#jojo fic
vincent-4ever · 10 months
I think you should write Hoeseph (not the wrinkly old prune one) x reader general hcs (ill give you a kiss if it's good which it probably will be)
Okay lol
Joseph Joestar General Dating Headcanons
Gender neutral reader
╰┈➤ 100% a goofy boyfriend. If you asked him for a kiss he would be all like "Pucker up darling!" and cuff your face in one or both of his hands.
╰┈➤ He always tells you about his hamon and the things he's done with it. He tells you about Caesar after his death.
╰┈➤ If you do anything nice for him like buy him a gift he would keep on a cool act when accepting it. He won't tell you but later on he cherishes it like it's the only thing he has left.
╰┈➤ Before he started dating you he always tried to keep up a cool act. He was also pretty flirtatious but inna goofy way. He probably uses or used those pickup lines where it's like "your lips would look better on mine"
╰┈➤ He's 6'5, so I feel like he DEFINITELY teases you about your height. If you're really short, for dates he probably would take you to an amusement park and take you to rides you can't ride on accident. But he would make it up to you, probably by buying you cotton candy or winning a prize for you.
Help this was my first JoJo fic and I haven't watched JoJo in a hot minute so I hope this is good
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trashbabyart · 1 year
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The Altar - Demon Diavolo x Reader fic!
Chapter 1 is up! Minors DNI, please read tags!
"You find the source of a strange blight in your pumpkin patch. However, nothing could prepare you for what you encounter there."
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luzho · 4 months
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the 28th chapter of ‘In Another Life’ by @sato-u1f98b (ZaHandosYourWeedWagon on ao3) has been released!! and let me tell yall, shit has escalated real fast!!!!! as always, i adored the flow of the narration and the sheer possibilities Sato is raising, and in this chapter, i was captivated by the rhythm of all this action...! ⊹˚₊ GO READ IT!!! ₊˚⊹
(pose based on this photo of alexis chaparro for the v magazine 2022 calendar) ((after the cut, the drawing without the text))
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lets-just-daydream · 2 years
hi!!! could you write mista comforting a team member he has a crush on? i’ve been having a rough time with confidence and i love him sooo much lol. i completely understand if this request makes you uncomfortable!! thanks anyway <3
shit fam im back
It was a really difficult mission. Yes you got it done, yes it could have been cleaner and yes it could have been more discrete. But you got it done.
You made it back into the Passione mansion and dropped onto an armchair, year body feeling like lead. You did not want to face a debriefing with Giorno right now. You just knew he would want every detail from you firsthand and that was not something you could handle.
Lately, it seemed like your job was getting harder and you were struggling to keep your head above water. You loved your team. You loved Giorno, he could be a hardass but he took care of you all. You loved Trish, she always had your back and she felt like the best sister you'd ever had. And… Mista. You loved him. You loved him differently to how you loved Trish and Giorno. He just got you, he was extra nice to you and he was really pretty. Like, really really pretty.
You let out a sigh as you thought of him, the thought that maybe one day you'd be lucky enough for him to feel the same. Not likely. But it was a nice thought. A fleeting thought. Then you remembered that you were wondering about your future in Passione. Did you truly belong here?
"You look like you're on some wild emotional rollercoaster," a sudden voice chuckled.
You looked up to see Mista looking down at you with a glass of water in hand. His iconic hat had been abandoned somewhere and you took a moment to appreciate the thick curls on his head. So pretty…
"Yeah I'm just… going over the mission in my head before I see Giorno," you fibbed.
"Ah," Mista hummed, sitting on the armchair beside yours and handing you the water. "How was it?"
You took a few gulps and put the glass down. "It was a shitshow," you replied glumly. "Feels like all my missions are shitshows these days."
Mista leaned forward and clasped his hands together as he listened.
"I'm…" You whispered, hesitating. "I'm not sure I'm cut out for this. You and Giorno, and even Trish. You're naturals at this but I… I just suck at this."
Mista's brows furrowed and he gulped before resting a hand atop yours. "I totally get it. But I- we love you. You're great and without you we'd fall apart. A couple of bad days is nothing."
You looked up at Mista with a smile as your heart fluttered.
"I believe in you. And I'd hate it if you left me," Mista said quietly.
"I'd hate to leave you behind, too," you confessed.
Mista locked eyes with you and he let out a nervous chuckle. "And Giorno and Trish, yeah."
"Well yeah," you said slowly, leaning closer to him. "But you especially."
Mista matched your leaning body until you were almost face-to-face and he gulped. "Really?"
You nodded and let your eyes flutter shut, your heart beating rapidly. You felt Mista's breath ghost over your lips and his nose touch yours softly.
Someone cleared their throat from the doorway and you and Mista shot apart, breathing heavily as you glared at the intruder.
Giorno stood in the doorway, his arms crossed as he leaned on the wood of the entry.
"I've been waiting for you for a debrief," Giorno said coolly, but with a hint of a smirk on his lips. "Come fill me in and then you can get back to… whatever it is you were doing." He turned on his heel and you knew that was your queue to follow.
You shot Mista an apologetic look and he grinned back sheepishly, not trusting his voice.
"I promise I'll be right back," you said, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
You heard Giorno call your name once again and you rushed away, leaving Mista to touch the spot on his cheek you'd just kissed.
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voicelessmisery · 2 years
the JoJo fic
hello hi i am just stopping by to let my good people know that i have become obsessed with JoJo (among other things) which has lead me to write this
it’s another silly homosexual fic and i will now be disappearing into the void again
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monarchetype · 3 months
My first non-crack JoJo fic is up! This is "Surf's Up," a short character study of Josuke in very early JoJolion!
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marimarionette · 9 months
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Shining Star
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Capítulo 6: Espírito Maligno
Marionette ia até a cozinha, onde Renan estava tomando seu café.
Marionette: Bom dia Renan!
Renan: Boa noite. -Disse em um tom de voz irônico. Marionette puxava uma cadeira da mesa, se sentando na mesma. Renan reparava que a garota estava usando meias preta com listras brancas.
Renan: Que meias são essas? -Disse enquanto dava uma mordida em um sanduíche.
Marionette: Longa história, minha host mother me deu de presente essas meias depois de eu ter dito que gostava de roupas listradas. Eu decidi usá-las. São lindas, não são? Ela pegou dois pares desses.
Renan: Nossa, que história longa. -Ironizou o garoto. Senhora Kimi voltava para a cozinha.
Marionette: Senhora Kimi, posso fazer uma pergunta?
Senhora Kimi: Fica a vontade, querida.
Marionette: Tem algumas rosas vermelhas na sua floricultura?
Senhora Kimi: Ah sim, tenho sim, muitas por sinal. Mas por que a pergunta?
Marionette: Tava pensando em levar algumas flores para minha mãe. Sabe, como uma surpresa mesmo. -Renan apenas comia seu sanduíche enquanto escutava a conversa.
Senhora Kimi: Oh sim, eu entendo. Sabe, eu acho a cor das rosas vermelhas tão linda... -Os dois adolescentes olhavam confusos para a senhora.
Renan: Uh... Tá falando da cor vermelha? -Perguntou confuso. 
Senhora Kimi: Sim! Não só o vermelho, como também o verde, do belo caule da flor. A cor vermelha é a cor da paixão, e verde é a cor da esperança. Esperança não existe sem paixão, e paixão não existe sem esperança.
Marionette: É, é realmente bonito pensando dessa forma. -Renan franzia o cenho.
Renan: Virou estudante de filosofia, vovó? -De certa forma, Renan já se acostumou com a senhora falando coisas "rasas" sem dar muita explicação.
Senhora Kimi: E sabe de uma coisa, Dudinha? Verde e vermelho são cores que podem mudar a sua vida, sabia? -Marionette olhava confusa para a senhora Kimi. Renan já havia dito que a intuição de Senhora Kimi era forte, e que era pra pelo menos tentar acreditar.
Marionette: Na verdade não, mas... Se você está dizendo, Senhora Kimi, então eu irei acreditar. -Após um tempo, Renan terminava de tomar seu café da manhã, e rapidamente ia escovar os dentes. Enquanto Renan escovava os dentes, Senhora Kimi e Marionette conversavam mais um pouco.
Senhora Kimi: A propósito... E o seu irmão? Onde ele está? Faz 4 dias que ele não vem aqui em casa.
Marionette: Ah, longa história senhora Kimi... -Depois de um tempo, Renan saía do banheiro, e logo ele e Marionette iam para a escola. No caminho, Renan ficava um tanto pensativo.
Renan: Ei, Eduarda.
Marionette: Hm?
Renan: O Jotaro tá na prisão, né? -Disse quase como um sussurro.
Marionette: É, é isso mesmo. Pensei que eu já tivesse dito isso por telefone. Sabe, eu sei exatamente o que você está pensando Renan... E sim, a gente pode ir lá visitar ele na prisão. -Renan suspirava de alívio agora.
Renan: Você me conhece... -Marionette daria uma extremamente leve cotovelada o amigo. A garota sabia os verdadeiros sentimentos de Renan em relação ao Jotaro. Renan e Jotaro viraram bastante amigos, mas nessa amizade, veio junto o amor. Pelo menos, era esse o caso de Renan. O garoto tentava não demonstrar isso o tempo todo, por causa das garotas obcecadas por Jotaro na escola.
Marionette: Sabe, a minha mãe disse ontem que ele brigou com um grupo de homens armados com facas e nunchacos, e um desses homens era boxeador. E mesmo assim o Jotaro fez os caras ficaram com 15 fraturas. Por isso ele tá na prisão.
Renan: 15 fraturas?!
Marionette: Isso...
Renan: CARALHO! QUE DAORA! -Disse com um leve entusiasmo em sua voz. Marionette olhava séria para o amigo.
Marionette: Sabe Renan, eu sei que você é apaixonado pelo Jotaro, mas você não deveria apoiar esse comportamento dele. Ele já brigou pra cacete aqui na escola, e agora foi parar na prisão por causa dessas brigas. Ele pode acabar se ferrando ainda mais se isso continuar... -Quando se aproximaram da escola, algumas garotas chamavam por Marionette de longe. Era Hannah, a garota que havia feito bullying com ela no primeiro dia. Depois da cadeira de Renan, Hannah nunca mais ousou falar mal da garota, nem ao menos pelas costas. A garota corria até Marionette.
Hannah: Kujo mirim! Era você mesma que eu estava procurando! -Disse com algumas outras garotas correndo atrás dela. Marion bufa com impaciência.
Marionette: Lá vem... -Quando todas as garotas empolgadas se aproximaram, Marionette suspirava desacreditada.
Marionette: Antes que perguntem... Não, meninas, o Jotaro não vem pra escola hoje. Pra ser sincera, eu nem sei quando ele vai poder vim.  -Renan apenas observava aquela cena toda.
????: Ah não!
???: Mas o que aconteceu com o JoJo?! Ele está há dias sem vim pra escola! Eu tô ficando preocupada!
???: Será que aconteceu alguma coisa com ele? E se ele se machucou feio? Oh, céus, eu nem sei o que faria se eu visse o JoJo todo machuca-
Renan: Jotaro está doente. -Disse interrompendo uma das garotas. Todas, incluindo Marionette, olhavam para o garoto agora.
Hannah: O que você disse Shui? O JoJo está doente? -Disse com a voz preocupada.
Renan: Sim, ele tá doente, por isso ele não está vindo pra escola. -Mentiu o garoto.
Hannah: Oh céus, com que doença ele tá? É uma gripe? Nós podemos ir na casa dele depois da aula pra cuidarmos dele! -Todas as amigas de Hannah concordaram com a ideia. Uma expressão extremamente sério se formava no rosto de Renan, como se ele estivesse com raiva. Marionette tentava diminuir a raiva do amigo indiretamente.
Marionette: Isso não será necessário, Jotaro está sendo cuidado pela mãe dele. Logo ele vai melhorar. Agora, vocês meninas, parem de ficar perguntando coisa do Jotaro pra mim o tempo todo! Eu moro com o Jotaro, mas não sei tudo sobre ele!
????: Ah, mas por que? Nós nem perguntamos tanta coisa pessoal assim... -Disse com um tom de voz dengoso.
Marionette: Cara, vocês já perguntaram quanto tempo o Jotaro fica no banheiro por dia.
Hannah: Ah, mas isso foi no passado, "amiga"! Foi há muito tempo! -Marionette ficava em silêncio por um tempo.
Marionette: Hannah... Isso foi ontem.
????: Ah... Era só por curiosidade. Só pra saber se ele faz outras coisas lá dentro... -Marionette olhava a garota com cara de desgosto agora.
Marionette: Que nojo! As vezes vocês são bem esquisitas, sabia? Vem Renan, vamo dar o fora daqui. -A garota pegava no pulso de Renan, o puxando para longe da multidão de garotas. Então, Marionette e Renan começavam a descer uma escadaria que levava até a escola.
Marionette: Pode deixar! -Gritou para Hannah, logo em seguida revirando os olhos de um jeito debochado.
Renan: Parece que essas gurias só sabem falar contigo quando é pra perguntar algo do Jotaro. Coisa chata.
Marionette: Pois é, mas eu já tô acostumada. Tá quase um mês sendo assim, e eu não gosto muito daquele apelido bobo que elas me deram. "Kujo mirim". Sei lá, pra mim dá uma impressão meio... Errada.
Renan: "Errada" como?
Marionette: Sei lá... Dá impressão de que eu estou "aprendendo a ser uma membro da família Kujo". Isso é ridículo... -Disse em um tom de voz bem sério e neutro. Por um momento, sua personalidade estava parecida com a de Jotaro. Talvez pela convivência, os dois estavam realmente virando irmãos nesse quesito. Aos poucos, os dois adolescentes entravam na escola, e a aula dos dois começava.
Depois da aula
Marionette e Renan iam até a floricultura da Senhora Kimi, avisar que iriam ir na delegacia.
Senhora Kimi: Oh, para a delegacia? O que vão fazer lá? Aconteceu alguma coisa com vocês na escola e querem denunciar?
Renan: Bom, na verdade...
Marionette: É o Jotaro, Senhora Kimi... -Nesse momento, a senhora ficava em silêncio. E então, a mesma suspirava de surpresa, colocando as duas mãos em sua boca.
Senhora Kimi: Espera... O Jotaro está na prisão?! Eu não acredito, o que aconteceu com ele?! Oh céus, por isso que ele esteve sumido por dias!
Marionette: Senhora Kimi, o Jotaro está bem. A... mãe dele visitou ele ontem de tarde, mas... Por alguma razão ele não quis sair da cela. E quando chegou em casa ontem, ela fez uma ligação. Eu não sei exatamente pra quem ela estava ligando, pois eu estava estudando e não prestei atenção... Mas parecia ser alguém importante.
Senhora Kimi: Céus, a mãe de Jotaro deve estar tão preocupada! Eu não sou mãe de ninguém, mas eu consigo imaginar como uma mãe se sentiria em uma situação dessas!
Renan: É... Pois é vovó... Pode nos levar até lá? Ou dizer aonde que fica?
Senhora Kimi: Oh, é claro, eu ajudo vocês! Mas... Eu não posso sair da floricultura, eu preciso trabalhar. Eu vou dar o mapa da cidade pra vocês, tudo bem? Eu vou ver se eu tenho aqui... -A senhora se abaixava no balcão, procurando algum mapa da cidade. Nisso, Renan olhava sério para Marionette como se estivesse um pouco irritado. Após muito tempo procurando, Senhora Kimi achava um mapa da cidade, entregando para Marionette.
Senhora Kimi: Sabe, eu tenho esse mapa porque muitas vezes eu quero ir para um lugar e esqueço o caminho. O que é bem irônico, já que eu moro em Tóquio a minha vida toda... Deve ser da idade, não é?
Marionette: Ah, que isso, Senhora Kimi, você parece ser bem saudável... -Disse enquanto abria o mapa, dando uma breve olhada nele.
Senhora Kimi: Oh, quanta gentileza, é bom saber que Renan tem uma amiga como você.
Marionette: A-Ah... Obrigada... -Disse sem jeito, abrindo um pequeno sorriso enquanto saía da floricultura junto com Renan. Então, os dois amigos começavam a procurar pela
Na delegacia
Após um tempo caminhando, os adolescentes encontravam a delegacia. Os dois amigos tinham uma leve discussão durante o caminho.
Renan: Por que você foi abrir a boca pra minha vó?
Marionette: Abrir a boca? Como assim?
Renan: Dizer que o Jotaro tá na prisão pra ela! Não tinha necessidade de dizer, só dizer que íamos na delegacia, sem entrar em detalhes!
Marionette: Mas a Senhora Kimi é sua responsável, Renan. Ela poderia facilmente não deixar a gente ir na delegacia por não falarmos o motivo.
Renan: Cara, a Senhora Kimi é a mulher mais liberal que eu conheço. Se eu chegar nela e perguntar: "Vovó, eu posso fumar um baseado de maconha com uma gangue de motoqueiros?", ELA VAI DEIXAR! ENTENDE ISSO? -Disse enquanto fazia alguns gestos com a mão. Os dois adolescentes entravam na delegacia, indo até a recepção.
Marionette: Renan, a Senhora Kimi nunca deixaria você fumar um baseado, muito menos com uma gangue de motoqueiros. É sério, você só tem 15 anos. Eu duvido que ela deixaria.
Renan: Que que tem? O Jotaro tem 17 e fuma umas tantas cartelas de cigarro por dia!
Marionette: O Jotaro é um caso aparte, Renan... Você não precisa ser igual ao Jotaro, sabe. De qualquer forma, ela confia demais em você, ela sabe que você não faria isso. Beber, fumar...
Renan: É mesmo? Ou será que eu faria? -Disse com ironia em sua voz.
Pouco tempo depois
Os dois adolescentes aos poucos se aproximavam da cela de Jotaro. E, ao se aproximarem por completo, viam que a cela de Jotaro estava... Cheia de gibis, comida, bebida, um rádio, um computador, uma cadeira, uma xícara, livros e até mesmo um carrinho de controle remoto. Jotaro parecia estar brincando com o carrinho de controle remoto enquanto estava deitado na cama, um tanto distraído. Ao ver Jotaro deitado, o coração de Renan acelerava por uns segundos.
Renan: Caralho, privilegiado. Quanta coisa... -Disse em um tom de voz sarcástico. Jotaro, ao ouvir a voz de Renan, ficava surpreso.
Jotaro: Shui? Espera um segundo... Eduarda?!
Marionette: Oi, Jotaro! Viemos te visitar! -A garota tentava se aproximar da cela, mas havia um policial ali, que a impediu de chegar até lá.
Policial: Não se aproximem dele! Qualquer um está proibido de se aproximar!
Marionette: Espera... Proibido? O que aconteceu? Me deixe passar! Eu quero ver o meu irmão! -A garota tentava avançar para frente, mas é impedida pelo policial.
Renan: Deixa a gente ver ele! Eu quero ver ele!
Policial: Sinto muito, mas eu não irei permitir isso. Converse com ele de longe.
Renan: JOTARO!! E AI JOTARO!! TÁ TUDO BEM AÍ? FIQUEI SABENDO QUE VOCÊ QUEBROU UNS CARA NA PORRADA, MANDOU BEM!! -Gritava o garoto chamando Jotaro. Normalmente, quando Renan dizia algo assim, Jotaro sorria. Mas, dessa vez, ele não estava sorrindo.
Marionette: RENAN! -Gritou a garota um tanto irritada- Senhor Policial, por que não podemos nos aproximar?
Policial: Ele pode acabar machucando vocês! Ele está possuído!
Marionette: Possuído? Do que está falando? -Perguntou a garota confusa, levemente se assustando com a ideia. Jotaro responde a pergunta pelo policial.
Jotaro: Eu estou possuído por um espírito maligno, foi esse espírito que fez eu ficar aqui na prisão, e foi ele que trouxe todas essas coisas pra mim. Eu não sei o que ele é capaz de me obrigar a fazer... Então eu irei ficar na cela. -Dizia enquanto brincava com o carrinho de controle remoto, e o mesmo batia em uma das grades da cela, capotando logo em seguida.
Marionette: Parando pra pensar... Esse espírito maligno nem deve ser tão maligno assim. Te trazendo coisas de graça... Até um carrinho.
Renan: É... Verdade... -O garoto tinha vontade de falar que também tinha um espírito maligno o assombrando, mas preferiu deixar pra outra hora.
Policial: E esse tal de espírito é brutal! Ele está possuído por algo terrível! Se essa história ficar pública, eu nem consigo imaginar o que pode acontecer! -De repente, chegava um homem com a altura de Jotaro atrás do policial e de Marionette. Era um homem mais velho, e usava um chapéu e um casaco bege, barba, e uma camiseta preta com uma gola. Nessa gola, havia uma pedra vermelha. Holly estava junto com ele, seguindo logo atrás do homem.
??????: Não se preocupe, eu vim para levar meu neto para casa.
Renan: Uh? Neto?
Jotaro: Como assim "neto"? -Então, o homem tentava ir até a cela, mas é impedido pelo policial
Policial 2: Espera, o que estão fazendo aqui?
Policial: Eu já disse que todos estão proibidos de aproximar! Converse com ele de longe! -O homem não desistia, tentava a todo custo se aproximar da cela.
??????: Pode deixar que eu cuido disso! Me deixa passar que eu cuido do assunto! Sai da minha frente! -O suposto avô de Jotaro segurava os dois guardas em ambas as mãos, os jogando para longe.
??????: Ei, vocês dois... Vocês devem ser amiguinhos do Jotaro na escola. Podem me dar uma licença? -Disse se referindo a Marionette e Renan, que estavam em sua frente. Ambos se afastavam do homem mais velho, dando espaço para ele passar.
??????: Obrigado.
Jotaro se levantava de sua cama, se aproximando das grades da cela. Holly se aproximava logo atrás do avô de Jotaro.
Holly: Jotaro, o vovô tá aqui. Tenho certeza que ele vai conseguir te ajudar. Por favor, ouça seu avô e saia da cela.
Marionette: Então era pra ele que a mãe do Jotaro tinha ligado... O avô de Jotaro. -Pensou consigo mesma. O avô de Jotaro ia até as grades da cela de Jotaro. O mesmo abria a cela, ficando frente a frente com Jotaro.
??????: Saia, vamos voltar para casa.
Jotaro: Nem pensar, eu não chamei ninguém aqui. Como é que cê acha que pode me ajudar, hein? O que você acha que pode fazer comigo? Eu sei que viajou de Nova York até aqui, mas eu vou dizer que acho que perdeu a viagem. -De repente, entre os dedos de Jotaro, havia um pequeno dedo de metal. Esse dedo era da mão protética de seu avô. O homem se apavorava com a situação.
??????: O dedo mínimo da minha mão protética... Em que momento ele puxou isso de mim?
Jotaro: Você entendeu agora? Isso foi obra do espírito maligno. É melhor ficar longe de mim, não desperdice os anos de vida que ainda tem. -Disse largando o dedo da mão protética no chão, fechando a cela e se afastando das grades.
Marionette: Acho que nada vai fazer ele sair da cela, ele realmente parece decidido em ficar aí... -De certa forma, o avô de Jotaro escuta o que Marionette disse.
??????: Ah... É aí que se engana, mocinha... -O avô de Jotaro colocava a mão no bolso, e logo a tirava, estralando os seus dedos.
??????: Avdol! Chegou a sua vez! -Enquanto o avô de Jotaro dizia isso, um homem saía das sombras. Esse homem tinha a pele escura, e havia aproximadamente 1.80 de altura.
Renan: Esse cara aí é um cigano? -Disse ao ver as vestes do homem.
Marionette: Deve ser...
??????: Tire meu neto Jotaro da cela do jeito que preferir.
Renan: Do "jeito que preferir"? Como assim? Que que você pensa que vai fazer com o Jotaro?!
Jotaro: Opa, pode ir parando por aí! Ele parece ser bem forte, mas você acha que eu vou sair da cela só por que você mandou um sujeito bizarro me tirar daqui? Pode ir tirando o cavalinho da chuva, agora sim eu vou ser ainda mais persistente em ficar aqui.
Avdol: Eu vou precisar usar um pouco de força bruta, mas o sofrimento pela dor que está prestes a sentir vai fazer que ele implore pra sair.
??????: Tem a minha permissão.
Holly: Papai, o que o senhor vai fazer? -Perguntou preocupada.
Marionette: Eu tenho um mau pressentimento sobre isso... Ai senhor... -O coração da garota acelerava nesse momento, e não no sentido bom.
Policial: Escute, eu não acho que seja uma boa----
??????: CALA A BOCA!
Policiais: Sim, senhor! -Disseram fazendo uma postura reta. Avdol posicionava suas mãos de forma peculiar com ambas as mãos, e uma aura estranha de cor avermelhada que aparentava ser fogo crescia em volta do egípcio. Todos olhavam confusos para o homem. Então, repentinamente uma figura com corpo humanoide e cabeça de pássaro saía, de alguma forma, de dentro de Avdol. Havia chamas e fogo envolvendo a tal figura.
Jotaro: Mas que porra é essa?!
Renan: Olha... É o Pica-Pau! -Disse com os olhos arregalados, Marionette se assustava ao ver tal figura.
??????: Entendeu? Avdol também tem seu espírito maligno, a diferença é que Avdol domina o dele totalmente. E o nome desse espírito é... MAGO VERMELHO!
To be continued...
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Fanfic postada originalmente no Wattpad por mim.
E sim, eu coloquei o nome traduzido do stand do Avdol, espero que não se importem.
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kzooy-the-gecko · 1 year
I've been writing some more fics.
Ghosts of mud is over, I loved it all the way through and I hope yall can tell me what yall thought of it.
anyways, I'm making a sequel, I just love those fellas, this time about the skywings, and sadly no scarlet.
as well as for my jojo fans, a part 10 like fic, ive had this idea for a while, never posted it cause ive just been thinking about it.
if any of ye could check it out that'd be honestly amazing
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orphetoon · 6 months
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au where giorno is the only stand user in passione
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trashbabyart · 1 year
Jolymes Rockstar Au fic!
Jolyne and Hermes have a quickie in the dressing room before the show! For the JoJo NSFW Secret Santa!
Minors DNI!!
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munsonthings86 · 3 months
bedtime with steve
warnings: fluff, soft!steve, clingy!steve, new relationship, 0.3k words
an unofficial part two to this fic
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steve had you safely wrapped in his arms, palms supporting your thighs that were tight around his waist. he gently laid you onto his plush, doughy mattress without ever unlatching his mouth from yours. he was ravenous for the feeling of your plump lips against his. through the opening of the patterned curtains adorning the square window, the moon's glare that poured into steve's bedroom casted a silver glow along your skin.
he caught a glimpse of your beauty when your smile pulled you out of the kiss, head going fuzzy from being so engulfed in him. the way you were practically glowing in the dark like this was so alluring to him. a true work of art.
"you're so beautiful," he laughed softly, shaking his head in disbelief, pressing a fleeting kiss to your lips as he did so. before you could even properly kiss him back, he pulled away, brushing your hair away from your face. "so, so pretty," another kiss. "i can't handle it," he chuckled against your lips. another kiss.
"how'd i get so lucky, hm?" it was more of a question to himself than to you, though. he rested his body on top of yours, but held most of his weight off of you with the help of his forearms. you shuffled under him, opening your legs so that he could lay comfortably between them, folding your arms around his neck to pull him in for another smooch.
your lips were puffy and wet from what felt like hours of kissing steve and you're both breathless when you finally pull away. steve's hand finds your wrist as he trails your hand away from his cheek, lacing his slender fingers through yours. "ready for bed?" he asked, with a dopey smile that disrupted his usually stern features.
you nodded your head, though the last thing on your mind was sleep. "one more kiss?"
"you read my mind," he mumbled, leaning in to kiss you again and again and again. the two of you weren't going to bed for another while.
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💌 1 new message from jojo: requests are open and strongly encouraged. whether it’s for a blurb, fic, or just some thoughts in general :) see u in the next one
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hua-liansimp · 1 year
the torture when you like a ship and you want to read fanfiction about that ship but you like the ship in a specific way and that way isn't the popular one:')
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suguci · 19 days
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— SUMMARY: It's the middle of summer in a heat wave, and while you and Jotaro are trying to cool off, Jotaro seems to have other plans to raise the heat instead.
— WC: 3.0k
— WARNINGS: Temperature play, ice play, brat taming, ass slapping, fingering, edging, p in v penetration.
— A/N: Hi! This is my first fanfic in quite a while. I've written fics before but it's been abt a year or so since I've written, so I hope it's not too bad! Thank you, hope you enjoy!
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It's the middle of the summer in Japan─where it's hot and humid, the sun is blaring through the windows, and the sounds of tree frogs and crickets are relentless.
You and Jotaro lie in the bed, unmade, with your clothes strewn off to the side, laying skin to skin, with a few electric fans plugged into the walls of your bedroom–the only thing that seems to be keeping the both of you cool.
Normally, the air conditioning would be on, and you wouldn't have to be in this sweltering heat, but, the summers of Japan in the countryside are hot and brutal, which eventually decides to even break the air conditioning unit after staying on twenty-four-seven, wearing it's efforts thin.
Jotaro's fingers gently trace small circles on your sticky, sweaty back before he groans and turns from his side to lay on his back, breaking the miserable silence of just lying still under the unbearable heat.
"Fuck," He groans once more. "I wish we had a swimming pool out here, or we lived near the beach."
You can't help but let out a weak chuckle as you grab another ice pack from the cooler that's sitting beside your bed, and you toss it on top of the large, sweaty man who lies next to you.
"That's the fifth time you've said that Jotaro," You mumble, also taking an ice pack from the small cooler and placing it on top of your forehead in hopes of cooling you down.
Jotaro grumbles and sits up, taking the ice pack you handed him and he glides the cooling pack along his face and neck to help cool him down quicker.
"Didn't know you were keeping count."
You sigh, and you sit up. You look behind you, looking at the towels you laid down on the bed, and upon seeing your sweaty body imprint you groan at the sight, wondering just how much water you must've expelled from your body by now.
"Well, there's not much to talk about other than complain about how hot it is, so, I just wanted to see how many times you'd complain about not having a pool, so I've kept track."
Jotaro just chuckles and he rolls his eyes at your retort, too hot to even think of an answer to retort that. Instead, he continues to drag the ice pack across his skin, letting it move from his neck and down to his chest and over his abdomen.
Your eyes follow his movements unashamedly, and, out of the corner of his eye, Jotaro catches you staring.
He chuckles at your lack of shame, but he isn't even one to judge simply because he's been staring at your sticky, sweaty body for the majority of the time that you've both been nude.
"Care to tell me why you're staring?" He asks, his eyes now following yours.
Your eyes flick back to his facial features and you see a smug grin plastered onto his face, and instantly you feel heat rise to your face from being caught, but you're quick to retort.
"Like you're one to talk─You've been gawking at me the entire day."
Jotaro shakes his head and he rolls his eyes, finding your attitude almost chuckle-worthy.
It's his turn to look over at you now. His eyes wander over your sweaty figure, how your hair sticks to your skin, and how the sweat droplets glisten off of you in the afternoon sun, mainly paying attention to how pretty your breasts are covered in sweat, too.
He sees that you're looking at him in the same way he's admiring you, and he suddenly understands a certain thickness forming in the air alongside the persistent humidity. Slowly, he reaches over and runs a hand up and down your waist as you sit hunched over with your poor posture-his fingers teasing the curvature of your stomach-and presses his fingers against your skin.
You get the hint, and slowly he guides you with his hand, guiding you to sit on top of him. He gives you another smug grin meanwhile you give him a pout.
"Jotaro, aren't we only going to get hotter with this-"
Your question is interrupted by Jotaro's command. "Don't care. Come here." He taps your hip-a signal you know to hover over him-and in one hand, he takes his hardening cock, and pumps it a few times until he's fully erect, and slowly, he swipes his tip over your entrance to feel how wet you are, and when he decides it's good enough, he slips it inside of your hot, wet cunt, and immediately both of you let out a moan at the penetration.
Jotaro grabs your hips, and slowly, he pushes you down on his cock until your hips are flushed together.
You let out a whine at the dull sensation filling you up and making you go dizzy, loving how thick your boyfriend is, how you can feel him stretching your walls out, and how his fat tip sits perfectly on your g-spot.
God, he feels so good, you think to yourself, while your hands find a mind of their own and grab his thick quads to find purchase to start riding him, but Jotaro quickly grips your hips in protest.
"No, stay put. We'll get too hot, remember?" He smirks, using your own words against you, and you let out a frustrated groan.
"Please, Jotaro," You beg, which catches you by surprise, finding it funny how easily he already has you falling apart.
He seems to find this surprising too, as one of his dark eyebrows raises, and that smug grin of his reappears upon his lips.
"No, don't want you to move quite yet, sweetheart. Just stay still and... let me cool you down..." He says, his voice low as he grabs the ice pack that you left on the bed, and slowly, he brings the cold pack over your skin, gliding it, and watching water droplets form as he drags it across your body.
You watch with bated breath as Jotaro drags the ice along your skin. You swallow thickly, as your chest rises up and down, your eyes following his every move, and how your breath skips when the ice suddenly gets too cold when he moves the pack over your breasts and the peaks of your nipples.
Jotaro's eyes watch your chest rise up and down with interest, finding the way you react to the cold against such a sensitive part of your skin to be almost gratifying. He watches closely, and intently, seeing the water move across your skin almost as if it's mesmerizing, and how goosebumps rise across your skin from the sensitivity. He smirks at that and looks up at you.
"I see you're cooled down."
You huff, shaking your head, because it's quite the contrary, feeling as if your skin is on fire from how close Jotaro is─how his piercing green eyes look so intently at your breasts, and how good he feels buried deep inside of you. You swallow thickly and reach down, your hands gripping his thighs once more and digging your nails into his skin, hoping you'd return a stinging, hot sensation to him.
The hiss he lets out confirms it, and you flash him a smug grin back at him. Your hips then grind down onto him, moving in a circle, and Jotaro immediately lets out a groan and grips your hips tightly, digging his fingers into you.
"F-Fuck, stop that," He groans, halting his movements with the ice pack.
You watch as his eyes flutter from the pleasure of you moving your hips, how his Adam's Apple bobs, and how his mouth hangs open─you think he looks so good like this, so you let your eyes wander over his pretty facial features, and down his neck, looking at the droplets of sweat adorning his strong, scarred body-it's all such a good view, and it doesn't stop you from moving your hips, that is until Jotaro grips your hips harshly with his strong, calloused hands, causing you to come to a halt and your breath to hitch.
He's silent when he stops you except for the sound of his heavy breathing, which leaves your heart pounding a million miles a minute, wondering what he's gonna do next makes the atmosphere incredibly palpable.
He's silent for a minute more, leaving you anxious, and so, you start moving your hips again to gauge his reaction, but his grip on your hips only tightens and he lets out a huff. You raise an eyebrow at his refusal to acknowledge the silent situation, but, before you can blink, he quickly takes hold of you in both of his hands and flips you over so your face is pressed into the pillows.
You're breathless from how fast the movement is, unable to comprehend the situation fully, you can't even give Jotaro a remark before his rough hands grab hold of you once more to position you with rough grunts; where he grips your hips tightly pushing your ass into the air, and pushing on your back till it curves, and then he grips your thighs and pulls them apart as if he were tearing open a tightly sealed package.
Your eyes are wide with how rough he's handling you, so you grip the bedsheets tightly as if your life depended on it. You swallow thickly, knowing that it was your refusal to stay still that caused all of this.
"J-Jotaro..." Your voice is weak from the newfound tightness in your throat, as well as the fact that your face is pushed into the pillows in front of you. With this, you're practically begging to be recognized with the fact that you're sorry, but, you can hear Jotaro huff with frustration from behind you, making it seem as if he isn't too keen on forgiving you.
"I told you to be still..." He mutters, and you can feel one of his rough hands grip the globes of your ass-cheeks-pulling you slowly apart─and his calloused thumb swipes gently over your poor, weeping hole which reluctantly pulls a soft whine out of you.
His thumb trails down and, as if he were pondering about something, he slowly swipes his thumb over the soft folds of your cunt, making you let out another reluctant whine. You turn your head back to look back at Jotaro to ask for forgiveness, but a quick slap on your ass that has you lurching forward and letting out a quick yelp tells you that he was already reading your mind.
"Won't take an apology, sorry," He says bluntly, and he grins from knowing that he's probably making you annoyed.
You huff, begging to differ, but once you feel a large finger push forward inside of you, it's as if you've felt all of your complaints wash away in a matter of seconds. Your body leans back into his touch, and Jotaro is amused at how easily you lean back into him.
He groans and smiles at how good you look like this, and slowly he begins to curl that finger inside of you, making that motion over and over again, which makes you grip the covers of the bed needily.
"You gonna be good now, now that your wet little hole is weeping from my fingers?" He asks in a gruff voice, clearly finding your easy submission quite amusing.
You nod slowly, and you push back on his fingers as if you'd like them to go deeper, but Jotaro grips your hips tightly once more and with his free hand, he slaps your ass again, shaking his head.
"Seems like you're not gonna be still, so I'll just take my time here," He mutters, and he reaches down with his other hand and pinches your clit, sending a warning to you, which has you let out a frustrated whine.
"Jesus, Jotaro... I'll be still for fuck's sake," You murmur into the pillows, your head feeling a little shaken from Jotaro pinching your clit.
A smug smirk appears on his face, and then slowly, when his fingers start to move again, his face returns to its stoic expression as he watches his finger curl into you before adding another one which makes you moan, and you grip the bedsheets once more.
Once he's satisfied with your moans, he slowly then brings his other hand down and begins to gently rub your clit with his thumb, making you let out another moan.
You feel as if you're in heaven from the way his fingers feel, just enjoying how they make you feel so full and how they curl to hit that spongey spot inside of you every single time. Your head feels so full of bliss as you revel in the feeling of his fingers, knowing that if he kept going, you'd feel close to climbing your climax soon.
In the meantime, Jotaro is watching you intently. He watches the way your body reacts, his eyes watch your pretty cunt clench around him, and how your legs tremble whenever his fingers curl into that spot so deliciously-needless to say, he's focused on you, hoping to see when you're close.
Of course, however, you're giving him everything he wants, with your legs trembling from how good his rough thumb feels on your clit, drawing small, slow circles, you feel the familiar feeling of a rope tightening in your stomach, making you moan louder than were you before, and your breath becomes heavy as a result.
At that moment, Jotaro decides in a split second and quickly removes his fingers from you, and instantly your eyes pop open and look back at him in anger as you lose focus on your incoming orgasm.
"W-What the hell?! I-I was being still!" You retort with eyebrows furrowed, and piercing eyes like daggers as you stare at Jotaro, feeling as if you've lost all of that pleasure at once.
He gives you a smug smirk in response and he leans down, his dark curly bangs falling in front of his face and he nips at your neck.
"I know... just felt so good to get you back," He says, and the smug smirk on his face is practically audible as he leans down to press his soft lips along your skin, and as much as you want to roll your eyes at him, you let out a soft sigh as you feel his warm breath dance along there anyway, just wanting to feel him again.
"Now..." He grunts and sits back up and lifts your ass by gripping your thighs and pulling you towards him again. You let out a surprised yelp at that and he spreads your ass cheeks again, before reaching down to grip his cock. He groans as he slowly begins to tease the tip on your entrance, and as much as you're tempted to push yourself on it, you refrain from doing so because you know he'd only tease you about it.
Jotaro sees this remarkable effort you're making and he grins and lets out a low chuckle, finding your sudden obedience very entertaining.
"There we go... did the heat finally get to that little brain of yours?" He asks, and you huff and roll your eyes at his remark.
"Shut up and just fuck me, Jotaro," You murmur, not finding his teasing amusing at all, and you grip the pillows in front of you for support.
Another grin tugs at Jotaro's lips when you fire back that retort, and he sighs and slaps your ass one more time for good measure which makes you squeak before he slowly pushes himself in. He groans as he slowly moves inside of you, and your mouth drops open when you feel that familiar stretch.
Slowly, he begins to rock his hips, making you instantly let out soft moans from how good he feels─his thick girth slowly opening you up more than you already were from his fingers. Eyes roll to the back of your head and your fingers slowly grip the sheets as you feel the over-encompassing heat swell up within your body, feeling as if the heat wave is starting to finally get to you. Clearly, it seems to be getting to Jotaro too as you hear him groaning, and breathing deeply as he picks up his pace, his hands moving to grip your ass tighter so they wouldn't slip from the amount of sweat the two of you have accumulated over the past twenty minutes or so, inhaling and exhaling each other's heat. 
The heat passing between the two of you is almost more than you can bare as your breath picks up with Jotaro's quick pace─his thick cock hits that delicious spot inside of you earning him moans and shaky legs, and the sticky, wet sound only increases in volume as Jotaro keeps chasing that heat, wanting to finish as his cock twitches inside of you. 
You can only moan at this point, feeling so dizzy and hot as you can only take Jotaro's cock as his quick pace suddenly turns more punishing. You whine, feeling your body tighten and your legs shake and jolt from getting so close to your orgasm. 
"C-Close..." You murmur, letting your head fall forward, letting the heat build up inside of you until it's close to coming to that breaking point. Jotaro can only groan in response to your murmur, knowing he's close too. 
Finally, with a few more thrusts, Jotaro lets out a groan and he grabs your hips tightly, you let out a long moan as your legs shake and that hot blaze inside of you finally bursts free as you finish. 
Jotaro finishes and pulls out of you, groaning as he cums on your ass, watching the white, sticky warmth flow down your ass cheeks. He huffs as he watches, trying to catch his breath, and his eyes drift down to you to see you falling limp against the mattress. He chuckles.
"Looks like the heat waves finally got to us, hmm?" Jotaro remarks, and he sighs as he watches your whole body finally go limp against the bed, he slowly lowers himself next to you with a smug expression written all over his face when you turn to look at him. 
You just groan and roll your eyes, letting your breath calm down as your mind is swimming with bliss, trying even to comprehend his words.
"Yeah, yeah... still would've been better if we had a pool."
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makiswirl · 1 month
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even more jojo doods from the past few days :]
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linkbetweenlinks · 9 months
A small hc of mine regarding the LU, I've seen it in quite a few fics that Twi is this sort of authority figure around Wild and that Wild kinda fears/respects him. And I disagree. Sure, the respect is there but I'd say he respects all the heroes. But there's no fear, and he doesn't feel the need to obey Twi whenever he's "reprimanded" for something. Wild is a guy that's died, been reborn, fought blights that took down the old champions, has an army of assassins after him, and eventually looked a malice boar the size of hyrule field in the eye and beat it. Wild won't cave to whatever lecture Twi gives him, he'll stand his ground. You can't convince me otherwise.
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goatpaste · 2 months
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You ever think about how Keicho was 8 years old when it fell into his lap to figure out everything.
he makes me crazy and also @gncgang just wrote this fic and you need to look at it look at it look at it
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