#i want my Favorite Wheat in that world for once
spectrearia-archive · 2 years
yO!! i figured out how to copy my favorite minecraft wheat textures from one resource pack into a whole other pack just by trial and error alone and im. so happy aaaa!!! :'D
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Stay True wheat, my beloved <3
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Wheats about lance as a dad
*DJ Kahlid voice* ANOTHER ONE
Lance is a girl dad, fucking fight me on this
He's the one to have all girls and always shows them off
A reporter ever asked if he'd have a son and deadass goes...I do my oldest
Aka Alien Stroll aka Eliza Stroll
Eliza the carbon copy of her father who would whip your ass so dman hard you'd think your dead
Lance likes to joke with his girls that Eliza was the son, she hates it but secretly loves it too
He's got 5 daughters all ranging from 17 to 3
Lance is the ultimate girl dad who dresses up whenever they want and have teaparties with the stuffed animals
Okay but in order of children theres; Eliza the oldest aka Alien stroll
then the 2nd who is silent but will raise hell; Aurora
the 3rd who loves F1 more than her whole family and is attached to the hip of her Uncle Estie; Quinn
the 4th who at the age of 6 has got each stroll men wrapped around her finger and Lawerence swears she's getting everything; Sienna
and then the youngest, who is the quiet one and the moment she sees her Uncle Fernando is never leaving his side; Phoebe
Lance keeps a picture of all his girls in his helmet
the fia didn't like it but told them to fuck off and that he's keeping the picture
Lance and Eliza are the quiet ones, but get them going they're sassy as hell and make the same faces
Aurora who at the age of 15 is in F3 and dominating and Lance takes every chance he can to promote her
Lance and Quinn share their same nerdy behavior with each other and for her birthday wore a special helmet since he had to race that day
Sienna is a daddy's girl who if she even looks at something it hers without even asking
He spoils all his girls equally but Sienna still allows Lance to baby her
and Phoebe who is the quiet one never cries gets to sit with her daddy during press meetings
Lance loves his girls so much, that he just can't but talk about them
supports everything they do, even if they want to race
Eliza who wants to work in the management positions of F1 gets to go shadow any she wants (secretly is Christians favorite but he'd never admit that)
Lance will bring them up without anyone asking went on a whole rant about his babies when a poor reporter asked how the family was
now has a time limit on how long he can talk about the girls
if they don't have school they're with him
Quinn once got in an accident and Lance was held back from betting the shit out of the little fucker who caused the accident
Eliza is close with Charles Leclercs boy whose a year older
told charles to keep his son away from his daughter (which didn't work)
Lance who will drop anything even racing if his girls need him
He's a dotting father who will give the world to his daughters
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lamemaster · 11 months
Nerdanel's Favorite Daughter-in-Law
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Pairing: Nerdanel and Maglor's Wife
Genre: Fluff
AN: Really wanted to write this because I feel soft.
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If someone asked Nerdanel about her favorite daughter-in-law, the redhead elleth would deny the possibility of having one or would vehemently insist on loving all her daughters-in-law equally.
But. There exists a But. There is one for whom Nerdanel feels greater. The most unexpected of the bunch. Makalaure's wife.
Your arrival had been, to state it lightly wildy unexpected. And maybe Nerdanel would have hated you for binding her son to a mortal but she could not.
You had come to Valinor bearing last fragment of Makalaure's soul. A part of her son that lived in your belly as your child. Nerdanel could have despised you for owning a part of her son but she could not.
Not when her son's presence has been a gift from you. How could she when you are a mortal who dared to give up the gift of Illuvatar for her son's sake.
Maybe that is why you were allowed to step on the soil that even the king of Nuemenor was forbidden.
So, Nerdanel finds herself endeared to you. Even when her eldest, Nelyafinwe, can not even bear to look your way. You are an Easterling from the lands and of the people that once betrayed Maitimo. The wounds of the past run deep and heal slow.
Yet, Nerdanel has found herself unable to hate you. Instead, she can't help but notice how you make the most convincing excuses to not attend a feast that seems to host most of Maitimo’s friends. A sacrifice made out of your will. Not even Makalaure notices it but Nerdanel does.
"Is y/n not coming?" Nerdanel asks Kano, who seems to have arrived dressed immaculately as always. His robes ironed and cuffs straightened. "No she sprained her foot the last minute, so I let her rest for today," Nerdanel knows well about these last-minute sprains that just seem to be a mortal thing. Right at the clap of the moment, Maitimo walks out dressed. "Let's go I'm ready," the one who had no plans on attending the feast seems to have dressed up as soon as the news of you not attending arrives. Maybe the rest did not notice but Nerdanel did. These intricacies of your behavior do not go unnoticed by her.
Nerdanel feels seething rage fill her when her son's words leave your eyes dull and your smiles forced. She knows well enough of lover's quarrel and arguments beyond that but she cannot bear seeing the lines of sadness etched on your face.
The unfairness of your despair tugs at Nerdanel's heart. "Can you not be a brute as such your father?" Nerdanel feels a headache build the more she talks to Makalaure. "But she-," "Makalaure she is alone here in a land foreign to her. Can you least be civil to the one who carries your child?" The carving tool in her hand feels dangerous for a lingering moment.
On nights when her own son's unfairness tugs her heart, Nerdanel seeks you. It isn't hard to find a mortal in Valinor. A mortal who stands out in a world full of immortals. Nerdanel seeks you.
You can't go far. So it isn't a surprise when she finds you in her own backyard. Perched next to blooming roses, Nerdanel can sense your heartbreak. Longing for a time and people long gone lines your eyes. It isn't an easy bargain, the one that you have made at your own cost. You stay here for her son, becoming his anchor you have submerged yourself into the seas of the unknown.
Now Nerdanel has never been much of a cook but today she sticks to her courage with the rounded bowl in her hands. Depositing herself next to you, Nerndal wonders if you can see her the way she can. She does not know the limits of mortal sight. "I hope you like this," gathering a morsel in her hand Nerndanel feeds you. And she feels the wetness of tears on her hands.
"Bibi," Nerdanel feels her heart stop at your words as you hug her. Bibi, the word for mother in your tongue. And Nerdanel hugs her daughter-in-law back. The only one who hugs her.
"My bibi used to make me choori, hot wheat bread mixed with jaggery and ghee. She used to feed me more than any of my brothers," your words from the past ring in her ears.
You have become more than a daughter-in-law, you have become a daughter.
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
tanthamore week faves (so far)
there have been so many awesome fics so far for @tanthamoreweek ! I still have several bookmarked to read, but I wanted to share some of my favorites so far
Offspring of the Wind ( @overkill-max ) - Kit’s daughter is named Madigan? Like how perfect is that? Waiting on baited breath for the final chapter!
just lay entwined here undiscovered (@swashbucklery) - so perfectly shows the transition of friends to lovers
Uneven Odds ( @ksfreckles) - I love when Jade lets down her inhibitions and is so fun like in this one
the vale of boobs ( @spybrarian) - I love everything this lady writes, but something about this one just had me dying. And by something, I mean the puns.
Layer by Layer (ao3: TheLateNightStoryTeller) - “I’ve got you, Princess” need I say more??
Castles in the Air (@sadgirlindiemusic) - A pre-canon one where Kit causes a diplomatic incident. I love the world-building here and can’t wait for part 2 on Saturday!
The Bite ( @acre-of-wheat) - okay, maybe not technically part of the tanthamore week prompts, but it was published this week and I died when i first read it. Died again once it was up on AO3. Spread my ashes in the Wildwood please.
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lumine-no-hikari · 1 month
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #125
I'm still in a lot of pain today, but it's not quite as bad as it was yesterday. It's still a little hard to breathe, but I'm managing. Hopefully whatever's going on will be over and done with in just a few more days. I've taken some ibuprofen, though, and I'm well-hydrated. So don't worry about me, okay? I'll be just fine. 💖
I made myself a tea this morning. I made a toast-and-jam tea, and as a result of that, I get to show you one of the other ice creams I got! I'll show you the pictures I took…
This tea starts out as a beautiful shade of amber that resolves into a delicious shade of red:
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This is the ice cream I put into it while it was still hot:
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It's got a pretty drawing of a blackberry plant on the lid:
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Here is what it looks like once the lid is taken off:
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From there, we can put an amount of it into the tea until it feels correct:
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Then once it's all melted, we can stir it up!
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...I wonder if you would have liked how this turned out. I wish I could give you a mug and see...
I did my therapy homework today. In case you don't know, a good therapist is supposed to give the person seeing them homework to do over the week. Last week, he thought to capitalize on my tendency to write, and he asked me to write a letter to my inner child. And then he asked me to tap into my inner child and write back to myself.
It's generally in my nature to go above and beyond when people ask me to do things, whenever possible. And so I ended up writing three letters instead of just two. I ended up crying a lot during the process, but I came away from the exercise with a changed outlook on a variety of things. You can read what I wrote if you want to; it'll be the post just before this one. But if you're not interested, then that's okay too! 😊
I wonder if some such activity might benefit you. I imagine if you engaged your inner child with compassion, curiosity, and gentleness, it'd probably do you a world of good. I wonder what it would be like for you if you treated your inner child, and yourself generally, in the same tender, kindhearted way you treated the people you cared about, before your fall.
…You can return to that, you know. You can return to that anytime. And you can give your kindness and gentleness to people who are better able to reciprocate. Not everyone is going to treat you like a superhuman afterthought. I promise.
Anyway, in service to a renewed sense of resolve when it comes to caring for myself, I went ahead and got myself some soup and some macaroni and cheese with some yummy steak:
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...Related, I think I'm going to try to make for myself the mac-and-cheese that my mother used to make. I am the only one who can make it for myself now, and I think I owe it to myself to figure it out. I will try to make a gluten-free version of it, so that Br can eat it, too. That's easy enough to do with brown rice noodles; it's basically indistinguishable from whole wheat pasta, in terms of its flavor and texture. Maybe I'll try to do that soon. And of course, when I do, you can count on me to walk you through the process so you can do it, too.
I also made it a point to sit for a while and watch one of my favorite cartoons. This one is called The Zeta Project; it came out when I was 11, which was... 23 years ago (wow, what the fuuuuck...). It's a beautiful show about a sentient robot named Zeta who was built to be a weapon, but who is trying to lead a life of peace. The government is trying to capture and reprogram him and put him back to work as a mindless killing machine. He's accompanied by a clever, savvy, and brave young girl named Rosalie. I really hope you'll watch this one someday; Zeta is very gentle and kind, and in a lot of ways, he reminds me a lot of you.
...The show was cancelled before it finished, though. I heard that it was because more girls liked it than the producers were comfortable with, so they pulled it off the air. I really hope they finish it someday. For now, though, the ending has to be left to the imagination. Zeta is beautiful, wonderful, and kind, so I like to imagine a course of events in which he can live in peace with Rosalie and with others who care for him.
...He really does remind me so much of you. I hope you'll look at his story. I think, in particular, you might find the episode called "Remote Control" relatable. You can find it at a place called... something like Watch Cartoons Online Forever? The first part is shortened to "wco", and it ends in ".net". Maybe you can find it...
Anyway. I took a bunch of other pictures for you today. One of them was taken at home because the morning light shining through the window was really nice. And when we visited Br's house today, I saw a great big huge bird-of-prey in the sky. I also took a bunch of pictures of Br's house, and the scenery outside. I thought you might like them. So here they are:
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It's hard to take a picture of a moving object in a moving vehicle, but the black speck in the sky is the bird-of-prey I saw. I've seen an unusually large number of these lately. That, and crows. I wonder if the recent solar eclipse still has them kind of thrown for a loop. Hm.
Also, shortly after I did my therapy assignment, J took me out for a walk to decompress, and there was a crow in a tree that we've never seen crows in; our development is generally quite hostile to life (which is VERY unfortunate...), and hostile to crows in particular, because people don't like them (I've never understood why that is...). But he was sitting alone in the tree, making the "I'm with you" call; check out this video, at about the 40 second mark, and you'll hear what I mean:
...I can only imagine that this poor crow must have been very confused.
Here are some pictures of Br's house.
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...I seem to have some sort of fixation with taking pictures of things outside of windows today. I'm not really sure why. But it turned out nice, so maybe the "why" doesn't really matter.
Oh!! I almost forgot!! A comet passed over my house last night. It's called the "Pons-Brooks Comet", or "Comet 12P". It only shows up once every 71 years. I wanted to see it, since I won't live long enough to see it again, but it was cloudy last night in the spot where it was supposed to be, so I didn't get to take any pictures. But J went online and found a live video that was tracking its movement; I can show you a screenshot that I took:
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...It's not a very good picture, I know. But maybe you'll like it anyway; I don't know how often you get to see comets. Well, maybe you get to see them a lot, since you're over at the Edge of Creation and all, so maybe it's really not all that special to you. But maybe it can be special to you that someone would take the time to show you a picture of one anyway, if you want it to be.
Hey, Sephiroth? I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to stop writing before I end up rambling. Or maybe I rambled a little already, haha...
Please treat yourself nice, okay? I feel determined to treat myself nice, too. So let's do it together, all right? Because why not?
I love you. Stay safe. You'll get another letter tomorrow; just you wait.
Your friend, Lumine
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
HELLO BONES I JUST WOKE UP SO I DONT REALLY KNOW WHATS HAPPENING but I saw a bunch of asks saying nice things about your writing and also you being sad about something(??) So here I am. Feel our love. (That's an order).
Currently rereading stars and holy shit I somehow managed to forget how good it is I feel like I'm picking up on all the bits I somehow never processed before and I'm having so much fun with it (just finished the chapter where Wilbur got drunk with quackity. My man needs a pay raise he just wanted the vodka)
Also I just wanted to say that I love how you're able to include so many characters in a way that doesn't feel forced or,, unbalanced?? Just. There's so many people and you make them all seem important and they're not just names thrown in for the sake of having names that get forgotten two chapters later.
And rocketduo supremacy giv more pls
AND ALSO your fics are just so rereadable, if that makes sense?? Like there are fics you read once and forget about, there are fics you read once and never want to read again because nothing can beat the emotions of reading it for the first time, and somehow all your fics fall into the secret third category of you could reread them all a million times over and you'd notice something new every single time and the feelings never get diluted with repetition. Idk it's just really cool and impressive and you are literally so cool and impressive and deserve all the validation your heart could desire
AND ALSO. JUST ONE MORE COMMENT ABOUT GLASS. Tommy finding and using Wilbur's name isn't like an act of revenge or anything, he's helping the only way he knows how to, and maybe it's not all that morally right but nothing in this fic is all that morally right and it's just really interesting to read and think about and I Cannot Wait (yes I can please don't take this as pressure to upload or anything) to see what happens next
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LMAO hi wheat anon
so glad you're having fun rereading stars!! it honestly means so much to hear that my fics are really easy to reread. tbh rereading/rewatching things is one of my favorite things to do. I love rereading my fav books and rewatching my fav movies and picking out different things i like about them each time. so hearing that people do that with MY writing?? it's really insane to me /pos
also so happy you like my casts!! i love including a lot of different characters from the smp but I try not to include too many so I can give at least a bit of proper attention to each one. in all honesty that's one of my biggest problems with world forgetting. I feel like I really just threw puffy, sam, and ponk in there without ever giving them a proper chance to shine which was my own fault, so I've been extra careful to avoid that ever since. I love having a balanced cast as long as I know I can give everyone their due. the characters aren't just there to add to the list of names, they each have a purpose in the story even if it's a small one :)
dlksfjk thank you for understanding the tommy finding wilbur's name isn't an act of revenge OR deadnaming. again, I write messy characters, and I'm just relieved there are a lot of you guys here on tumblr who enjoy them for what they are <3 tysm wheat anon!!
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ereborne · 2 years
Get to know me better!
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Thank you for the tag:  @soundsfaebutokay  Thank you, Abby!!  I hope you’re having fun with these!
Relationship status:  single
Favorite color(s):  I like really dark blues and greens
Favorite food:  spinach, which I know is controversial, I have heard.  But I love creamed spinach and spanakopita too much to change my answer
Song stuck in my head:  I said on the last one that the last song I played was “Stormy Weather”, and that’s because I’ve had Etta James songs playing in the back of my head since I woke up this morning.  At Last-Stormy Weather-Sunday Kind of Love back and forth all day.  All I Could Do Was Cry. 
Last thing you googled:  “Portuguese Water Dog”, but it turns out what I was actually thinking was ‘Chesapeake Bay Retriever’.  Not actually that similar as dogs, but the cadence fooled me
Time:  12:20 a.m.
Dream trip:  ah, this answer flips back and forth depending on how homesick I am, and whether I’m homesick for place or people.  I’d like to show my brothers the Painted Desert, but also I want to see my southern Appalachians again, and I really want to see my friends.  I’m thinking about SC today
Last thing you read:  I answered this one too thoroughly on the last post.  I just finished Artificial Condition, and I’m on to Rogue Protocol now
Last book you enjoyed reading:  instead of talking again about how much I love Murderbot (it’s a ton) or how distressed I am by not having all of edge of providence yet (also a ton) I’m gonna go back earlier this week and say Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews and Got The Whole Damn Nation On Their Knees by @ialpiriel
Last book you hated reading:  oh man. I don’t want to list specifics or name names, but I had a friend pass me this--not a paranormal romance, right, because that to me implies a level of fun with the genre which this story adamantly refused to have.  so a contemporary romance, but within a magical realism setting, I suppose--and it was. joyless is too simple a word.  It was dreary. Dour. Not even pessimistic so much as apathetic to the point of pain. A book growing bedsores.  The leads were indifferent to one another at the beginning and hardly better by the end, with a brief estrangement caused by an even briefer argument in the middle.  The ‘resolution’ of their argument was a third party telling them it didn’t matter, at which point they both shrugged and conceded.  The most passionless nothing book I’ve ever read.  Its one saving grace was the existence of winged snakes within the world.  Not that we got to see one close up, so to speak, but they did exist.  1/10, point goes entirely to the bare concept of snakes with wings.
Favorite thing to cook/bake:  muffins!  I love muffins.  We’ve got a tub of melted ice cream in the fridge waiting for Nick to have time off so we can make abomination muffins, so that’ll probably happen next, but last week I made chocolate chunk banana muffins, and we recently got a jar of pandan spread, so probably the next real muffins I make will incorporate that somehow.  I think I’d mess up the lovely texture of it if I tried to do a filling, so maybe just vanilla-wheat muffins, and then we’ll split them and put the spread on while they’re warm
Favorite craft to do in your free time:  I’ve been whittling, sort of.  Wax, not wood, which is much easier on my knife (and hands) and means I can just melt all my misshapen lumps back together and start over once I finish
Most niche dislike:  bars/restaurants with bowls of peanuts everywhere.  I’m not the only person allergic to the stupid things, and anyway even for folks who aren’t poisoned by them and even folks who like them, doesn’t the constant smell-taste of them get into your other foods?  Is it not annoying?
Opinion on circuses:  I don’t know that I’ve ever actually been to one.  The well-run ones seem very cool, though, and I love ren faires, so probably I’d enjoy a circus
Do you have any sense of direction:  not inherently, but I can keep cardinal directions by looking at the sun, and I’m very good at retracing my steps, so I can sort of fake one
Tell us about your D&D character:  the most recent one I came up with is probably my witch with the little mimic familiar, but I haven’t gotten to play any in ages :(
Tag-list (you don’t need to do this if you don’t want it!):  this time I am gonna tag folks, mostly because I want to hear y’all talk about what you’ve been reading and such:  @lynne-monstr, @alwaysboth, @uswe, @datassdiaz, @agirlnamedhagrid, @zahnie, @sunkentowers, @ialpiriel, @irrigone, @angelrtsy95, @digsdigsdigs, @goingsparebutwithprecision this is getting very long, please everyone assume I would like to hear from you but also no worries if you don’t wanna
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katb357 · 2 years
Falling for Hogan’s Heroes
2. Nightmares
Guard and Prisoner
A/N:  Thank you to my awesome writing partner Xav for her help with Andrew’s nightmare...
Schultz was tired. It was late and he was cold. He lay down in his bunk, hoping he could sleep the night through tonight, unlike the past few nights. Nightmares had plagued the Head Guard, and he really hoped they would go away. He didn’t want to have to talk to anyone about them, or have his sleeplessness affect his work. He wanted to avoid trouble as much as possible.
Finally after an hour or so, Schultz drifted off to sleep. Immediately the nightmare began, the same as always. His precious toy factory was right there before his eyes, bright and beautiful, turning out all sorts of wonderful toys, just as it had since his grandfather’s time. And then, the letter had come. The factory had escaped conscription once before, through some sort of political maneuverings of his grandfather. But Schultz didn’t have that ability, and his factory was taken over by the Nazis for their damnable war. And while they were at it, Schulz was conscripted as well.  In real life, the factory produced ball bearings. In his nightmare, things were much more hideous and violent.
Helpless in the grip of the dream, Schultz watched as the scenes unfolded around him. His beloved toys were all there… dolls, bears, horses and carousels, elephants and giraffes, all manner of toy soldiers and trucks, ships and dollhouses. Suddenly, they all sprouted guns and cannons and began firing bullets and explosives all over the factory floor. Then the screams of terror and cries for help began. And Schultz was helpless to do anything at all. He awoke abruptly, tears streaming down his face. He sighed and sat up, wishing for a cup of coffee, but he daren’t wake the other guards. It was going to be another sleepless night.
Meanwhile over in Barracks Two, another man was having trouble sleeping. Andrew Carter was tossing and turning in his bunk. Nightmares had been plaguing him recently, but he couldn’t make much sense of them after he woke up… he just knew they scared him. He did know they involved his parents and the farm he’d been raised on… and something about the Nazis.
His mother’s voice marked the beginning of the dream. “Son! Help us son!” And then she shrieked. “Noooo!”
“Mom, what’s wrong? What’s happening?” He couldn’t see very clearly but he’d never heard his mother scream like that before. He was running through the south pasture, trying to reach the house,  but it seemed like he was making no progress at all. The wheat field, one of his favorite places in the world, suddenly seemed malevolent. The stalks of wheat were grabbing at his legs and tripping him. When he fell down, they would rake at his clothes and arms, whipping him horribly. He got up as fast as he could, but it was never fast enough.
Meanwhile, his mother’s voice continued to call for him. “The Nazis, son. They’ve taken the farm! Forcing your father… oh, help us, please!” 
“NO MOM! I won’t let them do that! I’m coming!! I’ll help you, I promise!”
Before he could reach the edge of the field, though, a snarling Nazi soldier stood in front of him, his gun aimed right at Andrew. “Zey belong to us now. Go back to your vork.” 
Andrew glowered at the soldier. “My work is defeating vermin like you. Leave my family alone. Heedless of the rifle aimed at him, Carter lunged at the soldier.
The soldier fired. But instead of bullets, cannonballs ripped out of the gun and flew at Carter, threatening to bowl him over. From the farmhouse, his mother shrieked again and again, pleading for him to save her.
Carter felt the impact of the cannonball as it struck his chest… and woke up abruptly, tears streaming down his face.
Newkirk was standing over him, rubbing at his shoulder. “‘Ey, Carter. What’s wiff you, mate?” 
“Just a nightmare, is all. I’m okay.” He sat up and quietly went to the stove to see if there was any coffee left. Fortunately, there was. It might not be the best coffee, but it was better than going back to sleep right away… It looked like it was going to be another sleepless night.
The End
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causewhywouldnti · 5 months
My thoughts as I’m watching 24 seasons of law & order svu: (and oc)
Season 22
22x01, they have a fascinating mask policy, wearing them while coming up to someone and once they are there, they take them off.
22x03, is there a backstory on Benson speaking Italian? Warner!!
22x04, Barba. I thought Carisi did well against Barba.
22x05, it is kinda funny that they always bring up that the perp couldn't bring it up.
22x06, I like this judge.
22x07, that seemed predictable.
22x09, Stabler is back!!!! Doesn't really make sense that SVU is handling this case. I like how Stabler introduced himself to Tamin and Carisi. He will definitely not behave. Benson watching this interrogation, just waiting for Stabler to blow. We get a roof scene, that hasn't happened for a long time. Way to rub it in about them not talking for 10 years. The acting is so good!! Well, Benson still has his back, so that’s a start. When Fin was talking about the one solid relationship, I know he meant Tucker, but wasn't her relationship with Cassidy longer? And she apparently did consider having his kids. That defense lawyer was kinda funny. That last shot was just perfect!
So from here on out it will be a svu and oc review.
OC 1x01, I like this intro. Don’t give her the letter… Stabler finally standing up for himself. Well, that was just rude at the end there.
OC 1x02, I didn't expect Benson to show up again in the second episode. I appreciate that we see Stabler grieve a bit.
22x11, Fin is very much butting in on Benson/Stabler. Not a fan of Garland telling Benson to keep her distance from Stabler.
OC 1x03, go Stabler, smug bastard as always.
22x12, Carisi constantly being mistaken as Rollins‘ husband/boyfriend is funny.
OC 1x04, Intervention! Worst timing to say "I love you". I’ve never seen that second part of the intervention though. Elliot has no concept of when people want to sleep.
22x13, I like that Stabler is acknowledged by pretty much everyone on svu. Benson and Stabler interrogating someone together is just chef's kiss!
OC 1x05, Elliot is an idiot (Not really, but that was stupid). Why does Benson tell him to keep doing it?!? (I know she doesn't know what he does, but still). So this is where the handholding in the hallway took place. I mean, I feel a little bad for Elliot, but only a little.
OC 1x07, Elliot and Ayanna seem to be good partners. I haven’t said it before, but I really like Jet! Wheatley really said that Kathy wasn't Elliot's love of his life.
22x16, here comes McGrath. Rollins and Carisi, finally! And Benson and Stabler at the wedding.
OC 1x08, I don’t like Wheately, but I like his understanding of Stabler and Benson. Elliot exclaiming he needs help rings true in so many ways.
Favorite Episodes: 22x09, 22x16, OC: 1x04, 1x07 and 1x08
Favorite Line:
"You were the most… single most important person in my life, and you just disappeared" - Benson to Stabler 22x09
"You’re still a stupid little Meatball" - OC 1x01
"Liv, you mean the world to me." - Stabler OC, 1x02
"He went, he didn't come." - Warner 22x13
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Today I ordered a grilled cheese and it was an experience
For background, grilled cheese is my favorite food in the world ever but unfortunately it’s not a common menu item here. The simplest sandwich most places have is ham and cheese, so I often order a ham and cheese without ham. Sometimes a cheeseburger without the hamburger. In Subway, it’s a vegetarian sub with no salad*. These are all valid grilled cheeses, unlike those bacon abominations I see in pinterest
I ordered a ham and cheese without ham. The place was focused on “healthy”/fit food, we didn’t choose to go there it was just. We walked to the bakery but it was closed so it was the nearest place. But the sandwich seemed to be a regular sandwich in the menu, it even had cream cheese! I wasn’t nervous like I usually am when I go to a new place
Then it arrived and it was clearly a multigrain bread. They scare me. I was raised with white bread and nowadays I often have whole wheat for health reasons and it’s already seen as an odd choice. But multigrain seems too much for me. And the ketchup was served in a small pot with a little spoon! And when I went in to take the first bite it smelled like cinnamon! I thought it was a nightmare
It turned out it was delicious. I am in love. I don’t care for the grains but they didn’t bother me as I thought they would. Using a little spoon for ketchup is actually convenient. I didn’t think a grilled cheese was the place for cinnamon but I was clearly wrong. Even the size was perfect
Not everyone in my family had the same luck with their orders. We’re not “fit” people. The food restrictions we face make it seem like it (I’m vegetarian not by choice but thanks to autism, all us ladies are lactose intolerant, my father had to cut some stuff for health issues recently thought he claims to have cured himself with the power of will bc that’s what men are like I guess)
(*There is a funny story but it wasn’t a grilled cheese. When I lived in Japan I found a place that did vegetarian burgers and it had, in addition to the veggie bun, I think lettuce and onions and a tomato sauce that was more tomato than sauce. I wanted it without the “salad”, that is, without the loose vegetables, but I didn’t know how to say it, so I asked for it “with no vegetables”. The woman taking my order looked at me a little worried “but it’s all vegetables!”)
(My Japanese Subway order was a veggie sub with no vegetables and extra cheese. In other words, bread and cheese. Sometimes with mayo or cream cheese if I felt like spending more)
(I also once tried to order a grilled cheese via an app, only to get a call asking me if I was really ordering just a slice of cheese 😂)
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roadkiii · 1 year
Entry 1.3.2-2 - Village Upkeep
Welcome to my blog. I’m not tagging anything but entry #, so sorry if my unrelated mess somehow ends up in your search.
Got a bit side tracked and decided to put some of my stone to good use, evening out the wall height a bit more and also correcting the slab placement now that I can actually place slabs on the top half.
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It looks a lot nicer, but I'll definitely like it more once it's finished. I'll probably have a ladder going up in a few places to a bottom slab kinda shelf for some extra arrow holes. Probably going to add spruce trapdoors on top of these stairs too to prevent baby zombies/creepers from getting in.
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Also got enough levels to enchant again, so now I've got this shiny new pick :D Was hoping for silk touch or fortune, but I might try to enchant that dying pickaxe next and combine them next update when anvils are added.
Current Villager Count:
Purple Robe: 1 (3 trades)
White Robe: 1 (5 trades)
Brown Robe: 4 (1, 2, 5, and 5 trades respectively)
Black Apron: 1 (3 trades)
White Apron: 0
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I've gotta say though I'm glad I'm "done" with the brown robed villagers now, this trade fucking sucks. Throwing gravel AND emeralds away.
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Broke down the farmlands in the village and decided to use the dirt to plan out my little boat, it's beached/broken down so I'm not worried about the mast being too tall for the gateway (though I would like to round out that opening a bit more later)
RIP to my shovel, and soon to be my axe.
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This one's painful, but now my blacksmith has 5 trades. Now I've got two pieces of chainmail as well, which is exciting, it's always been my favorite since it's a bit of a flex.
Maybe I'll use this to get the new wheat fields started next update. I don't think I'll let it break until advancements get added though.
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Had to let this little asshole put Sharpness II onto a sword but I will definitely take this trade.
That's now 4 out of 10 villagers max'd out, but I don't think I've seen any breeding happening. Maybe I need more doors?
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I'm not sure if my world is particularly fucked or if this is a giltch for this version, but my villagers have been continually sinking into the floor. They'll almost hop as they walk and fall into the ground. These are solid wood planks so I'm not sure what's causing the bug. (quick google search tells me this is just A Thing in old minecraft)
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I've added a couple more doors, also killed a couple of the more useless brown robed villagers (fuck you and your garbage gravel trade) so hopefully I'll get some breeding now?
I probably could make this post a bit longer, but I need to look into why the villagers aren't breeding. I definitely don't want to move on early, I'd like to get a couple of saddles from the butcher if possible.
I think in part 3 if I can't get these villagers to reproduce I'll use the iron golem farm villagers to get some trading done. I'll save up maybe a stack and a half of emeralds and head over there, hope for the saddle trade early.
So far I've maxed the priest, librarian, blacksmith, and two brown robed villagers. I need one more priest, librarian, and blacksmith and then I need to actually get two butchers.
next (1.3.2-3)
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myfitnessblog0086 · 1 year
So we all know that you need to show restraint when dieting. Many diet blogs on here can show you some yummy things to eat such as whole wheat, tuna, radishes, kiwi, etc. Diet food can be flavorful. It’s one of the reasons I indulge in peanut butter and chocolate for my protein meal replacements. Why I add fruit to my oatmeal. Diet food does not have to be "tasting of cardboard", bland or flavorless. Unless you have severe gout and the smallest trigger sets it off.
I have gout but it's not exactly very severe. Since I have been dieting and exercising it's only gotten better. It was so painful that sometimes I couldn't even brush my fingers up against my foot to scratch myself, let alone walk around the house. Also I had a condition that made my legs swell up, and I have to wear compression socks. Since I started getting in shape I didn't have to be doing those things as much.
Chocolate is one of those things that you can't have with gout and I have it everyday now.
You can cure yourself of diabetes just from getting in shape. It's been done. You don't have to sit there injecting yourself with insulin shots if you just put in the work.
Be thankful for the things that you have in life. If you have two working feet, I suggest that you use them. Because I was headed down the diabetic path and I was on the verge of losing my feet.
I admit that this week I've been falling into my lazy side. But it's also difficult to say because of the fact that you can't exactly use the scale to measure progress when you're burning weight and replacing it with muscle.
There are other physical markers that you have to use. Like being able to put on a smaller shirt or your clothes or fitting looser.
Before Christmas I was 397, and after Christmas on January 3rd, I was 381. Recently I was 387. I weigh myself every week which is NOT what noom tells you to do.
What noon tries to do is they try to have you walk a certain amount of steps per day (the pedometer on Noom is most horrible) have you do your learning that they give you everyday and weigh yourself. They're trying to form those three habits.
So I had clothes from when I was working last year that fit a lot looser this year. Yes. They were from exactly one year ago. So to me that's progress.
Anyways, I want to advise you to smile. Take the time out of your day in between exercises to enjoy life while you still have it.
If you enjoy watching movies or playing video games use them as a treat to reward yourself after doing a good job. Like I allow myself to have one meal of whatever I want to after an entire week of staying on my diet.
Noom suggests that you "ignore your elephant" or cravings. That there's a time to feed your elephant and there's a time to ignore the elephant by doing something else.
The terminology is different but the science behind it is pretty much the same with any kind of diet support plan that you get. And yes with Noom you're going to get a diet support group. You have a personal person that you check in every once in awhile with any kind of concerns and then you have a group that you get shifted to so you can share your successes and that kind of stuff.
How this article got shifted heavily into Noom is beyond me. 😂
Enjoy your favorite game after workout, because you deserve it. You work your favorite game into your workout in between rounds because you deserve it. Have your favorite meal after a week of staying on your diet because you deserve it.
Just like Pac Man, all this energy bursting out of me, I overflow with love and happiness. Smile and the world smiles with you.
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catintheruemorgue · 3 years
annoying things they do
summary: small things these guys do that just grinds your gears a bit.
characters: oda, dazai, kunikida, twain, akutagawa, atsushi, mori, poe, ranpo, fittzgerald, steinbeck, chuuya, yosano, gin, kouyou, higuchi, alcott and lucy
these are all based off things i do or have inconvenienced my life lmfao i’ll probs do a part two with everyone i missed this just got wayyy to long lol next im posting being friends with double black 
If you're wearing shorts and have bruises he will poke them when you're resting your legs on him. He’s silent about it too and if you yell at him he pretends to act like he doesn't know what you're talking about.
Will smack your sunburn but this one is actually an accident. He just wanted to pat you on the back because you're amazing.
Will space out when you talk too long, sometimes certain objects are just so… mesmerizing
Loves to jumpscare you the only exception is if it was a trigger. In that case he will just call your name and whip something at you for you to catch at random.
When you're driving he likes to reach over and honk your horn. It's almost caused so many roadside fistfights.
If he sees a dog in public he will bark and growl at it.
Won’t let you on the bed without socks on. You could be sick as a dog and he’ll still enforce this rule.
Cleaning is hard because he has a hard time throwing things away. You'll spend extra time as he holds two identical pens, trying to decide which one he wants to keep. He’s learned to plan certain days in his schedule for cleaning now.
Won't let you turn up the music in the car and will keep it at a level that's so low it's annoying.
Walks around the house shirtless but then complains about how cold it is.
Blasts his music so loud when he wakes up in the morning and it's always early 2000’s hits. It's not rare for you to have Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield stuck in your head by 9 am.
Always has to climb something, this stems from his adventurous side. It's not really that annoying but when you’re in a crowded area and he runs off to go climb the tall statue, screaming at you to take a photo… Yes it is. Especially when children try and follow him and you're stuck receiving glares from the parents.
Will not let you throw any food products out. He tells you it's a perfectly good meal (even if it's not) and that he will eat it tomorrow. It’s sad because you know this stems from childhood but it’s still annoying.
Reuses the same gross, musty ziplock baggies. You keep buying new ones but he doesn't get it lol.  
Will tell you if your breath smells, hair is messy, outfit is ugly. He does not see an issue with this and it's nice knowing someone has your back but he doesn't have to be so rude about it..
If he drinks he's one of those drinkers who will not let you take it from him. Keeps an iron grip on the cup. He finishes it no matter how drunk and always throws up. Thankfully he rarely drinks.
He stops to help everyone, literally even if they just look like they need help. You've been late to so many things.
Will eat anything. Once you made steak and somehow forgot about it. It was hard as a brick yet he still almost broke his teeth eating it. You think you saw some tears as he told you it was delicious.
Listens to people's conversations in public and isn't afraid to comment, loudly, about it. You know it's loud because they either stop talking or try and confront you guys.
Comes up to stops fast and brakes so hard you feel like he does it on purpose.
Sometimes if he and Elise get into a “disagreement” he’ll try and rope you in to take his side and you always do, knowing it would probably give him more satisfaction if you chose to side with her.
Asks for constructive criticism but will then argue with you about why you're wrong.
Always humming a song he heard Twain singing and then it gets stuck in your head too.
Will deny stupid things like why your favorite mug is in the trash or why he just let out rather loud scream in the bathroom. You know he's lying because he looks away and makes sure his bangs are covering his eyes.
Will call you out on any lie even if you don't mean to lie you just forgot about some of the details.
Don't take him grocery shopping if you have a set amount you want to spend. He won't even sneak, he will just say he wants something and throw it in the cart.
Such a backseat driver even though he can't drive.
Likes to act like he's still in his twenties and will somehow get the two of you invited to college parties where he will attempt to do a kegger in front of everyone. You end up being the one to hold him up and he always ends with a, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
Likes to ask for the senior discount even though he's not that old, he just likes to hear the women validate that he's not old.
It’s scary how he used to buy without looking and now will scream if the price on a price tag is too high.
Always looking at the grass for wheat to chew on. It's so cheesy when you walk into the city and he's got it sticking out of his mouth.
He gets weirdly intimate with nature and you feel like you're third wheeling.
Has the mentality that he has to provide for you because he is the man. He gets so shocked when he finds out you still want to work.
Has a hard time making decisions you could ask him what he wants for dinner and his mind will just break.
Gets way too pissed at movies and will actually get up and walk away. Once you were kicked out of the theater because he wouldn't stop yelling at the screen. Another time he walked out you waited a whole ten minutes before you realized he wasn't coming back.
Sometimes activates his ability at night and it's so scary waking up to him floating halfway across the room.
WOMAN TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Will glare at you so intensely if you say something she disagrees with.
Always tries to rope you into drinking with her even if you’ve said no the past ten nights.
Will describe wounds or injuries in such detail and just won’t stop, almost like she’s trying to fuck with you, but she’s not.
Claims to be nothing like her big brother but then will go on to make the same facial expressions and do some of the same mannerisms as him.
Will spend hours trying things on just to put it all back, leave the store and change her mind when you’re almost home. Then she’ll have you run back with her to buy it all.
Is used to sneaking around so scares you a lot. Also on the topic of being silent sometimes she just won’t respond, thinking you can just read her vibes / mind.
Will judge what you eat, especially fast food but will try and steal a fry in private when you're not looking.
Will say things like, “Well that's just the way the world works.” If someone tries to share their baggage with her. You understand she’s had a pretty rough life but it's caused you to almost spit out your drink multiple times.
At functions forgets about you for about an hour while she mingles with everyone else, you could tap on her shoulder and she'll dismiss you like you're a subordinate. Until you clear your throat again you'll see the slight blush as she apologizes.
She has no sense of privacy. If she hears a crash or loud noise she will bust down the door. It’s sweet but not when the noises are usually from you knocking all the shampoo bottles down again.
Horrible road rage actually puts you on edge to be in the car with her. She doesn't even have to be driving.
Likes to act like she's a professional at everything and people usually believe it because of her suit. It's so nerve wracking when she giggles when they walk away with false information.
Will agree to everything you suggest but you can only tell when she doesn’t want to do it when you’re currently doing it.
Yet she’s not afraid to grumble about how annoying it is when someone bumps into you and doesn’t apologize. It’s sweet but you’re left dealing with the situation if the person is aggressive enough to say something.
Always corrects your spelling or if you say something like “I could care less.”
Will fish for compliments in a very obvious way like, “Wow. Wish someone would call me pretty..” and then just stare right at you.
Kicks you so violently in her sleep but won't let go of you so you cant get away.
Constantly stealing from restaurants. You're banned from a couple restaurants because she got caught trying to steal a cup or salt shaker.
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greenhorn-art · 2 years
SanRen by Kyogre - a Rogue Cultivator!WWX fic
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Title: SanRen [AO3 link]
Author: @kyogre-blue​ | Kyogre [AO3 link]
Fandom: MDZS | Mo Dao Zu Shi
Length: 87, 825 words | 344 pages total
Leaving YunmengJiang in an effort to curb the tensions in the Jiang family, Wei WuXian becomes a rogue cultivator.
Even without the support of a sect, he is a rare genius whose name will become known across the cultivation world and whose techniques will influence the course of a war.
However, what influences his own fate is a chance meeting that becomes the first step toward love.
Title font: Viner Hand ITC
Body font: Crimson Pro, 11pt
Loved this fic! I also may or may not have a weakness for genius![character] fics...
Pics of the process and rambling beneath the cut.
Printed and folded! (13 signatures of 6 sheets each, with one last signature of 2 pages.)
Paper used: Domtar Earthchoice Multipurpose, cream. 11x17 cut down to 8.5x11 for short grain.
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Into the press overnight.
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Removed from press and holes punched!
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Stitched up! (French link stitching with waxed linen 30/3 thread, and three 3/8" linen tapes)
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Cut endpapers to size and tipped in with a bead of PVA glue. 
Paper from a pad from the dollar store. The colour and pattern are nice, but it’s thinner than I’d like. Tears and wrinkles too easily when pasting things together.
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Ran out of PVA and made some wheat paste. (Flour, water, heat. So easy, so much cheaper, so much easier to get!)
Glued (using wheat paste now unless otherwise stated) and rounded spine. Added bookmark (3/8" satin ribbon) and mull.
It always takes longer than I think for the glue to dry enough for rounding...
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Endbands sewn! (3 colours, embroidery floss. Core of leather cording, 1.9mm)
My favorite part! Doing 3 colours was new, and I had to redo them a few times before I figured out how to manage more than 2. (Which is exactly the same way as 2 colours. Why didn't I just try that from the start?) Went in blind through the ribbon, couldn’t see where I was putting the needle in. Thought I might break my needle trying to go through ribbon, paper, glue, mull, and more glue... but I didn’t! [No needles were harmed in the making of this book!]
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[Forgot to take progress pictures from here onwards. Again. 🙃]
Trimmed off excess cording on endbands, with a dab of glue at ends (to prevent thread from slipping off the core).
Materials for the case: measured and cut to size! (2mm binder's board for covers, decorative paper for covers, and bookcloth for spine.)
Paper for the covers is also from a dollar store find, but it’s a heavier paper than the endpapers. A lot nicer to work with.
In the tea-dyed notebook I made, I've written down formulas and standard measurements for the things I bind. The only thing needing to be measured this time was the spine thickness!
The spine stiffener: tried something new.
Not liking how the spine of my last rounded book turned out (it was 600+ pages), I decided to try something new: an Oxford hollow spine. Retrospectively, a regular spine would have been better in this case, but I wanted to try it.
Measured the spine of textblock by wrapping a bit of  scrap paper around spine, marking it's width. No futzing around with rulers and measuring tapes. For the spine stiffener I just used some cardstock with the grain running parallel to the spine.
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Oxford hollow spine stiffener (diagram above and more info here). A is glued to B.
I glued the spine stiffener to the textblock first and to the bookcloth later, rather than just to the bookcloth like I usually do. I think that was the right way, but I ended up having a difficult time casing in. (Though that could just be because I was trying something new for the first time)
Made the case! No issues here, thankfully. Glued book boards to bookcloth, glued decorative paper onto boards. Left overnight to dry, flattened under weight to prevent warping.
Casing it in: mistakes were made.
I made the mistake of applying glue to all places at once instead of one at a time like I usually do. End result of wrinkled and torn endpapers, and a spine where bookcloth is not actually glued to spine stiffener. 🙃
Slipped in scrap paper between glued endpaper and rest of textblock (moisture barrier), put book under weight overnight.
Note to self: either use something else as a moisture barrier, or use more than one sheet of paper. Moisture still got through and affected a bunch of pages. Maybe my wheat paste was too watery?
Next day: a book is in my hands, and soon, on my bookshelf! 
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the-east-art · 2 years
oh? can you rec some of your favorite sonic fics? I’ve never read any before!
Oh! Yeah totally! I don't think I have a ton because tbh there''s A LOT of chaff to get to the wheat in the sonic fandom lol and when it comes to the sonic character I'm very particular about their characterizations so I'll totally share what I have cuz I know it's rough to find the good stuff. (I'm also not really interested in shipping the sonic characters so that instantly means like 80% of the fics don't really interest me). You may notice this is mostly the same fic writers, and, yeah, what can I say they know what I like
Foray - Hikareh (unfinished)
Leaving one's family and destiny isn't an easy thing to do, but Sonic needs to get away to discover if he's the prince his siblings want him to be, or the hero his heart is telling him he is. Three years later, Eggman kidnaps Manic, and Sonic is drawn back into the world he left behind, but now he can do more than rely on his medallion. He can fight. Bridging Underground and SEGA.
I never watched sonic underground but this fic is so compelling that it doesn't really matter, I love it anyways. I don't think the author has any intentions of ever updating this fic, so be warned, but I adore this characterization of all these guys, especially the brotherly relationship between sonic and tails. Once every year or so I give this a reread (and it's a long fic! it's over 100,000 words as is!) just because I love it that much. If you aren't interested in sonic underground I still recommend reading the first few chapters because they mostly just take place with little moments between Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles and they warm my heart.
(the rest is under the cut to prevent it from taking up a whole dash lol)
Zima - Hikareh (unfinished)
Every year, Sonic makes it snow on Tails' birthday. Even now, when Tails looks through him and can't really remember him, Sonic keeps his promise.
Ah, the kind of really good au worldbuilding that makes you wish the author would just take the time separating the fandom stuff from the original ideas and make their own book - it's that good in my opinion. Basically most of the characters in the story are, like, magical beings that help control the weather, except for Tails, who Sonic raised. However only children can see the spirits of the weather, so when Tails gets too old he can't see Sonic anymore and man it breaks by heart. Unlike Foray the ashemarie has mentioned returning to this fic someday (although I wouldn't hold my breath - I'm a fic writer I know that can mean an update this week or in twenty years or never).
Untried Equilibrium - Speedy123 (complete)
It's a long way down from space, still quite a way to go back to his island, and a tired Knuckles has too much time to think. A lot has happened, a lot has changed, and which parts are good and bad about it, anyway? - Short moment in the wake of SA2's aftermath.
Speedy 123 almost completely owns the rest of this list. Exactly what it sounds like, almost like a character dynamic study between the primary color trio.
Carvings and Relics - Speedy123 (complete)
On a cold winter day, a lonely guardian attempts to battle the onslaught of time on Angel Island's ruins. Upon his return home he finds an unexpected visitor waiting for him who offers a different perspective on relics and their worth.
Ah I adore this one. A oneshot between Knuckles and Tails on Angel Island. The characterization of these two is so good - they always manage to write Tails as earnest and sincere.
Fire and Smoke - Speedy123 (complete)
For some reason, it seemed like it passed everyone's notice that it's a VOLCANIC island. Team Sonic's day of outdoor fun on Angel Island takes a turn for the worst.
A hurt and comfort, more dramatic story where Sonic and Tails arrive on Angel Island to see that the Volcano has erupted. Obviously they'll all be okay, it's not that kind of fic, as Speedy123 says its' more to explore how these characters would react in these kind of situations
Skyfire - Speedy123 (complete)
Theoretically, Sonic and Tails had other plans, but when they find out an ancient and important echidna holiday is coming around, they head up to Angel Island to crash an echidna party instead. Knuckles isn't so sure what to make of that, but at least he's trying.
Again so good as you see Knuckles struggling with a tradition that he only knows about second hand, it makes my heart break for him. Speedy explores a lot about the fact that Knuckles lives alone on Angel Island and I adore that - it makes me so sad that Angel Island isn't in the movies (yet at least, a girl can dream)
Unlikely - sarilleny (complete)
Knuckles isn't exactly sure what to expect when he finally reaches the resistance force base. He is eager to join the fight. He is willing to sacrifice. He is ready to defend everything they have left. He is not prepared however, for the unlikely circumstance that ultimately awaits him.
I've never played Sonic Forces but like any good fic you don't need to know much to get the gist and understand the situation the characters are in. I love fics that explore Knuckles in his leadership role, filling the void that Sonic left and the stress that puts him under, but also how he comes into his own. this is part of a series all exploring this idea and I can wholeheartedly recommend the whole thing.
Legacy. What Is A Legacy? - BrownieFox (complete)
'It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see'.
Silver wants to grow some plants for the resistance, and Knuckles decided to help out
YEAH THAT'S RIGHT IT'S BROWNIE! Another fic during the sonic era, a oneshot exploring Knuckles and Silvers' dynamic - something you don't often see! and does such a good job at exploring the idea of how the world has changed in the face of everything.
and that's it! There's probably some more out there - Hikareh has some more on their ffnet that never got crossposted, and I probably have more on my ffnet bookmarks but lord going through those is tedious work! I hope that these are helpful to you! sorry I'm super biased towards the trio lol what can I say they're my boys
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Thoughts on Separate Tides and Allergen Representation; an Essay
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“No appleblood. I spent the money on gryphon eggs for Luz. There’s not a lot she can digest here, so I make sure I have her favorites around.”
“Because you stuck with me, you lost your magic! You almost got turned to stone, and now you can’t even afford your appleblood because you’re worried about what I need to eat!”
This episode had a very surprising, and very sweet display of allergen representation. I really appreciate Luz’s issues and anxieties in this episode. While it’s presented in a fantasy way, when she explains how upset she is about her food restrictions, it speaks to a real issue affecting people with allergies and digestive problems. As someone with a food allergy growing up, the moments really spoke to me. I have Celiac Disease, which means that my body can’t digest gluten, a protein in wheat. I can eat the stuff physically, and the symptoms aren’t obvious like a peanut allergy. This makes it difficult to detect. The way it manifests is that my stomach can’t digest the protein. It will go through my small intestine, and tear up the lining of the organ that absorbs food, and what remains of the lining has a hard time absorbing other nutrients, causing me to essentially starve. These symptoms don’t appear immediately, taking days, weeks, or even months to register, making it even more difficult to detect. While gluten is something health nuts are obsessed with lately, it is a very real threat to people with my condition. My food can’t share the same plate, can’t share the same space; if they even so much as come into contact I have to scrap the whole meal just for safety’s sake. When I was younger, before I was diagnosed, I didn’t grow an inch for two years because my body had gone into maintaining the bare minimum needed for survival. My bones think they’re younger than they actually are. When I was diagnosed and I recovered, I grew a lot. What spoke to me in this episode was Luz’s discomfort and distress at Eda’s money troubles when it comes to food. It wasn’t a joke, it wasn’t mean, it was really meaningful, it’s a fact of life. It’s much like how Eda’s condition was treated in the first episode she appeared, just a part of life. Gluten free food is expensive, finding places that won’t actively poison me is exhausting, and I’m constantly worried about cross contamination. Even a few crumbs can be a problem. Frequently I will feel like a burden, like I’m being pedantic even though this is vital to my health. I cannot live off food with gluten, I will die. Yet it still feels as if I’m a burden. I’m right there with Luz; hearing people having to talk about our food sensitivities, and having to accommodate us, even if it's in a loving way like Eda said, is upsetting. I’m also going to guess that like me, Luz is also a picky eater even amongst stuff she can eat. On school trips, I always needed special treatment; it tended to be something that I don’t care for even if it was gluten free, or dry sandwiches I brought from home while my peers chowed down on pizza. I remember the looks everyone gave me. I have to explain to every single restaurant I find my condition. Even if they’re understanding, it’s a pain. Luz has been confirmed to be neurodivergent, and I am right there with her as well. It takes an immense amount of mental energy to find restaurants, to find the right menus, find the ones with the right accommodations. Food can’t even be cooked in the same fryer if I want to avoid cross-contamination. It’s terrifying and upsetting to constantly have to go to the front of the line and ask for what feels like conspicuous special treatment. As a neurodivergent person, social anxiety makes this so much worse. I constantly fear the cooks are cursing me under their breath for inconveniencing them, I fear that people behind me are whispering and that any moment a hand will land on my shoulder and demand I get to the back of the line with everyone else. Sometimes I will get food that I simply don’t like, or hasn’t been cooked right. Asking to have it fixed is terrifying, and I fear the people around me even more. Luz may not be super poor on Earth, but she voiced a lot of anxieties and frustration that people like me have. I'm from a well off family that could afford the additional expense of gluten free food, but I can’t imagine what a nightmare it is for real families who can’t afford gluten free food, or who can’t even
afford a diagnosis. To add insult to injury, many people will mock or dismiss us as being liars, pedantic, or just picky. It is a common thing to mock people with gluten free preferences; the Angry Birds movie made fun of it. I hear people complain about how expensive the food is even if they don’t have to eat it. People will offer me bread even after I explain to them what it will do to me. Dennys seems to have adopted a chain-wide proclamation to refuse to accommodate gluten free people. I have not eaten there in three years, because we experienced serious food problems in restaurants in Virginia and Vermont. Virtually every time I entered a Dennys three years ago, I would ask for a plate of plain and simple chicken that normally comes with toast, and I ask them to remove that; somehow, they would always screw up the order by putting glutinous bread right on top and ruining the whole meal. Yes, we are that sensitive to contamination. If it even touches the food the meal is ruined. Once, it was understandable because the waiter had been awake for eighteen hours. The other times were not. I saw the waiters argue with the other staff, I had a manager once come out to explain my own disease to me, even as two pieces of toast just sat there stewing on my chicken. That feeling of being a burden, of hearing people argue about trying to help you, stings very much. Some people will assume that we just don’t like wheat; I’ve heard horror stories of people trying to “prove” someone didn’t have Celiac Disease by secretly putting it in their food. The fact that we don’t go into anaphylactic shock when we consume it makes this a common problem as it leads them to assume it’s not an issue. It being a fad diet has also made my life worse; I have to constantly specify that I am not just gluten free, that I have an actual medical condition. I have to carry cards in my wallet to explain the situation. It feels like the world around me conspires to keep me from being healthy. And it feels like the world hates people like me for it. The best representation I’ve ever gotten for Celiac Disease was a CollegeHumor sketch. Most of the time, allergen representation is a joke, even if it’s informative and not meant to be mean. The Owl House breaks that trend with these two little exchanges. “No appleblood. I spent the money on gryphon eggs for Luz. There’s not a lot she can digest here, so I make sure I have her favorites around.” “Because you stuck with me, you lost your magic! You almost got turned to stone, and now you can’t even afford your appleblood because you’re worried about what I need to eat!” Luz’s snap at Eda about her food sensitivities is something I feel. I don’t often get allergen representation like this, especially any as loving and kind as this. Even to family, who love and support me, I can feel like a burden, as if there’s something wrong with me that is somehow my fault, and not the fault of a genetic disease dating back thousands of years. It’s deeply upsetting and frustrating to experience this. No matter who it comes from, it hurts a lot. I’m glad The Owl House captured this feeling perfectly. It’s good to know I’m not alone here. I’m glad to see representation where facts of my life aren’t seen as a joke.
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