#honestly i’ve been stressing myself out so mainly i’ve just been listening to music for hours and hours straight
merevide · 9 months
hiiii everyone.goodmorning ♥️
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qpenpals · 3 months
First of all, support Shubble and support all victims (which is a statement that while said a lot, seems not be followed as frequently, however i hope those who read this abide by it)
Second, I don’t support wilbur soot/william gold, and I don’t think that anyone should after this.
Third, while this situation is not about me, i have feelings and opinions about it that i would like to share, but even if you don’t read anymore,
Please watch shelby’s vod, and maybe try checking her content out, because while i don’t frequently watch her, i enjoy her streams and maybe you will too! her new hardcore series sounds great :)
This is quite long, but honestly this is kind of just for me to collect my thoughts, however if you read to the end thank you<3 im touched :)
Alright, so I have loved wilbur soot’s content for a very long time, 4 years or so. I watched the streams and listened to his music from the start. His content is entwined with many of my fond memories.
Earlier today, I had a breakdown over this whole situation, because, as I’ve been quite busy with school, my job, and other assorted things in my life, I found out about this morning. I had woken from a nightmare about my previous abuser. Who i will be talking about a lot more of as they really impacted my views on this situation.
However this nightmare had left me in a fragile mood, my girlfriend was still sleeping and i didn’t want to wake her, so to comfort myself i went to read one of my bookmarked fanfictions, this fanfiction, while i dont remember the title is one that i’ve found comforting for a very long time, so much so that when im stressed my partner has it saved to send to me so i can calm down.
It was a fanfiction about quackity and tubbo, wilbur soot was mentioned maybe 5 times, and the author had deleted it.
This caused me to try and find out why, so i went to their page and they had posted a temporary fic explaining what had been going on.
My first reaction had been disbelief, I then went to research everything. It was a lot to process.
I watched shelby’s vod. Before this i had mainly been disconnected from what i had seen, taking it it but not with any of my own feelings or thoughts really, just processing.
Shelby’s situation hits really hard for me because a lot of it mirrors my own abusive relationship of a few years ago. The wording Wilbur used against her, sounds like what my old partner would use against me. His actions, such as her having to clean and taking care of food, and amenities, were things i had to experience.
Abuse TW:
My old partner would physically abuse me through biting as well, he would claim that he just liked knowing i was his, and yet, like shubble, if i ever used our safe word, which happened so fucking often, he either wouldn’t listen, bite down harder on my neck, or fucking smile at me before letting go.
This got to the point that multiple times he had drawn blood from my neck, that i still have scars from today. And as i watch Shubble talk about her story which is ever so close to mine, I wonder that if I had watched this before, maybe i wouldn’t have stayed in that relationship.
I proceeded to stay in this relationship for 2 years before i realized how much harm he was doing to me, because i truly believed he loved me, because of all the lovebombing he would do.
End of Abuse TW:
And yet i felt pain aside from sympathy or memories, when learning of this, as the content Wilbur had put out had actually helped me out of this relationship, his music was pretty much all i listened to the months of healing after i got out and it helped, the art is good, and yet the author is one i cannot respect nor support in anyway now that i am aware.
i’d suggest watching this tiktok by @lasmanburg that really explains my thoughts and feelings on this
Right back to the content. I don’t believe that we should throw it all away, i don’t think that people should be deleting their art, fanfiction, or anything based on Wilbur. Because in the end it’s all art that we have created and interpreted and though the man who inspired it is horrible, all that has been made does not reflect his actions, but instead love and creativity from vast multifaceted community.
One can continue their writing and work because they are the ones creating it, not him, and besides most interpretations of him stray quite far from the source anyways
I think that one can continue to engage in his content as long as one does not directly support him, such as pirating his music, but personally at least right now listening to his music which brought me so much comfort-makes me feel sick. So think i’ll be taking a step back.
I don’t really know how to end this, i just needed to get my thoughts out honestly. I have therapy in an hour. I hope all of you who’ve made it to the end have a wonderful day and drink some water. I wish shelby well, and i’m glad she has been able to share this situation. And with that, I must now leave :)
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dreaminginpastels · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 17, 22 & 29 <33 (sorry if that’s too many hehe)
hello beautiful, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to this, these asks really make my day so thank you for sending them in 💌
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
ooh this is honestly such a beautiful question, I would say:
listen to: 
who i’d be (shrek the musical)
atlas: nine (sleeping at last)
a different kind of human (AURORA)
best day ever (spongebob squarepants the musical)
michael in the bathroom (be more chill)
for forever (dear evan hansen)
(these are LITERALLY fragments of me, each reflecting a different part of who I am, from my spotify playlist of my personal aesthetic)
loveless by alice oseman (mainly for the aspec rep, not so much my personal experience and some of the friendship drama stresses me out)
the lost island of tamarind (nadia aguiar - my favourite childhood book AND the namesake of my animal crossing island)
ingo (helen dunmore - other favourite childhood book)
the night circus (erin morgenstern - my favourite book)
the paddington films (other than bttf, they’re my favourite series)
as of literally this week the lotr trilogy (I AM sam)
the secret life of walter mitty (favourite movie, I am also walter)
matilda (matilda and I are one and the same)
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
hmm, at a stretch I’d say either john green because of his love of analysing literature, or alice oseman because we have similar queer identities and her writing, energy, and acceptance of people reminds me of my favourite qualities of myself
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
harry potter (THE FANDOM NOT THE TRANSPHOBE) - remus lupin
fantastic beasts - newt scamander 
lotr - samwise gamgee, pippin took
the maze runner - newt
criminal minds - spencer reid
avengers - peter parker, bruce banner, steve rogers (a combination of the three)
eternals - druig
dear evan hansen - evan hansen (but not the lying)
be more chill - michael mell
the chronicles of narnia - lucy pevensie 
dirk gently’s holistic detective agency - dirk gently 
star trek: the next generation - data/deanna
bbc ghosts: pat butcher (my darling, also literally me)
if you’ve noticed that these are literally just the characters that I write for, shhhh
if you’ve noticed that they’re almost all cisgender men, double shhh
4. do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
oof this is a loaded question. I do like my name, it has sentimental value in my family and I think it suits me. it annoys me when people call me “danielle” because I feel like that erases my italian ancestry.
I do have another name I think would fit the fluidity of my gender identity better but that’s very much not something I’ve told anyone about.
I think it’s nice getting to act in theatre and write stories because it allows me to use other names and be other people and that’s extremely freeing.
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
billy joel. he’s been hugely influential in my music taste, my love of storytelling, and my love of piano playing ever since my dad introduced me to his music as a kid. he holds an extremely special place in my heart for that reason, and also he’s a synesthete like me and our colour associations line up (which is super rare) so that’s cool too!
sleeping at last I really love as well, I feel like ryan sees the world in a very similar way to me, and we’re both enneagram nine’s. his podcast on that enneagram type made me feel so deeply seen and sometimes I listen to it as a comfort when I’m down and feeling lost.
I’m sure there's others but those are the two big ones that deeply resonate with me.
17. would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
I would say my tumblr is a representation of the best version of me, the me I’d like to be. It’s a lot more aesthetic, thoughtful, and calming than I view myself in real life. A bit of a safe space, if you will.
I’m a lot brighter, louder, more energetic, and more comedic in real life. my tumblr is a representation of the way I feel most calm and centred in my identity (similar to my pinterest aesthetic boards). 
22. list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
1. trying to make people laugh
2. singing
3. watching movies
4. writing
5. reading
(special mentions: juggling/sign language - which I learned during 2020 when I couldn’t leave the house)
29. three songs that you connect with right now.
ooh, this is a goody
1. there’s still a light in the house - valley
2. people watching - conan gray
3. so will I - ben platt
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
*✧ send me identity asks ✧*
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hidekomoon · 1 year
Hey Lucie, I'm back! Sorry it's been .... so long ... I've been buried under exams and just been in a bit of a slump lately ... but I'm figuring it out!
I’m glad your examwent just okay! Hopefully that’s positive … When do you find out about your exams? I’m finally through the minefield that was my exams … 2 weeks of utter anxiety, let me tell you. Glad it’s over. I’m now in the anxiety ridden minefield that is waiting for results.
Ahhhh gifted kid syndrome … gotta love it (not)
I’ve been thinking a lot about good company … I’ve found out recently that I’m going to have to move for work, most likely, which I did not want to do, but it is what it is … I’m sort of thinking now that moving on may be really good – find some new good company, leave some of the heaviness behind ….
In terms of the wedding, I have over a year to get mentally prepared for big crowds and dancing (two things I don’t typically like). Do you like to dance?
I have bought a copy of the new album but haven’t heard it yet ….. I haven’t been in  the right headspace lately, with exams. And also I’ve been sulking because I didn’t get tickets to see them. But all the buzz around the new album is really exciting ..! also your review makes me excited too, I loved after laughter, when it came out it wasn’t really something I would have ordinarily listened to, but I fell in love with it FAST, so hearing something which may actually be reflective of how we’re all going through it may be really satisfying … we shall see!
How have you been?
hi! dw I know how it is with exams, and late winter/early spring (I'm always tired during that period, probably the lack of sunlight). I should get news about my exam very soon.
as a former gifted kid myself, i sympathize!
honestly moving away could be very good for you! it's always stressful but it allows you to truly step into a new era of your life, let go of the heavy things you were carrying, and embrace new things.
on the topic of dancing: I usually don't dance in public because I'm very shy, but in some occasions I can do it without being awkward. These occasions include when I drink, or when I'm with my best friends (I feel most comfortable moving around with people I'm close to), or when the crowd is so thick people can't look at you. Oh and also when friends teach me to do couple's dances (mainly waltz)! Are you more comfortable dancing? Because I love to do it but the social anxiety just stops me in my tracks every time and I have to work around it
When you get around to listening to it more you can review it to me! I love hearing people's opinions on music
I've been okay, work isn't too busy these days so I can read novels when there's nothing to do :D the only thing I'm stressed out about is what I'm doing next year. I don't have any clear plans yet because it's too scary for me to figure things out, but applications processes will start soon :/
0 notes
shorkbrian · 3 years
A Midsommar Night’s Dream
Prelude - I watched midsommar so have this.
Pairing - Izuku X reader X Todoroki males
Warnings - NSFW, dead dove, do not eat. Implied incest, cult-like behaviors. Dubcon.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/7clyJIrLkEbXUDwj1tC9zz?si=EK3gCdOHQ3WQeK-ed9eucg 
Izuku’s been officially dating you for three weeks.
Three weeks.
He’s known you for far longer - the two of you solid friends since you first met. The man doesn’t know when friendship had evolved into something more, but he’s sure glad it did.
You were sweet, and kind, and far too caring for your own good. You didn’t mind waiting up for Izuku when his nights ran late, studying for his masters or taking on extra shifts.
You would rub his shoulders when he got stressed, offer to make him tea or run him a bath or anything else he needed, anything to help out. You loved him, and he loved you.
Tonight was a night that many partners might fear - meeting the family.
But Izuku was hardly worried. He was best friends with your brother Shouto, a level-headed student with good work ethics and a dry sense of humor. The rest of the family couldn’t be that bad.
A simple dinner, you had told him, dress casual and no gifts required. Still, Izuku felt obligated to bring the finest bottle of bourbon his paycheck could afford him (he’d asked Shouto what your father’s favorite was, just to be safe).
The Todoroki household was impressive; massive and imposing in the countryside, surrounded by tall stone walls and looking straight out of a victorian romance novel. Izuku knows what those look like, because he’s seen them on the covers of the romance novels you like to read. He’s always doing his best to pay attention to your likes and dislikes.
“Izuku!” came your excited little voice as the door opened after his loud knock, and the green-haired man couldn’t stop himself from breaking out in a smile.
You were almost bouncing in excitement behind your older brother Shouto as he held the door open, taking the offered bottle of bourbon from Izuku with a nod before leaving you alone together in the foyer.
“Hey, missed you-” Izuku grunted as you attacked him in a hug, and a laugh bubbled out of you both when the solid man had to take a step backwards from  the push of your body.
“Missed you too! I’m so excited for tonight, it’s so good that Dad and the rest of the family are accepting you.” A quick kiss to his cheek distracted Izuku.
You were fairly comfortable with physical touch, resting your head on his shoulder, never afraid to snuggle up to his side on movie nights, or hold his hand out in public (especially now that the two of you were dating). But Izuku had honestly expected more.... sensuality once the two of you started seeing each other as lovers more than just friends.
He had asked to kiss you one night, after you’d made him dinner and rubbed his shoulders and listened to him talk about the latest subject he was studying. Izuku had felt his heart warm, like cold wax cradled over a flame, and his love for you was bursting out of his chest. He wanted to kiss you and hold you close, tell you how much he loved you.
You had just smiled shyly and shook your head, saying you wanted to wait a bit. Which Izuku understood! This was all new, going from friends-to-dating, and he didn’t want to rush you or make you uncomfortable in any way. He was willing to wait.
So the kiss to his cheek surprised him, made him stutter and blush and hug you a bit tighter.
Then you were taking his hand, leading him through the maze of a house. He couldn’t help but notice the old-timey decorations mixed in with the more modern features, but done in an elegant, timeless fashion. A good blend of old mixed with new.
Stepping into the large dining room hand-in-hand with you, Izuku was met with the sight of the entire Todoroki family.
“Everybody-” You started, catching their attention until every set of eyes was on you and the tall man by your side. “This is Izuku!”
Shouto stepped forward, closest to the pair of you, and set his hand on Izuku’s shoulder with a smile. “Glad to have you joining the family.” 
Izuku smiled back, pulling his friend into a hug and giving him a hearty pat on the back.
“This is Fuyumi-” A tap to Izuku’s shoulder had him turning around, stepping away from Shouto to shake your sister’s hand. 
“Hi Izuku, I’ve heard such good things about you.” Her voice was soft and gentle, almost like your own. Izuku could see the family resemblance between the two of you. 
“And this is Natsuo, he’s studying for his masters just like you.” A white-haired man approached him, friendly and open, ready to shake Izuku’s hand but ultimately pulling him into a hug. 
“Sorry, I’m a hugger.” Natsuo laughed, and Izuku shrugged, completely unbothered.
“Here’s Touya.” You introduced a redhead next, a man sitting almost sullenly at the table. He didn’t rise to his feet, didn’t even take Izuku’s offered handshake. 
“This is the guy you’ve been babbling about? He looks bori-”
“Touya.”  The room, already hushed, grew even more silent, almost heavy with the weight of the voice from the man at the head of the table.
The gangly redhead shut his mouth, looking ready to roll his eyes. You pulled Izuku past him towards the imposing man who was looking at the man at your side, appraising him.
“And this is my dad. Dad, this is Izuku.”
“A pleasure to meet you sir.” Izuku shook the mans large hand, and the man nodded solemnly.
“Sit down, we’re ready to eat.”
Dinner wasn’t a quiet affair. Comfortable conversation flowed easily between everyone; questions about Izuku’s degree, about his goals, his dreams, his job. He knew it was just everyone getting to know him, assurance that he was suitable for their daughter. Izuku wanted to be perfect for you, anything and everything you needed.
Enji (Izuku was not about to call your father dad) asked only a few questions, otherwise decidedly quiet at his spot at the table, chewing his food while watching Izuku respond to the rest of his family. 
It was mainly Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto keeping the conversation flowing, Izuku easily keeping up with whatever they decided to talk about, asking engaging questions of his own about the family members he’d just met, laughing easily whenever you made a pun or Shouto’s dry humor jumped out.
Everything seemed to be going well. 
Fuyumi asked to be excused, saying she needed to go prepare, and Enji waved her off easily, telling you to go with her. You rose from your chair easily, but not before catching Izuku’s hand and giving it a squeeze, eyes shining as you leaned close to whisper “See you in a bit.”.
“You really love her?” Touya asked as soon as the two women left the room to go prepare dessert, leaving Izuku alone with the male Todoroki’s. Izuku assumed this would be when he gets the shake-down, the usual “Hurt her and we’ll kill you” talk.
“So much. Sometimes I feel like I love her so much that I don’t know what to do with myself.” Izuku confessed.
“She talks about you a lot. I think she feels the same way that you do.” Natsuo supplied from across the table, and Izuku felt his cheeks flush, his heart flutter. It was one thing to know you loved someone - to feel the warmth and peace it brought to your soul. It was another to know that they loved you back; it made him feel whole.
“I've seen how you treat her, I think the two of you are a good match.” Shouto said, and Izuku smiled at his friend. Shouto had been his buddy since high school, truthfully was the reason that Izuku and you had met. You’d come along with Shouto one day when he’d come to hang out with Izuku, and the two of you had become fast friends.
Natsuo was rising from the table, walking back to the little shelf along one wall where various drinks sat (and Izuku’s bourbon gift). Izuku watched the man begin to pour out a red liquid, before his attention was caught by Shouto leaving the table as well, taking his plate and exiting the room.
Then Natsuo was placing a glass of the red liquid down in front of Izuku. “Don’t worry, this is nothing more than homemade punch.” He said as Izuku eyed it.
“It’s tradition.”  Touya growled and Izuku found himself taken aback at the heat in the other man’s voice. Was the redhead angry at him for some reason? 
“Touya, calm down.” The eldest Todoroki said, and Izuku almost wanted to cower himself at the sheer dominance exuding from the powerful man. “Izuku is becoming family. You will be happy for your sister, not jealous.”
Touya huffed, grumbling under his breath before shoving his seat away from the table. “Just don’t fuckin’ hurt her, got it? She’s my baby sister.” 
“I would never-” But Touya is already storming out of the room, uncaring of Izuku’s assurances.
Natsuo sighs. “Don’t mind him, he just.... doesn’t like change.”
“What is this again?” Picking up the red drink, Izuku swirled it around the glass, trying to change the subject and hopefully smooth over the tension. Most of the tension had dissipated when Touya left, but it never hurt to be proactive. 
“It’s a tea we brew and sweeten ourselves. We grow the plants in the backyard, you’ll see them soon.” Natsuo explained.
“It’s tradition?” Izuku parroted Touya’s earlier words, before taking a quick sip. It was delicious tea.
“Yes, we like to welcome those who are approved to join the family.” Natsuo laughed a little. “Fuyumi’s husband thought we were trying to drug him. It’s really just tea.”
Izuku snorted. It tasted like tea, why would someone think the Todoroki’s were trying to drug them? Sure, the family might be a little odd, but they weren’t malicious... right?
Before he knew it, his cup was empty and Natsuo had slipped out of the room, leaving Izuku alone with the head of the household, Enji.
Where were you? And why had everyone else left the room?
“I’m very particular about who I allow in my house, boy.” Enji started, and Izuku suddenly felt.... uneasy.
“Not everyone thinks the same way as the Todoroki’s. But you seem to be a bright young man. Educated. You aren’t going to be any trouble, are you?”
The last question wasn’t posed as such. It was a statement. 
Still, Izuku shook his head. “No sir, I have no intentions of causing trouble.” Why did this casual dinner feel so serious? there was so much emphasis on being accepted into the family, on being welcomed. Izuku recognized how big of a deal that was but still... it’s not like you were about to marry him. He was planning on that a few years down the road.
“Come with me.” Enji instructed, wiping his mouth with his napkin before his impressive bulk hefted itself out of his chair. Izuku felt tiny next to the patriarch, following the man through the dark, empty house.
He wanted to ask where Enji was taking him. Where you had disappeared to, where the rest of the family had gone. But that would be rude, so Izuku kept his mouth shut.
Outside it was dark, moon shining dimly through the sky, the residual warmth of the summer day still held in the air. Izuku followed Enji through the back door, down along a path, into the plentiful, green backyard.
To a grove of trees, torches flickering from within the grove, small bushes and beautiful flowering plants dotted among the trees. A garden, Izuku realized. Those must be the plants and bushes that produce the tea Natsuo had given him.
Then there you were, in a little clearing among the trees.
Sitting on a dark blanket, knees drawn to your chest and ankles crossed in front of you as you hid your body.
Izuku started - you were naked.
Touya was kneeling beside you, a hand on your shoulder as he talked to you gently, barely sparing Izuku and his father a glance as they strode into the torch-lit clearing, Touya’s attention truly focused on you.
Shouto and Natsuo stood in the light, watching you, watching Izuku.
“What is this?” Izuku sputtered, and upon hearing his voice you looked away from Touya, a smile lighting up your face as you saw your Izuku.
“This is tradition boy.” Enji laid a heavy hand on Izuku’s shoulder. “Now strip down, my little girl’s been waiting.”
Izuku’s head swirled.
Touya stood up, shooting the green-haired man a lazy glare before moving to stand by his brothers, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Izuku...” Your sweet little voice called for him, and green eyes snapped to your form on the ground, watched as, with a nod from Enji, you slowly unfurled your body to expose yourself to your lover.
A stab of arousal hit Izuku in his gut, watching your soft-looking skin be revealed. 
Pert breasts, a squishy tummy, glistening folds ready and twitching between your legs. 
You were drenched.
There was so much shiny slick, all over your thighs and dripped onto the blanket, Izuku couldn’t catch his breath, couldn’t think straight. It was impossible for you to be that wet on your own, you must have used lube or something to prepa-
It hit him; You and Fuyumi hadn’t gone to prepare dessert.
“You just gonna stand there all night like an idiot? Take your clothes off and fuck her you dwee-”
“Touya.” Enji growled, silencing his son immediately. Then the man turned to  Izuku, easily pushing him forwards towards you. “You’ve been accepted into the family; that’s an invitation you don’t want to refuse.”
With a sigh, you easily laid down onto your back, legs still spread for Izuku to look at you, hands coming up to rest shyly over your breasts.
“Don’t do that, let him see.” Shouto murmured, and immediately your hands dropped in obedience. Shouto hummed in approval, before bi-colored eyes swept up to look at Izuku, urging his friend forward with a tilt of his head down to your form.
With trembling hands, Izuku fumbled with his pants, unzipping them with a bit of difficulty, undoing his belt, working on the buttons of his nice shirt the he had worn to make a good impression when he met your family for the first time.
It took him a moment to undress, a red blush creeping up over his cheeks and down to his chest as he bared his body to the Todoroki’s.
He didn’t think he was small, but he wasn’t big either; average. Izuku was confident in his size, didn’t really know or are how he stacked up against other guys, and the girls he’d been with before hadn’t complained.
Still, he felt embarrassed to be naked in front of other people, to be on display. But there wasn’t another option, was there? (Izuku didn’t know if that was such a bad thing)
Two short strides before dropping to his knees in front of you on the blanket, his throat dry and his palms sweaty. 
“Are you-” His voice was barely above a whisper. “Are you okay with this?” 
Your head nodded yes, a pleased, yet shy grin on your face. “Of course. I want you.”
The softness of your voice, of your body, Izuku felt dizzy as he shuffled forward, close enough to touch. Still hesitant, worried about the male Todoroki members watching from the sidelines, brain racing to work through the strangeness of the situation, the utter oddity of this... ritual that was currently taking place.
But then you were sitting up, hands circling around his neck, pressing your lips to his with crushing finality.
He was a part of the family now.
It felt good to kiss you, soft lips pressed together, little huffs of breath from your nose as you kept going. Izuku took the freedom of circling his hands around your waist, almost gasping at the plushness of your flesh, melting against you with a groan as your lips kept pressing to his.
“I’m all ready, just-just put it in.” Your breathless little confession tumbled out as soon as you pulled away from your first real kiss with Izuku, a blush high on your cheeks.
But it was Izuku’s turn to blush, sitting between your legs like a fumbling virgin. “I’m not hard yet, but I can, uhm, finger you. Or we can kiss for a little bit mo-”
“You aren’t even hard? Touya’s sneering voice cut through Izuku’s babbling. “Look at my sister. She’s fucking soaking the ground. That’s not hot to you?”
Izuku stuttered, eyes flickering down to where your legs were opened, pretty little cunt twitching. It’s like you were begging to be touched, and Izuku was a sucker for begging.
“No, that’s so hot, oh my god.” He breathed, fingers instinctively reaching to swipe through your wetness, relishing the way you gasped and shuddered as his hand made contact with your body.
“She’s so soft too, got tits like little pillows. You should lick ‘em, she likes that.” Touya continues, and Izuku wants to point out that the reason he’s not completely hard yet isn’t because he’s not insanely turned on by the beautiful creature in front of him, but because he’s feeling weirded out by all her brothers and her dad watching intently from the sidelines.
Yet he does what Touya suggests, leaning forward to put his mouth on your chest, tongue darting out to drag against your skin. 
The eldest Todoroki was right about you being soft.
Izuku can’t stop his other hand from rubbing at your cunt more firmly, feeling your little hips twitch towards him, pressing your chest more firmly into his mouth.
“She’s so pretty.” Natsuo comments, but Izuku is hardly listening when he’s flicking at your clit, nursing at your tits. “She’s gonna feel real good around you Izuku, like a new fleshlight.”
“You better breed her good, boy.” Enji booms, and suddenly you’re scrabbling at Izuku’s arms, pulling his hair, whining “Please, Izuku please.”.
“Okay, shit, let me-”
“He must be really worked up, Izuku hardly ever curses.” Shouto announces, and fuck, he’s right -  but how could he not be worked up?
Izuku is hard, blood rushing so quickly to his cock that he feels lightheaded, taking himself in hand and giving his length a few dry pumps. He’s envisioning how sopping wet you’ll feel against him, staring, drooling over your cunt.
And then he’s lining himself up, kissing you hard, and pushing inside.
“Big, ‘s too big!” You panic, tears popping to your eyes but Izuku is quick to wipe them away, cooing at you and stilling his hips.
“Oh, don’t cry! Shh, I’ll go slow, ‘m sorry, I thought you were ready-”
“Natsu-” You cried, hand scrabbling into the ground above your head, reaching, searching for your brother.
“Hey, hey, I’m here.” The man was immediately on his knees by your face, clasping your hand fervently, leaning down to put a sweet kiss on your nose. “Breathe honey, in and out. It’s okay.”
“Noo I-I.... ‘M scared, he’s-he’s-ah!” A stuttered cry broke from your chest as Izuku shifted slightly, inadvertently pushing deeper.
“No, it's gonna be okay. It's just like when we do it, yeah? He's gonna be nice.” And Natsuo is looking at Izuku, fixing him with such a pointed gaze and Izuku gets the message. He’s going to be nice.
It’s not like he wasn’t planning on it - the green haired man loves you.
But then the breath is sucked out of his chest as he comprehends what Natsuo had just comforted you with, that-that.
That you’ve fucked your brother.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Izuku chants, unable to stop his hips from inching back and forth, humnping into you in infinitesimal movements as arousal punches through his gut. “Sorry, I can’t stop-’h my god that’s-”
He can hear Touya cackle. “Damn, something really got him going.”
You were squeezing your eyes shut, clenching Natsuo’s hand so tight that the skin was whitening. Your brother didn’t seem to mind, more occupied with stroking your hair, eyes fixated on the soft jiggle of your breasts as Izuku humped you like a senseless virgin.
His breathing turned into wheezing, hitching when a presence was felt at his back.
“You can do better than that.” Enji’s hands were pressing against Izuku’s naked rear, making the green haired man flinch forward and away from the touch. But Enji merely pushed, propelling Izuku’s thrusts so that he would really fuck the warm, willing body beneath him.
“Izuk-Izu-Izuku-” You moaned, rocking your body to further spear yourself onto his cock, apparently finding the fast glide pleasurable as opposed to your hesitance earlier.
He leaned down to kiss you, both of you moaning into the kiss, hands wandering as you pushed to meet each other, Izuku’s stomach clenching tighter and tighter as he neared his release.
“She’s never had someone fuck her raw before...” Shouto mused, eyes glued to the scene in front of him, watching his best friend fuck his sister with the help of his family. “I wonder if it feels different.”
But his words were lost in the quick slap of skin meeting skin, Izuku’s grunts, your sweet little noises as you writhed and clutched at Natsuo’s hand, your other hand holding onto Izuku.
And then Izuku was gone, balls clenching and cock twitching inside you, pulsing as he shot his seed.
Your eyes fluttered shut, pulling your hand away from Natsuo to place it against your tummy, pressing right over where Izuku was still grinding against you. “Feels... feels so warm.”
Izuku was panting, sweat sticking his curls to his forehead, desire slowly swirling out of his body as he came. 
What the fuck had he just done?
Enji clapped him once on the back, before rising to his feet. “Welcome to the family, son.”
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bitchineering · 3 years
Lets go! Day 1: Let’s learn HOW the frick to study
So this I think is the most important thing to do and really it is insane that in the United States (which is where I am from by the way) students have no idea on how to freaking study. Honestly all of this gets me incredibly frustrated because with the internet we have the ability to share information and I’ll tell you that I am one of those people who have scavenged the internet and picked apart what I could find. Here’s another big problem: not everything someone does will work for you. 
Also just the spread of dumb study information is pretty terrible. If I do counter anything I will leave a paper or my citation just because I believe in putting down sources and showing others how to research and why citing is freakin important. 
Let’s get started: I’m going to summarize everything that will be in here for a second
1. Find your method of studying, find out everything. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING. You need to write down how you study (the different types of study people) but also the classes because people study sciences different than humanities. 
2. Find out your most productive state. If this means it is you at 2 am in a suit and jacket than that means you need to leave procrastination station and be studying during that time. Now I am not totally okay with people studying in a suit for one it is uncomfortable, I think a jeans and a clean tshirt is just as good. If you can be productive in sweatpants or pjs then go for it. I know I am not and it doesn’t work when I dress for relaxation.
Okay, I’ll be going into more in depth of mainly the first one but a bit of the second.
To start off the bat, if you have time watch this lecture https://youtu.be/IlU-zDU6aQ0 by Marty Lobdell. You have probably heard the saying before and one thing that makes me so frustrated within the study community is that others use this statment without giving any real examples. I feel like Lobdell does this as well as he doesn’t describe note taking and I do believe before putting down a material, you have to take notes. (All he mentions is handwriting notes and I do believe in that. You cannot really type notes and expect to learn the material). 
Another source I would suggest is the Vark Quiz (https://vark-learn.com/the-vark-questionnaire/) Learn what type you are (I’m a Kinesthetic!) and read what they give you. I’m not going to say you will perfectly match with your description but if you are starting from ground zero, this is an amazing place to see what might work for you instead of you having to come up with different technques on your own. 
I get so annoyed when people use the pomodoro method as a way to study. It is not a way to study. It is a way to schedule your study time. Also, I don’t think you can do much in 25 minutes or maybe it is just me. Usually I work for an hour or 50 minutes and then take a ten minute break. All you need to do is find out what works for you. 
Okay let’s get into classes, first there is an amazing youtuber named Nathan Wu who made this video (https://youtu.be/pdAt8JhBnMU and there is a part 2 but I’ll let you guys find it). He is a very good study youtuber that I do like to watch sometimes and I do appriciate that he is spreading correct information. I can give you guys an example of what worked for me in some of my classes (I also just wanna say I won’t be putting my grades on here nor anything really. I don’t feel comfortable being compared to others because I already have to deal with it at my own institution and peers. Please don’t compare yourself to others).
Chemistry (Wu also does include this subject in his video):
- Write notes and explanations for the love of god. Like please just write notes. 
- Also apply those notes. If you are confused in one area ask someone for help whether that be your teacher or someone else. 
-I would say to use flashcards, but I’m honestly a big quizlet user (I haven’t used Anki I’m a little weird and I get so annoyed when I use something that is popular. I sadly give off the “i’m not like other girls vibe”). When I use quizlet every time I get an answer wrong I write down the definition. I can explain this more because you can do this with notecards as well and probably Anki but I like the mobility of quizlet. 
-Labs... I do like doing some labs. I miss my older ones from Honors Chemistry, I barely do good labs in AP Chemistry, but at the same time you have to do them. This could be for any science class because knowing how to apply your information is the best way to test your knowledge that isn’t practice questions (If you need labs look up a virtual simulation. While it isn’t the same thing they are usually free and if not you can find some on youtube).
- Practice problems (this more or less goes with your grading point instead of studying. While I do believe the overall goal in studying is that you understand and can apply the topic tests are so different in many things). As stated before I have taken Honors Chemistry, so I used test prep from my teacher and was able to form questions similar to how she asked them on the quiz. In AP Chemistry I’ve been able to use the online resources from other teachers and AP Classroom. I will say AP Chemistry it is much harder to write my own questions because AP Chemistry is just really hard in general, but finding FRQ practices I believe is one of the best ways you can work on it (Honestly it may be just me but doing FRQs or written essays for answers is so much better than multiple choice because this allows you to practice giving explanations and learning where your gap of knowledge is).
Another study technique I like to do is called the Feynmann technique. This is such a great way to apply knowledge without doing test prep because you need to essentially master your subject before test prep. This method includes creating a study plan for someone else, you need to teach someone else (or something else) what you’re learning and have them ask questions. Know I know this doesn’t really work well for some people including myself because I don’t really have others to talk to when I study but talk to yourself. (sometimes I talk to a ghost or a plushie in my room. I have little trinkets on my desk of which a tiger egg and a Chick Fil A cow plushie wearing a sunflower dress. Just try it, it might seem weird but you got to). If you can’t have others ask you questions say everything you can remember (and maybe do this on a google doc with the voice chat box open, I would say record yourself but I hate hearing my own recordings). Then, once you have finished look through your notes and see what you got correct and what you got wrong. If you did use a google docs then write what you meant to say like: “I said this... but this was incorrect because of this...”
For study schedule or something related to studying I would say watch these videos: https://youtu.be/-m2Ua5Y0mzc and https://youtu.be/OYuhkaOPKcM. Both are by youtubers who I do like to watch and follow what they do. I would say to look through Alicia’s youtube a bit more if you like electronic organization AND the true studyblr (girl can do beautiful calligraphy). I believe I align more with Keo Tsang, who studies later at night rather than earlier than the morning. Tsang does get more hours of sleep than me (haha). If you are in high school please don’t do what he does though. I try to go to bed by midnight because then I’ll get six hours of sleep, and I can sleep on the bus (it takes me an hour to get to school). I also have a free first period where I can sleep if I need to or catch up on work from last night if I didn’t do it. I do like to work when there is sunlight but also coming home from school and taking a detox or a break is so much better for my mental health. I know it will be different when in university but I’d just say this to any high school student, please do a mental detox. Don’t go on social media and scroll endlessly maybe listen to some music, read a book, take a walk/run, my sister would bake after a long stressful day and her food- while not the best- got her in a good mood. 
I think this is all I’ll write today. I still need to do so much work myself haha but I am a big procrastinator and also I did have a break down a little while ago. Just know you are worth everything and in the end, every problem is going to have some type of solution even if there is no solution. Your life doesn’t need to be answered today or tomorrow so let’s work on becoming better students one step at a time :)
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
simblr asks v2
here are my answers! find the questions here.
i wrote soo much ahaha. like however much you think i wrote, i wrote more than that. imo everything i write is gold though
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? no, it looks really nice but i legit never ever buy packs at launch, especially cause this one is a expansion and it will probably go on sale at some point
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately? buy it legitimately 👌
3. what’s your favorite world? brindleton bay, it gives like seaside cottage vibes. willow creek is good but it’s boring. 
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as? 3 or 4. i used to do like 12 lmaoo what even was wrong with me
5. do you watch sims on youtube? yes, i watch mainly malixa, oshinsims, and msgryphi
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator) those sectional couches look good! but honestly im kinda annoyed because now it’s even harder to have all the items filled in when i place lots from the gallery. like i’m just saying like a lot of builds will use that pack probably and if i don’t get it then i can’t really use builds/save files 
7. how many packs/kits do you own? lemme count
expansion: all - 10/10 game: 5/10 stuff: 9/18 kits: none xo
24/38 - 63%
8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url? 🤗 it’s in my title, it’s celeschul. it doesn’t look that nice in my title but i use celeschul in my package files and i’m guessing people search things like, “celeschul penny hair” or something like that in order to find my cc- so i keep it in there so the search results are easier. i do want to change it though..
but no it’s also not the same! well i mean it’s the username i use for cc. my origin id used to be an0nymousghost but i changed it. i wonder if anyone’s taken that one?
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog? main blog ✌️ my old blog @stardze​ is a main blog as well.
my old old simblr was a sideblog but it had like 1 follower and it literally a bot so i don’t think that counts. i have a multifandom sideblog though 
10. do you have a cc finds blog? i wish. i was thinking bout it earlier and that would be sooo neat but sometimes i download stuff that doesn’t have a tumblr post attached to it, and also it’s stressful to keep up with so nah
11. are you wcif friendly? yes sir. in fact i bring the trouble of wcifs onto myself but doing them even when nobody asked.
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims) gonna have to think on this one, honestly 1 sim is really fun and stuff goes by so fast. doing stuff with astrid when she was on her own, it was much more efficient. 
for families, i haven’t done that in a while actually. 5, 2 parents and 3 kids is cute tho. why did i write this this is honestly such a hard question
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets? i feel like i haven’t played with cats and dogs in forever. honestly i just have no paitence. noelle fae was supposed to get a cat (there’s a food bowl + cat bed in her house) but when summer vacation started, the amount of time i spent playing ts4 decreased a lot. (this doesn’t really make sense, i have a lot more time. honestly it just has to do with my recent obsession with a certain anime/manga and some other personal thing)
i did random nightmares in may though and i had pets frequently. g5 didn’t because sofia scarlett lived in an apartment, but g2/3/4 had cici, and g1 had all the cats. but that was back in march so it’s been a while.
14. what lifespan do you use? i really want to do aging off but then i feel like it drags on. but aging legit stresses me out, sometimes i just want to sit down and do some cas stuff but i only have 2 hours in real time and there’s like 4 days left till one of my sims’ birthdays. 
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through? just so everyone is aware this question was made for me
i feel like eps require a specific save made for testing them out, but the only save i’ve ever made for an ep is noelle fae’s get famous save. 
that is literally a lie - i made a save for island living with one of my 100bc kids, maisie acapella. i did actually post it on tumblr BUT then i deleted all the posts BUT i reblogged them on my alt account BUT i privated my alt account so i honestly forgot about it
i have never played through discover university or watched anyone do it on youtube, i’ve read gerbits’ story about it so i think i’m pretty qualified. i’ve always wanted to do one with periwinkle acapella but i never got around to it
another ep i know nothing about is get to work
i tried doing a eco life playthrough but i hadn’t watched any videos and i was like..what is going on. so i quit lolx d ;;;;; i mentioned it but the whimsy stories legacy was the first time i had played with the eco lifestyle features so technically i think i know what im doing
i got outdoor retreat literally on monday of this week so i haven’t played through it yet. 
jungle adventure i still don’t know what’s going on. i remember last year before i bought the pack i was brainstorming, and wanted to do a ja playthrough with luna and cedar, who are a couple who i did a random legacy with and it was all queued to post when i deleted everything (if you’re wondering why, it’s because my queue was literally 200+ posts). except this time i didn’t save them to my sideblog so i lost them. 
i still havent had a restaurant in dine out 
also never did the vet thing from cats and dogs
i have no idea what that rock climbing thing is from snowy escape but i did most of the other stuff because rn g5
city living i did through psc stage 5 and also it was the first pack i bought anyways
the rest of them are either stuff packs or i ended up playing them through casual gameplay (seasons, parenthood)
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music) i listen to music most of the time, or listen to commentary youtube videos because i am an alpha chad. i also used to talk with my friends on voice call but i don’t do that anymore 🥲
17. which sims challenges have you tried? random legacy, whimsy stories, perfect sim challenge, 100 baby, legacy (just the plain get-to-10-gens one), random nightmares, berry zodiac, astrology legacy, apocalypse
i feel like im forgetting some.. honestly most of the stuff i did before simblr was either 100 baby (i love that challenge) or random saves that lasted for 2 seconds. 
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches? nah. 
i do appreciate that most cc hairs have a true (ish) black, thank god! and the fact that the hair update is what inspired me to update and fix a bunch of hairs with different issues is pretty nice. but will i use them? no. 
plus it takes up like 5 gb? depending on how many packs you have.
19. post the latest screenshot you took 📸
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i live in cas
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own? i think that dream home decorator side part hair looks a lot like my hair. honestly i havent see much like my hair but that one is kinda-? close
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story? noelle and alari fae i think! 
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link to post
noelle is blonde and has blue-grey eyes. she wears purple contacts pretty often though (because she wants to 😌)
alari has light brown hair that is kinda curly, and she’s got pretty vibrant blue eyes. 
they’re sisters, alari is 3 years older than noelle. noelle was 19 and alari was 22 when they got spotted
they worked as models when they were young adults. their jobs involved dyeing their hair blue/pink, and they would model like clothes and stuff. anyways, they were pretty successful. like not ultra famous but they had enough money to not work for the rest of their lives. 
their modeling group was made of 4 girls, the others were named paisley autumn and they were green and red, respectively. some things are: 
paisley and alari started dating during this 
autumn was a single mother to a little girl named destiny
noelle dated many people during this but never ended up finding the one <3
when their contract ended after like 6 years, paisley and alari went to go live together and noelle decided to get into acting. so thats when get famous playthrough started!
there’s more but basically they’re like oc’s with sims on the side. xoxo
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items? this is such a good question! i hoard hair very heavily (my folder is 11gb) i so i have like 97% from most of the popular hair creators. 
i think i had legitimately EVERYTHING from simstrouble though, i went through multiple times to check and i also have all of her retired stuff. 
i have everything from ridgeport i think-? because of the fact that she uploaded all her stuff in one big zip. 
i think that’s it.. for a long time i also had everything by clumsyalienn, but then i ended up deleting it and only keeping my faves. 
and looking at my collection, maybe ah00b? i might be missing a couple but i at least have like 99%.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated? dine out, it’s laggy af yes but it’s such a nice thing for my sims to do. 
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies? melons by gerbits always and forever
this question was inspired by this ask anyways so 
25. if you could change one small thing about ts4, what would it be? most of my suggestions are pretty complex but literally just - when you add tray files, they appear at the top. my life would be so much easier
this took me literal hours to answer
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neo-shitty · 3 years
yeah same, i follow some fic accs that occaisionally post smut and its like mmmmm is the fluff writing enough to balance the posts that gives me finger burn trying to scroll past it? but yeah thats probably the way to go
ah i wasnt there for the teaser but i can imagine that was tantalising. lmaoo yes but to be fair i do have a writing acc called channiesbigheart so... balancing it out? but i absolutely am whipped beyond belief. it was a TRAVESTY how COULD they have. yeah the b sides gave him more lines but they werent the ones that were performed over and over at stages. yessss the line distribution in this album is impeccable, im pretty sure the thunderous stuff was some of their best distribution
hehe i can understand that, sometimes putting someone in a situation so horrible it would be considered a violation of human rights is theraputic, ya know? mmmm the differences are a bit nuts, it was 14 degrees today and in less than a week its going to be 32 or smth. BROOO that would be legendary, i bet theyd treat their artists rlly well and have great music as well ahhh but its a lot of work adn commitment. yES that is a mood if ever i heard one.
its the same in australia as well, sadly, you have people who hold up harry styles and lil nas x for breaking gender roles and wearing make up adn steryotypical womens clothing (and keep in mind i have infinite respect for both of them theyre honestly doing so much for the de-dehumanising of gay people and those who wear whatever they want), and calling the kpop boys gay and other things for doing the same thing, when theyve been doing it for years and gotten no recognition smh its so tragic. yes, anyway YES ONLY 6 MONTHS I AM FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES A BBY STAN altho i considered myself a fully fledged stay like 2 days after i got into them cos i just spent all day researching and fixating. YES someone said it. it feels like theyre losing a huge chunk of why a lot of people liked their music in teh first place, which was that whole dna, dope, fire mood. and even doing bright songs is fine, liek they should do what they want but i feel liek the western music industry is so fucking toxic that they feel pressured into making these decisions. dont get me wrong, theyre good decisions from a business perspective, theyre getting record breaking sales but still. mmm yeah honestly yg just needs to get its shit together or get out
oooh! not into nct but i see a lot of him, he seems rlly talented. ahh yes another channie ult lmaoo i feel that, my list is growing in leaps and bounds as well. mmm yeah i think i will, im just going to try to save enough money :) mingi appealed to me mostly for the voice (like felix smh what is it with me and deep voiced bois) but also his soft visuals and the whole cutesy thing he has going on i rlly liked. yes i did get into them while he was on hiatus, but im still mostly a casual stan, ill listen to the album when it comes out but i dont think ill obsessively look over everything to do with it, like skz. HAH WE'RE MORE SIMILAR THAN I THOUGHT. lmaooo the thot line describes them perfectly, why are they all so damn attractive. especially seonghwa, like that man looks like a character from a book, cardan greenbriar vibes anyone? mmhmm! his vocals are absolutely insane. ty! yeah im excited altho idk how theyre every going to beat border:carnival, that shit was impeccable. ahh no stress, enjoy teh groups you stan atm!
ahh thank you so much, ill keep that in mind. hehe thats good! hopefully its soon :( ah ty, it means a lot. ill think abt that and hopefully talk abt it a little more :)
ah, no it was inside our gymnasium but to get to the other side of the stage you had to exit the building, go around the back and then enter through the other stage door. ah tysm! im glad too. mmm same, they baffle me. ;n; noo so sad :( ahh, thats um not smth i put on here, but im in high school so make of that what you will :)
thank you! ive done a majority of them, i just have maths, an english presentation and an economic assignment due now so im pretty much home free. yeah i feel like hes the epitome of here for you while being inescapably far away. haha she sounds like one of my friends. lmaooo why is that me. hmmm i feel like youve answered a lot of them in that answer so maybe just ateez, enha, txt and bp? if you stan them? :)
ahhh no problem at all, proud of you for managing to overcome the procrastination! progress! mmm thats good! ahh pls do let me know if you ever decide that, i cant promise i wont cry but do what you gotta do :)
<3 w.a. 🐺
hi! sorry for the late reply, i didn't know how to construct sentences yesterday e.e
yeah sometimes it's the perfect balance! i personally don't like fics that focus mainly on the filth? the plot has to carry the whole fic somehow and the smut is just something to add to the mix. also, i'll follow you on your writing blog! i keep forgetting to do so, damn it.
"sometimes putting someone in a situation so horrible it would be considered a violation of human rights is theraputic, ya know?" putting it this way just silenced me but yes. angst just feels more realistic. it isn't always happy endings irl so i tend to do it a lot.
falling into skz is so easy! it felt like that for me too. stanning them felt like getting sucked into a blackhole. also yes i agree. kpop is nothing but an industry after all and it runs on money so i get why they do what they do as well.
i suggest we not talk about haechan because i will literally not shut up but yes my boy is an ace :( chan is also sooooo easy to love. and the chan's rooms just solidified his place as ult. having something to look forward to every week at a time when my mental health was just plummeting into the depths of tartarus just helped me be stable. oh yeah, mingi's deep voice is indeed sexc. and he has some wack ass duality as well! and i think seonghwa was one of the people i nearly considered as bias just because of his visuals because wow that's one beautiful face. and true, idk how enha's going to beat border:carnival. i don't like all the tracks simply bc of taste preferenceds but i like more than one so i consider that a lot already.
bro that gym should've had some sort of a covered walk :// also i miss being in high school sO DAMN MUCH. but i still feel like i am because time stopped when quarantine started and i was still in senior year at the time.
my ateez bias is wooyoung! it wasn't that much of a shocker to my kpop stan irls because i was a jimin stan for the longest time. enhypen is jake and they kept pointing out that he looked like seungmin sometimes so it's like chan's aussie-ness with a tinge of seungmin (the other guy in my skz bias line, in case i haven't mentioned it). txt is huening kai! i find it hard to believe that he's my age because he looks a lot younger? o.O and he always looks good damn :(( sigh for blackpink it's lisa! i tend to bias the maknaes of yg groups, it's a pattern i've noticed but don't intentionally do!
DON'T WASTE YOUR TEARS OMFG. you can always reach me elsewhere if i like disappear off this blog.
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linguenuvolose · 4 years
Why I don’t succeed at my language goals
I’ve tried to analyze a bit why I don’t manage to complete my goals that well and these are my conclusions. I didn’t think it would be this long and I don’t really know what to do with this information but yeah. I’ll put it under the cut because I ramble a lot.
I think I dislike doing things outside of my routine. I don’t have a habit of actively studying languages and therefor I don’t really know how to do it and it makes me uncomfortable and I end up doing nothing. I don’t have any active study resources (outside of apps) so I have no idea where to start and I get overwhelmed. I don’t like doing stuff I don’t know how to do, I know I can’t learn without being bad first but I find it very hard. 
Connected to the previous one, I tend to set goals with resources I haven’t actually used yet. I think this is a bad because then if I don’t finish/start something because I realize it won’t help me like I thought it would I might still feel bad because I didn’t finish what I set out to do.
I go to bed too late. This mostly affects my reading. I almost exclusively read before bed but if it’s late I just want to sleep. Sleeping too little also affects my overall stress and happiness of course and that also has consequences for how much I manage to do.
I’m too stressed in general. I have a lot to do and it doesn’t feel justifiable spending focused time on things outside of uni. And honestly, I straight up don’t have the mental space and calm needed to focus on languages.
I set too ambitious goals. Deep down, every period, ever week, I know that I won’t finish all the goals but still I keep on setting too difficult goals for myself. That also makes it not a big deal not succeeding because “Well, I didn’t succeed last week either so who’s surprised really?” It also makes my goals feel too big so I don’t even bother starting them. I think a part of my planning process should be setting part goals for my bigger goals already at the beginning.
Not having a clear why for my goals. Language learning is a slow process and I have quite a hard time seeing how my goals would benefit towards actual progress. Probably linked to the fact that I’ve had a super long period of not learning languages actively and therefor feel like I’m at more or less the same level I’ve been at for the past 2-3 years in all of my languages. This might not be 100% true (I do feel much more secure in French again now which is nice!) but that’s how it feels. Sometimes I set goals because I think “that might be a fun activity” but I don’t know exactly what I want to learn from it and therefor don’t get that much from it. Okay, you want to listen to a podcast, but why? Is it to learn vocab? Immersion? Shadowing to train your accent? Cultural immersion? The goals should be based on improving my weaknesses, not on just doing something because it “might be good.”
Not having a clear why for my language learning. Except for Italian I don’t know if I have a super strong why for any of my languages which makes it hard to find motivation. I think I’ve discussed this before but since getting more involved and attached to Italian it has gotten extremely clear to me how unattached I am culturally to the other languages I study. @lagom-languages‘ posts on polyglotism has made me think a bit and idk, I feel like I might just be learning languages because I associate prestige or even identity to it. Recently it has also been partly because of academic utility (i.e. reading academic articles in other languages) and while there’s nothing wrong with knowing a language because it might be useful for your career, it doesn’t feel like a very strong reason. 
Setting goals just because I feel like I should. Posting about my language goals really did help me a lot back in 2017-2018 and I did it for almost a full year I believe. But now, I don’t know how much it actually helps, a bit for sure but... I love seeing people posting about their progress every week (@nordic-language-love, @lagom-languages, @mediocrelanguagelearner, I think you all are super cool!) and I want to be a part of it but I don’t know if it’s actually the right way for me to go. I do identify myself as a language learner, I spend a lot of my life in foreign languages (mainly Italian and French) by listening to music, watching youtube, uni work etc. but I can’t help but feel that that isn’t enough. Everyone else here on tumblr and on instagram seem to be doing so much, you actively study, you write posts, you use the language but I... I don’t. And I know you post a lot even about things going badly, or when you’re feeling down about languages, and I appreciate that a lot. But still my brain is like nope, look at all of these people being perfect. And I know I only see a sliver of your lives, I know it’s impossible to compare myself progress to others’ because we are not the same, we do not start from the same point but still I do compare myself. I want to study languages actively because that’s what “everyone else” does. But that can’t be my reason, that can’t be my why.
I think in the end it comes down to stress, lack of “why” and motivation. Unfortunately these are things I actively have to think about to solve, I have to do some reevaluation, some thinking. A part of me wants to have language goals for these last 2 months of the year, I like the structure. But another part of me really can’t see the benefit, it’s not like I won’t be in contact with languages if I don’t have any goals. Idk, maybe I’ll turn my goals updates into progress updates to keep some kind of accountability. But I also find it hard to track what I do since a lot of it is just immersion. I don’t know. I think I’ll let the goals be for this week, feel how I feel and then see what I decide to do next week.
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Hey, I'm doing good too. Just normal amounts of stressful stuff right now. Just moved to a country I've never been to before but can't complain, things are not as hard as the last time I did this so. Thanks for asking! Yeah, I saw you posting about some pretty scary health issues before, I'm glad you came out of that alive and hope you're healthier now!
The nerve some people have! Haha I know I would be pissed if people were questioning my intelligence like that especially after a couple of drinks in haha. Though I do like taunting people when I play group games, I'll be like "don't need to try that hard guys, you're gonna lose anyway" just to mess with them or just call people sore losers if they accuse me of cheating haha (they're probably right on the accusations tho). People get real mad sometimes it's kinda funny. 😂
Omg literally laughed out loud reading this! Hahaha, how did you manage to fall over a road sign then end up in a ditch? lol omg hope you didn't get hurt too bad 😂 I was trying to downplay my drunken escapades but since you shared yours I should tell you my worst one:
I was at this summer street party at night and got drunk on something made out of tropical herbs and cachaça (which is about 48% alcohol), drank 3 and a half bottles of that like it was apple juice, made friends with a bunch of strangers in a bathroom queue (who tried to talk to me weeks later but I had no idea who they were), had to be held by my best friend while I peed (mostly missing the toilet), fell in the middle of the street and scraped my knee, threatened this boy who was helping me walk and told him not to try anything funny or I would beat him up, then dragged my friends to the beach and left them shortly after to go make out with my ex, came back with lipstick all over my mouth and chin and when my friends asked what I was doing I said I was just talking to my ex and they were like NO YOU WERE NOT, hahaha then I kissed all my girl friends on a dare and we danced under the full moon, then I told my best friend I had to puke so she took me to the ocean but I changed my mind and happened to step on a dead turtle on the way back and started crying bc of it, but last month my best friend told me it was a rock I had stepped on (I believed it was a dead turtle for 7 years!). Had the worst hangover of my life the next day. ✌️✨
Ah I'm happy you liked it! I've never listened to Six musical before but it sounds fun! I can see why you like it haha made me want to dance around my apartment 💃. And hey if liking musicals is your thing then it's great, I'm sure Hozier will understand if he's not your top artist of the year. 😋 Here's my "damie" Pinterest board if you or anyone else wants to check it out, totally recommend making one if you're a visual person like me!
Oh I could talk about Dani and Jamie forever I think. I love the beast in the jungle speech too and it's so painful to watch, VP delivered that beautifully, but I have to admit I'm always a crying mess from episode 1 when older Jamie starts reciting that song about being sad while waiting for her lover to return, this show is fucking cruel I hate it and love it at the same time hahaha. Omg your mom 😂 but I mean it's truly an honor to be compared to someone like Dani, no? She's really great even if she needs a little help haha (don't we all).
Aaah you're amazing! Thank you so much, I'll read this pirate AU soon!
I used to draw a lot, really loved doing it when I was a kid as I said before, and all throughout adulthood too but I haven't done that in almost a year now bc I've got a bit of a case of burnout I guess, it just takes a lot of effort to do it when it shouldn't be like that at all. I used to do fanart too, for other fandoms. Even made one for Dani x Jamie but ended up not liking how it turned out haha. I've got a lot of respect for writers and fanfic writers also! Yall can make words make sense in really interesting and beautiful ways, build worlds so enthralling I can see them vividly in my head. Writing is such an incredibly fascinating skill to have! And I guess the most important thing is that we enjoy doing these things right? Even if we think we're not particularly good at it.
Anyway, have a lovely weekend! 👋✨
Good I'm glad you're doing great but sorry you're dealing with stressful stuff!! Hope living in a new country goes well for you I'm so jealous that you've lived in different countries I'd love to live somewhere else even if just for s few years!! Awwh thank you so much I definitely came out of it alive and am feeling so much better now thank you I mean I do some pretty ditzy things so when people say it to me it's pretty deserved sometimes, I'm secretly smart and people just don't expect it so I never mind too much haha I might have to start saying the things that you do and just taunting them over it I mean, I usually do win even when they make me answer different questions so I will definitely have to start saying things like that to them Haha I love that you're just like "yeah they're probably right in their accusations" I agree seeing how mad some people get over games and stuff is funny (it's me I'm people I hate loosing games depending on what it is and I am very competitive) So it was very dark and all we had for light was my roommates flashlight on her phone but while we were walking home a friend of ours that lived else where kept texting her to make sure we were still safe (my phone as dead at this point) so while she was texting him her flashlight was facing down and someone had moved this road sign to the footpath and it was on that sits on the floor so while I couldn't see it I walked into it and fell over it but while I feel I grabbed hold of it and flipped with it and fell in a ditch with it on top of me... I was fine and was just laid laughing while my friend looked down at me and in the most northern accent ever just said "get up you dickhead." and helped me off of the floor and then asked if I was okay... and I was so it was all good!! Haha 😂 I love this drunken story that sounds like one hell of a night and is a roller coaster from start to finish!! I'm sorry you thought you had stood on a dead turtle for 7 years though, someone really should've told you that it was just a rock!! But that sounds like my kind of night!! I love nights like that... stories that will last a life time... the only down side is the hangover... luckily I have only ever had one hang over in my life and it wasn't the morning after the road sign fiasco... I felt surprisingly good the morning after that haha 😂 It's such a good musical it's about Henry VIII wives and I just love everything to do with his wives and that musical is so much fun and actually gives a little insight to the lives the six Tudor queens had away from Henry and with him because at school we're mainly just taught about him which sucks!! I loved the Hozier song and am definitely gonna have to listen to more of his stuff!! I love musicals so much I mainly listen to musical soundtracks at the minute- usually, Legally Blonde and Six on repeat haha 😂 Ooo thank you I will definitely check out this Pinterest board thanks for sending it to me!! I could talk about them forever too... since watching Bly Manor my niece has been asking me so many questions about it and I am more than happy to talk to her about it haha!! The beast in the jungle speech just breaks my heart every time I relate to it so much and VP just delivers it so beautifully!! Oh yeah now I know at the beginning that it's older Jamie I am just a wreck the whole show is just so beautiful and heart breaking at the same time I LOVE IT!! Even though it makes me sob- I keep putting myself through it!! I mean, yeah I was happy that she said it Dani is great but it was the way she said it... my mum can be something else sometimes... she said she thought Dani was like me the first time she does the accent when she says "I've fallen quite in love with London" because I just randomly do accents a lot too but it was the way she was like "She needs help... but I like her she reminds me of you" I was just like... "Should I go get help?" I still don't know the answer to my question about if I need help or not but I mean I probably do need it You're welcome I really hope you like it!! It's a
great fic I love it!! Yeah I get that if stuff starts taking too much effort and burns you out you're not gonna wanna keep doing it so it's understandable that you stopped!! I think fan art is great and I really would love to be able to do it myself but I just don't have the skill it takes!! Awwh it's a shame you didn't like the Dani x Jamie one you did I would've loved to have seen it!! Honestly there are so many talented writers out there and when I read their fics I am just in awe of the worlds they have built and the stories they have created we are so blessed in this fandom to have so many amazing writers and so many amazing fics out there Oh yeah definitely its important to enjoy what you do!! I know I love writing and love writing fics for Dani and Jamie so I think I'll be doing it for a while even if I'm not great at it haha Awwh thank you very much I hope you have a great weekend too!! ☺️
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Survey #364
“you wanna know what zeus said to narcissus?  /  ‘you’d better watch yourself’“
Do you change your type of music regularly? Nah. I've ben all about metal and rock since middle school. Would you want to visit Tokyo, Japan, someday? It's not actually on my bucket list or anything, but I'd do it. Do you curse like a sailor? Sailors are better than I am, aha... Do you hear trains pass by where you live? No. Ever been in a race? Haha, no. Last time you’ve eaten a taco? I hate tacos. Do you like horses? Sure do! Do you like Starburst? omg YES. What is your favourite wild animal? MEERKATS!!!!!! :') Do you like hamsters? They're very cute, but I've never met a nice one. Do you eat bananas? Yeah, I like bananas, but I'm VERY picky with how ripe it is. There's like, barely a two-day span where I'm willing to eat them. What is your favourite bookstore? I don't have one. What is your favorite fast food joint? Sonic. Do you sweat easily? Ugh, you haven't the slightest idea. As a side effect of one (or two?) of my prescriptions, I have I N S A N E hyperhidrosis. I can stand outside for a millisecond in like 70 degree weather and I'm already sweating. If you could move (and SERIOUSLY think about this) where would you move? All factors considered, being entirely realistic, the mountain-y region of western NC. Why would you go there? I want to stay in NC to at least not be a massive ways away from my family, and I loooove mountains. Plus, there's a lot of cool places on the other end of the state. Do you want to travel? Yes. I want to see so much more than this boring 'ole state. What was the last vaccination you got? For Covid. Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? There have been wildfires towards the beach, I believe? Any time it happened we would always get the smoke all the way where we live. Are you Italian? Not to my knowledge. Do you own an acoustic guitar? No. What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? My physical health. When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Recently. Can you roll your own cigarettes? I've never smoked, so. Are you mentally strong? I think so. I hope so. Are you physically strong? I am like, comically weak. Are you heartbroken right now? No. Do you ever get complimented on your eyes? What color are they? It's happened, but it's definitely not a regular thing or whatever. They're grayish blue. What facial feature do you like the best on a person? I'd say I'm most attracted to pretty eyes. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever held? I helped hold a massive snake as a kid (I don't remember what it was), and I've also held a rose hair tarantula. I can't think of any truly strange animals by my opinion, really. Do you get extremely hyper when under the influence of sugar? No. Sugar seems to have zero effect on me, probably because I'm over-exposed to it thanks to soda... What about caffeine? Not at all, likely for the aforementioned reason. Have you ever tried any drugs? If so, did you regret it? Besides alcohol, no. I don't regret having drank as it was never a lot. Do you have any pregnant friends? A high school acquaintance is pregnant. I THINK she's the only one now? I swear I see a new pregnancy announcement on Facebook like every two days, and mind you I don't even have all that many "friends." That being said, I may definitely be forgetting someone. When ordering food, what do you usually get as a drink? Depending on whether they have Pepsi or Coke products, either Mountain Dew or Coke. When drawing something, do you try to be super precise or do you not care? I am so, so, SO obsessive over getting everything right, but things never come out as good as I want them to/imagine them. Have you actually read Twilight? I haven't. What about Harry Potter? Never read any of those, either. I started one in elementary school, but didn't get very far at all. Out of the two, which is better? I have like no interest in either, so. How often do you read books? It various. I go through like reading episodes, and then I don't read for months. Are you the jealous type? I'm not like, an insanely jealous person, but it's still the worst it's ever been at this point in my life. I hate it. Are you the type of person who gets jealous of people’s pasts? Nah, no reason to. Do you know anyone who faints at the sight of blood? Not blood, I think, but needles and drawing blood, yes. I know my dad's fainted at least once at the doctor, and Jason fainted when I was getting blood drawn at the ER. What colors are the eyes of your family members? Just about everyone has brown eyes but me, I think my maternal grandpa, and my brother. Are you related to anyone with red hair? Not to my knowledge. Were you a chubby baby? No, I was pretty average. What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Social situations with strangers especially. Asking for things. Public speaking/presenting. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? God, I remember there was this one night in particular where I stayed up SO late, but I don't remember the exact time. I think I actually cried because I was so stressed and tired. How many vegetarians do you know? In my personal life, I don't believe I know any, but I could be wrong. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? I never did, even though I was always tired. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Favorite episode of Spongebob? The pizza one, probably. Or the Hash Slinging Slasher episode. What bug frightens you most? Wasps, probably. Are your parents supportive of you? Yes. <3 How often do you take the train to go places? I've never been on a train. Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No. Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool? No. What was the last thing you took a video of? Hm... I honestly don't remember. What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore? Thunderstorms. Have you ever had famous neighbors? No. Pick your three favourite vegetables. Broccoli, green beans, and uh... I'm blanking... Habitually I wanna say "corn," but I know it's not technically a veggie, but starch. Have you ever broken a movie or game disc? I think I have? What is your favourite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. Can you rap freestyle? Or at least sing raps from songs? Ha, no. Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Yeah. Do you scream at scary parts in a horror flick? No. I might jump a bit, but not always. What do you spend most of your time doing? Watching YouTube. Do you really care what’s going on in celebrities' lives? More like the YouTubers I watch. Have you ever broken a plate/bowl? Accidentally by dropping them. When was the last time you felt like you didn’t have a care in the world? I couldn't begin to guess. Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? No. Can you do a backwards london bridges? God no, I'd bust my back. What smiley do you use the most on the computer? (: maybe. Or :') Are any of your pets “overweight”? No, but why is "overweight" in quotations as if overweight pets aren't a real and serious issue? Has anyone ever bought you a ring? Yeah. On a scale 1-10, how funny are you? I honestly don't think I'm funny at all, so I'd put myself at a 1. Pretty recently though it was very surprising and flattering to have my dad and older sister point out that I'm "hilarious" with my wry sense of humor. I don't see it, but I mean, it was surely appreciated. What’s a song that is overplayed but you still like it anyway? I barely ever listen to the radio, yet I still know "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is played a lot, but I could never get tired of it. Are you excited for Christmas? Christmastime is my favorite time of year nowadays, mainly because of how excited my niece and nephew always are, and we spend most of Christmas Day and usually Christmas Eve with them. I love the weather, the focus on togetherness, all that. What are you thankful for? Man, a lot. I try my best to never overlook all the truly amazing things I do have, like a loving and supportive family, a home, food and safe water, Internet haha, access to medical care (regardless of the complaints I have about American healthcare)... I've got a lot of bad going on in my life, but I've also got a great amount of good things, too. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on? Internet. What’s your favorite color combination? Maaan, don't do this. I really don't know. Probably two pastels, idk. Do you have any internet friends? I have more Internet friends than I do "real life" ones. What was the last song you listened to? "Deep Six" by Marilyn Manson earlier. How are you feeling right now? My arm is really sore from my second Covid shot, and I'm also having trouble breathing thanks to the dog (apparently, I'm allergic to whatever she is). I know it sounds bad, but I cannot wait 'til she's gone (from this house, no we're of course not euthanizing her). What color is the shirt you’re wearing? Burgundy. Do you play video games? Yeah, just not as much as I used to. Have you ever been to a club and had someone slip something into your drink? I've never been to a club period, and I don't plan on it. Do you know anyone who’s done ecstasy? Not to my knowledge, anyway. Are you on birth control? Yes, but only to regulate and soothe my menstrual cycle. My cramps were insufferable prior. Does your sibling have a significant other? All but my younger sister. Like she's in contact with who she calls "contenders," haha, but she isn't officially dating anyone. She's MEGA picky with who she dates. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, because it was very triggering to my PTSD. Any idea what you want for your next birthday? That's quiiite a whiles away, so I have plenty of time to think about that. I don't know if I'll be employed by then and thus able to buy some things myself, but I'll just say I won't be (because I'm I think rationally fearful that's where I'll still be). For Christmas I plan on just asking for a new terrarium for Venus plus better materials for it (like a proper temp gauge and hygrometer, etc.), and with that taken care of, then I might be interested in asking for a hognose for my bday, but idk. I'd want to ensure (s)he starts out with a perfect terrarium, and seeing as I want a hoggie morph, that's a lot of money in one go that idk if I'd be comfortable asking. So I'unno, maybe I'll go for a tattoo again. Wow, this was a lot of rambling for something so far off, pardon me haha. Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My Nintendo DS Lite, actually. I can't find the darn charger for it, and I really need to so I can bring it to Ashley's again for the kids to play the Pokemon game I have that they love. Aubree especially is really into it, and she adores Pikachu and Eevee. :') Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? I don't even know what most award shows are for, if I'm being honest. I'm not really interested. What colour is your keyboard? Black, but each key glows red. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? No. Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Not for myself; I think they'd drive me insane. I do, however, think they look nice on others.
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rosenpacht · 4 years
(jaehyun’s) ESTP as a person😘 pt. 1
DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way trying to describe how Jaehyun is in real life, or to tell what his likes and dislikes are. This post indicates on ESTP’s traits, how they think, what they like and what they don’t like, what they usually do in general. Although, I might try to make insinuations here and there, but that’s just it, an insinuation.
SO! I previously had made a post about how I think Jaehyun’s an ESTP, becasue I kept seeing sites saying that he’s an ENFJ, but I wasn’t convinced. So I did an anlysis on his words and behavior.
Click here to read my previous post.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that he really is an ESTP. I’m like …
Anyways. I’m an ESTP myself, and I’ve been recognizing my type for a while, so I kinda know how an ESTP think, do, like or dislike, etc. And I figure I wanted to write about this. But honestly, I’ve never met another ESTP in my life, so my references is mainly from myself and articles that I’ve read.
I’ve been into MBTI for quite some time now, but I’m not an expert on this, nor am I an psychology student. I just like analyzing people, trying to understand them, and eventually knowing how to deal with different types of people. It’s kinda useful in real world actually, learning about MBTI.
Before we jump into the real deal, I’d like to make myself clear that the MBTI types describe traits or personalities generally. But a person’s real or true personality mainly depends on how that person was raised or exposed to a certain environment. That being said, not everybody that has the same type has the SAME EXACT personality. Like they might have similar traits in general, but not to the detailed points.
Now, let’s get to the ESTP, which is Jaehyun’s self-proclaimed personality.
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First off,  I just wanna throw this out there. This thing caught me immediately after seeing his weekly idol profile
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His motto is “Seize the Day”. It is such an ESTP thing to say, honestly. It means that Jaehyun is the type of person who really take the present day to the fullest. He wants to make each of his day meaningful. Let’s make today count. Don’t waste even a day. An ESTP is a person who’s living the present day, and this shows in Jaehyun.
Let’s start with the basic, the things that are most commonly mentioned about ESTP.
We all know how into sports Jaehyun is. He’s good at almost every sport that he plays (and now that he says he’s into boxing, I can just imagine how good he’s going to be at it and how hot it’s going to be).
How come he likes sports so much? We ask.
ESTP’s main function is the EXTROVERTED SENSING (read my previous post for explanation), meaning that we like to engage on the outter world through our physical senses–our body. Some ESTPs like eating, some like performing, some like outdoor activities, some like aesthetics (like photography, etc.), some like sports. This has become our PRIMARY way of life, of how to live. We get excited over these things, they keep us going and charged. If people get tired of sports, ESTPs thrive off these tireness.
From my personal experience: I love mountain climbing. I joined a club in high school and had been visiting numerous mountains ever since. Some people ask, “Why do you love hiking so much? It’s so tiresome. You go up (enter Dream’s we go up~), and then what? You go back down. That’s it?” WELL, to me, it’s more than just that. I love the scenery, the air, even the smell of earth and the forest. I revel on how my muscles scream in pain, on how my chest constrict in pants, and all that.
That being said, you can probably find an ESTP as an athletic person, as in they love doing physical activities.
Our five senses (sights, smells, tastes, hearings, touches) are highly attuned, probably more than other types’ (except for ISTP, they have incredibly attuned senses too). I’m just gonna explain a couple of examples for this.
Sights: ESTPs love aesthetic things. We love pretty things. Pretty people, pretty cats, pretty dresses or shirts. I won’t lie, we look at faces first when it comes to our potential significant other (well, to me at least), and personality and the rest comes after that. We like to dress beautifully. We like to look pretty–to make ourselves presentable. But then again, what we think is pretty is not necessarily pretty in other people’s eyes. This is probably one of the reasons why we can find Jaehyun liking accessories like bracelets, necklaces, hats, probably more so than the others.
Tastes: As I’ve mentioned in the previous post, ESTPs enjoy the taste of food. And we all know how much Jaehyun loves eating. We enjoy the different taste of food that hits our tastebud, that’s why we most probably will always want to try new dishes.
Hearings: Jaehyun loOOVeEs music. I do too. Well, other people do too. But one thing that I find me and Jaehyun have in common that other people might not have, is that we almost always constantly have to be listening to music. To me, I just don’t like the silence. I don’t like the faint ringing in your ears when it’s crazy silent, it drives me nuts. Do you have that kind of ringing too? As for Jaehyun, he said it himself that he doesn’t like being still. I feel like that’s one of the reasons why he’s always listening to music (we can clearly see that on EVERY vlive or vlog of his).
Disclaimer: It’s a bit NSFW from here
Touches: As for physical contact, I can’t say much, becasue I’ve never had sex becasue of my beliefs. But I enjoy touching myself every now and then. And I enjoy skinship with my past relationships, like it’s almost always me who initiates it. But for Jaehyun, I kinda feel like he doesn’t really like skinship that much with the members, well, not in front of the camera anyways. But I can’t say the same with his significant other *smirk*. And, as for intimate touches…. I’ll leave that to your imagination…
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Now, these senses, as I said, are what keeps us alive in this world. That’s why you can probably find ESTP people in a very active and engaging path of career. Jaehyun is a performer–a very dynamic career, very interactive and very engaging with the outter world. Me? I’m an aspiring dentist–also a dynamic career, meeting different people, discovering different health problems, acquiring new knowledge all the time. But, both have a very great deal of problematic point which can cause stresses to us as ESTP. We’ll get into that later.
Part 2
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by amandahudson48
When's the last time you said you were sorry? Maybe last Friday or yesterday? I haven’t been replying to Andi because I was in a slump, then when I was finally able to get back to them I made sure to apologize first and explain why it took me a while to respond.
Have you done anything interesting in the last week? I got to dine in at a restaurant again after nine months last Monday, and I brought my parents to treat them as well. The three of us had ramen, then I also treated them to frozen yogurt after. It felt nice to be out, but we also headed to a mall Gab and I used to regularly go to so everything ended up being too difficult to process and I was fighting tears the whole time at the ramen place.
Are there any songs you listen to everyday? I don’t think so. There have been a lot of days where I’ve avoided music altogether.
What do you consider a waste of time? Having to manually go to a government office nowhere near your house to queue for an ID or document when it could be done digitally, but you can’t and have no choice anyway because the agency’s website isn’t even working. In short, welcome to the Philippines where the government can steal billions but can’t maintain their own damn websites.
How do you react to stress? I tend to have a shorter fuse around people. So that I don’t accidentally lash out on anyone, I’ll bring myself to work on autopilot until I get a task done. If I find time to myself, I cry in private for a few minutes because stress sucks; then I try to dust myself off and get back to working.
Have you ever considered what you would do in certain life/death sitches? Sometimes. My game plan for the most part is to simply scream at the top of my lungs to rouse attention, but I’ll never really know what I’ll do unless something actually takes place. I have a track record of being scared frozen when scary men have approached me in the past, so idk if I will have it in me to scream in a life or death situation.
Have you ever gone mud riding? No. Photos don’t look too appealing mostly because I’m not into vehicles and driving them on unconventional terrain lol, but I mean I would still give it a shot at least once.
Do you edit your photos? Just sometimes, if I mean to show off or promote someone/something to my mutuals; like the time I promoted my uncle’s business when he gave me a free cheesecake. I usually use the VSCO or Foodie apps.
What kind of cookie do you like the most? Chocolate chip cookies that are crispy on the outside and gooey inside; and dark chocolate macadamia cookies.
Do you enjoy working alone? Sure, though I don’t mind the occasional groupwork.
Is there anyone you're not over and feel like you never will be? Yes, I’m in exactly the same place I found myself at five years ago.
Do you like long or short surveys? Medium-length, so like anywhere between 40-70 questions is the perfect length for me.
How often do you listen to your iPod? I used to listen to it everyday because I brought it with me throughout middle school and the first half of high school. When iPods slowly went out of style in junior year, I started using it less frequently.
What kind of house do you want? Something modern and minimalist; I’d like it to be predominantly rectangular or square in shape with large windows. I do also want a brutalist style for myself but I might have to give that up if I ever end up with a family, as I don’t want my kids thinking their own home looks aloof and unapproachable.
Would you like living on the coast? It sounds like paradise. Yeah, absolutely.
What song was the last you listened to? To Let A Good Thing Die - Bruno Major. Then I got really sad and had to stop listening to music altogether and scramble to watch something hilarious on YouTube.
When's the last time you were really late to something? Last week, for a meeting with a client :/ I wasn’t accustomed to my weekly calls just yet and ended up attending a 4:30-5 PM meeting at 4:57, right when it was ending, because I thought it started at 5. It was embarrassing and my manager was rightfully jokingly mad at me.
Do you prefer to take back roads or the highways? Highways as much as possible, but if I’m stuck in traffic and if it looks like I wouldn’t be able to get to my destination on time then I ask Waze to guide me through backroads.
How do you spell your name without consonants? Rbyn or Rbn, depending on what you consider y to be.
What's the last movie you watched? Uhhh it was still That Thing Called Tadhana but it’s been a while. I mainly watch a Korean drama titled Start Up these days.
What would you like your generation to change? The people society votes into office. Young Americans seem to be leading the charge on this front, which is so so great. Meanwhile in my country Manny Pacquiao is planning for his 2022 presidential campaign and we are once again fucked because voter’s literacy is so fucking low that I actually see a possibility of him winning. Migrating has never sounded more attractive.
Do you use your cell phone a lot? Yeah, it’s beside me with the screen turned on nearly the entire day.
When's the last time you saw an ocean wave? Not sure about an ocean wave, but the last time I saw a wave in general (we were at a beach) was August 2019.
How long can you hold your breath? Maybe a minute max? I haven’t had to try in a while.
Would you rather work behind the scenes or be the star? Behind the scenes. I loathe the spotlight and I’ve never been the performing type, and I always hated it whenever I’ve had to perform in school or for a family function. It’s also why, as fun as hosting looks like as a career, and as much as I know I would’ve been decent in it if I tried, it was just ultimately never the path for me.
Are you a sore loser? Yeah, I hate it. I’m competitive to the bone, which personally sucks too because it’s hard for me to enjoy games lol. I make it easier for the playing crowd by just watching at the sidelines so that I don’t ruin things for them.
When's the last time you used a pair of scissors? Yesterday when I was doing embroidery.
What was the last word you thought? I mean...’embroidery,’ I guess, since I typed it last before reading this question.
Is it easy to make you angry? It takes me a while to explode.
Have you wondered if other people wonder what you’re thinking? No.
Do you sing a lot? When I’m alone and am certain no one can hear, yes.
Do you think you have an addictive personality? Uh no, not really. I like keeping a certain distance with everyone I interact with. As nice as I can be, I try to make sure my personality isn’t the type that would ~leave people wanting more~ so to speak.
Which affects us more: our genes or the environment in which we're raised? For me, it’s the environment. Genes are strong too, but they’re already there; they’re given, they’re constant, they’re wired into each person. The fact that people can still be constantly affected depending on what kind of situation they’re in says much about the capabilities of being raised in a certain environment. For instance, I know for sure I would’ve ended up being more emotionally stable if I was provided with a healthier, gentler upbringing.
Why do you believe that? Oops, I may have already answered it above.
Honestly, do you enjoy arguing? Nah. Watching others do it can be fun, but I avoid them myself.
Do you prefer to use tape or glue? Tape. More secure.
Do you see routine as a comfort or a rut? Comfort. I do like bursts of spontaneity every now and then, though.
When's the last time you cried? Last night. I wanted to this morning, but I already did so much heavy crying last night that I just gave myself a break today.
Do you believe that love can get you through anything? No. I know that now.
What do you wish you had more of? Money is always a good answer. Also, weekends.
If you HAD to change one thing about your best friend, what would it be? I wish Angela lived nearer, so that it’s easier to visit. I wish Gabie wasn’t so selfish.
Have you ever gone to sleep mad? It’s harder that way, lol. But I mean yeah I guess I’ve felt angry while trying to go to bed; it’s just that I usually use certain outlets so that I could calm down and fall asleep more easily.
Do you like your computer? I love it. Even though it’s an older Macbook Air I have no plans to replace it; it’s still so low-maintenance and reliable after all this time.
Which theory do you wish but perhaps not believe was true about afterlife? This is a good question and something I always wish was verbalized more. For me, it’s the idea of reuniting with all your deceased family, friends, and pets in death. That has always given me comfort, but I don’t necessarily cling to it.
Is there anyone that you truly could not live without? I can think of one such person, but we’ll see if it holds true.
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idontknowwhoiluv · 4 years
My stress related Tourette's - answers to most common questions
Hello there, I have stated before that I do indeed have stress related Tourettes, here is the post about me [Here], according to my doctor everything wrong with me is stress related lmfaoo
I also wrote this in case anyone was writing a story/fan fic and needed to find out more about Tourettes :]
Here are some answers to the most common questions I get, feel free to comment any questions or anything
Warnings: Swearing, mention of Tourette's [obv], mentions of drugs [never done them btw], mentions of self harm, anxiety and depression
1. When did it start?
Roughly a year ago, I had gone to the doctors when I had started popping my lips a lot and saying rude things I usually wouldn’t say. I started off by randomly saying words that had nothing to do with the convo and my Mum, who’s very old school, thought I was doing it for attention, before after about 4 months it wouldn’t stop.
2. Was there a trigger for it?
Not that I know of, I don’t really remember the beginning of my Tourette’s but I know it started after I dropped out of University. My boyfriend helped support me through it and he convinced me to go to the doctors about it.
3. Why don’t you tic all the time like others do?
Not all Tourette’s are the same, my Tourette’s are mainly triggered with certain words, objects or feeling [touch]. I do not know why I don’t tic all the time, I know what I want to say before I tic so if I’m out in public I try not to swear if a child is around.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care if I do, not my child to bring up, but I get so fucking embarrassed when I go out in public because all people do is stare, I’m not going to bite your head off if you come and ask me a question. I hate going out because of it.
4. What are your main triggers?
Talking about it triggers me but here’s a list of some things that trigger me;
Fluffy clothes
Words: [Triggered by me or someone saying the word]
I have a lot of triggers that I don’t want to share right now, some make me very uncomfortable
5. How do you live with the Tourette’s? / Has it changed your life?
It’s so fucking hard, I’m not even going to lie. I didn’t have it easy before my Tourette’s, I have a lot of mental problems, and this has made it harder for me to continue on. I can’t get a job, I can’t drive, I can’t go for a walk. It really has changed my life, for the worse.
I’ve found it very hard to learn to ignore all the judgemental stares, I’ve had to learn a new aspect of life and I still struggle to this day. I have so much Anxiety just leaving my place, I get so Depressed when I notice people staring at me.
What kills me most, is parents pulling their children away from me, telling them to not look at me...one parent told their child not to do drugs because they’ll end up like me...I’ve never taken a drug in my life dude.
I’m trying, I’m honestly trying so hard, I don’t know what I’d do without my friends, family and my boyfriend. I really don’t think I’d be sitting here today, so I’m really thankful for them.
6. Does listening to music stop them? / Can you suppress them?
Personally not really, music does help me suppress them, playing a video game helps a little too. I usually have to use my anxiety toy to calm me down, anything that distracts my brain is helpful.
7. How do you keep going?
Good question, I ask myself why I bother sometimes, but then I remember what I’ve given up to be here. I’m in a happy relationship, I have a relationship with both my parents, I have an incredibly smart younger sister, I have friends who love me, I have a life that someone could only dream of.
I’m lucky, compared to others. Yes I struggle with money, yes I have Tourettes, yes I suffer with self harming, but I’m still alive. I’m here today and that’s all that matters to me, and that’s all that should matter to you, not what happened yesterday, not what might happen tomorrow, it’s what you’ve done today.
I don’t want you to feel bad because you feel like you haven’t done anything today, hell right now it’s 06:06 PM in the Uk and I’ve been in bed all day, doing nothing doesn’t mean you’ve done nothing. You’re alive, you have people who are happy that you’re alive, and if you think you don’t, you’re very wrong. I’m glad that you’re here, reading this shit show of a post, I’m happy that you’ve taken time out of your day to read this. I’m so thankful <3
So if you where to take anything from this, smile. It’s the best gift you can give someone, a smile to show that you’re not judging them, a smile to say thank you for being here today. Smile for me.
Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, I’ll write down all the questions and answer them in a new post. I don’t care how harsh your questions are, I want to help you understand my life and/or others.
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Here's an ask : what was your first intention you had with the music you hear now
(idk if this makes sense )
ok so I think I get what you’re trying to say, like my first interaction/reaction/introduction to the music I like to listen to now? Forgive me if that’s not what you meant. This might be a little long, sorry ^_^
so, my favorite band is Queen, which you can probably tell from my blog lol, but honestly I love classic rock in general- 60s, 70s, 80s- though overall my music taste is quite diverse.
growing up, I listened almost exclusively to:  - classical music - gospel  - Christian ‘pop’ radio  - occasional bluegrass, jazz, and movie score CDs that I found in the basement (rip my Disney Princess CD player)
...my parents are rather conservative and didn’t want ‘bad lyrics’ influencing my thoughts. I was very annoyed by this for a very long time, especially before I had a device that could access the Internet on my own. But honestly? I’m kind of glad I had those influences, because my determination to NOT listen only to the Christian stuff motivated me to seek out ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ELSE i could get my hands (and earphones) on.
Every now and then, my father would put on some rock & roll- Led Zeppelin, Europe, and Kansas were the main three I remember hearing a lot of. And if Mama was having a bad or stressful day, she would listen to Billy Joel. I learned to love Billy Joel so much I would occasionally pester her to this point because I knew she’d put on the songs. 
I didn’t always understand the lyrics, but I made up my mind that the Piano Man was the most important person in the world- I wanted to be the Piano Man. 
I was learning piano. Started when I was six. Mama was the cleaning lady for the church, and I would go with her and sit in the empty, echoing sanctuary at the big grand piano and try to make my little fingers cooperate. I didn’t have to play very forcefully for the notes to resound around the room, echoing and clear. It was encouraging. One day the choir/music director was there collecting something, and she convinced my parents to get me piano lessons.
I trained classically for several years, but my favorite thing to do was what I called “play for fun”. I’d go through my scales, my etudes, and my sonatinas, and then cheerfully call to Mama “I’m going to play for fun now!!”. I started writing songs. And since I couldn’t listen to all the songs I loved on a regular basis, I would try to play them myself.
One day I watched the movie, Ella Enchanted. In it, Anne Hathaway’s character sings “Somebody to Love”. I didn’t know who wrote the song, I couldn’t look it up; but I rewatched that scene over and over and over until I knew the song by heart. I even stumbled my way through a much simplified piano part. 
Later that year I got an iPod touch- with WiFi !!!! 
I spent hours and hours every night listening to new music. I discovered (and fell in love with) The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin, and many many others that I can’t possibly list all here. Most of all, I fell in love with Queen. 
That was several years ago.
I still stay up too late discovering new music. There’s been so many times I’ve had to resist the urge to get up and jump around and dance in the wee hours of the morning because the SONG’S JUST SO GOOD
When the Bohemian Rhapsody movie came out, I wasn’t allowed to see it.
I still saw it, many many times. (ah the joys of piracy- don’t worry, I’ve paid to watch it at least twice by now, so don’t yell at me)
And, yeah, at that point I kind of became obsessed with Queen, not just for their music (though as a musician and songwriter their music means the world to me) but also as people. And now here I am, running this blog which, let’s be honest, is mostly Queen stuff.
“Somebody to Love” is still my favorite song. “Piano Man” is a close second.
and I know I will never stop discovering music. So, what was my first exposure to the music I love now? Well, as you can see, there’s no short answer. I’ve been pursuing and fighting for my music for as long as I can remember. I can thank my parents for their help, even though my discoveries were half because of, and half in spite of, their efforts. 
But mainly it’s been a very personal thing. I love to sing and play songs; it’s just who I am. 
Thanks for the ask! Hope you don’t mind my kind of.... giving my entire biography, but it’s really the only accurate answer haha
Have a lovely day, darling!
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vxndictive · 4 years
I’m back... Sort of
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//So uh... Hi. After a couple of days away from everything tumblr related i managed to return with a bit of a fresh mind and new ideas, and this post that i hope doesn’t drag on for too long will serve as an explanation as to why i decided to take this hiatus, and what my plans going forward are. If you decide to sit through it all then hey, thank you, i’m glad you’re still here and i hope we can still talk and interact if you’re interested on doing so.
“So... What happened?”
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“An absurd amount of stress and anxiety” is what happened. Basically since last week i’ve been having some extremely negative thoughts about self-hatred and just feeling i wasn’t good enough for anything, to the point where it was hard to even get out of my bed to eat (the mun lives on her own, she has no roommates or family that lives on the same home). I was in a very dark place. It doesn’t help that i also tend to have a lot of trouble opening up to others about my problems: If you knowing i’m not well also makes you feel bad, then i’d honestly prefer to just suck it up and endure everything on my own; which i know is a very toxic way to cope and only ends up making the problem worse in the long run. It doesn’t get anyone anywhere. In the last few days i’ve managed to recover though, and i feel like i’m in a better spot than i was before.
“Are you okay?”
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Yes. As i mentioned before, it has happened before and it’ll continue happening. It’s a cycle i’ve unfortunately gotten used to over the years.
“Would you like to talk?”
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The thought is appreciated if you want to, i won’t force anyone to listen to my problems but if you want to just catch up with me regardless, or just to talk about unrelated stuff you can just shoot me a DM in either tumblr or Discord.
“Speaking of Discord, can i add you?”
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Sure, if we’re mutuals just ask me and i’ll be more than happy to give it to you.
“What’s your plan going forward?”
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I decided to set myself a couple of goals that i’ll try to accomplish one at a time during my return.
Improve my formatting.
As i’m sure you noticed, i started using icons for mun stuff and begun implementing small text too. I do want to make things look fancier, even though it’s honestly kind of a chore sometimes. As for muse icons... I’ll see what i can do about that. Thankfully PSO2 is giving me a good outlet for in-game screencaps for Flayn.
Increase my interactions.
It’s no secret that my interactions plumetted in the weeks approaching my break. I want to remedy this, either by sharing more prompts or by approaching other blogs for starters. I don’t want to be a blog that only does memes and 4fun stuff when i have a muse that’s also good for more serious stuff, so i’ll probably be going around sending prompts to people i still haven’t tried to interact with. Of course, all my old stuff is still open if you want to send something in.
Starter calls and mains call.
I’ll be doing these again. Someone might still be interested but i’ll try to cut down the posts needed so i don’t end up clogging my followers’ dashes.
Rework some AUs
I’ll be honest: I’m not very satisfied with some of the AUs i have up yet. Mainly: Spirit Blossom in particular. It was rushed, and made just to quickly cash in on the hype. I’m likely going to revamp this one AU from scratch and go back to the Duality theme i had in mind before, you’ll see it when it’s done. The other AU that will receive some slight changes is Modern, but nothing too drastic will be done to that one. Instead of being an aspiring musician, Flayn will be an aspiring writer and artist instead. I feel that if i wanted to do musical stuff, i could just stick to Rap Devil instead of making a redundant AU.
“Will you be dropping any threads?”
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I’ll be honest here: I don’t know. There are a lot of pending threads i’ve been laying off for months, and i have no idea if i’d still have the muse to answer them. I’d have to check individually. If i don’t, then i’ll let you know so we can plan another interaction if you still want to do so. I said several times that i have no problems with starting over if a thread doesn’t work out, so i hope we can reach an understanding over this if that’s the case with one we had.
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That would be most of what i had to say. If you’re still here, then hey. I can’t really say anything other than “thank you”, i don’t expect anyone to care about what some random stranger on the internet has to say but i appreciate you still being here regardless. I know i’ve been very sporadic on my activity and i often just don’t reply to stuff, but i will also work hard to change that. I enjoy being part of this community, and i’ve met a lot of nice people during my stay. I truly want to make this a good experience, not just to you, but for all of my writing partners as well. 
And this is just the beginning. I also plan to make a small event for next month in Halloween, which also doubles as Flayn’s birthday as some of you are probably aware. But that’s still on early planning. I’ll let you know more when that’s more set in stone.
Again, thank you very much for your time. I appreciate it a lot if you want to stay here and write with me regardless of everything, and i hope we can talk again very soon.
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