#kudo: (terrified) THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE.
mishy-mashy · 19 days
The Resistance has PTSD of AFO using Cynthia's piano theme
#the resistance (kudo and bruce) would be around our year so. they definitely know about cynthia#many a men: [PTSD]#thought of this cuz i was reminded of volo forcing me to actually use my brain#running around so easily and BAM heres a theme warning you that ☆it's time to die!☆#i stalled that battle so hard for over half an hour#anyway i think that cynthias theme should play whenever the resistance encountered afo#bruce (the only one with common sense): *in the sewers* Why do I hear piano#AFO: *right behind them*#i think cynthias theme matches. i still have a bundled knot of feelings over fighting volo and hes not even as bad as cynthia apparently#*a century later* *kudo sleeping in the void* *Midoriya plays cynthias theme* *kudo's eyes snap open*#AFO absolutely wouldve used the natural terror of cynthias theme for his own Demon Lord aesthetic#the ingrained terror of begging for mercy against cynthia? yeah AFO is just gonna snatch that to make everyone cower before him#can u imagine being in the resistance and AFO frickin. plays cynthias theme throughout a barren wasteland. you dont know why.#all you know is that your nerves are rising. and All For One [The Demon Lord] floats down to ruin your last few seconds of life#kudo: (terrified) THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE.#some resistance member with a record of trolling people with sound effects and background music: Leader I swear it's not me this time-#afo#all for one#kudo#bruce#spoilers#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#AFO to cynthias theme already being ingrained as a terror response to everyone: It's Free Real Estate!#whos gonna stop him the government? there IS no government. /HE/ is the god of Japan at this point#alright everyone i think this is something that can absolutely be used in resistance fics or resistance-recollections of AFO#the darn terror.#i didnt elaborate but i mean cynthia as in PKMN champion cynthia (tag limit)
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fuckyeahfightlock · 4 months
The Jewel in the Tower (207k, E) completed 25 JUN 2016
Sherlock (TV), 29,862 hits, 1051 kudos
In a contemporary dystopia, Unity is peace--despite the fact unsanctioned information, illicit currency, and every sort of danger flows unchecked in the world's pleasure districts.
John Watson, a weary hired gun, is assigned by the mysterious Mentor to investigate a subversive element lurking in the Icehouse, the world's most famous House of Repose. As accustomed as he is to dealing with the unexpected, John is nevertheless woefully unprepared to meet the gem of the Ice house, Xie, the world renowned "drashaskaya," the living work of art after which all other drashas are modeled.
In sumptuous suites, amid trailing puddles of silk and fervent whispers in the night, John soon learns that nothing is as it seems in the floating world of London's pleasure district.
Grade: A-
Favorite Line:  We are imperfect for each other.
What I’d do differently today: The chapter/s wherein Sherlock is found injured and taken to hospital, and the way the hospital scenes play out are kind of. . .operatic? They felt a little histrionic to me, as I reread it this weekend. I could also see where I either wrote it in a hurry or was getting tired of writing it, in that section (maybe readers can, too, or maybe not, I don't know). If I were to rewrite any of this, it would be about 30 - 50% of that segment of the story.
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Notes: I reread this over the last couple of weeks because I wanted to read about the clothes, and was surprised to find myself kind of drawn into the story--there were bits and bobs I'd forgotten, including the details of the espionage subplot; the fact John and Lestrade became friends; and Sherlock's sweet tooth.
I was proud of a lot of the snappy dialogue, particularly between The Face and the Mentor, but also in the scenes with The Face and the Lamia, as well as that oozy, awful monster Jim Moriarty, who was terrible and terrifying without slipping into mwahaha-moustache-twirling villain territory, which he can.
The smut is intensely hot in places--and no penetrative sex, which was appropriate to the story, and looking back on it probably a challenge to write, considering there are probably 20+ sex scenes in the story.
As I was reading, at one point I thought to myself, This is someone's favourite Sherlock fic, and while I have no proof of this (no one I can recall ever having said this to me), I feel sure it's true, and that's sweet and humbling.
Most of you know I retooled this and published it as a novel without the Sherlock characters. I cannot remember most of the names I gave them. The fic is more "real' to me than the novel, now/still. Whatever that means. Probably nothing but it's interesting, considering I spent at least as long with the novel prep as I spent with the fic.
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chershare · 13 days
People really don't give a shit anymore, huh
This new app thing that takes Ao3 works without consent? It's basically another AI scraping BS thing and that is so disheartening.
Why should I have to opt out of this? Why should I have to take extra steps to stop someone from potentially stealing my shit, when it's not even an app that we - the writers - asked for? Why do I have to give you access to my personal email to make sure you don't use my things, sans consent, in your app I'm never going to use? That people who respect the efforts of fic writers won't use?
Why must I tell you no, explicitly, or you think that means yes? Rather than it be automatically opted out and you have to opt in?
Consent is sexy, guys. What are we doing here? Why have we forgotten that?
Why is this something you - the general you - think is okay?
If it were like, a text to speech add-on thing for Ao3 that I could opt into that would be different. Another box to click because it was added to the website. Why not make something that can be integrated into the site itself that does tts?
I'm not trying to pile on work to the Ao3 team, they are amazing and I salute them, but if there was something as a part of the site that you could use as a registered user to have tts involved I'd totally partake. Why make it something entirely outside of our scope that we only learn about via word of mouth like this?
If I wanted my shit used by a third party that doesn't care about me and my efforts, I'd put them on a third party site.
Just as I was considering unlocking my fics, too. Nope, locked Forever. Goodbye Guest Comments and Kudos.
If shit like this keeps popping up with such frequency... the esama purge of the old days is starting to look mighty enticing. The lack of appreciation for the writing and art that has been shared, without profit to the creators, is really coming to a head. Like, you know we don't have to do this right? We don't have to share the things we make with you?
It's not a right, it's a privilege.
That's not even bringing into light the disrespect it shows for podficcers, which I am not, of course. But the effort and time these people put into recording fic so that people can listen to it? That's hard shit guys. People have podded my own works sometimes - I have a blanket permission for podfic/translations in my profile as long as it's through Ao3 and appropriately linked - and it always feels so awe inspiring that someone liked my fic enough to decide to put in the effort to pod it.
Podficcers are a different breed, and they are so cool you guys. Also terrifying, but like. Super cool.
I don't want to disappear my works. I like sharing my writing, I like seeing kudos in my inbox, I like discussing my stuff with people in my discord server or in the comments section when I have the spoons. I like the increasingly rare but desperately appreciated comments in my inbox that come in.
I just updated something and now I'm worried about how this will effect my future desire to do so, my anxiety hitting the roof. Should I keep posting? Should I just say "fuck it" and yank everything now so I know it might not be stolen in the future because the internet is a fucking cesspit of thievery and entitlement now?
Probably got kind of ranty, but like, come on guys. Why? Why do people think this is okay?
I'm sure more will come to light later, but for now I just wanted to get this off my chest.
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smowkie · 10 months
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finished my second bingo card from @ficreadingchallenge, woo! thanks again for hosting this event, it's great fun! 💗
list of read fics under the cut
1. multichapter fic
Countdown by prairiecrow
Garashir, DS9, 8,090 w, rated teen
Garak is poisoned, and Bashir finds himself in a race against time.
2. mythical creature AU
beautiful eyes lookin' deep into mine by sarahcakes613
Barisi, SVU, 1,664 w, rated gen
Rafael hasn't seen his reflection in almost six decades. Sonny finds a magic mirror.
3. less than 20 kudos
I'm Thinking Pastels by harinezumiko
Garashir, DS9, 100 w, rated gen
Prompt: garashir, magical unicorn adventure.
4. found family
Two Fools And Their Son [series] by Talvenhenki
Garashir, DS9, 5,227 w, rated gen
Julian adopts a child. As the child grows, so does Julian's family of misfits.
5. historical AU
Our Better Natures by OnlySlightlyObsessed1
Spones, TOS, 1,429 w, rated gen
Spock couldn't let it happen again.
6. future AU
I will die in the house that I grew up in by justhockey
Buddie, 911, 3,169 w, not rated
Loving Eddie is like breathing past all of the broken glass in his lungs. Buck can’t believe he gets to have this - can’t believe he gets to hold something so precious in his shaking, bleeding hands, and is trusted not to ruin it. He’s not sure he deserves that kind of faith, but he will spend the rest of his life being grateful for it anyway. He’ll spend the rest of his life trying to deserve this family that he’s made.
7. 5+ year old fic
Letters from the Northern Continent by thehoyden
Garashir, DS9, 7,966 w, rated mature
It just figured that the first time Julian Bashir set foot on Cardassia after the war, it would be halfway around the world from Elim Garak.
8. fic with no comments yet
Big Medicine by LadyDrace
Garashir, DS9, 100 w, rated gen
Doctors make the worst patients... and tailors don't make very good doctors either...
9. hurt/comfort
Here, at the End of All Things by sahiya
Garashir, DS9, 17,929 w, rated teen
He was no one’s choice of nurse, Garak reflected, even if Bashir seemed to tolerate him more than anyone else on the station did. Garak had been trained to inflict pain, not to ease it; to terrify, not to comfort. Bashir had shown Garak more tenderness and care than anyone had in many, many years, and the idea of trying to play that same role for the good doctor now was, frankly, a little intimidating. Not trying at all, however, simply was not an option.
10. fix-it fic
you standing in the doorway by Mireille
Stony, MCU, 1,420 w, rated teen
The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway / Is that it's you and that you are standing in the doorway - Mountain Goats, "Going to Georgia"
11. genderbend
Magic is the Worst by arianapeterson19
Tony Stark (gen), MCU, 1,354 w, rated teen
As far as magic went it wasn't the worst thing to have happened to Tony but it also wasn't turning out how he wanted. He was going to find Loki and demand a refund. OR The one where Tony gets turned into a lady.
12. de-aging/kid
Kid Steve by Neverever
Stony, Avengers Assemble (cartoon), 1,752 w, rated gen
It's all fun and games for Kid Steve after being de-aged by the Impossible Man, until asthma attacks.
free space
Bombing It by tokidokifish
Garashir, DS9, 1,112 w, rated gen
“Happy birthday.” “I’m sorry, my dear doctor—I think you’ve mixed me up with someone else.” “I haven’t. I know you wouldn’t ever tell me your real birthday, but I still wanted to give you something to show how much I appreciate your friendship—so I just picked a day with appropriate significance in human culture.” “The first of April.” “Exactly.” — Julian wants to give Garak a gift, so he simply picked a day to do it.
13. bodyswap
i'm yours, body and soul by meidui (orphan_account)
Stony, MCU, 749 w, rated gen
When Tony wakes up in his husband's body at six in the morning hundreds of miles away from his conference, he almost puts a pillow over his head and goes back to sleep because, really, stranger things have happened.
14. daring rescue
come out to the sea, my love by allyasavedtheday
Buddie, 911, 8,035 w, rated teen
“Bobby,” Maddie exclaims. “It’s Buck.” Eddie’s head shoots up, hand immediately going to his own radio. Did something happen? Is it another clot? Did Christopher call 911? Is Buck on the floor bleeding out while his son watches- “He and Christopher were on the pier.” There’s one dizzying moment where Eddie’s vision completely whites out and he loses all control of his limbs but then a strong hand is gripping his arm and he manages to pull himself together enough to focus on Bobby’s face. “Maddie, how do you know that?” Bobby asks and he sounds calm but Eddie can hear the tension hidden in his voice. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. “A girl with a drone called 911- she sent me the footage and-“ Maddie lets out a hitching breath. “They’re stranded on top of the 136’s ladder truck.” * Tsunami au in which the 118 find out about Buck and Chris being stranded on top of the ladder truck and come to rescue them before they get separated.
15. fic written by someone who follows you
a line drawn in the sand by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
Buddie, 911, 5,655 w, rated teen
When Eddie forgets about a family tradition and can’t get off work early, Buck steps in and takes Christopher to Abuela’s for him. Eddie doesn’t expect Buck to still be there when he gets off work. He doesn’t expect to tell Buck how he feels. And he doesn’t expect to stand up to his parents. But maybe it’s about time he did. Maybe it’s about time he go after what he wants.
16. unhappy/bittersweet ending
Flowers for Julian by peytra
Garashir, DS9, 1,232 w, rated teen
A late-night conversation about time and gardening.
17. short fic (<1000 words)
Sleep And Be Peaceful by Elemental_Queen
Garashir, DS9, 214 w, rated gen
Garak comes home late, and finds Julian asleep on his couch.
18. BFFs
I really love you (oh, you’re my best friend) by stellarpoint (pettifogger)
Steve & Robin, Stranger Things, 1,457 w, rated gen
Robin approaches him slowly. She sees herself in the mirror: still dirt-smudged with bags under her eyes and dried blood obscuring her freckles. She rests her hand on Steve’s back and feels the rattle of his breath under the vest he still hasn’t taken off. “It’s okay, Steve.” He jerks his head up. His eyes are red-rimmed and shining. She slides her left hand all the way around his side until she’s hugging him from behind. She presses her cheek to the denim covering his back and closes her eyes. “It’s okay, dingus. You can let it out,” she murmurs. She rubs her face against his back and slides her hand down the bare skin of his arm. “It’s just me. You don’t have to pretend you’re okay.” Or: Steve has a tell for when he’s trying not to cry and Robin seems to be the only one who notices it.
19. pets
Birthday Surprise by PepperSpicedLatte
Saffi, ST: Picard, 100 w, rated gen
Evie, their beloved cat, has a surprise for Raffi
20. mistaken identity
What Happens At Comic Con by Heartithateyou
Stony, MCU, 1,164 w, rated gen
So Steve likes to go to comic con sometimes. And just maybe he dresses as Captain America. And perhaps he might flirt with an Iron Man cosplayer. But can you blame him?
21. remix fic pair (worth 2 spots)
out of the mouth of babes (a childish remix) by Fluffypanda
Stony, MCU, 3,745 w, rated teen
Tony doesn't know how to deal with a child-sized Steve that seems to think they're friends.
22. new (to you) fandom
when you think you've tried every road by firstaudrina
Tristan Duffy/Liz Taylor, AHS: Hotel, 3,224 w, rated teen
Normally Tristan would brush off someone eyeing his ass but this is different, somehow – like Liz looked at him once, and wanted to keep looking.
23. lyrics title - listen to the song too!
Crawling on Your Shores by Mireille
Stony, MCU, 9,600 w, rated teen
Compared to the last time Tony was trapped in a cave, this should be a piece of cake. It's really not. His armor is damaged, he doesn't have anything to work with, and he has an unconscious supersoldier on his hands. It's definitely not a piece of cake.
24. slow burn
keep a bower quiet for us by starghost
Garashir, DS9, 20,218 w, rating gen
Julian Bashir goes on vacation, and ends up stuck on Earth, in the past, with Elim Garak. Things could be worse, probably.
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hxans · 1 year
So we shelled out for amazon prime the other week, breezed through S1 & 2 of Picard, and decided to wait for a few more eps of 3 to come out before beginning. Which means trying somethjng else. Like, say... the Wheel of Time!
I haven't avoided spoilers for the show at all, but it's one thing to try to absorb the show through gifsets and another to watch it.
My husband's two main comments on changes he didn't understand was the women's circle ceremony with the river, and that they gave Perrin a wife. But other than that he's been enjoying it, as have I. I definitely like the symbolism of the river and the foreshadowing of channeling it entails.
I liked that Rand and Egwene were properly established (& their parents ever so conveniently assigned them a chore that left them alone together) even if they also promptly broke up.
The Nynaeve-Moiraine dynamic was on point. And Lan looks so good.
Padan Fain was appropriately sus.
Mat, oh my Mat. It's going to be very interesting to watch things play out and then readjust come season 2 (???? whenever that will be). I like how much of a darling big brother is.
Perrin. Well, even knowing what was coming that was still very shocking. And I can see how it will drive his angst. Faile is going to have her work cut out for her trying to get him to open up to her.
Visually also, the myrdraal and trollocs looked amazing and terrifying, so kudos to them on that.
It is late and I have to drag myself off to bed, but if I'd started it earlier in the evening I'd probably watch another ep or two.
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braveryhearted · 10 months
More obscure muses ( Introduction ) series.
Fandom: Detective Conan.
Muse #1- Ai Haibara / Shiho Miyano
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Age 6-7 ( manga and anime ) [ for Ai ] / Age 17-18 ( manga and anime ) [ for Shiho ]
Ai Haibara, real name Shiho Miyano, is the creator of APTX 4869, the pill that shrunk Shinichi Kudo into Conan Edogawa, and a victim of it herself. Formerly Sherry of the Black Organization, she is on the run from them and lives with Professor Agasa. She is also one of the few characters who know that Shinichi is Conan.
Haibara has a calm and cool personality, sarcastic wit, and high intelligence. When freshly escaped from the Black Organization, she was cynical and pushed others away. Haibara has since defrosted by embracing her new life and has established strong relationships with the Detective Boys, Agasa, and Ran.
As Ai Haibara, she speaks and acts older than she is supposed to be, which results in the Detective Boys referring to her as "cool" or "mature". This is emphasized by her impressing general knowledge, even in areas without relation with sciences (such as theology or history); and on occasion she is so forceful and demanding that she can stun adults several decades above her current physical age into submission. Despite her jaded demeanor, she can be kind and caring, though usually more to animals than people.
Haibara tends to be quiet, though this may be due to her caution to keep herself hidden from the Black Organization. She considers Conan and the Detective Boys the first real friends she has ever had, and is even willing to sacrifice herself just to ensure their safety. Indeed, she considers herself as a threat for them, since the Black Organization will most likely eliminate all of them once she is found. That is why she describes herself as "dangerous and not like the others". Haibara is generally a loner and misses her older sister, Akemi, greatly (in the film Countdown to Heaven, she would call her sister's old apartment just to hear her voice on the voicemail). Her greatest fear is being caught by the Black Organization, and she is especially terrified of Gin and Vermouth. She tries to keep Conan from doing reckless things that may give away their identity, though often she is surprised by his actions which usually result in gaining the information he needs while also keeping their identities secret. However, whenever Conan is reckless in regards to keeping his identity from Ran, Haibara is the one who plans ahead in order to keep him from being revealed. Because she occasionally works overnight on the antidote for the APTX 4869, she tends to be tired quite frequently, causing Conan to call her an "evil-eyed yawny girl" on one occasion.
Despite spending most of her time alone at the lab, Haibara shows excellent understanding of reading people's mind. Examples include Haibara deducing that Ayumi had a crush on Conan, figuring out Conan was about to tell his identity to Ran, or understanding the anger of Kobayashi when confronting Inspector Shiratori. Thanks to this ability, Haibara can remind Conan about the situation and make him act appropriately, not to reveal his identity.
In the OVA A Secret Order From London, Haibara reveals to Ayumi that she likes peanut butter and blueberry jelly sandwiches, from her schooldays in America. She has also mentioned that she only makes it with "American peanut butter and jelly exclusively sold in international grocery store". However, since Professor Agasa caught her eating one of these sandwiches, especially since Haibara was on her part constantly pestering him into eating low-calorie foods only, she had to abandon that habit for a while.
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
Redemption Panel Highlights and Reactions
i.e., Beth Riesgraf and Christian Kane (mostly Beth) talking about filming the scenes in (what I presume is) The Rollin’ on the River Job, where they’re pulling some stuff out of the water, and finding out the next day that there was an absolutely massive alligator pulled out of the same place just a little while after they filmed it
Beth’s impression of the wildlife folks warning them about the alligators
Beth scaring the hell out of Noah Wyle by yelling “GATOR” at him just after he finished his scene
seriously that was an absolutely WILD part of the panel
Everyone showering Aleyse Shannon with literally all the love!
Aldis Hodge in particular big-brothering her, and also the older actors calling her out for not giving herself enough credit, and Dean Devlin talking about how she blew him away at the auditions with her ability to turn on a dime
Seeing Kane with his glasses off wiping at his eyes, momentarily thinking “you okay dude?” and then realizing that he was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes
The The Bucket Job clip! I’ve been a bit meh on a lot of Redemption, just in how it didn’t feel quite right, but that is possibly the absolute closest I’ve seen it get to the original in the best way. Brilliant
Which comes as no surprise since BETH RIESGRAF directed the episode!!! And apparently put an insane amount of effort in!
Beth’s utter delight and joy at both directing the episode and having the crew behind her
So apparently she and Christian went to town on the fight scene and he winds up tied up in a chair somewhere along the line and there’s a whole wild scene, which I am really looking forward to
Beth knowing how insanely particular he’d be about things like zip ties vs rope and what kind of rope e.t.c. e.t.c.
Apparently this is also tied into a VERY DEEP scene with Eliot? It sounds like they’re going to go super hard on his backstory, which is terrifyingly exciting
Just. Beth and Christian going very hard on that episode together
Speaking of: the panel’s going amazingly, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts, things are relatively light, and then, of fucking course—
Kane hitting us over the head about Eliot being a mass murderer who can’t be redeemed, is trying to stay static so that he can maintain the place he’s in, and is thus LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH HARRY
What the FUCK. This is of course incredibly insightful and perfectly on point (because it’s Kane) but also, EXCUSE ME, OUCH, why would you DO THAT to us?
Everyone talking about having their families on set and their kids!
Beth’s son growing up on the original Leverage set and now going into being a director himself!
Gina’s daughter also growing up on set!
Noah Wyle’s daughter is playing Harry’s daughter I REPEAT NOAH WYLE’S ACTUAL DAUGHTER IS PLAYING AS HARRY’S DAUGHTER
Gina Bellman remaining relatively stoic throughout much of the panel (seriously, this woman, how the heck does she do it) and then losing it when they’re asked about running/inside jokes
A lot of them are, of course, apparently not appropriate to be spoken on-panel
(A lot of the others are the little inside ones that are special enough not to be ones they want to share, which is sweet!)
Everyone collectively losing it over having LeVar Burton on for The Bucket Job
Devlin and everyone laughing about collecting the various Star Trek people on Leverage
Beth talking about Burton coming over while she’s getting ready and asking her if she’s living on coffee and water, her laughing because he was absolutely right, and then him gently reminding her to remember to eat, which is the sweetest thing in the world oh my gods
Kane apparently choreographing an intense scene with Burton and being scared out of his mind, because Burton really wanted to go for it, but to Kane it was like he’s a figurine that’s not to be messed with because he was so worried about hurting him
Kane choreographing a massive amount of the show, which I knew already, but seriously, this guy blows me away
Gina and the crew talking about how he’d be away for a day of shooting a fight and all of them would be missing him and thinking about him
Family Vibes
Everyone talking about how they’re very noisy and loud together on set and it’s a bit like walking into a group of people having Christmas dinner (or something to that effect) because they’re just Like That together
Aleyse being the most surprised by Beth when she met her because she was like a little angel of light during the auditions but turned out to be an absolute ball of wild energy on set
Gina going “wait you were a MODEL” at Beth
Aldis talking about how much he loved how Parker and Hardison’s relationship had developed and grown!
Also, Aldis apologizing when the New York (iirc) background noise got loud and everyone going “no no we get you”
His outfit is ON POINT today
Gina saying that Christian is the goofiest and wildest out of them in terms of humor
(she goes “some of you may not know this,” which, fair, but also, if you’ve seen more than ten minutes of this guy outside of character you know he’s an absolute ball of sunshine)
Gina, Beth, and Christian talking about how they’d challenge each other to stay off sweets back on the original set, because they knew they needed to stay in shape and also just because they’re competitive (apparently all of them are major sweet tooths) and hide brownies and things from each other, while Aldis is just. doing pushups. eating all the healthy stuff. and then wanders into the room with a literal cupful of chocolates
(and Aldis going “well yeah I have to work off the sweets SOMEHOW”)
Beth explaining that sometimes they’d order a “Kane burrito” from Christian and he’d alter it slightly
Like, you know, chopping up hot jalapenos super fine and mixing them in, and Beth practically not being able to talk after the first bite
Apparently Aldis still went back a lot even after that
(Christian just seems very pleased with himself over it)
Gina goes “hey we should have an episode where we all swap roles,” Devlin going “WAIT FOR SEASON ONE TO BE DONE,” and then somebody (maybe the moderator?? I don’t remember exactly) going “uh actually. We did that”
Cue immediate scramble of “WAIT WHICH JOB WAS THAT”
(paraphrasing) “Yeah you remember the bit where you put on Parker’s harness and went off a building?”
Turns out half the cast had actually forgotten that that existed and only remember when reminded
The original cast all think of the episodes as “jobs”!!!!
Everyone talking over each other, Devlin going “it was with Sterling when we blew up the offices,” deciding that it was the season one finale, and then trying to figure out what episode title it was (eventually they figure out it’s the David jobs)
Moderator and Devlin accurately commenting that the fans know the show much better than they do
Noah Wyle very correctly explaining how Electric Entertainment is like a family and Devlin just. Keeps people
Aleyse and Aldis talking about typing when they’re hacking and going “WHAT THE HECK DO WE TYPE”
Aldis goes “yeah I just type all the bad words that we’re not allowed to say”
Aleyse saying that she’s always a little worried they’re hiding a Word document behind the blue screen and they’re going to pull up what she’s typing at the end of the day and print it out and put it in her trailer going “what the HECK is this”
Noah talking about filming The Golf Job and just getting to direct Jason Marsters and Christian together
Apparently their dynamic in that episode accurately mirrors the one with their characters in Angel!
Which promptly goes straight to the comment that it was very hard to make Marsters look like a golfer (pfft)
(Also apparently Christian plays golf for fun with his friends? Not necessarily something I would’ve thought of!)
Aleyse happily talking about how she loved the dynamic on set and it was very different from what she was used to
Also Aleyse talking about doing stunts and everyone else praising her for going whole hog
Beth especially praising her for the bit where she’s hit with the paralysis injection (I don’t remember which ep it’s from) and her acting for it, because it was incredibly hard to drop off screen in the particular way she did
Aleyse promptly answers that she was terrified with some of those, especially one where she had to keep a clock from falling and breaking
Everyone discussing how they see a new aspect of Breanna’s character in The Train Job
Also, to get serious for a moment, Kate Rorick in particular talks about how Breanna’s part of Gen Z and how we didn’t get the “days of yore” where everything was chill. We’ve basically been living in a world of hostility the whole time. It’s something I deeply appreciate, as someone who’s part of that group, and I love how they emphasize that for us.
This panel was pure chaos and I loved every moment of it! My stomach was actually hurting from laughing so hard, I swear. They had me cackling well over half the time. I would happily take panels double or triple the length of this, this was amazing. I also adore how the second you drop these six people in a room together, they immediately take off and literally just run and give you everything you wanted and more. (It is also evidently very hard to get them to STOP talking.)
I’m also just going to stop and take a second to fawn over the effects for the 3D room. It’s gorgeous—I love how they replicated the headquarters, especially with the stained glass ceilings! Super impressive, especially with all the photos, and I just love the whole thing. Kudos to whoever put that together.
Anyway, I’m definitely missing some stuff too; seriously, there wasn’t a second wasted in this thing, they were cracking some kind of joke or dropping some really interesting piece of information practically every thirty seconds. (And I haven’t even gotten into the clips OR the bloopers. I miiiight do a separate reaction purely for those.) It’s still up right now if you missed it and you want to watch it! I’ll probably watch it again, honestly.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs TLoVM Ep. 6
So now that I have a decent desk chair, actual liveblogging!
Hello, Dominic Monaghan!
Matt really is in every episode, isn’t he? Then again, men with brown longish hair aren’t exactly uncommon. Still, there was an eyepatch! And then he was crushed like a soda can.
So the giants look like Ryuk from Death Note. That’s ... special.
“What, ‘cos we all know each other?” THANK YOU, GROG.
So @true0neutral needs to watch this because Yennen is such an awesome priest of the Dawnfather.
Oh SHE SEES ORTHAX DAYUM. I’m sorry, but seriously - beyond the white hair and everything, he hasn’t said enough to determine how much he’s changed yet.
See, I liked the conversation about who’s actually leading, and Keyleth did actually put it best. They each lead when it’s appropriate for them to lead. They shift and change leadership roles depending on what strength is required to get through anything that gets in their way. That’s always been Vox Machina’s strength. It’s when they start thinking any one of them is The Leader that they get all fucked up.
Okay, this is Grog as I know and love him. “Yeah, all this sucks and it’ll probably make a good fight and that asshole fucked me up with his sword so I kind of want to kill him but this just sucks and-- wait. These assholes mean no ale? I. Would like. To--” “GROG NO.” “Oh, let him destroy a thing or two. It’ll be a good warm-up for him.”
I’m sorry, Yennen. But it sounds like Percy’s friend Archie hasn’t changed one tiny bit.
“You’re playing on my emotions. And I can’t say I blame you.” Yeah, nobles and priests sometimes have to be manipulative little shits, but I do love the, “You’re playing me. And it’s working. And I’m so proud of you” tone of voice.
...They’re actually going to do the beret. Oh. My gods.
This is a “Pike needs to internalise the fact that she’s worthy” thing, isn’t it. The fight with the Briarwoods even before she got hit with Delilah’s spell, her not being able to help as much as she wanted to, it’s all a doubt thing.
Well, Stonefell, there might be no room for heroes in Whitestone, but there’s clearly room for dishonourable weasely cowardly bastards using a chained-up dwarf as a punching bag. (Also you’re gonna find that heroes don’t take up that much room until they’re busting your door down. Just by the way.)
Also, HI DARIN DE PAUL! He must have had so much fun with this...
Rory. McCann. HELLO. ...So wait, we get to see Scanlan force that guy off a roof? I’m liking this idea.
This is why At Dawn, We Plan was a whole thing. You’re right, Vax. Mostly. Keyleth’s plan wasn’t bad. I mean, assuming there are any animals worth a shit in Whitestone.
"Nothing but Bad News.” PERCY YOU SHITHEAD. Still, great use of the scope.
I mean, I knew they kept the door bit, but AAAAAAHAHAHA.
“Congrats. Everyone’s getting out early for bad behaviour.” AHAHAHA I LOVE YOU VEX.
Well. That’s ... one way to get through the door.
Nice use of illusions, Scanlan!
And that, right there, is a call to vengean-- DAYUM KEYLETH. I mean, narratively speaking, crushing the head of the resistance fighter who saved the life of one of their own basically marked Stonefell and the entire Briarwood rulership for extinction, but it’s nice to see that as a catalyst for Keyleth coming into her own righteous fury. Also, hello Minxie.
Okay, now THAT was a shot. A shot that could break the haft of a maul that heavy? Also the accuracy of it. Just a really nice touch.
“I wanted you to know it was me.” GAAAAAAAH THAT’S FUCKING TERRIFYING. Kudos to the animators. Also to Taliesin Jaffe because this is all way creepier than his original yelling.
...Then again, the yelling is equally creepy. And again, kudos to the animators; rage like that tends to look laughable in this animation style, or at least ... well, two-dimensional, pardon the pun. But the combination of rage, horror and just plain disgust on his face, both during the shooting of Stonefell and later, when yelling at Vax about his vengeance...
And then the animators let him go to horror-tinged vulnerable shock. No one gets to say the animation in this is bad. Ever.
Yeah, even knowing what does ultimately happen (though I understand that liberties will be taken here), I still get that feeling that whether “I have a sister” ends well is up in the air. I mean, that “This changes nothing” scene is all it took to flag up a few very key points: that Cassandra’s in a bad situation and might well just be going along to keep herself alive, that Cassandra might hold a grudge about being left for dead (because we can see that de Rolos hold grudges), that she has been in the custody of a vampire who likely has no qualms about messing with her head... Just a couple of lines and it sets up Cassandra’s whole moral and psychological battleground, and the defenses Percy’s going to have to get through in order to make “I have a sister” a reality.
So, six episodes in ... while the campaign will always have a special place in my heart (and now I kind of want to watch it again), I like this version ... not better, but in a different way. They’ve managed to find ways to set up the important themes in a lot less time, in subtle yet powerful ways. Haven’t seen much of Mae Catt’s stuff - then again, Mae Catt hasn’t written that much - but this was a winner.
I happened to see who wrote Ep. 7.
Travis. And Sam.
I have got to see their writing chops. I have to. It’s not an option. I require food first, though.
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juurensha · 2 years
Ship Meme: Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan
Now let’s talk about the first ship to really drag me into danmei fandom, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan from Guardian!
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Spoilers for both the novel and the show under the cut!
Shen Wei:
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The epitome of the classic Chinese scholar gentleman beauty, heartthrob Chinese literature/biology professor of the university (depending on if we’re talking the novel or the show, although I lean more towards the Chinese Lit side), Ghost King/Ghost Slayer/Black Robe Envoy (again depending on the novel or the show), Shen Wei.
Is a very kind professor (although he probably drives his grad students up the wall with how bad with modern tech he is), but is absolutely dedicated to his duties as Ghost Slayer/Black Robe Envoy and is kind of terrifying when he really lets loose (more so in the novel than in the show since after all, never forget that in the novel, he’s a Ghost King).
Look, as soon as I saw Shen Wei’s fussy little glasses and perfect suit, I was just like, who is that, he looks like a fun character, AND I WAS RIGHT. Perfectly pressed on the outside, but feral on the inside (although not as much as his twin), Shen Wei was perfectly portrayed in the drama by Zhu Yilong, and is a great terrifying character.
Zhao Yunlan:
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Chief of the Special Investigations Department, reincarnation of the deity, Kunlun/time-travelled and was Kunlun (look the book and the show had to split because of censors), Zhao Yunlan. He looks like a dirt-bag Gege (it’s that mustache), he smokes like a chimney/is constantly popping lollipops into his mouth (again, book vs. show), can’t keep house for the life of him, but despite his unkempt appearance, there’s a reason he’s the chief, and he’s extremely sharp and canny.
He’s also flirty as hell, hitting on Shen Wei almost as soon as they meet (moreso in the book), and I really love how Bai Yu played him hahahaha. He’s a troll at heart, but he’s also going to get to the bottom of the cases he gets and make sure the appropriate people are punished. He’s a fun character, who probably gets the best character interactions with every member of the cast (because he’s usually trying to press all their buttons).
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Okay, you see that gif up there with them in the car? That gif was enough to convince me to watch the entire terribly CGI-ed and censored to hell show and then to try to read the book as well. Their chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS, and not even the censors could hide it, so Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu deserve all the kudos for carrying that show on their shoulders (because honestly, everything else is kind of terrible).
But anyway, talking more about the book than the show (because while the show gave you SO MUCH chemistry, its plot was nonsensical, and they can’t do reincarnation in a modern day show so they had to go with time travel instead), I do love some reincarnation romance, especially when it’s got a god who gave some of his soul to a little ghost king (who had gathered up the shards of his soul in exchange for another forehead kiss), and then said ghost king agreed to stand at the god’s post for the next thousands of years to let the god enter the cycle of reincarnation. He’s also required to never approach the god’s reincarnations, so he does...up until Zhao Yunlan, and Zhao Yunlan once he figures all of this out is also completely fine with dying for real at the end of this life as long as they can spend this one together. Just--sdfjsdfjlksjflkj so much devotion! It makes me want to scream.
But setting aside their backstory, their interactions are just really fun too! Zhao Yunlan is flirty and a troll who will never give up any chance to flirt with/have fun with Shen Wei, and Shen Wei, normally so serious and buttoned-up, will gladly indulge in anything Zhao Yunaln wants to do. To say nothing of the two of them in battle couple mode--really, no one stands a chance. Zhao Yunlan BUYS A HOUSE for Shen Wei before confessing (and if you know the Chinese real estate market, you know how difficult that is), and introduces him to HIS MOTHER (who after the initial worries about her son coming out in a homophobic society is actually delighted to have a professor son-in-law, although how her son ever landed him, she has no idea). And of course, Shen Wei is utterly devoted to Zhao Yunlan (and a bit of a stalker because, you know, ghost king immortal has to keep an eye on the reincarnations even if he can’t get close usually. Look, Shen Wei is a little bit of a freak, but that’s why we love him.)
juu, should I watch the show or read the book?
Despite how much I’ve ragged on the show, you should totally watch it! Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu are amazing as Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan, and it’s a delight to watch them!  It’s also free and subtitled on Youtube so there’s really no reason for you not to at least try it! (Just ignore the terrible CGI. And the fact that they had to change the ghost and underworld plotline to aliens because Chinese shows are not allowed to have ghosts and gods in shows set after the 1940′s/when the Communist party took over the country). 
The book is a different beast, much darker and more complex, and obviously I recommend reading it. Also, it was written before the crabs were unleashed on jjwxc, so it’s got smut! Seven Seas is coming out with the official English translation in 2023, so preorder it and support the author!
Aliens. Because I guess aliens are still possible under the CCP. And yes, there’s a “light form” alien that acts EXACTLY like a ghost. I did say the writing on the show was weird, but that’s what happens when you have censors.
juu, is this a happy ending?
It is in the novel! In the show...there’s some ambiguity going on there. But you know guys, there’s always fic!
juu, do you have any fic recs?
I sure do! There’s this hilarious fic about all of Shen Wei’s students thirsting over him and seeing some events from the T.V. show/novel, and there’s of course rageprufrock’s amazing fic with Shen Wei and his in-laws (check out all of rageprufrock’s Guardian fics, seriously).
juu, I’ve heard all the characters are much nicer in the show than in the novel?
Yeeeeeah, there’s some truth to that. Honestly, the SID division in the novel didn’t have much of a camaraderie feel (although they are much more competent that show!SID, who while they all seem like good friends, come off as dumbasses), and the show definitely toned down how dark Shen Wei could get. I’ll be honest that I feel like Weilan had more chemistry in the show than in the books (priest’s romances are usually a miss for me sadly--but bizarrely, I always like priest romances adapted into TV shows, who knows what’s going on there). Still, the world building and mythology and plot is much better in the novel.
juu, why are Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu so good?
Idk, magic and chemistry I guess. I really loved their interviews together too--someone said that it looked like a cheetah with his emotional support dog, and it’s SO TRUE.
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mojoflower · 4 years
WHY is fanfiction not the appropriate venue for your political or social battle?
We can all agree, I posit, that there are changes that need to be made in the world (racism, for example;  patriarchal inequalities;  rape culture;  capitalism;  plug in your personal cause here).
We can all ALSO agree, I think, that the way culture, media, etc. portray things influences a consumer on an unconscious level.
We can agree that, in real life, certain things are clearly bad:  abuse of others, non-consensual sex, systemic inequality, I can go on….
So.  Let me feel my way through this.  I, personally, feel like fanfiction (specifically on AO3, since that’s where I encounter it) is NOT an appropriate battleground for enforcing cultural change by:
Leaving comments about how someone’s work is (in your, the commenter’s, opinion) wrong, damaging, unfair, insensitive, etc.
Telling the writer they should change this or that.
Telling the writer they must add or delete tags.
Broadcasting your opinion of the writer’s egregiousness outside AO3 (twitter, for example, or here on tumblr).
Organizing a campaign of harassment against the author if they don’t change to suit your personal requirements.
First of all:
 Be the change you want to see.
Fanfiction, unlike any other media out there, is INDIVIDUAL.  It is one work, from one single person – voluntary and unpaid.  You yourself are one single person.  You can have as much influence as this writer.  Write the works you want to read, instead of demanding that the writer change to suit you.  This is how romance novels changed from non-con, non-condom-wearing, shudderingly unequal stories in the 70s and 80s to where they are now, for example.  New people started writing stories, and eventually established authors started changing, too (or dwindled away).
Remember that you know nothing about the author.
You don’t know their culture, their skin color, their age, their gender.  You don’t know their socioeconomic status or how much free time they have.  You don’t know their current mental or physical conditions.  You don’t know any of the things going on in their life.  AND.  You are not entitled to know these things.  When you lash out at an author for not doing research, for not editing, for… anything at all… you cannot assume that they’re not fourteen, not suicidal, not a native speaker, not disabled such that writing a single paragraph is a tremendous effort.  You don’t know they’re not in an abusive situation, or economic peril.  You do not have the right to tell them to change.  Whether you are asking them to change text, tone, tagging, ships, plot, you name it.  Anything.
Dead Dove:  Do Not Eat.
Don’t like, don’t read.  These are simple concepts, and the tagging system on AO3 helps you to avoid many triggers.  Simple common sense, once you're into a story that’s raising your hackles, will warn you away from the rest.  If you say, ‘no, this person can’t write that, it’s contributing to pain in the Real World’ then you are functioning as a censor.  I mean, at its most basic level, a censor is someone who strikes out passages in books or other media because it’s… immoral/bad/etc.  The problem is that morality is incredibly tailored to the group you’re in, and also incredibly fluid, shifting over time.  So… why do YOU get to be the censor and not the author?  What makes YOU the final word?  Seriously, think about it.
Fanfiction writers are the most vulnerable group you could target.
Which makes them easy prey, and possibly makes them the juiciest and most satisfying targets.  Address your anger to Hollywood or Simon & Schuster or Congress – and your voice will doubtless get lost in the shuffle.  Address it to an author on AO3 and you can deliver your blow personally, one on one, and witness the damage.  There is no professional buffer between your resentment and their reaction.
Who are fanfiction writers?  Overwhelmingly women, overwhelmingly queer, often very young and inexperienced.  Wow.  What a rewarding group to start slapping around.  You wouldn't be the only one to think so.  Seriously.  Aim your anger at someone who is STRONGER than you.  Not someone who is (likely) weaker than you.  You’re kicking a kitten, while a lion lounges behind you.
Censoring someone’s thoughts is bad.
People should be allowed to THINK.  And they can think whatever they want.  Whether and where and how it should be expressed is another matter.  AO3 is a safe place for whatever weird-ass thoughts you have.  It is expressly written into their mission statement.  AO3 was SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED so that authors could have a place for their dead dove fics.
So.  Why is [your pet cause] okay on AO3 and not on a script in Hollywood?
AO3 requires membership before you can post anything, so it’s arguably private.  AO3 provides tools for readers to avoid works they might find triggering.  AO3 profits no one.  Follow the money, and there are your true culprits.  Not a housewife from Hoebokken.
Fanfiction writers make no money.  When they write, they are not lawmakers, filmmakers, teachers or preachers.  This is not their job.  They do not have a responsibility to the community, because they are vested with no power and no paycheck.  Please move your battlefield to one of these other venues.  Your fight will be harder, but it will also do a lot more good than traumatizing some naive  kid away from writing forever.
Fanfiction comprises an individual’s personal thoughts and personal works, written for their own enjoyment, shared only through AO3 to (presumably) like-minded readers.  Fanfics are a person’s fantasies and daydreams.  They might be an author’s therapeutic exercise.  Or someone trying to explore something new, whether it be cultures, ideas, sexualities or kinks.  Humans need a place where they can be wrong and make mistakes.  Think about that, I implore you.  If you are constantly pointing out someone’s errors, you may eventually either silence them forever, or instill in them permanent resentment.  This does not further your cause.
You have your personal cause.
I’ve seen a lot of them.  Incest is bad, you’re not allowed to write about it.  Pedophilia is bad, you’re not allowed to write about it.  Abusive relationships are bad, you’re not allowed to write about them.  Racism is bad, you’re not allowed to write about it.  Genderswap is transphobic, you’re not allowed to write about it.  A/B/O romanticizes damaging gender inequalities.  There are many.  If every single one of you got to stamp out your personal crusade, then fic would be scant on the ground and many people wouldn’t try to create anymore.  It’s stifling to creativity and terrifying to an author that they might slip up and be called out.  No one, as far as I know, likes to think of their fanfiction as something that will be turned in for a grade.
Your standards are your own.
What are the precise parameters of an abusive relationship?  Transphobia?  Racism?  Pedophilia?  Fetishism?  Where does dub-con become non-con?  No one is the mouthpiece for the whole world.  You are only the mouthpiece for yourself.
If you think to yourself that it’s not okay to tell someone they can’t write about, say, a gay relationship, but it IS okay to tell them they can’t write about a certain ship or dynamic (for Reasons), then maybe you should step back and check yourself and your entitlement to someone else’s endeavor.
In conclusion:
I’m not saying that racism doesn’t exist in fanfiction.  Or creepy sexual abuse, or glorification of harmful dynamics.  It certainly does.  I’m not trying to play semantics with you.
But when you see these things, when they bother you... back right out.
That’s it.  Just back out, ignore it and find a different fic.  (Or better yet, write your own!)  Shower the fics you approve of with love and comments about why you think they’re great.  Give them kudos and bookmarks and shout-outs on your blog.  Eventually, if your opinion is popular, authors who thought otherwise will realize that readership is looking for something different.  They’ll change or they won’t, but the body of work will change over time, and THAT is what you’re looking to accomplish.  Not to stamp out fanfiction altogether.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Fabio Blue Nose
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Aaaargh, this was supposed to be a short, but it has demanded to be longer and I’ve run out of time. I did not want another WIP!
But anyway, here be Fabio Blue Nose, or a start of some kind at least. I hope you enjoy this random fluff so far.
Many thanks to @tsarinatorment​ and @janetm74​ for their support.
It should also be noted that no sea shanties were harmed in the creation of this fic. Nor are their any sea shanties in it, despite there being an urge to add one.
Aaaargh, it is 12.45am. I gotta go sleep, damnit.
The first time was an accident.
None of the brothers owned up to it but chances were it was Gordon, no matter how many times he swore complete innocence.
Though, come to think of it, Scott was rather more compliant than expected, so Virgil threw a little unspoken suspicion his way as well.
But anyway, it happened and it was a good thing.
There was always press at rescues that they could reach. Scott was fully aware of the importance of the media, particularly where communication and, to a certain extent, promotions were concerned. But when they got in the way of a rescue, the commander was well known to be intolerant.
This particular time, however, the press was managed by the GDF who were also onsite due to the scale of the disaster and possible sabotage, so International Rescue didn’t have to worry about them so much while they dug fifty miners out of a kilometre deep hole.
All but John were on the rescue. All but John were dirty, sweaty and ever so tired. There had been a chunk of rock that had needed demolition charges to get through, causing enough headache that even Virgil had been heard to spit profanity over comms when one of the charges misfired and nearly took his head off with shrapnel in the tunnel.
Eleven of the fifty men didn’t make it and there was some body recovery after the far too many trips it took to get them all back to the surface. In short, it had been an ugly, hard day. All the Tracys just wanted to go home and disappear into whatever distraction worked best for them.
Scott had to liaise with the GDF regarding red tape and reporting circumstances in the mine...that they should probably go down and see for themselves instead of relying on a civilian rescue organisation to do their dirty work for them. But whatever the reason, Virgil, Gordon and Alan were left to pack up and wait while all the dots and crosses were applied to appropriate Ts and Is.
It took longer than expected.
Virgil, sporting an aching shoulder, was reduced to pacing the length of Two’s open hatch. He should just take his brothers home and leave Scott to tackle the GDF.
But Scott was just as tired as they were and he had only just returned from another rescue when this callout came in. His big brother was exhausted and Virgil feared that if he left him behind they might end up a few GDF personnel short before the sun went down.
And the press were watching.
It was probably at this point the photo was taken.
It was iconic, even Virgil had to admit it. Emotive and made a statement about who they were and what they did.
The shot was from a forty-five degree angle, using a zoom lens that caught every detail of Two’s open module. Virgil stood in the middle of the ramp, paused mid-pace and staring off at something, probably Scott, in the distance. The shadow of Two in the evening light had his head in shadow, adding a heroic seriousness to his expression.
That alone was dramatic, but behind him from the camera angle, sitting on the top of the ramp to one side of the open hatch were Gordon and Alan.
Gordon had his arm around his little brother as they both stared in the same direction as Virgil. All three brothers were grimy and exhausted, Alan’s head was resting on Gordon’s shoulder.
It must have been an extraordinary lens to capture the detail because the media were fenced off a considerable distance away, but there was enough clarity to see one tear track in the dust on Alan’s face.
Their littlest brother claimed he had scratched his cheek, but they all knew better.
So, yes, this photo was taken and thrown across the planet as an illustration of three heroes of International Rescue.
There were rave reviews. Whole swaths of text praising everything their organisation did, what had been achieved that day and what had been achieved in the past. Inevitably, the history of International Rescue did the rounds again, their father’s legacy and all that. An unfortunate reminder of both the parents they had lost in the process. Being proud didn’t negate the pain that came along with it.
But due to the quirkiness of human attention, none of the above was the source of the impact the photo finally had.
It wasn’t Thunderbird Two or any of the three brothers photographed that captured most of the public’s attention.
It was a teddy bear.
Virgil kept a number of cuddly toys on Two. Some he had knitted himself, or purchased, a few were donated, but all were kept and given to children and occasionally adults, who were terrified during a rescue or evacuation and found themselves secured in Two’s module.
Perhaps the bear had fallen out of its storage, perhaps one of the brothers had shoved it aside. Whatever had happened, in the iconic photograph of three hardworking Tracy brothers, right at the back, inside the module sat a dark grey teddy bear with a blue nose and shiny eyes that caught the setting sun.
Staring right at the camera.
And the world went nuts for this bear.
It took less than a day for the fame of the teddy bear to become enough to alert Thunderbird Five and, in turn, roust Virgil out of bed - it’s lunchtime, Virgil, time enough to wake up.
Virgil’s answer to that was clear, precise and rated for adults only.
John triggered the coffee maker in the kitchen to start working its magic before his brother busted up something other than the English language.
Eventually, Virgil made it down to Two and dug out the bear responsible.
It was still sitting on top of the storage locker, which added kudos to Virgil’s flying skill.
He was going to shove it back into the locker when John asked him not to. Apparently, the bear had a following on social media.
So, Virgil picked it up and took it back up to the comms room. He placed it beside him at their father’s desk and pulled up a search screen and typed in ‘bear’ and ‘International Rescue’. He could, of course, ask John to forward him whatever his brother had obviously found, but he didn’t.
The search results that sprung up made it very clear that the world was most definitely obsessed with that bear.
There were zoomed in pictures of the inside of the module – a fact that had Virgil a little worried regarding security until he realised that anything that could possibly be compromised was just that little bit blurred. No doubt that was Eos at work. Probably snared the original photo before it could perpetuate.
But even then it was obvious that the posters had no interest in the technology. Several photos had the bear circled in red.
Various comments attempted to give reasons as to why the bear was there. The explanations were rather fantastical in the majority. A few were actually disturbing and linked Alan’s tear track to the bear – Virgil threw that bit of information at Thunderbird Five and that line of thought suddenly disappeared from the results. Some suggested the photograph was posed, a few mentioned that Thunderbird Two did carry such things and that was followed by a wave of genuine thanks and admiration for what they did…and then completely ignored when more fascinating ideas were presented.
Virgil was quite frankly amazed at what people could concoct from a photograph of a bear.
Said bear sat and stared at him the entire time. Its nose was very blue.
But ultimately the outcome that had occurred somewhere between all four brothers making it home last night and the time John dragged Virgil out of bed, Fabio Blue Nose had become a mascot for International Rescue.
Yes, ‘Fabio’.
Some inspired person had mentioned ‘F.A.B.’ as IR’s callsign and it went downhill from there.
Fabio stared at Virgil almost accusingly. His curly fur was a shade darker than Scott’s baldric and his eyes as golden as Gordon’s. His blue nose shone in the sunlight.
They had a teddy bear with a fan base, fan art and a dash of fan fiction.
Virgil caught his own name in one of them and shut it down so fast the browser crashed.
It didn’t help that an hour later Gordon found the same story and promptly paraded it around the villa for all to see and hear whether they wanted to or not. Apparently, because Virgil was the pilot of Thunderbird Two, Fabio was his crewmate.
A very heroic crewmate at that.
Could a teddy bear really rappel down a grapple like that?
He shook his head and threw a lounge cushion at his brother’s head. He really didn’t need to know.
But in any case, they now had a mascot that wasn’t Alan.
Gordon was hit in the head again for that assessment.
So, Fabio found his way to being sat on Two’s dash and accompanying them out on rescues.
The second photo was more than they had ever expected.
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krst4n · 3 years
AOT Veterans reacting to drunk!reader telling them about your dream date with them the previous night (Part I, I think)
characters: Erwin, Levi, Hange, Mike
warnings: drunk!reader, slight cursing
my first headcanon bibis! 😌 I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did creating them.😩
Might make a part II with Nanaba and Moblit😏
All you could see was a shining bright light until you looked down to see them in front of you, sitting at a table where the store seemed to be bustling with people. They were saying something but you just couldn’t seem to make it out. Only the words “Thank you for this date” and “I love you” were the ones you were able to hear clearly.
However, it wasn’t necessarily the scenario that made you think about them all day long, but merely the familiar feeling of warmth and love. You looked in to their eyes as if you saw yourself in a world without titans, only their presence and the satisfaction of being able to spend time with them for as long as you can.
Waking up with your heart beating fast and warm cheeks despite your cold hands from nervousness, you couldn’t help but to drown your thoughts in alcohol that night to try and forget about that overwhelming feeling.
He was lurking around the hallways to confirm that everything is in its place that night
He was surprised to hear you scream his name while the scouts were asleep, much more with the phrase “my love” after his name
He was more surprised by your tight hug
“Wouldn’t you consider this hardly appropriate, Cadet (l/n)?”
As soon as he smells a faint scent of alcohol on you, he did not hesitate to pick you up bridal style to his bed
You weren’t too flustered since the whole world felt like it was spinning and him picking you up felt like a normal vision to you
You would tell him on and on about how you dreamt about him last night, your sentences were difficult to make out but he understood well
“Oh really now?” Would be his only response as he cheekily smiled from your childish state
After reaching his place, he would grab a bucket, a bowl of warm water and a towel, as well as spare clothes
He would be hesitant to clean you up, but seeing how much you’ve stumbled before reaching the castle, he just had to
The next morning, you were awoken by the sun hitting your face and a thumping headache
As soon as you realized that you didn’t recognize the place, your eyes crawled over the entire room and by the bedside
you saw a glass of water and medicine with a note saying
You are excused from your duties today. I hope you had another magnificent dream and meet me at the mess hall as soon as you're done with your preparation :)
When you went down (nervous as fuck), your eyes met and he walked towards you with a smile
Ahhh. I have been blessed for a whole year after seeing that smile
“How are you feeling?”
You replied with an alright
“Since you’re free today, would you like to accompany me with some fresh air outside the castle?”
You respond with an enthusiastic “Yes, Sir!”
“And maybe then we could walk by that restaurant you dreamt about.”
Kudos for being sneaky about that but you replied with a laugh and apology for the troubles you caused last night
He was checking in on the trainees that night and when he found out that you were missing, he quickly headed in front of the castle to see you passed out by the stairs
Would say “tch” while looking at your state but is actually relieved to see you safe and unharmed with just a couple of dirt here and there
He would definitely pick you up with you on his right shoulder
You woke up after feeling motion sickness and much to your surprise someone was picking you up
Terrified that you didn’t know who was holding you, you screamed “HEY! PUT ME DOWN! I COULD KILL YOU, YOU KNOW?”
He would scoff and, like Erwin, would pick you up bridal style
“You should be thankful I found you alive by the stairs.”
With a blurry vision, you still managed to see black hair and cravat
this was the moment you knew, you fucked up
Because of the liquid courage, you weren’t scared at all. You both would expect your response would be a repetitive apology but instead you muttered the words “Thank you”
He stopped walking for a moment
Would continue again as he comes back to reality and places you on his bed
As he was cleaning you up, you babbled on and on about your dream and he would stay silent, but from the looks of it, he was attentively listening despite your jumbled up words
The next morning, you were awoken by the sun hitting your face and a thumping headache
As you rise from the bed you see Levi drinking tea on his couch, reading a book.
“You woke up pretty late didn’t you, Cadet?”
You were speechless and completely dumbstruck as he walks over you with a bag containing a complete set of things you need for a hangover
You look up at the blessing in human form but to yourterror, he was looking grumpily
Receives a scolding but only because he was worried for you
You swore to him to never drink carelessly againㅠㅠ
“Nevertheless, so long as you’re alright, we can visit the restaurant you were fussing about last night.”
reader would go all •_• and then reply with
“Sure! I’d love that captain.”
Couldn’t sleep because they were at the peak of their research so they decided to walk around that night to get some fresh air
Would be surprised to see you awake despite it being lights out
They would come up to you as you were walking and stumbling all over the place
Would catch you right before falling face first on the floor
You would mumble to yourself, “a god🙏” as soon as you realized you didn’t have the powers to levitate
They would face their backs and crouch as they say “Hop on!”
Hange knew you were drunk and so seeing as you were someone they held dear, they wanted take care of you
As Hange was carrying you to their room, you were mumbling all about the dream you had about them
They would ask simple questions every now and then, but not too hard for a drunk person to answer
Would 100% tuck you in bed and hum a lullaby while they’re at it
The next day, you would open your eyes to see Hange sitting at the side of the bed with water and medicine in their hands
“Feeling better (y/n)?” they asked with a smile
Hange’s smile was so bright you thought it was a god once again
“If you want, we could go and find the restaurant you saw in your dreams tomorrow!”
Nothing but a skip of your heartbeat was all you can think about. In the end, you said yes
He was about to go to bed when he smelled a strong alcohol scent outside his door
When he opened it, you were at the hallway, stumbling and struggling to walk
He rushed to your aid although despite being nearly passed out drunk, you were unsure if it was safe to let the man help you
“(y/n) are you alright?”
After hearing his voice and seeing a clearer version of his face, you let him help you
He picked you up, your thighs hugging his torso and his hands on your thighs ‘for support’
Your hands were wrapped around his neck and before you knew it, you were in his bed
As he was making you comfortable, you were telling him about the dream you had last night
His cheeks felt hot from your story despite your story telling being all over the place
Has a small place so he didn’t have a couch
Was contemplating whether to sleep on the floor but you tapped the other side of the bed, signaling him to sleep beside you
You both fell asleep facing away from each other
The next morning, you felt a hand playing with your hair, eyes still closed and half-asleep, you really didn’t seem to mind it until you were dragged back down to earth and realized what had happened
You found yourself in his chest and looking up you saw Mike still half-asleep
You wish you hadn’t moved when he opened his eyes and stood up slowly
“I’ll grab some medicine and some breakfast, stay right there, I’ll be right back”
An angel sent from heaven, you thought as he closes the door to his room
“Do you wanna go out with me tonight and look for the restaurant you saw in your dream?”
*reader went panic mode* With a smile, you replied
“I would love that, captain.”
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novantinuum · 3 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: Teen Audiences
Words: 2.2K~
Summary: A series of shorts detailing what might’ve happened in the moments after I Am My Monster, told from six different points of view.
Greg apparently had a LOT on his mind, because this was supposed to be short and instead it’s over 2000 words, ahah. Final chapter!
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3. Thank you! <3
Chapter warning: Allusions to past non-canon character suicide.
Chapter 6: Greg
Hours pass.
Bismuth makes quick and quiet work of replacing the cracked slider door in Steven’s room while he sleeps, and secures a thick tarp over the open front of the house to keep the coastal breeze somewhat at bay until she can finish her repairs to the windows and siding. She warns that might take a day or two. Garnet, meanwhile, busies herself the rest of the afternoon and evening fielding all of the Diamonds’ frazzled calls, and reassuring them of the boy’s current stability. Pooling their knowledge, Dr. Maheswaran and Peridot make sure to confirm that. Beyond some minor scarring, neither his organic or Gem half seems to exhibit any serious physical health conditions in consequence of what happened today, news which works to ever so slightly lift the air of the household. With no other concrete tasks to complete, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis, Connie, and Greg all rotate between sweeping debris off the floor, wandering the beach to mentally recuperate, and dutifully sitting at Steven’s side as he rests. It may not sound like a lot, but alas the level of emotional labor demanded by such a situation is immense.
All in all, the sun’s long since dipped below the horizon by the time Greg finally collapses onto the mattress laid out in the back of his van, craving if but a moment of privacy and respite from all the chaos. It’s been... an insufferably long day, to put it lightly. Busy. Tons of cleaning, and intercepting nosy neighbors, and bedside monitoring...
He offered to take the first night shift watching Steven a few minutes ago, but Pearl must’ve noticed the dark circles creeping ever wider under his eyes, because she proceeded to gently overturn his offer and remind him of humanity’s daily sleep requirement. And she’s right, of course. He can’t stay up as long as he used to in his twenties anymore. Plus, he probably deserves some time to himself after everything that’s transpired. There’s plenty of Gems left in the house who can keep watch, after all. Steven will be fine for a few hours. Surely nothing else can happen when he’s asleep, right?
Exhaustedly slumping against the side wall, Greg offers a glassy, vacant stare at the contacts list of his phone, roughly wiping the damp from his cheeks with his other hand as his thumb hovers over one of the numbers. Does he dare drag someone else into this whole situation? Surely the kinder solution would be to refrain from widening the circle any more, from letting anyone else learn about today’s harrowing events. And yet if he fails to find a proper outlet for the raw emotions all of this has violently hauled to the surface, he fears he just may suffer a mental break himself, repressed memories bursting like a vicious flood through the dam he desperately tried to seal them behind all those years back. Much of this is just... far too familiar.
His phone slips right through his trembling hands as the cruel reality of what he witnessed today finally begins to carve its indelible presence in his mind. A strained sob leaking from between his tightly pursed lips, he buries his head between his knees, clutching at the worn bottom hem of his jean shorts like an infant to a parent’s finger. Small. Vulnerable.
His son... oh stars, his only son, he—
He can’t talk about any of this to the Gems; they wouldn’t wholly grasp the uniquely human nature of his concerns. And he doesn’t feel comfortable discussing these matters with Dr. Maheswaran, especially not after the stern words she dealt to him back at the hospital. He’s burdened her enough already, by this point. No, there’s only one fellow human he feels close enough with to engage in this sort of conversation.
Taking a deep, cleansing breath, he reaches for the phone he dropped on the mattress. Turns it on. Nervously clamps down on his bottom lip as he selects his cousin’s contact and dials.
The passing heartbeats slamming against his ribs are almost nauseating in their needy clamor as he waits, his calloused fingers tapping against the thick rubber of his phone case. Andy’s never been a particularly tech savvy guy, so honestly, it’s well within reason he might not even carry his phone on his person to answer. And that’d be fine, really. In fact, he might even prefer it, since he’s still not confident he’s emotionally prepared to discuss any of this at this precise moment, anyways. But just as he’s beginning to undergo mental preparations for what on Earth he might leave as a voicemail message, his older family member finally picks up.
“Greg?” Andy’s gravelly voice rings through, sounding somewhat tinny through their connection. “Hey, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? How’s the ol’ Universe family unit doin’?”
“Not great, honestly,” he narrowly manages in response, his throat constricting tight. “That’s kinda why I’m calling, if you have the time to listen?”
“Heh. I’m a drifter, you know I ain’t got no schedule. Carry on.”
“Well... geeze, how do I put this. There was, uh... a bit of an incident today. With Steven.”
“An incident?” his cousin questions, marked worry immediately painting his tone. “The kid okay??”
He falls silent for a few seconds upon this question, threading his hyperactive digits through the split ends in his hair on automatic, a stress-induced habit. “Unclear,” he says, a slight quiver making itself intimately known in his words. “I mean, physically, at the moment, yes, but—“
He cuts off once more. It suddenly occurs to him that little of today’s events would make sense to Andy without providing the appropriate context. Or, at least, what little context he’s capable of giving as a father. It’s still terrifying to admit the truth to himself— that he doesn’t possess the full story. That he hasn’t been paying close enough attention. That, in many ways, he willfully blinded himself to all the troubling events transpiring around his son throughout the years, foolishly believing that if he didn’t involve himself... that if he simply stayed out of the Gems’ hair... everything would go to plan, and Steven would finally receive the training he needed. He didn’t expect things would grow so complicated.
He didn’t expect that his teenage son would have to march into battle carrying nothing but his wits and a shield time and time again.
With a weary sigh and a quick apology, to which Andy brushes off, Greg begins to weave a verbal picture of everything that’s transpired across the last few days. First, the hospital call. Rushing home from tour, only to find his son giant and flushed pink, literally filling an entire room with the sheer volume of his trauma. The shattered x-ray in his chart, hinting towards hidden hurts that— before all this— even Steven seemingly hadn’t processed or quantified. Then, the road trip. The unwanted reminders of his childhood. That blasted CD. His expression sobers as he describes the fateful argument they had on the road home, one which lead to his son accidentally breaking the steering wheel and flipping the van. Next... his disappearance. No texts for four whole days, which is so unlike him. He was worried sick. And the next time he saw him, he was eight feet tall, glowing, and painfully manic in behavior, with each new sentence spilling from his mouth revealing an even more heartbreaking picture of the sort of poor mental state he’d spiraled into. It was nothing short of a father’s worst nightmare, propelled into horrifying, vivid reality.
Nothing in this corner of the galaxy could’ve prepared him for the primal surge of terror and anguish he was engulfed within when that nightmare distorted and transformed even further.  
His only son... colossal and coated in thick scales and spines, sclera black as night... roughly clawing at this unfamiliar form, smashing his skull against the cliffside, roaring with an inner pain so primal that the sound now haunts the depths of his very soul—
“I- you remember what happened with cousin Jo, back when we were young?” Greg says softly once he’s caught Andy up with the details of situation, his voice frail and unsteady, the tone of a man helplessly marooned amidst his anxieties. “Before she was sent to that mental rehab place? Well, I’m... with the addition of Gem magic, it almost felt like that. I mean, h-he’s fine for now, we have him resting, but... but I’m just so scared he won’t come out of this, like her, a-a-and that one day he’ll—“
A mewling sob bubbles up in his throat, swiftly severing that train of thought. N-no. No, he refuses to even utter that horrible idea out loud! After all, a world without Steven in it isn’t worth envisioning.
Andy’s eventual response— albeit tinged with a justified shade of awkwardness, given the emotionally charged nature of this conversation— is filled with genuine compassion, and for that he’s dearly thankful.
“Aw, hell... Greg, I’m- I’m so sorry. I, uh- I could fly over, if any of ya’ need me? For emotional support, or whatever?”
Upon this kind offer, he inhales deep to steady his breath, and wipes away dewy beads of moisture from the corner of his eyes, desperately hoping that he can mitigate the pitiful wavering of his voice over the phone. He’s gotta fight to reliably keep some form of composure in front of other people, damnit. His kid can’t have his dad breaking down around him too, of course.
“No, you’ve got places to be,” he replies evenly, pressing his thumb and pointer against one of his aching temples. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You ain’t asking,” he retorts, the eye-roll evident in his tone. “I’m offering. Listen- family takes care of family, y’hear? And I’m only about a day’s flight away, anyways. It’s really the least I could do.”
He sighs. Absentmindedly tugs at a thick strand of his hair. Offers a long, contemplative stare at the rickety age-worn handle affixed to the inside of the van’s back doors. Truth be told— ignoring his deep-seated guilt at dragging Andy into all this to begin with— he’d love having another family member around to embrace, especially a human one who can more deeply understand the crux of his anxieties about this delicate situation. But in the end, he shouldn’t be prioritizing his own feelings and comfort. He’s not the one in crisis, his son is.
Desperately hoping he’s making the right choice, Greg flexes his fingers, and acquiesces to the offer, on one condition: only if Steven consents to having visitors, once he’s awake.
Andy hums in approval. “Understood. Don’t wanna overload the poor guy with any surprise visits, or whatever.”
“Yeah. The last thing I want to do is push him too hard, too fast.”
He pauses, braving waves of parental grief to spend a moment to reflect on Steven’s emotional progression over the past few months... a stray negative comment here, an unusually forlorn mannerism there... All of them events that, in isolation, wouldn’t point to anything more than your standard ‘teenage angst,’ but when observed in strong, unceasing patterns, begin to reveal deeply harrowing truths about the state of an individual’s self-image. How did he never notice? Why wasn’t he there to catch him in his fall?
“I think he hates himself,” he says quietly, his voice hitching up at the end. “He didn’t say so directly, but- but I can sense it. And I don’t know how to help him, I-I... I don’t know if I can.”
“Nonsense,” his cousin scoffs, “‘course ya’ know what to do! What does any good father worth their salt give their sons?”
Unable to evade the momentary temptation of feeling miserable and sorry for himself, he slumps back against the wall, giving a weak shrug that his current audience would never see.
“I dunno, maybe a stable, safe childhood? Not growing up poor as dirt in a van?”
“No, you numbskull,” Andy immediately cuts back, “you love on ‘em and support ‘em just as much as you always have! Y’ show him that you’re always gonna be there for him, and that he can trust you with anything.”
“But I haven’t always been there for him,” he exclaims petulantly. “That’s the whole problem! That’s one of the reasons he ended up like this.”
“Greg,” he says, his voice softer this time. “Listen to me, ain’t nobody perfect, okay? We’ve all made our mistakes with people. Me? More than most. But what we can’t do is let those mistakes cloud what’s happening right now. Y’know, that’s one of the hard lessons I’ve had to learn over the past two years, that you can’t always make things about you. Because right now, it’s about him. He’s dealin’ with some hard feelings, and he needs all of our help. So, let’s help him. Together. We’ll start with one foot in front of us, and we can take it from there. All right?”
Closing his weary, exhausted eyes and pressing his thumb firm against his still-aching temple, Greg Universe gives a long sigh and finally concedes to the reality that— just as he’s not solely responsible for the decline of his son’s mental state— no man should be an island when it comes to the task of supporting one’s journey towards recovery. As with everything, the extended Universe family unit will face the future together, hand-in-hand. Step-by-step.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Yeah, I think that’s do-able.”
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doggytail-duck · 2 years
I watched The Lost Symbol tv show with my friend recently and I gotta say, I was pleasantly surprised!!
Now, don’t get me wrong - I was very excited for the show! Dan Brown‘s books have been a big part of my life since I was a little kid, I started reading them in elementary school (age-appropriate reading? Perhaps not, but it’s not like my parents were gonna stop me from reading!), and I have loved the movies as well, so you can imagine my excitement.
I did, however, have my reservations. Didn’t wanna hype it up too much, you know? The actor they cast as Langdon seemed a little too young from what I’d imagined, and I think The Lost Symbol might have been my least favorite book of Brown’s works - at least, I’d read it only once over a decade ago and thus remembered basically nothing. It was nice going into it practically blind!
And, man, was it a fun ride! Below there are some spoilers if you haven’t watched the show - go watch it if you can!
First, I gotta say I take back all concerns I had with Langdon’s actor. He did a phenomenal job, there were scenes where he conveyed so much emotion through his eyes or voice alone. Honestly, all the actors knocked it out of the park! Extra kudos for Mal’akh‘s actor for probably sitting in the makeup artists’ chair for an eternity.
All the characters were very... well, likeable seems to be the wrong word, but I enjoyed how they were written, even though there were of course characters I hated. Certain someone’s god complex was kinda terrifying. Agent Sato won me over, absolutely. I really loved Katherine! She was awesome. And the complexity surrounding herself and her family - fucked up, yes, but man, I felt for her. Robert, I adore his awkward self so much. And Nuñez? My beloved!
As said before, I can’t remember much from the book, so I can‘t remember if Katherine and Robert had something going on or a history in the book, but I really like what they did with them. They’re so chaotic and awkward. Help them.
I did take a look at the Wikipedia page of the book and admittedly, changes had been made. I personally really liked some of the choices the adaptation made, though. I did raise an eyebrow at the more... wondrous elements like the healing (were they as prominent in the book? I genuinely do not remember), but the show stands well on its own, I’d say. There’s something near the end that they changed up that I really enjoyed!
And, of course, the mysteries and puzzles. They were nicely paced out with the action, I think - I think there could have been a threat of having the show be very slow paced, but I personally didn’t think so.
All in all, a very fun time and a solid show to watch!
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tinymiko · 3 years
Coffee and cream
Henry Cavill/ thick woman
Rough sex, swearing, road rage, one night stand lots of swearing seriously I have a filthy mouth
So this is the first time sharing here and the first fic like this I've ever written be gentle. Also it's 4:50am and I'm doing this on my phone so formatting sucks.
Coffee and cream
Henry waited in line at the Starbucks half tempted to take off the ball cap and hoody in order to rush the service. Taking a look at the crowd he quickly changed his mind, his mother always said patience was a virtue. Besides getting his coffee 2 minutes earlier wouldn’t make up for the crowd of fans who would inevitably detain him for at least thirty minutes. He loved his fans was grateful for them but sometimes he wished he could grab a cup of coffee without getting mauled.  
He scooted towards the rear wall hunching in on himself watching the people come through the doors enjoying watching people without them watching him. A rush of hot air blew in as the door opened again. A small woman walked in head down auburn curls swinging down to her back blocking his view of her face. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to see her face but he felt compelled to move forward eyes tracking her as she waited in line. She was striking  pale skin dark eyes, long lashes. She had small lips that seemed to be perpetually smiling. Henry moved closer. Close enough that he got a whiff of her perfume,, she smelled like coconuts and he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. No heavy floral perfume or overly sweet vanilla for the little lady. Coconuts was strangely appropriate, exotic sweet like her smile.
He shook his head and backed up wondering just what it was about this woman that had struck him so. She was pretty no doubt but not the most beautiful he’d seen, hell not even the most beautiful in the Starbucks. She had drawn attention though, more than a few eyes followed her. It wasn’t just that she was tiny barely reaching his chest she was undoubtedly a woman, thick and full. There were no gentle slopes or subtle curves on her. No the little doll was like a mountain road, round and dangerous curves. The sharp dip of her waist almost cartoonish in comparison to the ample hips and the swell of creamy breast. She was built like a brick shit house.
Henry was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice he had moved so close to her until she bumped into him. Her little hands steadying herself on his abs and he felt his gut clench in desire at the heat of her brief touch.
“ I’m so sorry sir, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“No I apologize, I hadn’t realized I was so close to you. I was a bit impatient for my coffee I guess.”  Henry took a deep breath when her brown eyes widened in recognition
“No worries it’s as much my fault as yours patience is a virtue I never possessed, especially not when coffee is involved. Besides it’s a hazard of being small sometimes people don’t see me down here.”
She smiled and then walked towards the pickup line grabbing a comically large Frappuccino. She walked back over to him handing him a grande caramel latte with Henry scrawled on the cup.
“I think this is you.” She told him an amused smirk on her face before she turned and walked away.
He stood for a moment just watching her go before chasing her out the door his long legs catching up to her quickly.
“ You know who I am?”
“ of course you’re huge dude plus a ball cap does not a disguise make.” The smirk was back on her face and Henry got the feeling she was laughing at him
“why didn’t you say anything?”
“ Because no one deserves to get attacked by fans before their first cup of coffee and you were practically crawling into your sweater trying to hide. Which is hard to do when you’re that big so kudos on that.”
Henry looked at her with disbelief before letting out a loud guffaw.
“Let me buy you a cup of coffee.”
“Already got one cutie besides I gotta go to work but enjoy your coffee. Also I loved you in the Witcher the wig really does it for you or does it for me however you want to take it.”
She climbed in a black SUV with a grunt that had him smilin, why did the smallest people drive the biggest cars.
“wait can I buy you dinner tonight. I'm in town for a few days training with Gracie.”
“The ju jitsu guy?” she asked.
“ yeah how’d you know?”
“I’m Puerto Rican we’re raised on boxing and MMA well that and dominoes. Anyways I really do have to go my boss is a hard ass and I’m already  late.”
“wait, just can you call in. I don’t know anyone here and I’d really like to thank you for not outing me.”
Isabella took a deep breath. She was really trying not to freak out. Henry fucking Cavill was talking to her! Asking her to dinner her plain little Isabella Sanchez. Of course she had immediately recognized him, who wouldn’t.  She had also recognized how hard he’d tried to blend into the walls and she felt sorry for him. How hard must it be for him to do anything without being mobbed. She was still trying to decide if it was worth hearing her boss's mouth when a group of girls came out of Starbucks. Unfortunately at that same moment Henry had taken off his cap to run his hands through his hair. The girls immediately squealed and rushed towards him. Not taking the time to think Isabella unlock the doors to her Suburban and yelled for him to get in. The car shook with the force of his body jumping in the passenger side and Isabella pulled the car in reverse tires squealing while she made an illegal turn onto the highway.
“ Wow thanks! I’ve never been actually been in a car chase.”
“that was hardly a car chase.” She said smiling
“Could have fooled me.” Henry muttered loudly.
“I could drive you back to the fangirls.”
“ no you’re a fantastic driver I didn’t fear for my life at all.”
Isabella snorted. So she had a lead foot she got him out of there before he could be molested by overly caffeinated fan girls.
“ I’m Isabella by the way.”
She held one hand towards him while quickly changing lanes and swerving around a slow driver.
“maybe you should keep both hands on the wheel.” He suggested with a dry chuckle. He was also not so discreetly putting on his seat belt. Isabella rolled her eyes. With his shoulders she wasn’t sure anything short of a head on collision would even jostle him.
20 minutes later they were pulling into his hotel and Henry had never been more glad to see a hotel in his life. The fact that the GPS has estimated their driving time at 40 minutes instead of the 20 minutes of near flying it took may have accounted for that. Isabella was sweet and funny and scary and the craziest driver he had ever had the displeasure of riding besides. He wasn’t sure how they had survived or how she hadn’t gotten arrested. She violated more laws than he had known existed cursing in English and Spanish at anyone that didn’t drive fast enough. So anyone driving the speed limit or below. He was a bit terrified of her, turned on to and he wasn’t sure what that said about him.
“ come up to the room well order room service besides I think I need some Dramamine”
“You can’t complain if you didn’t die that’s the rules .”
“I’m not sure I could complain if I did die.”
She snorted at his muttered words maybe she should have taken it easy on him but honestly she loved to drive loved the speed being higher than everyone else for once it was exhilarating.  She followed him to his room half worried half horny and wondered if she should be more concerned. She didn’t usually follow strange men to their hotel rooms. He had looked so panicked when those girls spotted him she couldn’t just abandon him.  She usually had good instincts about people and hers were saying he was a good person. of course her mind was telling her instincts she was thinking with her lady bits and well her lady bits weren’t thinking at all.
They ordered sandwiches and talked while they ate. Henry found himself telling her about his childhood about his love life or recent lack of and everything in between. Isabella was surprisingly easy to talk to. She wasn’t afraid to call him on his shit or to eat with gusto and he was glad. Hollywood and their   and gluten free salads were getting old. He missed comfort foods and comfortable people.  He laughed loudly as she told him about her uncle and father nearly getting into a fist fight over a game of dominoes how her aunt had forbidden the game since the “incident “ as everyone now called. Isabella called It hilarious and was still lamenting the lack of video footage of the two men dueling with canes while cursing up a storm. ( this actually happened)
It was nice really nice actually. He hadn’t felt so normal in years so when she stopped talking to take a drink he kissed her. Pulling her lush little body to him until she was straddling his lap. Her hips rocking against his hardness causing him to hiss.
He should stop he hadn’t meant to go this far but she felt so goddamn perfect in his arms. Squirming in his lap the heat of her cunt burning him through the jeans he was wearing. Fuck it he thought for once throwing caution to the wind. He wanted this wanted her. Isabella with her kind eyes and loud laughter her crazy road rage and gusto for life. It beckoned him a sirens call that he was lost to. He had spent years playing the game enjoying the fruits of fame. Had models and actresses all long limbed lithe all the same. Henry realized as he grabbed a handful of hips that it was like eating rice every day. It would keep you alive but was hardly living. Isabella this vibrant stranger was like a feast after years of famine.
 His hands traveled her back down to cup the fullness of her ass.  He pulled his mouth from hers to run his lips against her throat nipping at her jaw. She tasted like heaven sweet and salty and just fucking divine. Her fingers clawed at his back as ground herself harder against him he could feel her wet heat through the thin panties she wore. Her skirt uselessly rolled around her waist.
“Fuck Henry please”
Her pleas went straight to his cock and he ripped her blouse from her body tearing it in two leaving scraps hanging from her arms. Her nipples dusky rose and pebbled in his hand. He couldn’t help but suck one into his mouth before letting it go with a loud pop. She clenched her thighs and bucked her hips riding his Jean clad cock ferociously.
“You like little doll” he pulled the other nipple into his mouth sucking harder and she made little mewling noises. Dhe was going to be the death of him. He had known the second he had gotten into the car with her. He just hadn’t known she would ride him to death mewing like a kitten while fucking like the devil.
“more please harder"
Never one to deny a beautiful woman Henry pulled her still writhing body off him and tossed her bodily on the bed. She landed on the hard but he didn’t stop just ripped the rest of her clothes from her body. Before shoving his own off. Henry paused to look at her his gaze burning her body. The tattoo of a fiery heart on her hip the scar from an old belly piercing. Her glistening pussy just begging to be tasted. So he did he dived into the bed his weight  making her bounce a bit. Spreading her legs he passed his tongue over her slit. She squirmed trying to  close her legs but he held her thighs open scooting until she was trapped by his shoulders. Pinned beneath the massive girth of his muscular body. Every pass of his tongue sent a jolt between her legs. He plunged his tongue  in and out of her sopping hole fucking her with his tongue. Isabella screamed it was too much his weight his smell his touch everything was too much and she thought she might die of pleasure. He thrust two fingers into her cunt twisting and turning them while his tongue lapped at her clit. Her stomach clenched and her back arched obscenely  her breast jutting in the air and she convulsed the strength of her orgasm taking over her body. She shook with after shocks and Henry crawled up her body his face shiny with her slick.
Isabella felt her body tighten in response seconds before she was sure she was going to pass out but looking at his face covered in her juices his tongue darting out to catch errant drops. She was wet all over again. Pulling his face to hers she licked at the seam of his lips tasting herself. Her fingers ran through his curls and she tugged on them impatiently. In  answer he plunged into his bulbous head stretching her to capacity. He stopped halfway her little cunt so tight that he was afraid he’d hurt her if he fully sheathed himself. Henry could feel the sweat dripping down his head a vein in his neck bulged with the effort to keep still. He wouldn’t hurt her not after she’d been so kind no matter how much he wanted to let go. To fuck her into the mattress.
“ Fuck your so goddammit tight. I can’t fuck, we’re going to have to go slow little doll or I might hurt you. ”
Isabella took a deep breath slammed her hips forward fully sheathing him. She was full so full she could swear he was going to tear her in two but she needed it, need his big cock to fuck her into the wall.
“don’t you hold back don’t you fucking hold back.”
Fuck was all he could think when the tiny woman slammed her body down on him. He pushed into her his big hands holding her hips in a bruising grip as he pulled out to the tip than  slammed her body down his erection over and over. He had lost it. He knew he was holding her too tightly slamming her little body to strongly. The small part of his mind that still was coherent cursed his weakness even as he continued lifting her up before yanking  her down his cock till finally he felt his balls tighten. He wanted to make it good for her though the absolutely filthy sounds of him gliding in and out of her soaked cunt made him think it already was good for her. He managed to capture one luscious tit in his mouth biting hard to keep it as she thrashed screaming a second release and he roared incoherently feeling his seed fill her up he couldn’t help the smug smirk before finally collapsing on the bed. He had enough presence of mind to make sure she landed on top of him so he wouldn’t crush her then fell asleep.
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jocia92 · 3 years
Collider: When this came your way, how was it presented to you? What was the pitch for the series and did they give you an overall sense of what it would be?
DAN STEVENS: I didn’t really know what the other episodes involved. Although, I was briefly involved in Helen Mirren’s episode as the onboard computer, so I’d seen that one play out and knew something of the style of the writing and the themes that were going on. But I hadn’t seen any of the other episodes and didn’t really know where ours fit in, in the context of the others. It was clearly a great piece of writing with a couple of great roles, Morgan Freeman, and just an incredible emotional challenge.
If you’re going to both get mad and have to hug someone, I feel like you’d want it to be Morgan Freeman. What was that like? How was it to explore that dynamic? Did you guys talk about that at all?
STEVENS: It was a fantastic opportunity to play with somebody who’s just a master of their craft and really knows how to surf the nuances of a piece of writing. It was a wonderful journey to go on, really, and in such a short space of time. It really goes there. All of the episodes I’ve seen have been incredibly moving, but I think that the “Stuart” episode particularly is a very unusual and interesting journey, with these ideas of memory and who owns a memory and what that means to our own identity. So, it’s this slightly wretched character of Otto, who shows up and has clearly had a bit of a rough journey to try and find this character Stuart, who is in possession of this thing that he is so desperately in search of, and it goes from there and takes you to quite surprising places. A lot of it was just getting yourself over to the rhythms and the nuance of the text.
All actors are colleagues with each other and I’m sure there are people that want to work with you, but when you know that you’re going to be working with someone like Morgan Freeman, do you still get nervous?
STEVENS: There was an element of that. It was very surreal. Given that I hadn’t set foot very far from my own home for quite some time, and then suddenly was on a beach hugging Morgan Freeman, it was a pretty surreal journey. The car ride home was like, “Did that really happen?” It was a strange day.
How was the whole production of this? What was this shoot like, with everything going on in the world?
STEVENS: It was amazing that it could happen at all. Kudos to the production that they put it together with these very strict protocols. It was a slightly reduced crew, but everyone was in several layers of PPE. It was not the usual working environment that any of us are used to, but everybody recognized that, if we wanted it to happen, it had to be like this. That, alone, was pretty strange, but also to have the luxury of 36 pages to get to explore with one other actor, and for that other actor to be Morgan Freeman, that was a real luxury. So, there were restrictions and limitations on one hand, but on the other hand, there was tremendous freedom and some great writing to really go to town with.
How long did you actually have to shoot this in?
STEVENS: For the Morgan Freeman episode, I shot for two days.
What was it like to have that experience of getting back on set? What was the first day of filming again, like for you?
STEVENS: A lot of nasal swabs, to begin with. Every day started with a couple of sticks up the nose. There was just a lot of that stuff going on. Really, you were kept at a distance, which is unusual. So much of what we do is about collaboration and togetherness, and just being silly with your cast and crew, and throwing yourself into it together. I suppose maybe appropriately for some of us, we were kept isolated. We were in our trailers until the take started, and then you’d go on set. It was a different way of going about work, for sure. I’m sure those protocols will stick around for a bit, but hopefully, eventually, we’ll get back to how it was.
How did you end up also doing the voice for Helen Mirren’s episode and were you ever able to actually interact with her?
STEVENS: I was live in the studio for that episode. I was in a little booth in the corner of the room, while she was in her space pod. We would chat over the monitor, as it were, as if she was talking to the computer anyway. We maybe met face-to-face a couple of times, at arm’s length and with masks on. I didn’t have a huge amount of interaction with her, but I did get to watch. In order to respond to her, I had a monitor and I was watching her work up close, for those two or three days that I was doing that as well. That was a great privilege, in and of itself, but then a very different experience to go and be in person with Morgan.
Much like getting to hug Morgan Freeman, if you’re going to be a disembodied computer voice for anybody, it seems like Helen Mirren is a good option.
STEVENS: It was pretty fun and just great to watch her get to grips with this writing as well. It was about just giving yourself over to the journey that the writing took you on. It was fantastic.
“Stuart” is an interesting episode because you’re not really playing the past or the future of this guy, you’re just fully living in this moment of his life and exploring his emotions right now. Did it feel very different to do something like that, as an actor?
STEVENS: There was an element where I was thinking a little bit about his journey, but it’s such a momentous thing that he’s doing and it really is a culmination of seemingly a lifelong quest. It’s both in the moment and a huge deal for him and a massive emotional rollercoaster, to find this guy and find what he’s in possession of and to execute his plan that he’s been dreaming of. There’s a lot going on there. It’s very much a moment that’s in the now.
How did you find the experience of working with Sam Taylor-Johnson, as a director and collaborator? Were your conversations mostly with her, or were they also with show creator David Weil?
STEVENS: I suppose they were primarily with Sam. There was a little bit of conversation with David. He’s the writer and producer, but Sam was directing this episode. It was about really encouraging both Morgan and myself to just let the rhythm of the story and the text really speak for itself and, and take us to these places. It is such an extraordinary emotional moment for both of the characters, in a funny way, with what they go through in those 30 minutes. It was all about that, really.
Did you find yourself learning anything about acting or about yourself, as an actor, from doing a project like this that is so different and where it is just you and another person?
STEVENS: I feel like I learn something on almost everything I do, especially when you’re working with someone as great as Morgan. It’s almost like an osmosis or something, where you’re just bathing in this excellence and watching it unfold. I don’t know if there was a specific lesson that I was making notes about. It was something to do with a rhythm and a bearing, and also just a willingness to let the text take you to places and not necessarily to force anything. He has such a natural gift that it’s amazing to watch it.
It was announced recently that you’re going to do Gaslit and play John Dean. Is there simultaneously an incredible feeling of being excited and terrified to take on a role like that, when you’re playing somebody that exists and that’s still very much around?
STEVENS: Yeah, there are challenges to that. What’s interesting with that story, and this is probably true of every role and project, is looking at the person, looking at the man, and looking at the people involved in this situation, and their motivations, and their flaws, and things like that. I’m trying not to think too much about the historical significance of that and just looking at the minutia and the inherent drama of being involved in that whole situation. It’s a fascinating story.
Was that what made you want to take on that project, or was it the fact that you’d be surrounded by people like Julia Roberts and Sean Penn?
STEVENS: That’s got a huge part to play, for sure. There are some great people involved, and Matt Ross is directing it. It’s gonna be very interesting. We start next month (in June).
You did some great work in Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. What did you most enjoy about being a part of that project? Did anything surprise you about doing that kind of voice work?
STEVENS: That was a lot of fun. I love that project. The diversity of it was very attractive. The themes were great. There are some wonderful characters and a very, very silly villain in Scarlemagne. I really got to go to town in the booth with that one. It was a really fun team. My kids really enjoyed it too, which is always a bonus.
Are there more voice acting roles, in your near future? Is that something you want to do more of?
STEVENS: Definitely, yeah. It’s something I’ve been longing to get into, for a long time. It looks like there’s more on the way, which is great.
What was the draw of that kind of voice work for you? Is part of it the fact that you can play characters that you’d never be able to play in live-action?
STEVENS: That’s certainly one of the appeals. I’ve always enjoyed voice work. I’ve done a huge amount of audio books and things over the years, in all sorts of different voices and characters. To apply some of that work to the animated space, and I’ve always adored animated films anyway, it’s getting to dive into something that I already love anyway. So, there are some fun things on the horizon. It’s partly about making people aware that there’s something you really enjoy doing.
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