#leaves of glass
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Theatre kids 🥹🥹🥹
(Sam's pic is from here and Joe's is from his IG stories some weeks ago)
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krasnyel · 1 year
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regular ascot-loving-mystery-solving family
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m-eltdown · 8 months
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yourangle-yuordevil · 6 months
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what if we flirted at the gentlemen club 😳 (and we were both flirting) 😞❤️😞Discreet Gentlemen's Club
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ot3 · 1 year
There's actually only one piece of ""Tumblr etiquette"" that people need to know and it's if you see a post that has thousands or tens of thousands of notes you should really check the replies to make sure ten billion other people haven't already told op the thing you're about to tell them so they don't have to spend the rest of their day trying to blow you up with their mind
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lostrealities0 · 1 year
everyone is talking about Blanc calling Marta after Glass Onion, but can we imagine him coming home and telling Philip everything.
"darling, i have just experienced the dumbest case ever. good lord, it was worse then playing clue. goddamn pineapple..."
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hey-hey-j · 30 days
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he's making up for lost time
(tags by @sunfloweraro)
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whetstonefires · 1 year
more substantive thing about Glass Onion and then i think this is all my thoughts: i really liked something i feel was clearly shown in the flashbacks but not outright stated, which was that andi knew damn well miles bron was a dumb huckster.
that's what she wanted him for. she needed that ability to throw himself into his latest shill with total commitment, because of his need to believe in his own hype. the 'reality distortion' of his hard sell.
she knew that to get what she wanted out of life, she needed to harness that confidence of a mediocre white man we all talk about.
that it would open doors that would stay unmoved in the face of all her brilliance, and polish, and perfected rich bitch voice.
there's a lot of these guys out there, and she picked a dumb one because she planned for him to be the front man to her mastermind. (apologies to paul mccartney lol i don't mean to impugn your intelligence.) a smarter man would have had his own plans, would be harder to use as a mouthpiece for her better ones. she would have needed to find an actual partner and not a tool, and she didn't trust like that.
duke wasn't actually wrong to say they were all playing the same shitty game and andi lost. i mean, he was morally wrong but he wasn't incorrect.
like blanc says, she thought that because she was better than bron, because she was the genius and he was the cheap con artist, he wasn't dangerous. and in the end that was where it all fell apart.
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wtfforged · 3 months
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redraw kindof but then i started doing whatever i wanted and also i didnt draw the rest of the strawhats because i have priorities
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tethered-heartstrings · 9 months
i want a 20+ minute segment of jack beating the ever loving shit out of hannibal again like he did in "contorno" with will just standing there drinking wine with his sleeves rolled up like in twotl, not helping either side and internally making a grocery list for the week or thinking about the dog he saw at the shelter 3 days prior and afterwards just being like "sorry babe i was trying to remember if the asparagus was on sale and also i want a dog. sorry about your face"
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vaxxman · 3 months
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Got this for my birthday (26 on New Year's Eve baby) but it arrived earlier than I expected. He basically plays a cynical and self-destructive artist who is also an arsonist, who despises everything except his boyfriend who is an actor and a optimistic sweetheart 🧐
(I read Leaves of Glass aswell but I'm not talking about that one because I know some of you are seeing it in January 👀)
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darkbloomswme · 6 months
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by: Carrie M. Becker
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bzil111 · 3 months
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quick nagito sketches to get me through the day 🙏🙏🙏
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darkblueboxs · 1 year
Glass Onion Spoilers - Foreshadowing and Among Us
I’ve seen a few posts dunking on glass onion for being “cringe” because of the Among Us scene and a few praising it for accurately reflecting the fact that this is all everyone was playing in 2020, but I haven’t seen anyone really talk about how brilliantly Among Us works as a foreshadowing/storytelling device.
On the surface - as the film itself points out! - the game is a neat little parallel of the island: one murderer hidden among us, with the objective being to find them out. But this comparison goes far deeper than the basic premise of the film.
Firstly, Benoit appears as the game’s imposter, and then, it is later revealed, is literally an imposter, arriving on the island uninvited under false pretences - one of the first major twists of the film spelled out to the audience in the opening act. And he isn’t alone - just as two imposters generally work together to deceive the other players, so Benoit and Helen work together to infiltrate the group. BUT, and this is the bit that really drives me wild, the endgame format of Among Us perfectly reflects the endgame of the film. The way to win Among Us isn’t necessarily a case of killing everyone or surviving every round - the way to win is by convincing your fellow players to believe you, and to vote accordingly.
During the trial Andi loses because the imposter - the billionaire impersonating a genius - convinces the other players that she should be voted out; she is as effectively thrown out of the airlock as she is the business, and then literally killed to protect the [fortune of] the “crew.”
But, Andi was not the imposter, and so the game continues.
The imposter kills again, and when Miles confesses to causing the lights to go out, this is another excellent hint - only the imposter can sabotage the lights!
Then, with all the characters assembled much like an “Emergency Meeting,” we reach the climax of the film: Miles burns the napkin evidence, and immediately the ensemble is back to the voting booth as Helen, like her sister, fights for the players’ support in voting out the imposter. Any Among Us player will recognise the infuriating feeling when you literally just saw them vent for the love of god you were all there vote them OFF- and that frustration - of speaking the truth and not being believed - is evident in this scene.
But these players don’t care about the truth; they care about surviving (ie staying rich), and so they will vote off an innocent person to placate the shark. Which is absolutely not how you win the game.
Then, then, the game’s final round: the imposter has lost his tools, is revealed for the useless fraud he is, and it’s when he has nothing left to offer the other players that one more vote is held - the characters literally raise their hands as they pledge their support to Helen, in part to give the appearance of swearing in upon the witness stand, but also in part to give the visual of a literal vote... such as that of an Among Us emergency meeting vote.
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And it’s when Miles is finally, rightfully ejected that at last, the game is won.
Among Us is a game of social engineering, of lying and convincing others of your lies to prolong your survival, deception, and the malleability of truth. Presenting this game in the opening of the film is more than a gimmick or scene-setter: it illustrates the social structures at the heart of the story.
TLDR: Among Us foreshadows the film’s premise, but also plot twists, character choices, and significantly the film’s resolution by way of group vote.
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Benoit Blanc thinking back on Ransom after Glass Onion
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