#i cant believe i drilled out
thecherrygod · 1 year
#my posts#well hi hello you sorta know the drill!! making this so that if you read more its bc you clicked and its not my fault <3#i am just probably being dramatic or overreacting or like. just not mentally alright lmao but whats new. the sun burns and water#makes thigns wet. anyways yeah i just saw a post that was like 'you spend all your childhood wanting to be an adult and once you-#-become one you regret wanting it' or something like that right?#and im sitting here like you guys wanted to become adults thats so wild to me. actually the post also said that its stronger when youre 17#like. the only times i wanted to be an adult was when i was very small and got told 'youll get it when youre older' but other than that#i never wanted to stop being a kid and the more i grew up the more i sorta. hated it#being a teen was a nightmare and actually being 17/18 was so bad i was dreading it and you all desired it????#it probably has to do with the fact i spent all years since i was 12 going 'whatever ill kms before im 18. worst case scenario before im20'#but yeah no i cant believe people actually wanted to become adults. its. idk. i know im the odd one here which kinda makes it worst#so like. idk lmao it just hurts knowing people experienced things so different than i did. way better than i did#and that no matter what i cant really change that. i could try to live my best life since i stopped believing kms is a valid future plan#i still feel like theres.. something stopping me. like i am stuck as the kid that never wanted to grow up#and was never ready to deal with anything thats adult life. i guess. i just always feel very innadecuate?#like i shouldnt be living this life. like maybe there is something out there for me but t his isnt it really. but like.#i also dont think theres anything for me at the same time. like genuinely i wasnt meant to ever get older than a teen#..................... im. gonna get back to post anything else but i just wanted to get this out of me bc its. a lot lmao#man i need therapy
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sakurayumekun · 16 days
An anorexic mind
First of all, let's work on the psychology first. Be sure to fuck up your relationship with food from the start. You want to make yourself as neurotic as possible about food, eating, kitchens, cutlery, refrigerators, restaurants, and hey, why not stretch this out even further and start hating the actual source of foods, in other words the actual animals and plants. I myself am utterly opposed to factories. Any kind of factory. Even pillow factories, hell they're all the same. But you! Spread those bad thoughts! Hate that chicken!!! Unless of course, you're going for the sympathetic, oh the poor animals, vegan slant. That's a good one too. Firstly, reaffirm your mission. Immortalise it. Buy a fat, blank notebook, this will become your own personal anorexic sanctuary of sorts. Write down WHY you want to lose weight. Be sure to include things like how you will feel when you're 10lbs lighter, the glorious clothes you will fit into, an occasion that you would like to be thinner for like your sixteenth birthday, etc. Give yourself a final goal, and break it up into several, smaller, goalpoints. For example, if you weigh 140lbs and would like to eventually be 90lbs, list points along the way which signify a victory for you. For example, 130lbs, and then 115lbs, then 110lbs, then 100lbs, and so on. Re-read this again and again for inspiration. You will be using this notebook later to create tackytown anorexia-inspired collages and other paraphernalia.
Visualisation. Following the same strain as NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, we must use the principles of association to retrain your consciousness, and sub-consciousness, to turn food into one of the greater evils of the world. (Read: the greatest evil!!) Start by associating food with disgusting things. For your first ever fast, it may be helpful to draw pictures of juicy red apples, somehow morphing into giant dead rotting pigs. Plaster these all around your house, preferably on the food itself. Never underestimate the power of images. Put pictures of fat girls on your fridge, or better yet, pictures of yourself; you're pretty fat. Conversely, stick pictures of rakish models everywhere you can see them, for inspiration, and a bit of productive self-loathing. Also, practise writing things like "I'm fat" over and over. You want to drill this into your brain. "I will be thin" is a good one, as well as other "I will" affirmations. These are positive statements and very conducive to big time weight loss. Now create a list of suitable punishments either for thinking of food, or for caving in and eating food itself. A good one to try is to keep a rubber band on your hand and flick your skin whenever you think of eating. Eventually you will have a swollen hand, and a shrunken body; you will have ceased thinking of food so much. Other punishments include ridiculous amounts of exercise, purging, self-mutilation, isolation, basic denial of necessary comforts such as blankets on a cold night, or shelter when it is raining... Or simply menial, disgusting tasks such as cleaning the bathroom. Remember, you need discipline. Invent pain and hassles for yourself. Trick yourself into believing your life sucks. Be mean to people so that they instigate fights, just to make you constantly on edge, or nervous, so you cant eat. After all, you'll be light-headed and dizzy, and irritable from not eating, so you have an excuse. I used to love when dad got mad at me because it meant I was so upset I could not eat. Become an angst ridden teenager. You'll be making yourself nauseous from worry and self hatred in no time. Find another anorexic to consort with. Whether this be in real life, or on the internet. You can swap tips and indulge in your little sordid anorexia world together, force each other to exercise, pat each other on the back when you reach goals, etc. You want to completely surround yourself with all thoughts of anorexia. Find pro-anorexia websites, or create your own. Sign up for one of the dozens of pro-anorexic mailing lists at Yahoo! and you'll be bombarded daily with like minded individuals. Now, immerse yourself further in anorexia propaganda, read anorexia or otherwise 'thin' inspired literature, listen to anorexic music, watch as many triggering films as you can get your delicate little mitts on, look up to very thin hollywood stars and supermodels. Also, visit as many of the aforementioned pro-anorexia sites as you can to get a bunch of quotes and mantras to write in your anorexia notebook, and repeat inside your head daily. I have compiled a list of such sources of thinspiration.
Triggering music
This is essential. You must familiarise yourself with the very teenage and angstyartists and be sure to play the music over and over to thoroughly depress yourself. Ones to keep in mind are:
Fiona Apple - "Paper Bag" ... Hunger hurts but starving works...
Silverchair - "Ana's Song (Open Fire)" ... And I need you now somehow, and I need you now somehow ... On my knees for you... In my head the flesh seems thicker...
 Juliana Hatfield - "Feed Me"... Oh baby if only you knew, I'm down to 102...
Tori Amos - "Jackie's Strength" ... You're only popular with anorexia, so I turn myself inside out, in hopes someone will see...
Anorexic mantras
 You must collect as many of these as possible. Write them in your anorexia notebook, memorise them, let them comfort you. Some examples are:
"An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person." 
 "You will be tempted quite frequently, and you will have to choose whether you will enjoy yourself hugely in the 20 minutes or so that you will be consuming the excess calories, or whether you will dislike youself cordially for 2 or 3 days for your lack of willpower." 
 "I'm not starving myself...I'm perfecting my emptiness." 
 "I can get thinner. I can cut it all off. I can wear low slung Levi's and crop tops and long straight dresses like willowy models, and I gasp with the breathlessness of being airborne. I can fly and be free. Jesus! I never realised how easy it was!" 
 "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." 
 "The greasy fry, it cannot lie, its truth is written on your thigh," 
 Devour literature, not food
Words and text are very very triggering when it comes to not eating. For one thing, it gives you a world to inhabit, your very own private, magnificent anorexia world which nobody else around you can touch, and you shall have characters to understand you. You will be so riveted that you will not need to eat. Books to check out include:
The best little girl in the world by Steven Levenkron
Wasted by Marya Hornbacher
The fountainhead by Ayn Rand - not about anorexia per se, but Dominique
Francon is the fucking epitome of ethereal, insubstantial, bony grace.
 I am an artichoke by Lucy Frank
Starving for attention by Cherry Boone O'Neill
 Hunger scream by Ivy Ruckman
 Diary of an eating disorder by Chelsea Smith and Beverly Runyon
My sister's Bones by Cathi Hanauer
Stick figure by Lori Gottlieb
Eve's apple by Jonathan Rosen
Thinspiring films and TV shows
These might be about anorexia itself, or it might simply be glamorous and include very thin beautiful people. Movies and television programmes I know others find thinspiring are:
Girl, Interrupted
For The Love Of Nancy
 Ally McBeal
Role models
 You need somebody to idolise. You must research him or her to the bones and become as close to her as possible. Become obsessed. Some suitable examples include those in the following list, who are either very skinny, or have, or have had anorexia:
Kate Moss - 90's waif
 Angelina Jolie - skinny sexy actress, e.g. Girl, Interrupted and Gia
Christina Ricci - actress, had anorexia
Calista Flockhart - Ally McBeal
Lara Flynn Boyle - glamorous and snobby, never eats
Tracey Gold - actress who suffered from anorexia
Karen Carpenter - musician and classic anorexic
Portia de Rossi - actress on Ally McBeal who went through a stage of dangerous dieting
Geri Halliwell - formerly Ginger Spice, engaged in a 'thin war' with:
 Victoria Beckham - formerly Posh Spice
Courtney Cox - actress on Friends, bony and gaunt
Twiggy - iconoclastic model
Mary Kate - had anorexia... perfection
Jodie Kidd - impossibly thin model
Nicole Richie - Thin thin thin
 Audrey Hepburn - quintessential class, very petite
This should be enough to sufficiently fuck up and cloud your perceptions. Above all, convince yourself you are above others, a hero, owing to your spectacular powers of restraint. Feel elitist. Feel as though you are somehow super-human for resisting the urge to eat. Feel better than the other mere mortals who dig in to their cereal and their donuts. Believe in the power of starving as though it were a religion.
Extreme dieting
Now we can move on to the actual act of excessive dieting itself. First off we should establish clear limits. Make up rules you cannot deviate from. Only eat yellow foods on Monday, and brown foods on Tuesday. Or only eat every other day. Or only eat at night. Or only eat on days with the letter "u" in them. Or become a vegan. Or a fruitarian. Or follow your own version of a well known diet, such as the ever popular low carb diets, e.g., the Zone Diet, Atkin's Diet. Use your imagination. I knew a model who swore her secret was living on sushi, candy, oranges, cigarettes, and water. Another tip to try is to only allow yourself one food a day. You will get sick of the taste and therefore eat less due to boredom.
 Now, compile a list of safe foods. Here is a fairly comprehensive list:
Low Cal Jelly (or Jello, for you Americans)
Celery - it is composed highly of water, it is crunchy, which is said to cause you to eat less, owing to the amount you have to chew it, it is considered acatabolic food
Carrots are also another safe vegetable (although most vegetables can be on your safe list, these are merely the safest of the safe)
Salsa and mustard - dieting staples. You can dip vegetables in them, they are fat free and low cal, and salsa brings cravings to an abrupt halt.
Spicy foodsare also thought to fire up your metabolism
 Vinegar - thought to thoroughly reduce your appetite. It is suggested you drink a tablespoon or two before each meal.
Lemons dipped in a sugar substitute such as Splenda or Nutrasweet. (note: In some anorexia circles, even fruit is no good, besides oranges, which are a 50cal food)
Broth (only 5 calories per cube!!)
Egg white - much needed protein
Lettuce - an absolute 'nothing' food
Cucumbers - very very low cal
Safe foods are merely foods that are safe to eat if you are craving foods outside your set meals. They are extremely low cal, or no cal. As for your actual daily intake of food, most wannabe anorexics tend to stick within the 500 - 1000 calorie range depending on how much exercise they do. Never be shy when it comes to considering taking certain drugs to reduce or diminish appetite. Some antidepressant medication such as Wellbutrin have this effect, as well as Topamax, which is originally an anti-convulsive but has been and can be prescribed for things such as ADD and bipolar disorder. Steal your little brother's ADD medication. Dexedrine is gold when it comes to killing appetite. Just ignore the paranoia and nervousness that comes with it. Think about diet pills and supplements such as Metabolife and Ephedra.
Day to day
Now we move on to the ever important area of ritual and habits, tips & tricks, to get down to a science.
Graze constantly throughout the day so that your metabolism never gets the chance to rest and become sluggish. Eating 100 calories five times a day is better than eating one meal consisting of 500 calories.
Fool your metabolism by constantly changing the number of calories you consume daily. This will prevent your body going into starvation mode, meaning that lesser amounts of calories will make you gain weight. For instance, eat 500 calories on Monday, 100 on Tuesday, 800 on Wednesday, no calories on Thursday, and 400 calories on Friday.
Get a full night's sleep, at least eight hours. Although staying up late does make you burn more calories, don't become sleep-deprived or your metabolism will become sleepy. Your appetite will even increase by 15%.
Record everything you eat in your anorexia notebook. This serves to motivate you, as well as to be aware of all the extra calories you may not be aware you are consuming. It may also let you identify emotional or environmental triggers, such as boredom or sadness.
Take vitamin pills frequently so your body doesn't crave nutrients, causing binges.
Diet coke and other diet sodas cause that bubbly, full feeling in your stomach, for about 1 calorie per glass.
Brush your teeth and tongue all the time. The feeling in your mouth will ease cravings and additionally, food will taste yukky with toothpaste, so whats the point of eating it?
Drink water like a fish. Drink a glass of water, or a diet soda, every hour on the hour. Drink water every time you have the urge to snack. Ice water is better because your body will burn more calories to heat it up. Drink water with meals to prevent overeating. Bear in mind that often we mistake thirst for hunger.
Caffeine will speed up your metabolism. Have two or three servings a day, in the form of black sugarless coffee, or caffeine pills, or guarana. If stacked with ephedra and aspirin, a synergistic effect will occur that imitates the effects of speed or other amphetamines. Do be aware that this practice can be rather dangerous.
Exercise. Not only will you burn off the calories you consume when you do eat, but it will increase your metabolism for some time afterwards. As well, the consequential muscle mass will increase the calories you burn at rest. It also suppresses appetite. Try running, or buy yourself a skipping rope.
Stand up and move about constantly. Compulsively fidget. It does add up to an estimated extra 500 calories burned a day. Twitch your leg while studying, for example. Also, sit up straight - you'll burn more calories.
Have a very busy and active schedule. It will burn more calories than sitting in your room thinking about not eating, and make sure you don't have enough time to binge.
Find a something other than food to satisfy your oral fixation. Choices include things like smoking, chewing gum, water, iced tea, sugarless mints, and diet coke.
Put a small coin in a jar every time you resist a craving, or exercise when majorly exhausted, etc. This will motivate you, build up confidence in your starving abilities, and keep track of your successes. As well as give you extra cash to splurge on some fantastical treat when you reach your first major weight loss goal.
The type of music you listen to while you eat affects how much and how quickly you consume. The faster the music, the more you eat. Try to listen to nice slow music when you eat.
Eat sweets and the foods you crave early on in the day. This will give you more time to burn them off and it will eliminate cravings later.
Eat while in the front of the mirror naked. You will be completely repulsed, and repelled from the food. This is a good thing.
Feel your hunger..don't try to suppress it. If you're hungry that means you're losing weight; you WANT to be hungry. If you're not then you're not doing it right. In time you will get a wonderful high off of being hungry and thoroughly enjoy the sensation. Hunger is not your enemy! The sooner this is understood, the sooner you will reach your goals.
Did you know that there are 2 pounds of dead skin on you right now!!?! Thats right! 2 POUNDS! ...if you're underweight or in starvation mode your body does not "shed" its skin the way it should. It holds on to it. Use an exfoliator for your face, and a loofah brush or scrub for your body. Make a stack of magazines that weighs the amount you want to lose. As you lose, take off the appropriate amount of magazines. Seeing the weight like that may help you realise what a difference it will make when it is all off. When you're feeling weak Here are some things which will help when your willpower is very feeble, to ward off the urge to eat, or worse, binge!
Pinch your thigh and see how you don't need food, because you should be eating your own flesh all away from the inside first, before you are deserving of actual legitimate sustenance.
Go to the library. You can research dieting or whatever, or you can read the classics, or some of the aforementioned listerature. Or you can do homework, or write letters, but the beauty of it is, since no food or drink is allowed, you'll have no choice but to abstain from a meal.
Buy some baby teething gel and rub it on your tongue, to numb your tastebuds.
If you're even considering eating, just hold your breath and count to 100. Chances are that you'll convince youself not to eat whatever it is you're craving in that time.
The scent of coffee has been proven to lessen ones appetite.
Chew the food but don't swallow it. Spit it in the bin.
If you're feeling dangerous, plan out the next few hours so that you're occupied for every single minute. Write a list of things to do for every 15 minutes. eg. exercise, surf the internet, email your friends, clean a room, read a book.
If you're feeling brave enough to face the kitchen, go there and throw out any potential binge foods. If you must, pour bleach/disinfectant/dishwashing detergent on the food, and then throw it away! (Anorexics are known for retrieving food from bins, or stealing food from strange places).
Pinch your ear! Apply pressure to the front of the ear, one at a time. The front of the ear is apparently a pressure point, in the area that controls hunger.
Let perfume replace chocolate. Every time you have a craving, or pass a bakery, sniff some Chanel no. 5. Apply it to a tissue and carry it with you.
Smell has a powerful effect on appetite.
Clean something. Cleaning something dirty can make you lose your appetite. The toilet, the litter box, under the kitchen sink, scrubbing out the garbage bin, anything grimy or smelly. The mess, along with the smell of the cleaner, can put you off food for a while.
Become a teenage artist. Write anorexic poetry, tragic little verses about bones and stomachs and evil evil capsicums. Anorexics are ever so creative.
Collect pictures of skinny girls. Stick them all in your notebook. Draw pictures of painful bony girls with tear stained faces and their head in their hands (their spines sticking out). This will take up most of your time.
Hiding it
 Anorexia is supposed to be a private and tortured place, dontcha know. Deny it at all costs. Pretend you have not noticed the pounds dropping off you. Don't be suspicious. Here are some relevant tips:
Spend time making yourself look healthy.
Drink lots of water and apply a fake tan.
Wear makeup so that you have some colour, and keep your hair looking nice and shiny, take vitamins.
Whenever you do decide to eat, do it in the company of others.
That way they can't say they never see you touch food.
On your way out, heat up a slice of pizza or prepare a snack to 'eat on the run'.
Of course, you will dispose of the food at your first convenience.
Leave a dirty plate lying around every so often for your parents to yell at you about.
Drink out of opaque cups, and spit your food into it whilst preteding to drink. They'll never know.
Eat really slowly because if everybody else is on their third slice of pizza, they'll assume you are too, even if you're still finishing your first.
Sign out of Hotmail and clear the history before you get off of the Internet. This will eliminate autofill being ever so helpful while your mum is researching aardvarks, and coming up with www.anorexicsanonymous.com for her. In short, don't leave traces lying around for others to find.
I trust that this guide to becoming a better anorexic will serve you well on your quest to being emaciated and ahem, gorgeous.
Remember, think thin, and try not to faint too often or die.
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digitalpup444 · 6 days
omg HIIIII this is my first ever PUBLISHED work…i’ve always made like some sort of fan fic but just kept it to myself like a greedy little thing hehe but! i decided to share the nasty thoughts in my brain with everyone!!
warnings; (rafe being an asshole, teasing, hard fucking, daddy kink, slapping, bimbo reader)
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with the way the skies were looking, you knew your plan of going to the beach with rafe was out of the picture now. you huffed, pouting as you looked up at the sky out of the window in rafe’s room. “this isn’t fair!’ You whined, jutting your bottom lip out as you turned around to stomp out of his bedroom. in the office, rafe was working out some ‘business things’, as he put it, but you had no regard to that as you barged in.
“c’mon, man. I’m workin’ on something here.” he exclaimed, stressfully running a hand over his buzzed hair. you stomped your foot lightly, crossing your arms over your chest. “it’s raining.” You grunted disapprovingly, eyebrows furrowed. rafe simply went over to the window to look outside, holding the curtains out of the way as he parted the blinds with his fingers. with an eyeroll, he turned back to you. “it’s not raining. The clouds are jus’ settin’ in. go play somewhere, kid,” he grumbled. “ain’t tellin you twice.”
“but i miss you. you promised me you would take me to the beach.” you whined some more, moping towards rafe and putting your head to his chest. “n’ now its gonna be all rainy an’ gross and we wont even get to have fun!” your eyes got watery and your lower lip trembled as you lifted your head up to look at your tall boyfriend.
“hey, enough of that,’ He lightly scolded, grabbing your jaw to get you to pay attention to his words. “you can pout and whine all you want, but i cant control the weather like you think i can, kid. you gonna behave for me while i work on this?’’ he asked, although regardless if you said yes, he knew you would be back on the topic of going to the beach.
with an attitude, you pulled away from his grip with an upset look. “hmph. fine. Whatever, i didn’t wan’ go to the beach anyways!” and with that, you sulked out of the office only causing Rafe to roll his eyes at your dramatic exit.
as you entered rafe’s bedroom yet again, you threw yourself down on his bed and screeched into his pillows and threw them off his bed, not too happy about how today was going for you. what you didnt know was that rafe was following you quietly, arms crossed at the doorway as he leaned against it while he watched your outburst.
you your head up, eyes falling onto him with a soft gasp. “I..-’ you started, only to be cut off from his stern voice. “enough of that, kid. you dont know what you’re gettin’ yourself into.” he tsked, stalking towards you and laying a firm yet gentle hand on your cheek. “thought you were gonna behave for me like a good girl? i must be a goddamn fool for believing you when you said that.” your eyes were big and doe like as you looked up at your boyfriend, pouting at him. “ i jus’ miss you, daddy...i need you.”
and with that, you had rafe wrapped around your little finger with just those words. he rubbed his thumb over the skin on your cheek as he bit his lip, fighting between the urge to go back to the office or to take care of his precious girl. “you need me that badly, hm?” he grinned, his hand snaking to the nape of your neck where he gripped your hair and pulled your head back to kiss you open mouthed.
you mewled into the kiss, pawing your hands at the belt of his pants as you struggled to unbuckled it. “aw, sweet girl can’t even use her brain to figure out how to unbuckle my belt.” he tsked, pushing you face down on the bed with your ass hanging off. “c’mon, you know the drill.” he smacked your ass before pulling down the slutty pink skirt you were wearing.
“ohh, no panties? god, you were just begging for me to have my way with you,” he chuckled. “just a slutty little brat, always throwing tantrums to get her way,” rafe teased as he unbuckled his belt and slid his pants and boxers down. “always cryin’ for something, nothing i give is good enough for you.” he lined himself up with your dripping hole before pushing on without warning, leaving you gasping and gripping at the sheets.
“that’s it..i know you can take it, kid.” he grunted into your ear as he leaned over you, smacking the side of your hip. “p-please…!” you whined, begging for him to move. it was excruciating the way he stayed there for a few minutes before pounding into you, leaving you a babbling and whining mess.
“just needed your daddy’s cock in you to shut you up, yeah? answer me.” rafe commanded through clenched teeth as he held onto your hips to hit every inch inside of you.
“y-yes! only act out cuz i want you!” you cried out, pushing your ass into him, wanting to feel him go deeper. the tip of his cock was kissing your cervix causing you to mewl and grip at nothing. “shut your goddamn whore mouth,” he growled, slapping a hand over your mouth to muffle the moans. “f-fuck..” the man cursed as he felt himself coming closer with each thrust.
your thighs trembled from the pleasure, eyes fluttering shut every time he hit that special spot he knew all too well. you had drool all over your chin once Rafe removed his hand from your mouth. “you gonna cum? yeah, i know you are. fuckin’ little whore was already at the edge as soon as i pulled my pants down.” he scoffed, letting out another groan. “inside, wan’ you inside!” you whimpered out, hand sliding down between your body and the mattress to play with your clit.
“please, m’ so close..please don’t stop, daddy!” you cried out, eyes watering with tears. with a swift movement, rafe pulled out of you to cum on your back and leave you wanting more. “did you really think for a fucking second i would let you cum after the little stunt you pulled? hm?” he tugged your head back with your hair, slapping your cheek lightly. “brats dont get to cum.” he stated as he fixed his pants, buckling them and going off to the office to leave you pouting.
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hazerun3 · 1 month
I just saw your post about the difference between passive and swan. I'd like to ask the difference between young swad and dream?
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shittier doodle this time cuz Im getting tired but the ramblings are probably more unhinged
I dont have particularly strong feelings on dream so this is gonna be mostly younger swad and comparisons to dream when needed
-Views social interaction as inherently transactional and as a game that he can learn to play (he doesnt realise that in the village he was never going to be a player on equal ground, this is why after his ascension his persona is more deity ified rather than a king or smth like nm cuz he wants to be Above it all and in control.)
-Been obsessed with swan even as passives (His Duty to help people got drilled into him, the village feels entitled to his help and swad slowly grows tired of them, but his little brother is always kind to him and doing things for him feels so much more rewarding [tho eventually the village tries to stifle any attempts swad does to get something nice for his brother which frustrates swad so much and swan not asking for anything and just being happy to see him and trying so hard just to make swad happy, even as hes hurt fuels this.] so the mix of the sense of duty, him being the older brother so self imposing a sense of responsibility and swan being nice to him leads him to adopt a mentality where Swan is the only one whos special and actually cares about him not just what he can do for him, but with the way hes raised by the village he tries desperately to try and do something for swan in return cuz he still feels like hes failing in his part of the social bargain)
-Also the cult village placed sooooo much value on stuff like never being angry, always being happy :), youre not allowed to be mean, you Must be hardworking all the time, visibly showing that youre sad is Evil. And swad seethes constantly cuz no one in this fucking village follows that and the one person who embodies all these values the most is swan (who everyone still hates for reasons inexplicable to swad, who believes theres still a way to get swan out of his outcast status if the village just realises that swan is the kindest soul in this rotten place.)
-Dream maintains a more "child" status in the village even as hes older than when swad fights to "adult" status, seeing it as a way to get more social power cuz he picked up that Adults have more power than Children but lol not for him, he just gets to have more responsibilites, the expectation to cut off swan and no money OR gifts for his work cuz gifts are for children doing chores not working adults and since its both swads duty and the fact that he doesnt have anything to spend it on that wouldnt be spending it unwisely they just dont pay him at all! and also hes an object not an adult to them so rushing to try and be an adult backfired miserably
-Swad loves listening to swan read stories to him, reallly wants to be the Prince who saves the damsel and sets his enemies on fire and he projects that persona
-Both he and dream were taken hunting I think, but dream didnt take to it (he had a knack for archery but as soon as he was told to turn that arrow on an innocent bunny he couldnt do it, his more "child" status helps him get out of it) swad was also aprehensive at first but since he places a lot of importance in being the Older Brother and being responsible (also he wants to kill people) so he shoots the bunny, he feels bad and cries about it to swan but he cant let go of the feeling, the smell of blood, the idea of that being someone who hurt swan
-in my head he killed people already lol (used the hunting trips as cover but his hit list is soooooo long and he gets less and less opportunity...)
-he loves shiny things so much but being materialistic and greedy is one of the sins, swan cant get him anything but he does press little flower ornaments for his brother and so much flower jewlery so that swad can roleplay being a prince.
-he hates everyone soooooooo much <3
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coolprettyleo · 2 months
begin again au ☆ - Frankies Lore!
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wc: 1.8k
tw: drinking, mean coach, quitting, embarrassing? fluff bit of angst?
ryan leonard x hughes sister au!
frankie couldn't believe what she had just done. something that had been a long time coming finally crashed down and for the first time in her life frankie felt bittersweet.
her whole life has revolved around the sport of hockey; having three brothers playing in the NHL and a mother and father who both played collegiete and now coach is a nightmare in disguise; for someone who is so tired of trying.
dont get her wrong she loved the sport. growing up, she started to confuse what the love was actually for. she thought she held the same passion to play that her brothers did, she was wrong. she now knows the love was to watch it never play it. she loved too watch her family come together and love something so much. she loved too watch other people play. she loved it from a distance. it took a while to come to terms with that.
when she explains the situation to anyone she always uses the same analogy. she loves to hear country music but that doesn't mean she wants to become the next taylor swift. even if she was a fan.
frankie had finally had enough and quit. not before going off on her coach though. something that she had been wanting to say every time she had been forced to stay after practice, run extra drills, every time she has been yelled at for tipping a shot in, every time she had been compared to her brothers, she finally did it.
*flashback to earlier*
"I want to see you guys here tomorrow morning seven am sharp!" coach lindsey said fiercely.
frankie respected the woman. her story was something she found inspiring. but right now she wanted the strangle the woman. her bones felt as if she was just hit by a bus and she hadn't had a good night sleep in about a month. so frankie being frankie, loudly groaned.
"hughes! just for that, you can stay back and do some laps!"
dont cry. dont cry. dont cry. you caused this.
her teammates filed out torwards the locker rooms desperately trying to get away before their coach decided to ultimately punish all of them while she began to skate. in her head frankie was about to lose it as her coach began to yell insult after insult.
"cmon hughes! you're never going to be good as your brothers with that speed"
"you call that faster?"
"I didn't tell you you can stop!"
coach lindsey yelled. she looked and sounded like abby lee miller. frankie smiled to herself at the thought as she began to slow down after skating as fast as she could for about fifteen minutes straight. not feeling well frankie skated off the rink towards the closest trashcan and threw up.
as she heard her coach coming up to her she began to plead.
"please, I cant take it anymore" she cried.
"your done for tonight. and fix that attitude by tomorrow morning will ya. you think your brothers are pulling this crap with their coaches?"
"I said I cant do it anymore!" frankie yelled finally having enough. shocking both herself and her coach.
"how is any of this okay! after everything you just yelled at me, pushing me through utter exhaustion, you come over here and try to act like its okay!?! i'm done."
"grow up and stop being a brat hughes. i'll see you tomorrow."
"you won't. I promise you that" Frankie threw back as she got her bag and began to walk out.
"you walk out that door and your future on this team is done!"
"its been done" frankie said walking out with tears streaming down her eyes.
*flashback ended*
she didn't know what to do. if she were to call her family they would worry and fly in thinking she was going through a manic episode, maybe she was but this felt real and it felt good.
its like her brain and heart had been at war since she was thirteen and her heart had finally won the war five years later. she didn't know whether to laugh or cry though.
she was happy because she was finally free. but she felt a dark cloud gloom over her when she realized she had to tell her family what she just did. she honestly didn't know how they were going to react.
the guilt began to rain on her as she remembered hoe happy they had been for her because they realized she can actually go on and play professionally since the PWHL had its debut and she was already a top prospect for the 2024 year draft but she just went and ruined it.
they're going to disown me.
that thought alone caused frankie to be where she was right now. in a bar with her fake ID drinking her feelings away on a wednesday night. alone. this had to be borderline alcoholic.
"I mean I wanted this right? so why do I feel like throwing myself off the bridge! why am I like this! am I being annoying? you can tell me greg" frankie rambled on to the bartender whose name was actually john.
"im going to call you and uber" he said dismissing her not wanting to deal with a drunk college girl.
"no! let me call someone!" she said taking the bar phone away from him. seeing as her phone had died about forty five minutes ago. quickly dialing the only number she remembered due to the fact she never saved his contact in her phone.
"drew! please, please come pick me up! you know I hate taking ubers alone. I swear i'll give you a little something after..." she said suggestively.
"frankie? hold on drews in the shower. its will, are you drunk? really on a wednesday? where are you?" will began to scold her over the phone, sounding very motherly.
"don't you judge me, I needed this. and im at the mecca" frankie slurred.
"ryan and I will be there in fifteen" he said hanging up.
"lady get off the counter!"
is what will and ryan heard when they walked into the bar.
"oh god" ryan said as he saw frankie start to crawl onto the counter. quickly rushing over to pull her off.
"m'not interested." she mumbled when she felt big hands around her waist.
ryan felt his heart crack. he knew he shouldn't because, one she probably thinks its some random guy and two frankie doesn't know he likes her.
since he first met frankie he realized he's had a thing for her but being the good friend he is, he kept his feelings to himself not wanting to start problems with drew.
it gives him so much anger to think about the fact that drew basically just uses her for sex. but at the same time she's probably just using drew too. so who is he to to get mad.
someone who would give her the world
"what are you doing frankie" will says giving her a disappointed look as ryan pulls her over his shoulder.
"I was just trying to dance!" frankie says upside down.
"on a wednesday at seven thirty pm? at least wait till ten" ryan says approaching the car and strapping her in.
"i quit the team"
"ur lying"
will and ryan said at the same time with their eyes wide. they knew frankie hated playing hockey, they just never thought she was going to quit. someone with as much talent as frankie needs to be out there.
"m'not. im done and im scared to tell my family. I think they're going to be mad" she slurred as her eyes began to water.
ryan, who cant handle to see her cry quickly got into the back seat with her, and started to comfort her. wrapping her up in his arms and wiping her tears that began to fall from her big blue eyes. he could stare into them forever.
he told will to start driving back to her apartment as he comforted her.
"frankie, your family loves you and you know that. they're never going to hate you because you quit, if anything I think they've been expecting it-"
"geez thanks ryan" frankie says crying drunkly. ryan cant help but smile a bit because even though he hates to see her like this she looks really cute.
"not like that, its just anyone who knows and loves you can see your not happy out there. I see it, will sees it, so I know for a fact they see it too. and if they didnt and they do get mad thats on them. its your life not theirs" ryan says with his arm wrapped around her as she sniffles into his shirt.
"I guess so" she finally says seeing as their pulling up to her dorm.
"can you walk me up? its okay if you dont want too! I get it, im just scared that the RA is going to see me like this and call campus security on me and-"
"frankie! of course ill walk you up, are you kidding" ryan cuts off her rambling pulling her out of the car.
"i'll walk home smitty, you dont have to wait" ryan says knowing he was doing homework earlier that was due tonight before frankie had called.
"you sure?" will says kinda feeling bad for not staying and helping him take care of her. but then realizing ryan probably wants to take care of her.
him and gabe loved to tease ryan on the fact he was hopelessly in love with frankie. of course they would never tell drew even though they know if ryan were to just tell drew how he feels drew would back off. ryan just likes to be complicated.
"yeah, we'll be fine. right frankie?" he says keeping her upright. she was fully awake but the thing about frankie hughes is she loves to lay on the floor when she was drunk.
"yup!!" she chirps while ryan smiles down at her.
they wave goodbye to will while ryan picks her up and walks to towards her door. he smiles as he gets too her door and sees her doormat.
'cool bitches only'
he opens the door using her keys that he found in her purse and hauls her inside down the hall to her room. her room was so her. he loved it.
god I sound like a creep.
he shakes the thought from his head as he settles her down, takes off her shoes, and wipes all the remaining makeup off her face. thinking of how perfect she was.
"ryan" she says dreamingly as she feels him pull the cover over her body.
"yes baby?"
frankie felt her stomach do a cartwheel and she couldn't understand why.
"thank you. for everything."
"anytime frankie hughes"
he says before giving her a kiss on her forehead and walking home.
send in ideas for this au!! im really excited for it!
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Had this thought about yandere husband gardener where he buries the corpse of ppl on his very VERY large garden who tries to take his wife!reader away and reader always sees her husband he always do gardening weirdly at night when in reality he was burying a body. And if garden is already full of corpses why not bury it on the woods nearby.
I love this!!! I believe something similar happened in the movie Secret Obsession? It's such a perfect idea.
I imagine more of a househusband who loves gardening, cooking, etc. So his... skills arent all that questionable. Why does he have a bone saw and multiple different drills? Well to cut up meats and such for your dinners of course! The sudden growth of your garden and the mysterious 7 foot holes that seemed to pop up out of nowhere? Well its growing season honey it's time to plant!It's always a liiitttle bit of a stretch, but just believable enough for you not to question it. He may come back to bed with flecks of blood and dirt occasionally, but doesn't it give him the manly musk you admire so much?
I can definitely see him as the more homely, scruffy type with dad glasses and disheveled hair. He's got a cheesy 'kiss the cook' pink apron for when hes making you homemade meals, and a dark black one for when hes disposing of his victims.
He just loves you so much-- and cant help but say it at any moment of every day that he can. There isnt a lack of love in your relationship-- that's for sure. But you always feel like something is missing, like theres something wrong but you cant pinpoint it. Maybe it's because everyone in your life seems to be disappearing, or because your husband feels too perfect.
But even though things feel wrong, you can't bring yourself to say anything to your doting husband. You cant destroy things, not when he seems so happy. You always find him grinning, either when cleaning or coming back from the garden, covered in dirt and smelling like iron.
You worry when he speaks so possessively, promising nothing will ever come to harm you, that everyone who ever could is, "out of the way." You find that the days and nights where he spends longer in the garden, the dirtier he becomes, the louder the sounds in the basement are, he becomes more loving. More doting. Hes so affectionate with you, unable to stop himself from smothering you with kisses and handsy grabs. He seems exhausted, tired yet lovestruck.
You insist that he should let you do some of the work, that he should take a break. But he always seems to do his duties with a tired grin, claiming its 'his enjoyment as your husband.' And you wouldn't want to take away his responsibilities and hobbies, right? Even when you claim you can help in the garden and do the dishes, that you're not helpless. But all he wants is you to stay his sweet little spouse, working so hard to provide for your family, while he makes sure you have a nice warm meal and a nice warm husband to come back home to.
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strniohoeee · 6 months
i neeeeeeddd a part two to confidential 🥺🥺 maybe where matt gets in contact with reader to give her tickets to fly her out to the next show and she's his partner in the show. they win and he fucks her good after the show and finally kisses her. he asks her out on a date and shit and it's just so cute and rough and smutty.
Confidential Pt. 2
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt reaches out to Y/N after almost a year of not seeing each other. He purchases her tour tickets, and well brings her backstage 🤭
Warnings⚠️: This is Smut. There’s some spit and some hair pulling, and uhhh that’s it. It’s just SMUTTY SMUT SMUT🤞🏽
Song for the imagine: Confident- Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
There’s absolutely no way this is real….I have to be dreaming…..is the Matt Sturniolo DMing me on Instagram right now??
I rub my eyes and make sure this is actually him and not some fake account fucking with me.
-Hey Y/N….cant believe it’s been almost year since I last seen you
-Hey Matt….uh yeah it’s crazy. I seen you guys are about to go on tour again
-We are! I uh actually got you pre show small talk, photo op and backstage passes and tickets to fly out to our first show
-never! And you will be my partner this time….I don’t make the rules
That was about three weeks ago, and right now I was in LA getting ready for their first show that Matt paid for…..this is not real life AT ALL.
Pre show meet and greet started at 3:30, so I got there at around 1:30, and was just waiting around honestly so nervous to see Matt again
By the time I was called it was 4:30. I met Chris and Nick first, and immediately got so nervous meeting Matt
“Hiiii” I said giving him a hug
“Hello again! How have you been gorgeous” he said as he signed a poster for me
“I’ve been very good actually” I said
“That’s good. Can’t wait to see you backstage tonight” he said winking
“Oh…yeah I’m so excited too. We’ve been reunited” I said laughing
“God I miss your pretty face” he said smiling at me causing me to blush
“Shhh” I said rolling my eyes
“And the dress…..whew that dress looks so hot on you” he said looking me up and down
“Thanks matt” I said giving him one last hug
We did the photo op and now it was time to wait for the show to start, so like last time I chatted with some people got something to eat and drink, and just chilled
I was Matt’s partner so at some point they brought me backstage to meet the other two girls. The whole time I was competing I felt Matts eyes on me, and it was making me so fucking nervous.
However this gave him some confidence because we won the first show.
“I have to thank my amazing team member because without her I would’ve lost” he said into the mic
“Thank you LA for an amazing first show! While we set up for backstage enjoy our friend Tril!!” Chris said
After the show, and Tril performing it was time to line up for backstage, and I felt like I was going to throw up…we’ve been through this before why the fuck am I about to throw up
I was the last group once again….Im sure Matt did that
Once again I went in and spoke with Chris and Nick, and filmed a tik tok with Matt because even though I’m sure he was going to fuck my brains out….I needed this tik tok with him
“You know the drill, stay in the back, and I’ll come grab you” he said lowly to me
“Got it” I said smiling
I went back over to Chris and Nick, and chatted with them…I wonder if they knew Matt blew my back out last tour….probably but oh well
“Alright guys! Thank you so much for supporting us and coming out here! Hope to see you guys at our next one” Nick said waving bye to everyone
This time the after show photo op was after backstage, so Matt’s security guard brought me back to another room like last tour, and I just sat in there
Me and my thoughts running wild, and I was so fucking anxious
About an hour and a half later I heard the door opening, and Matt came in locking the door behind him
“There’s that beautiful girl” he said winking at me
“You’re too kind” I said waving my hand at him
“Do you know why I brought you back here?” He asked me
“If it’s not to fuck me….then we have some issues” I said running my tongue along my teeth
“Ouu she knows what she wants….I like that” he said winking at me
“Well I assume that’s why you did what you did. You want to fuck again” I said
“Of course I do. Couldn’t get enough of that pussy” he said walking over to me
He ran his fingers along my bottom lip
“Oh Matt” I said sighing
“I need you so bad, you’re all I thought about these past 10 months” he said licking his lips
“Well I’m here, and I need you bad too” I said smirking at him
He leaned down ghosting his lips over mine
“Well come on then baby” he said before pulling pack, and helping me stand up
“I would love for you to suck my dick again, but I want nothing more than to fuck the shit out of you right now” he said leaning me up against the table
“Fuck Matt” I said moaning at his words
Matt started to kiss my neck to my collar bone, and then looked at me
“I hope you know-“ I cut him off
“Yeah yeah no kissing I got it” I said rolling my eyes, he looked at me and laughed. Going back to kissing my neck
“Fuck Matt I need you now” I said running my hands through his hair as he kissed my neck
“I know baby” he said
Matt then pulled away and helped me hike up my dress. Ghosting his hand over my pussy
“Oh” I sighed
He got down and started kissing my stomach all the way to my clothed pussy. He slowly slid my underwear down
“Fuckkkk” he said biting his lip
“So fucking sexy” he said looking up at me
Before I could answer he delved straight into my pussy, attacking my clit, licking sucking….just doing it all
“SHITTTT MATT” I moaned out my hands immediately going to his hair and pulled causing him to moan into my pussy
He was lapping at me, from my entrance backup to my clit. His nose bumping into my clit
“Fuck Matt I’m going to cum if you keep doing this” I said to him biting my lip
He pulled away and looked at me
“You’re cumming on my dick” he said before backing away
Matt brought his hand up and smacked my pussy causing me to shudder and whine out. He rubbed my pussy to soothe the ache, and then spat down onto my pussy
He pulled his dick out slowly stroking it
“You make me so hard” he said looking me up and down
Matt came up to me and started to rub his dick up and down my pussy
“Oh god” I said letting my head fall back
Slowly he started to push the tip in causing us both to gasp at the feeling
“Fuck I missed this” He said running his hands over my body
“Your dick feels so good….none like this back home” I said moaning
“Oh you fuck other guys?” He said as he bottomed out
“One other guy, but that’s it” I said
“I’m not sure that I like that” he said thrusting into me
“Fuckkkk…..I’m sorry baby I was just so horny and chasing after someone who could fuck like you” I said moaning out
“And they couldn't, right?” He asked panting
“They couldn’t” I said throwing my head back
“Good” he responded
And with that his hips snapped into me, pounding into me at such a delicious rate. All that could be heard was our moaning, the table creaking and skin slapping together
“Oh god Matt” I moaned out lifting my head up to look at him
“This pussy was made for me. You just take me so well” he said as he thrusted into me
As he kept pounding into me he looked ahead of him and saw a full length mirror
“Ohh baby I want you to watch me fuck you” he said biting his lip
He flipped us over, so my stomach was against the table, and he was pounding me from the back
“Look at yourself” he said pulling my hair make me look into the mirror
“Fuck” I said as my jaw dropped as I watched Matt watching us fucking in the mirror
He kept looking into the mirror the whole time while pounding into me
I was clenching down on him nearing my orgasm
“You gonna cum baby?” He asked while panting
“Yes yes yes please” I said looking at him through the mirror
“Whenever you want…go ahead and cum” he said while gripping onto my hair and furiously pounding into me
“FUCK MATT IM GOING TO CUM” I screamed out as I clenched down on him
He kept pounding into me, and suddenly I was shuddering, my mouth fell open as I looked into his eyes while I came all over his cock. Brows furrowed as I shook with ecstasy
“Mmm so fucking good to me” he said grunting as he kept thrusting
“I’m gonna cum baby” he said and suddenly pulled out
Stroking his dick a few times before he painted the back of my thighs in his cum. Moaning and staring into my eyes through the mirror…..god this was so fucking hot
After we caught our breaths he pulled his pants back up. Walking over to the counter and grabbing napkins before wiping me down
He helped me up, and picked up my underwear for me handing them to me
“Keep them” I said winking at him as I shimmed my dress down
“I like the way you think” he said before pocketing them
He was looking at me for a moment before he suddenly pulled me in crashing his lips to mine. Sparks and explosions were going off in my stomach
He pulled away
“I thought you didn’t kiss” I said licking my lips
“I didn’t, but you’re different” he said smiling at me
“I’m glad” I said fixing my hair
“Hey, we have two days to kill in LA. Could I maybe take you on a date?” He asked me
“I’d love that” I said
“Good. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at noon. We can do lunch” he said
“Sounds great” I told him
We actually walked out together this time, and went our separate ways when we got to the exit door
“See you tomorrow” he said
“See you tomorrow” I said back winking at him before walking off
The End
Hope yall enjoyed this one, and I can’t believe I’m at 397 followers this is insane 🖤🖤
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kumezyzo · 8 months
hello! i hope you're doing okay!!! I'd really appreciate any desperate bf!sapnap smut please 😩 and don't feel pressured take a rest!!! writing can be exhausting sometimes
ask and you shall receive 😌 so many weeks later fem!reader. nsfw themes. you know the drill.
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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bf!sapnap only starts getting desperate when you blatantly ignore him. he's trying to kiss your neck and feel you up, but you have other things to do.
nick wraps his arms around you, running his hands over your sides.
you sigh and roll your eyes, "i dont have time for this right now, babe."
"what do you mean?" he asks, thinking your joking before you pull his hands off and walk away. he stares at you in disbelief as he watches you leave.
bf!sapnap who tries so desperately to distract himself from how worked up he had gotten himself. he ends up mindlessly deleting screenshots and going through his camera roll.
nick is swiping through pictures on his phone in his office, deleting pictures of george that the latter had spammed three months ago. that was when he swiped once more and a picture of you in a lewd position popped up.
nicks eyes widened and his heart started to race as he remembered that night. he looked at the picture closer as his face started heating up.
it was of you laying in bed, you stomach covered in his cum and your arm draped over your eyes. nicks dick resting on your thigh with cum pooling out of the tip.
he felt himself start throbbing in his shorts at the memory of taking the picture. he continued scolling, finding more picture of the same night until he found a video.
he groaned and let it play, the sounds of both of your moans resonating from his phone. it really got him when a brief second of silence fell between you two and all he could hear was the sound of how wet you were. he felt like it was so loud he could practically hear it.
bf!sapnap who gives up on waiting and runs to find you. you try to ignore him at your desk, trying to finish an email.
"baby? baby, please!" he pleads once he draped himself over you and your office chair from behind.
"give me like two minutes and then im all yours," you say to get him to calm down temporarily. he sighed and sat down on the floor next to your chair.
bf!sapnap who once again gets a surge of desperation seeing you nonchalantly look down at him and go back to typing.
nick licks his lips as he reaches for your your thigh. you glance down at him before moving your thigh away from him. he looks up at you with a glare before scooting under your desk.
"no," you say before he could even do anything.
"i havent even done anything," he said as he placed his hands on your knees and kissed your inner thighs.
you stayed silent, sending the email and waiting to see how far your boyfriend was willing to go. you sat back and crossed your arms, watching how your boyfriend spread your legs farther and kissed farther up with his eyes closed.
bf!sapnap who ended up realizing you were done and rushing to get your sweatpants off. it was like a blur and you were getting eaten out by him.
"just wanted to fuck you, peach," he said, lightly biting your thigh. you ran a hand through his hair, throwing your head back when he licked along your slit. "fuck you taste so good..."
bf!sapnap who desperately gets up and pulls out his dick because he desperately needs to be inside you.
"cant believe you made me wait for this," he whines as he slowly pushes into you. you sigh and pout up at him condescendingly.
"oh im sorry, baby," you say in a pouty voice. "ill try to let you fuck faster next-"
he cuts you off by thrusting into you quickly, ignoring anything you were planning on saying. and you forgot what you were going to say, your head only filled with him telling you how much he needed to fuck you.
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lets ignore how many times i used the word 'fuck'. also, im sorry how short and kinda off it is. -Nony
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enden-k · 4 months
Do... do people use their irl name online nowadays??? Like even if I use a name that is a real name, it's usually just an Oc's name not my actual name. Please tell me you guys (the anons) aren't using your irl names online 😭 stranger danger everyone. Back in the the early 2000s it was drilled into our heads about internet safety
this is so shocking to me too like. theres no way ppl think im using my irl name. do YOU use ur irl names??? this name is lit my chosen online name and my OCs name. i was raised to be careful about what info i give away and what to watch out for online. dont give out/use your irl names or location or info or anything else online, especially not if youre a minor. its so dangerous and i cant believe i have to bring up internet safety. i feel so old and concerned now
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mediocreanomaly · 10 months
while I love me some Vash and ww I wanna go with Knives rn 🥴 what do you think his kinks would be? and/or favorite positions 🤤
Authors note: My first NSFW request? so swag...also u!!! ur so epic I love when you interact fr *inserts that puppy dog eye emoji* Here's some Knives content for you Knive kissers tho!
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Knives X Reader NSFW HC's
I think Knives likes any position that allows him to be over you. He likes feeling like he's in charge in pretty much anything he does, and I mean anything.
Mating Press: One of his favorites. He has a thing about cumming inside every time and he'll get a bit irritated if you clean up too quickly because it seems like a waste. This is the perfect position to make sure every drop is fucked as deep into you as he can get it. Plus It makes him feel in control, he likes using his body weight to pin you down. He likes having you caged under him, letting your scratch along his shoulders as he pumps himself deeper into you.
G-Whiz: Lmao! ignore the name...He likes to over stimulate you. (mostly because as a plant he can go multiple rounds without getting tired) This just gets the job done a bit faster. Having your legs slung up over his shoulders does something to him too, the way he can hold your hips up at the perfect angle, drilling into your g-spot every time...He can't get enough of watching your fucked out face as you roll your eyes back from the fourth orgasm of the night. He also likes being a bit rough with you, proving to you how fragile you are compared to him not that'd he'd ever hurt you. He just enjoys the way you fold so nicely under him.
Cowgirl: Now I know I said he likes being on top but this is the one position where you can get him under you if you catch him in the right mood. He likes watching the way you bounce as you attempt to keep your composure despite falling apart even on top of him. More than that he likes having a view of every time his dick sinks into you, watching as you lift yourself up until it's nearly just the tip then sink yourself back down to the hilt. He'll grunt as you put your hands on his chest trying to chase your high. (he's not completely fair though, even here he likes to be a brat. He'll grab your hips if you slow down too much and fuck up into you using you for his own pleasure. He's a bit selfish in that aspect but don't worry he won't stop until you've cum at least twice.)
Breeding Kink: Maybe this is too obvious but...I mean c'mon. Knives has this whole fantasy about getting you pregnant, about making sure your constantly full with his child. He'll go multiple rounds to the point his cum is spilling out of you coating your thighs. He doesn't care, he'll go one more round just to make sure it takes, just to make sure there's no room for anything else but him. He constantly has you bending over things trying to breed you, and don't you want to carry his children? Don't you want to be good and let him fill you up?
"N-nai" you groan feeling warmth drip out of you, coating both you and Nai in his cum.
"Please, I cant do another round, s'too much" you whine too cock drunk to really think of anything but the man between your thighs. He has your hips propped up on pillows so that your hips are angled up towards him, refusing to let any of of his cum go to waste.
"You can go one more round can't you? Your doing so well..." his hand moves to press down against your womb trying to feel himself from the tin layer of fat that separate him from it. You whine and throw your head back but nod giving into him.
"Good. I'm going fill you again and then in return....you can have my child." he muses already beginning to rock his hips into you again. It's was going to be a long night.
Knife Play: Again...too obvious? Still! He has his blades you better believe he's going to use them. Knives getting to show off he's not human is something of a source of pride to him so he'll remind you of this fact in the bed room too. He likes the way the metal looks against your skin anyways.
Your body tenses as the cool silver of Nai's blade gently run against your skin. It's the dull edge, the side that won't cut, but if either of you move in the slightest that won't last.
Nai watches you like a predator about to strike, artic blue eyes reflecting in the dark as he lets the vines wrap around your body. They snake up your legs pulling you further apart for his view, and before you can protest there one wrapping around your throat forcing you to bear your neck lest you slice your throat open.
"Carful...their quite sharp" he muses. He finds this funny, the prick. Still, it's hard to be mad when there's ever pooling warmth building in your stomach. You jerk slightly when of of the blades climbs up your waist and hiss when the blade around your thighs cuts in slightly. Nai tsk at you and drags his thumb over where the small cut is and brings it to his lips, licking the blood off it.
"and you were doing so good..." he uses his vines to once again spread your legs apart so he can look at you, you feel his fingers ghost over where you want him most and you feel tears prick at your eyes wishing he's get on with it already when he finally begins to line himself up with your entrance, "now remember...don't move."
Predator/Prey: Sue me but tell me this man doesn't like a chase. Maybe it appeals to his plant instincts or that's his excuse anyways. In all honesty I think he likes to show off how much stronger, how much faster he is than a human like you. These little bouts of power send an extra thrill to his head, luckily Knives wing is very large so you can play into it.
You pant letting your feet carry you as fast as you can across the cool floor of the Arc. Were you fast enough? The answer is almost always a resounding "No" but when you don't hear foot steps behind you decide to take your luck at face value.
You look around for a hiding spot, adrenaline spiking though your body as you go into overdrive. You spot a small crawl space, just big enough for you to wiggle into if you're quick. Without a second thought you dive for it, scrambling to hide yourself away, knowing there's no way you can out run him for long. As if he can hear your thoughts the second you pull your feet in you hear the tell tale sound of his feet and the drag of a blade against the wall. You put your hands over your mouth to stifle any noises.
"I know you're in here" Nai coos, icy voice bouncing off the walls of the cold room. The echo makes it hard to tell where exactly his is, which only causes your heart to thud faster against your ribs.
"Be good and come out here for me, maybe I'll even reward you" It's a bluff and you know it. He didn't want you to give up, not now. It'd ruin the hunt, make it less fun.
Silence falls over the room and you close your eyes to listen for any movement, there's none but you know better than to take the chance. After what seems like forever you hear the slow clicks of foot steps retreating. You stay in your spot for a second regaining your breath before you steel yourself and take off again.
You run. You run faster than you ever have before but as you move down the hall...you hear the sound of something- no someone turning the corner. Shit. You turn and sprint down the hall way, you need a hiding place, you need to run faster you need-You feel your body suddenly pushed to the ground an you know, like always, you've lost.
"You lasted much longer this time" Nai muses in your ear, body still trapping you between him and the floor.
"Such a shame, but you didn't really think a human could get away from me did you?" you feel his hands glide down your body already tugging down the hem of your pants. Maybe losing wasn't so bad...not if this was the punishment.
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babycapitalist · 9 months
Aahh fuck it heres a nsfw smut thing i thought of.
Exams meant no distractions. Schlatt was a distraction. Conclusion no meeting schlatt until your exams over. That ALSO means no kissing, no touching, no sex, no nothing.
The day of your last exam, if you allow him, schlatt is over at your place desperately making up for the time apart. Messily kissing you through the doorway and into your bedroom. Clothes risk being actually torn off bc he missed kissing and eating you out. Sure he'd love to have your pretty lips wrapped around his cock but right now, he's getting you all wet and soaking the bedsheets so he could absolutely drill into you. Yeah youre sore and covered in hickies after a few rounds BUT GOD ARE YOU HAPPY
I cant believe i wrote that i need to take a breather lol 🌙anon
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pigeonsgrame2 · 2 months
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okay so this gif. Do you see how thin donnies bō staff is in comparison to the heavy end? when i first watched this scene (and i believe this is a gif from the movie, when i first watched the scene with the shredder in season 2 of rise i couldn't find the specific gif for it but it was the huge drill and donnie made it latch to her mystics yk? ill see if i can find it once om done with my rant i just need to get it out before i forget it) it was one of the first things i noticed, how did she lift it like that? with her bō staff being so thin and frail and this giant fuckinf heavy ass thing, logically the bō would break! but it didn't! it shows how incredibly fucking strong the mystic material donnie uses is, now. what does this have to do with black holes, you might be asking? well!!!! black holes are formed at the end of a supermassive stars life, it will either explode into a supernova or become a black hole!! now the thing is, with black holes they have an internal like. thing, the neutron, outputting a MASSIVE amt of gravity, making the black hole and the reason they'll suck yoy in when you reach the Schwarzchild radius! (aka the mathematical equation that would get you yo the event horizon of the black hole, basically the point of No Return) and basicallt whay the Schwarzchild radius does is prevent the manmade creation of black holes in a way! one kf the reasons scientists haven't been able to create a black hole in a controlled environment is because of this SR (im usin this abbreviation cause im lazy) now. back to donnies mystics. so theyre incredibly strong, right? its mega fucking strong, and to create an artificial black hole of sorts, what you would have to do is essentially collide two objects at the speed of light with such a force that it creates the same conditions of a black holes creation of a supermassive star collapsing in on itself. now, i. god i had a bunch more points that would make this make sense but j cant fuckinf think of them right now WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY is that donnie could technicallt make a miniature black hole if she so pleases.
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yeah anyway.
Holy shit bro could make a black whole,,,
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no-hhamani · 1 month
Title: Home
Ship: Knock Out x Autobot! Reader x Breakdown (POLY!)
(Cant believe there's a lack of Breakdown GIFs)
You are a scout, while scouting an area with your bestfriend Bumblebee in a complex system of the underground mines, you both are forcefully separated when the structure collapsed. As you walk around the only remaining pathway trying to find a way back to your bff, you came along two mechs you haven't expected to meet
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Note: Pronoun of Reader is not specified and there will be OOC!
You groaned when you came up with a dead end. Again.
You and Bumblebee were assigned to scout an abandoned human mine, now filled with pestering drones and whatnot. You were entailed that the mine is about 100 years old, give or take
From the supporting beams itself, you know it's old as fuck. Not older than you but with how short a human life span could be, it is definitely way pass their average life span.
You let out a steam of pressurized air again and went back to where you came, crossing a 'X' on the path in a poorly digitally drawn map by your wrist. You really are somewhat thankful for the tracking chip that was drilled into you, who knew it could be this handy personally?
You again looked at the map, wobbly lines of your walking pattern printed itself in a red line by the screen, only a single pulsing dot indicates of yourself. With your signals and comms disrupted by the fallen debrees earlier, it would have been easy tracking your partner and other forms of sentient beings that could possibly surround you right at this moment or you could have just commed the team and sens a SOS signal but bad luck seems to follow you in dark damp places. Ugh
You turned off the screen and continued trecking on dark paths, it took for a silent while before you started humming and murmuring the song with the tongue of Old Cybertron. It's a song with the oldest language you have learned.
Your scouting program in your processor warned you of such action, which is logical but you're tired. The war is going on for too long and you just want to go back to the times of festivals and bantering with old friends.
Humming such a lively tune warmed up the constricting pressure in any mech or femm's spark. The tune where it reminds of home
You hummed and hummed. Slowly trecking the long tunnel before you stopped and heard familiar voices far ahead and chuckled.
You moved fast but silent, drawing in closer by the dim light and quickly jumping by the corner when you knew they were present
"GLITCHES!" You whooped, immediately dodging a large fist with a loud laugh
"[NAME]! WHAT IN THE DESIGNATION OF PRIMUS WAS THAT FOR?!" Knock Out huffed, holding back the larger mech by the arm to avoid him toppling over you
"Hey, I heard you guys and thought why not?" You chuckled, which earned you a falling mech on you and you squawked
"I should've let him hit you" Knock Out groaned, crossing his arms as he watches the other two grounders piled on the ground
"Miss you too guys" You huffed and hugged the mech on top of you who snorted and did a noogie on your head, that definitely would have scratched your paint off "Nah we miss you more" Breakdown sighed and contently laid down on top of you
"Up Big Boy, you dont want to pressurize [Name] into a flat sheet of metal" Knock Out smirked and watched Breakdown slowly stand up, both then holding a hand out for you as you stood up with their help
"I'd still look pretty as a flat sheet" you chuckled and rotated your door wings to get the debrees out in between cracks which earned you two different actions from them
The three of you then hugged eachother, nuzzling eachother's armor as each bonded sparks hummed a happy and content melody. A melody like home
"Scratch my paint or else."
You and Breakdown froze and took a big gulp
You, Breakdown and KnockOut have been conjunxes before the war, but have been separated during the Decepticon uprising.
You had joined the Autobots when the bombing and raid had started, thinking your conjunxes had also joined in but you haven't seen any of them
Only when the war had started to worsen when you caught a glimpse of them with a Decepticon symbol as they boarded a ship
Due to being in different factions, you had tried to secretly meet them in order to avoid suspiciouns from each side. Soon you and your conjunxes saw eachother with relief, they thought you were somewhere safe and hadn't joined any factions. They both had joined in the faction willingly, also thinking they could have found you earlier and kept you safe if they ever found you
From there on, you had kept secret of having conjunxes and them for having a third one. It avoided the affair of cross-faction relationships that could be used against any of you. So, you guys had secretly met up once in awhile
It hurted your spark to be so far away from them, and so were they. But, it kept you all safe.
During the war, with your small frame and a grounder alt mode. You had taken up a scouting role, soon meeting Bumblebee, a young spark, in one of your missions and you both became friends. Soon becoming partners in every mission you went out to
Bumblee actually followed you one time when you sneaked out and found out you're in a relationship with decepticons and he hadn't told anyone. Even you
When the war is finally over, everyone who you were close to were shocked when you kissed each of your conjunx infront of them, while Bumblee is just in the sidelines clapping, happy that his best friend is finally free to love
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ackermanbitch · 1 year
david shaw x sick!angel blurb
i woke up horribly sick yesterday and i did not even know abt the video until halfway thru this LMAO also this is like pretty far into their relationship, hence davey not being a jerk
warnings: sickness, fluff, like one innuendo cus its angel guys, also angel likes chai because i dont believe theres anyone who doesnt like chai so im sorry if u dont like chai and cant relate hjbasvgbx
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Angel was awoken by their own pounding headache, keeping their eyes closed as they blindly reached out for the duvet to pull it over their head with a groan. They so badly wanted to get up and pull the curtains closed, rather than rely on the blanket to shut out the light that was only worsening their quickly growing headache, but alas, their sore muscles screamed in protest when they tried to sit up, ultimately failing and falling back onto the excessive amount of pillows with a soft thump.
They reached for David but he was too far on the other side of the bed, as they usually ended up after a night of cuddling, when the warmth became uncomfortable. Now all they really needed was warmth, sudden chills breaking out across their body.
"Davey.." They called out, the hoarseness of their own voice startling them.
He wasn't exactly a heavy sleeper, grumbling in response.
"Can you please close the curtains?" They groaned, shifting closer to him.
He hummed, taking a second or two before finally climbing out of bed and strolling to the window, pulling the curtains closed the rest of the way.
"Migraine?" He questioned softly, not bothering to pull the blanket from over their head as he sat back down, knowing the general drill for this sort of thing.
"So much worse." Angel rasped a bit dramatically, following it up with a drawn out whimper. David sighed, bringing a hand to rest on what he assumed was their head hidden under the duvet, "Isn't the flu going around your office right now? I told you to be careful."
Angel gasped, slowly pulling the blanket down. "How dare you chastise me when I'm so vulnerable." They accused, the creases between their brows deepening.
David chuckled, "I'm just saying, I warned you. Every time you get sick, it hits you like a train." He teased, moving his hand to their a face, his thumb pressing gently against the space between their brow.
"Thank god it's the weekend." They whispered, closing their sore eyes, David humming in reply.
"And if it wasn't, I wouldn't let you go to work like this, even if it meant chaining you to this bed."
"You know, I'd probably be-"
"-into that, yeah I know you would, you perv." He laughed, pulling the blanket back up over their head before standing from the bed with a yawn. "I'll get you some tea."
"Chai, please." They requested almost inaudibly but David didn't need to hear them to know exactly what they wanted, headed to the kitchen to put the kettle on.
Angel rolled over, bringing their hands up to cover their eyes as if they weren't already under a blanket. They'd curl into a ball if their back wasn't too sore to do so, every little movement triggering a flare of pain up and down their back. Since when did the flu become so brutal?
"David! Please bring tylenol too!" Angel shouted, momentarily peeking out from under the blanket and immediately regretting the volume they used as it made them painfully aware of how sore their throat really was. They groaned for the umpteenth time that morning, opting for pulling a pillow over their head instead of a blanket.
David came back a few minutes later, a steaming mug of tea in one hand and two pills in the other. "We're out of tylenol but I brought ibuprofen." He explained quietly, setting the cup and meds on the table. All he got in return were soft snores, a small smile breaking across his face as he lifted the pillow.
"Angel," He whispered, "C'mon, you gotta drink something."
They awoke with yet another groan, slowly sitting up. They winced as they leaned against the headboard, holding out both hands. "Feels like someone took to my back with a hammer."
"Well leaning over a laptop all night isn't gonna help with the muscle aches." David lightly scolded, handing them the mug and the two pills.
After downing the ibuprofen and some gulps of what they thought was the best cup of tea they ever had, they moved to lay back down.
David sighed, placing the tea onto the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed, bringing a hand to Angel's arm. "I could draw you a bath," He suggested, "Would really help with the aches."
Angel huffed, "Only if it feels like I'm bathing in lava."
He let out a genuine laugh, standing to make his way to the master bathroom.
"And if you carry me!"
"You are so dramatic."
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thedeathdeelers · 9 months
love to hate you hate to love you; you know the drill
“but- but i thought you hated me?” julie asks, mouth still hanging open, eyes wide.
luke stares at her for few moments, his eyes tracing every line on her face, before reaching over and cupping her face in his hands. he pulls her in a little closer shaking her slightly.
“you thought…i didn’t like you?” he says, head tilting as he questions her.
“hate,” she amends in a mumble, nodding, his hands moving with the motion.
“i-“ he starts, then cuts himself off laughing, making julie frown the longer he shakes with mirth.
“luke!” she tries to stomp her foot on the ground, but stops herself when she realises how childish that might come off as. she does poke him in the chest to get his attention though.
luke just shakes his head as he continues to chuckle, thumbs swiping across her cheeks. the laughter eventually tapers off, his eyes shimmering with humour…and a hint of something else.
“jules,” he breathes, gaze locked on hers. “i’ve been head over heels for you from the moment we met.” he says it so matter-of-factly that it takes julie a second to process. she blinks up at him, colour starting to flood her cheeks at the realisation of what he had just said.
no julie, focus.
she shakes her head slightly, cheeks rubbing against the palm of his hands, and speaks up.
“so i…i’ve been living in my own sworn enemy drama this entire time?”
luke lifts an eyebrow at her, a grin stretching across his face.
“sworn enemy? come on boss, you’ve been watching way too many shows lately.”
julie rolls her eyes at luke as she lets out a puff of air.
“i cant believe you like me. that you liked me this whole time.” julie sighs, a small smile making its way known on the corner of her lips. “i wasted so much energy trying to hate you.”
luke lets out another chuckle, before pulling her in and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“i cant believe you thought i could ever hâte you.”
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chanderlona · 13 days
school has started but that also means guaranteed wifi in the weekdays ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
though i'll still be most online on instagram since its my comfort app 😭😭 most of my moots are there too– ANYWAYSSSS
y'all know the drill— Lona's OCs showcase moment ‼️‼️💞💞💞💥💥💥
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technically these are my TBD OCs!! (i made them like around last year i think, obviously during my first TBD phase after Operation Timefixers :33 )
this first one is Coffee Smoothie Cookie, a talented one in kitchenware–maybe even the best in every timeline! he was brought into the Department by Timekeeper herself when she establishes a Cafeteria for the employees to rest during lunch time (she went too silly so they didnt thought about it earlier 🤭)
alsooo Marble Bread is his boyfriend 👉🏻👈🏻💞💞💞💞💞 honestly i didn't created Smoothie to be another oc x canon but since I created him and Prune Yogurt (see the next oc sheet) during my Marble Bread phase too.... woala, the tables turned!!! (i believe they're my 2nd oc x canon after StainedIce (Stained Komodo x Captain Ice— i'll talk abt them when i make Modo's sprite))
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i'm crying... their colors.... GHAHAAHHHH I LOVE MARBLESMOOTHIE 😭😭😭😭💞💞💞💞💞
silly mentioning but i have a headcanon that Marble Bread loves drawing... he would usually let out hus sketchbook if he isn't that sleepy after cleaning up /vvvvvvpos
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ALSO ALSOO Smoothie is an old best friend of Maple Taffy!!!!! they met since kindergarten but sadly Maple moved out from Smoothie's city during 5th elementary or something.
literally, Timekeeper knows what they're doing ;D
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next one is the head of the TBD Clinic (i made that up), Prune Yogurt Cookie!!!! believe it or not, i created her before Prune Juice was even teased– like god her name was ALMOST stolen by a canon character 😭😭😭😭
but yeah i eventually made the two prunes siblings to push the negative thought away /vvvpos
tbh i cant showcase much of Pruyo due to her existence in the TBD is heavily influenced by Energy Drink's story (who i sadly havent made a sprite of their TBD uniform to match my headcanon).
tldr, the timeline En was in gor corrupted and they fell into a time pocket, they got saved by the TBD and even cured their carrying virus of the Jellywalkers thanks to the time manipulator. (yes, Pruyo was the one who did it with a couple of trusted supervisors)
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JJWJHXJWJCJJWHX okay i think thats all for today ‼️‼️ cya later in my next ramble :]]
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