#i love how everyone’s accepted he’s gonna get her pregnant at some point
my marauders headcannons <3
Remus Lupin
heterochromia. I don't care what the films say this man has two different coloured eyes tyvm. the left ones dark brown, nearly black, and the right is a light shade of amber.
DYSLEXIA !! my dyslexic little mate we can match. he absolutely adores reading but it takes him longer if he doesn't use a spell (ty to MsKingBean89 for the spell idea mon ami(e))
hEDS. me too king
cat lover. he absolutely adores cats and sirius gets SO jealous. I think he absolutely owned a cat at some point b4 he started teaching and he dotted on that cat
wears elastics on his wrists (specifically during hogwarts for sirius and lily, but kept wearing them after out of habit </3)
Sirius Black
hard of hearing. I think he probably lost it cos his mum hit his ears or screamed so often at him in close quarters. he'd definitely be vv resentful over it too cos now he's not able to listen to music much
audhd fr. this man was definitely neurodivergent but he must be just like me and be autistic and have adhd cos yh
he whined. loads. not like whinging but like genuinely high pitched whines when he was frightened or upset, kind of like Enid from Wednesday
adored kids but was terrified to have them because of how his mum was
this is gonna be controversial but idc. this man absolutely fancied Remus when he was shagging women, but at one point dated Marlene and Remus at the same time. it's ok tho cos Marlene was kissing Mary on the side
James Potter
vegetarian. refused to eat meat after he became an animagus because it felt cruel, but ESPECIALLY wouldn't eat deer jerky ("it's practically cannibalism, padfoot!")
mama's boy through and through !! this man LOVED his mummy. told her all about his friends and Lily
taught Sirius how to treat people and house elves better when they were first years. you can't tell me this man wasn't the reason sirius wanted to improve himself
he fought w sirius a lot. im sorry I love them both but brothers fight and like. even found family brothers. sirius is the most petty bitch you cannot tell me that James didn't get annoyed or frustrated with some of Sirius' habits and didn't begin arguments over them
so bad w kids until Harry. he was absolutely terrified of them, cos he never had interacted with them much before he had his own, my man Sucked at babysitting and frequently panicked whilst lily was pregnant because he was scared he'd be a bad parent
Peter Pettigrew
#1 James fan. my guy didn't go anywhere if James wasn't going to be there
become You Know because of his jealousy of James and Sirius' friendship
aroace fr. absolutely Disgusted w the amount of PDA by jily and wolfstar
tried to protect Harry for as long as he could w out being suspicious. he still loved James and Lily, and their son, and was just too scared to fight back at You Know Who once James and Lily were dead
a whole virgin, never even tried getting with anyone before he realised he was aroace
Lily Potter (Evans)
actually thought the Marauders were pretty funny but put on a face because of being friends with Snape
a whole pansexual queen
bought everyone in Gryffindor Christmas gifts, or if they were Jewish/Muslim/any other religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas she'd figure out when their holiday was and got them gifts
first person Remus came out to. and she accepted him immediately because she knows what it feels like to be an outcast
so autistic. her special interest was absolutely Jane Austen books I take no criticism <3
Regulus Black
hated his mum just as much as Sirius, but actively tried to conform because he was too scared to be hurt by her
was angry with Sirius for running away, even if he understood why Sirius did it, it still hurt him immensely. that was his older brother, the only one he could talk to, and when he left, it broke off the little bit of familial love he had left
in love w Barty Crouch Jr. I DO NOT CARE. platonic my aSS they were boyfriends, but they hid it very well. absolutely such a healthy couple before the war though. got together when they were 13 or 14 by accident, and stayed together until Reg died
actually really enjoyed being called Reg and Reggie, but pretended to hate it so he wouldn't be perceived as weak or soft by his mum
chess fucking champion
Marlene McKinnon
the flirtiest person you'll ever meet. flirted with everyone but was actually an aromantic lesbian
loved her family unconditionally, and constantly was going home on weekends to help her mum before she died of breast cancer
hated school, she was dyslexic and never told anyone so everyone just thought she was a dumb blonde
half Japanese, but her biological father left when she was a baby, so she wasn't really in tune with that part of her culture.
got bullied in primary school for being the "only dumb Asian"
Mary Macdonald
the most supportive person you'll ever meet
helped the younger POC in Gryffindor take care of their hair properly, and absolutely was like an older sister to all the young girls
not a mean bone her body
muggle born, but she grew up with a friend that had a wizard father so she knew about magic before Hogwarts
terrified of dogs, except for Padfoot, because of being bitten by one when she was in nursery
Dorcas Meadowes
a lesbiannnn. she was in love with Pandora, and they dated for a while before she decided she was done with the Wizarding World and cut contact with everyone
slytherin, but she was friends with everyone
loved Quidditch
oh she was a Pureblood but her parents died when she was young and she stayed with a squib aunt til hogwarts
took muggle studies and would hex any Slytherin who made fun of her for it
Pandora Lovegood (Lestrange)
a Lestrange until marriage
terrified of Narcissa and Bellatrix, but was one of the bridesmaids at Bellatrix's wedding
Ravenclaw, but best friends with Dorcas, Regulus, Barty, and Evan and was hardly if ever in her own common room
she ADORED muggle musicals
her and Dorcas met in a Care of Magical Creatures class in third year and immediately became best friends
Evan Rosier
really homophobic outwardly but was in the closet (for a HOT minute)
flirted with girls constantly
super protective over Pandora and Dorcas
had the worst penmanship and Regulus and Barty both refused to help him with homework because of it
managed to be the only Slytherin who sucked at potions
Barty Crouch Jr.
gay little lad with gay handwriting
LOVED cats. this man was the BIGGEST cat lover I do not care im right ur wrong. absolutely adored them
had a little sister who he was really protective over, she was in Hufflepuff and died during her 4th year which is what made him follow Regulus into joining up w the Death Eaters
daddy and mummy issues for days. bro never had a civil conversation w them
he absolutely beloathed Walburga and Orion Black when he found out what they did to Regulus, but obviously never said anything about it
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
Am I jumping on the train of offering thoughts no one asked for for the first time even though I promised myself I never would? Apparently so. Do I hate myself for it? Little bit. But here we go anyway. 
Maybe they never had Angela tease Tim about dating Lucy (yet) because some time after 5x02, she realized that it was much more serious than she initially thought? Like, maybe she teased him thinking he had a little crush, not actual soul-crushing feelings that caught him so off guard he didn’t quite know how to handle himself at first. Would I have loved to see her reaction? Sure. But I get that we won’t see every moment. We never got Angela or Nyla telling everyone that they were engaged, or that they were pregnant with Jack and Leah. Will it happen this time around? Probably not. Why? Who knows. Maybe because we, the audience, already know, anyway. And that’s fine. Gives us all different head-canons about what might’ve happened, in all these cases. And I kinda love that. 
We all build up SO much in our heads and expect so much, especially about Chenford and their relationship, so that when we get something different or less than that, we’re immediately disappointed. Which is fine, we all have our hopes and wishes. But the show’s not only about Chenford. We didn’t get to see a lot of Angela and Wesley’s moments early on, either. They were suddenly living together in 2x01 and then we got more. Yes, I realize Chenford is different, because it’s been built over five seasons. But super romantic and cute (read cheesy, if you want) has never been the show’s MO, so why go there now? We might’ve seen more for Nolan and Bailey, but he’s the main character. 
Tim and Lucy have known each other for years at this point and built a solid foundation, they don’t have to get to know each other like the other couples, so falling into an easy rhythm in their romantic relationship after some initial awkwardness is super in character. We don’t need to see all those early moments. There’s still seven episodes left to watch. Plenty of time to throw in some Chenford goodies. We can still get a morning after/cuddling in bed scene, we just didn’t get one for after their first time. Giving us too much too soon would be too fast. And not every meaningful moment happens in the first two months of a new relationship.
Please don’t immediately jump to ‘this is bad writing’ if it doesn’t exactly match what you expected or wanted. They’re all putting in their best work and just because some moments we wished for didn’t happen doesn’t make it bad. We’re not gonna get a parallel to every significant moment from earlier seasons. Take the DOD tattoo, for example. That was talked about in one episode, the one immediately following DOD itself. It’s never been talked about again. I’m not surprised we didn’t get a moment of Tim finding out if Lucy kept it or not. Is it okay to be disappointed about that? Of course. But that doesn’t mean the writers are dropping the ball on Chenford. It just means they pick what they want to show and when they wanna show it and we gotta accept it. We’d all be pissed as hell if they never got together at all or it was dragged out until it was too late. They’re together, we’ve already gotten more than we could’ve wished for this season. A Chenford-light episode or two does not equal dropping the ball or forgetting that they’re a couple. They need to be their own person still with storylines separate from one another. They don’t need to be attached at the hip 24/7. 5x14 for example wasn’t about them as a couple. It was about Tim getting started with a new job and Lucy being a good roomie/sister/bestie/mom to Tamara, with a bit of Chenford sprinkled on top. 
Not liking an episode is perfectly fine. Give me all the constructive criticism. But not liking it solely because it was very light on or void of Tim&Lucy and Chenford moments? That I don’t totally understand. Yes, a lot of us watch primarily because of them. But then we need to be prepared for and accept those kind of episodes. 
Am I saying ‘don’t be disappointed’? No, of course not. I’m simply saying that we need to remember that there was never a world in which everyone got exactly what they wanted to see. Not because it’s an ensemble show with nine main cast members, but because it would be way too much to show everything for two characters that are arguably the most loved but not the official leading characters in a 42-minute episode of a cop show. We don’t know what the rest of the season brings, but everyone on that show knows how beloved Chenford are. They will always have their moments, just not in every episode. Because it’s not a show about just them. If we want more seasons, we need to accept all of that.
Clearly I’ve been feeling it lately. Guess I’m just saddened that so much negativity’s been going around about something that brings me so much joy and I love so dearly. Something that so many seem to love so much, yet some are quick to kind of hate on the moment we don’t see Tim&Lucy in a scene together for an episode. Let them take a breather. Hell, let US take a breather once in a while. 5x16 is already looking to be a good one for the two of them. We’ll be fine. 
And one last note. Trust in Eric. If he says there’s good stuff coming, there’s good stuff coming. Not just in general but for Chenford. We all know he’s the biggest shipper of us all. And he has never let us down. 
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Introducing my Wolvden Pack!
I thought I would make a post introducing my pack in Wolvden so far (mostly so I can show off all me wolves ehehe)
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For those who want to know who I am on Wolvden: My pack is "Cryptids Eye Pack" and my player name is ClownCryptids ! my user number is #119087
I currently have like 20 wolves in my pack (despite the fact ive only been playing for a few days) so this post is gonna be loooonnggg
Some basic info on how I've been playing so far:
I've decided to go with a "Pagan" (mostly Gaelic) name theme for my wolves, bec I feel like those kind of names fit wolves really well! (I've just been using a Pagan baby name site to name them heh)
I don't really care about how "rare" a wolf's genetics are, I just like the ones that are pretty (though if they have special genetics too that's a bonus!)
I really like cool eyes and I want to collect lots of them! Hence the "Eye" in my pack name!
I have been impulsively buying wolves left and right and the majority of my pack have been bought from the marketplace hehe
My pack's name used to be ClownCryptidsPack but thanks to @oakdrawss gifting me some GC I was able to afford changing it! Ur so epic Oak <3
Now onto my Wolves!!
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This is my Pack Leader, Eun (was origionally named Magpie but i changed it to fit the theme, Eun means bird in Gaelic!), I would love to give him a base change but I defo cannot afford :P he would look cool with a Airglow base or somethin..
Onto my first Den: Dogs with Jobs
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Darragh, Geir, Lachlan, Imogen and Eirene are my hunting party! Eirene is my second wolf from the tutorial and everyone else I found for cheep on marketplace! They have high levels and stats and are already proficient in their hunting roles so I snatched em up!
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for some reason Darragh, despite being at a high level and max Finisher proficiency is terrible at her job. I have no clue why. She has lost so much prey, I let Imogen be a finisher a few times and she actually caught prey! If anyone has any answers as to why Darragh is trash at her job plz tell me, I think she's having a crisis.
(Also ps. Imogen is one of my top faves in the Pack she's so prettyyyy)
Muir and Vireo are my Scouts! Muir has always been a Scout but Vireo used to be a Pupsitter, I was going to sell or chase him bec I bought a better Pupsitter but I needed a new Scout after I had to make my other one a Herbalist! So Viero gets to stay... for now...
Both of these guys are NBWs so I will probably eventually get rid of them
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Finally we have Orrin who is my current Stud and Herbalist!
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I dont think hes actually super special genetically seeing as I bought him at a very affordable price, but he is so PRETTY look at himmm <3
Imogen is currently pregnant with his pups!
I have him open to Studding I have no clue if anyone will actually want to breed their wolves to him but I will take the chance for some more money ...
Oh! also there's Eirene's puppies but they aren't important I'm going to sell them as fodder they have like 0 markings.
Speaking of puppies, onto the Puppy Horde + Eskel
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I have so many puppies and I bought them all (accept Larimar I got them as a gift <3)... I have a problem.
Before the puppies, we have Eskel, hes one of my faves, he's so pretty. Hes also a maxed out Pupsitter, which is good bec I have so many puppies. I bought him, he was affordable, that's all I remember, I almost bought his sister too but I used restraint.
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Now Puppies!
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Larimar was a gift from Oakdrawwss bec Oak is awesome!!! I wanted him for the cool eyes ofc!
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These are the near identical twins Seila and Sloan, I bought them together in the same trade, I mostly just wanted Sloan (the eyes plus pelt looks so cool together) so I may sell Seila at some point... tho she does have a better base (Pewter) than her sister.
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Wraith and Daemon were the first wolves I bought, I bought them for the eyes... Wraith's pelt is also very pretty despite it being simple. Im hoping to breed some 3 eyed puppies from Daemon that actually have markings too!
Annnd onto the 4 pups I bought in the middle of last night for 1 SC each bec the seller was doing a give away I think??
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The sisters Eirlys and Aoife who look very similar but have a few different colors!
here's what they will look like as adults!
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I may sell Eirlys eventually bec I like Aoife's look more ... Maybe i will chase her so someone else will get the chance at having her!
The other two pups are Sigred and Quillan
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They are more natural colored and I think they look really pretty as adults!
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annnd I think thats all of them... until I buy more HEHEHEHE
I will probably just post updates and stuff, especially if something cool happens!
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Well, I finished The Big Bang Theory. That was a wild ride! I know this show ran for a long time, but when you binge watch it for several weeks it goes by SO fast, omg. Season 12 felt rather rushed to me, like they had to hurry and get the characters to their end points. I also do not feel like their stories are really finished, but just getting started! AKA if they wanted to make a Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler show, that would be fine be me! I want to see them continue on with their science projects, getting pregnant, having babies, raising children - I WANT IT ALL. GIVE IT TO ME. *ahem*
Some criticism, the emotions at the end didn’t feel necessarily earned. I mean it was beautiful how Sheldon Cooper said he loved his friends and honored them as part of his journey to the Nobel Prize. Only, I am remembering in Young Sheldon, how Sheldon thanked Missy Cooper in his High School President speech, and I was like a MESS. I wanted to just outright bawl my eyes out! There was so much earned emotion there between Sheldon and Missy. Also, Sheldon thanked Missy from his own heart, and wasn’t bullied by his friends and loved ones.
So, I get that this is a sitcom, so it just comes with the territory, but everyone was so angry and upset at Sheldon, when in reality they literally never fully communicated any of their problems WITH Sheldon. They always just enabled him or submitted to him in resentment, when a good direct face to face chat was all they needed to do. Amy does it all the time, when the writers decide to make her smart. I don’t like how utterly clueless everyone acts about Sheldon. He’s like literally autistic, full stop. It is obvious as day. It is so clear that things just have to be explained to him and have it be processed by him in a certain way. Of course he always loved his friends, though! That was so freak’in obvious, these guys are dopes to not see it! Sheldon’s love goes so deep.
Obviously, I am not excusing his selfishness or self-centeredness, which anyone can be these things no matter your cognitive ability, but that isn’t the problem for me about this show. It is the fact that everyone acts like Sheldon is the sole source of the problem, walking on eggshells around him, acting as if he is the vulnerable one everyone needs to protect, when they could have just treated him as an adult to begin with! It is the same mistake Mary Cooper made in raising Sheldon, wanting to protect him vs allowing him to discover the world and learn, like George often argued for (Dad Cooper was right, yo!). Yes, this boy is a sensitive, precious little baby cakes who is rather naive and gullible, but also - he’s a grown ass man. Just because his behaviors are primarily associated with children doesn’t make him an actual child. (At least Mary Cooper had that excuse, she was raising the little green bean!) He absolutely isn’t, though. And as the show proved, Sheldon CAN accept change, be humbled, and express love through physical and emotional means. Guess what guys, HE COULD HAVE DONE THAT THE WHOLE FREAK’IN TIME. No one had to slap him or yell at him or hurt him, they could have just TOLD HIM. You know, like rational adults? So who are the children in this situation, hmm?
Anyway, it is just something I am frustrated with about the whole show, especially since it effected him and Amy and how they communicated. The writing was rather frustrating in many ways. That is why I prefer Young Sheldon as a show and how they handle Sheldon’s character in it, which is with so much more nuance, depth, and maturity.
But again, this is a sitcom. So, whatta ya gonna do? It was an absolute delight, though, and I am going to HYPERFIXATE THE HELL out of Shamy!!
King and Queen of the Universe! Their brains are so much better than everyone’s!! 😍😍😍
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mariatesstruther · 9 months
I’m with you on your Joel and Maria would be best friends agenda. Once she realises he’s changed like Tommy did and genuinely cares about Ellie, and once he gets over his distrust of this random woman whose now his sister-in-law, they’d totally be best buds.
Just imagine them teaming up to tease Tommy about whatever, and he tells her all the embarrassing stories Tommy has kept quiet. They’d talk about their new children, and how they still feel the ghosts of their firstborns. She feels completely safe leaving the baby with him because he’s so gentle with it and she knows he’ll never let anything happen to the baby. They’d end up trusting each other so much they’d go on patrols together. They’d team up on family board game night and practically leave Ellie and Tommy in tears because they’re far too good at Cluedo. And they’d save each others sanity with a nice relaxing coffee when the other is a little stressed dealing with a newborn and extroverted husband or a hyper teenage girl.
Best friends agenda, count me in
some more mariajoel bestie brainrot for u bc u deserve it, i deserve it, we all deserve it:
• joel and maria ripping tommy a new one after he does some foolish carpenter shit (which they BOTH told him not to do, tommy. how many times did they tell him not to do xyz?) and gets hurt. they don’t particularly like each other, at this point, but they cant help but team up at tommy’s bedside because they both berate and baby him the EXACT same way. for weeks they work together to take care of ellie while they nurse tommy’s whatever-is-injured back to health, bonding and worrying and parenting together. by the time he’s recovered, his wife and his brother are the best of friends
• joel and maria both being the Biggest Introverts in Jackson but also somehow the most appreciated and loved by everyone. they start going off on patrols together just to get away from people and not have to fucking talk for a while, and also sometimes to blow off some necessary steam (i think this goes beautifully with @clickergossip’s idea that joel takes maria out to do things like cut down trees and shoot game so she can get some of her pain and rage out)
• joel helps maria retwist her hair every few months (thank you, @liveandletcry23), and when baby miller is born they have retwisting days in which they form an ADORABLE hair-maintenance train: joel doing maria’ hair, while maria is doing baby miller’s. ellie hops in sometimes in various spots after she learns to retwist locs too.
(tommy has been long banished from the hair maintenance train. he pulls.)
• sometimes joel enlists tommy and ellie’s help give maria her own miller-hosted spa days. these are some of her favorite times of the year, full of foot rubs from tommy and board game tournaments with ellie and tall glasses of their good whiskey, which she always shares gratefully with joel
• speaking of board games, maria and joel would ABSOLUTELY crush tommy in any and everything, as you mentioned here. the idea of them just completely annihilating tommy and ellie in a board game marathon until they both rage quit is SENDING ME. ellie flipping over the board for whatever they’re playing and storming out, cursing up a storm, while tommy just sits there pouting like “im not gonna repeat what she’s sayin but she’s right”
• tommy and ellie get so fed up at some point that they flat out ban maria and joel from playing shit with them. maria is only allowed temporary acceptance back in while she’s pregnant, because she loves games and the millers have a Pact to make pregnant maria happy. they will all do whatever they can to make sure she has the easiest, safest, and most fun pregnancy possible, and that includes letting her crush them at whatever game she likes
• kevin’s first birthday following the birth of baby miller is weighing especially heavy on her, and all the millers can tell. tommy and ellie decide to have baby time for the day while joel takes maria out to the lake, just so she can spend some time to breathe and think and grieve. when she starts to look a little less suffocated, he asks her if she’s ever built a cairn. she hasn’t, so he explains what it is while remembering the time he made one for tess. they make new ones by the lake together, her’s for kevin and his for sarah. they walk back to jackson together, hand in hand, with maria feeling lighter than she has in years
• they’re usually greeted back from their best friend time with tommy, ellie, and baby miller trying to hide some sort of evidence of whatever minor crime they’ve undoubtedly committed in the absence of reason. anytime they ask what they’ve been up to, ellie and tommy respond with uncannily similar versions of “nothing!!!!! everything’s fine!!!” until eventually baby miller gets old enough to snitch, which they always do
• baby miller is maria and tommy’s lil baby, but they are joel’s precious little meow meow that has never done and will never do anything wrong in their adorable little life. for their first few years, their feet rarely ever touch the ground because tío joel is always ALWAYS down to carry them anywhere and for however long. maria struggles being close to the baby at first, and it’s clear in the way she almost entirely lets them be held by tommy and joel unless she has to breastfeed. the miller boys notice, of course, and tommy suggests her and joel have some time at the lake. her and joel have a long and important talk about how it feels to love another child after losing your first. hearing joel talk about loving ellie and loving sarah starts to soothe something in her she didnt know needed soothing. she doesn’t hold back in loving baby miller after that, and joel reminds her at least once every few months what an amazing mother she is, to the both of her kids
• for their birthdays one random year, maria gifts all of the millers with their own horse. in response, they surprise her with a christmas puppy
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thatiranianphantom · 7 months
Nancy Drew 1x16: The Haunting of Nancy Drew
(or the one where my ethical issues with private infant adoption get REAL)
Okay, we know you're into the supernatural Nancy, but you mean you'd vomit an omen anyday?
A blessed break from Owen in this episode!
I need a makeup routine for all three girls. Immediately.
John Sander is the BEST. The true "normal person comes to crazy town" trope.
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"Made that out of clay." Ace, sweet baby, ily.
How did Nancy get those case files, especially with Tamura?
Ah, asking her mother for help without knowing it!
Also, "did my mom have something to do with Lucy's death". Double meaning there.
God, baby Fanson. I love them.
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The thing is before Nace were ever a thing, Fanson was great. I don't root for Fanson because of Nace, I root for Fanson on its own merits, while I hated Nancy and Nick as a couple.
Don't panic. Everyone: panics.
Tamura! I loved him.
"Is he a vampire?"
Ace can hack in 2 minutes, and should absolutely have been snapped up by some kind of government agency at this point.
Another theme for this episode: poor, poor Ryan. The face acting Riley does in this episode! His father made the love of his life kill herself, and he has to deal with the fact that she died thinking Ryan hated her.
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People remember the events of 20 years ago with startling clarity.
Do Americans call pickles gherkins? Thought that was a British thing?
Lucy, someone who was at least 16, has the journal of a 5 year old.
Again, gonna put it out there that the people who ensured Lucy's death, a pregnant child, were the people of Horseshoe Bay. Don't know if I'd defend them hard if I were Carson.
Excellent casting, because I do see Lucy's facial features in Nancy.
Hoo boy, here we go. Let's start this with a disclaimer: I know that the internet is where nuance goes to die, but I want to make it clear I am not anti-adoption. I also fully recognize that many birth mothers, through their own free choice and zero coersion, choose to place their babies for adoption, and even if they had access to resources, this is the choice they would make. I am not calling that unethical. I'm also aware I am applying my own personal ethical issues with adoption to a fictional TV show. Okay, we good? Okay, let's get into it.
Lucy Sable was a (presumably) 16 year old child who had been relentlessly bullied into an incredibly emotional state, had just given birth, and had thought the love of her life hated her and never wanted to see her again. This is not a person in a clear emotional state, capable of making long-term decisions. I get that they absolutely did not know that Lucy would jump off the cliff, but Carson justifying everything with "Lucy wanted this. This was Lucy's wish. We didn't tell the Hudsons because Lucy wanted this" is somewhat understandable but frankly also a load of shit.
Lucy did not know the truth. Ryan deserved to know the truth. Nancy deserved to know the truth. I find it very hard to accept that Carson and Kate were "honoring Lucy's wishes" by never telling her (and never planning on telling her) that she was adopted, and never telling Ryan, robbing him of the opportunity to raise Nancy, or even to know Nancy. I get that Everett couldn't know. That does not mean Ryan couldn't, and that does not mean Nancy couldn't, especially as an adult, and the thing is, Carson gaslit her the entire season and would have continued to lie to Nancy if she hadn't figured out the truth on her own.
A whole whack of Nancy's identity issues are thanks to Carson and Kate, who refused to tell Nancy who she really was. Adopted children deserve to know, and know about, their birth families. It is very easy, as we have seen, to use a teenager's tragic and highly emotional situation for their own benefits. So Carson trying constantly to justify himself as having done the right thing is...that's hard to get over.
While I absolutely believe love makes family too, biology is an interwoven part of who a person is, and never acknowledging the birth parent or family as part of an adoptee's story is...harmful to say the least.
I know Nancy and Ryan forgave Carson, but that's always going to stick at the back of my mind. Yes, Nancy was his. He was her father. I get that, and I know that was real in Nancy's mind too. She was also Lucy's. And she was Ryan's. And his refusal to acknowledge that is....ehh.
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I suppose we'll get more ranting next episode, but that's the core of it.
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zyrineasworld · 11 months
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Chapter  0
✪ Challenge Accepted ✪
In a cold dark night inside the forest - miles away from the village, a group of man gathered surrounding a camp fire, a bunch of tent build behind, and spend the night with chatters, foods and drinks.
"This lash right here is my ashey... Believe it or noth she slaughtered ten lycans... TEN FUCKING LYCANS in a minuteh."  A muscular man in his 40's with a big stomach hug his niece that was sitting on his side drinking a beer, proudly showing off and telling everyone how strong his niece was. "Uncle~" a woman on her mid 20's groan, shoulder length black hair, muscular body and six foot seven tall, a small blush creeps into her cheeks as she try to hide her embarrassment.
"Yeah... She's like his father... Viper..." Another man comes to view, taking a seat on her side and squeezing the woman like a jam on a sandwich. Drunk here, drunk there, drunk men everywhere, in some strangers sight, being surrounded by drunk men are dangerous but for Viper, it's otherwise. For her, she felt comfortable whenever she was with these men not because they were men but because they treated her like a little sister, the only person they wanted to protect and treat like a queen.
Yet, she refused to be treated like that and she loves to prove it in every fight they countered. "Should've name you Venom instead of Viper" her uncle joked earning a laughter from everyone even Viper herself. "Shut up, pregnant man!" She tease, gently pushing her uncle away from her who's still laughing his ass off with his friends. Viper rolled her eyes playfully before she excuse herself to grab some more beer.
Now walking towards their tent, the laughter of those men that echoes inside her ears gradually weakened. As she entered the tent, a warm feeling enveloped her and she realized how cold it was outside. The tent feels like it had a heather as Viper felt getting comfortable inside, that's her body needs right now, a warm feeling to ease her trembling and cold body.
It was indeed comfortable for Viper because she found herself closing her eyes and embracing the warmness that these tent have. She stayed like that for a minute or two before she got up, grabbed a beer and returned to her companions who were now chatting about something she couldn't understand.
" ~~ Legend says, she drains the blood of her victim and mixes it with her wines. No one believes it but if you taste the Demeter Wine, it taste bitter, like you are drinking a melted iron." A man with a beard and mustache like Santa, whispered before drinking his beer, spilling it into his chin hair. Viper sat beside her uncle as her eyes wandered around, checking if her friends are drunk enough to pass out.
"Come on, Bill, every wine taste bitter. That is why we love beer." Viper's uncle stated, clearly not believing Bill's story. "Come on Buck, believe me. That vampire is one of a kind." Bill counter, pointing his finger onto Viper's uncle who shook his head, still not falling for his words and stories. "All vampires drink blood, they don't make it wines." The old man still insist his opinion, confusing Viper.
"What are you guys talking about?" She asked, bringing the top of the bottle to her lips and drink her beer. "Lady Dimitrescu, the business owner od Demeter Wine." Said her uncle nonchalantly, Viper raise on of her eyebrow, still don't getting the point. Her uncle notice it, he let out a small sigh before finishing his beer. "You know the word of the street saying she's a vampire." Getting his point, Viper nod. "Our buck here says she's a real vampire and she drain the blood of her victim and mixed it with the wines she sell"
"Okay... Well... That was dark." Viper found herself taken aback by her uncle's word, chuckling nervous. "But if she's a real vampire then I'm gonna hunt her, slaughtered her like how I always do." She added, drinking her beer, her words earn a few laughter from her friends - it caused her to raise her eyebrow. "Oh Viper... That was hilarious... I love how you thought you can kill her..." The other man said in between his laugh.
"Do you think I can't?"
"No... I know you can't. Every man who tried to kill her never made it back to their loved ones. It's either they found them dead or never found them at all. That's why no one dares to step their foot in her castle, no one have some hard rod dick to find out if it's true or not. It's been 22 years since a man attempt to kill her. He's never found, he's the last man." Thinking of it thoroughly to the point she silence herself, Viper found herself trying to calm her nerves. She's getting mad not by the words of her friends but by the fact that he's maybe telling the truth. That maybe, that Dimitrescu person is really a murderer.
"I wonder if that man's still alive... I don't know him but if I saw him, Imma look at his dick." Bill added, laughing at his own words. Viper's uncle shut his mouth, his suddenly change of behaviour confused Viper. "Let's not talk about him..." He said, clearly avoiding that topic which give more perplexity to Viper. "Why is that, Uncle? Do you know him? The man he's reffing?" She asked, placing her empty bottle of beer on her side and stares at her uncle with her cold hazel brown eyes.
"No! I mean... No, I never know who that is..."
"But it's true? Someone really have the courage to visit that castle and -"
"I said. Let's. Not. Talk. About it." Her uncle stated with a stern cold voice making Viper flinch. She let out a sigh knowing he won't answer her questions. "Yes uncle" she whispered, looking away from him. The surroundings become quiet, no one dares to talk after Viper's uncle sudden burst out. "I'm sorry, Viper, honey. I'm just... Not in the mood to talk about something disgusting." He, then apologize after a minute or two of silence. "It's okay... I understand..." Viper mumbled, loud and clear enough for her uncle to hear.
The awkwardness that engulfed them slowly faded when Bill change the topic and talk about something else. They laughed, chatted until the rest of the night. Some of them passed out after a few many couple of beers while some of them still have the strength to got up and walk to their tent and sleep. Middle of the night, moon shone brightly in the dark sky surrounds with twinkling stars. Viper, stays on the camp fire, laying on the cold grass and staring at the dark sky.
Her body trembles from the cold but it's not enough to make her leave and take some comfortable sleep. Her mind was full of thoughts, thinking about Lady Dimitrescu and her rumoured bad deeds - also thinking about her uncle's behaviour earlier. There's too many questions on her mind that needed an answer but she have no idea how to answer it.
"Drowning in deep thoughts, huh. Mind sharing it to me?" A man in his mid 20's lay down beside Viper and follow her gaze, he's muscular with a fair skin, pointy nose, green eyes and natural red hair. His voice was deep and scary yet Viper found herself loving his voice. Viper look at her side and her heart skip a bit seeing his side face. "Nothing, really... I was just wasting my time." Viper lied, looking back at the stars with a chuckle.
"You can't lie to me, pal. We're literally friends since fetus. This man right here is a better liar than you... Now tell me what's in your heart." The man scoff, facing Viper with a small smile curve on his lips, Viper do the same thing, she face her friend and roll her eyes playfully. "It's just...  I..." Having a hard time building up a word, Viper just shut her mouth earning a giggle from her friend. "Let me guess, you're thinking about that Lady Dimitrescu." He said as if he read her mind.
Viper hum and bite her lower lips, embarrassed and disappointed. "I know what you're thinking... I'm telling you don't do it." He added, his smile disappear and replace with serious look. "What if I want to? You know me better, right, Tom? You know how I badly want every vampire to die... You know my reasons-" her words were cut off by Tom who pressed his index finger on her lips.
"I know... You became vampire slaughter so you could have the chance to face the vampire who killed your father.  I know you're thinking Lady Dimitrescu might be the vampire you're looking for but I'm not gonna allow you. Viper... We already lose your father... He's my idol and I promised him not to put you in danger... So please... Don't think about it." Viper pull his hand away from her lips and smile at him.
"But you said to me you're gonna support me... You said wherever I go, you'll always behind me..."
"But this... This is out of our vows. I..."
"I love you, Viper... I love you not as friend or colleague but as a woman whom I wanna marry..." Viper shut her mouth after Tom's sudden confession. Having no idea what to say, Viper sat up and take a deep breath, she knows she never feel the same, those love, couple things, loving someone and etc. It never cross her mind, her heart was ice as cold, it was frozen and filled with anger, revenge and sadness.
It will never fill with love and any silly things.
"Where are you going?" Tom asked as Viper stood up. "My tent... I need some sleep" she said as cold as ice while walking away from Tom who bury his face on his palm, cursing under his breath for confessing his love for Viper. The aforementioned woman didn't go though, she lied. In her way towards her tent, Viper grab her sword that was specially made for her, it was magical, at least for mortals like her. That sword can kill monsters, any kind of monsters even vampires who's known for their undying life.
That sword is her witness of how many vampires and different kind of monsters she slaughtered. Her sword may look beautiful and shining but it was covered with blood in every battle. She stared at it, stroking its blade with her real name carve on it.
Astoria Marfori
"It's Viper now... Viper Jacobs." She mumbled before she sneak out, leaving her colleagues inside the forest with no permission, no goodbyes and no words. She just left, heart raging in anger, her desire to kill vampires had surpass her limits. She's ready to kill and never thought if she's ready to die... For her, this is her game and this challenge... She'll accept it with no hesitation.
For her...
Challenge accepted.
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Family (Huntlow Week 2022) #7
Here we are, last story for the @huntlowweek. I had a lot of fun writing all the stories, thank you all for reading them <3
Willow hummed a lullaby as she washed the lunch dishes.
That was the day she had been waiting for all week, Hunter and she were expecting their second child and that was the day they would find out if she was expecting a boy or another girl.
When she finished washing all the dishes, Willow suddenly felt arms wrap around her waist from behind and a kiss on her cheek. A smile formed on her lips as she recognized that he was her husband.
She turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck and they both shared a long, passionate kiss.
"How's the most beautiful pregnant woman in the whole world?" He murmured, looking down at her lovingly and stroking her already big and round belly.
"Better now." She purred. "Did you take the cake?"
"Yea." Hunter replied, pointing to the pink box with the cake in it on the counter.
"Do you think Lily will be very upset about the baby's gender?" She asked in an apprehensive tone of voice, knowing how much their daughter wanted a little sister.
Hunter didn't need to say a word, the expression on his face said it all.
"... I'm sure whatever the baby is, she's gonna love it anyway." Willow said, being optimistic.
"I hope so." He laughed.
Later that day, after they picked up their baby girl from school, Camila, Luz, Amity, Vee and the parents and Willow gathered at their house to cut the cake and reveal the baby's gender.
Everyone was very excited and had their stakes, but no one looked more excited than Lily, she had been asking for a younger sibling for two years now.
"Alright, everyone ready?" Hunter asked, as he took the spatula to cut the cake, whose icing was just white, to cause suspense.
"Yea!" She exclaimed, while jumping up and down in excitement.
"Don't make so much suspense, we want to know what it is." Harvey said with a smile.
He patiently began to cut a slice of the cake. Everyone held their breaths, waiting for the baby's gender to be revealed.
After being cut, the slice of cake was lifted. The blue color filling revealed that they were expecting a boy.
Hunter immediately dropped the spatula and yelped in delight. He loved his two girls, but he was very happy that he would soon have someone he could play sports with, as Lily wasn't very interested in that.
He hugged and kissed his wife, who also looked overjoyed that they would soon have a mini Hunter in their family.
On the other hand, little Lily's huge smile slowly faded as everyone around her was celebrating. She was so sure it would be a girl.
It didn't take long for her to burst into tears of sadness. Hunter soon realized and quickly tried to comfort his daughter. Although he was happy that it was a boy, he didn't like seeing his precious little princess sad at all.
"Awww sweetheart, don't cry." He said in an affable voice, kneeling on the floor to talk to her.
The little girl soon ran into her father's arms and hugged him while crying.
"I wanted a little sister so badly, that's not fair!" She said between loud sobs.
"But honey, Mom and Dad don't get to choose the gender, that's not how it works." Willow also tried to comfort her daughter, holding her little hand and giving her a kiss. "But having a little brother can also be pretty cool. You're going to love your little brother anyway, right?"
She sniffled, answering nothing as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Well, at least she didn't say 'no'." Gilbert said with a shrug.
The time has passed. Lily was still very upset in the next days, but over time she forgot, she accepted that she would have a little brother and was happy when she participated in the shopping to buy the things the baby needed.
She suggested naming him Harper, a name she for some reason thought was cute, the same as a student in her kindergarten class.
Willow and Hunter also liked the name and agreed that his name would be Harper.
One day, they were enjoying a family moment over a holiday, when Willow felt her water break and started having contractions. She never said it hurt, because in her words, happiness doesn't hurt.
She soon knew that her son was about to be born.
However, having never seen her mother in such a state before, Lily was innocently desperate that she was indeed in pain.
"Honey, mommy is fine, but we have to get her to the hospital right now!" Hunter hastily warned her, as he helped his wife to the car in the garage.
Not being able to get her to her grandparents' house in time, their daughter had to be taken to the hospital with them, but she had to stay the entire time in the waiting room, being looked after by Camila.
In no time, she ceased her concern for the state of her mother and her little brother.
"Abuela, are you sure my mom is okay?" she asked, before sniffling.
"Yes, mi amor, you don't have to worry about anything." Camila assured her, as she ran her hand through her granddaughter's blond hair. "Don't you remember? She's given birth to you before, she's a lot tougher now."
The little girl smiled, feeling calmer as her grandmother rocked her in her arms.
After so much time had passed that Lily had fallen asleep, Hunter went to the waiting room and happily announced to them that their son was finally born.
Camila couldn't contain a cry of euphoria, which consequently woke Lily from her slumber.
"Mmm... Daddy? Is my little brother born yet?" She asked, still a little groggy from sleep.
"Have patience, my dearest." He laughed, caressing his daughter's cheek. "You just woke up."
"Is my little brother born yet?" She asked again, rubbing her sleepy little eyes.
"Yes, he was born."
The little grimwitch beamed with happiness as she jumped into her father's arms and hugged him as tightly as her little arms could.
"What's he like?" She asked, her little eyes twinkling with curiosity.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" Hunter winked at her. "But don't scream anymore, we're still in a hospital, okay?"
"OK!" She smiled.
He took the daughter to the room where her mother was resting from all the effort she had put into giving birth, as she breastfed her baby for the first time.
Everything she went through to hold their child in her arms was worth it, her heart seemed to overflow with happiness as she contemplated that little being that was born of her and the fruit of the greatest love in the whole world.
She loved her children more than anything.
She smiled, seeing the other two most important people in her life entering the room.
"Mommy, are you okay?" Lily asked.
"I'm more than okay, my little flower." Willow replied sweetly. "Come meet your little brother."
Hunter approached over with her in his arms.
She stopped Harper from breastfeeding so his older sister could see his face better.
The little girl was speechless at the sight of him. He was simply the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her short life, even not being a girl like she wanted.
"Say hi to Harper, honey." Hunter chanted.
Wordlessly, the little girl reached out and placed one of her fingers against the baby's small palm. She was immensely surprised when he wrapped his little fingers around her index finger.
"Mommy, does he know I'm his big sister?" Lily asked softly, almost in a whisper, trying her best not to scream.
"Yes, sweetheart, he knows." Willow replied with a smile.
She knew babies had a reflex to hold everything they put in their hands, but her little girl was so happy to think that was it, she didn't decide to tell the truth.
"Do you like him, sweetie?" Hunter asked.
"I love my little brother." She said, before carefully leaning over and placing a kiss on Harper's forehead, which made him let out a cute little grunt.
Willow and Hunter looked at each other affectionately and he kissed her on the lips. Despite so many stones in their paths, they managed to build a life together, formed a beautiful family and loved each other more with each passing day.
He managed to do what his ancestors couldn't, and at the same time that it saddened him a little, he couldn't feel any luckier for it.
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Hi how are you? c: I'm glad if you see my message, there's no rush if you don't want to answer
I have some points to tell you:
First of all I come to tell you that you are a magnificent writer, you capture with excellent precision the feelings, the thoughts of the characters, I also thank you for taking the time to make each chapter with so much dedication and effort that is reflected, giving your readers a chapter to shout , cry, wherever we are reading, take the time you need to make the chapter, we are going to wait the necessary time, do not lose that shine that has characterized you and that has fascinated us for your magic when transmitting each description the situations that have arisen leaving us with the intrigue each chapter
Second I have an idea, I don't know if you're going to accept it for sure, but it's worth trying… well in the next installment you'll see in the sequel in dōnus riñus (sweet girl) I was wondering if we're going to see Daemon with short hair like in the series or when reader is pregnant and sees that change of look she is horny due to hormones, she would not know what to do, no matter what the plot is, the truth is that I have not stopped thinking about it and I needed to tell you in a way or another this idea, besides I think I needed more chapters in the series with that change of look because it was too hot, more than it is, I don't know what you think in that aspect
Third, are we going to see Reader later finding out about the adventure that her sister had with Ser Criston in her youth? Because poor Raeder doesn't know most of the little gossip about her family that was about 10 years ago, and she wants to know How did it happen and they don't give you an answer to that
Fourth I hope you have a nice weekend and start of the week, that all your loved ones are well, and that you are doing well in your life
Sorry if I wrote something wrong, English is not my second language, but I'm trying, and I can't wait for chapter 12 uwu 7u7
Thank you so so much for this lovely comment, I'm so grateful that you have enjoyed my writing! It's been so unbelievably amazing reading all this great feedback and seeing people respond so kindly to this grotty little smut-verse I've blurted out onto your screens lol. I am really close to finishing off the chapter, just tightening up some dialogue and really trying to nail the smut so that it's a good ending to the instalment (but not the series, more is coming!).
I don't have any major plans to lop his hair off, though I was really into it in Episode 4 lol (though admittedly I don't know if it was the hair or the fucked-up behaviour he was exuding that drew me in more); I had a little thought that maybe he ties all his hair back and that really does it for horny Reader lol. I may end up going back and writing a prequel-prequel fic when Reader is a child and make reference to his shorter hair (I know it's squicky, but god help me I really like the idea of reinforcing the uncomfortableness of this pairing by reminding everyone that at one point in time Reader was his baby niece, not just a hot young lady lol).
I think Reader's gonna have to find out about Criston and Rhaenyra, especially as Criston's behaviour towards her gets weirder and weirder; it might serve to contextualise some of her confusion about why in the hell Criston is so strangely protective of her (I have this headcanon that Criston took his role as Reader's shield a little too seriously, and conflated all his hero worship of Rhaenyra into protecting this perfect little princess who turns out to be just like any normal non-godly woman when she demonstrates she's into getting dicked down lol).
Thank you so much for the well-wishes; I'm having a bit of a hard time personally right now, and all this is the BEST most AMAZING escape from my shitty life, so thank you to everyone! Hopefully, Chapter 12 will be out soon!
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mouseratz · 2 years
Gotham episodes 5x6-5x12
- he's runnin...
- they just need to fry Eddie's brain again and he'll be fine.
- who is she?
- she looks a bit like a doll.
- what the fuck.
- "oh. Is that all?"
- "what the people desperately need is food and medicine. not more guns."
- "you have me." "And me." "I don't trust you."
- Selina just chopped off some guys fingers and then went to eat coco puffs.
- "kind of resembles a goth chicken?"
- he did kill Tabitha in cold blood. Truth.
- Lucius......
- Lee?
- "tell me, how many ex fiancees do you have anyway?"
- "I can't remember anything..." Did they put a chip in her too? not for killing, just to control her.
- he's scared of it cuz last time it worked.
- "oh, not now, Bullock."
- I love him. So much.
- I do like that season five is just like. yeah the government and military is literally evil. agreed
- BULLOCK KNEW THE ANSWER? how does it go....a broken clock still rings right twice a day....no that's not quite it.....err
- I love Selina and os. this is so fucking funny
- "the next time I get a short straw, I'm just gonna walk into traffic."
- something's really wrong with Lee.
- who the fuck is walker. ain't no way she's just some rando.....
- how many times does Alfred get stabbed in this show.
- truth is, penguin is still more ruthless than Selina is, even with her loosening morals.
- of course she's fucking pregnant. LMAOOO
- "You're supposed to be dead, mate." "Sorry to disappoint."
- fireworks? where is this?
- "her squad found something." "What?" "....it's weird."
- that's gotta be a pretty old newspaper by now.
- oh. Jeremiah.
- "for my little nugget." Jesus.
- Jeremiah I really gotta know what is the point of this. It's so elaborate. And just to fuck with him?
- "and I didn't get to be a part of it."
- Jeremiah you didn't have to do this. You could've just came out
- ACE CHEMICALS? okay. so it's the janker
- they're still working with Jervis?
- ok well. They did blow up Wayne manor.
- Jervis has a better outfit this season.
- the theater is kinda creepy. Love it.
- Jeremiah costume is pretty awesome.
- be careful rejecting gay people in Gotham. it never goes well
- it parallels that Selina was watching, unknown by everyone....except this time, she *saved* them. thereby, making up for the past.
- Jeremiah this would've been a lot easier if you just said you loved him before all that.
- also just like Lego Batman
- the rivers toxic now, isn't it?
- "first of all, I am VERY fond of that dog."
- "it means fate has different plans for us."
- fellas is it gay to ask your number one frenemy to escape the city with you
- Annnd there it is for Selina.
- "she's glowing." ????
- back at the club.
- who are these people.
- well, that's that.
- Dix....ivy's medicine?
- Ed cut his hair :(
- "I had to get us lunch. And I got Dale."
- didn't....Penn die?
- Whadda hell ....
- the horror sewers
- I love the dummy thing
- she died....at Arkham....a couple of years ago ....wouldn't be, a couple of years ago, when strange discovered reanimation? couldn't be, right?
- okay. well. it is.
- this is interesting though I don't know what it's about.
- Jane doe. Huh.
- my guess is killer croc.
- they're implying Scarface is actually magical/Alive
- the girls are fightingggg
- "honestly, you deserve this. Your loyalty is....shaky, at best."
- "how do you feel....about submarines?"
- ok so just a zombie then?
- CLASSIC imposter situation....
- Barbara's like. Hell no I'm not being damsel in distressed
- "wait what's the signal"
- "I was not a good friend. To you or anyone. It's why I'm alone."
- ED?
- "I accept you for the person that you are....and as friends, I think we can agree that lunatic had to be stopped."
- "perhaps, Edward....we really are meant for each other." Yeah sure. 'friendship'
- he killed her? he killed her.
- how does killing her make anything right.
- "....forgiveness? I can't give that to you." "I just needed you to know."
- "it's like you won't be satisfied until you sacrifice yourself." truth
- millionth time he's been shot
- Selina and Bruce in a creepy house. For a date?
- why can't Harvey dent be in these things. this is HIS theme
- "it wasn't (fate). it was Jeremiah blowing up your house." say it
- hey ivy.
- Oswald got punched just cuz he's punchable
- "look at the window, stupid!"
- ah. The guy Selina beat up a while ago.
- okay. this jim part is kind ooooof boring it's like yeah no we got it we know how Jim is
- "okey dokey. Time to boogie."
- "like, actual roses, they're great."
- ivy.....
- aw Alfred dad moments.
- people. Ugh.
- Barbara Kean is THE girlboss.
- "your best never seems good enough."
- i hope Lee stabs the fuck out of her
- why does this ivy suck so bad. she's so not fun
- Harveys wearing eds stupid suit.
- it's weird I like lee fine she's still good but it's like last season didn't even happen.
- a month? timeskip?
- okay. A wedding. Whatever.
- nobody laughed at what Harvey said cuz it was true.
- what the fuck is this episode. is this like. A lifetime original ???
- Oswald bitching about it. is pretty funny.
- god. another villain introduction. girl we got TWO episodes left 😭
- reunification day. feels like it came so fast this season was five seconds long
- so, it's been nine months overall....and over a year since the bridges fell.
- the idiots are preparing to launch their fucking submarine.
- and we gotta build the batcave bro
- and now banes gonna come fuck it all up.
- Gotham as a show....it never changes. it starts interesting and then begins to unravel into full bore dumbassery as it continues.
- "we're not going anywhere." Barbara took it.
- god. is that Talia
- it's Talia. Has to be.
- Nyssa? so. not that.
- of course. Hugo strange .
- "but for the record, you stabbed me first."
- "but you did though. you pointed the gun at the baby."
- Barbara and Lee have the worst idiots possible to help out with this childbirth
- "bon voyage."
- they grievously injured Alfred AGAIN.
- Jim you stupid bitch. NEVER say that don't you know you're in a tv show
- Baby drama
- he feels bad about it. This is MY city
- I'm going to follow my heart
- ...but perhaps you could learn something
- I'm gonna miss you edward.....THE DOG.
- Nightwing project. HRM.
- a beacon to certain animals....
- you have a remarkably recognizable odor. Part dandy, part snake.
- he loves Gotham just as much as Gordon does.
- I love Gotham. Final boss fight is just The American Military led by Bane
- lee has to return to the narrows.
- he saved "Eddie". Ok.
- upsy daisy, Oswald.
- "I'm sorry..." "It's the least I could do."
- "they did sacrifice everything."
- "you both love getting stabbed by this knife."
- love that Oswald put the shades back on over the fucking eye patch. #girl
- Barbara Lee Gordon. Technically doesn't that make her a Barbara Jr.
- those drab....boring...people
- common criminals? never again.
- he's kinda losing it again. But that's okay.
- "we would be stronger together. No one could stop us."
- "yeah, perhaps....."
- "we will take what we want, from who we want, and we will suffer no fools."
- "together."
- "a hug it is."
- life begins anew.
- shall we get to work?
- and commissioner Gordon.
- I'd be pissed as fuck at him too.
- here we go. Last Gotham episode.....4ever
- this bitch is STILL mayor?
- he has a baby. And Barbara looks more like the comics.
- EDDIE! with the long hair too.
- I knew him. Back in the day.
- Jeremiah baldification
- ECCO.....
- quite the girl around town....
- no cat ears for Selina 🥺
- I don't really like that they recast her but none of the full adults.
- who are they so scared of?
- a letter from Oswald.
- it's Batman.......
- and the top hat. penguin 🐧
- back at the pier. It ends as it begins, and it is beginning again.
- wait.....did he NOT break Ed out? then, who did?
- "you locked me up like an animal." like. a well. Animal in the zoo.....not saying which one. I think you can guess.
- Edward is slaying.
- the tie. The tinted glasses.
- "honey, I'm still amazing."
- "didn't you do that already?" "ITS A CALLBACK!"
- it's the joker. duh.
- "I'm not. But I thought you might need some help.".
- "it's good to see you." THWAP
- ecco is so fucking great.
- "then again, there was another me, too."
- "no longer my echo. There'll never be another like you.... But I suppose there are other fish in the sea."
- "is there a Jeremiah here?"
- looove it. he's a fun joker actually.
- "like hell."
- Oswald and Edward breaking out. And promptly deciding they did not feel like fucking with Batman
- that is not.....fantastic looking
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abcdosaka · 11 months
Watched oshi no ko and hells paradise both mid. Kinda makes me mad bc hells paradise was giving soul eater a little bit plus the op is catchy as fuck but I’m a little annoyed like I just don’t think I have it in me to tolerate mid female characters anymore. I really wanted to like it too bc the first ep was really good but then the second was like umm ok this dude is a bit much but he’s cool still. Then the third ep I was like “so why tf is the girl even travelling with him if everyone knows he could easily overpower her at any time”. And the forth ep gabimaru had to save her and she collapsed bc she got overwhelmed ? Like it’s so embarrassing for her I can’t go on. I realize her arc is about facing her fears or something actually no I don’t really know what the author was going for but anyway my point is theres a way to do that without making her a cringe damsel in distress. Maybe I’m just jumping to conclusions bc it really does look good but like it’s not a great look so far
as for oshi no ko I was hoping it would be about like balancing motherhood and being a star or something obviously I expected too much. I actually kinda enjoyed the movie pilot but I dislike that:
1 it’s isekai
2 the mom fucking dies and the kid/guy is on some revenge fantasy bs. Like I said I thought this would be some cute show where a guy doctor falls in love with a pregnant woman who’s actually an idol hiding her identity and the issues that would arise from that. (Btw I did not know she was 16 going into this show. Another thing I dislike)
3 I feel like the isekai part is just accepted and will never come up again. Like idk bc I wouldn’t mind if it was actually incorporated into the story as like the main thing but it’s not really. like I want sarina/rubys backstory to be more important, the connnection between her wanting to be an idol and her not being able to move around in her previous life could be expanded on, idk anything abt the guys goals from before but I would like to see that instead
4 I hate the Mc he’s fucking BORINGGGGG and he’s obsessed w his sister and mom. (Side note When are we gonna get an anime where the Mc just despises his sister like there’s no other feeling other than hate.) What happened to the fun guy who used to be a doctor. Like trauma obvs but his whole personality became unbearable. you could say that he was obsessed with Ai even when he was alive but honestly, bro had a job and lived in the countryside, there is no way he didn’t have other things going on in his life
5 both these kids have no personality other than being obsessed with their mom like SHUT UP PLS
6 it’s literally just a girl in the mcs life suffers due to being an idol and he jumps in to save her by doing something maybe a little innovative and weird but ultimately good. Like I kept watching bc I wanted to see how him trying new things could expand his perspective or something like trying acting again or being on the dating show but no it’s just him saving chicks from other ppl
7 I feel like all of those points just show the plot is trying to be more than what it is. Like it’s just another isekai where an older guy takes care of underage women in return for their dedication. Ok to be fair it actually does have a lot of the inside life of idol culture which is interesting but also don’t advertise it like ai is a main character when she FUCKING DIES :(
I actually kinda dislike gabimaru too like both these mfs are gloomy, overly perfect, emo, and have saviour complexes and it’s rly not my vibe. Like idk they’re Gary stus. Ebony darkness dementia raven way but as a guy. Like please just suck at something you’re boring me
I think that’s what I get for trying to watch Shonen but ugh. I like action I like the power of friendship I even like a lil romance if it’s not like annoying and very specifically aimed toward the male gaze.
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evansbby · 2 years
here's a thot: poyt steve + pregnant omega + lactation kink
like one morning steve and omega wake up and there's twin wet spots on her shirt. steve goes all alpha on his omega
Oh yes, this would totally happen! POYT!Steve is very kinky, and a lot of his kinks will be revealed as the fic goes on! Thots below! (warning: smut, lactation kink, pregnancy kink, light somno)
You being pregnant would turn poyt!Steve into a whole different level of kinky. I can imagine him waking up, all ready to fuck his pregnant omega awake. But he sees you leaking — and this is your first pregnancy so it’s the first time it’s ever happened and he’s literally enraptured. And so horny at the sight. He can’t help but suck your nipple, all gently bc he’s so curious and you’re still asleep. But they’re so sensitive that it wakes you up… and it’s such an erotic sight… seeing him do that, all the while keeping eye contact with you. And he’s so turned on, fingering you lightly while he ruts his cock against you too.
And in the end when it’s all over and you’re both spent and breathing hard, he says something like: “You gotta let me do that again. Even when the baby’s born, you gotta leave some for daddy too.”
I love how he’s asking her to let him do it again, as if he wouldn’t just do it anyways.
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softboydrew · 3 years
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nausea and never enough ice cream
The fire crinkled and sparked as the group sat around, marshmallows and coffee's as the cool air blew around them. The woods grew darker and the stars littered the sky causing y/n to close her eyes, feeling Drews soft caresses against her thigh.
Drew's parents decided to invite everyone for a week long cabin getaway, with sweets and boardgames included. Drew and y/n happily accepted the invention by being the first ones to arrive, their excitement bounced around every new comer making Drew's parents marvel over the fact that their loved ones were having a good time.
Today was a long day. Today consisted of fishing, hiking, cooking, and card games... lots and lots of card games. Drew, pleasantly surprised at how competitive y/n was made the games they played even better with light bickering and playful teasing.
But y/n grew tired by six o'clock and she was surprised at how tired she's been getting recently, even before their cabin getaway she'd been feeling off. Restlessness and cravings for Ben and Jerry's increased as days passed, y/n didn't really think anything about it so she never brought it up or gave it a second thought. Ben and Jerry never let her down so she welcomed the newfound cookie dough cravings.
Until two nights ago, violent nausea kicked her hard causing her to stay bedridden. She felt horrible, trying to sweep it under the rug by telling everyone it must have been something she ate. Everyone seemed to agree but not Drew's sister, she let it slide the first night but as she watched y/n worsen she knew that 'bad food' was not making y/n sick.
So, here y/n was, finally up to sitting outside with everyone, sipping on some green tea that Drew's mother had made for her, making sure to add ginger and honey to calm her nausea. She leaned into Drew and shuffled uncomfortably against him, her stomach twisting and turning at the sight of burnt, gooey marshmallows. The smell making her grow pale and groan causing Drew and his sister to snap their focus on y/n.
"What's wrong baby?" he asked in slight panic.
Y/n sat up slowly and held out her hand, motioning for him to stop talking as she set down her mug and took a deep breath to try and settle her stomach. "I- I need to go inside." she nearly whispered.
Drew quickly stood and held out his hands for y/n to hold onto as he helped her up. She screwed her eyes shut as she felt the fire in front of her spin. "It's okay y/n were gonna take you to bed." Drew said as she whimpered at the feeling.
Drew's sister stood and patted y/n's shoulder before calling over for Drew to lead y/n back inside as she held the door for them to enter the warm cabin. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I ate but I feel like it was that chicken." she gagged making him nod in response.
"Probably." Drew's sister said, pressing her lips together to hide what she was really thinking.
"Don't be sorry, you just need some water and some sleep. You'll be all good in the morning." Drew urged making y/n nod as they made their way up the stairs. Their bedroom was one of the bigger rooms, the oak floors and dark green walls called y/n to bed, plopping down onto the pillows and groaning as her stomach churned at the sudden jolt of her body hitting the bed. "I'll go get some water and pepto bismol, need anything else?" Drew asked, leaning down towards y/n and pushing her hair back from her face.
"Get a bin or something so she can have it by the bed." His sister suggested making y/n nod at him. "I've got her." she smiled.
"I'll be right back."
Y/n sighed, snuggling into her pillow as she watched Drew's sister snap her fingers, pointing towards the bathroom and motioning for her to get up.
"What?" y/n questioned as she watched her lock the bedroom door.
"Okay, listen, I have a feeling that chicken isn't making you feel like shit." she said, pulling her from the bed and dragging her to the ensuite.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about this!" Drew's sister whisper yelled, pulling out a box of pregnancy tests that she bought at the supermarket earlier in the day from under the sink.
"What the fuck!" y/n nearly yelled making Drew's sister slap her hand over y/n's mouth.
"Just try! You might be pregnant and it's not like it's likely that you aren't!" She said throwing her hands up in the air.
Y/n scoffed as she shook her head and looked around the bathroom in shock at what was being said. "This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"
Drew's sister shoved the pink box into y/n's hands with wide eyes as she peered over at the bedroom door. "I suggest doing it now before he comes back. Y/n lets just see." she said. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Y/n gripped onto the box and sighed, her heart fluttered at the thought of carrying a child... her and Drew's child. Her hands began to shake as she began to connect the dots of the days that lead her to this moment. "Fine!"
"Hurry, I'll distract him if he gets back."
Y/n watched as Drew's sister closed the bathroom door leaving her to stand alone in the bathroom that felt like it would cave in on her at any moment. Y/n began taking out the test as she read the instructions and gulped as she unhooked the cap to the test. She froze once she heard Drew knock on the bedroom door, groaning at it being locked.
"Go get, uh, go.. get the dog!" Drew's sister shouted.
"Why?" he yelled.
"Because we- we want him. and y/n wants to cuddle." Y/n sighed in relief as she heard him curse from behind the door and stomp off into the distance. She rolled her eyes at his childish behavior, giggling at how his sister covered for her. Y/n cleared her throat as she set the test on the toilet cover and slowly shuffled out of the bathroom with flushed cheeks and worried eyes. "Don't stress, whatever happens I know it will be alright."
Y/n nodded as she sat on the door of the bed, twiddling her thumbs to pass the time as they waited for time to pass. "I think it's ready." she said quietly.
The girls stood and slowly made their way to the bathroom, clutching each others hands tightly as y/n reached for the test. With a pounding heart she flipped the test in her hand, revealing two small red lines on the little circled screen. They bother gasped, the test falling out of y/n's hand and onto the tiled floor, her throat hitching as they both look at each other with disbelief in their eyes.
"Holy shit! You're pregnant!" Y/n nodded, her eyes not being able to focus as she felt Drew's sister throw her arms around her in excitement. "You're gonna be a mom!" She whisper yelled.
"I-" Y/n started the they suddenly heard knocks coming from the bedroom door.
"I got the dog..."
The pair both inhaled as y/n stared at Drew's sister with panicked eyes, her hands shaking as she watched her take the test and hide it in mirrored cabinet. "You don't have to tell him right now. And you know you don't have to keep it if you don't want to." she said quickly, placing her hands on y/n's shoulders.
"thank y-you?" Y/n gulped as she watched the door being unlocked and Drew strolling in with the dog behind him.
"Goodnight guys!" his sister sang, winking at y/n before skipping down the hall.
Y/n watched as Drew placed the bin onto the floor and chucking her newly filled water bottle onto the bed. She watched as he close the door and bend down to pet the dog, cooing and laughing with him.
Drew glanced up at y/n with worried eyes as he watched her dig at her back pocket of her jeans before she quickly shuffled towards the bed. She smiled at him slightly as she watched him lean onto his side, stretching his body over the bed to look over at her. "You feeling any better?" he questioned.
Drew nodded and reached for her hand, leaning back in surprise as she flinched her hand away and clutch her chest. Drew's eyebrows furrowed knowing that she did that whenever she was stressed or upset. "What?"
"Nothing!" y/n squeaked out as she sat back against the headboard, biting her bottom lip. Her chest tightened at the thought of him being upset with the news, what if he was mad? or what if he walked out? where would she go, because she's at his family's house, she'd be alone and scared if he was mad at her.
Drew chuckled, reaching for her again as he crawled closer to her, "I know you. What's on your mind, pretty girl?" Y/n jumped from the bed making Drew gasp at her sudden movements. She ran her hands through her hair and took a deep breath, placing her hands out for him to stay where he was. "Y/n.."
"Okay just-" Y/n sighed as she paced around the bedroom, "Just listen to what I'm going to tell you because I don't know how to tell you and I don't know how you're gonna react because we never really talked about this."
Drew started at her with pure confusion, he sat up straight as he watched her pace around the room in pure panic. he nodded and arched his hands out for her to take and in couple surprise, she took his hands into hers. He watched her take a deep breath as he smiled at her lovingly, his thumbs caressing her, encouraging her to tell him whatever she had to say.
"I- I love you so much." Y/n started making Drew nod, "And I know that you love me so when people love each other... they... they do things-"
"Are you giving me the sex talk?" Drew laughed loudly. "Because if you are then I'm sorry to inform you but I-"
"I'm pregnant." Y/n blurted.
Drew's eyes shot up and a gasp fell from y/n's lips as he jumped off the bed, his frame towering over her small one causing her heart to drop as she watched him walk away from her. "You're pregnant." He said with his back facing y/n.
"I just took the test. Yes.."
Drew jumped up, his fist pumping the air as he turned around, jumping side to side like a jumping bean causing y/n to cover her hands over her mouth as she laughed. Drew quickly made his way over to her and threw his arms around her, y/n squealed as he picked her up effortlessly and spun her around once, twice, three times as her laughter vibrated between them. "I'm going to be a father?"
"Yes." y/n hummed as he set her down, his hands cupping her cheeks into his hands as he watched tears pool at the corner of er eyes.
"We're going to be be parents. We made a tiny human!" Drew nearly screamed as he poked y/n's stomach lovingly.
She giggled at his touch and nodded, pulling out the test from her back jean pocket, "See!" she said holding the test in between them both.
"About time I put a baby in you." Drew smirked.
"Oh, so this was your plan all along?" y/n teased making drew chuckle as he pulled her towards the bed with a plop- causing them to both giggle in bliss.
"Definitely." he teased before tracing spongy kisses against her soft skin, y/n's giggles filling the room as she ran her fingers into his hair as he hovered over her. "Having a little you or me running around it everything." "I love you so much. And I'll love our baby... so, so much." Drew whispered.
"We know." Y/n hummed, gripping Drew's hand and placing it over her soon to be ballon like stomach. "We love you too, so much."
"We know." Y/n hummed, gripping Drew's hand and placing it over her soon to be ballon like stomach. "We love you too, so much."
taglist: @pogueslandia @carolineworld
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 — mason mount
summary: visiting mason’s hometown with his toddler, showing her the ins-and-outs of the place he grew up.
notes: requests are open, ask away.
for @masterclassbaby,
sorry it’s so short, i thought a lil blurb would be cute
“She’s gonna love it.” You exulted, putting your sleeping toddler into the car safely. Mason had put her bag, her pushchair, and some other things into the boot, both of you climbing into the car before making your way to his parents.
They’d invited you all down to Portsmouth for the day, it was a 25 minute drive away. And Mason hadn’t seen his family in a while, so he jumped at the chance. You’d set off early, hoping to get there at a reasonable time, before lunch. You’d only ever been to Portsmouth a few times — meeting his parents and whatnot. So you never properly had a tour of the place.
“Say hello to grandma.” Mason chorused to Callie, who shared a toothless grin at his mum. She’d taken her, as Mason helped you bring the stuff inside. “So, where to first?”
“We’re gonna go for a walk-around, then lunch, then ice cream.” Mason’s mum instructed, putting Callie into her pushchair. Mason hadn’t let go of your hand since you put Callie’s things down, hoping he could get some alone time with you today.
You all left, taking a nice walk down to the see the boats together. Mason’s niece was there too, so her and Callie were both babbling away together. It was laughable watching them communicate. Mason had an arm around your waist as you walked, continuously showering you in love. Complimenting how you looked in your dress, how pretty your hair was, how good you looked when you smiled.
You’d gotten to the boats, Callie pointing her finger out as she looked at you. “I know, aren’t they massive?” You cooed, crouching down beside her.
“We’re gonna go order, find a table.” Mason spoke, hand on your shoulder as he began to walk off with his dad. You, his mum, his sister, and the two girls had found a table shortly after, putting Callie on your lap as you sat down.
“There’s my gorgeous girl.” Mason sung as he sat beside you, holding his hands out to take Callie. She happily accepted, cuddling up to her daddy instantly. You just giggled and put the colouring page and crayons in front of her, watching the focus go from him to the activity in front of her.
“Meanie,” Mason whispered, sticking his tongue out at you, you returning the favour shortly after.
The food had arrived, all of you enjoyed the view, and the conversation about Mason as a kid and how Callie could be just the same. Callie just kept colouring, Mason joining in with her. It would be criminal not to take a picture of the two, so you did.
“How does ice cream sound?” Mason asked his daughter, holding her on his hip. She just let her head rest on his shoulder, hands pulling at his hair. You were talking with his mum as you stopped at the ice cream shop, Mason taking everyone’s orders.
It was funny seeing them emerge from the shop a few minutes later, ice cream covering Callie’s face completely.
“You’re a mess, Cal.” You laughed, reaching into the bag for baby wipes. She always giggled at the feeling of the wipe on her face, Mason watching in adoration. He was always in awe of how well you took to the role of a mum so quickly, despite how scared you were finding out you were pregnant.
Your fun day out was coming to a close, Callie now asleep in the pushchair, Mason pushing it with one hand, the other around your waist. You’d stopped at the seafront steps, sitting on the stoney wall together to enjoy the sunset against the sea.
“I love you, you know that?” Mason spoke quiet enough so only you could hear him. And the statement made you blush, even after hearing it for the past few years. You nodded your head and moved closer to him.
“And I love you too.” You whispered back, head on his shoulder and holding him close to you.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
SuperM as Boyfriends Headcanon
↪ caro’s note. extra long version because i miss ‘em. best boys, they’re all bf material to the moon and back ♡
5k words | bullet points
○ warnings ⚠️ 18+, dom/sub play, shibari, female reader, grinding, poly mentions, threesomes, face-sitting, femdom & vanilla, smut and fluff
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⌈ ten
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— motto: they won’t underestimate me for long.
most of your social environment is gonna be confused by ten at the beginning 
and don’t really get what he’s all about
or think he’s like whatever, some random guy in a tank top
acting peculiar
finding him kind of hard to gauge
some of your family and relatives might even think he’s totally unusual and a sneaky fuckboy making you mad 
they seriously wonder what you see in him
down the line that perception has turned by 180 degrees
as it should
ten becomes more irreplaceable, relatable, beautiful, perfect and impressive the more you know him
he’s not as mysterious and impossibly badass as everyone assumes
his personality is very approachable to you 
and you find him interesting in every aspect, looks to hobbies to background to personal habits
and also opinions because ten is a guy who really thinks stuff through
so you gotta be roughly on the same wavelength 
he likes discussing controversial and complicated stuff a lot for sure
being far wiser than his age suggests 
you are the first to share those things with him until the rest of the world catches up to this gem of a person
spending so much time with you
in the most personal way he can
he takes you to see the floating markets in bangkok, you spend the summer in thailand
wakeboarding and playing badminton
his entire family knows you inside out at some point this shit is serious
it’s very important to him to go back to the roots every now and then
and that you have been around his home city as well
getting to enjoy the area and time together eating the most savory delicacies
renting a boat and paddling you around to the important spots, he can explain any question you have
this kissing is gonna be so romantic 
who needs a vacation in venice when you can go to thailand with none other than ten himself as your ferryman let that sink in
except eating durian there he is, the boyfriend who can do anything!
with seemingly no effort
ten does little kind services of love for you throughout the day
he pours you herbal tea, fixes some furniture (he’s surprisingly good at tinkering), comes home from the bakery with your favorite pastry, does the laundry with your favorite fabric softener
he also goes on a huge shopping spree with you monthly because fashion is key in this household and it’s tremendous fun
you giggle when he puts on oversized shirts deliberately to look funny
everyone in the clothing store will think oh man what an adorable pair
ten will model the living hell out of the entire stock
and buy you the cape you really really want as a birthday present
said item turns out to be your favorite couple accessory
because you can sit next to each other on a bench at the river and wear it
what’s not to love about a portable blanket
of course he will take to instagram and make it such a cool thing, photographies of you wearing really cool coats and jackets
mirror bathroom selfies together as well, with a back hug, the classic
and not just for insta
you snuggle a lot generally
ten is always available for affection
and accepts all PDA
he’s a kitty after all, he loves the warmth of your body more than you know
remember how taemin said ten’s hands are always cold, newsflash not anymore since you stuff them into the pocket of your hoodie whenever you can
and hello sir your paws will be nice and cozy on my waist
or hand in hand when you waltz through your apartment
time for dance is a must
oh my god ten is so good at all of this
although say he’s definitely faster into latin than standard genres
tango argentino, he loves flamenco as well
don’t believe me? ten is a diehard rosalía stan!
so, no-brainer, expect a lot of dancy stuff 
that escalates into wild, passionate fucking
which probably looks like an aggressive form of couple exercises
you poor sore souls
ten’s lil kitty butt is falling apart from all the “i can handle a bigger one!”-level pegging and you have aching legs all over
favorite position? full nelson
if you ask me ten’s ass is probably so carved out by the end of this you could fit lucas and kai in there from head to toe
this is not for the faint of heart
sex with this guy is extra cardio
and if you’re into that a threesome is gonna go down sooner or later
with our girl lisa
there. i said it
miss manoban in those knee-high boots, grinding her thighs between yours and you finishing off on ten’s face? the fucking hottest thing ever i need a moment wow
i don’t have to tell you how orgasmic this is gonna be
steamy sex life with ten very recommended
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⌈ kai
— motto: you’re like a precious rose. i’ll protect you forever.
to be straightforward with you
he is in so heavily in demand it’s madness
to give you an idea of the scale
mark is basically occupied by yuta until the end of time 
but kai has an entire idol fanclub on top of all erigoms
those sharp moves did not go unnoticed
he gets an inkigayo sandwich every other day
jesus christ
if rent-a-sexy-bf.com was a thing kai would be the most requested
his phone would be blowing up with contracts like
and you also have to pass kyungsoo’s vibe check
and taemin’s
the road to being kai’s gf is indeed the way of the samurai
i mean honestly: kim jongin is without a doubt the hardest member to get a date with
this has got to be the most selective man of the entire industry or something
if he likes you he REALLY likes you
and he will be the one showing initiative
because he wants to make it clear he isn’t just spending time out of politeness or something
although it’s pretty logical that if kai was unable to reject someone he would no longer be an idol but a harem husband busy every hour of the day
seoul would be able to found its own village 
kai town
where like 70% of the population is pregnant
but since kai wants to keep on dancing obviously and he wants to lend his heart to only one person 
seoul has to settle with a singular nini family house instead of a kai district
where you and the man himself are a full-fledged household basically since kai’s nieces double as actual kids
if you wanna be a young ass ‘mom but not mom with kids’ and be married to kim kai this is it
does he have a thing for milfs or something
that thought just came to my mind
anyway you’re mommy anyway wink wink
fucking til’ dawn until even his muscles hurt
going raw at the gym together
him cooking the most random food with the infamous waffle maker
cuddling with an army of teddy bears surrounding you
walking the dogs with the sexiest dancer alive 
and the sexiness is only the tip of the iceberg 
we know he’s all-round amazing
kai is the king of figuring out ways to chill out with you anywhere anytime
and yes innocent chilling
...unless you’re in the mood for something else
up to you
sweet innocent chilling for now... with the stunner... just smooching at best things aren’t going raw or anything
on the couch in the kitchen in the car when it’s parked somewhere in nature
kai takes you very seriously and is a great listener
he’s literally so respectful and open-minded i can’t
he will keep your secrets and stand up for you if it’s ever needed
yes he is extremely caring and invested
kai does not tolerate others being shady towards you
if there’s an instance where you are hurt and unable to assert yourself don’t worry. he knows how to confront others with measure but a firm determination.
kai takes a lot of that responsibility but only to the degree where you are comfortable
i think you get what i mean by that
and he is diplomatic instead of plain patronizing
you have a right to be protected. it means he not only treats you well, but also makes sure your well-being isn’t disturbed in any other way outside of the relationships
outside influences aren’t to be underestimated
and since kai is a godly man you encounter a lot of jealousy from others
a matter he will take into his hands since he knows he’s the reason
standing up for you also means saying no 
to these jealous voices so this is an important boundary he has to draw
that all kinds of hellbent people want to get into his pants and take his stage image too literally is not up to you to fix
kai is there for you to enjoy and love not to defend
that’d be exhausting and beside the point 
kai prevents stress and negativity to come to you
i hope i explained this well he doesn’t do this to be bossed up or make you weak it’s because he wants to make life easier for you
guys being protective will be chalked up as chauvinistic these days. often rightfully so 
but what i mean is that kai support you in all regards so you won’t be at a disadvantage or feel terrible about something
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⌈ taeyong
— motto: we’ll take good care. enjoy the pleasure.
he’s the type of boyfriend who will ask you about things he missed out on while he was busy
things um from the internet
while mark literally knows that one by heart already taeyong will ask you things like what the wellerman song is
and you thought it would be something nsfw
i got you fooled
did we forget that the man literally watched nct memes on youtube
taeyong is both even more 18+ than you think but also even more innocent than you think it’s complicated
this man is just hard to describe he’s so different, i mean every person is unique but he’s an original it’s the extra mile you know
sea shanties
bopping to it all day since he just heard it 
singing it while he prepares dinner based on a youtube recipe video as he often does
he’s the most adorable person ever ever ever
asking you why shanties are back in fashion 
(good question, requires a deeper sociocultural analysis i reckon)
planning to remix one for his soundcloud lmao i kid you not
maybe your favorite shanty 
featuring fast-pace rap and all
creating his own previously unknown phrases and shit like that you know him
palazzo rocco lemon detox flashbacks
he’s hilarious i swear
taeyong will produce his own shanties for you can you imagine
as he says: my happiness is your happiness
watch out he will drop a shanty music video with extra krumping moves
taeyong is a never-ending source of pure crack
prepare to laugh a lot like, a lot lot
how can a man who seemingly has such a serious outlook on life and such a bonkers kinda face be so lighthearted
it’s like he’s peter pan or something
especially since he has to manage like over 20 brats in nct his cutesy behavior towards you as his gf will stand out to you
yeah so to be clear we all know he’s the cute one in the relationship
and guess who wears the pants
that’s always you ma’am don’t deny it
or wait 
not for long actually because they come off um physically
but not metaphorically
because who doesn’t wanna sit on his face tbh
your favorite reserved spot
he loves it
taeyong has such a thing for your body it’s ridiculous
mister lee got a sexy mama
and you have such a thing for the gloriousness that is him
but neither of you will not admit it as openly as other people would think
all there is... is being flustered
baekhyun probably has to play some cupid now and then
and give you some ideas
like gifting taeyong plushies and things like that
baekhyun knows what taeyong is all about so the advice is very welcome
but most things you find out for yourself
by being a little braver with him you know
you walking around naked in the apartment or basically fresh out the shower with nothing but a towel
will shake up taeyong so immensely, he will back himself against a wall without you even pinning him there lmao!
jeez he’s so deep into kinky stuff but easily shook anyway
i quote him again: “born to be cute, i dunno!”
you can imagine the overwhelm when you rub yourself against him like it’s nobody’s business
it’s so much fun to give taeyong a regular horny meltdown not gonna lie
this man was grinding his whole body all over the superm stage and now he’s basically freezing up and drooling
how many denied and ruined orgasms he’s gonna get, so much overstimulation all the way  
you’ll lose count of it
and just how wet you’re gonna be
is a thing for the history books
taeyong isn’t such a big deal in nct for no reason god gave him every talent 
so great sex is obviously in his repertoire
i think you’re gonna break some records for most fucks per week
you know... guys like lucas taemin kai and baekhyun spend more time wooing and teasing and flirting
but taeyong gets down to business
one glance is enough
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⌈ lucas
— motto: the hottest couple around.
ah, big boy
you really got this man’s attention
doing nothing much at all really
he probably just saw you walking around talking to friends
carrying an impossibly huge veggie burger munching and enjoying yourself after going on a jog
yeah boy that’s how you catch his eye
they say love begins in the stomach and that is the true meaning
or the nose, your food smells really good, lucas is going crazy, he’s seeing stars and shit
the towering burger isn’t the only thing he wants
lucas cannot get you out of his mind no matter how much he tries to distract himself 
with more good food, movies, games
fooling around with wayv or the superm maknaes, and working out
he’s admittedly... a little himbo head over himbo heels with you the feels got to him
he’s not gonna say it’s a date he’s just gonna invite you just because
to hang out in the kitchen while taeyong cooks and baekhyun comes up with the idea to play twister
imagine lucas with his long arms and legs bending himself all over the place
fighting with kai who almost crashed his shoulders into taemin who avoided the accident quickly
making you lose a round
obviously lucas will hustle until your team wins
mostly because he’s so tall and baekhyun is so small which is a huge advantage when stacking each other over the map
let’s just face it baekhyun only suggested this game to bite everyone’s butts and to see you have skinship with lucas
which is definitely a successful plan of the leader
yukhei is in paradise 
jumping around his room like an oversized bunny after you went home
don’t lie, you fell hard for him as well he’s just such a presence
emotionally, physically
a gentle but persistent giant
he’ll do anything to make your relationship happen once he knows you’re interested
if there’s someone meant to be a boyfriend it’s gotta be him come on
he will cave in after a while and admit he can’t just forget about you 
not gonna lie
your ex is gonna be shaking in his ratty boots
his poor eyes will literally jop from their unexpecting sockets
when he sees lucas hanging out with you
with his shining blonde hair and tall stature, that perfect shapely body, with great fashion on top of that
looking like your guardian angel
man, xuxi really does
pulling you out of your slump that’s been going on for months
and bringing back smiles and a good time he knows how to do that best
and big big hugs of course
you can imagine how soothing and grounded it feels with such huge arms around you
he will make sure that feeling is always there when you need it
because you deserve that treatment
which means he will come over very very often
yeah get ready for how yukhei is a lot more driven than you think just dial and he will be there
underneath the meme surface is someone very determined who really really wants you
yukhei is chaotic good incarnate but in that area he isn’t messing around
his brain is like: “gotta be with her”
on repeat
he must call you, he literally can’t sleep without tying loose ends together as quickly as possible
no second wasted with this guy, even far down the relationship timeline
i really pity your ex 
i mean someone dating any superm member would drive their former partner completely nuts 
but lucas is a special case
he has that kind of look and aura that makes other guys dig themselves into the ground like wiggling worms or cope by fanboying over him
i don’t wanna make this sound like a competition and yet — congrats on your noodly blondie boyfriend alright
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⌈ mark
— motto: two nerds in love.
how to explain this. mark is a perfect balance of a lover, a talker, and a shy bean
with a tendency toward bean
and flicking the bean
you know
cutting right to the chase are we
mark is very invested in pleasing you as good as he can
and defeating his awkwardness
because if we know one thing it’s that he always strives to become better and better like he can’t help it
and isn’t afraid of almost biting off more than he can chew
how many subunits is he part of at this point is it gonna be nct hollywood as well god dangit
back to the point mark doesn’t treat relationships and sex as something static which is a good and rare thing
he does his best and always looks for room to improve
while being very nervous, very bilingual, it takes two languages or more to express what he thinks about you let that sink in
that’s very shaky first date sex while being extremely in love with each other
lucky you
and an afterglow where he plays the guitar for you
that’s so nice 
he can play it while laying down and shit
while singing
not rapping, actual full-fledged serenading
we’ve heard how that sounds in the relay cam
are you dating some kind of teenage heartthrob or something huh
mark will make it very clear he’ll stick around, this bad bitch is here to stay
or actually, he’s a good bitch, don’t misunderstand
mark doesn’t have a lot of edgy in him unless rap is concerned
he’s the kinda guy to get lost in IKEA with 
having a good time 
as often as his schedule permits
you really have to make use of your time together 
this man might as well the busiest idol out there
and you are no different because birds of a feather
you’re both mr. and ms. independent 
out and about very often
so meeting up becomes something special during comeback season
or wait mark always has a comeback going on
which is a double-edged sword but something you both know you signed up for 
which is why you spend a lot of time around NCT dream, 127, and SuperM 
sm’s publicity agents have to work extra hard i’m telling you
a dating rumor is the last thing both of you would need
since you befriend several members you gotta stay on the low as well
but hey the rage of jealous people of the public is nothing compared to the force of nature that is yuta nakamoto
who seriously thinks himself threatened and robbed
in case you are feeling possessive as well...
...you might have to fistfight yuta
to be able to be with mark
who is basically property of osaka at this point
yuta is a scorpio that’s just the way it is
unlike taeyong who wishes his rap buddy the best, yuta kinda wants to be mark’s wingman and see him date, live his best life
but also have mark for himself to fawn over and to adore, to be fascinated by
we get it yuta. bisexual struggles. very understandable
you have to promise in person that mark doesn’t forget about the holy gaming nights with yuta 
which is hilarious since that’s not up to you but mark’s memory
bestie, yuta uses everyone as a scapegoat don’t sweat it too much
regardless you put a weekly reminder on the fridge
so the roaring lion yuta would be pacified
he doesn’t want to lose his sweetheart can you blame him
the ultimate but also most risky solution is obviously inviting yuta for movies 
which will be appreciated but also cause a storm
mark will definitely break a sweat when you start a popcorn war or try to prove who hugs mark the best 
caught in the middle of mayhem is mark lee’s specialty what did you expect
this either ends with murder or a chaotic open relationship down the line
yuta really is attached but who wouldn’t be
it could be worse mark has double the love you know 
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⌈ baekhyun
— motto: you wanna know why i’m your candy?
baby tell me are you ridin’?
in fair verona where we lay our scene...
that baekhyun always wants to woo you — his way, which proves to be very interesting to say the least — is never hard to miss
putting in effort is mochi default mode 
no matter what stage of the relationship you’re in
he might as well regularly serenade you under your balcony in the backyard just because
probably singing ‘baby we can stay up’ and wiggling his ass in all directions because he’s a dirty boy gone wild
yeah. nowadays romeo is twerking instead of feuding with tybalt
that’s good for him and everyone involved
you in particular because you get some very racy eye candy
you know how baekhyun is
at least nobody’s around seeing him put on an 18+ show like that
your little guy is one unhinged fella
if it starts pouring he will grind up and down the next lantern and belt out ‘singing in the rain’
you bet he can do some actual pole dance
he’s strong and bendy you know
and loves to gyrate his whole bag of bones like... he wants to hit you with all the body rolls
in the rain
what a freaky man
but hey you wanna stay up for sure 
doesn’t take long until you beckon him to come upstairs
where the only way to alleviate him of his wet clothes—
oh well he has those roger rabbit vibes and you can’t be mad at it
he will play off all his hormonal antics
baekhyun is hilarious
and so perverted, he can keep up with your spicy idea of playing patty-cake don’t worry
how do i know you’re an extra nsfw kinda person?
who else would like baekhyun
he says juicy things all the time
and does juicy things
yes. finally a couple on eye level indeed. 
when baekhyun asks are you ridin’ you ask how hard 
this is gonna be fun
and remember
beside handing you sacks of money
his priority is always to make you smile
i’m kidding about the bags but
baekhyun is so rich it’ll show in your relationship, but he’s more about the interactions with you rather than the lifestyle
baekhyun didn’t hustle for a bentley he hustled to sing and get out of sm alive alright
financial stability: important
luxury: very nice to have, he can make you the presents you want to have and travel a lot together
but smiles: baekhyun priority
because he so badly wants to know you love him and adore him, he sometimes feels so insecure
of course you do
you always reassure him with your reactions
it’s very important to him don’t underestimate it
baekhyun has always been talking about his ideal type in terms of how he can cheer her up
so even the naughtiest sexy time evenings are gonna be filled with all giggles
anyway other than that your pussy will be dripping
because this guy is as horny as all other members of super m combined
and you have your ways of leaving him tongue-tied and wrists-tied
taemin’s impact
superm isn’t short of bondage supplies we all know that
so yeah. shibari baekhyun is gonna happen
since he does pilates imagine what kinda shapes you can bend this lil guy into
and take some pictures
privé is in trouble 
bondage model baekhyun is bursting onto the scene
you might even run a risque blog that features cropped pictures with him
heh — you think people will recognize him by his body?
first: you only upload HD pictures that aren’t whitewashed
baekhyun is basically never photographed like that
second: who expects baekhyun to be featured on a bdsm blog with his girlfriend
and this is the guy that drives you around in his expensive car with his big black shades on 
well what can i say
nothing is the way it seems
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⌈ taemin
— motto: i’ll unfold a whole new world for you.
taemin is cocky, he’s sensual, and: a very smiley person as we know
least boring relationship ever
he will prance toward you whenever he can to involve you in cuddles
touch-starved taemin is a thing
kkoong can tell you about it, he needs kisses and embraces so often
might as well pepper him with it no problem
and put him into your oversized sweaters when he eats ice cream on the sofa, watching movies, and you brush his ever-growing hair
he’s smol he’s gonna fit into them don’t worry
and on the other hand he likes a rough and tough girl who thinks of him like a boy toy
who acts tsundere or like his bodyguard
working out almost daily to the point of sweat all over
a gal probably able to pretzel minho lucas and chanyeol into one giant bundle
taemin truly has the taste of a divo
multi-layered as always
so you couldn’t say the relationship is always the same in sentiment, the vibe of the dynamic could be different every day
we love a complex man
what would be volatile to others is actually an advantage up close
because taemin understands every difficult facet of himself and his partner 
even if those facets might be contradictory
or something that’s felt shameful about
he will accept and listen anyway
the same goes for getting what drives you
taemin is like a walking psychology velvet couch with fancy swirls as arm rests
point is he isn’t fooled by the surface of the world
he knows what has to be known
which also means your looks aren’t the part he prioritizes
and not even outward personality and habit is what he’s drawn to
it’s the mentality and values underneath
that’s true compatibility to him and he can feel it
he’s really really smart
and also finds it important that you get along with shinee and superm, that you think they’re nice to be around and vice versa
especially kai as taemin’s absolute bearly bestie. if kai thinks you’re shady and you don’t like kai either
or if you’re permanently super awkward and taemin’s moodmaking doesn’t help
we have a problem
but fair enough
kai and taemin are basically one soul at this point so if taemin likes you jongin does anyway 
bff telepathy
in fact jongin was probably the one introducing you to taemin lmao!
because he knows you go well together instinctively and he is correct
so not to worry then
and it’s good on taemin to think longterm and not see you as a person outside of social interaction y’know
cough cough he thinks about marriage, you might be ms. lee one day
here he goes again taemin is just very mature seeing you as well-rounded in every aspect of life
without letting his dick make the important decisions at the detriment of making this a relationship of two lives not just two bodies only
but obviously don’t assume taemin is no horny devil. we all know he dreams of the freakiest scenarios and fantasies in this whole group
going kinda crazy about the thought of making you cum which he always wants to try with new methods
which occupies his mind more than a big bowl of super spicy noodles which is taemin’s favorite meal so
at the same time taemin junior is definitely the same clingy attention whore as his sparkly owner
limp wrists from all the handjobs on your side
and very swollen lips from giving all that head on his side
this is gonna be interesting
he puts the 6v6 in 69
equals 69v69 am i right
but i’m serious that’s gonna be a lot of oral action
you definitely ask each other about having sex very often, daily if you have the time and find a nice spot
and how on earth do both of you keep your hands off each other sleeping in one bed
taemin is touchy as hell with no shyness, and you squish squeeze and grope this guy like the mochi he is
ah when things go both ways
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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djarrex · 3 years
Pretty please can we have something where Echo and TBB find out Rex and reader are expecting? Bonus points for Omega's reaction cause I wonder sometimes whether she knows much about the natural way babies are made? I figure she wouldn't have need of that information in the Kaminoans' eyes.
I wanna preface this by expressing the joy I feel and the appreciation I have when you guys come into my inbox asking or wanting to talk about Post-Order 66 Rex and fam. I love it SO MUCH you have no idea :’)
So, if you remember, Hunter was briefly in Insatiable and has a couple lines of dialogue - he even congratulates them on the pregnancy and wishes them well in case he doesn’t see them soon - which is shown during Rex + reader + Hunter’s short interaction. The squad is told the happy news before the events of that particular installment, and I’m thinking that it happens when Rex contacts them to ask if they would be able meet him on [planet] for a little help with [mission].
Find the rest of the series and related works in the Post-Order 66 Rex ML
Let’s go back in time when Rex makes contact with TBB, which preludes the events of Insatiable: (pregnant!reader, TBB + Omega finds out, about 1.6k words)
"We’re being hailed.” 
All members on board the Marauder drop what they’re doing and turn their attention to Echo, who had just called out and is signaling for everyone to congregate in the cockpit. Hunter sheathes the knife he’d been twirling in his fingers and nods before stepping towards the rear of the ship and calling for Omega, while Wrecker sets down Gonky and waves her over. Tech and Echo are already sat in the cockpit, getting the signal steady for the incoming transmission to come through.
"What is it?" Omega jumps down from the gunner's nest - now her room thanks to Wrecker's kind heart and creativity - and joins her brothers in the cockpit. The pilot seats are swiveled around and facing the small space in the center of all of them - the bust of a familiar captain popping into view. "Oh, it's Rex! Hi Rex!" She waves at his translucent blue form with a giddy smile plastered on her face. “Where is-”
"Hello Omega," you chime in with a smile as your head pops into the perimeter of the holo. Her sweet face lights up even more, and her eyes move back and forth between you both, unsure of whom to focus on. From the room you’re still staying at in a high-rise located in Yerbana City, the two of you exchange quick greetings with the five who are currently traveling through hyperspace.
“What’s goin’ on, Rex?” The gentle giant asks with a grin and hands placed on his hips. The captain straightens his stance and crosses his armored arms across his chest plate, and instead of directing his impending response to Wrecker, Rex’s attention turns to Hunter, who’s leaned against the frame at the threshold of the cockpit. A moment passes as the two share a nonverbal understanding before Rex opens his mouth - the focusing pairs of eyes on one another.
“I wanted to see if your squad would be available to help me out.” You quietly observe each individual who are all appearing on your end as full-body projections, landing on Omega to where she’s sitting on top of their Gonk droid - her hands folded neatly in her lap, legs swinging.
“Name it.” Echo is quick to respond with a affirmative nod as he meets the eyes of each member - cutting off Hunter before the sergeant can get a word in. Rex’s oldest friend found himself caught at the receiving end of a very slight glare coming from directly across from him, and begins to backtrack. “I-”
“What is it, Captain?” Hunter interjects.
You sort of tune out the rest, having already been given the spiel by Rex long before you’d suggested for him to contact Hunter for some much-needed assistance. It’s a simple mission: scouting out an abandoned base in hopes to obtain supposedly valuable information from the obsolete Republic database and perhaps to also restock on munitions if there’s anything left there. Normally this would be something Rex could manage on his own, though his thoughts have been a little busy since the start of your extended stay in Yerbana. The two of you ended up taking a little much-needed ‘vacation’ in the repopulating capitol city after receiving the incredible news, and you’re just now getting back into the swing of things. Well, for the most part. Rex doesn’t quite trust his focus as of late with far too many other important things swarming around in his mind, and is worried that he'd make a mistake doing the mission solo, no matter how simple the objective appears to be.
Hunter accepts without resistance, and confirms that they'll meet the two of you just outside the abandoned base immediately after they’ve finished their current objective for Cid, which will probably be in another eighteen hours or so. Rex transmits the coordinates, and it falls silent; the awkward clearing of the throat coming from Rex crackles through the air on their end.
“Somethin’ else, Rex?”
“Actually, yeah. We have some news.” Rex grins and rubs at his nape, and you can't help but to smile wide at him from your position at his side. The squad members all share a glance - a mixture of raised, inquisitive brows and narrowed, concerned eyes. Hunter steps closer to the projection, caution engrained within the features of his half-inked face as he crosses his arms.
“Tell them, love,” your sweet voice of reassurance crackles with the brief wavering signal - your hand laying to rest on his pauldron. Rex chuckles down at his feet and grabs your hand to bring it up to his chest, squeezing gently as he begins to acknowledge the others.
“Everything okay, you two?”
“Based on their lifted expressions and display of affection towards one another, it appears that this ‘news’ is of a positive, exuberant nature.”
You can’t help but laugh at Tech being Tech, which results in mixed reactions at the other end of the call. Rex inhales deep - the air quietly seeping through his nostrils on the exhale. “We’re, uh- we’re gonna have a baby.” His lit up eyes drop to his boots and he’s smirking at his feet as soon as the words leave his lips. You watch as the multiple pair of eyes widen with smiles creeping their way onto each member of the squad’s faces, but the first person to audibly respond is Tech - his focus not lifting from the device held in his hands.
“Are you certain?” All heads snap in Tech’s direction to where he’s leaned forward in the pilot’s seat, elbows resting on his thighs, continuing to tap away at the datapad. Smacking his bother’s knee, Echo squints at Tech and shakes his head.
“Yes, Tech,” you giggle as your hand releases from Rex’s and moves to rest against the beginnings of your baby bump, though you’re unsure if they are able to see either one of you from the chest down. “The bun has been confirmed as baking in the oven. We risked a brief visit to the local med center here, so, we’re certain.”
“Well then.” Tech’s brows lift above the rim of his goggles as he readjusts the spectacles with a finger pushing between them. “Felicitations to you both. That is quite extraordinary news. It seems that I was correct in-”
“That’s so wonderful!” Omega exclaims with the largest grin - hopping off the GNK and clapping her hands excitedly as she approaches you. “When are you getting the baby? Are we going to see the baby when we meet them at the rendezvous, Hunter?”
“Of course you're going to see the baby, Omega,” you answer softly for Hunter, giving him a quick smile and nod, saving him from having to explain. “It won’t be for quite a few months, though. Not until after the baby is born.” Omega’s brows pinch together in confusion, and you cautiously elaborate, unsure of what she already knows as far as what the natural-born process entails. “The baby has to grow inside of me first, and that takes a little while.”
"Inside of you?" Her curiosity is absolutely adorable. She turns to her brothers - soft eyes flickering to each one of them.
"You see, Omega, when-"
"Uh, Tech?" Rex clears his throat, and the intelligent trooper is quick to get the hint - closing his mouth and resuming to silently tap at the datapad. Echo is next to chime in, and he’s smiling like a fool, eyes wide.
“You’re gonna be a dad, eh? Wow... that’s- that’s just incredible, brother.”
“I’m gonna be an uncle!” Wrecker very loudly exclaims, and Omega and you share giggles at his enthusiasm.
“Technically, Wrecker, we are all going to be ‘uncles’ since Rex is our brother, genetically speaking. Therefore, any offspring he may produce would be considered as our nieces and nephews. That is how the nat-borns conduct their family trees.” Tech punctuates his statement with a sure nod - speaking with his finger raised in the air so as to draw attention to his point.
You’re so lost in the way Rex’s eyes continue to positively sparkle with pride and adoration as his brothers and Omega shower the two of you with congratulatory praises that you’re forgetting to respond to all of them.
“We appreciate it, everyone,” you say with an ear-to-ear grin - beaming at Rex. 
“We’ll see you all soon,” Rex concludes, “Stay safe out there.” 
The holo vanishes as the transmission disconnects, leaving the squad on board the Marauder to go over some more details of their next objective as well as to process the news.
“So...” Wrecker turns around and leads Gonky back to where he was benching the power droid before the call. “What do ya think Rex is gonna do?”
Hunter raises the brow bordered with dark ink. “What do you mean?”
“Are they going to keep this up, now that they’re going to have a kid? You know, the missions and stuff?”
“We have Omega,” Tech inputs matter-of-factly as he prepares the ship for exit from hyperspace. “And we are managing just fine, barring our dwindling ration supply.” Omega smiles sheepishly, but nods with confidence.
“Rex is a good man.” Echo swivels his seat around and sits up straight, meeting the four pair of eyes now gazing back at him. “Always tried to do what was best for his men, his brothers, and still does, even if it's beyond his control or out of his hands. Now that Rex is... free,” Echo puts the most stress into that word as it’s spoken - glancing down at his feet and chewing the inside of his cheek before continuing, “He’s in control of his life, and is able to choose his own path. And that path will lead to what’s best for his family.”
everyone tags:
@bvcketfvcker @deewithani @chromia7567 @threevie @letitrainathousandflames @thefact0rygirl @justanothersadperson93 @ohtobeamoth @14mcmd1122 @tacticalsparkles @cheesemachine44 @damerondala @buckethead-over-heels @purgetroopercody @socially-anxious-fangirl @cloneygoodness @marya-komar @beskarprincessjenny @awkward-katiesaur @katiebits1 @kawaiitimecharm @shiny-mando @sapphichorrorpictureshow @fat-zygerrian @foodandbooksplease @the-siren-writes-it @ken-obiwan @dinner-djarin @howie-ner-cyare @99squad @chewychewyque @obiwan-djarin @vaderthepotater @blackrose4242 @the-sad-batch @quantumowl @ashotofspotchka @queen-simp @kaorikoizumi @mylifeinthetardisforever @sitherin-mxschief @escapedthesarlacc @sydnubabu @megalinditron @whatanoof @4rosydreams @ahsoka1 @colorfulloverbatturkey @venomous-ko @monako-jinn-stories @paige6768 @diagonallie5400 @galacticgraffiti @commxnderwolffe @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @jediknightdjarin @nikolekenobi @clonecyare @bobafettuccini @rebelpitstop @rowansparrow @shiniest-captain @techs-hairline @no-idea-what-to-write-here @zazzysseoul @ladykatakuri @badbatch-simp24 @royal-stardust
clones only tags:
@sergeant-hunter @kriffclone @saberdeity @echofoxfives @alucas528 @captainrexscyarika @kirinpl @lastphoenixfalling @bambiswriting
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