#juliette loves getting kissed on the neck
I really enjoy the dichotomy of Cal always going for Juliette's neck. Like what was Calliope's thought process exactly? It's not lost on her that she's kissing a vampires's neck. And I feel like Juliette has an insecurity about neck kissing because it's so close to accepting her vampiric nature. So she was absolutely not expecting Calliope always going for the neck. But she is not remotely complaining. And that just really deepens their relationship for me because they think differently about each other then their upbringings and natures dictate.
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
I enjoy Juliette so much because by god, she’s so fucked up. I know I’m shite at writing and explaining things but she’s just.
She comes across as cold, as ruthless, as angry and standoffish and arrogant and a hardass and terrifying and she is.
She is so so so many of these things and more and she knows it. She thinks she’s better than other’s for her strength, she’s crippled with selfdoubt and anxiety and she handles it by being even more unapproachable. She doesn’t let people close, she risks her own life so much in fear of losing even another single person in her team and later tells them, it’s because she’s the best chance at successfully carrying out a mission. She’s broken people’s noses for challenging her, she’ll stay awake and take watch so they can get sleep. She wants desperately to understand others, she doesn’t want anyone to get close because the few she’s truly loved have died infront of her. She wants to be gentle, she’s absolutely cutthroat, she’s always honest, she stares into people’s souls. She’s so so lonely, she fucks around and doesn’t even search for anything while doing it, it’s just another thing that has so little meaning to her but it’s somethnig to do, better than to sit in her apartment and think Mouettemouettemouettemouette Lou-
She wants to drown, she wants to find things to feel again, she wants to sleep and wake up without nightmares. She hates the military, it’s her sole life and purpose, she’s been there forever and people see her survive impossible odds and come out bleeding and half dead and think ‘It’s Regard, what do you expect, that’s just normal for her’ while she tries to bandage herself up without breaking apart.
She goes into every mission like it’ll be her last, she doesn’t care about herself anymore but carries on on the simple thought that she can and thus should. She so fucking terrified and paranoid and she wants to be loved, desperately. She wants to be loved and love in return and she doesn’t think she can, should, will and it’s even more terrifying when it happens again. But she wants it, so badly, and she won’t back out of it. Because she’s selfish and this little bit of warmth that turned into a fucking inferno inside her is something she’ll keep and protect and she wants everything, wants it all and she’s willing to take as much as she can and more.
She’s so fucking soft inside, so desperate and warm and giving and she loves with a burning need and she’ll bring down the whole goddamn world to keep and protect what is hers.
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mchlgayser · 1 year
☆ we've met again ft michael kaiser
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synopsis: Four years past since you left and raised his kid alone until fate decides to bring him back to the picture.
─── ୨୧ warning: slight angst
─── ୨୧ notes: Is the fandom dying?? Why hadn't my post gotten as many hype as before lmao! It's sad but anyway I'm back with another drabble to feed you all!! Happy reading everyone xoxo!
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You hastily pick up your car key and grab a few of your works essential stuffing them inside your suitcase. Your four-year-old son is by the patio sitting and playing games with his nanny when you tread to him 'Kay, mama had some work to do. I promise I'll be back for dinner. Be a good boy for me and do not cause trouble alright? Have a nice day at school.: He nods putting down his gadget, and wrapping his arms around your neck to hug you 'I love you' You give the side of his head a chaste kiss before letting go.
'I had some leftovers from last night you can use as his lunch and as for the dinner I'll just buy takeouts.' You inform his nanny giving her an advance payment before you left the house.
You drove to your office receiving an unknown call on the way. You pick it up and greet the caller but silence. They said nothing before it abruptly ended. You stare at your phone before shaking your head. It didn't occur to you about anything serious as you continue steering the car and parked at the basement parking lot.
Your secretary, Miss. Juliette is already by the automatic door waiting for you with a clipboard in her hands. You got out of the car and rush to her 'What's my schedule for today?' You punch the elevator button while your secretary notify you about every single of your tasks today.
You got a lunch with one of your important client, a meet -up with your temporary business partners and a dinner with another client -
'Cancel my dinner with Mr. Han. I'm having dinner with Kayden tonight.' Juliette didn't need to be asked twice knowing how firm you can be when it comes to your son. For him, everything comes first. No matter how important your job is. She immediately postponed the dinner meeting to another date before moving along with you to your cabin.
'Do you need your coffee today?' You rapidly nod and start doing your tasks, bringing out works and files so that you can finish faster. 'Make it two, I need extras.' You lend a sweet smile before you got to work.
The clock almost strikes six - just enough time for you to finish all of your work for the day and get the takeouts you ordered online. You pack your stuff and your necessities when your phone rang for the nth times of the day. You didn't think twice before picking up 'Hello?' It was silence... Again before a sharp and low 'Hey' is heard.
You blink in surprise asking them to know who they are but no answer and it ended again. You rolled your eyes and left the room to the car park. Yo throw away your bag in the back seat and resounded the car, cooling off the engine and blowing on some loud music to distract you from the suspicious spam calls.
'Yes, thank you so much! Have a nice day!' You rolled up the window putting down the food beside you on the shotgun seat. You maneuver the car to Kayden's school in silence but the radio.
You arrive at Kayden school's main gate and got out to meet with his teacher 'Hello ma'am. I'm here to pick Kayden up.' She was looking at you back and forth 'A man has already picked him up claiming to be your husband. Kayden went along with him.' You started to panic bringing out your phone and calling his nanny asking her to come by his school and help you look around.
You bow down at his teacher and run around the neighborhood, looking for your son. Thick tears threaten to fall when you look around but find him nowhere.
You call for his name again but are abruptly interrupted when you see a vogue silhouette of your son with a familiar blond and blue streaks hair sitting together on a bench near the playground.
'Kayden!' You yelled his name averting his whole attention toward you 'Mama!' He cries out running your direction to hug your trembling form 'You scared me!' You scolded him with tears now cascading down your cheeks 'I'm sorry...' You sigh tightening your hug and breaking it off after some moments.
You suddenly remembered the familiar blond guy with your son 'And who are you with-'
'He is with me.' The familiar voice brings you out of your trance. You pick Kayden up and rush away but he holds your hand 'I met him already, no need to hide away.' You carefully yank his hand away and sigh.
You put Kayden down and hide him behind you out of instinct.
His irises collided with yours, the identical smile adorning his complexion. 'This weird uncle said that he's my father. I don't believe him because he is so ugly. I don't have an ugly father right, ma? I'm too handsome to be his son.' He absentmindedly roasted his biological father that succeeded to bring a smile and a chuckle from you.
You pull his hand gently and turn to Kaiser 'He got all your traits.' You mentioned bringing confusion written all over Kayden's face.
'You are making my mama cry.' He said creating a dagger on Kaiser 'Am not.' He challenged, his hand on his midriff with his head tilt aside 'You are. If you are my father then you are the reason my mama cried almost every day because... She missed you.' A soft gasp elicited from you, your eyes sheet moist with tears once more.
'Then tell her, she should've not run away.' Kaiser held your hand, one brow furrowing. You push him away and wipe your tears. 'Kayden, stop spouting nonsense.' He huffs and pouts away.
'How do you find out about us?' He shrug 'I had my ways and that is not your concern. Not at all.' He lifts your chin and smirks 'You are still as beautiful as I remember.' You scoff but could not help the bright red hue on your cheeks.
'And I suppose it was you too, the one that's been calling me?' He laughs but nodded 'But I'm sure with my calls it helps to remind you of one thing.'
'And that is...?'
'It would be dangerous for such a gorgeous lady as you to be in a house that's not with your husband.'
'Can you stop flirting with my mama, weird uncle.' Kaiser is about to bite the tongue of his son but you prevent him from doing so 'Kay, I need you to start getting along with this uncle from now on.' He groan cut obligated
'Do you finally accept me back? Oh, and I need an explanation as to why you left. It can't be because of you are pregnant...' You look down at Kayden and ignored his question.
His mouth formed an 'o' shape but then he smiles 'I guess I can forgive you.'
'I think I need some time...' You suddenly mention making Kaiser confused 'About what?' You held his forearm 'About us.'
He nods picking Kayden up and make him yelps in surprise 'Sure. Let's go now little K.'
He places an arm around your waist and the other used to hold Kayden. You smile feeling somehow relieved - Kaiser and Kayden ended up bickering as to who you loves more all the way home and they both get a nice scolding after.
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13pxrkhxoe13 · 2 months
Pleasure Me | Jk
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✽ Pairing: Aaron Warner!Jungkook x Fem!Juliette Ferrars!Y/n (Shatter Me series (Book Series) AU)
✽ Synopsis: After 2 months of being in ‘Love’ with Jimin, Y/n had finally realized that she isn’t, and wasn’t, in fact ever in love with him after all. It was always Jungkook. Now, in her current situation after being presumed dead by Jungkook's father, and staying with Jungkook until they both come up with an idea to kill his father, things get a little… freaky…
✽ Warnings/Genre: Sexual content and themes, 18+ (but if younger, you are reading at your own risk), slight cursing, unprotected sex, no prep, Jk Dom, and… that’s mainly all I can think of-
✽ A/n: This oneshot is based on & inspired by the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi—to which I am currently obsessed with the series!~ This is my first fanfiction that I will post on tumblr, so thank you for reading and don’t feel shy to request something for me to write! I love suggestions~ Sorry for any grammar mistakes, btw! Also, please do not copy this piece of work and use it as if you wrote it with your own blood, sweat, and tears—but reblogging is allowed!
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I am just now realizing the fate that had been before me all along.
With Jungkook on top of me and his breath fanning over my lips and his hands all over me, I felt like my days in the asylum weren’t even enough to prepare me for this kind of shock. Or even the amount of butterflies that swam in my stomach everytime he called me, “Jagiya.”
Things were different when I was with Jungkook.
I didn’t have to hide my secrets and pretend I was ok, he just knew.
His gift was remarkable—maybe even more than his love for me… but that would never be humanly possible as long as he lived.
“Y/n…” His deep voice whispered above me, my body trembling with need and teenage hormones at the very word of my name being called.
I just couldn’t respond, and he seemed to understand that.
He leaned in ever so slightly just so our noses were rubbing against each other, and I could feel my core ache with need at the small movement of affection.
“Do you want this… Are you sure?” He questioned again, his voice softer this time as I felt his hands stop once they gripped my hips so tight I could feel his short nails even from the fabric of my pants.
I nodded my head once, twice, and settled on the third one.
“As flattered as I am by your shyness, Jagi, but I’ll need words.” Jungkook chuckled under his breath, his middle body moving slightly as he readjusted himself above me.
I felt red take over my face and heat up my neck, “I-I want this, Jungkook. I need this.”
His adam's apple moved under my touch when I let my hands touch his face, moving down from his cheek to his jaw and father and farther, until he caught my hand with his own—right before I could make it to the waistband of his pants too.
He groaned and I slightly smiled when he met my eyes. Oh, his brown eyes. So vibrant and full of life.
“God, I love you.” And just like that he leaned in to close the distance between us, his lips touching mine like it was our first kiss all over again.
His soft pillow lips melted against mine, his hands traveling under the silk of my shirt as they teased my skin with soft touches, to which he was barely even touching me—giving me goosebumps.
It was soft at first before he bit my bottom lip with his teeth, ever so slightly, to which I became breathless instantly and opened my mouth for a breath, only for his tongue to be plunged into my mouth.
The open mouth kisses were rough and intense as his hands became more eager and found their way to my back before unclipping my bra, even though my shirt wasn’t off yet.
I let my hands run over the scars on his back, being gentle even if he still had his shirt on, as well.
He broke the kiss, letting both of us breath before kissing my chin and right under my jaw, settling at my neck.
I let my head fall back against the pillow behind me as his hands now cupped my breasts, under my bra and shirt, making me let out shaky noises of whines.
His middle and pointer finger found joy in fiddling with my nipple, occasionally flicking at the bud as well. He sat up, taking his hands back as he took off his sweater, throwing it over his head and somewhere over the room before trying to take mine off in a rush.
And even though I had seen his bare form before he was still breathtakingly beautiful as ever, and I felt myself falling harder for him by the second, my cunt begging for him as it throbbed for attention.
His hands achieved their goal in taking my shirt and bra off, not wasting a single moment before latching his mouth around one of my nipples, sucking like his life depended on it.
“Oah~” I moaned and I felt him smirk as my hands played through his hair, one of his hands found their way to my other nipple, making sure it wasn’t left out.
He stayed like that for a short while, switching back and forth between my buds and I was on cloud nine in pleasure, and we haven’t even gotten anywhere yet.
Soon though he began kissing down the length of my stomach, stopping at the start of my pants as he looked up at me for permission to which I nodded desperately as I watched his teeth grab ahold' of the cloth before tugging it down, all the way down to my feet before he stood up and took his own pants off.
I could see the outline of his bulge and I was desperate to pleasure him as he was me, but when I leaned up to palm him he shook his head and pecked my lips before saying, “No, Jagiya… I just want to be inside of you… We can experiment with things like that in the future.”
I swear my heart did flip after flip when he said that, making me know that we would find ourselves like this again, and I loved every thought of it.
He pulled my underwear off first, before taking his own off, and I watched as he groaned at the release from the uncomfortable cage his cock was in, to which it was now free.
I could feel myself clench around nothing but oxygen as I watched him stroke himself a few times, looking at my lower half.
“Fuck, Jagi, I knew you were beautiful but damn…” He hissed, crawling back over me, not letting me respond as he kissed me again, “This is your first time, right?” He whispers, between kisses, and I could feel him poke my lower abdomen.
I blushed again, embarrassed by the fact for some reason, but it was true nevertheless. I could never touch anyone before I met him and Jimin. So, I shook my head and he smiled before replying to my movement, “I’ll be gentle, it’s my first time too. I didn’t have any girls like you before you came here…” He grunted as he grabbed his cock in hand and rubbed himself on my folds, “I wanted no one but you… ever since I first saw you.”
I moaned again, louder this time and he smirked down at me as he watched my parted lips, before he took one inhale before slipping the tip of his dick into me, stretching out the beginning of my virgin hole.
And it felt good.
He groaned and his hands found their way to my waist and stayed there, keeping his head bent as he stared at the scene happening between both of our bodies.
“Shit, never knew this was how pussy felt.” He cursed, grinning up at me and I tapped his back, letting him know that I needed more of him inside of me.
“Same… I never knew dick felt this good… I can feel every vein on you.” I whined and spoke before he slowly moved his hips forward so that I took a little more of him in.
“Every vein?” He chuckled, “Some humor.” He pushed in more, making me quietly close my eyes as I got used to the burning sensation.
“I-I’m not joking, Jeon.” I barked back, playfully but also impressed at myself.
I never knew sex felt this good.
“What?” He lifted his head up and I could see the sweat already forming on his head, “I never knew that about girls…”
I furrowed my eyebrows as he smiled inside of me for a while, “Firstly, you knew nothing about women before I got here,” He pouted, “And secondly, this shit feel so good, so I need more.” I teasingly moved my hands to grasp his bum and move more of him in and he blushed but also smirked.
“Anything you want, Jagiya.” He purred and when he was buried inside of me all the way to the brim I moaned, feeling him fill me up so good made me want to cry as he hit every nerve with his long dick—not like I could talk since I have only ever saw his dick-
“T-tell me when to move…” He stuttered, his jaw clenching and his teeth grinding.
“M-m—” I didn’t even get the chance to finish before he pulled out and moved back in, his dick slipping in and out with ease from my juices.
“Ahhh~ Jungkook!” I called out, my lungs burning with the need to let noises out as he started a steady pace, moving in and out.
In, still, out.
In, still, out.
He groaned, his hands gripping my ass and lifting my lower half of the bed slightly as he kept his eyes on him moving inside of me and went slowly, making it painful for me to hold back desire.
“Faster!!” I whined and he smirked, licking his lips before lifting my legs up by holding under my knee ever so slightly until he could ram into me.
He sure did go faster, and I mean faster.
I could feel the pit of desire in my stomach begin to build as my pussy heated up even more as he hit every nerve in me.
“Shit—So tight, so much better than my hand.” He lifted his up, throwing it back as he breathed with each thrust, as my hand grabbed onto his thighs either side of me.
He went slow and then faster, making me let out noises of pleasure more frequently, him groaning and trembling in response. I was getting closer and I let my fingernails claw his thighs slightly as I screamed,
“C-Cumming soon, Jeon!”
“Right behind you, Jagiya…” He trailed off and plunged his long dick into me faster and faster until I felt my stomach clench, making my cunt clench before I felt my release.
“JEON~!” I called out, arching my back off the bed as I came, with him still ramming into me making my walls clench from overstimulation.
“Shit—shit, shit!” He cursed his hips stuttering, “So t-tight! Y-Your clenching—Shit!” He moaned and whined as he builded himself up using my cunt, making my mouth wet and my eyes roll back slightly as I felt him pull out quickly.
I looked down and saw him stroking himself over my stomach, and just as I was about to help him he came all over my breasts, his white serum making me look like a canvas.
“Jagiya…” He whispered, stroking his cock a few more times until he started going soft again, to which he placed himself on the bed beside me, our sweat filled bodies colliding non-sexually now.
“I love you, too.” I called for the first time, making him look at me with surprise and joy, his eyes lightening up.
“If I knew sex was all it took for you to say that I would have done this a long, long time ago.” He chuckled, pecking my forehead.
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“Hey! I know you love birds just did the naughty, but no more! My lonely ass is tired and it smells like… y’know what, and we have a war to get to tomorrow!!!” - Taehyung (Kenji in this case) yells as he knocks on the door, somehow in Jungkooks living quarters. 🤣🤣🤣
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lovelyleclercs · 1 year
Kissing Santa Claus- CL16
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Charles Leclerc X Fem!Reader
->Charles dresses up as Santa at the end of the year gala, but your little Juliette catches you kissing Santa.
word count: 1835
warnings: not proof read, probably incredibly cheesy, mentions of deep kisses
A/N: this is from the same universe as 'missing home' so many of you love that story and ask for more, so here is another writing of that!
The end of the year prize giving gala was a newer tradition for your family. In years past, Charles had always finished fourth or lower in the championship standings, meaning he didn’t earn an invite to the gala. This year was different though. 
With Charles winning the title this year, it meant that he was due to be the star of this year's gala. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about it, events like this were never something he typically enjoyed, but he was thankful that he would at least get to spend the long evening with both you and little Juliette. 
You had dressed yourself in a long forest green gown, one that matched the color of Charles’ tie. The sleeves were puffed, giving the gown more of a disney princess look. You paired the dress with a small pair of nude heels, as well as a diamond necklace and earrings that Charles had gifted to you as a push present when you had Juliette.
Juliette was dressed in a pink dress- one that she had picked out herself just for this very event- as well as small black flats and some skin toned tights. She was so excited for this event, as she had been told that she would get to see her papa receive his big trophy. 
When you arrived at the gala, the limo pulled up at the end of the red carpet, allowing you to go straight to the interviews and photographers on your way into the building, where no media personnel were allowed- thank god. 
Charles climbed out of the limo first, acting as a wall to protect you and Juliette from any photographers just in case either of you had a wardrobe malfunction while climbing out. 
You climbed out after Charles, fixing your dress quickly before picking Juliette up into your arms. You and Charles both knew that the red carpet was going to be the hardest part of the night for Juliette. She hated all the flashing lights and all of the people calling her name. No matter how often it happened around her, she still had yet to get used to it. 
As the three of you approached the spot where photos were allowed you be taken, Juliette wrapped her little arms around your neck and buried her face into your shoulder, shielding herself from all of the commotion. 
You let the photographers snap a few photos of the three of you, before you let go of Charles' hand and indicated that you were going to step inside to allow Juliette calm down before the event started. 
When you made it into the building, you quickly found your assigned table- right up front, close to the stage as expected- and sat down, placing little Juliette in your lap. “Are you ok, Jules?”
Juliette looked up at you and nodded a little, rubbing her damp eyes a little. “Where is papa?” she asked, looking around for Charles in a bit of a panic. 
“He went to get you some juice, baby” you said softly before placing a kiss on her forehead. “Did you know that Santa is going to be here tonight?��
Juliette's entire face lit up as she looked up at you. Due to the fact that the gala was so close to Christmas, one of the directors of the event had asked Charles if he would dress up as Santa towards the end of the show for all of the children in the audience to see. Charles agreed, figuring that would be the only entertaining part of the show anyways.
“Santa? When is Santa gonna be here, maman??”
“After papa gets his trophy later, so we have to be patient ok?”
Juliette nodded and cuddled into you a bit, waiting for Charles to get back with her juice. 
After what felt like an eternity, Charles had finally made his way inside, not without drinks for you, him, and of course Juliette. 
“Those interviewers have a lot of questions, let me tell ya” Charles mumbled as he sat down, putting the straw into the juice box for Jules. “Here honey” he said as he handed the juice box to Juliette, making sure she had a hold of it before letting go. 
“Grazie, papa!” Juliette said before taking a sip.
You let out a chuckle, knowing that your daughter could speak Italian better than french, even though she lived in a french speaking country. 
“Prego, dolcezza” Charles said before kissing her temple. 
The gala was extremely boring, as predicted, but Juliette had remained well behaved the entire time. She would occasionally get impatient and ask when Santa would be coming on stage, but other than that, she was quiet and focused on the stage in front of her. 
When it was time to get Charles changed into the Santa suit, you turned to Carlos and Isa. “would you mind watching Juliette while I go help Charles with getting changed?” you whispered, not wanting to disturb the person giving a speech onstage, nor did you want little Juliette to hear you either. 
“Of course not, come see Zio Carlos, Juliette!”
Juliette giggled and held her arms out towards Carlos, cuddling into him once he had a hold of her. 
You got out of your seat and followed Charles to the small room in the far back of the building where they had told Charles it would be safe to change in. 
“I can’t believe how well behaved Juliette has been. I was expecting a tantrum or two by now” charles said with a laugh as he started putting the large Santa suit on. 
“Well I may or may not have bribed her with the fact that Santa would be on stage at the end of the night…”
Charles laughed and shook his head. “I can’t believe she even got excited about santa. Last year, she was terrified of him when we tried to do our pictures with him at the mall”
You laughed a little as you buttoned up the suit for Charles. “I know, but this year she has had such an interest in christmas and in santa.. It’s like now that she is three years old, she finally understands it all, you know?”
Charles nodded and started putting the fake Santa beard on his face. “I can’t believe she’s getting to be so big…I feel like every time I turn around she is taller and smarter… it’s not fair” he said with a pout. 
You laughed and put the santa hat on his head, completing the santa costume. “I know.. It makes me sad…”
Charles smirked and pulled you in closer “Guess that means we have to have another.. No?”
You smiled and kissed him deeply, indicating that you wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of another little you or little him running around. 
Halfway through the kiss, you heard the door to the room creek open, followed by a small little scream. You turned around to find little Juliette standing in the doorway, tears rolling down her cheeks as she pointed at you and Charles.. Well.. santa. 
You knelt down in front of your daughter and pulled her into a hug in an effort to calm her down a bit. “Sweetheart, what’s the matter? Why are you crying?”
“Y-you kissed… santa!! Papa is gonna be sad!!”
You looked at Charles over Juliette’s shoulder, doing your absolute best not to let out a laugh at your daughter’s reasoning behind being so upset. “Darling, I wasn’t kissing santa. I was telling him a secret!”
Juliette pulled from the hug and looked at you, her eyes curious as to what secret you were referring to. “A secret?” she asked before sniffling a bit. “What secret?”
“I was telling Santa how you’ve been such a good girl all night.. And how you deserve lots of presents”
Juliette giggled and looked over at Charles “I have, Santa!!”
Charles knelt down to Juliette and smiled, changing the tone of his voice before speaking to her. “I’m very glad, Juliette, you can expect lots of gifts under your tree on christmas morning. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a special appearance I have to make on stage. Merry Christmas, Juliette!” 
“Merry Christmas, Santa!”
You picked Juliette up and carried her back to the table, with Isa walking beside you. “I’m sorry, she saw you in the doorway and took off running, I was just trying to take her to get a juice box”
You shook your head, indicating that you weren’t mad at all. “Oh don’t worry, she does that to me all the time. Don’t be sorry” you said before sitting back down in your seat, just in time for Charles to walk back onto the stage, this time dressed as santa. 
Juliette hadn’t noticed that Charles wasn’t around, which you were incredibly thankful for because if she did notice, it meant one more lie you had to make up on the spot tonight, and you simply didn’t have the energy for that. 
After giving a quick wave and a “ho, ho ho, merry christmas” to the audience, charles left the stage and went back to change out of the itchy red costume with the help of Carlos this time. 
By the time Charles had gotten back to the limo, Juliette was sound asleep in her car seat, not moving an inch when Charles got in, despite how loudly he was talking. 
“Sorry it took so long, the last button got stuck or something, I don’t know. I was worried I was going to be stuck in that thing forever” he said with a little laugh.
“It’s alright, I think the night wore Juliette out”
“I’d say so. Did she bring up the fact that you were kissing Santa again?”
You shook your head before leaning it against Charles’ shoulder. “Nope, thank goodness. She didn’t even notice that you weren’t at the table with us either, which I was also thankful for because I had already lied enough to her today.”
Charles smiled and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “You’re such a good mom, mon amour.”
You smiled and pulled him into another kiss, making this one last a bit longer than the first. “Am I?”
Charles smirked and nodded, his forehead resting against yours. “Mhm. Such a good mom that I’d love to have another little you or me around this time next year… what do you think?” 
You laughed and squeezed his hand tightly. “I finally get to come back to the racetrack and now you want to put me on the sidelines again?” 
Charles shook his head. “No, I think this time around we know what to expect so we can be more prepared and let the baby tag along to races.. Or leave the kids with grandma…”
You laughed and cuddled back into his side again. “Alrighty then, mr. claus. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if we can get a Christmas miracle.”
taglist- @hammick @Cl16msc47 @majkaftorek @04asheley16 @polyjuiceslytherin @Lizziebitch33 @viktorie16 @Johannalindau @Jamieeboulos @cedricdiggorysimpp @Southernprincess1997 @Myescapefromthislife @F1andbookslover @ferrarilover16 @my-fangirling-outlet
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wintfleur · 27 days
what are mat quinn and juliette’s favorite dates
a/n ﹒I love them sm :( ty for sending in an ask nonnie!
au masterlist - everything for the AU is under #🍂 ͡ ꒱ Juliette Leclerc
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So, early on in their relationship they had a lot of private and at home dates, simply because they didn’t want to be caught together by the public. So they had a lot of dates at each other’s places, they would have to get creative . . . but in all honesty , as long as they were together they didn’t care what they did !
𐙚 Mat loves dates when they are out in nature, going on hikes, swimming, exploring, or just going on a walk through a park with some ice cream . He loves it . Exploring new places with his loves, learning about the history of the places where they are, enjoying the new places they come across . Very spontaneous !!
𐙚 Besides Juliette, Quinn is the one who enjoys there privacy the most, so he enjoys dates in the safety of there homes. Being able to disconnect from the world and just enjoy his lovers presence is his favorite. He doesn’t care what they are doing, just being alone with them is perfect enough ! Comfy clothes, a movie on the tv, an opened wine bottle on the coffee table next to the half done puzzle they gave up on . the three laughing in the kitchen as they cook dinner . . . well Julie and Quinn cooking while mat hugs them from behind, kissing there necks and shoulders as he yaps .
𐙚 Juliette loves her privacy . . . but she really loves going out on dates . Restaurants, the cinema, museums, pottery shops, literally anywhere she loves it !! She just loves planning it and seeing the happy ‘n excited look on her boys face when they realize what they are doing ! She loves taking her boys to fancy restaurants where they all dress up nice and she spoils them . but she also loves when they go out to a bar and order a few drinks, all dressed casually, enjoying some slightly competitive pool ‘n darts as they watch whatever game that’s on the tv.
°. — taglist ( @lovings4turn @toasttt11 @cixrosie @ru-kru @alwaysclassyeagle @theopenlocker @lavisenri @callsignwidow @willowpains )
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willalove75 · 8 months
Hii! I just wanted to start off by saying I LOVE your fics! Mainly your Rebecca ones :D (I’ve read all of them like more than once lol) They just hit all the feels 🥹 however I was wondering if I could request a Sofia Marchetti one..? (If you still write for her that is)
I’ve moved back into my “Sex education” phase and literally CANNOT find any other pieces of writing for her character!
I was thinking of like reader and Sofia go to see Jackson in the school musical- Romeo and Juliette- and we all know how that went.. anyways I was thinking, while watching, reader and Sofia get a little ✨hot and bothered✨ if you will, and decided to have a fun night after when they go home and Jackson leaves for a cast party or smth
Sorry if this is like random!- it’s just been stuck in my head and I suck at writing things like this. You don’t have to write it if u don’t want to! And I hope I’m making sense about the musical- it’s the one in season 2
Anyways thank you again for all of your lovely Rebecca fics!! and sorry this is like way too long!! 😬
~M <3
AW thank you SO much!!! I was SO surprised when I realized that there literally weren't any Sofia Marchetti fics! But I am more than happy to fill in the gaps😉😂
The latest (and final😭) season premiered the other day and what better way to celebrate than with a new Sofia fic?!
Thank you so much for your request!!💕
Warnings: Smuttttyyyyy
18+ Only. Minors DNI.
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After you and Sofia walk into the house when you return from Jackson's school play Sofia heads straight into the kitchen and pops open a bottle of wine.
"So, that was, uh, interesting." You say. "But Jackson did an incredible job!"
"Interesting is certainly one thing to say about it." Sofia says with a chuckle as she beings her wine glass to her lips and takes a sip. "He did do a wonderful job, I'm so proud of him."
"You should be!"
"But if he comes home from that cast party drunk I'm grounding him until the day he turns 18." She deadpans.
You laugh and playfully roll your eyes at her as you pour yourself a glass.
"You think I'm kidding."
"I know you're not, that's why I'm laughing."
"Love, it's not funny!"
"I know, I know. Listen, he's a kid, as long as he's responsible, let him have a little fun. He's a good kid, you know that."
"I don't want to have this conversation anymore so I'm changing the subject. Anyway," Sofia says, rolling her eyes at you. "I can't believe you squealed so loud when that, dick-thing touched you." She says with a smirk.
"I wasn't expecting it to! And I definitely wasn't expecting it to be a penis! Plus you squealed too!"
"I did not-"
"Sofia Marchetti do not lie to me!" You say as you laugh.
"Well I certainly wasn't expecting the kids to have dick fingers and vagina heads."
"Yeah that was definitely a different take on Shakespeare. But it did get me thinking."
Sofia smirks at you and you narrow your eyes at her.
"And what did it get you thinking about?" You ask, quirking an eyebrow at her.
She slowly walks up to you and cages you in against the countertop.
"I think it's better if I show you, rather than tell you." She says, taking your wine glass from your hand and placing it on the counter.
Before you can respond she hoists you up onto the countertop and you let out a squeal. Her hand dives between your legs, under your skirt and she begins rubbing circles over your underwear. Your squeal quickly turns into a moan.
Her fingers find your clit and she rubs small circles over it and you throw your head back and moan. The moment you do her lips latch on to your exposed neck and she begins to kiss and suck as she continues her ministrations.
"Oh fuck, Sofia." You moan.
"You're so wet for me already baby." She says into your skin.
Sofia pulls your soaked underwear down your legs and tosses them somewhere onto the kitchen floor. Kneeling on the ground, she kisses her way up the inside of your thighs. Purposefully passing over your heat, she moves to your other thigh and plants kisses into your skin. You tangle your fingers into her hair and try to guide her to where you need her most.
"What is it, love? What do you want?"
Her green eyes flick up to yours as she continues to kiss your thighs. Your brows knit together and your lips part as you beg.
"Please Sof, please."
Without breaking eye contact Sofia flattens her tongue against your dripping pussy and slowly licks up.
"Oh fuck!" You say as you throw your head back.
She laps at it a few times before flicking her tongue against your clit. Your hips buck into her mouth and she grabs your hips and pulls you to the edge of the counter, her nails digging into your skin.
Her tongue glides up and down across your folds and she circles and sucks at your clit. Your fingers are buried into her hair as you cry out louder and louder.
"Oh fuck, right there!" You cry as she sucks on your clit again.
She starts licking and sucking your clit and you whimper.
"Sofia, oh fuck, you're so fucking good."
"You taste delicious my love." She hums into you making your eyes roll back again.
You start to clench around nothing, desperately wishing she would fill you up. And as if she read your mind, Sofia slides two fingers deep into your pussy. As she curls into your walls you buck your hips against her, thrusting her fingers deep into that spot that makes you see stars.
"Fuck! Yes baby right there yes!"
Sofia sucks and flicks over your clit a little harder, your bundle of nerves becoming over-sensitive and you whine. Her fingers curl into that spot again and you feel an orgasm beginning to build.
Looking down you meet Sofia's eyes once more. Her emerald green eyes are now dark with lust, her pupils are completely blown. She thrusts her fingers in and out faster, her motions accompanied by the most pornographic wet noises you've ever heard. You roll your hips in time with her thrusts and you push her face deeper into you.
As she continues to fuck you, you feel her tongue circle around your clit a few times before she sucks on it again, causing you to cry out. She continues that pattern as she pushes you closer and closer to the edge. The peak of your orgasm is coming fast and you pull at her hair and cry out.
"Fuck yes, just like that baby. I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me fucking cum!"
A few thrusts and sucks later Sofia throws you over the edge and into a state of pure pleasure and bliss. You throw your head back, arch your back, and cry out her name as she fucks you through your orgasm. She thrusts against the pressure your walls are creating as they clench down around her and you swear you see stars.
As the final wave of your orgasm ripples through your body Sofia slows down and pulls her fingers out of you. Not a second goes by before her mouth envelopes your soaked core and you feel her tongue gliding over your wet folds. She moans into you as if she's tasting the most delicious meal she's ever had and you run your fingers through her hair.
When she finishes licking every drop of your arousal from between your legs she leaves a few kisses on the inside of your thighs, wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and pulls you in for a kiss.
You can taste yourself on her tongue and you moan into her mouth as you do. Sofia wraps your legs around her waist and she lifts you off the counter and carries you into the living room.
She sits down on the couch with you in her lap and her fingers tangle into your hair as she passionately kisses you. Your hands find her breasts and you grab them over her shirt and massage them. Sofia moans into your mouth and you break the kiss to pull her shirt over her head, tossing it aside.
Your lips find hers once more and you reach around her back to unhook her bra and slide the straps down her shoulders. When they're finally free, you palm both of her breasts and roll her hardening nipples between your fingers. Sofia kisses you harder in response and she bites your lower lip. As she pulls away she pulls your shirt off and takes off your bra. Her lips latch onto one of your nipples as she pinches the other one. Her tongue circles your hardening flesh and she sucks on it before moving over to the other one, giving it the same attention.
Standing up, you pull your skirt off and Sofia stands and slides her pants and drenched underwear down her long legs and kicks them away. She pulls you in for another passionate kiss and whispers in your ear when she breaks the kiss.
"I want to ride that pretty little face of yours."
As you let out a moan, Sofia guides you down to the floor and places one of her knees on either side of your head. She tangles her fingers in your hair and lowers herself onto your mouth. The second your tongue makes contact with her soaked pussy you moan into her. The vibrations causing Sofia to moan in return. Your tongue immediately gets to work and you start lapping at her folds and clit. Sofia grinds her hips down onto your face and your hands grab hold of her hips.
"Just like that, good girl." She purrs.
Flattening your tongue against her heat, you drag her hips slowly but firmly against your tongue. When you get to her clit you hold her hips still and suck on it. Sofia cries out and her hips buck against your hold. Digging your nails into her soft skin you hold her tight while you suck and flick your tongue across her clit over and over. Her juices begin to drip down your chin and you shove your tongue deep into her core.
"Oh fuck!" She cries out as the throws her head back.
Sofia grinds down onto you as she rocks her hips against your tongue. Rolling it deep into her, she lets out a filthy moan and your fingers begin to circle her clit.
"Oh yes, fuck right there!"
You pull her hips down onto your tongue more and you thrust it in and out of her as your fingers quicken their pace. Sofia's breath hitches in her chest and her eyes roll to the back of her head. With another roll of your tongue she lets out another moan and you feel her velvety walls begin to clench down around you.
With a curl of your tongue you feel the soft, spongy spot deep in her and you prod at it.
"Oh god, oh fuck yes!" Sofia cries.
Knowing you found her favorite spot you keep your tongue there and continue to lick and caress it while you continue to rub her clit.
"Oh god baby, I'm gonna cum- fuck!!"
As she speaks you apply more pressure to her clit and slide your tongue out and back into her pussy, hitting that spot once more. Sofia's legs tremble above you and you see her neck and chest turning a deep shade of red.
Reaching up with your free hand, you pinch one of her nipples and roll it between your fingers. You rub her clit faster and fuck her with your tongue harder and she starts to come undone over you.
Her moans grow louder and higher pitched as her body begins to shake. Her pussy walls clench down hard around your tongue and she cries out. You feel her walls relax as she cums hard into your mouth. Releasing her nipple, you caress her thigh and slow your fingers on her clit as she cries out, bucking her hips into your face harder.
After a few almost violent shudders, Sofia collapses forward onto the couch cushion and you pull your tongue out of her soaked core. She whimpers as you lick her clean and when you're satisfied you slide out from between her legs.
Sitting up, you get up on your knees and turn to wrap your arms around her waist. She hums as you embrace her and you leave wet kisses across her back and shoulders.
Sofia climbs onto the couch and sits while you kneel at her feet. She cups your face and pulls you in for a slow, loving kiss.
"You are incredible." She whispers against your lips.
"Not more incredible than you are, my love."
Sofia kisses you again and pulls you onto the couch as she lays back. You lay on top of her and she pulls a blanket over the two of you and runs her fingers through your hair. She lets out a sigh as you kiss her neck and she holds you tight.
"Should we go get cleaned up?" You ask.
"Not right now, I just want to be with you for a little bit."
"Okay, my love." You say as you snuggle into her.
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sc11vb · 3 months
I was too lazy to edit so let me know if there’s any errors.
Here it is!! Juliette’s POV of the Defy Me shower scene. Much love; please enjoy!! <33
tw: non-explicit sex
word count: too lazy sorry :))
The bed is so comfortable that it takes Aaron’s soft footsteps on the tiled floor of the bathroom to get me to sit up.
“Aaron?” I call, my voice low. I’m thirsty.
“Yes?” Aaron’s voice never fails to delight me. Rich and proper and always so loving. It’s amazing that he’s mine, and I’m his. It’s like holding my hand to the sky and realising I can finally touch the stars. So satisfying.
“Where’d you go?” I ask, even though I know the answer.
“I thought I might take a shower,” comes his almost-shout. I here the spray of water against the shower wall and decided that now, now, now is the time to be brave.
I step out of bed, our bed, and walk to the bathroom. Aaron’s body is bare and I think he’s never been more beautiful. I always think that. I don’t think I said enough, though. Does he know? That he’s the most beautiful person I’ve seen?
He turns off the spray of the shower and takes a step back and nearly falls into me. His warm skin brushes against my braced hands and I swallow a mouthful that familiar-unfamiliar feeling that I know now to greet and welcome into my being as desire. Aaron’s eyes fly open and maybe he’s surprised and maybe he’s embarrassed and maybe every step to close to a line, a line in dark black pens that says keep out and no trespassing, because he grabs a towel and hold it to himself. I can’t see his tattoo. I want to see his tattoo.
“Hi, love,” he says, breathless. He gives me a faint smile. “I didn’t see you standing there.”
Brave, I remember. I wanted something and I still want it.
I pout, crossing my arms to my chest. I’m trying to hold back a smile and I know Aaron can tell but he doesn’t say anything. “Aaron,” I scold, “you were going to take a shower without me?”
There. I’ve said it. 1 2 3 guesses and he knows what I want.
Aaron raises an eyebrow and my cheeks warm and I want to run back to bed and bury myself under the covers and maybe a rock or too will roll over me.
“Would you like to join me?” he asks, in that low, low voice and I like the sound of that, very, very much. I wrap my arms around him and smile and it’s quiet smile because we have a secret, he and I. His eyes are dark and he’s whispering a name and it’s mine.
I touch my lips to his chest and he stiffens, and I wonder if I should stop, but then he’s pulling me closer and my lips are moving and the towel is somewhere on the floor, forgotten.
Aaron pulls me closer, cupping his hand at my jaw and then he kisses me, and it’s hot hot hot. This fire is so slow and sweet. He pushes me up against the wall and his hands are shoving up my dress, gripping my hips and maybe I’m trembling and maybe it’s because of him.
All I know is that his leg is sliding between my own and they’re falling apart and I let out a loan. I know he heard it and I know he liked what he’s doing to me and I like it to.
I love it. I love him.
He buried his face in my neck and I’m panting because, dear God, he’s stolen my breath away. Then he’s kissing my neck and I’m wondering what breathing is anyway.
“How - how do you always feel so good?” I’m going to leave marks on his skin from how tightly I’m gripping him, but I don’t care. My face is hot and we’re melting together, he and I. One person. Two hearts, one rhythm. “How do you always do this to me?”
How indeed.
He breaks away from me and I’m worried again, taking 3 4 5 breaths before I speak again. Maybe he doesn’t want this.
“Aaron?” I ask tentatively. “What’s -”
He doesn’t even let me finish speaking. “Take off your dress,” he says. There’s an only if you want to but there’s also a now. He does want this. So much. Maybe even more than me, though that’s hard to imagine.
I’m shaking again but I slide my fingers under the straps and shove them down and the material falls to my feet and I’m melting under his heated gaze, I think. I step out of my dress, barely clothed. My bra and underwear do little to hide me.
Then they’re gone, too. I flex my fingers, telling them that they don’t need to cover me anymore.
In one swift, smooth movement, he’s picked me up. I gasp - or maybe it’s a moan, I can’t tell. He molds my legs to his waist and I grip him tightly. My arms are around his neck, tracing the river of scars on his back. My chest is pressed so firmly to his and he’s relaxing into my touch, his eyes closed, then open because I’m talking again.
“You’re so gorgeous. I’m always surprised.” What I’m surprised is how quickly these words are draining out of my mouth. But I keep talking. “It doesn’t matter how many times I see you without your clothes, I’m always surprised. It doesn’t seem fair that anyone should be this gorgeous.”
I don’t need an answer, but I look at him anyway. And then he’s moving, we’re in the shower; he’s fiddling with the knows and dials and hot water is hitting our skin.
Aaron pressed me against the wall again and I can’t even think before he’s -
I have no words for this feeling. Even after all those years, scrawling down letters that made words that were my thoughts, I still can’t -
God, I can’t even form an entire -
He’s so deep inside, and the water is sliding between us and he’s so fast and why, why does it feel so good? His breaths are heavy and his hair is wet and I dig my fingers into it, needing something to anchor me to this world. I fear I might become a bird, grow wings, because why does it feel like I’m flying -?
I’m gasping and maybe I’m screaming and maybe the droplets rolling down my face are tears. I’m too lost in this feeling, steady and then oh my God -
I’m definitely screaming now.
Release pounds inside of me and I’ve gone limp in Aaron’s arms and he’s telling me oh-so-gently just to hold on a little longer and -
I slide out of his hold, weak. My legs are shaking and I think I’m going to need to sit down. But Aaron keeps holding me up, hugging me and I hold him back, still breathless.
“I love you so much,” he pants. “You have no idea, Ella.”
And all I can do is give him a half-smile, because my throat is raw and I can barely stand and I don’t think he’d be able to hear me over the pounding of the water, anyway.
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 37
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 1417
Warnings: Swearing, insinuation of sex
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: True The Alchemy
The blue light of breaking dawn peeked through his curtains, adding to the serene, surreal reality Hangman found himself in. Ghost lay beside him in the crook of his arm, her head on his shoulder and arm draped lazily over his torso. He traced mindless patterns on her bare back with one hand while his other rested on her arm. Sleep remained fleeting throughout the night, only allowing him a few precious hours of rest. It was Hangman's own fault. He feared if he fell asleep, that when he awoke, the events of yesterday and last night would be a dream. A cruel, heartbreaking, wishful dream. 
I love you. Ghost's words echoed repeatedly in his head. Hangman couldn't stop it. For so long, he'd ached to hear those words, and then she'd said them. Hangman hadn't quite been able to process it, still silently reeling from seeing the letters he'd written to her- with no intentions of ever relinquishing them to her- in Ghost's hands. Coyote had no right to give them to her, but while Hangman wanted to give his friend a piece of his mind about it, he also recognized that without it, he and Ghost may never have confronted each other about everything.
Ghost twitched in her sleep and whimpered. Hangman placed a kiss on the top of her head, and she settled down. A few moments later, she stirred, squinting at the daylight and letting out an annoyed groan. She shifted slightly up his body to hide her eyes in the crook of his neck.
Chuckling to himself, he whispered, "Good morning."
Ghost only let a tired grunt in response. She had never been a morning person unless it involved getting breakfast, so Hangman didn't take it personally. 
"You hungry?" Hangman queried. 
Ghost nodded but failed to move to let him up. When he pointed this out to her, she mumbled, "I think I'm going to choose starving and staying where I'm at."
Hangman, unable to stop himself from teasing her, said, "Can you say that again? I can't hear you when you're talking into my shoulder."
Ghost twisted her head and rested it on his chest, but didn't look up at him. She repeated what she'd said and added, "You didn't have trouble hearing me talk into your shoulder last night."
Hangman laughed good-naturedly, tugging her closer to him. "That's because you were screaming, not mumbling."
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"Shut up." The searing kiss Ghost captured him in took away any seriousness from her statement. God, Hangman couldn't get enough of her. He never believed they'd be like this together, let alone even speaking. And the strangest sensation, the most unfamiliar emotion, settled over him. 
He was happy.
Hangman tried to reflect on the last time he felt the way he did now. It didn't take long to figure out it had been before Ghoul died. A time when he and Ghost had briefly returned to Texas, and they sat on the bleachers of their high school football stadium, staring up at the stars, laughing so hard that tears filled their eyes. For the life of him, what they had talked about eluded him, but the memory and feelings remained, and Hangman would savor them forever, including the current moment he found himself in.
Hangman kissed the top of Ghost's head and said, "You relax here. I'm going to cook breakfast."
"No, no, I need to get up. Otherwise, I'll sleep until noon."
"We can go back to sleep after breakfast because God knows we barely got any last night."
Ghost grinned wickedly. "Who says we'll get any after breakfast?"
Hangman debated on saying 'fuck it' and skipping eating if it meant going another round -or two- with Ghost, but the love of his life decided for him, rousing herself out of bed and heading to the bathroom. He forced himself up and threw on some underwear and gray sweatpants before shuffling to the kitchen. He pulled out the bacon, the eggs, and some potatoes and got to cooking, playing some soft country music in the background.
About ten minutes later, Ghost padded in, wearing nothing but her underwear and his t-shirt. He nearly went weak in the knees at the sight but managed to stay upright through sheer stubborness. Ghost sat at the bar and watched him cook. Without a word, he slid a cup of tea over to her, already made the way she liked it with cream and sugar.
Ghost smiled sleepily and said, "I needed this."
"Wake you up for round two?" Hangman asked cheekily.
She snorted softly. "I'm pretty sure it'll be more like round six or seven, but no. It's not just because I got no sleep last night."
Hangman grated the potatoes to prep for the hash browns. "What's up?"
Ghost traced the rim of the cup, staring into the steaming hot liquid. "You know how my mom and dad split up for a bit before I was born?"
"Yeah, your mom came to Cali. Why?"
"She met up with Maverick while she did. They... had a fling."
"Huh. I'm surprised Charlie did that when she was still technically married. I mean, I know your parents were separated, but-"
"That's not the kicker."
"I feel I should stop grating the potatoes for this."
"You might want to sit down, actually," Ghost suggested with mild amusement. Hangman remained standing but braced himself on the counter. "It was roughly nine months before I was born."
"I don't... Oh. OH!" Hangman barely remained standing as the epiphany struck him harder than a plane going Mach 2. "You-you're-"
"Maverick's daughter," Ghost finished, crossing her arms on the counter and resting her chin atop them. "I haven't told anyone else in the Daggers. Not even Juliette. I wasn't planning on anyone finding out, especially Mom and Maverick."
"They know?"
"Yeah. Mom somehow found out, and I know she told Maverick because he tried calling me not long after Mom called me out on it. That was before I came over here, so, you know, was dealing with two existential crises at a time. Figured this one might be more easily solved since it was closer to home."
"Maverick's close to home," Hangman pointed out, tossing the potatoes onto the skillet. "Why not deal with him first?"
Ghost shrugged. "I don't know where to start or what to do about it. With you, I at least had history to go off of."
"And the knowledge that, for better or worse, I just can't say no to you."
Mischief flared in her eyes. "You shouldn't have told me that."
"Food first-" Hangman said, piling her plate with breakfast- "cardio after."
He joined her at the bar, and they said nothing as they devoured their food, starving from yesterday's activities. And last night's. But Hangman didn't mind the silence. It allowed him to wrap his head around everything that had happened and been discovered in the past twenty-four hours, and Hangman couldn't decide what shocked him more: Ghost sitting beside him as more than a friend or the news of Ghost's real father.
Maverick was Ghost's biological dad. 
How... well, he knew how, but still. How would this affect Ghost's relationship with the Captain? How would it affect her relationship with Juliette, who had practically been a surrogate daughter to Maverick? And Rooster, who might as well have been Maverick's son? 
"Trust me, I've had the same thoughts," Ghost said quietly, picking at the last few pieces of hashbrown on her plate.
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"How did you-"
"I recognize the expression," she replied simply. "I should probably call my mom back, and Maverick too, for that matter, but I don't want to deal with it. I just... I want to enjoy a sliver of peace and happiness right now."
Hangman grabbed the underside of her stool and pulled her closer to him. "You don't have to face this alone. I'm with you."
He leaned in and pecked her on the lips. "And always."
Ghost smiled, a blush rising on her cheeks. "Would it be okay if I stayed here a little longer? I don't want to go home yet."
"Of course," Hangman replied immediately, silently pleased not only for his own selfish reasons of keeping Ghost at his side for as long as possible but also because a little voice whispered sinisterly at him that if he let her out of his sight any time soon, he wouldn't see her again for a long time. 
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989 @atarmychick007 @rotating-obsessions
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23Chp 24 Chp 25 Chp 26 Chp 27 Chp 28 Chp 29 Chp 30 Chp 31 Chp 32 Chp 33 Chp 34 Chp 35 Chp 36 Chp 37
If you're not on the tag list and want to be, just let me know :)
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1-800-adoreyou · 2 years
Leo DiCaprio imagine: Red
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1.2k words
"Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end / Street / Faster then the wind, passionate as sin..."
“I did it, Baby! I got the part!” Leo’s animated voice announced into the phone’s receiver. “I’m gonna be Romeo!” His breath was heavy, almost in bewilderment.
My heart swelled with pride, a grin spreading across my face. “That’s amazing, Leo! I’m so proud of you.”
“We’re going to celebrate!” Leo beamed, clearing his throat. “You don’t need to get dolled up, just put on something comfortable and be ready in an hour!”
The line clicked, making me realize he had hung up. A chuckle left my throat as I stood from my bed, darting over to my closet. Something comfortable must have meant a sweater and jeans, seeing as how it was early February.
Leo had been yearning after this role ever since he stumbled upon the audition sheet with his agent, and good friend, Rick. There had been many nights where I would find him in the dining room, pacing about and reciting lines in the wee hours of the morning.
His commitment to acting was extremely endearing. He never stopped until he knew it was right, even if that meant losing sleep for weeks. I had helped a few nights, reading Juliett’s lines; That usually turned into him giggling like a little boy when he got to kiss me. I had always responded by playfully smacking his arm and pulling him in, a smile etching its way across my own face.
* * * * *
The door opened as I walked down the staircase, fixing my boot. The most beautiful boy stood tall, a bright smile across his face. His dirty blonde hair was disheveled, strands covering his face. “You look stunning.” Was the only thing he said, his grin growing.
He raced over to me, stopping when his chest was about to touch mine. His brush-stroked eyebrows were pinched up, his smile stretching across his whole face. His long, ivory fingers cupped my cheek and I turned into his palm to lay a kiss upon it.
His left hand found its way across my waist, forehead gently resting against my own. “Kiss me, you goof.” I giggled, wrapping my arm around his neck.
Leo didn’t need to be told twice, he crashed his pillowy lips against mine. His kisses were always passionate, no matter how tired or upset he was. Deep relishing kisses. The type of kisses that made your knees weak and want to sink into him. So passionate. Like red.
We broke apart a minute later for air, the atmosphere quiet and comfortable. I cupped his cheeks in my palms, admiring his beauty and enchanting eyes. “You have no idea how proud of you I am.” I laid a kiss upon his cheek, which made him grin.
“As much as I adore holding you,” he started, fingertips roaming the valley of my neck “but I do believe our daylight is running out.” His fingers found mine and he darted for the door, my feet just barely keeping up.
It was exhilarating. Whenever I was with Leo it seemed like all my fears and doubts would melt away, like he was my umbrella deflecting everything ‘wrong’. But now, as we run down the gravel path of our house laughing and giggling, I realize just how much I cared for him.
The beautiful autumn colors whizzed past us as he pulled me to his car, parked at the end of the gravel path. His maserati sat at the end of the driveway, a silver stallion just waiting to be mounted.
The sound of honey poured from his lips, a deep sound. It radiated into the air, seemingly to make the sun brighter and the leaves around us enhance in color.
My own laughter escaped my throat, almost tripping over my feet against Leo's pounding momentum. I couldn't blame him, this could possibly be the role of a lifetime.
He came to a sudden halt, which made me fall into his back. Couldn't even warn me, apparently. I rolled my eyes, a chuckle escaping my mouth. He turned and offered me a smile. Damn, that smile.
The passenger door opened, and he led me inside. I thanked him, and he just ran to the other side of the vehicle.
Where we were going? I had no clue. With Leo we could either be driving to a fancy restaurant or, we could be going to a field of enchanting flowers and mushrooms. I adored that about him.
I looked out of the window as he stepped in and overturned the engine. The sound of our favorite song being spewed from the speakers, funnily enough, which was 'Killing Me Softly'.
When I first met Leo, we were at a highschool party which we had both crashed. We bumped into each other on the dancefloor and started talking. We talked for a while until this song came on. He had asked me to dance. And we did. We danced together for the rest of the night.
"I heard he sang a good song!" Leo sang, rolling down the windows with a grin. "I heard he had a style" with one hand on the wheel, he interlocked our fingers.
Looking over at him, I caught myself gazing into his diamond eyes. "And so I came to see him" I laughed, staring into his twinkling blues. "And listen for a while."
About a few songs later, we came up to a dead end street that lead the way to a flower field. My head snapped over to Leo, who pressed on the gas. Confusion washed over my face, why did he speed up?
"Hey, Honey?" I asked him, looking over.
His expression was set in determination, his mouth quirking to the side in a smirk. "Hang on!" He said, letting his foot's weight rest on the pedal.
Was he actually going to speed into a field? There's no way. Although the determined glare said otherwise. My hand flew into the air and grasped the 'oh shit' handle. "Leo," I warned.
"We'll be fine!" He yelped, now flooring it.
Houses and people flew past us, almost making my head-spin. "Leonardo!" My grip tightened. My heart rate started to escalate, in a few moments it would be pounding against my ribcage.
"Trust me!" Was all he said, his dirty blonde hair being whipped around by the air. His eyes started to shine, if that was at all more possible.
Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe the calm look in his eye or, maybe it was because I loved him but I trusted him. I trusted him completely.
Thank God this was a dead end street.
The transition from concrete to grass made the car jerk. Leo swiftly wrenched the wheel to his left, making both our bodies tug to one side. A screech left my throat as the car spun full throttle, but somehow Leo kept it all under control.
The car spun to a stop. Once the car had stopped, Leo and I started giggling. I knew he would somehow keep us safe.
"See? 'Ya just had to trust me." He looked over at me, a bright smile flashing across his face. "C'mon, our picnic dinner is going bad."
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linguinerosaline · 6 days
Nightmares and Lavender Tea
Warnings: Light angst (but there is comfort!)
After a nightmare which keeps Juliette up at night, she sneaks down to the kitchen to have a late night snack, not knowing that Aaron would wake up soon after looking for her
Juliette's POV.
I have a complicated relationship with sleep.
Most of the time I enjoy sleep. I love the sense of rest. I love the quiet. I love the stillness. I love that my dreams become real in a matter of seconds.
But I also hate all of these aspects.
The idea of being so raw and vulnerable. The quiet leaves you and your thoughts to create some reality. The awareness and overthinking stillness does to one. The things I may have experienced I would need to relive, even if it's just a couple of seconds.
I love sleep, yet I hate to admit I'm scared of it.
But Aaron makes it different. His arms wrapped around me in comfort, our usual position of me either nuzzling into his neck or chest and him whispering sweet I love you's to me as he played with my hair. But sometimes, it's just not enough to keep the nightmares away.
I wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air, my chest heaving rapidly as I grasp it. I curse myself internally. This is the third time this week.
A thin layer of sweat glistens my body, my vision is still blurry with unshed tears, and I'm overwhelmed with my surroundings and emotions.
My vision clears after a couple of aggressive rubs and I look to my side to find Aaron still sleeping soundly. His breathing in contrast to mine is calm, as if those gentle waves you'd find early in a beach.
Aaron isn't typically a heavy sleeper for a matter of reasons, such as needing to always be up for me. While he may find this a benefit, I wouldn't say it's a particularly great trait on his behalf. These nightmares aren't that common for me, but I still feel guilty every time it affects him as well.
I need to get out of this room and escape the thought of sleeping once again.
Quietly, I sneak down to our kitchen. It's a different type of quiet down here. It's not necessarily an uncomfortable type of quiet but one that makes you feel so small. So much empty space while I take up such little of it.
I brew the kettle and wait patiently for it to heat up.
Aaron recently bought me a collection of teas that supposedly help with sleep and relaxation. I obviously paid him back with kisses, cuddles and lots of explicit activities. Aaron always says that I don't owe him anything but I always feel I do, as if I'm just a burden he has to look after. I know that's not true but I can't help the feeling.
I stand there, quiet, as I think about various things. What if I woke up Aaron? What if he's annoyed I'm up again for the third time in a row? What if he really starts to believe I'm just a burden? What if-
It's then when I feel something grab ahold of my waist.
I yelp at the contact and spin around hastily, meeting a pair of emerald-green eyes. Emerald green eyes I know and get lost in so easily. Aaron.
A breath of relief escapes my mouth as he chuckles to himself. "Good morning to you too, love." Aaron rasps.
The sudden deepness and rasp of his sleep-filled voice have me flustered all over again. Aaron grows a smile at my obvious reaction and that hollow pocket I love so much reveals to me. Dimples. I sigh internally.
His embrace tightens on me and I lean into the feeling of him. God, how long has it been since I felt so vulnerable yet safe? Only Aaron can cause this effect on me.
He nuzzles into my neck causing a shiver to sneak its way up my spine. "How come you're awake?" Aaron whispers against my neck. I still remembering why I made this journey to the kitchen in the first place. Remembering why I was pinned against the counter instead of the bed with him. He finds my lack of conversation as a sign and slowly peels himself from my neck.
Aaron looks at me softly, concern yet knowing hidden behind those jade eyes. He speaks his next words carefully as if he knows I may break at the reminder. 
"Was it... Was it another nightmare, Juliette?" He says gently. I nod hesitantly in response, being quick to bury my face into his chest.
Aaron does it so well to comfort me, I wonder if this could be his secret profession. He makes sure to let me continue the conversation only if I'm comfortable, he'll stroke my hair as he whispers words of encouragement and appreciation, and Aaron knows if he's to cross my boundaries. 
He kisses the top of my head as he rubs my lower back comfortably. "Would it help to talk about it, sweetheart?" Aaron says, obviously intending not to provoke any of the thoughts to enter back into my mind, yet it still does.
I shudder at the memory, fear flooding my face, body and mind. Aaron fills himself with concern yet obvious softness and consideration. My throat feels hoarse and I'm sure hoping tears aren't welling up in my eyes. My mind may not want to break, but my face sure feels it.
"I'm sor-" My sentence was disrupted with a purposeful kiss. Aaron's hands reach to grab my face carefully as I cling to his shoulders. We pull apart after a couple of seconds panting slightly. A small smile pulls across my face as we stare deeply into each other's eyes, clearly lost in their beauty. "Beautiful." I hear him whisper to himself.
Aaron strokes my cheek lovingly. "Never," he starts "never apologise for something like that. Not to anyone and especially not me."
I bite my lip in response. "Sor- I mean yes." 
He pouts and meets my lips quickly once again, a kiss of comfort and promises. I moan carelessly into his mouth. Aaron slyly wraps himself closer to my waist and lifts me onto the cold, marble counter. I gasp at the feeling and shift closer to his body, already providing me with that warmth I missed.
A dimpled smile spreads across that face I love so much. Aaron rubs his thumb against my lip carefully. "Now stop biting that lip, or else I'll do it for you." He hints suggestively. A small blush plays onto my cheeks but I'm quick to hide it. Not quick enough for him to already notice though.
Aaron then caresses my thighs and tells me to stay seated while he finishes making my tea.
A small smile spreads across my face as just then I notice his dishevelled appearance. His hair is completely ruffled instead of his usual composed self, his plaid bottoms revealing his delicious tattoo, and I widen not noticing his lack of shirt. There in all its beauty is Aaron's slightly-toned abs still littered with faint purple marks. I smirk. I wonder where they came from.
Aaron walks over to me with a steaming cup of tea and a tender look. I can already smell the fresh, floral aroma of lavender. 
"Would you like to drink this in our room, love? Is that okay? Or would you like to spend some more time here?" Aaron asks reassuringly. Despite my fearful night, I haven't thought much about it since Aaron came down and distracted me with his hypnotising dimples and thoughtful words.
"I'm sure I'll be fine in our room. Thank you, darling." I tell him. Aaron helps me down the counter and I raise on my toes to give him a peck on the lips. I don't miss the slight clench in his jaw when I don't offer any more.
Aaron places the lavender tea on the side table closest to my half of the bed. He then turns to me with worry plastered on his face.
I find it funny how to most, Aaron is expressionless and labelled as bored most of the time. But with me, he has endless expressions displaying emotions like love, awe, worry, joy, and concern. 
"Are you sure you're alright, love? I could get you a snack if you'd like?" He suggests to me. I shake my head and glance up to see his eyes trained on my lips. They curve into a smile, and I lift my head to once again meet his addictive, peppermint tasting mouth.
His hands find my hips and slowly, I'm pulled down onto the depths of our bed. Our bed not filled with memories of nightmares, but memories of peace and comfort. I sigh against his mouth as he hovers over me, his lips moving towards the pulse in my neck.
If Aaron were a taste he'd be peppermint. If he were a scent he’d be gardenias.
I exhale out his name and he moves next to me on the bed, taking me into his arms as I rest into the nook of his neck. His chin rests on my head and we both take comfort in the position.
"Thank you. For everything. I love you, Aaron." I murmur into his neck, kissing him there afterwards. I already feel sleep taking me away into the world of harmony I've missed these past couple of days.
Even though my view is blocked, I can feel a smile tug on his lips as he cloaks me closer to him. He then kisses the top of my head. "I love you too, Juliette. I suppose I really was the friend you hopelessly fell in love with."
After a couple of minutes, the loving couple both fell into a comfortable slumber. Limbs entangled and hearts forever aligned. No longer nightmares would be visiting Juliette Ferrars in a while, the doing of Aaron Warner protecting her from the miserable dreams.
A steaming lavender tea soon became a cold, untouched beverage. Lavender was believed to aid sleep and relaxation. An anxiety reliever. While this may have been true, it seems that just the taste of peppermint and the smell of gardenias would be Juliette's cure.
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finkinthisfrew · 8 months
Anything (Pt.45)
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cw: loved one in the hospital
The second the seatbelt sign turned off I bolted out of my seat and sprinted up to the front of the plane. I didn't care if I was that arsehole who shoved his way to the front. All I cared about was Anna.
The flight had been excruciatingly long. The pain in my heart, searing and agonizingly deep, felt like it couldn't get any worse. I was wrong though, when I realized halfway through the flight that this must have been how Anna felt when she flew across the world to help me- stuck on a 12-hour long flight, unable to help or do anything outside of worry and cry. I already knew how much stress I'd put her through, but to live through it myself made knowing the pain I caused her unbearable.
After the flight attendants finally opened the doors (which I had been seconds away from wrenching open myself) I sprinted down the jetway, through the airport, past baggage claim and out the doors where threw myself into the first taxi I could find.
The cab ride went by agonizingly slow, and the fact that Juliette wasn't answering her phone didn't help. She'd texted me while I was on my flight telling me she was heading home to sleep for a few hours since the doctors didn't think Anna would be awake for quite a while- apparently, the levels of Rohypnol they found in her were quite high. I gave up on Juliette and sent a text to George to let him know I landed safely and thanked him once again for the ticket. I knew I wasn't capable of expressing just how grateful I truly was for him right now, but I tried anyway and promised myself I'd call him later to thank him properly.
Right after I hit send on the text, my phone began to ring. I looked at the number, recognizing it immediately as my manager's South American number. I sighed as I looked outside the cab at the motorway, knowing I was still at least 15 minutes away from the hospital, so I hit answer and grumbled a hello as I gazed out the window at the passing cars.
"Hey Matty, how was the flight? Are you doing alright? Is she doing alright?" he asked kindly.
"Long. Not good. Not sure. Just in a cab heading to the hospital now," I answered flatly. I didn't have any emotional energy left for manners.
"Well, I know you have a lot on your plate right now but, err, unfortunately... I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I have to be the bearer of more bad news," he said nervously.
I felt too numb to care, so I didn't respond. Nothing could be worse than what was happening to Anna right now. Nothing else mattered.
After several moments of silence, my manager could tell I wasn't planning on responding, so he continued.
"... I'm afraid... well, I'm afraid there's been another article written about you and Anna," he admitted. "And it's just as unkind as the last one. Honestly, it may be worse."
I winced as I let my face fall into the palm of my hand. I tried to massage the stress out of my forehead to no avail.
"Summarize it for me," I replied as I rubbed my temples.
"They took a lot of photos of you two while she was visiting, Matty- kissing in public in the city and alleyways and in the ocean. They have closeups- admittedly, grainy- of lovebites on Anna's neck. There's also a photo of your chest all scratched up on stage at the concert which they've quoted you from, saying that you pay Anna to kiss you and that you've confirmed it yourself that Anna is a call-girl... They're calling her all sorts of names, as well as you... I won't lie, Matty. It's unrelentingly vulgar and critical. It's bad."
My blood boiled, and if I had any energy left at all, I would be slamming my fist into the seat in front of me and yelling curses out the window. All I could muster was a clenched fist and a muttered 'fuck' as I tried to suppress the angry tears that threatened to fall.
"I'm sorry Matty, but you needed to know. The boys told me to wait to tell you, but I thought you'd rather know so you can prep Anna before she can find out in whatever state she may be in..."
"No, thank you, I appreciate that. Thank you for telling me," I responded, sincerity lacing my angry tone. "I'll call you later today."
"Hopefully with better news, right mate?"
I sighed.
"Hopefully... Talk soon," I said. I hung up and immediately pushed the conversation aside in my mind. I was dreading telling Anna, but that was much lower on my list of worries. All that mattered now was seeing Anna and making sure she was okay.
Once the car finally rolled to a stop outside the doors of the hospital, I threw open the door and ran in and up to the front desk. After trying and only half-failing to sound calm when speaking to the receptionist, I was relieved when someone showed up merely a couple of minutes later to usher me up to the sixth floor. I was so anxious to see Anna that I was barely paying attention to the nurse who led the way out of the elevator.
"... and she's been steady ever since we took her off the ventilator. She was in decent spirits earlier, so she's just resting now," said the nurse as my ears finally perked up.
"Huh? She was awake?" I asked, caught off guard.
"Yes," the nurse offered a kind smile. "Only for a bit. She's quite exhausted, her body went through a lot. But she's handling it well."
The nurse politely pointed out the last door on the left, and I couldn't get down the hallway fast enough. I only stopped once I reached the doorway, freezing right in my tracks as I finally saw her.
She looked angelic, laying there in the early morning sun which streamed in through the hospital blinds onto her peaceful face. Even in her current state, she was breathtaking.
Slowly, I approached the bed. I dragged the armchair up to the edge and sat down before carefully taking Anna's hand in mine. She didn't move as I grazed my thumb against the back of her hand.
It broke my heart to see her like this, she looked so small and so frail in the hospital bed, her skin pale against the grey of the sheets. And yet, I could see her body was fighting. I sniffed quietly as I scanned her face, taking in the rosiness that stained her cheeks and the soft pink of her lips. That was what I loved so much about her- that no matter what was thrown at her, she pushed through. She was too small for this pain, too fragile. And yet every time the world threw something at her, she stayed strong. She was resilient.
I couldn't help the tears as they welled in my eyes, overwhelmed by my love for her. I clamped my other hand over my mouth to hold back a sob. We'd been through so much together, and apart, and I never thought ever in my life I could be as happy as I was when I was with Anna. She was so perfect, and as undeserving as I felt, I knew in this moment that I'd never let her go. No matter what. We were for each other, and there was nothing I wouldn't do for her. Nothing.
I reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from her perfect face, tucking it behind her ear as I caressed her cheek, savouring the warmth of her skin under my hand. Her eyelashes fluttered in response to my touch.
"Anna," I whispered softly with hope.
Her eyes opened, her hazy beautiful green gaze turned towards me, and my heart stopped.
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Kinktober 2022 - Epilogue
Summary: Max and you had been married for 12 years but after stressful years in his company that left you, frankly a little neglected you decide it's time to spice things up, hacking into his outlook calendar to make sure he had time for you every single day through out October.
Pairing: Modern!Maxwell Lord x Wife!Reader
Wordcount: 379
Rating: E
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Masterlist Kinktober 2022
Prompt List by @absurdthirst
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11 months later
You woke up to an empty bed. It was still dark outside, but you could see it getting brighter. Looking over to the bedside table you saw that it was just after 7am. 
Sighing you slowly climbed out of bed, grabbing Maxwell’s robe that was hanging over the chair as you made your way across the hall. 
You had a suspicion where your husband was. 
Maxwell was sitting in the big armchair, both babies in his arms fast asleep as you got into the nursery. 
It was only the second night they hadn’t slept in your room. 
“Good morning,” he whispered with a smile and you smiled back. 
“Good morning,” you walked over, carefully climbing behind Maxwell onto the big armchair. He leaned back against your chest, the babies still fast asleep. 
You were both surprised when you found out you were pregnant at the end of November the year before. 
Apparently all that sex you were having really did pay off in the end. 
You had stepped back from the operative business of your company at the end of last year, only doing designing and board meetings every month or so, fully trusting your new COO. 
Maxwell had cut back too. Only going into the office twice a week, though he was working from home most of the time. He had sold some shares and gotten more help, leaving him to have more time for his family. 
Your marriage was better than it had ever been before. 
You made each other top priority over anything else. 
You were so in love with your husband, you could not get enough of him. 
Twins were not something that ran in yours or his family. It was a bigger surprise than you had counted on. 
A boy named Jack and a girl named Juliette were your whole life now, keeping you up through all hours of the night but you wouldn’t change a thing. 
You kissed Maxwell’s temple and he turned his head to you, kissing you softly. 
“Do you want to go back to bed?” you asked, pulling your arm around his neck. He shook his head. 
“Not yet. I want to stay here a little longer with all of you,” he whispered and you smiled. 
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comm-caribou · 2 years
going for a midnight drive
Oooo, this is definitely part of the High School AU. This takes place in fall Junior Year, the couple has been together since spring of Sophomore year.
(Slightly suggestive, not really)
Writing prompts here
Although she missed her parents when they went on business trips, she got a lot more freedom without them—specifically her mother—breathing down her neck.
Scrolling through Netflix, Fury set up the snacks while Cosmos cleaned the blender from making them all milkshakes.
“What about a horror movie?“ Juliette suggested, “they just added the new IT.”
“Respectfully,” Fury said, “no.”
“Why?” Juliette poked him.
“I don’t like clowns,” Fury shrugged.
“How about a comedy?“ Cosmos set their shakes down on the coasters. “Or perhaps we switch over to Hulu and check out their kids’ section.”
“I’m okay with a cartoon,” Fury sipped off the top of his shake, “overfill these much?”
“Go big or go home,” Cosmos stated.
Juliette switched to Hulu. As it loaded, her phone dinged and she picked it up as she popped a potato chip in her mouth.
Digger: I miss you :(
Digger: you free right now?
Juliette coughed, and began typing.
“Uh oh,” Cosmos rolled his eyes, “boyfriend alert.”
Fury busied himself with perusing the snacks, “you can go. Just text us you’re not dead in a ditch.”
“Digger’s driving isn’t that bad,” Cosmos swatted him, “but definitely wear your seatbelt.”
Juliette smiled, then hugged Cosmos, “you two are the best.”
She planted a kiss on Cosmos’s cheek, then knelt down and kissed Fury on his before running off to her room to change into something cute.
Juliette: Not really…
Digger: darn.
Digger: guess the others beat me to it :(
Digger: I won’t bug you then
Digger: goodnight angel. I love you <3
Juliette: IM FREE!
Juliette: Bet*
Juliette: BED!!!!*
Digger: :D
Digger: I’ll be right over!
Not even half a hour later, Juliette was in the passenger seat of Digger’s beat up pickup truck. Music playing on the radio, his hand holding her’s as they drove around.
“I still can’t believe you drive,” Juliette rubbed his arm.
“I can’t believe I could afford a truck,” Digger grinned, “been saving up since middle school.”
“Smells old though,” Juliette teased.
“I put an air freshener clip in the vent,” Digger chuckled, “I can’t do much else since I already deep cleaned it.”
They came to a stop sign, and she unbuckled.
“What are you-“
She slid across the bench seat, and kissed his cheek.
A smile spread on his face, “do I get kisses at every stop?”
She nodded, “every single stop.”
Digger began driving again, “what if I drive to the park?”
“You’ll get lots of kisses,” Juliette played with his hand.
Digger turned on his signal light, heading towards the park.
Butterflies flew in Juliette’s stomach as he drove down the windy road to the park. His hand grew clammy as they pulled in.
She didn’t even think to kiss him at the stop sign at the park’s entrance.
He pulled into a space in the empty parking lot, headlights on the empty playground and swing sets.
Putting the truck in park, he killed the engine.
Juliette unbuckled, watching him.
Digger turned to her, slightly flushed, “just kissing right?”
She exhaled, “glad we’re on the same page. I was worried you were thinking what I was thinking was going to happen.”
“I was thinking it,” Digger nervously laughed, “I’m just not ready for that. Yet!”
“Good.” Juliette scooted closer, wrapping her arms around his neck, “I’m hoping my first time isn’t in your old smelling truck.”
“Nah,” Digger kissed her forehead, “I got more class than that, my Angel.”
He pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her.
“Goofball,” she giggled.
“I was told I’d be getting kisses,” he puckered his lips.
She gripped his flannel collar, “you goof, come ‘ere.”
Fury: you’re still alive right?
Juliette: Still alive.
Juliette: You?
Fury: Still alive :)
Juliette: :)
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blackhawkcomics · 5 months
M!A: you have the uncontrollable desire to find your soulmate for 12 hours
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Pick up pick up pick up, Julie silently pleaded. She didn't have to wait long. The first ring had barely faded before she heard the click and Lucia's voice at the other end.
"Hey, perfect timing; I was about to call you."
Her laugh bubbled across the line to lift some unknowable weight from Julie's chest. For as long as she could remember, Lucia's laughter had always been infectious, but the fluttery feeling it planted inside her... That was new. Since the Blip, that was new.
Juliette Rodriguez, you pull yourself together, she scolded herself.
"I'm already on my way," Lucia said.
"Are you sure you didn't acquire an X-gene while I was gone?" Julie laughed, trying to ignore the rush of warmth to her face and not dwell on the fact that 'gone' meant 'dead for five years.' "Because I'm pretty sure you just read my mind."
"Ha! Yeah, Professor X said it doesn't work that way. See you in a few."
"I still can't get over you knowing half these people from our comic books now."
"I know, right!?"
"See you."
They hung up. Julie flopped backward onto her bed in the two-bedroom apartment she and Lucia shared and just laid there for a moment, grinning.
Oh no, she thought. Oh, I've got it bad.
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Adrian rolled onto his side, one arm tracing up the contours of Jackie's hip and over her stomach. Pulling her close, he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
"Let's stay in today," he whispered. His lips brushed along her jaw, trailing kisses until a smile stirred beneath them.
"Mm. I was hoping to get some editing done, but I like your idea better," she murmured. A happy sigh rumbled in her throat, more felt through her skin than heard. "What's the occasion?"
"I love you. Only occasion I need."
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Was she pathetic or what?
Here she was - at two-thirty on a Wednesday afternoon - downing her umpteenth cheap beer with the despondent understanding, deep down, that it would never make her forget that she was visiting the bar alone.
Whenever the loneliness hit her hard, she always ended up here. Or, not here precisely, but at some sad bar somewhere, identical enough to be interchangeable. Not that it ever did her any good. She would get blind drunk, fumble around in the bar's grimy restroom stalls with a stranger's hand down her pants, and eventually end the night telling herself that was enough, that she didn't need anything more from anyone than a quick fuck or revenge. That she was - if not happy - at least fine like this.
It was an unconvincing lie if ever there was one, but it didn't stop her from catching the eye of the pretty woman across the bar and flashing her a suggestive grin. This could end in sex or a fight, and she'd take either option at the moment.
Maybe she'd go after SHIELD directly after this. Take them down before they could do the same to her. That young agent on her case, Castillo - she seemed interesting enough to be a distraction.
She'd take anything, right about now.
0 notes
frost-queen · 2 years
Witch in disguise (Reader x Nick Burkhardt)
Requested by: @anonanu​,  Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex–awesome–22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @automaticbakeryfreakshoe, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @october-leaves​
Summary: Reader is married to Nick & a Hexenbiest (Juliette) shoots the reader in the leg to take her place. Disguise herself as the reader to get back with Nick, till he finds out. 
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Jealousy is a dangerous trait when handled by a woman. Certainly a woman who is not afraid to wield the gun of justice. To claim back what once was lost. Not caring for the damage, only how good it could make her cold blackening heart feel. Her eyes were heavenly fixed on her target. The one who took it all away.
The front door opened. You turned around, drawing closer to your husband. Inhaling deeply, slid you, your hands around his neck. – “Will you miss me?” – questioned you, getting on the tip of your toes. Nick chuckled brief, letting his hand slide up your arm. – “I can always push you back inside and lock the doors.” – responded he with a smirk. You squealed soft when he locked his arms around your waist, lifting you up. He grunted loud, spinning you around. – “No! Nick!” – laughed you out, tapping his shoulder to free you. He placed you down, changed of positions. He raised his hand towards the doorframe, blocking your way out. – “What will you do now, Y/n?” – asked he, quirking his eyebrow up. Licking your lips a bit, stared you lovingly at him. You took a step closer to him, grabbing him by his shirt.
“Well… I can think of a few things.” – said you teasingly, fluttering with your eyelashes. Nick hummed loud, bringing his head closer to you. You did the same, taking your time. He leaned forwards with his lips, wanting to feel yours on his. You let your lips brush against his for only a brief moment. When he was lost in your love, slipped you underneath his arm. Before he could realize it have you disappeared. - “Y/n?” – called he out, turning sharply around. You were already by the car, laughing. He sighed with a slight shake of his head. Opening your car door, blew you him a kiss. – “Call you later, honey!” – called you out before getting into the car. Nick stepped a bit on the driveway, waving you goodbye. Just as you were turning off the driveway, received he a call. Picking up, went he back inside, shutting the door behind him.
After work, were you making your way over to the car. The sky had darkened. Opening your car door, gasped you at a shim in your sidemirror. It took you a second to turn your head, only to be welcomed by an old familiar. – “Hello Y/n.” – purred she out. It took you a moment to realize who she was. In the dark and with different hair, was she easily to be mistaken for anyone else. You were about to roll her name of your tongue when a sharp pain in your leg, send you under. The smoke from her gun twirled undisturbed upwards. – “Fuck!” – called you out, laying on the ground. The pain was intense, making you grit your teeth. She moved her gun away, coming to kneel before you. – “Aww poor Y/n… did I shoot a hole in your leg?” – cackled she out. – “You can wear as many wigs as you like, it still doesn’t hide your venomous face, Juliette!” – spitted you out. Juliette woged out, showing you her hexenbiest side. It startled you for a moment.
Juliette tutted her tongue, swaying her finger in front of you. – “That is not very nice of you Y/n.” – commented she, trying to sound so innocent. It disgusted you. You screamed it out when Juliette pushed her finger in your gunshot wound. Blood gushing out, streaming down your leg onto the ground. “Go ahead kill me!” – yelled you out. Juliette removed her finger from you, gazing with wide eyes at you. – “Kill you? No, no I’m not here to kill you Y/n.” – you shivered when she let her gun brush against your cheek. – “I’m here to take back what is mine.” – You immediately thought of Nick. – “He hates you!” – cursed you out, shaking from the pain. – “But he loves you.” – laughed she out. She grabbed a hold of your hair, pulling hard at it. In shock, stared you at your hair in her hand. Pulled out by the roots. Then everything went black as something hard hit your head.
Juliette admired her new features. The shape of her face, her hair, the color of her new eyes. A smirk curled up, looking at an exact replica of you in the mirror. Through her mirror saw she you, cuffed down against a chair. Her wicked smile faded away, leaving room for her jealousy to take over. – “This time I shall have it all again.” – stated she, smashing her fist in the mirror. It cracked, shard pieces falling down. Blood dripped down from her knuckles, barely feeling the pain. Blowing you a kiss goodbye, left Juliette the room. When she was near your car, went your phone. She rolled her eyes at the nickname for Nick on your phone. – “Hi honey.” – said she melodic, trying to match her voice to yours. – “I’ll be home in a few moments.” – continued she before Nick could speak. She then hung up, throwing your phone on the car seat. Within moments was she at Nick and your house. She honked loud, letting Nick know she was home. Juliette stepped out of the car, seeing the front door open. Nick waved at her with a smile. She felt giddy, seeing him so in close range again.
In all her giddiness forget she almost your phone. Sighing loud, reached she for your stupid phone. Shutting the car door, ran she up to him, not being able to control herself. – “Nick!” – called she out, throwing her arms around him. – “Whoah!” – chuckled Nick out, barely having the time to catch you. Juliette smacked her lips against his, having missed those pure lips of his. She kissed him fiercely. A long-lost kiss that swept him off his feet. Nick felt himself go breathless, pushing you off him. He took a deep breath, smiling. – “Someone missed me.” – commented he. – “It has been a long day.” – lied Juliette. Nick made some room for you to enter when you took him by the hand. With a hard pull, stumbled he after you. He could react just in time to shut the door. – “Why so hasty Y/n?” – asked he. Juliette who looked exactly like you, pulled him in front of her. She kissed him again, unbuttoning the first, two buttons of his shirt. She then slide her hands underneath his shirt to his shoulders. It made Nick pull away from the sudden tension. – “Y/n?” – said he, finding your behavior a bit strange.
“I just missed you.” – replied Juliette, tilting her head a bit to the side. She grabbed his belt, unbuckling it. Juliette wanted to claim what was hers as quickly as possible. Knowing it would hurt you in the process. – “Wait… wait, Y/n wait.” – begged Nick between kisses. Juliette groaned at how defiant he was. – “I thought you loved me?” – answered she, hoping to win him over like this. Nick blinked quickly, softening his expression. – “I do, my love…” – confessed he, grabbing you by the shoulders. – “Let’s grab some diner first.” – Juliette looked away, rolling with her eyes. This was not how her revenge plot was going. She walked behind him into the kitchen. She took a chair, pulling it back. Nick quirked his eyebrow up. He watched you sit down in a seat you almost sat in. You always sat across from him on the right side of the table. Juliette sat down on the left side. Shrugging his shoulders, replaced he the plates so that they matched your position. Nick sat down with a soft sigh. Juliette leaned in close, supporting on her elbows. – “How was work?” – asked she. – “It was fine, how was yours?” – redirected he. Juliette picked up her fork. – “Fine.” – said she before stuffing food in her mouth. After diner sat, they in the living room, watching some tv. Juliette felt content again. Finally having back what she lost.
You slowly awake with a pounding in your head. Groaning a bit, tried you to reach for your head. The conclusion was you were strapped to the chair. Immediately jerked you, your head up. Aware of what had happened. Looking down your leg, you saw a poorly strapped cloth around your leg. Rolling your eyes, you even hated how lazy she worked. Your entire pants drenched in blood from the gun wound. – “Where are you! you witch!” – spitted you out, fighting with every bit of strength you had left. Jamming your strapped hands against the legs, bouncing your upper body for a way out. – “Juliette!” – screamed you out, cursing her. Stomping with your feet on the ground, screamed you in terror. A shot of pain went through your leg, making you bit down hard. Continuing to curse and scream, wanted you to be free. – “Get me out of here!” – called you out. When no answer came, gave you up hope. Sobbing loud, lowered you, your head. You weren’t sure how much longer your leg could do on without any medical help. This was something serious. You could lose your leg for it. Your faith laid in Nick’s hands. Hoping your husband would distinguish a fraud from you. How hard could it be?
Juliette was staring at herself in the mirror. A sour expression on her face. Urgh how much she hated this face. She hated that the only way to get Nick back was by imposing as you. Perhaps over time she could use another potion that would blind him for her looks. Then she could parade around in her own facial expressions. Not in those from another. Touching her cheekbone, sighed she loudly. Nick noticed you before the mirror, passing by. – “You okay?” – asked he, wiping his hands dry on a towel. Juliette looked at him through the mirror, smiling. His shirt was wet from the pipe underneath the sink he had tried to fix. – “Why wouldn’t I be?” responded she, turning towards him. Juliette moved away from the mirror, nearing him. 
She patted him against his cheek, walking out of the room. Nick frowned, looking back. He noticed the way you walked. It was a bit different from what he was known. You even smelled different. You never wore vanilla perfume, so why would you now? Ever since last night, he found you acting a bit funny. Doing subtle things that just didn’t suited you. Like for instance, last night crawled you in bed on the wrong side. You always slept on the right side, never the left. You did it because you wished to sleep as far as possible from the door. One of your childhood nightmares. That was why he gladly took the left side, shielding you from the door.
He decided to test it a bit more, just to be sure. Something smelt fishy, but he couldn’t pinpoint what exactly. – “Hey Y/n!” – called he out from upstairs. No response came so he made his way down. – “Y/n?” – called he out again. He found you standing in front of the desk that contained pictures from your wedding. You were holding one of them in your hand, your finger shielding your own face. – “Y/n?” – repeated he. Juliette got startled, dropping the frame in the process. The glass broke, shattering on the ground. Nick rushed to your side, kneeling down to collect the glass. He looked up to you, seeing you doing exactly nothing. Not even apologize for it. It was then that he knew for sure. You would’ve helped him immediately, telling him your sorry, that you’d fix the frame or something. Now you kept silent, just smiling down at him. Nick dropped the glass shards again, pulling himself up. – “Aren’t you going to clean that up?” – asked Juliette. Nick smiled for a moment, before grabbing you by the shoulders. He turned around with you, pinning you up to the wall. – “Who are you?” – called he out, pressing his arm against your collarbone. – “What are you talking about. I’m your wife, Nick.” – responded she.
“Your not!” – he clenched his jaw, glaring at you. He leaned in, smelling her. It became suddenly clear to him. The smell of vanilla was to hide another smell. He grinned mockingly that he caught her red-handed. – “I’m only going to ask you once, where is Y/n?” – forced he out, pushing his arm deeper onto her collarbone. – “I am Y/n!” – called she out. – “Liar!” – shouted Nick out. He pressed her head against the wall. – “What did you do to my wife!” – his entire body trembling with rage. Juliette knew the game was over, showing him her crooked smile. She started to laugh loud, making Nick stagger back. She became applauding him. – “I have to say it, I thought you would see through it sooner.” – laughed she out. – “I’ll be sure to tell her.” – Nick recollected himself, grabbing his gun. Juliette pouted her lips. – “You aren’t going to shoot me.” – stated she. She was right, he could never shoot her, not while she looked like you. It would haunt him in his dreams if he ever did. – “Who are you?” – asked he again, the gun still pointed at her. She hummed loud, stepping away from the wall. – “Think hard Nick. It’s not that difficult.” – stated she with a sly smile.
He looked beside him, thinking deeply. There was only one name that crossed his mind. Only one that could be so cruel. – “Juliette!” – breathed he out, seeing her gasp surprised. – “You do remember Nickie!" – Nick tightened his grip around his gun. – “What did you do to Y/n?” – he wanted answers. He wanted to know if you were alright. Juliette shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head slowly. With her movement wore the effects of the potion off, revealing her true face. Her hexenbiest face. – “Don’t think I will hesitate now, where is my wife!” – Juliette woged out, laughing loud. – “I hope death!” – her words send an anxious thrill through his body. – “Where?” – begged Nick to know, pointing the gun firmly on her. – “If only you just stayed with me…” – said she, jealousy taking over. – “You brought that upon yourself!” – confessed Nick. – “You had changed Juliette; you weren’t the woman I loved anymore.” – It was the first time she heard him speak so true. She leaped forwards, wanting to cling desperately onto him. – “I could change… I can…” – begged she, pulling at his shirt. Nick pushed her off, taking a step back. – “Bit too late for that.” – called he out. – “I’m happy now.” – he licked his lip, gazing at the ceiling for a moment. – “God, I am so happy, Juliette. Happier then I ever was with you. Y/n is my life and I’m not backing away from that.”
Juliette screamed loud, ready to lash out to him. Nick diverted her, knocking her with his gun. She fell down with a loud thud. Nick cuffed her, calling for Hank to come pick her up. He then started his search for you. He started at her place. The right place. – “Y/n?” – he found you in her bedroom, strapped to a chair. You were barely responding, your head lowered. – “Babe, Y/n babe. It’s me… I’m here.” – said he, tapping your cheek gently. He looked down, seeing the puddle of blood by the chair. Biting through his emotions, needed he to think clear. With one hand on your knee, called he for 911. He checked for a pulse whilst on the phone. – “Come on Y/n, stay with me.” – whispered he to you whilst listening to instructions from the paramedics. Afterwards ended he the call, removing the straps from around your wrists. – “Come on love. Don’t leave me yet.” – pulling himself up, kissed he your forehead with trembling lips. A few tears rolling down his cheek. Nick was relieved to see the ambulance arrive. It passed by in a rush. They took you downstairs into the ambulance. Rushed to the hospital for surgery. They still needed to remove the bullet and give you more blood. He felt like a wreck, but content when he finally could hold your hand again.
You were going to be just fine. He felt so relieved to know that. He felt a bit guilty for not knowing it sooner. From now on, he promised himself to take more care of you. Threat you in every way possible. For he loved you very much.
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