#if you don’t want me/charlie to call you that name then you can send in another ask requesting me not to.
I am okay jus t.
Suppers r dse
To rabid.
The whenthe bounce around in circles on all fours I am chewinv up tour things
I think I mostly stopped thiugh.
Itis colsd.
“I feel like I’m having a stroke trying to read this. That’s what I’m gonna call you now. Stroke Anon. Okay… let’s see if I can actually figure out what’s going on… so you’re suppressing the urge to turn into a feral fucking animal? And you’re cold? What the actual fuck man…”
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eroselless · 30 days
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summary => Request: Could you write a one-shot about Charles’ girlfriend wearing one his Ferrari jerseys or like his merch w his name on it and he fucks her with it on? [2.1k]
[charles leclerc x reader]
warnings: 18+ for explicit language and smut 
note: I’ve had this request in my inbox for so long and I’ve been absolutely itching to get this out. I’m such a sucker for friends to lovers so I changed it a bit to fit with the idea that I ended up rolling with.
School’s out until July so if anyone has anything they want written, send it in :) Hope you guys enjoy this first Charles request! 
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You groan at the sound of urgent knocking at your door. Groggily, you pull yourself from your bed and make your way to the door. You don’t bother switching on the lights, neon signs from outside streaming light through your half-closed blinds, making patterns on the carpeted floor. The digital clock above the stove reads 3.27 am. You peek through the peephole, your eyebrows furrowing at the sight of Charles, shifting from one foot to the other. You swing the door open, a yawn pulling your jaw open. You squint at him, the light becoming too much for your eyes.
“Charlie, what the fuck?” you question as Charles rubs the back of his neck. His hair is dishevelled and his cheeks are a light shade of pink. 
“I, uh, I lost my keys and my phone while I was out and I can’t get into my apartment,” He explains sheepishly. You sigh, shaking your head in mild irritation. You step aside to let him in.
“You owe me big time for waking me up at this ungodly hour.” You state, trailing behind him after locking the door. He chuckles a soft ‘of course, chérie’ before heading into your room. He makes a beeline for your closet, grabbing a pair of sweatpants off of his designated shelf. He pulls them on before reaching back and tugging off his shirt. 
“How exactly did you manage to lose both your keys and your phone in one night?" you call from outside, a hint of amusement in your voice. He shakes his head. "Long story," He replies vaguely. 
He makes his way out, switching on a floor lamp by your bed. His eyes are on you as you collapse on the bed with an exasperated sigh. You roll away from him, facing towards the opposite side of the room. You pull the sheet up to your chest, making sure to keep some for him when he tucks himself next to you. His gaze trails over your figure in the dim light, eyes catching the big 16 and Leclerc written across the back of your oversized, overworn t-shirt. He cocks his head to the side, blinking a few times, a smirk playing on his lips. 
“Are you sleeping in my race shirt?” He teases, not having noticed it earlier. You turn at the sound of his voice, letting out a sleep mhmm. Your eyes are heavy, threatening to pull you quickly back into a deep sleep. The look you share is charged with something that makes you grow warm. A familiar feeling blooms in your tummy, a feeling not typically felt towards your best friend. He narrows his eyes at you and you can see a fire beginning to build in his cerulean eyes. He stares at your body, probably longer than he should.
You’re the image of a goddess as you lay on your back innocently, hair sprawled around you, almost like a halo. He can’t help but admire the red fabric against your skin or how it clung to every curve of your body. He can see the dark material of your underwear, poking out slightly from under the t-shirt. His eyes settle on the valley between your breasts and how your nipples have pebbled against the cold air. 
A shiver runs through him as he tears his gaze away from you. He rubs at his arms, turning away from you as he does. He clears his throat, setting his watch and wallet on your bedside table.
“Are you cold at all? Do you need another blanket?” 
You mumble a quiet no, reaching a hand across the bed. He watches as you make a grabby motion with your hand, beckoning into bed. He hesitates for a moment, suddenly self-conscious of what he is wearing, or rather, lack thereof. His pants are hung low on his hips and his shirt lays on the floor by your dresser. He bites his lip as he slips in next to you. His eyes widen slightly as you grab his arm, pulling him into you. It’s not like this was an odd occurrence, having years of comfort between each other. But his mind always seemed to wander, wondering how you’d feel without the barrier of clothes between you. He adored how you proudly wore HIS name in support during races. Here, the red fabric of your shirt contrasts with the white of your sheets, it feels so much more intimate. He couldn’t get the image of how good you looked with your back to him, his name sitting between your shoulder blades. 
You can feel him tense up as you settle under him, his head lying on your chest. The shirt is thin enough that he can feel the goosebumps blooming across your skin as the cold air drifts through the sheets. He has to stop himself from letting his hands (and his mouth) wander over the fabric of the shirt. 
It seems to him like you’re drifting back into sleep as he lays wide awake. He feels your hands wander over the large expanse of his back, your touch sending goosebumps down his spine. Your fingers take their time feeling over every mole and scar littered over his skin. You knead his thick muscles, a rumble escaping Charles’s lips as you dip your fingers in every dip and hill. His breath is hot on your skin as he shoves his head in the crook of your neck. 
Your eyes don’t feel as heavy when your hands find their way closer to the waistband of his pants. They settle there for a moment before you decide to slip a finger under it, pulling at it and releasing it. It snaps against his skin, a yelp escaping him. 
He lets out a laugh, quick fingers poking at your side. You thrash under him, howls of laughter bouncing off the walls. He blows raspberries into the thin skin of your neck, only causing you to squirm further. 
The energy slips from the room as you both stop to catch your breath. He’s suspended over you, supporting himself with his arms on either side of your head. The fire you’d seen earlier burns in his eyes as he looks down at you. It burns at the line you’re both afraid to step over, knowing full well that if it burns it away completely, there’ll be no going back. His eyes are locked on yours. They’re dark, their usual blue now as dark as a storming sea. Your eyes trace over the curve of his cupid’s bow and flicker up to his eyes once again. 
The warmth in your lower belly returns as he leans down and presses a tantalizingly slow kiss on your jaw. His hand cups the back of your thighs and you're suddenly hyperaware of the thin and increasingly wet fabric of your underwear. You let out a quick breath as he drags his lips over the column of your neck. The hand that isn’t supporting him slides up your body and under your shirt, gently grazing at your ribcage. You slip a hand away from his body, meeting his under your t-shirt. Sliding it higher, you bring his hand up to your breast. His fingers pinch teasingly at your puffed-up nipples, pulling a whine from your lips. 
“Charles…” you moan out, eyes opening and meeting his as he pulls away. Your eyes meet, the room going quiet again. 
In an instant, his mouth is on yours, tongue swirling with yours. You can taste hints of tequila on his tongue, no doubt the reason why he lost his keys and phone. He moves to sit on his heels and you follow his lips, already intoxicated with them. 
His arm wraps around you, pulling you snugly onto his lap as he settles at the head of the bed. The bulge in his pants is pressed deliciously against your crotch. You let out a gasp as he grips tight onto your hips, moving you over his hard-on. 
“You look so pretty in Ferrari red,” he murmurs, teeth nipping lightly at your neck. The pads of your fingers dig into his shoulders, holding onto him like a lifeline. A smile tugs softly at your lips. 
He hesitates as his fingers drop to the waistband of your underwear. He fiddles slightly with the fabric, mimicking what you had done earlier and snapping it gently over your skin. You felt a gasp get pulled from your chest as his hands began to move under the fabric, pressing into the bundle of nerves at your very center. Your voice comes out in broken fragments:
”Charlie, please…” you beg.
You don’t quite know what you're asking for. For so long, you’d unconsciously ached for him. Your own fingers would find their way into your underwear and with your eyes squeezed shut, you’d try to imagine that they were his. His touch now feels almost overwhelming. You crave the weight of his body pressing you down, the rough pads of his fingers dragging over your most sensitive parts —
“Fuck,” he cries out, hips bucking up into yours. He squeezes at your breast, biting at your nipple over the fabric. You go to pull the shirt off, needing to feel his lips on your skin when he stops you, eyes hazy and glazed over with lust.
“No,” he says shaking his head. “Leave it on.” his fingers now travel downwards, pressing at your clit through your wet panties. You take in a sharp breath, head falling back. He circles it, thumb and pointer finger pinching at it slightly. 
“Need more,” you slur. He meets your gaze, a soft pink adorning his cheeks.
“Need my cock, mon coeur?” You nod instantly. You go up on your knees, giving him the chance to pull his sweatpants just enough to free his cock. It taps gently at your stomach, precum already beading at its tip. You draw your finger over its slit, a thin sting appearing as you pull away. Charles lets out a groan under you, eyes swimming with desire.
You climb off quickly, pulling off your panties and dropping them to the floor. Charles can’t take his eyes off of you as you swing a leg over his lap, his hands going to take hold of your thighs. His eyes float to where your grab him and bottom out on his cock. The squeeze you give him is so much better than he had anticipated. His mouth falls open as you take him in fully, he can’t believe he’s gone this long without ever feeling you all around him. You grind your hips against his, setting a rhythm. 
“t’es une si bonne fille, tu me prends tout entier,” he groans. such a good girl, taking all of me. His hands feel like they have nowhere to go but to the globes of your tits as they bounce deliciously in front of him. He pulls at the hem of your shirt, twisting it and pulling it up. Your tits burst out from under the fabric, nipples pebbling at the cold breeze in the air. He wraps his lips around them, teeth teasing them gently. Your back arches at the feeling, only pressing them further into his face. He was hooked how the fabric of the shirt ripples over your chest and the taste of your skin on his tongue.
“P-putain..” he whimpers, coming up for air. He lets out grunt as he plants his feet on the bed, lifting his hips fucking into you with force. Your lips part as the sound of skin slapping against skin reverberates through the room. His hands go to your ass, fingers digging into the suple flesh as he rocks you against him. Your hands take refuge on his chest, gasping as he hits your sweet spot. You feel so full with him as he continues to move at a steady pace. 
He brings his lips up to yours, groaning softly against your panting lips. It only spurrs you further, circling your hips to meet his as he continued to rutting his hips up into you. You can feel your orgasm nearing, a wave of pleasure coming over you. It envelops you, suffocating you as it crashes down. 
Charles can’t hold it any longer, lifting you off of him as strings of cum spill from his cock, coating his stomach. You sit on his thighs, just beyond the reach of the spurts. He looks incredible, cheeks red, lips swollen, chest heaving. You feel like you’re under a spell as you drag a finger through the warm cum on his stomach and tuck it between your lips. His eyes seem to sparkle, a new flame appearing suddenly in them.
“Can we go again?” his voice cuts through the suddenly silence in the room. With an innocent meeting of eyes, there is only one response that can escape you lips. There’s a grin playing on your lips, finger still caught between your teeth. An astounding answer echoes through the room with no words spoken, it has the two of you tossing around the sheets until the sun comes up. You’re gonna have to wear his name more often.
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debonairprincesposts · 2 months
My heart hurt while writing this idk man. I love him but I wanna see him hurt then comfort him. Am I a sadist for that? Don’t matter either way.
Enjoy the angst (☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞
Tw: Panic, blood, severed limb, difficulty breathing. Don’t like, don’t read.
Proceed at your own discretion.
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Takes place in the 8th episode
Saying that Lucifer was worried is an understatement. Heaven had basically declared war against his daughter and her hotel. As much as he wants to be there, he cannot act unless Charlie herself gets hurt. And if they’re planning on hurting her, there’s no guarantee that they won’t come to his home to hurt his 15 year old son as well.
“I’ll be fine, Dad,” Says (Name) as he tries to comfort Lucifer. “Charlie is the one that needs your help right now.”
“I know that,” Lucifer sighs. “I just want to make sure that you’ll be alright.” He looks up at his son with concern swirling in his eyes.
“Don’t worry, Dad.” Says (Name) as he flexes his arm muscles, “I’m a big boy! I can handle myself. Besides- I’ve been taking combat lessons from uncle Ozzie, I’ll be okay.” He smiles trying to reassure Lucifer.
Lucifer smiles at the silliness of his boy. “Alright then- You better be alive when I come back, kiddo.” He says as his smile drops to a concerned frown.
“Promise ” (Name) smiles. “Now, get going- Don’t want to be late now, do you? Don’t forget to give me a call when you’re done.”
Lucifer hugs (Name) as he says, “Of course! I’ll call you right after everything is taken care of.” He lets go as he steps back.
“Good luck, Dad.” (Name) waves with a smile.
Lucifer salutes him before he takes off with a grin.
After the fight, Lucifer helps rebuild the hotel. He tries to call (Name) to tell him about the events that partook a few minutes prior, but (Name) is not answering any of his calls. Panic begins to well in his chest. (Name) always answers his calls. He’s never not picked up, ever. In a hurry, he tells Charlie he’s leaving as he quickly makes a portal back to his castle.
As he steps out of the portal, he’s met with destruction all over the place, the castle doesn’t seem to be harmed much but the gardens and fountains surrounding it are in complete shambles. As he follows the path of destruction, he spots (Name)’s phone on the ground, screen all cracked, and is that blood? His breath catches in his throat as he summons his wings and swiftly makes his way to the supposed scene of the fight, now fully panicking.
No- no no no- Please let him be okay. I cannot lose anyone else.
As he continues his flight to the other side of the castle, he spots something in the peripheral of his vision that makes him immediately halt in mid air in absolute terror, a wing that looks frighteningly similar to his son’s, golden blood gushing from the severed limb. His breaths are shaky as he slowly goes down on one knee, mind racing, emotions spiraling, gently cradling the black and red, now mostly gold from the blood, bleeding wing in his arms, staring at it for a couple seconds processing that the appendage he currently has cradled in his arms belongs to his son. He snaps out of it with a gasping breath as he bolts towards the scene of the fight.
Please please please- Please be alive- Please!
Several bodies of dead angels litter the ground of his garden, blood staining the grass that once was a lovely shade of green with gold. He searches frantically, eyes bolting all around the place with bated breath.
“(Name)!” He calls out, voice trembling, filled with absolute dread, clutching the wing in his arms even tighter, still with a gentle hold.
Once he finally finds who he’s looking for, his blood runs cold, eyes widening, breath stopping as he struggles to breathe, air completely escaping his lungs.
The sight of his son laying in the remains of the destroyed fountain, golden blood leaking from where his severed wing used to sit, sends anxiety through his chest, tears obscuring his vision.
No no no NO NO!!!
Eyes wide in fear, breaths coming out in gasps as more panic begins to well in his chest. (Name) does not seem to be moving at all, much less breathing. Concerningly still as he lays on his side, his back facing Lucifer showing the place where his wing got cut off from. (Name)’s shirt is cut up, stained with golden blood that seems to be flowing from his side, more blood gushing from the area his wing used to be. At least his other five seem to be intact.
Lucifer lets the wing drop from his grip as he practically trips over his feet, making his way over, then drops to his knees near (Name), and cradles his upper body towards himself.
He perches (Name)’s head on his shoulder. “(Name)?” Lucifer gently slaps (Name)’s face as he hopes for a reaction, any kind of reaction. He just needs to know that he’s still alive. However, he’s starting to doubt that as more time goes by.
More injuries span across his front, with a gash from the bottom of his left jaw all the way down to his collarbone. Blood trailing down the side of his mouth. Another scratch on his cheek, and his side seems to have been stabbed. Golden blood mixed with the water around them as the water seemed to glisten with angelic blood and Lucifer’s tears. As he holds (Name) tight, attempting to heal him with his angelic magic, he hopes that all this is just a really vivid nightmare. He cannot lose anyone else in his life. Not his son. He would gladly sacrifice himself if it meant his son and daughter would get to live. He gently slaps (Name)’s cheek again in hopes of him opening his eyes.
"Come on, (Name)..." he says, tears streaming down his cheeks, voice cracking as he chokes back a sob. "Open your eyes for me, buddy."
Blood smears all over his hands and clothes, but he has half a mind to pay those any attention.
Damnit! How much is heaven going to take from him before they are satisfied with his suffering? Are the thousands of years of being stuck in his own mistake not enough?
His angelic healing appears to have a positive effect on (Name)’s wounds. They’re healing, he’s breathing, no matter how shallow. That’s a relief. Lucifer got there on time. He made it on time. He couldn’t imagine what would’ve happened if he was even just a second late.
His worries are set aside for now as he lets his fury consume his mind for the moment.
If a war is what heaven wants,
Putting his arms underneath (Name)’s knees and upper back while being careful of his wings, as he carries him, making his way inside his somewhat unscathed castle.
A war is what heaven will get.
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nevvdrinksteaa · 2 months
history // charlie walker
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pairing: charlie walker x reader
original prompt: you’re paired with charlie walker for a school project, it gets dirty
warnings: 18+ nsfw smut, porn WITH plot, afab!reader, slight angst (charlie thinks you hate him for like 5 whole minutes) pet names, oral (male and female), dom!reader, sub!charlie, begging, making out, fingering, whatever the fuck it’s called when you grind against sheets to make yourself c*m, overuse of the nickname ‘char’, never written for dom!reader before (bare w me), no specific reference to body type !! please let me know if i forgot anything!
word count: 3.1k
this is NOT proof read so if there are any mistakes ignore them! i believe that anyone of any shape or size and anyone of color can enjoy this. i don’t believe there is any description of physical appearance (please please correct me if i’m wrong, i don’t want to make assumptions about anything!!)
please send in more stuff for me to write because i’m in the mood to zoom 🫡
1:40 PM
you sat in history, your last period class, shaking your pencil hearing it tap, tap, tap with every move. eyes trained on the clock wishing the last twenty minutes would fly by quicker, eager to get your weekend started.
“for this project, you are all going to be in partners”
everyone shot up from their bored positions at their desks, starting conversations with friends deciding who’s working with who. you look over at your best friend, grinning.
“settle down, your partners were pre-chosen. i think we need some variety in the groups we see”
the class started to groan as the teacher stated that the partner lists were posted on the board, stating specifics on the projects and that it will be due on monday. everyone started to get up from their seats to check the list on the corkboard at the front of the room. you started to write down ideas, assuming your partner would find you.
of course it’s due monday, there goes my weekend. what’s the point of your parents going out of town if-
“uhm hey, i think we’re partners”
you look up, noticing charlie walker standing at the front of your desk, looking at the floor in front of him.
“you think or you checked the list and know?” you smirk at him, giggling to yourself.
“you got me there, i saw it on the list” he states, settling in the chair beside you.
he started rambling, talking about ideas he has for the project.
“okay charlie, here's the deal” you state bluntly, “my parents aren’t home for the weekend and i really want to get this project finished as soon as possible so i can have friends over on saturday”
he was taken back at your tone, shocked at the rude nature. he figured you didn’t like him, and wanted to get it over as soon as possible so you didn’t have to be seen with him. why else were you so angry when you had always been so sweet to everyone? weren’t you two friends?
“well we can do it after school and work on it today, i’m good at history so we should finish it really soon” he says quietly, trailing off towards the end.
“perfect” you say, grabbing your phone and handing it to the boy. “give me your number and i can text you my address”
the final bell rings and the class starts to gather their things. you sit up from your spot at the desk, collecting your books to leave. “i’ll shower when i get home and you can come over after, does three work?”
“sounds good.” he doesn’t look up from the desk as he’s still writing down notes.
“see you later, char” you say, giving him a smile he doesn’t notice.
walking back to your locker, you catch yourself thinking about him and how awkward he is, finding it indearing. you were excited to work on your project with him, you had a crush on him for a while and you hadn’t had any courage to say anything to him.
you grab your things and start the trek to your car, stopping your friend to tell her about your plans for today on your way out.
“the universe is giving you signs partnering you up with charlie, maybe it’s time to tell him about your crush.” she says, shoving her shoulder into yours as she walks.
“yeah right, he’s so infatuated with kirby i would just embarrass myself if i told him i liked him.” you state rolling your eyes. “he’d laugh in my face probably”
“he’s too sweet to do all that” your friend says stopping once you reach her car, “charlie walker is probably not the type of person to be rude about letting someone down, he’d probably say thank you and talk about a movie that’s about to come out”
she unlocks her car as you laugh at her joke, trying to ease the nerves in your stomach. you wave goodbye and turn to leave, hearing your friend shout out her window “don’t do anything i wouldn’t do”
you laugh as you walk to your car, sitting in the drivers seat and starting it before heading home.
maybe she’s right, i should just say something.
you wipe the steam off of the bathroom mirror after stepping out of the shower, skin red from the burning shower you took. you start to pat your damp skin dry before you heard a knock on your door. checking the time to see it was 2:45. fuck, he’s early.
you wrap yourself with the towel tightly before you start down the steps to answer the front door.
“hey” charlie starts, face starting to get beat red after noticing you in a towel. you notice him start to fidget with his hands.
“you’re early char” you say opening the door wider and waving him in. “you can wait in my room while i get dressed, it’s upstairs next to the bathroom”
you both start to walk up the steps and you point to the right when you get to the top. “it’s on the door on the left, get comfortable and i’ll be right there”
you hear charlie hum and grip the strap on his bag before he turns to your room. you step into the bathroom and finish getting dressed, drying your skin and putting on comfortable shorts and a crop top. you head back to your room and stand in the doorway, noticing charlie with his back to the door, looking at the pictures and vinyls hung on your walls.
“you’re not going to steal anything, are you?” you tease, sitting on the middle of your bed with your bag, pulling out your history books.
“of course not” charlie says, “just looking at all your stuff”
he takes a seat across from you, where he had preset his books and notes from class. you grab your phone and turn on some music, asking if the choice was okay and a hum of approval in response.
“so, where should we start?” you ask.
you guys worked on your project for about an hour before you heard your stomach growl. you drop your pencil and look up at charlie who was scribbling away. “are you hungry, char?” you ask
he hummed no at your question and you started to get anxious at his lack of response, he normally would talk your ear off about anything and everything. “is everything okay?”
“yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“you’re just really quiet today, i wanted to make sure everything is alright with you.”
“i just want to finish this project so i’ll get out of your hair, i know that you don’t really want me around”
his response caught you very off guard. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, shaking your head back and forth softly. “what are you talking about?”
he shrugged his shoulders, not looking up from his lap.
“char, look at me” he looked up at you, trying hard to keep eye contact. “why would you think that?”
“you said earlier you wanted to get the project over with so you could make other plans this weekend.”
you noticed him look back towards his lap and you were confused on what he was talking about
“i figured since you don’t like me, you wanted to get rid of me quicker”
your eyes softened, realizing you didn’t phrase your comment from earlier properly. you immediately felt bad, you never wanted him to think that you didn’t like him. you liked charlie, quite a bit actually. he was very smart, charismatic, and oh so sweet; you couldn’t believe he thought you hated him.
you scooted closer to him, setting his hand on his knee. he looked up towards you with a nervous expression.
“i don’t hate you, i’m so sorry that i made you think i did. i was just upset earlier that we were given a weekend project the same week my parents were out of town” you gave his leg a little squeeze
“oh” he replied, holding eye contact with you. “now i feel stupid”
“don’t feel stupid, it was all my fault. i’ll hang out with you all weekend just to prove to you i like you.” you paused, wanting to say something more. you took your hand off his knee and put it in your lap, looking at the ground, you took in a deep breath.
“actually char,” you start to trail off, feeling the nerves all the way down to your toes. “i really like you”
“what?” you felt the bed move, charlie shifting in his seat
“i don’t expect you to feel the same, i know you have a crush on kirby, robbie told me a while ago, i just felt like i needed to tell you before i lost the courage to”
charlie didn’t say anything, he felt so dumbfounded by your sudden release. he didn’t know what to say, he liked you to, he just never knew how to express it. he liked how kind you were to everyone and how you always loved to listen about everything he has to say.
you got up from your seat quick, anxiety crashing at his silence. “i’m so sorry, just forget i said anything. i’m going to grab a water” you state, heading towards the door
“wait” you heard him get up from the bed and head towards you, “do you mean it?”
you make eye contact, “of course i mean it, i wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true char”
he stood directly in front of you, “i like you too”
neither of you said anything after that, all that could be heard was both of your breaths and the quiet sound of radiohead coming from your phone. he looked between your eyes and your lips.
“do you want to kiss me charlie?”
“yes” he says softly
you felt his lips on yours, pecking slightly. he was so nervous, you knew you had to lead
“do you want to make out with me?”
“please” he nodded quick, looking back to your lips.
you lean forward to kiss him, hands moving up to the back of his neck. you could feel his hands on your hips, barely making contact. you slightly pull away, catching your breath.
“please touch me char”
you felt him grab your waist, pulling you back to his lips. you rake your fingers through his hair, pulling at the root slightly. he whimpered at the feeling, gripping your sides harder.
you started to walk the both of you slowly toward the bed, not breaking away from the kiss. you settled into his lap, feeling his hands glued in place.
“you can touch me anywhere” you say breathless, pulling away
“i’ve never done this before” he admits shamefully
“we can do whatever you feel comfortable with.” you reply, playing with his hair.
you felt one of charlie’s hands leave your hip, slowly heading towards your chest. he let out a breath when he felt you weren’t wearing a bra. he was gentle with his touch, as though he was scared to break you. your hand found his and pressed harder, encouraging his movements.
he started to kneed his hands, rubbing his thumb back and forth over your nipple. you let out a soft moan, pushing your lips back to his. you started to grind your hips back and forth, earning a breathy sound from his mouth. he opened his eyes to look up at you and you took the opportunity to bite the bottom of his lip, moving immediately to his neck, rubbing his cock with your hands.
“is this okay baby?”
“fuck- yes please”
you start biting and kissing the skin below his ear, moving your hands to start unbuttoning his shirt. he shrugs it off his shoulders and you start to make your way down to kneel on the floor, kissing and sucking his skin on your way. you look up at him as you fumble with his zipper, batting your eyelashes at him. he sits up slowly to help pull his pants down, taking his underwear with him. he sets his hands on either side of his legs, slightly gripping the sheets with nerves.
you take his dick in your hands, shocked at the size, before spitting on it. you rub your hands up and down earning a moan from charlie.
“fuck- please i-” he trailed off when you kissed the head, tasting salt on your lips.
“please what baby?” still stroking his cock
“i need more, i want more please”
you lick a long strip from his balls to the tip before putting him in your mouth. slowing going up and down using your hands to help with what you can’t fit. you grab charlie’s hand, moving it from his side to the top of your head. he laces his fingers in your hair, slightly pushing and pulling with your movements.
“i think i’m going to cum”
you pull off, stroking him quick with your hands, “are you going to cum in my mouth char? be a good boy and cum in my mouth for me”
he nodded, eyes shut tight as his head leaned back. “say it charlie, tell me”
he opened his eyes, locked with yours. wiping a tear from your face, so fucking pretty.
“i’m gonna cum for you like a good boy fuck-”
you went right back to work, taking him deeper and blinking the tears from your eyes. you wanted to see charlie cum so bad, you felt your hands move down inside your shorts. rubbing your clit over your panties.
“fuck, i’m cumming, please let me cum. wanna be good for you”
you moaned around his dick and felt charlie grip your hair harder. his dick started to twitch and you felt your mouth get hot, cum filling your throat and mouth. you pulled off slowly, swallowing as you went, keeping your mouth open to pump the rest of his cum on your tounge.
charlie was a rambling, moaning mess. whispering how good it felt and how good you were. he saw you give his dick one last kiss and come back up to meet him face to face.
“thank you”
you gave him a quick kiss, giggling. “you don’t have to say thank you”
he wanted to say it a hundred times over, he couldn’t believe that he just got head for the first time. “can i…” he trailed off
“can you do what char?” you sounded so innocent, like you didn’t just finish choking and gagging on his dick.
“can i do you now?”
you got close to him, kissing up his neck. “you want to eat me out baby?”
“yes, please. please let me make you feel good”
you nodded and stood up from your seat next to him, pushing your notes to the bottom half of the bed. you slipped your top off and pushed your pants down your legs, getting comfortable by your pillows. “come here char”
charlie was quick to move above you, taking your lips to his, touching anywhere his hands could move.
“i might need some help” he sighs sheepishly.
“start by moving all the way down” you say as you give him a quick kiss for encouragement. “do whatever you think is right, i’ll tell you if i don’t like it”
he nodded and moved to your neck, kissing and licking, keeping his hands roaming. you felt him reach your nipples, his hot breath close before sticking his touch out to lick one. he saw your lips open to let out a quiet gasp of air and started to suck, earning a moan in response. he moved his hand, pinching and pulling at the left while he kept his mouth at the right, then switching.
“just like that pretty boy” you said as you move your hand to play with his hair.
he was blushing at the pet name, feeling his cock getting hard against your hip. he started to move down, kissing anywhere and everywhere he could, scared you’ll change your mind. he makes it past your stomach and to your thighs, gently pulling them apart.
he lets out a subtle groan, “so pretty” he mumbles. “can i touch you?” he says rubbing his hands up and down your thighs.
“of course” you sigh, anxiously waiting for his touch
he slowly brings his hands to your pussy, collecting your wetness on his fingers and spreading it around. he finds your clit and starts to rub in small, slow circles, watching you raise your hips slightly.
“right there baby” you say closing your eyes.
he brings his mouth to your pussy, licking a long strip from your hole to your clit. “you taste so good” he says lowly, almost to himself. he continues to play with your clit and eat you out. trying different rhythms and motions based on your movements and sounds.
“char, please put a finger in. i’m so close”
charlie is quick to push in and up, finding that sweet spot. you grab his hair, pulling at the root.
“fuck yes, right there”
he can’t help it, all the mumbling and moaning makes him start to grind into the bed, intoxicated by you. he can feel his cock, hard and throbbing against your silk green sheats.
he slowly slides in a second finger, curling them upwards, taking your clit between his lips and sucking softly.
“i’m gonna cum” you felt your body start to feel fuzzy, stomach pulling at the feeling. “fuck charlie, i’m cumming”
you felt yourself tighten against his fingers, grinding down on his tongue, which was eager to lap up your release. you heard him whimper, seeing his hips stutter against the bed.
he pulls his head up from your pussy, making sure to not look at you in the face. “i’m so sorry”
you look at him confused, leaning forward to see the wet spot on your sheets. you smirk at him, grabbing his hand and licking your juices off his fingers.
“don’t be sorry, this was amazing,” you lean forward to kiss him “and knowing you came from eating me out is kinda hot”
you giggle as you lean back, still catching your breath. charlie moves beside you softly rubbing your hand. “so what do we do now?”
you look up at him, “well” you start lacing your fingers with his “for now, we lay here until we fall asleep. then tomorrow morning we’ll wake up and shower and maybe finish where we left off”
charlie grins from ear to ear, “oh yeah?”
“i mean, if that’s alright with you” you mumble
“being with you is alright for me” he says, kissing your forehead.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
Salutations, I was wondering if you could do a Charlastor aka Showtunes (as the young people would call it) x Reader fic/ headcanon either one?
Charlastor x GN!Reader
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A/N: Before anyone comes at me- I don’t mind writing different ships as long as they aren’t breaking any of my rules, I’m totally down. Now! Another note, while this ship is not canon and I understand canonically Charlie and Vaggie are in a relationship, do not send hate! People are allowed to ship who they please as long as they aren’t hurting anyone or breaking any laws!
-👑 Oh boy- how did you end up with two of the most powerful people loving up on you? Some kinda witchcraft over here /j
-🦌 In all seriousness, you got the happiest most loveable person in the whole world on one side and the other you got Alastor. They both love you in different ways and will gladly show you that.
-👑 Charlie takes the route of physical affection the most, kisses, cheek kisses, random hugs. You name it, she’s got it. Alastor? Does show affection but mostly behind closed doors, the best you’ll get PDA wise is kisses on your knuckles and possibly a cheek kiss, an arm around your waist too if he’s in a good mood.
-🦌 Both are wildly protective of you but know you can handle yourself well, they only step in if it’s a life or death situation. Or if they annoy Alastor too much. 
-👑 They both love going on dates with you as much as they can but don’t expect it too often cause running a hotel is hard work and sometimes things don’t go as planned. But they will make it up to you, they don’t want to see you cry or upset. It breaks their hearts.
-🦌 If something upsets you? It’s upsetting them, whilst Alastor is much more used to burying his emotions you can tell he’s pissed by the way his ears flick and his smile stretches larger. Charlie will always take you away to help calm you down and ignore how her horns are starting to show, but if you’re too upset and just need a moment alone to calm yourself down? They will give you space, but don’t expect the person who pissed you off to be alive much longer.
-👑 Going to fancy balls or dances with these two? Oh boy- Alastor slow dancing with you before spinning you off so Charlie can dance with you? 
-🦌 Alastor is only truly relaxed around both of you at the end of the day, I’m talking the wide grin falls to a smaller smile and his shoulders slump. He even shows you both his tail. Do not mention it to anyone if you value your afterlife.
-👑 Now if you cook? Alastor will be either helping you or sitting off to the side drinking his black coffee and reading the paper. When Charlie can, she joins in and allows you to teach her how to make your favorite foods or treats.
-🦌 Speaking of treats- Charlie has a huge sweet tooth and will eat any treat you make, be sure she doesn’t eat too much. Charlie on a sugar rush is so chaotic, she’s bouncing off the walls. Alastor doesn’t strike me as someone who likes sweet things but if you ask him, he will try it and give his honest opinion. He doesn’t mean to be a dick, he’s just an honest man. His Mama told him lying is not good for the soul.
-👑 You start singing? Now Alastor and Charlie have joined in on you and you three are an unstoppable force. Especially when they dance with you around the hotel like it’s some sort of musical
-🦌 While Alastor doesn’t sleep, he’ll lay with you both until you guys fall asleep. He’s usually poking fun at the silly things you say when you both are sleep deprived, but he does give you and Charlie forehead kisses as an apology. If he does end up falling asleep? (which is rare), he’ll allow you to cuddle up to him, just don’t move too much.
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maemae2998 · 4 months
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Hear me out
Idea for an episode:
This could be an episode about the various characters’ backstories. There could be a place in Hell with an archive of everyone’s stories and a picture of them. They could all be curious about that and take a trip down.
While Vaggie, Charlie, and Niffty follow Alastor, Husk and Angel could go off to do their own thing.
At this point, they could have developed a close bond, and each would consider the other their best friend. They could have a bet going about did the worst stuff in life. (But secretly also want to see what the other looked like in life.)
Husk could find out Angel’s first name is Anthony, and jokingly calling him Tony with a bad Godfather accent.
“Please, no! No one called me that but my stupid cousins! And they were assholes to me!”
“I’m just giving you a hard time. Besides, Tony doesn’t fit you as a name,” he smiles softly.
Angel perks up, “Ya think?”
“Yeah. Anthony sounds like a choir boy who got married to his high school sweetheart. That ain’t you.”
Ange laughs and they search for Husk’s file. Once they find it, Husk decided to play keep away. Gliding through the air, taunting Angel. Finally, Angel tackles him and they go tumbling to the floor. They land in a tangle of limbs with Angel on top. He grabs the file and holds it over his head. Husk tries to snatch it back, but winds up too close to Angel’s face.
Angel stops laughing when he notices and squirms a little in embarrassment. He goes to move away, but Husk brushes a claw against his cheek.
(They would be at a point in their relationship where the friendship was real, and the flirting had turned genuine. This could be the building of a lot of little moments.)
“May I?”
Angel nods and their lips meet. The kiss would be soft, tender. The caring touch that neither of them have had in a long while, possibly ever. It isn’t rushed, but it is hungry. Like someone who has been forced to guard food can finally taste it.
When they pull apart, they pant and gaze through half lidded eyes.
Before either can say anything, they hear Charlie and the other’s approaching. They get to their feet and try to look presentable.
“Why does it look like you two just fuck in a closet?” Vaggie asked with a smirk.
Husk recovers first, his blush momentary, “We didn’t. This bitch tackled me cause of the— Wait a second, give that back!”
He realizes that Angel is still holding the file and grabs for it.
On instinct, Angel lurches away, “Who wants to see what Whiskers looked like as an old man?”
Though he is tempted to start another playful wrestling match, he instead sends Husk a wink. The others clamber over to get a look at the file.
(Don’t worry, Husk gets him back later with his own file.)
When they get back the hotel, they have a talk about their feelings. They confess, kiss some more, and be sweet and gay! Angel can call Husk pet names in Italian! It’s all so fluffy and it makes my heart scream! This is my new Roman Empire.
I just NEED more soft looks between them.
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Corruption fic - Last preview
Ok, last preview for this fic! Again, no active warnings here but I promise the finished product will be very fun~ ;)
When you regained consciousness, you felt the familiar pounding in your head after a heavy night of drinking. Begrudgingly you dragged yourself out of you bed and forced your way to your bathroom for a much needed shower. You realized when you glanced towards the mirror that you never changed out of your clothes from yesterday. In fact, you don't even remember how you got back to your room last night, Everything was such a blur, and it hurt to think with the major headache you were experiencing at the moment. The last thing you could recall was falling off the bar stool, the pain you felt in your shoulder was enough of a reminder. Once you stepped in the hot shower, you felt a little better, but only a little bit. You tried to rack your brain for answers, trying to remember exactly what happened after you fell. You ran your fingers through your hair, letting the water soak your aching body. But in doing so, something had clicked. That motion had unlocked a foggy memory. Your hair. Someone had run their hands through your hair last night, but you couldn't for the life of you remember who. It was gentle, soft, tender. But who would do that?
After a few minutes, you stepped out of the shower and threw on one of the sundresses you had hanging in your closet. You really didn't feel like putting a ton of effort into your clothing choices today. Hopefully Charlie would forgive you for skipping out on her planned activity today and let you recover. You realized after that initially thought that you didn't even know what time is was. Chances were you had already missed it. With a groan, you plopped down back onto the mattress, your hair still damp.
"What's the matter with me," you asked yourself. "How do I expect to be redeemed when all I do is sabotage my chances by getting wasted every night?" Your headache persisted as you laid in your bed, you almost wanted to cry from the pain. But then, you heard a soft knocking at your door. Charlie, you thought. More than likely she was checking in on you to make sure you were alright. "I'll be there in a second!" you called out. The volume of your own voice didn't help your hangover in the slightest. You grabbed one of the small pillows off your bed for comfort and trudged your way to your door. "I'm really sorry I slept in Charlie," you spoke as you turned the door handle, "it was a...really rough night for me and I-" you stopped completely once you opened the door fully. Charlie, in fact, was not the one who had knocked.
"Yeah, you really did get put through the ringer last night, didn't you?" Lucifer smiled at you. The pillow you held fell to the floor with a soft thud.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry, sir!” You stuttered. “I-I thought you were Charlie! Did-Did she send you?”
Lucifer looked at you with a puzzled stare. “Uhh, no, no she didn’t. I told her what happened last night and let her know I’d check in on you like I promised.”
“Promised?” you asked, but Lucifer didn’t seem to hear you.
“And you don’t have to refer to me as “sir,” my dear, “Lucifer” is just fine! I mean, you used my name just fine last night!”
Your heart stopped. “L-Last night? Oh no…what…what happened last night?”
Lucifer gawked at your question. “Wait, do you not remember anything?” You shook your head timidly. “Oh dear…well, nothing bad happened, I promise! What’s the last thing you can remember doing?”
You looked down at the floor sheepishly, embarrassed to admit the real answer. “The last thing I can remember is falling off the bar stool and…landing on my face…”
Lucifer stood there and pondered for a few seconds before speaking again. “Do you mind if I come in?”
“Oh, umm, yeah, y-you can come in,” you agreed. You picked up the pillow you had dropped and opened the door for Lucifer to saunter in. “I’m sorry I look like a mess right now, I-I just got out of the shower and my hair isn’t completely dry yet and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright!” Lucifer interrupted. “You don’t need to apologize. You look lovely, in any case.”
You brought the pillow in your hands up to your face in an attempt to hide your blush. “T-Thank you,” your muffled voice came through the pillow. "I-If you want, you can sit down on my b-ahh fuck!" One hand came up to your forehead when you felt your head pounding from the pressure that's been building since you woke up. This was definitely one of your worst hangovers to date.
"Oh! Are you alright?" Lucifer asked, his voice laced with deep concern.
"My head..." you choked out. You made your way over to your bed, crawling up to the top and cradling the pillow in your arms "Hangovers are never really kind to me."
Lucifer frowned, seating himself down on the edge of your mattress next to you. You felt your face flare up again when you looked up at his worried expression. "Can I help you? I can alleviate the pain. You only need ask."
"Y-you can?"
"Sure! Angelic power and all that." His hand hovered just above your forehead. "May I?"
"Yes," you breathed. With that, you felt his soft hand make contact with your aching head. You felt a warm tingling sensation emanating from his touch. It didn't hurt nor was it unpleasant, it was healing. Without thinking, you leaned further into his touch, letting the warmth spread throughout your entire body. Your headache slowly began to fade away along with the fogginess that had been plaguing you since you woke up. As his touch lingered, you realized you were able to think more clearly than before, memories from last night started to become clearer and clearer. You remembered Lucifer had come to your rescue after you'd fallen. You remembered Alastor had shown up to mock you in your drunken stupor, only for Lucifer to step in and defend you. You remember sobbing with Lucifer while he comforted you. Then you remembered...
You shot straight up, your heart racing a million miles a second, with Lucifer throwing his hand back in surprise. "What? What happened? Did I hurt you?" Lucifer asked in a panic.
"I'm..." you began, "I'm starting to remember things from last night." You clutched the pillow tight to your chest, refusing to look in the fallen angel's direction. "Please tell me I didn't actually lay down in your lap..."
"Uhh, well...," You could tell from his response that that's exactly what had happened.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" you apologized. "I shouldn't have done that! I-I know I drank way too much last night, I should have stopped, I didn't realize that-"
Lucifer's hand immediately flew to your shoulder in an attempt to get you to stop you from completely spiraling. "Darling, you don't need to apologize for that! You weren't feeling great so you just, ya know, used me as a pillow. And besides, it's not like I disliked it either."
"W-What?!" you nearly shrieked. Another realization had hit you just then. "You! You were the one that was playing with my hair! That's the only thing I could remember when I woke up!" You buried your face in the pillow once more. "If I said anything embarrassing..."
You heard Lucifer swallow hard. "I guess uhh, it depends on your definition of the word."
"Oh God, please no..." you pleaded. "What did I say?"
Lucifer held up his hand again as an offering, a weary smile on his face. "I can help you to remember, if you wish."
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
In Case You Didn’t Know
Part 2
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: Jake struggles to ask for your help.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI (no smut in this chapter but there will be in future ones), mentions of teen pregnancy, adult language, etc.
“Charlie, we need to talk. I need you…r help.”
“Name it,” you reply.
You meant it too. You could never repay him or his family for everything they did for you and your mom.
Starting with your mom. You had been conceived on prom night, shortly after Lisa turned 18. Your sperm donor was the town’s golden boy who denied you were his and took off for college without looking back. Her parents wanted her to ‘get rid of it’ and kicked her out when she refused.
With $700 in cash, a suitcase, and her car, she drove west with California on her mind. Life had other plans though; her car broke down in the middle of Texas. The heat mixed with lack of water and abundance of stress brought her to tears, but then Ruth pulled up with a matching pregnant belly of her own.
Ruth and Tom helped Lisa find a job, a place of her own, and made her a part of their family by the time you came along. They helped raise you too.
“I don’t even know where to start,” he sighs, rubbing his temples.
“You had to eject and then were in the hospital, right? What did the doctors say?” You prompt, sensing there’s more but allowing him to leave out what he isn’t ready to share.
“Yeah. They wanted to send me for rehab at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton and I just…panicked and said I’d go home, not remembering that Ma and Dad are gone for another 2 weeks. I was fine with asking if you’d help me out with the physical therapy but this-“
“Will you stay with me and let me help you? There, I asked so you don’t have to,” you smile.
“That’d be great,” he laughs, squeezing your knee.
“Did you call your parents? Do they know?”
He shakes his head. “No. I’ll know they’ll turn right around if I did and you know how special this is for them.”
You nod. They were on a road trip, spreading some of Lisa’s ashes in the favorite places she and Ruth traveled to.
“Your mom is gonna tan your hide…and probably mine when she finds out you,” you sigh. “Did the doctor send your records? Orders? A plan of care?
“Yeah, in my bag,” he winces as he tries to sit up.
“I’ll get ‘em. What hurts? Leg? Shoulders?”
“Everything,” he sighs.
“Why don’t I get you in the tub and you can soak while I look at your records?”
“That sounds good.”
After feeding him and another round of NSAIDs, you hand him the crutches.
“The crutches are set too low,” you observe out loud.
“That doesn’t surprise me. I pretty much took them and ran.”
You shake your head.
“You’re a terrible patient,” you say as you guide him to sit at the edge of the tub.
“I know.”
“You better not pull that shit with me,” you tease as you kneel and begin to wrap the cast with plastic wrap.
“I won’t, I’ll be good for you.”
You gulp, hoping he doesn’t notice the flush rising to your cheeks.
“How’d you manage to get all the way here on a bum leg?”
“Rooster. He picked me up from the hospital, helped me pack, and then brought me to the airport. He sweet-talked TSA and they let him bring me all the way to the gate,” he laughs. “It got a little tricky when I landed but an older guy saw me struggling and brought my suitcase to the Uber. The driver took it out of the trunk when he dropped me off and was going to bring it to your porch but I insisted I was good. As you could see, I was not good.”
“No, you were not,” you agree, rising to help him stand and step into the tub. “Okay, now shirt off.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies, pulling off his shirt and tossing it past you.
You can’t help but gasp at the deep bruising on each shoulder. “Oh, Jake.”
“It’s okay. So how…?” He trails off wondering how much of him you’re going to have to see.
“I’ll help you down if you can slip your shorts and underwear off like that?”
“Yeah, that should work.”
It’s a process but you do it and close the curtain to give him privacy and he drops his shorts out of the side.
“All set,” he says.
“Not a fan of underwear?” You tease.
“One less layer to try and pull on,” he replies.
You toss a washcloth over so he can cover up while you place a bath stool in next.
“It’s gonna be cold,” you warn once his leg is propped, turning the water on.
He hisses when the water touches him, but it warms quickly.
“A bath bomb? Really?” He asks as you drop one in.
“Yes, an Epsom salt bath bomb. Should help with the soreness.”
“Mmkay. Smells nice,” he sighs.
You leave to find the paperwork and turn the water off when you come back, sitting on the closed toilet lid.
“It looks like they want daily PT, a follow-up with orthopedics this week and…for you to see a counselor,” you say, reading the notes.
“Yeah, they think I have PTSD,” he says quietly behind the curtain.
“Okay well I can see if my counselor can take you on, she does virtual care. I will obviously take care of the PT, and I’ll ask Dr. Hayes if he’ll fit you in,” you say.
“I’m sure he’ll fit me in if you fit him in,” he mutters.
He almost sounds jealous.
“I’ve never ‘fit him in’. It was one date. He’s a great guy, it just…wasn’t right.”
He wasn’t right because he wasn’t Jake. Just like every other failed relationship.
“You see a counselor?” Jake asks, changing the subject.
“Yeah, I started after mom died, it’s helped a lot.”
“Good, yeah that’d be cool if she could see me. God this feels amazing. I don’t know the last time I took a bath.”
“Enjoy it. The hard work starts tomorrow.”
You throw a load of laundry in and start on supper while he relaxes.
“Charlie? Can you help?” He calls from the bathroom, frustration lacing his tone.
“What’s up?” You ask from the doorway.
“Every time I raise my arms to wash my hair I start sliding down,” he sighs.
“Hand me the shampoo.”
The groan he lets out when you massage it into his scalp is downright sinful and sends a shot of arousal straight between your legs.
“That good, huh?” You laugh, hoping he doesn’t notice the flush rising up your neck.
“Mmm,” he hums in agreement, and your eye catches the washcloth over his groin twitching.
“Sit up a little and I’ll get your back,” you tell him as you soap up your hands.
He obliges and his head drops forward with a heavy exhale as you wash his back.
“Feels good too,” he murmurs, sucking in a breath tensing when you get to his lower back, almost to the top of his butt.
“Sorry, does that hurt?”
“No, I’m uh…ticklish.”
“Your back is ticklish?”
“No, but my ass is,” he mutters, pink staining his cheeks.
“Interesting,” you laugh, scoffing when he gently splashes you. “I assume you can get the rest? Wouldn’t want to tickle you.”
He snatches the washcloth from your outstretched hand. “Yes. I got it.”
You laugh, closing the curtain to let him finish washing before handing him the detachable showerhead to rinse.
You manage to get him out of the shower with only one accidental view of his butt and no falls, but you’re just as wet as him now.
His eyes darken when he looks over your chest at the wet t-shirt clinging to your bra-less breasts.
“I’m uh…gonna go change. I’ll grab your clothes. Be right back!” You rush out as you close the door.
Your heart races as you pick some clothes out of his suitcase.
What is happening?
His phone is vibrating nonstop, so you bring it too.
“I’m decent,” he says when you knock.
“Here, I brought your phone too. It was buzzing like crazy.”
“Thanks, I’ll be out in a few.”
“Holler if you need me,” you say as you walk to your room, fanning yourself the whole way.
Jake ignores his erection as he unlocks his phone, realizing he forgot to let Bradshaw know he made it safely.
🐓: You make it okay?
🐓: Have you fallen and can’t get up?
🐓: ?
🐓: I’m about to text Charlie. Maybe I’ll ask her out too.
🐓: Dude. I’m actually starting to worry.
3 missed calls from 🐓.
Jake: Sorry man, I forgot. I’m exhausted.
Jake: Also, fuck off. Leave Charlie alone.
🐓: Glad you’re okay.
🐓: You finally gonna tell her how you feel?
Jake: I can’t. I can’t lose her if she doesn’t feel the same.
🐓: Pretty sure she does. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.
Jake: I don’t know…I just don’t know. Where would I even start?
🐓: Tell her how you called her name when you were about to die. Chicks dig sappy shit like that.
Jake: 🤦🏼‍♂️ and you wonder why you’re single.
A/N: Got a little bit of their families histories and why they’re so close. The tension is starting to rise ☺️
Let me know whatcha think!
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gloomiebearwritings · 2 years
Heyo Charlie!! How do you think the Brothers Sparda (Dante and Vergil), Nero and V would flirt with their S/O (NSFW/SFW). My best friend asked me to suggest it :) could you please do it for her?
Absolutely! I left V out unfortunately as I've limited requestable characters to a limit of 3! I do hope this works for ya!! ❤❤❤
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His little nickname for you has always been strawberry shortcake, saying it was just perfect because of how sweet you were, and how you were his favorite person
He’s a bit more straightforward with his flirting, even if it makes him stumble over himself from time to time
It appears as though he’d be smooth, able to flirt without a hitch- but you’ll find him making little typos in texts that you both get a laugh out of later
Absolutely loves dropping flirty comments whenever he can, sometimes getting a playful punch to the shoulder from Lady if she heard
Cheeky comments about how you look that morning or night, “Well don’t you just look delicious, hm?”
Lazy, tired smiles on slow days with softer comments, “There’s my strawberry shortcake…” / “Hey pretty face, come sit with me for a bit- I haven’t held you enough…” 
Lingering touches and grins when he gets excited during time off- pulling you onto his lap whenever he can, telling you that you’re just the cutest thing
-Little pinches to the hips or ass when passing behind you; or squeezing your hips when he stands behind you
-Sneaks in ghosting kisses along your neck if he’s close enough, whispering about how good you feel- “You’re such a sweet shortcake- mind if I have a bite?”
-Sometimes if he’s feeling bold, he’ll give you quiet bedroom eyes from wherever he is in your line of sight, “I’m starvin’, I think I could go for some strawberry shortcake…”
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Being his buttercup, he always makes time to smother you in sweet words, especially at the end of the day where he can curl up with you
He’s a bit shy in his flirting, keeping it as modest as he can since he doesn’t want anyone to know all that runs through his head
Rarely flirts around others, finding it to be a more playful thing to do between just the two of you; though sometimes Nico will overhear him talking to you on the phone, making his moves- always leading to a remark from her on his methods
Sometimes he’ll be a bit more open with his comments, usually when he thinks the two of you are out of earshot of everyone else, “Aw, come on buttercup- I can’t have even a little bite?”
Little playful smiles and winks are his go-to around others- even cheesy lip bites paired with a wink to get his point across
His specialty though is little texts he sends when he has a moment of peace: 
[Hey pretty babe, you looked too cute this morning, so I didn’t wake you up. Guess that could mean you’re my sleeping beauty, right?]
Despite being quite shy otherwise, he can send some rather raunchy texts when he’s not at home with you- this may sometimes lead to more if there’s enough time alone for him
When by your side he’s back to being a bit sheepish, little comments here and there about just how alluring you were being the most common
Sometimes if he’s feeling braver, he’ll give you a little pinch as he’s walking by, giving the quietest comment about how he’s got a sweet tooth: “I think I need a little sugar…”
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Flirting was normally a no-go, at least at first; he wasn’t sure how to make it work
His initial attempts were stiff to say the least, but it was endearing in how he tried
Despite the stiffness however, his nicknames for you remained the same: Darling, and Lover- calling you them often enough for you to still smile hearing them, but not so much that they become as common as your name
Waking you up in the morning with kisses, and soft-spoken words about how you’re such a pretty flower in the early light
Quiet comments on how precious you were at random times: Washing something? Precious. Reading? Precious. 
Nighttime softness full of praises and yearning: “Look at you, lover- so delicate and sweet for me…”
Only when he’s sure the two of you are alone will he make any open moves: pressing you against something to gently grind into you, saying he’s feeling tense
He’ll look more tense, stern, like everyone’s on his nerves before pulling you close to kiss your wrist- “I think you know what needs to be done to fix this, hm?”
If you’re on the couch, or any surface that can support the both of you, he’ll climb onto your lap- straddling you there as he’ll gently nip at your neck or earlobe
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holylulusworld · 9 months
What you see is what you get
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Summary: Your friend needs help. You get more than help.
Pairing: FBI! (Alpha) Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Characters: Cassie Robinson, Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury
Warnings: angst, catfishing, mentions of nudes, mentions extortion, a/b/o, scenting, flirting, cocky Dean
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“That motherfucker.” Your best friend slams her laptop shut and shoves it away. “I-I can’t believe I fell for his good looks.”
“What’s wrong?” You look up from the book you read. “Babe, we wanted to have a girl’s night. But all we did so far is read, and watch boring movies while you were glued to your laptop.”
“I tried to find out more about Jeremy,” Cassie sighs deeply. “I thought he was the one this time. He was funny, smart, and got a big dick.”
“Big dick,” you choke on the wine you drank. “How do you wanna know? Did you exchange nudes? I told you to not send guys nudes online!”
“I didn’t send him nudes.” Cassie doesn’t look you in the eyes, making you suspicious. 
You cock a brow. “Cassie, I need you to be honest with me. Did you send pictures of your coochie to a stranger you never met?" 
“I-no…I mean…it was a boob pic and one of my clothed pussy,” she finally admits. “Now he wants money from me. He threatens to publish the pictures. What do I do now?”
“What does that cockroach want?” You grab the laptop to check on the messages Cassie’s chat partner sent her today. “He wants five thousand bucks? Like hell! You won’t pay him a single buck. We are going to the cops.”
“No—they won’t help me. No one can. It’s my damn fault that I sent the pictures to him. I should’ve known better than trusting a stranger on the internet.”
Cassie looks devasted. Usually, she’s a strong and cocky woman. But right now, she looks like a scared child.
“They will,” you grunt. “I won’t accept any less than that bastard’s head on a silver plate.”
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“Hi, uh—we,” Cassie doesn’t know how to start. Your friend doesn’t want to talk about her mistakes. She stares at the officer, ready to just run out of the police station and never look back.
“We need to talk to someone from the cybercrime department,” you size the officer up when he ignores you and waves you off. “Dude, did you even listen.”
“Do I look like an FBI agent?” The officer snaps at you. “If you have a problem with your laptop, look for a repair service.”
“Hey! My friend cat catfished and now that bastard wants five thousand bucks. Last time I checked extortion was still a crime. Now I want to talk to someone more qualified.”
“Miss, can I help you?” You dip your head to look at the new arrivers. Two tall guys in suits. One of them steps closer and shows you his badge. “I’m Agent Winchester, and this is my partner Agent Winchester.”
You snicker. “You are both Agent Winchester?”
He chuckles as you grab his wrist to keep him from putting his badge away. You read the name on the badge, humming as it says Winchester.
“We are brothers,” the other agent explains. “I’m Sam Winchester, this is my brother Dean. How can we help you?”
“Do you work for the cyber crime department by any chance?” You ask, still holding Dean’s wrist in a tight grip. “My friend needs help.”
“We will help you and your friend, sweetheart. Our colleague Agent Bradbury is a cybercrime expert. How about we go somewhere more private?”
“Y/N, I don’t think this is a good idea. The FBI has better things to do than helping me with my problems.” Cassie tries to drag you away. She grabs your arm, but you are glued to the spot.
“You won't pay that sonofabitch a single buck,” Dean smirks at your curse words. He dips his head and looks you up and down.
“Dean…don’t,” Sam warns. “We’ve got a case going on and got no time for distractions.”
“We must help these ladies,” Dean insists. “Call Charlie, we need her here.”
“Fine. But you will explain to Bobby why we didn’t solve the case…”
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Half an hour later you sit in one of the offices at the police station.
It’s handy to have a bunch of FBI agents around. Suddenly the cops offered an office to you and even brought you coffee.
"To make a long story short…” Sam clears his throat when his brother is busy staring at you. “You send nudes to that douchebag and now he tries to extort you?”
“Not me. My friend,” you point at Cassie’s laptop. “She chatted with him for months. He seemed to be a nice guy. One thing led to another, and he sent a dick pic or like fifteen. After he begged and pleaded she returned the favor.”
“A classic,” the quirk redhead Sam called finally looks your way. She was busy checking on Cassie’s laptop and didn't even make a sound until now. “That’s how they gaslight you into believing you owe them nudes or shit.”
She drops her eyes back to the monitor, typing away on the keyboard. “Can you help my friend, Agent Bradbury?”
“Aw, sweetie. After I’m done with that little bug, I will clean your hard drive,” Charlie grins when you drop your gaze. She chuckles and goes back to work.
Dean dips his head to whisper in Charlie’s direction. “Hands off. I saw her first. You can hit on her friend.”
While the agents check on Cassie’s laptop, and talk about codes and shit you don’t understand, you lean closer to your friend. “I call dips on the cocky one. You can have one of the others.”
“Hmm… I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on both,” Cassie chuckles. She’s in a better mood now and ready to flirt with Sam and Charlie. “Jeremy’s loss, their win.”
“Gotcha, you bug!” Charlie exclaims. She flashes Cassie a smile, hoping to impress your friend. “I located the IP address and found the bastard extorting you. It’s not a guy, though.”
“What? Damn…” Cassie sighs. "It wasn't his dick on the pictures?"
“Nope," the redhead shrugs. "Do you know a woman named Bela Talbot?” 
Cassie gapes at Charlie. “I heard that name before…I mean…uh…”
“She’s her ex,” you hastily say. “Bela cheated on my friend with some guy. Cassie broke up with her."
"I haven’t heard of her for like three years.”
While Cassie and Charlie talk about her ex, online dating, and how to get her pictures back, you turn your attention back toward Dean.
Placing your hand on Dean’s thigh you purr his name. “So…are you single, taken, or seeing someone, Agent Winchester?”
“He’s single and desperate,” Sam grins. “But be aware. What you see is what you get.”
“Oh, I’m counting on it…” 
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andreafmn · 11 months
Because It's You | Jacob Black Oneshot
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Word Count: 11.1K Paring:  Paul Lahote x Female!Reader, Jacob Black x Female!Reader Requested: Yes [@nyctophilia710: "Could you do a Jacob Black x Pregnant Reader One Shot. Y/N was a girl who recently moved to forks Washington, with her father Charlie Swan. The younger sister of Isabella Swan. Y/N falls for a guy named Paul Lahote, ends up getting pregnant with his child, who then cheats on her. Heart broken Y/N goes to an old friend Jacob Black, who she hasn’t seen in years and to much surprise Jacob Black imprints on his pack brothers pregnant ex girlfriend."] Story Description: After (Y/N) Swan moves back to Forks, Washington to live with her sister and her father, she meets one Paul Lahote. Even if her heart had always been spoken for by her childhood best friend, she still falls into a whirlwind romance with Paul that ends with a pregnancy and a betrayal. Can Jacob accept her even in her situation once they are fatefully bonded? Warnings: foul language, teen pregnancy, cheating, implied sexual relations A/N: An eternity and three days later, I finally worked on this request, but at least it's a long one 😬😬 and even though in this household we are Jacob haters, I loved writing him here. Hope you enjoy and that I did the request justice. 💖💖 Also, I'm thinking of doing a part two to this. Should I? My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffeeTikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
Because It's You | Jacob Black Oneshot
Moving was something (Y/N) Swan was already used to. With her mother trailing her up and down, following Phil Dwyer until they finally settled in Florida. But the novelty of living in a hot crowded state had grown old and something inside her was calling to the coldness of Forks, Washington.
She didn’t understand the sudden urge to move back to her birthplace, but it remained incessant inside her. Growing every day that passed. Her skin itched for the gloomy nature of Forks. The rainy days, the freezing winters, the chilling winds, and the smell of the pines. Long gone was her love for the humid air, the bustling streets, and the burning sun of Jacksonville.
“Mom, can I talk to you?”  (Y/N) peeked her head into her mother’s bedroom one day.
Renee smiled and patted the empty spot on the bed beside her. “Of course, honey. What’s up?” 
“For some time now I’ve been thinking about moving to Forks with Bella and dad,” she confessed. “It’s not that I don’t like living here, don’t get me wrong. It’s simply that something keeps calling me over.”
“Oh, (Y/N), you don’t need to feel bad for wanting a change in scenery,” Renee consoled. “And I know that your father will be absolutely thrilled to have you there. And even though I will miss you a lot. I, more than many, understand the need to find a new pace.”
“I’m so happy you understand, mom,” she beamed. “I promise as soon as I can I’ll come and visit you. And I’ll call you as much as I can and send you messages.” 
“Maybe you’ll finally get Bella out of that weird funk she’s in over that boy.” 
“First loves are something that are hard to get over. That’s something you taught me.” 
“Oh, me and my ramblings,” Renée chuckled. “Do you need any help packing up?”
“I’ve got it,” (Y/N) smiled. “Thanks, mom.”
The girl packed excitedly, a morose feeling creeping up her back. It wouldn’t be her first time in the cold and rainy lands of Forks, Washington. But it would be the first time she would remain there for the foreseeable future. A mix of nostalgia and anticipation crept through her veins and made their home in her heart.
The hardest part was saying goodbye to her mother. She would miss the woman’s sporadic need to change things up. Whether it was a wall color, a couch, or even a state, their household was always in a constant state of evolution. (Y/N) could never say her life felt monotonous.
Still, she embarked on the seven-hour journey to Washington, ready to start her new life and answer whatever call the town had made to her.  She could feel it deep in her bones that there was a reason moving to Forks was the right decision for her, and she couldn’t wait to find out what it was.
Sleep overtook her two hours into the flight, her brain shutting down as tiredness flushed it. One second her eyes were focused on a book, the next, her head had fallen against the side of the plane and flashes of images started fluttering behind her eyelids.
But (Y/N) could not understand the visions that her subconscious played for her. She saw a gigantic wolf with russet-colored fur. She saw the back of a man with short brown hair and tan skin. She saw tears. But what jolted her awake was that she saw a baby. And the stewardess welcoming the passengers to Port Angeles, Washington.
She quickly gathered her things, unable to shake the image of that baby from her head. She couldn’t erase the image of the child’s coal black hair, its soft tan skin, its unforgettable big brown eyes. Every feature of the tiny baby had sewn into the very fibers of her brain. But she had to squash it down. To believe that what her imagination had conjured was only that, her imagination. (Y/N) was starting a new chapter and she did not want a silly dream to set off the tone for the rest of her book.
“I can’t believe how much you’ve grown,” Charlie Swan beamed as his eyes fell on his younger daughter. “I swear only yesterday you were a little girl asking to learn how to ride her bike.”
“Hey, dad,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around her father’s waist, sinking into the warmth of his body. “Can’t believe it’s been almost three years since I’ve seen you.”
“Yeah, three years too long,” he chuckled. “But I’m glad I’ve got both my girls with me now. Even if Bella is not quite herself right now.”
“Don’t worry, dad. We’ll get her back to being herself in no time.”
“I sure hope so, kiddo,” he sighed. “Now let’s get you home.”
Both Swans rolled suitcases and carried bags to the cruiser, joy wrapping around them comfortingly. (Y/N) had always loved visiting her dad. Even if it was only two months of the year, she enjoyed spending time with the awkward and lovable man.
Charlie had always tried hard to be a good father. He’d done everything he could to fit a whole year into eight weeks, trying with all his might to form a strong relationship with his daughters. He had always felt guilty for letting Renée take them without much fight, but he had believed it was the best decision for all of them. Even if he could only see his girls for a small amount, they would know how much they were loved.
“I have to warn you, kiddo, Bella is not herself,” Charlie finally spoke. “She’s kind of like the living dead. She goes to school, she goes to work, and she locks herself in her room. It’s like she’s stuck in autopilot and can’t turn it off.”
“Well, it’s her first-ever boyfriend. She’s probably still reeling from the fact that she lost her first love.”
“I guess,” he sighed defeatedly. “I just want her to get better. A boy is never worth your tears.”
It wasn’t long until they were parking in front of the house. The night was quiet, somehow unaware that there was now a new resident in its midst. Even the house had no idea that she had come home. Everything was just as she had remembered. From the couches to the curtains, to the dated kitchen, it was stuck in time.
“You’ve still got your same room,” Charlie smiled. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like so I kept it the same. We can change it up any time you want though. Buy some new paints and sheets or whatever.”
“Thanks, dad,” (Y/N) responded in kind. “And I’ll take you up on that offer. It’s been a while since I’ve liked bright green paint on my walls.”
“Alright, kiddo. Why don’t you go ahead and turn in for the night? Bella is definitely already in bed so you can try and catch up tomorrow afternoon after school,” he offered. “You start on Monday anyway, so you won’t see her until she comes back.”
“That’s done. I’m honestly exhausted and will probably sleep in,” she sighed contentedly. “Well, good night, dad.”
“Night, kiddo. Welcome home.”
Her childhood bedroom was truly exactly like the last time she had seen it. The walls were painted a painful neon lime green, the sheets a shade of teal that seemed too bright for the darkness of the night, and books and dolls littered shelves on the wall. She quickly felt like she had never left home. Only a couple of months into being sixteen and she had regressed to her thirteen-year-old self.
She could see herself spending her summer days in her room, playing make-believe, and imagining what it would have been like to spend more than two months living in Forks, Washington. She dreamed of how it would feel to spend the freezing winters bundled up in front of the fire and drinking hot chocolate. To watch the snow fall as she breathed in the scent of pines and damp soil. To know more of the souls that lived in the small town and the reservation.
After her eyes ran across the room, they fell on a little wolf carved out of redwood. She had forgotten it had existed, but looking at it then made a smile spread across her face. It was choppy and amateurly made, but it had been a sweet token of appreciation from a dear friend.
They had been but ten-year-old kids playing around the barn behind the Black residence. Jacob Black had been excited to show (Y/N) something he had made her, his face lit up with excitement. He dug into the pockets of his too-big-fit cargo pants and pulled out the little wolf.
“Mom used to say that wolves are a totem of protection,” he said sheepishly. “I want to make sure you have something that’s always protecting you. Even if it might seem like it’s all make-believe, but good vibes and everything.”
“It’s beautiful, Jake,” she had smiled. “I’ll keep it with me always.”
“Good, I don’t want anything to ever happen to you.”
“What’s that?” Bella had asked, joining the kids after going to the bathroom. She was already a head taller than the other two, and the fact that she was thirteen already was evident in how disinterested she had been to spend time with her sister and their friend. “It looks bad. Like you couldn’t have spent more than five bucks on it.”
“I made it,” Jake had peeped, his skin turning a deep hue of red. “I spent a whole month working on it.”
“Oh,” she had answered, taking it from her sister’s hands and inspecting it. “It’s cute.”
“Well, I think it’s amazing.” (Y/N) had snatched the totem back. “And it’s mine so your opinion doesn’t really matter, Bella.”
“It’s okay, (Y/N). You don’t have to say it’s good,” Jake shrugged. “I can take it back.”
“No, you have it to me, and I love it. You can’t take gifts back.”
She couldn’t believe she had forgotten the little totem had existed. She ran her fingers over the carved fur, the lopsided snout, the painted black eyes, and the slightly sharp ears. It was still as beautiful to her as she had thought the first time she had seen it. And it made her think of the boy she had grown up with.
It made her wonder how he looked. How tall he had become, how long his hair could have gotten, how broad his shoulders could have become. She wondered if his smile was just as bright, if his hugs were just as warm, and if his laughter was just as melodious. She wanted to know if he was still the same boy she had loved since she was a kid.
The next morning, rather the afternoon, she had woken to the sun beaming on her face. Even in the midst of the January snow, the sun was as bright. (Y/N) stretched out the soreness in her muscles, the seven hours sat on a plane taking a toll on her body. She rolled out of her bed, her eyes taking a second to adjust to her new surroundings. She wasn’t back in her room in Florida, wondering which shorts she would wear to take on the ravishing humidity and heat. She was in Forks now, rummaging through her suitcases for the warmest sweater she owned.
After she had gotten dressed, she noticed the note that had been taped to the door, her father’s scribbly handwriting evident from far away. She took the paper in her hands, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Thought you might need some wheels to get around, kiddo. It might not be too new, but it runs perfectly. You have Jake to thank for that. Keys are on the kitchen table. J
The girl took off in a run, excitement running through her veins. Before going outside and seeing her new car, she stopped by the kitchen grabbing the keys and a chocolate chip muffin. Outside, a 1971 baby blue C-10 Chevy pickup truck was parked on the driveway, a thin sheet of white snow covering the car. It had been the very car she had been obsessed with since she was a kid and she had started to love cars just like Jake had.
She sat on the driver’s seat, turning on the engine, allowing the car to warm up. Her eyes unconsciously closed, reveling in the rumbling of the car and the warmth that the heater blew. The truck sounded beautiful, as beautiful as she thought it would have been in the 70s, maybe even better. Her fingers traced the inside of the car. She touched the gear shift and the steering wheel. She grazed the stereo that had definitely been replaced and the soft leather seats that had been clearly upholstered. It was perfect.
Jake had outdone himself with the car and it had made her heart flutter that he had put so much care into fixing it. All she wanted was to thank him. And that’s exactly what she had planned to do.
She remembered the road that led to the La Push reservation like the back of her hand. She had spent so many summer days there while her father worked, and she had been excited every single day she went there. The same excitement she felt as she parked by the beach to wait until the high school let out and she could finally see Jacob.
She found a spot on the beach, sitting on a piece of driftwood, watching as the waves rolled in and out of the shore. Even in winter, the reservation was always just a bit warmer, a bit cozier. (Y/N) had always enjoyed the time she spent there just as much as she loved Forks. She loved going to bonfires and splashing around on the beach. She loved the people that lived there and how welcoming they had always been toward her.
A loud hooting broke (Y/N)’s trance, her head snapping to the right end of the beach, not too far from her, where three boys were shouting from the top of a cliff. They were all tall and of deep-tanned skin, their hair chopped similarly, and something she could only assume was a tattoo on the right biceps of each of their arms. She couldn’t believe they were thinking of jumping into the ice-cold ocean, much less than she could believe how little clothes they were wearing.
Her eyes focused on the way the first one jumped, going straight down with a joyful scream before he slipped effortlessly into the water. He disappeared for a second into the dark waves, before he resurfaced with a cocky grin on his face. As he swam to shore, the second boy jumped and her head snapped to see him plummet just as flawlessly into the water.
“You’re not from around here,” a voice called her attention. It was the first boy. His dark brown hair was dripping, the drops falling onto his bare chest. “I would have remembered a pretty face like yours.”
(Y/N) could feel her cheeks growing red, the warmth that filled her body pooling in her face. “I’m not from around here, you’re right,” she smiled. “I’m from Forks. But I used to come here a lot when I was a kid.”
“And why haven’t you been here since then?”
“I just moved back,” she responded. “I’m (Y/N) Swan.”
“The sheriff’s younger daughter,” he said with a grin, sitting next to her. “I’m Paul Lahote. And on behalf of all the residents of La Push, I formally welcome you back to Washington.”
“Well; thank you, Mr. Lahote,” she chuckled. “It’s good to be back.”
“So, are you back for a visit or are you back for good?”
“And why would that be important information, Paul?” (Y/N) smiled teasingly.
“Well, if you’re just here for a visit then I won’t ask you out,” he smiled deviously. “If you’re here for good, then I’m not leaving until you say yes.”
“What if I say now?”
“I don’t take no for an answer.”
“Good,” she grinned the same way he had. “Because I was going to say yes.”
That very afternoon (Y/N) went home with a smile on her face, a new number in her directory, and a forgotten boy pushed into a dark corner of her brain. Her head had been filled with the image of a new one. Paul Lahote’s face had engrained itself in her, sending a rush of dopamine and serotonin through her body.
It wasn’t long until weeks had passed, and she seemed to be spending more and more time with one Paul. She had started visiting the reservation more and more, but it had never been to see the one person she had promised herself to reconnect with. She was spending her time with the Lahote boy, doing much more than just talking. She was sure that she was falling in love. At least she hoped that’s what it was.
Her schedule had become packed. It had been completely occupied by school, long dates in Port Angeles and the rez, and trying to get her sister out of the funk that had started to make the house reek. (Y/N) had grown tired of it and so had Charlie. Bella needed to make a change, for herself and her family.
Though as more time passed it seemed that Bella had found something to occupy her mind. The older Swan seemed to be in the house less and less, leaving early on weekends and coming home late, mimicking her little sister’s behavior. If she wasn’t at school or at work, she would be out of the house with the one person (Y/N) had seemed to forget.
“Why do you think she hasn’t come see me?” Jake had asked Bella one day as they worked on the motorcycles. “She’s been here almost a full month and I have yet to see her.” 
“I don’t really know,” she shrugged. “She’s barely in the house when I’m there and I honestly haven’t asked.”
“I just thought…”
“Why haven’t you gone to see her? When I got here you were one of the first people on the welcoming committee.” 
“Yeah, and look how well that turned out for me,” he chuckled dryly. “I just want it to come from her to want to see me. I don’t wanna ambush her.”
“Is this about the little crush you used to have on her when you were kids?” 
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he blubbered.
“It was obvious you two liked each other. You would get so red in the face and nervous when she was around,” Bella laughed. “You would get all flustered and tongue-tied, it was cute.”
“Was it that obvious?”
“A blind person would have seen it,” she grinned. “But it doesn’t matter now.”
“What’re you talking about?” Jake questioned, his brows furrowing in curiosity. “Why doesn’t it matter, Bella?”
“She’s been dating one of Sam Uley’s friends. Uh, Paul Lahote I think he’s called,” Bella responded. She could see anger surging through him, his body shaking slightly with ire. “She basically spends all her time with him. I’m surprised you haven’t run into them here.”
“I haven’t,” he spoke through gritted teeth. “He’s not a good guy, Bella. You need to tell her to stay away from him.”
“You and I both know that no one can tell (Y/N) what to do,” she chuckled slightly. “And why shouldn’t she date whoever she wants? He hasn’t done anything bad to her.”
“But he will,” Jake spat. “Paul Lahote is bad news, and it won’t take long before he breaks (Y/N)’s heart.”
“Why do you care so much, Jake?” Bella pushed, for some reason growing annoyed at her friend. “She’s old enough to do whatever she wants. No, to be with whoever she wants. It’s not really my place to tell her who she can or can’t date.”
“You’re her older sister, Bella!” the boy exclaimed. “Why do I care? Why don’t you care enough?!”
“I do care,” she argued. “But I also know what it’s like when people start to comment on who you can and can’t be with. I’m not doing that to her.”
“So, you wouldn’t stop what happened to you from happening to her?” He was blind with anger now. He had closed any space between them, staring her down. “You would rather let her be heartbroken and try and protect her from getting hurt? You’d rather both of you be miserable than spare her the pain that I know she will be in? You have a chance to spare her heartache, Bella. You owe your sister that much.”
“What about you, Jake?” Bella added, standing her ground, and facing up to him. “Why don’t you tell her that Paul is such a bad guy? Why don’t you spare her all this hypothetical heartache instead of forcing me to do it for you? Or are you too scared to face her since she has someone else to occupy her time?”
“If she hasn’t come to see me, it’s clear she didn’t want to,” he said, his voice clearly broken. “But I am begging you. Tell her. It’s not a matter of how, but when he will do something to hurt her.”
“(Y/N) can make her own decisions,” Bella responded. “Heartbreak is a part of life. She’ll get over it.”
“Like you have?” Jacob called as the girl had started to make her way to her car. “If something goes wrong, it’ll be on you, Bella.”
“No, it’ll be on the both of us.”
But they didn’t know that moment would come sooner than they could have thought.
(Y/N) had not been feeling well for at least a week. Her body felt sore, and her stomach felt uneasy. Nothing she ate stayed down long enough to fill the unbearable hunger she seemed to have. She felt as awful as could be and she was ready to pass out by drinking the cold and flu medicine she was holding in the pharmacy.
But as she perused the aisles of the brightly lit establishment, her eyes fell on the sleuth of pink and purple boxes that were yelling at her. It was a hard thing to fathom, but it was a perfectly plausible explanation to how she was feeling. Her symptoms, and the fact that she had missed her monthly in January, were to the book the thing she was most dreading.
Time seemed to warp as she drove home, two pink boxes buried deep in her purse. One second, she was cowering from the cashier, embarrassed as she placed the boxes on the counter. And the next, she was making a beeline to the bathroom, locking herself inside as her father and sister called for her.
She had never thought five minutes could ever feel so long.
Five minutes and she would know if her whole life was about to change.
Dread was the only feeling that washed over her. As the seconds counted down, she could feel her heart dropping. Deep down, she knew what the answer would be. She knew that when the time was finally over, she would l have to accept her new reality. It was daunting. She was only sixteen and she was on her way to face one of the most life-changing events that anyone could go through.
(Y/N) could have never thought that a pink cross on a piece of plastic could be so permanent. She was holding the pregnancy tests in her hand, the two of them producing a very dark pink plus sign. There was no denying that they were positive. There was no denying that at that very moment, inside her body, was a bundle of cells multiplying to create a baby.
“Hey, kiddo,” Charlie called out from the other side of the door. His voice startled her, making the tests clatter loudly against the sink. “What was that? Is everything okay, (Y/N)?”
“Uh, yeah, dad,” she choked out as she finally opened the door.  “Everything’s fine. Just knocked over the toothbrushes.”
“Are you sure, kid? You look paler than a ghost.”
“I’m fine, dad,” she said, trying her best to give a convincing smile. “I actually just remembered I have to run out for a bit. Miriam just texted me and I forgot to give back her science textbook and she has a test tomorrow. I’m gonna go give it to her.”
“Okay, honey. As long as you’re okay,” he responded. Charlie could tell there was something lingering underneath his daughter’s smile, but he could see how hard she was trying to hide whatever it was. “Be careful on the road, alright? And don’t come home too late.”
“I will. I’ll, uh, see you guys later.”
In an instant, she was back in her truck and speeding down to the reservation. At that moment, she needed Paul’s comfort. She needed him to tell her that everything would be okay, and that they would figure things out together. She craved feeling his warm arms around him and listening to the soft coo of his voice as he calmed her down. All she wanted was him.
She reached the Lahote residence in record time, jumping out of the car and running to the front door. (Y/N) knocked against the blue-painted wood frantically, calling Paul’s name incessantly. She knew his father wouldn’t be home that night, taking night shifts was something he was prone to and that day had not been different. The girl rapped on the door, over and over again, until it finally swung open.
“(Y/N)!” Paul exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here, baby? I wasn’t expecting you.”
Overwhelming anxiety burst inside the girl and all she could do to not break down in front of him was to wrap her arms around his waist tightly. “We gotta talk, Paul,” she cried softly. “It’s… I don’t know how it happened l, but… I’m just so scared.”
“What’re you talking about, (Y/N)? You’re not making any sense.”
The youngest Swan couldn’t find the words to tell him. She wanted what she said to be perfect. For there to be no flaw to her monologue that could make him desist of the idea that this was what was meant to happen. That maybe it was a sign that they were always meant to meet and be together for the rest of time.
But a voice suddenly burst the delusion that (Y/N) had built in her head. “Paul, baby, come back to bed,” the voice whined. “Get rid of whoever’s at the door.”
(Y/N) released herself from Paul’s grasp, feeling as though his touch had burned her. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, surprise opening his eyes. “Who is that?” (Y/N) asked sternly, making the boy scramble for words. “Do you have another fucking girl in your room right now, Paul?”
“It’s not what it looks like, (Y/N).”
“Not what it looks like?! She just called you back to bed, baby,” she mocked. “I am pretty sure you’re not in there helping her with homework.”
Paul’s shocked expression didn’t last long. His agape mouth and huge eyes were instantly replaced by a stoic mask. “So, what, (Y/N)?” Paul spat. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Nothing wrong?!” (Y/N) yelled. “You’re cheating on me! How can you think you haven’t done anything wrong?”
“How could I be cheating?” he shrugged. “You and I were never exclusive.”
The girl felt like she had been punched in the stomach. Her chest tightened, squeezing out whatever little breath that was left in her lungs. She felt warm tears fall from her eyes before she could do anything to stop them.
“I thought you actually loved me,” she said with a broken voice. “Did I mean nothing to you?”
“Look, (Y/N), you’re a great girl, but you had to know this was gonna end sooner or later,” Paul said. “Let’s just call this what it is, a fling. We were just having fun.”
“It wasn’t a fling to me! I fell for you, Paul! I loved you.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N, but  I thought you knew what this was,” he sighed. “We were never gonna last long anyway.”
“I can’t believe this,” she said to herself. “I’m such an idiot. How could I have ever believed you?”
“At the end of the day, I hope we can still be friends.”
Now it was (Y/N)’s turn to be completely aghast. She had borne her heart to him; she had given him her time, her body, her soul. She had trusted that he returned the sentiment, even if it was a fraction of what she felt for him –that would have been enough. But he didn’t. He never had. And he was asking her to remain in his life as a friend with a sickening grin on his face.
She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to claw out that smile he was giving her. Still, deep down, she wanted him to choose her, to want her, to need her. She wanted him to be devastated that he was losing her, devastated that he had hurt her. Instead, he was giving her empty promises of friendships, and devaluing her as nothing more than a way to pass the time. She was carrying his child and he wanted them to be friends.
“You know what, Paul? You can take your friendship and shove it up that girl’s ass,” she spat. “I don’t want you to call me, I don’t wanna see you, I don’t wanna even remember that you exist. You will regret this, Paul. You don’t even know how much right now.”
(Y/N) got into her car, ignoring Paul’s calls of her name. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her cry and revel in the fact that he was the one that had made her spill tears. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how deep her hurt was.
Only when she was in the safety of her truck and far enough away that he couldn’t see her did she allow the water to stream down her cheeks. It was an overwhelming surge of emotions –betrayal, heartbreak, sadness. All she wanted was to not feel that way, not anymore, not ever again.
In her distraction, she didn’t notice the person crossing the street. Only when she was seconds away from crashing into them did she look up and slammed on her brakes. The stranger braced themselves, their hands landing on the hood of her car, their face shielded by the hoodie they wore. Until they raised their head and (Y/N)’s world came crashing down.
The brown eyes that stared at her unmistakably belonged to the one person she had yet to see since she had come back to Forks, Washington. He seemed frozen for a second. Standing there in the middle of the night, staring at a specter from his past. All the questions she’d had about him, answer in a swift second.
Jacob didn’t understand what Sam had meant when he had explained imprinting. The shift in gravity, the way your whole being seems to incline toward that one person. Nothing else matters but them. He thought it was fiction. A way he could explain choosing his ex’s cousin after breaking her heart. But at that very second, he knew just how true it was.
The second he locked eyes with (Y/N) he felt it in the pit of his soul. He was almost sure he could see the way his world had changed, and everything became her, became about her. In that instant, he could feel her sadness. Whatever pain was tormenting her, he could feel it wrenching its way into his own heart. All he wanted was to wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything would be okay.
Instead, he kept quiet. He looked into her tear-streaked eyes, and he ran. He ran until his legs were burning with pain, until his lungs were begging for air, until his whole body hurt to be near her again. He understood Sam, but he didn’t want to. He had even gone as far as trying to force himself to imprint on Bella, that way he could forget the void that (Y/N) had created in his heart.
(Y/N) had avoided him for over a month. She had come home, and she had yet to even show her face to say hello to his father. She had preferred to run to the arms of Paul Lahote and forget the people that cared about her.
Most of his childhood he had hoped for a moment like this with her. A sign from the universe that she was the person meant for him. Even at his young age, he knew what love felt like. Jake had experienced it the moment he laid eyes on (Y/N). But she had made the decision to invest her time with someone he knew would only break her. A guy that would use her until there was nothing left and discard her the second he got bored.
And something told him that’s exactly what Paul had done.
He didn’t know where he was going until he was standing in front of the blue-colored door, banging loudly against it. “Paul!” Jake screamed. “Open this god-dammed door!”
“What the hell is up with people tonight?” Paul grumbled as he swung the door open. “What the hell do you want, Jacob?”
“What did you do to (Y/N)?” the boy said, fuming.
“What’re you talking about, Jake?” Paul pretended. “I haven’t done anything.”
“I just saw her, driving away and absolutely destroyed,” he seethed. “So, I’m gonna ask you again. What the hell did you do to her?” 
“Why do you suddenly care about her, Jacob? It’s been over a month, and you haven’t even said hello to her,” he deflected, a mischievous laugh leaving his mouth. “Could it be because you just imprinted on her? Maybe you should be worrying about that rather than trying to pick a fight with me.”
“We’re not talking about me, right now. Now, I’ll be the bigger man and not access your thoughts, because I don’t need them to know what a jackass you are and that you’re the one that hurt her,” Jacob retorted, squaring up to Paul and staring him down. “So, I will ask you one last time before I beat the shit out of you for absolutely no reason, what the fuck did you do to (Y/N)?”
“I just reminded her that what was happening between us was just a bit of fun,” he shrugged, chuckling. “It’s not my fault she built up a whole fantasy in her head about us.”
“She was in love with you, and you broke her heart,” Jake scoffed. “Tell me was it worth it?”
“What was worth it?”
“Losing the best girl you could’ve had by your side all for a night of fun.”
(Y/N) didn’t take much time to dwell on why Jake had run away, or why her heart wrenched tighter as he left. She could only process one thing at a time and the most pressing matter was the fact that she was pregnant, the baby’s father had cheated on her –or sort of cheated—and she was left to decide what to do all by herself.
The second she got back home, she ran up the stairs and into her room. Once more ignoring her father’s calls to her name. She simply wanted to sink into her bed and disappear, to make every bad thing that had occurred in the last hour disappear. If that was only a fraction of how her sister was feeling, she never wanted to know the expanse of that pain. All she wanted was for things to stop.
“Hey, kiddo. Can I come in?” Charlie knocked softly on her door. He couldn’t bring himself to pass the threshold. Not without her confirmation. It wasn’t until she nodded softly, her face mostly shielded by the pillow she held tightly, that he entered the room. “Talk to me, (Y/N), what’s going on? And I’m assuming this isn’t about a textbook.”
“It’s not,” (Y/N)’s broken voice peeped. “I screwed up, dad.”
Charlie sat beside her on the bed, wrapping his arms around her. She shifted her hold from the pillow to her father, enjoying the comforting warmth from his body, allowing it to ease the pain she felt. As she settled against him, he had started rubbing her back, letting her empty herself of tears on him.
“What happened, kiddo?” he said, trying his best to not let his voice break as he stared at his youngest daughter. It was the first time he had seen her so distraught, and it broke him just as much as he had broken when Bella had been in that kind of pain. “I’m sure we can fix whatever it is, but you’ve gotta talk to me, kid. I can’t fix it if you don’t talk.”
“You’re gonna hate me for it,” she sobbed. “And I can’t take you hating me, dad.”
“Honey, there is absolutely nothing in this world you can do that will ever make me hate you,” he said, staring deeply into her reddened eyes, a hand on her wet cheek. “Even if you tell me right now that you’ve killed someone, I could never hate you.” 
“You can’t say that, dad,” she chuckled. “You’re the sheriff.”
“No, but it made you laugh,” he smiled. “Now, come on, tell me what’s wrong, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) finally sat up, unable to face her father as she confessed what happened. She could not witness the look of disappointment she was sure would befall on his face. “I found out I was pregnant tonight,” she sighed defeatedly. “I went to see the father when I told you I was going to Miriam’s house, but I caught him cheating and I couldn’t even tell him. And now, I’m pregnant and alone, and I don’t know what to do, dad. I’m so scared.”
Instead of anger and displeasure, her father surprised her by wrapping her in a tight embrace. He cooed her as she sobbed into the hug, letting herself fall apart in Charlie’s arms. She had been so sure that he would yell at her, chastise her for being a stupid child. But he had never been that type of man, and he never would be. “Oh, honey,” he said as he smoothed down her hair. “You’re not alone, kiddo. You’re never going to be alone in anything as long as I’m around.”
“I screwed up, dad,” she cried against his chest. “I don’t know what to do and I’m terrified.”
“Well, we’ll go to the doctor as soon as we can and we can weigh out your options,” he offered. “It’s up to you whether you wanna keep it, if you wanna give it up for adoption, or if you don’t wanna have it at all.” 
“I don’t… I don’t think I wanna give it up, dad,” (Y/N) responded sheepishly. It was the first thing she had told herself. No matter what, she wanted to go through the pregnancy –with or without Paul. “Even if I have to do it by myself, I want to have this baby.”
“Again, you’re not alone, kid,” he smiled. “And if keeping the baby is what you want then that’s what we’ll do.”
“He’s right, (Y/N),” Bella added. She joined her father and sister on her bed, a soft smile stretching the corners of her mouth. “I know I haven’t been there for you for a while –I haven’t been me for a while—but you are never alone. You will always have us.”
“That’s right,” Charlie beamed, his two daughters wrapped in his arms. “We’ll take it one day at a time, kid. And let me know the kid’s name. I might have a way to scare him straight. You think a night in a jail cell would do?”
“That’s illegal, Charlie,” Bella laughed. “But, for him, I think it’s worth it.”
“He’s not worth even another thought,” (Y/N) joined. “But thank you for offering, dad.”
“Sure thing, kiddo,” he grinned. “Now, I’ll still make that doctor’s appointment as soon as possible and we’ll see what our next steps are. You’ll also have to tell your mom, but we can do that together. You should get some rest right now.”
“Thanks, dad. For everything.”
“You’re never alone, kid. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“I’m so sorry this happened, (Y/N),” Bella said as soon as Charlie had left the room. “I should have prevented this.”
“There was no way you could have known, Bells,” she sighed. “Paul is just a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing.”
“But I did know. Not about the cheating but that he was a bad guy. Jacob told me.”
At the sound of Jacob’s name, her heart panged. The very boy that had been in her head since she was little. The very boy that had run away from her only an hour before. “Don’t blame yourself,” she added. “I don’t think I would have listened to you. I was so blinded by him that I would have probably fought you about it. It’s on me that I didn’t see the signs.”
“No, (Y/N). It’s on him for being a shitty guy.”
“I guess,” she chuckled. “But I’ve also been a shitty person. I’ve been here for such a long time already and I haven’t gone to see Jake. I’m a horrible friend.”
“Unfortunately, that I can’t spin,” she grimaced. “But so is he. Contact goes both ways, and he hasn’t come to see you either. And he’s been avoiding me for a while too.”
“I saw him tonight,” she added meekly. “I almost ran him over.”
“You did?! What happened?”
“He ran away,” (Y/N) shrugged. “He stared at me for a second and then he ran.”
“That boy needs to stop disappearing like that,” she sighed. “He came over the other night. Told me he was avoiding me for a reason that he couldn’t explain. I’m gonna go confront him about it tomorrow.”
“Can I come? I think seeing you yell at him will cheer me up.”
“I think having you there will make him more nervous,” she grinned at her sister. “And I don’t know if that’s better or worse.”
“Why would he get nervous?” (Y/N) questioned, her curiosity quickly peaking. “It’s just me. Bella’s little sister.”
“Are you serious?”
Bella was staring at her like she had muttered the dumbest words she had heard, but she had only said what she truly believed. Jake had always had a crush on Bella and (Y/N) was just her little sister. “He’s always been in love with you, Bells,” she said. “It’s obvious.”
“Oh my god, you are serious,” Bella said in disbelief. “You know it’s you he’s always been in love with. It's so painfully obvious.”
“What’re you talking about? He was always hanging around you when we were there, he even sought you out when you came to live with Charlie. Sounds to me like he’s always crushed on you.”
“Okay, first of all, the only reason he was always hanging around me was when you were around. He only used me as an excuse,” she retorted. “And when I came to live in Forks you were the first thing he asked me about. He’s been in love with you since we were kids, (Y/N). I honestly can’t believe you never noticed.”
“How could I if I really thought he liked you?” the girl cried as she covered her face in embarrassment. “Oh god, I’m an awful person. The only reason I went after Paul was because I thought I had no chance with Jake. Now I’m definitely never gonna have it.”
“Why not? You’re a great catch.”
“I’m a single pregnant teen that hasn’t even finished high school,” she told her sister. “Sure, great catch.”
“You’re also kind, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, and anyone would be lucky to have you by their side,” Bella said with a smile. “And if Jake can’t see that then he’s not the right guy for you. It’s not like he’s the poster child for perfection.”
“But why would he ever be with me when I tried to replace him with Paul? Jake knew he was a bad guy and that I chose to be with Paul over him.”
“Look, I don’t know how tomorrow’s gonna go, but I think it’s best if you do come with me.”
“Why? What could go wrong?”
“Just rest tonight and I promise everything will be answered tomorrow.”
“Okay,” she responded, still not understanding her sister’s reluctance to answer. “Well then, good night, Bells. I’m grateful you’re my sister.”
“I’m grateful too, (Y/N). Good night.”
The next day couldn’t come soon enough.
(Y/N) had spent the whole night tossing and turning in her bed. The daunting realization that she was growing a human being inside her weighing on her like a thousand bricks. She was set on her decision. She wanted to keep the baby and she would do it without Paul. But he wasn’t the boy that was running through her head anymore. Instead, she could not stop thinking about what Bella had told her. She was still hesitant to believe that Jake loved her. He’d never given her any indication that he did, at least not ones she had noticed.
“Ready to go?” Bella asked, breaking (Y/N) out of her trance. “Got the car all warmed up already.”
“Yeah, just a sec.” The youngest Swan gave herself a once over, trying to look perfect. No, trying to look strong. “I’m ready.”
The sisters talked and laughed like they hadn’t the whole time they had been reunited with each other. They had both led such different lives at that point that it felt like they had abandoned the other. But that wasn’t far from the truth. At the end of the day, they would always have each other’s back.
Bella parked her truck near the Black’s house, killing the engine before she turned toward her sister. “Look, I don’t know how to explain this, but you might hear some things that sound almost made up,” she said. “But they’re not. As crazy as it might sound, they are 100% true.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Bella?”
“I just –ugh—I don’t know how to tell you this without sounding like I’ve lost my mind,” she said, her eyes begging her sister for reassurance. “But, if you really wanna be in Jake’s world, it’s only fair that you know the truth. About him… and even about Paul.”
“Paul? What do you know about Paul?”
“Do you remember the stories Billy used to tell us when we were little?” Bella started, carefully picking her next words. “The stories about the reservation and their ancestors?”
“You remember the stories about wolves and cold ones, right?”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “But those were just legends and stories to explain the divide between lands. What about them?” 
“They’re real, (Y/N),” Bella finally admitted. “Every single thing that they told us is real.”
“Come on, Bella,” the girl smiled, not too convinced by her sister’s words. “You’re telling me that you dated a vampire. And, what? That Paul and Jake are werewolves? That’s completely fantastical. Vampires and werewolves aren’t real. Next thing you’re gonna tell me that the tooth fairy and Santa Claus exist?”
“I’m serious, (Y/N),” she said firmly, her sister’s laughter dying as soon as she looked into Bella’s eyes. “I’ve seen it. It’s real”
“So, you’ve seen Jake turning into a wolf and seen your ex drink blood? What about that doesn’t sound made up?”
“Fine,” she resigned. “If you don’t believe me. Maybe you’ll believe Jake. Now, come on.”
(Y/N) followed Bella to the red cabin, her words swimming around in her mind. Talk about the supernatural had never been something her sister had been interested in, and there she was claiming that it was all real. It couldn’t be. It was just too much.
“We need to see him,” Bella said as soon as Billy opened the door.
His eyes ran from her to (Y/N), thinking over what his response would be. “He’s not in,” the man responded.
But Bella would not give in. She knew better. “Okay, I’m sorry,” she said before stepping aside and pulling (Y/N) with her. “But we really need to see him.”
(Y/N) didn’t understand what was happening. She felt like she was stuck in a bad dream where no one was making any sense. When her sister opened Jake’s bedroom door and she saw him sleeping, the girl felt her heart squeeze once more in her chest. Ever since their encounter the night before, it hadn’t stopped doing that. It hadn’t stopped calling for him.
“He looks exhausted,” (Y/N) whispered.
“I think I know why,” her sister muttered, her gaze falling on the four figures that were walking up to Jake’s house. “Wait here.”
“What why?” the younger girl questioned before following her sister’s sightline. “Why is Paul here?”
“If you still don’t believe me, you’ll believe me now.”
Bella marched out of the house, leaving her sister reeling with more and more questions.
“She told you,” Billy’s voice startled her. “You don’t believe her.”
His words seemed to want to be questions, but she could tell he was merely stating facts. “How can I, Billy?” she said. “We’re talking about the existence of supernatural creatures right in our backyard. Those things are stories you tell kids to feed their imagination. They can’t be real.”
“It is,” Jake’s voice joined. She turned to face him, any unease dissipating as she looked into his dark eyes. “I promise I’ll explain everything, but right now. I need to make sure your sister doesn’t get hurt.”
“What’re you…?”
Before she could finish talking, she heard her sister yelling outside. She followed Jacob out of the house, all in time to see Bella slapping Paul straight across the face. And everything that happened next seemed to muddle.
Where Paul stood in a split second was a silver-furred wolf baring its teeth toward her sister. Then, Jacob ran past her, jumping over Bella and transforming into a russet-colored wolf himself. The same wolf she had seen in her dream. The two animals fought each other, all teeth and claws, all snarls and growls. Even as it happened before her, it was still just as unbelievable.
Once the two wolves had disappeared into the tree line, did the older man of the group speak up. He told Jared and Embry –the two boys she had met that fateful day on the beach—to take her and Bella back to someone’s, named Emily, place. The duo quickly followed orders, jumping into the bed of Bella’s truck, never looking over to (Y/N).
The older Swan motioned for her sister to join them, telling her to get back in the car. But (Y/N) was still reeling. She still felt like she was trapped in a harrowing nightmare, waiting for the second she would wake up. All she could think of was the dream that had shaken her as she arrived in Forks. Because it hadn’t been a dream. It had been a premonition.
(Y/N) had yet to say a word, simply following the others to know what to do. Whatever they said or did, she wasn’t sure. The world around her had blurred and nothing made sense. At that moment, all she wanted was to know that Jacob was okay. The very fabric of what she knew reality to be had been changed and all she wanted to do was make sure that he was safe.
She didn’t even notice when she had entered the little house. Her gaze was far away, her mind completely disassociated from the situation. Emily, who she now knew was Sam’s fiancée and she couldn’t stare at, had offered her food or something to drink, but she couldn’t even respond. She simply shook her head and sunk into the background.
Everyone was speaking of werewolves and vampires like it was the most normal thing in the world, but it wasn’t, and (Y/N) knew that. And it seemed that Emily could tell that the girl was finding the information hard to digest.
“It gets easier,” she told her, breaking her out of her trance. “I know right now it might seem like nothing makes sense, but you get used to it.”
“I just saw two men rip their skin and turn into massive wolves,” (Y/N) finally spoke. “Don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”
“I know how you’re feeling. When Sam told me for the first time, I was sure he had lost her mind,” she smiled. “Something tells me that once Jacob talks to you a lot of things will click into place.”
As Emily handed her a glass of water, Sam walked into the house, kissing her deeply. They were the definition of being in love. She couldn’t help but feel it when she saw them. It was what she had always dreamed of, and it was what she thought she had with Paul until the night before. It was what she had once wanted with Jacob too.
After Sam came Paul and Jacob. They were wearing matching scowls, walking as far from each other as possible. Paul entered the house, his eyes never landing on (Y/N)’s. Suddenly, the house went eerily quiet. Now knowing that they all shared thoughts, the girl knew that everyone was aware of what had happened between her and Paul.
(Y/N) felt like the walls were closing in on her and the looks of pity all the guys had given her finally made sense. She could barely breathe, and her heart hammered harshly in her chest. She needed to get out, she couldn’t be in the same space as him. Not right now. She tried to stumble out of the house, clutching at whatever she could to stabilize her body.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Bella tried to draw her attention, following her sister outside. “You’ve gotta breathe.”
But she couldn’t. Her lungs were aching, and her throat felt tight. Already, her vision was blurry with tears “I-I… I gotta…”
“Breathe, (Y/N). Breathe.”
“I can’t,” she struggled. “I-I… I can’t.”
Then, warm arms were wrapping around her, a hand running through her hair. “You’re okay, (Y/N),” Jake whispered. “I need you to breathe with me, okay?”
She nodded softly, her sobs choking her. Still, she followed the movement of Jacob’s chest, taking shaky breaths in and blowing them out seconds after. They could have been there forever and (Y/N) would have never known how much time had actually passed. But at some point, her breathing stabilized and she felt like her body was functioning properly.
“There you go,” Jacob smiled. “See? You’re okay.”
“I think I’m going crazy,” she chuckled dryly. “Nothing makes sense.”
“Let’s go for a walk, okay?” She nodded in response. “We’ll talk later, Bella.”
“Yeah, go ahead,” she said. “Make sure she’s okay. I have some words for someone else right now.”
Jake and (Y/N) walked side by side, neither daring to say the first word. The truth was, there was just too much unsaid between them and they had no idea where to start. There had already been so much change in a day that they didn’t know how much they could take.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Jake finally spoke. “Firstly, for the way you found out about all of this. And secondly, for me running away last night. I’m sure you have a million questions.”
“I do,” she chuckled, staring down at the way the creek they were walking through rushed beneath her feet. “But I also want to apologize for not going to see you as soon as I got her. I actually tried… that’s when I met Paul.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, (Y/N). I didn’t seek you out either and I’ve been beating myself about it ever since,” he sighed. “I should have told you about Paul. I should have protected you from him, but I didn’t, and he broke your heart.”
“It’s not on you, Jake. It’s not on anyone but him. He knew what he was doing and that’s that,” she said. “But I don’t really want to talk about him. I want to know about everything else. You’re a werewolf.”
“Last time I checked, yeah,” he chuckled. “Only a few people in the tribe have the gene. It gets triggered when there are vampires in the area.”
“Bella’s ex and their family.”
“Yeah, and any that are passing by,” he confirmed. “Our job is to protect people from them. We keep it a secret because of the treaty our ancestors made with them decades ago. We can’t reveal their identity and we can’t reveal ours without revealing theirs. And people can’t fear what they don’t know of. ”
“Then, did they break the treaty by telling Bella?”
“They didn’t tell her about us, I kind of did,” he continued. “I was ordered to cut ties with her, but I couldn’t so I pointed her in the direction of the truth. She found out all by herself.”
“So, Bella knowing I understand. She already had knowledge of this whole world from that Edward guy,” (Y/N) started. “But why me? Why am I allowed to know all this? It can’t possibly be because she took me to your place. Billy would have stopped me from going outside but he didn’t.”
Jacob stopped in his tracks. That was the moment the truth needed to come out. He had to confess everything he’d ever felt for her and how the universe had decided to make it an unbreakable thing. All he hoped was that she didn’t push him away after.
“Being a shifter comes with more things than the ability to transform into a wolf,” he started, finally facing her. “You get superhuman strength and speed; you heal faster; you basically stop aging. And you gain the ability to imprint on someone.”
“Imprint?” (Y/N) questioned looking into his eyes for the first time since she had left the cabin. “What is that?”
“In the simplest of terms, it’s basically the moment you lay eyes on your soulmate,” he continued. His heart was beating faster, and he was sure his skin was flushing to a deep shade of red. “It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like gravity shifts all of a sudden. You’re not bound to the earth anymore, you’re bound to that person. You become whatever they need. A friend, a brother, a partner.
When I ran into you last night, when you almost ran me over with your car…”
“Sorry about that,” she chuckled. “That would have been horrible bad luck. To run you over with a car you fixed.”
“Eh, I would have healed,” he smiled. He was glad to see her lighter. Her laughter, the most beautiful music to his ears. “But when we looked into each other’s eyes I imprinted on you. That’s why I ran. That and the fact that I knew Paul had hurt you. I could feel your pain and your sadness, and as much as I wanted to comfort you, I needed to give him a piece of my mind.
But I should have stayed with you. I should have told you everything that I’m about to tell you now.
I love you, (Y/N). I’m in love with you and I have been since I even knew what love was. I have wanted to tell you since I gave you that whittled wolf I made, but I never had the courage to. And even if you don’t feel the same for me, I need you to know that, with or without the imprint bond, you have been and always will be it for me. My heart has been yours since the moment our dad’s brought us together and it will be yours until the day I die.”
Tears were now falling from (Y/N)’s eyes. She had waited for so long to hear those words and it made her heart swell as she finally did. But she feared he would take them back as soon as she told him the truth. Imprint bond or not, no teenager wanted to become a father, especially of someone else’s baby.
“You say that because you don’t know everything,” she sobbed, turning her back to him. “There’s another reason why I was crying last night that has nothing to do with Paul cheating.”
“(Y/N), nothing you say will change what I feel for you,” Jake said, running his hands over her arms. He tried to turn her back around, but she wouldn’t budge. “What is it, huh? Just tell me, (Y/N).”
“I’m pregnant, Jake,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “And I’m keeping it. And Paul has no idea. I went to tell him as soon as I found out and caught him with someone else. I don’t even know if he would care that the baby is his.”
“Is that all?” Jacob asked softly. “You think that’s enough to change my mind?”
“It would change anyone’s mind, Jake!” (Y/N) flipped around. Her eyes were red and streaming out tears faster than she could stop them. “We’re only sixteen. The last thing in our minds should ever be starting a family. We should be thinking about what college we’re going to or what countries we want to see, not about shitty diapers and feeding schedules.
What is happening is happening to me. I’m the one that’s pregnant and I can’t burden you with someone else’s child. I can’t do that to you. Why would you ever be okay with any of this?”
“Because it’s you,” he smiled. “And why do you think you or that baby could ever be a burden to me?” His hand cradled her cheeks, his thumbs wiping away the streaks that stained her skin. “I want everything that comes with being with you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, (Y/N). And I meant it when I said that there’s absolutely nothing you could do or say that would change that.”
“But I can’t do that to you,” she repeated, her voice breaking in pain. “I can’t do that to someone I love.”
Jacob’s mouth stretched into a wide smile, his eyes searching hers for any sign of deception, but it wasn’t there. All he saw was a girl in love that had been broken by someone else. “You love me?” he asked happily. “Is that what you said?”
“Of course, I love you, Jake,” she smiled softly, the tears still falling from her eyes. “I’ve loved you for so long it hurts. And that’s why it’ll hurt more to let you go.”
“(Y/N), I need you to listen to me and know in your heart that what I am telling you is the absolute truth,” he said lovingly but sternly. He needed her to believe him. He had lost her once and he would never do it again. “I want you. I want all that comes with being with you. I want to be there when you start showing; I want to be there when you go to the doctor; I wanna be there when that baby comes into this world, and I will be there every moment after. I will love that child as if it was mine because it’s part you –it’s already perfect.”
“You really mean that,” she smiled. Her hands were placed on his chest, her eyes gazing into the dark brown of his. “Why? Why do you care about me so much? I don’t deserve it.”
“You deserve the entire universe, (Y/N),” he beamed. “You deserve love and happiness, and I know I can give that to you.”
All the younger girl could do was smile as she stared up at him. If she had been dreaming, she did not want to wake up. Not now. Not after the nightmare was over. She needed to prove to herself that she was awake.
She stood on her tiptoes, stretching as far as she could while she pulled Jacob down by his shirt. She crashed her lips onto his and allowed herself to get lost in that moment. Everything around them stopped. The ocean had quieted, the wind had stopped blowing, and the sun had stopped beating on their skin. It was them and only them at that moment, surrounded only by their love and affection for each other.
“Thank you, Jake,” she smiled as they finally broke apart, their foreheads pressing against each other. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words.”
“I think I have some idea,” he chuckled. “I have been waiting since we were kids to tell you.”
“Maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess if either of us had,” she teased. “But, honestly, I would have it any other way.”
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said before kissing her once more. “I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.”
“Well, I love you more. And I don’t think I’ll ever be able to show you just how much.”
As they walked back to the cabin, Jake’s arm draped over her shoulders, (Y/N) stopped in her tracks suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Jake worried. “You feeling okay?”  
“I haven’t thought of this, but what if Paul does want to be in this baby’s life? I mean, he has no idea that I’m pregnant.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he smiled. “If he does, he’ll have a lot to make up for. And I’ll make sure he is very apologetic for what he’s done.”
“You can’t just go around fighting him you know?” (Y/N) laughed.
“Don’t worry. He knows not to confront me with his fists –or paws—anymore.”
Taglist: @winter-soldier-101 @zheezs14 @a-sifu-hotman @sunflowerleii @dyslexiccatterpillar @blackbluerose666 @slutforsainz @kortniec696 @xcastawayherosx @minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedjay @sirenheadenby @andreiaafaria @bluetreecloud20 @sunshine2894 @valejewel @mushroomelephant @swidkid @skyesthebomb @esposadomd @nocturnalherb16
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brnesblogposts · 3 months
you know who you are
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pairing: matty healy x reader
I don’t agree with writing smut about real people so this is all fluff :>
reblogs appreciated if you enjoy :))
The vibration of your phone on your bedside table disturbed your sleep, as you whined and blindly grabbed for it; you were about to press cancel on whoever was calling you until you saw his name.
“Hi.” Suddenly you were chipper as you answered the call. “Hey, darlin’” Matty responded and then an awkward silence ensued until you spoke up again, “Is something up? Why are you ringing me at 3am? You okay?” Concern laced your voice,”I just can’t sleep, sorry I woke you but I was just wondering if you’re coming to the show tomorrow night? Or tonight now I guess” he laughed softly at his joke and you did too. What a dork.
“Yeah I’m in the stands though, by the time I got onto the website all the best tickets were gone, but don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be able to hear me cheering you on! I’ll be the loudest in the room!” You really did wish you managed to get front row tickets, but you’d support him from the stands and probably lose your voice in the process.
“Are you having a laugh? Y/n you’re one of my best friends you don’t need to buy tickets, you’re on the guest list..” There was humour in his voice and you could only imagine his grin, “Well. You’re welcome for the extra money I guess! Have a drink on me” The both of you laughing at your remark, “Sell those tickets alright? I don’t need you spending money on me, I’ll have a car pick you up a couple hours before the show so be ready by about six, yeah?” You nodded before realising he couldn’t see you.. face palm!... “Yes your majesty” you sassed back. “Oh Piss off, my girl deserves V.I.P. Treatment.” The way he said ‘my girl’ had you giddy, you were just very good friends though. Nothing more.
“I’ll let you get back to sleep now, Goodnight Y/n”
“Night, Matty” you replied quietly before putting your phone back on your bedside table and nodding off again.
The next morning
Around seven hours after your sleep was disturbed by Matty you decided it was time to get up, at only 10am there was no rush so you made the most of your day and got some housework done.
Next time you look at your phone it’s about 3 so you decide to start getting ready; hair and makeup done it was now down to the outfit which was the most difficult part of this process. You decided on black trousers, a white dress shirt and your leather jacket. By the time you were done getting ready it was about 5:30 and there was a text waiting for you
‘Can’t wait to see you, been too long X.’
Matty was right, it had been at least a month since you’d seen him because you’d both been so busy with work.
‘See you soon! <33’ was your response. About ten minutes later there was a knock at your door, “Here to pick up Miss y/n?” The man asked, “That’s me! Thank you for this” you were sincere in your words, you really could’ve made your own way there but Matty wouldn’t of had any of it so you didn’t bother arguing when he said he was sending a car.
About 45 minutes later you arrived at the venue and with the flash of his badge your driver continued on until coming to a halt at the back and getting out to open your door. “Thank you so much” You flashed a smile and headed for the entrance, “Band and staff only, please” the brooding guard did not move a single muscle as he barred you from entering. You simply huffed and walked away to make a phone call.
“Hey it’s me” you felt bad asking for help but how else were you gonna get in the building? “Hi, You okay?” was her response and you quickly put her worries to rest “Yeah I’m fine but the security guard won’t let me in, Charli can you sneak out and come get me? I want to surprise the guys and they’re probably busy with soundcheck so I don’t want to distu-“ Charli cut you off before you could finish rambling, “I’ll be there in a second, take a breath!” She laughed before hanging up.
The door swung open to the guards surprise and Charli came running out grabbing you in a tight hug, “Y/n I’ve missed you so much! Way too much testosterone in there” With that you both let out a laugh before turning and taking her hand while she walked you to the green room.
“Guess who I’ve found!” She announced before stepping aside and letting you move forward, a chorus of “Y/N!!” Sounded before you were taken into a crushing hug, the perpetrators beard tickling the side of your face. “Hi Ross!” You squealed as he released you from his arms and before you could breathe the same thing happened with Hann and George, “Don’t break her guys” Charli intervened. There was someone missing, the person you wanted to hug most (no offence to the rest of them, but this one was special) “Where’s Healy?” You inquired. “Havin’ a shit” Ross answered you before you all grimaced, “Tmi” Charli whined but before anyone else could say anything you heard a dramatic gasp from the doorway
You turned around to find a curly headed man staring at you, a smile plastered on his face. Before you knew it he was picking you up and twirling you around as he hugged you “My darling Y/n!” He set you back down on the floor but his hands remained respectfully on your hips, “Hello!” You squealed before hugging him again.
“Did you get over here alright?” He asked with genuine concern and you assured him you did. “I had to go rescue her from outside because the security guard wouldn’t let her in!” Charli interrupted and Matty turned to face you, “Why didn’t you call me, I would’ve rescued the damsel in distress”
“I didn’t want to disturb you if you were practicing and I wanted to surprise you and the guys together, didn’t work anyway ‘cos you weren’t even here”
“I was-“ Before he could finish he was interrupted by Ross “Havin’ a poo!” He laughed. And Matty smacked his arm.
“You look lovely by the way, I wonder who your style inspo’ was for tonight” He raised a brow,“Timotheé Chalamet” You snarked back with a straight face. “Alright, you can go home now.” He stated and turned away but you grabbed his arm and turned him back to you, “I was kidding, obviously! You are my only style inspo’ Matty, promise.” You patted his cheek and went to sit down on one of the sofas.
“Where’s Carly, Hann?” You looked at the man and asked, “She stayed back with the baby who isn’t feeling too well right now” He smiled back “Sending all my love to baby Hann and also to Carly because I miss her.” You frowned and then smiled at Hann. Matty came and squeezed between where you and Ross were sitting on the sofa and earned a glance from his best friend, “What?” He scoffed and lay his chin on your head taking in the smell of your shampoo, “Jealous much” was Ross’s reply and Matty defended himself, “I’m sorry” he exaggerated “that I missed my near and dear friend who I have not seen in over a month!” He rolled his eyes.
“You know the rest of us haven’t seen her either but we aren’t sniffing her hair” Charli spoke back straight faced “Piss off the lot of you” Matty said as he hid in your hair and you just laughed at their antics, you missed this.
About half an hour of just catching up and talking passed, Matty glued to your side the whole time, before the guys needed to head to stage, “Can I just put you in my pocket and take you out there with me?” Matty looked at you with soft eyes and you let out a laugh, “I am on the side of the stage, love. Just look for the dancing lunatic in your peripheral” you smiled at him. With that you wished the guys luck and they headed to state while you and Charli hung back at side stage listening to the thousands of adoring fans screams.
The lights dimmed soon after and then you heard his classic intro
“We are the 1975, the best band to ever exist” The screams increased and they started playing the intro of ‘Somebody to Love’ Charli and you danced and sang along all night, occasionally George would look at Charli from where he was on drums and they’d smile at each other, Matty was way too into the show and you didn’t blame him and it’s not like you were together so you shouldn’t of expected him to do the same.
It was nearing the end of the show and you didn’t know what the next song was gonna be and then the intro to ‘about you’ started. Matty looked right into the camera and mouthed “This is about you, you know who you are, I love you” and then your heart stopped beating because as soon as the lyrics started he locked eyes with you.. “I know a place..” suddenly you felt nervous and a blush creeped up your neck while charli elbowed your side. He turned back to the ground and you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding, “He didn’t just-“ was all you managed to get out “He did.” Charli replied and shook your shoulders, she was overjoyed for you because god knows you have talked her ear off about Matty for months now.
The song went on, Matty stealing glances at you every once in awhile, each time making your stomach drop, and then right at the end on the last line he turns 45 degrees and points directly at you not breaking eye contact “Do you think I’ve forgotten about you..” and time stood still for what seemed like years but it was only a short few seconds and then the lights dimmed. For the rest of the set he didn’t glance your way again and you couldn’t really focus. You wanted him to come off of that stage, you had so many questions.
“Just before the guys’ set ended you and Charli headed back to the green room because she could see you were anywhere else but watching the show.
“You alright? Before he gets back talk to me” She sat with you on the sofa “I’m just so confused? It caught me off guard that’s all, I don’t really have any words right now, still very much processing” you laughed lightly but inside you were screaming. “Just take some deep breathes” Charli breathed with you and it actually helped settle your nerves quite a bit.
A few minutes later the green room door swung open and George, Hann and Ross came stumbling in on a high, adrenaline pumping from the show. They were shortly followed by Matty. You decided you needed to talk to him right now or you would go crazy. “Matty, can we um talk outside, privately?” Your voice soft and he nodded heading back out. You followed closing the door behind you.
“Y/n I’m so sorry- I’ve come on too strong haven’t I? I don’t want to lose you as a friend if you don’t feel the same, I fuck. I don’t know why I-“ before he could finish your lips were on his shutting him up and he melted into the kiss, the both of you confirming what you knew was true for awhile, “I love you too” you looked into his eyes and replied to what he mouthed indirectly on stage, at this he smiled so bright and kissed you again.
“I can’t believe that song worked” He said as you both embraced and he kissed your forehead, he had finally got his girl.
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sinfulblondebimbo · 10 months
pls read before interacting 🫶🏻🎀
updated as of August 2023✨
this is an 18+ ONLY blog - not almost 18, or 16 and “im mature for my age” etc. no i dont care. If you are under 18, please do not interact with my account or accounts i interact with. If your age is not stated in your bio, i will block you.
This blog will not tolerate any type of negative behavior. Be kind or leave. If you're going to be negative on my blog in any way, may it be comments, ask or messages you’ll be immediately blocked with no questions asked.
Please don’t get angry at me if I don’t respond to your messages immediately. We all have things to worry about outside of tumblr and sometimes mental breaks are very much needed. So I apologize and hope you understand, but will do my best to get to you as soon as I can.
i am a 22 straight female, (but supportive of anyone and their sexuality/sexual orientation/identity) i will not show my face, or send you images as i do not want to mix my personal life with my sexual fantasies. I do not condone any of this in real life unless it is completely consensual between both parties. You can call me whatever youd like, however I do go by Charlie if you want a name.
kinks include: cnc, spitting, breeding, icky daddies/kiddos, rape play, rape threats, size kink, cockwarming, wax, gun/knife play, somno, intoxication/high, threesomes, anal, squirting, public sex, praise.
limits: piss play, vomit, petplay, scat.
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pewpewkachuuboo · 3 months
So I had a thought about what if Lucifer is full of shit and is actually the one Alastor made a deal with because Alastor is the big bad because isn’t Luci chilling with the Overlords during extermination in the pilot? Like…. There’s no way he doesn’t know Alastor at all.
So I wrote how I thought their original meeting went - if y’all like the idea I would love to write how the interactions during the season would look if this were the case. That could be fun, actually - I may do that regardless.
I don’t really think I believe it, but I do love the idea that Alastor is in debt to Lucifer and the deal was protecting Charlie’s dream which means he can’t actually do harm to those that don’t deserve it period.
The throne room of hell was vast and empty. The room consisted of a pair of large ornate doors that led to a red-carpeted walkway straight to the throne of hell that sat upon eight large steps that represented the eight rings of hell.
Lucifer sat comfortably on his throne, leaning against his staff as Alastor considered his options.
“So… I will be all powerful after a seven year sabbatical.”
“You will have access to powers beyond your means after I send you to train with my brother for the seven years that it takes for completion - on the condition that when you return, you protect my daughter and her dreams at all cost.”
Alastor chuckled deeply, his voice crackling in interest, “I will not sacrifice myself for another person - especially not blue blood scum. I think I can find how to conjure power on my own, thank you.”
Lucifer’s eyes glowed red in irritation. He stood from his red throne and slammed down his staff. The sound echoed as golden chains restrained Alastor from leaving as he had intended, “I seem to recall that it was you, radio demon, that came to me seeking power. Not the other way around.”
Alastor gave a light sigh, “No need for the restraints, sir, let’s come to another agreement.”
Lucifer did not move to remove the chains, “You’re much more charming in this position- maybe I should put you on your knees and make you beg for that power you crave instead.”
With a tut of his tongue Alastor retorted carefully, “I want power. I will agree to do whatever it takes when I return to see that your daughters hopes and dreams are not crushed. I will protect her but I will not die for her.”
Lucifer hummed thoughtfully at the offer and snapped his fingers to release Alastor from the golden chains before reaching out a hand, “You also cannot let her know of this deal or that we know one another at all.”
Alastor stood still for a moment before finally nodding and closing the distance between them, his hand slipping into the king’s, “Deal.”
Lucifer flashed his devilish grin, a golden glow and dark shadows blending into each other around them, “Good luck and I’ll see you in seven years.”
With that the light and shadows engulfed Alastor and when the colors faded, the radio demon was nowhere to be found.
Lucifer chuckled, “He should have been more careful with his wording - I thought he’d make it harder than that.” He clicked his tongue before sitting back atop his throne, eyes darkening as his wife entered.
Lilith looked calm, “It’s done?”
“Yes. What is Charlie going to say when she figures out that you decided to go to heaven to live and left behind a radio demon to protect her but don’t intend to say goodbye yourself?”
Lilith smiled sadly, “She won’t because you love her too much to tell her and break her heart. Adam promised the exorcists would leave you and Charlie without harm no matter what comes.”
“Just the exorcists?” Lucifer snorted, the grip on his staff tightening, “If Adam kills your daughter himself what do you intend to do?”
Lilith shook her head, “I don’t have time for what ifs, Luci.”
Lucifer spit on the ground at his feet angrily, voice coming out in a harsh and gravely whisper, “You have lost the right to call me by nicknames or pet names. Get out. If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you myself.”
With a sigh, Lilith left the room leaving Lucifer on his own once more.
Lucifer took in a ragged breath, tears falling down his cheeks as he sobbed in loss - they had separated years ago because Lilith had left him to wallow in his misery and instead of being understanding, she took his daughter and left to take charge of hell on her own because he wasn’t motivated or loved like she was.
Something about this moment felt more final, however, and so he allowed himself to transport to his working quarters so he could mourn the loss of his family a final time before distracting himself fully. Charlie, after growing up with her mother, was never close to him despite how desperately he craved that relationship, and she hardly reached out at this point in her life so she clearly didn’t need him - so when Lilith approached him explaining the deal she had made with Adam and asking him to seek out the most powerful overlord to make a deal with him so that Charlie would be protected he hesitated, but ultimately was able to manipulate word of mouth to convince Alastor to seek him out for more power. Sinners were always hungry for more power.
And so Lucifer kept to himself, willing his phone to ring with Charlie’s profile picture so he could try to mend their relationship. He missed her desperately, but felt in the depths of his heart that any attempts he made to reach out first would lead to rejection from the only person he had left.
He wouldn’t survive if Charlie rejected him like the rest of heaven and hell had.
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Good Neighbors Part 6 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: I bare you your Steddie crack...I mean content... for the week :). I love reading yawls reblogs and comments on this series lol it provides me much needed serotonin. I love you guys so much!
Warnings: Steddie dynamic and all that that implies (I regret nothing). Fluff in the beginning with readers kiddo <3
Word count: 3180
“Happy Birthday, Steve!” You, Eddie, and Dylan shout as he comes through the door. 
“Oh wow. Hey!” You son runs into his arms as Steve lifts him up. 
You hold up a cake in front of his face with lit candles. “Make a wish.” Dylan directs him as Steve pretends to think for a second before blowing them out. 
“Great. We get Harrington spit.” You smack Eddie’s chest with the back of your hand. “Naw, I’m sure it’s fine. We’ll all inherit slick, shiny hair and a hairy chest.” Steve scowls at him as he sits on a stool by the counter. 
“I made the cake! Right, mom?”
You reach up in their cabinets and pull down some plates. “Huh? Oh, yes. He made the entire thing by himself. Eddie and I did absolutely nothing.”, you answer in a playful monotone. 
“Yup. Not a damn thing.” Eddie doubles down backing you up. 
“Well, thanks, Little Man. I’m glad we got to hang out before you left to see your dad.” 
Dylan looks down and moves the cake on his plate around with his fork. Steve sees you and Eddie exchange a glance. “Baby, why don’t you go get Steve his present you got him. I left it in Eddie’s room on the right.” He jumps down and runs down the hallway. 
“Charlie cancelled. Said his work was sending him out of town. Of course, Vivian’s going with him.” Your jaw clenches as Steve reaches for your arm, pulling you to his side. 
“Did you call your lawyer?”
“Yeah, but we don’t have to talk about that today. Today is your day.” You lean down to kiss his lips before you hear tiny feet scurry back towards the kitchen. 
You lift Dylan on to the counter as he hands Steve his present. He quickly unwraps it and pulls out a small wood container. On the lid in green was his name painted across the top. The sides had drawn video boxes like the ones at Family Video. 
“Did you make this?” Steve asks him and the boy nods, his mouth stuffed with cake. “This is amazing. Thank you so much.”
“You can put your watch and stuff in it! We did it at school for arts and crafts.” Steve ruffles his hair in his hand. 
There’s a light knock on their door and Eddie gets up to open it. 
“Hey Kierra.” You reach over to hug her as your son pounces on her from the counter. 
“Hey Y/N. Ugh, weirdo! You’re getting too heavy. Hey Steve. Happy Birthday.”
He thanks her as she puts Dylan back on the ground. He runs into the living room to grab his backpack. “I see C-H-A-R-L-I-E bailed. Always a charmer, that one. Alright, so I will have him back around noon tomorrow?”
You nod giving him a big kiss before he waves at the other boys and leaves with your sister. 
“He didn’t have to go. I’m sure we could have had fun with the four of us.” Steve rises from his chair, placing the plate in the sink. 
“Yeah, but you see Eddie and I had a few ideas for the evening. One of them being that the three of us have never been on a real date. Now you two get changed. Eddie knows where we are going so he SHOULD know what’s appropriate. I will meet you in an hour.” You smile at them as you dance out the front door.
“This is the fanciest fucking place I’ve ever been to.” Eddie looks up towards the Italian restaurant. Out of habit your hand raises to smack his arm but he reaches out grabbing your wrist without even looking, anticipating your move. “Hey, no kid tonight so I can say fuck all I want.”
“You guys didn’t have to do this, you know?” Steve was still looking over the outside of the restaurant. 
Your eyes meet Eddies as he leans down to not so subtly whisper in your direction. “He doesn’t know how to accept good things he deserves.” He straightens up and walks over to Steve patting his shoulder. “You can thank Mr. Harrington for that one.”
“Eddie, stop.” You wrap your arms around Steve’s waist. “We know we didn’t have to but we wanted to.” You let him go as you head towards the front door of the building, your heels clacking along the way. “And if all else fails we can sell the kid to get our money back.”
They both laugh as Eddie runs ahead of you to open the door.
This definitely wasn’t a normal scene for the three of you. Steve would have been ok with cake and pizza. Eddie with a six pack of bottled beer and you putting on a movie Steve liked while you enjoyed the evening. But you guys did things like that on a normal basis. You and Eddie thought this would be the perfect opportunity to go on a nice date night out and try something new. 
When you saw them in their suits before you left you knew it was the right choice. As always, they both looked delicious. You had no idea if they coordinated wearing the same style black suit or if it just happened but it worked. The did have different ties though that displayed their personalities. Steve’s was green where Eddie’s was red with a guitar on the bottom. 
A couple of nights before, Dylan came with you to the mall to search for a dress that Steve might like. You tried on a few before you found the one you were currently wearing which made Dylan clap in the fitting room. It was a red spaghetti strap that hugged your curves down to a bit above your knee. You found some red heels that had buckles that wrapped around your ankles. Your hair was up in a tight ponytail that bounced from side to side as you walked. 
The hostess led you three outside to a table on the terrace. The dinner was absolutely amazing and through the night your eyes struggled to keep focus on one boy at a time. They both looked so happy especially Steve. 
“No one has ever done anything like this for you? Ever?”
He shakes his head as he leans back in his chair. “No. Usually I’m the one doing stuff like this.” 
You glance at Eddie as he laughs. “Sweetheart, look at me. Who would want to bring me here?”
“I remember once on my dad’s birthday when I was like 7 or 8, we made him this big fancy dinner with a cake and everything.” Steve starts to chuckle. “He never even came home.”
Eddie leans back in his chair as well and chugs the rest of his glass. “Wayne, my uncle, I think he was the only one who actually celebrated my birthday. Growing up anyway. After Steve and I became friends…” They toast their empty glasses to each other, giggling. “Yeeeeeah, we’re going to need more of this.”
It was then that Steve realized how silent you were. He gently taps your foot with his. “What about you?”
“My parents were good about birthdays. Sometimes there would be fights because my dad got us something ‘boy’.” You roll your eyes. “Now Charlie on the other hand. No, forget it.”
“No, hey, I want to hear your story.”
“Steve, it’s your birthday. I shouldn’t be talking about my ex.”
“Hey. That’s right. It’s MY birthday and I want to hear what you were going to say.”
You sigh at his persistence. “No, we never did anything like this. On our first date, we went out of town to this biker bar. Someone spilled their drink on me AND he got punched in the face. In hindsight, I see the red flags.” You swig back the liquid in your glass. “Yeah, Eds, you’re right. We’re going to need more of this.” 
“That’s another reason you hate her, isn’t it? Because he doesn’t do shit like that with her.” Eddie kicks Steve so hard under the table that the boy shouts in pain.
“Harrington! Oh my god. And I’m the one who needs to control his mouth.” You giggle at their interaction. “You keep this up and I’m going to tell her not to give you the other present we had planned tonight.”
Steve looks at you with wide eyes and you tilt you head playfully to confirm with Eddie. You get up from your chair and crawl into his lap, kissing his forehead. He presses you tightly to him, gliding his hand up and down your arm.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you with my question.” 
“It’s ok, babe. I know.”
Eddie stands from his seat. “Alright, let me go give these people your arm, Princess, and my leg and then we can get outta here.”
Steve and Eddie are both laying on Eddie’s bed cackling like little kids as they shared a joint. Steve was in the middle as you laid on his other side, softly running your hand up and down is clothed chest while he had his arm wrapped around you playing with your hair. 
“Seriously guys. I don’t think I can handle any more surprises.”
Eddie ignores Steve rolling to his side to look at you, gently reaching out to boop your nose. 
“You still okay over there?”
You glide your hand into one of the openings of Steve’s shirt and rub his warm skin. “Excited.”
Eddie winks at you before leaning over to kiss your cheek and jumping off the bed.
“What? Wait, excited for what?”
Smiling at his confusion, you grab his cheek, bringing your lips to his. Steve slings his other arm over, holding your face as close to his as possible. His hips turn towards your but you reach down and push them back, undoing his belt with one hand. 
“Ay hey!” Steve whines for second when he feels his pants and boxers being tugged down his legs aggressively. 
“Eddie! I promise Steve. I’ll smack him if he gets too rough.” You lean up on your knees and swat the other boy’s now shirtless chest.
“I don’t mind rough.”
“Told you.” Eddie grabs your hips pretending to body slam you back on the bed. He reaches behind you to unzip your dress and pull it down your body. “You see, Baby Girl. You forget. I’ve known this man since high school.” As you crawl away over Steve’s chest to his other side, Eddie grabs the waistband of your panties, pulling them down your legs along the way. 
You unbutton the rest of Steve shirt, sliding it down his arms, and throwing to on the floor. You place a pillow under his head, sitting on your knees next him. 
“For your birthday, Eddie and I thought we could make you feel good.” A moan leaves his lips as Eddie’s strong hand grips his cock and takes it in his warm awaiting mouth. You lean down and pull the metalhead’s long hair to one side. “Remember Eddie, he’s not exactly like you. The deeper the better. Right, Stevie?”
He licks his bottom lip as he nods. You gently guide his head lower on the other boy’s dick making him gag as spit falls from his mouth. The sound that leave’s Steve’s lips is obscene but you love it. You reach for his hand and glide his fingers through your folds. 
“You feel that, baby? Fuck. I just love watching you two play.�� Steve reaches his arm around to grab the back of your neck, pulling you down to him. When his lips connect with yours, he thrusts his fingers into your entrance as you whimper into his mouth. “Have you ever kissed him like you do me?” Steve shakes his head, grunting against your lips.
You call Eddie’s name but he is transfixed on his current task. Steve’s fingers slide out of you as you crawl to Eddie, grabbing his face with your hands, and lifting his forehead to yours. His hand continues to rub Steve as he leans in to suck on your neck. You pull both boys till their facing each other. Steve doesn’t give Eddie a moment to think as he grips his jaw bring his lips to his own. 
You reached between your legs, circling your clit with your fingers. They kissed each other differently than they kissed you. There was almost a desperation behind it as if this moment had been brewing for many years. You watched as Steve reached down to take Eddie’s cock in his hands, matching the other man’s pace. You could watch them all night. They were so beautiful together. 
Eddie’s head turned abruptly at the sound of your moan as Steve’s lips trailed down his neck. The long-haired boy reached for you as you climbed towards him on your knees. His lips pressed against yours as he thrust 2 fingers inside of you, pumping them hastily. The sound of what he was doing to you filled the room. Your body trembled as you came around him, gripping his neck to hold you steady.
When he pulled his fingers out, they were covered in your slick. Eddie smiled as he offered them to Steve who sucked on them eagerly. 
“I’ll never get over how good you taste, Princess.”
Steve hums in approval. Eddie moves to the side, rises to his feet, and stands near the end of his bed. He reaches down pumping his cock casually as he waits for whatever happens next. You turn Steve’s head so his eyes lock with yours. 
“We were thinking we would try something new and since it’s your day Eddie said you could choose.” You gently rub the tip of your nose against his own. “Do you want him inside of you or do you want to be inside of him?” Steve lets out a shaky sigh of pleasure making you smile. 
“I want to fuck him. So fucking bad.”
Your smile grows as you make grabby hands at Eddie. He dives back on the bed, landing on you. His lips find yours quickly, moaning into them as he grinds his cock on the outside of your dripping pussy lips. You both groan as he breaches that barrier and slides easily into your entrance. 
After a few slow pumps, he freezes when he feels Steve line himself up behind him. Your pussy clenches around him at the sound of Steve spitting him hand, stroking his cock. He delicately pushes his tip into the boy in front of him and you watch as Eddie’s mouth falls open. You reach up and caress his face as Steve slowly pushes himself further in. 
“Eddie, baby, are you okay?” You murmur up to him but all he can do is nod. “Steve?”
His eyes shift to you, glassy and blown out, giving you a small nod as well. Your cunt flutters again at his reaction and Eddie growls as his head falls forward. You push his hair out of the way so you can see his face. 
“How does it feel? Tell me, baby. I want to hear you.” Steve bottoms out but remains still waiting to hear Eddie answer you. 
“It feels…so fucking good. I’ve never felt-mmmm- anything like this. Move, Harrington.”
Steve thrusts forward slowly, pushing Eddie forward into you, making you both moan. 
He tries to set a steady pace but every time Eddie pumps into you he pushes himself back on Steve and this boy had no intention of moving slowly. His hips smacked against yours roughly and Steve finally gave in fully matching Eddie’s rapid rhythm. You tried to keep your eyes open to watch them but it’s difficult. 
Steve leaned on top of Eddie’s back, pushing him deeper into you as he leaned over him to reach your lips. You could feel Eddie grunting into your neck. The sound mixed with him being pushed further into your pussy was almost too much. Your lips hovered over Steves, openly panting into his mouth as you came. 
Steve wrapped him arms around Eddie’s chest, thrusting into him aggressively, both men chasing their own highs. Eddie felt it before you did. He leaned up on his arms, looking down at you with sweat glimmering against his skin. 
“You’re going to cum again, aren’t you?” You nod as his head comes down to rest against yours. “I can feel it. You’re so fucking tight with your pussy clinging to my cock. Do you want to cum with him?” Eddie reaches between your legs, circling your clit. Your arms cling around his neck as Steve’s hips begin to sputter and he collapses onto the boy in front of him as he cums inside of him. Watching the pleasure on his face as he climaxed was enough to drive you over the edge and you whimpered into Eddie’s shoulder as the coil snapped.
“Good girl. It’s ok. You’re ok. We’re here. God, you feel so good. Fuck.” Eddie whispered more praises in your ear as his own hips started to faulter. Steve pulled out of him falling on the bed watching you both with his hooded eyes, waiting for his friend to cum. It didn’t take him long after a couple more rough thrusts you felt him release his seed inside of you before dropping flat onto your body. 
Eddie rolled onto his back and you reached down lazily to grab his hand, looping his fingers in with yours. You don’t know how long you were both laying but suddenly Steve’s voice broke through the silence. 
“I made a bath.” Neither of you opened your eyes to address him. 
“Steve, it’s your day. We should be making you a bath.”
“It’s after midnight. It is no longer my birthday.”
“Oh, well then our legs don’t work at the moment.” You giggle at Eddie’s comment and he starts chuckling with you. “I tried, Sweetheart. Holy hell!” Eddie gasped as Steve pulled him to his feet and threw him over his shoulder. 
Amused, you followed after them. Steve placed him on his feet and pointed to the tub. “In. Now.” He hears your tiny laugh echo through the bathroom and he gives you a playfully look of warning. You hold up your hands in defeat and climb in front of Eddie, leaning back against his chest. Steve sat on the floor facing you two, trying to help get you clean. 
He couldn’t help but smile at the image in front of him. Eddie’s arms were wrapped around your own as you hugged your body. Your head was leaning back on his shoulder with your face turned into his neck, his own face turned slightly towards yours. You both looked so content, at peace. 
Your hand reaches out to touch Steve’s arm. “Did you have a good day?”
“I think this is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
You smile as you struggle to keep your eyes open. “Good. You deserve it. You both deserve to be celebrated.”
@adequate-superstar @strangerthings1983fan
@decadentwombatmiracle @local-stoner-bitch
@steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@actuallyspencerreid @moviefreak1205
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
I really try to understand and reread the Ken document to see where Viv’s supporters are coming from, but I’m sorry, all I thought when I was done reading it is that Vivienne is just mentally unstable to the point where she can’t carry a normal and steady conversation without either being petty or freaking out. I think that’s why so many of her peeps and fans excuse her because they see her in a vulnerable state and see her say she’s “shaking” and that she can’t handle this, so everyone coddles her and thinks that Ken must have said something to warrant a reaction like this out of Vivzie…….expect….they didn’t.
Ken never harassed or poked Vivzie, they never got angry and forceful, but when they reasonably give Viv VALID constructive criticism about how she should be crediting her artists since she’s leading an INDIE team (and can’t figure that out apparently since she compared herself to fucking Disney) apparently that was enough to send Vivzie off the edge immediately and think that Ken was attacking her, when Ken said it themselves, they were just talking to her. To have fans paint Ken out to be this needy person who demanded credit in unwarranted aspects is disgusting, because what they said in their document was true. They HAD been responsible for writing MAIN plot points, jokes, and ideas that all made their away into the final product, and the fact that they only got an “additional writing” credit rather than having their name up with Viv, Dave, and Raymond is bullshit.
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Viv’s point she had made of Ken’s writing only being in the “early stages” is literally a lie because what they wrote ended up in the final product, not only writing main jokes but Alastor being in the pilot and investing in the hotel, Angel being there for free rent and being the first hotel patron, Charlie trying to convince those of redemption ect. And then when the two brushed it aside, good ol’ perfect Vivzie called Ken an abuser to others, saying false things behind their back while ALSO pretending to be nice to them upfront. That’s my biggest issue. Tell me one instance where Ken was “abusing” Vivzie. They weren’t, Viv is just so fucking emotionally sensitive with zero thick skin and sees anyone daring to criticize her as an attack, and she’s STILL like that to this day. I really don’t see how people can read a document of her not only tracing and not crediting someone, but talking lies behind someone’s back while also being nice..and STILL support her, I really can’t. And it’s funny when some of y’all think that we want Hazbin to cease to exist or Helluva to stop running….no….we don’t give a shit about the shows, we want Viv to get the consequences of her actions and her victims to get justice. We want her to own up to what she’s done, especially the recent drama, and yet she never does cause in her eyes she can do no wrong. She always fucking acts like she did nothing wrong, or blames her behavior on everyone but herself. She’s a 30 year old woman, she acts like a child and needs to be kicked down a notch. She never learns from her experiences or gets better and it really is tiring to see people side with her EVERY single time, despite their being countless evidence clear as day that she’s an entitled brat, with even ANOTHER spindle-member coming out and revealing that they were mistreated as well:
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All I can say is that I hope more members are inspired to come out, and not afraid, especially since there are ex members who came out that we haven’t heard a word from, like Salem Squidder, the person above, even Ashley Nichols. People need to realize that wether you like Viv or not, people were HURT by her, and she needs to come forward and confront it, not vague tweet and hide behind her fanbase, leaving everyone to fight her battles instead of herself.
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