#i mean it is fucking tough out there if you're not already well known to be sure
category twelve nerd moment ->->-> analysis of john william's superman theme
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softlysunrays · 4 months
━━ ⋆ girl in new york
click the title for the song
pairing : ellie williams x reader
warnings : cheating 🧍🏻‍♀️, cursing, ass angst writing, ellie being an asshole, no comfort
cr : @s-hyia & @idontgetanysleep for dividers
a/n : had this on my drafts for few weeks now and because of this , i just had to ! i hope i did your justice lol :p
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“I’m gonna miss you” Ellie said as she’s holding her bags.
She then leaves you with a kiss on your cheek.
“Stay safe, Ellie” as you waved her off at your front door.
As Ellie starts her car and drives off the neighbourhood, you still standing at the door; watching the car until it’s not in your vision anymore.
You sighed as you closed the door, feeling weird that now you and Ellie had to be in a long-distance relationship, again.
But you had hopes that it would go well!
Ellie loves you and you love her.
That is all that matters, right?
Oh boy, you are so wrong about that.
A few months later, you noticed that Ellie had been acting differently lately, more distant and unavailable. At first, you thought it was nothing, that maybe Ellie was just busy with work or going through some personal issues.
But as the days went on her texts were different, her tone on calls shifted, and her replies getting later day by day.
Ellie would keep the conversation short and dry.
At this point, you might as well talk to your wall. There is no difference between the wall and Ellie, both are nonverbal. However, Ellie is good-looking, while the wall is just a wall.
You couldn't ignore the feeling that something was off. You didn't want to believe it, but the thought kept nagging at the back of your mind.
You wanted to make a surprise for Ellie by going to New York. What you didn’t know is that Ellie already has a surprise for you, too.
The rain was coming down in buckets, creating a symphony of sound as it hit the ground. The raindrops glittered in the light of the street lamps, casting a melancholic glow across the city.
You stood at the window of your bedroom, staring out into the night with a cup of tea in your hands holding for its warmth.
With a deep breath, you turned away from the window and placed your cup on the table before packing your bags. You carefully folded your clothes and gathered your toiletries, making sure you had everything you needed for your trip.
As you packed, your mind wandered to your upcoming surprise visit to Ellie in New York. You couldn't wait to see the look on your girlfriend's face when you showed up unannounced.
When you finished packing, you turned off the lights and made your way to bed. You close your eyes and let the sound of the rain soothe you to sleep, feeling content and secure in the knowledge that in the next few hours you're going to NYC and meeting up with your lovely girlfriend.
But that all changes from one drunk butt-dialled you got from Ellie.
Who the hell is she taking Ellie from you?
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Well fuck this.
This is not how you expected her to react at all.
Ellie couldn't give you a proper kiss and hug.
So the call just confirms it all, she's cheating on you.
All the late reply, the changing tone while she's talking with you, and all the lame excuses she had given you for the late reply now make sense to you.
Ellie has never liked this, as busy as she is, she still takes time to reply to you.
Now she changed all because she likes another girl. Who she has known for 3 months and pushed away her 1-year and half relationship?
You stayed at your Airbnb for two days, collecting yourself back before you went and shattered again when you were going to confront Ellie the next day.
And that leads where the two of you now, screaming at each other.
You and Ellie had a tough conversation about her cheating, and it quickly escalated into a heated argument. You felt betrayed and heartbroken, and you let your emotions get the best of you and said things you didn't mean, and Ellie was equally as upset and defensive.
"Who the hell is she, huh?" you shouted at her.
You regretted coming here, why are you even here? To sit and watch Ellie look down?
"What does she have that I don't!" you broke down as you said that.
Ellie's heart broke for you but she is the one who made you like this, you are heartbroken caused of her and yet she feels bad about it?
Truth be told, Ellie doesn't know why she cheated on you. You're everything that she wanted, you're kind, beautiful inside and outside, loving, caring, smart and very funny too but why did she cheat on you?
Was it because of the distance between you two? A year ago you two were long-distance too so what changes now?
Was it because of the boredom? But you were there, constantly waiting for her to call and text you to tell you about her day.
Was it because how the girl in New York made her feel something she never felt before when she’s with you?
Was it because she felt the freedom and that makes her feel like she missing out with you?
Or was it because she just fucking stupid?
Ellie took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. "I don't know," she said softly.
This angers you, how could she not know?
Your breathing increases and your heartbeat beats so fast because of how much anger fills your body
"The least you could do is give me a fucking explanation! God! Ellie, I trusted you, you know!" you yelled out of frustration.
"You didn't even try to protect us? To fix this?!" you added.
Your hands brushed your hair as you looked away from her, you couldn't even look at her now. You can't stand to be in the same room as her. You can't stand the fact that all you can smell is her.
"I don't know if I could fix this, baby" says Ellie.
"Dont. Dont you dare call me baby after you cheated on me for three months"
"It's actually two months but whatever, I guess" Ellie said as her hand nervously played with her rings.
"So you're not gonna do something? Or at least say something to me?" your tears fell on your warm cheek.
You look so pretty like this, Ellie thought.
Your warm tears streaming down your cheek, how she wished she could kissed them away.
Your red nose and cheek because of the screaming and shouting just a moment ago.
“I wish she was worth it for you to cheat on me" and that was the last word you said to her before you slammed the door and left her cheap apartment.
You feel so stupid for hoping that Ellie could go out of her apartment and chase you, to hold you, to kiss you, to assure you, to apologise, to stop you from leaving her but that didn't happen.
Cause she let you leave after making you feel special.
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that neil is a zionist and therefore dont buy his games, doesnt matter remastered or not !!!
before you leave, have you DONATE TO PALESTINE today? ITS FREE TOO !!
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lostlovesoul11 · 2 years
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Pairing: Jaemin X Reader Ft Jeno
Warnings: Smut, incubus, extremely dubious/non, subliminal, a lot of manipulation, mind control, posessiveness inexperienced reader, penetration, anal, (Jeno scenes), the usual filth
18+ only! No minors. Read tags beforehand.
Word count: 8k+
My kind of Jaemin 😈 happy belated birthday! Didn't have time to finish it off. Cba with typos if you see them x
Summary: An incubus created a subliminal to feed off humans sexual energy, what happens when you become one of his victims?
I can't believe you bagged Lee Jeno!" Your friend excitedly screams, pulling you closer as she grabs on to your arms and tugs you.
"I know, me too!" You responded, of course you was surpised when that occurred. Lee Jeno has been your crush for a long time, however he was always going on and off in his relationships, having a new girl almost each month.
You was happy. Finally bagging the attention one of the hottest guys around your campus was huge. Your friends have known about your long term one sided crush about him.
"Why don't you look as happy?" She questioned narrowing her eyes as you zoned out completely.
"I am," you state, "It's just that Jeno, he's so experienced and I'm... well... not so.. much. Barely. What if he doesn't like me once he finds out?"
Your friend sighs, "I don't think that matters to him."
"But every girl he's gone out with, they're all are so pretty and experienced. Know what to do in bed and I'm.. not," Insecure thoughts already forming in your head.
Come on. Everyone knows Jeno has a huge sex drive. He fucked nearly all the popular girls around. Sometimes you feel once he finds out, he won't be interested in you anymore. And it sucks because you want to fuck him so badly.
She hums as she listens to your ramble, a slight truth in your words.
"I understand, he's a popular guy and all. But if he acts like that then he's a dick."
"Yeah, you're right," you agreed on with her.
"But you should definitely fuck him though. Hey why don't you experiment with one of our friends?"
Your nose scrunched in disgust, "Ew never!"
Rolling her eyes at your reaction, "I mean you would be comfortable with them at least. In that way you would be able to gain more experince."
"Definitely not friends."
"Is there any one you find cute then?"
"Nope. No one sexually arouses me at all, except for Jeno. I'm so screwed." You sighed in annoyance. It's tough when your stuck on one guy.
Your friend really tried suggesting you ideas but unfortunately you would never do them. You don't find any guy you feel sexually attracted too.
"Have you tried watching porn?" She asked.
"Porn doesn't do it for me. It just feels weird. It's super unrealistic anyways."
You friend nods in agreement, "That is true"
"I remember when I lacked experience I went across on so many articles on first times. Google, Yahoo, Reddit you name it. People tend to sometimes give good advice, maybe you should try it.
Maybe you might come across something interesting..." nudging your arm so you feel somewhat better.
Maybe you might find something good, you thought.
"Thanks, I'll check it out when I go home," you gave a small smile, Anyways I gotta go to class now. Later baby."
It wasn't long until you came back home, finally able to complete your work and take a nice soothing shower. It really helps relieve all aches and stress you encounter throughout the day.
Picking up your favourite pyjamas to wear for the night, your skin damp and moisturised. Grabbing on to your laptop as you join yourself in bed.
Constant thoughts of what occurred today, Lee Jeno is actually interested in you. Almost like a fever dream, never would you had thought it'll be reciprocated, considering how you rarely find people interesting enough, interested in you.
Sighing and shaking your head, you need to be prepared before anything happens, reminding yourself you're not as experienced like he is. Opening your laptop immediately on Google search, fingers typing on the keyboard.
Flicking through your mouse clicking on nearly every page there is on Google. Sighing in frustration, finding the same generic responses from these websites.
"How to drive him wild"
"How to be best at sex"
Showing little to no actual advice on how to improve oneself, placing your both hands above your head as you let out a little scream. Annoyed.
Inexperienced at so called sex but hearing everyone's great experiences around you feels like your missing out on some form of drug. You remember your first time, awkward as ever. Feeling little to no pleasure and the guy only lasted 2 minutes tops. Embarrassing.
Having a crush on Lee Jeno does not in fact help thus makes it worse. Popular guy who's been associated with the popular girls, experienced well enough to match him.
And here's you the complete opposite. Insecure thoughts mingling in your head, "Am I good enough for him?" "What if i embarrass myself, ugh!"
Nope. Fuck that. Your determined to find a way and you will. Bringing the laptop closer to you as you restart the whole search. Eyes completely fixated the white screen ahead, draining you until you scrolled further below.
Your eye brow raised at what's in front of the screen. Clicking on it almost quick, as it sends you off to a YouTube link. The title of the video was called "Be the best at sex FAST! Subliminal"
Your initial thoughts were what the hell is a subliminal? Quickly opening a second tab and entering it on Google search, you come across the meaning.
• (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.
In simple terms, a subliminal is a bunch of positive messages. An audio being played without hearing directly what's being said. Mostly consisting positivity. Remaining in your subconscious mind as you listen to it more.
You hummed as you took in the information. Even more so curious if this works with having sex. Being able to do best at it would be perfect for you.
Clicking back on the YouTube link once again, you noticed it had thousands of likes. Popular indeed. You read through the bar as it gave more information on the specific subliminal.
Be best at giving pleasure and receiving to partner
Inducing pleasure at whoever you desire
Great foreplay
Get the best orgasms
Partners keep praising how well you do
Listen once a day however the longer you listen the more power it has. Can induce headaches so drink fluids. Make sure to drink always keep the sound low! Headphones required.
(some of the affirmations mentioned above not all, works efficiently with success one not knowing what is being said)
And the list goes on and on. Okay now this really perked your interest. How does this stuff even work? It's like your in a whole different world. Noticing bunch of comments under the video, you scroll down in curiosity.
User12: Omg i used this and we went 8 rounds last night?????
User009: My sneaky link said the sex was so so so good I legit used this a day before I met him
User22: I used this because I had a date and he said I was the best he's ever been with?!!! Guys this shit works!!!
Use43445: He said i blew his mind and his dick real good LMAO
User67677: Guys you gotta be consistent with these. I typically use it a few times a day and I've noticed so much changes. I keep getting complimented during sex this shit works I swear! Stay positive ✨
Whew. These reviews really got you questioning. There's hundreds of comments which have stated nearly the same thing, that this shit works. It's quite fascinating how many people are in this community yet you had no prior inkling of it.
You won't lie, these comments really got you feeling excitment. What if, what if this works when you use it?
And what harm can it do anyways? Reading everyone's experiences just makes you want to try this out for yourself. You're desperate, you want to be good for Jeno. Perhaps this is the thing that makes you feel more confident and grants you mind blowing sex.
Quickly plugging your headphones in as you clicked the play button. You remembered to keep the volume at the lowest.
Once the play button hit, you did not expect to hear these sounds. It's almost static noises, bunch of voices repeating sounds that are hard to figure out. Feeling like whispers inside your ears.
It was a strange experience to indulge yourself into, never thinking something like this even existed. Letting it play one more time as you got used to the first, excited to see the results upcoming soon.
Heading to one of your last classes after a very long day. Still feeling tired from last night, feelings of blurness. Making your way down the corridors before a strong hand pulls you, taking you in the corner. Just as you were about to make a noise, only to find it was Jeno.
You didn't expect your crush, Lee Jeno to be cornering you against the wall right now. His tall figure towering you over as one of his hands were on the wall, caging you inside.
You felt shy within his hold, always watching him from the sidelines or from a distance, to having him near you so close is a dream.
"I've been looking for you," Jeno mutters, his eyes stilled on your whole figure watching how uneasy you felt having him so close. Gulping slowly yet cannot form any words. It's like your a dumb statue in front of Jeno.
Youre eyes shifting below, fixed on his body. His body proportions were something else. You know how often he's hitting the gym, workouts in forms of gym and sex. How does he manage to always look so good?
You managed to move your eyes above as he's fully maintained eye contact since. Nervously you speak out, "Y-You w-was...''
Jeno loves how shy you get in front of him. Turth be told, it makes him feel like corrupting you right there. So innocent so shy.
His smile forms a sly smirk, "Of course" His gaze following down your stiff body, eyes returning back to your confused cute state.
"You're my cute girl now," rubbing your cheek with his thumb. Ain't you?" He teasingly asks.
Overwhelmed is an understatement. Not only are you facing the boy you've literally been crushing on for so long, but having him to make you feel all sorts of ways. You could just explode right now.
Simply giving a gentle nod as approval for his words because your absoute gobsmacked to answer. But that's not enough for Jeno. He enjoys seeing you get worked up, telling of how your body reacts in his presence.
He's not blind. Always observed how your longing stares remained on him each day. He loves it. To know someone innocent like you constantly sees and thinks of him. Wondering if you touch yourself thinking of him.
Noticing the distance becoming smaller, feeling your heart almost drop out when Jeno leans in further.
His breathe fanning your ear with his cool breathe. His soft lips latching on to your ear before he sends a whisper, "Say it."
The depth of his voice shook your entire being and your core. Goosebumps raised all over your body. It was a demand, one where you cannot refuse.
It's crazy how much control he has over you, just over this little thing and you're already clenching your thighs? How pathetic.
His face still leaning towards you, your heart beat is exhilarated right now. Finally being able to muster courage as you spoken up. "I'm y-your cute.. girl."
It's been days, the last incident with Jeno still sends you shivers. But what hits you more is him sending you a text to come over his house on Saturday. Screaming, crying of joy, the all sorts. Every night you made sure you were listening to the sublimal, seeing how soon enough you'd be at Jeno's.
You're going over to Jeno's on Saturday, aware of the possible things that may will occur. Nerves are kicking in as time approaches, what if you end up making a fool out of yourself?
Wait no! You shouldn't think like that as the subliminal mentions, always keep your thoughts good!
But for once having something to stay positive on, you can't let your negative thoughts override yourself. Remembering the final goal is to become good at sex, perhaps better. Seeing those comments as motivation, if it works for them, it'll work for you too.
You listened to the particular subliminal daily at night. As it states it's best to listen before you go to sleep so the affirmations sink into you subconsciously.
Tonight your switching it up, though. Clicking to add the subliminal in a new Youtube playlist, so it continues to play on for the entire duration of the night.
Being aware how beneficial doing this is than the average use, you will take advantage of it. It's not far off before you meet up with Jeno, you have got to be good for him. Also using it for a longer period creates 10x effective results! This is your chance, anything for Jeno right?
Plugging your ear phones to your phone, laying on your head as your eyelids close. The static sounds playing as usual.
Today you are tired. Already feeling your heavy eyes beginning to shut. Knowing you'd probably fall as asleep any given time.
It's probably been a good few hours since you fell asleep. Shuffling randomly as a habit, eyes drained yet still feeling awake. Hearing the music in the playing constantly
Thoughts of him appearing of that day. The way he leaned in close enough, almost feeling him on top of you. Imagining being submissive underneath his body, letting him crush you down with his full body weight and muscular thick arms.
"J-Jeno..." breathing a soft moan. Not even aware of what you're saying. Too sleep drunken out of mind.
All of a sudden a loud thund was heard across your room. Snapping back into reality as your heavy eyes struggled to open properly. Unable to see clearly but enough to see a shadow figure lingering near the window. Your eyes must be playing tricks you assumed.
But no. The dark figure walked forth, almost marching ahead of your bed. Eyes fully snapping, horrified from seeing it approach ahead. You froze. Words are trembling out of your frightened state, W-who... are you.... "
The dark figure stopped nearby the end of the bed. Light from the moon outside shined upon his face, exposing himself. His eyes were lowly watching you, briefly changing his expression as a smile came on. It's terrifying in an instant how much his expression changed to gentle smiles.
The colour of his hair was prominent, dirty ashy blonde. Until your eyes shifted and widened seeing two identical horns on each side of the head. How can someone so beautiful look so scary?
"Jaemin," He blurted out with a grin,"The incubus."
Silence following as he spoke. Who the hell is this guy and what is a incubus? Your confused yet terrified of such a being in front of you. Is this just a bad dream?
"W-what are you.. doing here?" Feeling apprehensive as you questioned moving your gaze to his. You cannot believe a whole demon is right beside your bed, one that is strikingly breath taking.
Jaemin chuckled before he responds, closing distance as he approaches closer and closer, his hand above your head giving a gentle pat. "You called for me, pretty."
Shocked. Body tensing at the feel of his touch, comforting yet electrifying felt. Unable to understand what exactly he's saying. Why and when did you call for a incubus? You don't even remember anything, lost in your thoughts before Jaemin snaps you out of it.
"The subliminal," He shoots out, "Recall anything now?"
Eyes widen at the accuracy, how does he know about that subliminal. You've never once shared it with anyone, hell not even with your own friends.
"How do you know..." Is all you could mutter from your mouth.
"Ah, well I am the creator of it." Watching the confusion lingering in your mind. Walking closer until he stops, "Do you know of my kind?" He asks.
Frankly you're not entirely aware of it, so answer with a no.
"I'm a sex demon," He speaks up whilst licking his lips. "The subliminals help me feed off from humans when I'm hungry.'
Your eyes widening at his statement,"That can be in forms of thoughts, wet dreams, or reality.."
Your lost for words. Not even realising before Jaemin snaps you out of thoughts.
"Jeno is it?" He remarks, watching how fast you reacted hearing that name. God you was so down bad for him. Smelling the desperation from a mile off.
Eyes widening at the name of Jeno. How on earth does he know who that is?! Feeling fright each second comes, fearful of what this incubus knows and wants from you.
"How d-do you know Jeno?" You spoke lowly.
Jaemin loves how cute the wrinkles on your forehead form while your confused. Poor little thing having no idea of what is occuring and how.
"Well," Clearing his throat, "You were calling out the name Jeno in your sleep. Almost like a mantra," he smirked. His voice becoming high pitched before he shouts out, "Jeno Jeno Jeno..."
Embarrassment flies above you as you try covering your face with your hands. Did he really hear you be down bad for Jeno? Gosh this is so embarrassing.
Hey," Jaemin chuckled quietly, leaning over to remove your hand off your pretty face, "It's natural. When humans like someone they tend to think/dream of the person a lot." Reassuring you and making you feel less embarrassed.
You let out a sigh. Grateful that he isn't mocking you any further. Seemingly being very thoughtful to your feelings. Gorgeous and considerate, you thought.
Licking your lips as you talk, "God this is so... okay. Jeno is a guy I have a crush on. Like a lot," Emphasising the word as Jaemin quirks a brow up.
"But i feel like I'll make a mockery out of myself ugh'' Speaking honestly.
Jaemin's face slightly falters, his hand places itself on yours as comfort, "What makes you say that?"
At this point you've embarrassed yourself enough in front of an incubus, a hot one, so why not just speak out those insecure thoughts.
"I'm not.. well experienced. At sex." Blantly confessing your issue.
It goes unnoticed how quickly the incubus's eyes almost switched, his eyes darken. Taking in your helpless phlight. You're begging for something. He smelt the desperation ever since he entered in the room. He's very aware, because he knows you.
"Why don't we make a deal?" The incubus proposes.
You looked up as your forehead lines crinkled, confused at what the incubus means by deal.
"What deal?"
He smiles as his hand shifts to your left cheek, rubbing it gently as if your some delicate flower, "That's what my subliminal is made for, I can give you the experience."
His eyes looming over yours as you watch in shock what he suggested, "And in return, I get myself a meal for the night. A win win."
How does someone, an incubus give someone experience? More so is it possible to even have sex with one, wha-
"B-but how will it feel? Won't it feel different to humans?"
Jaemin chuckled, "Well to be honest it feels the exact same. Probably even better," He whispers lowly, enough to feel arousal by his words alone.
Contemplating whether you should or not being lost in your dazed mind before Jaemin snaps you out by replying, "You don't have to. Ita totally your choice," your eyes shift back towards him as you reconsider.
"But hearing how much you like him, it would be a shame not being good enough for Jeno.."
Not good enough. Those same words creeping back to you, will you ever be good enough? You take in everything Jaemin has mentioned to consideration. Maybe this is it. Your chance to prove yourself wrong.
You're ready for whatever right now. Sighing loudly as the incubus awaits for your response with focus.
"Okay.. fine... I accept it," Your voice pulls through. Though having no inkling of what to be expected next. Truthfully, Jaemin is one hot incubus, his touch alone makes you tingle. So why not huh?
Jaemin's extremely ecstatic hearing your answer. He can already tell how you are, easily shy yet gets worked up quickly.
He wants to tease you further, "Yeah?" His voice sinks deeper, gaze darkening by each second like he's pulling you in a dark hole. His body looming over yours, sinking below the bed as he hoovers above.
Eyes stayed still with yours, breathing getting faster having a presence take over you like this. Feeling hot and bothered already, wondering if he can smell the arousal from below.
Your chest heaves up as you breathe, emphasising your firm breasts, poking out to feel a touch.
The incubus watches with his predator eyes. Thrilling him many ways you cannot think of. Seeing a pretty innocent girl laying there for him to devour, noticing the way your skin formed goosebumps all around.
Watching your dazzled face as you closed your eyes, opened while the incubus is above, watching your pity face. His nose hitting against yours as the proximity grows, watching you through his eyelashes how easily you laid for him, allowing him to take you to a path of pleasure.
Already feeling things despite him not even beginning, Jaemin made you feel ways you've never before.
Leaning in close enough that heart beats can be heard, the incubus dives right near the neck and takes a big inhale of you, your scent. He loves how fresh you smell, feeling himself growl already.
Diving in to your skin when he smoothers your shoulder with soft kisses, his lips felt almost unreal. Breathing fanning across your exposed chest, allowing sensations to form across your entire being.
Going further below, stopping at the sight of your perky breasts. "So if Jeno touched you here," His strong hand engulfing the entire breast moving it upwards and down, "Would you let him?"
He's only just touched you and already feel like you'd burst. Feeling his hands wander causing you feeling ticklish. Jaemin watches how cute you are, just a touch and already breaking? Cute.
Not even realising when your top has sunked down, Jaemin's long tongue attacks. Never seeing a tongue like such before, giving a few licks as his saliva drips to your nipple, watching you in awe as you bite down your lip at the unexpected action.
"Words pretty," He startles you with a bite for not answering his question. Too engrossed in the feelings of pleasure, you whine at the slight pain.
Jaemin watches how lost for words you are, "How else would Jeno know how you feel?"
"Yes... It f-feels.. so good..." a loud moan escapes your mouth, just thinking about having Jeno like this, do this with you. Wondering if this is how it'll feel.
He hums, trailing his long tongue further down your stomach, to the dangerous place. You gasped loudly, shutting your thighs together as immediate reaction. You could literally cum with the amount of wetness you have.
"Don't be shy," He cooed as his arms dismantle your legs widening back again, revealing the effect of the incubus.
You felt shame with not having nothing on underneath exposing whatever is below. Your face becoming flustered watching Jaemin focus on you.
His face leaning against your core, tongue swirling trying to take in your taste and wentess "Don't you want to show Jeno the creation we made?"
His dark eyes looking above you, gauging your reaction when you whine.
Legs trembling beneath him as you watch Jaemin's tongue surround your clit in circles, your eyelashes fluttering before you could even form words to speak, "Y-Yes..."
The feeling felt so surreal. It accounts to nothing compared to your first time, haven't felt nothing. Almost thinking your broken. But Jaemin, made you feel worlds, places you've never seen or been before.
Feeling your head dropping back on to your pillow, Jaemin laughs having not done much yet seeing your body jolting at his given touch. Loving how weak you are for him, letting him take over you.
His tongue dives through your wet folds, catching you offguard when it enters inside you. Gasping so loudly, it felt a weird good.
Your legs expand while your slowly thrust yourself up, allowing his tongue to get deeper.
Wanting to feel more, you could even cum from this alone. Jaemin saw how restless you began to act, moving in ways just to feel him deeply in. You want this so bad.
"J-Jaemin.. need more.." whining like a baby, not being to handle it.
The incubus was hard as ever, cock growing each second as you beg for more. He brings his clothed cock against your thigh and brushes it above, wanting you to feel how he's become, for you. Never have felt something so hard before, wandering how it would feel once its out.
Pulling his huge cock out as you admire the length and size. Excitment builds all over your body, core throbbing for it to enter inside.
He watches your reaction with a smirk, catching you offguard by grabbing firmly on to your legs, putting them above his shoulders.
The intrusion came suddenly, a push you could feel in your guts. He was large, growing more inside of you. You're melting into the pleasure, slowly losing it as he thrusts inside a few times. Eyes clenching, hand gripping on the sheets to hold yourself.
His hand gripping on your thigh, delivering much more fast paced thrusts. It's absolute silence in the room, until Jaemin speeds up more and more, filling the room up with sounds.
"Do you hear that?" His pace becoming faster, closing his eyes from the pleasure of being inside of your warmth, infiltrating your hole like your a fuck doll showing zero mercy on how your coping.
The clapping sounds as his cock hits against your core, hitting all part of your body.
He lowers his body to find his lips against your ears delivering a cold whisper, "Jeno's favourite sound."
Your hands clutch tightly on the sheets, biting down your lip at hearing that. Getting fucked to a new dimension with a incubus while imagining Jeno doing this to you.
What a dream.
It's like the incubus knows you inside out, know what tickles your brains, knows what words to say to drive you to the blink of insanity. Almost like he knows your body than you do.
He chuckles knowing how this gets you going and doesn't stop, making sure you feel him in every bone of yours.
Jaemin released an animalistic growl, shooking you completely.
"Like the way I fuck? Fuck you deep in the guts while you think about Jeno?"
His eyes turning scary yet making you feel so much pleasure, can't help but think of him destroying you fully. You love the feel of him and his cock.
"F-Fuck yeah... Jaemin... yes!" Moaning out like a crazy person, He chuckles at your reaction as he hits against your skin, slowly pulling out to deliver slower strokes.
Rolling his hips and pushing himself inside out, slowly watching your face and mouth parting in pleasure.
"Fuck, feels so..."
Watching how your eyes below see him pushing himself slowly in you, sensing how you tighten the hold against him with your thighs. You want him there, want to feel his inches expand more.
"My kind would love you," Blurting randomly making you think if they're also just as good as Jaemin.
"T-They would?" You curse internally feeling yourself cum at any second.
Jaemin sensing how you're clenching his length in, hissing at how pleasurable it feels for him.
He sends a brief smile before he pushes himself in harder, with each thrust hitting your spot inside, "Yes, pretty little human who begs to take cock.
"Loves cock, deep enough to wreck your entire being."
"Obedient human whore who fulfils the dreams of us demons..
"Fuck! Gonna cum.."
Jaemin felt yourself climax all over his length, nearing his own when he removed his cock out. Lowkey wishing he had left it in, to coat your walls up.
"Shit," He beings to curse under his breath ss he splatters his cum all over your heaving chest. The cum beginning to make it's own trail down your stomach and thighs.
"Did so well for me.."
Waking up felt like a blur. Mind to dazzled to even think straight. Was it all a dream? You don't recall properly. But whatever it was, you felt it. Almost like it was real, it had to be. unknowing your body can react in many ways.
It's been days since your encounter with the incubus, never seeing him ever again. You do tend to get thoughts of him occuring weirdly.
Taking you back to the time how well he fucked you, made you feel a whole different experience. The thought of is still makes your thighs clench.
You still carried on listening to the subliminal ensuring to gain the best results. You'd be seeing Jeno in a few hours and honestly, you're excited.
He's your crush after all. You'd be lying if you said you wasn't nervous, Jeno always had this strong hold on you.
And now finally you will be around him, all alone.
You made sure you wore your best cute fit on, the skirt definitely made your ass look plumped
And now you're here. Inside Jeno home, something you have always wanted to see. Playing on a movie in the background, he buckles up closer to you making you feel tensed already. Having Jeno at this proximity drives you insane.
"You okay?" Jeno asks.
"Yeahh, why?"
"You seem distracted," He notices, eyeing how you haven't been watching the movie much.
To be honest, all you kept thinking of is how it would be later, will you embarrass yourself infront of your crush? God you hope not.
"I'm f-fine, it's just..." your face is getting heating up already as you look down.
Fuck. That look drives Jeno insane.
"Aw, are you blushing?" Lifting your chin up to meet with his gaze.
"Don't do that, it makes me hard."
You feel like the air just got sucked out of you. Did he really just.. say that? Blinking awkwardly not knowing what to respond.
Jeno cannot take his eyes off you despite the movie on in the background, the way you strut over his home with a cute crop top and skirt, already has him going feral.
He laughed watching you react, turning to lean back to his usual spot. You felt somewhat relief he was playing. Yeah right.
He's known for being extremely flirtious which clarifies the statement once he does the following thing, "Want a snack?"
You look towards him and nod, only to see him place a popcorn directly in his mouth as you watched in awe.
"Come take it then," He smirks, putting his hands behind his head as he leans down on the couch.
Watching how flustered you seem already you can't deny how hot he looks right now. A surge of unknown confidence arises within you as you approached closer, face hitting his. Titling your head to dive in further only for Jeno to swallow the popcorn, capturing a kiss between your lips.
Grabbing you by your waist, pulling you closer as your kissing grows more. Almost like you both yearned for a taste, finally able to. Your lips felt so soft to Jeno, always admiring how plumped they've looked every time.
"Sit on my lap," He pulls away to breathe as he spoke, following up as you place yourself above him, without thought straddling him as the kissing continues.
Your skirt rid up exposing your bare ass, earning a harsh slap from Jeno's hand. "Needy girl, already wanting to cum on me?"
Keep moving back and forth letting yourself feel his thigh all up you, it feels amazing. His hands gripping on your hips as he straddles you faster with his pace.
"S-sorry..." Biting your lip hard, allowing him to move you with his pace yet trying to feel more.
"Skirts..." He groans as he looks down at the way your pretty skirt looks. Ever since you entered all that was Jeno's mind was how sexy you looked. His eyes focused below making you feel slightly shy in his hold.
Fingers grazing your thigh following near your core, a gasp running out of your mouth at the touch.
Closing your eyes only to recall the moments with Jaemin. The way his tongue went up against your wet core, intruding it's way inside of you. Fuck.
Your eyes still closed immersing the similiar feeling, already feeling in a rush for something more, bigger to come.
"You wore this skirt for me, right?" His tone turning deep, finger brushing past your with circles, "Wanted my attention that bad?" Sudden feeling of his finger entering inside your wet core, sliding in and out.
"Mmmmm..." moaning out from the pleasure being received. Thrusting yourself with the finger trying to chase the orgasm, reminding you of Jaemin.
Remembering how the incubus's reaction was seeing you chase for your pleasure, finding it cute.
"You definitely got my attention," Already clenching on his fingers about to feel yourself cum, Jeno fastens his speed watching you nearing.
He loves how incredibly wet you've become, all for him. He thought.
You look so cute to him already feeling worn out by your orgasm that rides throughout your body, cumming straight on his fingers when you released.
But you're craving more. So much more, that you begin to remove Jeno's pants like a starved animal. Surpised by your reaction, joining in as he pulls down everything, his hard cock springing out.
"I need your cock. Right now." You demanded. No idea where this sudden confidence has come from but knowing this is exactly whats needed right now.
"Fuck," Jeno groans, pushing you down on all fours on the couch. Watching you remove your panties down, skirt hitched all the way up with your ass in display.
Your needy thoughts coming, not being able to wait any longer. Your back completely arched, pulling yourself back close enough to give his cock a few rubs with your hand. Just soon after, trying to place it inside of yourself.
You backed on him as you felt himself fully insert inside of you. Jeno groans so loud, his cock finally getting inside of something, getting some action.
"You're so fucking sexy," He groans loud, watching how you back yourself up with his cock swallowing it up each time. Jeno tilts his head back, lip biting at the pleasure he's getting from you.
You felt so nice wrapped around him, he's fucked many girls but no one had the confidence like you. Normally he's the one to lead but this time it's you, begging to feel him in your hole, taking him in like a good girl.
Jeno grabbed tightly on your hips as he thrusted himself on you, both moaning together as he works his cock in, "Shit, feels so good..." you gasped.
You love Jaemin's cock
Suddenly a thought comes in to your mind. All you can think of is Jaemin, how nicely his cock penetrated your insides, fucking it all up.
You can't get rid of the thought of his burning eyes watching you take him all in with no complaints, like you're made for him. Only you can take it.
Beginning to feel this pent up frustration rise up within yourself, you shout out. "Give me more! Harder!"
Not even knowing what you even expected yourself. You just wanted to take everything, you wanted to experience Jaemin again.
"Harder?" Jeno spoke as he leaned forward, dragging you back as you felt him push you harshly against his thighs, balls smacking behind you loudly.
"More! More!" You screamed.
"Knew you shy bitches were freaks." Jeno speeding as his arms grip stronger down your hips, making sure he delivers deeper strokes.
Sweat dripping on both bodies, your wetness stirring emotions inside of him.
Your eyes are closing up, almost like feeling like your body is losing touch with itself. Everything around you felt hazy. All you can think of in this state was Jaemin.
The tip of his throbbing cock hitting your spot, the overwhelming pleasure hitting your entire body. "Walking around like a uptight virgin but fucking like a pornstar, who taught you this?" His hissed.
He seriously wonders how you are this good. Have you fucked around a lot? Just couldn't believe how the campus shy girl who barely maintains eye contact fucks like a pro.
Was you this receptive to others? Let their cocks see how nice your cunt feels, to be wrapped around you?
His hands made its way to your chest, top raised up exposing your perky breasts. Cupping them in his hands once again. The pleasure of his cock and him touching your breasts was heavenly as you moaned.
He yanks your hair back with force, a whimper escaping from your mouth escalating the pleasure.
His mouth attaching itself on your neck giving small pecks, softly before his sore body penetrates you further.
The pleasure begins to feel immense, body losing its balance as you fell. Jeno turns you around being face to face, wanting to admire your pretty face.
For a moment, you swore you saw Jaemin. His hungry eyes spreading your swollen thighs open, positioning his cock back inside.
Puppy eyes as you watch how the cock slides back and forth, moistened with your wetness. God how do you manage to look so innocent yet be so filthy, Jeno wondered.
It's what arouses him furthermore, watching him like you've never seen such a cock before. Boosting his ego knowing he gets to witness you in this way.
"Fuck I'm close," Keeping his eyes on yours as he grunts. Giving you much slower thrusts, watching your mouth part in pleasure. Already clenching around his cock.
You wrap your arms around his neck, surprising Jeno at the action. Slowly pushing him down on your body, allowing him to fully crush you below.
Your hands grazing all over his skin, remembering the feel of how Jaemin's arms pinned your thighs roughly. All you kept thinking was having his huge build tower over you.
Even if it was hard to breathe.
He looks up only to put his mouth on yours, kissing you away with his thrusts. Both groaning mixed with pleasure and pain.
You begin to bite your lips roughly as he pants out, "Want to feel my cum? Need my cum in this pussy of yours, hm? Drillng his cock with speed that's making you seeing stars.
Your cries underneath get louder, legs shaking at how desperately you need to feel cum.
Jaemin didn't cum inside of you which did make you feel a way. All you imagined was how he would be the one who's giving all his cum inside of you, pumping you full.
"Please.. want your c-cum..."  You desperately cry.
And that's exactly how you felt when Jeno coated all your walls white. The thought itself of Jaemin cumming inside of you made your toes curling up, climaxing alongside with him. A feeling of warmth hits your core, something you've never experienced.
It feels so so good. You want that feeling to stay as long as it could. Your panting to breath out, legs shaking and aching.
It hadn't even hit you yet until Jeno speaks up, "Fuck, you did so well and took me so good." Planting another kiss yet on your lips, he can feel himself get hard once again.
It's ridiculous how he's feeling weak within your hold. He's honestly so impressed, being his best sexual experience so far.
You reach home with confused thoughts. At this point, you don't even know what you wanted.
Finally fucking your long time crush, the Lee Jeno. The one who you always admired from a distance, watching him interact and play, talk to a bunch of people, extremely popular even with the girls. The same girls who you wished you could be in place with.
You should be happy now right? So why do you feel unsatisfied and conflicted.
Feeling like you was literally under some influence despite not even drinking any alcohol. Why did Jaemin's thoughts appear? Why did he have to come whilst your fucking your crush. It made no sense.
Worst of all, Jaemin was on your mind the entirety of sex. You basically used Jeno to get off about Jaemin, fuck! That's like so messed up.
How could you do this? Do this to Jeno?
Feeling a incoming headache just by finding reasonings as to what's happening with you. You have so many questions. Yet no answer. Except one person could.
But you haven't ever seen him since that day, possibly he may never return. Especially when the deal was done.
That's until you heard a particular loud thud in your room. Rushing in fear of someone possibly breaking in, only to find Jaemin, the incubus. The incubus who's been tormenting your mind.
"Hey pretty, missed me?" Plastering a pleasing grin across his face, approaching you.
Your fear subsided, letting out a deep breath as you begin to compose yourself. Your mind going back to his said question, deeply you felt a tug. You did miss him.
"Jaemin.. you scared me." You sighed, it was so unexpected to visit. Deep down you was glad to see him once again because you thought you never will.
He walks over to you as his hand makes contact with your cheek, "Sorry princess. Are you okay?" He feigned concern.
God he was so caring, always wanting the best for you.
You're not okay. All you think of is Jaemin even whilst being with Jeno. Does that mean your catching feelings...
You look so distressed yet so adorable he thinks, the way your brows furrow and eyes close as if your fighting against something.
"I don't k-know what's wrong with me.." Feeling ridiculous about what your experiencing yet humiliated to mention. You don't even realise your mumbling your words, body moving in itself.
"I-I was with Jeno and I t-thought.." You stammered your words trying to explain to him what exactly is going on.
"That's the problem," Jaemin speaks up as his hand goes above your head giving gentle strokes.
"Who told you to have thoughts, pretty?" He laughed.
His tone sounding completely condensending, like he is mocking everything you've mentioned. Your stomach begins to drop at the discomfort that's brewing inside.
His face connecting closer, darkness emitting his deep eyes, shocking you with his words with a deep tone, "You don't have thoughts, I think for you. Don't you understand?"
Your eyes widening with a tint of fear behind. What's wrong with him? He's never acted in this way, his whole demeanour changed within a split second. Terrfied.
The very look that gives the incubus such satisfaction. His hand raising as he lifts your chin up, your body jolting within his touch.
"Dumb little human. Stooping low enough to bargain your soul," Having the same grin that's always plastered across his face at this moment is sickening to see.
He's the true epitome of a demon.
"Y-You.. did.. this?" Voice shaking from the absolute reality of this incubus. The very Jaemin whom you considered to be helping you this entire time was doing the opposite.
"I did nothing." His tone refusing to acknowledge his doings, remaining composed.
The sudden sounds of multiple voices begin to erupt inside your ears, sounding exactly similiar to what you've always been listening to.
The subliminal.
Your eyes begin turning hazy, almost like you can't see a thing ahead. Trying your best to maintain open eyes as you blink, yet failing to do so. Your mouth deprived from thirst, causing dryness. The whispers escalating more and more, until you become accustomed to it, pulling you into trance.
Jaemin coos, watching the state you've become. The very thing he had always wanted. Such a poor sight to witness.
Who owns you?
What are you good for?
Being Jaemin's whore.
Your body is?
Jaemin's property.
Who fucks and uses you?
Jaemin fucks and uses all my holes voluntarily.
My favourite hole?
The ass.
"See?" His hand brushing along your face, "I taught you so well, didn't I?" You nodded.
Jaemin had those messages hidden quite well, no one could have even guessed. He managed to put those messages in reverse. Knowing no one would ever consider checking. Sneaky. Humans are fucking stupid, after all.
He's come across many willingly wanting to do things, selling their souls for person. It's ridiculous but it works.
He convinced you he was only to help. And you being the mere foolish human.. fell for it.
Targeting weaknesses was his thing. He knew how badly humans lacked affection, craved it whether it's from the right or wrong individual.
And he was right, which lead him to make the subliminal in the first place. Coming out to enter his human form, creating a perfect subliminal to make everyone his slave.
It was a shock to him also at first, but each time his hunger grew larger. His lust never settled down only expanding. To know he has the human power in his hand and the best way to use it against them?
Their minds.
And here it is, your own mind being your own enemy.
Soon after your body began acting on its own. Almost vibrator stuck inside of you throbbing continously at the highest setting. You're not used to this intensity, which makes Jaemin want to watch you suffer just a little bit.
Your nipples erecting on its own, begging to be touched. The growing need of having a cock inside of it worsens. You need something. You need Jaemin.
It's beginning to feel so painful, even when your palm hits you core you cannot take it. It's painful to touch. Your body making reactions as it gets worse, pleading eyes looking straight ahead.
"Jaemin. Touch me." You begged.
"How does it feel?" He asks, as if he can't see the ultimate mess you're becoming. Clearly telling of how your body is reacting, begging to feel a cock.
"S-so good." You breathe out.
"Oh? Doesn't seem like it." He shrugs, ignoring your reactions.
Taking a deep breath upon his words. How could he not see your struggling? The hand on your cunt is full of slick, dripping beneath your thighs.
Cries becoming louder, moving back and forth against your own palm. It's embarrassing at this point. But you cannot help it.
Your moans coming from the mouth, getting closer to a particular feel, "It's not good enough.."
Oh Jaemin is very well aware of that. From the moment he picked you all he ever thought was how much prettier you'd look begging for his touch. To the point of feeling like there's no other, only Jaemin.
The way you were oh so very innocent at the start, barely having knowledge on what you were expected to do. So naive yet compliant.
It pleasures him to see you to see you have a look of distress and begging. Licking his lips at the sight of you when he gazes you down.
Suddenly his hand roams against your thighs, causing a shiver throughout. His finger moving in circles whilst his eyes locked against yours, "Let me make it good.." He offers you despite withholding touch from before.
The throbbing escalates, your body muscles tighten at the lingering touches of him. Moving all the way up, meeting the core. You sat down, legs subconsciously opening wider as each finger grazes past your core.
Though Jaemin had no intention of ever putting those fingers inside.
"But not in this way.." He slowly teases making you think he's backtracking once again. Causing more frustration. Only to find him reach lower against you, his breath sending tingles over your core.
Your eyes rolling, awaiting to give you want you desperately needed. His tongue.
"Look at this hole," He delivered a slap causing you to whimper as you bite down your lips.
His eyes fixated above as he watches, smirking when he continues to slap. He can see how each time he does, your needy hole clenches so fast.
It's begging for intrusion, desperately wanting to swallow his finger inside.
Jaemin's mouth attaches towards your neck, giving little pecks before he moves against your lips. Your eyelashes were fluttering with the feeling itself making you feel so so good.
Moving back against the side of your neck, sending a cool whisper, "I didn't like how swollen your lips were from him." A tint of posessiveness showing from his side.
He noticed ever since you walked in how pink and swollen they were.
He drags his mouth against your jaw before he sends a quiet whisper, "So I'm going to make them bleed."
Trailing his lips further up as he reaches the place once again. This time with much more force, the kiss turning aggressive.
He kissed you like you're his first ever meal, hungrily. Tongues moving against each another's before he bites, causing you to moan straight inside his mouth.
It hurt so good. You didn't realise when you gasped, Jaemin pulled away slowly before licking the remains on the blood formed on your lower lip, "Better."
God did he look strikingly with bloody lips, watching him lick his entire lip, tasting you.
Not even having a chance to react, he turns you around hastily. Excitement stirring throughout your body.
Your holes are begging for some kind of action. You're a mess. Looking back at him with teary eyes, "J-Jaemin, it's moving.."
Instead, ripping away your skirt he exposes your ass. Specifically the hole. His eyes widen full of lust. Your hole was pulsating away like it had it's own heart beat.
"Fuck.. you're begging for me.." Justifying at the action in front. It's you that wants this to happen, to let him do whatever he can.
The fascination as he watches how quickly your hole opens itself and shuts. You're seriously asking for it, for him to lose all control.
You pressed yourself against his ingrowing cock, moving it slowly all around only to hear the incubus's big growl. He knows what your doing.
Only to feed his wet lips attach itself against your hole, salivating all the wetness that's been present since.
He breathed against them as his tongue took a long lick all the way, "Bet Jeno didn't touch these lips."
You could feel his smirk behind you as he plants kisses above.
Naturally rocking your body back and forth, thinking when his long tongue will finally intrude it's self in.
"Humans. So pathetic." He laughed, undressing himself with his cock shooting out. The tip looking so red, the prominent veins showcasing above it, ready to erupt any given time.
His cock surrounds all over your throbbing hole, trying to take him in. He teases his tip all around allowing your wetness to coat him.
"Remember I said I'd make it good?"
Jaemin is hoovering above you, as you watched back only to see his huge thick cock growing expendiosly. You licked your lips in sight, yearning for it to enter behind.
His body falling over yours, giving small little licks all the way to your spine and above. Your arching your back completely as you bite down the whimpers falling from your mouth.
"Y-Your so nice to me.." It's like you don't even remember anything thats occurred. Being so fucking deprived, your complimenting the incubus when he makes you feel good.
The same who put you in this form of hell.
He laughs lowly against your skin, "Humans.. ah, my weakness. Thanking me even during my most selfish moments, do you not know my kind, yet?"
Just as you leaned back again, he thrusted himself inside. Both pushing yourself further as Jaemin slides through, you make it so easy for him.
You could feel Jaemin's entire body hurdled against your back, his tongue sending small licks around your earlobe before he bites it down. You're faltering already at his actions, coating his cock with more wetness you've produced.
Jeno was nothing compared to Jaemin. Jaemin had such a bigger cock no doubt, but it's almost as if it keeps growing once it's inside. Feeling like it'll pierce through your brain, making you literally fucked out of thoughts.
Your legs were shivering, not used to this kind of thing, not used to such a huge cock.
You'd never think an Incubus could be the one who destroys you, from mind body and soul. Doubting that anyone could even compare to this, Jaemin already making sure your completely ruined to even be used by others. Even his own kind.
"My perfect little human. Always complying to take my cock, right?" He pushes himself further, penentrating your hole like its nothing.
"Yes.. want your cock, want it so badly, want to be filled.. please.." Moaning away as you take it all, like you should. You're here to please after all.
He brings his huge hand as it cups your face, making you turn around to watch your desperate state, "What happened to the innocent girl who barely knew how to take cock, now begging to get filled?"
Enjoying the state you've become but that's purely because you sold your soul off to him. His inches becoming deeper inside as he thinks back to your stupidity.
"Dumb fucking whore, good for nothing but just another hole for me to slide my cock in. You should be grateful you were the chosen one," He snarls, gripping on to your hips with force enough to cause bruises.
Your thighs shaking frantically, your hole feeling swollen from his constant deep thrusting.
Getting pulled behind, slamming his cock with much force. Your cries are filling the silence of the room, wandering how much more deep can he get.
"See?" He whispers behind your ears, "You were never meant for Jeno."
He penetrates faster, as sweat is dripping from his forehead down to your body.
"Even when you fucked him, who was you thinking of during the time?" He asked cockily already knowing the answer yet wanting to stroke his high ego.
"You! Jaemin!" You shouted out, getting fucked out completely.
Jaemin's eyes close up brewing feelings of extreme lust, knowing he's the better option to cease. He opens his eyes before he laughs, "Exactly it shows your just made for me, pretty."
Your mouth is drooling as he begins to roll his hips, the urge to cum getting stronger as he continues. Only for him to stop.
"Fuck.. want to remain here for entirnity." He continued licking every inch of your body, goosebumps raised by his touch.
Your breath hikes up as he knibbles away in your much weaker spots.
"Jaemin, please fuck me." Whining at the loss of his cock.
"I am," He lazily thrusts to get you geared up. Only to catch you offguard completely.
His burning eyes making their way back to yours, turning you around as both your faces touch. A whisper escaping from your lip, seeing Jaemin this close brings shivers.
He's admiring your state of utter desperation. The weakness your portraying, almost like giving up. Like a child being starved from food.
Tears glistening your entire face, Jaemin thinks you look the prettiest this way. The wrecked up way.
Too stilled with each other eyes, a hand makes it's way down your core. Rubbing the the clit furiously. It's so fucking intense, not only what he's doing but his eyes piercing in your soul.
He's enjoying watching you wither infront of his hold. Only he can the power to do this. His speed increasingly getting faster, your thighs clenching unable to control the pleasure. It's a completely overwhelming state to be in.
Not only that, Jaemin's lazy speed grew back to his usual. Intense and overbearing.
Your thighs getting hit against one another with an ache, "Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I want to ruin you so much. Wreck each and every human part of you.." He sighs, angrily thrusting in and out of you.
"Want to make you mine, welcome you into my Hell." His fingers attached deeply on to your hips as he speeds up. You feel bruised already but hearing his words is making you clench around his entire length.
"F-Fuck.. I'mma cum.."
"Cum for me pretty." His thrusts gaining more strength, hands above your clit whilst he flickers it with his fingers.
You cummed all over his cock, eyes squeezed as you saw stars. Your legs trembling, burning with severe ache. Moans still leave through your mouth at how well you were getting fucked and still are as Jaemin continues.
His cock growing harder as ever inside of your hole knowing his about to finish off. "Want to be filled? Be my cumdump? Let me fill up your needy hole?" He groans deeply, lips attached near your shoulders.
You turn back with pupply like eyes, begging to feel him inside of you already. "Please  Jaemin, Please cum, cum in me Please.." Rocking back and forth with his cock giving it a final push.
Your begging is music to his ears. Your soft pleas, he can't take it any longer. His face dipped back on your shoulder releasing an animalistic growl. It was so loud, your certain everyone could hear. Never knowing how deeper his voice could become.
"Come on," Breathing becoming faster, take it for me.Take it all inside."
His cum splatters all inside of your hole, coating your entire inside. Some of the cum dripping below your thighs. Watching your ass becoming needy and sucking in the rest of his cum.
"Fuck...." He licked his lip whilst his cock remained in your ass, watching you yet clench against him.
Your eyes fluttering at another intense orgasm, body jolting all around. You both were exhausted completely.
"You're perfect for me."
Your phone on your bed literally vibrated right after, Jaemin being the one to turn it on.
Jeno♡♡ [01.00am] i miss ur pussy
Jeno♡♡ [01.01am] can we meet up tommrow???
Jaemin let out a huge scoff. Jeno definitely was out of the picture now, you've chosen who you wanted.
He deleted the message and tossed your phone away. He got closer to you as he whispered slowly, "All mine now.."
©2022 lostlovesoul11 all rights reserved.
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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The best
"Hello, we are the feisty, sexy JAM REPUBLIC!!" The yelling always gets me, I sit there smiling while fixing my dress or simply trying to pull it down. When the girls agreed on wearing black, I showed up in pink, trying to represent all both of the national colors. I was then given a blanket as I thanked the staff and placed it on my lap. "We are here to work hard, though I can say I'm excited to see what everyone brings to the table. It's fun because we are the serious judges now." I stated while smiling at my team and holding Audrey's hand. We are then brought the cards, "I have a feeling about some of the other teams. What do you think about it, babes?" She turned around, showing off her little dimples before saying, "I feel like it's gonna be some teams we have seen before and a few mysterious ones, you know."
I agree before adjusting the blanket on my lap and watching our wonderful leader reveal the crew. Of course, when I saw BEBE, I wasn't shocked. Bada and I had been dating for a while, technically before the show started, well, at least in her opinion. She had been trying to get with me way before we got to street women fighter, but I genuinely believed those feelings weren't real. No matter how much she tried to tell me of send me gifts and pick me up from work. I know what you're thinking, "like fuck can you be any more dense." Well in my opinion I've had people work extremely hard for a fuck, I'm talking overtime with no breaks. Though she showed me the real her and we opened up to each other about some tough situations and at that moment I knew I was in love with her. Shit I had been the entire time, and I was simply trying to protect my heart.
Other crews weren't exactly a surprise either, though when 1MILLION added another dancer I was a but surprised, I've seen her dancing style for a while and she was good as fuck. "New scenery, me like it, girls." Latrice laughed at me while hitting my shoulder, with Kirsten giving us the motherly like pointed eye stare, meaning she meant business. Though in this situation I think it just meant to shut the fuck up politely. We saw some other times with Hook coming back and making an appearance, Aiki was a judge last time I saw her, and even though I didn't watch her season, I've heard great things about her. Like Bada, she had her students on her crew, and they showed out. "Still can't believe she is older than us or has a kid." We joked a lot about how the hottest people on set were taken.
Seeing LA CHICA was new as well. As soon as the cameras turned off, Latrice looked at me. "Is it bad I don't know the last crew?" I laughed at that. I mean shit not that funny but funny. "Stop laughing and tell me what they have done." I tried to stop my laughs but ended up laughing harder. "To be honest, the leader is just known for a lot of cultural appropriation in my book." The rest of the girls turned around with Kirsten stated we are in korea, so that's accurate.' We all start to get up and move towards set. We were really the only ones to film the outro since we arrived late. Seeing all the crews stand sit there on their podiums was kinda amazing, mainly knowing we would go up there as well. "Funny how we aren't the ones dancing."
After a while of sitting and the occasional introductions of different crews. We also had the smoke challenge performed by BEBE that awed the crowd. We were finally sitting down, and a few selective girls had already shown their dancing skills. Everything was going well so far. Until some girl thought she could pull a sexy choreography. It was actually sad to watch. "It simply wasn't for me, I felt like it could've had more of a wow factor or just better moves. Everything seemed sloppy, and it didn't fit your persona at all." Everyone looked at me after the harsh criticism, I guess no one expected me to be real. I turned to the side to notice Redlic has been winking at me. Weird. You see, me and her didn't exactly have a friendship. She and Bada were friends due to working together previously on dances as well as classes. In my opinion she was too friendly.
Though, not to Bada but to me. She was always winking and trying to hug me or asking me on dates. Now everyone pretty much knew that me and Bada were a thing except the public per my decision. Bada thought it would be a good idea to show the world our love, and while I was glad she wasn't ashamed of it, I knew the outcomes of it. Now I'm not scared by any means of what the world has to say, shit I came out while working as a dancer for beyonce during a tour to thousands of people. But, those opinions mattered to Bada, and as much as she liked to tell me this and that I knew the truth. Redlic saw this as an opportunity even going as far as stated. If you aren't public, then it doesn't really count. After a while, I realized I spaced out and was brought back to reality when I heard Redlic open her mouth. "I'm sure my sqeet angel Ellie could show you how it's done. She is known for being sexy without trying. I mean, come on, people just look at her."
I sat there shocked while plastering on a fake smile shyly shaking my head to disagree with her statement. But it was too late. She had already convinced half of the crowd, and before I knew it, everyone expected me to dance. I took a look over in my girlfriends direction and saw her face. She was smiling, but I knew that smile. She was anything hut happy. She also looked like she wanted to kick Redlics ass. I guess I was taking too long before I felt a hand reaching over to grab me and pull me to the stage. I looked over and saw Redlic smiling at me, telling the crowd to watch and learn. "So much for not dancing today." I whispered. I heard the music, Beyonce, of course it was. Realizing they had decided to play partition out of all the songs seemed like the world was against me today. Redlic had grabbed my hip, squeezing it while smiling at me. At that moment I knew I was fucked.
We danced together with me, somehow ending up between her legs while smirking st thr camera seductively. Might as well put on a show. If anyone would see us, they would think we were involved or fucking. After we finished, she pulled me closer. It almost looked like we were kissing, so I pushed her away softly and laughed nervously. Seeing the look on Bada's face, let me know I wasn't gonna walk tomorrow. I heard the crowd giving us applauds with Redlic, not trying to let go of my waist, like girl you trying to get me killed in this bitch. After a while, we were called on break. I was scared as shit obviously. I managed to avoid Bada for some time before I was waking down the hall going back to meet uo with the girls after getting a snack, and I saw Lusher. I tried to slowly back away, and she noticed to me. "Bada said she would like to talk to you, unnie, and she said she wouldn't bet on you running because you know. I don't really know what the second part means, but apparently, she said you do so, yea. She is in our crew room, and she seemed pissed so I wouldn't keep her waiting. Plus, you two live together, so don't prolong the war." At times like this, I wish she wasn't so clueless. She was literally leading me to my death.
I sighed and started walking to the direction of the crew room, fuck I can already feel the pain in my legs. As I was trying to give myself a little pep talk I realized I was standing in front of the door. Thinking about it, maybe this was a bad idea. Fuck I'm scared. "Get you ass in here, and don't make me repeat myself, little girl." Yearing her voice like that kinda turned me on until I realized she was gonna murder me. I walked into the room, seeing her sit there on the couch man spreading while staring at me with a glare. "You put on quite the show, didn't you? I would say I loved it, but I mean, did I baby? Was a bit confused on why you randomly decided to throw you ass. Wait, let me rephrase that. Throw my ass back against that girl." She motioned me to walk over na di stood between her legs until she pulled me down. "You hear that, my ass. Because you mine, belong to me. All of you are mine. Seems like you forgot, let me remind you then, what do you say, baby?" I nodded mindless to her commands. "Who's the best baby, say it?" I could barely heat her when she started to grind me against her lap. "Say it pretty." I managed to mutter it out finally. "You're the best, baby. Only you. Always you."
(Request by @pinksults)
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howboringislife · 10 months
Aot boys' reaction learning you're injured pt.1
With: Levi, Erwin and Reiner
Part 2 here with Armin, Jean and Bertholdt
Warning: mention of injuries, fluffy
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Levi will keep an unbothered and calm façade as he always does but secretly will absolutely PANIC.
Are you okay? Will you survive? How? When? Why? All those questions keep running in his mind as he asks calmy where you are now.
Once in the nursery, will immediately check you up, looking for any important or serious injury. If he sees that you are safe and sound, will let out a subtle sigh of relief.
100% sure that he will hold your hand if you are both alone in the room, only if you are alone. He doesn't show much affection.
"You scared me, brat. Don’t do it again" His voice will be stern but soft as he caresses your cheek. If you apologize, you will be able to see one of the rare smiles he keeps only for you
Will keep an eye on you for the next mission, don’t you dare put your life in danger again, this man will do anything to keep you the safest possible.
Levi will protect you from anything that could be a threat for you.
Understand him please, you are the most important person in the whole fucking world for him and he won't let anything take you away from him. He already lost too much in his life and you are probably the reason why he is still able to keep going.
At first the Commander won't say anything, he probably didn't even heard Hange talking, too absorbed by his paperwork.
Is known for keeping a stoic face no matter what people tell him but when the reality that you are in danger will sink in, he will freeze completely.
"Y/N is what?" He will ask, wanting to be sure that he heard well. "No, it can be true." He will deny the fact that you are between life and death.
Will rub his temples to stay calm and collect. Is going also ask to see you even if he's doing something important. Your life=number one priority.
He will put everything on his fault. He shouldn't have sent you on this mission, what was he thinking? 100% will blame himself for your injuries so please, tell him that it's not his fault
This man will try to visit you as much as possible between his paperwork. You can see in his eyes that he's tired, tired of work and worrying for you.
He will be scared to touch you, like if he could break you so easily. "I'm not made of glass, Commander." You will say with a soft smile, teasing him anytime you can. Just seeing you smile will be enough to make his heart secretly melt.
Erwin will keep you safe for the next few months by prohibiting to go on any mission. He's the Commander, he takes the decisions. And honestly, who will blame him for wanting to keep you safe?
Will learn the new at the mess hall while eating. He was already a bit nervous as he didn't saw you since you left for the mission. Going to choke on his food for sure.
"What?! Uh- I mean, I'm sure Y/N will be fine." Try to keep a strong facade but inside will be in a total emotional damage.
Reiner will force Bertholdt to come with him as he visits you at the nursery. He's too insecure and scared to go there alone.
When will see you, he will have to bite his lip to contain his emotions, his hands will shake a bit but he's gonna hide it.
The poor boy will be such a loss for words that the only thing he will be able to say is: "Are you okay?" How ironic when half of your body is covered in bandages.
After a few minutes will ask for Bertholdt to leave you two alone (cause it's kinda awkward) and then you will see the REAL Reiner, the one you fell in love with.
He will take your hand in his, pressing his lips against your knuckles. "You scared me so much, I thought I've lost you forever." The tough soldier will become a scared and helpless boy.
You can even see a tear rolling down his cheek before he suddenly hugs you strongly. "Reiner... my ribs..." You say with a muffled voice, wincing a bit in pain but you know he didn't mean to hurt you.
Ps: he will immediately let you down and apologize at least 5 times for hurting you, even if you told him that it was okay 😣
By the way, if you want another character, just request it! (I do only boys)
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baratiddyappreciator · 5 months
I was so upset that your NSFW cuddling scenarios got flagged 😭
But I have to ask, what would spicy cuddling with musashi, spec, and Doyle be like?
you’ve reawoken my old man thirst
omg wait it did?! SKskks I didn't even notice- But yes, if the beloved moot asks, they shall receive! Spec was the hardest to write for by far because I couldn't figure out if this man would actually cuddle but fuck it we ball(s deep in this bitch someone please throw me a rope to climb out it's wet in here) Kids: get bent lmfao
Musashi: His stare was intense enough to make you feel naked normally, but now that you were actually naked, his eyes locking on yours in the mirror only made you feel hot, his hips meeting yours from behind, slow and methodical, but not gentle. No, anything but gentle as he grabbed your throat, leaving you to make choked noises as his hips met yours over and over again in a slow, powerful grind that had your eyes rolling back into your skull with little to no effort on his part. Mean? Oh absolutely, he was so cruel, driving you insane by moving so slowly, and god you regretted asking him to cuddle you within view of a mirror, because you really should have known that he was going to make you watch him watching you taking him. And you could see him perfectly, each forward thrust of his hips making his shaft disappear deep within you, before it would be slowly dragged out only to slam back into you with dizzying force. Trying to turn your head to the side to nuzzle into the blankets only had him snatching your face to turn you to face the mirror again.
"Don't look away, I want to watch you come undone."
Spec: He didn't really cuddle, no, he was too tough for that. But him lounging around the place only to have you plop down on top of him to join him? Yeah, that was about as close as you'd get. Though if you were hoping for a peaceful nap with him, then you were sorely mistaken, since most of the time you did this there was a 50/50 split that he would wind up fucking you right then and there, and this was a gamble you'd lost (or won) as he bounced you up and down on his thick shaft, smugly chuckling as you were winded time and time again as his thick head kissed your insides, making room for itself so he could nestle deep inside of you. It was like he was trying to stab you to death with his dick, but instead of killing you, all he manged to do was succeeding in having you shaking and crying on top of him as an orgasm was forced out of you, one so powerful almost all your upper body strength vanished, leaving you slumped against his chest as he kept fucking you through it, pressing a sloppy kiss to your forehead with a breathy chuckle.
"That's right darlin', just like the perfect fuck toy fer me."
Doyle: It had been perfectly peaceful until you'd moved your hips an inch. A singular inch, not even, and he'd pounced on you. No more peace and quiet for you, the couch repeatedly slamming into your wall (god your neighbours would hate you if they didn't already) to the rhythm of Doyle's harsh thrusts. Fast but deep, there was no mercy as he left your head spinning from the pleasure and slight sting that it brought along, his hand sealed around your throat teasingly as he loomed over you smugly. He didn't need to say anything to get his point across, he knew how turned on you already were from him using you like a pliant and obedient doll, and honestly, for him? That's what you would be. Each snap of his hips was driving you closer and closer to your climax, and almost like he could taste it, he grinned, licking his teeth, and leaned over you, staring right into your eyes.
"So needy, you're behaving so well for me. Let's see if you can keep it up for just a bit longer, hm?"
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sibylsleaves · 26 days
Hi, yes I'm here for the parenting differences/conflicts between established Buck and Eddie, pretty pls.
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ok so the way i see it, you have the confluence of two pretty big shifts in the Buckley-Diaz family dynamic: one is Buck and Eddie starting a romantic relationship and the other is Chris becoming a teenager/starting high school.
I feel like the fact that these two things are happening around the same time (in my version of when Buddie get together, which is like s8 or soon thereafter) creates some excellent story fodder. We've already seen how Chris growing up/becoming a teenager has generated some new conflicts for them as a family in 7x01. A kid growing up and becoming a teenager means:
having to figure out and set new boundaries and ENFORCE those boundaries against the potential of Teenage Rebellion
greater independence which means more possible ways for them to fuck up and get into potentially bad or dangerous Situations
MUCH more complex processing of interpersonal conflict and emotion (and we know Christopher in particular has a LOT of things he needs to process!)
All of this is completely uncharted territory for all three of them and I could see this leading to some fun conflict in a number of different ways!
(readmore because this got long again lmao)
Like first maybe Chris does some typical teenager exploration and like, idk, tries alcohol for the first time. Eddie finds out and decides to handle it in one way, and Buck like actually disagrees with the way he wants to handle it but doesn't say anything because, right like, Eddie's Chris's dad he's not going to overstep. Then the situation escalates because maybe Eddie's tactic DOESN'T work and now Buck has to like gently bring up a different tactic and Eddie's like why didn't you say this sooner and Buck is basically like, well I didn't want to overstep? And they have to have an explicit conversation about like what Buck's parenting role actually is now that he and Eddie are together and Eddie is like, I want you to actually BE my partner in this like you're NOT just some new person trying to step into the role of parent, you've known chris since he was seven and I trust your judgement about this stuff. I WANT you to tell me when you have a different opinion, like I WANT this to be an equal partnership where we collaborate.
Or, maybe as part of this or maybe not, Chris opens up to Buck about something that's going on with him that he hasn't told his dad, because sometimes it IS easier to talk about stuff with someone who's not your dad (I know we're all like "Buck is Chris's parent" but like he's not ACTUALLY Chris's dad) and then Buck has to navigate like, does he need to keep Chris's confidence or does he need to go directly to Eddie with this? Like what's actually the right thing to do in the situation? (Also Buck HATES keeping things from Eddie so like, that would be tough for him too).
Or maybe there's a situation where Buck is being overprotective of Chris and Chris, being a teenager, actually gets annoyed with him about it and they have a fight. We've never seen Chris and Buck have real conflict and I think it would be a great opportunity for them to move into something that is a little closer to a parent-child relationship where Buck has to occasionally actually put his foot down with Chris and Chris has to actually express anger/negative emotion toward him.
I could definitely see Buck and Eddie both going to Bobby throughout navigating this, because not only is Bobby like the most Dad guy ever but he also had to figure out how to navigate parenting step-children. But of course Bobby's experience of that was very different, because he didn't know Athena's children before he started seeing her, whereas Buck and Chris have all this history completely independent of Buck and Eddie's romantic relationship.
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smutteedreams · 2 years
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"One more!"
"No Itachi, that's enough. You've had too many already."
"Oh shut up Shisui. What do you know of anything? What do you fucking know about having had enough, huh?"
Itachi chugged the whiskey in his hand in one go as some more fresh tears stained his cheeks. He stared at the empty glass and could feel some type of kinship between himself and the inanimate object on account of their shared hollow insides.
"This is unlike you. What happened to you?"
That one question is all it took to break him as his whole body racked violently, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably as the alcohol in his system finally got him to let out the reservoir of emotions he had locked up in his heart for months. All the pain, frustration, anger and hurt came crashing down on him at once and he found himself struggling to breathe, heaving heavily while Shisui tried to calm him down and get him to talk. Once Itachi's throat got dry from all the crying and he could no longer feel the energy in him to lie to his best friend, he straightened himself and spoke out.
"Things haven't been great between me and Y/n since we found out she can't get pregnant. And honestly, its my fault cause I don't know how to deal with this Shisui. I really don't. All I've ever wanted was to start a family with her and I cannot believe that I have to give up on that dream. I love her so much but..."
"Itachi...", Shisui frowned. This definitely was a tough situation to be in. Being his best friend, Shisui has always known how much Itachi dreamt of being a father, especially because he wanted to be more affectionate and understanding than Fugaku was with him and his little brother. He didn't know how to help his best friend and pull him out of his misery.
"How has y/n been handling it all?"
Itachi's face immediately contorted into an expression of pain and anger and Shisui realised he'd accidentally touched upon another sensitive point, again.
"She's...not doing too well either....or so I think."
"What do you mean 'you think'? Don't tell me you've not been talking to her."
" You're a damn fucking fool you know that? That girl loves you. Poor thing. Itachi, you're marriage is on the line! Do you even realise that?"
"Don't yell at me!"
Itachi swung at Shisui in his drunken stupor and inevitably missed, landing a blow on the marble counter instead.
"Don't do this. You're not angry at me so take your anger and do something about it."
"It's too late now. I leave for my business trip today."
Itachi slapped a few dollar bills on the counter and stumbled away towards the exit.
"Oh and tell y/n not to bother me during the entire trip. I'll be busy."
Tags- @madarasthicc @hashira-mal @mrs-bakashi @sindulgent666 @1o0v3 @uchihaunloved @awesomeness1679 @jyotsna-d @froggyperfectiondragon @uchihaprince @sharingangirl @powerofrice
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Cold Feet
AN: Been wanting to write something like this for a while now, so I’m glad I got to! Sypha & Trevor are couple goals & I need to write more for Castlevania
Sypha could be a downright menace sometimes. Particularly at night, when Trevor was trying to catch up on his precious sleep. She had the coldest fucking feet of anyone he's known, and every night those ice blocks on the ends of her legs would glue themselves to his skin.
"It's because you're so warm," she claimed, snuggling closer, batting her lashes. He rolled his eyes, smiling fondly as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"I'm not even all that warm. You're just that cold," he teased, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She gasped, scrunching up like a turtle as a breathy giggle escaped.
"The rest of me is fine, but my feet are freezing. Come on, just let me warm them up," she begged, pressing the soles of her feet against his back. He arched away with a squeal, making her burst into giggles.
"Oh you think that's funny?" he asked, leveling her with a mischievous look.
"Immensely so. You know, for such a tough guy you sure can shriek like a girl," she taunted. Trevor scoffed, scooping her up in his arms.
"Watch your mouth. I'm being nice, but I could be very mean if I wanted," he growled. She arched a brow, smirking at him.
"Oh I'm sure you can be," she said in a patronizingly sweet tone. Well, if she didn't believe him, he'd just have to show her.
"You know, I'm a little concerned for you. With such cold feet, you could get frostbite! You'll lose a toe without even knowing, they're already so numb," he said casually, making her sputter and laugh, smacking his shoulder.
"You dork, I'm not gonna lose any of my toes," she giggled. To prove her point, she stuck her foot out of the covers, wiggling her toes. She fell for his trick, hook line and sinker.
In an instant he snatched her by the ankle. She shrieked out of shock, falling into a stream of giggles when he scratched at the arch of her foot. He hummed as he "inspected" her feet, poking and prodding all along her soles, causing the occasional snort.
"Mm. Mm. Mhm. I'm afraid it's worse than I thought," he said in a mock somber tone.
"Whahahat ahare you even tahahalking ahahabout?" she asked between giggles.
"Frostbite's already set it. They're blue!" he exclaimed. They were the same color they'd always been. She gave him an amused look, shaking her head. She adored when he got playful like this. It was a rare sight.
"I have to make sure they're all still present and accounted for," he said, a sly smirk settling on his features. Her eyes widened and she quickly tried to escape, but Trevor was quicker. He started with the big toe on her left foot, wiggling it softly. She squealed before earnest laughter took hold, flowing freely from her mouth.
He began counting aloud, wiggling and pinching each toe. She snorted and cackled, flopping around in his hold like a fish out of water. A loud shriek pierced through the air and Trevor tutted, shaking his head.
"You're so damn loud you made me lose count," he teased, starting over and making her fall deeper into hysterics.
"Ahahand who's fault ihihis thahahat?" she tried to sass, but the endless giggles added an adorable bounce to her voice.
"Yours entirely. Now hold still, I'm trying to help," he teased, scratching at the spot just under her toes. She let out a scream of laughter, scrunching her feet and kicking. He chuckled, readjusting his grip on her legs so that she couldn't move.
"What a shame, I lost count again," he teased, mischief practically oozing out of him.
"We have bigger things to worry about if you can't even count to tehehehen! Noho wahahait!" she cried as he tickled her feet with renewed vigor, probably inspired by the insult.
He finally managed to finish counting, wiggling his fingers between her toes, drawing out a loud snort. He chuckled, letting her go. She immediately curled in a ball, residual giggles fading off. He wrapped her in a hug, pulling her close to his chest.
"Told you I could be mean," he bragged. She rolled her eyes, smacking his chest playfully.
"You didn't have to be that mean," she said, snuggling in the crook of his neck.
"You loved it and you know it," he taunted, loving the way she scoffed and blushed.
"Trevor Belmont, you're going to be the death of me," she scolded.
"As if," he shrugged. It was quiet for a moment, and then, "Hey, your feet are warm now. Maybe I should do this every night."
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chesthighwater · 11 months
Asking you about a character! And it's gonna be... the Outsider!! Yippee!!!
First impression: Who's This Douchebag. why are your arms crossed and why do you feel the need to share facts about my life with me i already know all that. oh you're branding me? to give me supernatural powers???? okay. so that has. Undertones.
Impression now: oh, that's tough. i mean he's a very interesting character- i know some people who would have VERY insightful things to say about him- but i feel like i don't rotate him in my head nearly enough to achieve that level of knowledge. i mean i know some people who swirl this man around in their mind at mach speeds. my meagre opinions couldn't begin to compare. i like the potential chaos he can cause- just his existence by itself sometimes puts a spanner in the works. and the void is also a FASCINATING concept to me. i think he's tough to get right in general- there's a reason why i don't write outsider dialogue even when i think having him show up to taunt people would be cool and fun. mayhaps i should rotate him in my head more
Favorite moment: im gonna be real with you chief so many of my most memorable moments with the outsider is me wanting to strangle his smug ass. especially since my first playthroughs of dh were very influenced by like. me feeling like no matter what i do, i can't possibly do anything right. and him showing to be like "MY DEAR CORVO YOU SURE FUCKED UP AGAIN BIG TIME" didn't exactly help. but one thing off the top of my head- his little speech about lady boyle. i found it very intriguing because it was the first time (if i recall correctly) that we were shown him giving a more specific prediction of the future (beyond like, Ah Yes My Dear Corvo You Will Change The World Or Whatever). it made me really curious about the extent of his "clairvoyance".
Idea for a story: i'd love to hear some takes on the Other marked. like not the known marked i want you all to make shit up. give me insight into his psyche via the people he chooses to bind himself to. also, i'm always down for explorations of weird void shit and how any of that works. what does he even do all day? how does the way he "sees" the marked/the world manifest? what are whales? please let me know.
Unpopular opinion: now i know some outsider scholars debate his morality a lot. like, is he "evil"? does he even have anything resembling a moral compass at this point? i don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all, but to me he is just creature. sort of blue and orange morality i think. its not about good or evil or whatever he just does things. i find it quite difficult to imagine that he is trying to provoke a "net positive" change in the world. he is just doing stuff
Favorite relationship: hmmm corvosider? again i don't rotate them in my head nearly as much as i should, but it definitely has the uh. well certain Characteristics and trope potential that i could very much get into LMAO.... those who know me (and probably those who dont i think im very obvious) could easily pick out a few i imagine
Favorite headcanon: this isnt even a headcanon but dont you think it would be fun to see your own reflection in his eyes. theyre like a phone screen when you shut it off accidentally and have to see your own face. like would you not get distracted by that. hed be telling you some important shit about the future and your failures in life and youd be like fighting the urge to wave/pull a face just to see what it looks like
ask me about a character <3
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Mpreg Fics Masterlist
And I Know I Shouldn't Tell You (But I Just Can't Stop Thinking Of You) (ao3) - Anonymous luke/calum M, 2k
Summary: Calum's always had a thing about pretending to be pregnant. Luke doesn't realize he's always had a thing for it too.
baby, you're like lightning in a bottle (ao3) - lucashemwow luke/ashton E, 15k
Summary: Luke leans forward, pressing his lips to Ashton's. "I've wanted that since you told me it was a thing I could have." He pulls back, his fingers playing with the hair on the back of Ashton's neck. "I'm completely sure this is what I want, Ash. I want you, I want to raise a family with you, I want to be pregnant with your baby. This is what I want."
ashton's pack is stronger than ever before, and luke and ashton take the opportunity to start their own little family in a miracle way.
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart... and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
Cursed With A Blessing (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke M, 156k
Summary: “Well, this probably sounds crazy and not many people know about this,” Dr London started, looking at both of us before finally revealing the results of the ultrasound: “Mr. Hemmings, you are about 12 weeks pregnant with what I believe is Mr. Clifford’s child.”
And while I still tried to process what I had just learnt, Luke burst into tears beside me. Just as if he’d already known.
When Luke asked Arzaylea to pretend to be his girlfriend, he did it because he wanted to protect his relationship with Michael. For a while everyone is happy with the agreement - the fans are being fooled, their managers are oblivious.
But suddenly there are too many positive tests, too many worries, too many fake friends and the tree find themselves drowning in a whole sea of lies they told...
Daddy's Little Pup (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Luke is in heat and needs his daddy Alpha for next few days...
everything will change (but love remains the same) (ao3) - hemmingal luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 17k
Summary: luke didn't truly know the meaning of poor timing until he found himself pregnant in the middle of 5sos' first headlining tour. and as it turns out, questionable timing may just be a thing that runs in the band.
I Dreamed You Dreamed Of Me Calling Out My Name (I Was A King Under Your Control) (ao3) - Migs michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Michael loves Luke. Michael loves Luke so much that sometimes he feels like he will explode from the sheer force of it.
And now the Universe has given them a Miracle.
i hope that you know that you are what my dreams are made of (ao3) - hemwins luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: all the air leaves his lungs as he takes in the site of his beautiful pregnant boyfriend in all his glory sitting atop him, sweaty and fucked out already and they've barely even started. it's a site to rival even the finest masterpieces and luke feels overwhelmingly blessed to be the one that gets to see this, the only one.
I Want Something Just Like This (Somebody I Can Kiss) (ao3) - Migs luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: the band is taking their third break in order for Michael and Ashton to have a baby.
Calum and Luke have announcement of their own.
Secrets (ao3) - sorryuser luke/ashton G, 927
Summary: "So you don't want me to go to the store a get you some pickles and peanut butter?" Ashton asks sarcastically.
Luke is pregnant and Ashton doesn't know.. yet.
Tough Times (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum N/R, 1k
Summary: Michael and Calum were a odd couple. Michael was a loud Alpha and Calum was a quiet omega.
unpredictable (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 2k
Summary: The one where Luke finds out he's pregnant, but keeps it a secret from an oblivious Michael.
ups and downs - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) ot4 T, 8k
Summary: Ashton finds out he's pregnant in the middle of 5 Seconds Of Summer's North America tour. Telling his three boyfriends the news doesn't go as smoothly as he hoped it would.
When It Rains It Pours (ao3) - magicalmadhatter michael/calum, luke/ashton G, 11k
Summary: No two pregnancies are exactly the same, and for Michael and Luke that is very different.
When Your Best Friend Gets You Pregnant (ao3) - DontGetTooCloseItsDarkInside michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 6k
Summary: “I want them to have your eyes.” he found himself saying.
Calum looked at him in confusion. “Huh?”
“I’m pregnant, Calum.”
Whipped (ao3) - gonefornow luke/calum G, 2k
Summary: Mpreg. Calum and Luke are expecting their second child and Calum has late-night cravings.
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viridian-tay-leaf · 11 months
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Pick a Pile:
Pile 1 💛 -- Pile 2 💞
Pile 3 💚 -- Pile 4 🧡
Pile 1 💛:
So what were not gonna do is go past that like you didn't just say what you just said- seriously how are you still underestimating yourself. Look at where you are right now and how far you've come. You're in your zone babe, keep on going. Big virgo & capricorn energy. 🎶 Money money ain't it funny in a rich man's world 🎶~ You're already there babe, just a little more resting, testing, and putting some more work into sharing your passions and it'll all be good. The universe is working for and with you so why are you fighting. "The girls are fighting". Let go loves it'll work out, it always does for you. Take some time to enjoy the little things today and you'll be a okay little loves~
Channeled Songs:
Pile 2 💞
Ouuuuuuuu Someone's in looveeeee. Who are they? Are they someone you've known forever or a new person that just gives you the butterflies? Ignore my interest in the gossip- You guys are down bad and when I say that I mean you're gone loves. This person is someone you can really trust and depend on. They are someone who is down to ride and thrive with you for the long run. Just be sure to keep communication open, respect each other & your boundaries, and be honest all the way through. Keep up these basic ideals and you'll be a love for the pages. I'm getting dancing/kissing in the rain. Library dates, walking in the golden hour, amusement parks. Y'all are an adventurous couple who bring out the best in one another, just be sure to acknowledge and work through the worst as well. A relationship can't work unless you both split it 50/50. Remember that you are your #1 priority and then consider them as your #2 priority. You guys are like a storybook kind of love though. Love songs all the way. Getting Pisces, Taurus, Leo vibes. Overall, whether it lasts a week or a lifetime, enjoy one another and the experiences you have as they will be some of the best memories you have when you go.
Channeled Songs:
Pile 3 💚
I actually got the songs before the message this time. Yall are in a me myself and I mood, huh? It's giving "I'm feling myself, feeling myself, feeling myself!" While dancing in the mirror. Okayyyyy you guys are vibing. Y'all are either in love with yourself right now or learning to love yourself again and I'm here for it. You go babe, you deserve it. Someone went through a bad breakup(romantic, familial, or platonic) and it took a hardship on you. It was really tough since you've put so much into this relationship and it hurt you alot to get out of it. But! You did it for yourself cause you knew it wasn't going to change and that you deserved better. After going into Hermit mode for a while, you've decided fuck that I'm the shit, they don't deserve my tears so I'm going to be the best version of me I can be and I'm going to do it unapologetically! Major Pisces and Libra energy. Also getting Capricorn for some reason. Either way im proud of you honey. Yesssss 👏🏽 ahhh I love you're energy. Here's to rebuilding and renewing ourselves! Drink that wine 🍷, Dance in your mirror 🎶, Hang out with people who bring you joy 😂. You are someone who loves hard, but the universe loves you harder ;)
Channeled Songs:
Pile 4 🧡
Are you guys okay? I'm getting a lot of anger from y'all. Some of you are upset that something hasn't worked out. Others are just mad at the state of the world and how it's going. I'm getting alot of pessimistic vibes here and I'm hearing that it's not gonna work for either of us babe. So right now I'm gonna need y'all to go into self-care or what I call Hermit-Magician mode and take care of yourself big time. You may be the healers we need for our future. So take a breather cause you definitely need it. I'm hearing burnout big burnout even if it's something you love. Too much of anything is never good for you. Take a cleansing shower. I'm getting protection and maybe some of yall have been cursed/hexed by someone else's negative energy/envy. Get that person out of your environment or life as soon as possible loves. They are not good for you and your friends seem to think so aswell. Be gentle with yourself because you're still sensitive. Take your time refilling your energy and your passions. You can't give pour out an empty cup darling. So as someone who's been there before, rest, rest, rest 👏🏽. It sucks but it'll be worth it. I've found that depending on which sign you are, it helps to go be around your element. For example, I'm a Scorpio (sun) and whenever I feel like this I usually shower, swim, or stand in the rain. It's like a little refresher. A reminder that I'm here for a reason and that reason is to exist and guide others to enjoy their experience aswell.
Channeled Songs:
Be good, be kind, be safe~💜
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months
Ok I know this is gonna sound a lil weird coming from me of all people, but I really hate how pretty much everything in my source at the moment is centered around me! And will probably continue to be that way since my creator is known for playing favorites with her characters! It sucks and I hate it!
Charlie, please don't let this get you down. I'm sure it's tough being overshadowed in your own story, especially by some inconsequential asshole like me, but please know that there are plenty of people (and demons!) out there who love and appreciate you, myself included. Keep your head up, ok? You're really special, and one way or another, people are going to see that.
Vaggie, I know you're probably really pissed off about this, and I get it. I know I tease you a lot, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you, y'know? Like I said to Charlie, you deserve to be appreciated. Even if you don't end up getting that appreciation (which would be BULL FUCKING SHIT), you and Charlie have each other, and that's a great thing. And also you have me! Keep on being you, Toots ;)
As for everyone else, well... I'm gonna be honest, I don't have much to say. Alastor's already getting plenty of attention, and everyone else is either a "side character" or a character that hasn't even been officially seen yet. I still feel bad though. You guys are my pals! I wanna show you all some love! :(
-Angel Dust (#🕷🔞❤️)
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crazedmetalhead · 1 year
Eddie Head cannons/ character analysis
Is this gonna be me projecting onto a fictional character; yes, yes it is. This is just my opinion of what I think Eddie would be like as someone who grew up in a trailer park, with a lot of the conditions that the fandom assumes Eddie went through in his childhood. For context, there will be dark themes, don't like, don't read. THIS IS MY OPPINION (sorry if it makes no sense)
Okay so there has been some discourse in the community about whether Eddie would be a softie or a hard-ass, and I raise a middle ground. I feel like Eddie would seem like a hard-ass, hell, he'd act rough and shit around his friends, and he's loud, he wears leather and chains, I can see where you're coming from, and I also see where people get that he's a softie, from his interactions with Chrissy. I think you're both right, let me explain. "Eddie's always amped up," to me, this means that he's always on guard, he's been hurt before, this man grew up between truck stops and tin cans. The way I see it is he was always, poor, never knew any luxury. He probably grew up in a trailer with his sick mom and abusive dad, he was probably moved around a lot after his mom died, maybe his dad was a part of organized crime or something, which is why he knows how to hotwire a car. He's terrified of getting hurt again, yet expects it so he puts up a tough guy act, but deep down he wants to be good, he wants to protect those he loves. There's also the discourse about Lucas and as a Dungeon Master, I can tell you, if one of my party members last minute cancelled on us, the day of the session, especially a big one, to hang out with people who are known bullies.... I'd also be pissed off, I'd think, "Fuck he's really fraternizing with the enemy," and I would also get a substitute player. Campaigns take months to plan, that session for cult of Vecna alone probably took at least two weeks of planning and Eddie had to buy everything for it, D&D figures are not cheap either so if he planned it down to the player, which many of us do, that'd be infuriating. I think that all the supplies for that game today would run at over $120.00 which for a super senior living in his uncle's trailer and dealing drugs to get by, is a hell of a lot of money. Also, every single other person in the party agreed that that day was okay, and so did Lucas at the time, postponing would screw everyone over, it's literally how every D&D group runs, at the end of the session you all work out the next time you can meet. It's a really high-pressure hobby to be a Dungeon Master because it's not just making the game and improv, it's also managing everyone else's schedules. It can be stressful as hell. Especially with a party of that size. I feel his reaction was pretty valid as someone who has had that happen.
With Chrissy he was soft, yes, that's because he saw how scared she was, Eddie isn't the sort to kick somebody when they're down and wouldn't try and freak her out when she's already practically shaking with anxiety, and sure, he may have had a little crush on her- he has eyes. I think when she says she thought he'd be mean and scary it's not only because he's loud and wears mean looking clothes, I think there is valid reasons, as some of you say, but I think he has his reasons to act that way. He probably got into a lot of fist fights, that's just how the highschool hierarchy works, but I don't think he'd have started it. I believe Eddie is a firm believer of, "I don't start shit, but I will finish it," as well as, "Fuck around and find out," and I feel like a lot of people fucked around and had their asses handed to them. Also, being called the freak all your life is eventually grating on you and eventually you put yourself in that box before other people can, which usually includes wild hair, loud rants, hissing at people you don't like and a mean case of resting bitch face. Also, I raise to you, when I went to a new school, before I even dressed alt, people thought I'd be mean and scary simply because of my resting bitch face, so even without fist fights people would find Eddie intimidating. That being said, I feel like Eddie Munson is an onion of many layers, and if you break through those walls, he is a major softy, malleable butter in your hands. He'd at first be confused by the love you give him, suspicious that it's a prank, but when he trusts you, he trusts you with his life and it's hard to get it back if you shatter it. He definitely holds the doors for strangers, especially girls, he opens the car door and walks on the outside of the sidewalk, Wayne taught him how to treat a lady and he follows those rules. That's all, this is just my oppinion.
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calumofasgard · 1 year
I ain't reaching out, so settle down 😉. Plus, I feel like you stumbling across this would be easier for your anxiety. But as a warning, It's a long-winded roller coaster, so take ya time.
So I know you'll eventually see this, and yes, I'm talking to you. I mean, who else would still be unironically using Tumblr in 2023... but since you’re here, hey 👋, I'm glad you're doing alright. Well, I can only assume 🤷‍♂️, I like to think you are. But I know you're alive and kicking, which is always a positive. It's been a weird few years, to say the least, but I'm doing good myself. Not that you asked... but you came to my Tumblr, so it's only common courtesy.
Before I continue, however, I just wanted to make it evidently clear that you'll always be of importance to me regardless of everything. And, of course, I've thought about you. I'm not fucking psychopath... nor am I a high-functioning sociopath (sorry 😂). I hated that whole situation (which I didn't cause) and put it off as long as I could, and then shit happened. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The thing is, you were as equally at fault as I was, something Aurora agreed with, which I won't go into out of respect for you both, and in the hopes that you two are able to help each other these days.
However, I will apologise for how I dealt with it. I was angry (at both you and Beth) and under a lot of stress due to a situation that I didn't want to be apart of
I know you "won't care", but calm down tough guy, cos neither do I, but you'll "be happy" to hear that relationship gets treated akin to Voldemort. The only upside from that relationship is once I got out of it, I lost eight stone
As much as I am the same person you've always known, I am nothing like the person you knew. For a start, I'm a lot mentally healthier (like I literally meditate daily, wtf? 😂). I took charge of my ADHD, and I've been on my meds for four years now? Fuck knows, but I made the wrong call at 16. Shocker, I know, but that decision fucked me up basically until I was 23. Furthermore, after going through a lot at the back end of 2019 and 2020, I finally ended up in therapy; it was about time, really. 2020 was grim af as a whole tbf tho. But my ex relationship messed me up quite a bit, more so a culmination of things than just her (a girl called Melissa; oddly Connor's ex 😬)
I got made redundant during covid, which was shit, but I'm glad it happened as I wouldn't be where I am now (Studying Politics and Philosophy at the University of Sheffield)
As I said, I'm not reaching out. Realistically it's not even a guarantee you'll read this, tbf. I mean, I know you will, but at the same time, it doesn't matter. It's more for the closure and mental clarity for myself (like setting fire to a letter) and, in reality, yourself, which I assume you've already pieced together with me unblocking you in the first place. I can understand you're anger towards me. However, I don't believe you hate me, and realistically, you can't. You can hate what happened, but what happened resulted from our actions. It wasn't the fault of a sole individual unless you want to blame Beth, then... sure.
I've only ever wished the best for you and will continue to do so. Amazingly the same goes for Aurora, but I know she couldn't give a shit, which I'm not going to argue. I'd say the same goes for Connor, but it's a given. Actually, no, I will specify out of respect, as he's several levels above you all 😂. He could hate me to his core, but he'll always be my "mildly" retarded younger brother, and y'all better be looking after him.
For one last time, I'm not reaching out. However, if you ever need anyone, I will always be there, but for now, that's been me, your "long-distance ex" Baymax, fucking off 😉
P.s. My Chem was sick
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residentrookie · 1 year
boygenius released a single called true blue and whatever, sure, i relate everything to jegulus but this... THIS. just listen, just listen-
in my opinion, i picture this song from james' perspective talking about regulus. for example:
"you say you're a winter bitch bitch but summer's in your blood / you can't help but become the sun" : now okay, the sun is so often assigned to james bc how many times do we as a fandom compare james to the sun?? it WORKS and he IS! but this line? this line is painfully regulus. the idea that he wants everyone to think he loves the cold when really its a place to hide, a place to cover up, is something he would absolutely do. and thinking about how we so often see regulus and sirius going to the beach for the summers, i just picture him like a cat, enjoying the sun secretly like its some precious thing he wants to protect like the few good memories of his childhood he has with sirius. and of course james sees through his facade.
"and it feels good to be known so well / i can't hide from you like i hide from myself" : NOW THIS!!! first of all, the sentiment is so fucking beautiful, i could cry. but to imagine james saying this to regulus just feels HEAVY. it feels like a confession that he would lay at the ground before regulus' feet because it means THAT much. because james presents himself to the world as exactly how he wants to be percieved and people take it at face value. even JAMES likes to believe that he's fine, that everyone and everything are always good and great, and his brain uses that mentality as a defense mechanism. but regulus sees through him (the themes of intimacy in transparency in this song are so gorgeous!). and it feels good :,)
"you already hurt my feelings three times in the way only you could" : this line!! i heard it and i said, THEM! LITERALLY THEM! because yeah, regulus can be a bitch and james is sensitive. (NOT to say that regulus is always the problem, but we're looking at the song from james' pov) things are messy. relationships are MESSY. and the song recognizes that, and immediately counters with "BUT, it feels good to be known so well" going back into the chorus. despite the fact that relationships can hurt, it feels good. or rather, in spite of that fact.
"you've never done me wrong except for that one time that we don't talk about because it doesn't matter anymore / who won the fight? i don't know / we're not keeping score" : excuse me, i'm going to go play in traffic. like HELLO? why would you say that??? listen, yeah, yeah, we all love angsty jegulus but this is jegulus fully formed. this is jegulus after the angst when they finally have their shit figured out and make loving each other their priority. this is MATURE jegulus that doesn't keep score about fights because why would they when they can love each other? when loving feels so much better than anything else?
and just to part with the line below because it's beautiful and its THEM, but you don't need me to explain that :) go listen boygenius' new singles!!
"i remember who i am when i'm with you / your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue"
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