#i need to go cry
murasaki-cha · 7 months
He told you you're pretty?
Well Trystan Arthur Maverine begged his abuser and worst enemy on his knees and told him he would do anything he wanted to just spare woman he loved as she was being held by the person who had assulted her!!
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dreamingofep · 1 year
Brb crying, throwing up, needing to hug both these men really really tight🥺
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The ring thing stop🫠😭😭😭
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jacks-wack-attack · 1 year
I’M CRYING SO HARD RIGHT NOW AND HAVE BEEN SOBBING FOR THE PAST HOUR. How is the Owl House over? I just. I hurt so much right and I’m so happy and I can’t breathe right because this beautiful fricking show is over and I can’t stop crying.
I was a goner as soon as Eda, Luz, and King reunited. I started to full on bawl and I haven’t stopped being teary-eyed since then. I was so HAPPY and it made me cry seeing them together and my heart. 
Raine fighting Belos gave me life. They are so wonderful and I loved seeing them fight him.
But Luz ‘died’ and I was in so much pain because the Collector is such a little sweetie and didn’t understand what had happened and I hurt so badly. But then Luz came back and looked damn gorgeous in the process, holy hell. And Eda recognizing it as Luz because she couldn’t choose what line she wanted to say was iconic.
Then they all came together to defeat him and I was so happy and I cried some more because seeing Luz in that look, with her family beside her, and then making a callback to the very first episode - “For I am the Good Witch Luz ... NOW EAT THIS SUCKER!” It overwhelmed me in the best way possible. But also, I LOAF YOU. AW MY HEART
They all reunited at the end. Eda kissing Raine’s face and the two of them  hugging in every scene. Luz and Amity reuniting and kissing gave me life. Gus going back to his dad, and Willow seeing her dads again with Hunter giving her support. Plus Darius and Eberwolf caring for Hunter and listening to his story and being his guardians? UGH this is what I needed.
But also Camilla meeting Eda and King filled me with more joy than I can express. And Hooty and Lilith reuniting is also so so good.
With Titan magic being gone, seeing Luz let the piece of paper fly into the wind was so bittersweet. Because I knew it was the end. And the credits were rolling. But it still made me crying knowing it was my final farewell, even though it was lovely.
I don’t think I’m ever going to get over this show and that’s okay. I love it with all my heart and though it has probably brought me more tears than any other show, it is without a doubt brilliant. Thank you Dana Terrace for making this masterpiece. It was so wonderful, and I will forever be grateful for it.
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nerdy-valkyrie · 2 years
Just finished the GTLive final of What Remains of Edith Finch and damn, that ending never gets easier
I've seen at least 4 different playthroughs of this game and it still always hits me like a ton of bricks
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So on the risk of rain 2 wiki it says that even if you die, as long as you get the final rescue ship zone to 99% you win the run.
So that was a fucking lie.
Never do shrine of order on eclipse. Ever.
Anyway, now that I’ve played eclipse runs with ego and with benthic bloom, I’m able to talk about which is better. But I need to calm down after losing the run after winning it.
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
btw when you're being mean to aziraphale this is who you're being mean to. hope this helps
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bluerosefox · 13 days
Another Sibling Danny and Jason idea!!
"Are you Jason Peter Todd?!" demanded a deep and commanding tone from the strange glowing being in front of them.
All the Bats stiffened and tensed, no doubt gearing up for a fight against the being that somehow knew Red Hood's full name.
Jason, Red Hood, decided to put on a brave front despite no doubt cursing in his head and wondering how the heck did this thing know his full freaking name.
"Whose asking." he snarled out, his hands twitching for his gun when the huge glowing knight with purple flames coming out of his helmet and cape, who was riding on a nightmare looking horse while they all had been in the cave going over tonight's patrol.
The Knight didn't seemed bothered by his response nor did he even seem to care or flinch when Batman made his own demand on 'Why was he there and who was he' or when Damian unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards him. Instead the strange glowing Knight reached to it side and pulled out... A glowing scroll? Huh. (Also he completely unnerved everyone in the room when the Knight didn't even react when Batman had tossed a Baterang when he reached for his side)
The Knight opened the scroll and spoke clearly with purpose.
"Jason Peter Todd,
You are hereby invited as a special guest of honor to the crowning of our future King of the Infinite Realms.
Daniel Phantom, once Daniel Jackson Fenton, and once Daniel Austen Todd.
Prince of the Infinite Realms, the Keeper of Balance, The Peacekeeping Halfa, the Defeater of the Tyrant King Pariah Dark, The Great One, Youngest of the Ancients, Ancient of Space, The Bridge between Life and Death.
You, the half-brother of our King, have been given the highest of honors for your past actions and will be given housing and food in the Realms and Phantom's Keep, for the week long event. Personal servants and attendants will be at your disposable and a seamstress will be on hand to tailor make your attire for the Coronation.
Signed: Clockwork. Ancient of Time. Watcher of the Infinite Timeline. Kronos. Mentor and Adviser.
PS: I shall have Fright Knight ("Me" the Knight bluntly said for a second) leave this scroll along with a personal one for you from Daniel to read over and once you make up your mind sign the bottom of the scroll.
I do hope in time you will pick the right choice Jason Todd, we of the Infinite Realms would like to reward you for your actions. After all, if you hadn't gotten young Daniel away from your father that night all those years ago, we would never had gained our Prince nor be free from our once Tyrant King.
Ah, one more thing.
The Infinite Realms will always favor you Jason."
Jason felt like he couldn't breath as Fright Knight? Rolled up the scroll, pulled a letter from his side, and held out the two items for him to take.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 113
“I seem to have been taken hostage.” Batman’s words almost had Superman panic if not for the wry tone, a tone which the others didn’t know if their freaking out was to go by. Clark sighed through the comms, tired after battle and honestly wanting to go to bed now.
“I’ll be right over, what child has latched onto you now?” He asked while switching to a more private channel. 
“I can already hear you making fun of me…” Wha- Oh. Clark bit his lip to keep himself from laughing as he took to the air. “They appear to be a pair of twins with…” 
“You gotta’ say it Bruce, you gotta’,” Clark couldn’t stop the chuckle when he saw his friend on the top of a building, cape curled around his form in a way usually reserved for the robins. 
“... with dark hair… and blue eyes…” That was it. Clark absolutely lost it in laughter. 
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chinelacanta · 2 months
i like to think that ever since they met it was mutually ON SIGHT bullying <3
they’re both losers (said with love)
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sketchy-tour · 7 months
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Blame eechytooru for Beta Wally taking up so much free real estate in my mind. And blame work for as to why I am posting...MORE sketches. But! These were some Wally practice cause I'm never happy with how I draw him but also just...ya know. *Gestures to the art
Anyway. Beta Wally am I right? Yea??? Yea....
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oswlld · 1 year
oscar award winner michelle yeoh saying no woman should believe she is past her prime is healing something in me rewiring something no one speak to me
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tennant-davids · 6 months
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DOCTOR WHO Series 2 / Series 4 / 60th Anniversary
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inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things about being an educator is that you hear what parents want their kids to be able to do a lot. they want their kid to be an astronaut or a ballerina or a politician. they want them to get off that damn phone. be better about socializing. stop spending so much time indoors. learn to control their own temper. to just "fucking listen", which means to be obedient.
one of the things i learned in my pedagogy classes is that it's almost always easier to roleplay how you want someone to act. it's almost always easier to explain why a rule exists, rather than simply setting the rule and demanding adherence.
i want my kids to be kind. i want them to ask me what book they should read next, and i want to read that book with them so we can discuss it. i want my kid to be able to tell me hey that hurt my feelings without worrying i'll punish them. i want my kid to be proud of small things and come running up to me to tell me about them. i want them to say "nah, i get why this rule exists, but i get to hate it" and know that i don't need them to be grateful-for-the-roof-overhead while washing the dishes. i want them to teach me things. i want them to say - this isn't safe. i'm calling my mom and getting out of this. i want them to hear me apologize when i do fuck up; and i want them to want to come home.
the other day a parent was telling me she didn't understand why her kid "just got so angry." this woman had flown off the handle at me.
my dad - traditional catholic that he is - resents my sentiment of "gentle parenting". he says they'll grow up spoiled, horrible, pretentious. granola, he spits.
i am going to be kind to them. i am going to set the example, i think. and whatever they choose become in the meantime - i'm going to love them for it.
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shepscapades · 1 month
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Xisuma, why in the world were trying to fix your helmet with TAPE?? I thought the superglue idea was unhinged but THIS IS A NEW LEVEL
(I know that it's probably not holding itself ONLY on tape, but the image in my head is too funny)
What's next? You tell me he attached Doc's new arm to his body with tape and glue too??
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THIS RESPONSE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE COMICAL but I let it get away from me;;
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demigod-of-the-agni · 11 months
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The pishacha are manifestations of evil itself, locked within a cursed amulet. The wearer of the amulet is at the mercy of the demon, known for possessing humans and feeding off their host's chakra energy. However, if symbiosis is achieved, the pishacha can grant its host a myriad of powerful abilities.
I just needed to draw something cool okay. I needed to draw some cool goop and some cool looks okay. okay. if I didn't post this I would have exploded okay
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lil-lemon-snails · 20 days
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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