#i got a new laptop and it is way overpowered
seblrina · 5 months
kinda missing f1 and making things…
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ihrtsevyn · 4 months
— PRETTY BOY . . . 𖤐 | j.g x reader
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genre fic, fluff, slight angst, hurt to comfort, oneshot.
warnings no smut, no use of specific race/age/gender. no pronouns used. no use of y/n. lowercase intended. loosely proofread. reader and johnnie are both emotional in this lmao.
summary after countless weeks of being cramped into your studio, you finally reveal the reason of your absence to a worried johnnie with one of your songs from your new album.
requested by anon you can find the link here !!
wc 1.6k
masterlist | main page <3
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[ 03:46AM ]
your eyes continued to drift back and forth from your computer to the digital clock. you couldn't keep doing this. johnnie had already chewed you out earlier in the week for working so late.
you needed to get your sophomore album out before the deadline came and unfortunately the date of your release was set much earlier than you expected, meaning you had to cram yourself into your studio practically all day and night until you were finished.
it's hard to admit but your time spent in the studio had taken a toll on the relationship. johnnie didn't like it at all. he knew you weren't properly taking care of yourself in there, any time he'd peek his head in to check on you his worried state only increased.
your eyes were red from crying in frustration and staring at a computer screen all day long, your movements slow as a sloth because of the immense exhaustion, as well as boxes and bags of food discarded to the side, some untouched and left to rot while others remained half-eaten.
when you and johnnie got together you had vowed to each other that you'd be reliable to one another and help each other out in all situations. you wouldn't bottle things inside and you'd speak about your problems to each other. that was a promise. a promise you had seemed to forget as you ignored his countless advances to take care of you for your work.
johnnie quietly shuffled into your studio, trash bag in hand as he started to grab handfuls of wrappers and water bottles. you wouldn't have even realized he walked into your studio if the doorway wasn't left open.
you wanted to say something to him. a simple 'i love you' or even a 'thank you' but you couldn't build the strength to turn your head away from your screen even when he rested his hand upon your shoulder and gave you a soft kiss on the top of your head. and before you knew it, he was gone just as quick as he had arrived.
[ 5:33AM ]
you sighed in relief before plopping your head onto your desk. a watery almost pathetic laugh escaped your lips before you brought your hands to your face to muffle your sobs. you were finally done. so much work and effort had been put into your first independent album and the solace of being finished was the final nail in the coffin for you to burst into tears.
your eyes drifted drifted over to the digital clock on your desk again. you double-checked that you had your files saved and prepared to be sent out the following week before closing your laptop shut and stretching your limbs.
johnnie was either still awake or had fallen asleep by now, you were hoping for the latter as you made your way out of the studio and into your shared bedroom.
quietly you opened the bedroom door, peeking your head in only to see johnnie fast asleep on your side of the bed. you carefully shuffled into the bedroom with a small downturned smile on your face until you were standing over johnnie.
you crouched down in front of him to get a closer look at his face. he had been crying. his cheeks were rosy and puffy and around his eyes looked red and irritated as if he had been harshly scrubbing at them.
you resorted to giving him a quick and soft peck on the top of his head before evacuating to the bathroom. you felt so bad for neglecting johnnie the past few weeks. you truthfully hadn't meant to. work had overpowered your schedule and demanded all of your focus which meant there was no time for anyone and anything else.
you took to the shower to clear your thoughts. letting the warm water cascade down your body and relax your muscles. finally getting the chance to wash off all filth and grime from your body.
everything around you felt lighter and less depressing. you finally had the time to properly take care of yourself and not rush the routine because you had a pile of work to get to.
when you finally exited the bathroom you were surprised to be met with a dazed johnnie, fully sat up in bed and unconsciously picking at his cuticles. you could tell he was still tired but was forcing himself to be up, was he waiting for you?
"hey, sleepyhead." you murmured softly before making your way towards your shared bed.
"hey, taking a break?" he asked softly, his eyes wide and hopeful.
a knowing grin grew on your face.
"i'm all done. i just finished my final track an hour or so ago."
it took a full 10 seconds for it to fully registered in johnnie's head, his face contorting in confusion before settling on a blissful smile and wrapping his arms around your body.
his arms hugged around you tight before he tugged you on top of him. "you're not leaving my side for a month." he whispered in your ear, a serious tone in his voice but you knew he was joking.
you laughed lightly before settling comfortably on top of him. "i don't plan on leaving anytime soon."
a comfortable silence relaxed over the two of you as johnnie's hands smoothed over your waist, gently dragging his hands up and down.
you felt your eyelids get heavy before you suddenly jolted awake, rising above johnnie with wide eyes.
"are you okay? what's wrong?"
johnnie had a sense of urgency in his voice as he had slightly risen up himself, his now wide eyes trailing over your body to see if you had hurt yourself or if he had hurt you.
"before i get too comfortable i need to show you something." you quickly muttered. before johnnie could even respond you hopped out of the bed and grabbed one of his arms, dragging him right behind you and into your studio.
you were very private about your music, usually not letting anyone else listen to it besides another producer or composer, so johnnie was surprised when you plugged in a pair of headphones to your computer and handed them to him.
he slightly hesitated before taking them with wide eyes. "really? .. are you sure?"
you only nodded in return, eyes not straying away from your screen as you set up the audio for him to listen to.
he waited patiently next to you with the headphones secured on his head. he looked around your studio silently while fiddling with the wire.
"this was the last song i was working on...i made it for you so, it'd only make sense for you to hear it first, right?"
you voice was quiet and timid. you were nervous even though you shouldn't be. you've jokingly experienced with different instruments and vocals in your studio with johnnie right by your side joining in on the fun.
"you made a song about me?"
you nodded slowly, unsure eyes failing to keep in contact with his.
"it's basically a thank you to you as well as an apology."
"an apology? for what?"
"for not being an attentive significant other and just..being cooped up in my studio all day. that's not fair to you and..i'm sorry. really, i am."
he grabbed your hand softly before bringing it up to his lips. "don't be sorry, baby. work gets overwhelming sometimes. i know, just please...let me take care of you."
you nodded your head bashfully before whispering a quiet 'okay.'
"i can tell you're nervous, don't be. i already know im gonna love it." he murmured before pecking your fingers individually.
because you didn't want johnnie to stop being so affectionate with you, you resorted to using your other free hand and clicking play.
your eyes would nervously trail over to johnnie to gage his reaction at certain lyrics.
you could feel your palms getting sweatier as you waited for the song to end. writing love songs for people wasn't easy, but it was even harder to sit and watch johnnie listen to it with an unreadable expression.
you watched as his jaw clenched before he looked down at his lap, your hand still resting on his lap while he toys with your fingers.
you didn't know if he was loving the song or absolutely hating it which caused you to tense up.
you could hear the song slowing to an end in his headphones.
you watched as he slowly took the headphones off, his voice soft and slightly watery as he continued to avoid eye-contact with you.
"you think i'm pretty?" he asked, a small smile growing on his face.
"of course i do, johnnie. you're the prettiest boy i know."
he quickly wiped the stray tears that had fallen from his waterline before letting go of your hand to pull your chair closer to him, not that there was much space in between you two to begin with anyway.
without warning he wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling your body into his once more.
"i love you so much, you don't even understand."
his sentence was muffled as he rested his head on top of yours but you were still able to fully understand his affectionate words.
"i love you more, my pretty boy." you whispered, rising your head from his chest to be able to look into his eyes that had already been trained on you.
he brought his hand from your waist to the side of your face. gently caressing the soft skin of your cheek with his thumb.
adorning eyes watched over you before he brought his lips to yours making your eyes flutter closed before leaning your full body into his, creating no room in between your bodies. you had forgotten how much you missed this feeling, the feeling of unabashed love and soft kisses.
johnnie was your safe place, your pretty boy, and you couldn't have been happier to be in his arms than in that moment.
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a/n: i'm kinda shit at writing fics which is why i choose to write headcanons lol, hope you guys enjoyed it tho and ty for reading :D <33
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mx-pastelwriting · 4 months
New Memories
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Eddie Brock x GN! Reader x Venom
Summary: Venom only having Eddie's old memories to know what it's like to spend the night with someone, so you help them make new memories.
Warnings: Smut, First Time together, Cute Eddie, Venom Helping, Sorry if it's shit getting back into it!
Minors do not interact!
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Getting out of the bathroom from a shower, you look over to Eddie, who had been working on the bed with his laptop before you went in, placing your eyes on him catching as he quickly looked back at his laptop screen. You smile, knowing he is trying to get a peek at you in a towel.
Dating only for four months while taking it slow due to his last relationship, you both never did anything, but that didn't stop you from dropping the towel. Feeling the cold air of the badly heated apartment, you went through Eddie's dresser, keeping some clothes in case of staying the night over. You slowly get dressed, wanting to tease Eddie a little.
"Ask them." A low voice whispers behind you, but it gets overpowered by Eddie's panicked whisper. "Stop it." Turning around to see Eddie swatting at Venom. "What happened?" You ask, making them both stop, but Venom sees his opportunity. "Eddie wants to-" Eddie stops Venom from saying anything further.
"It's nothing," he says, giving you a goofy smile while keeping his hand on Venom's big mouth. "ASK!" Venom shouts away from Eddie's hold, then goes back inside Eddie, leaving him to deal with his last words.
"Ask me what?" You say louder; the room went quiet, but it broke when Eddie sighed, "I know we wanted to take this slow, and I do." He pauses, trying to find the words, "Venom got too deep into my head and found stuff with Anne, and now he wants to." Pausing again making you impatient.
"Wants to what?" You say fed up. "He wants us to sleep together," he says, with his cheeks visibly starting to change color. "He wants to know what it feels like," he explains finally. "And you don't?" You ask while sitting on the bed with a raised brow.
"No, I do," he explains quickly, making you laugh. "I'm joking; I know you do; I've seen the way you look at me." You say, touching his hand moving closer.
"Then let's make new ones," you say, making Eddie perk up. "What?" He asks, but you smile. "Let's make new memories for him; I think it's been long enough." You smirk, moving to sit on his lap. "You gonna kiss me or what?" You say, smiling playfully, needing nothing more. He takes you in his arms, kisses your lips hungrily, feeling his rough hands under your shirt touching your warm skin.
Pulling your shirt up and over, giving him access to your bare chest, he lovingly kisses your chest while holding you close as if you were to disappear. As he draws kisses across your chest as his cock pokes against you, fighting against the fabric, taking pity, you grind your hips against it, earning a groan from him.
Digging your nails into his clothed shoulders as he pushes against making hold loose, making you lay back onto the bed, not following you, he towers over you while resting his hands on your hips while catching his breath. Taking in your body, he runs his hands to your bottoms, slowly pulling them off, then throwing them to the floor before kissing his way back up, loving every inch of your thighs, then using his tongue against you.
Moans bloom from you into the air as your mind quickly drowns from his mouth on you, gripping onto his shirt as your head digs into the pillow you cry, "Eddie." Working as an encouragement, his fingers find their way inside you.
Feeling as they curl inside you with another feeling following as something takes your nerves sparked them with pleasure, earning a new set of moans to sound from you as your mind mushed. Softly, you hit his hard shoulder as your body overstimulates, continuing with his fingers but parting his lips from you, moving up to your ear, kissing it softly before hushing you. "It's Venom," he whispered before pulling away.
Knowing it was Venom who invaded your body, taking over every sensitive nerve that made you a mess on Eddie's bed, you laid back, enjoying the alien's touch as you too watched through watered eyes. Eddie taking his shirt off, letting your eyes trail up his body, making your insides ache. Undoing his pants, not bothering to take them off fully, he pulls out his cock that twitched at finally being released.
Reaching out through your haze, taking his cock in your hand, feeling the hot tip as you massaged it, not stopping you, only tilling his head back moaning at your touch. His hips moved, fucking your hand as Venom dug further into your body, making your arms go weak, leaving Eddie's cock twitching in the air as you squirmed under him.
Taking your hips in his hands, he lines himself with you, then slowly fills you, taking in every inch while scratching an itch you didn't know you had. Both of your moans grew louder from the new-found pleasure. Your back arched as Eddie started his thrusts, fighting with Venom inside you to win over your insides.
Not caring for the fight, you only dig your nails into Eddie's arms while moaning out from your body being taken over. Quickly, your body ached to release from everything, but Eddie's moans only made it harder to wait for him.
Not being able to hold back, you came undone under Eddie. Watching as you came undone, his thrusts turned sloppy as he followed closely behind he cums digging himself in deep as his body threatened to collapse, holding you close as his head tilted back, struggling to call out your name.
Catching your breaths, he pulls out, leaving the warmth of your inside, to then quickly lay down next to you, kissing your cheek. He says nothing; he only looks into your tired eyes as they match his. "Again!" Venom says excitedly, but you both ignore him as your bodies try to recover from your first time together.
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Sorry if it's shit. I don't know why it was so hard for me to write!
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @bimbo-bunni
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f10werfae · 2 years
Video Star
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pairing: Dom!BF!Henry x ExCamgirl!GF!Reader
Summary: After watching one of Y/n's old camgirl streams, a sense of dominance overpowers her boyfriend Henry
Warnings: Kissing, oral (male receiving), spanking, mentions of other things too, dom!Henry
- Requests are open!
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Henry Cavill Masterlist🌟
Full Masterlist✨
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“Sweetheart you know how I feel about your old videos” Henry cooed sarcastically, rubbing his palm over the reddened skin of his lover.
Y/n L/n. A former cam girl, sure she never showed her face, but the fact that her pretty little pussy was on display for everyone to see? That was not ok.
Even though she had stopped it way before she even met Henry, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of possessiveness over her precious little button, that was his only. Y/n had only done it to put herself through college, and once she got her degree she was off the internet for good. Of course she couldn’t do anything about her videos being shared on multiple sites, those were the consequences.
“H-hen please” Y/n moaned, her frame bent over Henry’s knee while his paws continuously spanked her ass raw.
"10, thank you baby" She whimpered, her hips wiggling to relieve some of the stinging sensations, she was never one to admit but she actually enjoyed his punishments. But it was a weird coincidence that one of the things to pop up onto Henry's unused laptop was one of her more erotic streams.
Toys plunging in and out of her sopping wet cunt, her sultry voice moaning and dirty talking into the camera to the men who were donating hundreds upon hundreds.
“Alright that’s enough, get up” He said coldly, taking off his belt and throwing it to the side; Y/n dropping to her knees knowing what was coming. Over the past three years of dating Henry, their sex life was something they both took seriously, kinks were shared and tried.
Obviously they were in a monogamous relationship, loving and truly devoted to one another, kids and marriage even being in the talks at the moment. Y/n knew this was just another good hardcore fuck, Henry wasn’t actually mad at her, he understood her financial circumstances, he just hated the idea of his woman being left with no choice but to turn to the sex industry.
“Come on star, suck on your man’s cock” He prompted sitting on the edge of the bed, fisting his hardened cock as Y/n sat there with her tongue already laying out flat.
Tapping the head of his cock on her tongue, drool dripped from Y/n’s tongue, what a filthy scene. Y/n loved the taste of her man’s dick, one of her favourite things to taste, hell she’d use that shit as a lollipop if she could.
Sucking his red bulbous head, Henry threw back his head, his hand stroking her hair softly as a smile graced his gorgeous lips. Y/n slowly made her way down his lengthy cock, taking her time to kiss each and every vein, her hand fiddling with his heavy balls.
“Fuck baby you know me so well” He growled pulling her head off his cock by her hair, pulling her into a rough open mouthed kiss, spitting onto his own cock to lube it up for her. It’s the least he could do.
Taking the length down her throat as much as she could, tears were pricking at Y/n’s eyes as she maintained eye contact with Henry. One of his stricter rules Eye contact always
Henry took his thumb and wiped away her tears, darkly gazing as he licked them off his thumb to taste the saltiness.
Y/n felt herself start to wet the pink fabric he had just bought, her new lace underwear for her birthday. Henry’s hands reached down and tugged down her loose top so her breasts popped out over the top of them, her nipples pebbling against the colder atmosphere.
“Such a dirty girl, you’re my dirty girl aren’t you?”
“Mhmm” Y/n moaned, rapidly bobbing her head backwards and forwards, aiming to bring her man to a well needed orgasm. His dick was twitching in her mouth something she had learned to recognise, and then she felt his cum paint the walls of her cheeks and tongue.
“Tongue out baby”
Sticking her tongue out Y/n showed the strings of cum painted across her taste buds,
“Swallow baby” Swallowing it she showed her tongue to show it was all gone, making him smirk with pride.
“Well done baby, my superstar” He said softly, grabbing her by the forearms and helping her to stand up.
“Now how about some lotion for that ass of yours, hot chocolate and a movie while in bed yeah? I’ll even supply head scratches”
“Love you Henry bear, that’d be lovely”
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @fdl305 @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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Focus and Boredom
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Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader (she/her)
Word Count: 688
Warnings: none
Summary: Y/N was bored, Sam was focused and Dean wanted to learn new moves. a completely normal day at the bunker
A/N: the prompt this is inspired by is from a prompt list from the lovely @creativepromptfills . Unfortunately I can't locate the exact list right now but they're all worth being checked out!
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There was something serene about Sam when he was buried in research. His hands were lying mostly still on a few pieces of paper or the occasional book while his eyes were glued to the laptop screen. The picture moved every few minutes when he marked something down or scrolled upwards.
Sam could spend hours like that, oblivious to the world and the people in it - as long as his findings weren't important for critical life or death situations that was. Then, he was always on alert, jumped at the slightest of sound even if it was Y/N or Dean entering the room.
Right now, it was not a situation like that. They had been lying low for a few days now, a self acclaimed break that Cas of all people had declared after Dean had nearly been shot by another hunter. It was a long story.
However, Sam was always on the hunt for more information and he enjoyed it. Especially if the bunker provided him with a never ceasing stream of new phenomena to read about.
So Y/N felt only a little guilty when she plopped down on the seat across from him and swung her legs over the side of the chair. "What would you say if I told you that I will start teaching Dean jiu jitsu if I can't go to the bookstore to get the next book in my series?"
"I would call that an attempt to blackmail me." Sam said without looking up and turned the page. "Dean won't survive a second with you as a teacher."
Y/N sputtered. "Rude."
Only then, Sam looked up. And revealed a stony expression that he always put on when he was trying really hard not to laugh. It failed miserably as the corners of his mouth were pulling upwards. "But the truth."
"Still rude," she retaliated and swung her legs.
Sam's eyes followed them before he sighed. He put a pencil square across the papers and got up.
Y/N watched him grab his jacket from the back of the chair, chin propped up on her hands.
"You coming?" Sam turned around, one eyebrow raised at her.
"Only if you tell me where we're going." Contradicting her words, Y/N was already getting up. As if she would turn down Sam when he just abandoned his research for her.
"To the bookstore." Sam rolled his eyes, aiming for annoyed but he got stuck at fondness. He stretched his hand out towards her. "I like my brother in one piece."
Laughing, she took it. "Good choice."
Instead of interlocking their fingers though, Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her into his side. Y/N squealed as he ruffled her hair.
"Little miss trouble," Sam said affectionately and kissed the top of her newly askew hair.
"And you love it."
A long suffering sigh that Y/N would never be able to take seriously. "Unfortunately I do."
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I couldn't resist
"C'mon it can't be that bad." Dean wasn't exactly begging but he was close.
With an indulgent eye roll, Y/N agreed. "Fine. But you're taking full responsibility for any injuries."
"Sure whatever," Dean huffed and positioned his feet. There was no way that Y/N could overpower him that easily, he had been on the run from crazy people and the horrors that lurked in your nightmares for most of his life.
They were in Y/N's bed room, the furniture shoved to the side to create a make shift training area, the plush carpet supposed to absorb at least a little bit of the pain of being slammed to the ground.
Which happened to Dean just now. Y/N had thrown him over her shoulder without even breaking a sweat.
The hunter stared up at her incredulously. "How did you do that?"
"Told ya she'll have you on the ground in seconds." Sam had materialised out of thin air and was now leaning in the doorway. Watching his brother get his ass handed to him.
For all that he had protested Y/N earlier, he seemed to be enjoying this thoroughly.
"Show me again," Dean demanded.
So Y/N did.
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General Taglist: @immrbrightsideeee , @fandomfoodiedancer , @lovesfandoms , @nyotamalfoy , @stixnstripesworld , @foxyjwls007 , @amythedoctor , @alexxavicry
Sam Taglist: @tiggytaylor , @danzalladaggers, @lelapine , @baby-banana , @borhapparker , @maddiebwrites , @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes , @alohastitch0626 , @jayheartswritting , @cinderellacauseshebroke @winnifredburkleismyhero
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Could we get dual yandere with off the hook? Like an agent 8 scenario where they help get the reader out then immeadiately want to keep them all to themselves? My heart just can’t imagine Pearl and Marina not compromising their love to share.
LEZZ GO LESBIANS *aggressively waves Lesbi flags*
This probably isn't the most accurate representation of the boss stage environment but it's the closest thing I got (I literally only remember the song remix, the shooting at bombs, and a helicopter).
Tw: Slight manipulation, Agent 8 has no house lmao
Swoop In Rescue
"Agent 8! Now's your chance! Hit the hyper bombs ASAP!" Marina exclaims from the chopper. She grips her laptop, turning to Pearl.
The octoling frowns a little, questioning her girlfriend, "Do you think this is really the best way?"
Pearl laughs, "Come on! They got this, besides I can easily save them if they need it. And better yet, it'll be easy for us to continue our operation."
Meanwhile, Agent 8 shoots ink at all the bombs, unaware of anything going on except for the fact the world might end in a few moments. Finally, they arrive at the last 5 bombs.
"I'm almost warmed up! Get back here once you've finished!" Pearl sets up her gigantic megaphone, giving a thumbs up to Marina.
Soon enough Agent 8 flies up and lands on the platform, right next to Pearl. They blankly stare at the short inkling, patiently waiting for what comes next.
"Alrighty! Time to get blasted by my sick beats!" Pearl then yells 'Booyah!' into the volume amplifier, pointing her hands to the sky.
A burst of pink ink shoots out from the megaphone, colliding with the tartar sauce from the statue. The colors clash momentarily before the ink overpowers the turquoise liquid. In an instant, the statue starts to break, destroying the machinery formed inside its mouth.
Agent 8 is swooped into the chopper, Marina ushering them into a nearby seat, "We'll get Pearl in a sec, just wait here."
Marina chats with Pearl for a moment before the two get back inside the helicopter, sitting right beside Agent 8. "Um, so are you guys gonna drop me off at my house or...?"
"Hm? Oh yeah, totally. Just...you might wanna stay with us until we know there's no more threats in the city." Pearl leans back into her seat, putting her arms behind her head.
Marina clasps her hands together, "Yeah! Besides we can have fun movie nights and karaoke competitions!"
"I- the Tartar bot is dead, Callie from the Squid Sisters is back; I don't think there's any more threats near Inkapolis Square." Agent 8 retorts, raising an eyebrow.
"You never know, they could swoop in and just punch us right in the guts at the last moment! Always gotta stay sharp, like my bars."
"Yeah, swoop in..."
Too bad Agent 8's house got wrecked, now they have to stay longer with Pearl and Marina until they can find a new one.
I love these two so much!! Istg if they don’t get married soon I’m going to complain to Nintendo 100%.
- Celina
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
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A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this ! If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work ! :) 
Requested by Anonymous 
Ivan Ortiz X Reader
It was truly a long week at work and you were ready to go home. Work was becoming stressful.
 There were some things in an account that weren't adding up.  You tried over and over to report it but it never worked out. 
You were thinking it was fraudulent activity but you wanted to wait off before you said something because it was a pretty serious accusation. 
 But that was next week’s problem. It was Friday night and you were ready to go home. 
You closed down your laptop for the night and closed down shop for the night. 
Most of the office was already headed out so you knew it was time for you to do the same. You grabbed your stuff and headed on out. 
You left the office and not wanting to catch the subway you decided to pay the extra cash and caught an uber back home. 
You waited inside the office for it to come. When it came you ran out and headed home. 
The ride home was silent and you were grateful because you were tired af. The ride home was long considering it was new york and there was a ton of traffic. 
You finally made it to your building and on the way up you were hoping to run into Ivan. 
 He was your next door neighbor. You always thought he was so cute and he had those freaking muscles for days. It wasn’t just the looks though he was incredibly nice and kind. 
He lived with Hanna who you were pretty close friends with. Who knew that an account and a FBI agent would have so much in common. 
She was so much fun to hang out with and you always were having dinner together or going out. 
You made your way into your apartment and sadly you didn’t see him. You turned the lights on and threw your stuff on the table.
You walked inside the living room and was about to plop on the couch but then 
There was a noise coming from the kitchen and it made you stop dead in your tracks. At first maybe you thought it was just a random noise then it got louder and your heart stopped beating.
This was usually the time where the smart thing would be to do was run and probably next door to the apartment with FBI agents but you just froze in fear.
 It was like your brain was yelling at you to run but you just felt paralyzed. 
Suddenly a big figured man came in and that’s when you really got scared and flight or fight kicked in and you took off.
 But then man was a lot faster than you. He tackled you down. You tried to fight him off but he was able to overpower you. 
He grabbed the lamp on the table and hit you over the head and everything went black after that.  He then took you and carried you out of the building. 
Ivan’s POV
It was the first time in a while we were able to have the weekend off
 We got off work pretty early or maybe it was late considering we been tracking this case for two days straight. We just got home from Maryland. 
Living with Hanna was nice. It was nice to be able not to come home to an empty apartment and i got to meet Y/N. She was beautiful kind and funny. 
Me and Hanna were sitting on the couch and it was getting towards dinner. I wanted an excuse to see Y/N.  So i thought maybe we could invite her over for dinner. 
“Hey Hanna, how do you feel about asking Y/N if she wants to come over and join us for dinner?” I asked, looking over at her. 
Hanna looked over at me and smiled 
“Yeah of course sounds fun” She said 
“I’ll go get her” I said getting up off the couch. 
“Okay Player go get your girl” Hanna said making fun of me. 
I threw the pillow at her and we both laughed. I made my way over to the apartment and when i got there the front door was open.
 Something wasn’t right with this situation. I went in slowly and looked around. 
The apartment was a mess. It looked like a struggle happened here. There was stuff everywhere and Y/N was nowhere to be seen. 
“Y/N are you here” I called out. 
There wasn’t an answer and it broke my heart. I checked the whole apartment and she wasn’t there. My heart shattered and I knew something was wrong. 
I pulled out my phone and called 911
“This is Agent Ortiz with the FBI badge number 8789 there was a kidnapping at 112th  west apartments. Number 3 roll a crime lab and get all available units here now” I said 
I ran over back to the apartment and Hanna looked over and she knew something wasn’t right just by the look on my face. 
“Hey what’s wrong” Hanna asked, getting off the couch. 
“It’s Y/N she’s gone, someone kidnapped her” I said.
Hanna got up and ran over to where I was standing. The air knocked out my lungs and It felt like everything was spinning.
  I could usually control my feelings but this time it was different. 
“Hey it’s gonna be okay we're gonna call the team and we're gonna track her down” Hanna said 
I just nodded my head. I heard patrol officers were finally arriving and I went out to tell them what was going on. 
“Hey guys we have a missing 26 year old her name is Y/N. There was a struggle inside the home” I said 
“How long ago was she taken” The patrol officer said 
“My guess about an hour or ago or less but I’m not a hundred percent sure” I said 
Crime lab rolled in a few moments later. 
“Send everything you got over to our guys the FBI is taking over the case” I said 
I walked out the apartment and Meant up with Hanna who was waiting for me downstairs. 
“I called Remy and the Team there going to be waiting for us let’s go” Hanna said 
I just nodded and walked out. We went up to the car and got in. I was driving I needed something to distract me from my thoughts right now. 
We made our way down the office. I got their in record time because of the laws I may or may not have broken.
We were the first ones there so Hanna took the time to setting up the files and the profile we needed. Seeing Y/N’s picture up there made my stomach sick. 
I tried to push down these feelings I was having. I was upset and angry. I know Y/N deserved I work this with a clear head. 
Suddenly the rest of the team started piling in. Once everyone arrived Remy spoke up 
“What’s going on why are we taking lead on a kidnapping case local PD could handle” He asked 
“Because it’s just not a random case it’s Y/N she’s our friend and we know her something bad happened to her” Hanna said 
“Look she lives right next to us I went by her apartment around 6pm I saw her door was broken into there was an apparent struggle. Something happened to her” I said 
“Okay so what do we know does she have any enemies” Sheryl asked 
“None we know of but I looked into her financials there was nothing there but she works as an account so I looked into that some of her accounts came back as fraudulent” Hanna said 
“What accounts do they belong to” Kristen asked 
“They all belonged to the same group a LLC named Davidson partners they are a hedge fund” Hanna said 
“So what are we thinking they had something to do with Y/N was on to them they took her to shut her up” Barnes asked 
“More than likely but how do we find her” I asked 
“I looked into their properties they have a foreclosed house down in jersey it’s a house 16 west way” Hanna said. 
“Let’s go and gear up call local PD tell them were on our way” Remy said. 
I ran off and put my gear on and everyone followed suit. Hanna grabbed me by the arm and waited until everyone left. Then she spoke up
“She’s going to be okay were going to find her but are you going to be okay” Hanna asked. 
“Yeah i’ll be good once we bring her home” I said 
Hanna nodded and we walked out to the car. Everyone was sitting in the cars ready and we hopped in and took off. 
My mind was running the whole time. I couldn’t help but think off the horrible things they could be doing to her or the worry that she might not be okay. I should have told her before how i felt. 
I hope I don’t miss out on my chance. The car was silent and no one was saying anything. I think I was going to burst out of my seat. 
The destination was a little while away so I knew it was going to take a while to get there but I was so impatient. 
It took us over an hour to get there and in these kind of situations that was forever. We finally made it to the house. It was old and abandoned. The perfect pace to hide someone. 
Local PD was there, we got out and Remy took us aside 
“Okay guys we do this right and by the book Barnes and Hanna take the front me Ivan and Kristen will take the front. Remy said. 
We all took positions and I was in the front ready to.  
Remy put his hand in the air and counted down to five. 
Once he hit 5 I busted open the door 
“FBI anyone here” I yelled. 
It was silent and we all made our way in and searched the house. I made my way down to the basement. 
 I walked slowly down the stairs and that’s when my heart sank into a million pieces. 
I saw Y/N and she was barely conscious with bruises all over her body. . I haltered  my weapon and ran over to her. 
“Hey look at me, you're okay” I said to her. 
She opened her eyes and looked at me and you could see the sadness and fear in them. 
“It’s okay your safe now okay” I told her 
“Can you walk” I asked 
“Yeah I think so” She said softly. 
I cut the ropes tied around her wrist and helped her get up. She stood to her feet and we walked up out the basement. 
We walked out the house and to the car and there was a man who looked young being arrested and put into a patrol car.
I felt Y/N tense up under me when she saw who it was. 
“Y/N is that him” I asked 
She just looked over at me and she had tears rolling down her face. She didn’t even need to say anything I just knew. 
“Come on let’s get you checked out” I told her. 
We walked over to the ambulance and I sat her down.  The paramedic started looking over her and I didn’t leave her side. 
Hanna walked over to where we were standing. 
“Hey how she doing” She asked me
“There checking her out now is that the guy” I asked. 
“Yeah that’s him he was there he hasn’t confessed but were get him he was the only one alone in the house” Hanna said
Just then one of the paramedics walked over to us. 
“She looks her vitals are good just a little beat up and she wants to go home” The man said. 
“Thanks” I said 
I walked over to where she was sitting. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. 
“What’s this I hear about you not wanting to go the the hospital” I asked. 
“I’m good and I don’t feel like spending the night in the hospital I Just wanna go home” She said
“Well there’s no way in hell i’m letting you go back to your apartment home alone your coming with us” I said 
“No It’s okay I don’t wanna intrude it’s already you and Hanna there” She said
“And we have plenty of room for you” I said 
“And were not taking no for an answer” Hanna yelled over. 
Sheryl walked over to where we were
“Everyone ready to go were all finished up here” She said 
“Yeah were good” Y/N said 
She hopped out the back of the ambulance and we walked over to the cars. She sat in the middle with Me and Hanna both sitting next to her.  The car ride was the same as the first time nice and quiet. 
I held her hand and didn’t let go the whole time neither did she. She squeezed it hard. 
We reached back at the office about an hour an half later. We all pilied out and made our way inside. Y/N sat down at the table and we all took our gear off. 
When we were done we all gathered around. 
“Good work today now were gonna need statements and paperwork but that can wait until tomorrow everyone have a good night” Remy said 
“Thanks guys for all the help” I said 
“Of course no need to thank us” Kristen said. 
I grabbed Y/N’s hand and me and her Hanna walked out. We all piled back into Hanna’s car I sat in the back next to Y/N so she felt safer. 
We arrived back to the apartment 20 minutes later. I could tell Y/N tense up and this had to be hard for her. 
“Hey your okay there not going to back to hurt your safe” I said 
Hanna grabbed her other hand and squeezed it. Y/N looked over at her and smiled and we all walked in. 
Her apartment was still a mess with crime scene tape. The door was slightly open and we just walked passed it into our apartment. 
We got in and Y/N walked over and sat on the couch. Hanna walked to the kitchen 
“I’m ordering take out and pouring us some wine” Hanna said 
We all laughed and then Y/N spoke up in a quiet tone 
“Pour me a big glass” She laughed 
“I’m going to stop by your apartment and get you some things” I said 
She just nodded and I went out and got her some clothes and a hair brush. I didn’t want her to have to come back for anything. 
The apartment was a mess and everything was tossed and she didn’t need to see that. I just got her some basics and got out of there. 
When I made it back her and Hanna were drinking wine together. When she saw me come back in with her stuff. 
She put the glass down and walked over to me she grabbed the bag from me. 
“Thank you I appreciate it is it okay If I borrow the shower” She asked 
“Of course don’t even ask it’s right down the hall” I said 
“Thank you” She said and made her way down. 
I sat next to Hanna on the couch and picked up the wine glass and finished the rest of it. 
“How she doing” I asked 
“Scared obviously but i think she’s gonna be okay she’s strong” Hanna said 
We talked for about 20 minutes until Y/N came out. She was wearing her PJs and she was holding her bag. 
“Thank you guys I appreciate it so much for everything” She said 
“Of course let me show you where your be sleeping” I said 
I got up and walked to my bedroom. She sat down on the bed and placed her bag down next to her on the floor.
I was about to leave but then she shouted
“Wait don’t go” Y/N said 
“Okay” I said sitting down next to her. 
She just looked at me like she was searching for the right answers to say.  I decided to speak up 
“Y/N I’m glad your okay because I couldn’t bare to loose you, you are kind and sweet and funny and I don’t want to loose any regrets I love you it sounds crazy I know” I said getting off my chest. 
“Out of all the times to tell me that” She said laughing 
“Your right I’m sorry” I said 
“No Don’t be I love you to I know it sounds crazy but your right I can’t help how I feel I just feel something” Y/N said 
I sat closer to her and pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. 
“Let’s get some sleep” I said
“Will you stay” She asked 
“Of course” I said 
She laid down on the bed and I laid down next to her and she placed her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. She fell asleep a few moments later and I was just glad she was okay. 
I’m glad I told her how I felt. I just wish all this didn’t have to happen. But at least now she’s safe and home and that’s all that mattered. I wish I could take away what happened and her pain away but Y/N’s strong and she’ll be okay. 
She’s safe and Protected now and that’s all that matters to me ..
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 months
the first actual weekend list of the year!
-work for the rest of the afternoon (boo)
-pick up yet another library hold 📚
-check out our new BOOK BAR! I've been waiting for this practically since I moved here but they were busy renovating the space. They've partnered with my favorite used bookstore and the pictures on instagram of the space have been great so I'm going to head there. As this is a recon mission, I'm probably not going to bring my laptop but I'm definitely going to bring my book and my notebooks and have a cocktail and maybe some desert 🍪
-it's supposed to snow sunday (fingers crossed!) (I'll believe it when I see it this year...) so I'm going to go grocery shopping tomorrow instead of my usual sunday trip, both so I don't have to go out in the snow AND I can get hot chocolate ingredients ☕️
-continue to use my extremely overpowered xbox to play Knights of the Old Republic. 🫣 Guys, I'm actually having a lot of fun. This was sort of a 'white whale' for me because it was the game I got so frustrated with back when it first came out that I stopped playing games entirely until 2020. Yes the graphics are extremely dated and the way you fight is kind of weird and the aspect ratio doesn't fit my TV, but I have 15 thousand save slots and it loads at the speed of lightning. And the story is really fun. Obviously since it's been 20 years, I know the ending, but I'm getting so emotionally attached to my little crew. This one's going to hurt lol.* I was originally going to wait for them to remake it but that project seems to have stalled out, and it was on sale for $4. So I'm tackling it now. 😤 I will get to the end this time (I’ve already beat my previous best of…45 minutes) (yup you can make fun of me for that others have)
[ *also, with all the conversation about canon term replacements and fitting in and canon vs fanon it's kind of fun to remember...it doesn't matter. everyone loves KOTOR and KOTOR doesn't give a fuck about keeping consistent to canon. If you're ever intimidated the list of word replacements going around, look at KOTOR and realize that it doesn't matter. just have fun. (this is a me @ me kind of situation but you all can hear it too, hope it helps) ]
-I'm not really at the point where I can set a definitive goal with writing but just like...write. Make some kind of progress on the third chapter of 'omens and all kinds of signs'. good enough!
-get cozy on sunday. I really hope it does snow. we have had literally 0 snow. it's stressing me out. fingers crossed!
happy friday! ⛄️
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auraspoetry · 8 months
a Chemical Reaction
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Veiny hands touch my unwelcoming skin, I twitch and cringe at his touch. I beg of his consuming touch when the weight of his body overpowers mine. His years remind me I’m not the first, something tells me I’m not the last. Was I the one to tell him that? I kept it all in a safe, on hold for years, held, just for me to give the beauty I believed in to someone who made me feel like it never existed. How am I to trust him for his words, did his eyes change once he heard my words. It sought after me in places I went, and my eyes were always glued to the level below, never would I dare to look too long into the eyes of a he. I felt their eyes lingering on me when I pass them. Just for a he out of nowhere to take my safekeepings from me. He never took it. I gave it. I gave it not even wrapped in pretty wrapping paper with a ribbon tied around it, I handed it to his hands in a rush.
How could I be so stupid? I would think sometimes. But was it really stupidity that brought me to sit on his couch, or was it all the emptiness I felt inside. I sought for excitement to find me, and find it did. It walked into my life with steady feet that had been in the kitchen all the while I was in my room, dreading the sight. The sight dreaded mine as well apparently. I never felt hate towards him, but knowing how he felt towards me before we ever got to speak made me hate him. I hate him for how he made me feel, and for him thinking he had the right to feel as he felt towards me when I had done him nothing wrong. I hate him for turning my dread of his sight into lust for his touch, from turning my hate into never being able to hate him. I hate him for invading my track of thoughts when I thought they had gotten on a right track.
I hate sitting in this room feeling inside what I thought he would never make me feel, with him sitting just a meter away on his laptop, hitting the keys in rhythm with me. I hate when he says he loves me. I don’t know where his love came from, did something in my presence trigger a chemical reaction in his mind, as he loves to call it. If all of this truly is a chemical reaction, I beg for it to not be so toxic. I might’ve not giving him everything, even though it feels that way. Maybe what I gave him which I shouldn’t have, wasn’t what he could watch with his eyes, or feel with his hands. The time I lost on defending words he never believed. The big space I made for him in my mind, and me effortlessly pushing everything else out of my mindframe. How could I give up something so precious, something people always say to never take for granted. Time after time, I mistreat the clock.
If I am his punishment, then what is he to me? Answer me this, why do I feel like I am being punished too, when my blindness tells me I have nothing to be punished for. Will I end up hurting more than he? Words I have heard him utter from the same lips he has kissed my skin with, still live in places in my body. Looks in his eyes that tell me more than his tongue, they cut to my core. I choose to ignore, because I have no fight left in me. Probably, if I asked I would know a newer truth, new faces and new images will live in my mind, that’s why I don’t ask, there’s a truth I don’t wish to know. I have no space in my mind for more strangers to occupy. Not sure I could handle it. I know there are plenty of reasons, and I know why it’s wrong, he will not know the same as me, because his eyes see a completely different world than mine. How can two people in the same presence, wear eyes with such different perceptions? Why do I ignore the truth? It’s staring right into my eyes, but I wish to be blind. I want to blame him, I wish I could blame him. The blame is on me. How is it fair for this truth to blame me? I don’t know what to do. In the end will his punishment, be the death of me. 
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destinygoldenstar · 5 months
The Rose Gen Twins Become Teens!
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The time has come.
The time that these twins become teenagers.
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We threw a party with everyone there.
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Happy birthday to both of you!
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They both got high self esteem.
Ruby is the heir, so hers was locked in. She’s a serial romantic as her aspiration, and her next trait is snob. (Maybe I’ll regret not making her romantic till adulthood)
Kian, I wanted to have a rock musician career, so I went with the Musical Composer Aspiration. With his next trait being music lover.
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I modified both of them, so here they are. Ruby has a more sexy diva look. I wanted to do a ‘Im trying too hard to be traditionally attractive’ approach. She rocks a crop top like her mom does. (A crop top that will be a pain to draw)
Kian has a rocker boy look. He’s a brunette and there was a hairdo that had red highlights, and that instantly sold me. He also has a nose piercing. He came with a nose piercing when he aged up, but it was gold and overpowering the rest of the look, so I let him keep the piercing, I just changed the color.
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I gave them both a school uniform look for high school.
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And this is the ‘true Ruby’ look. Where she isn’t wearing makeup, isn’t doing anything fashionable, and doesn’t wear contacts. She keeps her regular glasses, ties her hair up, and wears a hoodie like her brother does. This is a look she doesn’t want the public to see.
Kian doesn’t have an alt look like this one because he’s comfortable in his own skin and loves himself the way he is. These are our new main characters.
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I also aged up their childhood friends into teens so they can join them in the high school life. There’s Catherine, Jillian, Taku, and Nanami.
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And I updated their room. It’s bigger now. They have their own space. They have a lounge space with a bookshelf. They have their own dressers.
Rubys side of the room is a deep regal crimson red. She has her Ruby crystal and a laptop on her rich marble desk (Kian also has a laptop). She has a full length mirror in her room for charisma skill, and she cares a lot about her looks. Kians side of the room is a fiery hot red. And louder cause he’s loud in personality. He had his fire opal crystal, and a more casual roll top desk. He also has a rock guitar instead of the mirror. Because OF COURSE he has a guitar.
Rose Gen twins are all grown up. I’m actually excited to have them as our new protagonists.
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
cw: sleazy baku n Kiri, kinda dub con
When you had marked the ‘any gender’ box on your form, you honestly still expected the same woman you’ve gotten a few times beforehand. The biweekly massages you got were something that was damn near a necessity—working constantly and sitting around on your laptop and weird sleeping positions will definitely do that to a person. So when you finished your form and waited for your name to be called, the last thing you were expecting was to see some big, burly blond standing at the entrance to the massage section of the building. He called your name, looked you up and down, before grunting in acknowledgment and turning on his heel, as you scurry behind him.
He was nice though, a little rough around the edges, but quiet and respectful of your privacy. He knocked before entering after he told you to undress, and was it bad that you were only sitting in your panties now? You sometimes keep your bra on, but your shoulders have been shot to shit after working overtime and you think the straps just might get in the way. He comes in though, with an even bigger and burlier redhead man, who’s all grins and thick hands.
“Hope you don’t mind it, but he’s a new trainee and is required to sit in for a few sessions. Toward the end, he’ll have his turn with you. That sound okay, sweetheart?” The blond, Bakugou he introduced himself as, tells you as he helps you turn onto your stomach while keeping the thin blanket tucked around you. His words make your heart sink a little though, as you glance at the redhead, Kirishima, who sits in the corner and smiles at you politely. Your brain tells you that two male masseuses who could easily overpower you isn’t really a smart idea, but you’re tired and your body is sore, so you just agree quietly.
Bakugou is good with his hands, you realize quickly. They’re thick and warm and soft from the oil he pours onto your back. You find yourself humming more often than you usually do, in a trance like state almost, from how relaxed his magic hands are.
Things go on normally until he pulls the blanket back to rest at the top of your ass. You’re too relaxed to tell him his hands shouldn’t be slipping under the cover, and he only answers your inquisitive hum with a reply about this being apart of the massage.
You should feel a little panicked too, when you hear the chair in the corner squeak with the weight of someone standing from it. You feel another pair of even thicker hands softly parting your thighs, feel how they sink into the cushion of your thighs, digging into the meat of your thighs, pulling and pushing and kneading and—fuckkk.
They haven’t even touched you through your panties, and the fabric is already sticking to your lips. You moan under your breath, eyes fluttering closed as you hear two damn near evil chuckles behind you. The globes of your ass is suddenly being massaged by warm hands, your panties being pulled aside to watch the strings of your slick stick to the fabric.
“Great first lesson, ain’t it, bro?” You hear the redhead say with a soft laugh, when he snaps your panties back in place and rubs a single finger over your lips to feel how wet you’ve become.
“Shut up, you’ve literally been here longer than I have.” Bakugou snorts quietly, pulling your panties up higher and higher until the outline of your lips is transparent to their greedy eyes. You should fucking freak out, once you realize that this must be some sick shit that they like to do, but you’re too relaxed and everything feels too damn good and fuck, you haven’t been touched by a man in a while. What’s the harm in letting them feel you up and give you the happy ending you deserve?
In only a few minutes, you find yourself on your back, panties and blanket gone now, as Kiri sits at the foot of the bed. He’s got one large paw kneading at your soft thighs, the other pumping two thick fingers inside of your soft walls, cooing down at you with every little mewl you can’t keep in. Bakugou is behind you, hot hands massaging your tits as you reach a hand back and stroke him through his thin pants. And honestly? Yeah, this was definitely the happy ending you fuckin deserved.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
just a day
welcome to the poly frontier? 
listen absolutely no shade to the other authors who write triple frontier poly fics (I got permission) I just wanted to try my take on what relationships with this group of guys would look like - and I honestly think my execution is going to look really really different. This one’s just for me to explore and start to develop the dynamics, so I really hope you all enjoy!
note: I’m going to say this is an 18+ series, sorry!
pairing: triple frontier guys - Will “Ironhead” Miller, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Francisco (Frankie) “Catfish” Morales, and Ben “Benny” Miller x (f) reader
wordcount: 2k?
warnings: obviously a poly relationship, which includes kissing, domestic intimacy with all of them (not just with the reader, but not in-between Will and Ben because nope), mild sexual themes
another note: I will not be fetishizing male/male relationships, nor will I be including any romance or sexual between the brothers
You wake up tucked into Will’s chest, his beard tickling your hairline like he fell asleep kissing it. Hand on his chest, you feel the steady rise and fall of it, slow and peaceful in the murky morning light. His arm is around your shoulder, half tangled in your hair, and there’s another arm tucked around your waist from behind - Santi's.
Pressing a kiss to Will’s collarbone, you gently begin the process of extracting yourself, apologizing with soft squeezes instead of words. Their hands find each others in their sleep, and you almost think you made it, for once, before Will’s blue eyes find yours for just a moment. It happens every morning – they need to know you’re okay. 
Verifying the time, he gives a bleary smile before rolling, free arm searching for a pillow to hold against his body in your place during the precious few minutes he has before he needs to get up, too. 
Frankie is in the kitchen already, and of all of them, he’s the best at hearing your quiet footsteps. His arms wrap around your frame, gathering you into him as he relishes the feeling of just you and him, for a moment.
Your nails run over his back, and he shudders at the feeling, smiling at you a little as the two of you pull things out of the fridge. It’s unreasonable, how many groceries you all go through, but feeding them is important to you, a love language in itself. Frankie was the first awake – his coffee is already brewing. In half an hour, give or take, Will and Santi will wander out, and the smells in the kitchen will change, but not yet.
For now, it’s dark roast coffee and there are quiet crunches of the apple you tossed into his broad palm. It’s not enough for the whole day so you tuck a breakfast bar into his work bag for later, with and extra jacket and a water bottle. There’s no need for notes, with him, the slow kisses he shares with you at the door are more than enough to bring him home to you in the evening. Before he can give up his time with you his hand slips under the shirt you’re wearing, just running over your bare side like he has all the time in the world. 
Then his hat is firmly on his head, and he brushes his rough thumb over your cheek, looks at the stairs to the bedroom with just a touch of longing, and slides out the door.
You’re mixing peanut butter into a premade jar of overnight oats when Will wraps his arms around you from behind, pressing his warm chest against your back. He’s tired – more than the others, and you let him borrow your strength for long moments. Santi watched from the doorway, giving them too you, his eyes fiercely affectionate, before he sandwiches Will between you half crushing you with their weight.
Laughter is a good way to start the day, even if it breaks the quiet. 
They bump into each other, happy, but silently arguing over who’s turn it is, before Santi relents and slips off to the shower. When you hand Will the jar, he kisses your temple before your mouth, and his hand is firm on your hip. He makes you eat with him, would make you pancakes if he had time, and asks what you’re working on today. His fingers flip the pen in his hand, but he’s too distracted by you to work through the paper like he did before. It’s new, all of you sharing the same space, and there are pros and cons. 
Then they trade places and Santi's body is damp and insistent as he kisses you, a little too needy for a man who has less than twenty minutes before he has to leave. You cant really deny him, though, indulging his touching while exploring him in turn, before pushing his distractingly bare chest away from you. He talks about his day a lot, considering it hasn’t happened yet, but his passion is contagious. He isn’t planning on telling you, but he fixed a bug on your laptop last night before he went to bed, and hid your favorite chocolate in your desk.
The kitchen smells like juice and granola now, and the ache of waking up is seeping out of your limbs.
When Benny comes out, you expect him to complain about the noise, but he doesn’t, just ruffles his hair and hugs Santi sleepily from behind.
His energy hasn’t quite built for the day, but he cant really sleep in like he wants to, and likes to see them off. He was restless last night, you could tell even with Santi between you on the bed, and you wonder if he relaxed at all. You give them space, retreating to get yourself ready and set up in your home office, pausing to send Will off with kisses and well wishes. When he forgets his timing and kissed down your neck, you hook your fingers in to his belt loops and he almost calls in sick.
It doesn’t happen, though, he’s too responsible without extra encouragement, and his eyes crinkle as he promises to continue, later.
Then it’s Santi and Benny’s turn, looking silly with the former prepared for tedious meetings and the other in his pajama's with a duffle bag, but that’s how it goes, sometimes. 
When Benny finishes at the gym, he finds you working away, lost in your music, and hovers at the door for awhile before his eagerness for you wins out. His hands are needy, but he doesn’t say words – his eyebrows speak for him and you nearly give in to his big, pleading eyes. 
He likes it when you run your hands through his hair, and you do, and press a promise into his cheek with your lips. You know today isn’t a day he wants to plan fights or check emails or update his socials, but he gets to it anyway, waiting for you, and needed to feel productive. They’re all too smart, beautifully, wonderfully overpowered with strength and mind and love and you know they cant help but direct it somewhere, Benny included.
As you finish your work for the morning your phone tells you the others are meeting up for lunch, and you thank them individually for the chance to give Ben a little extra attention.
Last night’s fight hadn’t gone great. The four of you had rallied behind him afterwards, patching him up while Santi yelled about justice and Frankie forced him to eat and drink, but now was time for something different. You were the center of this world they’d created, the one who’s undivided attention meant everything to them. 
Ben rarely wanted to talk about the pain, during, needed to punch it out at the gym or be soothed by Santi's validation before seeking you for heated, slightly painful kisses. Now, though, he’s frustrated with himself, and seeing it hurts in your chest like the cut across his skin.
You settle onto the huge bed in his corner, offering him your arms and a smile that soothes the throbbing in his bruises. This is a moment just for the two of you, and he takes full advantage, tucking his head onto the pillow of your chest and letting your hands wander his shoulders and hair and neck. Ben starts out ranting, but gets distracted along the way, soaking in your attention and the sliver of skin exposed on your stomach.
He kisses along the line, unable to resist half smiling at you as he licks it, almost losing himself to the temptation to go a round with you all on his own. They wouldn’t mind, really, but he doesn’t, just shifts back up to press your mouth against his. It’s slower and it’s nice for him not to have to be intense, with you.
The afternoon is spent quietly, both of you working diligently, knowing the others are doing the same, so you can cherish your precious free evening. You find a note from Frankie, a little inside joke that he knows will remind you of a story, and it makes you text him something that will make him laugh. 
At some point Santi calls you, frustrated, needing to verbal process, and the three of you on speaker phone navigate it with the gusto of heroes on a fantastical adventure. Will’s logic is absent with him, but you get the feeling it hardly matters, this time around. In truth, Ben is better at working the tightness out of Santi’s voice, and when you talk, you can hear him sigh like you’ve scrubbed a bit of darkness out of his day. 
When he gets home his mood is much improved and he picks Benny up with a grunt, spinning him around once, thick arms careful of the younger man’s sore spots. You get an equally soft kiss, and you smack him when he squeezes your ass, a glint in his eye.
There’s still a bit of shyness in Ben as he asks Pope to look over the videos from the fight, still a bit of awe and raw respect for the older man, and it makes you melt a little to see. The men are tentative sometimes, about the developments in their relationships with each other, but some things needn’t change. 
The couch is nice, a recent purchase, and you have a matching chair you like to settle in, mostly ignoring the distant voices and glancing out the window through the leaves of a large tree in the front yard. There’s a story on your phone you’ve been meaning to catch up on, and it’s peaceful, reading as the clouds float by.
There’s sounds of tires rolling over the gravel, and it makes you laugh when you open the door to see Ironhead and Catfish carrying no less than a small crate of take-out from Benny’s favorite Italian place. Unpacking it, Will spends more time invading your space, catching up, and flirting with you than Frankie does. He would never say it aloud, but he’s excited to see the reaction to their surprise.
He gets a perfect one – Benny yells when he smells it, and is jumping up and down, and the way Frankie’s chest puffs tells you it was his idea. Will gives you a squeeze and you know he’s proud, too, if for different reasons. He takes the moment of distraction, while the attention is on his brother, to slip his hand in your back pocket and kiss you without anyone noticing. If he had his way, he would yank you into the laundry room, but the idea of eating together keeps your feet planted and he sighs against your mouth. 
The boys eat like they’re starved, before they’re grabbing at you, coaxing you into the living room, and you’re beyond thankful there’s not really dishes to do. It’s not that they would make you do them, but it’s nice for all of you to be able to ride out the remarkably low-effort evening. 
Santi is insistent it’s his turn – the others have all had their time with you today, and only Will grumbles. They compromise, your legs over the later,  your side in the protective hallow of the formers chest. You choose a movie at random, knowing they’ll talk through it if you do. It’s nice, to listen to them banter from the cozy arms wrapped around you.
They get caught up talking about an old friend you’ve never met, and Frankie tries to explain things to you as they rapid-fire stories and bets on where he is now. You roll your eyes when you lose track again and again, but it’s full of joy, and he catches it before getting pulled into a ridiculous debate. 
Hands run over your calves, gently kneading, and you wonder if Will even knows he’s doing it – taking care of you is his second nature.
The film is finished but the talking hasn’t, now moved on to the inaccuracies in the movie as they try to outdo each other with random useless knowledge. There’s no real annoyance in their voices as they bite at each other, and you think that really, nothing has changed, and it’s good.
At some point you doze off.
There’s hushed arguing, and Frankie wins, scooping you into his sturdy arms and carrying you to bed. He likes the way you murmur your thanks, and his heart pounds as you sleepily pull off his hat and toss it somewhere. It makes him feel like you knew it was him, could feel it was, even in your mostly unconscious state. It’s a nice feeling, and he tucks it away in his mind, hoping to save it for if ever he get’s jealous. 
The sleeping arrangements are a mess – Will has tried multiple times to make cohesive charts, and none of them stick. It’s a tangle of limbs and everyone shifts depending on temperature and general neediness. Santi laments the choice of a movie over a long evening of unhurried lovemaking, and receives and smack on the stomach in return. It makes you wake, halfway, and when your arms reach for him, he forgets his previous complaints.
They settle at their own pace, quiet conversations floating in and out of your dreams, and the sounds of teeth being brushed and plans being made make you smile. Tomorrow maybe, you’ll be up without a thought, awake and talking or kissing with whoever else didn’t need as much sleep, but for now, you didn’t mind. It was just day, with many before and many to come.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge
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honeyhan-123 · 3 years
A Slice of Heaven ~ Part One
Summary: When Jensen stumbles across Melody Meringue on a cam website, he just can’t forget her and his obsession blurs the lines between right and wrong.
Warnings: masterbation, camgirl, mention of anal.
Word Count: 1.7k
AN: This can be read as a standalone and has very little - if any - darkness to it. However, Jensen will start to turn dark in the later parts. 
Also this is my first time writing for Jensen so I hope you enjoy!
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It all started with a crass joke made by Cougar. Like most of his jokes, Jensen was there but of it. He was used to it by now but something about the way Cougar patronised him about how he wouldn’t understand because of his inability to make a woman look his way just got under his skin. 
Even as Jensen made his way home later that night he was still seething. His anger wasn’t directed at Cougar but at women in general. Why didn’t they pay him any attention? He was just as fit as Cougar, just as smart as him too, probably more so given everything he could do with a computer, but women still ignored him.
He was too potent up to eat so instead Jensen logged onto his laptop and opened up a private browser. He hardly had to type in the first word before google knew what he wanted, offering up the direct link. He was greeted with a black screen and bold red words slowly started to appear. Hot single and lonely.
Jensen pulled his laptop to the edge of his desk and reached into the draw, searching for the secret little satin bag with one hand while his other scrolled down the website. He wasn’t sure what he was in the mood for tonight but he was having fun looking at all the choices. He was tossing up between a best friend threesome and a horny stepmom when a little notification along the top left of the screen caught his eye. 
Melody Meringue is about to go live. Click here to join. 
Jensen had never really been one for cam girls, he preferred to be able to to skip to the good parts but there was something about the little miniature image of you. There you were kneeling on your bed, a white babydoll covering your sensuous curves, and a golden mask covering the top half of your face. He couldn’t help but click on the link. 
It was free to join so Jensen figured you must be pretty new to the scene. You mustn't have amassed enough followers yet for them to charge a joining fee. 
You hadn’t started the session yet so while Jensen was waiting for it to begin he headed to the kitchen, his little satin bag in hand. He still had enough time to boil some water before you were meant to start, plus Jensen figured you wouldn’t get to the good stuff for a while, wanting to go through as many pay barriers as possible. 
When the water started to bubble over, Jensen opened up his most recent purchase. It was pitiful that he had had to stoop so low, relying on a flashlight to keep him company. Maybe if women weren’t so shallow and vapid, he’d have a real pussy to fuck. 
By the time his toy had warmed up enough and was once again sitting in front of his screen, you were ready to start. 
‘Well, it looks like I have a nice big turnout tonight. Thank you all so much, you really do know how to make a girl feel special.’ Jensen swallowed thickly. Your voice was so perfect, so sweet and innocent. He could already tell a girl like you didn’t belong on a seedy website like this. 
‘To any newcomers, I’m Melody Meringue and here’s how this is going to work. I’m here to please you, to make sure you have a good time and the best way to ensure that is to click on the little dollar sign down the bottom. There’ll be a list of actions I can perform for you, each with a different amount attached. However if there’s anything you’d like to see that isn’t listed just send me a message and I’m sure we’ll be able to arrange something.’ 
All of that seemed fairly standard to Jensen, despite never having seen a show like this before and he was surprised by how many messages there were already. They ranged from ‘c’mon Melody. Let Daddy see those gorgeous tits’ all the way to much more crude messages ‘I want to see that big purple dildo up your ass this time’. A wave of heat flushed through Jensen as he read that last message. He could barely imagine a sweet thing like you taking something up the ass but god, did he want to see it. 
With one hand Jensen fumbled with his best while his other filled the fleshlight with lube. He was already straining against his pants and he was desperate to get off with you.
He watched with eager eyes as your hands travelled up your luscious body and squeezed your tits together, letting the flesh pop out over the top. How he wanted to bury his face on your chest, kissing and nuzzling the tender skin there. Or slide his cock between your tits, coating them in his essence. 
Jensen had no idea how long he had been watching but you’d discarded the chiffon babydoll and bra you had one underneath when the first paywall came up. It was only $5 to keep on going and Jensen was definitely hooked enough to keep on watching. Plus his dick was now aching from how hard he was. 
He was brought back to your image as you knelt on the bed, your hands dancing along your nearly naked body. The lighting had changed slightly, becoming slightly darker and more sensual as you prepared to go further into your show. After about a minute of you teasing the audience, waiting for everyone to join back in. ‘It’s so lovely to see so many of you interested in little ol’ me. Well… really I guess you’re actually more interested in this pretty little pussy aren’t you?’ You gripped your cunt over the thin material of your panties and slowly gyrated your hips as you rubbed yourself. ‘Don’t you worry Baby. I’m gonna give you exactly what you want.’ 
Jensen let out a soft gasp as you barred yourself to the camera. He definitely had to admit you really did have a very pretty little pussy. Even from the angle of the camera he could see your slick as it dripped out onto your thighs. His cock was pulsing against his stomach, firm and flushed with precum dribbling down from the tip. He was so hard he couldn’t bear being untouched anymore so he gingerly eased himself into the little hole of his fleshlight, wishing it was you. 
He was so sensitive and the warmed silicone was almost too much as it contracted, pulling him in even further. His eyes were glued to you as you moved on the bed, leaning back so that the camera had a clear shot of your fingers swirling around in your slick, rubbing your precious little clit as you let out moan after moan and Jensen turning his volume up to the max, not wanting to miss a single sound coming from you. 
Jensen had never felt this desperate to cum. He was so close to typing a message to you, begging you to cum for him so he could too. He refused to do it before he got to see the pleasure course its way over your body, but the familiar tightening in his gut had a different idea in mind. 
He watched enamoured as you slipped one finger into your wet hole, and then another one, scissoring them together while your palm brushed against your clit. You were a heavenly sight as you fingered yourself harder and faster and Jensen was right on the edge about to let his own release overpower him. He was so freaking close, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the toy desperately but suddenly, your image was gone. 
And just like that, so was Jensen’s orgasm. 
He huffed as he approved the next paywall. It was slightly more expensive than the first but Jensen didn’t even pay attention to the price, he needed to see you again too badly. 
When the stream resumed you were once again kneeling on the bed, this time with a cute little rabbit in your hands. You were lathering it up with lube, pumping it generously and Jensen twitched in excitement. He wanted to see your perfectly manicured hand wrapped around him. 
You pouted towards the camera as you continued your work, pushing out your plump lips. ‘I wish you were here so I could have your cock but instead I guess I’ll have to settle for this one.’ Jensen could hear the faint squelch when you sank down onto the bulbous tip.  Only the small flared base poked out and you smiled rakishly at the camera. 
‘Tell me Baby. Do you wanna see me fuck myself like this or are you gonna let me turn on the vibrations?’ Jensen eagerly reached for the keyboard, typing his first message of the night. 
Of course you can Honey. I wanna see you come apart for me.
He hit send before he could see anyone else's messages. He wanted to pretend it was only you and him in this show. 
You must have read his message on your small tablet because a smile lit up your features. ‘Thank you Baby. You’re gonna make me cum so hard. I’m already so close.’ 
The soft hum of vibrations echoed through Jensen’s speakers and even louder were your moans as they fell from your lips. Jensen slid the fleshlight over his cock in time with your bounces and if he squinted he could almost pretend you were right there in front of him, bouncing up and down on his cock. H
He could tell you were close as you reached up to grasp your tits. ‘I’m gonna… please. Please let me cum Baby. God I need to. Please!’ You begged the camera and a string of approval filled the chat. ‘Thank you Baby. I -’ your sentence broke off half way through as your orgasm washed over you. Jensen could see your muscles tense and convulse as the pleasure rushed its way through you and he felt his own orgasm crash over him. His breath came in spurts as he filled the toy with his seed. 
You stuck around a little longer, thanking your patrons and reminding them of your times and Jensen made a little mental note, promising that he wouldn’t miss any of them. 
Tags will be added in a reblog.
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Next Part
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“It’s going to be okay.”
I just did a couple of my comfort characters for this one. Send in requests if you want to see specific characters, I’d love to write for y’all’s comfort characters too 🤍
Haikyū!! Masterlist
Pairing(s): Suna Rintarō x Gender Neutral! Reader, Miya Atsumu x Gender Neutral! Reader, Tsukishima Kei x Gender Neutral! Reader, Bokuto Kōtarō x Gender Neutral! Reader, Oikawa Tōru x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: Fluff/Comfort, Reader is stressed out because of jobs/midterms/college in general, reader cries
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Suna Rintarō:
It had been a rough week.
It felt like everything was going wrong. Day in and day out.
It felt like the universe was hell bent on making you break, this past week.
You worked as a barista, while you got yourself through college. 
Not an easy job, despite what some people liked to believe.
And with each day came a new promise.
Monday? A trip to the ER with second and third degree burns on your arms, when an angry customer had taken out their anger on you.
Tuesday? Your boss had yelled at you - humiliated you in front of the rest of your coworkers.
Wednesday? You ended up not realizing that yo were decorated in chocolate syrup, when you slumped on your bed, having to wash the sheets and most of you laundry, after.
Thursday? You’d tripped while at work and gotten to go home early, with your face burning in embarrassment at the snickers of other college students.
Friday? A pop quiz that you were 50% sure you failed.
Now it was Saturday, your studying? Done. Your assignments? Completed.
But you still felt the stress of the past week weighing on you.
So when you started tearing up, Suna couldn’t say he was surprised. He wished he could have made this past week easier for you.
Midterms were coming up, as well, just adding to the stress you were already feeling.
So, your boyfriend just does what comes natural to him, when it comes to you.
Rintarō doesn’t waste a moment when he returns from practice, spotting you slumped over on the couch, glaring at the floor while you tried not to let any tears fall from your eyes. With your choice comfort movie playing on the screen, he knew he had to do something.
   Even if you had been pushing him away out of frustration, for the duration of this entire week.
   Rintarō walks over to you and gently scoops you up in his arms, before sitting on the couch with you in his lap. Well-manicured nails begin to softly and affectionately run over your scalp, bringing a comfort to you that you could no longer deny you needed. Desperately.
   He tugs you gently so you’re comfortable in his lap before he brings a calloused hand to your cheek, his thumb rubbing your cheekbone softly. He can’t help his sweet, soft smile as he sees the first tears trickle down your cheeks. He normally hated to see you cry, but he knew that you needed to get this out.
   Sometimes, people just needed to scream and cry to get pent up emotion out. So when you started sobbing, completely collapsing against your boyfriend’s chest, he pulls you as close to him as you can possibly get, rocking you as he cradles your body against his own. 
   “There’s my baby, let it out...” His tone is soft as his hand holds your head against his chest. “Let it all out. It’s going to be okay. I’m here and I’ve got you.” 
   He doesn’t quite know how long it is until your sobs quiet down, the crying wearing you out, but it doesn’t matter to him. He snatches the remote up to restart the movie that you’d failed to get through, earlier, before tossing that same remote across the couch so he could readjust your bodies.
   Leaning his shoulders and head against the pillow and armrest, he reclines himself, allowing you to get comfortable on top of him. As you rest on him, he brings a hand to your cheek once again, wiping away any remnants of the tears that had previously decorated your cheeks.
   “It’s going to be okay, baby. I promise.” 
Miya Atsumu: 
Being stressed around your boyfriend?
Unheard of.
Atsumu is a perceptive little shit who picks up on the smallest changes in your mood.
And he will do everything in his power to reassure you, or cheer you up, whatever you need.
So, it’s not built up stress that gets you.
No, it’s the phone call you get in the middle of the night, while you’re resting in Atsumu’s arms.
You and Atsumu put your phones on do not disturb/bedtime mode every night.
Very few people are set up so that your phone will ring, when they call.
So, you end up waking up pretty quickly at the sound of a familiar ringtone, Atsumu sleepily sitting up beside you as you sit up to take the call.
Your best friend.
Who had just been admitted to the hospital after a car crash.
They were most likely going to make it, but they were still undergoing surgery and you knew that anything could happen.
You were her emergency contact so they called you from the ambulance.
Not too long after, you found out that the other person was undergoing surgery and probably wouldn’t make it.
The realization that that could have been your best friend made you feel like you couldn’t breath.
Atsumu had been watching your frantic pacing for the past ten minutes, watching you work yourself up more and more. You were shaking, though you hadn’t turned to him yet, like you always did, when you needed comfort. And he was too scared to make it worse.
   Until he heard how your breath caught in your throat, once again, nearly sounding like you were about to start hyperventilating. Standing, the tall volleyball player comes to stop in front of you, gently grasping your wrists in his hands to make you look at him. He doesn’t say anything as you let out a shaky breath and crumble against him, just falling into his open arms.
   Cradling you against him with his large palm at the back of your head, he lets you get out the emotions that were pent up, soft sobs being let out against his shoulder. Pressing a kiss to your temple, he whispers soft words of encouragement. “They’re going to be okay, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay, I promise. And have I ever broken my promises to you?”
   With a shake of your head, your sobs quiet and all that’s left escaping you are quiet sniffles. If anyone was able to calm you, it’d be your Tsumu. There wasn’t a bad day you could remember that he hadn’t made things better. Your boyfriend always knew what to say... When it came to you, at least.
   It wasn’t ten minutes later when a doctor came out to let you know that the surgery had been a success and that your friend was okay.
   They’d be asleep for a few hours, allowing you to go home and change from your pajamas, if you would like. You didn’t catch that bit with the immediate relief that flooded through you.
   You both did end up going home to shower and change, wanting to get you both and your friend some food on your way back. As soon as you were in the comfort of your own home, Atsumu took your face in his hands, cradling your cheeks and gently stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
   “As long as I’m around, I am going to make sure that everything works out in the end. I don’t like seeing you cry and I don’t like seeing you stressed out. You’re my significant other and I’m going to take care of you.” He reassures you earnestly. “It’s all going to be okay, I promise.”
   And as his arms wrap around you, pulling you into his chest, you know that it is, in fact, all going to be okay. You had Atsumu and he had you.
Tsukishima Kei:
Mid-terms aren’t shit.
Not only are the tests long, and hard, and stressful,
But both you and Kei had them.
And both you and Kei had attitudes - especially when it came to either of you getting stressed out.
So, you both decided to stay and study on your own for the most part, until exams were over.
It was only a week, after all, how much harm could a single week do to the two of your mental states?
A lot, apparently.
It was Kei who caved first, surprisingly, needing to see you.
It was actually pretty unsurprising, boy is whipped for you.
Grabbing his keys, he tugs on the hoodie you’d gotten him for his birthday, along with grabbing you matching one that you’d left at his place.
Then he leaves, his usual preference to wear pants rather than sweatpants, when he left his home, being overpowered by his craving to see you.
And he knew you needed to see him too.
But if anyone was more stubborn than he was about things, it was you and he knew you weren’t going to cave anytime soon.
What he didn’t expect when he entered your home was to find you crying into your hands, in a pile of your own notes, with your computer in front of you.
He furrowed his brows - you had overwhelmed yourself...
Because he hadn’t been here to prevent you from it.
Kei sighs as he listens to the clanking of keys together, his attempts to unlock the door to your apartment failing multiple times, before finally ending in success. At least he knew no one would ever break into your apartment. They wouldn’t be able to get in.
Look at him, he’d been over here a dozen times and it still took him about three minutes to manage your locks open. You must know how much he loved you with the fact he still put up with it. He enters the home, near silently, placing the strawberry shortcakes and milkshakes down on the counter, his keys being hung beside yours. Walking past your kitchen, he freezes in the doorway, hearing your quieted sobs before he sees you.
He had never, not even in his years of playing volleyball, moved as quickly as he did in that moment. He moved to kneel in front of where you were seated on the couch, taking your laptop and shutting it.
Kei knew you hadn’t opened your eyes, or moved your hands from shielding your face to see him, but you knew it was him with the way you slid off of the spot on the couch to kneel on the floor, your face finding familiar purchase in his neck.
“I’m not around for a few days and you manage to overwork yourself like this. God damn it, Y/N, don’t do this again.” His words, no matter if they should have sounded angry, just came out worried.
You knew that the only person he was mad at was himself for even suggesting the idea of you both spending time studying individually.
“I’m right here, okay? I’m not going to be going anywhere,” placing a large hand on the back of your head, he gently kisses the crown of your head. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”
“It’s all going to be okay,” his soothing voice calms you quite a bit, making your body slump against his in relaxation. “There’s my shortcake. Just relax, alright. We’ll study more later. In the meantime, we’re going to watch a movie and eat the sweets I brought. I don’t want you to think about those god damn exams.” Your nod in confirmation is all he needs to get you both comfortable on the couch so he can take care of his partner... Like he should have been going this entire time.
Bokuto Kōtarō:
Kōtarō, despite people thinking he’s not the smartest, is a very intelligent person.
Especially when it comes to emotional intelligence.
Which is why he figured out about your family issues, within a month.
Poor boy wished he could do something, though other than the constant sleepovers in high school, there wasn’t much else he could do. It broke his heart.
But that changed, when you both graduated high school together.
He didn’t allow you to stay any longer in that house. You’d dealt with the constant yelling and the lack of care for your feelings, long enough.
Though, that didn’t mean you’d escaped it when you went to reunions or to visit them on holidays.
They always managed to drag you into going.
And they always managed to drag you into their bullshit.
Kōtarō hadn’t been able to go to this year’s reunion - a practice game held him up.
His presence usually encouraged your family member to back the fuck off and not drag you into things.
But, this time...
He was just glad he’d gotten there when he did.
Pulling up in the driveway of the designated home of this particular family reunion, he could hear the yelling, as soon as he stepped out of his car. The volleyball player tensed up as he quickly walked towards the home, throwing the door open without care.
    Kōtarō wished you wouldn’t put yourself through this. You didn’t deserve it. He enters the living room, most of the arguing falling silent at his presence, already knowing that he wouldn’t hesitate to get on them for their bullshit. Walking over to you, where you sat, slumped at the dinner table, your head in your hands, he frowns.
   He wasn’t surprised when he found tears in your eyes as he gently picked your head up to look at him. A frown befalls him, once again and he guides you to stand, pulling you into his embrace, his hand holding your head against him, practically cradling you.
   He holds you for a few long moments to let you calm down, before he turns towards your family, letting you go so he can take your hand. “We’re leaving. They’re tired.”
   No one argues. They’d seen how angry Kōtarō got when it came to you and they didn’t want to face the wrath of the angry volleyball player.
   Without another word from you both, or spoken to you both, Kōtarō escorts you out of the house. As soon as you’re out, you can hear the yelling ensue, once again. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” he whispers as he pulls you into him, once again. “It’s going to be okay.” He whispers to you, pressing his lips to the crown of your head.
   “I promise. We’ll go home and take a long bath... We can make some cookies and relax. We can even watch some Disney movies and make a pillow fort. How’s that sound, my sweet owl?” Kōtarō cooes as he begins to walk you to the car, smiling at you as he noticed how relaxed you seemed to be out, away from them and with your fiancé.
   No matter if he could help your family’s constant fighting, he’d always be here to whisper soft reassurances to you and make sure that everything was okay.
Oikawa Tōru:
Dating Tōru isn’t easy.
Living over 18,000 kilometers from one another was no easy feat.
Somedays are easier than others.
And this wasn’t one of those ‘easier’ days.
No, not at all.
Instead, today is one of those days that you tug on Tōru’s old volleyball jacket and bury your nose in the collar, hopping it’ll smell somewhat like him.
One of those days that you watch his dazzling face appear on the screen of your television and pretend he’s here with you.
It’s one of those days that you shoot him an ‘I miss you’ text and he’s unable to reply.
You both make it work because you love one another and want to watch the other succeed and do what they love.
But sometimes, it would be so much easier if you both lived on the same continent.
What you didn’t realize was that he hadn’t been to reply to you, because he was caught up getting his stuff off of the plane and into a car.
He was exhausted, but excited to see you.
He wasn’t expecting to come home and find you asleep on your couch, wrapped up in his jacket with dried tears on your cheeks.
Tōru dropped his bags at the door - he could worry about them later, right now he needed to get to you. With his signature grin, he walks through the kitchen, “Cutie,” he cooes through the apartment, before halting as he enters your living room, head tilting like a confused puppy’s would as he spotted you.
   His brows furrow and a frown crosses his lips, walking over to you and dropping to his knees in front of your sleeping form on the couch. He brings his hand up to gently stroke your cold cheek. “Y/N...” He cooes as he caresses your face, waiting for you to stir. Once you begin to open your eyes, a smile returns to his face, seeing your excitement overpower the sleepiness in your features.
   “You’re here...” You whisper, pushing yourself forward to hug your fiancé, no matter how unconventional this position was for you both. “I missed you,” you mumble into the soft cloth of his shirt, inhaling deeply. Peppermint. He always smelled like peppermint and it was a scent you had immensely missed.
   “I missed you too, cutie... But it’s okay. I’m here, now.” Tōru reassures, shifting so that he can scoop you up into his arms while you curl up into him.
   Not hesitating to want to fall asleep with you in his arms, once again, he brings you to the bedroom, dropping you onto the bed and pulling out comfier clothes for the both of you. Unpacking could wait later. Explanations of the vacation he was taking could wait. You being comfortable and in his arms was all he wanted.
   He undresses you, putting one of his shirts on you, before he undresses, as well, pulling on a pair of sweatpants, before he pulls back the covers and slides under them with you.
   Long, toned arms come to wrap themselves securely around you, pulling you into a tanned chest. “I missed you so much... But I’m here now, alright?” He whispers to you, kissing your head with a tenderness that only you got to see from the Argentinian volleyball player.
    “Go to sleep, we’ll talk when you wake up.”
    It was safe to say you fell asleep peacefully in his arms, finding peace in the fact that you’d soon be happily waking up in his arms.
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rosy-cheekx · 3 years
Heard you were looking for prompts :) 1 of 2 - From favorite tropes: Blind date set up by mutual friends! And maybe combined with "I'm speechless you're so beautiful" from the fluff & kisses (and other stuff) prompts. Go wild with it!
This will go to AO3 soon, but it was a lot of fun to write and a nice distraction from any hypothetical realities the TMA fandom may be experiencing. 
Double-Blind: 5K
Martin smelled like espresso. He wrinkled his nose and dusted his hands on his apron uselessly, as if doing so would rid himself of the months of coffee, cinnamon, and hazelnut baked into his skin.  It wasn’t all that bad, he supposed, except what was the point in using cologne if it was going to be immediately overpowered?
The bell above the door jingled and Martin jumped, pulled from his thoughts on cologne and what he would like to smell like, given the opportunity. Sandalwood, maybe? Tobacco and vanilla? The musky-sweet smells are nice, they have a nice mix of feminine and masculine to them, almost—
“Ahem.” An exaggerated clearing of the throat, once again whisking him from his distractions. Martin locked eyes on the woman across the counter from him, grinning mischievously. “Welcome back to Earth, Martin.”
“Oh! Oh. It’s just you. Hi, Georgie.” Georgie Barker, a regular customer, moderately well-known podcast host, and most importantly, one of Martin’s favorite people to see at the tiny coffee shop he spent more time in than his own flat.
“Just me? Excuse me.” Georgie pouted and crossed her arms, coily hair bouncing around her face as she shook her head. “I’ll have you know you should be grateful to see me this fine afternoon, Martin Koffee Blackwood!”
Martin grinned and dropped the act. “I always am, Georgie. But I told you, there’s not a—”
“Like I said, you should be happy to see me.” Georgie barreled on. “I have good news.” She cocked her head and pondered the chalk-covered board behind the counter. “Two chai lattes, please. And make one of them extra spicy?”
Martin rang up the order and passed two cups down to Rosie, all the while checking the door surreptitiously, ensuring a little chat wouldn’t hold anyone up. “Okay? Spill.”
Georgie’s phone was in her hand, and she waved it at Martin like it contained the secrets of the universe. “D’you remember my roommate, Melanie?”
Martin nodded, pursing his lips. “Vaguely. I thought you guys were dating.” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to elaborate.
Georgie waved a hand dismissively, rolling her eyes. “Not the point. Anyways, she has a friend of a friend-“ Georgie frowned for a moment, “…of a friend who is looking to get back into dating. Mel says he’s short and nerdy and prickly until you get to know him. Apparently a real pain to work with according to the friend.” Georgie smirked and pulled a sticky note from her back pocket. “Thought maybe you’d want his number.”
Martin grimaced at the blue piece of paper as she smoothed it to the counter with a firm motion. “Wow, George. Really selling it.” It was his fault; they had bonded over being queer back in July when Martin had worn his gay and trans pride buttons and Georgie was proudly sporting her own pansexual patch firmly affixed to her laptop case. One lunch break discussing quirky exes later, their friendship had been sealed. Mentioning offhandedly that he was on dating apps and hating every minute of it seemed to have rooted itself in Georgie’s mind and had grown like weeds until she had taken it upon herself to become his personal wing woman.
“Do you even know his name?” Martin asked, regarding the string of numbers on the piece of paper in front of him.
Georgie blushed, shrugging apologetically. “Friend of a friend of a friend. Sorry mate. Melanie said he likes cats, documentaries, and-” she made air quotes with her fingers, “-being uptight.”
“Wow.” Martin chuckled in disbelief. “Really selling it here.”
Rosie sidled by Martin and set down Georgie’s lattes, who shrugged and picked them up after dropping a few coins in the tip jar. “You have his number. Just think about it, Blackwood. Melanie’s friend doesn’t spread the word about someone unless they’re something special.” She blew a kiss (clumsily, considering the cups requiring the attention of each of her hands) and made her way to the door.
“I just want you to be happy!” She called out as the January winds pulled her out the door and into the grey afternoon.
Martin chewed on his lip as he considered. January was always a tough month for him, and he had been feeling a little lonely recently. He really didn’t see anyone besides his coworkers, customers, and his mother. As much as he enjoyed his job, he wouldn’t call anyone there a romantic interest. He folded the sticky note and stuck it in his pocket as his next customer approached the counter. He did like cats, after all. Maybe that would be a good starting conversation.
Jonathan Sims groaned and shifted the stack of books in his hand as he inspected the knee-high table that was buried amongst the fiction books. He hated working the children’s section of the library. Although no food or drink was allowed, there always seemed to be crumbs everywhere. He was starting to wonder if children just manifested them. He made a mental note to come back with disinfectant wipes after putting the stack of child-suitable biographies away and turned, nearly walking straight into the chest of one Timothy Stoker.
“A-ah!” Jon jumped instinctively backward, clutching the books closer to his chest in an attempt to keep from dropping them. “Tim! Good lord, there’s really no need to be sneaking up on me like that.”
Tim grinned wryly and shrugged, taking half of the books from Jon’s arms. “Sorry boss, thought you heard me.” He gestured for Jon to lead the way through the half-sized bookshelves; an unnecessary act seeing as Tim worked the children’s library much more frequently than Jon did.
“I’m not your-” Jon sighed, deciding this wasn’t the hill he wanted to die on today. He made his way through the shelves, sliding books into their correct placements with practiced hands. “Do you need something?”
“Actually,” Tim checked a Dewey code and slid a book into a shelf a few rows down. “I don’t. But you do.”
Jon stared blankly, uncomprehending. Tim chuckled and gestured with a cock of his head towards the research section. “Melanie said she has a friend who has a friend she wants to set up on a date. And while normally, I’d jump at the chance-” he waved his left hand, the silver ring inset with tiny diamonds flashing in the fluorescents, “I’ve been wifed up and I don’t think my dear Sash would appreciate my going on a blind date with a stranger.”
Jon frowned, setting his stack of books down and eyeing Tim. “What, so I have to?”
Tim shook his head, a patient smile on his face. “No, no one is forcing you. I just think—well. It’s been a while since your last relationship and you’ve been a little…testy, recently.” The look on Tim’s face dared Jon to contradict. “Melanie says he’s apparently a really good guy, very kind and sweet and patient. I think his name is Melvin? I kinda tuned out after she wrote down the number she got from her friend.”
Jon scoffed, pushing his glasses up his face as if that would help him comprehend the absolute ridiculousness of what Tim was saying. “Y-You want me to go on a date with this guy, Melvin? Because I’ve been…grumpy? That doesn’t seem very kind to this mysterious date.”
Tim pursed his lips. “I just think you could benefit from seeing someone who doesn’t work here. I mean, we love you Jon, but god, you need to get a social life. I’m practically begging you.” Tim’s purse elongated into a pout, eyes going big and starry. Jon inwardly groaned. Tim was his oldest friend here at the library and he really never learned how to resist that face. Maybe he should ask Sasha.
“One date,” Jon promised. “I’ll do one date. And then you never set me up again.”
Tim grabbed the rest of the books Jon had set down and added them to his stack before whisking himself away down the aisles. “If we’re lucky, I’ll never have to!” He called down the aisles, grinning madly. Jon sighed and grabbed a small pink sticky note that had been stuck to the countertop, running his eyes over the numbers before slipping it into his pocket. He’ll call later.
Martin stared resolutely at the numbers on the blue sticky note, running his thumb over the curled edge of the paper, slightly stained from some sort of milk during the shift. Even his apron pockets weren’t foolproof. The underground was busy and he was jammed between an older woman who smelled weirdly like salmon and a man who seemed utterly too well-dressed to be on the tube. Elbows crammed into his side to keep from nudging anyone, he pulled out his phone and stared at the messaging app for what felt like several minutes. He typed the numbers into the message bar and watched his cursor blip in the body of the message.
Hey whats up?
No, that would be so weird.
Hiya, this is martin!
Georgie never said the man’s name, would this mysterious date know his?
Hey I think the alphabet is missing I and U together.
Gross. Just gross. Martin grimaced inwardly and chewed on his lip, thinking carefully before typing.
Hi! My name is martin. my friend gave me your number, hope thats okay. she said you were really nice and recommended we try a blind date. if this is too weird, I get ignoring it. but if youre game, I am! :)
As he finished typing, he heard the familiar robotic voice of the tube announcing his stop. Quickly, Martin shoved the phone in his pocket and carefully forced his way through the crowd and onto the platform, mind cast to what he had accessible for dinner.
It took Jon a few days, until Saturday, to remember to call the phone number they had been given. They could text, they supposed, but they always appreciated hearing someone’s intonation a little better. Especially a stranger, ugh, they shuddered at the idea of not being able to decipher the tone of this Melvin. It was half-past 11 when they decided to call, hoping this would be late enough in the morning to not wake him up.
The phone rang momentarily before a surprisingly feminine voice answered the phone. “Hello. This is Rosie. You’ve reached Swirl Café and Bakery.”
Well shit. This was not what Jon expected. They stumbled over their rehearsed speech, trying to scramble words together in a way that made sense. “Uh-sorry, I must have the wrong number. I-I was trying to speak to Melvin?”
“Mmm, sorry. No Melvin works here. We have a Martin, but he’s off the clock. Would you like to speak to our manager?” Rosie’s voice was clipped and courteous, but Jon could hear the bustle of voices in the background. It must be their weekend rush.
“Ah-uh, no, no thank you.” Jon shook their head into the phone, before remembering that did not translate aurally. “It’s alright. Thank you anyways.”
“Sorry, mate. Thanks for calling!” The dial tone droned on for a moment before Jon hung up, sighing and pressing the heels of their hands into their eyes. That was a waste. Melanie must have been playing them; Jon knew they generally didn’t get along, but they didn’t realize she would stoop so low. Honestly, shame on themself for getting excited about a date.
Later that evening, Jon was cooking and listening to music through the speaker that balanced precariously on a shelf next to their stove. The music was low, with a variety of orchestral instruments and sultry, smooth voices. Jon’s eyes were half closed as they stirred the curry in the pan in front of them, letting the music and heat of the kitchen entangle them in a sleepy feeling relaxing their whole body. As the cello in the song dipped low and resonant, Jon stood still, letting the music sweep them away—
They jumped as the ringer alerted them through the speaker that they had received a text, glaringly electronic compared to the rich notes of cello and viola that had been so rudely interrupted. Sleepy feeling gone as adrenaline washed through their body, Jon sighed and retrieved their phone, checking for the message.
An unknown number flicked across the screen:
Hi! my name is martin. my friend gave me your number, hope thats okay. she said you were really nice and recommended we try a blind date. if this is too weird, i get ignoring it. but if youre game, I am! :)
i meant to send this a few days ago but I never hit send. sorry ab that! rosie said someone called the café asking ab me and i assumed that was you bc i wasnt expecting anyone else and no one involved in the blind date thing ever asked for my mobile number.
if it wasn’t you, oops! either way it reminded me that i had never texted you. :)
Jon squinted at the screen as they read the messages a few times over. That was…a lot of words. So his name was Martin. It was certainly nicer than Melvin. Jon agonized over their words as they typed out a response.
Hello Martin. That was me who called the café…I hope it didn’t cause problems for you. Blind dates aren’t usually my thing, but my coworkers think I need to get out more. I’d be happy to meet you for dinner or coffee. Even if we don’t get along, we can say we’ve done it.
Unless, of course, you’re rather sick of coffee. I prefer tea anyways.
…not “done it” done it. Just. Had the blind date.
Jon winced at their follow up texts. God, that was embarrassing. Martin probably didn’t even take it that way until they bothered to clarify. They shook their head, warding away the growing anxiety in their chest and tucked their phone in their pocket as they turned their attention back to the simmering curry. Jon had embarrassed themselves enough for one night.
Martin chuckled at the texts that came through; one slow and the two follow-ups rapid. He could feel the awkwardness through the messages, desperately trying to give a good impression. He chuckled to himself as he set down his dinner plate.
dinner sounds perfect. but same about the tea! and about the coworkers tbh, my friends think im making friends with the espresso machine. which, i am, but only bc its good company haha.
btw i never got your name?
Martin’s phone was silent the rest of the night, as he plodded his way through a mediocre dinner and shower before settling into his armchair, desperate to work on his poetry. Words came slowly to him recently, thoughts about the world and darkness and the intersection of fall and winter. He really should up and move to somewhere warmer, he thought to himself, before laughing the notion away aloud. Yeah, right. He rolled his eyes and tried to focus on the poetry prompts book he had found at the charity shop. “Use noncolor words to describe a color.” Great. Martin settled back and tried to focus, but kept finding himself checking his phone impulsively, the foamed latte art he’d photographed, one of a cat he was particularly proud of, stared back at him judgmentally.
As he drew his evening to a close, Martin almost missed the buzz of his phone, now plugged in by his bed, as he brushed his teeth.
Congrats on the espresso machine. And my name is Jon. Anywhere you want to go for dinner?
Jon hesitated, thumb hovering over the icon that would open a video chat with Tim. He didn’t want to come off nervous, but… he was.
Texting had been going well. Martin was good at keeping the conversation going and genuinely seemed to enjoy the long texts Jon had sent regarding his irritations with the research he was conducting as a part of his master’s in literature, asking him questions about details Jon had added for context. Martin was easy to talk to, too, he always seemed to have an opinion on subjects but always ones Jon was happy to hear, even if he was objectively wrong about spiders and oolong tea. Martin had sent an awkward text, letting Jon know he was trans and that if that was a dealbreaker he should tell him now, one Jon had blushed over and responded that he was nonbinary himself, and that it certainly wasn’t. The “okay fantastic! :))) remind me of your pronouns? he/him for me.” that followed it up had made Jon’s heart sing.
They had agreed to meet at an Italian place, equidistant between their flats and not too fancy. Martin had commented about getting ice cream after, but Jon wasn’t sure if he was joking or not, since it had also been a jab about Jon’s preference for rum raisin. Thus, he was staring at his wardrobe, paralyzed with indecision. Tim had offered to help, which Jon had initially rejected since he’s “not a child Tim, I’ve dated before. And I know how to dress myself.” But lord if he wasn’t wishing for someone to lay out his clothes and tell him to behave. He grimaced and jabbed the video chat button, bracing for the onslaught of teasing to come.
Martin adjusted his collar for what must have been the twelfth time, sucking on his lip as he waited at the reserved table. He hadn’t been there long, no more than five minutes, but his anxiety had been building up all day and a part of him was absolutely certain Jon wasn’t going to come. Neither of them knew what the other looked like; what if Jon saw him and had dipped out immediately? He was wearing mint green, as he had promised, so Jon would recognize him, and brought a bouquet of daisies, mostly because it felt weird not to bring anything, but he didn’t want to be too romantic. Not roses or anything. Besides, Jon said he liked daisies, said they reminded him of an old friend. Martin hoped it wasn’t too weird. He brushed his auburn curls out of the way of his eyes, part of him regretting not having gotten a haircut first, but he tucked those thoughts aside as he surveyed the restaurant from his vantage point.
He blinked in confusion as he watched long curls make their way towards him. Dark black hair, streaked with white, half bunned up in the back and rest left to hang loose, skimming purple-covered elbows. Martin wasn’t sure if they were wearing flowy grey pants or a skirt, but either way, the faint black pattern to them was stunning and Martin couldn’t help but watch the swoosh of the hemlines. As the person got closer, Martin realized they were tiny, stylized eyes.
“Ah-you’re Martin, right?” It took Martin a second to realize this absolutely beautiful person was talking to him.
“hmm—Oh! Yes! You must be Jon.” Martin stood, unsure whether he should shake Jon’s hand or hug him or? But Jon solved the problem himself by sitting, and so Martin did as well. “It’s nice to finally meet you…in person, that is,” he added, grinning shyly. “You look lovely, by the way.”
Jon blushed. “Ah, thank you. Y-You too. O-or handsome, whichever you prefer.” He sipped his water and fidgeted with his hands, eyes flicking around the room nervously before coming around to rest on Martin.
Martin shrugged. “A compliment is a compliment, they all work. Speaking of—what pronouns are you feeling today? I remember you saying it varies.”
Jon shook his head slightly. “I’m not going to pitch a fit either way, but ‘he’ is just fine.” It was nice to be asked. The library respected his pronouns, of course, but something about Martin going out of his way to make sure he was on the same page was… It made Jon’s heart thud deep in his chest.
They made small talk about the travel, the weather, Italian food preferences until the waiter came and relieved the tension. Martin felt his shoulders relax after they both ordered; it felt more real somehow.
“So,” Martin asked, sipping his water demurely, a smile tinged on his lips. “Melvin, huh?”
Jon choked on air for a moment. His mouth gaped open and shut again and Martin couldn’t help the grin overtook him. Jon’s embarrassment was sweet; his cheeks flushed and he bowed his head slightly. It was a lovely look on him. “For the record, that’s what I was told by my coworker, Tim.” Jon made air quotes with his fingers. “‘Melvin or something.’ Who was I to question your name?”
“Right, and I’m glad you respect names ‘n’ all. But Melvin?” Martin chuckled to himself, shaking his head. “I’m not the decimal system guy.”
“Nn-mmm,” Jon shook his head, nose wrinkled in a way Martin found particularly cute. “That’s Melville. Melville Dewey.” Jon emphasized, back straightening. “Distinctly different. I’m a librarian, actually.”
“Oh!” Martin blinked. “That makes sense. You work with Melanie, then, I assume?”
Jon grimaced again. “Unfortunately.”
“She’s not that bad!” Martin insisted. “I’ve met her once or twice and she’s been very polite.”
Jon rolled his eyes. “For someone who’s getting a degree in parapsychology, she seems very judgmental.”
“Oh? And what are you studying again?”
“English Lit-hey!”
Martin grinned behind his glass of water. “Just saying, I haven’t met an English Lit student who wasn’t obscenely pretentious.”
Jon faltered for a second and slumped his shoulders in defeat, though his voice still seemed to carry humor, albeit dry. “Unfortunately, I am no exception.”
“Well, I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”
Dinner arrived smoothly, shrimp scampi for Jon and eggplant parmesan for Martin. They ate slowly, chatting more about Jon’s graduate degree, Martin’s affinity for fiction and poetry, and their shared interest in tea.
“So, are you vegetarian?” Jon gestured to the eggplant on Martin’s plate. Martin wobbled his head slightly, not quite a negatory shake of the head.
“It’s complicated. My mother has—had—a sensitive stomach so we didn’t eat meat growing up. I think that turned me off the taste. And there’s something about the texture,” he shuddered. “Weirds me out.”
Jon’s eyes were sharp, boring holes into Martin’s in a way he should have found alarming, but instead found soothing. “Mine, too.” His tone—softer, almost reverent, clued Martin in: he wasn’t talking about being vegetarian.
Martin nodded, and gently placed a hand on Jon’s, the one that hovered near his drinking glass. “I’m sorry.”
They were quiet for a moment, Jon’s hand was small and warm under his, and Martin could feel a thin silver bracelet clinging to his wrist. Martin was amazed by how perfectly his fingers rested over Jon’s, how nice it must feel to hold hands with him on a walk or side by side against the world. Jon cleared his throat suddenly and reached for his glass, gulping down water while staring steadfastly at his plate.
Martin felt his own blush rise through his cheeks and pushed a stray noodle around his plate. “So, here’s a question,” he began, eager to clear the tension. “You said earlier your friend Tim gave you the number to Swirl, right? I don’t know a Tim. So how did he know me?”
Jon frowned, cocking his head. “Technically, I got the number from Tim but that was via Melanie. She said her roommate was friends with…well, friends with you.”
“Mmhmm, that makes sense. I know Georgie from the coffee shop.” He was about to continue when he saw absolutely paralyzed look on Jon’s face. “You…you alright?”
Jon was stock still, pausing the forkful of shrimp that was en route to his mouth. “Sorry, Melanie’s roommate is Georgie?”
Martin nodded slowly. “Yeah, Georgie Barker, that podcaster. She gets her an extra-spicy chai latte from Swirl most days and that’s about the most I know of the relationship. Why, you know her?”
Jon put the fork down, shrimp forgotten, and sighed, running his thumbs along the bridge of his nose, pushing his thin-rimmed glasses up to his eyebrows. “Y-yes, she’s kind of…my ex.”
It was Martin’s turn to freeze. “Sorry?”
“Mmm, yeah, we decided we were better as friends. It was back in Oxford. But I don’t exactly see her often much anymore.” Jon winced at his own words, as if he knew how bad they sounded.
Martin sat back in disbelief, chuckling to himself. “Y’know, she said you were a ‘friend of a friend of a friend.’ D’you think she even knew it was you?”
Jon cocked his head in thought. “I guess not. I mean, I think the whole library staff has been gunning for me to relieve some tension. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been looking for a blind date for me for months now.”
Martin grinned, eyes sparkling. “Well, no matter. It was lucky for me.” Lucky again, was Martin, when he was rewarded with Jon’s warm blush.
The bill had been a painful affair, with both Jon and Martin vying for the privilege of paying. Martin struck a deal: he’d pay for the dinner, and Jon would pay for ice cream. Jon knew the differences would widely outweigh when it came to cost but he relented, and the self-satisfied smirk that blossomed over Jon’s face was payment enough.
Martin pointed out the ice cream parlor was a few blocks away and, though it was January, they decided to walk. The fresh snow on the ground glinted against the orange street lamps, and Jon laughed under his breath at the way Martin took great care to step on any unusually large clumps of snow, like he had a personal vendetta. When Jon’s chuckle had made it past the scarf he had wound round his neck and mouth, Martin had glanced over, embarrassed.
“I like the sound of it,” he mumbled, suddenly very meek for a man his stature. It was, regretfully, endearing. Martin was tall, but he was big too, and it was obvious underneath the layer of soft cashmere and chub, there was rigid muscle, and beneath that still, a gentle heart. Jon was struck by him, in more ways he had prepared himself for, and it felt second nature to slide his gloved hand into Martin’s and give it a solid squeeze of acknowledgement.
“Do you think it’s too cold to get ice cream?” Jon asked, watching a cloud of breath float by his lips.
Martin shrugged. “Technically? Yes. But who’s going to tell on us?” Jon swung their entwined hands a little. “Unless…you don’t want to?” Martin added, eyes locking on Jon’s before his head followed.
Jon shook his head. “No, I want to. I believe we have a debt to settle and I have a personal score involving rum raisin.” Martin beamed, clearly pleased, and Jon was certain the snow around him melted right off with the warmth of his smile. Jon leant into Martin’s side a little, and they continued in silence until they reached the ice cream parlor, the entrance to which glowed with pink and white LEDs.
Jon smugly ordered a scoop of rum raisin and was delighted to find Martin “didn’t hate it,” though he insisted his mint chip was better. That was genuinely the best Jon could hope for; not even Georgie in all her unusual tastes enjoyed his rum raisin sensibility. “My grandmother loved it when I was a kid,” he explained between bites, stirring the ice cream with his spoon. “It was the only flavor she kept around the house.”
“Not even vanilla?” Martin gasped in mock disbelief. “Any sensible person would say you’ve been tricked into enjoying it.” Jon chuckled and elbowed Martin mildly.
Jon found himself lingering over the bowl, realizing that the end of their dessert meant an end to the date. Martin seemed to be acting similarly, putting his spoon down between bites and taking more and more thoughtful swallows between their bouts of conversation.
“You-you took the tube here, right?” Jon asked, setting his finally-empty bowl off to the side. At Martin’s confirmation, Jon clenched his fist below the table. “Do you want to walk to the station together?”
Martin’s eyes lit up, nodding eagerly. “I had meant to ask, actually! I wanted to make sure you got there safe.” Jon winced at the blush that overtook his cheeks, though it was easy to blame it on the chill of the ice cream and the frigid night.
The walk to the tube was longer and the pair, heavily sated by pasta and dairy, were quiet, making soft comments about the snow or the odd remaining Christmas decorations, hands clasped tightly and shoulders pressing into the other. The fluorescents of the underground shone brightly, normally a beacon calling travelers home in the night, but to Jon it felt like a dreadful curse. He truly hadn’t expected to enjoy his evening with Martin so much, but they had just clicked. It felt like a shame to let it go.
Swiping their cards, Jon and Martin passed through their respective turnstiles and stood at the bisecting tunnels through which the various lines waited to take them home. They faced each other in silence, hands still interlocked, unsure of how to begin.
“If you’d like to,” Jon murmured, eyes shifting focus to Martin’s curls, plastered to his forehead from the snow; his collar, peeking through his coat; the way the shell of his ear seemed to have a nick missing (was it from a childhood accident? Just the way it was grown?). “I’d like to go out again.”
Martin squeezed Jon’s hand, and Jon’s eyes flitted back to Martin’s own; they were grey-blue and reminded Jon of his childhood sea. “Mmhmm, yeah.” Martin rolled his eyes at his own words and tried again. “Yes, Jon, I’d love that.” Martin moved to hug Jon, a gesture Jon eagerly accepted, relishing the warm arms encircling him and the feel of Martin’s chin resting on the crown of his head. As they pulled away, Martin’s eyes flitted across Jon’s face and the hand around his back moved, cautiously, to rest on the side of Jon’s neck.
“I…I don’t want to presume,” Martin said quietly, and Jon was distinctly aware of how empty, how big, the station was. “Is it okay if I kiss your cheek?”
Jon blinked rapidly, nodding wordlessly, before clearing his throat. “Ah, um, yes. Please.”
Martin’s smile was soft as he pressed his lips to the apex of Jon’s cheekbone, almost into his hairline. Jon was sure the blush that rose across his face this time certainly couldn’t be explained away by the snow, but he honestly wasn’t really sure he cared.
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babbysquid · 3 years
Not A Whiskey Drinker
Author’s Note: Okay weeee I’m super excited about this. I’m really happy with how this first chapter turned out and I already have plans for future chapters. I am such a sucker for Whiskey and I can’t wait to write more.
Warnings: some slight cursing
Length: 1,934 words
For as much as you loved New York City, you absolutely hated its winters. Snow in the countryside was beautiful; white and fluffy, it stayed perfect for days on end. Snow in the concrete jungle however; wet, slushy, and turned disgusting in a matter of hours. Trudging your way through Central Park, the snow and salt crunching beneath your feet, you mind drifted. You had just been let go from you recent job, a personal assistant at a high end marketing office. Sighing to yourself and thinking about the possibility of moving back home your foot slipped. Before you could catch yourself you shut your eyes tight, preparing to land hard on your ass. But that smack never came. Opening one eye you were standing face to face with…
“A cowboy?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow at the man in front of you.
“In the flesh.” came the sweetest accent.
Opening your other eye you realized that the cowboy in front of you had snaked a hand around your waist. No wonder you hadn’t fallen. A beat passed and you realized the cowboy still had his arm around you. You stepped away and out of his hold.
“Thank you.” you said, giving an awkward cough and taking a closer look at you savior.
Not to be a cliché, but he was tall, dark, and handsome. Atop his head was a black Stetson, an odd sight in the middle of New York City. He had a perfectly trimmed mustache, and a small smirk underneath it. You silently thanked the cold for hiding the blush that crept up your face. The redness could easily be passed off as a flush from the biting wind.
“Anytime darlin’.” he said, shooting you a wink with eyes that you felt could swallow you whole. “Anyways, I best be on my way.”
Giving you a dazzling smile, he tipped the end of his hat with a gloved hand and brushed past you. You could’ve sworn that his hand grazed yours, but because of your thick mittens it was hard to tell.
Shivering slightly to yourself, you pulled your coat tighter around you and continued your walk to your apartment.
Unlocking your door and sighing to yourself you looked around your small studio apartment. It wasn’t much, but over the past year it had become your home. Shucking your jacket off you headed to the couch and sat down to pull off your shoes.
‘Guess I won’t be here much longer’ you thought to yourself.
After making yourself a steaming cup of tea you decided you may as well look at your email. Two days ago when you were told of your “dismissal” you had signed up for a couple different job search sites. If you were lucky enough maybe someone would offer you an interview, but your hopes were low.
You crossed your legs underneath you trying to generate as much heat as possible. As much as you loved your tiny apartment, it was an older building so the heating was shit to say the least. You clicked on the mail icon on your desktop and silently prayed to yourself. 10 new emails. Maybe there was hope.
10 Kale Dishes That’ll Be Sure To WOW Your Houseguests!
Most of the emails were similar to those: junk and spam, until your eyes landed on the last email.
RE: Y/N Y/L/N Job Opportunity FOUND!
Your eyes widened at the subject. Clicking on the email you realized that it wasn’t a scam, it had really come from one of the job search sites. Swallowing hard you hoped that it wasn’t just an offer from one of those salad making chain restaurants. You had your fair share of beginner jobs; barista, Subway, etc. After getting a taste of something more professional, you knew that that’s where you were meant to be. Besides, the pay that Starbucks gave was certainly not enough to live in New York City on your own.
Dear Ms. Y/L/N,
My name is Mr. Daniels and I am writing to inform you of opening at Statesmen Brewery, the New York City branch. I have been in search for a PA since my previous one left. After reading your resume I have become very interested in your skills and talents. Please let me know what days you are free in the coming week.
Jack Daniels
Head of Statesmen NYC Branch
You snorted at the sign off. There was no way someone’s real name was Jack Daniels and worked for a brewery. It was comedic to say the least, but there was no harm in responding to his email and getting an interview. Maybe this was your chance to stay in the city you loved, even if its winter was disgusting. Taking a sip of your tea you started to write out your response.
Mr. Daniels,
Thank you so much for your offer. I am very interested in an interview and am free Monday all day. Please let me know what time is best for you. Is there anything specific I should bring besides a printout of my resume and documents?
Thank you for your consideration,
It was currently Friday so you had the whole weekend to prep yourself for the interview. If you were honest, the idea of an interview created a small pit in your stomach. It had been over a year since you’d been interviewed for a job.
May as well do some research on Statesmen.
Pulling open a new browser you typed in ‘Statesmen Brewery’ and clicked on their website. Clearly the company had some tech savvy people working for them as their website was modern and easy to navigate.
Statesmen Brewery has been brewing fine whiskey since 1885 and serving people all across the country and world.
No wonder you never heard of the company, you had never been big on whiskey.
The brewery had its start in a small barn in Kentucky and has since expanded to include two offices in New York, New York and Los Angeles, California. While our reach is wide, we consider every employee and consumer of our alcohol a close family member.
The rest of the front page went on to describe their whiskey and how smooth it was, as well as some fun facts about the company. You closed your laptop and picked up your tea, holding it close to your face and letting go of the tension in your shoulders that you didn’t realize was there. Before you could fully relax you heard your phone buzz on the couch cushion next to you.
It was your best friend Parker. When you first moved to NYC you decided to visit a small bookstore/coffee shop and accidentally grabbed the wrong drink. Turns out that drink belonged to Parker. She had come to the coffee shop to work on a script for an up and coming TV show that was set to be filmed in the city. The two of you became fast friends. You were slightly jealous of the girl as she really had landed her dream job.
Opening the text she had sent it was a photo of her holding a script she had written. Her round face was pulled up into a smile, her auburn hair slightly frizzed from what seemed to be an all nighter. You smiled at the photo and read the text that followed.
Guess who just finished her first script for SVU!
Quickly you typed out a response:
Congrats! Proud of you P. I have some good news too. Landed an interview with a fancy brewery.
Suddenly your phone buzzed nonstop, Parker was calling you.
You pressed the button to answer the phone and before you could say anything a scream hit your ears.
“Haha, thanks Parker. Honestly I’m a bit nervous. I did some research and the company seems to be a pretty big deal.”
“What’s the company?”
“Statesmen Brewery.”
“Oh shit my parents love their stuff.”
“I literally know nothing about whiskey other than the fact that I don’t like it. I feel stressed. The interview is on Monday.”
“I’ll come over tomorrow and help you with prep. Also you know I gotta help pick out the perfect interview outfit.”
“Thanks babe. You’re the best.”
“I know.”
You snorted at her response. Parker was confident, and more importantly confident in you. The thought of having her help you prep eased the knot in your stomach.
The rest of the afternoon was spent talking to Parker over the phone. Eventually the two of you ended your call and you were left to do some random chores around your place. As you mopped the floor you slipped a bit but caught yourself before you fell over. Your mind flashed back to earlier in the day.
At the time you didn’t realize how strong the cowboy’s grip was, but it was not overpowering. You remembered how gentlemanly he was. Looking back on it you tried to remember his face. While it was a short interaction, you couldn’t deny that he was easy on the eyes. Sighing softly you tried to remember the last time you went on a date. It had been several months ago. Your busy PA job never really allowed for romantic relationships. Shaking your head you got on with your day, finishing your chores, eating some leftover Chinese food for dinner, and sinking deep into your bed.
You were awoken by a knock on your door. Grunting as you got out of bed you swung open the door. The only person who would bother to come over without letting you know was Parker. Your suspicions were correct as she walked through the threshold and made herself at home, talking a mile a minute the entire time.
“Okay so first we need to talk about clothing options.” she said dumping her bag on your couch.
“Not prepping for the interview?” you said giving her a confused look.
Parker sighed.
“Look, I already know you have this interview in the bag. Sure, you may not like whiskey, but you are a wonderful person. While you may be stubborn” you frowned at her comment, “that can be super helpful in interviews. You are a go getting Y/N. I have no doubts about that.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Fashion show time!” she said, opening the small closet and rummaging around to find something suitable.
After an hour had passed the two of you finally settled on a suitable outfit. It was professional but still had a touch of you in it. A simple black skirt with a fun silky button down shirt that had a cool pattern on it. As you looked at yourself in the mirror you couldn’t deny that Parker knew what she was doing when it came to fashion.
“Okay finishing touch time.” she said as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of your shirt.
“Parker! This is a job interview, not a date.”
“Ugh. It’s a brewery, they’re gonna be more relaxed about these things. Plus you never know, this Jack Daniels could be a cutie.” she said, giving you a wink.
You chuckled and shook your head. Parker was eccentric but you really did love her. You still had a small bit of anxiety running through your body, but the help of your best friend made you feel more positive about Monday. Maybe you’d be able to stay in New York. Maybe this job might be better than the previous.
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