#kara is too pure i had no choice
rustingcat · 8 months
Chapter 1 Wild
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"It's here!"
Lena was not prepared for the sudden gust of wind that blew through her window. While Kara did drop to greet her through the big balcony on her foundation's office every once in a while, she would usually get a heads up and a quick knock on the glass before entering her space. That was not the case today. Kara simply burst in like a wild blur, as she continued to zip around the office with uncontrollable excitement. 
"Kara! Kara please," she begged her friend to calm down. "What is here?" 
"This!" Kara dropped a small piece of paper on her desk and stepped back. Her smile was too big to be contained, her body practically vibrating from excitement.
Lena picked up the paper to study it. She could see why Kara got so excited, her own wide smile spread across her face as she read the very formal invitation for the wedding of Nia Nal and Querl Dox.
Kara raised her hands in celebration while making an unintelligible happy sound, somehow biting both lips as she looked like a kid that just found a secret door to a land made of candy. 
Lena found herself easily laughing from both the display and the excitement. She was truly happy for their friends, but there was also something just so contagious in Kara’s pure happiness. 
"Kara, it's still a few months away," Lena chuckled, putting the invitation back on the table.
"Yeah but the gift is important. What did you bring to Kelly and Alex?"
"Money. They did not complain." Lena smiled back at her.
"That’s boring. With everything that they went through they deserve all the happiness. We need to figure out the best gift!" Kara announced as she dramatically fell onto Lena's office couch.
"We?" Lena asked with a raised brow.
"I mean, we can brainstorm together, and have the best gift out of everyone."
"It's not a competition, Kara." Lena chuckled. She rose up from her chair to join Kara on the couch.
"I know, but still." Kara's smile did that thing that Lena adored, where it squinted around the mouth as if she was trying and failing to contain it.
"You have something in mind, don't you?" Lena guessed.
"Sort of? Brainy chose to be with Nia. He made that choice, but he still worries about the future and the big brain." Kara started explaining.
"Do you have a solution for that?" Not that she had any doubts about her friend's intelligence, yet she couldn't really keep the astonishment out of her voice.
"Maybe? I thought about what we know of the big brain and the future and it reminded me of Nia's descendent. Suddenly, it was so obvious!"
"What did you figure out? And what does Nia's descendent have to do with it?"
"Have I ever told you about the Birthing Matrix?" Kara's face turned more focused, like the playfulness from before disappeared in an instant.
"No?" Lena couldn't say she heard the phrase before.
"It's the method Kryptonians used to procreate. All you need is a DNA sample for the machine and any couple can create an offspring. You could even tamper with the generic code to affect their appearance, natural affinities and so on."
"Sounds revolutionary. A machine like that could change everything. Every woman who's afraid or incapable of child birth, same sex couples who want a child of their own, and infertility problems or problematic genetic mutations. Kara, this could be huge!"
"I know. But it could also be dangerous if it’s not properly controlled." Kara said more seriously than before. 
Lena nodded in understanding. Giving parents a potential way to control their child's life even before they are born in such a way could lead to terrible things, not to mention the potentially dangerous plans the military could have for such program. "You said tamper with the genetic code, do you want to use it on some of Brainy's DNA?"
"Essentially yes. To try to create something organic that is not really a person so it could be sent to be fused with the big brain. And also for both of them. I know they want children, they said it before, and with this machine we can create a biological child for them! So Nia could have someone to pass on her dreamer abilities to."
"That's amazing and incredibly thoughtful." Lena smiled proudly. "We can certainly try to solve Brainy's genetic code, but do you have access to the machine? Is it still operational?"
"I'm afraid not, we might have to build one." Kara bit her lips, phrasing her sentence almost like a question.
 "It could be quite a challenge, do you have the plans?" Lena felt the scientist in her getting wild with anticipation, she understood Kara's excitement from the prospect. Or at least thought she might.
"No. But I know where to get them." Kara smiled.
"Oh?" Lena raised a playful eyebrow.
"Fancy a trip to space?"
Read it on ao3:)
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pupmkincake2000 · 10 months
Hank Anderson
This wonderful post was originally written by @blue-blood-and-red as an answer on mine, and I honestly wanted to ask permission to post it separately, but unfortunately, tumblr says that this account no longer exists. However, I still took the liberty of posting this excellent analysis of Hank's personality once again, because it is worthy of attention.
Hank is a very caring and empathetic person, brought down by trauma and being overly aware of the bad elements of humanity. He also places a lot of value on relationships and emotional connections.
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Despite saying he’d burn all androids if it were up to him, his immediate reaction when Connor tries to go over the fence to follow Kara and Alice across the highway is to both physically grab and stop him, and order him to stay. And if Connor asks him later why he did it, his first reason, so, the first instinct for him to say, is that Connor “could have been killed”. He also mentions not wanting to fill out paperwork for damaged equipment but that’s said almost as an afterthought. His main reason really was because Connor could have been killed, and the tone he says it in is really important too, I think. He says it with such a “duh!” tone, because of course he wouldn’t want his partner to get killed, what kind of a question is that? It’s such an obvious choice in Hank’s eyes (consider Hank’s reaction if Connor chooses to continue chasing Rupert rather than help/save Hank.)
The Eden Club chapter is a really important one to me when it comes to getting a look into Hank’s mind and opinions. If you wait and listen long enough while Hank is questioning Floyd Mills, when Floyd is talking about why people come to the club, Hank says something like (this probably isn’t word for word, I’m going off of memory)  “Yeah, the more I learn about people, the more I love my dog.” A bit of a jokey statement, but there’s a definite… bitterness to his tone. He doesn’t like this image of humanity that Floyd is talking about.
Later on in the chapter, in the staff area with all the deactivated androids, Hank has another very bitter moment where he complains that people no longer want relationships, they just want androids who will do everything for them. This isn’t even a cutscene, just a side thing, but this is a very important moment to me. This is where you can really start to think that Hank’s hatred of androids has actually been a hatred of humans, that he places on androids. It’s not the androids themselves Hank hates, it’s the effects their existence has had on humans (humanity’s problems are of course much more complicated than that but it’s still a specific point to this). Hank values relationships and connections so much and in his eyes, androids have supremely lowered the emotional connections between humans. Instead of putting in the effort to grow and nurture romantic relationships, humans are going to androids for pure sex, with no emotion.
Another moment in the staff area, Hank also says something about the androids there that’s really interesting to hear from someone who claims to hate androids. He says something like “They get used until they’re broken and then they get scrapped.” With that bitterness again. I don’t know if he even notices it at the moment, but that really sounds like he’s feeling something for the androids. Some part of him is already upset at this scenario, even before fully seeing them as people.
Onto the deviant Tracis now. I think this encounter is the one that really flips the switch in Hank. This is the definite turning point for him, where he really realizes that androids aren’t just soulless machines. And this actually ties into one of the previous moments in this chapter, when he complains about no one wanting relationships anymore. Hank is bitter and angry over humans not cultivating relationships. And now here’s two androids, displaying love, love he doesn’t see in humanity, but that’s obviously so important to him. Humanity has been a disappointment to Hank, and he’s blamed androids for it, but in this moment, androids become more of a… hopeful thing. Hank’s seeing love again, when he was despairing over the lack of it in the world.
Moving on to The Bridge chapter. Hank shows more empathy for the deviant Tracis here, saying they really seemed to be in love, they just wanted to be together. There’s also a moment that can happen here, if Connor talks about the shared aspect of emotional shock between deviants. Hank’s bitterness comes back and he says something like “Those girls at the Eden Club sure had reason to be upset.” Hank is really seeing androids as people now. And with that, comes the implications of places like the Eden Club. And he’s angry about it. I can see Hank’s sense of justice in this moment. This is something that is shown some other times too, how Hank’s sympathies are with people in need, or the “lower” people. This is the same character trait that makes him look the other way (or even participate some) in illegal activities as long as no one is getting hurt. Hank didn’t become a cop to enforce “law and order”, he became a cop to help people. People are more important to him than laws.
Moving off track some, to talk about a different type of love in Hank’s life. Hank says he used to come to Riverside Park a lot before… (Cole died.) Riverside Park has playground equipment. So we can put it together that Hank used to bring Cole there to play. Very often apparently. This makes me think of something else, when it comes to androids. A lot of people have androids to take care of their child(ren). Nothing is shown about Hank’s feelings on this but I can imagine him being unhappy about it. I can just imagine him frequently taking Cole to this park, feeling pride that he actually spends time with his son, he doesn’t just hand him off to an android.
There’s plenty of valid reasons for parents to have childcare androids, of course, but I can imagine Hank already being somewhat bitter about humanity and androids even before Cole died. And then imagine how this bitterness grew after the accident. I’m thinking of his line in Kamski’s house, when he says he’d have a few words he’d like to say to his creator (God). I’m just imagining Hank, seeing children and babies out and about with only an android watching over them, thinking, “All these people don’t even want to spend time with their kids, but they get to keep them, while fate took mine away.”
I’ve kind of been going scene by scene, but I can’t think of anything substantial in other scenes, that I haven’t already touched on. So here’s some ending tidbits.
Hank also has a lot of bitterness over the red ice epidemic and that’s also tied with how important things like family and empathy are to him. All around him, people would rather get high, have emotionless sex with androids, etc, instead of living. Instead of being with, caring for, and loving other people. Families and social bonds are being destroyed because of people relying too much on drugs and technology, and it already upset him before, but especially now that he’s lost Cole. He would give anything to have his family back and he’s surrounded by people who have what he no longer does, and they don’t even care, they just give it up for empty, meaningless highs. (And he knows he’s fallen into the same sort of trap, drinking away his pain, gaining his own addiction, but after losing Cole he just… stopped caring as much. Didn’t let himself care as much.)
And this is the very core to Hank, I think. And part of why he hated androids.  He hates falsities. He hates people being uncaring and apathetic. He hated androids because they were emotionless, fake. Things he found often enough in actual humans. Hank’s change of heart about androids makes perfect sense once you realize that connection. Hank hated androids because they couldn’t feel, couldn’t love. When he saw that they could, that changed his mind. Because those are the things that really matter to Hank. Love, empathy, compassion. Things that Hank actually has in abundance but they’re hidden under layers of bitterness and hostility. Layers he’s built because his love and empathy have only led to pain for him.
tl;dr Hank’s actually an extremely empathetic and caring person but has been beaten up by the apathy and lows of humanity he’s been surrounded with, and the death of his son.
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aiura-stan · 25 days
1-8, let’s not be late!
This is the last chapter in volume 1! I know it doesn't mean much to people reading the digital scan online, but... I like the visual of progress! Here is a photo of volume 1 irl:
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it really is tiny. That explains why all the lines in the scan are blurry.
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Ah… I get it. jinsei (人生)= life (person + life). I learned a new word… it’s N3 so I don’t feel that bad for not already knowing it, despite it being an incredibly basic one… Saiki, you really are a nerd, comparing life to rpg video games.
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I like Saiki’s phrasing “it sounded like fun.” Life sounded like fun?
I wonder what the Japanese belief about souls before birth is. There’s not really much of one in Christianity. Hinduism and Buddhism both propose a life before birth as part of reincarnation. What is it here in the Saikiverse?
Personally, I kind of like the idea that a soul could have some fundamental interests and wants; more than that, curiosity. If souls exist. But I think they would have to be abstract things, like God and angels; things outside of our understanding while we are alive. I think this is the kind of thing that Toritsuka would know a lot about… maybe.
Okay that got off on a tangent.
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Oh shit it’s this chapter! I totally forgot that this was in volume 1.
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Asou sensei… I am not sure how to feel about suicide being made funny. I guess: good? If you get a choice between laughing or crying, choose laughing… Nendou is such a pure soul, assuming that no one would want to end their own life on purpose.
Saiki won’t let him die <3 I am taking this as something sweet.
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So… can Saiki hear people’s memories in these flashbacks? Or are they supposed to be fourth wall breaks? Both? I’m going with both. Rather than being like a movie, Saiki experiences flashbacks as though he were observing the person in the past (in other words, like he was really there.) That’s my take.
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Also, Saiki has a ton of empathy. He just doesn’t show it. Like, this random guy (who ostensibly doesn’t have much going for him) tries to kill himself, and Saiki’s reaction is to compare his struggles in a way that makes sense to him; in video game terms. And he wants to save him and to help him. And he does.
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Very mature of this random man, who a few hours ago was trying to fling himself off of a building, and a few minutes ago was talking about how he was too good for street performance. Had Nendou not intervened, I honestly don’t think he would have had the guts to do it…
Wow, I don’t know why this chapter is provoking my annoyance so bad. Hm. Well, maybe I do, but my Saiki k fan blog is no place for that.
In any case, it’s nice that Asou sensei gave this character a good ending (helped along by Saiki, of course.) Everyone deserves a chance to live a good life and do something that they enjoy. And being bad at something isn’t a crime. It’s just not a good idea to rely on income for something if you’re not that good at it (and not willing and/or able to work to get better.) Life lessons, I guess? Except it’s kind of undermined by Saiki. Which is a lesson in it of itself; sometimes fate intervenes and success comes regardless, I guess. Yeah, that’s an alright note to end on.
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Another life lesson which is really profound— sometimes, all you need is one person to tell you that your work connected with them. Sometimes, that really is enough.
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The only difficulty?? Saiki, you’re forgetting someone, aren’t you? A certain blue spiky haired, chihuahua sized someone who has a bold fake personality and a timid real one?
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Aaaaand Saiki had turned this guy into Taylor Swift. fabulous.
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Uh?? Translator error? He has 10 thousand copies, not ten million, right? Wait, why the hell am I wondering about this. I have the volume now and I can read Japanese numbers. let me check. Ok, it reads ハ… ハイ一万枚ありますから!(ha… hai ichi manmai arimasu kara!)
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一万枚 (ichi manmai) = ten thousand.
ten million would be 千万 (sen man)
so yes, translation error. Translator probably got confused because 10 million yen is the amount of debt he has.
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Honest to god this is one of the most fascinating tidbits about his powers and also an absolute crime that they left this out. I mean, I know why they did. But they should have stuck this detail about him projecting what’s stuck in his head somewhere in the anime, but they didn’t. It implies that to some degree Saiki’s telepathy isn’t always voluntary. And also that he doesn’t necessarily pick one person and beam thoughts into their heads. Hm. much to think about…
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they were already discussing goods by the end of volume 1?! Well… Saiki k certainly did get merch in the end. I just wonder how much of it Asou sensei actually got money from, considering he didn’t get anything from the anime.
Alright, that concludes my review of the final chapter in this volume. Ja mata ne. end of 1-8💫
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danviers · 1 year
“ The DEO has a responsibility to this planet to keep every piece of kryptonite on earth in secure confinement.  For Supergirl’s sake, and Superman’s. ”  
Alex’s rebuttal rolled off her tongue barbed, sharp — defensive, almost.  If Lena had meant for her choice of verbal ammunition to wound, she’d more than hit her mark.  She’d never forget the devastating force it’d taken to run Astra through in one clean stroke.  She’d never not feel the blood shed that night on her hands — or how shellshocked Kara had been, to watch the life fade from the eyes of yet another displaced member of her obliterated bloodline.  How crushed she’d been.
Perhaps Lena’s motivations had been born of pure intent, but her methods, backed by billions of dollars and an unequivocally brilliant mind still left much to be desired.
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“ You planned to devise alien detection technology that would have forcibly revealed the identities of millions, ”  Alex returned.  “ You held Sam in a secret sub - basement lab, and didn’t tell anyone that she was Reign until it was too late. ”  
Squaring her shoulders did nothing to alleviate the weight that still seemed to bear down on her.  There was no sidestepping that Lena, too, had the consequences of her own albatrosses to reconcile with.  “ We have all done things that we’re not proud of, Lena.  And I know that you just want to help.  But that doesn’t make this any better. ”
@wristful​.  /   cont.
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gayspock · 1 year
okay i
i feel like my experience of bsg has been constantly being edged. but not even just bc theyre not, like, "exploring the things i want thm to explore" bc sometimes i feel like theyre not even in the vicinity of CONSIDERING such deeply interesting elements like... theres so much underutilised substance here and unfounded potential and its, like, not even as if the writers are AWARE of it sometimes like
im still kinda. irritated. by how the cylons have turned out bc ultimately they COULD have been a very interesting race to explore.... but frankly you could just replace them with people at some point - just people that can be reborn. and i dont necessarily MIND that! its kind of, like, a bit of a waste in some respects BUT i'd be like... okay with it if they rlly DID want to lean hard into the oh the differences between us are just purely arbitrary ... we really are just people... BUT TBH IT SOMETIMES DOESNT EVEN RLLY FEEL LIKE THAT is the case, like it so rarely even feels intentional, just... FEELS LIKE THEY DONT RLLY THINK ABOUT THE IMOACT SOME OF THE CHOICES THEY MADE WOULD HAVE, bc deven then thand i feel like god theyre just....
like it just constantly feels like we're kind of skimming the surface of a lot of shit (waves vaguely) but NOT really going into them, just sort of briskly going through ideas... even the ones at the heart of the show like faith and religion and so forth AND ITS LIKE... SO bizarre to watch, bcITS NOT THAT THEY DONT DO ANYTHING GOOD, OR IN DEPTH EITHER is the thing its just like....
i think they do rlly well at portraying certain crises. i know they do that well. and theres these moments that are so insanely good... i think gaius baltar has genuinely been a spectacular portrayal of a fucking egotistical git, and that his rise to power was honestly a very realistic ddepiction of WHAT people would vote for etc. and theres other moments like that and the pegasus and a lot of s3's ending that are sooo good and tense and impactful but the rest of it is so weird its like. it feels like i keep going "OK COOL. AND?" just rxpecting there to be more stewing in things but theres not and
part of me maybe just feels like thats the style of it but god im also so sick of it when we spend 10 million FRACKING YEARS on some shit lee is up to like i fucking careeeee when we could have spent that time developing some other big important ideas that genuinly. could matter here. i dont know i dont know man im really angry about dualla right now for real and im kind of . like im TRYINGGG TO CHILL bc im too close to the end to stop but that has actually pissed me off a lot bc i feel like if we WANTED a final five contender she'd have been such a good fucking shout frankly annd i dont kniw god. i was half expecting the ball to drop and for her to somehow be one of them right there but no god they .
they seriously just fucking killed her and for what. like no im serious like. i think thats the first thing thats really PISSED me off in the show bc you canttt just fucking drag a character - who had GOOD potential, that was stolen from her repeatedly - along for seasons and do nothing with her to then just. try to milk her for fucking shock value and sympathy points and no doubt to try and fucking . develop lee soon which im seething about prematurely which i kno w is unfair but thats literally... ohh im pissedddd. oh im pissed. my point is its so fucking lazy and annoying and i think the other problem is like
they have characters where its like . my god. im so glad you actually had the integrity to follow through with them and have them make shitty decisions instead of being so caught up on trying to craft some very specific construct of a guy here. i think tigh is done brilliantly for example. ive mentioned baltar - for all he is loathsome, he is so well done (although slacking a bit later). but then you have characters like lee... and to some externt kara... where im just kind of sick of them man bc its like. they dont even feel like characters to me. ium just sick of their fucking faces bc i feel like the show bends around them to do whatever the fuck they want and they get justified and rewarded and its so fucking tiring to watxh sometimes like i dont.. ugh... bc like ive said with lee countless times he isnt even a character to me bc he has no fucking agency. hes a fucking lamp that they carry around and tell it what a good job its doing. so what man . and then it does some speech to save the day LIKE WHOOOO CARRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS UGHHH SHUT UP
meanwhile again dualla. cally. to some extent sam but i hope hes getting more work put into him now. like ppl on the peripheray here which just literally get DROPPED or reset at the end ofepisode or ignored and forgotten and its like i dont know man can we fucking stop . going on about kara and lee for two seconds because i dont fucking care about him. at least kara i feel like you can kinda lean into it bc its a part of her character- with lee i just feel annoyed but i. HWATEVER. I DIGRESS. I DONT KNOW
MY WHOLE POINT IS IM LIKE. GOD. WHAT THE FUCK MAN. bc i feel myself kinda burnt out + in fairness i have no time to watch rn bc im so tired but its also like... i dont know i dont feel that intrigued by the man plot bc i just feel like theres a lack of depth to the show in such a weird prticular way i can never put m finger on and its just lik. it feels like theres no stakes fo me. and now theyre at earth and i dont know if i even cared like... huh wtf
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 1 year
Thor: Record of Ragnarok
Chapter 9
Well, it was showtime: honestly, Bruce wasn’t too much of a fan of attention. He had never been, much less when it was the attention he received thanks to the other guy…but that day, he could understand it.
~okay Loki, let’s see what you got for us ~ the big guy and Kara wanted a good entrance, so he had accepted the offer of the mischievous deity. First, he had to wait : it seemed like Heimdall was going to take charge of it
~~ was this even a good idea ?~~ Kara, on the other hand, didn’t like to allow Loki so much creative liberty
Ah yes…that small incident with Loki trying to set him lose against the citizens of Asgard as Odin slept wasn’t going to be forgotten soon, wasn’t to ?
-Punny god was mean - Hulk complained
~~I don’t think he’s speaking about that ~~ Valkyrie tried to calm them…
- HIS PATH DESTRUCTION SO GREAT, THAT THE GREATEST FOES OF THE VANIR, THE OGRES, STOOD NO CHANCE AGAINST HIS RAGE !- phew, no comments about certain incidents that he would rather not talk about. It was nearly time to step out… - NO MAN, WOMAN, MOUNTAIN, OR ANY OTHER BEING, HAS PROVED TO BE A OPPONENT THAT COULD MATCH HIS STRENGHT !- some of those might have let the humans know it was him, as he started to hear cheers, but also screams of fear
~well big guy, it’s show time ~he mumbled. Loki said he would have Heimdall do something special, but it didn’t seem there was much…
The door was closed, for some reason. The solution for the other guy was easy: break it, roaring angrily, but mainly because it was annoying. And for once, all he heard where cheers from one side, but the gods seemed to be silent..
-THAT, LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, WAS PURE ADAMTOUM, A METAL THAT HAS PROVED ON ITS OWN EVEN AGAINST GODS - simple, but an effective way of helping with a good entrance. The fireworks (green, of course ) were another nice detail
-~we gotta thank Heimdall later ~-Bruce suggested. Kara agreed
-I PRESENT TO YOU, THE INCREDIBLE - Heimdall didn’t complete the word, instead, he allowed the audience to do so. And it wasn’t even something he had to request
—HULK!- now it was the humans in the audience roaring.
The big guy wasn’t used to be so cheered on, and the sight was a surprise to both of them : children present in the audience were using green paint on their bodies, and several had masks and fake fists. There were some familiar figures that many audience members were using as well…
~~ I called in for some favors, good to see they were fast ~~ Kara knew, their hearts were one after all. The green smoke even made Bruce ignore certain faces that he would rather not recall, others that it was too painful to remember….
The wakandan warriors were, once again, there to cheer him as they had cheered for Wanda. Of his own country soldiers had grim faces, tho it was hard to blame them for it. However, the green smoke that the human spectators had acquired (and he would guess Loki could be thanked for that ) made them all be part of the same team.
Thor watched from above: he was happy that his friends got a good welcome . Brunhilde, the oldest of the Valkyrie sisters, was standing on his side. She knew it was him, even if he had decided to done a hood in an attempt to prevent the other pantheons from seeing his face.
- What sort of power will aid my friends Bruce and Hulk on their battles ?- he asked with curiosity
- I have to admit, your majesty, that this Volund in particular wasn’t my choice - Tho even then, the Valkyrie sounded quite calm for that case
- that is puzzling - the god knew she didn’t take that sort of things well.
-Kara knows your friend better than I do - the Valkyrie had to admit it - their hearts already have good connection as well, for what I could see of both of your friends -maybe one or both thought of her sister in other ways
-and what is her power ?- it was hard to tell what a Valkyrie could do outside of their own power, if he was honest.
— it’s not precisely her power that makes her ideal- Brunhilde spoke, it was not usual to explain things to someone other than Geir -while her names alludes to a wild nature, a perfect fit for the Hulk, it’s their bond which made me not change it. Their hearts were already one, through friendship -
- and perhaps something else, in Bruce’s case - it was a good idea, and he couldn’t help to be saddened at the thought that maybe his daughter had felt the same thing…
-whatever it is, is of great help. Kara serves as bridge for the doctor and the Hulk to talk among themselves, to make them work together - and for the opponent, it was needed
- who are they going to fight ?- Thor had good guess, but he wanted to confirm it.
-I sent humanity’s most powerful monster, as some unfortunately know him as - judging the emerald giant as that was understandable, as she recalled certain incident in Asgard - against the god’s own monster
- AND FIGHTING FOR THE GODS- Heimdall could be heard from that spot, luckily. And so could the next god’s roars, and his bangs against the door . The Watchman of the Aesir decided to get closer to the green giant - SHE IS THE PUNISHMENT THAT THE GODS CHOSE TO SENT HUMANITY THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO, AFTER THEY GREW TOO PROUD ! - he added, searching for a quick way to get off the arena.
As the guardian of the rainbow bridge, Thor recalled that Heimdall that faced great perils on his life. Heimdall never left his spot, always being the first one to defend Asgard against every single type of giant. Heimdall stood there, wether rain or blizzard poured from the sky. Heimdall was there when Thor himself and Loki, being young gods back then, nearly caused a war between the Jotuns and Asgard, having been the first one that would have to face them had the young princes not returned on time . Heimdall, who had been closer than any other god, human,Demon, or creature to the fights, having to avoid all sorts of attacks by the fighters. And yet, Heimdall, at that moment, chose be as far away from the goddesses’ door as he could. It had to be Her, for sure.
The door opened, and it hadn’t even been a second after that, as a slim creature ran in all fours towards the giant. Her head was that of a lioness, the rest of body was a mix between that of a human and the same feline, at least for what could be seen . Her…paws ? Hands ? It was hard to tell, as it looked more of a mix between those as well, her nails sharpened for the occasion. She stopped still, however: perhaps her father had given her certain instructions.
Sekmeth smelled the air, and smiled - ohh, how delicious…human blood has been spilled here…-the goddess practically purred, tho her expression didn’t match her happy tone -I wanted to go out before…so delicious…so many delicious humans right here…some of you are even still alive-the fight hadn’t actually begun as of yet. Her tail moved slowly, her ears did as well. She was happy, but also angered -father promised I could get as much blood, if I win my fight…I want to try green blood…-a wicked creature, for sure
- Hulk don’t want to fight kitty!- the emerald giant complained, tho luckily, to seemed that only Bruce and Kara could hear
~the kitty wants to fight us, Hulk ~ Bruce reminded him
~~the kitty will hurt your friends, you heard her. The kitty will kill innocent people, children even ~~Kara added. Hulk seemed to stopped minding hurting her
-Green blood, green blood! Does it taste sweeter or bitter than red blood? I want to know!-the goddess eyes could barely fit her pupils: something so adorable on a cat somehow managed to be be terrifying on her.
Heimdall was sitting with the rest of the Norse gods: as they were technically neutral (technically, as Thor trusted them enough to let them know what was going on ) their seating was between the humans and the gods. One could tell who was angrier with the decision
-LET THIS ROUND BEGIN!- was there a safer way to announce the whole thing ? Thor couldn’t blame him
The first one to strike was the Egyptian. Her movements were fast, deadly as a lioness could be, but she was no lioness, as she was, unfortunately, a goddess. The three heroes felt a huge scratch, with claws so sharp, that they could match those of a certain mutant.
Hulk tried to hit her, but the kitty proved to be to fast. Then another scratch reached them, and another…To the viewers, particularly the human side, things were concerning.
-it’s sweet green blood!-the lioness purred.
- Hulk wants to smash kitty - the giant grumbled angrily
~~no yet, big guy~~Kara reminded him gently, tho she sounded hurt
- KITTY HURT FRIEND !- Hulk angrily complained. The emerald giant took a leap to at least try to avoid the lioness, his jump nearly sending him out of the stadium. The lioness growled angrily and went after him, clutching herself to his knee, but quickly falling to the floor
~remember the plan, buddy ~ Bruce gently spoke, he understood that he was worried
~~I’m a tough girl, you are a tough guy…heck, Bruce is tougher than it looks like. We will be fine, let’s get back there, and do what we planned~~Kara could make them both work together well, which Bruce figured meant they didn’t have an extra power as the rest did.
Hulk leaped down, as the gods were taunting him
- is this really humanity’s monster ?- several chuckles could be heard
The lioness tried to attack again, but Hulk clapped his hands: the same effect that the clashing of a god vs a human could get, he accomplished with both his hands. Sekmeth was send flying against the walls on the same side were the laughing gods were at, and the laughing stopped.
The lioness, however smirked..or that’s what it looked like for the doctor, as her expressions weren’t the same as a human
-fight me ! Fight me ! You are so strong !~ her eyes looked huge again, her tail moving happily ~ no human ever lasts more than one little scratch! They bleed and die so fast!-
Hulk wanted to rush and fight her as she was asking for, hit her as he had wanted to hit the funny purple god that lost his arms. Hit her like the wanted to hurt the blonde god that was hurting his friend Wanda and the little girl. But he couldn’t hit her: that wasn’t what puny Banner and the big girl and him had planned
Hulk was gone before Sekmeth reached him, in his place was what she considered a disappointment. A human, and not the best example of one, if she could tell what one was. His eyes squinted as he tried to look at her, and he couldn’t even stand up as she was recovering from all of her attacks, what a pathetic being. She approached slowly
- finish him already, you stupid harlot !- a man with a bird head yelled at the goddess. If he was right, that was her…
- father, this is boring-the goddess complained -the green giant is better, his blood was green…this is a normal human, I’ve killed many of those before -felines liked to play with their food. Lions weren’t an exception, and the good thing was that the goddess was half one.
Unfortunately for Bruce, he would have to be the mouse. Or antelope, more accurately. When lions weren’t hungry, the poor creatures would suffer…Sekmeth didn’t seem in a hurry to get him (and, if she tried, perhaps their plan would be over, but she still wouldn’t win )
Her hit felt like a slap, at best. Not even a regular lioness could’ve hit that low. She looked rigid, her tail stiff and curling around her body…
-I want the green human! He was fun! I want to bite him!-she complained, another hit. Perhaps she thought that killing him wouldn’t bring Hulk back
~kitty likes Hulk?~the other guy asked
she probably just likes that someone doesn’t die immediately after she harms them _- Kara answered. They had investigated a bit, Bruce being Bruce.
-BRING HIM!-she roared, her slap this time drawing his own blood, yet the other guy remained in his place.
~~almost, big guy..~~the Valkyrie spoke softly in her beautiful voice…dear lord, she knew he was thinking that ~~ah Bruce, don’t worry, i think your voice is pretty too
His face might have become red, based on the laughter he heard from the gods, yet again
- is this humanity’s monster ? Pathetic !- laughter was all he was getting
- He isn’t a monster, he is the Hulk!- a little voice complained. Bruce and Hulk could remember him: a little boy from Brazil, back from their days running away. While he couldn’t stop his death, the doctor had made everything possible to allow them to be comfortable - and he isn’t pathetic, doctor Banner is the smartest man in the world !-
- he is stronger and smarter than your ugly fleabag!- the old woman who yelled was from India, they remembered her face, tho her hair wasn’t white back then. It had been her village who was saved, as the Hulk had been very persuasive towards the men who tried to attack it.
- teach that pussy cat a lesson, man! No one is stronger than you two !- he could recognize Jim, a friend of Hulk that they couldn’t save from a disease that no person could find a cure for.
It was weird for him or the big guy had ever gotten as much cheering. Usually, all that they got was people screaming in terror, even after they became heroes.
Sekmeth slapped him again, she had no interest on killing a tiny human.
- YOU STUPID WENCH, SLICE HIS THROAT ALREAY!- Bruce knew who that god was; her own father was the one saying such things to the goddess.
- KILL HIM, YOU DUMB MONSTER !- while the goddess did have support from her pantheon and the other gods, their words still weren’t kind
-this is boring ! He can’t do anything, not even see!-maybe if the human was green again…
The three almost felt bad for their plan, but it had to be done.
~~big guy, give him your strength ~~Kara mumbled, even tho only Hulk and Bruce would be able to hear it. The other guy allowed Bruce to use his strength, while he stayed inside.
The half lioness kept roaming around him, so close…too close to Bruce…perfect enough to grab her tail. He pulled it with brute strength, tho not enough to rip it off. The goddess shrieked in pain
when a cat’s tail gets damaged, it results in rear paralysis in the body.
The doctor knew that. His hands were smaller and, unlike Hulk’s, grabbing her in such state was easier. When an animal had a tail, severing its connection within with the rest of the body means that the brain can't send signals through the tail to the rest of the body.
She shouldn’t be able to move, in theory…and luckily, in practice too. Bruce didn’t even have to make an effort to move off her way, as her legs simply weren’t responding.
- I warned you, you retarded beast - was all the compassion she found on her father’s words.
His words were all but too familia -I was going to to win, father -she was going to be useful again. Sekmeth tried to jump, using all her strength to stand up, go after him, try his green blood…but she fell again. She tried standing up once more, but couldn’t even lift herself
- I’m afraid your legs cant do…they can’t do anything anymore - maybe it was the blood he was losing, but Bruce felt bad for the lioness goddess. Her voice sounded sad, and the words of the ones she was fighting for didn’t help
- she is a brainless brute, why even send her ? - at least one god mumbled. The same gods who had been eager to have her rip apart the human champion now only had harsh words to give her
- You would have been more useful as a rug -that, again, was her own father’s words.
Perhaps a goddess or two felt compassion for their sister, even if they were on opposite sides. Perhaps a certain thunder god found the other gods to be way too harsh, as not one of them was mourning her.
Could lionesses cry ? Bruce, Hulk and Kara could might as well be about to find the answer, or the closet one at last.
-the green human…I’ve never seen a stronger one…-even talking hurt, maybe that’s why she had tears on her yellow eyes-let me see him…let him…- at least going out by dying to his hands would be less shameful
~what does kitty want ?~the green giant asked, tho he wasn’t happy with the words the Egyptian chief was saying _ bird man is being mean !_
~~she wants to die, big guy…but she wants you to kill her ~~Kara answered, tho it seemed Hulk wasn’t convinced
~Kitty doesn’t deserve it…_ ~not if the gods were so mean to her
-please, big guy…- Bruce mumbled, and soon his skin turned green, and so did his blood
-no one ever managed to bring me down like this…-Sekmeth pretty much purred, tho followed by a cough - father had to use wine…-
-Kitty fought well - the emerald giant recognized. The goddess seemed to smile, and still tried to claw at him (or so it seemed ) but her strength was fading.
~hit her head with all your strength, it will hurt her less ~Bruce recommended, that would avoid more issues
Hulk raised his fists. Kara, Punny Banner, and his other friends had explained to him that their opponent had to die if he wanted to win. And seeing that it was kitty’s wish, he would let her hear some last words
- HULK SMASH!- he yelled as he hit her, with enough strength to make sure her suffering stopped . She quickly turned into dust, as had the other fallen warriors. Whiled he wanted to fight the bird man and the other mean gods who were cruel to kitty, Kara and Bruce talked him out of it
-AND OUR WINNER IS THE INCREDIBLE HULK!- Heimdall announced as he got off his seat back to the arena . Roar and cheer could be heard from the human side, even the nordics celebrated that they had proved a challenge to the warrior who stopped the goddess.
Tho Hulk wanted to be sad, he was happy that his friends would be okay, and that maybe punny Banner could kiss big girl later. He was also happy that he had friends, unlike the poor kitty.
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
ii. a change of scene
(pt i)
Bundled up in a fleece-lined flannel, a beanie pulled down past her eyebrows, and a hand-knitted scarf, Kara ventures out into a cold that she hasn’t had to endure ever since moving to National City all those years ago. And yet, here she is: 
hugging herself and shivering, 
breath visible in the brisk autumn air, 
being jerked about by a very insistent dog who seems to know where he’s going, 
and in Midvale, of all places to be! 
To say Kara’s somewhat taken aback by her current predicament would be the understatement of the year—maybe even decade, though it’s only been half that since she’s last seen Siobhan, which of course was at Siobhan’s wedding, and a wedding that Kara had attended with Andrea on her arm no less. 
And yet—and again—here Kara is. Somehow. 
Kara’s watching Krypto watch a colorful cascade of crunchy leaves when she notices a familiar flash of dark hair and a phone that shouldn’t be out whilst one is crossing the street. Her feet are already bounding forward. 
“Hey,” she barks out, and Lena turns around with a bright smile that only  brightens with Kara’s approach. 
“Oh, hey, you,” she says. “How—”
“What the hell did you do to me?” Kara demands. 
“—‘s it going...” One corner of Lena’s smile curves up in clear amusement. “Well. And a very good morning to you too.” 
But Kara’s frustrated—again, an understatement—so Lena very cheekily and helpfully reminds her of what they’d discussed the night before, all that talk about hypotheticals and squandered potential, and such. To which, Kara promptly reminds Lena about how they were just talking, and she was perfectly fine with how everything was going actually, and could Lena just please take her back to National City already? 
“... Are you sure?” Lena asks. 
“Things aren’t the same over there, you know.” 
“Okay! Just do it!” 
Lena pockets her phone with a nonchalant hum and murmurs just under her breath, “Hm... bossy.” 
“I said, ‘give me your hand.’” 
Kara scoffs. “No, you didn’t.” But Lena is just smirking at her, hands outstretched and waiting, so Kara has no choice but to slap her hands on top. 
In a flash, Kara’s out of the cold and right outside her apartment, which shouldn’t be possible, but she’s never been one to study gift horses up-close and personally. Except...
“Why’d you bring Krypto?” Kara asks, incredulous, holding up the leash still wrapped around her hand. 
Lena narrows her eyes. “... You brought him.”  
Though plenty exasperated already, Kara has to move on with a sigh, because she just doesn’t have time for this right now. She’s already got enough on her plate as it is, what with having to explain to her beloved fiancée why she hadn’t come home last night, even though she did. 
Kara pats down her flannel and jeans for her keys, and comes up empty. She goes to re-check her back pockets, and her hand brushes past the worn carabiner that Siobhan had clipped to her belt loop this morning, right before delivering a very much unexpected smack to her ass. 
“Where are my keys?” 
Lena, who’s now kneeling by Krypto to scratch behind his ears, frowns up at her. “They’re in your hand.” 
Kara lets go of the carabiner, cheeks burning red hot, and protests just as hotly, “These aren’t mine.” 
“Then why are they on your pants?” 
Sighing again, Kara just raps her knuckles against the door, dismissing the keys as yet another thing for her to explain to Andrea. Though all thoughts of begging for understanding and forgiveness disappear when the door finally opens and Kara ends up face to face with the last person Andrea had dated before settling on her.  
Russell smiles very politely. “Yes, can I help you?” 
“What... are you doing here?” 
Russell then starts frowning very politely. “... I’m sorry?” 
But before Kara can say anything else, a tiny boy who couldn’t be more than three or four launches himself out the door, screaming Puppy! and swiftly wrapping his entire body around a very receptive Krypto. 
“Honey, no, we don’t go touching random animals after bath time!” Andrea calls out, immediately on scene to sweep the child into her arms. She shoots Kara a withering stare. “You’re not allowed to have pets here.” 
“I know that,” Kara says, almost sputtering. “I live here too!” 
Andrea spares a cursory once-over for Kara’s attire before pursing her lips, clearly in disbelief. 
By then, Kara’s caught on enough to know that she doesn’t belong here anymore. “... Sorry, wrong door,” she quickly mumbles before taking off. She’s already outside in the cold that’s not quite cold enough to warrant her flannel when she remembers that Lena is still there. 
“All right, take me back,” Kara says. 
“Gonna need your hand again,” Lena says, and Kara rolls her eyes and shoves her hand into Lena’s, and they’re back in Midvale. 
“It’s temporary, you know,” Lena finally says, when Kara stews in a mopey silence for a beat too long. “Just a teensy little taste of what your life could have been if you’d stayed here.” 
“Well, how long will I be here then?” 
“Hm... how does two days sound?” 
“Two days?” Kara gasps out, indignant. 
“You know what? Just for that, I’m making it five days.” 
“Five whole days?” 
“A week then.” 
“You can’t—” But Kara cuts herself off, clapping her hands over her mouth when Lena just raises an eyebrow in challenge. 
Lena walks up to Kara, smirk mildly annoying and annoyingly attractive, fingers nimble as she buttons Kara’s flannel up to her chin. “I’d usually prefer the top two or three buttons undone on women as handsome as you. But it’s cold here, and you,”—she taps the tip of Kara’s nose with a gentle finger—“my dear, are taken, so. Go on. Time for you to get home.” 
Kara stumbles back a few steps, tugging on her collar, suddenly warm all over, and Lena’s gone, lingering smile and all. 
Kara gets started on the long trek home, with Krypto thankfully leading the way. She’s still wondering how she’ll ever make it an entire week in such a topsy-turvy world when a loud honk! grabs her attention. A blue beat-up pick-up truck comes to a stop beside her and the window rolls down to reveal a very familiar broad grin. 
“Got you good, didn’t I?” Alex says, snorting. “Well, that’s what you get for not paying atten—hey, come on, get off me, weirdo!”  
Kara can’t remember the last time she’s seen her sister, let alone got to hug her (though this is definitely the first time that she’s done so through a car window). It’s just been too long, much longer than it ever should have been in the first place. 
Alex eventually shoos Kara off, insisting that she’s already running late for work, but Kara’s burst of happy tears must have been contagious because Alex’s eyes are just a bit shiny as well. 
“You’re so weird,” Alex complains, rubbing at her eyes. “Just... hurry up and get your weird little ass home before your girlfriend sends out a search party.” 
Kara laughs, then hiccoughs slightly. “Right. My girlfriend...” 
Alex rolls her eyes. “Sorry, fiancée. Happy? Kelly and I are coming over for dinner tonight, by the way.” And Kara’s just so excited at the prospect of seeing her sister again so soon that she forgets to ask who Kelly even is. “So, I’ll see you then, all right? Bye, dumbass. Love you.” 
When Kara finally gets home, her chest is still positively bursting with such pure joy that nothing could bring her down. Not even Siobhan shoving her toward the bathroom, demanding that she take a shower because apparently she stinks like a dog or something.  
“Would have joined you,” Siobhan says, all casual as she’s applying her eyeliner. “But some-body had to take their sweet ass time.” 
“Sorry...?” Kara waits for Siobhan to leave the bathroom so she could undress before realizing that it’s not going to happen because, oh yeah, they’re dating—no—engaged. 
“Whatever. Just a little something to look forward to for tonight, I guess.” 
Kara blinks. “... Showering?” 
Siobhan flashes Kara a tiny smirk. “You’re cute,” she says simply, stopping to give a gentle pinch, then a gentle kiss to Kara’s right cheek, the same way she’d always done between classes at Midvale High. “Have a nice day, babe, okay?” 
Siobhan fixes her lipstick one last time and blows Kara a kiss as she leaves, and well... perhaps spending a week here wouldn’t be such a terrible experience, after all. 
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thinking1bee · 3 years
When it Reigns Part 6
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Kara Danvers x Reader
Tags: Angst, Kryptonian!Reader, Parent!Reader, Parent!Kara, Estranged Parent, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Humor, Bad Dreams, Memory Loss
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover
You followed Elizabeth outside of her home and into the barn.  
“Where are you taking…”
Your question died on your lips as soon as you voiced it. Inside of the wooden structure was a spaceship, dusty and forgotten in the hay, and Elizabeth went around to turn on more lights so that you could see it better.
“You asked about your birth mom. I lied. I didn’t adopt you,” she explained. “I found you in this. One day, this crashed a mile from where we are now and when I looked inside, I found you, a giggling baby.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, a million questions going through your mind at a mile a minute. “I don’t understand,” you finally said.
“I didn’t either. I didn’t know where you were from or who left you in this thing, or even why. When I saw you, you looked so helpless that I took you home.”
You stared at her with your mouth agape. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
“I swore that I would tell you when you turned 18.”
And then that never happened because she got kicked you out. You pressed your fingers against your temples to assuage the growing headache.
“I thought that maybe, you would be better off on your own not knowing.”
“That I’m an alien???” you demanded.
“Y/n, all I wanted was for you to have a normal life.”
You couldn’t stop the scoff or the roll of your eyes. She’d flip out if she knew that you were married to one, and thanks to her, this woman that dared to call herself a mother, your life had been anything but normal.
You eyed the space pod, your hand reaching out tentatively to touch the metal, and like the ship recognized you, it powered up, the engine whirring to life as the ship lit up. You gasped in shock as you tried to absorb what was happening. You kept touching it as you circled around it, feeling the contours of the edges and bends. Then you watched as a latch of some kind opened. Out of it came some sort of crystalline rod. You approached it and reached out to touch it. When you did, it too, lit up, and after wiggling it from side to side, it disconnected from the pedestal it was seated on. You twisted and turned it in your hands, watching as a bright light flashed on and off inside of it. It was a beacon, a map that would tell you where to go next.
You nodded in determination as your grip tightened around it. You knew what you had to do next. Elizabeth sighed and you looked at her.
“Be careful,” she whispered to you. All you could do was nod. In all the years that you knew her, this was the most helpful she had been. A part of you wanted to say thank you but…you didn’t want her to think that you owed her now. Besides you were doing just fine without her and as far as you were concerned, it was going to stay that way. You turned towards your car and left her there to live all alone.
It wasn’t too long before you found yourself in the middle of nowhere. Literally, the middle of nowhere. The beacon brought you to the middle of the desert, and as you neared your destination, the slow flashing inside the beacon turned into blinking. That had to mean that you were getting closer, right?
You were walking, the hot sun beating down on you and you could have killed for water. You wiped the sweat from your eyes and cursed the sun. It was way too hot for this.
Suddenly, the ground started to shake. Your immediate thought was an earthquake, after all those were common in California, but the idea was immediately dashed the moment rocks started to grow from the ground. In the shape of monoliths, rocks started to sprout in varying directions, cross crossing and zigzagging on top of each other until it formed a structure. You watched, with your mouth hanging open, as you stared at the towering fortress. It was intimidating and it radiated mysteriousness and power.
You took a deep breath, and with trepidation, walked inside. The inside was dark and dank, despite having just grown right before your eyes. You walked around, looking at everything, and noticed a strange insignia carved into the base of the rock. You continued to look, observing the ominous looking place when you saw a particularly flat slab of rock with a hole in it. You looked at the beacon in your hands and then at the hole, noticing that the hole had the same shape as the beacon. Coincidence? You approached the slab and fit the beacon inside of the available opening until you heard a click. The moment it happened, the room lit up and right in front of you, a figure appeared. You stared at it, a sense of familiarity and fear filling you as you both recognized the figure and backed away from it.
“You’ve come. I imagine that you have questions and I have answers.”
“I know you, you whispered. “Ive seen you in my dreams. What are you?”
You didn’t expect an answer. The figured never talked, and you wondered why you were talking to it now, but when the figure removed the hood of its cloak to reveal its face, you gasped.
“I am science. I am a friend.”
Okay? Well, she finally said something to you. This was very real. This was not in your head. All of this was happening, and it was happening so fast.
“Where am I?”
“This is the Fortress of Sanctuary, a building made from a piece of your dying planet. A piece of Krypton.”
Your eyes widened. “Krypton? Oh my god, my daughter was right. She said that I had powers a-and I didn’t want to believe it. I’m like Supergirl.”
“You are so much more than that,” the woman said.
“Then who am I?” you asked.
“You are a culmination of centuries of work, a being designed for one purpose: to execute justice.”
“So, I’m a hero?” you asked, clarifying that you heard her right.
“They will not call you that. They will call you WorldKiller. They will try to contain your power, but they will fail. You will show no mercy to those who oppose you. Your justice will burn the world of man.”
Horror filled you as she said her words, your eyes widening as she spoke with nonchalance. She made it seem like you two were discussing the weather over a cup of coffee, but no. She just told you that you were going to burn the world to the ground! Of course, you were going to have some choice words for that.
“No, no!” you blurted. “I’m not a Worldkiller. I have a life, a daughter, a wife! I have a company to run, I ave to be there for my family! I’m a good person”
The woman frowned. “Your offspring, among other things, was an unfortunate error.”
You whipped your head around to look at her, your fear immediately morphing to anger.
“Your powers were supposed to manifest when you came of age, but she delayed the realization of your destiny.”
“Angel is not an error!” you snapped.
“You will soon forget her,” she continued saying. “You will forget all mortal trappings.”
Forget Angel? Forget Kara? No! That couldn’t happen. They were the reason you kept going. Without them, who were you? What were you?
“No this can’t be right?” you whispered in fear. You ran your hands through your hair as you swallowed thickly.
The woman smiled, her dark eyes radiating pure evil, and you saw it. You could see that this woman had a whole agenda planned out and somehow, you were at the epicenter of it. Coming here was a mistake. Elizabeth was right. You were better off not knowing anything about yourself.
“It is time for you to emerge,” she said to you. “It’s time for you to Reign.”
The moment she said those words, something happened to you. A shrieking noise, one loud and powerful, assaulted your ears. It grew louder and louder, the noise getting more and more deafening until it was all encompassing, until it was all you could hear. You grunted and gasped as you covered your ears, but it didn’t work. It was like the horrendous sound was coming from inside of you. A horrible foreign warmth settled over you brain like a blanket. Something was trying to take you over.
“No!” you screamed. “NO!”
But it wasn’t enough. No matter how much you fought, you were losing this battle. You slapped repeatedly at your head, gripping it with shaking hands as you willed the noise to go away, but it didn’t. Slowly your world faded to black, and all you remembered was Kara and Angel, and how you couldn’t bare the thought of forgetting about them.  
When you stood up again, the noise was gone, and you faced the mysterious woman as your eyes glowed a scarlet red. You were no longer Y/n Danvers, but an instrument of destruction designed to carry out and fulfill your destiny. You were Reign and you were ready.
“I have awoken,” you whispered in Kryptonian.
Part 7
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Ooo my bad, maybe Jyushi gets a stomach ache and Kara tends to him? Giving him water or something to ease the pain. Or getting him to lay down and rest!
aaaaaaa I love them 😭
To be completely fair to Karamatsu, his choice of restaurant isn’t really to blame for Jyushimatsu’s appetite.
In fact, it’s debatable that even Jyushimatsu is to blame for his appetite. It’s more the fact that he just eats so fastthat it would be a miracle if his brain registers that he’s had a whole meal before he goes back for more. Typically by the time he processes that he’s full, he’s had two or three more servings.
It’s no wonder that he often ends up with a stomachache if he’s given the chance to inhale more food than he really should. Most of the time, though, it quiets down after a little bit of relaxing and maybe a tummy rub from one of his brothers.
Of course, while the two of them are out at a fast food place, it’s not like they can just lie down in the middle of the floor and try to chill. … Well, they could,but they’d probably end up getting kicked out before making any significant progress.
So the second Jyushimatsu gets a little pale and complains that he’s not feeling too well, Karamatsu’s first immediate thought is along the lines of, We’re fucked.
And in Jyushimatsu’s defense, Karamatsu should have been a better big brother and cautioned him against ordering as much food as he did. Even if he had, however, what else could he have done except give a warning? Jyushimatsu’s an adult, it’s his money from the allowance Dad gave him, and he can make his own choices, can’t he? Or at least he should be expected to. He probably wouldn’t take being bossed around and told what to do, and it’s not like anyone can forcehim.
As usual, though, Karamatsu has let one of his little brothers down. The least he can do is try to make it up by figuring a quick way out of the situation. He springs to his feet, setting a hand down on Jyushimatsu’s shoulder. If they need to move fast, he should be prepared. “Alright, you don’t feel well. Understood, dear brother. Is it your stomach?”
“Alright… how bad does it feel?”
Jyushimatsu ponders the question for a second, before holding up both hands, covered by his condiment-stained sleeves, over his mouth. “Um. Gonna… gonna throw up.”
Shit.Karamatsu knows his little brother wouldn’t say something so decisive without knowing that yeah, he’s about to hurl. “Alright, let’s get up. Do you want to go to the bathroom here or try to make it to the car where I believe I have a plastic bag?”
It almost looks like he’s considering the possibility that he could make it to the car, then suddenly his face turns a bit green. “― Bathroom!”
That one word combined with his younger brother’s urgent expression and tone of voice spur Karamatsu into action. He moves like lightning, pulling Jyushimatsu to his feet and practically dragging the other man toward the tiny partition on the other side of the counter.
A three-part harmony shriek of horror tells him he probably should have paid more attention to the signs on the doors. He offers a hasty apology to the offended ladies inside as he yanks his brother away from the door. (Although he knows Jyushimatsu is desperate, even this kind of emergency doesn’t constitute staying in the women’s restroomto puke.) As soon as he does, Jyushimatsu gags into his hands and Karamatsu knows they don’t have much time. Once Jyushimatsu starts making audible sounds like that, the full event isn’t too far away.
“I-it’s alright, it’s alright,” he tries to reassure as he tugs Jyushimatsu into the men’s restroom. “If you can wait a second, we’re nearly there!”
He does his best, but they never even make it into a stall. Once the door closes, Jyushimatsu stumbles toward the mirrors… and proceeds to vomit into the sink. Geez.Karamatsu feels himself wince at the thought of the poor worker making like ¥100 an hour who’ll have to clean this up.
Well, he can’t focus on that part right now. This can’t be pleasant for Jyushimatsu either, obviously.
The sound of everything he’s just eaten splattering against the edges of the sink is no match for the way he’s retching and sputtering. It looks like he started out trying to brace himself with both hands clutching the countertop; now, he’s sunk to only having his elbows propping him up, both hands up against the side of his head.
Karamatsu sets a gentle hand on his brother’s back, trying to be of some little comfort while his entire meal comes back up. Though he can’t remember Jyushimatsu ever eating himself sick like this before, he supposes it was bound to happen sooner or later with the way the fifth oldest tends to shovel food down.
He wants to think this memory of his stomach turning itself inside out will serve as a lesson to slow down in the future. To be mindful of how fast and how much he’s eating. Even someone as hopelessly delusional as Karamatsu has to acknowledge that’s a long shot, though.
After a moment the gagging and heaving finally dies down. Jyushimatsu is left gasping as he tries to get his breath back. When Karamatsu peeks over, he sees that there are tears starting to roll down his little brother’s face.
That earns an extra few seconds of back-rubbing from Karamatsu out of pure pity that this was either emotionally draining or physically forceful enough to make Jyushimatsu cry. “Aaah, my little Jyushimatsu,” he hums. “Does it feel a little better now that you’ve been sick?”
He nods weakly. “A little. I… think I ate too much, Karamatsu-nii-san.”
“Hmph, I think so, too.” Karamatsu reaches over to grab a handful of paper towels, pressing them to Jyushimatsu’s mouth. “Next time you might eat a bit slower or listen to your big brother telling you not to eat so much. But… it’s alright. What else are big brothers for, but to care for their younger brothers? I think perhaps we should go home.”
“Mhm, yeah. I wanna lie down and snuggle a pillow against my stomach.”
Well, that certainly sounds like a plan. “Alright, then. How about a drink for the ride home? Something easy to settle your stomach.”
“Ooh… Sprite?”
“Mh, I think they have that.” He gives an affectionate squeeze to Jyushimatsu’s shoulder. “Will you be okay by yourself for a moment while I go get that and dispose of the trash we left on the table?”
“Yeah, mhm. I’ll hold onto the counter.”
Ah. Yeah. That’s a relief. At least it’ll keep him from getting dizzy or passing out if he tries to move on his own. “Good! I’ll be back before you know it.”
Karamatsu can’t apologize enough to the person working at the counter of this place, telling them that his baby brother threw up in the bathroom sink and he’d clean it up if he could but he should get his brother home just in case andalsoasmallSpritetogoplease?
For once, he can kind of understand why people think he’s painful. The cashier has this blank look before muttering, “Excruciating…”and ringing him out for the drink. He kind of wishes the floor would open up and swallow him and he’s pretty sure he now knows how Ichimatsu feels when talking to people all the damn time. He’s surprised he doesn’t just burst into flames from the sheer awkwardness.
After a bunch of apologies, he manages to herd Jyushimatsu into the car so they can head home. He does find a plastic bag for his brother to hold, just in case he feels like throwing up again, just until they get back.
To his credit, Jyushimatsu is calm as can be on the ride home. He sips at his Sprite and closes his eyes so he doesn’t feel motion sick and hums along quietly to the radio. He’s so cooperative Karamatsu wants to ask who the hell he is and what he’s done with Jyushimatsu.
When they walk into the house, he ushers Jyushimatsu through the main rooms, up the stairs, and onto the couch in the spare room. The others save for Totty are spread out among the floor; Choromatsu and Osomatsu seem to be reading, and Ichimatsu has a cat cradled up in his arms… wrapped in one of Karamatsu’s shirts. Fantastic. Nothing like cat hair all over his clothes so he’ll be all itchy and sneezy when he decides to try and steal it back.
As he tries to get his brother set up on the couch, Choromatsu seems to fully realize what’s going on. “Oh, hey, you two are back. That was pretty fast. Uh… is Jyushimatsu okay?”
Jyushimatsu waves his hands in the air. “I threw up!”
“Tch.” Ichimatsu shifts in position, stretching one leg out. “That’s what you guys get for going to a shitty burger place. Next time just eat here where the food’s free and won’t make you hurl.”
Karamatsu plops down onto the floor in front of the couch, and is promptly slapped over the shoulder by one of Jyushimatsu’s jellylike arms. “Hmph… as I’m still spectacular, you should already know it wasn’t the food. Sweet little Jyushimatsu just ate too much of it.”
“Geez,” Choromatsu chuckles as he gets up, “someone’s eyes are bigger than his stomach. Well, you guys are home now, so you can relax and maybe start feeling better.” He brushes a hand over Jyushimatsu’s stomach and earns a soft mewl of gratitude before pulling away. “How about I make you some ginger tea?”
Karamatsu moves to get up almost immediately. “Oh, no, Choromatsu, I’ll get it! All the rest of my dearest brothers were already relaxing, so allow me to―”
“Nooooooooo,” Jyushimatsu interrupts with a whine, pulling him back down with now both arms. In a. Very. Tight hold. “I want you to stay with me, Karamatsu-nii-san!”
“Ah…! Okay, alright…” He tries to take a breath and pats lightly at his brother’s hands. “A-ah, my sweet little Jyushimatsu… let go… ahahaha… b-big brother’s not going anywhere, I promise, so you can let go of him!”
“Aaaaaah.” Jyushimatsu’s arms go lax, though he starts tugging on Karamatsu’s hand while his brother tries to get a decent breath in. “Belly rubs?”
“Hmph… sure, anything for my dearest younger brother. Just let me know if I’m being too rough; I would never want to hurt you.” He adjust himself so he can still be in a comfortable position while being able to reach Jyushimatsu’s stomach, giving tender strokes as well as he’s able.
The door slides open and Choromatsu gives a quiet hum at the scene. “Well, you both try to chill out, then. I’ll go get that tea, alright?”
“Heyyyyy,” Osomatsu suddenly speaks up. “Can you make some for me, too?? Or maybe a beer? I’m thirsty!”
All he gets in response is the sound of the door shutting.
The eldest pouts. “Hey, I know you heard me!! You’re such an ass! Grab me a beer, Fappymatsu!!”
Karamatsu lets out a low laugh and continues to carefully rub at his little brother’s stomach. “Hmph, so things are totally normal around here. At least that’s a comfort, isn’t it, Jyushimatsu?”
“Ah-hah! I’d feel weird if we got home and everyone was being all nice to each other.”
“Heh.” He leans his head back with a soft sigh. “That’s right. You only need onebig brother to be nice to you and that’s me. Any other requests besides the tummy rubs, you beautiful bastard?”
Jyushimatsu giggles and nestles his head closer against Karamatsu’s. “Hmmm… nope! I think I’m good just like this.”
Karamatsu closes his eyes. “You know… I think I am, too.”
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mssirey · 3 years
Hope (part 6)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5
Ushering Alex out with little more than an exchange of stiff nods and the understanding that their hands were tied—Kara’s weighty gaze leaving little other option—was the start of a shift in the landscape. Lena had drawn an ace that was never meant to be dealt to her and it unsettled Lex.
It showed first in Kara, manifested in little twitches, which Lena soon associated with Kara denying her own impulses—the ones provided by Lex’s input. On occasion, Kara would begin to repeat “Alex is not present and not a threat”, as if saying so relieved the need for her to respond to her programming, while returning to the singular line of coding she had written for herself.
Lena was certain it wouldn’t hold up, but she didn’t need it to. All she needed was to make Lex sweat enough to let his impatience and ego get the better of him. She encouraged new lines of thought, fed Kara new loopholes, ones Lex patched just as quickly as they were planted. They both knew that if any took root, his foothold would eventually erode, and he would lose some of the leverage that kept her from taking more bold action.
Lena had hoped to create a window to meet with Alex, the only ally she was aware had any sense that the world wasn’t right, to learn what had awakened her, but ultimately that was a pipedream. Lex was quick to give up their tug of war, eager to put her back in her place.
She was summoned—unable to refuse—to a basement lab she recognized with a twisting in her gut. It housed a cell of her own design, designed to contain Sam as she fought against Reign for control of her own mind, the parallels more distasteful than Lena cared for.
Lex did not boast his typical air of smugness. He was reduced to a boy, too spoiled to recognize his own entitlement, thrown into a fit of fury when denied his favorite toy. The difference was he could lash out without consequence and Lena would bear the brunt of his outrage.
“You think you’re cute,” he mocked her with the question, his voice overfilling the room, happy to make Lena shrink just so there was air enough to breathe. He snapped his finger and pointed to the floor before himself, demanding Lena heel, taking every opportunity to get under her skin. Kara’s weight shifted, an inch gained in the ground between them, and Lena wasn’t the only one to take notice. “Sit, dog,” he sneered.
Lena walked forward to avoid seeing Kara’s knee bend to him, subjected herself instead to his ire. The back of his hand sent white pain through her cheek to flare in one eye before settling into a dull throbbing as her neck pulled sharply. It took a moment to clear her vision and right her posture, but she didn’t otherwise flinch. “Dear sister, you clearly haven’t learned that misbehaving has consequences.”
Lena had been his outlet in the past, and while the scars were etched into more than her skin, she was hardened to his outright violence. He was always more effective when composed, his insidious tongue doing more to cut her down.
Lex exhaled a heaving sigh, smoothed his suit out, and fixed her with a vile smirk. “Tell me, Lena, what would happen if Hope was deactivated?”
Lena’s jaw tensed, inviting a roiling wave of nausea to wash through her. She knew exactly what Lex wanted to hear and had no reason to skirt around it. “Hope operates largely in the empathy center of the brain and with deactivation, Kara would become a being of pure instinct.”
Lex’s smirk twisted wider. “Close. She would become a predator of pure instinct, and you the prey that played at being her master.” He activated a monitor that displayed a large countdown timer, affording only ten minutes. “This room cannot contain her, but it will contain you,” he promised, before taking his leave as the numbers began to run down.
Nothing needed to be spelled out further. Lena could still command Kara while Hope was active. Lex forced her to make the choice between Kara and the risk she posed. Ten minutes wasn’t nearly enough time, not for the downward spiraling hopes she had.
Lena hadn’t moved from her spot, stared blankly ahead as her mind scrambled for any alternative, but all she could imagine was a beastial, hurt Kara throwing herself against the walls of her prison, feral and seething. Lena found herself debating the merits of setting Kara loose on the world.
“I am a threat.” Lena turned in time to see Kara rise from the floor. “I am a threat,” she repeated as she strode with jerky steps to the open cell door.  “I am a threat. I am a threat. I am a threat.”
Lena’s voice died in her throat, coming out as only a hoarse whisper of breath, her ribs ready to crack as the gravity in her heart tugged inward. She staggered as she trailed behind, but Kara barred her from entering the cell, hands holding her wrists one last time. She regarded Lena with the same hollow smile. “You must think of your health, Ms. Luthor.”
Part 7
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pigeonp0st · 4 years
Can I request more Kara x reader? Where it just after there wedding and Kara wants to fly her away to their honeymoon to show her all the beautiful things there is and doing activities together like tennis but Kara uses her powers to cheat and the reader pouts and won’t talk to her new wife
Kara Danvers x Reader #7
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Warnings: None
Sorry for taking ten years to get to this request! I hope that this is what you were looking for, and that you enjoy reading. I didn’t really do any spelling checks so sorry for spelling mistakes :)
I also haven’t written fluff in awhile, so sorry if this is bad.
The sun peaks through a crack in the curtains and bathes half the room in warm light that consumes both you and Kara.
Her legs are tangled with yours, her arm is swung across your stomach, and her head is laid on your chest— and really...not even the low temperature of the air conditioning (you set it low last night in preparation for this moment) keeps you from the overbearing heat of it all.
Kara’s like a furnace. A beautiful drooling furnace...but the thing is, is that; you don’t even actually care. As a matter of fact, you don’t think you can sleep without the heat anymore...which is just—
You’re whipped.
Very whipped, because when your wife moves her head up to snuggle into your neck and pulls you into her more tightly all you can think about is that if time paused in this moment, and you were stuck here forever, you’d be okay with it. It’s Kara after all.
Your wife. Kara; your wife. You’re both finally married. On your honeymoon. Because that’s what happens after two people marry each other.
Kara’s your wife.
It takes about half an hour for Kara to rise from her sleep too, but you’re already half asleep again so it’s too late, at least that’s what you grumble out to her.
“You let me sleep in,” Kara huffs. You open a single eye to watch her pout but end up smiling at her bed hair instead. “We have to leave. We can’t spend our honeymoon in bed.”
Not true. You could both very well spend your honeymoon in bed.
“We can do what we want,” you protest, grabbing Kara’s wrist to keep her in bed when she tries to scoot off.
She gives you an amused look. “If I had known this was how we were going to spend our honeymoon we could have just stayed home and saved the money.”
“Yes,” you agree, pulling Kara back down on the bed and immediately wrapping your body around hers when she’s settled. “But then we would have to make our own bed.”
You feel Kara’s release of breath on top of your head and smirk in silent victory. “Ten minutes,” Kara warns.
“Whatever you say.”
You promised Kara that you’d do whatever she wanted after the extra ten minutes of this morning turned into an hour...but you’re starting to regret it now.
You weren’t expecting Kara to pick sports, and while you’re not terrible at physical activity, you can’t really compete with Supergirl.
Especially when she starts cheating.
“Kara,” you growl out angrily, dropping your tennis racket on the ground. She looks at you guilty, like a kid found with their hand in the cookie jar. “Stop it or else i’m done playing with you.”
She doesn’t stop. She just tries to cheat with more subtlety...which, to be fair, is kind of humorous to watch, but it also leaves you exasperated. The dork clearly knows what she’s doing.
“I won!” Kara proclaims with a wide grin, ignoring your scowl. She didn’t need to cheat, she could have very well won without the speed, and without the strength. Her stamina is practically never ending, she could have won without cheating.
But she didn’t. She cheated her way to victory and now she’s bouncing around like she did something.
Admittedly it’s got you a bit pouty and bitter, that’s why you deem it right to get payback in the only way you can.
“Baby,” Kara whines, tugging on your shirt like an angsty child. “Please, it’s our honeymoon. All I did was cheat in a tennis game.”
You spare a glance over your shoulder at her, biting your lip to hold in your smile. It’s been a full hour since the tennis game, and at this point you’re keeping up the bitter silence for laughs more than actual bitterness.
Kara’s cute when she’s desperate. This whole thing is turning you into a sadist.
“I love you,” Kara says, waiting for you to say it back. To speak. When you say/do nothing in return other than quirk an eyebrow at her she gives you a look that’s pure betrayal and astonishment.
You make a noise of protest when Kara tugs you to a stop and clasps your face in between her hands. The two of you are in the middle of a sidewalk but she doesn’t seem to care.
“I love you,” Kara repeats with furrowed eyebrows. She clearly thought that this would be the one tactic to get you to speak again. It’s a good attempt, when she looks at you like that you almost do want to speak up and say it back.
Instead you settle for placing a soft kiss on her lips, and another one on the inside of her wrist.
“You’ll kiss me but you won’t talk to me?” Kara asks, but she’s grinning at you with a hint of mischief so you know she’s not genuinely upset.
The mischief is a bit unsettling though.
“I’ll get you to say something, just you wait,” Kara promises, pulling you into another kiss. And yeah..this is okay. Kara can cheat at tennis all she wants.
You don’t expect her first real attempt to be the one that gets you speaking to her, but Kara seems to like playing unfair today.
She laid off on trying to get you to talk the entire day. The two of you have been getting creative with making up new ways to communicate and have been having fun with it, so much so that you forget about the challenge.
She just caught you off guard in the end.
All she does is pretend to get into a sneezing fit and you’re immediately at her side, concerned. “Baby are you...wait why are you smiling?” You ask, “do you not realize that you can’t get…oh.”
“Oh,” Kara repeats, her face just complete and utter smugness.
You blink at her in complete silence, questioning all of her life choices until this moment. This is just pathetic.
“I missed your voice,” Kara admits, leading you into an alleyway so you don’t stop the flow of traffic on the sidewalk.
It’s dark out so alleyways like this would be giving you the creeps if it weren’t for Kara standing in front of you. Kara Zor-el, standing in front of you looking victorious.
“Congratulations, you snake,” you mutter, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind Kara’s ear.
Kara only smirks. “Do I get a prize?”
You nod, because there is one thing you wanted to do ever since this morning. Even before the fateful tennis match, while the two of you were in bed, and again later on while Kara was stuffing her face with pastries, and now too, because Kara looks beautiful in her victory— even while her win means your loss.
First, you kiss her, fully and sweetly and full of love. You kiss her in the shadows of the alleyway with cars honking not too far away, and the bustle of people walking down the sidewalk a little ways off.
You kiss her and Kara kisses back, because she always does.
Then you pull away, looking at her dazed face and feeling your own sort of victory in reflection of it. “If I ask you to marry me, is that considered a prize?”
“Is this you asking?”
“Yeah,” You confirm, “Kara Zor-el, Kara Danvers, Supergirl, my favorite person...will you marry me?”
Kara pretends to think about it for a moment, then shrugs, “why not?” She concedes, running a thumb over your pout. Her eyes are bright though, and full of her amusement.
“You’re an awful wife. When your wife proposes to you you’re supposed to say yes.”
“I did,” Kara jokes, “i’m just considering the cost of a second wedding.”
“We won’t have one, you said yes so we’re automatically married again.”
“Is that how it works?” Kara wonders, looking doubtful enough that you kiss her again, long and hard, until she has to pull back for air. Kissing her is your ultimate technique to get her to relent, and it works. “Yeah,” Kara agrees breathlessly, “whatever you say.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes. “I’m glad we’re in agreement. Do you also think you can fly us to Paris tomorrow?”
Kara nods, and just keeps nodding until her brain catches up to what you said and she pouts. “You have to book the hotel.”
“Of course, whatever you say,” you repeat.
Kara narrows her eyes at you, watching as you kiss her nose and begin to make your way out of the alleyway.
She follows.
“Can we get a dog?” She asks once she’s beside you. You glance over at the dog her eyes are focused on. Kara always asks the same question whenever she sees a dog that even looks semi-cute (this one kinda reminds you of Cat Grant though...just the way it walks...).
“You can do whatever you want.”
Kara huffs out a breath, shaking her head. “No I can’t. If I get a dog it’s your dog too.”
You pause, thinking... “Then if you promise not to cheat in tennis you can have a dog.”
Kara lets out a loud groan that has several people looking over. She clearly thought that now that you were talking it was a thing of the past.
She has another thing coming if she thinks you’re going to let go of the tennis thing anytime soon. It’s far too amusing watching Kara get whiney whenever it’s mentioned.
“If you let that drop, I'll let us sleep in tomorrow,” Kara bargains, waggling her eyebrows.
And let what drop? All you can think about is a few extra hours snuggled into your kryptonian.
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MILF Fuckers HCS w/ Black!MILF!Reader | The 3 Musketeers pt. I
cw// getting your back blown out by younger cocks bucks eager to prove they're man enough for you, pro hero! aged characters
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Pro Hero Shouto is reserved, and quiet just like how he was at UA
unlike when he was at UA, it is not a cover for uncertainty, it's his intentional choice to observe more than he adds to inane chatter
so you're able to see the confidence in his eyes when he asks you for your number after he saves you and your baby girl
for a second time in your mind because
even after he stopped your car from being crushed by the rubble of a building destroyed in a fight against a villain
he made sure to stay between you and the rabid reporters eager for a scoop of his success in the fight, and you were sure it was because he noticed the way your daughter flinched at the loud noise of the crowd
So even though he's at least ten years younger than you, you give him his number with a furious blush on your cheeks
He came along to walks in the park and visits to museums, and your daughter liked him right away because of his simple and straightforward way of speaking
There were also dates when you let your mom babysit for the weekend
The first was at a fancy restaurant, and you looked for an equally fancy outfit. You were semi-successful because you found a (clean) jumper that was a soft forest green and a pair of sturdy brown dress shoes.
You weren't used to the stuffy poshness of the restaurant you and Shouto were guided through on the way to the table he'd reserved, and to your immense surprise and gratitude he noticed the way you kept fidgeting and couldn't sit still
Between the whispers and stares and the menu that just looked ridiculously expensive for no other reason than to be expensive, you couldn't relax and enjoy the company of the actually really great guy sitting across from you
"Isn't she a little old for him? She looks like his mother, the fat cow." The particularly cruel words made your sting eyes before you could even steel yourself against them, the skinny bitches at the table closest to yours on the balcony overlooking the city had been eyeing Shouto as soon as you'd been seated. You knew you shouldn't care but you fucking did--
"Come on- let's get out of here, I can't properly focus on my stunning date with all the noise in here." He stood abruptly and held his hand out to you, his calm but firm voice carrying to the other women's table, and somehow you were able to smile after wiping your tears quickly
You took his hand and followed him out to the street, surprised once more when he directed his driver to meet them at the downtown park in a couple of hours
He walked beside you, hand in hand, and you talked about everything and anything until you reached the park- where he fell in love with the way you laughed and called him a "gentle young man" when he offered to push you on the swing set
He handed you his phone and let you order the food you actually wanted to be delivered to the park, and though he teased you, "I'm putting my faith in you, I hope you know" (words that somehow didn't seem to just be about the wine) he let you choose your favorite cheap wine that tasted like juice with sexy in it
You fell a little in love with the way his laugh was warm and rich as you guys had the best second half of a date you'd ever experienced, having an impromptu picnic with his suit jacket laid on the grass for you and his tie loosened and his sleeves rolled up.
After that he let you choose and plan your dates, telling you in the note sent along with the flowers to your condo the next day that he wanted you to always be smiling and laughing if he could help it when you two were together
As much as your friends doubted his seriousness because of the age gap between you, he showed you time and time again he was serious about courting you
That meant more than flowers and gifts of books and surprises for your daughter, including a hot air balloon ride with just the three of you
It meant he came over just to talk to you about your days, came to dinner on week nights just because he missed seeing you too
It meant the way he cradled your face between his large hands when he kissed you, as if you were something precious he was scared of breaking
When he came over for your date night one week, a friend of yours (who was quickly becoming in danger of no longer being your friend at all the way she was talking) was still going on about how Shouto was a pro hero, which meant he couldn't be trusted to commit to a single mom with all the women chasing him everyday
"Shouto wouldn't do that to me. Now could you please leave, Kara. I have a date and he'll be here any minute." You pinched the bridge of your nose and you were trying not to curse her the fuck out. This desire was doubled by the way you saw her eyes linger on him shamelessly as she passes him on her way out the door.
"I overheard the end of your conversation, I apologize- I didn't mean to eavesdrop." The polite words made you smile but Sho could see that the conversation with your friend had taken a lot out of you. So he came over to pull you into his arms and murmured softly,
"How about we stay in tonight. Just the two of us, some delivery and everyone and their unnecessary opinions on the other side of the door, hm?"
You smiled and you were honest when you told him you'd like that
And that's how you ended up riding his cock after sharing a shower where his warm and cold hands trailed over your skin with such desire and reverence all your doubts melted away. You wanted him, in your bed, and in your life for the long haul
You were moaning and gasping as you were caught between the pleasure of his thick shaft stretching you open and fucking deep into you, and the sharp stinging pleasure of his tongue and teeth and hands on your nipples and clit.
He was taking Full Advantage of finally having your glorious tits in his face, bouncing with every thrust and drawing him in like sirens at sea
He suckled from you with a hunger that made your pussy throb and clench around his length, and when he slammed up harder in response you swore the tip of his cock kissed your cervix
A guttural moan was dragged deep from you as he did it again, and again until your squirted all over his flexing abs as he fucked you through your orgasm
"That's it sweetheart, give me all of you." Shouto's voice was deep and ragged with need, and it did funny things to your insides when his words were so polite but his tone was pure sex
"I swear if you let me I'd give you another child for us to raise together, keep you full of me, let everyone know you're mine-"
"Sho!" Your nails dug into the skin of his forearms when he couldn't hold himself back anymore and grabbed your wide hips with an inescapable grip and started to lift you up and down his shaft with more power than your shaky legs could produce
"You'd let me wouldn't you? You already know I'm yours, and you'd look so fucking sexy round with my baby-"
"Yes, I-I'll let you, please!" You were babbling, the squelching of your soaking wet pussy taking his cock deep enough he reached your guts was too distant to embarrass you, all you knew is that you never wanted Shouto to stop fucking you. Claiming you.
And that was enough to make Shouto fill your clenching heat with his seed, gripping your hips so hard you were sure you'd have bruises
"Come on, darling, milk me for every drop okay? That's the only way you'll get pregnant." Shouto gritted his teeth as he spoke, fucking his copious load into your cervix.
You were barely able to hold yourself up, resting with your arms around Shouto's neck and your head on his shoulder feeling his cum fill you with warmth
"I love you," was your only response, and in your fucked out cute voice Shouto wouldn't have had it any other way
"I love you too, and I'll love our family."
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
(Part 1) zoydzlhfxfzmbdd BRUH. BRUH. BRUH. your writing is phenomenal! Like, can I get the number of the Demon you sold your soul to for writing talent? Because ugh its so fucking good. I love your concepts and headcanons and they're always so in character and fit so well with each yandere like a terrifying PBJ sandwich 🥪. If you're not busy, can I get some uh platonic yandere Superman? Like, just imagine him adopting a dumbass vigilante reader and getting uber protective when he realises
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Yandere Platonic!Superman/Clark Kent x Daughter!Reader
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Once Clark meets you as your vigilante persona and sees how reckless and careless you really are, he just knows he has to take you in as his own. He's not like Bruce who will gradually get to the point of taking you under his wing and bringing you into the family, no Clark rushes in head first, much like yourself. Now, he knows you're not of legal adopting age but the doesn't keep him from deciding henceforth you will be his daughter.
When Clark does make his fateful visit, your fate was already decided before he even got to your apartment complex. He either got the address from Bruce or from one of the many nights he followed you home, just to ensure you got back safely and without incident. Speaking of which, he'll have to have talk with you about how you late you come home, barely leaving any time for you to get a restful amount of sleep.
Once you open the door and see Superman in all his superhero glory (he didn't even bother changing) you don't have enough time before he's already inside your apartment, looking around and taking everything in. It's obvious that you're a broke college student just by how bare and empty the place is. You're still babbling on about how he found you and what the hell's going on. Clark already thinks this place isn't good enough for you by any means. Looking through your cupboards only to find cup'o'noodles, peanut butter and RedBull. Yeah this isn't going to fly with him. He's surprised you've made it this far on your own, but now you don't have to survive by yourself cause Clark's here now.
You won't be able to talk your way out of anything with Clark, if he has his mind already set on something then that's what he's gonna go with. You'll be packed up and moved into his house in no time, probably the same night he comes to your apartment. You're pretty sure you're being kidnapped and you are, but Clark's just taking his daughter home. He's too delusional and too far gone to see his actions as anything other than what they are and to him, he's taking care of his precious baby girl and making sure your needs are met.
If you have a job, Clark will be there especially if it's a job like being a cashier, server, or something of the sort. He'll drop by to check in on you and make sure everything's going well. He doesn't necessarily like you working, he and Lois could take care of you, but it is a proud moment to see his Daughter being responsible and doing grown up things. He'll take sneaky photos of you while your working just to send them to Lois or Bruce, bragging about how well you're working and how much of a little worker bee you are. All the while you're having an existential crisis about this strange man who keeps referring to himself as your Dad and how he basically kidnapped you the day before, after not even meeting him for the first time.
Speaking of Lois, she and the rest of the Superfamily have already been well aware of Clark bringing you home, he hadn't stopped talking about leading up to the day he actually brought you home. Lois was hesitant and apprehensive about at first but once he brought you home, she saw exactly what Clark had seen in you. In that moment she accepted that this was the best choice for you. You're still very much in a panic over the whole thing especially when you're all sitting at the dinner table and everyone's acting like this is what you've all been doing for years, being completely normal and not uttering a word about what all has gone down in the last few days.
If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, you won't anymore after Clark finds out. He won't allow you to date at any age, you're going to stay his precious baby girl. He can't fathom the thought of you getting married or having kids, not that he's opposed to grandkids, he just is opposed to everything leading up to grandkids. He wants to keep in his mind that you're his pure and innocent daughter and that no one has tainted you or anything. If you've already had intimate relationships, it would be best to keep that to yourself.
Clark is always listening to your heart beat, keeping track of even the smallest changes in the rhythmic beating. He'll use his x-ray vision while you're both out on patrol to check for any internal damage or injuries. God forbid if he finds any, you're being rushed to the hospital right away, no ifs, ands, or buts. He'll stay with you the whole time. Now if Clark knows who hurt you or even the slightest inkling they're a goner. He'll track them down and beat them to a pulp, maybe even killing them in the process.
Clark probably has a parenting book about How to Raise a Daughter. He'll take advice from Lois, Kara and Karen but he'll usually go with his gut. He'll treat you a lot like a toddler or middle schooler than an actually college aged person. When you're old enough to drink, he'll probably have a heart attack. Clark just can't take the thought of you going to a bar and getting drunk and then the thought of some grubby drunk person hitting on you or making you feel uncomfortable just gets him all kinds of angry. Lois would be the voice of reason, telling you to date and to go out and have fun but to be safe about it, while Clark is off to the side with his arms crossed and huffing like a child who didn't get his way. If you do go out, Clark will follow whether as Superman or where some ridiculous disguise.
God forbid if you actually do sneak out and go on dates behind his back, Clark will feel both betrayed and upset. He'll pull that "I'm not mad, just disappointed" card on you and you'll probably feel like a piece of shit for making him upset. But then you remember that this man KIDNAPPED YOU and MADE YOU HIS DAUGHTER!!!! But the psychological aspect of being told that you disappointed someone does hit deep and you'll probably come around to apologizing to him and promising him you won't do it again. He'll use that on you a lot to make you more compliant.
If you do have your own REAL family and you're close with them, Clark will probably orchestrate something to get rid of them. Like some sort of weird accident or putting the blame on a specific villain. He was just a little too late to save them and he'll hold you as you collapse into his arms crying. As much as it kills Clark to see you hurting, it had to be done. He'll be right by your side the whole time, even at the funeral he'll be right there for you. You won't feel alone with Clark around, he'll make sure of it. If you want space Clark will hesitantly give it to you, but he's using his super hearing and x-ray vision to make sure you're okay, periodically checking in on you using his powers. You don't know what all you've gotten thrown into and you won't be able to claw your way out of it, it's just best to play along and keep the facade going on. Who knows maybe you'll believe sooner or later, maybe you'll become just as delusional as your "dad", if only.
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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Six months ago, a thirty-two-year-old had made the careless decision to sit behind the wheel after consuming a considerable amount of alcohol. Twenty minutes after the fateful decision was made, the driver’s visibility had become significantly diminished. Add another two minutes and his motor skills were no longer functioning at regular capacity. Thirty seconds later, came a vehicle from the left, containing three people – a mother and her two daughters. Karaoke was sung in the car, with the youngest in the car leading them with her soprano level vocals. Oblivious to what would occur next – the mother had continued down the road, giggling at the ruckus that was being created. Ten seconds and the music was drown out by defeating screams.
Each detail from the memory remained immaculate, even if you opted to forget, your mind would never let you. That day you learned how a single decision could change everything. Each person’s fate is intertwined with another’s. Correspondingly, each choice would impact another whether one intended to or not. The vow to live without regrets was merely a joke when you were kids, but it had morphed into a mantra after that night.
Recalling the trauma that you were desperately attempting to conceal had brought your features to scrunch into a sour expression. Hajime and the others had your best interests at heart, but truthfully they were impeding your progress. How could you learn to move on when they served as a constant reminder of what held you back? 
“Oi.” A gentle finger was pressed against the center of your forehead, naturally your eyes shot up to ascertain who had disturbed your inner monologue.
Not a hint of emotion could be detected in Osamu Miya’s features, outside of the usual – hunger. Even now, he was munching on a granola bar. For some reason, the sight ahead of you had prompted a titter to crawl up your throat.
“I feel like I’ve seen this before… This is how aliens impregnant the humans in that one movie.” Raising your eyebrows, your y/e/c irises blinked up at the finger that remained against your skin.
“You had to make it weird.” Instantly, the grey-haired boy removed his finger, then wiped it against your shirt for ‘sanitary precautions’. “Why were you makin’ a constipated face before?”
Stumbling back a few steps, disbelief had manifested into a dramatic gasp. Relocating a hand to your chest, your brows furrowed in distaste.
“Constipated? How dare you! I can’t believe you think this is the face I make when taking a shit.”
The winged spiker had to swallow the chuckle that almost slipped past his lips. How was she a girl? what kind of girl spoke like that? The type that seemed mostly unphased by death threats, the sight of a deceased rodent and Atsumu with his shirt off. Maybe his type –
Wait nope. He was so not thinking that.  
“Oh my God. I saw that.” Were your eyes deceiving you? Not likely. The tips of his mouth had twitched just seconds prior. He was going to laugh, at you most likely, but it counted nonetheless. “That means I would have won today either way. Fuck yes!” A squeal had sounded within the confines of your throat as a hand was thrown into the air in a demonstration of your excitement.
“Gross.” Soon an empty wrapper was deposited onto your head. Osamu then nonchalantly popped a piece of gum into his mouth. Denying your claim would be too troublesome, so he allowed you to enjoy your moment.
“UM.” Plucking the plastic piece laid over your scalp, your eyes went from the clear piece of rubbish to the person who was responsible for it. “Do I look like a trashcan? I swear to God if you say yes, I will provide you a ticket for littering.”
All that was offered in response was a cheeky smile, one that lasted for a second or two at most. The second it was dismantled; withdrawal struck your heart. So that was what drugs felt like –
“Do it again! DO IT AGAIN.”
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Bet you never saw it coming - his type 
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A/N: sorry if this was depressing, I tried to add in some fluffier shit to balance it out. ;-; 
Taglist: @kara-grayson04 @pure-otaku106, @haikyuufairy @kingkagss @bloomkings @hai-q-haikyuu @it-me-720@sunnyshoyou @fangirling-25-8@svtbitch@shegrewupwithoutafather @namyari @lilacshouko @shakiraisawesome  @cuddlesslut @anime-simp @chaelysian@eixelb27 @ensworks @vicassa @callmekda @newfriendjen@harresexual @otomefan @anhphunnnn @idiot-juice-enthusiast  @obsessedwhxre @stfucanunot @aquariarose @bringmelily @1-800-b @prettysetterboiss @kageyamasbabygorl @sugawarabby @missalienqueen @of-heroes-and-dreams
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vallerygallery · 3 years
Young justice season 4 theories part 2
Alright strap in cause this is part 2 of loosing my sanity trying to predict season 4 of young justice. And oh boy are you in for a ride today.
So my last post on this (linked above) was mostly on Wally West, Greta Hayes, the Legion of superheroes, Jason Todd and Bart Allen. I went on about Easter eggs and other thing but I’ve just scraped the barrel on the absurd amount of speculation I call theories. So I’ll go ahead and develop my thoughts on the legion, and add some other details that I’ve seen that I think could lead into some other story arcs.
The Legion Of Superheroes
I’ll be the legion isn’t my forte in comic book knowledge buuuuut, here’s my take on what could happen. This will have some similar points to the ones I made in my last post but bare with me. I already touched upon the easter egg we had and how this might be a way we get Wally back. But what I think is more likely is the house of El.
So let me explain... I've already said that we could meet Kara but I think it could be anyone from the house of El. One of the founding members is superboy, which one though changes so we could see a storyline from that prespective. If we do I think it could go in a bunch of different directions and I might make a post separately for all the ways I think this could play out uf the focus on the superman family. (Tell me if you want to see this).
Other than that it could center on rectifying some mistake in the timestream. Maybe some domino effect Bart caused by avoiding the reach invasion. I don't really know how else this could work but I kinda see this as a posibility.
The Outsiders
With the outsiders I’ve seen that the members deviate A LOT from the comics. Obviously, the series wants to go where the comics can’t. They want to see the characters grow at a rate that’s basically unseen. But some current members that I think could be brought into the team without taking away from the story. So here are my characters:
Francine Langstrom
Sebastian Faust
So I think any of those characters could work well with the team and the storyline we’ve been seeing hence why I think they could appear. And while I know Batgirl already appeared I meant Steph or Cass. The others however I did have to do a little digging so here’s my logic...
Batgirl is really straight forward since we have 2 to choose from. Cass and Steph. They just feel like logical desicions to come out of Batman inc. as Jefferson called them. There is really no other though and I know Batgirl has been a member before sooo yeah.
Sebastian Faust
Faust is part of the magic side of DC which in my opinion is something we could see more of. We already know there's a bunch of magic users from the Misplaced episode so I don't think it could be much of a stretch. We could even see other members from justice league dark for all I know. I think that with just Zatanna and Dr Fate it could be good to introduce other magic users affiliated to the Justice League.
Simmilarly, Faust is linked to Markovia (granted its through a vampire invasion but still) and we know that with Brion still there it's going to continue being a huge part of the storyline going forward. More so because the light has agents in the government. So I think he could be a good option to have show up.
Indigo is one of the many Brainiac iterations. So it could just go in a bunch of different directions. It could also indicate we' be exploring more about the superman family which would be great in my opinion. We have a lot of options since I think the writers won't go with the most obvious choice but I still think that this is perfect cause it crosses over with the legion of superheroes. Tell me some storylines you think could happen.
Francine Langstrom
Ok so in all fairness I'm not the most up to date on this character but from whaat I've found she could be a pretty good fit.
The Phantom Zone
Another point that I touched previously was the phantom zone was referenced with the words 'ghost pit' which seems too close in my opinion. Again this could be used to bring Wally back or... it could have a tie to the house of El. We could be seeing more growth there. It could also tie in with what the legion is going back to stop or to vandal savage if he starts employing criminals. It's likely that they could be employed or in alliance with the light as we keep seeing it grow. It could also be similar to how the light crossed the reach although I do believe it would be more likely to see the light hurt here as these are meant to be the absolute worst criminals Krypton had to offer. We could also see Kara and it could all depend purely on how she was raised after coming out of the phantom zone. This could give many different storylines but I think one that could be interesting is one where she-s raised by Darkseid. We’ve seen it with Superman previously so I don-t see it as a stretch. Besides it would give the writers a lot to work with.
Those are just a few thoughts and I have more considering time doesn't pass there but I'm unsure how it could play out since there are so many posibilities. Especially since I really think it will be coming into play I’m interested in seeing how it comes to be an important player. I think the writers have a lot of potential to make a remarkable storyline if used correctly.
The Doom Patrol
This is one I doubt will happen but I think we could come to see flashbacks or some variation. So ever since I saw Garfield have the flashbacks with the heroes they’ve lost I thought they were setting something up. But with it they also go ahead to talk about the Doom Patrol. I know that its in passing and while I don't think we'll have an entire season I believe we'll see more of them cause they're a huge part of Garfield. If anything we might get to see some of the members as they go through grief. I think it could fit in with season 4 cause while they are part of Gar's past they also have their own phantoms to get over. It could be an interesting dynamic if they take a simmilar approach as they do in the tv show. Where they are plagued by their past, they've lost their family and I think them grieving while trying to help other would be an interesting dynamic.
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korkrunchcereal · 3 years
WoW Q and A
Elaborate on the Chains of Domination cinematic: Story of Anduin and Sylvanas/relationship with the jailer is foundational to Shadowlands. Anduin was dominated. Jailer needed someone like Anduin to be able to walk into Bastion and claim the key. Brief moment of Anduin gaining control in cinematic, so still in there. Chains of Domination will explain more.
When he (Anduin) walks past Uther, did Uther know what was happening or did he feel bad? Couple things going on. His hand touches his wound, made by a weapon of the maw. Uther recognized on some level that power, as well as stirring memories seeing this blonde, kingly figure. Confrontation with Sylvanas in the raid one of the biggest moments in WoW.
Moving from classic to BC while keeping a copy. Whats it going to look like for gold, items/banks. Am I going to see differences or is it two separate entities for all time? Logging in at pre patch will snap a copy of your character. There will be an option to move onto BC classic, or stay in vanilla classic. Can pay a fee and activate “clone” to put them on BC classic if you choose to stay Vanilla. Beta is around the corner. 
How will high population  numbers be handled in TBC classic? How will you handle bottlenecks, sharding, dailies etc. Recognize high population, want to make sure experience is enjoyable. Optimization improvements to help stabilize servers. Experience of rare material and multiple people going is part of the game. Willing to make targeted changes if there is particular problems. 
 Will there be more race/class combinations? Player agency and choice is major theme. Customization key, but also want to reinforce differences. Want to maintain a world that doesn’t have exact symmetry. Have gone back over the years to change things. For now, think they’ve gone about far enough. Nothing planned, but never say never.
 Surprise on Covenant armor? Based on heritage armor. Pure aesthetic, want to give players more and more options. Gameplay reasons to not tmog the entire range (warrior wearing cloth for example)
Workflow change during pandemic? Happened very suddenly. Team reached to each other to find comfort. The isolation found purpose for devs. Making Shadowlands/games help to reconnect friends and people.
Any plans to address faction imbalance? What happened to cause it? Something talked about a lot. Know there’s a very real problem, particularly high end. What caused the problem? Imbalanced in racials allowed to persist too long. At this point, don’t think racials are imbalanced. People staying Horde however due to social reasons now; compounded issue from all the way back from MoP etc. No real answer. Social issue requires social answer.
Have you ever seen a swing in either faction direction due to story elements? Across the game as a whole, faction balance is pretty good. Its raiding/high end PvE that the imbalances really emerge. Have seen faction switches/more cross faction alts in BfA for example. 
If I play BC, when I decide to play on main char and a classic era realm at 60, will I have to name change? You have your name in both places. Ensure people don’t park on names forever.
Any plans to connect more realms? Had to do survey across all populations in all realms. Essentially have to copy an entire realms database onto another. Not a flip a switch thing, lot of work. Have been able to address a large amount of the very low pop. realms. Had to pause for Shadowlands launch due to launch and Shadowlands had huge effects on server populations. Last time they connected realms was right before WoD, and realms had a LOT of queue problems. Watching and waiting for populations to go down before making the jump.
Never gonna have cross faction raids, dungeons etc? Not gonna say never. Essential to hold onto identity but...
Will our amount of Anima be increased later? Is it possible for sanctum upgrades to be account wide? Lot to collect. Hotfixed Anima drops so far. Looking for new sources of Anima for next patch. Over all looking at the costs. Cosmetics are generally account wide. Anima is designed to span the bulk of Shadowlands. 
Sire Denathrius is an eternal one and imprisoned. What will he do? Will we see him again? Best laid plans can adapt. During BfA, intended Bwonsamdi to be a one off. There, but no big deal. Once they heard the VA they went “we need more of this character”. Planned for Sire Denathrius to be there, you kill him w/e. Then heard the VA and went “this guys awesome we love him.” Changed plan to keep Sire Denathrius alive. Will find some other role for him to take. Watch fan feedback to see how community responds/gravitate to. He is in that sword, there may just be allies of him that would be interested in liberating him from the sword...
When will we see more Heritage Armor? As each one was released, got more and more excited from response/enhanced feel of the game. Working on further Heritage Armor. Some coming to near future updates, some more in the future.
Any plans to bring back the AH app? Not as you know it perse. It got turned into a lot of automation. Revamp removed app, then change of the AH. Meant to be more of a socialize thing then accumulation of gold by automated system. Recognize however convenience factor. Consider getting back into some form, but not like how it used to be.
Will there be more new character customization options for Shadowlands? None in Shadowlands. Tend to be fairly big projects. Release them when it’ll be very good for players. Lot of work to juggle. Felt like they got good feedback and support from it. Want to invest going forward when it makes sense.
What are actual requirements for flying in Shadowlands? Where can we fly? Can we fly across the realms? Shadowlands pathfinder no rep grind. Just requires completing full covenant campaign (9.0 and 9.1). Cannot fly from zone to zone. Once unlocked, alts will be able to fly freely. 
In the BC classic, will there be class tuning that would make it notably different than 2007? Broadly no. Want to keep the authentic behavior of final patch, like classic had. Seal of blood
Is there work being done on new Torghast Anima Powers for later patches? Spec specific, when can we see? WIll be done through all patches/future patches. new powers etc. As for powers working outside Torghast, keep OP nature of them inside Torghast.
Difference between passage of time in Shadowlands and in Azeroth? Salanar the Horseman in DK order hall said he was in the veil for what felt like days and it was between WoTLK and Legion. Meet characters for whom time doesn’t seem to have meaning. What is time a construct of? Order. On Azeroth, understand the passage of time because of influence of titans/order. Outside of the influence of order, time loses meaning. A lot more fluid. Shadowlands about eternities. Can have it perceived differently by different characters even going through same thing.
Bringing back 10-man content, either as different difficulty or different instances for smaller groups to tackle. All raid basically is/can be 10 man. These days its the 5 player mega dungeons that fill the role. In BC, ZA and Kara filled that niche of the smaller group doing the BIG, raid like content. Fulfills the spirit of 10 man content.
Will summoning stones be available at launch of BC or come later? Will have them at launch.
What’s Bolvar up to and where is his story going? Will he have a major role to play? One of the fun parts of Shadowlands was getting Bolvar back into the mix. We saw him be pivotal in Torghast and getting into Shadowlands. Saw there was a price to pay for visions with Torghast. He will be front and center in Chains of Domination. Good rallying figure.  
In BC, how will pvp titles be handled without battlegroups? Originally, reward was made for the best player in each battlegroup due to technical reasons. Now that they have better technology, fair way is % based, though still want to keep it small amount. 
In Stormwind, Darnassus refugees mention going back once the smoke clears. Does this mean Teldrassil can grow back and become habitable again? The damage was pretty definitive/lot of lives lost. Don’t want to reverse on a whim. The story of the souls of the Night Elves however is not yet done, nor is Tyrande’s story going into Chains of Domination and beyond.
Will fresh classic servers be added in addition to TBC servers? For the timeline of BC classic, no new classic servers. Eyes on it however for the future. Will discuss once BC launches.
How do you get the Wandering Ancient Mount? Got to have Shadowlands. Will be in 9.0.5 patch update next month (March). 
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