#just manikins
hikarinokusari · 1 month
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Practice, still trying to find an attire that will suit him and which I will like enough to not change every drawing. Deciding on an attire for this character is tough for me. I want to play barby with him and dress him up differently everytime.
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hollowsart · 1 year
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The Mannequin
after learning of the existence of a one-off one-time-only Batman villain called The Manikin and remembering an old Batman villain oc I made years ago when I was a teen... I decided to merge the two and redesign them a bit <3
I have no real name. the Manikin’s original name was Miranda, and my oc’s name was Marie O’Nette or something like that. not sure what I could do for a better name tho... as well I still need time to work out a backstory and more for her. I just know I want her to be a little tragic and sad. (don’t think about that doodle at the top left.. you don’t see that.)
What I do know about her is this: Her limbs are prosthetic, having gotten them after a horrible accident. She owns a little antique shop near the outskirts of Gotham City and tends to not put a lot of attention on herself, preferring to blend in if she can for her own personal comfort. feeling caged and closed off from the world.. whether or not it’s from her own doing.
not really sure what else I could do with her, but it was still nice to redesign her!
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parasitoidism · 23 days
I really think that Mifunashiro is like one of the best dungeons/segments in any game I've ever played purely on the grounds of atmosphere
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vidoeslot · 1 year
about to make an insane post but hear me out. surgical training dummy that wants to get its guts rearranged VERY literally
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crystalmannequin · 4 months
(hey everyone i figured out what WoL looks like under all the pretty glamour)
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Misha icon didn't even last 20hrs
I was just celebrating the 10 year mishapocalypse anniversary <3
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acquaporina · 2 years
the smt nocturne experience: wandering aimlessly in a fucked up version of tokyo from one religious monologue to the next
'choose wisely which cultist faction to support' well ma'am. honestly i just want to go home
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ravenkings · 2 years
i know now that i do live with a genuinely terrifying imagination bc i can read a thomas ligotti story and not blink an eye
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motto-chanto-itte · 6 months
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zachsanomaly · 3 months
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How do we break it to boomers with actual brain damage and nostalgic brainrot, and the 'tradwife' thirsting Andrew Tate fans that bodyfat, average attire, an overall lack of professional haircare or makeup, and non-conventionally attractive women existed and represented the vast majority of women across all of history?
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And that, yes, in fact, their belief that "all women were hot skinny super models" in x timeframe is because they keep posting images of fashion models, actresses, idealized pinup art, and creepshots of actual teenage girls instead of middle aged, elderly and ordinary women from whatever era. Man, history sure was an insane person's exact perfect paradise consisting solely of people specifically they were attracted to--when filtered through a cherry picked lens of solely famous glamor girls instead of just women workers, family photos and life events taking place anywhere outside of Hollywood.
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It really does irk me that one day people will assume all of the 21st century consisted of women who looked like whichever three actresses are most remembered one day and a few odd instagram filtered images--because already, a massive wealth of evidence already exists to the contrary for all of prior history and people are still somehow convinced everyone on Earth was a size zero with perfect hair and makeup for all of human history. That's just not how anything works. It's not how women work. It's not how humans work.
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Another fun fact, the majority of surviving articles of clothing from eons ago were extremely petite, extremely glamorous, and unfathomably tiny. You know why? Because they ..weren't worn. This is a well known example of survivors bias in the fashion industry. Expensive gowns and teeny martini dresses were usually only worn once or twice, if not solely worn by manikins in high end stores. Most people kept a consistent and small wardrobe for their entire lives. New clothes were rare, often custom fit or taylored by family at home, or hand-me downs from sibling to sibling. These clothes that were worn to death and destroyed from decades of use were thrown away. They didn't survive to the modern era because they were overly worn, large, and unglamorous.
Think of it this way, you might save your prom dress or your wedding dress but you're not saving the teeshirt with spaghetti stains on it for future generations to see. Why would you? Those are the clothes that don't survive.
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nasa · 7 months
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Moonbound: One Year Since Artemis I
On this day last year, the Artemis I rocket and spacecraft lit up the sky and embarked on the revolutionary mission to the Moon and back. The first integrated flight test of the rocket and spacecraft continued for 25.5 days, validating NASA’s deep exploration systems and setting the stage for humanity’s return to the lunar surface.
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On Nov. 16, 2022, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket met or exceeded all expectations during its debut launch on Artemis I. The twin solid rocket booster motors responsible for producing more than 7 million pounds of thrust at liftoff reached their performance target, helping SLS and the Orion spacecraft reach a speed of about 4,000 mph in just over two minutes before the boosters separated.
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Quite a few payloads caught a ride aboard the Orion spacecraft on the Artemis I mission: In addition to a number of small scientific satellites called CubeSats, a manikin named Commander Moonikin Campos sat in the commander’s seat. A Snoopy doll served as a zero-gravity indicator — something that floats inside the spacecraft to demonstrate microgravity. 
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During the mission, Orion performed two lunar flybys, coming within 80 miles of the lunar surface. At its farthest distance during the mission, Orion traveled nearly 270,000 miles from our home planet, more than 1,000 times farther than where the International Space Station orbits Earth. This surpassed the record for distance traveled by a spacecraft designed to carry humans, previously set during Apollo 13.
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The Orion spacecraft arrived back home to planet Earth on Dec. 11, 2022. During re-entry, Orion endured temperatures about half as hot as the surface of the Sun at about 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Within about 20 minutes, Orion slowed from nearly 25,000 mph to about 20 mph for its parachute-assisted splashdown. 
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Recovery teams successfully retrieved the spacecraft and delivered it back to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center for de-servicing operations, which included removing the payloads (like Snoopy and Commander Moonikin Campos) and analyzing the heat shield.  
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With the Artemis I mission under our belt, we look ahead to Artemis II — our first crewed mission to the Moon in over 50 years. Four astronauts will fly around the Moon inside Orion, practicing piloting the spacecraft and validating the spacecraft’s life support systems. The Artemis II crew includes: NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, and Christina Koch, and CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen. 
As we look ahead to Artemis II, we build upon the incredible success of the Artemis I mission and recognize the hard work and achievements of the entire Artemis team. Go Artemis!
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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void-31 · 2 years
I’m re listening to Magnus and it started storming but I didn’t notice cause I was using air pods anyway listening as Jon talks about being swallowed by the sky and hearing ppl scream at the lighting and I saw the kid next door scream and started shaking while holding his younger brothers hand cause of the thunder (dw the parents got him he is chill now) and his little brother who I think is around 5 or 6 is just Staring at the sky with this mystified grin all in all top 5 moments ever for me should also mention I have two mannikins down stairs rn so this could get interesting 
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angsty-worm · 3 months
Imagine if instead of evil clowns and manikins the Stranger just used these:
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lezbianchae · 9 months
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Sugar mommy Mina x Fem reader.
Mina loving her sweet girl in every way possible.
Words: 1.4K
Being someone sugar baby was NOT on your bucket list.
You had met Mina through a dating up, you’re in your 3rd year of collage, and had realized that you still haven’t dated anyone, so you took it as an opportunity to try to meet someone. That was until you met Mina. Mina and you would exchange messages back and fourth, for months on end, Mina started falling for you and vice versa.. Mina had claim you as her sugar baby. Mina would offer to pay things like your school tuition, buy you supplies you needed for school, offered you to live in her fancy house, and you took it, who would deny that, while having a gorgeous woman loving you too.
Mina would take you shopping to designer stores, and let you pick out the outfits you’d like until one day, Mina took you to a store that was a bit different then what you’d usually go to.
“Hey Mina? What is this place..?We don’t usually go here..” you said so innocently. Mina held your hand “don’t worry about it baby.. you’ll see once we walk in okay? I just don’t want you to freak out once we walk in, okay?” Mina’s soft spoken tone reassured you. You weren’t worried or anything, but Mina wanting you not to freak out had you very curious for sure.
Mina holding your hand, as she leads you into the store. You’re greeted by some manikins only wearing a limited amount of silk and lace on them. It had now hit you that Mina, brought you in a lingerie shop. Your face started heating up, your cheeks turned red as you look down at the pretty shoes Mina had gotten you recently, as you clenched the older woman’s hand.
“You okay darling~?” She gave you a small smirk after she had noticed your reaction. She cups your cheek.
“M-mhm..M-mina.. what are we here for..?” You questioned. “Oh. I thought it was obvious, I wanted to pick out some pretty lingerie for my baby girl.. I wanna see her in some cute panties.. or maybe even a matching set? Hmm..I’m sure you can help me choose..! right baby?”
You nodded. You were a bit mind bogged, while Mina just giggled. “Good girl.” She out of strand of hair behind your ear as she praised you.
The two of you looking throughout the store Mina showing you different panties and bra’s, selecting you to try on, that was until Mina saw this set that had caught her eye. It was a cute pink velvet set. It had pretty ruffles and lace around the straps along with a little ribbon in the front of the chest, and on the sides of the panties that would give her easy access to you. Without hesitation she has put back everything else she had picked out for you as you watched.
“Here.” Mina said. You grabbed it questionably, getting a good look at it.
“You don’t think this is too gir-“
“You should try it on.” Mina interrupted. You being the obeying girl you are, just agreed. Mina led you to the dresser, as she waited outside.
You tried on the cute underwear, getting a good look in the mirror. You actually really liked it. You were surprised how well you thought you looked. It even came with a pair of cute thigh highs with ribbons on the top of your thighs.
“You okay in there baby?” Mina exclaimed.
“Y-yeah..” you said while still admiring yourself in the mirror.
“Hey, maybe don’t show me okay? I wanna see it when we use it for its purpose.”
“Purpose..?” You thought. All you did was take it off, and put it back on its hanger for and gave it to Mina for its purchase costing around 400$.
The car ride home was quiet. Mina just keep thing about how you’d look in that set. As she was driving with one arm and gripping your thigh with the other, as you two make your way home.
You and Mina had finally reached home, Mina hands you the bag.
“Put it on.”
“Right..now?” You slowly took the bag from her.
“It was an order.”
“Y-yes ma’am..” you walked into the room you and Mina share, as you dressed yourself into the velvet, laced pink lingerie, along with sliding on the thigh highs. Mina walks in behind you, as she closes the door behind her. “C’mon, turn around let’s see it.” So you do. You gave Mina a slow twirl, as her her eye widen. “Oh wow..just look at you. Oh you look so dolled up just for me.” Mina gives you seductive eyes, as she plays with you hair, giving you a peck on the lips. She starts to kiss you and plays with your tongue as she starts to grope your cute butt. You whine in between each kiss. Mina had been craving you and this outfit had really riled her up.
She had broke the kiss. “Get on the bed.” Mina whispered, her words felt like velvet passing through your ear. As you walk behind you sitting down, as Mina pushes you down, caressing the sides of your hips, kissing and kissing and kissing you leaving little bite and lipstick marks around your body, reminding you that you belong to Mina and only Mina. “You look so pretty darling, I really could just eat you up.” Mina undresses herself, takes off her blazer, and her business pants and only unbuttons her top, reveling her black lacy bra and panties. She always has pretty underwear in case she wants to do you. Mina places you on top of her on her lap, as she grips your hip, she starts untying the ribbons on the side of your panties removing them. “Oh my..baby…look at you, already ruining the set mommy bought you with your wetness.” You were dripping for Mina. She kept kissing,licking and biting your tummy. You just stood there and took it, as you whine due to your desperate needs.
“M-Mina.. please start touching me..”
“Hm? What was that, I could have sworn you said Mina, and not mommy.”
You whimpered, tired of the teasing.
“Please touch me mommy..I need you..please.” Mina layed you down now on your back, as she spreads your legs holding your hips down, giving you licks on your warm cunt. You let out a few moans gripping the velvet sheets, arching your back upwards. Mina starts inserting two of her fingers in you, licking the top of your clit.
“Oh baby, you taste so good.. you’re doing such a great job for mommy..what a good girl you are.” She plunges her fingers deeper and rougher. Mina just loves listening to you crying while you’re just begging for a release. “M-mommy.. I’m so close…please..” As Mina plunges her fingers as soon as you’re about to cum, she stops, and takes out her fingers as she leaves you crying and Wimper after the sudden stop. “M-mommy.. why’d you stop..” Mina plants a kiss on your lower abdomen.
“Give me a second baby I have a surprise for you.” As Mina pulls out a box under the bed, your eyes widen as you watch her put on a strap on. It was long, and boy were you worried it wasn’t even going to fit. “Don’t be scared baby.. c’mon turn around.. ass up baby girl.” She flips you over again.. grabbing a pillow and placing it under your tummy, you were a bit smaller compared to Mina, so she gave you a little boost to help her out. “Atta girl, here we go.” Mina slowly slides inside of your wet puffy little cunt.
“M-mommy!” You whimpered out. “Shhh..you can take it, I’ll slow okay?”
The older girl starts to move, as you tightly grip on the bed sheets. “If only I had a real dick, I could breed for hours on end.” Mina whispered in your ear, as you clenched around her. You could already feel yourself so close again from the previous orgasm attempt. “M-mama.. I’m close a-again..” Mina rubs the sides of your hips as you moaned her name over and over. “Is my pretty girl about to cum? Is she about to make a pretty mess on her mommies dick?” You cried you couldn’t take it anymore, you released all your juices while panting, Mina helping you ride out your high. “That’s my girl.” Mina slowly removed herself while your juices drip out of you. You layed flat on the bed for a good 15 seconds. “Y/n..baby..? Let’s get you cleaned up okay..?”
After Mina cleaning you all up, she gets in bed along with you, tucking you both in, kissing your forehead. You snuggled up on her bare breasts.
“I love you y/n I’m so happy you’re mine and mine only.”
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mamas-ethereal-gun · 4 months
Actor!Kento Nanami x Fashion Designer!Black fem reader
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‘10 things Nanami Kento can’t Live without ┃GQ’ was the title of the video that blew everything off. It started fairly normal, with Kento showing things such as his glasses and his favourite tie. But all things went out of proportion when he showed his wedding ring.
“This is.” He points to his ring. “My wedding ring. As of now I’ve been married for…” he thinks for a moment. “Almost 4 years now.” A small smile and a pinkish blush begins to take over his face. In the background you can hear someone ask if Kentos wife is also pretty popular, which he replied “I would say so, she’s a pretty famous Designer, in fact almost all of the suits I have worn to events were made by her.”
This specific clip took the internet by storm trying to figure out who this mystery woman is. Even looking at some of Nanamis old “Get ready with me to go to the Met Gala” videos. Once they Finally found out that it was you, it could’ve made anyone slap their heads because the only fashion shows Nanami would be seen at were yours. There’s clips of you and him talking after shows yet, no one could’ve guessed that you were married to the famous actor.
. You didn’t necessarily pay much attention towards your and Kentos little “outing”. You had other things to focus on, such as your new fashion line. This line to months to make and you’d be damned if you let Kentos littles fans distract you.
“Darling..?” Kento called out. It was so silent. Unusually silent. Right about now, youd probably be running into his arms. Placing soft kisses all of his face. And yet you were no were to be found. Your shoes were at the door so you could’ve gone out right? He walked around stepping over left over fabrics and lace. Until he finally found you laying on your shared bed, manikins stood tall next to you. They were filled with beautiful suits and gowns.
“Ken…?” You called out, lifting your head up to check who was at the door. “Angel are you alright?” He asks, walking towards the bed. You grown. “Okay sit up” He pulls you onto his lap and places kisses all over your face. “Yeah I’m okay.” You say bluntly, rubbing your head. It was obvious that you were in fact, not okay. “It doesn’t seem like it.” He mumbles. He turns to your designs. “They’re beautiful Darling.” “No they’re not. That one.” You point to one of the suits. “Looks obnoxiously plain and the other…” you point to another suit. “That one is just ugly.”
“Are we looking at the same thing?” Kento chuckles. “They are amazing (y/n), I personally think they are your best ones yet. ” “I just feel-“ Kento places his figure on your mouth, shushing you. “They’re amazing, you’re amazing”He pulls you into a passionate kiss. He smiles. “I love you Angel.”
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A/n 𐙚🧸ྀི: sorry I’ve been gone for so long, sorry has lowkey been so hectic and I’ve just been exhausted😭 this was really rushed but I have a x reader thingy coming guys 😼😼😼
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tichiox1 · 1 year
Going shopping with the kaulitz twins headcannons
Hello thank you for the support on my last post you guys don't even know how much it motivates me to write more and thank you again.
Also a fun fact about me is that i get my ideas when i listen to music so you guys can give me song recs and ill listen to them and maybe ill even write about it thank you again!!
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Bill kaulitz☆☆
-Probably more excited than you
-when you two go to the mall he immediately drags you to hot topic
-when he tries on outfits he'll show it to you and sometimes makes you his personal manikin .
-He always ask for your opinion on things when he wants something he'll ask you "Is this good?" "should i get this?" "Do you think this would match with this?" in short he doesn't know what to pick .
-While shopping he'll always go to the food court to get snacks he always gets hungry mid shopping.
-When he sees something he thinks you'll like he'll always show it to you and says "This would look amazing on you!" and once you try it he will buy it for you .
-Matching shirts is a must!!
-he gets distracted easily so keep an eye on Bill because if you leave him he'll be across the room the second you look back.
-He saw these star hairclips and bought them for you because he thinks they would look amazing on you.
-When carrying stuff he won't mind carrying it but carry the other bags please!.
-He's also really excited to go to some make up stores to buy dark eye shadows and eye liner.
-Even when you two are shopping for hours he's not getting tired but if you do say your feet hurts and you want to rest he'll understand and will find a cafe somewhere where you two can chat and eat , and after that the shopping continues.
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Tom kaulitz ♡♡
-He's excited because he's going to spend time with you!!.
-He doesn't mind going anywhere if you want to go there then there he goes with you he's like a puppy following it's owner .
-When you ask him about his opinion on outfits he'll always agree because he thinks that everything looks amazing on you! .
-When you're showing off outfits outside the fitting room he'll probably sneak in a kiss here and there.
-When you try to show things that you think would suit him he'll try it on for you (even if he doesn't like some of the things you show him he'll still try it on to not hurt your feelings).
-He'll ask you to go to the food court since he's hungry shopping takes a lot of energy.
-Don't worry about carrying the shopping bags he'll carry it he doesn't want you to get tired.
-Even if he's tired because of walking alot he doesn't mind as long as your happy but he does hint at times that he wants to rest for a bit.
Thank you for reading even if it's very short ill make one shots and headcannons in the future don't worry but if i don't post for a while im sorry ill probably be busy because of school but dont worry im working on a fanfic about bill well again but also tom so just wait ! Thank you again!
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