“Se l'amore senza fine era un sogno, allora tutti noi lo condividevamo, ancor più di quanto potessimo condividere il sogno di essere immortali o di riuscire a viaggiare nel tempo, e se qualcosa mi differenziava da tutti gli altri non erano i miei impulsi bensì la mia testardaggine, la mia disponibilità a portare il sogno oltre quei limiti che erano stati concordati come ragionevoli, a dichiarare che quel sogno non era un delirio della mente ma una realtà altrettanto tangibile dell'altra più tenue, più infelice illusione che chiamiamo vita quotidiana.”
― Scott Spencer, “Un amore senza fine”.
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donaruz · 10 months
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maurosempre · 2 months
Amy Winehouse - Valerie - Live HD
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valentina-lauricella · 2 months
«Ma agire e patire senza corpo non può alcuna cosa / né dar spazio se non ciò che è libero e vuoto. / Dunque, oltre al vuoto e ai corpi una terza natura / in se stessa non può esserci ancora, nel numero delle cose: / né tale che cada, in alcuna occasione, sotto i nostri sensi, /né che possa alcuno afferrarla, con animo che usa ragione». Lucrezio, De rerum natura. Leggo oggi questo passo in un libro di filosofia che parla en passant di: materialismo, scetticismo, relativismo, nichilismo (Satana, praticamente 😁). Invece, nel sogno inviatomi da mia madre dall'aldilà, ho percepito "corpi" (di persone, quindi dovrei dire anime) che sono spazio, aria e nutrimento per gli altri…
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ragazzoarcano · 2 years
Se l’uomo mettesse tanta energia per allungare la sua speranza di vita quanta ne mette per fare soldi, sarebbe immortale.
— Fabrizio Caramagna
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treehouse-void · 1 year
Fighting practice
I have permission from @into-the-null-and-void. All characters belong them. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. Please check out the OCs' owner's stuff after this because they deserve it.
Gia was running around in tall grass, her ears just barely poking out of the top. She heard a portal opening and closing shortly after it opened. As she went to investigate, she heard her name being called by a familiar voice. The Eevee quickly realized who it was and ran over.
"Dad!" She calls out, running into his open arms. As she starts to relax, he picks her up and starts chatting with her.
"Heya kiddo! How have you been?" Immortale asks her. She responds that she's doing good and asks him how he's doing, to which the dragon responds that he's been doing good as well and that he's been keeping himself busy with inventions. He then asks if anyone has been troubling her and she replies with a "not really". He sighs as he sets her down, relieved he doesn't have to beat up anyone. Her dad then explains why else he's there.
"... I'm here to train you!" He told her. She got excited at this and jumps out of his arms. She starts to wonder how her training will go, guessing each way with examples in her head, changing it from bipedal to quad. Immortale continues, saying that it's about time and that he's going to help her with her powers, both ones she knows she has and ones she's unaware of.
They walk out to an empty field and pulls out a portable sheild ring. He then tosses it in the center to create a barrier around them and keep everything safe from what was to come. He then asks her to show him what she's got, "and don't hold back".
She did exactly that. The Eevee hit her dad with a powerful scratch, powerful enough to cut through his hoodie but not his scales. He complimented her strength while giving her a tip, saying that she should try to be "hard to his, and hard to see" followed by him pining her down as an example. He let her free after she told him that she understood.
He then decided to focus on her null energy, something she hadn't used before. He explained that it helps to "focus on something of importance" to her. She thought for a bit and chose to focus the her dad and the time they spend together. Using these memories, she strikes.
It took Immortale by surprise. He hadn't expect this from her, not that he was complaining despite his broken rib. He tells her good job, gives a tip saying that if she focuses more she can deal stronger blows, and sits in the grass to heal himself. She goes over and takes a break with him, and makes sure he isn't too injured. Her dad reassures her that he'll be fine. While he was healing and thinking about how far she's come, Gia starts wondering how much worse it could've been. The only thing that kept her from starting to stress was her dad's presence. They talked for a bit and she explained what made her attack so powerful, which made him feel better about how he is as a parent.
After he healed, they moved on to mental fighting. He gave her three methods to choose from: intimidate, underestimate, or affect their minds. Using this as a chance to practice controlling how much serotonin she releases, she chooses the last one. She gets into a battle stance and starts releasing them in his direction. At first it works, but then she hits what feels like an aura of rage. Immortale encourages his daughter to try harder, and she does. She eventually is able to push past the rage aura and he fully calms down. He asks her to stop, saying she did well, and decides not to do a Quick Attack.
After resting up for a short bit, they move on to physical strength. He grabs some equipment and puts leg straps on her legs, explaining that they'll give her some resistance especially when running and will increase her muscle mass. After putting her's on, he puts on his own and picks a hill off in the distance as the destination and she agrees to it. They start their trek, but not before forgetting to put the shield down.
During their walk, Gia started thinking about what will happen when they get there. "I hope it's some food," she thought, not because she was hungry but because she loves to watch him cook. Her dad breaks her train of thought and asks her how the weights are, to which she says that they're "just the right weight" for her. They eventually get there and, after taking the equipment off and wanting to do zoomies, she asked what he was planning on cooking. She could never choose a favorite meal of his, and she would say that proudly to anyone who asked, so she wasn't fazed when she was told that he was planing on making something with meat while pulling out a piece of pork. Instead, all it did was narrow down what she guessed he was making while she gathered dry bits of grass. While she did that, he got some sticks and waited to start the fire. She eventually came back with the dry bits of grass and gave them to him. He proceeded to use them to help the fire start.
After intently watching him cook, an old habit of her's, and eating with him while spending quality father-daughter time together, they plan on bringing someone in to help her get stronger. As he heads back through another portal, he offers to take her with. Almost immediately, she gets up and is ready to go. They go through and the portal shuts behind them.
Thanks for reading everyone who did. Sorry it's long, I'm not used to writing stuff like this on tumblr. Although if you did enjoy, please check out my Wattpad account. It's under the same username as here so it shouldn't be too hard to find. ^^'
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natachaartdecor · 11 months
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queenforeverblog · 1 year
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Stasera alle 21:05 sul Canale 27 Mediaset (#twentyseven) c'è di nuovo #Highlander #queenforeverblog #Queen #christopherlambert #freddiemercury #johndeacon #rogertaylor #brianmay #immortale #akindofmagic #therecanonlybeone https://www.instagram.com/p/CnIBRxaMfXP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gawdheads · 1 year
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winterlovers73 · 6 days
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Damned Love (l'amore dannato) - Il Vampiro di Charles Baudelaire (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1440528806-damned-love-l%27amore-dannato-il-vampiro-di-charles?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=EmanuelaSnowDian0 Siamo ai giorni nostri. Quindi nell'anno 2022. Mina Archer dopo aver conosciuto il Conte Vlad in visita a Londra per affari, ne resta affascinata. Ricca ragazza snob di buona famiglia promessa sposa del giornalista in carriera Jonathan Archer, inizia a stringere con lui una fitta corrispondenza via e-mail in attesa del suo ritorno in Inghilterra. Mina è affascinata da quell'uomo misterioso, venuto da lontano con l'intento di fare affari in una Londra spenta. Contro ogni raccomandazione di chi invece vede nel Conte un essere cupo e malvagio, Mina fa anche dei sogni strani, dove vive nel castello in Transilvania proprio insieme al misterioso Conte Vlad, e sente verso di lui un'affinità e un'attrazione che la spingono sempre più a volerlo conoscere. Le lettere che si scrivono diventano una quotidianità alla quale Mina non riesce a rinunciare, senza capire però' che proprio il Conte stesso la sta manipolando per attrarla a se. Riuscirà l'amore di Jonathan a persuadere Mina? oppure vincerà l'amore dannato tra un Vampiro secolare e la donna che ha inseguito per mille vite? Mina e il conte sono davvero destinati? restate qui e scopriamolo insieme. La vicenda si svolge nella nostra epoca, il Conte ha atteso piu di due secoli per ritrovare il suo amore perduto. In era tecnologica dove l'apparire conta piu che essere riusciranno le due anime a ritrovare il loro antico amore?j
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crisicsgames · 3 months
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cuoredolce67 · 4 months
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put-on-a-happyface · 1 year
La morte mi ossessiona e che il mio corpo muoia
E che l'anima viva, lo sai, non mi consola
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kalinuxit · 2 years
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marco-fma · 2 years
La Regina chiude la sua partita...
La Regina chiude la sua partita…
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pyjamacryptid · 6 months
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Merlin doodle: Waiting-For-A-Phone-Call flavoured
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