You asked disappointed but unsurprised
"Yeah," Viktoria answered proudly
"Why?" You pressed
"I thought it was funny," She responded
You put your face in your hands for a moment as you laughed. Your friends could be so dumb but you loved it so much. And hey, if that's what she wanted to represent her nickname Sonata, so be it. As you looked around though you realized one of your friends was missing.
"Where's Bren?" You asked
"Right behind you!" Bren exclaimed, "I just finished my tattoo!"
"Congrats, you survived," Dean replied
"What did you get?" Lucas asked
"Nothing crazy. Just two whips, one above the other." Bren replied as he held up his wrist
The group looked at it, and while it was true that it was just two whips he failed to mention that the actually whippy part of each spiraled into cursive that spelled out half of his nickname. The top whip spelling out, well, whip, and the lower one spelling out lash. As you were about to compliment the creativity of Bren's tattoo though, The most stereotypical biker-looking man walked over with a woman and another man behind him. As he approached Kenny you could hear him say,
"Hey, Kid. Me, Jet, and Queenie are done. We wanna drink."
"But what about my friend, Axel?" Kenny questioned, "She's the only one of us left."
"And we gave you money for all of us!" Addison chimed in
"Stop your whining." The guy who you could only assume was Jet remarked "We might look shady to you from your ivory tower but fair is fair here. Your friend will get her ink."
You could see that Addison was slightly annoyed by the comment but kept her mouth shut. The last thing you all needed was for Addison's attitude to cause her to try doing some of her psychology shit here. As Lucas wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's waist to calm her down, the woman named Queenie stated,
"Yeah, we got another guy who just finished up and can take your friend. Down the hall, behind the employees-only door."
"Oh okay," Kenny said
"And Kid, don't ask me for anything else." Axel added
"Yeah, I won't." Kenny replied, "Enjoy your drinks."
With that, the three biker adults walked away from your group of friends and across the place to the bar. Your friends then turned to look at you.
"Alright (Y/N), you heard the man." Bren commented, "Down the hall and then behind the employees-only door."
"Um...okay I guess." You replied slowly standing up from your seat
You looked between the group and then down the hall toward the employees-only door. You weren't nervous to go get a tattoo but you also didn't quite know what to expect. When the Umbrellas had gotten their tattoos it was forced upon them and it seemed like they were all in pain when you found out about them. You still were a little hurt that Five made his siblings lie to you about their tattoos even existing because he knew it would upset you. But these tattoos were by choice, they were meaningful in a good way and it looked like everyone here did so well. But you couldn't remember anything up until recently so you couldn't be sure. Turning away from your friends you looked down the hall once more.
"Do you want me to come and hold your hand?" Dean asked placing a hand on your shoulder
You looked back over your shoulder at him. You could do this. Whatever hesitancy you had was nothing compared to all the things you had faced before. With a little more confidence you replied,
"No. I think I'll be okay."
Stepping forward, Dean pulled his hand off your shoulder and you began to walk down the hall to the door. From behind you, you could hear Viktoria call out,
"Ask for us if you need us!"
You looked back and nodded your head but continued on. As you walked your eyes shifted between all the people at the place you were at and while they gave you a passing glance they didn't really seem to care either. Making it to the door, you pushed it open and entered the room. As you did so you saw a chair to sit in, in the middle of the room but couldn't see the person who was supposed to tattoo you. Nevertheless, you walked toward the chair and sat down waiting for the person to show up. As you sat down, the metal of the seat squeaked followed by the sound of a door opening and closing behind you.
"What are you looking to get?" The voice asked as it approached
But as they stood beside you, you cocked your head to the side in confusion and quietly asked,
It had to be Pogo you had never seen another walking, talking, primate before. They looked exactly like him and sounded like him too. It had to be. You didn't speak as you processed your thoughts staring at him while he looked back. But after a moment you tried to explain,
"It's been so long I don't know if you recognize me but I'm-"
"Ms. (Y/N)," Pogo interjected taken aback
"Yeah." You replied quietly
Just as you were in disbelief so was Pogo. To him, you were like a legend more than you were real. Of course, he had remembered you briefly throughout his early days. You would read to him or play beautiful music on the piano. But more so he recalled you from all the times that Sir Hargreeves mentioned your name and the portrait that hung on the wall over the fireplace until it was switched after Master Benjamin's incident. It was impossible to forget who you were.
"So it was true then when Sir Hargreeves said you would come back one day?" Pogo questioned softly
You grimaced slightly at the question. You didn't like the way that Reginald had used you as some type of god to worship in an effort to control the Sparrows. How they had to work harder because you would come back and be better than them. Sure you were better than them, but the perspective he instilled in everyone was wrong. It wasn't who you were. But that wasn't the question you were asked though and so you stated,
"He's been wrong in many ways but in that instance, yes, he was correct."
Pogo looked at how your face contorted when he asked you about Sir Hargreeves. Even at his young age, he could remember sensing the placated animosity. All along you had known how awful Reginald was. If only he could've seen the truth sooner. However, feelings about Reginald aside, he wondered why you would be here at the bar of a notorious biker gang requesting a tattoo. You didn't seem the type.
"What are you doing in a place like this?" Pogo asked
"I could ask you the same thing." You replied
You never expected to see Pogo dressed in a leather jacket and jeans working as a tattoo artist for a biker gang. And yet here he was. You could see the way he now grimaced and his body tensed at the thought of whatever led him to be here.
"Sir Hargreeves and I had some disagreements over his treatment and training of the Sparrow Academy and when I voiced them he kicked me out. It was tough at first but I found a home here with the Mothers of Agony." Pogo explained, the resentment obvious in his tone
Once again Reginald Hargreeves was the sole cause for so many people's misery. He was like Ronald Reagan except instead of ruining an entire country he managed to ruin entire timelines with his actions.
"And yourself?" Pogo asked
You let out a deep sigh. Typically you told your story with such candor, and a level of humor in your tone as you explained every detail. But the story, your story, it wasn't funny. You only tried to make it sound funny because then you didn't have to deal with how awful it truly was. But you were tired of it now. So tired of the cycle of loss and misery and trying to rebuild your life. Could you not just fully be happy? Were you cursed to build your happiness back up only to have it come toppling down again?
"That bad, huh?" Pogo asked
"I won't bore you with the details as it's far too long and a bit too sad of a story to tell. But in short, I found out that a black hole is consuming the world, my boyfriend went god knows where with someone who was trying to kill him two days ago to try and stop the black hole, and everyone I loved has either died or left, minus those six kids outside this room." You explained sadly "And now I don't even know how I got here but I guess I'm here to shove ink into my skin in some meaningful way.
You saw as Pogo looked at you, although he looked like a hardened biker, that there was sadness and sympathy on his face. It was the exact same look that the Pogo you had grown up with gave you on occasion. Somehow there was a comfort in knowing that although the timeline was different he was still himself.
"I'm sorry that you've faced so much misfortune recently," Pogo said
"Same to you." You replied, "It seems like neither of us has expected to be where we are."
"Life will never be easy for those who are different, like us. No matter how green the grass may seem..." Pogo replied
He paused for a second, a grimace upon his face as he reflected back on his own life.
"...or how rose-tinted our glasses are." He continued "The best we can do is survive."
"I don't want to keep surviving. I want to live." You emphasized "But when I envision the future right now all I can see is well...a black hole."
You used to have plans for your life. Things to look forward to, things to work towards, things to hope for, but since the night at the consulate, your hope had been continuously dwindling. It was starting to feel reckless to hold onto hope especially since it was in such short supply. All you seemed to have to hold onto were the people you surrounded yourself with and even then some of them were harder to keep around than others. Leaning your head back on the headrest of the tattoo chair you looked blankly at the ceiling. But then you felt a gentle hand rest on top of your own. Looking over you saw that Pogo gave you a sympathetic look as he calmly stated,
"Dear child, as much as we want to, we will never know what comes next. The future will always be a dark void that we like to hang pretty pictures of what we're expecting in front of to stop it from scaring us."
"So what am I supposed to do?" You asked, "Just conscientiously object life itself?"
"No, you don't do that until you know in your heart it's the right option." Pogo replied, "Focus on what have now, not what you don't yet."
You stopped for a moment and thought about his words. He was right, all you could do was focus on what you had now. And that was your friends. It was already your intention to focus on them but the advice solidified it even more. You needed them and you were theirs because each other is all you had left in this world that was heading for the meat grinder.
"Thanks, Pogo." You thanked quietly
"You know Ms. (Y/N), even though I was young, I still remember how kind you always were. Your love is your strength and I only hope you don't let what you've faced take that away from you." Pogo stated "I already watched the Sparrows lose much of their light to this world and what it put them through. It would pain me greatly to find you facing the same fate."
You gave him a small smile, one that was reminiscent of acknowledging an old friend even though you didn't have much in common anymore. That knowing smile that someone cared even if they didn't play a major role in your life anymore.
"I'll give it my best as long as you promise me you'll do the same." You answered
"Then I'll give it my best too, Ms. (Y/N)," Pogo replied, his small smile reflecting yours "Now, you came here for a tattoo so the least I can do is give you one. It is my current profession after all."
"Oh, right," You said surprised
You had almost forgotten that was the reason you were here in the first place. You and your friends were all getting spontaneous thematic tattoos. As you watched him start to fully set up his equipment you thought about what you would want. Everyone had their tattoo related to their nickname but you wanted it to mean more than just that. As Pogo finished setting up his equipment he turned his attention back to you as he asked,
"Do you have anything particular in mind or just a concept?"
"I do think have an idea," You replied "Do you have something I can draw it with?"
Pogo nodded as he pulled out a small notebook and pen before handing it over to you. You were still a little tipsy from the events of the night thus far but you managed to draw down your idea. Although, not as neat as you would've liked. Handing the notebook and pen back to him you gestured to the drawing and said,
"That, but with y'know with crisper, neater line work."
"Of course. It's an interesting drawing," Pogo commented "Does it have meaning?"
"Yeah. A lot." You softly answered before asking "Can you do it?"
"Of course, I can Ms. (Y/N)," Pogo replied confidently
"Let's get started then." You said
Sitting back in the chair, you looked at your left wrist where for years no image had been placed upon it, not even a drawing in Sharpie. Somehow every time you thought about the possibility of getting a tattoo your mind went right back to all the Hargreeves and the idea turned you off. But now you realized that you didn't like their tattoos because they were kids and didn't have a choice. It was like an impersonal branding that was shoved into their skin against their will. But you, you had a choice and the image you chose had meaning. You loved the Hargreeves but this was different. You were different. And the drawing actually stood for something good. Something personal and filled with love. You looked at the blank skin one last time as the tattoo needle pressed into your wrist leaving the beginnings of your image. It didn't hurt, maybe because your senses were already a little numb or maybe because you weren't afraid. Either way, the vibration of the machine felt neutral and so you closed your eyes and let Pogo do his work as you let your hesitations fade away.
Darkness turned into clarity as you blinked your eyes rapidly to focus on what was happening. You could feel the wind blowing in your face as some of your hair brushed against your skin. The sounds of your friends' joyful screams and shouts echoed around you as you looked around. With a large smile on his face, Dean was flooring the car down an empty backroad loudly complimenting his car Veronica for how fast she was going. Kenny and Bren shouted happily as they both leaned themselves out of the back left window. Lucas and Addison were making out as if the world was ending which, you had no problem with because it was. And Viktoria was laughing like a maniac even though it looked like she was about to be sick. You smiled as you took in the sights and sounds of your friends. They were so happy. You all were so happy together.
As you looked around you looked down at your wrist to see the tattoo you had drawn on the paper for Pogo now embedded into your skin. You remembered the needle pressing into your skin but after that, it became a blur. You couldn't remember anything else you might have talked about. You couldn't remember if you thanked him. If you said goodbye and gave him a hug. If you told him that he mattered to you still and for him to be safe.
You hoped you did.
Looking at the image, it was a circle with two smaller circles intersecting it on either side kind of like a Venn diagram. The large middle circle had eight equally distant lines sticking out of it with the two lines at the 9 and 3 positions going through the side circles cutting them in two. The three interlocking circles were reminiscent of a three-ring circus a reference to your nickname Ringmaster the way the others had gotten tattoos representing their nicknames.
But the tattoo had more meaning than that as each part represented someone in your life. The large circle in the center was you. The two intersecting circles on the sides represented your parents while the four smaller sections within those circles represented both Umbrella Academy Grace and 1960s Grace, and Eudora with a spot left open that you were unsure if you were going to assign yet or not. You were still working on those feelings. And then there were the 8 lines. ^ represented the friends you were with now, one was for Charlie, and the last was for Five. Although you hoped one day that perhaps the lines could also represent the seven umbrellas plus yourself. But that didn't seem likely and you were far happier with the thought process you had now.
You were happy now.
Overall, things weren't perfect. There was a lot that was wrong both with you and the world. But that didn't matter because at least the moments you were in right now were perfect and you wouldn't change them in the slightest. And so you were happy.
You had no clue what was going on at this point but honestly, it didn't matter. You were with your friends and you only hoped that these last five days of existence with them would feel like a lifetime.
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @shadowycreationcupcake @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777 @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender @moatsnow @give-the-boy-a-hug @narikyuwu @whenyouregrungeaff @gabriella-aesthetic @xxtwizztedxx @instabull @emma-jopeth @justsomecreaturewandering @wifeofcamillamacaulay
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“INTERVIEW - Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam & Garrett Hedlund” by SensCritique
Transcript by @/casual-video-transcripts is under the cut
[0:00] Charlie Hannam: Kamikaze!
[0:01] (Ben Affleck laughing and Charlie Hunnam chuckling followed by a clap from Ben)
[0:02] Oscar Isaac: Woof woof!
(Garrett Hedlund giggling)
[0:03] Oscar: Are we trained animals?
[0:05] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: Triple Frontier)
[0:06] (On-Screen Text: Ben Affleck)
[0:07] (On-Screen Text: Charlie Hunnam)
[0:08] (On-Screen Text: Oscar Isaac)
[0:09] (On-Screen Text: Garrett Hedlund)
[0:10] Charlie: Hello SensCritique!
[0:11] Garrett and Oscar: Hello SensCritique!
[0:13] Ben: Bonjour SensCritique.
[0:14] That's French.
[0:15] Charlie: There you go! Wha-cha-cha!
[0:18] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: CAN YOU SUMMARIZE THE FILM?)
[0:20] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: IN ONE SENTENCE)
[0:22] Oscar: See, the thing is one sentence can be veeeeery long...
[0:24] Garrett: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[0:25] Oscar: So you can put commas!
[0:26] Garrett: Just commas.
[0:27] Ben: A group of ex-Special Forces soldiers...
[0:30] Oscar: come together to... carry out a heist in South America against a narcos traficante.
[0:39] Ben: Turns out, it wasn't that hard.
Charlie: Right?
[0:40] (Ben and Charlie laugh)
[0:41] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED WITH THE PROJECT?)
[0:45] Ben: It was a combination of genres: it was strong, compelling, pure action heist story, but so was also a morality tale, and sort of-kinda a parable about military intervention.
[0:57] Charlie: Between the cast and the script, and me being excited for J.C. as a filmmaker, it was a no brainer for me. He was looking at a friend of mine, Garrett Hedlund.
[1:04] Garrett: And he had no idea about that, and got really excited about that. And then I got excited about that. And then Oscar called and said -
[1:10] Oscar: Got excited too.
[1:11] (Garrett laughs)
[1:12] Garrett: And he got excited too!
[1:13] Oscar: And then you guys said that -
[1:15] Garrett: And then I got excited because he was excited and you know -
[1:19] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FILM?)
[1:21] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: WITH YOUR CO-STAR/NEIGHBOR)
[1:22] Garrett and Oscar: Inside Llewyn Davis!
[1:23] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: (they both play/star in it))
[1:24] (Garrett and Oscar are in a giggling fit)
[1:27] Charlie: I like The Town a lot, there was Argo, Gone Baby Gone. You know...
[1:31] Ben: There we go.
[1:32] Charlie: Really really really...
[1:33] Ben: Oh wow.
Charlie: Spectacular stuff!
[1:34] Oscar: He's an iconic guy.
[1:36] Garrett: And he's says that! He's got that! He's Llewyn!
[1:38] Oscar: Yeah, yeah.
[1:39] Garrett: And that's iconic.
[1:40] Ben: And I like Charlie as a person.
[1:42] Charlie: Yeah (and then laughs)
[1:43] Ben: So... Hard to pick a favorite!
[1:45] (Charlie laughs and then Ben laughs after)
[1:47] Charlie: I'm not gonna help ya. Come on!
[1:49] (Ben leans towards the camera and continues laughing)
[1:50] Charlie: We're all waiting!
[1:52] Ben: I would say...
[1:54] (Take a shot of water every time Ben and Charlie laugh LOL)
[1:55] Ben: Did I tell you I watched The [Lost] City of Z.
[1:57] Charlie: Oh no you didn't!
[1:58] Ben: Yes, it was quite good! After I haven't seen it initially, and then when I got to know him - I've seen Sons of Anarchy, it's great. That's the thing everybody knows! And I've seen the King Arthur movie too! He's a first class actor.
[2:09] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: WHAT IS YOUR NEXT PROJECT?)
[2:11] (Translating On-Screen Text to English: WE WANT THE EXCLUSIVE)
[2:12] Ben: Wow, that's a tall order.
[2:13] Charlie: (chuckles) Yes, it is!
[2:15[ (Ben chuckles)
Charlie: You don't ask for much, do ya?
[2:16] Garrett: Ed Harris did the adaptation of a book called The Ploughman with myself and Robert Duvall. It's a two-hander, like a 70s deputy outlaw kind of thing.
[2:26] Charlie: I just did a thing - a movie with Justin Kurzel. The next thing that comes out is a film about Ned Kelly. This is the first time on camera that I'm talking about it, and that's all you get.
[2:37] Ben: I did a movie, it doesn't have a title, but with the Gavin O'Connor who is the director, he's the director of The Accountant. Yeah, that'll be out late summer, early fall time.
[2:45] Oscar: I'm also doing a small sort of sci-fi movie. It's called Star Wars Episode 9.
[2:51] Garrett: It's kinda - It's a smaller budget kinda thing.
[2:53] Oscar: Yeah.
[2:54] Garrett: It's very hard in cinema: you know, if it's not a very big budget thing, you know it's a small budget thing. The... the... Space Wars.
[3:02] Oscar: Space Fights?
[3:03] Garrett: Space Fights.
[3:04] Oscar: (chuckles) Yeah.
End of Transcript
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YouTube Channel: SensCritique
Video Description:
Le plus beau cast de toutes les interviews SensCritique. Pour la sortie de "Triple Frontière", le nouveau film de J.C Chandor, aujourd'hui sur Netflix, nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam et Garrett Hedlund !
La fiche SensCritique du film : http://bit.ly/2HwvcEG
Disclaimer: None of the videos I transcribe belong to me. They belong to the content creators and the crew behind the videos. Please keep in mind that my transcripts may not be 100% as I am not a professional. I'm just someone who wants to provide video transcripts for people like me to understand and enjoy these videos.
For this video, I focused on the speakers while translating some of the on-screen text from French to English. I used the French captions in the video as a guide for the timestamps. I did also use Google translate for some of the French captions, so I apologize if some are incorrect. For the rest of the transcript I just followed whatever came out of the guys' mouths.
If there are any corrections you would like me to make, let me know in the comment section of the post.
If you like this video or any other videos from SensCritique, please support them by watching their videos on their YouTube channel and/or through other means by them. Also, if you want to support the film, it's on Netflix and apparently the sequel is in the works with Charlie as a main producer. Also, if you'd like, check out the filmography of the cast like Charlie Hunnam, Ben Affleck, Garrett Hedlund, Oscar Isaac, and Pedro Pascal (who's not in this interview but is in Triple Frontier interviews).
Personal Notes: So I got distracted while editing the mera video transcript and found myself back into the Triple Frontier fandom. I haven't been here since 2019 so it's been a hot minute. I transcribed this video because there is a section in the middle that is so funny to me that I almost had to hold my breath transcribing it. Rewatching these interviews really shows the golden retriever personality of Garrett that I didn't fully notice until like a few month ago when I got distracted back into the Triple Frontier and Garrett fandom. The video is funny because it literally cuts Garrett off because he got excited that Charlie was excited and Oscar was excited and -
Anyways, I don't know when I'll finish the mera video I have been working on. I think it's been maybe half a year. When I finally finish it, I'll probably schedule a series of reblogged posts that'll hint to it. In the meantime, I think I did transcribe a Triple Frontier-related video that has Pedro in it so keep an eye on that among other videos.
That's all for now. I'll catch you all in the next post. See ya!
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avatarrecom · 7 months
Day 5: Daddy/Mommy kink
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 800
A/N: First time writing smut, so it probably sucks lol. I'm using the tag #Kinktober Avatar_Recom for my kinktober stories.
And I'm starting to use the tag #Avatar_Recom writing for all my other writing, so be sure to follow those tags!
I know this is a short one, but since I only decided to participate in kinktober a couple days ago, I didn't have time to prepare. So I'm not sure if I can get out a prompt every day, I'll try of course, but with school and my shitty mental health, I'm not sure I can. I'm sorry and I hope you guys understand.
Also, you might have seen that I put a note in my masterlist that I'm changing the prompts of day 10, knife kink and day 27, anal. I did this because I'm not comfortable with those prompts. I've already chosen 2 other prompts, which will be a surprise. Hope you guys don't mind! I'm sure that if you're waiting for those prompts, there are dozens of other fantastic writers out there!
Now enough rambling from me lol, enjoy this prompt!
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch Definitely has a daddy kink. I mean even tho he’s in a 20 year old Recom body, he was still like 52 when he died… and of course an actual daddy lol. He honestly wants you to call him daddy all the time. But especially during sex. He’d refer to himself as daddy while he’s fucking you into oblivion. He totally went feral the first time you called him daddy and has told you to call him that ever since. He’d tilt your chin up so you’re looking at him when he wants to give you a kiss, “can daddy have a kiss, darlin?”
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet Every time you call him daddy, he has an instant hardon. The whole time he’s pounding into your pussy, he asks you if daddy is making you feel good. He won’t respond to any other name when you’re having sex. I’m pretty sure that he was about the same age as Quaritch when he died (even if he’s not, just imagine he is), so the fact that he could basically be your father, plays a role too.
🍬 Recom Z-dog After the first time you call her mommy, she refuses to respond to any other name. Both during sex and in public (except when you’re working or in the same room as a CO). Loves the name and loves how obedient you look while you call her that. She goes almost feral hearing you whine mommy while her fingers are buried deep in your pussy or while he’s eating you out like her life depends on it.
🥽 Recom Walker The first time you called her mommy, she paused in shock. After she comes back to her senses, she has the most shit eating grin on her face. She’d say something along the lines of “Yeah? do you need your mommy to fuck you?” She will start referring to you as her good girl. Every time you walk sheepishly into her room asking for mommy to fuck you, she’s dripping within seconds.
😎 Recom Mansk Though he’s very dominant, he doesn't like being called ‘daddy’. He much prefers ‘sir’ when he’s pounding your pretty pussy. It gives him a sense of control over you, especially if you’re a soldier like him.
🧯 Recom Prager Initially he's a bit unsure about how to deal with or how to respond. However, he can't deny that it really turned him on for some reason. You both have a deep conversation about it, where he genuinely wants to understand your needs, expectations, and why it's important to you. You answer each of his questions in great detail. It takes some time for him to find his footing, as he wants to make sure he doesn't say or do anything that might make you uncomfortable. But he eventually gets the hang of it. You unintentionally turned him into a daddy god in bed.
⚕️ Recom Ja He's totally cool with being called daddy. However, he's not the type to call you daddy's girl in response to you calling him daddy, he thinks that’s weird and frankly disgusting. He thinks it sounds like you’re actually his child. But he does enjoy the idea of control or domination he has over you. While he can definitely live without being called daddy, if it's something you're into, he's willing to give it a shot at least once.
🧢 Recom Brown The first time you called him daddy, it flipped some switch in him. Now it’s all he wants to hear. He loves it when you get needy and you beg for your daddy. He adores it when he can discretely slip his hand in your pants in public and he whispers to stay still for daddy and he CERTAINLY LOVES when it slips off your tongue in babbles as he fucks you into the next life. 
📿 Recom Lopez This guy definitely has a thing for being called daddy/papi, I would honestly be shocked if he didn't. I mean, the moment you whispered "daddy/papi please fuck me," during a passionate make-out session, he practically tore your clothes off and pulled you on top of him. He was thrusting into you with such intensity that you had to hold onto his shoulders tightly to avoid being thrown off.
⛓️ Recom Fike The first time it happened, he was the one who unintentionally said it. You had just knelt down and gently placed your lips on the tip of his cock. "Show me what you've got, mama." As soon as the words slipped out, you glanced up at him with curiosity, noticing a slight blush on his cheeks. You smirked, but didn't mention it. Instead, you waited until he let out a particularly loud groan, and then playfully smiled up at him. "Do you enjoy that, daddy?" You asked innocently. You could feel his cock twitch in your hands, confirming what you suspected.
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for some old people dying because I made copies of my keys?
I know this sounds pretty bad but bear with me here. I don't think I'm the asshole, I mean I wasn't even the one to kill them?
So I (27 M) am on a road trip vacation with my new boyfriend (28 M)--it's super recent, but I think this guy's the real deal, maybe even the person I want to spend my life with. We're just doing normal tourist things, sight-seeing, trying different foods and drinks, adopting lost children, you know how it is. Both the boyfriend and I have been through some stuff in the past so it's a relief to meet someone who isn't judgemental, and I'm just looking forward to the future with him.
The problem started because everybody else in the town we're staying at became obsessed with this like, secret bunker a crazy guy built over 20 years ago, as if it holds the secrets of the universe. Personally, I think it's all bs, and so does my boyfriend, so we just try to mind our business and stay out of it. But one night as we're going back to our hotel, a weird guy attacks us and tries to drug us--actually the guy is sort of my former employee, but that's another story and he was going behind my back anyway. So we kill the dude, obviously, and it turns out he's carrying a pair of keys to the secret bunker (note that the bunker has a very complicated security system, so those keys are NOT enough to open it by themselves).
At this point, I'm kind of nervous that my boyfriend will get drawn into this stupid conspiracy, but he says he doesn't care about the keys at all and gives them to me. Well, this is where I may have been the asshole, because I kind of ordered a bunch of copies of the keys made and distributed them across town without my boyfriend knowing. Then I got robbed and lost the original pair. So later as we're enjoying a romantic evening, we notice that people all across town are fighting. Turns out they caught wind that a pair of the bunker keys were going around, and they keep trying to steal them from each other (bc they're too stupid to realize there's like way more copies than there should be).
The bad part is, the mayor of the town enlisted this group of, well, really respected retirees, to help him with the key situation, and they ended up getting killed by all the people trying to steal the keys. Obviously I think this sucks because the old guys were actually neat, unlike the other idiots in this town, but my boyfriend thinks it's my fault they died because I made the copies?? I think this is unreasonable, because I didn't do anything to them. I didn't make the other people start fighting either, and it was the mayor who decided to involve a bunch of people peacefully living in retirement!
My boyfriend was laying on the blame pretty thick, so I kinda snapped at him and reminded him he's gotten people killed himself in the past. Admittedly it wasn't the best move to throw something he feels guilty about in his face, but I was only trying to point out the hypocrisy. Now he's stormed off in a huff and he's refusing to talk to me. I'm afraid he's going to break up with me. AITA?
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