#hopefully write to the part where I get my point across at least
shamera · 5 months
NaNo day 23-25
I LIVE back with hunter au
so the first part felt fun but then I had a really hard time writing and got distracted by rl left and right so if it feels choppy... it is. that's what editing is for, right? that is if i keep most of this, hurhur.
I had an idea for this, I swear I did, but I kept meandering. Finally coming up to the end, though. of the part? of the story? idk, but we're finally coming to the part I imagined when I first started this, even if that image was nebulous in my head.
also scene not complete but my brain is done tonight
One thing that always irritated Fang Duobing about Li Lianhua was just how easy it was to trust the man. No matter how many times Fang Duobing watched him lie or cheat or weasel his way out of things, when it came down to it, Fang Duobing instinctively trusted Li Lianhua. 
At first he blamed it on his own inexperience with the world. Growing up ill, he had mostly been homeschooled until he recovered enough to be thrown into an exclusive and extremely rich private school where other children of diplomats and royalty attended, yet Fang Duobing never quite… connected the other children. He was different and intense and he didn’t share the same life goals as them. 
Unlike his schoolmates, he hadn’t wanted to inherit companies or marry up or maintain rich connections. Instead, he wanted to be a Hunter, someone who needlessly endanger their lives for little gain. Fang Duobing wanted to fight, wanted to get in the middle of things and get his hands dirty saving others. His frustration grew over the years as he found no one to share or understand his dream, and the last straw had been when his parents arranged his marriage to Princess Qiaoling. 
He was meant to inherit his mother’s company and his father’s name, marry the Princess and live a soft, sheltered life where his children would be even more powerful and the Fang and He lineage would be secured, and even more, of royal blood. 
When Fang Duobing first ran away from home, he made mistake after mistake that had his aunt hunting closely after him. He learned to pull out his sim card from his phone, learned to dress differently and cover his face in big cities due to surveillance at every corner, and circumnavigate paper money rather than rely entirely on paying via his phone. 
(Although he continued to make that last mistake again and again whenever he needed food or money, instead learning how to run faster than his aunt could catch him.)
With his inexperience with people, it just made sense that he kept getting tricked by Li Lianhua. 
Or, it would make sense if Fang Duobing ever learned from his mistake. 
Yet he didn’t know why, but when Li Lianhua snuck a look at him, Fang Duobing would understand exactly what he meant by the look. They communicated seamlessly in a manner that he wouldn’t notice until much later, when Fang Duobing could review the day and be breathless at how easily they navigated around each other. 
It must be, Fang Duobing determined early on, the storybook friendships. That’s how people felt about best friends, right? It was the type of connection seen on tv dramas, and the type of connection that Hunters would develop after years of fighting alongside each other. 
That would make sense except for the fact that Li Lianhua very obviously didn’t fight. 
He complained about long walks and lost his breath on stairs, and Fang Duobing was always the one doing the heavy lifting and fixing around Lotus Tower. He would have complained about it more if not for the fact that Li Lianhua really did get very sick from time to time, with no prior warning. 
And when he got sick, he would spend days in bed in a state that worried Fang Duobing tremendously. He couldn’t understand how the man survived to this point at all without someone to take care of him. 
After being caught by his aunt the first time (because! Li Lianhua! Snitched! On him!), Fang Duobing spent months back home seething over the betrayal, constantly trailed by maids, servants, and bodyguards paid to not let him out of their sights. He spent the time spamming Baichuan Court with requests and shoved his application and resume in their faces the entire time, only to be rejected time and again. 
It took months of intense studying and online spoofing for Fang Duobing to find a time where he managed to sweet-talk his mother into allowing him to one of her company parties, lying through his teeth about a sudden interest in a corporate career, especially since he was now not a child but in his twenties. 
His escape the second time had been so narrow he heard his aunt’s angry screaming while he was still climbing down over the wall of the private retreat, rolling down through the bushes in his suit in glee at finally escaping from the excessive overprotectiveness of his family. 
Goodbye, arranged marriage and arranged life and having the names of his nonexistent kids already picked out! He was going to go off and make a name for himself with his own blood, sweat, and tears, and he was going to fulfil his dreams of being a Hunter and fighting monsters and saving people— 
And then, somehow, he ran into Li Lianhua again in the first town he escaped to via the first long-distance bus he could find that didn’t require his identification for a ticket. 
He would have left, he really would have. He would have just turned around and made his way to the next town without acknowledging him at all, except Li Lianhua had been pale like he was still recovering from a recent bout of illness, and there was a girl standing with him that Fang Duobing recognised from a previous case together, and what was she doing there as well?
Apparently in Fang Duobing’s absence, Su Xiaoyong had taken it upon herself to trail after Li Lianhua, and Fang Duobing was having none of it. It just wasn’t proper, and so what if that view was old fashioned! Her following them had been funny originally when Fang Duobing was there the first time, but it wasn’t funny now that he wasn’t there!
So he bullied his way back into his room at Lotus Tower (which was his and not Su Xiaoyong’s!), and back into travelling with Li Lianhua again on the promise that the man wouldn’t rat Fang Duobing out to his aunt again. 
It was not even three weeks after that Fang Duobing found Li Lianhua having pulled out that ancient laptop of his at the kitchen, frowning at the horrible internet connection from where they were parked. 
“Why do you need that?” Fang Duobing asked then, surprised. He leaned to peek at the screen. “Does that thing even work? It must have existed along with the dinosaurs. I’ll get you a new one.”
A second later, he changed his mind. 
“Are you emailing my mother?” Fang Duobing shrieked, a hand shaking at Li Lianhua’s shoulder. “Why?!”
For someone usually so sickly, Li Lianhua didn’t bat an eye at being shaken like that. “We have a rapport. She asked me about you, I thought it was only polite to respond. She wants to know if you’re still alive and standing.”
That wasn’t all of it, from what Fang Duobing could read on the screen. He Xiaohui included quips about her day and random cooking recipes, along with thanks for recommending the acupuncturist for her sore shoulder. She had jokes on the side. She used emojis in the messages. 
It wasn’t until the post-script that she asked about her son’s well-being. 
P.S., she wrote, is my darlingest Xiaobao still alive?
Then he saw Li Lianhua respond with ‘he's reading this right now ‘before Fang Duobing attempted to wrestle that laptop out of his hands, but not before the man managed to hit send. 
And that was how Fang Duobing learned he didn’t need to be as careful with his phone use and purchases, because his mother had known where he was all along and was only mad he didn’t tell her himself. 
(Although perhaps he had been a little too ambitious in thinking he could hide from his mother, the head of a company on innovative technology who happened to moonlight in R&D as well.)
“Now I’m glad you don’t have a phone,” Fang Duobing griped afterward. Despite his extensive badgering about getting Li Lianhua a phone (mostly so he could find the ever elusive man), Li Lianhua had remained steadfast in his adherence to living like an old man. Fang Duobing shuddered to think of his family on a WeChat group with Li Lianhua, who could be documenting Fang Duobing’s greatest failures on the daily. He thought of his own collections of photos and videos around Lotus Tower, mostly of Hulijing because she was the cutest dog in existence, but also of Li Lianhua cooking, or drinking tea, or tucked into a corner and reading, or— 
“I somehow remember a certain someone badgering me about needing a phone for everyday use,” Li Lianhua said, even as he shut down the laptop and packed it away once more. “From messaging to paying for things, to maps…”
“Eh!” Fang Duobing made panicked noises to stop the other man from continuing. “Who said that, huh? Not just me! It’s common sense— how do you survive the modern world without Alipay, anyway? No navigation, no contacts, no access to TaoBao…”
“I make do.” Li Lianhua replied with faux demureness. 
(Fang Duobing doesn’t manage to convince him to get a phone, although soon enough a brand new and high-spec tablet ends up in Lotus Tower just by coincidence, only to be thrown into the same compartment as the ancient laptop. After that, he stuck to purchasing newer kitchen appliances instead. At least the air fryer was a hit.)
Two days later, they exposed a supplier for illegal dungeon materials who attempted to drug them, only for Li Lianhua to take one look at the tea and smile sweetly before diverting attention and dumping the cup below his sleeve, barely needing to nudge Fang Duobing’s foot for him to do the same. 
After that they managed to come up with the same plan, executing it at the same time without saying a word about it to each other. They gave the same story to the police who showed up afterward as well, even in separate rooms and even without having corroborated beforehand. 
It was like having someone who knew exactly what was on his mind, and knowing exactly what was on his mind in return, even if Fang Duobing couldn’t quite comprehend his actions most of the time. The feeling was exhilarating enough that he couldn’t help but forgive Li Lianhua’s strange habits and awful lies. 
Because when and where it counted, Li Lianhua did live up to everything Fang Duobing hoped of him. 
He hid and he ran away and he lied endlessly, but Fang Duobing had always known the type of person Li Lianhua was, the same way they always knew each other’s decisions and actions. It was the connection of a lifetime— he met Li Lianhua and he just knew.
He knew. 
Staring at the view before him now, within the domain of the boss dungeon, Fang Duobing found he really didn’t know anything at all. 
With most of the tendrils of the monster cut off, it was like half the body disappeared after the sword swing (sword? What sword? Where did that sword come from?), unbalancing the large beast and bringing its heavy body crashing forward, the darkness it hide between the tendrils disappearing amidst the glow of the grass as it hit the ground, only for the shrieking noise to grow even louder, louder until Fang Duobing wasn’t sure if his ears would soon be bleeding. 
Li Lianhua (tired, sickly Li Lianhua who couldn’t even be bothered to carry his own groceries) wasted no time as he dashed forward into a sprint, the faint glow of the sword blending in with the surroundings as he darted around the falling monster to jump atop it, the movements so graceful Fang Duobing almost felt like time slowed for it as he lept, weightless, landing with just one foot on the hulk of the monster before he pushed off again before gravity could set in, spinning in an effortless movement to balance atop the crashing body and evade the renewed tendrils that came from the other side of the monsters as its form split once more, shorter now, yet no less deadly in its force. 
Fang Duobing was too far away to see clearly, the movements and the dust blurring the battle, but he knew that footwork. He knew the slash, that sidestep, that evasion. 
He’d been studying it since he was ten years old, attempting to find every video and snippet the internet had of the famous Sigu Sect founder, eyes wide with wonder and reverence. He read every article, replayed every clip of every fight with breathless marvel as teen prodigy Li Xiangyi climbed his way to the top of the world of Hunters. Every shaky phone footage from civilians who managed to catch seconds when Li Xiangyi was challenged by other Hunters, only for him to end the fight almost instantly, within only a few moves. 
The famed Whirling Steps of Xiangyi Swordplay, as light and easy as laughter. 
(But it couldn’t be!)
The tendrils were moving faster now, focusing on the ones with spikes down the side, readily destroying even the body of the monster in attempts to target Li Lianhua, who evaded the attacks easy as breathing, and turned to hack those tendrils off as well, the ground shaking with each and every heavy fall of monster parts, the flash of a blue sword cutting swiftly and deftly like a knife through butter. 
With the closest tendrils taken care of, Li Lianhua was pulled back into action atop the monster, amongst the splattered dark blood and gore, and the dug his sword in the body of the creature, nearly to the hilt as it thrashed and screamed, attempting to buck him off even as he clung onto the blade. 
The creature’s movement seem to turn against itself, though, as the blade sank to create a deeper and wider cut as it moved, until Li Lianhua pulled the sword out and then sank it in again in a different location, doing this several times in a row until he drew away to once again battle the remaining tendrils. 
Ten seconds, twenty seconds, and the creature that was the size of a house was getting hacked into pieces, and blood splattered carelessly over Li Lianhua’s pale clothes and skin, half hidden by the curtain of dark hair. 
It took less than a minute before all the tendrils were gone, and the body of the beast was merely twitching on the ground, cut nearly in half by the glowing blue blade, which remained free of blood despite its owner being half covered in it by now. 
And then the monster collapsed, the endless shrieking finally halted as it began falling apart like a pile of snakes to reveal the darkness it had been protecting inside, a gaping maw of abyss that grew and lifted, and Li Lianhua was standing right there—
“Look out!” Fang Duobing shouted out, immediately pushing himself onto his shaking feet as if he could make it over in time to add action to his warning. 
Li Lianhua pushed himself back from the expanding darkness, expression veiled underneath his hair, and for a moment Fang Duobing thought he might have looked back at him. 
And then all the glow in the dungeon went out, sending the world into a pitch black. 
He didn’t pass out, and he didn’t merely lose sight of everything. 
Between one moment and the next, all the light was gone and even the world dropped out from under his feet, leaving only the sensation of falling without wind, of dropping forevermore in a vast and empty void, like crashing and sinking in the ocean as all his senses dulled along with his vision. 
It was cold and numbing, like pressure along his skin yet there was nothing there. Like there was no air to breathe, but he might yet be crushed in this nothingness, by the nothingness. 
Fang Duobing knew his eyes were open, that he was reaching upward, yet he could not feel nor see his actions. Without sensation, he came the devastating realisation— 
This was within the monster. 
Distantly, he remembered a story about a man swallowed by a whale, and wondered if this fate could be compared to that. 
He wondered until he felt something grab the back of his collar, and drag him up. 
Up and up and up and this time there was a sense of direction, of place, and Fang Duobing gasped for breath and found that there was no air in this void of darkness, no existence outside of this grasp on his clothes pulling him along, and he— 
He breathed. 
Moreover, he choked and he coughed and he curled into a ball as gravity asserted itself on his limbs again and he felt like he weighed a thousand tonnes, pressed into the ground on shaking limbs that came away almost wet but not with a black substance like tar yet felt like it wasn’t there at all. Like black smoke if smoke were opaque at all times and clung the way tar did. 
“Good,” a shaking voice said next to him, and the pressure on his collar disappeared. “Good.”
The familiarity of the voice was enough to remind him of his situation, and Fang Duobing shot out an arm to grab at Li Lianhua’s wrist. “A-are… Are you okay?”
“Am I okay?” Li Lianhua’s tone was full of fond exasperation, even if Fang Duobing was still blinking dark spots from his vision, only to realise it really was that dark— at least, there was only the barest of light where they were, and he didn’t know where that luminescence came from. He could barely see Li Lianhua’s shape, and even that was difficult as the other man was also covered head to toe with the solidified darkness still dripping off him in clumps from his hair. “Fang Duobing, you’re the one who— didn’t I tell you not to open your eyes or move?”
“I counted,” Fang Duobing croaked out, although he didn’t claim to have done the complete count. His throat felt like it was on fire, yet each breath of air felt cleaner and fresher than the last. “But you—”
“Forget that part,” Li Lianhua said grimmly. “We have to get out now, before the dungeon collapses. Can you stand, or should I carry you?”
The words felt like a dream. Carry me? Fang Duobing was almost tempted to laugh. If anything, he expected it to be the other way around with the two of them in a dungeon, and yet— and yet. 
That wasn’t the case anymore, was it?
Fang Duobing had been prepared to charge forward into the unknown with no real weapon, determined to keep himself between Li Lianhua and danger because despite all their usual bickering and the trouble they got into regularly, Li Lianhua was often sickly and ill. He had a heart condition and a terrible immune system, and he was pale and often didn’t eat healthy enough or just enough in general, and despite the lies and the arguments and betrayals… Fang Duobing had always wanted Li Lianhua to be safe. 
Li Lianhua could keep a level head in any situation, but Fang Duobing was meant to be the one keeping both of them safe. 
Fat lot of good he did, and Li Lianhua— 
Li Lianhua— 
“No,” Fang Duobing insisted, the rasp in his voice giving way to a surge of anger. Grief. Betrayal. Of all the things, he never considered that Li Lianhua would lie about his own health, about who he was in general. Did he ever really know the other man? If they really had a connection, if they truly understood each other the way Fang Duobing always thought they did, then how did he miss this? 
How could Li Lianhua hide this? Lie about this? 
What a connection. What a similar mindset they had. With the monster now not an immediate threat, he couldn’t think of anything other than this. His entire being felt like his thoughts were resonating with this information. Was it truly a connection or had Li Lianhua lied about that as well? He lied about his identity, about his health, about little and big things, he’d lie about the colour of the sky right to Fang Duobing’s face if it amused him, wouldn’t he? 
He would say that’s just the person Li Lianhua was, but Fang Duobing truly didn’t know, did he?
He always did think that Li Lianhua’s features looked a lot like Li Xiangyi, although he was too embarrassed to bring it up after a patient pointed out the resemblance and Li Lianhua merely laughed at that, pointing out that he would have to work on the dosage of his remedies if that’s what they thought. 
But Li Lianhua’s features were both softer and sharper than Li Xiangyi’s, limbs thinner with even his stride stiffer and slower compared to Li Xiangyi’s confident movements. 
Fang Duobing would know. He’d studied Li Xiangyi enough, and stared after Li Lianhua enough. 
“No, tell me now.” Fang Duobing said, hand tightening around Li Lianhua’s wrist. “Tell me what actually happened. Tell me the truth.”
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justporo · 5 months
Laid Out Traps
Astarion has many masterful ways with which he keeps seducing you - traps laid out masterfully for you to fall into. And you are eager to let yourself get dragged under. But this time you're pulling him down with you.
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Author's Note: Well actually I wanted to write something else today, but here we are. Thoughts about how Astarion would continuously work on seducing you, making sure he's always on your mind didn't leave my mind. So enjoy some... not quite smut, but something sensual? Anyways, here goes.
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: light smut, lots of tension, blood Wordcount: 3,1k ~~~
You were walking through some forestry bits during another day of crossing this godsdamned Mountain Pass. It had barely been half a day but you were already exhausted. The journey just didn't seem to ever get any easier. Hopefully there would a break soon and you'd find some peace to calm your body and sort out your mind a little. Your thoughts had been running rampant for a while now and you were thankful for a moment away from the others when you could just let go a little.
Astarion - and therefore the reason why your mind was so scrambled - walked behind you. And he was also part of the reason why you felt so exhausted. Not only because the two of you had made it a frequent habit now to steal away when the others had gone to rest. But also because no matter how often you had found your way into the vampire’s arms, your thoughts never seemed to stray far from the pale elf. The hunger and need for the other never really sated.
It very much wasn't the kind of thing where the anticipation and the buildup had held all the magic. It hadn’t been merely a fling where the urge was overcome and then matters were dealt with for good.
No, much rather the more often you sought his embrace the more tightly wrapped his hold on your mind was. And you were beginning to feel that it might not even stop with his claim over your body and mind. At some point you would have confess to yourself that the sassy vampire, whose eyes sometimes were universes away with sorrow, had firmly snuck his way into your heart.
And Astarion took every opportunity to seduce you, to lure you in. Wrapping his strings tighter around you.
You were well aware of it.
He'd laid himself out as bait from the very beginning. You had known. At least you had very quickly been sure that he wasn't just after a body to lose himself in. Therefore, his ways were way too elaborate.
And also there were those moments when you were with him when it seemed he wanted to be anywhere but. But his focus always snapped back. Especially when you were trying to address these moments of absence.
Then he'd usually double his efforts, desperately trying to make you forget whatever thoughts had just sprung to your mind.
And unfortunately, he was masterful at that.
A master at deceiving you, luring you in and then keeping you trapped, being an addiction. It would probably not end well for you. Most vices didn't.
But you just couldn't stay away - neither from the way he held you but also from just… him.
A break was announced at some ruins you'd come across. Everyone seemed relieved. You set down your backpack and stretched when you felt a light touch at your back.
You turned to see Astarion who was lightly touching your shoulder. He gave you a knowing smile while his hand was quickly wandering down your arm with his fingertips finding some bare skin as quickly as possible at your wrist. The vampire's red eyes with a barely noticeable lifted eyebrow were an open question - or a promise rather.
His fingers in the meantime had moved to ever so lightly loop around your wrist. Not holding your hand of course, but it felt pretty intimate nonetheless. His lips were slightly parted, the tip of his tongue running over them absent-mindedly.
Your eyes immediately darted to them, then back to his gaze. Astarion's eyes were sparkling now in the midday sunlight and his mouth grew into his signature smirk.
This was exactly how he did it, how he caught you time and again: he made a game out of it, an adventure. Touching you when the others weren’t paying attention, letting his hand linger just long enough for you to feel a little heated, saying something playful that completely caught you off guard, sharing a stolen glance which always was a promise for more, for later.
Once he’d left you a little note in his narrow elegant handwriting with a line of poetry the two of you had once talked about. You still had it neatly tucked away under your armour - close to your heart. Sometimes you took it out to just look at it. Asking yourself how it could be if he always left you notes like that. You were hopelessly lost.
He had a thousand little ways of keeping you on your toes - or on your knees, much more -  and you were so prone to comply.
You were enjoying it, the way he turned it into this back and forth as if you were forbidden lovers: trying to hide away your attraction while finding as many moments to get lost in each other. It made it all the more titillating and intense.
You were absolutely sure the others knew anyway even if it was merely talked about in innuendos. But this didn’t stop Astarion from playing his little games with you. And you really didn’t want him to stop.
And so you also followed your lover this time, coyly throwing a glance over your shoulder to check if one of the other’s might be noticing. Then you let yourself be led around the ruins until you were around a corner of a former building. There was nothing much there but some underbrush and smaller blocks of former buildings.
Astarion had let his hand wander further until it had covered yours completely. And immediately when you had rounded the corner the vampire lifted your hand while he turned to you and with a few rash steps made you walk back until he had you up against the remainder of the wall.
He pressed your joint hands up against the stones next to your head while a predatory but auspicious grin had crept onto Astarion’s face. The vampire lowered his head as his gaze darkened and he took you in - lips, eyes, the hammering pulse at your throat.
His hips were pressing into yours, immobilising you against the stone wall, and the fingers of your joint hands were now laced - his thumb softly caressing yours lovingly despite the pressure he applied to trap you there with him.
The moment he’d pushed you against the wall, your former storming thoughts had been silenced and almost disappeared completely. Now you could only focus on the sensation of his closeness. Your lips were parted in anticipation already, your heart racing, a pleasant kind of tension was forming in your lower stomach.
You too took him in for a long moment, trying to burn this into your mind: the way he looked at you with his unique red eyes - almost from under his eyebrows -, soft lips curled into a cocky smile, the tips of his fangs noticeable, some of his silky white curls falling in his face, the curve of his high cheekbones that became even more noticeable when he slightly turned his head.
Astarion lifted his other hand to your face. He cupped your cheek for a moment, then let the back of his hand lightly stroke down your face. The gesture almost seemed too innocent in contrast to him having you pinned against a wall. Your eyes just widened more at him.
Then finally, his long fingers settled under your chin, his thumb placed on your chin, forcing you softly to tilt your head back while he moved in closer still.
“Shouldn’t you be careful who you follow into the woods?”, he whispered teasingly in a low voice.
His thumb was on your bottom lip of your already open mouth now, stroking over it as you let out a gasp. He was so incredibly close now too. Your hot breath must have moved over his cool skin. There were no thoughts in your head, only the feeling of the vampire being so impossibly and deliciously near - if only he moved like an inch or two closer.
“I wouldn’t want you to get trapped”, Astarion whispered again, drawing out the last word. His thumb tugged your bottom lip down now with quite some pressure before he let it slip back. Another gasp - almost a moan - left your throat.
“Maybe I am already trapped”, you managed to whisper in response. You earned a low chuckle and saw how the vampire’s eyes lit up and his grin grew broader - pronounced canines now fully on display. Your throat was dry, all of your hairs felt like they were standing on end in anticipation and your heart felt like it might give out any second. He slowly closed in on you, pupils dilating even more the closer he came - a hunter closing in on his prey.
And then he finally bridged the remaining gap, pressing his open lips to yours.
You immediately rewarded him with a deep moan. Your free hand was desperately trying to find hold on his armour to pull him even closer while your other was still firmly held in place.
Astarion’s tongue almost immediately slipped into your mouth, searching for dominance you willingly gave him when you welcomed his eager open mouthed kiss.
It wasn’t tender this. It was a powerplay - but it was full of burning hot passion. Fires were set ablaze in your lower body and the earlier tension was now making your whole body hum, sing for being graced with his attention.
The vampire moved so one of his legs pressed firmly between yours, almost forcing you up onto your tiptoes. Being even more immobilised, you were held at his mercy: indeed stuck in his trap - and you liked the place you were in.
The kiss was all tongues and teeth. Heads moving around while your mouths never left each other. Breathy groans and gasps were exchanged while his hand at your chin moved to your throat, fingertips pressing lightly onto your thrumming pulse before they wandered up again to outline your jaw, slightly applying pressure. With that he made your head tilt back even further.
Astarion eagerly claimed your mouth as his while pressing his body against you and you against the stone wall that pleasantly twinged at your back. If he wanted you right here and now there wouldn’t be a moment of hesitation. The water wasn’t even up to your neck anymore, you had well gone under and were happy to let go completely.
But after long moments Astarion withdrew from you. Instantly, you almost slumped down against the wall. Partly because of Astarion not holding you up anymore but mostly because he’d devoured almost everything of you with just a kiss. Knees were wobbly as you tried to catch your breath. Your eyes fell on Astarion who had taken a few steps back and was looking at you. His crimson eyes were wide with arousal, his breath a little ragged too. But he was still very much in control - the chase was only paused, not ended.
“Tonight then?”, he simply asked with an eyebrow jumping up.
This godsdamned bastard - turning you almost into a puddle with some kissing and now this audacity. He’d returned to his familiar stance, not one fucking hair out of place, breath already returning to normal. As much as you enjoyed this all, this game, the teasing, the nightly rewards. The asymmetry was all of a sudden making you mad.
Astarion cocked his head and blinked at you several times, with a sassy expression on his face still awaiting your response. He knew exactly what he’d done to you - smug arsehole.
A thought formed in your mind. You immediately jumped to the execution before you could second guess yourself.
You cocked your head just as he was still doing. Then you started to saunter over to him. Your gaze was locked onto his as you tried to not let your intention show on your face.
For once, just once, did you want to be the one leaving him flustered and in desperate need for more.
Astarion’s smug facial expression shook slightly the closer you came. For a moment you thought you even saw a slither of fear and worry run over his face. But this surely must’ve been an illusion, right?
His eyes became wide and round. Probably unbeknownst to him, but yet another thing that made you fall for his trap harder. Whenever the vulnerable person beneath all the sultry jokes and the perfect mask showed you wanted nothing more but to keep him safe.
But this wasn’t your focus now.
You shortly stopped before him, staring into his open eyes. Then you stepped closer even until you were almost touching him and you could take in his smell again. He gasped silently, all while his gaze never left yours.
And then your hands shot up, grabbing his face, pulling him to you once more in a kiss. You made him do the same thing he’d done with you: with your body pushing him back step by step. Then when Astarion’s boot heel hit a low stone of the ruins, you gave him a little push, so he landed with his butt on the stone.
You immediately followed, pressing your legs to his shins and knees so he wouldn’t have a way to get up - trapping him.
Heat was coursing through your body as you looked down on him now.
Astarion was breathing heavily now through his open mouth. He held your gaze - his expression surprised but not scared. If anything it was dominated by hunger now, demanding to be fed.
And so you did: sitting down on his lap, straddling him with both your thighs firmly pressing around his hips, ripping a low groan from him. Immediately you ground against him, already feeling his hardening arousal.
You grabbed his face with both hands and without hesitation pressed your mouth to his once more. This time you were in charge, your tongue playing with his and exploring his mouth.
Meanwhile Astarion’s hands both moved to cup your behind, squeezing your butt with splayed fingers, earning him your moan.
One of your hands went to the back of Astarion’s head, gripping some of his curls so you could pull back his head some more and shift your weight on his lap. You were leading this, you had him pinned - and you were keen to draw out the moment.
Your other hand caressed his face, fingers spreading, then wandering over one of his pointy ears, softly tugging, caressing and teasing - rewarding you with what could only be called a pleading whimper.
You rolled your hips again while your lips were still eagerly moving on his, not letting up, not giving Astarion a moment where he might take charge again.
Again, you were ready to just go all the way. Strip down bare here and now and just give into the carnal need that threatened to consume you both - but where would be the fun in that? And also you had been taught by a master.
Your last coup was to drag your tongue slowly along Astarion’s teeth. Feeling the sting of the vampire’s sharp fang as you drew your tongue along it.
A coppery taste flooded you for a moment; you’d drawn blood. Good, just as you had intended.
Of course Astarion had also immediately tasted your blood. His grip on you immediately intensified. A low growl rumbled in his chest when your taste hit him.
Your eyes that had been closed for the passionate kiss, flew open when you heard the vampire’s sharp intake of breath. His eyes were open too now and you saw how the black of pupils almost drowned out the red of his irises.
You gasped as you were eye to eye with the predator. Shortly asking yourself if it had been a good idea to wander willingly into his arms - his trap, as he had said before - and offer yourself up so eagerly.
Because this was also when the tides turned again.
One of Astarion’s arms looped around you while his other hand went up to grab your face. He pulled you even closer as he shifted his weight. Your hands slipped from their grip in his curls and went to simply cup his face as the vampire leaned you back.
He held your face in his firm grip as he groaned and deepened the kiss even more, eagerly trying to taste you fully. His tongue ran over yours as he was claiming your mouth once more.
He was leaning forward so much now as he eagerly sucked up every last delicious drop of you that you were arching your back, leaning back into nothing but thin air on his lap. Held in place only by his arm firmly looped around your waist and his hand pressing your face to his.
But soon every last drop of you for that moment had been abundantly tasted and devoured. One carnal desire - if not filled - at least postponed to a later time. Leaving one other still.
The kiss had slowed a bit again. But you still felt Astarion’s and your own arousal pretty evidently. The one tasted pleasure had fueled the other. But you had always only planned to tease him. To give the vampire a taste of his own medicine.
You arched your back once more to press your body against his harder one last time. Meanwhile you dragged his bottom lip between your lips just for a short moment, making the vampire groan and squeeze you against him harder, one of his hands on your butt again.
But then - at the height of your eager teasing - you withdrew. Startling Astarion so much with how you just swiftly got up from his lap that he simply let you go.
His eyes were still wide and he was obviously still feeling the rush of tasting your blood and from the kiss. His chest was lifting time and again as he was obviously desperate to regain composure. Besides surprise, admiration snuck into his gaze and into the smile he offered you now while he leisurely leaned one of his arms on his knees. His white curls were now thoroughly dishevelled as you noticed with satisfaction.
You were very much pleased with yourself, especially since resisting the urge had been no easy feat and you could still feel the need to grab and feel Astarion right this instant. But for once you had turned the tables - having the hunter end up in the prey’s claws just this time.
“Tonight then”, you answered Astarion’s previous question with a smirk. And then you turned and left your catch struggle. To return to it at a later time - and finish the job.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess
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sage-nebula · 7 days
WatcherTV Debrief
I said I was going to write down all of my thoughts yesterday, but I was simply too tired after work. So I'm going to do so now, in a post that is likely going to be very long, but hopefully will still be worth the read for some of you anyway.
TL;DR: I believe this is a very poor decision on Watcher Entertainment's part and it is at the very least going to cost them a huge swath of their fanbase, if not their entire company in the long run. And at this point in time, I myself will not be subscribing.
With that said though, I don't want this post to merely be a rant about how much I dislike the decision, so I'm going to start off by looking at things from their perspective and explaining why, although some people in the fanbase might feel betrayed, none of the three (yes, three, because Steven, Ryan, and Shane were all equal parts of this decision) personally betrayed anyone in the fandom. If you're still angry, I understand that seeing what might seem like a "defense" might be upsetting, but again, I hope you'll find some value in it regardless.
All of that said, that plus my extensive criticism of this decision is going to be long, so let's go beneath a cut.
First, let us state the obvious: Watcher Entertainment is a media company -- a business -- and Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara, and Steven Lim are not your friends. They are business owners first, and media producers + actors second.
I italicized actors to draw attention to it, because this is something that I think gets . . . not forgotten, per se, but pushed aside in people's minds when they consume video content online, particularly when that video content is on YouTube, which originally began as a point and shoot video upload website that was meant to give anyone and everyone the ability to upload their vlogs or silly little videos. The term "parasocial relationships" is one that has proliferated across the internet, but I think the issue here -- with Shane and Ryan in particular -- is not only that people are thinking of them as "friends," but also that they are thinking, "These are their authentic selves, this is who they really are, I know them." And the fact of the matter is, that isn't true. Shane and Ryan are actors. What we see in their videos isn't their authentic selves. We don't know them.
Now, that isn't to say that it's all a lie. It isn't quite the same as, say, Ryan Gosling or Leo DiCaprio playing a role in a film. But every internet celebrity (and that is what they are at this point) presents themselves in a particular way to their audience. Even in the Pod Watcher podcast, where ostensibly they're having Just Friendly Conversations About Whatever's On Their Minds, they're mindful of the fact that their audience is listening, their audience is judging, their audience is making gifs and fanart of moments they like. They're acting. They're playing up personas to keep fans engaged, to keep fans coming back for more.
So Shane and Ryan (and Steven, when he can be) are actors. You don't know their true authentic selves, and you never have. Anything they say has to be taken with a grain of salt, because they are saying what they want you to hear. Even their live shows are rehearsed. And what this means -- that they only show you what they want to show you -- is that they did not betray you, because they couldn't betray you. They don't know you, just like you don't know them. Betrayal is not possible here.
To that end, Watcher Entertainment is a media company -- in other words, a business. And businesses must generate not only revenue, but profit in order to stay afloat. Now, I don't know what Watcher's financial books look like right now. I have seen people throwing around a lot of numbers about what they have to make from Patreon, from ticket and merchandise sales, et cetera, but without looking at the expense reports, the bank statements, and the budget sheets, it's difficult for any of us to say just what state Watcher is in financially. We can guess, but that's the best we can do.
That said though, we don't have to guess to know the very basic principle of running a business. A business has to, at the bare minimum, break even. Ideally, the business would profit, so that they can not only do things like pay their employees fairly, but also so that they can expand and grow. Any business requires money in order to make product, whether that product is food, an item that you can purchase, or entertainment media that you consume as a viewer. As nice as it would be if Watcher could make their content without needing money to do so, they can't. Even independent YouTubers, including video essayists and Let's Players, require money to make their content. The equipment, in both purchasing and upkeep, requires money. The games (for Let's Players) require money. Internet and electricity bills, food, books needed for research, props, et cetera -- all of that requires money. No matter how simple a video may look, it still requires money to make. There is a reason that most people aren't able to make YouTube a full time job, and it isn't because they aren't talented; it's because it is a deceptively expensive venture to get into.
So with that said, even without knowing Watcher's current financial situation, it does make sense that they need money to run their business, purely from a "businesses need money" standpoint. This is common sense. This is why things like Watcher selling merchandise, having sponsored ads, having a Patreon, et cetera always made sense. And it is possible, too, that even if their present financial situation is okay, that they are thinking about the future, and costs they are likely to be incurring within the next year.
I don't know how many people within the fanbase listen to their podcast, Pod Watcher, but I do. A few episodes ago, Steven revealed that he wants to open a Malaysian restaurant within the next year. This is his dream, to bring Malaysian culture to the United States with food. This is an amazing dream for him, it's wonderful for him, I wish him success in this venture.
However, running a restaurant -- and not only running one, but building one from the ground up and running it -- takes an astronomical amount of time and energy. This is time and energy that Steven is currently expending keeping Watcher Entertainment afloat as the sole person in charge of managing their financials. (He has the official title of CEO, with Shane and Ryan having stepped away from that title In Name Only to focus on production, but the job that Steven is actually doing is CFO -- Chief Financial Officer.) So when Steven announced that he was going to be opening a restaurant within the next year, what I heard was, "Oh, Steven is leaving Watcher within the next year." This is supported, in my opinion, by Steven saying things like how Shane and Ryan will get free drinks whenever they visit, and then hastily tacking on fans can have it, too. He was trying not to show that he was leaving just yet to the fanbase, but the writing is on the wall and they all know it.
What this means is that when Steven leaves, they will need to find someone to replace him. Either Shane and/or Ryan will need to step away from producing and acting in their shows to take over CFO duties (which the reason why they stepped away is because they handled CFO duties poorly while Steven was better equipped for it, so I doubt either of them would like to do this), or they will need to hire someone to do that for them. The lowest CFO salary in LA I can find is $140k/year, and that isn't including benefits. Since Steven helped found the company, it's doubtful he's making that much, but his replacement won't be a founder and will likely want competitive compensation. There is a good chance that, considering this, Shane, Ryan, and Steven feel pressured to bring in a lot more money than they're currently doing right now.
And I understand all of that. I have supported them where I can; yesterday I literally wore my $80+ Mystery Files jacket to work, which felt a bit bitter after the news broke and I realized I wouldn't be able to watch future seasons of said show. I overpaid for a denim jacket because I wanted to support them. It's not as if I don't understand.
However . . . here is where the criticism begins.
To begin with, there is an old saying: you have to spend money to make money. To go back to my previous statements about how even smaller scale YouTubers spend money to keep producing videos to keep their channels afloat, what this saying means is that if you aren't going to put any money into your business or product, you aren't going to have a business or product to generate any revenue. However, some young business owners take this to the extreme, and figure that if they pump tons and tons and tons of cash into their business at the start, it will start to generate revenue more quickly. What ends up happening is that they overspend, sometimes even despite their best efforts not to, and end up not being able to claw their way back out of the red in the end.
Unfortunately, that is what I think that Watcher is doing with their new streamer.
Let's be clear: There have been valid criticisms about how they seemingly over-budget on shows that don't need to have such high production values or budget. Someone mentioned that their Let's Play show (I don't watch that one because horror games are uninteresting to me, so I don't remember the name) credits something akin to 26 people, which is silly when you consider the fact that there are independent Let's Players who are able to produce content themselves. Of course, you have to remember that the LPers on YouTube are editing their own videos, which Ryan and Shane probably aren't able to do -- but even then, that would be one or perhaps two additional editors. The number of people they have working on that particular venture does seem excessive.
With that said though, those 26 people were already employed and being paid, so having them work on the Let's Play show was likely not a new business expense. The streamer, however, is a completely different story.
First, they had to have paid likely multiple people to build the WatcherTV streaming website for them. Granted, I could be wrong since I have never used Squarespace, but I find it difficult to believe this is something Squarespace would be capable of handling. So unless they already had experienced programmers on their staff, they would have had to hire programmers to build the streaming website. They would also need to pay for hosting the streaming website, which includes not only the domain, but server space for all of their videos, and videos take up a lot of space. Previously, YouTube hosted all of their videos. Now? That needs to be on Watcher, and server space and maintenance is not cheap.
So they are paying for programmers, domain name, server space, server maintenance. They are also going to need to pay for security. Not only do they need to be concerned about any potential DDoS attempts, but more importantly they need security to ensure that they can't suffer a data breach and lose the credit card information of their subscribers, something which happens all the time to other companies. Now you may say, if it happens all the time and those companies are fine, Watcher will be too, right? Well, does Watcher have lawyers on retainer? Because litigation can be raised against companies with insufficient website security that puts customers' financial information at risk, which means Watcher could find themselves facing a lawsuit if their streamer is hacked and credit card information is stolen.
So they will need to pay for systems administrators to not only build security for the streamer, but also maintain security for the streamer, because cyber attacks evolve each day and it is a constant battle against them. It is possible that whatever third party they partnered with to build the streamer for them bundled all this together (if that is the route they went), but either way, services like that do not come cheap -- and if they do, you are not getting a service of value.
So what this comes down to is that Watcher Entertainment has likely spent a ton of money they allegedly do not have to build this streamer, taking the "you have to spend money to make money" adage to the extreme. Their hope, near as I can tell, is that they will generate enough revenue from the streamer so that they will be able to recoup the cost of building and maintaining the streamer and generate profit. However, judging by the reaction from the fandom, I think that is unlikely.
As everyone knows, the reaction to this news has been abysmal. While some of the responses toward Steven and Ryan in particular have been racist vomit, I do think there are valid reasons for why this news has been received so poorly. These reasons include:
Watcher built hype for a week, with a countdown timer and everything, teasing an announcement as if it were a new show or similar "gift" to the fandom, when in reality it was the news that the fandom would now have to pay for content that was previously free.
Patreon subscribers are expected to continue paying the same amount, but for far less content than before. Access to the streamer is not included in the basic tier; they'll need to double their cash output.
Many fans are international fans who can't access the streamer at all without a VPN to switch their location to the United States. Even if they want to pay, they are barred from doing so, meaning that Watcher Entertainment is shutting a large portion of its fanbase out for the foreseeable future.
Watcher took a very patronizing tone with their audience in both the announcement video and their Patreon letter. In the announcement video, which was fourteen minutes long when the actual pertinent information took half that time to deliver (if that), they began with a long diatribe about their careers and how much YouTube meant to them, and how sad they were to leave it -- as if they had guns held to their head, and weren't making this decision of their own volition. This is condescending; it implies they believe their audience is stupid enough to believe they were backed into a corner and have no choice. In the Patreon letter, they had a line that read, "And part of that change includes a bit of news that will surely be met with some fits of sobs- we're bringing Watcher Weekly+ to a close. We know. We know." Again, this is patronizing language. They are talking down to their fans, and assuming their fans will be heartbroken by losing a behind scenes the video, or whatever Watcher Weekly+ is. This arrogant, condescending tone does not help soften the blow of being told they are going to pay the same amount of money for less content.
As you can see, the way that Watcher Entertainment executed the announcement that they would be moving future content behind a paywall was abysmal, and the fanbase reacted accordingly. Provided that the anger isn't empty and that the current fanbase sticks true to their word about not subscribing (either out of principle, location, or because they can't afford it), Watcher Entertainment has lost a huge chunk of expected revenue directly out of the gate. And it's possible that they expected this; they had to know they would be shutting out international fans (at least for a time, presumably) and that there would be fans who couldn't afford it. But it's possible that they felt that there would be enough fans to support and subscribe anyway (hence the arrogant tone about people sobbing over losing Watcher Weekly+; that attitude screams of "you're so devoted to us you will do whatever we ask no matter the cost"), and also that they would be able to pick up enough new fans that it would cushion the blow of losing old fans.
Here is where the next problem lies.
Watcher's current subscription model is $5.99/month or $60/year. If you go monthly, you end up paying $72 for the year, so the annual plan is the better deal by $12. When you compare pricing to other streaming services, this may not seem so bad at first; it's on par with DropoutTV, and it's cheaper than Netflix, Disney+, and other big names such as those.
The difference, though, is that all of those other streamers -- DropoutTV included -- have far more content than Watcher does, meaning that the customer (and keep in mind that we are customers, we are not friends, and truly we are not fans when we are paying them money for product from their business) gets more bang for their buck.
I have seen the argument from defenders of the streamer in fandom that say, "So you care about quantity over quality?" And this argument is flawed for several reasons:
There are plenty of quality TV shows on other streaming platforms. DropoutTV has Game Changer. Hulu has Schitt's Creek and Abbot Elementary. Peacock has The Office and Parks & Recreation, so on and so forth. Watcher Entertainment has good shows, but they are not the only good shows in the whole of the media industry. Dare I say, they aren't even the only good shows on YouTube.
While Watcher does produce shows of high quality, their shows have tiny seasons of only six episodes each, and their seasons are spaced out months apart. They also cancel their shows without warning or announcement, meaning fans can wait (and wait, and wait) for a new season of a show they like that will never come, because Watcher dropped the show and didn't bother making official word on it. If you go through Watcher's entire content library (which is easy to do even if you like all their shows, and even easier if you only have a handful of shows you enjoy), then you will be paying for a streamer that you do not use for months on end while you wait for the next batch of six episodes that you maybe want to see if, again, you don't like all of their shows. (I myself only follow five: Puppet History, Mystery Files, Too Many Spirits, Top 5 Beatdown, and Ghost Files.) That is money you have spent on a service you rarely use. In other words: money wasted.
That last point is particularly important when you consider that Watcher Entertainment hopes to draw new customers in to subscribe to their streamer.
Pretend, for a moment, that you have never heard of Ryan, Shane, or Watcher before. You are browsing YouTube, and you come across the season premier of season three of Ghost Files. You enjoy it, so you think, oh, I would like to view the rest of the season. You learn that the rest of the season is on a streaming service called WatcherTV, which only hosts series that Watcher themselves have produced. Their library is very small right now. New episodes for ongoing seasons are weekly, they only have one season airing at a time, new seasons have month long gaps between them. This service costs $60 a year annually, or $6 a month ($72 annually). You've never seen any of their other shows before, and while you could technically afford it, it's not as if money is no object to you. You'd likely have to give up a streamer that has a much, much larger selection of shows and movies you already know you like to give this one a shot. (This one that, mind you, doesn't work outside of your internet browser, so you can't watch it on your television either.)
Would you do it? Really put yourselves in the shoes of someone who has no familiarity at all with Shane, Ryan, Steven, or their shows before that moment. Would you choose to pay $60 for a streamer with low accessibility, and a tiny, infrequently updated library? Especially if it meant losing access to so much more?
It isn't just that numerical value of the price that makes it a bad move. It's the price relative to the product being offered. Watcher's own fans, who love their content, are fiercely divided over whether to subscribe, with many saying they won't. In what universe does someone who has never heard of Watcher sign up to pay them that much for so little offerings? Particularly when they'll only be advertising via YouTube, and infrequently at that given that they'll only be posting season premiers?
(And this is not getting into how they were originally going to pull all of their content before the backlash. Yes, they walked it back -- but not only did they say in the video that the content would only be live until May 31st, but the Variety article says that the company originally told Variety that they would be pulling content, only for Ryan to issue a statement saying they wouldn't do that after. Meaning, they walked that part back because that's the part they could walk back. They have undoubtedly sank far too much money into the streamer to back out of that now. It's way too late.)
Businesses need to make money. Steven, Ryan, and Shane are business owners who are trying to make their business profitable. But I believe that this was one of the worst ways to go about it. I'm not saying that I know exactly what they should have done instead. I don't have all the answers. But I do know that from the terrible execution of getting everyone excited only to tell them (in the most patronizing way possible) that they would now have to pay for a previously free service, to deciding to sink a bunch of money into a streamer that they seem to have done no market research on beforehand and that they don't have the content library to support, this absolutely seems like the wrong way. Moving their content to an existing streamer like Nebula would have been a better move, in my opinion. (And it would have prompted me to actually sign up for Nebula, since there are several video essayists I haven't followed there . . . but I would have followed Watcher, since it would give me access to Watcher content and the content of those video essayists I've been missing.)
But what's done is done. As I said, I think at this point Watcher Entertainment has jumped off the cliff and they didn't do so with a bungee cable. I don't think they can walk this back. I'll be interested in seeing if they succeed, but I have very strong doubts they will.
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yayeetsonny · 3 months
One can only take so much… before they break
(Alex Morgan X OC)
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Hi, yes i know i’ve been away for a very long time, but I wanted to give this writing thing another shot to see if I still had anything left in the tank. Hopefully this isn’t the most dreadful thing you’ve ever read. So sorry if it is. Please be advised this one deals with some very strong emotions and topics. Implied mental abuse, Suicidal ideation and just overall sadness and anxiety. This will be a multi parter as my fingers got away from me lol.
This one is 99% Alex x OC, although the character’s name is never dropped as I wasn’t sure if I was going to make this an x reader fic or not. If anyone has any name suggestions at the end I’m all ears. And future parts will definitely be more USWNT x OC
3.4k Words
Everything is your fault. It always is. Why can’t you do anything right?! It all fell apart because of you! You know that, and so do they. They hate you for it. Your own mother won’t even talk to you.
“Hey, kid… Kid?…Dude!” I was so lost in thought I didn’t even hear one of my teammates calling out to me.
“Huh? What?” I looked up to see Alex looking down at me worriedly.
“Are you okay little duck?” She said squatting down so she was eye level with me. She put her hand on my cheek rubbing it softly raising an eyebrow when i didn’t say anything immediately.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m fine.” I said softly, making a poor attempt at a smile but I’m fairly certain it came across as a grimace instead. I looked down and refused to look back up even though I could feel Alex trying to get me to look at her.
“Hey… what is it?” She said moving her head so she could look into my eyes, which at this point were watering and I was doing my very best to force the tears away.
“I-It’s nothing… I-I’m fine.” I said, my voice breaking. I brought my hand up to rub my eyes and I stood up and tried to make a quick get away, but Alex wasn’t having it.
“Stop, what’s going on? What’s wrong?” She put her hands on my shoulders to try and stop me from leaving but I pushed her off and started to walk away.
“I said I’m fine, just drop it Alex. Please.” I gave up trying to stop the tears, they were freely flowing now and i let out a sob as I broke into a full sprint when I heard her starting to follow me, calling out to me. I ran passed several of our fellow national team, teammates who were watching everything unfold.
I beat her to the locker room, grabbed my stuff and made a mad dash to my car, getting in and attempting to regulate my breathing. The tears were still coming in full force, sobs racked my body as I tried and failed to calm myself down. How pathetic is this? Crying like a big baby, because your mommy made you sad? I really am weak aren’t I? No that’s not true. The girls always tell me I’m strong and that I’m their brave big girl. Yeah it’s a bit baby-ish but it gets the point across. I wrestled with my own thoughts and was so engrossed in arguing with myself that i didn’t even realize I made it back to my apartment already. I also didn’t hear my phone ringing incessantly while I drove. I hesitated a bit seeing as it was Alex, probably trying to figure out where i went. It almost went to voicemail before i decided to answer.
“Hello” my voice was raw from all the crying I did, but I sounded more tired than distraught now.
“Baby, where did you go? What happened back there? Why did you run away? Please talk to me. I’m worried about you.” She said all in one breath, I bit my lip contemplating my answer. Then i took a deep breath and decided to just bite the bullet and be at least partially truthful.
“I… um, I was going thru a-a lot during the break between camps, I mean I guess I still am going thru a lot right now, given my very apparent meltdown earlier. I-I’m sorry Alex, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I won’t do it again, I swear.” My damn voice started breaking again as the tears started back up.
“Hey, hey, hey… little one, please breathe, you’re okay. You have nothing to be sorry for. Take deep, slow breaths, in and out.” she said gently, guiding me thru some breathing exercises until my breathing was less erratic. “Can you tell me where you are please? I’m going to come get you and we’ll talk this through and maybe we can order a pizza and watch movies, what do you say?” She asked, I could tell she was trying to remain calm but I could hear her voice quiver just slightly. She was scared, and rightfully so, this isn’t the first time I’d run off and usually when i did, I became self destructive at worst and let myself rot in bed for a week at best.
“I’m at the apartment.” I said and she let out a sigh of relief on the other end of the line.
“Okay good. I’m on my way, be there in 10. Stay there, please.”
I took one last deep breath before I got out of the car and made my way inside. I intended to sit on the couch and wait for her to get home but then the more i thought about having to talk to Alex about what’s been going on the more anxious i became. I started pacing and started mumbling to myself about what i was going to say and how I was going to say it. I wanted to let Alex in but I knew if I wasn’t careful I would let her in too much and I wasn’t ready for that. Being 17 and all my ability to regulate my emotions and understand them wasn’t the best as I’m sure you’ve already figured out.
10 minutes went by quickly and Alex was there before i knew it. She quickly made her way inside and dropped her bag by the door, coming up to me and taking me by the shoulders again to get me to stop pacing.
“Stop, please. You’re spiraling, what’s going on?”
“I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Like what? Is it your family? Soccer?”
“Family.” I mumbled, attempting to yank myself out of her grasp but she just wrapped her arms around my torso tightly so i couldn’t run away. “Let go Alex I can’t do this. Please let go.” I kept fighting against her hold but she wasn’t relenting, and while i would’ve denied it in the moment, I needed that.
“Shh, shh bub, just relax. I’ve got you. I’m here now it’s all gonna be okay, okay? I promise. Please just let me help you.” She said softly and I finally just allowed her to fully pull me against her chest, she relaxed her grip just slightly moving one of her hands to the back of my head, stroking my hair softly, resting her chin on the top of my head. “You’re okay, you’re safe now.” She whispered, and she continued to mumble reassurances to me as she rocked me in her arms slightly.
“Do we have to talk about this?” I mumbled.
“Yeah kid unfortunately we do. You know the rules when you decide to run away like you did earlier.” She kissed my head before picking me up with ease and moving us to the couch. She kept her hold on me and let me curl up into her lap, I tucked my head in the crook of her neck.
“I don’t want to.” I attempted to say firmly but it came out as a whine.
“Remember what I said? It’ll all be okay. I know this is scary but I’m not going anywhere and anything you tell me isn’t going to scare me away. I promise you. You’re my brave big girl, hmm?”
“I’m 17, you know?” I said in an attempt to seem tough.
“And that’s why i said you’re a big girl. But you’re still the baby on the team and little one to me.” She said chuckling softly. “You can do this.” she said after a moment rubbing my arm gently.
“I can do this.” I repeated to myself. I moved myself out of the safety of Alex’s arms slightly, putting some distance between us and turning to fully face her, steeling myself for the tough conversation ahead. I’m a very sensitive and emotional person so these conversations always make me cry no matter how much I try to stop it.
Do you want me to call the rest of the girls? Is this something they should know about too?”
“Too many people. Not ready, I think it’s better if I tell you everything first and then maybe only tell them the gist of it after.”
“Okay, then that’s what we’ll do. Whenever you’re ready.”
“I guess I’ll start at the beginning. So you know how in between camps and during off season I go home to be with my family? Well I went and everything fell apart, and it’s all my fault. Just like everything always is.”
“Hey, no don’t say that.” She cut me off, she hates when i am self deprecating.
“Its true though. I fucked everything up. You know how my brother and I work at the same place right? Well and you know how my shift is closing? So I work 1-10pm? Which my mom hates.” She nodded her head as I was talking to let me know she was following along. “Well one night it was bad… The weather was horrendous because in my hometown we get a lot of snow. A-and so one of the days I worked I was one of the f-few people to show up and, when everything was all said and done there was a huge mess left behind from the disaster of a day we had….” I was beginning to become emotional just thinking about what had happened that night, and i hated that it still made me feel such strong emotions.
“It’s okay, do you want to keep going?” Alex asked me softly, stroking the back of my head softly. she knew sometimes that talking about things was hard for me and that i needed to take breaks in order to get the whole story out.
“Yes i need to. I can do it.” I said determinedly. Blinking away the tears.
“Anyways, it was a mess and being a “Back up Team lead” sometimes i made a decision to send everyone else home and clean up. And since my brother worked on overnights I called him and asked him to come help me clean up so that i could go home at a semi-reasonable time. He came over to help but when they wanted to send him back to his normal area he refused and he s-started arguing with his boss about how he was going to choose family over his job at the moment and they d-didn’t like that so they sent him home for the night, and he didn’t have a car so he called my mom to pick him up…” I stopped to catch my breath as i realize I hadn’t been breathing
“Shh, easy baby, nice, slow deep breaths, you’re doing so good.” She said. I hadn’t been looking at Alex very much this whole time but when I finally did I could see unshed tears in her eyes. I knew it was hard for her any time i was upset or emotional in a negative way. She gently wiped away the tears that made their way down my cheeks.
“My mom came to get him, and then she called me, and she was angry, she demanded I come home so I did and when I got there she told me she had a lot of opinions about what happened but she was just going to keep her mouth shut. She told me to get out of her sight so I did. She wouldn’t even look at me. Just like that I was transported back to when I was a little kid and she would get angry and she would just tell me she didn’t want to look at me. It felt like a knife to the chest. I didn’t understand what i did to upset her so much and I knew she wouldn’t tell me. All part of her “healing process.” I said bitterly.
“Fast forward to the next morning, I woke up to the news my brother had been fired. I called him to apologize and I asked him what our mom said to him and he said that she blames me for him getting fired. She said I should have known better. I knew how much he needed that job.” My hands were shaking and my breathing was ragged as I played with the strings of my hoodie.
“That wasn’t your fault, you have to know that.”
“Yes it was. It is. He hasn’t found a job since and he-he’s struggling again. You remember what happened last time he was struggling don’t you? I can’t do that again, I can’t! Everything he does, every decision he makes that’s not good is my fault. My mom wants me to be “an example” for him but he’s older! How fucking twisted is that?! Why are things never his fault?!” I yelled standing up suddenly startling Alex.
“Okay, okay let’s take a break hmm?” Alex stood up holding up her hands to show me she meant no harm.
“No! You don’t get it! Everything is my fault! My own mother thinks so! I know he’s struggling but can’t she see I’m struggling too?! ” I threw a plastic cup that was on the table across the room.
“Stop. Now. We don’t throw things when we’re upset, do you understand?” Alex said sternly.
My lip wobbled as I started crying again. “I’ve spent the last 4 years trying my very best to hold my family together through everything we’ve been thru. I got my brother the job working where i do and now I’m the reason he lost it. And now he and his girlfriend risk being homeless because she doesn’t have a job either. And if they lose their apartment they move back home with my mom, which means I’ll probably have to move back to be there with her because I can’t just leave her there by herself with them. It wouldn’t be fair. Which in turn means I’ll have to put my life on hold. The life I finally made for myself.”
I’m so tired of being emotional exhausted. I can’t keep doing this. I don’t even want to be alive anymore.”
“Woah, hold on… what do you mean by that?” Alex’s eyes widened as she processed what i said.
“I mean what I just said I don’t want to be alive anymore okay? I want the pain to stop. I need it to stop.”
The silence that followed was long and tense. I immediately regretted saying what i said. But realized i couldn’t walk it back. Alex finally took a deep breath and began speaking again.
“How long have you been feeling this way? Do you- Do you have a plan?” She asked quietly, her voice breaking as she did.
“No I don’t have a plan, I just sometimes think about how much easier it would be if I wasn’t here anymore. And sometimes I think about hurting myself but i haven’t acted on it. And i’ve been feeling this way since last year, when my mom and i got into that big blowout fight at Thanksgiving. You know she didn’t even want me moving out here? She’s never really let that fight go.” I laughed hollowly.
“Thank you for telling me, and being honest with me. I know that wasn’t easy. Why didn’t your mom want you to move out here?”
“She thinks you and the girls have too much of an influence over me. She thinks you guys are “changing” me. She threatened to force me to quit playing soccer all together.”
“What? Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?”
“It didn’t seem relevant.”
“Didn’t seem relevant?! How’s that? If i had known that I would’ve just had you move out here permanently!”
“No I’m serious! I understand you’re still 17 but you’re out of high school and you should be able to decide your own path.
“I’ve been trying, but the situation with my brother gives her more reason to say i should just quit playing.
Alex goes quietly again and I can tell she’s thinking. I can tell she’s angry. She has never really liked my mom and visa versa, their relationship is courteous at best.
“I think sometimes you forget that you’re still a kid. I know that you have had a lot put on your shoulders and that a lot is expected of you, but your brothers choices that night are not your fault and I’m sorry he’s having a hard time and he might have to move back home, which yes will be hard for your mom but that doesn’t mean that you have to give up your life for them. They will be okay. I promise you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes i do, you wanna know how I know?” She said and I nodded meekly.
“I know because your brother is strong, and so is your mom. And while i’ve never met her I’m sure his girlfriend is too. You don’t have to hold anyone else up but yourself. Not anymore. Their emotions and their… predicaments are not yours to try and fix. i don’t want you going home for a while okay? It’s clear that it’s taking a toll on you and to be frank, This is your home. Here with me, With the other girls. We have you okay? And we will never leave you. Ever.”
I turned away from her and tried to calm myself completely. I was so over all the crying and I bet you are too.
“You’re probably so sick of me crying.” I said chuckling quietly. Alex Vehemently shook her head and wrapped her arms around me, kissing my head.
“Not at all, you needed to get it out. it’s never good to hold it all in like you did, you know that.”
“I know, I just…”
“Have a hard time letting yourself be vulnerable. I know love. I know. So here’s what we’re going to do. I think writing your thoughts out might help what do you think?”
“Maybe…” i said hesitantly.
“Don’t worry no one else will read it but you. And the only way anyone will ever know anything you write down is if you tell them. And I know you going home for part of the year is to help you be able to pay your half of the rent but don’t worry about it okay? I will cover any excess we have from the missing income okay? I meant it when I said your home was here with me.”
“Alex you don’t have to-….”
“Yes i do. You’re very important to me, and I care about you and the things you need. And right now you need a bit of a break.”
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“Anything for you kid. Now listen I also want you to really consider talking to a therapist or a mental health professional about how you’ve been feeling okay? I won’t force you but I think you might benefit from it. And please talk to me, or one of the other girls if you feel like hurting yourself. I don’t want you to think you have to go thru that alone okay?”
“Okay i will.” She’s right, it’s probably about time i go to therapy, I’m still hesitant as sharing my feelings and the things i keep inside has never been my strong suit.
“Now, how about you go take a warm shower to calm down a bit more, I’ll order some pizzas and get the girls over here?”
“I’d like that.” I smiled softly and headed upstairs to do as she suggested.
About an hour later I was showered, comfy and sitting on the couch sandwiched between Alex and Christen. A “Chrislex” sandwich if you will. Tobin was on Christen’s left, Mal, Sam, Kristie, Rose and the rest of the team were laying as close to me as they could get and spread out through out the living room. Pizza was also spread out through the room as people shared with one another. We had Moana on as the girls said I could pick and that’s my go to movie. I was so focused on the movie i almost didn’t notice my phone buzzing at my side. I looked at the text that came thru and my heart dropped as I realized who it was from… My mom.
“You need to come home.”
Is all it said. My hands instantly started shaking and I had that panicking feeling rising in my chest again. Alex looked over at me curiously and I forced the fakest smile i could muster onto my face. I’m in deep shit now…
To Be Continued…
There will be a part 2 and the rest of the team will be in that one more, promise. Please let me know what you think!
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melanieph321 · 10 months
I’ve got a request if you are taking them. Ruben helping the reader after getting her wisdom teeth out? Super fluff!! Love your work xx
Okay, so I sat down, ready to write this fic. Then my mind drifted away and I got really inspired to write another fic instead.
I'm sorry for not including the pulling of the tooth, but I tried to keep it "super fluff" 😅
Ruben Dias x Black Reader - Clumsy
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Clumsy wasn't enough to describe you. You were clumsy, embarrassing and utterly childish for not learning how to walk in heels until the age of 24.
"Are you okay?"
A stranger came to your rescue. Hopefully he missed the part where you faceplanted to the ground. I mean who trips on their way to brunch? On your way from brunch would have made way more sense.
"Yeah, I'm okay." You said, collecting your purse and accepting the hand he held out to you. You were brought to your feet with one swift motion. He was strong, a thousand times stronger than you.
"But you're bleeding."
"Yeah, I can see that."
It was your knees, bruised by the sidewalk. You were going to have a serious word with whoever one of your friends that suggested everyone wear pencilskirts to brunch.
"I've got some bandaids at home. I live right there." He pointed to the tall building across the street.
The place where you were having brunch was only around the corner anyway. And what was worse, showing up late for brunch or showing up with blood running down your ankles?
"I'm Ruben by the way." Said the strange man escorting you, arm and arm, across the street.
He lived in a remarkably fancy apartment. "I'm Y/N." You said, your eyes in awe of the decor you were met with. It's not that you thought that the guy was broke, but he did dress like he was about to rob a convenient store.
He ordered you to take a seat on his couch. You did as you were told in wait for him to return with the necessities to clean your wound.
"Does it hurt?"
He focused on clearing the blood and dirt first, a bit primitive in the way he went about it. His hand gripped your thigh, holding you still in a way you would never allow a man to do even on the second date.
"Y/N, does it hurt?"
You forced him to repeat the questions since you had been to concerned with his hand on your thigh.
"No, it's fine."
"Did you hit anything else, like your head?"
You thanked the gods that he hadn't witnessed your takle of the ground with your face. He must have just come around the corner when it happened. Perhaps he had been out for a jog? At least he dressed like he had been.
"I think this should do it."
Once the blood was gone and his hand was off your thigh, you could think straight again.
"I'm never wearing heels again, that's forsure."
You took them off and stretched your legs out on the couch. Ruben grabbed the wool he had used to clean your wound and threw them in the bin. He returned with two bandaids to cover the bruises with.
"They don't match my skintone." You said, not to be picky or anything.
"I didn't know they were supposed to do that." Ruben looked to the package, scratching his head.
"Well they are. It's so no one knows that you've hurt yourself and I'm quite desperate for the world not to know that I can't walk in heels."
Ruben chuckled, but did make his way to the door. "I'll be right back."
You thought it was sweet, he was sweet and handsome.
"There." He said, satisfied with finding a bandaid that matched your skin. He had returned from the store with three different selections of bandaids for you to choose from.
"Thank you Ruben. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you?" By the looks and view from his apartment, he seemed to be getting payed well enough.
"How about dinner? You look like you can cook."
"Come again?" You frowned. "You want me to cook you dinner?"
"As payment for helping you out, yes."
"B...but..." You were about to deliver the greatest speech on how chivalry was dead and how men killed it, when Ruben's lips widen into a devious grin.
"You're fucking with me, aren't you?"
"About the cooking thing, yes, but not the part about wanting to have dinner with you. Unless..." His cheeks blossomed. "Unless you're not up for it, of course."
He was charming, kind and handsome. A deadly combination.
"I'd love to have dinner with you."
It was a deadly combination indeed, but a perfect excuse for being late for brunch.
This way when your friends asked you about the reason for your delay, you didn't have to tell them about the bruise on your knees from the faceplant. You could just tell them that you bumped into a handsome stranger who is now taking you for dinner.
"Great. I'll give you my number on our way down." He said, escorting you out of his apartment
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666writingcafe · 2 months
you're one of our top favorite obey me writers so we'd thought we'd just slide this in here-
I've recently been fixating on a loud hispanic / latinx MC, we're puerto rican, dominican, AND cuban, so we're just super loud and over the top. i personally would love to see how the brothers and dateables would react to that. idk if you're taking requests but that'd be super cool, and the mc doesn't have to speak spanish! But we picked up an accent from our families and we'd thought that would be sooo silly if mc had one too!
Peppermint Collective
(p.s: you don't have to do this if you don't want to, we just would love to see it :D)
First of all, I appreciate the compliment. I'm grateful that you guys like my writing.
I'm going to start with the brothers and see what you all think before doing the dateables (and Luke). Hopefully, what is presented below is close to what you guys were envisioning.
Obey Me x A Loud Hispanic MC With An Accent (Part One)
Lucifer initially isn't the biggest fan of MC because the last thing he wanted was a human version of Mammon. However, as he gets to know MC, he finds their behavior rather charming. At the very least, he knows that they can keep up with his brother's energy. As for MC's accent, he finds them easier to understand when they're relatively calm, for the more excited they get, the thicker the accent becomes. This has caused MC to become irritated at him on multiple occasions, because they don't want to have to repeat themselves a bunch of times.
Mammon and MC are basically besties. He's one of the only people that can understand MC no matter what, and he makes sure to rub that in everyone's face. Like, of course the Great Mammon can keep up with MC; he was their first, after all. The two of them have been caught having entire conversations with just looks and hand gestures, and that's because they're so expressive that they don't always need words to get their point across.
Levi doesn't really know what to think of MC. On the one hand, he can't stand it when they're with Mammon, because once one gets loud, the other matches their volume, making it pretty much impossible for him to focus on anything. On the other hand, he emphasizes with them, because he tends to be loud and over-the-top too, especially when it comes to his interests. However, his energetic peaks and valleys always seem to be the exact opposite of MC's, so it's a bit difficult for them to spend much time together without getting on each others' nerves.
Satan for the most part keeps his distance from MC. It's not that he doesn't like them; rather, it's that their energy overwhelms him, and he has to maintain a certain level of calmness in order to keep his sin under control. On the rare occasions that MC speaks in an "inside" voice, Satan can listen to them talk for hours. He loves their accent. If he could catch them during a calm moment, he would like to ask him to record themselves reading some of his favorite books aloud.
Asmo and MC spend a lot of time together, because these two love to gossip. They bounce off each other quite well, actually; they give the types of reactions the other is looking for. However, there have been times where Asmo struggles a bit to understand exactly what MC's saying. He gets the general gist in these moments, but sometimes they talk so quickly and loudly that the words sort of mush together in his ears and turn into slight gibberish. And he hates it, especially when Mammon starts bragging about his relationship with MC.
Beel is used to his brothers being loud and over the top, and he's learned to treat the whole thing as white noise. So, having one more voice added in the mix really doesn't make that much of a difference to him. However, this ability to block out noise has gotten him in a bit of trouble with MC, because he doesn't do the best job at listening to them. He does try to pay attention, but when MC's in one of their more exuberant moods and starts talking a mile a minute, the old habit kicks in as he starts thinking about things completely unrelated to whatever conversation they're trying to have with him.
One might expect Belphie to despise MC due to their noisiness, but that's not really the case. Sure, there have been times where MC has prevented him from going to sleep, and that irritates him. However, that doesn't stop him from being drawn to them. He's fascinated by how MC can remain so energetic during most of their waking hours. He's also the only other brother that can understand everything that MC says. He may not appear to be paying attention, but when asked to repeat what MC said, he does so perfectly. He's even gotten on other people's case about making MC repeat themselves, because he feels like they're not that hard to understand.
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You're trying too hard to make the II cast sound like real people. They're always whining about not being liked or being betrayed and have social anxiety 24/7 when that's not how people really are. you could balance it out with some s1-styled minimum-necessary dialogue where characters just call each other dumb and ugly and stupid and kick each other into the sun. idk i just feel like scenes like those get to the point faster and keeps things balanced
Totally get that from the perspective of anyone who's entry-point to the show is s1, which I'm sure is plentyyy-common. And there's definitely a lot of this sentiment in the air today with Webz's video on the subject having just come out, with plenty of smart analysis regarding how the different eras of the show depict character.
I like a lot of what comes with the season one era. It's fun to revisit us as kids work with what came naturally to us. It's fun to see the wacky spontaneity that'd come about that would then be put to paper and never questioned. (And, even at that, I wasn't part of the writing team until fairly late into the season. So I can't take all too much credit for the early-show artistry.)
That all said, like noted above, that's what came naturally to us at that point. We as writers have never really written the show forrrr an audience. We write it for us. In-so-far as we're looking to impressive ourselves, entertain ourselves. Create something we'd enjoy watching, were we not the creators. And I wholeheartedly believe that's the way to write. We're not young adults making a show for kids, we're just making a show for us... that is also viewable and (hopefully) understandable for a younger audience, as well.
That doesn't mean, at all, that we're not influenced by the audience and what we read online. I read way too much for my own mental health, that's a work-in-progress, but I also find it important to embrace the element of conversation between creator and viewer with online projects. And that influence becomes a little part of me for the next time I write.
That aside, were we to just try to write in the essence of season one, I believe that at best it'd come across as a shadow of its former self, trying desperately to replicate the past. I completely understand that this ask isn't blatantly saying "make more season one," but the reality is that a lot of that old style just doesn't click with who we (or at least I) are anymore. A character I care about is called a mean name and kicked into the sun, I'm going to be less-quick to find that charming and silly and am probably going to be quicker to say "oh no :((((( ." Obviously it's very very tone-dependent, but my soul drips with sentimentality, so of course that's going to carry through when I'm bringing my art to the world. Anything less would be dishonest.
And, frankly, I've seen a lot of strong feedback that gives the very opposite essence of this ask: "please please, bring back the tone of season two, that's what I'm here for." Which I completely get as well. I love it, a lot of the work that I'm proudest of is from later season two. Ultimately, I do like to find a balance, and the best I can do is hope that people vibe with that.
Even with more recent work of mine on the show, I'll look back on and criticize myself on how that's it. Too jokey here, too schmaltzy there, need more room to breathe and explore here, this section is nonsense and cuttable there. It happens. But come the end, I'm happy season one exists. I'm happy season two exists. And I'm especially happy that we're able to work on a production that is so authentically us.
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one-equaltemper · 7 months
join me in my far-too-long note that borders on an essay about chapters 28-30 of be my baby
i'll be honest, writing things like this inherently makes me feel like a terrible writer because i obviously didn't *clearly* get my point across and maybe i need to go back and edit the offending chapters, but for now...a note.
you will notice we're keeping a very casual vibe here because i haven't bothered to capitalize anything. we're just friends, having a chat! i'm definitely not wringing my hands and a little bit frustrated because that would be defensive and i do not want to come across as defensive. so here we go, under the cut, so you can avoid spoilers in case you're not caught up:
there have been lots of thoughts and, i think, a bit of confusion over an aspect of the argument between draco and hermione beginning in chapter 28. to the best of my knowledge this stems not from the argument itself — draco telling hermione that pansy (his second ex-wife whom she knows little about) has contacted him and wants to have a chat — but about what happens after.
hermione is overcome with feelings and her first instinct is to get away. i don't want to say she's a runner, because i don't think she is, but i think she's the type of person to need a little bit of time to herself and to her thoughts to understand and come to terms with information that is particularly inflammatory or worrisome. however, as she makes to move away from draco, he essentially refuses her the privacy.
first, i get it. draco comes off looking extremely controlling in this moment. i knew it would be difficult going in to write the scene, but i felt it was important for reasons i will explain.
second, lets talk about the rules.
in chapter five, draco first asks hermione to text him when she's out and let him know where she is and where she's going. it's just a check in text, but it's one of the first rules that they put into place.
in chapter 12, titled manners, draco asks hermione to hold his hand while they're walking outside. the rest of this chapter delves in draco showing her that maybe she's not actually all that ready to dive headfirst into a dd/lg relationship, but that rule still stands.
three, their relationship type. are they in a 24/7 dd/lg relationship? no. does it extend beyond the bedroom? yes. this is not just a sexual thing for them and some of the rules that they both agree to reflects that.
so, what happened? what was i trying to portray?
essentially that you don't get to pick and choose which rules you want to follow when you're in a relationship like this. hermione knows she's not supposed to wander, she knows she's supposed to hold his hand when they're out or, at the very least, stick close to him. argument or not, draco is still responsible for her.
draco gave her another option; he told her that he could take her back to his flat and she could determine from there whether she'd like to be alone. he simply, at the end of the day, asked her to remember their agreed upon rules. when hermione continued to refuse and he could see she wasn't going to do what he asked, he begrudgingly allowed her to separate herself from him as long as he could see her.
however, it was still against the rules and is part of the reason for the punishment in chapter 30.
if draco comes off as controlling, it's because he is. i'm not trying to hide that. i know, hermione knows it, astoria knows, theo knows it. even draco knows it. he has a deep need to control everything around him.
i know this story is not going to be everyone's cup of tea but my real goal here is to look at the nuances in a relationship like this. it's not always sexy or attractive. sometimes it's beyond complicated and it's just the nature of the dynamic. that's what i was trying to show.
i hope this makes sense and answers some of the questions and concerns from those chapters. i will go back and see what i can do about making these things clearer, but hopefully this note helps.
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skatingbi · 6 months
It starts slow, but it definitely begins after their 1v1 dogfight training. TL;DR- Zoro gets humbled during the training exercise against Sanji.
Long answer:
In practical lessons the instructor (who I REALLY want to make Admiral Garp), at the request of Luffy, has Zoro and Sanji practice 1v1 dogfighting for the mission since only two aircraft will be available...And it goes about as well as you expect. Zoro has the upper hand until suddenly, Sanji pulls back and uses the abrupt change in speed to change directions easier and punches forward and upward to gain a height advantage. Eventually, after 2 thousand feet or so, it makes Zoro pull back enough for Sanji to maneuver the stick and crank the jet perpendicular to the surface to get right behind Zoro's aircraft and...bullseye. I'd have to rewrite this later since im still researching how to write dogfights and just general flight mechanics, but hopefully, it gets my point across for now.
Zoro is absolutely FLOORED and since then respects Sanji, but still picks fights with him.
He holds a newfound respect for Sanji and becomes more cooperative as a nav instead of complaining, which weirds Sanji out but like whatever, right?
In their bunks, Sanji is usually restless and hates sleeping (night terrors? PTSD? insomnia?? the world will never know), and Zoro wakes up one night and just goes, "Wanna spar?" and Sanji is confused because sparring for him was never fun, but Zoro looks like he's about to take back the offer, and so he says sure without even thinking.
That starts their semi regular training together other than top gun bullshit they have to do, and Sanji always goes to bed humbled since Zoro kicks his ass every time.
Zoro is a great guy and a great teacher in hand to hand combat. He learns that Zoro wasn't always a pilot, that he did get stationed in places like the north blue. He learns that Zoro has seen the more disturbing parts of war that pilots dont see every day. He also learns that Zoro isn't all just muscle and density (physically and mentally, Sanji thinks to himself), but he also despises sweets and thats why he never falls for the trick of candy in the MRE's that always have Luffy running laps every lunch despite it being a known rule.
Eventually, the arguing is more like playful bickering with camaraderie hidden behind it. Sanji picks fights for the hell of it, and Zoro rolls with it. Zoro knows that he would trust sanji with his life when shit hits the fan, and so would Sanji if the same happened to him.
Friendship for them is the same as they were before except theres respect and trust that they each earned, and Nami can finally breathe and is like "Thank god y'all got your shit together."
One night after their ritualistic sparring session when Sanji is asleep, he is suddenly woken up to Zoro gasping for breath and thrashing, and then the man throws himself off the bed and lands with a thud loud enough to wake up Luffy and Usopp. Usopp is confused as fuck and Luffy snorts awake and is half asleep until they both see Zoro suddenly stand up, extremely alert and sweating.
"Hey Zoro..? What's up, man?" Usopp asks tiredly with his question laced with concern. Whats weird, though, is that its like Zoro doesn't hear them. He's standing where he fell one second and suddenly making a sweep of their bunk the next. Sanji is watching from his top bunk, looking down at Zoro before looking straight at Luffy. It's almost like Luffy knows, and he nods and says, "Let him do his thing, i trust you to know what to do, Sanji," And so he does what Luffy says.
Everyone listens to the squad leader and quietly lets Zoro sweep the parameter, check the door, check around outside, the windows, the window locks, under the beds, until Zoro is standing in the center of the room with a look that gives away everything Sanji needs to know. Zoro isnt here, at least not mentally, so he slowly shuffles out of his top bunk, making note of how Zoro's gaze flicks to him suddenly and makes sure to telegraph his movements before they even happen.
After a few minutes, he's in front of Zoro, looking directly into his eyes and standing. Zoro's eyes almost seem distant, looking through him but into his soul at the same time.
"Hey, moss, what's going on in that head of yours?" Sanji whispers low enough, so it's barely heard by Luffy and Usopp, who watch in case anything happens. Sanji knows, though. He knows Zoro won't do anything, and if he does, then Sanji knows that Zoro trusts him enough to stop him.
Zoro is staring, and eventually, Sanji slowly moves his arm within his view, gently resting his palm on Zoro's chest and feeling the elevated heartbeat. "Mossy, you with me? You're in our barracks now. Not wherever your brain thinks you've ended up," and he can visibly see Zoro deflate, then a rough palm shakily holds onto his wrist like his life depends on it. Zoro is trembling, his shoulders shake with each breath now, and his eyebrows scrunch like he's fighting with himself. Maybe he is, Sanji thinks to himself.
After a while- maybe 5 minutes or 20. No one was keeping track of time - Zoro eventually has enough self-awareness to clear his throat and really look at Sanji, who is still there and looking right at Zoro. It's grounding, the hand on his chest, and blue and brown eyes looking at him. Luffy and Usopp are asleep again, and Zoro takes one deep breath and lets it out, closing his eyes and counting to ten, and instead of the horrors he saw again in his sleep, he sees Sanji.
"Thanks, cook." Zoro whispers. It strikes Sanji in his soul how vulnerable it sounds. How Zoro squeezes his wrist gently before letting go.
They dont talk about it, or the other times it happens, or the times Zoro does the same for Sanji but its him using deep pressure therapy in the form of a hug after Sanji wakes up with a yell and fight overtaking his system when flight ironically loses the battle.
Their friendship is odd, but it comforts both of them in a way nobody else ever has. They both know each other well enough now that they can work alongside each other while constantly making jabs at each other. Their lighthearted bickering reveals smiles that were previously hidden, and it lets them feel like they can be themselves a little bit more.
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heynikkiyousofine · 6 months
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Indulging myself in writing a little retelling of Inuyasha, so I wanted to share it with you. 💕
“Uh, hello there?” She called out and when he didn’t move, she decided to climb up to make sure he wasn’t injured. As she grew closer, the warm sensation from before came back, making her stop and look around for that frightening monster. When the area remained silent, the only sound was the gentle rustle of the leaves. She moved to step over the last root, coming just inches away with the man’s face, except he wasn’t a man at all. Not the kind she was used to at least.
Sure, there were plenty of cosplayers back home and people were constantly changing their appearance with the different trends each year, but none looked like him. He looks so peaceful. Raising her hand, she traced his features, her fingertips trailing his sharp nose and jaw. His brows were dark, with matching lashes that fanned across his cheeks and she briefly wondered what his eyes looked like. 
Brushing his bangs aside, she admired how soft his silver hair was, pausing to look closer at two small ears standing at the top of his head. Reminding her a bit of Buyo, she stroked the velvety fur, almost falling from her perch when a soft voice spoke.
He is to you, as you are to him.
Gripping the sleeping man’s red robe and leaning into him, she gazed around the clearing, afraid she had gotten caught. When no one appeared, she straightened herself, nervously laughing at her paranoia when she noticed a single arrow protruding from his chest, exactly where his heart would be. Looking back at the man’s face, she wondered who he was.
“Is that his name?” She whispered, when suddenly an arrow whipped past her head, grazing her cheek as it embedded itself in the trunk. Touching her cheek, she hissed at the slight sting. What the? Male voices yelled out and when she whirled around and positioned herself in front of Inuyasha, she was met with fierce gazes.
“You there, get down girl!” A tall man with dark hair hollered. She assumed he was the leader and suddenly, she was very afraid. I’m alone, in a strange forest with men pointing their weapons at me. Swallowing, she stood her ground, ready to defend herself and the man behind her. Noticing a few holding bow and arrows, she wondered if she could take one of them down and use it to defend herself.
“Child, what are ye doing up there?” An older woman, wearing a white and red robe that she usually wore during festivals at the shrine, appeared, the men parting to let her through. She must be the one in charge. Noticing the black eye patch covering her right eye and her weapon, she wondered if this priestess was some type of warrior princess. Hopefully she wouldn’t let these men hurt her. “Come down, we will not harm ye anymore than the hanyou would.” Hanyou?
Kagome nodded, carefully scooting down the roots, giving Inuyasha one last glance at Inuyasha and stopped right in front of the woman. She observed Kagome, using her good eye to take in Kagome’s appearance and when she frowned, Kagome grew worried.
“Kikyo?” she whispered.
Shaking her head, Kagome corrected her, “No, my name is Kagome.”
“I am Kaede. Would ye mind telling me what ye were doing up there?” She nodded, pointing her chin in the tree’s direction.
“I was searching for my way home when I came upon him.” She frowned, glancing up at him still sleeping peacefully against the tree. There’s something about him.
“Ah, well be careful child, he is not to be touched for he is dangerous.” 
“What happened?” She asked, her heart reaching out to comfort him. Why am I so drawn to him? He is to you, as you are to him. What does that even mean? And who said it? Before Kaede could explain, the ground shook, a deep rumbling making her tremble. A familiar shriek filled the air and Kagome gasped as the men around her prepared themselves for a battle. Oh no, not again.
“Give me the Sacred Jewel!” The monster’s voice cried out, causing Kaede to look at her.
“Ye have the jewel!?”
“I don’t know what she’s talking about!” She called, the creature’s screaming overpowering her own. Suddenly, she was thrown off her feet, landing on her back as a large centipede emerged from the ground, its eyes glaring right at her. Help me!
“Kagome, run!” Kaede yelled, releasing an arrow into the creature’s body. The body, half a woman, half a giant centipede, lunged at her, snatching her leg up in her teeth. Yelping at the pain as her calf was sliced open and as the centipede flung her across the clearing, she braced herself for the fall.
Landing right in front of the tree, she grimaced as blood seeped through the denim, a tear in her favorite. You can buy another pair. Get up! Her instincts called out to her, warning her of the danger and urging her to run to safety. When she glanced back to see a group of men fighting off the overgrown bug, she pushed through the pain and began to climb. Making it to the top of the roots, where Inuyasha’s feet hung, she was suddenly picked up by her waist and tossed into the air, a sharp pain in her side.
Looking down to see a small pink jewel emerge from her body, shimmering in the afternoon sunlight. Did that just come out of me? Wincing as she landed on the ground, she watched the jewel bounce and roll to a stop in front of her.
“The Sacred Jewel! It will be mine!” The centipede screamed, lunging straight for her. Grabbing the orb, Kagome rolled out of the way just as the monster attacked. Breathing heavily, she stood to her feet, gripping the jewel. All this over a gem? 
Kaede rushed over, blocking her with her body and her bow aimed for the creature’s face. 
“Kagome, ye must not let Mistress Centipede have the Jewel Of Four Souls.” She ordered, firing the arrow into Mistress Centipede’s body, slicing off an arm in the process. Slipping the jewel in her front pocket, she noticed a discarded bow and quiver with three arrows to her left. Get to a high vantage point and shoot. Maybe that bright pink light will come back to help.
Ducking as the monster’s tail tried to knock her out, she grabbed the weapon and began to run back to the Sacred Tree, determined to take this thing down. As she made it to the top of the roots once again, she looked to see if Inuyasha was unharmed and froze when golden eyes glared right at her. Gold.
“You’re awake.” She breathed.
“You know, you shouldn’t play with bugs, Kikyo.” He sneered, his eyes flashing with hatred.
“Why you,” She growled, her temper rising, she gripped the bow tight as she stormed up to him, “My name isn’t Kikyo, it’s Kagome. Ka-Go-Me.” 
He leaned forward, discreetly sniffing when his eyes widened and he gaped at her, all traces of anger and hate gone, muttering one word.
“Mate.” Huh?
Another scream from below had her whirling around, knocking an arrow and aiming, shooting the tail of the centipede as it almost took out two men. She had to focus on defeating whatever this thing was so she could home and this nightmare could end.
“Aim for the heart, Kagome.” Inuyasha suggested and the way he said her name calmed her heart. Nodding, she fired the second arrow, missing the heart by inches and slicing another arm off her body. The centipede hissed, spinning around to snarl at her. She was shoved back against Inuyasha’s body before she could grab her last arrow and she dropped her bow and quiver when the scaly body wrapped around the trunk. Gasping for air as pain rickotched through her body, Kagome gripped Inuyasha’s hiori tight.
“Kagome!” He ground out through clench teeth.
“Inuyasha, do something!” She called out, black spots filling her vision as Mistress Centipede squeezed her body tighter.
“Focus. Use the arrow next to my head and stab her in the heart! Only you can purify her!” He managed to say, his voice cracking at the pressure, but she could tell he was in pain all the same. Spotting the arrow he talked about, she managed to wiggle her right arm free just enough to reach and pull the weapon out of the bark.
The centipede’s human body hovered above them, just out of arm’s reach. She needed something to bring the monster closer. An idea popped into her head and Kagome managed to free her other arm, removing the jewel from her pocket. Please, please let this work.
“What are you doing, stupid? She can’t have it!” Inuyasha yelled as the glowing orb caught the monster’s attention.
“The Sacred Jewel!” She gasped, grinning so wide, her bloodied fangs dripped onto Kagome’s shirt. She lunged forward and Kagome dodged just as her body got close enough, praying to whatever kami to bring her strength and stabbed Mistress Centipede in the heart.
A bright flash engulfed them and the centipede’s body turned to dust as her bones littered the ground below. Taking a shuddering breath when she was no longer pinned, Kagome sank to her knees, still holding the arrow and the jewel tight. All was silent for a second, when Kaede and the men surrounded the tree.
“He’s awake!” One man gasped, holding a wounded another on his arm, pointing right at Inuyasha. Tension grew as abled bodied men raised their weapons, aiming their way. 
“She must be a witch!”
“Dark priestess!”
“He must not get free!”
“He will destroy the village!”
Their voices grew louder and Kagome huddled against Inuyasha’s legs, whimpering. She was tired, her body hurt and all she wanted to do was go home. They defeated the monster, couldn’t they let me live?
“Don’t you touch her!” Inuyasha roared, and when she looked up at him, his eyes were seeping with red as purple stripes began to form along his cheekbones, his growl deep in his throat. What is happening?
“Child, slowly come down. We will not hurt ye, but that demon is dangerous, despite his innocence.” Kaede ordered, keeping her eye on Inuyasha. Demon? Unsure of what to do, the little voice from earlier whispered in her ear.
He will not harm you, for you are his.
Slowly standing, she dropped the arrow and slipped the jewel back into her pocket, staring out at the group.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha growled softly and she reached her hand back, intertwining her fingers with his own.
“He won’t harm me.” 
Kaede stepped forward, calling out for her when Inuyasha growled once more, making sure she kept her distance. When she stopped, Kagome nodded, turning to look him in the eyes. What she saw made her confident in her decision.
“How do I free you?” She asked softly.
“Uh, Kikyo pinned me to the this fucking tree with her arrow. Try pulling it out.” He squeezed her hand gently, his marks fading as his eyes returned to their previous shade. Nodding, she reached up, gripping the arrow tight and closed her eyes. If I set him free, please don’t let them harm him. Kami, give me strength to do what is right.
Taking a deep breath, she began to tug, meeting a little resistance. She could hear the voices from below, murmuring between them. She could feel warmth radiating from Inuyasha’s body as his heart beat. Tu-thump, tu-thump. 
The warm sensation that she was slowly becoming used to filled her body and she knew it was time. Opening her eyes, she saw the arrow was glowing a soft blue, much like the well earlier.
“It’s okay.” Inuyasha whispered, giving her hand another squeeze.
She nodded, pulling harder and when suddenly the arrow evaporated into thin air, releasing him from the tree. Smiling, she took a step back to allow him to move, missing her step. Feeling air underneath her feet, she began to fall backwards when red clad arms wrapped themselves around her waist and together, they both landed on the ground
The men scattered, giving them plenty of space and Inuyasha set her down on her feet, his hands still circling her body.. Kaede slowly approached, carefully watching them.
“Inuyasha, do ye still want to possess the jewel?”
“I didn’t do it.” He whispered.
“I know, but you need to let Kagome go.”
“She is my mate and I will not hurt her.” He snarled, his grip tightening and when she winced, he murmured an apology, gently nuzzling her hair.
“She is hurt, I can bandage her wounds if you would like.” 
Inuyasha looked at her, silently asking if that was fine with her and Kagome nodded, smiling. Her energy was fading and she really needed to lie down. Maybe I’ll wake up and this will all be some weird dream.
“Very well,” Kaede turned, heading back to the village, beckoning them to follow. “We can discuss everything and ye can explain what just happened.”
“Why should I trust you, ya old hag?” Inuyasha asked, not moving just yet, eyeing the men still surrounding them.
“Because Kikyo was my sister and Naraku was the one to pit ye two against each other.” Kaede answered, looking at the two of them over her shoulder.
Kagome could tell he was intrigued, and tried to step out of his arms to follow her, her vision blurred. Gripping her head, she groaned, hearing Inuyasha and Kaede call out her name before blackness overtook her.
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gremlins-hotel · 7 months
Any more Romerica thoughts or headcanons? 🙏❤️
i'm very sorry to disappoint you, dear traveler, but no headcanons this time around. however, i can bring you a short piece of writing! based in @temtamoo's engita pirate au where romerica is a b-ship. romano gets dragged out by alfred and seb to test one of alfred's ridiculous flying machines (based on ornithopters and otto lilienthal's famous gliders!).
Bright wind whisked across rolling hills of verdant grass. In the sky hung the sun, one curious and watchful eye amidst the bow of blue around it. The sweet smell of grass wafting into Romano’s nostrils drew a wistful sigh from his lips. Sebastiano bounced excitedly beside him, the younger boy near to bursting and unable to focus on a single point in the plains surrounding them.
They were far outside their family shipyard and the city in the Volan Hills; a feat far more manageable when you had your own gondola to reach to the plains at the borderlands of the watery kingdom. Few went here, which was just as well since it meant less of an audience for whatever experiment Romano had been dragged out for by his restless younger brother and fiancé. And fewer people to see any possible crash that the two brothers would have to drag him back from.
A few feet away toiled a taller body, enraptured by manmade wings of wooden frame and stretched cloth. Alfred reverently unfolded the willow bones and barely could Romano hear him speaking over the wily breeze, trying in vain to explain his flying machine to them both. “...and it’s controlled by weight shift! See here in a moment, when I leap from the ridge, I’m going to try and lift, then bank.”
“Just don’t break your wrist this time,” Romano called over the wind. Only a laugh answered. Romano rolled his eyes playfully, though he knew Alfred wouldn’t see, distracted as he was. Turning to Sebastiano, still rocking happily from heel to toe, Romano quickly added, “And you are never doing this. If I catch wind of you getting hold of one of his crazy gliders, you’ll be under house arrest indefinitely.”
“Oh, but brother,” Sebastiano pleaded with big eyes, “come on—”
“Absolutely not!” he reinforced with brows scrunched, yet still grinning. It was enough that Seb spent so much time watching his fiancé tinker and fidget with all the spare parts he could. Truly, Romano was thankful Alfred could teach his little brother so much, though how useful it was, he wasn’t sure, but at least the boy could learn to dream large in a small world. It could be hard when your life was spent amongst keels and sails yet never spent on the water. That was Feliciano’s gambit.
Alfred busied himself with the straps and controls of the glider, still addressing them, “So this time, I’ve added a stabilizing tail. I don’t know how I didn’t think to try sooner. I mean, how many times do we see birds use their tails to rudder and to flare for drag when landing? Mark down a loss for my intelligence on that one, ha!”
“It always takes a few good tries, right?” Seb called.
You’re the only man I know that walks with two feet yet has a head so far in the clouds that it chirps Romano mused. Full of hot air. He would never tell him that out loud, at least not yet. Actually, it would probably be worth it, he thought. Just for the look on Alfred’s face. Later, though. He smiled to himself and continued to observe patiently. A mess of steel wires that his love claimed were for control glinted in the dazzling sun, catching his eye.
Soon the three of them stood atop a wide ridge, a gently slanting slope beneath. It towered above several other hills and spilled into a deep green bowl of thick ground cover. Height to catch the zephyrous sky and length to glide, and hopefully something soft to catch Alfred if he had one of his rather infamous skid landings. White wings caught the sun, the parts of the cloth with any give bowing as if yearning for the wind. Romano briefly hoped that the ‘something soft’ would be unnecessary, wondering quickly if his worry was a mite too late.
The sail wings were of great breadth, though to bear the much larger man, they had to be. Broad and white in the day. They reminded Romano of a great stork or sea eagle with their frames that nearly resembled the lay of feathers at the leading edge. Sprouting from Alfred’s shoulders like the mantle of the Guardian spirit, they bounced with some of his movements. In his hands, he held their yoke and Alfred whipped his head to give both Sebastiano and Romano a confident smile, all teeth. He winked at the latter.
Both brothers nodded, one hopeful and the other concerned. Flipping down goggles of his own make, Alfred shot them a thumbs up and backed up a few steps. He would run straight into a fierce headwind as it rolled up the slope, the goal to catch a lift and glide. Supposedly this version of the machine had a feature he refused to tell either of them that would help, or so he said. Romano couldn’t let himself overthink how dangerous this show could be. It had been hard enough to convince him to come and he couldn’t turn back now.
Cupping his hands around his mouth, the man gave a loud cheer as the pilot pushed himself into a sprint across the grass. Legs bunched and sprung. Romano closed his eyes and felt a nervous jitter in his chest. He heard a shout to release pressure. A windy snap. Then a loud holler. Romano’s heart raced madly but he didn’t think he could open his eyes to see whatever carnage might be down the ridge. Suddenly Seb was latched to his arm and shaking him frantically, “Look, look!”
Forced to crack open his eyes, Romano was assaulted by the brilliant sun. Past them, following Sebastiano’s firm point, he spied a massive bird hanging in the air.
Alfred’s legs hung loosely beneath bending wings and Romano felt something grip his chest when his fiancé, alongside his contraption, sank down at warm, mistral whim. Like two ships on a wild collision course, he couldn’t look away, wanting to yell caution, but his voice froze. Why Seb was so calm he couldn’t understand.
Then long legs tucked and the curl of the pilot’s body seemed to smooth out his flight. The glider even lifted a couple of feet. Watching rapt as Alfred leaned his lower body to one side, the wings following and drifting him in that direction, then the other. He drew a serpentine in the sky, back and forth with far too much confidence for wings of cotton and wood. Romano did shout when Alfred grew daring and pitched his body up and forward, kicking the glider into a flare like a diving hawk. It flipped head over tail and the pair somersaulted midair. The shipwright swore he could hear the contagious laughter of a madman echo on the breeze as he turned right-side up and continued to descend.
“Stop that! You really will break something!” he called uselessly. Seb laughed at his outburst. Romano turned on him. “How are you so calm?”
“Is this the first time you’ve been out here?” his little brother asked with a tilt of his head, only briefly looking at him.
“Yes!” Romano’s tone was exasperated.
Seb giggled with mischief, “Then this is the first time you’ve seen him do that?”
“Yes,” he repeated.
“Then I probably shouldn’t tell you that was how Alfred broke his wrist that one time. He tried to flip and on the up-and-over, he went into a nosedive. Bracing was the issue,” explained the teen with too much of a casual air.
Romano decided he would ground them both if that happened again. Hell, even when Alfred landed. He’d tried to when the pair had come back from the Volan Hills months before, Sebastiano carrying a ruined glider and Alfred holding one arm rather pathetically beside him. Of course, it hadn’t worked for long. They wouldn’t be here if it had.
“Watch!” Came a faint cry. The brothers turned their attention to their daredevil friend. When Alfred seemed sure that he had their gaze, they saw his elbows move vaguely. White wings flapped, truly flapped, and the pilot was given a meager buoy. Sebastiano’s eyes popped from his skull and he yelled with fervently, hands flying to his hair. With weak strokes the airframe flexed again, flapping slowly like a gliding seabird. Though rather useless overall, they could still see as the powered flight gave their friend just that much more ballast against the sky. Heavier than air, yet still they soared.
Until the airframe wobbled dangerously on one downstroke. The right wing folded awkwardly in a wrong arc, crumpling slightly. With horror Romano saw as the change in airfoil caused Alfred to list perilously, the glider tipping over the pilot’s head and going into a slanted dive. He would crash and Romano knew it. Romano felt suddenly seized.
For once thinking with his feet, he launched himself off the lip of the ridge and slid down the dirt, mourning the loss of his nice, clean breeches. He hated that the bottom of the slope seemed so close yet so far. Terror caught his throat as he floundered to stand as the end of the hill approached. He rose into a stumbling sprint, watching in distress as the glider careened into green earth. The sickening snap of wooden wings and the rip of twill made Romano’s stomach turn, only praying that there wasn’t the snap of anything else. Thankfully, hopefully, he heard no scream of pain as he approached the heap of Alfred and glider.
Laid out on his back in the thick grass with pieces of the contraption still harnessed to him was Alfred. He must have rolled when the glider smashed down. No part of him looked twisted or out of place the closer he drew and Romano stopped with a tremble, putting his hands on his knees and letting out a relieved pant. Alfred dazedly turned his head to Romano and it made frustration rise in the shorter man to see that a massive, stupid grin was plastered across his features.
“It worked!” Was all the tinkerer exclaimed. No greeting, no ‘I’m fine’. Still Alfred’s dopey smile persisted.
Romano sputtered, bewildered, “I- you crashed! What do you mean it worked!”
“I may have crashed, but Ro, the flapping worked! Did you see the lift I got? I think if I could reinforce the wings we could try—”
“We? Alfred, no.” Romano cut him off with a frustrated bark. “Only you are crazy enough to do this, you big, stupid, vacuous idiot. By the Guardian, you are never doing this again!” Sebastiano rolled up behind them both, panting harshly.
“Aw, c’mon Ro! Look, I swear I’ll be safer next time. I didn’t even get hurt!” Alfred protested, not getting up from the grass but instead speaking with his hands beneath Romano’s nose.
“You still crashed! And who knows what scrapes and bruises are under your clothes? Love, no,” fretted the shorter man. He hung his head in disbelief, shaking it loosely at Alfred. “You will one day give me a heart attack and then who will keep you from turning into a meat mash at the bottom of the sea cliffs someday?”
“Mmm, I think you’re stronger than that. You’d live,” came the coy response. “Okay, but what if, one day, I make us a glider that could carry more than one person? We could fly together!”
“You mean crash together?”
“Ye of little faith!” Alfred laughed, reaching up both arms toward Romano as if to grab him into a hug. Romano lifted away before he could fall for the trap.
Offering one hand to his fiancé, Romano vigorously shook his head once more, “Let’s just get you home before you get any more insane ideas! We’re missing a perfectly good day for lunch.”
Both Seb and Alfred followed, flight forgotten at the mention of food.
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eddiernunson · 2 years
Trapped | Eddie Munson | Part 4 | 18+
Prev Part | Master Post | Next Part
Paring: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 10.5 K
Warnings: Smut, oral f! receiving, unprotected penetration (wrap it up, don’t do this), first date talk, dirty talk, knee grinding, general newbie when it comes to writing smut.
This is smut, and it's very like lovey smut. Hope y'all don't mind.
Authors note: Oh jeez I’ve written smut but I’ve never written it when it’s all the way I always back out when I try. Sorry it’s been so long I was really upset on the first and I think we all understand why 😭 I miss him. I did just spend the last like three days working hard on this.. hopefully you’ll enjoy. Lots of build up. It’ll be worth it, I hope. Also I love writing Eddie do dirty talk. I know he's a virgin here but I feel like he'd just be good at it. MINORS DNI
edit: totally forgot a read more. oops.
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Your shift ended at 5, and your date was at 7. After you were done work, you dragged Robin right into your car so she could help you get ready at your house. Your parents were home when you arrived, your mom rushing to you as the door closed behind you and Robin. “Aaah, there’s my girl! Haven’t seen you since yesterday morning!” As she says this, she grabs your face cheeks rubbing your increasingly red face. Thank goodness this wasn’t the first time Robin was over. With Robin’s aloof parents it was a bit much for her at first but now Robin usually sits back, smug ass looks on her face, watching as your face gets redder and blotchier.
“Hi mom,” you say annoyed yet loving it at the same time. “Sorry, I ended up staying later than expected at Nancy’s last night.”
Your mom pets your hair, her head tilted and smile warm. “Oh of course! Did you have fun at least?”
You felt Robin elbow your right lower back. “Yeah, Y/N. Did you have fun?”
Your mom’s question was innocent and genuine. Robin was just being an ass. She knew damn well where you were last night.
“Yes, thank you both for asking, Robin.” Your mom puts her hands down from your face as you turn to face her. “I had a lot of fun.” Robin makes a subtle gagging face as you glare at her. “I need to get ready for something tonight, I have about 90 minutes.”
“Oh, okay. Let me know if you need anything.” You’re running up the stairs with Robin right behind you. As you think you’re in the clear your mom says, “Wait, hunny I was doing laundry today and I found a Metallica shirt on your floor. Was that yours? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”
Thank God you are both around the corner of the steps because the look Robin gave you would’ve given you away in a heartbeat. “He gave you a shirt!?” She whispers, her eyes wide and face red.
“Mom, I think a friend lent that to me when I might’ve spilled something on myself.” You thought quickly. “When I tried to give it back, he just told me to keep it.” You were such a shitty liar.
Your mom knew this very well. Your lies stopped the age you realized she wasn’t buying any of them, you were that bad. “Okay, alright.” Her voice didn’t sound like she was convinced. “Just checking. Did you want me to wash it?”
“No, it’s not really that dirty yet.”
A beat. “Okay. Love you, dear!”
You run to your room, yelling you loved her too before closing the door behind you. “Your mom knows something is up.” Robin says, her face serious. “You’re gonna have to tell her.”
You fly your hands up exasperated, running across your somewhat now organized room from your mom cleaning up to your closet. “I know, I know. When I tell her I’m not going to be able to spend any more nights at his trailer, though. I really liked waking up there.”
“You realize, when Eddie comes to pick you up that the cat will be out of the bag?” Robin points out, rubbing her hands together as she sits on your bed criss-cross.
You toss a dress you thought about wearing onto her face, mildly annoyed. “Stop pointing out flaws in my plan and just help me choose something before I go nuts!”
Robin takes off the dress off her head, slightly unamused. She comes to your closet where you were and starts sifting through your many many clothes. “Jesus, you own a lot of clothing.” She mutters starting to pick out options.
As she goes through your closet, you sit at your vanity, playing with makeup ideas. Do you want to do bright, or go more subtle? Should you do your hair? What about just a pretty bow in your hair? You hear the phone ring downstairs as you put your head in your hands, too anxious to make another decision.
“Y/N! Phone call! Who is Steve?” Your mom’s voice is closer as she calls you, becoming suggestive as she says Steve’s name. She knocks once before tossing you the phone. “Is that whose t-shirt I found?” You put your hand over the mouthpiece, really hoping he didn’t hear that.
“No, mom. He is just our co-worker. And someone I might hang out from time to time. I’ll tell you about the t-shirt later.” You say, hoping that’ll get rid of her.
Your mom put her hands up, as if to say, Alright, I give. Out the door she went, closing it behind her.
“Steve Harrington, you’d better have a good reason for calling before my damn date.” You talk into the phone, scratching at your forehead out of stress. Robin gets your attention, holding between two dresses. You point the one on the left, narrowing down to a final few.
“Well- I never!” Steve says, almost sounding offended. “Also did I hear something about a t-shirt being found? Rookie mistake, L/N.” You roll your eyes, exasperated.
“Yeah, yeah, tell me what you want before I hang up on you.” You say, turning toward Robin and picking the dress on the right.
“I just honestly wanted to wish you luck tonight. Also, I pulled in a few favours and got you a reservation down at Chef’s Table for 7:30”
You stop in your pacing tracks, your eyes wide. “Wait, did you tell-“
“Munson already knows,” he says, interrupting you, “he asked me to call these favours in.”
You hear rustling of a phone being stolen. “Hey, are you finally dating him, so we can stop watching him stare at you across the cafeteria?”
“Henderson, you-“ Steve in the background, faint but coming closer as he catches up to Dustin. Rustling again and Steve’s voice even louder now as he’s in control of the phone again. “Always the goddamn babysitter.”
“Have any last pieces of advice, oh wise one?” You ask, picking another dress Robin had you choose between.
“Be yourself.” He says simply. “You work with two dating disasters who both had to learn this the hard way when it comes to dating. Just do it. Have fun.”
You thank him and press the hang up button, mind racing at the phone call. “Alright, Robin what other dresses do I have to pick between now?”
Robin is now on your bed, laying across it and reading a magazine you had left out. “Oh, you already picked it out.” She points her thumb to your closet. You look to the dress on a hanger, hung up on the door. It was perfect. “I guess when Steve was occupying your noggin you weren’t thinking so hard about what you wanted to wear.”
You glanced at the time, thinking you might need to shower. It was only 5:45. A 15-minute shower will be ok, right? “Robin I’m going to have a shower. You can stay and read about Ralph Macchio. I’ll be right out.” You toss her the magazine, a big editorial about The Karate Kid. You didn’t know it would be useless to Robin who was already reading about Fast Times, but it was the thought to her that counted.
You showered quickly, shaving some areas admittedly a little haphazardly. You washed your hair, your face, everywhere else, and was out of the shower in less than 8 minutes. You grabbed the good blow-dryer on the way to your room, wanting to dry your hair immediately. When you enter the room, Robin had called Steve back, hearing the end of “She’s so nervous it’s adorable” from Robin
You cleared your throat, announcing your presence. Robin stopped talking, her hands stuck in place on the magazine.  You shook your hair dryer to her, signalling its about to get a little loud in here. She understood and let Steve go. “Hey, I-I thought you’d take longer than that.”
“My anxiety is also a time traveller. She doesn’t let me take my time when I feel anxious.” You inform her.
Robin knew what you meant. “Mine never shuts up.”
When your hair is finally dry you shut off the tool one last time, the final dry test done. You get your hair out of the way, clipping it back. As you do your makeup more subtle than you initially planned on, you really appreciate the way Robin has come into your life. The two of you talk about anything and everything, getting your mind from your date. You’re about finished your hair when you hear a honk outside. Robin looks out your window by your bed and starts getting up.
You give her a questioning look as you spray the last piece into place, not knowing what was happening. “Steve offered me a ride home.”
“That’s really sweet of him,” you say, getting up from your vanity. “Can you give me a hug before my nerves set in?”
Robin isn’t affectionate by any means, so she knows when you ask for it, it means you need it. “Here,” she says her arms open awkwardly.
“Thanks for helping me get ready tonight, Robin. I really needed it.”
Robin patted your head affectionately. “As long as you call me to tell me how everything went. Seriously. I want to know. Also plug Nancy in she has been dying to know details, too.”
You nodded sheepishly, unsure what exactly they were hoping in these phone calls. “Go give Steve a punch in the shoulder for me.”
“You know it!” Robin shouted as she went down the stairs to your front door.
Less than five minutes (felt like an hour) passed when the doorbell rang. “I got it!” Your mom calls from downstairs. Uh oh.
You put your ear to the door, dying to know how this will go. You still haven’t told your mom you were going for a date. You were curious how she would react when Eddie Munson shows up.
“Why, hello.” Your mom says in an overly polite tone.
“Hello, Mrs. L/N,” Eddie says, his voice sounded higher than normal, more polite. He had a parents’ voice.  “I’m here to take Y/N out on our date tonight.”
Silence. You wished you could see your mom’s reaction to this. “Y/N L/N! Eddie Munson is here to pick you up for your date tonight!”
You ran to the stairs, fighting back the giggles as you reach the top. You put one hand on the banister, suddenly aware of how cliché this all is. But it was perfect.
You start walking down, avoiding the bewildered look your mom is giving you. As Eddie pulls into focus, you can see the way he is looking at you. His brown eyes soft and wide, the corner of his lips turning up as you come closer. You can take in his outfit for tonight. He’s wearing a white button down, not tucked into a pair of unripped blue jeans. His hair looks more groomed than normal. You switch your glance momentarily to his hands; he’s still wearing his rings. Good.
As you look back up to his face, you take one last step onto the main floor at the front entrance. You fiddle with your hair, tucking some pieces behind your ears. You look down at the floor sheepishly, and finally glance to your mother. It takes every ounce of self control to not burst out laughing when you see her face.
“So, is this is whose shirt I found this morning?” Your mom says, talking purposely loud enough so Eddie could hear.
Eddie smiled widely at that, both dimples on his face clear as day. He was struggling to hold back laughter, avoiding eye contact with you and your mom.
“Can I tell you later?” You say, grabbing your jacket slowly as if to not alert her you were leaving.
“Oh, we’ll talk later.” She threatens, her eyes serious but her mouth somewhat upturned. “Have her home by midnight.”
Eddie coughs. “Uh, yes m’am.”
“Bye mom!” You yell behind you as you grab Eddie’s hand and shut the door.
As the door closes Eddie breaks into laughter. “She found the shirt?” He asks, now catching his breath.
“Apparently, I am no good at sneaking.” You say shrugging. “I didn’t realize my mom knew every piece of clothing I owned. I thought she would just think it’s a pajama shirt.”
Eddie stops and his van, leaning his back against his passenger door as if to block you from getting in. “Can I point out something I don’t think you have thought of?”
“Whats that?” You ask, staring a glimpse of his lips now that you’re up close to him.
Eddie pus his hand up to frame your face, pinky resting on your jawline. “We don’t smell the same sweetheart. She might’ve thought it was yours until she smelled my cologne.”
Your eyes go wide as you realize how she knew the shirt couldn’t have been yours. Shit, you were not good at this sneaking around thing. Eddie chuckles lowly as he leans and gives you a kiss, allowing you to breathe him in. As he kissed you his other hand went to your hip, thumb swaying absentmindedly. As Eddie separated from you, you realized you were standing there with your hands by your sides, taken aback on how your night has barely started yet he can leave you speechless.
He tugs you back a half a step, your brain too foggy to understand what he was doing. He turns around and opens the door. He moves out of your way to pat the fabric of the passenger seat. You get in wordlessly, Eddie closing the door behind you before scooting into the to the driver’s seat.
Eddie starts the van, his music coming on a little lower than you normally expect coming from his van. He smiles shyly, aware of this deliberate choice. “I didn’t want to leave a bad impression when I pulled up.”
He is so cute. You had no words still, so you grab his hand, the one with the rings, and you intertwine yours into it.
He pulls off to the road, heading the right way to which Steve mentioned. He passes a few lights and lets the feeling of being hand in hand get comfortable before saying “So incase you were wondering the plans for tonight I can break it down.”
You smile closed mouth, turning to face him as he keeps his eyes on the road. “Harrington already spoiled Chef’s Table, I’m afraid.”
You see the reaction on his face, the immediate clenching of the jaw, followed by him relaxing and regulating himself. You were impressed. “Can’t tell nothing to nobody these days,” he says, a hint of humour in his voice.
Your hands fly up to your face as you laugh, the honesty of his statement very true. “You can’t trust Steve Harrington with dating secrets. He will spill. Tell Robin if you must keep it from me, but if you need connections Steve was the way to go.”
Eddie huffs a laugh out, his eyes squinted, and his smile closed but wide.
“Chef’s Table, anywhere else? We do have five hours.” You ask nicely, petting his hand to butter him up.
Oh, did that work. “Yes, I figured if we have time, and we might we can hang back at my place again. Watch something a little better than Back to the Future, maybe.” He said, shrugging.
Your brain says something that you have to muster the courage to say out loud. “I hope when you say watch a movie, you really mean make out on your couch again.” The words felt like they came out jumbled and out of breath, but Eddie literally does not hear that part.
He only can resist the urge to pull over and start making out with you right now. Cause the way you looked tonight; he was barely holding it in as it was. “You can’t say something like that looking the way you look right now,” Eddie grimaces, his hand tightening around yours. “That’s not fair.”
You giggle, finally taking his eyes off him. It wasn’t long before he was pulling up to the parking lot of Chef’s Table, less reckless than usual.
You hold your breath as he holds your hand and escorts you to the door, gulping.
Oh god, shit. You could barely breathe. Please go well.
Eddie led the way into the restaurant, the candle lit atmosphere engulfing the two of you. Shit. You’ve never been here before, but it was intimate and fuckin’ romantic. The host at the front greeted the both of you, warm smile in a suit and tie. “Good evening, do you have a reservation?” He asks politely.
“Yeah, we have one for 7:30 for Munson,” Eddie says, clearing this throat after. As the host looks to his reservation list, Eddie yawns, his forearm flexing has his hand squeezes around yours. “Sorry, darlin,” he whispers, leaning down to tell you. “Being crazy excited for tonight has kind of worn me out.”
You bump into him without moving your feet, not looking at him to avoid him seeing the smile that captivated your face.
“Oh, I see it. Harrington’s favour.” The Host mumbles under his breath. “Yes, Munson. Sorry that took so long. Right this way.”
The host leads the two of you down a long line of tables, passing candle lit couples as you continue to an ever-dimmer back area. “A back corner table with lower lighting, as per request.” You will have to both kill and thank him later. “Here are your menus. Can I get started off with a drink tonight?”
“Water” You say.
“Perfect. Your waitress will be right out to help you out.” The host, hair somewhat like Steve’s and a dazzling smile, probably would’ve made you blush maybe a week ago. Tonight, the only thing you cared about was the man with the scraggly hair next to you in the booth, arms crossed and leaning on the table, looking at his menu.
You grabbed your menu; suddenly aware you had never been here before and you have no clue what’s on the table. “So,” Eddie says, feeling him scooch closer to you. “Three years huh?”
You set the menu back down, relieved in the momentary release from the bubbling anxiety of a new restaurant. Sad news meant that this anxiety was replaced with the anxiety of being this close with him. “Yeah, three years. It would still be ongoing if it weren’t for my meddling friends. I would’ve probably let myself stare at you until graduation.” You spoke honestly, it made you feel vulnerable and entirely too open.
“Really? So, how are they meddling friends?” Eddie says his body turned towards you and his chin resting in one hand.
You smiled, thinking about how their antics gave you more action than any of them were expecting. “Well, to start, I’ve known the Wheelers for quite some time. My parents are friends with their parents. I’ve never been all that close with their kids until three or so years ago. By some miracle Nancy didn’t even know I had a crush on you until around this August when I saw you at the library doing some research and I nearly crashed into a whole bookshelf. From then on, she couldn’t unsee it.
“Then Mike got into your club like I had hoped he would and upon hearing this I nearly panicked. I was at their house, just hanging out and I remember full on choking on my soda when he announced it. Nancy was very prompt about asking what you were like so Mike could describe you without feeling weird. After he said that you were, and don’t tell him I told you, literally the nicest, coolest guy he’s ever met he saw my face and finally put 2 and 2 together.”
“Alright here are your drinks,” a young girl’s voice interrupts your story, giving you the coke and Eddie the water. “Hi, I’m Daisy I’ll be serving you tonight.” You look up at Daisy, a girl what you swear is everything you were insecure about not having. A better body type, her hair was picture-perfect, she even managed to make an awkward dining uniform look half decent. “Are you ordering any appetizers for tonight or do you need more time?”
And she’s also only talking to Eddie. She hasn’t even glanced at you.
Eddie looks up at her and looks back down at the appetizers. “We’ll have the breadsticks, please.” He says, his voice overly polite and unlike himself.
“Great, I’ll bring that right out for you,” Daisy promises, awkwardly avoiding any words to negate from acknowledging your presence.
Daisy leaves, leaving you to look at Eddie with wide eyes. What if he decided that you weren’t what he wanted? What if the moment he knew he had more options he took it? You pushed this thought aside as he grabs your hand. He’s here with you.
“So oblivious Mike Wheeler knew, what next?” Eddie asks one hand holding yours and one supporting his head.
You blank for half a second before remembering your train of thought. “Well, he told his three best friends and his girlfriend El, who told her best friend Max, who ended up retelling Lucas, who told his sister Erica, who probably told Tina.” You sighed. More people knew about your stupid crush than you realized. “Before Nancy found out it, I worked at Scoops Ahoy! at the mall before it burnt down with Harrington and Robin. I told Robin when she asked why I wasn’t hitting on any of the guys who came in. Well 1, I’m too nervous to, and 2, I had already liked you for two years at that point. That’s when Harrington also found out, but he didn’t know that I had never spoken to you. He assumed we had interacted once or twice at least but I neither confirmed nor denied. I just carefully avoided the subject.” Eddie squeezed your hand, his head tilted and attention fully onto you. It felt like the stars in the sky were all aligned.
“For the record Steve said if he knew about my crush on you earlier, he would’ve shoved us in a closet and locked the door.” Eddie chuckled, letting go of your hand to start fidgeting with his rings. You look away for a second, that absolute tease. “I don’t know how well you know Nancy Wheeler, but she gets shit done. So, she sent Mike to ask you to pick up a movie for him, told my co workers to go on break for 5:30. Honestly, that was the only way I was going to talk to you. Trapping me. Then of course last night with DnD and ‘not enough seats in the car’ was absolutely planned. Erica was in on it.”
“Wait she planned that shit?” Eddie asks, genuine surprise in his features.
“Could you not tell?” You ask.  
“Oh god no. Most people don’t go into a scenario like that thinking they’re being set up, sweetheart.” You shrug your shoulders, apologetic. “I just figured that I got lucky. I got to spend more time with you.”
Holy shit how did this man own your ass so easily. You took a moment to recover from hearing those words come out of his mouth. “The only person that didn’t know very much about it was my mom, and she found out the moment she opened the door. I wouldn’t be that shy about liking someone unless it was for a good reason.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes, sitting closer now. “That reason is?”
“I think you know, Munson.”
“Not sure I do, L/N. I’d appreciate it if you would expand.” Eddie knew what you meant. You just looked so cute when you squirmed.
You sighed, prepared to tell the embarrassing truth. “My mom knew I liked someone. Sometime in freshman year she was asking basic questions about how school was going. She mentioned boys and I just went completely silent. Every time she brought up the idea of liking someone and I would just..stutter through the conversation. I think she knew the person I liked was just not someone she was expecting. You’re very different than I am from what I’ve observed.”
You paused, giving Eddie a moment to soak in what you told him. “I also didn’t tell people outright most of the time because if it was mine, and only mine then no one could ruin it. What if you found out and you wanted nothing to do with me? What if you laughed at me? Worse if you let me down gently. Rejection wasn’t an option if nothing was ever going to be done about it. To me, it felt like a crush where you have it despite knowing you had no chance with the person.”
“No chance? You thought you had no-“
Eddie was interrupted by the sound of white flatware hitting the table. “Here you go. Did you get a chance to look at the menu yet?”
You picked up the menu, quickly spotting something you usually look for at other restaurants. Eddie ordered one of the specials, barely glancing at his menu. “Perfect choice,” she says, again only looking at him. “I’ll be right out with your food.”
Eddie stared off at her for a moment, face unreadable.
“She’s pretty,” you say, feeding off a reaction from him.
Eddie looks back to you, his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. “Is she? Never noticed.”
You smirk, looking down at your fingers fidgeting on the table. “I mean I would probably be able to tell more if she actually looked at me.”
His jaw clenched, he reaches out and put his hand on your further shoulder. “You noticed that too, huh?” He lets his face turn into a smile, he was just looking at you softly, his eyes wandering around your face. “She doesn’t want me. She wants the thrill of stealing someone’s date. Next time I won’t say a word to her. You can speak for me. If you say something I don’t want, fuck it. I will eat it happily if it means taking Daisy down a peg.”
You giggle at that, Eddie’s long lashes suddenly coming directly into view as he puts his forehead against yours. “I’m here with you. I want to know you. Don’t mind awful girls like her.”
You wanted to savour this moment. You closed your eyes, wanting nothing more to just kiss him. Would making out in the only nice restaurant in town be in bad faith? Probably. Probably, yeah. You regrettably disconnect your forehead.
“I wanted to get back to what you said there before. What made you believe you had no chance?” Eddie’s face looks concerned, looking in your eyes as you avoided his.
You looked into his eyes, noting the concern he had for you. “You need to talk to someone to have a chance, for one. For two, you are” you pause, feeling anxious about what you wanted to say. He tucks the loose hair framing your face behind your ears, silently encouraging. You take a breath. “You are so out of my league, it’s insane.”
Eddie loses his breath, grabbing your face and kissing your lips. Hard. He stops, you’re both sat up, feels like you’re airborne.  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be.”  He says it against your skin, his breath against your cheek. You lean your head back, staring at his face.
You really couldn’t believe you were here, right now. You grabbed his hand, interlocking them as you kissed the back of it.
“Enough about me and my embarrassingly long crush on you. What about you? Tell me why you’re here. Please.”  
“Well, at school I tend to get stared at a lot. Sometimes just getting up to throw garbage in the trash feels like walking down a really bizarre runway. I’ve been able to tell when it’s vindictive versus when it’s fearful. Random jocks or lost little sheep are a dime a dozen each. When I first noticed yours, you were a freshman. There was that look of fear in your eyes, which I’m used to but now I’m wondering if that was cause you were a freshman. I didn’t know what to make of it until I caught you consistently over the next few weeks.”
Your eyes went wide, not believing what you are hearing. “You have been catching me staring at you since my first week?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ve made a game of it. I see if I can catch you with out you noticing. When you do notice, I don’t catch you again for another week or so.” Eddie shrugs. “I never approached you because the idea that someone was looking because they might want me for something more than a friend was almost too good to be true. Plus, there was one other factor.” Eddie paused, reaching forward for the still untouched bread sticks. “You want a bread stick?” He asks, pointing one towards you.
“Why breadsticks?” you ask, accepting his offer.
“Do you not like breadsticks?” He retorts, knowing the answer.
“I do, its just-“
“Exactly. Everyone likes them.” Eddie says cutting you off. “Now eat. I got shit to say.”
You follow his demand without delay, adding butter generously before you start chewing on some admittedly damn delicious bread.
“Good girl.” Well, that just awakened something in you didn’t expect. Hopefully your expression didn’t give you away.
Eddie noted the pause in your chewing. It did.
“I don’t know if you can tell, but people at Hawkins High and just Hawkins in general don’t like me.” Eddie was saying as he chewed on his piece of stick. He laughed without humour. “With being called a freak at the end of Junior High somewhat as a joke to being Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson by the entire town in two years comes with a lot of baggage. I usually don’t tend to spend too much time mulling over it since I owe them literally nothing, but it’s not for the faint of heart. Even my club and my band members know that if they associate with me, their social standing immediately plummets. Like I’m talking” he makes a whistle descending in pitch followed by an explosion, his hands mimicking an explosion for effect. “And sure, they don’t mind. Most of them never had a good standing on a social ladder to begin with. I can kind of live with my friends being social outcasts because of simple association, but I could never live with the idea of it affecting someone who would be the closest to me. Having someone who I care about in that way being scrutinized for caring back would kill me. I couldn’t fathom the idea of you, shy as you are, also facing what I receive daily. It completely stopped me from ever approaching you.” Eddie paused, his mouth full busy working on a breadstick again. You were done with them for now, leaving room for actual dinner.
Eddie swallowed his piece audibly, you sit there waiting patiently for him to continue. “I mean, I could’ve probably had a fling with a girl maybe behind closed doors.” Eddie waited, dramatic effect. “That’s just not my style. If I am dating someone, I want to show them off. I want them to wear my rings, sit on my lap during hellfire, make other people uncomfortable by how obsessed I am with them.” His voice had increased in volume as he continued. He stopped, realizing how loud he had gotten. With Eddie, passion means volume. In everything.
Your breathing was heavy, imagining yourself on Eddie’s lap giggling in the cafeteria. You’ve pictured yourself sitting with Hellfire once or twice, usually only right next to him. Now the picture was much clearer, the smiley kisses, the groans from his club members, the middle finger Eddie flips them in return. You felt your face heat up dramatically. “You okay there, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, putting his hand up to hold your face.
“’M fine.” You say, squeaking out the words.
“So, I convinced myself it was for your own good that I didn’t approach you. I was perfectly fine. Until all of your meddling friends got in the way.” Eddie licked his lips letting his hand drop down.
“Alright I have your food right here.” Daisy sets down the food, awkwardly apart from each other considering you and Eddie were sat shoulder to shoulder. “Can I help you with any thing else?” Daisy flirts, a bit too comfortable.
Eddie grabs his plate and silverware as if Daisy wasn’t there. Then you remembered only you were speaking to her now. “Can we please get some refills?”
Daisy’s eyes turn sharply to you, a glare before a dazzlingly fake smile appears on her face. “Of course! Anything else?” Her eyes are back to Eddie, hoping for him to respond.
“Mmm, this is really good,” Eddie exclaims, looking to you.
You move the breadsticks forward on the table to her. “We’re done with these, thanks!”
Daisy doesn’t say a word, taking the hint. Hands off, bitch. She walks off in what you could only describe in what a toddler does when they don’t get their way. Why were you jealous of her again?
Eddie starts laughing next you, his mouth full of food still as he struggles to keep it in. He finally swallows, his contagious laughter infecting you. “Do you mind continuing?” You ask sheepishly. “We were really getting into the good part.”
“Patience is a virtue, Y/N.” He retorts. “But I think you have plenty of it if you want to put up with me. Your friends ruined my plan of not ruining you. Seeing you so close put a wedge in the wheel of my bicycle of life.”
You giggled, reaching for your silverware as you realized you should start working on your meal. It looked genuinely good. Now you understood why your parents opted to come here every time they needed a night out.
“Literally everything I had thought about before went to shit. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I fully panicked. I got high that night to numb it and it just intensified it by a million. I spent well into the night perched on my bed like a goddamn gargoyle scared. I mean, once I have spoken to you, I just couldn't not speak to you again. I had whole idea panned out for next week, but they crashed it. I was planning on talking to you more and more as the week went by. Yesterday I just initially planned on saying hello after first period. Lunch time was a happy accident, but it gave me the courage to ask you sit next to me.”
You were sure glad you were eating because you were pretty sure what he was saying would’ve made an empty stomach churn. You found it impossible that he was this overworked about you. The way you were freaking out after Thursday was the same way he was, too.
“I was going to keep talking to you every day more and more before asking you out on Friday to take you out on Saturday. You girls are sneaky. Ruined the plan. Last night, you couldn’t have ruined the plan any better than you did.” Eddie took another bite, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe it.
You swallowed your current bite, a question hopping into your brain and out of your mouth before you could stop it. “Were you nervous, last night?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Eddie answers like it was obvious, mouth full. He swallows, “I’m a hell of a fidgeter so I just made the popcorn to stop myself from pacing around the trailer like a madman, sending you running.”
You are almost done your bowl, surprised at how much you’ve eaten while listening to him. This felt incredibly easy right now. You had forgotten the feeling you had on Thursday at work, how incredibly uneasy and nervous you were. You were nervous now, but it was pretty jitters. “I spent about what felt like ten minutes overthinking what movie to watch. I thought asking if you were a virgin would send me walking 7 miles home.” You nearly held back what you had just said, but you’re quickly realizing you didn’t want to. Not anymore.
“Not going to lie, that one hurt my ego a little bit.” Eddie says, finishing up his dinner. “The fact that you didn’t flip out about it made me feel better.”
You melted, turning your body so you could reach out to pet his hair comfortably. “Why would I flip out? We all go at our own paces. Plus, you have the ability to make one into jelly even without the experience.” You feel yourself open up more and more as the evening goes on.
“Princess you might want to watch it unless we skip going back to the trailer and make out here.” Eddie warns you, his eyes dark and his voice a tad rough. “I know we have a dark corner but it ain’t that dark.”
You fail to hold back a smile, proud of yourself. You take your hand out of his hair, somewhat reluctantly. “I guess I can wait.”
Daisy comes back at the end of your sentence, much less cheerful than she has been all night. She drops the check on the table, both of you haven’t even asked for one. She grabs both of your plates and wordlessly walks off.
“Wow. I’ve seen the basketball team take losses easier than this girl has taken your rejection,” you comment.
Eddie shrugged, never seeing a game before. “Well, the way she was behaving you figure she is looking to hook up with other women’s dates often. Either she’s not used to rejection or just a brat. Neither one is the better option.” At the end of his sentence, he reaches forward for the bill, his face wincing ever so slightly upon seeing the total.
“Hey, let me see,” You grab the check, and squish your face at the total. “Ouch. Do you want help paying for it?”
Eddie shakes his head, his hair doing a dance around his face. “No, its ok. I make an ok amount dealing with the assholes. I make them pay an asshole tax. They wanna buy from me but still make me out to be a villain for existing? Sure. For a price.”
You smile at the thought then shake it out of your head. “I work, and have been saving since I was 13,” you state, surprising him. “I have enough to go half, let me. Please, Eddie. This is way too much for a first date.”
Eddie gulps. “If you insist, sweetheart.”
Eddie uses his card, you giving him enough cash after Daisy returns with it. “Did you tip?” You ask, scooting out of the booth with him.
“Nope. Didn’t earn one.” Eddie says, placing his arm around you. He kisses your temple as the two of you walk back down the dimly lit aisle, still lined up with couples on dates. You wondered how many first dates tonight were as good as the one you were having.
The host wished you goodnight as you headed out the door, an airiness of amusement in his voice. You wondered if Daisy complained about not getting what she had wanted. Oh well, she’ll live.
You walk back into the night, the crisp almost winter air dark and slightly cold. You nearly trip over yourselves as you both half run to his van. It was unspoken, but there. You were going back to his trailer, but it was not to watch a movie.
Eddie is driving as his normal reckless self, wanting to get to the trailer as quickly as possible. The silence the two of you sit in is comfortable, but there was an air of excitement. A buzz, if you will. You held his hand as a Metallica tape played in the background. Eddie mumbled along to the words, his lyrical voice relaxing you as you kissed his ringed knuckles.
“You know, I sometimes watch when you draw with your finger on your desk. Always wondered what it is.” Eddie muttered, his fingers flexing under your lips.
“Nothing important. Stars, doodles. Our classes together are so boring I just need something to do with my hands.” You answer, knowing your question for him. “Why do you wear your rings?”
Eddie turned his hand over against your lips, highlighting his rings. “I liked the first one I tried on, found the next two over time. Now I just feel safer with them on my fingers. You like ‘em?”
Your voice went small. “A little.”
Eddie chuckled, taking his hand from your lips and used his hand to rub your cheek. You leant into it, smiling.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his hand against your cheek. You felt Eddie’s speed slow down, approaching his trailer. As soon as Eddie hit the breaks, his van was put into park and the keys were ripped out of the ignition. He hopped out of the van and ran around the front to open your door. You appreciated his enthusiasm, excitement bubbling up from your toes and up your entire body.
Arousal sat in your gut, something that kept a wet spot on your panties all night. You grabbed Eddies hand as you hopped out of the van, keeping hold of it as his pace forced you to run quickly to his front door with him. You run up the mini front porch, Eddie unlocking the door with a fumbled single hand, determined to unlock it still holding yours.
He flings the door open, slamming against the wall of the trailer. Eddie tugs you inside, his teeth showing through a big smile. You wanted to smile, you really did, but all you felt were nerves. Your core was aching, your thighs tense and chest heavy.
Eddie slammed the door shut and did something you weren’t expecting. He pushed you up against the door, connecting his lips hard against yours. You were suddenly trapped with the wall against your back and Eddie’s chest against yours. His rough hands on your jaw, the smell of him so strong, you inhale sharply, everything finally catching up to you. You start kissing him back, loving that the kisses started open mouthed. His other hand on your hip, solid and digging into your skin.
These kisses feel desperate, wanting, and a little rough. Eddie cuts a kiss off with a bite of your lip, earning a whimper right out of you. He kisses his way down to your neck, starting to use his teeth against your neck. You whimpered again, feeling too much at once. “You look so goddamn good right now,” Eddie nearly growls, the vibrations of his voice only making it feel better. “When I found out we had 5 hours to do what ever we wanted I almost just skipped the reservation and took you here.”
You grab his neck pulling his face back up to kiss him. By its own admission, your knee rises, hooking around his hip. Eddie backs up from you for only one moment, lifting his arms up and back to grab at his shirt. As he takes his shirt off, he watches you, his brown eyes dark. You would cower under his stare if it didn’t drive you so wild. His shirt hasn’t even hit the ground when Eddie’s lips are on yours again. He presses even closer to you now, you only barely touching the floor as he semi holds you up. He moves his knee in as he deepens the kiss, making direct contact with your clothed cunt.
You pull back from the kiss suddenly, moaning at the long-awaited release. Eddie watches you against the door after mistakenly using his knee against you. He leans into your ear, “You liked that sweetheart? What happens if I,” He does it again, aiming this time. You whine higher, louder. Your cunt gives itself away happily, soaking through your panties and surely through his jeans. Eddie’s hands are digging into your back, helping to support you as you’re basically off the ground and grinding helplessly against his knee. You feel his breath against your face as he chuckles lowly. You lean your head against the door, moving your hips for more friction. “Oh sweetheart you’re so wet, already.” Eddie kisses you again, moving his knee again, a final time. “Were you thinking about this at dinner, baby? I was, it was just so hard to hold back in that booth. Surely it was dark enough no one would have noticed if my fingers just,” he moves his hand up your dress and next to his knee, light pressure in the crevice where your legs meet your center, “slipped.”
You let out a frustrated moan, your fingers digging into where they were at the base of his neck. “Please, Eddie,” you whine, grinding against him needily.
Eddie stops his kisses, tilting his head very slightly. “Please, what princess?” He leans into your ear, “Use your words baby”
“Touch me, finger me, please do something!” You whine, his knee stagnant now and you doing all the work.
“Hmmm, so needy.” He says, finally letting his knee down and setting you down on the floor. He grabs your hand, leading you down the hallway to his room.
As soon as you’re through the entrance of his room, he grabs you by the face again, kissing you hard. You waddle backwards until you hit his bed, falling backwards, Eddie falling onto you. You giggle as he straddles you, suddenly can’t believe that it’s happening again. Eddie starts lapping your neck, making his way to the crook. He places his hand under the hem of your dress, barely touching you on your thigh. “I have one question that I almost asked you on our date tonight.”
You looked at him, craning your neck to see his face. “What?”
He leaned into your ear, real close to you. “Have you ever thought of me while touching yourself?” He places a single finger onto the center of your throbbing  core, not placing any pressure.
You were taken aback by his question, the breath in your lungs gone. You definitely did. A lot. You felt too shy to verbally confirm, so you nod your head.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Eddie says rewarding your silent yes with very light pressure on your clothed folds.
You grab at Eddie’s arms, your nails digging into his biceps. “Yes, yes I did.”
Eddie groans at that, holding back again. He couldn’t get the picture of you grinding on your own fingers out of his head.
He rewards your verbal confirmation with a small up and down motion, you got wetter, feeling your juices coat your thighs. “H-how many times, princess?”
You gulp, trying to focus on the warm feeling in your stomach. “Once or twice,” you pause as the pressure of his fingers gets harder as you say it, “a week.”
Eddie looks up at you, his eyes vulnerable and momentary confidence he had gone. “Really?”
He wasn’t being judgemental; he couldn’t believe that you were thinking of him like that. Weekly.
You nod your head, looking into his eyes, searching for any hint of him being disgusted or freaked out. You didn’t see any. If anything, all you saw was wonder and curiosity.
Eddie bites his lip, letting his finger moving your panties aside, moving his two fingers along your folds and hovering over your entrance. “Can you tell me what you were thinking about, sweetheart?”
Your eyes were closing against your own admission, already in bliss. “You, obviously.”
“C’mon, don’t be smartass,” Eddie chides as he pauses his movements. You grind your hips up, wanting a better release. Your clit was aching at this point, begging to be touched. “What had you so riled up?”
“Your hands, God your rings. Your arms, your tongue when you stick it out, your back. Just to-“you pause when Eddie places his thumb on your clit, rubbing small circles. “Ah! Just to name a few.”
Eddie’s eyes roll in the back of his head, incredibly turned on and starting to crave friction himself just from watching you come apart. “Jesus that is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. Take off your dress.”
You immediately sit up, taking your dress off as fast as you can. As he straddles you, you are now half naked with only a set of matching bra and panties, you feel small. You try to distract yourself from this feeling, accepting the look Eddie gave you as confirmation he was liking this, too. Eddie leans down to kiss you, trailing down your chest and through the valley of your tits, using your hand under one of the cup of your bra. He plays with the nipple between two of his fingers, experimenting to see how you reacted. When your chest heaved and eyes closed, he moved the fabric aside, moving in to suck on your nipple for a moment, teasing you with his teeth.
Once he was satisfied, he moved further down, leaving wet kisses as he moved further down and down your stomach. “God, you’re stunning like this,” Eddie mumbles against your skin, his hands exploring all he can reach. “Falling apart for me. I love watching this.”
He finally reached your aching cunt, begging for the attention it once had. Eddie’s slow pace is replaced rather quickly by him moving your panties off in one quick fluid motion. You move your head up to look at his face, seeing him lick his lips as he openly stares at your pussy. It makes you open your legs more, willing to be more open. He leans in, breathing on you.
Your legs start to twitch, barely holding up. “Please touch me,” you beg, your head falling back down onto his bed.
Eddie leans in, lapping one long lick down the center of your folds, his tongue just barley going into your entrance. Your legs close in on his head because of this, tensing up because of the insane amount of pleasure it just gave you. Your head is woozy, one hand in his sheets, the other searching for him. Eddie grabs your legs, and pulls your hips downward, so he can be right on top of your pussy I rather than just near it.
He wastes no time again, digging right back in. Eddie continues lapping along your folds, taking a moment to suck on them. The sensation sends waves of pleasure through your body. You feel yourself get wetter, your pussy juices flowing down and drenching your thighs. Eddie moans against you, gripping your thighs, his dry hands feeling rough against them. You start to need more release, your hips grinding up and into his face. One of his hands on your thighs goes to your hips, holding them down.
You whimper, the feeling of wanting more still there.
He laughs, the hot breath against your pussy overstimulating you. “Patience, sweetheart.” He says, low but loud enough for you to hear him.
“I can’t, I can’t,” you whine, the knot in your stomach beginning, your thighs right up against his face.
“Relax your hips, sweetheart,” Eddie whispers, stopping. You open your eyes, facing his ceiling, a poster or two in the corner in your eye. You let your hips relax, your eyes focusing and unfocusing, your legs shaky. “Good girl.” You tense up reflexively to this, shifting your hips.
After letting you relax once more, Eddie starts to lightly tread one finger along the folds of your entrance, allowing only one fraction of his fingertip enter you. The finger crooks, bending as it barely presses against you. “Please, Eddie. More.” You beg him. This was too much to handle.
Your eyes closed, almost blissed out from the world, you don’t see the dark smile Eddie gives you mouth wide from the ecstasy he feels by being able to see you come undone like this. He finally places his finger inside of you, all the way to his knuckle where you can feel slight pressure of his ring. It goes back out just as slowly, starting to pick up the pace. As it builds pace, he starts to suck on your clit in a rhythm.
You feel yourself come closer to the edge, the not in your stomach becoming tighter and tighter. You don’t know if you believed he had limited experience like he claimed because he was so damn good at it. “Is this what you thought about princess? My fingers fucking you like this?”
You moaned loudly at this, nodding your head. “Uh-huh.”
Eddie takes his hands off holding your hips down, letting your hips buckle up instantly. As he leans in, he supports his crouched self onto the bed, you look at him, feeling the position change. You can see what he’s doing now, working on you but supporting himself that allows him to grind up against the bed for some release of his own. You let your head lay back down, eyes rolling in your head as you comprehend what he’s doing.
“I’m close, Eddie,” You moan, continuing to grind up against him.
He moves his finger faster, adding a second one to help. “Come on, sweetheart.” Eddie said, sounding a bit out of breath. “You’re doing so good, baby, taking this so well.”
“Just like that.”
Eddie bends his fingers then, hooking right against your g spot. It was the perfect thing to send you over the edge. Eddie could see from your brows knit together and face squished up you were close. You had no time to even warn him, the knot in your stomach snapping all at once. “Good girl,” Eddie says, working you through your high. You feel like you’re floating, unable to feel his bed beneath you. You grab onto him, attempting to ground yourself. Your vision goes white momentarily, your legs shaking.
You come down, feeling like a feather just flown into the wind on its downward trajectory. Slowly swaying back and forth as it floats down. You open your eyes, the ceiling coming into focus, Eddie’s heavy breathing grounding you. You sit up slowly, using your hands to support your shaking weight. You were still shaking in the aftermath, feeling yourself pulse around his fingers.
He takes his fingers out when you sit up. You take in his appearance, hair disheveled, and pink mouth with a wet shine on it. You reach down, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards you. He happily obliges, crawling up to you with a stupid big grin on his face. He slams his lips against yours, forcing you to fall right back down onto your back. You laugh into it, his chest against your half uncovered one. You preen your hands behind your own back, reaching for the clasp of your bra. “Can you help me?” You ask, now lying awkwardly on your arms.
He looks over you, huffing a laugh as he sees you with your arms trapped behind your back. Eddie reaches behind your back, unclasping your bra for you after fumbling with it for half a second. He rips it off you, tossing it aside to god knows where.
As Eddie leans in to kiss you, the fresh feeling of his skin directly against yours, you are all too aware his jeans are still on, boner pressing against the harsh fabric. You reach down, grabbing at his bulge. “You need to get rid of these jeans,” you mutter, starting to kiss his jaw as you move your hands to undo his jeans.
Eddie pulls away, giving you a look you couldn’t quite place. He opens his mouth, hesitating.
“You can tell me anything.” You say, pausing on his belt loops.
“I want you.” Eddie says, his face unwavering and suddenly serious.
You smile, reassuring him. “Baby, I don’t think I could’ve made it clearer; you have me. You literally owned my lingering eyes for way too long.”
Eddie gulped, looking away from you, mustering courage. “I want” Eddie paused, sighing. “I want to fuck you.”
Your smile fades, his words drenching the sheets beneath you. “Yeah?” You ask, your voice soft.
Eddie nods, his eyes moving up and down along your body.
You tighten your grip on his belt loops, leaning in to kiss him. As your lips connect, Eddie moans into it, loud and needy. You bring his pants and briefs down in one swift movement, keeping his lips on yours. He kicks them off the bed, his cock now brushing against your stomach. You break from him, keeping your foreheads connected as you reach down to start to fist him. Eddie bucks his hips into your hand, needing the release you offered him.
“You think you’re ready?” You ask, moving your hand at a steady pace, flicking your thumb against his slit occasionally. “I don’t want to rush you into doing something you’re not ready for.”
“I have been wanting to fuck you since I saw you in my shirt yesterday morning.” Eddie says gruffly. “I have condoms, in the drawer.”
You feel impulsive. “Who said anything about a condom? I want you too. I want to feel all of you.”  
Eddie’s eyes noticeably widen, taken aback by your bold statement. “Oh.”
You reach up to kiss him again, more tender than you’ve been kissing him all night. “Please, I want you inside of me. Now.”
Eddie’s breath hitched, framing his hand on your cheek. He leans up to reposition himself, moving your legs so he’s sat in-between them. He pauses, cock in his hand as he hovers around your entrance. He looks at you, one last time to make sure you were all in. You lick your lips, your eyes moving up to his face as you nod.
“Shit,” Eddie mutters, scooting towards you. You feel the head of his cock barely touch the folds of your entrance, moving up and down to position himself. “Ready baby?” He asks, his voice barely coming out.
You look at him, knowing this was his first time. "Are you?"
Eddie nods, his face looking desperate. He really wanted to be inside of you. You squeeze his hand, and nod.
Eddie finally moves himself into you, moaning as your wet heat completely enwraps his cock. “Fuck,” he grunts.
He was bigger than you anticipated, needing a moment to adjust. You held your hand out to signal for him to wait.
“You okay?” He asks, concern in his voice.
“Mmhmm” You whimper, your legs tense and eyes squeezed tight. “You’re just, really big.” A moment passes, and the pain transfers to pleasure. You nod.
He moves in a little more, now only halfway in. His hands are on your hips, caressing them to comfort you as you wince again. It takes only a moment before you’re ready for more. “You can move, if you want.”
Eddie starts to pump, only moving about an inch. “Oh shit” You mutter, you move your legs to frame his hips.
“Fuck princess you feel so good. So tight.” He whispers, barely able to hold back from thrusting hard into you.
“More, Eddie.” You whisper, wanting to feel even fuller.
His hips buckle at your request, going deeper inside you. “How does that feel, Y/N?” Eddie asks, voice gruff.
Your voice is barely intelligible, eyes rolling back at the mere feeling of Eddie fucking into you.
Holy shit you were fucking Eddie Munson. The man you’ve wanted for three years. Holy shit.  
“Your perfect little cunt feels so goddamn good princess,” he moans, his thrusts gaining in speed.
You have too much to say back at him, but your mind and your mouth don’t seem to connect at the moment. You grab at him, pulling him so his forehead rests against yours. He used the more solid foundation he had to fuck into you harder, now thrusting his entire length into you.
As he continues moving faster, you lift your legs wider, your feet up in the air as his cock fucks your pussy open. “Baby, that feels so good,” You manage, not sure if he can even understand what you’re saying.
He leans into your neck, nipping at your skin as the rhythm gets sloppier.
Eddie is mumbling something, border lining on rambling at this point. “So good..so...tight…fucking..Y/N…”
You grab his face, pulling your foreheads together again. “Eddie, are you getting close?” You felt yourself get close again, a second orgasm usually not far behind a first. Eddie nodded, his face in a desperate state. “Where do you want to come?”
Eddie’s hips start losing it’s steady rhythm, bucking into you. It’s perfect, it’s needy, it’s rough. “Let me come on those beautiful tits, sweetheart.”
You move your hands to cup them, playing with your own nipples. Eddie leans in at the sight, rewarding you with messaging your bright red bud. The mixed sensations are enough to send you over the edge, your cunt tightening around him.
Eddie jerks his hips out, crawling onto you so he’s straddled onto your stomach. He buckles into his hand, wet come shooting out of his cock. He moans into it, clearly forgotten how to be self conscious about how he sounds. You open your mouth and stick your tongue as you come down from your high more easily, accepting the rogue come happily.
He collapses onto you, his hair in your face as he lands on the pillow you’re resting on.
A moment passes, both of you catching your breath. He’s covered in sweat, and as are you, despite him doing most of the work. Eddie lifts his head up to your face, connecting your foreheads. “That was,” he breathes a bit more, a loss for words.
“I know,” you say, agreeing. Eddie smiles, leaning down for a kiss.
This kiss you share is sweet, closed. Not the kind of kiss one usually gives after literally fucking the sense out of someone.
Eddie collapse next to you, yanking you into his arms so you are cuddling. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to sit in this moment before you realize. “Eddie can you get me a cloth, please? I’m still covered in your come.”
Eddie chuckles and kisses your forehead.
He gets up wordlessly, not bothering to put on any clothes as he wonders into the kitchen to grab you a wet cloth. You glance at your watch, not knowing the time. It was almost 11. When Eddie comes in with a wet cloth, you reach out for it. He yanks it out of reach. “Allow me.”
Eddie wipes the cloth on your chest and a little on your neck, completely taking care of you. He runs back out to throw the dirty cloth into the laundry and comes back after a bit of scrounging around in the kitchen. He had a glass of water. “Here. Drink up.”
You sit up, your legs feeling weak. “Thanks.” You take a sip, keeping an eye on him. You drink it all in one go, handing the glass back to him. “You know it’s just after eleven?”
“Well then, I guess we better get going soon then if we want to make curfew.” Eddie sighs dramatically.
You roll your eyes at him, shaking your head. You scoot yourself so you’re standing, nearly unable to. Eddie almost asks what you’re doing when you reach in to give him a hug. “I really like you, Eddie.”
Eddie pets your hair, kissing your head. “Well, I really like you too.”
“Did we just?” You ask, all too aware that you were both still completely naked.
Eddie rests his chin on your head, nodding. “Yes, princess we did just fuck. And I think we do an ok job of it.”
You hide your happy face into his chest, nuzzling the slight hair. You stay like that for another ten minutes before you both had to get ready to avoid being late for your curfew.
The ride back is not as quiet, the music turned down so you could talk. You talk about everything, what you were planning on doing tomorrow, the assignment you still haven’t done.
You hold his hand absentmindedly drawing on it with your other. You felt yourself falling harder than you could even think possible. Hell, you thought for one second you might be in love with him.
As he was talking animatedly about his new campaign he had planned, you listen intently, laughing at his antics.
You really could get used to this.
taglist: @emturtles @yourthebrokengirl @steeldaisies
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crystallinestars · 3 days
Hello! I'm back for another rant :)
I was still thinking about Mihoyo's tendency to pair characters and play the ambiguity game to make more money and something I've noticed is that people will jump through sooo many hoops to defend the company. ''oh they can't be explicit because of censorship'', ''oh it's China, their culture is different!'' or even ''stupid entitled westerners always complaining about things they don't even try to understand smh 🙄''
Now, while I can agree that censorship and culture should be taken into account when talking about these games, I also feel like it's a bit disingenuous and lowkey patronising to chalk it all up to ''the Chinese are just all like that lol''
Like, why are we so vehemently defending a company that makes millions (if not billions) through ship teasing, as you've put before? Censorship does not change the fact that the development that characters get in these games (especially Genshin) goes out the window every other event or as soon as the main story is finished. And whenever I hear someone talk about censorship, I always think about Mo Dao Zu Shi (granted, the situation was different in its case so we should take it with a grain of salt) where its donghua and drama adaptations where indeed censored (but they were much more explicit than whatever's going on in Hoyoverse), yet the novel (the source material) had many MANY chapters with its two male leads going at it
I admit that I've been feeling a bit salty recently (because I feel like people only care about coding when it comes to the 'great' questions of ''OK but do these two men FUCK? How many times a day do they go at it and who's the woman in this ship??'' Meanwhile nobody ever talks about different dynamics, asexuality and aromanticism are seen as boring, and oh lord does bisexuality seem to be often treated as a trump card to say ''ok but this character is at least 50% gay'') and I also don't know that much about how everything works in China, but idk, I guess my point is that if they wanted to make ships canon, they WOULD (or could) find a way to do so
Anyway, your recent posts and asks also got me thinking and I guess I wanted to show you some support! I've seen your bio and I think it's a really smart move on your part to be clear on what you don't feel comfortable with from the get go. It can definitely be awkward when you have to tell someone that's just really excited to share their thoughts on something they enjoy that you're not interested and you'd rather not talk about this AT ALL. And it really does not help that popular ships tend to attract a lot of unhinged behaviour 😑 It's really refreshing to come across content creators like you, who are very clear in their boundaries and write such thoughtful fics
Once again, I hope you will be left to do your own thing in peace and that you'll keep finding ways and solutions for you to enjoy your favourite works without feeling alienated 💜
(And hopefully one day I will learn how to type short rants 😅)
Haha, short rants don't exist, Anon! It's perfectly okay to type long rants to me, I don't mind. If anything, I relish in them. As someone who rants and complains a lot myself, I welcome it when someone else does it. 😊 (I mean, just look at the length of my reply. I am not any better than you, dear Anon)
Lord, the "Mihoyo can't show explicit gay ships because of the CCP censorship" excuse grates on my nerves, as well. Censorship of homosexuality is definitely a thing in China, and it can sometimes be very horrible, but that's not what's stopping Mihoyo from making certain ships canon. They got way with a lot of lesbian ships in Honkai 3rd (though admittedly they had to tone it down once new laws were implemented, but the fact remains that at some point they were able to be blatant about their ships), and if we're talking actual coding, then Jeht being lesbian-coded is a thing that exists! If it was such a huge deal, I feel like Mihoyo would have either been way more subtle about it or not included these things at all.
It's just my personal opinion, but I'm certain that the reason Mihoyo doesn't make any ship canon is for the sake of making money. They need to sell characters, and the best way to do that is to allow players to enjoy characters the way they want. Assigning a specific sexuality or canon ship will crush the interpretations some players have about a character, and make that character unappealing. It would negatively impact their sales. Keeping things vague and only giving teases of the most popular ships seems to be the ideal marketing tactic for them. It panders to a lot more people this way and keeps most of them happy (however, the fact remains that they ignore a particular demographic of women, though that's a story for another time).
Regarding your reasons why people whip out the "coding" card... YOU ARE SO RIGHT! People only use sexuality coding as a way to "prove" their gay ship is canon and discredit any BG pairing. And they focus on things like one guy being muscular and the other more slender, and then assigning traditionally masculine and feminine traits to them, respectively. I could go on a whole separate rant about this topic, but I'll spare you the wall of text. Feminizing one of the guys in a gay ship is one of my biggest pet peeves, especially when it's OOC for the character.
One thing I noticed is that sexuality often gets used as a convenient tool to suit the needs of certain shippers instead of being used for actual diversity.
I can't tell you the amount of times I saw a sexuality tier list where the aromantic and asexual rows were treated as trash bins where people tossed the characters they didn't care about. There's no actual thought put into the sorting, and that's very unfair to actual aro and ace persons.
As for bisexuality... it's such a polarizing topic in fandoms. It's seen as a good thing when you have a canonical BG pairing, because then you can claim one or both are bi and therefore are also attracted to the same sex (as you said, they're "at last 50% gay" and can be shipped in gay pairings). However, if you have a non-canon BL or GL ship, saying one or both characters are bi is tantamount to treason. How dare you suggest they can be attracted to the opposite sex? That's erasing the gay representation!
Basically, bisexuality, much like the term "coding", gets treated like a tool that's allowed to exist only when it's convenient to a person, instead of as an actual sexuality real people have. I feel like bi, aroace, and pansexual people get shafted hard in fandoms in general.
Anyways, thank you for your support, Anon! I mentioned it in another post, but putting your likes and dislikes in the bio is a common practice in the Eastern part of the world, and I chose to copy that. I think it's a good way to meet people with similar interests while also letting those who have opposite interests avoid you. If the BL Anon had checked my bio first before following me, he could have spared himself some trouble haha. Sadly, it seems that many don't look at bios 😢
Thank you for your nice sentiments! I'm fairly confident that I won't be harassed, especially not in the reader-insert community, but I appreciate the thought! And hopefully I can find a way to combat the alienation... If not, then I'll simply uninstall both HSR and Genshin and find games that actually pander to me 😅
May you stay happy and free of harassment as well, dear Anon! 💚
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
can i ask why you thought ofmd s2 was bad? unrelated to you disliking it, i mean.
Oh Nonny. I could write you a 10000 word essay on the problems I see in OFMD s2 and still have much more to say. I am currently sitting on nearly six hours of footage going episode by episode detailing issues I see and the corrections I would make and why, and that still doesn’t fix everything. And part of the issue is all these things are so interconnected that it is hard to sit here and make a brief list of problems because it all feeds back into each other. What I will try to do here is list some of the broad topics of where I see issues, and you or anyone can ask follow up questions if you would like more info.
1) Character arcs
With the exception of the mini arc Ed goes through across the first three episodes, which is generally very well done, none of the characters go through any sort of satisfying coherent arc throughout the season. I count Ed’s reconciliation with the crew & retirement arcs, Stede’s manliness arc, Izzy’s “redemption” arc, Lucius’s trauma arc, and the arc related to Olu and his romantic relationships, all of which were poorly done.
2) Antagonists
Much like in s1, s2 has 3 characters seemingly set up to be major antagonists. However in this case none of these antagonists live up to their set up or potential at all. Ned gets killed off the same episode he’s introduced in and ceases to matter as a character after that, Ricky is a complete nothing of a character, and Zheng drops all the compelling themes and contrasts to Stede and the looming threat of her fleet to actually be our friend who we like now. And the plot that these antagonists deliver is underwhelming to say the least.
3) Humor
One thing the first season handled really well was the balance of the humor and the more emotional moments and more serious subjects. It was always careful about who or what it was making the butt of the joke. It did sometimes delve into slapstick or otherwise make a joke out of things that should have been painful or otherwise traumatizing but it didn’t generally ask you to laugh at trauma and certainly never invited you to laugh at trauma that you were at other times supposed to take seriously.
Another issue with the humor I have in this season is that there are a number of jokes that exist at the expense of characterization. The first season did have the occasional one liner that maybe didn’t totally fit in with the character, but this season has multiple extended joke sequences that bend characterization in order to work, which ultimately sucks a lot of the potential humor out of it.
4) Themes
This one is a bit of a odd one out in that in a different show I would not count it as point against the show that it fails to have meaningful themes. But the first season of OFMD set the standard for the show as one that does have a lot to say about things like trauma and recovery and emotional support, about masculinity and toxic masculinity and patriarchy, about racism and colonialism and white supremacy. Season 2 seems vaguely aware that it is a show that is supposed to have themes along those lines, but largely fails to incorporate them beyond the occasional wink at the camera and often ends up perpetuating the same things that the first season was trying to criticize.
5) Just the writing in general?
I realize this is kind of a cop out, but yeah. There’s just a pervasive problem with the writing throughout that’s hard to put into specific boxes. Set ups with no or underwhelming pay off, pay off with no set ups, characterization frequently feeling a bit off, characters lacking a clear motive for their behavior, and a tendency to jump from big emotional moment to big emotional moment where each individual moment is well done but there is a serious lack of connective tissue in between or even consideration for how these emotional moments reflection on each other.
Hopefully that helps give you an idea of what some of my issues are Nonny; like I said I can offer more specifics on any of these points on request.
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rei-caldombra · 3 months
Delicious in Dungeon - First Impressions Review
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This is based off the first 3 episodes of the anime and does contain spoilers. Please be aware that I have not read the manga and am not spoiled. 
I actually got to watch the first 2 episodes of the anime live at Anime NYC last year. It also came with a sampler manga volume that includes a bit of the first volume of Dungeon Meshi. I’m glad they gave this out, this is a cool and unique item. It was nice being able to look at the manga art while waiting for the panel to start, so then I could compare it to the anime. I think the visuals match the manga very well and think both look great. I think there may be slight differences in facial expressions but nothing notably different or anything I would notice if I was not intentionally looking closely while writing this. The visuals of the anime are very high quality. The animation and art are clean, detailed and smooth. 
I like the intricate details of monsters. The mollusks in the armor in episode 3 are fantastic and easily my favorite part of the show. This is creative, unique and fascinating. This was completely unexpected. It is so interesting and inventive. This took a classic fantasy enemy and explained it in an entirely new way. If they can pull this off every episode, I would be ecstatic. I hope we get to see more reimagining of classic creatures on top of one's original to the series. 
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I also enjoy the cooking aspect of the show. It's very satisfying to watch. I do like very detailed cooking and eating animation. I think the show is at its best when it presents an interesting creature followed up with an interesting way that they are cooked. Again, this is done well in episode 3, where we see the multiple ways that the living armor could be cooked. 
Another specific moment I loved was the detailed look into traps in the dungeon. Traps in any kind of dungeon-like structure are a staple, but usually they are breezed past as the characters avoid them. It was great seeing how these mechanically function. And even greater to then see how these traps can be used to cook food. This is another time where Dungeon Meshi does something truly unique and inventive.
It’s also decently funny. I do not think it’s laugh out loud funny, but there’s good jokes. I do think Marcille’s reluctance may get a bit repetitive if it keeps getting leaned into so hard but hopefully it won’t be too bad if we continue the same pattern of each episode featuring a new monster or two that they show us how to cook. I am totally down if it primarily wants to continue the trend of creature cooking of the week for now. 
When it comes to the characters, Laios is the main one I have much to say about. I think he is a solid main character. He is pretty straightforward but with the funny flair of being concerningly fixated on eating dungeon creatures. 
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It creates lots of great rapport between the characters, and I am totally up for this simply being a weird hyper fixation of his. I enjoy when writers embrace characters having weird specific passions like many real people do. I think there is potential for there to be some more depth to him through his responses to his sister being in danger, but sadly I do not think that element is being hit properly, at least not yet. I hope going forward we will get more perspective from Laios on his sister that makes me care more about her and them as a family. 
The previous point is a good transition into my primary gripe. I think the main premise of saving Falin clashes with the tone of the show. You’d think they would be rushing to save his sister but it does not come across that way at all. And I do not feel like this is out of caution for moving through the dangerous dungeon or any reason along those lines. I understand that the dragon probably digests slowly but it still doesn’t change that this is between life and death. Falin being in danger does not feel very relevant. A lot of the time it feels like they are taking their time and enjoying themselves. Which is not fundamentally bad, but feels strange when the reason for them being there is to save the main character’s sister from dying. It feels so irrelevant that I genuinely forget that she existed for a time. With the general tone and content I think a serious motivation like his sister being in danger isn’t needed as a plot point. They could just want to finish where they failed, and Laios just wanted to go through it but be able to cook the monsters this time. And I think nothing would need to change. I think a simpler and less serious motivation would be better. A more dramatic plot like someone slowly dying would fit better if the series seemed to have more intent on being dramatic. But I do not see many attempts at that so far. Even at the very beginning when they realize she is down there we do not see much emotional expression. It seems focused on just having fun with its concept of cooking in a dungeon. Which is totally fine, but for me this creates a very poor tone. If I want to just be invested in the cooking and adventuring then I do not see the purpose of Falin being slowly digested being in the back of my mind while they relax with some food. If I am supposed to care about Falin then it doesn’t feel right to see the characters spend time and effort just to test if they could use trap oil to safely fry something when she is being digested by a dragon. For me there is clear tonal whiplash that harms my investment in the show. 
I will definitely continue watching as I am enjoying the fun adventuring and cooking. Hopefully the tone will be improved as we go forward. The anime is already slated for 24 episodes so we have a lot ahead of us. I do like the basic episode structure of “creature of the week” but I do worry about it continuing to be interesting for 24 episodes 24 weeks in a row. But I think and hope we will get some more dramatic elements eventually and more focus on Falin being in danger while they take their time cooking. Thank you for reading!
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dotster001 · 2 years
Summary: based on @yandere-daze self aware enstars au. Yan!Anzu x gn! Reader. When you get pulled into your game, things don't turn out how you would hope.
Cw:yandere themes and manipulation
A/N: I have a sequel idea for this, and I'm writing it whether you like this one or not. Muahahahaha!
Parts: Two Three Four Five
You had no idea where you were. One minute, you were asleep in your bed, the next you were in an unknown city. Luckily for you, your feet seemed to know what they were doing. They were taking you…somewhere. Hopefully.
After what felt like hours of walking, you came upon a rather large building. Even if your feet were wrong for taking you here, you figured you could at least sit down and ask someone if they could help you get home. Heck, even a phone call would be great right now. 
You had never seen a business building look so….dead. There was no sign of life anywhere, despite the building being unlocked. The quiet was painful and deafening. You scanned the room and noticed a woman sitting in a chair.
She looked….depressed. like she was as lost as you were. But hey, you figured, maybe she can help me. You approached her but she still displayed no signs of life. You sat quietly in the chair across from her.
"Excuse me, could you tell me where I am?"
You'd never seen someone come back to the dead so fast before. Her eyes lit up at your voice and her excitement was palpable.
"Oh my God! It's you! You're here!" She shouted. 
Naturally, you were startled, but she seemed unperturbed as she got up from her seat and threw her arms around, nuzzling her face into your neck.
"Um, hi," you said. "Have we met?"
She pulled back, but only barely and looked deeply into your eyes. She seemed to search for something then let out a sad sigh.
"Yeah, I guess you wouldn't know me. I'm Anzu."
The name definitely sounded familiar, but you still couldn't quite place it. 
"I'm sorry, I…."
She quickly interrupted you. "I'm from your game! Ensemble stars."
"Oh! Anzu, yeah!" The producer, you knew who she was. It all made sense now! "So this is a dream!"
She frowned, and whispered, "I hope not, cause that means when I wake up I'll be alone again." She looked like she was about to cry when she nuzzled back into you.
"Oh, sorry." You didn't know why you were apologizing, it wasn't your fault you were dreaming. You decided to play along and lift her spirits.
"But this is great, it means I get to meet you and all the other…"
"NO!" She said in practically a scream. She seemed to realize this because she cleared her throat and said, "I mean, um, uh, I loooove you because you're my muse, but they HATE you. They hate how you control them and force them to do things. But I care about you."
You were about to ask more about it when she stood up in a panic. She yanked you out of the chair and started practically running to the door.
"In fact, we should probably hide you in my apartment. Or else they'll take you away from me!" She turned to see you standing in your same spot. "C'mon! Trust me, I'm the only one here who loves you. I'm the only one who can protect you."
She seemed so certain, that you felt your heart break a little. You would've hoped that the characters you loved and cared about would at least be indifferent to you. But to hate you to the point where Anzu felt you may be in danger? It made you want to cry. So you followed her, to who knows where, hoping for the best 
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