#i think she was trying to intimidate me but instead it just gave me a core memory LMAOOO
hugs-and-stabbies · 17 days
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The self-awareness on this guy 😞 someone pls send him an "are you bi?" quiz STAT
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navia3000 · 11 days
s o l o n g , l o n d o n
Includes : Aaron Hotchner
Genre : Angst
Warnings : Mentions of break downs, drinking, mentions of depression symptoms, not proof-read
Based On : So Long, London by Taylor Swift
Part two : All My Ghosts
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You swore that you loved me but where were the clues?
I died on the altar waiting for the proof
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days
“Haley wants us to get back together.” Upon hearing those words, her heart dropped. She realized why Hotch asked her to come on this ‘date’. She thought he was finally going to ask her to make whatever they were official, but she now knew he just wanted to let her down easy.
“What?” She asked. She could feel the tears pooling in her eyes, her view of Hotch blurry and distorted. Though she couldn’t see very well, she could see the pity and regret written on his face.
“She wants us to try to be a family again.” She took a second to process his words.
“And, what did you say?” She knew the answer, but she needed to hear it from him.
“I said yes.” He watched the tears fall from her eyes. “I had to, for Jack. For my family. We both knew this wasn’t a sure thing, Y/N. I’m your boss, and our jobs are dangerous enough, this wasn’t going to work.” He was right. Since she started at the BAU, she developed a crush on her slightly older, and incredibly intimidating boss. She would’ve never thought he felt the same towards her, and she was constantly teased by her fellow profilers about it, until he asked her out on the way home from a case. She was elated. They went on a couple dates, and she was sure they were going great. Until now.
“And Haley gave you the out. Instead of telling me, you led me on,” she choked on her sobs. She reached for her purse, preparing herself to leave Aaron Hotchner and her heart along with him. “Go back to your family, Hotch. And don’t worry, I’ll pretend like nothing ever happened.”
And I'm just getting color back into my face
I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place
The team was shocked and confused when Y/N took a two-week leave of absence. She left without telling anyone or saying where she was going, she didn’t even tell Hotch, going straight to Strauss and asking for her leave, using the ‘family emergency’ excuse. They were even more surprised when she returned, acting as if she hadn’t just left without a word.
She could feel their eyes on her the minute she entered the briefing room. She sat down, chin high, eyes forward, not daring to look any of them in the eye for fear they would see through her facade.
Hotch’s eyes burnt a whole in her head. They hadn’t talked, interacted even, since that night. And while she was going to be profesional, she didn’t want him thinking he broke her heart, even if he did.
“Y/N, good to see you back.” JJ was the first to address her, the first to break the silence. She gave JJ a smile, and turned to look at the file sitting in front of her, keeping to herself throughout the briefing.
The team had moved the briefing onto the jet, the case being of a serial killer who was quickly devolving. The profilers all noticed their fellow coworker and friend’s strange behavior, her demeanor entirely different to the one she wore before her leave. She wouldn’t indulge conversation with the others, always directing the topic onto the case. The agents had also picked up on Hotch’s behavior; how his eyes would linger on Y/N for a little too long, and how he avoided referencing the woman.
Emily was growing even more concerned for her friend as the minutes passed, and when she saw her heading to the front of the jet for coffee, she quickly followed. “Hey,” she alerted Y/N of her presence, turning and closing the curtains to give them some privacy.
“Hi,” she gave a tight-lipped smile, moving to go back to her seat before Prentiss grabbed her arm.
“What’s going on?” She saw her friend’s face harden, her eyes moving to her feet.
“Nothing,” she knew better than to try and pretend like nothing was wrong around a bunch of profilers, but she couldn’t admit to herself that hers and Hotch’s break up was taking a toll on her. She was skinnier and paler, and was clearly struggling with something. But she couldn’t even call whatever happened between them a break up; they were only going out for a month and they hadn’t even told the rest of the team. So, sticking to her word, she would continue to act as though nothing happened.
“Oh, come on, you know I don’t believe that.” Emily dropped her grip on the girl’s shoulder, moving to fiddle with the coffee cups on the table. “Something’s going on. We all see it. You don’t have to talk about it, but, I want you to know we’re all here for you.” She saw tears pooling in the younger girl’s eyes, and her concern grew and her heart broke and all she wanted was for her to be okay. “You can talk to us. You can talk to me, or JJ, or even Hotch.” At the mention of his name, she broke. Her tears ran down her face, and sobs racked her body.
Emily hurried to hug her friend, shocked at her sudden breakdown. She heard the curtain being pulled, and turned to the sight of the team’s concerned eyes on the pair. But, she made sure to watch Hotch, noticing his own eyes becoming glossy at the sight of the crying agent.
For so long, London
Had a good run
A moment of warm sun
But I'm not the one
She sat on her couch, drowning her sorrows with a bottle of wine. Emily, JJ, and Penelope had just left her apartment after a night spent of crying and laughing, the women comforting her after she had confided in them about all that happened with Hotch.
She felt better, but not great. Her heart still hurt every time Haley and Jack came to visit Hotch during his lunch break, and she kept having to excuse herself to the bathroom whenever she was around him for too long. The team pretended not to notice the tension between her and Hotch, and they both refused to acknowledge each other unless it referenced their work or a case they worked.
Everyone knew something happened between them, and they knew their friend was not okay, so they pushed past it in hopes of nursing their friend back to happiness. She was incredibly grateful for all their friends were doing for her, but it wasn’t enough.
Nobody knew that she had just given Strauss a request for a transfer from the Bureau; none of the others knew, all but one person. The same person who’s name lit up on her phone, his calls going unanswered as she sipped on her glass of wine.
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scirelistener · 10 months
dimitrescu family x platonic! gn reader
synopsis : though you’re human, the castle of dimitrescu and its remaining residents will always, always be your home.
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“It’s for me!”
“Ugh, all of us know it’s for me, you brainless maniac!”
“You all are stupid, the flower crown is obviously for me!”
The bickering of the three infamously known daughters of Lady Dimitrescu could be filled the silence that once took over the garden as they fought over a precious flower crown.
In the middle of the argument was you who stood there sheepishly with the flower crown in hand, looking at all your siblings as they fought. You nervously eyed the flower crown as the three daughters continued to tug on it.
“I can just make a new one, guys, please.” You nervously said before the unthinkable (not really) happened.
The force tugged onto the flower crown was unfortunately too strong to the point where it ripped into three parts, petals of the flower scattering into the air as everyone stared at the now destroyed pieces, stunned. The three daughters eyed each other before looking at you nervously.
Before they could mutter an apology, you laughed at the absurdity of the situation. Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you continued to bark out a laughter that would definitely not get your mother’s approval with how loud and boisterous it was. Bela, Daniela and Cassandra looked at each other as if not knowing what to do.
After a few minutes of calming down, you let out a soft chuckle before gently taking away the broken pieces from your sibling’s hands. “Here, how about I make a new one for each of you using these pieces? That way, you all have a part of the original. Sounds good?”
The daughters would’ve been lying if they didn’t feel a strange warmth overcome them as you smiled at them with a fondness that no one other than Alcina gave. It wasn’t the usual warmth that took over them whenever they went hunting, but rather a sense to protect you from any harm instead.
As you started working on the flower crowns for each sibling, Bela, Daniela and Cassandra now eyed each other as if knowing what they were all thinking about.
You were their precious sibling and no one would harm you, not when they and their mother, Alcina, is still here.
Alcina nervously walked through the corridors of her castle, wondering where her children could be. As she continued to strut across the hallways, the Lady noticed something from the corner of her eyes through the window and stopped her movement, halting to take a closer look.
From the window, was a scenery which could only be described as peaceful.
You surrounded by the three psychotic daughters of Dimitrescu, your siblings, as you chatted and laughed with the three girls while your fingers skillfully made flower crowns. A strangely calm look could be found on all the girls as they laughed with you even if they were still covered in blood. Daniela smiled with great happiness as you gently placed a flower crown onto her head while Bela and Cassandra eyed her with envy, but also fondness.
Alcina watched her daughters with a gaze that was soft unlike her usual intimidating glare. Her eyes averted to the three girls before wandering her eyes towards you.
Unlike all the others, you weren’t born from the Cadou project nor were you born a mutant. You were human, from bones to flesh. You were a fragile piece of glass for them. A being that they could easily rip apart.
Yet you were different from other human beings that existed in this village. Rather than violence, you greeted them with kindness. The Dimitrescu family were feared by you, of course, but you didn’t resort to violence. When one of the girls had somehow gotten injured and ended up in the middle of the forest, you found her while picking berries nearby. You had been the one to patch up her wounds and bring her to the Castle of Dimitrescu.
You didn’t steal anything nor did you try to vandalize the castle. You simply asked Bela to guide her to her room, which she hesitantly did, gently place her onto her bed and quietly left the castle.
When Bela reported the incident to Alcina, of course the Lady found it strange and had made it her mission to seek what you truly wanted from them. She thus asked Bela to pretend like she was injured and wait for you at the forest while Daniela and Cassandra stay on the sidelines to be ready for any suspicious movements.
Once again, you found her, treated her ‘wounds’ and kindly tried escorted her to the castle. Not before getting stopped by Cassandra, Daniela and Alcina, however, who confronted you as Bela stopped her act. Though you were honestly scared for your life, you bravely stood your point and told the truth of how you had no ulterior motives behind your act.
You were just.. kind.
A kind soul too pure for this village, this world.
After that, the House of Dimitrescu somehow grew a soft spot for you. You got the permission to visit the castle as you wish and actually come out alive. Bela helped you pick berries from time to time, Daniela helped you pick up some self-defense techniques (which you were thinking not to use with how… unkind they were) and Cassandra accompanied you to your daily trips to the nearby swamps whenever you felt like getting some fresh air.
And Alcina. Every time she watched her daughters interact with you and grow closer to you, a human, she felt her heart clenching. She shouldn’t grow fond of you, she couldn’t. As Countess Dimitrescu, one of the four great lords who served Mother Miranda, growing fond of a human being should’ve been the least of her priorities.
Yet the more time you spent at the Castle Dimitrescu, the more she found herself relaxing in your presence. You were never as close with Alcina as you were with the three daughters, always finding yourself cowering under her gaze. Yet you still managed to find the guts to talk to her, your sheepish smiles and painfully awkward small talks made Alcina, oh so, terribly fond of you.
Your small gifts that would be worthless compared to her luxurious jewelry became more precious to Alcina. A bracelet made out of scraps of colorful paper, a lipstick made out of natural resources and decorated with beautiful flowers. Gifts that were made out of nothing, but effort.
It was only a short amount of time till Alcina saw you as her own.
One of her children.
A yell from the garden snapped Alcina out of her thoughts. She looked out the window, her children now noticing her presence and motioning her to come over.
The person who called out for her was you who waved at her while laughing, eyes crinkling with happiness. Alcina couldn’t help, but to smile back and raised her hands in a more elegant wave.
My precious children, she thought.
How she’d do anything to protect her kin.
a/n : i have no idea how to write bela, daniela and cassandra’s characters i’m so sorry 🙏 may or may not have written a fanfic out of impulsive thoughts again after watching a gameplay of re8 🧍 once again not proofread fully so mistakes are made to be ignored plz 😭 i was going to write helena harper but the dimitrescu brainrot took me over… nonetheless i will write helena soon ❗️❗️
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bimobuddy · 4 months
Feeling Better
Hazbin TK fic
Lee!Alastor, Lers! Husk and Niffty
Everything in this fic is platonic
Soft and caring Husk :]
CW: Alastor in the bath, but everything is covered and nothing NSFW happens, angst as per usual in my fics at this point, mention of blood, mention of scars and past trauma (brief)
Summary: Alastor, while quite the dapper gentlemen, smells like swamp and deer carcass, as that is what his bedroom is. After some back and forth, his companions decide to take it upon themselves to take care of the issue (and take care of him)
Edit: I dont think this was my best work
It was no secret that Alastor wasn't the cleanest person. He turned his bedroom into a swamp to feel more at home, and often left blood stains from his meals on his suit, leaving it to rot and smell.
However, what many people didn't know, is that he also wasn't the best at keeping up with hygiene. Something that only Husk and Niffty knew about him was that he despised bathing. They didn't know why, they just knew that he did.
And they put up with it.. For as long as they could.
As Alastor sat at the bar, Husk found himself scrunching up his nose. To be polite, he made sure no one was listening first, then he turned to his boss, ears down. "Jesus, Al, when's the last time you bathed?" The radio host stared at Husk, trying to intimidate him, but for once, Husk wasn't budging. "I'm serious, Alastor. Not only does it reek, but I'm sure you don't feel good either. Right?"
This caught him off guard. He wasn't used to people other than Charlie showing him genuine concern. His smile remained as normal, but the folding of his ears seemed to give away how he was feeling. "I'll admit it has.. been a while."
Husk nodded and leaned against the counter. "Then maybe you should do something about it?" He asked, raising a brow. The other demon seemed to go quiet. Husk studied him, as if trying to read his mind. "Maybe... We can do something about it then? Niff and I?"
As if summoned by the mere mention of her name, Niffty appeared out of seemingly nowhere, hopping up onto the counter. "You know you can trust us, Alastor! I like cleaning!" She grinned.
"And you know I'm not going to judge or tell anyone." Husk said, looking him in the eye. Alastor thought it over for a moment. Niffty and Husk were two out of a small select group of people he genuinely trusted the most. "Fine." He shrugged, trying to make it appear as if there wasn't a growing sense of unease and anxiety sinking into his stomach.
Husk nodded. "Niffty, why don't you go ahead and go run the bath for Al. Use my room, I don't trust that he even has a tub in his." Niffty gave a quick salute then hopped down from the counter, running off.
Husk turned his attention back to Alastor, lowering his voice. "Is there a reason you don't like bathing, Al?" He asked, catching the demon off guard. "Why Husker, what makes you ask such a silly little-" "Don't think you can fool me, I saw the way you froze earlier. Al, you might own my soul, and you might scare the shit out of me sometimes, but I don't hate you," this surprised Alastor, "I'm only asking so I know how to go about this properly. If there's something about it that bothers you, I don't want to force you into it."
Alastor looked back at Husk for a solid minute, thinking it over. He stood suddenly and started to walk toward the hallway, where Husk's room was, signaling the other to follow, which he did. Once they were alone, Alastor finally spoke.
"What I'm about to tell you does not leave that silly little kitty mouth of yours, understood? If I find out that-" "You have my word, Alastor, you don't have to threaten it out of me." ".....Right. Well- Thank you.. Husk."
It wasn't often that Alastor used his actual name instead of 'Husker,' but when he did, the cat felt a sense of equality between them. No longer 'Owner of Soul and Servant,' but like they knew each other. All the more reason he decided to take this issue seriously, for Alastor.
"While I was alive, let's just say I've been through a lot. In my life, over many years, and many incidents, I acquired many scars. Reminders. Let's just say I do not enjoy them. I hated them, and hated looking at them. I assume that is why fate decided they would stick with me even in the afterlife." There was a moment of silence before Husk replied, "They make you feel vulnerable again. They remind you of those.. incidents.. Don't they?"
Alastor didn't verbally respond, but the glance he gave him confirmed to Husk that he may have been correct about this. Husk nodded. "You can trust us, Al."
As they stepped into Husk's room, they noticed just how much effort Niffty had put into this. She had drawn a bath, filled it with bubbles, already gotten a towel ready, and fresh new clothes for Alastor, folded neatly by the sink. As the Radio Host looked closer, he noticed some of the holes and tears had been mended.
"Wow, Niff, I'm impressed." Husk said, taking his hat off. Another sign that this wasn't between co-workers, but friends. His hair was slicked back as usual, though Alastor hadn't seen it like that since the day he won his soul.
When Husk looked back at Alastor, he noticed the look in his eye, his posture, everything. The look of 'I am trying very hard to be okay with this.'
Husk gave him a slight nod before turning to Niffty. "Why don't we give him some space real quick, alright?" He turned to Alastor. "Go ahead and get yourself ready in the bathroom, we'll be right out here." As he walked past the deer demon, he lowered his voice again, "We won't leave you."
Alastor stepped into the bathroom and shut the door, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He did deep down truly appreciate how supportive Husk and Niffty were being, it did help him feel less.. anxious about everything. Though he also no longer felt like an overlord. He felt like a kid again. The constant reassurance, the sudden comfort and concern he was being shown.. It reminded him of his mother. It was hard to describe, but if he had to, he would have said he felt 'weak, but in a way that was okay with him.'
He got himself ready and sat himself in the bath, the heat of the water somehow immediately helping him relax more than he thought it would. He was grateful for the bubbles as well, not only did it cover him, but he wasn't able to see his scars that much.
There was a gentle knock, then Husk's voice. "Al?" Wanting to at least pretend he still had control, he replied, "Enter."
Husk opened the door and before he even got a full step in, Niffty darted in, grabbed Alastor's discarded clothes and then ran back out, fussing about the blood stains under her breath.
"... Alright, well while she goes and does whatever it is she's decided she's going to do, I'll get started, if that's okay with you." Husk said, shutting the door behind him. Alastor nodded. It did feel odd to him to have someone elss in the room, but he reminded himself that he could trust the bartender.
As Husk stepped closer, he did catch a glimpse of a couple scars, littered across his skin. He didn't mention them, instead grabbing a rag nearby that Niffty had left out. "I know you don't like being touched, so I'm warning you beforehand that I'm about to, so you don't kill me. Satan knows Niffty would fuss at you over the mess." He said, trying to lighten the mood a little. Though Alastor didn't laugh, his grin did widen slightly, indicating that it had worked.
Husk dampened the cloth and got started, touching it to Alastor's back. As the radio demon jumped a little and suddenly gripped the sides of the tub, he paused, gave him time to calm back down, and continued. He knew he could have laughed at him, teased him for being such a powerful demon scared of something as small as a bath, but he didn't. He wouldn't. Because he understood. Sure, he was a feared overlord, rivaling with the King of Hell himself, but before that, he was a person.
A person that, surprisingly, he had come to understand and even care about. As Alastor suddenly jolted again, letting out a sudden ring of static, Husk thought it was due to him being anxious again, only to see his shoulders shaking a little bit.
At first, he worried that Alastor either was in pain or had started crying (a thought that really concerned him), but as he looked down, he noticed he had the rag placed on the back of his ribs, and that Alastor was arching away from the touch. Now this was something he could tease him about.
"Ticklish, kid?" He grinned, making a point to wiggle his fingers through the rag, making Alastor do the radio feedback noise again. "I-I'm oholder thahan you, you ahabsolute-" "Yeah but you died younger than I did, I'm more of an adult than you are."
Alastor opened his mouth to argue, but Husk had already slipped the rag under his right arm, wiggling his claws through the thin fabric. The radio demon slammed his arm down, trying hard to keep it together. He shook with contained laughter, his grin wide and wobbly, ears pinned back. He was doing quite well until Husk suddenly skittered his claws along the back of his neck.
He scrunched his nose up and broke, giggling hysterically, reflexively kicking a leg out, causing a bit of water to splash over the side. "Hey," Husk playfully scolded, "Keep it together down there, you know Niffty is gonna chastise you about that later." "My floor!"
Husk and Alastor jumped, the latter accidentally letting out more mic feedback, as both startled at the sudden sound of Niffty. Neither had seen or heard her enter the bathroom. She huffed, hands on her hips. "You boys. Always giving me more work." She shook her head, hopping up on a stool left by the tub so she could reach Alastor.
"I swear she appears whenever her name is mentioned, did you do that when you got her soul?" Husk whispered. Alastor shook his head, his eyes showing he was just as freaked out as Husk was.
Niffty ignored them, filling a cup with water. "Ears," was all the warning she gave before she dumped it over the deer's head, giving him a split second to fold his ears back to protect them from the water. Husk had to bite back a chuckle as Alastor's hair fell into his face, covering his eyes. He almost resembled a grumpy, wet dog. He reached up and pushed his hair from his eyes, looking slightly annoyed, but Husk knew he had all the patience in the world when it came to Niffty. She could get away with anything.
Even when she started to work in the shampoo, scritching behind his ears. Alastor visibly tensed up, his cheeks turning pink (something Husk had never seen him do). The cat grinned at him, leaning on the edge of the tub. "Your ears are ticklish too?" He chuckled.
As muffled, staticky snickers bubbled out of the overlord, Niffty just smiled. "Husk, dont tease him when you're worse." This shut him up quickly, Husk pinning his own ears back grumbling. Alastor would have laughed at him, had he not already been fighting it back so hard.
When Niffty started to gently scritch at the base of his ears, he started to crack more, giggling louder, yet it was clear he was trying to sit still for her. "Pff- Hmph.. M-Mhmhmhmhm- hahahaha nohoho!" His eyes flew open to glare at Husk, who had picked the rag up to start at the other side of his ribs now, under his left arm.
Alastor's ears were flicking from Niffty's tickling, as he gripped Husk's wrist, more just to have something to ground himself rather than to push him away.
Husk gently scrubbed lower down his side, earning higher giggles before Alastor gasped and flinched away. He hadn't been hurt, but Husk knew it more him trying to avoid getting hurt before it actually happened. The slash he had gotten from Adam was still healing. "Relax, Bucky, I'm not gonna hit it." Husk said.
"Don't call me Bu-hahahaha!" He had gotten cut off when Husk simply switched to his other side.
"Ears." Niffty warned before immediately pouring water over his head again. Alastor coughed a little before lifting his bangs again. "Careful, Niff, don't drown him." Husk chuckled, giving him a break to catch his breath.
As Niffty hopped down off the stool, Husk tossed the rag to Alastor for him to get his own legs, making a joke about how 'I know neither of us want me reaching down there.'
Husk took a seat on the stool as Niffty ran back in with a jar. "What's that?" Husk questioned. "Hoof polish!" She grinned. Alastor let a quiet growl escape his throat, though it was more out of embarrassment than anger, making the cat laugh a little. "As funny as that would be Niffty, I don't think we need it. I'm not pampering his spoiled ass more than I have to." She nodded and ran back out of the room.
"I couldn't help but notice," Husk started, "That you didn't try very hard to get away from the ticklin', especially around your ears." He smirked. Alastor just threw a soft glare his way and didnt confirm nor deny anything.
Once Alastor was done, Husk turned his head away and handed him a towel, before leaving the bathroom to leave him to it.
Alone once again, Alastor took a moment to take in just how much better he felt. Not only physically, but mentally. In the past, bathing would drain him of his energy, leaving him mentally exhausted. But this time he felt better than ever. He looked over at his newly mended suit, patched up by Niffty.
She didn't have to do that.. But she did. Because she looked up to Alastor and cared for him. And Husk didn't have to sit with him the entire time and help him. But he did. Because he saw him as a friend.
He got dressed and left the bathroom, meeting Husk again in his bedroom. Husk's ear flicked as he heard the door open, and he looked up at Alastor. "Feeling better?" He asked.
Alastor walked past him, quickly scritching behind the cat's ears as he passed, earning a loud snort as his hand was batted away. "Much." He smiled, and headed back out to the lobby.
It may not have been a verbal 'thank you,' but Husk had gotten the message anyway.
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reqxxyt · 3 months
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pairings: ethan e. x f!reader
summary: you end up drunk calling who you thought was your ex only to find out its michigans well-known hockey player. junior year
warning: mentions of drinking, drunk reader, not completed series, underage drinking, rushed ending.
masterlist requests are open!
[uedited] wc: 3.2k
part one. part two.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
A drunken night at your local club can do terrible things. Such as reconsider ever breaking up with your boyfriend. This only led to Isabella trying to hide your phone, knowing the breakup was only the greatest thing you’ve done since the start of the relationship and your constant complaints about it just annoyed her further, ready to take you home after seeing the row of shots laid in front of you.
“But I-” you let out a hiccup before continuing. “I lo-” Isabella smacked your hand that was near grasping your phone. You gave her a glare to which she reciprocated an intimidating look, putting you into a sulk, slouching your shoulders with an exaggerated pout. 
“It’s been only a day y/n. Let it pass” Isabella tried comforting you, caressing the hand she had smacked not even a couple of seconds ago. You were eternally grateful for her presence after you had drunkenly called her crying about the break up forcing her to arrive and not get you kicked out for causing a ruckus or for drinking too much.
With your place only being a couple of minutes walk, you walked here so there was no worry of leaving your car behind, instead getting into her car and nearly throwing up from the motion. ‘I’ll have to apologize for that tomorrow’ you thought to yourself after nearly giving her a heart attack from actually almost throwing up. She dragged you back inside, huffing after practically throwing you onto your bed. 
“Don’t do anything stupid while I gather some things” she said, leaving your room planning to be back in a couple of minutes. you abruptly sat up, feeling your head start to gather a rather painful headache. Looking to the side, spotting your phone on the nightstand, you made a quick maneuver to grasp it. 
Before you had any time to think, you dialed your ex-boyfriend's number to the best of your ability and clicked the button allowing it to ring, praying internally Isabella took longer than needed to get your words out.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” a voice answered, and while your head panged painfully, you ignored your conscious telling you the voice seemed unrecognizable under the raspy, tired state. 
“I misshed you” your words slurred, before he could respond, you continued, having the special need to word vomit. “Everyone tells me it was a mistake to have ever trusted you but I think it was just a mistake to ever let you in my life in the first place. Don’t tell Isa this but I just mish you” 
“Y/n?” his voice turned soft and before you had time to register who was on the other end, you heard your door slam open behind me.
“What the hell are you doing?” now was Isabella's turn to interrupt the poor guy who desperately needed sleep. Your phone was quickly taken from you, struggling to get it back. 
“I left you for one minute and you-”
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” you yelled back, lunging at her from your bed, grasping at your phone once again making a dash at the door. You clung the phone against your ear, praying to the person on the other end that Isabella hadn’t accidentally hung up “Baby are you still there?”
“Still here” his voice somehow soothed you as Isabella now gathered a confused look, walking behind you to spot the series of numbers instead of the usual contact. Her eyes widened at the realization. 
“I don’t think thats-”
“Shh” your finger came to her lips and she only rolled her eyes but kept quiet wondering how long it would take you to realize who you were calling was not your past lover, now only glazing an amused smile.
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted” You threw a glare at Isabella who looked entertained, having the time of her life while you embarrassed yourself, knowing you’d forget this by the morning. “I’ve thought it over the past couple of hours and I just want to say-”
“Your phone died” Isabella pointed out, you audibly gasped near shedding tears at the terrible outcome. Seeing tears threatening to pour, she soothed you, containing her laugh at your childish state, “C’mon, let's get you to bed” 
With a deep frown, you followed her to your own room and flopped to bed making sure to connect your phone beforehand to its charger.
The next morning was a dread as your friend brought you pills and assisted you in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet draining all previous contents from the previous day.
“I didn’t do anything too bad, did I?” you asked, wiping your mouth after having just brushed your teeth. 
“Other than the bruise you gave me?” she said, making you cringe at the sight of the light purple mark on her cheek. “Yes”
Your shocked expression made it all the more humorous for her.
“Check your phone” was the only thing she said. Turning it back on, you noticed the unknown number of messages. 
Rough day?
You looked back at your friend waiting for her to explain,
“You nearly confessed your love to him, probably thinking it was Mateo” she explained and it sent your heart to go on overdrive, wanting to dig a hole for your embarrassment. He probably took pity on you from the foolery you pulled the night before. “He did sound pretty hot though” 
You hit your friend not liking how she took humour out of the situation, she hit you back with little force before new message popped up,
I don't want to sound invasive but now im curious, how deserving was your ex to earn someone as interesting as you?
Or have you two already made up? 
“You’re never making up with him,” Isa said, reading the texts over your shoulder. “But he sounds interested” she winked. 
“No.” You shook your head, denying all her ideas of whatever plans she was making up in that pretty mind of hers. 
It only took you an hour after she left to reply back to the guy after a long debate in your head. 
Not yet. 
Sorry for calling you, would be amazing if you forgot that ever happened. 
While I usually have a short memory, last night was unforgettable
Your friend get a bruise? Hit sound pretty brutal
She's fine. 
How come you didn’t hang up?
Was curious on how a love confession from you sounded like. 
And while your head told you to block him there and then, he sounded like a creep after all. You didn’t. Instead, conversations started, curious of his identity but keeping it a secret on either side, at least from what you believed. 
Any update on the scrunch?
Why was it that every time he texted, your heart began to do the familiar leap it would reserve for only people of interest? 
Do you want any updates? 
I thought you hated him as much as my friend. 
I do. Just making sure you're not getting yourself drunk again to call him
Because you???
Care about you???
Right. For all I know you could be a 70-year-old man who cares about me so much. 
And I’m trusting that you aren’t some middle-aged women who sounds pretty. 
Is something wrong with a pretty voice? 
“Are you ready, to go to the party of a lifetime?” Isabella barged into your apartment. You shouldn’t have given her a spare key. 
“No” you said, ignoring her groan as you went to reply to his text from earlier. She noticed, an interesting spark in her eyes before sitting next to you on the couch. 
“Have you found out who he is?” She asked, grabbing a chip from the bag you had laid across. You just shook your head, turning off your phone, ready for another lecture of hers. “Not even a picture?”
You shook your head again. Of course, you were curious, but if you weren’t willing to reveal your identity, you never pushed it onto him. You found out he went to Michigan University, the same school you go to. That’s the farthest you’ve been to ‘revealing’ who he is and there still are thousands of students on campus. 
“At least he’s not 50 with a good voice,” she said, reminding you of his comment on your own, your cheeks beginning to heat up again, and as much as she wanted to tease you further about it, she further insisted “You’re still coming with me to the party” 
“I went last time and hated it,” you said, last time being three months ago, when you had an argument with Mateo, your ex-boyfriend over the stupidest reason. You couldn’t even remember it, for christ sake!
“Mmh I wonder why” She narrowed her eyes at me, daring me to test her, you just glared back before sighing and saying a final ‘fine’. 
Her glare was quickly replaced with a bright smile, “great” she said before waltzing into your room as you quickly stood up, trailing behind her. 
“What are you doing?” you ask, although already guessing once you spot her opening your closet, a look of disgust washing over her as observed the mess inside.
“When was the last time you wore this?” She asked, pulling out a green fitted top, that (in your opinion) shows too much. One she bought you. Wore it once, never again, you swore. 
“Like a year ago” She looked offended by your response quickly throwing the top to you, having to catch it before it was sent straight to your face before being thrown a pair of pants. 
“You’re wearing that” she pointed to me, and you couldn’t find the energy to argue with her, instead sighing before changing. The two of you were close enough to change without much thought in front of the other. After being roommates together your freshman year, you had to quickly let go of any boundaries you would usually hold and one of those was getting dressed in the same room as someone. 
“Is Mark going?” you asked, referring to her fling and she only glanced at me with a cloud of sad eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed asking, “What happened?” worry in your tone quickly shook her and she just gave a small smile, saying “We stopped talking” 
You felt your own heartache for her before you realized why she was so persistent on going to the party, “he's going, isn't he?”
“All in the works of a mastermind” she gave me a small smirk, a mischievous glint in her eyes that made you believe she would end up with Mark by the end of the night. Their on-and-off relationship has hung strong for the past year, or was it two now?
The party started at nine that night, freshmen lingering outside as they gathered the courage to go inside. Most juniors and seniors let themselves enjoy the night with a beer in their hand as the music only got louder as the night progressed. 
We both walked to the end of the house, familiar with the layout of the house as we walked into the kitchen not as many people were, the ruckus was held outside, some played pool while others were playing beer pong, and as always, Isabella wanted to go outside, having a good idea where Mark was holding himself. 
You grabbed a simple beer bottle, taking off the lid before swinging it as you felt the bubbles burn your throat. 
A night to forget. 
You felt your phone buzz against your back, located in your pocket, and took it out, wanting to appear busy but curious either way eager on who was texting you but a body collapsing onto you interrupted.
“Shit, I’m sorry” A small apology was given and you shook it off, feeling the beer that was once in your hand, in a nice glass bottle, running down your arm. You grabbed your phone, ready to say ‘its fine’ before you met a pair of eyes that nearly threw you back to freshman year of college. 
Ethan Edwards. 
To say the least, you and him met in chemistry 1301. You two were lab partners and for a while, you two were friends. Up until he stood you up on presentation day and you got a 50 on the grade, bringing your overall to a 70. Resenting him for it, avoided all of his texts and calls, going as far as blocking his phone but it didn’t matter either way, getting a new phone afterward. 
Most would call you a bitch for a stupid reason. your GPA says otherwise. 
“Y/n?” his voice almost softened, drawing a backward step. “Didn’t think you’d be here” he set his own cup down and as much as you wanted to roll your eyes, you only narrowed them. 
“Same here” Really, you didn’t. He wasn’t much of a party-goer. If you knew he would be here, you wouldn’t have come. Not because of the freshman event but...
“Where is uhh” he seemed to forget his name, scratching the back of his neck, only assuming just how awkward this is for you. 
“Mateo?” you asked and he nodded. You almost laughed at his ability to forget, considering you and Mateo were once stuck to the hip. You crossed your arms against your chest before saying “We broke up”
“That sucks,” he said with a small smile. you rolled your eyes, knowing he’d only end up teasing you about it, but instead, his lips turned downward, asking just loud enough to hear against the music “I’m sorry about-“
“It’s fine” you interrupt him, not wanting to hear his apology in person, afraid your forgiving self would accept it in a millisecond. “A 70 isn’t so bad”
“shit… I didn’t think it would affect your grade” his frown was evident, a sympathetic gaze washing over his face. You shook your head, ready to say it was fine for the millionth time before he was the one to interrupt you “I had… a lot going on”
You didn’t get to ask the specifics before a face all too recognizable crossed your field of vision behind Ethan. 
You didn’t notice him at first because he had his tongue down another girl's throat. 
Ethan, noticing your shocked gaze, turned around, finding the same scene. Sensing the drop of your heart to the floor, he turned back to you, a numbness creeping in the longer you stared. 
“Did he-“
“I broke up with him.” You turned back to him, ready to walk off suddenly not being able to stomach any contents from the past 24 hours. He nodded, shifting his feet to where he stood directly in front of you, blocking any view of Mateo. 
“Want to get out of here?” His gentle tone made your own throat clog up as you just nodded, looking up at him. He picked up your hand from your side, intertwining it with his before finding the nearest exit. 
You kept looking down at our hands, wondering why a warmth pooled over you as he walked you outside where a much lesser crowd was. From a distance you could see Isabella with Mark, aching at the familiar site of a relationship blossoming, she denies it but she’s inevitably falling for him. 
“You… stopped talking to me” he was the first to bring it up and you couldn’t help but feel even worse. Two years ago, experiencing the nights you two hung out together, you wouldn’t have expected to ever stop talking to him in such little time but growing up with grades being everything, a certain grudge took hold when you clicked the block button.
“If I could go back, I wouldn’t have done that,” you say, truthfully. The music now was a faint strum as you two ventured farther into the neighborhood, kicking the pavement. You could feel his gaze on you, withstanding, while yours was neglecting his. 
“There’s no time like the present” he offered, you stopped in your tracks, surprised, because in all honesty if you had done that to anyone else, they would’ve titled you a bitch and moved on. But… he was different and you should’ve realized that sooner. He turned to you, meeting your eyes, his smile slipping, the curves of his lips still tugging “If you’re up for it”
You only nodded, too afraid to say the wrong thing. He stepped closer to you, willing you to have to tilt your head. “How is it that you’ve grown taller?” you meant to tease him but instead it came out in awe and he let out a chuckle. 
“It’s called being a late bloomer” he playfully flicked your forehead, a wave of nostalgia filling you as you two laughed. Laughs seizing, the two of you only gazed into each other. “Y/n-”
A buzz came from your jean pocket and you quickly took it out, expecting the mysterious boy you’ve been talking to but instead receive a message from Isabella saying ‘staying over at Mark’s. Love you <3’. You quickly type back ‘Stay safe, love you more.’
“Mark is taking Isa home,” you say, more out loud to yourself than anyone and Ethan can’t help his sheepish smile. 
“I lost my bet on them last time,” he said and you furrowed your brows, not sure what he meant. “The guys are always betting how long they’ll last each time, I keep thinking that this is the time that he’ll finally carry it on, and ask her out officially but he manages to mess it up somehow”
You let out a breathy laugh, confessing on doing something similar “It’s not all Mark. Isa has never had a serious relationship, Mark is the closest thing to one. She can’t even accept that she likes him more than just a night together”
“Reminds me of someone I know” he says and you turned your head, 
“Are you implying the same about me?” you can’t help the offended tone exiting with your words. “I just got out of a 2-year relationship, Mr. ‘I don't date’”
“Before that, I mean” he rolled his eyes, his smile still intact. “It took you nearly the entire year to fess up to anyone that you liked Mateo.”
You internally took a step back, thinking back to freshman year and the reasons why you were never good at confessing to anyone about your feelings for Mateo before remembering the irregular heartbeat your pulse would go into with someone else. You only confessed your feelings to Mateo after denying the hidden ones for Ethan. A friendship you formed in a matter of days, you would never wished to break over something stupid like feelings. 
At least that was freshman year. 
“I should go home” you blurt out, suddenly every sense of feeling was heightened. The warmth his body would provide from simply walking next to you, his familiar cologne scent, and the way your hands would brush against each other. Ethan turned to you, confused but willing, nodding. 
“Let me walk you” he offered and you nearly said no before remembering that that would mean having to walk alone and in a university filled with drunk guys on the weekend, you were fearful, so instead you nodded, accepting his invitation but wanting to rush the evening now until you could go home and not overanalyze the way Ethan gazed at you. 
Because even if you liked him again, he wouldn’t like you. There was no way. 
Yet the way he looked at you… someone would think you hung the moon and stars right in front of him. 
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
Hii! I love your writing. 🙌🏻 May I have a sub! Larissa dom! tall! Reader request where they have an argument in Larissa’s office about something but they end up having a heated..🫢. Larissa tries to take the lead and act tough, but eventually fails because Reader overpowers her, but actually Larissa secretly enjoys it. I hope it’s not too much, it’s alright if you’re not doing it, don’t feel pressured. :))) have a nice day!
I Don’t Go Down Easy ~Sub!Mommy!Larissa Weems xFem Dom!Daddy!Reader
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Summary— Reader and Larissa get into a heated argument. Reader suspects that Larissa’s a little pent up, so she takes the lead… But Larissa isn’t going down without a fight. Anon Response— Hey Heyy @misswittylistyc !! Thank you for the request! I love this idea so much. Sub!Larissa could always use more content… Hope you Enjoy! Have a nice day as well!!
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, eating out, implied smut, kissing, marking, dom/sub relationships, fights for dominance, mommy kink, daddy kink, semi-public sex, implied future smut, swearing, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Im ridiculous…?? Larissa, you never take care of yourself!!” You exclaimed with a jarring tone, throwing your arms up flamboyantly, letting them land square on your hips.
Larissa huffed, as she paced the room, her face screwed in a distasteful look.
“Oh please…!! You barely get 6 hours of sleep a night—!” She sneered back.
You two had been at it for at least twenty minutes. Anyone and everyone in the near vicinity of the halls or rooms close to Larissa’s office had vacated. Your heated argument was seaping through you two and the walls of Nevermore.
And it had all started because you had come into Larissa’s office and found her working still far too late…
You gritted your teeth and let groaned in frustration, fisting your hand together, so much so so that your knuckles were white.
“God you’re incorrigible!! You can’t even see your own hypocrisy—!” You yelled.
“Well maybe I would if you weren’t being such a dick about it?!!!” Larissa shrieked.
This made you stop in your tracks. You unclenched your fists as your eyes widened. You realized how harsh you’d been...
Because Larissa rarely swore… Really the only time was when you two were intimate. Never anywhere else… So her addition of the curse in her verbiage made you rethink the whole situation…
Larissa took your silent response as even more of an insult. She had now wandered towards the door, so that you were in the middle of the room, in between her and her desk. Larissa stood tall and looked down at you, trying her hardest to act intimidating. She craned over you.
“So that’s what yore going to do…?? Go silent on me?!” Larissa spat in a mocking and dominating tone.
But this time, her words sparked a different fire in you. Instead of anger, lust was bursting through your veins, causing you to smirk and tilt your head upward at the tall principal.
Larissa looked a little confused at your reaction, quirking her brows and wondering what your game was.
“What..??” She spat yet again.
You gave the woman a small, mocking pout, clasping your hands together behind your back, and slowly starting to stalk towards the blonde.
“Is someone pent up…??” You taunted the woman.
This made Larissa scoff and roll her eyes. Yet at the same time, she started to back up as you approached her.
“What? No, that’s absolutely ridiculous!” Larissa squeaked, trying to sound intimidating but desperately failing.
You backed the tall blonde up all the way against her office door, when she then heard the click of you locking the door, wearing a grin the entire time. Larissa’s breath hitched. You were flush against the woman. Your closeness made Larissa gulp and blush lightly.
But just as you thought she was given in, a new gust of confidence took the blonde principal over. She suddenly lengthened herself and towered over you, even though she was the one trapped in between you and the office door.
“You think this is going to work…?? What are you going to…?? Seduce me…?” Larissa jeered.
You said nothing, staring up at the woman and looking her directly in the eye, not faltering. You simply dropped to your knees and began to roll up her dress.
Larissa went silent and her breath was bated as she watched you on your knees, rolling up her dress, removing her knickers, and spreading her legs for access. When you finally got to the woman’s glistening cunt, you looked up at her with a Cheshire Cat like grin, before leaning forward and licking her entire cunt from bottom to top in one fell swoop.
Larissa threw her head back and waves of pleasure hit her like a brick. Her legs immediately threatened to buckle, but she was quick to widen her arms and hold onto the wall to keep herself from collapsing.
Once you had pulled away and Larissa had come back to reality, her eyes met your gaze and they flashed with challenge.
“Is this your way of apologizing…? You gonna eat mommy out…?” Larissa taunted.
You shook your head with a chuckle, ignoring her taunts, because you knew she would be putty in your hands in about five seconds.
“Keep your eyes on mine…” you growled in your sultry, lustful tone that always sent Larissa into a frenzy.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she bit her lip. She was about to challenge you again, but then your tongue slid its way into her fluttering cunt and the woman was a goner.
Her legs began to bend and threatened to buckle, so you were swift to place your hands on each of her thighs to keep her propped up. Larissa’s hands were still outstretched against the walls and clinging on tight, as she let out her first desperate groan of the night.
You began to pick up the pace and really started to fuck the blonde’s cunt as like you knew would destroy her… As your tongue took turns lapping away at her folds and fucking her hole, your brought your thumb up to her clit and put tight circular pressure on her bundle of nerves.
“Ohhh f-fuck Y/N…” Larissa whimpered with a groan at the end, tilting her head back and screwing her eyes shut tight.
You quickly pulled away, stopping all administrations with a smirk. Larissa’s head shot back and her shocked gaze furiously found yours. As she saw your smirk, she realized you had her right where you wanted her.
“I said…” you growled, licking a stripe off her cunt, making Larissa’s knees wobble and her lip tremble, before counting, “Keep your gaze on mine…”
“Sorry yes Daddy…”
Larissa gulped and she immediately nodded vigorously. You chuckled and nodded in response, burying your face in her cunt once more, quickly returning to your destructive pace.
As Larissa quickly approached her high, all the while you stared her down with a wicked grin, one of the blonde’s hands jolted to your hair, pushing your head closer to her cunt as her hips grinded against your face. You let this act slip, because of how desperately gone the woman was by now.
You, thank fuck, let Larissa cum when she got to the edge, riding out her high as she came hard. Larissa was panting and by the end of her climax, her legs did in deed gone out on her, so she fell to the floor still trapped between you and the door.
You moved away from her cunt, now at eye level with the fucked out woman. You smirked and leaned in, pressing your cum splattered lips against Larissa’s. Larissa groaned as she happily licked all of her cum off your lips and from your mouth, her hands lunging forward to pull you impossibly closer.
The kiss was bruising, dizzying, but neither of you wanted to pull away. Alas, you both eventually needed to breath, so you had to detach momentarily, also giving Larissa some time to catch her breath.
“Poor mommy’s out of breath, just from Daddy’s tongue, huh…?” You teased the woman lightly.
“Shut up…” Larissa grumbled, crossing her arms defensively, “Didn’t enjoy it that much…”
Now this made you flat out laugh out loud.
“Ha!” You laughed with a smile, “Yes you did…”
Larissa blushed and looked away.
“Ok fine I did…” she muttered, before looking back at you with that same needy look, “fuck me properly, Daddy…?” She whimpered, already squirming where she sat.
You smirked once more and nodded.
“Of course, baby… Come on, let’s go to the bedroom” you said in your sultry, knee wobbling tone, making Larissa already start to ride the waves of pleasure again.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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jamiedryssnail · 4 months
Safe now
Love of my Life Au
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Warnings : fighting, swearing, underage drinking, and attempted SA
He was 6,1 and on the hockey team guys knew to keep clear of him and his girl. Obviously he is the biggest sweetheart but if you didn’t know this well then good luck because he can be intimidating when he wants to.
He always has a need to hold her, go to the bathroom with her, get her drinks so they don’t get spiked. He is protective but he knows he needs to be because you don’t know what types you get at big parties like this.
He also knows that all the hockey boys will look out for each others girls. Madi especially I mean she is practically hockey royalty and they are all like her older brothers. There is also the factor that her brothers would kill you if anything happened to her. Now if you think Rutger looks intimidating try her three NHL player brothers Quinn, Jack, and Luke.
Mads was not drinking at all just Coke Zero for her. She is a very serious athlete and her mum Ellen always said athletes don’t drink in the season. This came as more of a suggestion to her brothers ( jack ) but she took it to heart. Always wanting to perform her best and not take any chances of being sick, dehydrated, or tired.
Hence why Rut thought it was fine for her to go to the bathroom by herself. She hadn’t been drinking and the bathroom was in view from we’re they were standing, talking to Mark and Ethan. “Just meet me right back here as soon as you are done” he noted as he was very cautious of his girl. “It’s one of the biggest parties of the year who knows who is here mads, ok” he says making his point clear.
If it was any other party he would have been fine and more at ease. But Michigan had just won the rose bowl so it was hectic and everyone was there drunk off their asses. He had heard of many cases at parties like this of girls getting spiked or assaulted by guys. “Ok baby I’ll be quick, then maybe we could head home yeah” she said in a suggestive tone. Mads wondered off into the crowd seeing the huge line for the bathroom. There had to be at least twelve people ahead of her.
As she waited in the line she saw Dylan duke her long time best friend. “Dyl, we’re have you been all night” she asked knowing just why he had been preoccupied. “Oh shut up she is pretty ok and she thinks I’m hot” “Sure, Dylan” she joked.
As they chit chatted she gave rut a little wave before he looked away smiling re entering the conversation he was having.
“Oh my god what are these people doing in the bathroom” She exclaimed obviously busting to pee. “Mads don’t wait in this queue just go upstairs, it’s what I’ve been using”. Dylan says directing her
Unsure Madi made her way upstairs passing a few couples that couldn’t seem to wait til they got home to get with each other. As she made her way to the top she looked in a few rooms for a free bathroom. Accidentally walking in on a few couples getting at it she got a few ‘what the hell’s’ and ‘do you minds’. She finally found a free one and quickly used it.
Quickly using it and then touching up her makeup for the night ahead with rut she opened the door ready to go downstairs. As she started walking out she saw a guy she had never seen before looking directly at her. “Hey Mads right?” He asked “It’s Madison.” She said sternly trying to get out of there as soon as possible. She so did not feel like having a conversation with a gross stranger who obviously just wanted to get in her pants. Mads tried to exit but he grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear “ I don’t really care what your name is or how you say it you have a decent rack so you better shut the fuck up” Madi then trying to scream and kick her way out causing some kind of attention.
The guy put her hand over her mouth and dragged her back into the bathroom locking the door. She tried to fight back but he wasn’t budging instead hitting her in the face making her drowsy. She kept trying to push him away but he was a big dude and was to strong.
As she felt the blood start drip down from the top of her face she couldn’t help but cry.
Rutgers Pov,
“Hey has anyone seen Mads”
He had been asking everyone at the party for the last ten minutes.
“Rut hey dude mads just went to the toilet upstairs”
“Alone are you fucking with me” he said fuming at Dylan for even thinking that was ok. Rutger knows what guys are like and he was ready to beat the shit out of anyone.
Rutger rushed upstairs and searched everywhere to find one bathroom door locked. He banged on it then to hear Madi’s soft pleas to stop and get off her.
“Open up you asshole” Rutger screamed he swore the whole party had heard him but he didn’t care, he just wanted to hold mads. Luckily the guy had only just locked the door so nothing major had happened.
Finally the guy opened up the door expecting some guy who drank to much beer and needed the restroom. Before he knew it there was a guy jumping on him punching him repeatedly until he had blood all over his face. “Fucking touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you” he yelled like someone had died. Luca and Dylan seeing this run to pull Rut off the guy, then something catches ruts eyes. Madi standing frail and scared a few feet away. He goes to hold her and then sees blood. She has a cut on her upper eyebrow.
“You son of a bitch you laid hands on my girl” Rutger yells knowing he can’t do anything because he has to hold mads. “Oh fuck off as if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack”. Then the guy spoke up again “she’s a slut you know what have ur hooker looking girlfriend”. At this point Rutger was beyond pissed he couldn’t believe his ears.
“Fucking say it again I dare you” “As if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack she’s a good hit admit it” Rutger then decided to leave it until he heard a “Yea go have my sloppy seconds I got to her first tonight” and with that the guy was almost passed out on the floor from another hit. Luca lunges to towards him telling him to leave before they call the cops.
“Oh my girl you poor thing come here” rut says to mads. “I’m sorry for not being there I’m horrible” he whispers. “No Rut you were there don’t blame yourself for others actions, please baby”. Madi said
Rutger and Mads slowly walk down stairs trying to exit the house and get back to someone’s dorm. He did not let go of her at all after that. Finally finding the front yard Rutger picks her up and puts her in his car. “Oh sweet girl I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again”.
When they get to Madi’s dorm Rutger grabs the first aid kit Madi uses to clean him up after he gets into fights at games. He carefully dabs a cotton bud and some disinfectant oil for her cut. He then fixes himself up knowing his girl is to tired to do it for him like usual.
Rutger helps madi out of her little dress and into one of her (his) shirts and his boxers. He can’t help at smile at his beautiful girl almost drowning in his clothes.
After they both get into comfy clothes they find themselves cuddled up in bundles of blankets and pillows holding each other. Rutger is just happy she is safe now, and when I tell you he will never let her go again i mean never. He is walking her to and from every class, holding her tightly at parties, and taking her to her training. Anyway let’s just say Rut is content but also not looking forward to her brothers finding out especially jack.
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hunterwritings · 11 months
soft | miguel o'hara
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summary: you are probably the only person in the multiverse that miguel o'hara can be soft for warnings: none notes: i missed yall so much | wc: 1061
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Miguel was a very intriguing character.
He didn't like many people, hell, you wondered if he liked anyone. Over the time that you known him, you've grown fond of the man and were around him much more often than others.
At first, Miguel just decided to ignore you when you would swing into his space, jumping down and standing next to him on the floating panel in the air. You just stood there and admired his work the first time, both a bit too scared and too intimidated to say anything, not wanting to upset or interrupt him. Miguel didn't think anything of it; as long as he could do his work without you interrupting him, he didn't mind.
You continued following him around, eventually building up the courage to try and start up a conversation. Most times, Miguel wound ignore you, unless you said something factually incorrect. Over time, he would eventually respond to your questions and carry out a conversation with you, seemingly interested.
Now, it's essentially become a habit of you barging into his work space and annoying him as he does work. He says it's annoying but he'd be lying if he said he didn't watch the clock and get upset if you're even 2 minutes late to seeing him, but it's not like he'd tell you that.
You've learned that Miguel doesn't have a spider-sense like most other spider people, and you've definitely used this to your advantage. Now, you crawled along the ceiling of the building, looking down on Miguel from above. You attached a web to the ceiling and used it to slowly slide down from the ceiling and stop as you were hanging upside down in front of Miguel with his back turned.
"Howdy stranger!" You said, semi-loud as you watched him jump in surprise.
"Jesus (Y/N)." He said with an agitated voice as he snapped around to face you hanging from the ceiling. "You really have to stop doing that." He added, his face falling back into the same brooding expression he normally has.
"Do I really have to? Or would you just really like me to?" You asked rhetorically with a smirk. He didn't respond, but instead gave you a knowing look as he scrunched his nose.
"Just to let you know, I got all of that on video and I will be uploading it." Lyla chimes in as she appears between the two of you. "Perfect, Lyla." You compliment as she laughs. "Wow, you are really not helpful, are you?" Miguel shakes his head with his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "I'm helpful when I need to be, but that was just too good to miss." She adds before disappearing.
"You gotta love that A.I., she brings a lot of smiles where you lack." You grin as he rolls his eyes and turns back to his holographic screens.
You pull yourself up and jump onto his back and wrapped your arms around his large shoulders. He didn't even look back at you, just kept his eyes on the screens as he moved around holograms. You clung to his back with your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his shoulders with your head peering over his shoulder. "So, whatcha doing?" You asked.
"Oh nothing important, just making sure that the fate of the multiverse is intact, not that big of a deal." He says sarcastically while shaking his head. You chuckled at his tone of response. "Wow, sounds really boring." You reply. He turns his head slightly to look at you over his shoulder with a stern look before turning back. "Yeah, really boring." He says back before taking a deep sigh.
"Well, I think you're due for a break right about now." You say, jumping off his back and standing next to him. "How's about we go to the cafeteria and get some lunch?" You say, snapping your fingers and pointing at him.
"No, I can't leave this." He says, not even letting his eyes leave the screen.
"Okay.. how about I bring your food here and you actually eat something?" You say as you cross your arms. He sighed, knowing you weren't gonna let it go.
"I'm good, (Y/N)." He says, his eyes drifting to you.
You groan and throw your head back. "You know, one of these days, I'm just gonna tie you down and force feed you." You jokingly say as you walk back towards him.
"I don't think that'd be easy for you." He says, giving a rare grin across his lips.
"Hey, I'm Spiderman just like you buddy, don't think I can't do it." You say, pointing up at him with a smile.
"No I-I'm sure you could." He smirks, putting his hands on his hips. You smiled wide as you looked up at him.
You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders like before, but this time you were facing him. He reached one of his large hands down to lay on your lower back for support.
"You better be careful mister, I can be pretty dangerous you know." You say in a nonchalant joking tone, pointing your finger in his face.
"Oh, yeah no, I bet." He agrees as he smiles while shaking his head.
"Y'know, it'd be a lot easier to stay mad at you if you weren't such a pretty man." You joke as you lay your hands on either sides of his defined cheeks. He raises an eyebrow with a small smirk.
You leaned in and pressed your lips against his. His whole body relaxed as he exhaled and closed his eyes. You pulled away and he pressed his forehead against yours, not wanting to move. His eyes stayed closed as he took a deep breath before pulling back and finally gazing upon you with now soft eyes. You smiled softly, knowing that's what he waited for all day.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go get those empanadas." You say as you jump down from his arms and begin walking backwards. "You better eat them or swear to God, I'm getting handcuffs." You say as you turn around and swing away. Miguel chuckled and shook his head. Out of all the people around him, he was happiest to have you there, even if you 'annoy' him sometimes.
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tragedyslut · 2 months
bully abby x nerd reader. LET'S THINK ABOUT IT
♡ shes totally not your type ♡
✶ [a.anderson] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — you could never like abby. she was nothing but a bully, she's totally not your type. pt2 🪽
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there was no way you could ever like Abby. she was so mean. she was in most of your classes, and you couldn't stand her presence. she was everything you weren't. athletic, muscular, tough.
every time she saw you, it was either a nudge, a snicker, or some sort of tease. she couldn't stand you, obviously. you were a nerd, so to speak. you weren't muscular, or tough, or athletic. and you could tell she hated that.
on one specific day, you were hanging around out the back of the school. you just, liked it back there. it was quiet, somewhere you could think.
you thought nobody was there, until you felt someone push you out the way. it was Abby. of course it was.
she pushed you up against the wall, getting really close to you. you were so close you could practically be considered conjoined at the hip, it was definitely not comfortable.
" what the fuck are you doing out here? " Abby growled out, grabbing your shoulders and getting even closer. she smelled like lynx men cologne. the most obnoxious one, which wasn't surprising. (yes she wears lynx men. fight me.)
" .. nothing.. just- walking around. I like coming here to think.. " you mumbled out, intimidated by her being so close.
she scowled, roughly pushing you against the wall. you hit your head, and you felt your vision go black for a minute.
you saw Abbys face turn from pure hatred to fear when she saw you get visibly dizzy.
" fuck- are you okay? I didn't mean to hit you that hard- " she said, visibly panicked as she shook you to get some kind of reaction. she was clearly freaking the hell out, which was new.
" yea.. just.. dizzy. I'll be fine. " you said, staggering a bit. Abby gave you a look that said 'whathefucknoyouarenot' before dragging you over to the bleachers which sat nearby, she sat down with you on one of them. you felt a bit less dizzy, mostly just really confused. why the hell was one of the most popular, (most sexy) , and more importantly, your biggest bully, trying to help you right now?
you were convinced that you were somehow dreaming. that this was all one big joke. you half expected Abby to flykick you off the side of the bleachers about now. but instead, she was sitting there staring. she kept mumbling out 'im sorry' s and 'areyouokay's but you didn't really answer her. seeing her up close, when she wasn't ready to tear your face off and beat you up and down the school.. she was really pretty. you couldn't help but get lost in her. she was so mean.. but also so nice.
your fantasies were interrupted by Abby roughly shaking you. " you gonna answer me? are you okay? still dizzy? " she said, still seeming slightly panicked. you couldn't respond, just staring at her.
" .. do you uhm.. like girls? " you blurted out. maybe you hit your head too hard, or maybe suddenly you had the ego of a 6'2 jock. either way, you had just said that, out loud to her.
the look she gave you could've killed 20 soldiers. she was looking at you like you had grown horns.
" what the hell did you just say to me?! how hard did you hit your fucking head?! " she yelled. you couldn't make out her tone this time over your embarrassment. that also meant you didn't notice her blushing. the way she was stuttering and jumbling your words.
of course she liked girls, I mean look at her. but she wouldn't admit that to anyone. especially not you. you were so.. below her. but yet, you were so attractive to her. your eyes, your hair. everything.
for once, she wanted to blurt out her entire life story to someone. she wanted that person to be you.
so, she swallowed her pride,(quite literally),clearing her throat a few times before she mumbled out a quiet,
" .. yea. uhm.. I do. "
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 8 months
The reef kids brawl scene in ATWOW if Spider was there
“Are you sure?” Aonung smirked, walking around Kiri and going for her hand. “Look at these hands!” He lunged for it again and she wasn’t fast enough to pull away. “I mean, look at them!”
The younger Sully was surrounded, and although she did a good job at hiding how intimidated she felt behind annoyance, the boys circled her and she didn’t see a plausible opening to get out of this situation.
A second later though, she didn’t have to. A tan human fist smashing into ‘Nung’s face gave her enough room.
“I told you to stay the fuck away from her, asshole!” Spider growled, moving between his sister and her bully.
Momentarily, everyone stood stunned, before the reef kids circled the pair once more.
Aonung spat blood, sneering. “Oh look who it is! The house pet.”
Kiri gasped at it, putting a hand on Spider’s bicep protectively, covering his back. “He’s not a pet!”
“Really? He’s sixteen and barely up to your shoulder!”
They snickered akin to viper-wolfs, but Socorro didn’t respond to insults directed at him, instead keeping a close eye on the boys surrounding them, making sure no one grabs Kiri again.
Sighing, Aonung lost some of the cheer, instead appraising the older teen. “You’re lucky you got that pathetic mask and fragile bones. And you’re damn blessed for your master vouching on your name. Otherwise I’d done Eywa a service by putting you down.”
Now it was Spider’s turn to smirk. “You think Eywa needs YOUR help to take out the trash? If she wanted to kill me, I would’ve been nantang food ten times by now.”
Kiri tugged him away from the crowd. “C’mon Spider, let’s get out of here.”
The blonde and the raven head refused to break eye contact as the girl dragged him off the beach, where it turned out Neteyam and Lo’ak stood as well. They waited for the situation to escalate, but it seems Spider had been blessed indeed since it didn’t.
“That was very stupid.” Neteyam chastised under his breath.
Socorro’s brows furrowed. “Oh shut up. He had that coming and more. No one’s forcing him to be an ass to you whenever you’re alone.”
Behind them, they heard Aonung complaining to his pals. “Have you seen that? They can’t even keep their animal in check. Pounced on me like he was rabid.”
Lo’ak whipped his head around, offended on behalf of his brother and ready to march right back to them, but ‘Teyam ushered him forwards with a hand on his back. Spider offered no reaction to their low voices as Kiri squeezed his shoulder in reassurance.
“They’re such freaks. The whole family.”
That however, quickly made the oldest stop in his tracks.
“Imagine having to house them in your clan for fifteen seasons. Poor Omatikaya~” Chief’s son teased, and Socorro felt his breath hitch.
Neteyam looked back at him with a warning expression, almost screaming "don’t you dare", but Spider didn’t notice. He kept listening as Kiri tugged at his arm.
“Hope they get out of here soon. Their presence may send a curse on us. They’re monsters.”
How fucking dare you, Spider thought, balling his fists again. It’s just a fifth finger, what the fuck is your problem with them!?
“Spider.” Neteyam hissed.
“You seen their arms? They’re like newborn ilu! But more useless.”
“Damn it Spider!” ‘Teyam hissed louder, reaching for his wrist but Socorro slapped him away, before taking a deep breath…
And flinging his mask clean off.
“Bro!” Lo’ak’s eyes widened as Spider charged at the gang, shoving Aonung into the sand and sinking his strangely sharp fangs into his shoulder.
“Shit!” Wasting no time, Lo’ak took a boy that was about to fling the blonde off by his tail and proceeded to drag him through the beach, until another one kicked him into the stomach.
Kiri looked to Neteyam, terrified, knowing that her sibling was just one gut punch away from choking to death and growling in frustration, Neteyam hurried to join the brawl.
“AAAAGRH!! GET OFF!!” Aonung screamed, trying to shove the opponent away but Spider held onto his flesh like a predator to his prey, growling. For a moment, ‘Nung actually felt terrified of him.
‘Tey had knocked another guy away and reached Spider. “Bro you’re gonna choke! Put the mask o—“ Before getting roughly pushed into the water.
Spider had at once let go of his enemy and instead pounced on the Na’vi that attempted to uppercut Neteyam while he coughed out sand.
And among all that chaos Kiri stood wide-eyed, not knowing how to help her stupid big brother, so cursing the circumstances, she hurried back to the village.
“What the hell were you thinking, boy!?” Jake roared, shoving bruised Spider into the marui, his siblings at his heels.
Spider barely held back from rolling his eyes. “Dunno, propably how good Aonung’s blood tasted.” Before getting slapped on the back of his head.
“You better loose that damn attitude before I throw you into the sea!” Sully kept going. “We’re working day and night, trying to earn our keep and this is what you do!?”
“Dad!” Lo’ak stood between him and Spider. “Aonung was bothering Kiri, called her a freak.”
“Called the rest of the family freaks as well!” Spider added, side-stepping him. “Pitied the Omatikaya for "housing you".”
“And they called Spider a pet too.” Kiri appeared behind her father’s back, always ready to defend her brother.
Jake sighed, looking at the blonde. “Spider—“
“It wasn’t about that.” The kid cut him off. “I don’t care what they say about me! I get it, I’m ugly and different and I’m fine with it, but I won’t let a bunch of morons talk shit about my siblings for no reason. Who gave them the right?!”
“He’s the chief’s son, Spider!” Jacob hissed. “Do you know what kind of trouble we could be in!?”
Spider huffed. “If the leader has a problem with me, he can cast me out. I’m not part of the family anyway, so what do you have to loose?”
Sully didn’t miss the barely-there tinge of resentment in his words, but opted for ignoring it. “Family or not, you’re here with us, and that means we all bear responsibility for each other, and that means you have to go and apologise to Aonung this instant.”
Socorro’s jaw hit the floor. “WHAT!?”
“Father—“ Neteyam spoke.
“You heard me.” Jake stared down the blonde. “If it’s really not about you then swallow that pride and make up with him.
“I don’t know how but do it, for the family!”
“Argh!!” Socorro stomped out of the hut, but not before Sully grabbed his arm on the way out. “And you’re grounded. No late-night walks and exploring. You’ll be working your ass off to make up for what you did, got it!?”
“Yes sir.” The boy spoke, dreads concealing his face, before finally walking away after being let free.
Author’s notes: been thinking about this for such a long time and it’s finally done! Lemme know what you think 🤭
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lau219 · 29 days
Enemies with Benefits
Part 1
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​“You realize I don’t give a shit who you are, right?”
​Staring down the three men who stood on the opposite side of the bar from her, Y/N cocked her head and served the one in the middle an arched eyebrow as she spoke.
​He smiled amusedly at her, but his grin was also full of self-assurance, and he grabbed the bottle of liquor out of her hand as she looked at him, taking a swig from it. After he’d finished, he placed it smugly back down on the bar top.
​“Well, you should give a shit, love. But maybe you didn’t hear me clearly the first time.” He paused for effect before saying his name again. “Arthur Shelby.”
​But instead of the look of intimidation or regret he expected to see wash over her face, the woman behind the bar continued to just stare back at him with her same unimpressed expression.
​“I heard you,” she replied, grabbing the bottle in front of them and placing it back behind the rail, “I just don’t care.”
​Arthur’s cocky smile faltered just slightly at her statement, and he cleared his throat as she looked back up at him. He briefly shifted his eyes to the side, seeing his brother in his peripheral as he moved the barstool that stood next to him and casually sat on the edge of it, pulling out his cigarettes.
​Sitting on a barstool, Tommy decided to humor Arthur a bit longer and let him think he was running this interaction. He continued to watch the exchange between his brother and the woman behind the bar, and he noted that, for all the frequent things Arthur was wrong about, he’d at least gotten it right when he’d told him that this woman was gorgeous. But Arthur had clearly misinterpreted her looks to mean that she was as easy to deal with as she was easy on the eyes.
​“Again, that’s the wrong attitude,” Arthur said, trying to maintain an aura of control. “My brothers and I own every other club in this city, and we can make you a very rich woman, so it’d be in your best interest to care.”
​Turning slightly to his right, Arthur indicated towards the younger man standing next to him.
​“This is John,” he said as an introduction.
​Y/N nearly rolled her eyes as the younger man looked back at her with the same cockiness as Arthur and gave her a wink. Arthur then gestured to his left.
​“And this is Tommy.”
​For the first time, Y/N finally looked at the man sitting on the edge of the barstool, and their eyes locked briefly before she gave him the same look of unimpressed judgement and then scoffed.
​“You go by ‘Tommy’?” she said to him with a mocking smirk. “What are you? Eight years old?”
​Keeping her eyes on Tommy, Y/N heard John unintentionally let out a short laugh at her remark, which he then tried to cover up by pretending to cough, looking slightly nervous. She could sense Arthur tense slightly in front of her, and as she waited for a response, it became clear that Tommy was actually the ringleader of this pompous little group, not Arthur.
But instead of saying anything, Tommy only continued to stare back at her, the intensity of his blue eyes unhindered by the cloud that passed in front of his face as he blew out the smoke from his cigarette. Offhandedly, she noted how sexy this man was, and it was a shame that she could already tell how much she was going to hate him, she thought to herself.
“Introductions aside, I think you should reconsider what we’re proposing, love,” Arthur resumed the conversation. “Along with the money, there are countless perks that come along with being associated with the Shelby’s. We’re a group that can make things happen for you.”
Turning her attention back to Arthur, Y/N leaned forward, resting her forearms on the bar as she looked at him.
“Arthur, honey, you seem to have a problem understanding me, and so I’ll say this one more time – slowly, and to all of you, in case your brothers here have the same hearing problem you do.”
She then turned her head to look at John, speaking slowly and raising her eyebrows in emphasis as she spoke.
“I don’t...”
She then turned to Arthur.
“...give a shit...”
Then to Tommy.
“...who you are.”
Upon finishing, Y/N stood back up, and the expression on Arthur and John’s faces nearly made her laugh as they stared back at her, not knowing what to say or do next. But when she once again looked at Tommy, she saw that his expression remained unfazed. The silent command he had over the group was emanating from him, and as his eyes held hers, his gaze seemed to be a contradictory mix of both condescension and respect.
As Arthur made to speak a final time, Tommy finally rose from the barstool, stubbing out his cigarette as he interjected before Arthur could say anything more.
“Alright, Arthur, I think you’ve said enough.” He straightened his suit jacket as he stood up, and Y/N unwillingly noted that the voice matched the man, deep and sexy.
“You and John may as well get the hell out of here,” Tommy continued as he looked at Arthur. “It appears you aren’t very convincing.”
Arthur looked both disappointed in himself and annoyed by Tommy, who then turned back to Y/N and held her eyes, not looking at Arthur as he spoke again.
“But Miss Y/L/N and I should have our own private little chat,” he said, his eyes boring into hers. “Something tells me I’ll have better luck getting her to listen.”
Without another word, Arthur reluctantly stepped back from the bar, looking slightly defeated but trying to maintain an air of confidence as he looked at Y/N one more time before turning around and walking away, John following behind him after winking at her again.
After they were out of sight, Tommy pulled the stool he’d been using closer to the bar and sat again, resting his arm on the bar top as he looked at Y/N. His eyes trailed over her upper half as she stood behind the bar, intentionally postponing speaking to him as she wiped down the counter and then spoke to the bartender who was working alongside her. Tommy watched as her hair brushed along her bare arms as she moved, her chest enticingly accentuated by the black sleeveless vest she was wearing, several necklaces hanging from her throat and dangling into the crevice of her cleavage. When she turned around to place several glasses on the back bar, his eyes immediately went to her ass, which could not have looked more inviting or squeezable than it did in the tight black pants she had on.
Turning and finally acknowledging him again, Y/N came to a stop in front of Tommy and placed her hands on the bar top, tapping her polished nails on the counter as she looked at him.
“I’ll stop you before you even begin, and let you know that you’re wasting both your and my time, Mr. Shelby. My club’s not for sale, neither do I have any interest whatsoever in hiring outside management. And while your...charming brothers seem to be unable to understand that, you strike me as someone who can process basic concepts.”
Finally showing a change in expression, Tommy smirked at her, and Y/N couldn’t help but think what a gorgeous smile he had. But she kept her own face neutral as she waited for him to respond.
“Arthur’s charm has easily won over several other women in your position before. Makes things a lot less complicated when there’s no need to negotiate. Can’t blame me for trying.”
Ugh, the arrogance, Y/N thought. This guy clearly wasn’t used to not getting what he wanted.
“Well, as you can see, I’m not so easily manipulated – or stupid,” she said. “And now that you’ve used him to size me up, you and I can have a grown-up conversation. But it will be brief, trust me.”
Tommy smiled again, incredibly entertained and finding her confident and no-bullshit attitude refreshingly appealing and sexy. In fact, if they’d crossed paths under different circumstances, he knew he would have already had her in his car with his hand on her thigh as he drove her back to his place.
“You haven’t even heard my offer yet,” Tommy said as they looked at each other. “Let’s not be too hasty, love.”
She cocked her eyebrow at him.
“That sweet talk might work back where you’re from,” Y/N said, “but here in the good old U. S. of A., women prefer to be spoken to without the bullshit.”
“Something tells me you’re not like other women,” Tommy countered, holding her eyes.
“That may be true,” Y/N replied, “but we all prefer the absence of condescension.”
Smiling again, Tommy leaned a bit closer, his eyes darting to her red lips before looking back up.
“Don’t you also prefer equal opportunity?” he asked her. “If you’re as smart of a businesswoman as you seem to be, then you understand the importance of considering all your options.”
She cocked her head and put her hands on her hips. Clearly, this guy didn’t hear the word “no” very often.
“Come on, love. How about you pour me and yourself a drink and we can talk about possibilities.”
“I don’t waste time on possibilities, Mr. Shelby. I focus on the here and now.”
“My friends call me Tommy,” he replied.
“We’re not friends,” she said.
He smiled again, shaking his head.
“One drink,” he pushed.
At that, Y/N turned her head, looking down at a dirty glass on the bar top that was half empty, the butt of a cigarette floating around in the abandoned brown liquid. Grabbing it, she slid it across the bar to Tommy, pushing it into his hand. Then she leaned forward towards him across the bar, stopping with only inches between them, and whispered in his ear.
“Have a good night, Mr. Shelby.”
Then she drew away and straightened herself, walking off and out of sight as Tommy looked after her.
Part 2
@nyxxie-pooh @febris-amatoria @natalie--rushman @hannibellector @xsweetcatastrophe
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italiansteebie · 1 year
also on ao3
Gareth has been watching Steve Harrington. 
It was almost surreal the way he fell from the hierarchy everyone put so much importance on. It was like he ruled the school, and as soon as someone stepped up to challenge it, he gave it up like he didn’t want it in the first place. Gareth begins to wonder if he chose it, or if it was thrust upon him.
He finds out how right he was when Eddie gets accused of murder. 
He’d been at home watching the news with his mom when Eddie’s face popped up on the screen. “Oh shit,” “Gareth!” His mother scolded. “Oh- Sorry mom, that’s Eddie!” He said, exasperated and a little nervous. He knew Eddie was strange, but what the hell did he do to get accused of murdering a cheerleader? “Your friend Eddie? He’s a sweet boy, he couldn't do that.” His mother soothed. And she was right, but for the next five days Eddie was radio silent while the earth split apart and ash rained from the sky. 
He paced every day by the phone waiting for Eddie to call and tell him something. Anything. Waiting for Wayne to call him and tell him the funeral date, or the court date to testify against the charges but it never came. Instead, he got a call from a guy sounding right around his age, and when he listened closer the voice identified itself as one Steve Harrington, who’d gotten his number off Dustin Henderson, one of Eddie’s “Sheep.” 
Eddie was in the hospital, he wasn’t okay, but he was alive, and as much as Gareth wanted to see Eddie, ask him what the hell happened, and slap him silly, he couldn’t help the morbid curiosity that came with Steve Harrington being mixed up in all of this. Was he the one who killed Chrissy? No. No way. Steve can’t even throw a punch, he’s seen him try. 
He got to the hospital, seeing Steve sitting in the lobby, head in his hands and a bright red ring around his neck. There was a girl next to him, rubbing his back, and when Gareth looked closer, he discovered that it was Robin from band. He snorted, he didn’t think Steve was anywhere near Robin’s type but… Well, he’s been wrong before. 
Dustin was sitting across from them, looking a bit more put together, and he wondered how long they’d been sitting in the lobby, and if Steve had gone home. Dustin’s eyes meet his, and he waves him over. “Hey, Gareth. Uh. I had Steve call you. I figured you’d want to see Eddie?” He posed it as if he was unsure, the more kid looked exhausted and wondered what possibly could have happened between the murder acquisition and the earthquake that got this odd group of people strung together. The three here seemed comfortable with each other, and the morbid curiosity returned. What was King Steve doing with these people? Not that there was anything wrong with them, it was just so… Different. Gareth realizes he’d been just kind of idling, so he shook himself from his thoughts, “Uhm, yeah. Is he okay? What happened?” He stuttered out nervously. The two boys made eye contact from their adjacent  plastic chairs, seemingly having a silent conversation. 
Steve gave him a sharp nod before standing, “Dust, stay here with Robs. Wayne should be here soon and you can bring him back to Eddie’s room, kay? Rob, feel free to go to Max or Eddie’s room.” He looked at Gareth, studying him, before waving a hand as to say “follow me.” 
Gareth followed hesitantly, looking over his shoulder at Robin and Dustin who were watching them right back. Steve led them silently to a room before stopping at the door. “Look, Gareth. We don't…  We don’t know each other and what I’m about to tell you is going to be hard to swallow, but per the request of Eddie, I will explain, please.” Steve’s voice wavered and broke before he continued. “Please, don’t ask any questions until I’m done and I am begging you, don’t share this with anyone who doesn't enter this room, okay?” Gareth swallowed thickly, no matter what, Steve was intimidating, so he nodded, and listened as the other boy launched into the story. Starting with little Will Byers, who came back from the dead.
By the end of it, Gareth was a little more than shell shocked, and the exhausted look on Steve’s face told him that he didn’t really have a choice except to believe him, somehow it made sense. He uttered a simple, “Okay.” And that was that. 
“Eddie’s in rough shape but he is okay, just so you know. I’ll… Wait out here til you guys are done…” Steve said before pushing the door open for him. “Gareth, my main man. Thanks for briefing him, Stevie.” Eddie’s voice came out croaking and dry, and out of the corner of his eye he could see a faint blush spreading across Steve’s face at the nickname. Huh. The door shut, “Stevie?” 
“Oh, shut up Gareth. That’s what you’re focused on? I'm in a hospital bed.”
Gareth rolled his eyes, “You’re sitting up and calling King Steve ‘Stevie.” He scoffed, to which Eddie rolled his eyes. “He’s… Not that bad anymore, in fact he might be… Really, really good.” The soft voice and the fond look on Eddie’s face made Gareth squeal. But y’know, a manly squeal. “EDDIE OH  MY GOD.” Eddie ducked his head, they both flinched at the door swinging open. “What’s wrong? I heard screaming. Is everything okay?” Steve rambled out, softening when he realized everything was still in order. “S-sorry, I’ll” He stuttered out, shoving his thumb back towards the door. “Stevie, c’mere sweetheart.” Eddie said, patting the side of his bed, scooching over to make room for him. 
Steve sat, grabbing Eddie’s hand, eyes flicking over to Gareths occasionally. “It’s okay, Stevie. He’s my best friend, he knows. Well, not about… He knows I like boys, kay?” Eddie raises their clasped hands, planting a soft kiss on Steve’s knuckles. He turns to Gareth, “It’s new. But… It’s good. Really good.” Gareth smiled at this, before fake gagging at the cuteness, they were going to be insufferable weren’t they? 
It wasn’t until a few months later that Gareth really found out the backstory behind King Steve. It was a more depressing story than he’d thought it would be. 
They’d been playing DnD in Steve’s basement, after he’d allowed them to set up shop there every week for their campaigns claiming “No one ever uses it anyways,” with a shrug. There was a twinkle of something sad in Steve’s eye but he didn’t pay much attention to it. It wasn’t until later in the game that it all came to a front.
Eddie introduced a new NPC, quite obviously based on Steve, and most of them took it well. They were happy for the two and their new found love, but Eric, apparently, had a grudge stronger than a demogorgon. 
“Knight Steviengton? Seriously? That lumps not a Knight. What’s he ever done?” Eric scoffed, Eddie began to reply before Eric cut him off, voice coming out sharp. “More like ‘Useless King Steve who’s only worth his parents money.’” Eddie’s head whipped around at the sound of the basement door closing, Steve disappearing from his spot on the couch where he watches the story unfold and takes notes so they remember where they left off. 
Eddie might as well have cast Eric out with the look in his eyes, everyone watched as the guy sunk back into his seat as Eddie sauntered over to him, a dark look in his eyes. “Tell me, Eric. Do you like having me as a DM?” Eric spluttered, a weak “yeah,” coming out eventually. “Okay. Good, good. Now tell me. If you like me so much, why would you curse the most important person in my life? The person who saved my life?” 
“He’s- He’s just… King Steve…” Was the meak answer that left Eric's lips. “Did he ever do anything to you?” It was silent. Eddie slammed his hands on the table, “No. He didn’t. Because he would NEVER stoop so low as to put his hands on another person. In fact, I explicitly remember him telling Tommy H. to back off, don’t you?” His voice was loud and aggressive. 
“You know, he tries so hard, to make up for the asshole he was in high school, and you fucking… TURDS, won’t accept anything! It’s not his fault he was basically bred specifically to be a reincarnation of his god awful father. And now that he’s finally out of their control, because they basically disowned him after the earthquake, leaving nothing but this god forsaken house!” Eddie paused, breathing heavily, “You can’t forgive him? He saved my life.” His voice was soft at that moment, before his eyes returned to their fiery state. “And I am in love with him, and if that’s not good enough for you? You can get the fuck out of HIS house, and find yourself a new goddamn DM.” 
There was no response from Eric, “Whatever, session over. Goodbye.” Eddie waved a hand before going upstairs, likely to check on Steve. 
Gareth looked at Eric, “Not cool, man. Steve’s a pretty good guy when you get to know him.” He shook his head before standing up, moving to grab his stuff and leave. Jeff nodded in agreement, “I mean, he lets us use his basement, and eat his food, and he keeps it clean for us…  Dick move, Eric.” 
“Well. Fine. I’ll just leave then! Since you guys are all up King Steve’s ass for NO REASON.” Gareth watched the outburst with his arms crossed, unimpressed, “Well. Go on then.” He said, motioning to the door. 
“This is ridiculous!” Eric threw his arms up and stormed out of the house. 
The rest of the group trickled out after that, leaving Gareth alone in the house. He crept up the stairs, finding Steve’s room before knocking gently. “Come in,” He heard Eddie say from the other side. Seeing Steve Harrington cry was something he’d never expected to see, and honestly it was kind of heart breaking. “Hey, Gare.” Eddie said, combing a hand through Steve’s hair. 
“I just… Wanted to say that what Eric said wasn’t cool… And the rest of us don’t agree with him at all, we all think you’re like super cool, and good for Eddie. I mean, you’re the only one who can get him to eat vegetables!” Gareth said, voice lifting at the end. This rendered a tearful laugh from Steve. “Thanks Gareth. I really try to be… better than I was.”
“You are,” The assure came from both Eddie and Gareth with such finality that it didn’t give him any room to argue. This rendered another soft laugh from Steve. Wiping his eyes “Feel free to crash here, we’ve got enough rooms, and food, o-or whatever.” It came out awkward, and hopeful. Gareth nodded, letting a smile spread across his face, “Thanks, Steve. I’ll take you up on that. Good night, guys.”
He shut the door softly behind him, venturing to one of the guest rooms that lined the halls.
Steve Harrington could use some more friends, Gareth decided at that moment, he was going to be one of them. 
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reqxxyt · 1 year
"Are you ever going to settle down" p.g
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pairings: piere gasly x f!reader
warnings: rushed ending, sexual interactions mentioned
“Are you ever going to settle down?” my middle-aged aunt sat across from me and asked with the same passive-aggressive smile she gave the rest of the family. I could feel my own mother tense at her words knowing a relationship is the last thing I want and I expressed that very proudly. But instead of trying to get into another stupid argument on how I don’t need a guy to fulfill my needs and wants I just shook my head and smiled the fakest I’ve ever gave. 
“I’m content on my own” I summarized my speech that wanted to itch out of my throat. Her smile dropped before being replaced with one that leaked sympathy, something I hate being the reciprocate of. She turned to my mom, hoping to hear some words from her but all she got was a shrug. 
“What about having children?” I had clearly seen that question coming, being nearly 28 and having most women figures in my family start their family in their early twenties, it's strange to hear someone claim they don’t want kids. At least any time soon. 
“Not in the plan right now,” I said with the urge to leave, hating the interrogating questions. I’ve had my fair share of relationships and I figured out they just aren’t for me. Plus, I am terrible with kids. All the kids I’ve approached just see me as a quiet, intimidating person that stares down at them because they refused to go down on their knees as they have a sensitive backs. 
Later on that same day, I was on a call with my friend of nearly a decade complaining about my aunt and her unnecessary sympathy. 
“Maybe you should consider going back into dating,” she said on edge because she knew how much I hated when people suggested the option. Instead of declaring the same thing I did with my aunt, I simply stared her down until she rolled her own eyes. “Just saying. You can’t live your whole life in a club and hook up with the first person you deem attractive”
“Doesn’t sound so bad” I shrugged but knowing it was a terrible life path. “Besides, I just don’t think there are people out there who want the same things as me. To not have kids right away, to be lenient and just let the relationship be itself until it either ends or feels right.”
“There are lots but okay,” she said and I wanted to groan, starting to become frustrated at the entire situation. “How about I set you up with someone?”
“You?” I asked already hating the idea of that happening. She nodded before saying “Hear me out. I have this distant friend who lives near you, I think you’ve seen him at my boyfriend birthday. Really nice, definitely your type”
“Type? Are we in high school?” I said judging her choice of words making her now the one to give me a blank stare. 
“Shut up. Besides, it will give you a chance to escape from the whole relationship talk with your aunt”
The more I thought about it, the more it didn’t sound so insane to me. Doesn’t hurt to give it a chance, right?
“Fine,” I said and she smiled brightly. “If this doesn’t work, you have to name your kid after me” 
“Never happening. But, if this does work, you have to allow me to make a speech at your wedding” and like that, we made a deal. 
I dressed in a simple outfit, figuring it was going to be cold wearing a blazer with a black long sleeve and dress pants. I hated going on dates because of the first impression and since I had never met this person before, their first impression is visuals. Not like I had much of a choice either way. 
I entered the coffee shop not spotting anyone that stood out and looking as if waiting for someone. I walked up to the cashier ordering a simple latte already imagining the worse as I frantically texted my friend, asking her when he would arrive. 
“Y/n?” I heard my name being spoken from a familiar french accent. I turned around and my movements froze. 
Well he’s definitely my type. I had seen him at the party my friend mentioned. I’d even talked to him, ending up at his place before leaving the next morning without exchanging another word to each other. 
My eyes widened, immediately recognizing him while he searched my face with a curious gaze, trying to recognize me before finally remembering. 
“Well, I finally got your name” he said with a small smile, finding it comical while I wanted to die internally. The one time I hooked up with a guy at a mutual party turns out to be my blind date my friend set me up with. We stood in silence for a moment before I finally looked down, no longer being able to look at his colored eyes. “Pierre”
“Y/n” I said out of pure habit before realizing he already knew my name and face palmed myself, ready to dig my own grave. He only laughed assuring it was fine, ordering his own coffee while I stood on the side waiting for him to finish. 
We sat next to a window, a small booth forcing to face each other. He was the first to speak “I honestly didn’t think I would see you again. Especially like this”
“Neither did I” i mumbled, barely heard by him. I immediately felt terrible for leaving without not saying anything. “I’m sorry for just leaving, I-”
“It’s fine” he shrugged before I could finish my excuse. “Want to start over?”
Hearing those words with his small, comforting smile somehow made me want to stay. I didn’t feel the need to run away like many other situations, I felt okay being here. I wanted to stay. 
“Sure, Pierre” testing out how his name rolled off my tongue, loving it myself. I caught his cheeks getting pinker, whether from the freezing degree whether or my two words, I’ll never know until I would ask months later. “What do you like to do?”
“Well…” and the conversation flowed from there. After the first couple of dates, he asked me out and I without much mental debatting, agreed allowing the relationship to flow on its own. 
After a long 3 years, he asked me to marry him. Again, no hesitation needed. No questioning myself whether this was for the best. 
I didn’t settle down for him. I settled down with him. 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Confidence Booster
You get advice from Aphrodite on how to feel more self-confident in yourself and get a new outfit, but your lover is quick to assure you otherwise that you have no reason to feel self-conscious.
It had been a rough couple of weeks on your confidence, once again, swimsuit season was upon you, girls wearing bikinis and more risqué looking swimsuits, men ogling, and for flat chested girls like you, it was the envious time of year. You had been feeling a bit shy around your lover, feeling inadequate; he had noticed your change in mood and the slight change in your wardrobe, where you were wearing looser tops, ones that hid your figure a bit more, on top at least. Aphrodite was the one who actually approached you, having also seen the change in your demeanor and had seen your envious looks at her and other, more endowed, women. She wasn’t cruel or teasing in anyway and actually gave me some great words of wisdom that the sexiest thing on women was confidence. If a woman was comfortable in a swimsuit, the air of confidence is what gets men to look at her, not just the half-naked body. She told you to get some clothes, a new outfit that would make you feel confident and to wear it around your lover and see his reaction. You were a bit hesitant at first but wanted to try anything that would help, and you immediately went out shopping.
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According to the ladies in the shop, this dress had been dubbed the Virgin Killer Dress, which was a bit intimidating, but once you had it on, you felt so naughty, but at the same time, exhilarated, something deep inside you swelling up and you instantly bought it. Once home, you tried it on again, looking at yourself in the floor length mirror you had in your bedroom, a faint blush on your cheeks but a smile on your lips. You felt so pretty and sexy! For the first time in weeks, you felt confident about your looks, twirling in front of the mirror, before you beamed, your hands on your hips before they smoothed across your belly, feeling the soft fabric, “I wonder what he’ll think about this dress.” Your bedroom door opened, and you turned, eyes wide as your eyes met his own.
-Buddha- He blinked once, then twice, eyes wide, seeing the dress on your thin body, swallowing hard as he saw that your back was bare before his eyes went back to your face that was bright red. You weren’t ready to show him this dress just yet, not mentally prepared, but obviously he was as he quickly entered, stalking towards you. You squeaked, stepping back towards your closet and his hands slammed down on either side of your head, pinning you to the closet door as you looked up at him. His eyes were blown wide, and steam seemed to be coming from his mouth as he smirked, his bright eyes looking at you, over the top of his glasses, “I know we made plans to go out, but I think we’re going to stay here instead.” His wild, almost feral look made your own body grow hot as your breath hitched, his hands going to your shoulders, sliding down your bare back as he pulled you closer, a soft whine escaping you before his hands slid forward, pulling the dress so your chest was exposed, the dress bunched in the middle. He licked his lips like you were one the tastiest treats he had ever seen before he kneeled, grabbing your right thigh before hiking it up over his shoulder as his other hand, his nails, scratched gently down your body from your shoulder, over one of your nipples, making you jolt slightly as he grinned up at you, eyes bright, “I’m going to devour you!” Needless to say, he liked the dress and requested you to wear it more often.
-Hercules- He turned white in shock, eyes wide and jaw dropped, seeing you standing there in such an outfit. Your breath hitched as you faced him, your hands coming up to your chest and he saw the skin of your exposed back in the mirror. You turned a bit shy, seeing his reaction, quietly pondering if he liked it or not, twirling a piece of hair around your index finger, “Do- do you like it?” his shocked façade quickly dropped as he stood up straight, making it look like he was towering over you, shadows covering the top part of his face, but you could see the red glints of his eyes. You felt like a rabbit staring at a lion, as a little squeak escaped your lips. You took a step back and tripped over the shirt you had been wearing earlier, falling back and he froze, seeing a pair of pale pink panties now on full display and instantly he lunged, pinning you to the ground. You didn’t see this side of Hercules very often, as he was usually sweet and gentle around you, but you weren’t complaining as his hands grabbed your hips, moving so his hips were between your legs as he seemed to leer down at you, “I’m not going to be gentle- not today. Not while you look like this.” the smile on your lips betrayed your blush as he could see that you were happy with his reaction as you grabbed the front of his shirt, batting your eyes demurely up at him as he was quick to descend down onto you.
-Poseidon- He folded his arms under his own chest, an eyebrow rising as he took in the outfit you were wearing. It was rather alluring, almost naughty. He approached with a small sound leaving him, one you couldn’t place as he circled you like a stalking shark, looking at your body, making you feel a bit shy. He saw that you were nervous and grabbed your chin, his grip firm but not hurting as he made you look up at him, “Is this what you and Aphrodite were talking about?” You glanced away for a moment as his hand dropped from your chin, moving instead to your shoulder, circling again, his hand trailing down your bare back slowly. The more he saw the more he grew closer to jumping your bones as you answered him, “She told me to get something that makes me feel confident in myself.” Your words surprised him, as your felt his hand still, only for a moment, before he embraced you from behind, one hand sliding across your lower belly to grip the opposite hip while the other trailed up your body to your neck, giving it a soft squeeze, meant to get your attention. He turned you both so you were staring at the mirror, the hand on my hip lowering to grab the end of the dress, pulling it up so he could see the pale blue panties you were wearing, his favorite pair. He hummed softly into your neck before pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder, “I need to show you how sexy you are then, so you never doubt yourself again.” Your breath hitched as he sat down on top of the kotatsu in your room, making you sit on his lap, your legs over his, holding you open so he could see everything in the mirror as he let out a small growl, his hand lowering from your neck and down to your hips.
-Hades- He was on you in almost an instant, pinning you to the closet door, one hand pinning both of your wrists above your head while the other was cupping your cheek, one leg slid between your own, forcing them apart. You were surprised by his forwardness as his eyes seemed to burn into your own, a dark smirk appearing on his lips as his tongue poked out to lick them, “My-my, such a provocative outfit, my little rabbit. Was this what you were talking to Aphrodite about~ to learn how to seduce me?” You couldn’t help but stammering, face flushed which made his grin widen before you looked away, a bit shy before you gave a soft nod, “She gave me advice on what to do to be more confident in myself.” This made him pause, his hand releasing your wrists, moving to your waist to hug you to him as the other cupped your cheek, “Confident in yourself? Did something happen that made you question your beauty?” Your eyes avoided his own, a silent tell for not wanting to talk as your hands gripped his shirt, “My… are you okay that-that my chest is tiny?” The question made him pause before he chuckled softly, grinding his thigh up into your crotch, making your breath hitch slightly but it got your attention back on him, eyes wide, “My silly little rabbit~ your small chest adds to your charm, I can’t see you any other way, but if you need a confidence booster. I’m happy to oblige to show you what you do to me.” his voice dropped in tone, making your voice hitch as his hands were quick to catch yours again, pinning you down once more.
-Loki- He let out a low whistle, looking at you up and down as he approached quickly, taking one hand in his, making you twirl for him, “My-my-my, what a delightful looking outfit~ not really appropriate for what we had planned.” You had made plans to go out together, but he wasn’t supposed to be there for another hour or so. He backed you to your bed, making you sit before he crawled onto the bed to hang over you, forcing you to your back, his knees on either side of your hips as he grinned like he was going to get a special present, “Or was that your plan all along, to seduce me in staying home and making me ravage you for hours?” steam was coming off your face and head from how hard you were blushing, but he relished each shade you turned, as teasing you and getting you riled up was one of his favorite things to do. However, seeing you in such an outfit, and hearing your words questioning if he would like it, made him feel so warm and happy inside, that you did this just for him. He licked his lips again, his eyes narrowing as his hands went to your bed on either side of your head, lowering to where your noses were barely touching, “Not that I’m not happy about seeing you in such an outfit, you don’t have to try very hard to seduce me, Y/N. You could just wink at me, and I’d be more than happy to rail you into the bed.” You let out a squeak which made him grin which grew as a smile appeared on your lips. You had no idea that he was going to like it this much, turning your head a bit bashfully to the side, “But I bought two more in different colors, do you want me to not wear them?” like electricity was in his eyes he seemed to snap, and he pounced with a grin, relishing the delighted squeal you gave him.
-Odin- His dear ravens had reported to their master about what Aphrodite and you had spoken about, it annoyed the Norse god that the Greek goddess was giving you advice that you didn’t need. You were stunning to him, but to hear that you were feeling bad about yourself helped him make his decision that he needed to show you that you didn’t need Aphrodite’s advice. However, standing in the doorway to your bedroom, seeing you in such an outfit, just for him, after he had heard your words, he looked like a wolf ready to pounce, a smirk appearing on his lips and a glint in his eye. You felt a bit embarrassed being caught, as you weren’t ready to show him the dress just yet; you wanted to leap into your closet to get dressed and he noticed the movement and he spoke, “Come here.” You tensed only slightly at his command, recognizing the tone, and you felt your cheeks warming as you approached, your hands up by your chest, feeling a bit shy under his gaze. He leered down at you, “Turn around, show me your dress.” You turned, showing him your bare back in the low-cut dress. He kept having you turn, showing him the different angles of the dress, holding your arms up so he could see the sides. You felt yourself getting hot just by the way he was leering at you, a hungry look in his eye. He pointed to the kotatsu you kept in your room, giving you another command, “Sit and face me.” You did as you were told, sitting on the edge of the kotatsu, facing him as he kneeled, pulling his hair back into a ponytail, “Spread your legs.” Your breath hitched which made him smirk up at you before you followed his instructions. He grabbed one of your ankles before pressing a soft kiss to your calf, “I need to reward the gift you have presented me with.” His other hand slid up your other leg, up to your thigh as he pressed kisses to your other leg, slowly trailing up, keeping his eye locked with yours.
-Kojiro- He instantly turned, a blush on his face, “I’m sorry for walking in on you! I should have knocked!” he had a hand to his face, to keep him from looking at you, but he wanted nothing more to look again and again and never look away. He wasn’t prepared to have your hands grab onto his shirt, making him freeze as you spoke, “I-I wanted to wear this for you, Kojiro. Do you like it?” he turned back, hearing your words, you looked so precious, so innocent, looking up at him, but the outfit that clung to your body made him betray himself as his hands met your hips, before he froze again, feeling your bare back, and he pulled away. You turned, showing him the back of the dress and he slowly felt himself slipping as you continued to act shy, asking him if he liked it. Kojiro snapped as you twirled, flashing a bit of your pink panties and almost instantly he was on top of you, having easily taken you to the ground, one of his large hands pinning your own above your head, making your spine arch a bit, your chest sticking up. He smirked down at you, a feral, wild look in his eyes, “You are playing a dangerous game, Y/N, tempting me like this.” You squeaked cutely before you spoke, looking away, “I wanted to be more confident before I showed it to you.” His free hand cupped the back of your leg, squeezing the fat of your thigh just a bit as he pulled it up around his hip, grinding down into your core which caused a moan to rip from your throat, “Confident you say? Do you feel confident when I’m reacting like this?” You didn’t answer, panting softly and he bucked again, “Answer me!” a breathy moan was his answer as you tried to get your hands free, wanting to touch him. He chuckled softly, his eyes flashing brightly down at you, “Guess I’ll need to prove this to you, so you never have to question your confidence again. Now your endurance, I’ll have you questioning that very quickly.” He grinded again, making another moan tear from your throat as he finally attacked.
-Jack- He was frozen in the doorway, eyes wide as he took in your form in the dress, which barely covered anything, his heart rate slowly increasing. Your inner colors told him you were embarrassed but also happy, seeing him in shock, and what made him snap out of his trance that you put him in, was arousal. You were getting excited about the way he was looking at you. He chuckled softly, loosening his tie around his neck before rolling his sleeves up, as he had removed his hat and coat at the front door, “My dear, you look absolutely delightful wearing such an alluring dress, all for me if I’m to assume?” You nodded softly, a smile appearing, “I did, do you like it?” before you gave a dainty twirl, making his throat clench only slightly before he swallowed hard, his tongue coming out to lick his lips. He lowered his stance only slightly, confusing you as his mismatched eyes met my own, “Make me work for my treat. Run.” He lunged at you, and you were quick to dodge, a squeal leaving your lips as you ran out of the room and he gave chase, finding the hunt sometimes more exhilarating than the reward. This chasing game was nothing new for Jack, it got your blood pumping and made it feel so much naughtier once he caught you, but it felt particularly risqué today, seeing your bare back just out of his grasp. You rounded a corner into the living room, and he tackled you onto the large sofa, a squeal leaving your lips. He sat up while pinning your hands down before he froze, seeing that your sweater had been pulled down a bit, revealing your nipples on either side and he chuckled darkly, lower his head, you could feel the hot puffs of air he was releasing on your lips, “Now then~ what should I enjoy first, hmm?” You let out a small moan at his words, the sound shooting from his brain to his crotch instantly, a groan leaving his own lips.
-Huang- He leaned against the doorway, a smile on his face as he took in your body, “Ooh~ how lovely. Of course, I love it.” the smile on your lips made his heart warm as he stood straight, approaching you, looking almost like a tiger stalking towards its prey. He smirked, seeing you take a step back as his eyes flashed, chuckling darkly, “Ah-ah, no running away~ you’re the one who seduced me, little rabbit. If you run, I’ll have no choice but to chase~” As tempting as that sounded, as you’ve done it before, you hesitated, allowing his arms to hug you to his warm body. He hummed in delight, feeling your bare back and he looked to the mirror, a feral smirk appearing, seeing the naked skin. His hands began to stroke your back, mapping out patterns as his lips met your cheek, peppering it with soft kisses, moving around your face, ignoring your lips as his hands drifted lower, rubbing your hips before he felt the band of your panties. His lips finally met yours, almost ravenously, forcing his tongue into your mouth to play; a tiny moan escaped you and he instantly moved his hands down, leaning over to cup your thighs, pulling you up easily so your legs wrapped around his hips. He was quick to pin you to the bed, looming over you, his hands stroking down your thighs, forcing the dress up a bit before he pulled back, panting softly, seeing the red panties hugging your hips. He smirked, his hands coming to your hips and rubbing upwards, his thumbs finding your nipples behind my dress, making you whine softly as he focused in on your nipples, rubbing the fabric of the dress against them, “I enjoy seeing you completely bare when I make you mine, but I think I’ll make an exception for this dress, since it was all just for me.” You gave him a small smile, happy that he liked your surprise, even though you weren’t ready to show him just yet, as his hands trailed down your body again.
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cceanvvaves · 8 months
coffee mugs; p.jh
(moved to isanggayfrog) warning: none
You glared, so she glared harder.
Moving in with Jihyo is, so far, the biggest step you two have taken in this relationship. You used to fantasize about it - think of all the late night talks and breakfasts and bed there would be! However, the first few weeks - months, even - were... worse than expected. The two of you had never lived together before, which meant that you didn't know each other's living habits.
You always fought about little things: where to leave dirty clothes, whether to keep the curtains closed or open, what time to wake up on weekends, and so on, and so forth.
Thankfully, you and Jihyo had sat down and talked and came to agreements, so things became better, and living together became natural for the both of you.
That doesn't mean you didn't get into disagreements from time to time.
Jeongyeon had come over earlier that week with a mug set for you and Jihyo. Unfortunately, you didn't get the chance to open it until now.
There were two mugs inside: a brown mug with the words 'TOP' in white, and a white mug with 'BOTTOM' in brown.
You and Jihyo simultaneously understood that this was one of Jeongyeon's not-so-funny pranks, but the competitive flames in both of you ignited. Neither of you would accept to use the 'BOTTOM' mug, because that would admit that you were... well, the bottom in the relationship.
Of course, the mugs didn't actually connect to your real-life dynamics, but you felt the need to show your dominance nonetheless.
"Y/N, please," Jihyo repeats for the nth time. "Just take it. It's not as if you'd be crowned 'World's Biggest Bottom' or something."
"You begging like that doesn't seem very 'top' either," you point out, somewhat teasing.
"I'm not begging." She huffs. "I'm simply trying to convince you."
"Not gonna happen."
The two of you stand there for a couple more minutes, glaring with your arms crossed in an attempt to intimidate the other. Neither backs down.
"It's just a mug," you finally sigh. Jihyo's eyes light up, but her face falls with your next words. "You take it, it fits you more."
Her lips part. "Are you crazy? What if the girls come over and see me holding that? They would never live it down."
"Then why don't we just keep it in the cupboard?"
Jihyo blinks. It's a logical solution, but she shakes her head. "I'm really close with Jeongyeon. She might feel bad if she doesn't see us using it."
"Then you take it." You purse your lips to prevent yourself from laughing at Jihyo's expression. "I'm pretty sure Jeongyeon only gave this to us for a laugh, Jih."
"I knew that the moment we opened it." She smirks. "I just wanted to see you admit that you were a bottom for me."
"What?" You gasp. "If anything, you're the one who-"
You weren't able to finish your sentence because a pair of soft lips smash onto yours. You immediately melt, hands falling to rest gently on her hips, smiling when you feel her playing with the hair on the back of your neck.
Jihyo's lips part, allowing you to deepen the kiss. You're pretty sure this kiss wasn't innocent - this is definetely still related to the mugs. And you're not losing.
You turn around to pin her carefully on the counter, making sure not to hit the mugs so as to avoid breaking them. Cleaning up wasn't on your to-do list today.
Jihyo's grip on your hair tightens when your hand slips underneath her shirt, your cold fingers caressing her stomach.
Smirking, you pull away only to put your lips on her neck instead, kissing and even softly biting at her skin.
"Not in the kitchen," she forces out, a blissful sigh escaping from her throat when you reach that certain spot.
She whines when you stop. "I'm thinking you didn't kiss me because I looked hot, did you?"
"No," she admits. "I wanted to catch you off-guard and make you agree to take the white one."
"That's cheating," you complain. "But it didn't work anyway, did it?"
"No," she repeats, rolling her eyes.
"Instead it was the other way 'round." You grin.
Jihyo frowns. "I didn't agree to anything."
"Your body certainly did."
"Y/N!" She scolds, lightly slapping your arm.
"What? Forget about the mugs." You're laughing now. You take her hand in yours and kiss the pout off her lips. "You said not in the kitchen. What about in the bedroom, my love?"
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panandinpain0 · 8 months
Can Hermione x fem!reader (or any you’re comfortable with) exist where the reader’s a slytherin but actively a good person-
like she’s a pureblooded snake but like, the cute ones with big eyes and that smile at you
like she’s a super competitive quidditch captain, and has slytherin friends, but she also shows the nervous ravenclaw first years around and has study groups with her hufflepuff friends and eats at the gryffindor table sometimes??
ok bye I just think it could be cute
Study Group
My favorite kind of character to write for deadass.
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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Literally Reader ^^^
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“Slytherin wins!” the announcer shouts over the sounds coming from the stands on the quidditch field. A mixture of "boo"'s and cheering were heard, a conflict seemingly starting out in the Gryffindor stands.
(Y/N), a chaser and Slytherins quidditch team captain, flew over to her seeker, holding up the arm that held the snitch and cheering with everyone. Patting the seeker’s shoulder, (Y/N) smiled and congratulated him.
The team flew back to the ground, heading to the showers before being intercepted by the crowd.
“You fly better than Angelina!” Fred shouted, his arm going over the captain’s shoulder.
“Don’t let her hear you saying that,” George warned, arm going around (Y/N)’s other shoulder. 
The Weasleys were a family friend of the (L/N)’s so they'd grown up together like siblings. When they started at Hogwarts and (Y/N) was sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor they were disappointed, but got over it pretty soon after. Well, it took Ron a bit longer, but he got there. To make up for it, (Y/N) would sit at the Gryffindor table at dinner sometimes.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and ducked out of their hold, wiping the sweat from her brow.
“Thanks boys, we worked hard,” (Y/N) replied, patting George’s arm before going to walk away again.
She was startled when Ron was suddenly in her face, Harry and Hermione behind him.
“Bloody Hell, (Y/N)!” Ron shouted, grabbing her upper arms and shaking her around. “That catch, and the pass- and when you-!” He continued to stutter out incoherent praises.
“You did great out there,” Hermione congratulated for him as Harry tried to calm him down.
(Y/N) replied with a laugh, “Thanks Hermione. I’m really proud of my team, they really gave it their all. You should’ve seen how hard I’ve been working them, I’m surprised they don’t hate me.” She smiled jokingly at Hermione.
“No one could hate you,” Hermione responded seriously to the joke. (Y/N) seemed to soften at that, her exhaustion beginning to show.
“Thanks, ‘Mione.” She patted her shoulder.
(Y/N) would have hugged her but she didn’t want to get Hermione dirty.
“Mind helping me escape?” (Y/N) laughed, gesturing to the crowd surrounding them. Hermione laughed and nodded, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand and pulling her away.
When they got to the Quidditch showers, Hermione let go.
“Do you think we’re safe now?” (Y/N) whispered conspiratorially, a laugh lilting the end of her sentence. She tried to stop herself from reaching out for Hermione’s hand.
“I think we are,” Hermione laughed back. The Gryffindor herself was missing the warmth. 
There’d always been tension between them. When they’d first met Hermione was intimidated by (Y/N), seeing as she was in the year above her, and also a Slytherin. Hermione never had much luck with Slytherins.
Not to mention she was gorgeous, and it’s terrifying talking to beautiful people. (Y/N) had always sensed Hermione’s discomfort and was always trying to make ‘Mione feel comfortable. They’d grown closer over these past 5 years, but the tension was different than before.
“Well, I’d better shower before dinner,” (Y/N) lazily pointed behind herself to the door.
“Want me to save you a spot at the Gryffindor table? You know Wood will want to talk to you about Ravenclaw’s defeat.” Hermione really wanted her to say yes. They hardly spent enough time together as it is, and even if she doesn’t have a chance with (Y/N) she still enjoys her company.
“For sure, Granger. Make sure it’s next to you, yeah?” (Y/N) winked with a mischievous smirk. (Y/N) would often playfully flirt with Hermione to see her reaction, heat spreading up her neck and around her face.
And that’s exactly the reaction she got, Hermione’s gaze shy as she looked to her feet. She nodded and bit her lip, watching (Y/N) walk through the doorway.
At Dinner…
All of the Gryffindor’s were shouting over each other, the twins practically on the table as they argued with Oliver, their own captain. They’d already talked about the game, Wood practically interrogating the game plans they used from (Y/N). Now he was red in the face, scoffing at the twins.
(Y/N) and Hermione were on the sidelines, having a conversation about her study group. Ron and Harry would pop in every once in a while, but were also having a conversation about what Draco was up to this week.
“Lila, she’s from Hufflepuff- a third year- was having some trouble with Care of Magical Creatures. Something about nifflers? I don’t know, that girl is so quiet I have to have Becca translate for me.” (Y/N) shook her head sympathetically.
“Poor thing,” Hermione agreed, putting down her cup after having a sip. “Maybe I could come to the next one? It could be nice to have another person to help.”
“Sure, we’re meeting tomorrow in the library after lunch. Have you got a free period then?” (Y/N) asked, taking a bite of the food in front of her. Hermione hummed in confirmation, not trusting her voice.
She was so excited. Maybe she could start going to all of their study groups! She smiled to herself as she continued eating.
The Next Day…
Lunch was ending and Hermione stood up excitedly, practically buzzing.
“Someone’s excited,” Harry teased in a sing-song voice.
“It’s because she’s off to see her girlfriend~!” Fred and George replied.
“Oh, ‘Mione’s got a girlfriend now? Looks like I’ve got competition,” (Y/N) announced her presence, smiling at Hermione. She blushed at the quip and smiled back.
“Ignore them, they’re idiots.” Hermione shot the boys a glare.
“Trust me, I know. Shall we?” (Y/N) held up her arm, beckoning Hermione to wrap her arm around hers. Once she did they were off, leaving the boys behind.
When they got out into the corridor (Y/N) didn’t pull away like Hermione expected. They made small talk, (Y/N) waving to her friends when they passed. Hermione slowly trailed off her sentence when (Y/N) stopped walking.
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked, looking around herself to assure they weren’t at their destination yet.
“Look.” (Y/N) pointed at a Ravenclaw, seemingly a first year. He was crying, sitting against the wall and shielding his face as his body shook. (Y/N) unhooked her arm from Hermione's and walked up to him, crouching down to his level.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” (Y/N) asked gently, but still frightened the first year. He flinched, uncovering his face to look at (Y/N). He seemed confused after he saw the color of her robes. Why would a Slytherin be nice to him?
He sniffled, “My classroom changed places and I can’t find it. I just got its new location memorized and then it moves! I’m gonna be late for Transfiguration and lose house points again.” He groaned in frustration, hands covering his face. (Y/N) gently took his hands and held them, giving him a comforting smile.
“Professor McGonagall can be very forgiving, as long as you tell her what happened. I’m (Y/N) (L/N), what's your name?”
“Conner,” he muttered through his tears. “Conner Wimble.”
“Well, Conner, I’ll walk you to Transfiguration. And teach you some tricks to find your classes. Is that okay?”
“Yes… thank you.”
Hermione shook herself from her thoughts, seeing (Y/N) being so kind to the first year did nothing to stifle her feelings. She rushed forward to join the conversation, crouching down as well.
“I know a spell that makes a string appear in the air that guides you to your classes. I could teach it to you,” she spoke gently to the Ravenclaw, bringing him to stand.
“Please, I need all the help I can get,” he sniffled out.
“Come on, let’s stand up now.” (Y/N), who still held his hands, pulled him to stand.
At the Library…
(Y/N) held open the door for Hermione, entering after her. She waved to Madam Pince before gently cupping Hermione’s elbow, guiding her to the study group.
“Look who decided to show up,” Becca giggled, a yellow ribbon holding her dark brown hair back.
“Yeah, sorry guys- got a bit distracted.” Her hand found the small of Hermione’s back. “This is Hermione-!” (Y/N) whispered before she was cut off.
“Everybody knows who she is. Harry Potter’s friend, right?” Suzie, a fourth year Ravenclaw, asked rhetorically. Her tone was a bit harsh, distaste following Harry’s name.
“Yes, but she has a name. Hermione will be joining us today, if that’s alright with everyone?” (Y/N) eyed Suzie with a warning gaze. After she got head nods from around the table she pulled out Hermione’s chair for her. Hermione blushed and gave (Y/N) a shy smile in thanks, earning a nod in return.
“So, how is everybody? Lila, how was Care of Magical Creatures today?” (Y/N) paid specific attention to the Hufflepuff as she pulled out her books. Lila murmured something nobody could hear, except for her best friend who sat right next to her.
“She said the niffler problem’s still got her stumped,” Becca repeated, going back to doodling on the corner of her parchment with her quill.
“We would have heard her if she would only speak up,” Suzie sassed as she rolled her eyes, playing with the end of her blond ponytail.
“Suzie!” (Y/N) scolded, looking concerned more than angry. “Please apologize.” She adopted a motherly look, eyebrows raised expectantly.
Suzie looked slightly ashamed, gaze lowering as she uncrossed her arms. She played with the edge of her blue sweater, the silver eagle on the sleeve catching the light. “Sorry Lila, that was mean.”
“It’s okay. You have a point,” Lila spoke a bit louder this time, giving Suzie a small smile.
“What’s going on?” (Y/N) gently asked Suzie, running a hand up and down her arm. Hermione watched with a bit of envy, but shook herself out of it when she realized her thoughts.
Suzie’s lip started trembling, her eyes blinking quickly to rid herself of the gathering tears. “David and I got into a fight. He’s been using one of the secrets I trusted him with against me in our arguments. It’s been going on all day.” She sniffled, sliding a bit of her sweater over her hand to wipe at her nose.
Lila, who was closest to her, put her hand on Suzie’s shoulder, rubbing it gently. Everyone sympathized and started helping her come up with solutions, and afterwards the studying quickly commenced.
One Hour Later…
Becca giggled at a joke (Y/N) whispered to her as they left the library, Lila smiling a bit. Hermione and Suzie were finishing a conversation while actively shoving books into their bags, trying to avoid the door swinging into them. Hermione almost got hit but (Y/N)’s hand stopped it, both of them looking surprised.
“Watch out there love, almost got hit.”
Hermione blushed at the pet name.
Suzie looked between the two of them for a second, sitting in their tension-filled silence.
Clearing her throat loudly, Suzie caught the girls’ attention, “I’m going to go talk to David now, I’ll see you two later?” Without waiting for an answer she walked off, waving behind her. She shouted goodbye to the two Hufflepuff’s and was gone.
“We’d best be off too. (Y/N), would you be a dear and ask Fred and George for more sugar quills? Lila and I have been craving them,” Becca laughed, joining hands with Lila.
“For sure! I’ll let you know what they say. Same time next week?” They nodded. “Make sure Suzie knows that too, please.” And they were off.
Hermione and (Y/N) looked at each other, still standing in front of the library. Taking in a breath, (Y/N) broke the silence.
“Would you like to come again next week? Suzie seemed to like having you around,” (Y/N) laughed a bit, smiling at the Gryffindor in front of her.
“Yes, I’m sure it was just Suzie,” Hermione giggled and nodded, not able to look away from (Y/N). Said Slytherin scoffed in surprise at the comment, her face heating up as she laughed in amusement.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement on that then.”
They smiled at each other for a bit longer, not wanting to part.
“Well, I think this makes you an official part of our group. What do you say?” (Y/N) stuck out her hand. “Want to join our study group?”
Hermione met her half way, shaking her hand.
“Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint Suzie, now would we?”
Ta-da! Sorry it took so long, Anon! But I'm pretty proud of this final product. (I actually think it sucks a lot but maybe you'll like it. I hope you do.)
-Author Max <3
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