#i was going somewhere with this but i forgot
vanillawurld · 2 days
༊*·˚Sensación del Bloque
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✧.* Pair - Joost Klein x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - fluff and cussing ig
✧.* Summary - Joost finds out about his friend's new neighbor and doesn't act upon introductions until he sees her in all of her beauty.
✧.* Extra- a couple things... reader is implied to be latina, implied to have a more tanner/browner/darker complex, and reader is going to have acrylic nails and gold jewelry cuz those are my favorite things in the world rn… also i dont speak dutch so the highlighted parts are the ppl speaking dutch. ALSOO reader has a place holder smell (vanilla) but yall can change it if you want ALSOOO reader doesn’t speak dutch okay im done now
✧.* Word Count - 1,319
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Joost always enjoyed meeting new people. It always allows him to share his work with others. He can be shy about his work but it's inevitable for people to know about him and his art. People never know when they are going to meet someone new unless it's planned.
Just like any other day for an artist, Joost was working with his friend, Antu, on the production of some beats for a new song in his friend’s apartment. “Man, I'm kind of hungry I'm not going to lie,” Antu randomly said, taking his eyes off his computer to look at Joost. They’ve been working on beats since the morning and being too focused on work, they forgot about the basic essentials a human body needs. Food.
“Well, what do you want to get? I don’t feel like driving so pick a place near here,” Joost replied.
Joost felt like it was an eternity letting Antu pick a fast food place. When he finally decided where to get food, they placed an order through the phone for pick up and waited. It was a quiet couple of minutes of waiting until Antu broke the silence, “I got a new neighbor”
“Yup. I’ve been trying to talk to her but she kind of ignores me. Like she’s playing hard to get,” Antu shared.
Joist gave him a confused look, “I thought you were talking to Sofie. Did you guys stop talking or something?”
Antu looked at Joost, “No… Im still talking to Sofie but that doesn’t mean im taken,” he said, making Joost roll his eyes.
“Do you know where she moved from?” Joost asked
Antu shrugged, “I heard some of the other neighbors say she’s not from Europe though. Probably somewhere in the Americas.”
A couple of minutes rolled by and Joost decided to start making his way to the place to pick up the food they ordered. He walked out of the apartment and checked his phone to see if the order was complete. While he was checking, he heard the next door open and was met by the most gorgeous looking woman he has ever seen. that must’ve been the new neighbor Antu was talking about.
She was gorgeous. everything about her screamed “goddess”. Her hair, her makeup, her jewelry, her nails everything. Joost didn’t wanna stare, but it was hard not to. The way her hair hugged the frame of her face. The way her flawless makeup sat. The way her gold jewelry reflected on her skin. The way her acrylic nails made her hands look pretty. He was able to smell her sweet vanilla scent from where he was at. something about her, made him intrigued to know her, even though this was the first time he was seeing her.
The woman was trying to look for something in her purse and seemed like she was struggling. She ended up giving up and started walking towards the elevator past him, but what she didn’t notice was that she dropped a euro. Joost saw this and thought that God was giving him a huge opportunity to talk to her. He picked up the euro and prepared himself.
“Excuse me ma’am” she ignored him “Ma’am, excuse me” she ignored him again. He got closer to her and thats when she turned around to face him. She felt his presence. Joost was even more nervous than he was. He was up close to her and felt his body go weak. “You dropped this, ma’am” he said to her.
She gave him a confused look at first and looked at his hand that had the euro note. “Is this… mine?” she said in a confused tone. From that short moment, Joost figured out why Antu couldn’t talk to her. She didn't speak Dutch. Joost didn’t know how Antu didn’t know since he said himself that she wasn’t from Europe.
“Oh, sorry! Yes this is yours. You dropped it.” Joost said in English.
He handed her the euro and gave her a nervous chuckle. She smiled back and gently took it from him. “Thank you so much,” she said to him. Her voice was heaven to Joost’s ears.
“No, problem,” he said. She started walking away, but Joost didn’t want her to. He didn’t want to stop talking to her. He wanted more from her. “Um, ma’am” he grabbed her attention again, “did you just move here?”
“I did. 2 months ago.” she replied, “im still trying to figure out where places are and stuff. Im trying to find a good clothing store near by.”
More opportunities were coming to the Dutch artist and he didn’t want them to go to waste. “Oh, I know a bunch of stores around here. I was actually about to head out to pick up some food from a place that’s around a lot of good clothing stores. If you want we can walk together around that place,” he exclaimed.
The woman gave him a smile and a smooth giggle, “You’re sweet, but im going to pass. I want to learn on my own.”
Joost was slightly disappointed but he couldn’t complain. “W-Well if you ever need any help, im always at my friends place working, stop by anytime,” he suggested.
She nodded and continued walking, but Joost called her out again. “Uh, ma’am?” she turned around to look at him, “Can I get your name? My name is Joost” he held out his hand for her to shake.
She looked down at his hand and back at him. “Everyone here is so nice,” she commented, “My name is (Y/N),” she said while taking out her hand to shake his. Joost was analyzing every detail about her. The way she talked, the way she dressed, her smooth hand, everything. As she walked away, she turned around one last time to tell him, “I like your outfit by the way.”
He watched the way her hips swayed as she walked and was enamored. Joost smiled almost like a dork. He felt extremely giddy inside like he could jump up high like they would in those corny musicals about high school. His moment was cut short though, when Antu opened the door. “Dude, where’s the food?” he said.
“Shit, sorry. I’ll go get it right now,” Joost said while taking out his wallet.
Antu looked to his side and saw his new neighbor walking towards the elevator. He immediately connected the dots. “Bro, don’t tell me you managed to talk to her,” he questioned, but by the way Joost was smiling, he already got his answer. “Please tell me your secret, i’m being dead ass,” Antu said.
From the moment that left Antu’s mouth, Joost wanted to gate keep. He didn’t want to tell him that (Y/N) doesn’t speak Dutch she he bullshitted, “You just got to have personality to pull someone like her.”
Anti rolled his eye, “Alright calm down, buddy. I will say you are lucky though. i’ve seen men basically line up outside to see her go out because she’s always going out. Didn’t think she’d talk to a boy white as you.”
“Okay, fuck you.” Joost replied. He was shocked by what Antu said though. Having men line up for a woman who is new to the country is crazy.
“Dude, she’s basically the street sensation. You are extremely lucky to even talk to her. I’ve seen her ignore so many people. Don’t know how you did it,” Antu commented before closing the door to his apartment.
Whatever spell (Y/N) put on Joost, it was working hard. he wanted to know more about her. Where she was from, who she was, but he needed to wait. He would wait until his death to know about her. He couldn’t wait to see more of her. This was the first woman to ever make him desperate for more and it wasn’t driven by lust.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
this was a little something... where my Latina Joost Klein bitches at
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Kate Laswell’s Wife!Reader (from this one shot) causing chaos.
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT this blog is 18+ No warnings really, language, sexual tension (GHOAP), docking mention.
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CoD Masterlist | Laswell’s Wife Masterlist (Coming Soon)
“You should just fuck already,” you wave at Soap and Ghost.
The pair are currently arguing about which film to put on while you hurry up and wait at the small ready room at the end of a runway somewhere in the south of France.
The room is blanketed in deathly silence as Gaz gawps at you, unable to form words at the newcomer in their midst saying what has been on his and Price’s mind for months. The rain pattering on the corrugated tin roof is the only sound permeating the ominous silence of the ready room.
“Fuck you talking about?” Ghost huffs as he slaps Soap’s hand away from the DVD player, the disc for The Road to El Dorado clattering to the floor.
“Asshole!” Soap growls as he gingerly picks up the disc, cradling it gently in his hands as he wipes it tenderly with the edge of his t-shirt.
“Just sayin’,” you shrug as you try to keep your expression neutral, “Haven’t seen this much tension pre-op since the missus and I were first assigned to the same deployment.”
“Missus?” Price says, seemingly without thinking as he quickly clamps his mouth shut, averting his eyes from you with lightning speed.
“You’re married?” Gaz asks a little more diplomatically, and you shrug.
“Ten years or so, never can remember the date, much to the missus’ ire,” you say with a grimace as you remember the last time you forgot your anniversary.
It’s not lost on you how the other two have fallen deadly silent, the blue-eyed Scot glowering up at Ghost. The brick-shit-house of a Mancunian stares right back, unyielding as they remain trapped in a battle of wills.
You’re saved by a crackle of static and Kate’s voice over Price’s radio. You’re on your feet in a flash, securing your plat carrier as you flash Soap a toothy grin and wink.
It’s go time.
A few weeks pass and Soap and Ghost’s bickering has mellowed a little. You’ve almost forgotten about the incident in the Ready room when Gaz storms up to you in the office you share with him and Soap.
“I fucking hate you,” he hisses, clearly flustered as he fidgets with the peak of his baseball cap, “They’re fucking insufferable.”
“What-,” You’re about to ask who he’s talking about when you hear them.
“Shut the fuck up, MacTavish,” you hear Simon growl as the pair walk past the door.
“Make me, LT,” Soap purrs and you bite your tongue to stop the giggle threatening to escape your lips.
“Careful what you wish for, Johnny,” comes the retort and you can see Gaz fuming out of the corner of your eye.
“Just you wait til we get home,” Soap says with a chuckle, “I’ll show you what I’m wishin’ for.”
You look at Gaz with an apologetic smile and he rolls his eyes at you.
“At least it’s better than their bickering, right?”
“You don’t have to hear them in the shower,” Gaz huffs as he pinches his nose between his thumb and forefinger, “I think I preferred the bickering.”
Your phone buzzes with a notification from Kate. You frown as you open it.
The Missus: What have you done?
The next message comes through as a screenshot of multiple messages from Price. All of them complaints about the noise Ghost and Soap make.
Price: Can hear them on the other side of the fucking base.
Price: Christ, they’re like fucking rabbits.
Price: Kate, help, please?
Price: Kate? What’s docking?
Price: Nevermind, fucking hell.
Gaz gives you a sideways look as you snort at the chain of messages.
“Glad someone is finding this funny,” Gaz huffs but you can tell he’s not really mad at you. He punches your shoulder playfully before heading out to the gym. You wave him off with a warmth blooming in your chest.
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt so at home in a team. You type out a quick text to Kate.
You: I’ve just helped along an inevitable outcome with a little external support, isn’t that what your job is all about?
The Missus: Not funny.
You: It was a little funny, come on. When are you back in country? I miss you.
The Missus: Fine, a little… And I’ll be home next week, why? You missing me that much?
You: Always. I love you. Xx
The Missus: And I you, see you soon gorgeous. Xx
A/N: Definitely have some anniversary smut planned for these two 😇 Might try and put it in with @glitterypirateduck’s Vacation challenge! Thank you @greatstormcat for inspiring me to write more for these two!
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be-my-sunrise · 2 days
pairings: jaemin x rem!reader
word count: 497
warnings: suggestive content
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Jaemin feels like he just hit the jackpot. He walked in on you at the kitchen, looking all frustrated. His roommate has brought yet another girl back with him and forgot to let Jaemin know. Otherwise, he would've crashed somewhere.
He was about to go back to his room when he got the idea. He just couldn't bear leaving you like that. Not when he also has a raging boner right now.
"I can do a way better job than him, you know."
You flinch when you hear Jaemin's voice behind you, body tensing as you feel his body so close to you.
"W-what?" You stutter. You want to move away from him, but your body just freezes for no reason.
"I think you know what I'm talking about. How about we go to my room and I can show you, hm?
Jaemin brushes your hair off of your shoulder, making you shudder when you feel his hot breath on your neck. His body is so close to yours that you can feel his cock pressing against your ass. Almost immediately, he smirks when he feels you grinding back against him.
He whispers lowly in your ear. "You don't even have to worry about faking it with me."
Your eyes go wide and you quickly turn around to face him. "How did you know that?"
"I just can tell. So, what do you say, angel?"
Jaemin tucks a finger under your chin, slightly lifting it up. Even though it's dark, you can clearly see his features from how close his face is to yours. You feel your heart pounding against your chest.
"But he'll hear us."
"Let him hear. Maybe he can learn a thing or two on how to properly fuck someone."
You'd be lying if you say you didn't consider it, but you kind of feel bad for your other friend. Although he didn't do a good job earlier, you don't want to embarrass him. You pull away from Jaemin and take a step back.
"Sorry, I don't think that's a good idea." You clear your throat. "Uhh–I'll get going now."
You walk away, but Jaemin catches your wrist before you can walk further.
"Fine, let's do it in my car then."
You turn to him, and he inches closer to you. "Do us both a favor, and let's help each other out. I'll drive you home too."
Okay, now you're seriously considering his offer. You're so desperate for a release, and it's driving you crazy. Jaemin looks at you with pleading eyes, patiently waiting for your response.
You've heard talks about how good Jaemin is in bed, and it's definitely better to have him fuck you senseless rather than using your vibrator back at home. It's also nice of him to offer to take you home too.
"Alright, let's do it."
Jaemin smiles and pulls you in for a short kiss. "I'll take good care of you, angel. I know you won't regret it."
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a/n: jaemin calling you angel>>>>>> 😵‍💫🫠
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Hi guys :)
This a short one from a request . Sorry for the time it took me to write it dear anon!
Please enjoy it ♥
TW : Creepy nightmare, Angst.
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You feel uneasy, but you can’t explain why. You know the room you are sitting in, it’s the common room in the Arsenal building, but you have a strange feeling in your stomach. You are waiting for your girlfriend after a game, it has been so long that there are no one around you. No noise too, the stadium is empty now and the night has begun to fall. Katie never takes so much time to get ready.
You sigh softly before getting up and going to the locker room, where your girlfriend is supposed to be. The light on the ceiling made a noise while it gets on, showing you that there is no one here, only a bag forgotten by someone – probably Beth.
“Katie?” you try, even if you know there is no way that she’s here.
You shiver when your voice resonates, reverberating against the walls.
Maybe she went to the parking you decide, so you take that way too. You still have a strange feeling and can’t help but look over your shoulder from time to time while walking.
You just have to take a look at the parking to see that it’s empty and there is no car left. Did really Katie go home without you?
While looking for your phone in your pocket, you realize that you forgot it somewhere, probably where you were waiting for her. Going back make you groan, but it’s there that you finally find someone else. She’s back facing you and you only see that she has blond hair. It could be a lot of your teammates honestly. Leah, Alessia, Stina, Beth…
“Hello?” you call.
When the girl turns around, you are frozen in horror. She hasn’t a human face. Her eyes are black, and her large smile reveals disturbing white and sharps teeth. All of this on a pointed face.
You just have the time to scream before she jumps on you and you are suddenly sitting on your bed, screaming in real life too.
Coopurr jump off the bed while hissing and Katie probably has a heart attack next to you. Wide awake, she however sits too, looking around to find something who could make you scream in terror like that.
“Babe what’s happening?” she asks when she realizes that there is no one in your room.
“I - There was a - You weren’t…” you try to talk.
But your breathing is too unhinged, your heart is beating too fast. You aren’t able to make a sentence who means anything. Ignoring your sweaty face, Katie takes it softly between her hands and looks right in your eyes.
“I need you to breath, ok? It was just a dream. You’re home with me. You are safe.”
You nod, trying to steady your breathing. To help yourself, you copy it on the Irish women. You close your eyes when she strokes your cheeks with her thumbs, wiping the tears you don’t realize you had.
When Katie is happy with your breathing again, she takes you in her arms while she lies on the bed again. She is right. You feel safe in her arms like this.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asks softly.
Her tone let you the choice, she would listen if you chose to talk about it. But if you answer no, you know that she won’t get mad. So, you tell her, without forgetting any details. Your feelings during it and everything that happened. Katie listens with attention, playing with your hair in a way that calm you every time.
“Must have been awful” she whispers before kissing your head. “But for the record, I will never leave without you.”
“You better” you mumble, rolling on your stomach to cuddle totally against her.
She hums and kiss your cheek softly several times. If it was anyone else, you probably have felt stupid about that dream and the way you wake all the house up.
(Ella will make a remark to you tomorrow morning, asking you with a smirk who made you scream this way, adding that it was certainly not her sister. That said sister who throw a book in her direction and almost knock her out.)
But with Katie you feel safe enough to talk about it and let yourself being vulnerable. You know that she will never make fun of you or that she will never say anything to anyone. Your nightmares were always a part of you, they sometimes are coming around for several nights before leaving for two months before coming back again.
“Your cat probably hates me now” you mumble tiredly.
It makes Katie laughs and she moves a little bit on the mattress to find a better position.
“Give him one of his damn cats treats tomorrow morning and you will be forgotten”
You smile softly, feeling sleepy again. You can tell that Katie is feeling the same, her breathing coming slower and deeper.
“Wake me up if you need me, yeah?” she asks before sleeping for good.
“Promised” you whispers.
She strokes your cheek with her nose and kisses it one more time before closing her eyes. In several seconds she’s off. You need a little more time, but you easily fall asleep too. You are safe in Katie arms, you know that she will protect you from everything, every day of your life if you need to.
You take some minutes to look at the face of your peaceful and asleep girlfriend. If only people could know how soft, caring and sweet she can be with the one she loves. It’s not a surprise that she has so many friends around her. Even if she doesn’t like to show her soft side to everyone, you love that part of her.
Well, to be honest, you love everything about her.
You kiss her jaw softly, putting your head on her shoulder before closing your eyes for good this time.
“I love you, Katie” you whisper against her skin.
“Love you too” she grumbles in her sleepy state.
It makes you smile. You will thank her properly tomorrow morning, but for now you both need to catch your sleep.
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lunaviee · 2 days
ushijima headcanons bc bro needs more appreciation 🤗🤗💗💗💗💗 (and bc im rewatching haikyuu and im actually going INSANE.)
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i feel like he kinda gained a habit of reaching for your hand a lot. idk why but he’ll stare at it for a minute and then just grab it wordlessly
1000% the kind of guy to get you “just because” flowers. i think he’ll see them at a local market and then make it his life’s mission to make you a pretty bouquet
he’s actually really good at cooking. he enjoys it, especially when he sees the glow in your eyes when you try his food
enjoys taking the scenic route when you guys take a drive somewhere. not only does he find the landscape beautiful, but it gives him more time to talk or even just be in your presence
speaking of driving, he definitely does that move where he puts his hand on your headrest when he’s backing out🤗🙏
i feel like he can read you really well. like if you’re uncomfortable somewhere or maybe just not feeling well, he tries to get you out of that situation
actually kinda going back to the hand thing, he rlly likes your touch. it’s so warm against his skin and he feels so at ease with you around
i feel like he’s very academically smart, his grades are impeccable and he’s always helping you in your classes. but social/street smarts? yeah umm not so much. it takes a little while to adjust at the beginning of your relationship but you soon find how well of a match you are for each other
back to the “reads you well” part, he also remembers everything about you. your order at your local coffee shop, why you don’t like certain foods, and will never forget a special date
he also likes spending money on you, insisting you buy that new shade of lip tint even if it looks just like the one at home, because with him around, you shouldn’t have to worry about a single penny
this one’s kinda silly but i just KNOW he’s the type of mf to bring in all the groceries in one trip
always sends you “good morning” and “goodnight” texts. but since it’s ushijima, it’s kinda like “goodnight, sleep well❤️” a little basic but trust me, he’s much better at showing his love in person
speaking of, his love language is definitely acts of service and probably quality time. whatever he can do to make your day a little better, he’ll do it
he takes such good candid pictures of you it’s actually insane. you genuinely don’t know how he even takes these without you noticing but somehow they’re always amazing
also, he doesn’t like deleting pictures of you. something about it doesn’t feel right to him so he’ll have a handful of pics that have your face all blurry or cropped out, but it’s still you so why should he delete it??
pls i just know his embrace is so secure and warm….. like you’ll ask for a hug and even if he doesn’t always understand how of why his physical touch makes you feel so special but he never declines
i know this is cliche, but he’s obviously strong af so picking you up is no problem and he’ll often do it if you get tired of walking. he also insists you sit on his back while he does pushups. his words not mine🤞🤞
cat lover. like one day you two went to a pet store to buy some treats for moms dog and he makes eye contact with a gray cat.
you guys forgot about the treats and ended up buying a bunch of cat stuff
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✮ — haikyuu might bring back my motivation to write….
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marlynnofmany · 2 days
Rainy Day Eggs
The last delivery our ship made was to a dry planet with too much wind. I’d say it was nice to be somewhere with moisture in the air again, but this was a lot of rain. And while I can appreciate the scent of petrichor and the sound of raindrops on the roof as much as the next Earthling, our current setup was a smidge inconvenient.
Paint asked, “Are you sure we don’t want to use the cargo bay instead?” She peeked past my elbow through the personnel door. “I feel like a wet floor there is less of a slipping hazard.”
“Maybe, but the awning doesn’t fit,” I told her, pointing up at the portable thing that came with this spaceport’s landing pad. It was made for single-person entrances, a hovering pink rectangle tethered to the ground with some kind of localized tractor beam. It stuck to the ship nicely, and hadn’t let so much as a drop sneak past to drip down my shirt, but it wouldn’t have fit over the cargo bay entrance.
“I thought we were going to use one of the bigger landing pads,” Paint said, surprise on her lizardy face as she looked out at the spaceport. “I know our ship is on the small side, but this spot looks tiny!”
“It is,” I said. “That douchnozzle over there sniped our spot.” I pointed at the sporty red single-person cruiser that was currently hogging a courier space. I’d heard Wio swear from the cockpit when she had to adjust our approach because the jerk zipped in front of us. I’d seen the nice big awning crumple down to fit his jerkmobile. After we’d landed in a spot almost too small for us, I’d seen him stroll away with fancy clothes and a force field umbrella, and he hadn’t come back yet.
He was a human, too. Not that I was bitter about any of that.
Paint huffed. “How rude! Well at least we have the comfort of knowing that the kind of person to do that is likely to make their own life harder every day.”
“You’re right on that count,” I agreed. “I can just imagine how much his food gets spit in when he eats at restaurants.”
This concept was a new one as far as Paint was concerned, and we spent the next few minutes before our client arrived talking about unsanitary food sabotage. (She wasn’t a fan. Can’t say I blame her.)
The birdlike cargo of the day was making quiet cooing noises from its cage as the client approached: a slender Frillian who’d come prepared with a bubble-shielded hover cart. I greeted him and handled the electronic payment while Paint gave the cargo one last look over. The coos turned to anxious warbles.
I wanted to call them chickens, and I’m still not convinced that I’m far off, but while their speckled feathers reminded me of the Aracaunas I’d had as a kid, these guys had scaly jaws instead of beaks. Feathery little velociraptors, all puffed up into anxious feather-orbs and looking ready to bite.
I was grateful for both the cage and the awning.
“Here you go,” I said, passing over the cage with extreme care. It barely fit through the door. Luckily the dino-chickens were light, even when they flapped and hissed. The client got them onto the cart with practiced ease. I tried not to show how relieved I was. That cage going sideways to smash open on the rainy ground would have been disastrous.
“Oh wait!” Paint said from behind me. “What about the eggs?”
“Right, I forgot about those,” I said, turning to grab the bowl she held out, which I’d set in the hallway next to the cage. Three speckled eggs rolled merrily as I held it out to the client. “Do you want these? They laid them on the way here, though they don’t seem interested in caring for them.”
He was busy strapping the cage down. “No thanks! They’re not fertilized. Just toss ‘em in your bio-recycler or whatever. Have a great day!” A fresh wave of rain pounded down between us.
“All right, thank you!” I waved goodbye and stepped back inside the ship, closing the hatch. With the rain shut out, the silence felt loud.
“I’ll mop up the water,” Paint volunteered. She pointed at where a spray of raindrops had managed to blow in on the wind. “Watch your step.”
“Thanks.” I held the bowl of rolling eggs in one hand, and the payment tablet in the other. I stepped carefully.
“And make sure you sanitize that bowl!”
“Oh, I will,” I said. “But before I just throw these away, I think it’s time for a rousing game of ‘who thinks these are food?’”
Paint regarded me with a mix of skepticism and disgust. “Really?”
I grinned at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll have Eggskin scan them first.”
“You do that!”
Still grinning, I put away the tablet and did that. Eggskin was in the medical bay, which was next to the kitchen, which was convenient, because Eggskin was in charge of both. They were the most knowledgeable cook/medic I’d ever met.
They didn’t make any fun expressions when I handed over the bowl, not so much as lifting a scaly browridge. They just set to scanning and analyzing like the professional lizardy alien they were.
(I still haven’t told them that the color of their scales reminds me of boogers, and I don’t ever plan to.)
The machine dinged. Eggskin tapped a few buttons, cross-referencing something on the intelligent species database.
“You can’t eat these,” they declared.
“What? Why not?” I was honestly shocked. Humanity’s omnivorous nature had made me used to being the one who could eat everybody’s food.
“There is a significant level of a toxin that would cause vomiting and worse,” Eggskin informed me. “Looks like your people call it tremetol.”
That made a memory ding. “Wait, like the kind from white snakeroot? The kind cows eat, and gives people milk sickness?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Eggskin said drily. “In my personal opinion, all milk is likely to cause sickness, but you’re welcome to your mammal tendencies. Just don’t eat these.”
“Aw, man,” I said. “Is it poisonous to everybody?”
“Let me check.” Eggskin brought up another species. “Looks like Mesmers aren’t affected.”
A voice from the doorway asked, “By what?” and I realized the quiet clicking noises had been Zhee’s feet. His big bug eyes peered in with some very nosy curiosity for someone without a nose.
I said, “By a toxin in the eggs that our animal cargo laid.”
Zhee tilted his head. “Good to know that something I don’t plan to touch will not harm me.”
Eggskin said, “The conversation was about eating them.”
“Ew.” He tilted his head at a more extreme angle and raised his pincher arms as if in defense. “Why?”
I sighed. “Apparently they’re poisonous to some of us.”
“Oh no,” Zhee deadpanned. “What a loss.”
Eggskin asked, “Want me to dispose of them?”
“I guess so,” I said. “Looks like all they’re good for is egging houses. Or spaceships.” I paused to think. “I wonder if they’d do the same kind of damage to the exterior that they do to car paint. It’d get washed away by the rain today anyway.”
“Spaceships like a certain red piece of excrement?” Zhee angled his long body sideways to let someone pass. “The captain would likely deem that unwise.”
I opened my mouth to answer, but Captain Sunlight beat me to it.
“Unwise is one word for it,” she said as she stepped into view and paused instead of passing. Her scaly yellow face wore a scowl. “But that’s the same egghole who nearly sideswiped Kamm’s ship last week; I just checked. Now, we’re about to take off, but if the door happens to open and close before we do, I will be conveniently looking the other way.” She made eye contact, then strolled off toward the cockpit.
Zhee and Eggskin looked at me. I looked at them. Then I grabbed the bowl of eggs and legged it toward the hatch.
As the crewmember with the best throwing arm, and the same species as the egghole in question, it was only fitting that I deliver the karma.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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modanisgf · 2 days
wc: <1k
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danielle woke up to the ringing of her phone, turning in her bed to answer.
“hello?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.
“DANIELLE?!” a voice who she assumed to be hanni yelled, making danielle wince.
“could you be any louder?! i just woke up.” danielle says, getting out of bed to get ready.
“you have criminals after you and you didn’t tell us??” haerin says, presumably being with hanni.
“it was gonna come up some day.” danielle shrugs.
“mo jihye.” minji warns, “you could’ve died yesterday!”
“hello, are all of you there?” dani asks.
“yes, we’re waiting on you outside.” hyein replies.
“waiting on me? OUTSIDE?” dani says, before the phone hangs up.
she peeked out her blinds to see none other than her entire friend group standing on her front porch, the four of them constantly looking around probably in fear of dani’s enemies coming to visit.
danielle sighs, but continues to get ready regardless and makes her way outside. her eyebrows furrowed at the backpacks they all had on.
“were none of you gonna tell me i needed to pack a bag?” dani asks, to which hanni responds.
“oh no you’re okay, just come on follow us.” she says, the rest of them start walking hanni and danielle trailing behind.
the five of them pass yn’s house, dani staring at it as they passed. she missed you dearly, and wanted to apologize for the past week. maybe she’ll do it on the way back.
when danielle’s friends made her leave and walk somewhere, she didn’t expect it them to go to minji’s house. why couldn’t they have just called her driver?
“minji, why couldn’t we have just gotten your driver to take us here?” danielle asks.
“he’s on his break right now.” minji shrugs.
“maybe if someone had their license we wouldn’t have to rely on her driver.” hanni says, earning a side eye from minji.
“i don’t have time for drivers ed.” minji says, rolling her eyes.
sometimes danielle forgot that minji was truly a rich girl, moments like these proving it. minji unlocked the door, and the five followed her as she led them to a room.
the room was extremely closed off, the window on the door being covered by a black paper and caution tape being attached to the front side of the window.
“was this really necessary?” haerin asks, her eyebrows furrowing at the exaggerated precautions minji had done.
“yes, nobody else can get into here if we want to keep this secret.” minji says.
“wouldn’t this just make it obvious it’s something secret?” hanni asks.
minji sighs, choosing to ignore the question and opens the door. the door revealing a full fledged lab, gadgets and more all around.
“how the hell did you get something like this in your house?” danielle asks, her jaw dropping.
“i have my connections.” minji shrugs, walking in to let her friends follow behind.
“we’ve all known about this except you dani, we were sure you would’ve told us to not get involved.” haerin explains.
“but we want you to be safe, so minji designed this so we could make you things that can help you whenever you’re out and think someone’s after you.” hyein says.
“well by we, mainly haerin and minji. more on that we thought about it, since you’re probably gonna be fighting those guys— why don’t you fight crime like the comic spiderman?” hanni says, recieving a look from danielle.
“i barely even know how to use my powers? wait— don’t tell me you guys made a suit..” dani says, getting nervous smiles from all her friends except minji.
she clicked a button on a remote, revealing a spider suit inspired by the comics altered to fit danielle more.
“you guys are crazy.” danielle mumbles, too busy being in awe of the suit.
“me and haerin are still making adjustments to it, but it should be done and ready for you in a couple days. just stay on the down low for a bit alright?” minji says, to which danielle nods.
“anyways, we need to train you if you agree to this being your side job.” hyein says.
“and how are we doing that?” danielle asks.
“connections!” she replies.
“we found someone who’s willingly to teach you some martial arts, but that’s not until tomorrow.” hanni says.
“so go hang out with yn or something for now, we’ll let you know our schedule soon.” haerin says.
“are you guys like my bosses now?”
“do you wanna die?”
dani sighs, taking her leave. she could not believe her life had taken this sharp of a turn.
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a/n— hey yall….
TAGS 🏷️ (OPEN): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @mxl633 @hrjunluvs @kissablening @mah4u @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @xen248 @dexthzone @kaypanaq @multiliker @addorations @edenzeepy
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m1sa-w1sa · 3 days
Glad you are okay and hope you doing good! *Random idea I got from plot in manga. Yandere Kyoko Kirigiri and Chiaki Nanami with crush on darling who need glasses to see, only for a day to not have it due to forgot, destroyed, or taken by bullies. Darling needs help to do daily activity of eat (they might eat dirt) and write down notes. Darling might go very near to their persona space near their chest in order to see their notebook to copy them. Good night!
(This is so cool!! Ty for the request annon!! MIGHT BE A LITTLE OC!!)
A/N: Ok so a little things about requests, i got a dm saying ‘why tf havent you done my genshin request?! Blah blah one I already done it TWO i always do it latest to earliest and i DO have a outside life so please be patient! Thats all! Enjoy~!
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Kyoko Kirigiri
•So Im going to start this off as you came to her first asking for help to guide you through the day until you get your glasses back
•She would be on cloud nine, almost letting out a soft smile at the fact quickly accepting the offer to help you through your day, why wouldnt she?! She can protect you and hold your hand 24/7!
•She wouldnt let ANYONE near you, even your friends as she made a excuse about ‘ They were going to tease you about not having your glasses ‘ She made sure that you held her hand all the time even if she wasnt even sitting in her own seat in glass just to help you take notes
•She would feed you herself not minding the stares she might be getting, she likes having you under her wing, her darling just where she wants them
•if your hand travels somewhere else (chest area) she would quickly stop you, telling you what you were about to do, but she doesnt mind, any contact with her darling is alright but she does make sure to guide your hands herself
•If your bullies took your glasses, she would frame them perfectly for a crime that she committed, she killed one of them but made it seem like they all took part, if you broke or lost them she would help you find them at the end of the day, but hiding them for a little longer so you can still be dependent on her
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Chiaki Nanami
•Usually Chiaki is pretty sleepy but when you told her you needed help for the day then she was wide awake for this, you accidentally taped her chest thinking that it was her shoulder she understood and held your hand instead aceoting the offer
•She kept you close paying a little more attention in class to help you with notes, but if you usually dont pay attention in class she would still help you but not as much as she would if you did
•She was happy that you were by her side the whole day, staying with her during breaks and playing video games or her guiding your fingers to play was a joy for her
•She would KINNNDDA forget to feed you until you almost ate like hand sanitizer thinking it was your drink, thats when she quickly started to help you with more things
•If your bullies took your glasses she wouldnt really know what to do but not really wanted to do anything either so you can stay with her but she would try to get them back for you
•If you lost or broke them like kyoko she would hide them or hide the pieces so you can stay together for longer
(DONE!!! I hope you enjoyed! Next story coming soon!!)
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fictionfixations · 3 days
all the sad tales
penacony + aventurine spoilers
the wiki probably contains this but for my own sake i need to keep this somewhere.
(it'll be in bold. what im not sure on will not be in bold)
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(The murmurs near your ears grow louder, more booming. You can even see another ████ ████████. Let's hope you can hold on until the moment you step onto the stage of the amusement park.)
(whited out parts are parts i cant decipher yay)
im going to try my hardest not to miss anything because i really like aventurine and i want to take my time with this. but i also sometimes have a really short attention span or get too immersed in something that i forget everything else so like...
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(You ████████ ██ ██ █ ██████ discovered a strange child -- He seems to hail from the Avgin origins(?)... Weren't they already wiped out?)
(need to stop sprinting. i keep noticing breakable objects or chest so then i sprint towards them and im going to end up missing something instead of just heading straight into activating more of the story)
bby kakavasha runs so fast oh my god (its kind of sad to imagine that he can run so fast probably to run away from well yknow...)
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(You are completely entranced by the Avgin boy. Just who is(?) he? There's still time. Maybe you can catch up to him and ask him exactly what █████████.) (happened?) (the extra whited out part on just who --- is probably a space. otherwise it could be was but hm.)
(im going to cry if i miss checking it because an enemy is chasing after me and i run headfirst into story. yes i am a coward who doesnt like starting battles if i can help it. makes me wish i had acheron but id honestly never use her in battle unless i had someone to regenerate skill points considering i have 5 star dan heng, so other attack ppl on team dont get much attention, and i dont really know how to use her beside tehcnique insta kill?? does that mean i can whip out a lvl 1 acheron and it works??)
dont plan on talking about the dialogue too much (i saw multiple people go through the story before i started ngl) but (also aventurine boss creeping up on me... i literally only have one person on team who attacks multiple at a time, and no one else outside of the team is as built)
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LISTEN. have you SEEn hyenas playfighting its fucking adorable. call someone a hyena, i call it a compliment.
i missed the first piece of text... i forgot...
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(*Ride the Pinball Machine)
still the same
i dont know why but the puzzles in penacony make me lag so bad. the puzzles, the pinball machine, or that dreamweaver thing. bruh.
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(*Win the Hide and Seek game and find the Avgin boy)
anyway from what im understanding you can tell how many letters are missing because its as many characters as a character is missing. whenever ive blacked out text i never do that cause its so much bigger than the original text (i do one block for every two letters ngl. but i also dont do it with the intention of people deciphering what it says)
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(*Play the roll of █████ film) (wound?)
i dont know film terms enough to even decipher what it could be. it could be color. black. white.
wound? wound as in rolling? like uh uh. past tense of wind. like winding up a roll. a wound roll. cause the description of wounds.. it could be related to his family. or..
I MISSED IT AGAIN 'there is only water, not rock' or something like that
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(*Leave the maze)
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(*Check the things you(?) lost)
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i cant decipher this one 😭. you??? (Leave the maze you(?) █o) but i dont know what would make sense of it then. idk.
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oh fuck i forgot to check the objective. its. probably the same as the other one for when finding a 'lost' object but like...
AGHHH wiki came in clutch
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(*Check the lost things and memories)
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(*Escape escape(?) the maze escape(?) the past/last(?) escort(?)) (this is a lot of 'idk')
(Failure discarded selfish useless pointless coward murderer gambler blessed discarded loser chosen-one Mother Goddess's beloved crazy murderer blessed failure discarded loser pointless coward murderer chosen-one selfish fool(?) blessed discarded loser chosen-one you(?) loser discarded pointless coward(?) murderer gambler blessed █isc█████ useless loser chosen-one Mother Goddess's blessed/beloved(?) loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser ████ ████ ███████████ ███ ██████ █████ █ ██ ████ █)
there might be way more losers then there should be because my eyes were getting confused. and also more of the blacked out character
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this line right here makes me wonder why he's still in the IPC after like the end of 2.2 (..im pretty sure 2.3 is the next update)
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my brain power is failing on me idk what this one is
im going to turn my settings to max for the picture because its so fucking pixel-y. im going to try to save it before my pc crashes.
my one complaint: the taking a picture function that continues the story disappears when you get close to kakavasha. so i cant take a photo with him and continue the story.,
whatever.where the fuck is the screenshot folder im crying
oh my god the LAUNCHER? HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNow after i go through the star rail folder > games folder > starrail_data folder > screenshots
thats way too many folders for me to even notice 😭
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second image cuz yes
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'there'll be one beside you' or something im sorry my memory is shit short term i already forgot
'over plains, endless'
'into cracked earth, stumbling'
im stressed so im getting distracted
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"So run, Kakavasha, do not be afraid, and do not look back."
now go back and reread the previous quest thing.
okay thats it i think
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kairithemang0 · 3 days
curtwen masquerade ball curt dips owen in a ballroom dance can't see owen blush like a maniac that's it that's the ask
So, would they know it's each other?
If they didn't, maybe it would have Curt being like "oh this guy is so hot..." and not knowing Owen is working with him on a mission or something
Hold on gonna just write about this and see where it goes (will not be edited, probably. very much a first draft)
Curt brings the mysterious man away from the party, his mask still draped over his face. He holds onto the man's wrists, his hands hot as he holds the cuffs of the man's suit jacket. They found a quiet corner, Curt's face still coded red under the mask. He listened to the man's laugh, which felt like being stabbed with knives of sweetness. He wanted to know if the man was as flustered as he was. He wanted to look back and ask him to take the mask off, so they can have a real face to face.
"Not used to being dipped now, are you, love?" The mysterious man pushed Curt against the wall of the corner they found themselves in, the only light illuminating the blue and purple mask of the man was the glimmer of moonlight from the window near them. Curt's clothes felt tight, he loosened his tie a bit. The mysterious man watched him like a vulture about to attack, ready to feast on all the skin Curt let himself show.
"It's not the first time, I simply wasn't expecting a man with your charms to show up tonight," Curt tried his hardest to be able to breathe, to keep his cool while his face began to burn with a mix of embarrassment and the feeling as if he could melt into the man at any second. He almost forgot he was working, still looking for his partner for the mission. Owen Carvour, he assumed he hadn't shown up yet. It gave Curt time for this moment, this sweet perfect moment.
The man touched Curt's collar, brushed a finger along where the fabric ended and Curt's skin began, "Your skin is surprisingly soft, love," he grinned under the mask, letting out a grin as Curt moved his neck away from the touch out of instinct, "You're cute, aren't you?" His accent was rich and gorgeous, Curt wanted to be surrounded by that voice he had for ages.
Curt didn't respond to that. He was a lot of things, but he would've never described himself as "cute". But if this man was saying it? Curt wanted to say as loudly as he could that he was the cutest man to ever live.
"You've gone quiet, what's on your mind?" The man's finger trailed up his neck and onto Curt's chin, before he made his way to Curt's trembling lip and pressed his finger into it just enough to where he heard Curt let out a quiet whimper, "Now that's a noise I didn't think could come out of your mouth, love."
"Yeah well, you've got a lot to learn about me," Curt choked out, he could barely hide it anymore, not that he was trying to. He felt the man's chest push against his, Curt didn't realize how close his face had gotten to his, he couldn't tell if it was his eyes playing tricks on him or if his face was really as red as Curt thought it looked. He was gorgeous either way.
The man laughed, and trailed his fingertips back down Curt's face, letting it travel lower than his collar and down to his loosened tie, loosening it more with his delicate finger, "Maybe I do. I'd say we should start with names, but this isn't the setting for that, is it?" Curt could practically smell his breath that was a mix of mint and pure sweetness that made Curt feel like he was going to go on a sugar rush just from breathing it in. Curt closed his eyes and his chest rose as the man touched the buttons on Curt's shirt, "Maybe I'll buy you a drink later, find somewhere with less risk."
Curt practically melted, and unable to contain his eagerness any longer and grabbed the man's face and kissed him. Curt strung his hands through the man's hair, as he felt the mask slip down the man's nose and fall to the floor. Curt didn't let that stop him, and the man grabbed his shoulders and pushed him hard against the wall.
The man's lips tasted just as good as Curt thought they would and was painfully disappointed when he felt him pull away. It was too short, he needed it back. Curt watched him, his brain beginning to work again. He knew the face, he recognized it even though he didn't look as flustered in the picture as he did now.
"Hello, Agent Mega. A pleasure to meet you," Owen Carvour fixed his hair and held his hand out to Curt, who through the confusion and desperation to feel his perfect skin again, shook it firmly.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Agent Carvour."
Again very much a first draft, still fun to write (you didn't ask for a fic, sorry :/)
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totentnz · 3 months
anyway i decided to make v a quick cummer (terrible word) why? because she can have some good things in her life (lies! its to annoy johnny)
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nyancrimew · 10 months
gougle . caom really sleepy go bed but insomniat ?? possible to dissociate somuchy you forget the dissociation how to deal with The Situations tin6y kitten sleep like tiny kitten become tyibyt kitten solve problem?? tin7y kitten dot com
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kiwichils · 28 days
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healing hands
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evol-astraea · 1 month
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Riveder le stelle.
Inspired by Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto XXXIV, line 139.
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krysmcscience · 2 months
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Trying out a mix of my own style and the game's. I can't seem to get Narinder to look quite the way I want him to, because of course that precious bastard cat has to be difficult. >:\ I was expecting the Bishops to be a lot harder to draw, but they were pretty cooperative. Ratau, on the other hand...man, fuck that little dude. I redrew him five times and I still don't like how he looks. >:[
I decided to take a few creative liberties with what Leshy and Shamura are wearing under their cloaks. Mostly because I find it funny to ban Leshy from freeballing down there, and also because I wanted to incorporate the many bandages Shamura has for their eldritch form in some way.
Oh, right, and there's this weirdo, too
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In the full file of all these goobers together, they're judging everyone else with that look.
I should have been asleep hours ago BYE
(yeets this post into the tumblrsphere and collapses)
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samipekoe · 6 months
if this read more disappears the moments I hit post I'll have to delete this so fast or my heart will explode
now you will bear witness to my twisted mind (the mildest nsfw known to man)
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just occurred to me this may look like a sequence no they arent fucking after Kaya walked in on them these drawings are UNRELATED!!! Anyway, I'm dying
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