#like bro you are not living up to that supportive parental figure that is needed rn
nervousmonolith · 2 years
my mother getting mad at me for being anxious for some reason
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 9 months
Lmk ss edits + Headcanons, Part 2 (Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Sun Wukong, Macaque)
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge environmentalist, if you put any garbage or recycling in the wrong bin expect to get at least a three hour lecture, no you can not escape this, yes MK and Mei have tried, no they did not succeed
- ONLY shops from farmers markets/family businesses, you will never catch this man supporting a corporation
- Use to steal Tang's college hoodies
- Took him the longest to get used to having Redson around and a part of the group , but eventually warmed up to him (is still kinda salty about Redson burning MK's room though)
- Grows his own herbs
- Gets incredibly frustrated when he gets the hiccups (writing this as I'm fighting off hiccups)
- Loves watching true crime shows and listening to true crime podcasts while he does household chores or while he's setting up/closing the shop
- Got his ears pierced with Tang
- MK and Mei call him mom when he's being overbearing, Tang calls him mom now too to tease him
- Once caught Mei and MK sneaking food out of the kitchen at 3am and beat them with a broom for a solid minute because he was too drowsy to recognize them and assumed they were intruders (they were fine)
- Is the type of person to call his husband (Tang) "bro", "dude" etc
- Got drunk in college once and talked about nothing but how much he loved Tang, didn't remember any of it the next day but Tang asked him out pretty quickly after that
- Exchanged a few recipes with DBK while they were at the beach, they still do exchange more recipes once in a while but they don't talk much outside of cooking related topics
- Learned how to play dnd in college because Tang liked the game and ended up liking it a lot more than he expected to so they wound up playing together all the time (they still play it once in a while if they have time)
- Him and Sandy get together every other weekend to try and help Pigsy with his anger management issues
- Never called MK his son while he was growing up because he was scared that MK's real family would show up one day to take him back home, finally realized that no one was gonna show up a short while after MK turned 10 and started acting like an actual parent (MK always saw Pigsy as his dad though)
- Always says "this is the last time" when giving Tang free noodles (it is never gonna be the last time, and Tang knows it)
- Once bumped into a mannequin at the mall and apologized to it, Tang still makes fun of him
- Use to take Mei and MK to conventions all the time until Mei learned how to drive and could take them herself
- Won't care for people getting hurt in movies but will be absolutely crushed if something happens to an animal (sobbed when he watched "A Dog's Purpose")
- Smells like noodles
- Love language is acts of service
- Keeps trying to convince Tang to come with him to family events, has yet to succeed
- Carries around an extra pair of headphones in case Tang or MK needs them
- Almost threw hands with DBK and PiF after hearing about how they treated Redson (seriously guys, I need Redson to have a good parental figure in the next season, please), this man is a father to everyone
- Snores loud as fuck, it's a wonder how Tang gets any sleep
- No fashion sense what's so ever
- Insomnia
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- He/Him
- Gay
- Once zoned out and stared at a wall for six hours straight
- Desk is covered in pencil shavings and pen ink
- Constantly bruised from always falling (weak ankles)
- Fluent in Polish, don't ask why, it just feels right
- Doodled all over his books in school (they made him pay for new ones)
- Never up before sunrise
- Got in some random dudes car once thinking it was a taxi and almost got himself kidnapped
- Will make the most annoying, smart-ass remark to anything anyone says
- I'm not actually sure if it's ever mentioned in the show what Tang does for a living but it doesn't matter, he's a college history professor now
- Has grandma floral bedsheets (we've all seen his sleepwear, you cannot tell me that man doesn't have grandma floral bedsheets)
- Somehow always cold
- Constanly napping, he can and will fall asleep if he's left alone for too long (his students once caught him asleep at his desk after lunch break and dipped class)
- Used to have hexagon glasses cause he thought they looked cool but found out Pigsy liked circular ones better so he got new ones
- Still has a septum piercing he got while he was in college but keeps it flipped up, he also has ear gauges
- When he met Pigsy's parents he was super nervous and ended up passing out half way through the night because of anxiety, he has not lived it down and refuses to go to any events with Pigsy if his family is gonna be there (they actually really liked him and are disappointed when he doesn't show up)
- Doesn't own a bookshelf for some reason, everything is just piled on the floor
- Very faint freckles
- Needs a daily 'to do' list, his whole day gets thrown off if he doesn't have some kind of schedule
- Maladaptive daydreamer
- Never showers, only takes baths
- Needs headphones on crowded transportation otherwise he'll get stressed at all the noises and talking overlapping eachother
- Severe rsd (rejection sensitivity dysphoria,  "benched" was an especially bad time for him)
- Number one art appreciator and constantly drags Pigsy to museums
- Smells like a library (please tell me you know what smell I mean)
- Love language is gift giving ( and you KNOW he loves you when he shares his food with you willingly)
- 76% of the clothes he owns are thrifted
- Blind as a fucking bat, if he looses his glasses he's on the floor feeling around for them like Velma,  I swear they could be two feet in front of him but he won't even notice
- Hypersomnia
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge conspiracy theorist, ask him anything and he'll have some in depth explanation on how it relates to cryptids or something (I'm talking Matpat level conspiracy theorist, seriously, someone get him help)
- Slowest typer on the planet (mainly because the screen is too small for his hands), will respond to something 3-5 minutes after they changed topics
- Made seed bombs and threw them everywhere at random around the city and now there's a bunch of flowers and vines growing everywhere
- Was the first one (Aside from Mei and MK) to welcome Redson into the group with open arms, everyone else was still kinda cautious
- Would literally die for any of his friends, no questions asked, no hesitation, just jumps in the line of danger as soon as he sees one of his friends about to get hurt
- Didn't have a lot of friends growing up until he met Pigsy in his last year of high school because everyone was afraid of him
- He and Pigsy were in a band together in college, Sandy discusses it with pride, Pigsy gets embarrassed and denies ever being in a band at all
- Since he also has scales he's the one who teaches and helps Mei look after her scales and keep them from drying or getting damaged
- Yoga master, wakes up super early to do it during sunrise
- Has the best taste in music, he can find the most amazing, tear jerking, heart wrenching, underground music ever effortlessly
- Hasn't met a single person he wasn't able to get along with
- Firmly believes in all the little wishing rituals (11:11, shooting stars, birthday candles, blowing dandelions etc)
- Learned how to whistle so he could sing along with birds
- *gets robbed* "oh, i bet he needed the money, it's ok"  "I really don't think he did." "...maybe he's gonna donate it!"
- Favourite kind of tea is earl grey
- Named one of his cats Maquack after Macaque
- Sometimes cat sits for Bai He when she goes to doctor appointments, family visits out of the city, etc
- Got his piercing while he was still in a band but kept them in because his band mates were some of his first friends and they all got pierced together
- Has a tail to help him swim better (unfortunately I could not add it in the edit above but just I imagine he has the same kind of tail as the water Na'vi in Avatar ig)
- Skin has a faint ombre to it (his hands and feet are lighter and fade around his forearms/knees to a slightly darker blue (i did add this one in my edit but unfortunately I don't think it's as visible as I wanted it to be, my bad)
- Webbed hands and feet to help him swim better
- Has adipose eyelids like a fish to protect his eyes from the water, block exposure of harmful ultraviolet light into his eyes and act as protection against impact to the eye in aquatic environments. Since his eyelids are transparent though, he has to wear a sleeping mask at night
- Smells like a mix of ocean air and tea
- Love language is quality time and physical touch (will pick up and hug his friends all the time no matter the place)
- His hair and beard always have something in them, sand, seaweed etc
- Shoes are actually really uncomfortable for him to wear because his body is evolved for an aquatic environment, but he doesn't want to be rude so he wears them anyway (Mei found out and got him a customized pair of shoes so he could be comfortable without feeling like he's being rude)
- Uses Kaomojis
- If he's not busy, or doesn't have anything planned for the next few hours, he'll spend his free time cleaning up the ocean and beaches from any garbage
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- He/Him
- Pansexual
- Everything he has ever done has been an impulse decision
- Is the type of mf to kick the inside of someone knee while they're walking to make them fold (Tang is the primary victim)
- Chews his nails
- Made up his own constellations as a "fuck you" to the universe (somehow managed to convince some mortals they were real constellations too)
- Mk and Co constantly forget how ancient swk is until he says some old person shit
- Naturally has curly and untamable hair, uses glamor to avoid getting called out about not taking care of it
- Horrifically optimistic
- Always has leaves and dirt and sticks etc in his hair
- Will sit out in the rain for hours on end
- Follow up on the last hc, he's been struck by lightning.. twice
- Actually has really heavy eyebags but uses glamor to cover them up
- Gets bored super easily
- Has naturally long lashes, Mei is still convinced he's wearing makeup though
- Cannot cook for the life of him
- His memories are always in shades of gold, no ones sure if it hasn't something to do with his gold vision or not, even himself, he just can't remember things in normal colour
- Stress induced migraines from the circlet
- Not a fan of big cities but loves how the lights look at night
- Stacks of notebooks and loose paper, cannot keep anything organized
- Takes a nap everyday at exactly 2:38 without fail
- Freezes in the winter, man's house has no insulation whatsoever
- Doesn't like big crowds but also can't stand not being the center of attention
- Once picked fleas out of both MK's and his own hair and ate them, MK was and still is disgusted, he will never look at Monkey King the same way again
- Smells like Peaches (it's like the only fucking thing he eats)
- Love language is physical touch
- Kinda chubby (mostly around his stomach and thighs) but still has muscles
- Always teasing Redson about the fact that he's technically his uncle since he and DBK are sworn brothers, he finds Redson's overreactions to it funny but is secretly kinda hurt that Redson doesn't think of him as family anymore (He use to when he was a little kid but stopped seeing Wukong as family after he sealed DBK away. They've started to try and mend their relationship after the events of season 4, it's slow but it's progress)
- Sometimes the monkey's on FFM will come into his house through the windows at night to sleep with him for comfort
- Really bad with technology but pretends he's just too good for the internet so he can avoid using it without looking old
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Says his "S"'s really sharply
- If you ask him anything about himself he'll give you a different answer to the exact same question everytime (he thinks it makes him mysterious,  it does not)
- Lower lid eyeliner >>>
- If you say something stupid or weird he'll just stare judgingly until you take it back
- Actually lost his mind when he found out what blowing bubbles were
- Drinks tea with an ungodly amount of sugar
- Chronic eye pain + headaches. It's gotten significantly better over the years but.. yk, eye gouged out
- Has a deeply relaxing voice, strangely enough
- Has tried to compliment people before but it always ends up coming off as an insult
- Classical music or heavy rock, no in-between
- It is literally impossible to take a bad picture of him
- Puts his hair up in a bun whe he doesn't wanna deal with it
- Has patches of freeze burns from LBD, along his right side (mostly just his arm).
- Theater kid
- Rose tea enjoyer
- Likes to bake sometimes and frequently exchanges recipes with Pigsy and DBK
- Like to watch the sunrise and sunset
- Hates being out in the sun too long, not having a shaded area nearby for an easy escape stresses him
- Will stare out the window while it rains, Mei once said he looked like he was pretending to be in a cringey early 2010 music video
- Hard of hearing, his six ears are very sensitive and all the fighting and screaming has definitely done some damage to them by now
- Follow up on the last HC, despite being hard of hearing he will either absolutely refuse to wear hearing aids, or will wear them (albeit begrudgingly) but cover them with glamor
- Septum and snake bite piercings he got during his emo phase
- Smells like grapes, don't ask
- Love language is quality time, he doesn't care to actually have a conversation, though, he's fine just sitting in comfortable silence
- Will use his shadow transport for the dumbest things when he's lazy, like teleporting the TV remote to him if it's on the other side of the couch, teleport a bag of chips from the pantry to him in his bedroom,  etc
- Room is covered in scented candles
- Sandy has invited him over to work out some of his problems multiple times, he doesn't really care to open up though, he just goes for the cats (Sandy let's him)
- His hair is always soft and he refuses to tell anyone what he washes with, MK has asked multiple times and he gets a different, vague answer everytime
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myymi · 10 months
if im not too late with the drabbles;
tails has a really bad nightmare about westside (parent abandonment or another traumatic incident) and he goes to his big bro sonic for some emotional support and cuddles
feel free to ignore this if they arent open :)
word count-1369
He’s tired of running.
He’s tired of being chased.
But he doesn’t want to get hurt, so he keeps running despite how out of breath he was.
That is, until a figure steps out in front of him, causing him to skid to a stop.
Their head was a blurry mess, which he assumes is because of the tears in his eyes.
Somewhere in his mind he knows the real reason, but he doesn’t get much chance to think on it when more blurry figures surround him.
The forest scenery he’d been running through started morphing into other things. The village, the beach, other clearings around the island, until everything went black.
Everything but those damn figures.
They approached him, causing him to shrink down. He couldn’t do anything. They were blocking any chance of running, and everyone knows he’s far too weak to fight back.
His breathing quickened even more as he curled into him, biting down sobs as he prayed to some God out there to protect him despite knowing nobody would do anything for him.
He was a deformed freak. Why would someone save him?
One of the figures grabbed him, and then everything disappeared.
He was trapped in an endless void as voices bounced around the air, insults worse than anything you could think of thrown at him from every angle.
He just had to take it.
Covering his ears did nothing to drown it out.
A few voices were more prominent than the others. He recognized them.
How could he not, when they were laughing about how much better their life was now that he was no longer a part of it?
The voices eventually merged into one, the sentence being repeated over and over.
It started as some random one he’d heard years ago, then morphed into those of his ex-family’s. His older brother, mother, hell even his father despite the fact he hadn’t heard his voice since he was one year old.
It didn’t stop changing.
It eventually morphed into his new family.
First, Shadow.
Next, Rouge.
Vector, Cream, Silver, Espio, Charmy.
Amy then Knuckles. Until, finally..
It was Sonic.
“Why would anyone want a freak like you in their family?”
Tails’ eyes shot open, breathing uneven and he felt his fur sticking to his skin in the most uncomfortable ways possible due to all the sweat.
His quick breaths slowed as he looked around, recognizing his bedroom.
He was fine.
No one was chasing him.
With a groan, the fox pushed himself into a sitting position. He brought a hand up to rub at his eyes, pausing when he felt the trail of tears on his muzzle.
He swallowed dryly, suddenly feeling very dehydrated. He glanced at his digital clock as he pulled his blanket off to the side, not caring about neatening it. He had to wash it and his sheets anyway because of all the sweat.
3:37 AM.
Tails wiped away his tears as he exited his room, socked feet taking careful steps on instinct to avoid all the creaky planks.
He hated the noise they made. He really needed to fix it.
The kit used the wall for support as he descended down the stairs. He took a deep breath as he made his way to the kitchen.
He stopped in the living room.
Sonic was on his couch, sprawled out in a way that could not be comfortable in any way. Drool spilled from the corner of the hedgehog’s mouth, snores louder than most of the fox’s machinery filled the air.
Tails wanted to roll his eyes at the scene. It wasn’t unusual for Sonic to crash at his place unexpectedly–he did have a key–but did he always have to use the couch? He had a bedroom of his own for this specific reason.
But the fox’s breath felt caught in his throat at the sight of the older, his nightmare flooding his brain full force.
“Why would anyone want a freak like you in their family?”
His ears pressed against his head as new tears piled in the corner of his eyes. He swiped at them, but more immediately took their place.
His breathing started picking up pace and, before he knew it, he was in front of Sonic, his ungloved paw hovering above the hedgehog’s shoulder.
He forced his body to freeze, biting his inner cheek.
Tails is 8 years old now. He shouldn’t be running to his big brother because of a bad dream. He’s old enough to deal with these on his own.
But no matter how hard his mind begs his body to leave the teen be, it’s a losing battle.
His hand makes contact with the hedgehog’s shoulder, shaking it as softly as he can to tell the other he’s not a threat.
“Why would anyone want a freak like you in their family?”
With a grunt, Sonic’s eyes slowly opened as he looked up to see who woke him. Tails immediately regrets it, the teen looks exhausted.
That exhaustion seemed to disappear when Sonic saw the tears welled up in the younger’s eyes.
“You okay?” His voice was groggy, still catching up to the rest of his body being awake. The little fox shook his head as the teen sat up.
“C’mere, kid.” Sonic gave him a sympathetic smile as he opened his arms, inviting the kit to lay on him. Tears finally spilled over as Tails crawled into his hero’s arms.
Sonic shushed the younger, his left hand petting the kit’s head as his right held him close. The kid buried his head into the older’s neck, hiding his tears.
“D’ya have a bad dream, bud?” The teen asked quietly, his head leaning against the fox’s as he gently rocked them.Tails’ head bobbed ever so slightly, hands gripping the hedgehog with a strength you wouldn’t expect an eight year old to possess.
Sonic hummed, letting the kit know he heard him as he continued the slow rocks and gentle pets. He kept it up until the sobs quieted, the death grip on his back easing as the younger pulled away.
The hedgehog frowned at the sight of his brother’s face. It was obvious he had been crying even before waking the teen up, his eyes were too red and his fur was a complete mess.
“Wanna talk?” The older asked, using the hand that was petting the fox to wipe away his tears.
“I-It–” Tails shook his head and leaned into the touch, “It was just.. Bad memories. Westside.” The kit tried not to talk too much, his throat feeling scratchy. He needed some water, but he didn’t want to get up.
“Again?” Sonic frowned. The fox had been having a lot of nightmares about Westside recently.
“I-I know, I’m sorry.” The boy bit his lip, suddenly thinking that this was a terrible idea.
“No, don’t apologize, li’l bro. Not your fault.” The teen pulled the younger into another hug, feeling how much he was shaking.
“Still. I-It’s childish to run to you every time.” Tails grumbled, but he didn’t pull away from the hug. He cuddled into his hero, his namesakes providing them warmth as they curled around.
“Nothin’ wrong with being childish. Or needing help.” Sonic shook his head. He had to break the kit free from that thought process, but he just couldn’t figure out how to do it.
The fox didn’t respond, just closed his eyes as he worked on evening out his breath.
The teen hummed as he moved to lay back down, pulling the cover over the two of them without releasing his hold on his little brother.
“Get some sleep, buddy.” Sonic whispered as he scratched the spot behind Tails’ ears to help ease him. “We can deal with it in the morning.”
The fox nodded as he shifted slightly to be more comfortable, mumbling a quiet goodnight to the older.
The hug paired with the gentle petting made it easy for the kid to fall asleep. He was out within a few seconds.
Sonic sighed, pressing his forehead against the younger’s.
He just wishes there was something he could do to make the nightmares leave his little brother alone.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
How about Benny in SAGAU? Like a continuation with Razor?? We do not talk about your growing found family 😤
Like, how would be his 'unluckiness'? Dya cancel it or you get pulled with his shenanigans? I feel like he might introduce you to his Dads no, we are still not going to talk about it 😤😤
A little scenario kept getting into my head when Benny applies Pyro and then Razor used his Electro and y'all got yer asses pounded on the ground 💀👌🏻and just taking care of each other's wounds 🥺🥺
You better be with him whenever he opens a chest so it wouldn't only spawn veggies, but decent weapon AND mora as well! You know, actual treasures, HOYO!!
This kid also arguably needs more parental supervision just bc of his sheer bad luck, poor kid
(i adore the headcanon that no matter the person's gender, he calls them dad lol)
Like,, hoyo cursed him and he's in a world with traps, monsters, fatui, MAGIC?? 💀 bro how is Benny still alive??!!
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Okay but the fact that Benny calls so many ppl dad just proves his desire for parental/sibling affection 💔
Aight since u phrased this as a continuation of this post <3 RAZOR MY BOYYYY
That is what we shall do :) ! ! !
So ur running with the wolves still lol
Also ur symbol as the Creator reader is 🦄 or 🌈, bc ur gay and special, jk its bc elements i promise lol
Or even 😑 / 😶 for language reader shenanigans
EDIT 4/11/24: HELLA forgot to say theres a sorta Part 3, its more focused on Razor living, rather than Benny tho fair warning!
Lupical for life bro
U r chillin with the pack now
Razor now has a sweet new digs, fits, and now a crazy amount of power
Bc ur just that great 💅
You have officially moved on to purchasing some leftover amenities/new furniture etc. for him and you :D
And while u could get some stuff in Springvale, like lanterns and soap and perfume and whatnot
Ur still not rlly getting furniture like a bedframe or some storage space, like a nightstand, from them
Which u dont need bc u still got an inventory
...but Razor definitely needs to store all his goodies somewhere that isnt up a tree or buried in a hole 😃
Yes, u did have to tell him to stop doing that.
So yall (u and Razor) are in Mondstadt a lot these days, and ur routine consists of grinding domains, hunting for food, hanging with cute Lupical puppies, playing giant tic-tac-toe w/ Andrius bc poor guy is pretty bored these days etc.
So you figured you run into ppl eventually, afterall you'd already re-met Lisa :)
(who at first was kind of taken aback to Razor having made a random adult friend in the woods, but after vibe checking her , and her vibe checking you, yall were cool, tho she did start reading these new lore books you didnt recognize called "Immortal They Return: A Series of Prophesies", she avoided ur questions abt it too..)
It was inevitable that after introducing you to Lisa, he'd gotten all excited at seeing two familiar figures hanging around Kathryne one day
Fischl and Bennett !! :D the cutest adventurers in all of Mondstadt ! (besides Klee)
The two take one look at you and Razor and coming running
....well mostly Fischl,
Bennett got his boot laces tangled together somehow? And is kinda hopping his way over
Immediately the electro vision royalty launches into their quintessential speech (they/them fischl SUPREMACY)
And as u get introduced,
U watch the pyro boy hop and trip over while trying to untie the laces
And just as he's about to go down, and ur debating reaching out and supporting the poor guy bc geez this looks sm worse in person-
Bennett has finally gotten his shoes untied!
Even he looks shocked 💀
And he like, apruptly stops falling over too?
And walks over with no issue??
Theres even a few out of place cobblestones in his path which he sees and moves to avoid
You dont know who looks more shocked and kinda scared you, him, or Fischl/Oz or Razor
Fischl and Razor have stopped talking bc it was more distracting Bennett didnt fall 😭
...yall all just kinda,, stand in a circle of silence (well fly in oz's case)
Staring at Bennett.
(Even Katheryne looks impressed😭)
After a couple of shook seconds, Fischl is nearly yelling about some kind of curse being lifted?? , Razor is like, sniffing Bennett's immediate area for sus scents, Bennett is kicking rocks to see if any of them hit him anymore, and poor Oz is trying to calm them down
(none of the rocks hit Bennett btw, or anything valuable around him)
So after that fiasco, u offer to take them around to the parts of Mondstadt they weren't allowed to go to w/o at least 1 adult :)
Theyre pumped and yall set off!
At first, Bennett hangs back, as Fischl and Razor throw themselves into monster battles yall encounter, as per what seems like a routine u assume bc of his bad luck
Eh, u figure while hes here, u might as well reveal u can make him stronger, u think he definitely needs the HP...
If there were any characters youd be worried about needing more power/HP in Mondstadt that u could level up besides Razor, itd be Bennett, hands down.
Between his adventuring, unnatural bad luck, and no parental supervision..
(even Klee seems better off than him, and shes like 7 💀)
Yeah, needless to say u were worried abt the guy
So he looks adorably fascinated <3, bc turns out they can see some of ur interface!
Mostly it looks like floating magical icons and that weird Teyvat language u saw in game, like that Abyss/ruins language u see all the time?
Bennett showed u his perspective in a sand drawing, hes actually pretty good at art wow
Razor couldnt rlly find the words to describe it before which is why u werent sure what they saw before now
And with that hes called into battle last by the others, mostly to apply pyro 🔥
and he fights at the edges to be further away from ppl u notice so he wont affect their luck..
aw Benny </3 :(
But as he draws his sword and ur getting ready trying to become a cheerleader for both Razor and Fischl but particularly Bennett,
He full on takes out 3 hilichurls at once 💀
...then with the dramatic down swing he does, he accidentally launches a rock right at the bigger hilichurl's foot..
...which trips him out of his axe swing...
...which makes it let go of the axe...
...which goes flying...
....breaks the last bit of the cryo abyss mage's shield bubble...
........and smacks it on the head too.
..fischl, oz, and razor halfway thru this insanity just like,, lower their weapons and stop to watch
Even the abyss mage is looking at Bennett surprised 😭😭
Bro, an achievement pops up-
"Lucky Day!!!"
Its little description says, "As Teyvat's God, you give the unluckiest person in Teyvat the luckiest day ever!"
Bennett just sits down on the ground.
(Same Benny because, this is where I lost it all, guys. All of that writing. Gone. Forever. I'm putting this here as both a gravestone for it, and a call out to tumblr. I'm not afraid of this website or its shitty admins, meet me in my dms for a real fight you fucks 🥊🥋🧍‍♂️you took what mattered to me, I'll take what matters to you, you god awful programmers. 🥲😐)
And it just keeps happening like that for the rest of the day you guys are together.
Every chest Benny opens are way higher quality than they should be
Especially for him.
(also u have gotten so comfy from before when u were playing Genshin that u r physically struggling not to call him Benny, so when u do accidentally call him that, u try to apologize politely, but he just talks about finally having a nickname so giddy that u just stick with Benny, what a cutie)
Common chests, Razor/Fischl gets what u expect, you personally maybe get a little extra materials and money,
But Benny?
He opens a common chest and suddenly it's a secret Precious chest
The pyro boy honestly looks a little afraid
You guys have a picnic later on for lunch together, partially bc Razor rlly wanted them to try ur food !! :D
Fischl and Benny were drooling over garlic salt, jesus- Teyvat's been deprived-
The blanket u used was a custom one u got made for Razor for his bday awhile back, all diff shades of purple and some silver wolf puppies and pawprints on it, 10/10 vv cute he loves it :)
(and also showed it off to his friends, Benny in particular looks smitten by it..)
Fischl eventually gets herded by Oz back to Mondstadt bc of their parents wanting them back by dinner,
So u Razor and Benny r left to wander around :]
As u guys explore and get chests and talk,
U all begin to gather ingredients for dinner (not that u dont have an inventory but the boys dont wanna cut into ur supplies, the sweethearts)
... Benny slowly starts to find and accumulate foodstuffs
Those Phileano? mushrooms (the white toasty looking ones that r always on roofs or windmills?)
He finds at eye level on nearly any building u come across.
Benny currently has his shirt turned into a basket trying to contain them, and more are flocking to him lol
Snap dragons? Calla lilies?? Even violetgrass, those purple horsetails, lotus heads, and a few qingqin from Liyue somehow make it into his bag 💀
The real question to ask at this point is, when wasn't Bennett lucky today??
(wow never thought youd hear that one)
So its a few weeks later, and Benny is like spending, every day with yall now lol
Ur getting dinner ready for u guys, and ur hopefully gonna make enough to leave leftovers for Lupical and Andrius,
So Razor has gone off to get some water to boil,
And Benny is climbing this huge tree to reach some eggs
And as he gets farther and farther up the tree away from you, he starts to slip more often 😬
Finally as he reaches the top, u realize after weeks without even a trip from him whenever hes around yall, why he wasnt unlucky-
...the closer he is to you, the luckier he is, and the farther Benny is-
He steps on a dead branch and it snaps :0 !!
Just as he falls, he screams and yells,
U push together some thick bushes and vines to catch him luckily
(lord knows u couldnt have caught him no matter how light he is, rip benny)
..Benny is okay, but he does go red in the face, and when u ask if he wants u to get one of his dads from the guild to check him over/make him feel better?
He says quickly "NO THANKS!"
Then Razor comes back like, "You call Lupical dad now?"
Benny: "What? No!"
You: "Do u see me as a, father figure, Bennett?"
Benny: "NO- more like I see u as a BOTHER figure bc ur always BOTHERING ME-"
Lol anyways jk
what a cutie tho,
(Ur Creator vibes made him feel vv at home in a way he hasnt felt before, so u got the honors early <3)
so ur a Dad™️ now (regardless of ur gender btw)
hope u like having a pack of puppies, a wolf spirit god, a wild wolf raised boy, and another wild but adventurer guild raised boy as ur family now 🤷‍♂️
You may or may not have also gotten onto Benny for charging straight into battle at other times, bc hes so used to bad luck happening anyway, apparently its canon he will just run in???
(to the point Grand Master VARKAS commented on it??!!)
U were pissed, bonked his head and everything-
He looked sufficiently chastised, but when u originally found out Fischl and Razor were nearby,
And u just hear snickering behind u as u bop him
(U bop them later too for that lol)
Benny is also very good at treating injuries bc of this too apparantly,
So one time when you Razor and him were engaging with a couple hilichurls again on the way to Windrise,
Benny applied pyro, and bc u were standing father away than usual (there was an archer earlier u were dodging)
His bad luck crept in and when Razor went to charge up his wolf spirit electro ult-
...everyone went flying back.
...Including Benny and Razor 💀
You heard a really sick pop!
From Benny's shoulder :(
You quickly start pullin out the healing foods lol shove a fishstick in his mouth screaming IT HEALS like a crazed grandparent lmao
But Benny has already sighed and sat up, popping his arm back into place
While u do praise his healing??? skills,
U have found out thru him that apparently ur food also gives some pain killer effects
So u scold him and bop him on the head with some dango 🍡
For not waiting on u to help him lol
Which btw-
Any healing food u give him, he treats like the bandages many others give him, like Barbara, Katheryne, his guild dads, etc.
And holds onto them, rarely eating them
(Ur stuff preserves until needed bc its magical Creator powers surprise, surprise)
Benny feels like its a tangible piece of your care he can keep with him <3 sobs
"Well, since you're by my side, I guess I'm not that unlucky after all!"
proud of you son :')
Ok so youve been getting Razor and u furnishings right
And youve been asking him what he wants to add to the caves digs ! :]
(U made a more fortified "front door" to the cave entrance, its also not that deep of a cave so there r only like 3 other "rooms" besides the main entrance area)
U improved both of u guys beds (tho razor will crash urs if he has a nightmare)
Along with some new outfits for him!
And so he has requested some stuff, but as time goes on,
Slowly, Razor goes from telling Benny about what new thing u added or telling his friend abt what he wants for the cave/himself,
To asking Benny what he wants bc he stays over so often 😭
(Youve gotten Benny factored into ur finances now lol, u gave him new clothes, new gear, amenities, etc. It also helps him bc he doesnt rlly have a main caretaker, so if he needs money he has to take commissions, which can be dangerous to him alone bc if u dont know, Benny's Adventuring Team only has him as the single member of it, plus thats not good if he is too sick or too injured to work, so a 2nd source of lowkey income is good for him <3 )
U now have a coffee table as the dinner table (razor was used to sitting on the ground to eat so a high table felt weird to him)
And it has a few pillow chair thingys?
For you, Razor, Benny, and a guest aw 💘
Benny also originally wanted to help make smth for u guys as a house warming gift
but bc he would try to work on it away from ur influence, it would break everytime :(
Eventually u just coninvced the poor kid to help u pick out some nice rugs and stuff lol
He also has surprisingly good interior design tastes, huh, who knew?
(cough when benny stays over he usually stays in razors bed, but occasionally theyre both lonely had nightmares and ask to crash with u, i love these kids sm cough)
Recently youve been visiting Benny in town even w/o Razor sometimes (rare as it is lol)
Mostly bc it seems like he needs the attention too <3
U gotta make sure hes eating real food okay
U dont want him to end up like u in ur world where u ate snacks for dinner when u were his age...
And Benny gets super hype about it every time, hes grabbing u by the arm, hauling u around to talk to ppl etc.
(Did i mention ur one of the few or not at all ppl who he can freely hold onto no matter the weather/situation bc his bad luck doesnt happen to you?? Oh no??? Well there u go :)
Most notably, to talk to the other Guild Dads™️
They deadass lowkey postured at you for an hour at you before giving in bc u seemed to be the only good luck charm the kid's ever gotten in his entire life 😭
They also r rlly happy someone is able to bc of his rlly bad luck willing to look out for him when they cant :)
For his birthday, you guys all celebrated by doing a picnic again like when u first met them, and you made him a cake
Benny's face rlly said " :'D !! "
Later on, for presents, you got him a blanket matching Razor's !!
Shades of red, with some good luck symbols thruout to maybe make up for when ur not there, and puppies all over <3
And at the top, you yourself embroidered (attempted, so its kinda sloppy but still readable, its endearing you like to think)
"Benny's Adventure Team"
With your name, Razor, Fischl, and even Oz and Andrius lol, all embroidered (not by u bc u stabbed urself enough times making the title thx) as team members down below 👍
You also show him a copy of the book record Katheryne keeps of adventuring teams, telling him that you snuck into Mondstadt one day w/o him knowing and officially signed you guys together (the others agreed too ofc)
...Benny cried, straight up.
And just like held onto you for bascially the rest of the day ❤️
(you also may or may not have signed the corner with "love, dad" haha what)
I just want y'all to know.
I had like this whole thing ready to post.
Then tumblr decided it didn't like any of my writing, and deleted half of this post.
U probably saw the spot i marked where i lost it all :'/
I think it took an hour? Or at least 30 minutes to write.
Guess tumblr didn't like that I was adding so much in one go.
So now it's gone.
Doin smth ballsy bc in order to avoid that, ive just rewritten that lost half, and am just going to post it straight up rather than expecting it to save my draft 🥲
Those beautiful moments between Bennett and us, are gone forever. My memory isn't good enough to rewrite it all. ;-;
If you don't mind, I'll be crying somewhere over those lost Benny moments that I drafted on here and can no longer remember to add.
I guess that's tumblr's cruel way of telling me to go the extra mile and draft my bullshit on a literal Google Doc then come back here and deal with the formatting transition hell.
Thanks tumblr.
Appreciate the writing advice.
(Oz translation: hey its aquarius here! I hope you gods enjoyed my writing! Feel free to check out my Masterpost/Writing Rules List if you guys ever wanna request something, including non-Sagau/Isekai stuff! :] )
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Hey not sure if yall will see this, but while this does have influences of Sagau/Isekai genshin, its still pretty just platonic genshin stuff, so let me know if thats not what u wanna be tagged for - just dm me!!)
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alotofpockets · 1 year
You're safe with me | Kate Bishop
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Pairing: Kate Bishop x Reader
Prompt: “They will have to go through me before they get to you.”
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1035
Your girlfriend had always looked up to the Avengers. She had told you about the day she saw Hawkeye fight in the Battle of New York, the tragic event which led to the death of her father. Over time she had shared this story with you, letting you in on why archery became so important to her. So, when the opportunity arose for her to work with Clint Barton himself and eventually join the Avengers, her decision was quickly made. You had and always will support her in all her decisions, and you were very proud of the hero she was becoming.
The upside of Kate becoming an Avenger was that you always had someone to protect you. The downside, however, was that it also tended to be the reason why you needed protection in the first place. It seemed like there was always someone set on hurting the Avengers, their loved ones included.
You had gotten close to Laura, Clint’s wife, when Kate first joined the Avengers. She knew what you were going through from personal experience and was a great person for advice as well as company. It comforted you to know their relationship could withstand the evil that was out in the world, it always gave you a certain sense of security.
After the first time people tried to go after you, Kate made you a promise. She had promised you that she would never leave you alone at night. That meant she was there or when she wasn’t able to, you had a place to stay at the Avengers Compound or the Barton residence.
Tonight, you both slept in your shared apartment. You had loved this place from the beginning, there was so much space, and you were fully able to decorate the home to both of your liking. It was the first home after living with parents for the both of you.
A strange noise coming from downstairs woke you up, you nudged Kate until she woke up as well. “I think someone is downstairs.” You whisper. After hearing that Kate is wide awake and already at the bedroom door listening for movement downstairs. The second she hears a noise too, she walks to the closet and grabs her bow and arrow. With your eyes widen “What are you going to do?”. Kate looks back at you, “They will have to go through me before they get to you.”
You knew that meant that she wanted you to stay and let her handle the situation. Kate was going to protect you at all costs, she had made that clear when she had shared wanting to join the Avengers when she got the opportunity to. So, you did, you stayed in the room. You heard her raise her voice and the sound of shattering glass filled the apartment. You hated the waiting around and not knowing if Kate was okay, but you knew to trust her with stuff like this.
About fifteen minutes later she came back up unharmed. “They’re gone. I think it was those guys that were following you last week, Trust a Bro was the name on the van right?” You only nod your head in response. “Okay, in that case this wasn’t a random break in.” She walks back to the closet and grabs two duffel bags. “Pack some clothes, we’re going to the Barton’s for a while until we figure something out, okay?” You take the back from her with shaky hands. Kate notices and realizes you’re still scared. “You’re safe with me, baby. I’ll be by your side the whole time.” She gives you a hug before you both pack your clothes.
Before closing the door, you look back inside the apartment, “What about the rest of our stuff?” Kate grabs your hand. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll call Stark in the morning and ask him to hire some movers in the morning. I know how important the home we build together is, I’ll ask if we can store it at the Compound for a bit.” That reassures you enough to close the door behind you.
When you arrive at the Barton’s it’s already morning, you knock on the door and Clint answers. “Kate, y/n, we weren’t expecting you, were we?” He says worriedly, thinking he might have forgotten something. “No, I’m sorry to just drop by. Something happened tonight and I didn’t want to call you at that time of the night.” Clint ushers you in. “Don’t be silly, you’re always welcome here. What happened?”. You explain the situation and Clint tells you that the two of you are more than welcome to stay with him for however long you need. “Come on in, Laura was just making some breakfast.”.
You turn the corner into the kitchen and are met with three excited kids running your way. They each hug both you and Kate like they haven’t seen you in years, while it has maybe been three weeks. You gladly hugged them back though, you loved these kids like they were your family. Laura also hugs the both of you hello, “Have you had anything to eat yet?” When you both say no she offers to make some extra food.
After breakfast the kids go outside to play. Clint asks both of you to stay for a moment. “Laura and I have been talking about this for a while, so I don’t want you to think this is a rushed decision. I just think that with what’s been going on, that now is a good time to offer. As you know we’ve been remodeling the barn into a guest house. We would like you to live there if you would want that of course. It’s up to you, but we would really like it. Having more people around and of course a safe environment.” You and Kate exchange a look, she sees the instant comfort in your eyes and responds with, “We would love that. Thank you so much!”
The following weeks you’re helping Clint get the house ready. Tony agreed to get some movers to transport your belongings to the new house and soon you had a new place to make your home.
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your mind !!!!!!!! literally it's that its the desperate plea of them both being like this meant something to us both??? it didn't just irrevocably change my world view alone right? and now i've got to pretend to be normal about it because we are forever linked in the same circle like!?!?!?!
this is why i feel so unnormal about them both- Tracker being a crutch for Kristen when they were dating because her whole life has been her living a lie. She's moving in because she can't be with her parents but I'm sure she wonders if it's just because they are girlfriends. I wonder how Kristen feels about living in Mordred and Jawbone being one of her guardians (not even mentioning how she struggles playing like a child role- being that shield for her brothers and how we often see her square up to Sandra Lynn) now they aren't together, like does she feels out of place there? I also think that feeling of being out of place was echoed in the recent episode of oh Kristen's address hasn't been changed either- like none of the parental figures in Mordred did that for her- especially Jawbone who works at the school and would have know that was kinda important.
Similarly I think Kristen provided that role on Sophmore year (even being in a messy arc) to Tracker of being that support and the one who does listen to her. Like I wonder how Tracker felt when Adaine & then Fig joined the household- because she's no longer getting priority attention from Jawbone since he's so busy. Yes she's very independent but that's because she's had to be. Even looking after Jawbone before he got better- like they did live together she's probably seen the ins and outs of all his business. The way I see her definitely has a heavy influence from you recommending scream by beach bunny for Tracker because wow- just incredible no notes. Her just moving on to looking after Kristen- like to make herself feel useful and needed- like when she gets brought along for spring break she's like oh I thought you were going to abandon me. Like. Head in hands. My poor girl. (Tracker being an npc is so hard i need all her lore now brennan)
I think it's also why it's so like explosive with the withholding stuff about Jawbone because her and Kristen have become this codependent team because there is so much going on its like oh your my person right now and you still did this, you know all these things and yet my feelings weren't considered & were pushed aside.
Like even after this happens- Kristen then starts unravelling Tracker's religion through finding Cassandra. Which tears them apart. They are both so influential in each other's lives its so crazy.
Apologies for the ramble as this might all be so incoherent but i just have so many thoughts on them and their dynamics- but I think it's like the tragedy aspect of it all that is so aligned with this music. Like the greater the risk the higher the reward and all that- they are built up to be so life changing that the fall consistently follows them. Like we haven't spoke in months but I'm still happy that your religious uprising is going well- even in my commune with my own Goddess you still linger there too. (Not even getting into the Goddess being sisters it's just so much)
Like the Bang the Doldrums line of better off as lovers and not the other way around vs Kristen trying to be normal about calling them friends to her cleric teacher. Just rattling them in my brain for real. I also like Bros by Wolf Alice for them because it's such energy of like If i did come back would you still be there? I know it's selfish of me to ask but would you do it anyway. And definitely less emo but Renegade by Big Red Machine gives them so much. like specifically the post chorus and second verse. again sorry for the ramble but these new episodes are just making me think so intensely about them :P
please never ever apologize for sending such thoughtful asks to my inbox!! i’m sorry it took me so long to reply, but you gave me so much for think about…
- you’re so right about how layered and complicated kristen’s feelings on living at mordred must be now. they were probably a lot easier to overlook when she and tracker were together. the current status shift of “i’m living with my partner” to “i’m crashing with my friends” is wild to me. while i think sandra lynn and jawbone do their best to be good parents for the teens living in their house, there’s just so many of them that it’s probably be easier to parent the ones that usually lean on them for help (adaine) or show clear red flags (fig). (i know this is most likely because beardsley was the one who started the tremors bit during the last episode, but the way jawbone leapt up to protect adaine and fig but not kristen gave me pause. not because jawbone (or brennan for that matter) did anything wrong, but it made me wonder how many little things like that must happen every day in front of kristen and how she might feel about it). given kristen’s reluctance to their parenting and tracker’s personal, recent experience with leaving the church of sol, tracker probably seemed like the best person equipped to support kristen, even if it put her in a weird, uncomfortable corner where she is constantly caring for the person who is supposed to be her main carer as well - although it’s never as reciprocal as it should be. tracker leans heavily on her own experience to try and help kristen, which is why she works so hard to support kristen in establishing her church. she wants kristen to experience the deep, primal connection to YES!? that she experiences with galicaea, but it’s not the necessarily the same situation as kristen is the sole cleric responsible for her gods. due to how much is resting only on her shoulders, kristen’s issues always seem to eclipse tracker’s, but that doesn’t make it fair. tracker tries to help in the way she knows how and it’s still not enough. i’m so excited to learn more about why tracker wants to talk to kristen in the present day. in part, it’s probably because at some point they will be living in the same house again and they should be on good terms. but i also wonder if tracker sees the same pattern with kristen’s gods that cassandra does, and wants to offer kristen an out of her current situation by asking her to join the wolfsong revival. i don’t think there’s any universe out there where kristen would have ever chosen galicaea over cassandra when that path was first offered to her in sophomore year, but tracker could argue that lots of things have changed since that initial offer. in joining her, kristen would be one of many clerics and share the burden of responsibility for keeping a god alive. and maybe that’s a way they can actually be together again. 👀
- kristen’s aversion to being parented is so fascinating to me that it needs to be its own list item. it feels so relatable as an experience of an eldest daughter who’s been parentified for longer than she can remember. because i don’t even think it’s an aversion to being parented really - i think she’s expecting to be treated as a child in a way that’s familiar to her. when you combine kristen’s eldest daughter position with her status as the golden child due to her connection to helio, it’s not a far reach to say that the applebees treated kristen closer to another adult in the family than a child when she lived at home. i’m guessing she was privy to way more information and it was her job to shield and distract her brothers from it or filter it in a way that her parents approved. this is one of the reasons why i think she struggled so much while questioning her faith - her parents had always communicated with her in a straight and simple fashion and this suddenly shifted to unsatisfactory, emotional answers to her questions. (granted, i don’t think any answers the applebees would have given would be satisfactory based on how stuck they are in their worldview, but they jumped really quickly into just shutting kristen down instead of actually hearing her out) i think she’s seeking out that kind of straightforward parent-child relationship she used to have with her parents when she approaches sandra lynn after the tryst with garthy, like “tell me what’s going on and we’ll find the best way to share this with the rest of the kids.” i know that moment is followed by a “classic ally chaos moment” of kristen asking for whiskey, but i wonder if there’s a way to recontextualize it here. maybe she sees herself falling into an old pattern. maybe she can’t resist the temptation of actually being treated like a child instead of a pseudo-adult. maybe she’s worried that whatever answer sandra lynn could give her isn’t worth her positioning herself like this. no one wants sandra lynn and kristen to bond this season more than me i’m awake at night wishing as hard as i can believe me when i say this but i do think that she’s still trying to be a shield to the best of her ability from afar. i think the underlying question behind kristen’s decisions now when it comes to her brothers is “how do i turn the selfish action of leaving them behind into the best decision for everyone in the end without compromising my own autonomy or putting them in a situation where they get hurt?” she stays away from the applebees house so that her brothers don’t have to deal with the tension she would inevitably bring with her. she leaves them gold but without a note so her parents can’t interrogate them about their contact with her. and even in the last episode - choosing to simply confuse her parents and keep her cool instead of actively arguing with them is interestingly as calculated as it is chaotic because she probably comes off as less of a threat to bucky’s devotion to helio and more as a neutral eccentric. for now, it’s easier on everyone in that house if she is cast as someone whose head isn’t screwed on straight rather than a complete villain.
- i too would love to know more about tracker. all of your questions about how she might have felt when jawbone’s attention shifted from her to adaine and fig are right on the money. add all the codependency with kristen to the mix, it makes me wonder if tracker feels like she missed out on having deeper, possibly sisterly friendships with adaine and fig. i think trackerbees being so joined at the hip resulted in her holding fig and adaine at arm’s length as “kristen’s friends” as opposed to new family members. it’s telling that she only chose to leave mordred once she was certain that she could trust that jawbone would be safe with the people surrounding him AND that they were taking care of him as much as he was taking care of them. i don’t think she was waiting for something to go wrong per say, but the fact is that something DID go wrong and her instinct to hang around was justified. she watches sandra lynn and jawbone reconcile and that point in time happens to coincide with her decision to start the wolfsong revival and then she’s finally ready to leave with ragh at her side - the only other teen she allowed herself to get close to probably by accident bc they spent a good deal of time together when the PCs were off on bad kids only mini-missions during spring break. (also how are they going to share ragh. i’m hoping it’s all cordial in the end but how do you share a person who was a bodyguard / confidant for one of you but also was the cofounder of the lgbtq+ student union / honorary party member for the other for much longer than that. how do you do that) i’m so curious about her place in the birth order, but given that we’ve never heard about any siblings, i’m inclined to believe she’s an only child and it seems to fit. i’m an eldest daughter with a couple of only children as best friends and the dynamic of how straightforward tracker is in her actions while kristen is constantly playing 4D chess in her head to figure out the best solution for everyone rings very true for me. we know that her parents kicked her out after she was bitten, but she didn’t stray super far - not even outside the same pantheon of gods. granted, I think the lycanthropy made galicaea a natural fit for her, but i don’t think the journey to get there took as long as kristen’s journey to YES!? two sides of the same coin and all that
- ANYWAYS. the music of it all. i completely agree with your assessment of the tragedy and risk that emo music usually lends itself to, but i also like your other recs here! i was racking my brain trying to think of where i’d heard bros before - it was featured in the life is strange prequel (that also happens to center around another tragic sapphic couple). i absolutely love renegade for them and it made me think of “the 1” - another swift / dessner collab that feels very of the moment for them. i think about them a lot when i’m listening to adult mom. most songs i feel apply directly to one or the other, but i feel like “checking up” from their most recent album feels very attuned to their relationship right before they broke up when tracker was first on the road.
for anyone who has made it this far down, thank you for coming for my ted talk! i guess i have a lot more thoughts about these two than i knew. thank you again @sabrirene for sending this in!
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thefinalcinderella · 3 months
Tsurune Book 3 Chapter 6 - Genuine (Part 2)
My brain as I was translating this: what is bro yapping about
also please don't ask me to clarify anything that happened in this chapter, i also have no idea. i'm pretty sure only the author knows 😂all i know is that they were definitely doing kyudo.
TW: suicide mention
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
A saijiki is an almanac of Japanese seasonal terms used for poetry
Asahina's name (朝日奈) contains the characters for morning sun
Adults (成人) and saints (聖人) have the same reading (seijin)
A box-like structure where rain shutters are stored when not in use
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Masa-san, there’s something I want to tell you.
Don’t laugh and just listen to me.
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The competitors from both schools met face to face at the prefectural finals. The sky began preparations to show off its triumphant end.
Asahina and Minato faced each other.
“Looks like ‘Minahead’ worked. Thanks.”
“Please don’t make surprise attacks like you did the other day.”
“Hahaha, sorry. The protection around you was strong, so that was the best I could do.”
Eddie pushed up his hair. “We have no need for superstition anymore.”
“That’s right, partner.”
Asahina and Eddie bumped elbows. They were like children who played a secret prank on their parents.
Haneina’s coach, Tsucchi, and Masa-san faced off.
“My archers are in top form. We’re going to win.”
“I don’t know about that. Kazemai can use the wind, after all.”
“I don’t want any funny tricks. Show us what you can do.”
“Go easy on us.”
The archers from both schools entered the shajo with orange and yellow-green headbands tied around their heads.
Haneina High School had Eddie, Matsuda, Kanuma, Igarashi, and Asahina.
Kazemai High School had Kaito, Ryouhei, Seiya, Nanao, and Minato.
They each stepped onto the shooting line and spread their legs.
The oomae of Haneina was Eddie. His golden hair fluttered in the sun. Spreading his white wings, the archangel descended upon the land of the east. The eccentric was an assumed figure, and the truth was revealed.
He objected to the strange land of Japan, where everyone wore matching outfits to find jobs. Who told them to wear black? Was it because it wouldn’t stand out even if they settled down in a graveyard? Those who prepared loyalty tests for the company would have been promoted and given a nice apartment. Ceasing to think for yourself was what politicians wanted you to do. Misguided servility made the conceited even more fattened. If you were going to dance the same dance, then dance in your own colors.
The arrow was aimed at the demon’s heart. But Eddie and Kaito hit the center.
Next was Matsuda on the second target. One day, a house party was held. The servants, who were usually unsmiling, broke out into big smiles as soon as the host appeared in the room. Before he knew it, everyone in the room had smiles pasted onto their faces. “Supporting the disabled is my purpose in life. We are very concerned about you. With this product, you can reduce your anxiety about your future,” they whispered, but the bow made no distinction between the disabled and the able-bodied. The love that asked for nothing in return was always there.
The released arrow shattered the window glass. Ryouhei followed as well.
Kanuma on the third target opened his haiku saijiki. (1) Beautiful phrases that reflected Japan’s weather, astronomy, geography, and human affairs were lined up side by side. The finely honed senses of their ancestors that resided in each phrase hadn’t faded away even now.
Words were twisted, woven, knitted, and tied together. Weaving brocade was the living wisdom and culture of creatures without fur. The clothes we wore revealed our environment and thoughts. Those who could manipulate words and know the hidden power of words could transcend the concept of time and fly to the moment at any time. Right now, Kanuma has composed a song.
Kanuma and Seiya summoned tsurune.
Brain, be deceived. Make a miracle happen.
Taking the sound of the matooto as a signal, Igarashi raised his bow. Anyone could step into his flower garden. Flowers such as bellflowers, gentians, and campanulas were preferred, and the bells rang when the wind blew. Bees and butterflies frolicked amidst the flowers, grass lizards and rainbow-colored lizards lay in the grass, and red-flanked blue tails rested on the branches. He picked the withered flowers and thinned out overcrowded foliage. A garden that took time to grow was a treasure. Igarashi applied that image to his own bow. He slept every night holding his bow, of which only one existed in this world.
As Igarashi and Nanao’s arrows flew, flowers bloomed along the path.
In the stands, Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo gasped. Since there were a lot of hits in quick succession, they braced themselves so they wouldn’t miss the chance to cheer.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful.”
“Both schools are sparkling.”
“This is exactly what ‘brilliance’ is.”
The ochi Asahina, as his name suggested, was the embodiment of the sun. (2) His red hair burned in the twilight.
Fire knew what you had done.
It also knew the name and face of your accomplice.
If you wanted to purify yourself, go to the sea. If you wanted power, go to the mountains. Whichever path you chose, he would be a torchbearer and a guide. Heaven watched the deeds of those who lived on earth. Three children were born out of the fire. At any given time, there existed something that recorded the events on earth. Memories that were passed down became stories.
Asahina and Minato released their arrows.
For the second shot, nobody missed.
For the third short, the sound of the matooto didn’t cease.
The wind blew through the kyudojo, where conversation and even breathing were taboo.
Where was the wind going? Who was it bringing with it?
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A memory of a day he spent with Masa-san flashed through Minato’s mind.
Yata Forest, where the crescent moon hang in the deep blue sky. The sound of rustling leaves sounded like the trees were welcoming them as the two walked along the white path illuminated by moonlight.
“Masa-san, there’s something I want to tell you. I had a strange experience a long time ago. I haven’t even told Seiya and Ryouhei about it. They’ll probably think I’m crazy or just laugh at me and say I was dreaming. Will you listen to me?”
“I will.”
“You won’t laugh?”
“I won’t.”
Minato took a deep breath.
“I was a bit out of it that day, and when people told me that it was Setsubun today, I was like, ‘Huh?’ It seemed like I got the date wrong by a day, and I had no memory of the day before Setsubun.”
“After scattering the beans, I slept like usual, and the next thing I knew, I was paralyzed. My arms and legs were numb, and I couldn’t move my body at all. While I was panicking, I heard three sounds. It kind of sounded like something used in an old sci-fi movie. Then, all of a sudden, a beam of light hit me from right above my head to my feet with a ker-wham. Just as I was thinking Oh crap, what do I do, I heard the three sounds again, and then I was hit on the top of my head with a wham. I still couldn’t move my body, so I was thinking about reciting the Heart Sutra when my dad woke me up. Apparently I was crying out in my sleep.”
Masa-san’s eyes widened. He burst into laughter.
“So you laughed at me after all. I’m a chuunibyou even in my dreams.”
“No, I was laughing at the onomatopoeia. I wasn’t laughing at what you said.”
“Are you telling the truth?”
“I had a similar experience. I never told anyone about it, so it’s a secret.”
Masa-san began speaking.
I’ve told you before that when I was in my third year of high school, I got target panic and my master gave up on me. I’ve also told you that in my first year in university, my father sent me a notification of my brother’s death, but actually, when I was nineteen, I got into an argument with my master. I declared that I will never forgive the person who made my brother disappear and that I will take revenge, but my master just lectured me in the usual way, saying that revenge was a foolish thing and that my anger will burn me to death. I asked him why he had been ignoring it until now, and why is it that you, my own family, didn’t understand me. I showered my master with the hateful words that should have been directed towards my father. That ended up being our final conversation.
When I was twenty, in my second year of university, my master passed away. I overcame my target panic and received invitations from several kyudo schools to join them, but I had lost sight of the significance of drawing the bow. I kept asking myself why I was drawing a bow—and then I realized it. No, I finally admitted it. I wanted to be acknowledged as an archer by my “master Yasaka,” no one else. And that will never come true.
In the spring of my third year, I completed shooting a hundred arrows, but all I felt was a sense of emptiness. My father casually sent us letters, as if he was unaware of the despair and threat he posed to us. Was it okay to just do nothing? Would I have no choice but to take these negative feelings with me to the grave?
As summer approached, I began to deeply regret the last words I spoke to my master. Every time I entered the kyudojo, my body became stiff, and I found it hard to breathe. Before I knew it, I couldn’t sleep soundly, and the doctor’s comforting words and medicine didn’t make me feel better. My mother, unable to just watch, took me to a temple in Shikoku.
The chief priest was a quiet person. He read sutras in the morning and sat in front of the Buddha at noon and night. He would visit me from time to time, and we would talk about casual everyday things before going home. During that time, I remained lying on my bed.
Several choruses of cicadas passed by. Everything that lived was covered in shame, and I longed to disappear, but I couldn’t commit suicide for the sake of the family I would be leaving behind. At night, I closed my eyes, hoping that I would never wake up again. If I could at least forget everything, I could live.
I closed my mouth in the morning and laid down on the ground during the day and night.
Sleepless days. I couldn’t escape the memories that replayed over and over again.
One night, as I was looking back on my life and regretting every detail, I heard a voice coming from the upper left corner of my head. Just a single “Good.”
The two looked at each other and smiled.
It was a strange feeling of empathy with each other.
Ah, that’s right. Someday, when the time was right, I can tell others about this day. When the truth dwells in Minato’s words.
When Masa-san finished, he grinned.
This was a secret between master and disciple.
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The sixth voice was heard.
With three scales, arrows of light descended from the heavens and pierced through Minato’s body. His whole body went numb and his head became hazy.
The sounds came again.
When he decided to “come,” the arrows passed through his body and spread from the soles of his feet to the ground.
Meigen. That was the sound of the dawn.
Three sounds and arrows of light fell from the sky.
The arrows of light pierced my body.
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The ultimate goal of kyudo was “the true, the good, and the beautiful.” True archery didn’t lie, deceive, or betray.
Truth in archery was proven by the brilliance of the bow, the tsurune, and hitting the target. What was true was beautiful, and what was good was also beautiful. Once you met the genuine article, you would never be confused again.
Hayake—Yips was a state in which the body became warped due to accumulated fatigue and stress, and the brain ends up malfunctioning. That was why beginners didn’t get target panic. It occurred when the brain remembered the experience of failure so strongly that it issued an emergency alert every time those memories replayed. This became a regular occurrence, and if proper treatment wasn’t taken, it would only get worse. In archery, hayake was called “target panic,” and it was an accurate description of this sickness.
The solution was to regulate one’s breathing. It was to get rid of the distortions in one’s body and allow the brain and body to rest.
There were actually very few people who could maintain a natural and comfortable posture. Regulating the autonomic nervous system and improving the functioning of the central nervous system was the key to good health. The autonomic nervous system referred to the nerves that were responsible for unconscious processes such as pulse, breathing, and digestion. The sympathetic nervous system was dominant during the day, and the parasympathetic nervous system was dominant when sleeping at night. The central nervous system were the nerves that acted like a command center, issuing commands to various parts of the body.
Anxiety and fear were a kind of self-protective instinct. Once living things experienced something scary or painful, they tried to avoid it next time. When it was overreacted to, they became stuck in the memories of the past, worried about the future, and unable to take even a step forward.
When you drove a car, you got too scared to drive if you thought about what would happen if you caused an accident. You made sure you were in good physical condition and inspected your vehicle before driving. Even so, if you caused an accident, you would have to pay for it for the rest of your life. If you were willing to accept all of that, everything else would become possible.
Cars run on gasoline or electricity, but what did the human body need to move? Oxygen. Oxygen produced heat. “Breathing” was an important way to obtain oxygen efficiently. Because modern people breathed with their chests, they were unaware that they were about to drown due to the lack of oxygen in their brains.
Let’s slowly take a deep breath.
You could see what you couldn’t see before.
You could touch what you couldn’t touch before.
The days I spent with you.
The days I will spend with you from now on.
Who should I thank for this happiness?
Right now, I’m breathing.
Blessed are the creatures that shed their fur.
They have rented lodgings on earth and eaten many lives.
Now, I offer a moment of silence.
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The fourth shot began. The ten’s heartbeats grated.
Gradually, slowly, the surroundings were dyed in green, like vines were creeping around. This place, with its spreading leaves and blooming orange flowers, was just like the earth after humans have left.
Those who gathered in the Land of the Rising Sun. Kaito, who had just been born, let out a single cry. The roar that announced the joy of birth hit right in the middle of the target.
Ryouhei also raised his voice. What beautiful stars, what delightful companions. Now, let’s set off. Let’s row the boat. What kind of place would the new continent be? What kind of encounters await us?
Seiya followed suit. I knew you were worried about me. I was taking advantage of your kindness. Thank you for being by my side. Thank you for getting angry.
Nanao was enjoying himself, happy, and sun—. The place I belong is where I draw my bow. I want it, I want it, I want it. But it didn’t come true. I got an abode that I should have given up sometime ago. Someone whispered to me that it’s okay to stay here, that there’s no need to leave so quickly. When he blew a whistle, the matooto resounded at the azuchi.
Minato was standing on the earth.
We are temporary residents who are renting a part of the earth.
His memory flew back to a few weeks ago, to something Saionji had said with blooming azaleas behind him.
“Narumiya-kun, please try to explain the ‘Heart Sutra’ to me.”
“Yes. The universe is emptiness. If you think something exists, it exists. If you don’t think it exists, it doesn’t exist. You can see it if you try to see it, and you can’t see it if you don’t try. It’s dyed in every color, and it’s not dyed in any color. The mind is emptiness. The mind is the body, and the body is the mind. Although they are considered different things, they used to be one and the same. The ‘box’ that is me contains all the necessary software. Now, recite the password called an incantation and open the box. The box will then start up normally.”
“That’s a bold interpretation. It’s very interesting. Continuing studying in that vein.”
“Thank you very much.”
“It’s not about right or wrong, it’s about how you feel. That is the answer of the current you. Religion was originally meant to be a guidebook to help you live a better life.”
The mind and body were the same person.
The heart was responsible for pumping blood, the stomach was responsible for digesting food, and the brain was responsible for thinking. All were functions of internal organs, and each had a role. It was just that the roles were divided, and it didn’t mean that the brain was the best and the others weren’t. Confusion arose because only the brain was viewed as special.
Humans tended to rely on vision when obtaining information, and were creatures who liked to take things apart before observing them. However, if you were too short-sighted, you would lose sight of the true essence. If you take a step back, you could see the whole thing. Man and woman, good and evil, the surface and below, real and imaginary numbers, joy and anger, sadness and healing, health and illness, life and death, meetings and partings. Dualism was just one classification method, and the classification depended on the time and situation.
The two couldn’t be separated. They were intertwined from the start.
They were one from the beginning.
A spell was a mysterious word that went beyond human comprehension. Although words could be shown to have special power, the basis for the current phenomenon couldn’t be explained. Because it was “power beyond human understanding,” it was difficult for ordinary people to understand, much less put into words. Just because you couldn’t see, hear, or quantify it doesn’t mean that it “didn’t exist.” It was only latent, not yet manifested.
A text that had been simplified by an expert in the field by only extracting the important points was, on the contrary, even more difficult for beginners to understand. Rewording the text into concrete episodes, in other words, accumulating stories, helps to deepen understanding. Stories were the perfect tool to convey something. It was hoped that someday, someone would explain it in an easy-to-understand text.
Minato and Asahina’s arrows pierced their targets.
Ten people. Forty perfect hits.
This was in the exact region of a hundred shots and a hundred hits.
Viewing this amazing scene, there was a standing ovation in the spectators’ seats.
Ren, who was watching in the stands, squeezed his hands. Seiya’s brother Gaku hugged himself.
“It looks cold. How long will this continue?”
“…I hope it doesn’t end like this.”
No winner was decided, so it became a shoot-out. Each archer released a shot, and the school with the most hits won. If it couldn’t be determined in one round, it was repeated until the ranking was decided.
The oomae had begun to raise their bows.
Roaring bows. Arrows that cut through the wind. Summoning thunderclouds, colorful dragons swam through the archery range.
Dizzingly clear paths of light bounce, dance, and splashed. Legendary creatures ran to the end without turning around or stopping. The “insect” contained in the kanji for “wind” and “rainbow” meant dragon, and although they were feared as gods in the East and monsters in the West, they weren’t influenced by human expectations. Each went their own way. Their colors and speeds were different, but they all arrived at one place—somewhere bright.
Once more, everyone hit.
The people watching the ten, who never missed, felt a thirst in their throats. What were they witnessing? Did something like this truly exist? Were they becoming witnesses to history?
Kaito, Ryouhei, Seiya, Nanao, and Minato faced the target.
The five melted into one and returned to that day. They were hearing Greensleeves.
Minato was talking to his mother in a dream.
“This song is about the moment when a disciple told their master the answer to a problem, right? I think the moment the master heard this, they smiled with joy.”
Greensleeves was a “Song of Naru.”
After completing his trials, the boy became an adult.
It was a rite of passage, an initiation.
Farewells and encounters were one and the same. On the winter solstice, the sun died and was reborn. Rather than having two sides, rather than being parallel, it was a chaotic thing that blended and mixed together. Today was like yesterday, and tomorrow was like today. Time didn’t exist there.
“Goodbye” was a magic word. It was devised from the beginning.
The sound of knocking on the door. A ringing sound.
Yearning, chasing, wishing.
Cowering, struggling, being doubted, despised.
Raging, despairing, cursing.
When you repent, mourn, accept death…
And give up.
Bow your head, love, and forgive. The door finally opens.
With a “welcome.”
Love meant forgiving yourself and others.
Could you embrace the person in front of you who you hated so much that you wanted to kill?
Those who cleared this final task were called “adults (saints)”. (3)
Admiration for the opposite sex and affection between parents and children were biological desires based on the perpetuation of descendants, and it wouldn’t be too difficult to love someone who had been kind to you. True friendship was rare and beautiful. Those who walked on the same path, master and disciple and friends. The two would be on a journey that would never end. The only difference was whether one went first or went later.
Even if one, two, three, or even four people finished, the match wasn’t decided.
The fifth, Asahina and Minato, began to raise their bows. They opened their chests wide and stretched their limbs in all directions. Two crosses emerged in the shajo dyed by the sunset. The boys flew into the sky. Migratory birds passed between the clouds, rivers meandering across the land, and cows grazing. A dragonfly rested its wings on the tip of an ear of wheat and flew away, seemingly uninterested in human activity.
A beautiful bow with a length unparalleled in the world. That was a divine implement. The sacred instrument inherited by archers chose its user. It looked for those with clear, unclouded eyes. The sun was a form of unconditional love. An existence that shined on everyone, both good or bad, without distinction. The Japanese called that star Amaterasu Oomikami.
When Minato’s arrow was sucked into its target, Asahina gently brought down his bow.
It was at that moment that Kazemai High School’s victory was decided.
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Exclamations and screams arose at the long battle. The applause and cheers were deafening. In the stands, Hanazawa, Shiragiku, Seo, and Gaku were crying.
Kaito and Eddie, Ryouhei and Matsuda, Seiya and Kanuma, Nanao and Igarashi, and Minato and Asahina bumped gloves.
Asahina laughed. “That was so much fun. Let’s do it again.”
“Yeah, I had fun too.”
After they finished leaving the shajo, the first years Kanbayashi and Himuro ran up to them, and the members of Kazemai High School’s kyudo club hugged each other’s shoulders.
Minato and Kaito were screaming.
“You don’t have to do your yagoe here. You’re hurting my ears,” Seiya chided them, but made no move to remove their hands from his shoulders. Ryouhei put his weight on them, causing the seven to lose their balance and collapse to the ground.
Nanao’s eyes were wet with emotion. It was not a little frustrating for him to be left out of the lineup in the preliminaries. He didn’t want to admit that he was frustrated, not wanting to show such an uncool part of himself, and unconsciously tried to keep up appearances. The other members all noticed this. They had the same feelings. Kaito, Seiya, Minato, Ryouhei, and even Himuro and Kanbayashi patted Nanao on the head. Nanao did the same thing back to them. Tommy-sensei watched the seven boys with a smile as they seemed to return to their childhood. Masa-san picked Nanao up and walked around with him. “Pick me up too!” Ryouhei badgered him.
The appearance of the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club was deeply etched into people’s memories.
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After the awards ceremony, Kazemai prepared to go home. The support group that brought the cars walked ahead, followed by the club members. The championship cup was held by the president, Seiya.
The feeling of elation couldn’t be contained. The scenery they usually saw was more color saturated and lacked a sense of reality. On the stage of the finals, all five of them achieved six shots without missing. This was exactly a dream came true.
As they were leaving the kyudojo, the Kirisaki members came to congratulate them. The Young Prince’s eyes were more melancholic than usual.
Ryouhei put his arms around Kaito and Nanao’s shoulders.
“Ah, I’m still excited. I feel like running.”
“Alright, let’s run home.”
“You guys are gonna get wiped out if you do that,” Kaito said, but he couldn’t remain still either and started walking faster.
Minato, Kanbayashi, and Himuro formed the tail end of the group. After the match, they walked slowly from exhaustion.
“I’ve been inspired. I’m going to become an archer like Narumiya-senpai.”
“You’re making too much of me. I’m not even close to Masa-san or Shuu.”
“All three of you are amazing.”
Himuro nodded wordlessly.
“Kyah, I’m sorry!”
Someone appeared, interrupting Minato and the others’ conversation. A girl passing by bumped into him when he wasn’t looking, it seemed. The contents of the plastic bottle she was holding spilled onto Minato, and he wiped the liquid with his sleeve.
“Your collar got soaked. Do you want to change?”
“Some of it got into my mouth, but it seems to be just water. It’ll dry right away.”
By the time they finished loading their bags into the car, Minato felt sluggish. He felt nauseous, and his whole body was itching. When he looked at the inside of his arm, he saw that a rash had broken out.
“What’s wrong with me? I feel itchy, and kinda sick…”
“Your neck is turning red! Should I call Takehaya-senpai? He might have some medicine.”
“Ah, it’s fine. I’ll wait until we get back.”
But soon, Minato was crouching down in a corner of the parking lot. Seiya, noticing that Minato and the others were acting strange, rushed over. Minato was clutching his throat as he crouched.
“What’s wrong, Minato!?”
“…I don’t know, but I feel sick and lightheaded.”
“Could it be heatstroke? Do you have a fever? How’s your stomach?”
“It’s hard to breathe…my throat…”
His voice was raspy and his breathes came in short gasps. Nanao rubbed Minato’s back, and the other members formed a human barricade to guard him. From Seiya’s perspective, he was experiencing system symptoms such as nausea, sweating, dizziness, rashes, and shivering. What was going on?
Seiya’s brother Gaku, who had gotten into the car earlier, also ran over and put his nose on the back of Minato’s neck.
“Seiya, wait. It’s really faint, but he smells different than usual. …It’s an unpleasant smell. What is this, ginkgo fruit?”
Seiya and Ryouhei looked at each other.
“Minato’s allergic to ginkgo!”
“That’s right. A long time ago, when our families went to pick ginkgo fruits, we were shocked when Minato got a rash even though he never touched them with his bare hands.”
“But there aren’t any ginkgo fruits this time of year,” Gaku murmured. “Are these symptoms of anaphylactic shock?”
Seiya’s expression froze.
Anaphylactic shock was a condition in which an allergic reaction to food or other allergens caused a drop in blood pressure and deterioration of consciousness.
Masa-san pushed through the human barricade and went to Minato. He was lying limp in the laps of Kanbayashi and Himuro. His face was chalk white.
“Sorry about this, Minato.”
Masa-san suddenly lifted up Minato’s hakama and pushed something that looked like a thick pen into his thigh. There was a click sound. Seiya widened his eyes, and Kanbayashi blinked rapidly.
“It’s a self-injection of adrenaline. I’m allergic to wasp poison, so I carry it around with me.”
Gaku got out his phone. “Coach Takigawa, thank goodness. Don’t worry, I’ll get him to the hospital right away.”
The injection seemed to have worked, and after a while Minato was able to sit up on his own. His breathing had settled down, and it seemed that his life was no longer in danger. Minato was escorted to the hospital by the Takehaya brothers.
Afterwards, the dashcam in one of the parents’ cars parked in the parking lot showed the girl who was holding the bottle. Despite repeated appeals that the water in the bottle was suspicious, the case was shelved without much investigation, as it was assumed that Minato had just accidentally ingested food that he was allergic to.
Seiya had a pained expression on his face.
“I know someone whose hobbies include hacking into surveillance camera data and using AI to analyze internet articles. The girl from the dashcam is a Kuon devotee. We also confirmed contact between a detective and a Kuon family servant. Apparently, the detective got their hands on ginkgo fruits from a university lab. It seems like there are all sorts of people at Kuon’s house.”
“Why Minato?” Ryouhei asked.
“It’s probably jealousy. The Young Prince only has one brother disciple. No one can take Minato’s place.”
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo stamped on the ground in frustration.
“I can’t believe we can’t do anything even though we know that much.”
“It’s frustrating.”
“Yeah, I feel you. But wouldn’t it also be bad if the hacking is discovered?”
Masa-san, who had been listening silently until then, rubbed his cheek.
“We have to punish him hard for this.”
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Kuon was spending the weekend at the villa.
“Has that woman’s identity been exposed? How useless. Hmm, no need to bother with a orthopedic surgeon’s son and a bunch of commoners.”
His phone rang, and the screen displayed a certain person’s name.
It was Fujiwara Shuu.
“Kuon Takumi, will you apologize to Minato?”
Perhaps it was because he was calling from somewhere far away, but there was so much noise in the background that it was hard to hear.
“What are you talking about? I’m on vacation right now. Do you mind if I ask you to refrain from calling?”
“He’s heading your way right now. I’m not going to be able to stop him.”
Asahina and Eddie had pinpointed Kuon’s location. He was in a richly decorated mansion deep in the mountains. The heavy doors opened.
Masa-san leisurely walked from the central entrance to the front stairwell. A female servant of the mansion, suspicious of the smiling, cheerfully walking stranger, called out to him.
“Excuse me, sir? Are you a guest?”
“Hey there, young lady. I’m glad you seem to be doing well.”
“I’m afraid that I cannot let you through to the next room.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m very close to Takumi-kun.”
Masa-san smiled softly, and the servant felt cold air blowing on the back of her neck. Contrary to his words, his quiet anger was something that couldn’t be hidden no matter how hard he tried.
The woman screamed. “Takumi-sama, there’s a suspicious person here! Somebody help!”
Kuon sensed the man’s impending presence and hurried outside.
Masa-san got behind the men guarding Kuon and slammed his fist into the back of his liver. He dodged another man’s kick, and when he fell to the ground with a heavy thud, Masa-san jumped over the stair railing.
All the while, Kuon was running at full speed. His pursuer closed the distance in the blink of an eye, and Kuon, panicking, tripped on the grass and fell. Despite this, he still crawled on the ground, trying to escape, but couldn’t move forward.
Masa-san grabbed Kuon by the nape of his neck.
“Swear that you’ll never lay a finger on Kazemai’s students again.”
“O-Okay. I swear, so let me go first.”
When Masa-san loosened his grip, Kuon raised himself up and faced him directly. Immediately after, he saw the shadow of a muscular man behind Masa-san. Masa-san punched him in the face without looking back.
Kuon clutched at the soil.
“Who the hell are you!? There’s no way an ordinary person can do that!”
“I’m sure you know that I’m Kazemai’s coach. A long time ago, I learned self-defense. You don’t seem to realize what you’ve done.”
“Isn’t it just a little bit of itchiness? A long time ago, I had a classmate who got itchy after eating eggs, but it cleared up after a week. Isn’t this just a child’s adorable prank?”
“Don’t tell me that you’ve done the same thing in the past? Allergies can be life-threatening if you don’t take care of them properly. What you did was equivalent to poisoning him. Lately, I haven’t been able to control myself…whatever will I do?”
Masa-san put his hand in the inside pocket of his jacket. He took out a permanent marker, and after removing the cap, he placed the tip of the pen on Kuon’s cheek.
Approximately ten seconds later, Kuon’s face was covered with the same pattern as the one on the powder container Masa-san had received from his master. Yes, depending on how you looked at it, it looked like a bikini.
The look in Kuon’s eyes changed when he saw Masa-san turn on his phone.
“No way, you’re going to take a photo?”
“A souvenir. I borrowed the pen from Kazemai’s president, and it turned out to be a very tasteful picture, if I do say so myself.”
“You lowly citizen! I’ll call Father!”
“As you requested, I’ve already called him. ‘My foolish son has wronged your friend. Please scold him on my behalf,’ he said and invited me to this villa. Now that I’ve taken some pictures, I think I’ll send them to the Kirisaki twins.”
“Father would never… S-Stop it! Doesn’t Buddhism tell you to not take revenge even when something is done to you? Your real job is being a monk, isn’t it?”
“Everyone keeps calling me a monk, monk, monk. I’m not a monk, I’m a priest!”
As Masa-san’s finger was about to slide across his phone’s screen, the wind created by a helicopter made the leaves and branches of the mountains shake. It was a tremendous amount of dust. When he looked up, the door of the low-flying aircraft opened.
Shuu jumped down. His pale eyelashes were swaying.
“Kuon, if you’re going to use the power of your family, I won’t hesitate to borrow the power of my family as well. Have you forgotten my name?”
Minato also peeked out from the helicopter.
“Masa-san, stop! Don’t do anything more than that! I haven’t learned pro wrestling yet.”
“Good grief, my disciples are always too soft!”
Masa-san and Shuu stood in front of Kuon, who bowed his head in resignation.
Young leaves danced in the sky.
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Members of the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club gathered at the Yata no Mori Kyudojo.
A fleeting time of overnight practice. The warm sunlight that poured down upon them made them sleepy.
“Oh, what happened to the boys?” Tommy-sensei asked Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo.
“They went to see the dormouse.”
Masa-san pressed his hand to his forehead. “They got too much power, don’t they? Let’s get started on dinner.”
Minato and his friends were in the forest. They were standing in front of an old mountain hut.
Nanao pointed to the door of the hut.
“At dawn, I volunteered to go look for Miyama stag beetles. Then, I saw it there.”
“Wow, that early morning walk was all about collecting bugs? I’m glad I didn’t go,” Ryouhei said, patting his chest.
Minato asked him to let him sit on his shoulders and peered through the gaps in the tobukuro.* It was a nostalgic scene for Seiya, who was watching them from the side as he waited for his turn to sit on Ryouhei’s shoulders.
“You guys are way too big to do little kid stuff like this,” Kaito said to Seiya.
“You don’t have to look, Kaito.”
“…I guess it’s fine to take just one look.”
Keyaki and Kanbayashi were searching around for new discoveries, and Himuro was listening to the voice of the forest’s master.
The mountains were shining.
The mountains were singing.
By the time the owl woke up from its sleep, Minato and the others had dinner.
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18 notes · View notes
rubykgrant · 3 months
(found some old notes I had for the RVB story-line where they have normal people shenanigans on Earth, so I'm sharing it again~)
-Everybody tries to “retire” again, but this time on Earth so they aren’t just alone with themselves on a moon. Whatever clown organization that calls itself the government has decided to basically just let them live rent-free in some big building in some city (some wacky made-up place that can be in Texas, because that's funny).
-Most of them find new ways to chill, and they don’t really get recognized by civilians since literally nobody has seen their faces before, and they go by first names in public. They all find hobbies to try. At some point, Dr Grey gave Wash the advice to keep a video journal to help him remember various events. Andrews suggest this could help the others record their thoughts for any future interviews, so they join in
-Donut gets a job at an a pet shop/animal rescue center (he eventually brings back two kittens for Wash). He doesn’t really need the money, he just enjoys it and needed to find something to do (sometimes he helps with more serious animal injuries and emergencies for large creatures, because he was a farm kid)
-Donut also becomes BFFs with Kai; they just have lots of fun together, he helps her pick out clothes (since she’s colorblind and he’s color-coordinated), she’s really supportive of his "mean streak", and he’s also a great wing-man when she goes out to flirt (Tucker tries to tag along, but he still needs to... refine his flirting technique. he's trying, he really is!)
-Caboose also wants to get a job, because otherwise he’s just home all day waiting for everybody else to come back. He starts working at a mall... and he constantly gets shuffled around from one place to another (did you ever see that show 6teen? OK, that, but it is all just Caboose). The manager of the mall knows who “Michael” really is, and is trying to be respectful by helping out a space hero... but also, this guy is VERY accident-prone. Eventually, Caboose finds a niche as a costume character who entertains people for special events
-Sarge is trying to find new ways to deal with boredom without declaring war on gravity, so he decides to write a book about his life... this leads him to seek advice on the internet (once Simmons shows him how to use a computer). The result is, Sarge discovers thousands of ways to argue with every single troll online (jokes on them, he’s even more annoying than all of them put together)
-There is an on-going problem of Sarge trying to tell his boys from Red Team that he actually cares about them, but he keeps on backing out from it at the last minute. He really WANTS to be nice, but he’s been gruff and grumpy for so long, and it is hard to change the behavior everybody expects from you (this is actually a WHOLE THEME for a few characters)
-Doc FINALLY decides to try and an ACTUAL degree in medicine (he also makes a few new friends this way, and it becomes important that he’s doing this later. one character at the med school is like 19 and got pushed into this by over-achieving parents, so Doc basically adopts them as a younger sib)
-Lopez gets to make friends with the neighbors they have, and not only does this give him a chance to have a life outside the group of danger-magnets, it also makes everybody kinda miss having him around, so they take more of an interest in him (they even get him a motorcycle)
-Grif and Simmons are roommates again, but Grif is making a legit effort to be less annoying, which Simmons appreciates (Kai keeps nudging her bro to try and have another talk with the dude he’s been interested in for more than a decade, but any attempt Grif makes to get Simmons to understand how he feels goes unnoticed. Grif finally gives up and insists that he’s more comfortable with their relationship being the way it always has been... but his sister still catches him YEARNING)
-Tucker kinda feels lonely... everybody else is figuring out ways to enjoy their time/keep busy, but he hasn’t found his groove (he can't fall back into old habits because the Character Growth definitely happened, as much as it bothers him). He tries to go and contact some of kids he thought he had on Chorus... which is when he discovers there was a mistake. Turns out a lot of files got accidentally deleted, and thanks to a glitch, Tucker's info got auto-filled in as the father in ALL the DNA tests. He in fact does not have any biological kids on Chorus, and he’s a little disappointed by this (he's not even mad about paying child support) He tries to find the one kid he KNOWS is his, because he misses Junior so MUCH, but isn’t able to get in touch...
-Carolina is BORED. She doesn’t know what the heck to do with herself. When the others finally notice she seems kinda down, they start inviting her out to do stuff. At first she’s not even sure how to just have “fun”, but she finally gives in. Eventually, they take her to a karaoke bar, sing a very bad group-performance of “Sweet Caroline” to her, and she about dies laughing. This becomes a favorite thing for her, so they all go back and sing something there maybe once or twice a week (this also becomes a fun activity for her and Tucker, who she didn’t think she’d really bond with, but he’s chilled-out on being a perv, they’ve both been sort of lost... and they both share Church stories with each other)
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transforming · 9 months
Life Update + Commissions!
Hey y'all! So here's a life update because right now, it's fucking hell on earth:
I'm going through major financial instability in my life, and as a college student, it's really hitting hard. Parents are out of a job, and my college just implemented a salary earnings cap for student jobs, which honestly I think is stupid and cruel to low-income students like me. On top of that, where I live, students can't work part time jobs outside of university, which would make it even more (and already) extremely difficult for me to cover my living expenses, let alone tuition fees.
After talking to some of my friends in this community about what I could do to keep myself afloat (and try to keep paying for my studies), and after getting some advice on how to proceed, I have decided to open up writing commissions.
To start, here is how it's gonna work with me:
Firstly, send me a message. You could do it over here on Tumblr, that's fine, but I'd much prefer it if you could message me on Discord, since I'm more reachable there. This makes things a lot easier for us to talk through your ideas and delve deeper into them, really flesh them out, and figure things out before I start writing.
Do NOT send me commission requests through asks.
Second, make sure to properly read through my rules below. Pricing details are set out below (rule 4), so make sure to keep that in mind when you're sending a request and when we're in discussion.
The number of commissions I will take on at at time will depend on a number of factors:
balancing my writing with college assignments & priorities
my level of interest
my writing mood / mental health
I'll make sure to provide updates on when I'm open to them or not.
Okay, now that those are out of the way, here are the very important rules that need to be taken in consideration.
The Transforming Commission Rules:
1. I reserve the right to refuse writing commissions.
Beside the above-mentioned reasons for the number of commissions I'm willing to take; or regardless of the reason; or for no given reason, no means no. Flat out.
I may not like the idea. Maybe I'm busy with classes, life or other commissions. Or perhaps my mental health's taken a downwards spin and/or I'm just not in the mood to write at the moment.
Make no mistake, if you pester me and ask if I've reconsidered your idea, I will simply just block you, no questions asked. If you want to politely ask again if my classes/time/mood were the issue for my saying no, I'd be more than happy to talk things out.
Also, please keep in mind that besides writing stories and my college classes, I have a life too. If you message me about a commission and I don't respond immediately, I'm either just busy or asleep.
I'll make sure to reply to those that inquire, it might just take me a sec.
2. Be as creative as possible, but also use your common sense.
As a creative writing student, I'm gonna be hard on this: one-sentence commission requests that just say "Make me into a twink!" or "Turn me into a frat bro!" will more than likely get refused. That said, try to make your request a little more compelling for me.
Come up with a plot summary, throw some more tf's in there, maybe add a delicious plot twist that would subvert a part of your idea, . I can only write so many of one type of tf story - they're fun, but don't make me bored sick of writing any more of them.
Also, be conscientious and realistic about the length you want. I'm no literary god with unlimited time, and I definitely can't fit a heavily descriptive tf AND a good plot in just 1,000 words.
If you're feeling insane super generous, or more supportive to help me out, and want to commission longer pieces (more than 3,000 words), we can talk more about it when you make the request.
3. I have limits. Push them and our deal's off.
Some of these are without question:
Underage characters / tf's (you will immediately get blocked if you make such a request).
Violence / pain / rape / non-consensual acts
Homophobic tf's (refer to my repost of @idesofrevolution's post - they've explained it better than I ever could)
Unrealistic sizes
Animal tf's
Celebrity tf's (more details below)
I'm primarily a male tf writer, so gender tf is fine, but a heavily female focused story is a nope from me.
Don't even think to ask, I simply will not write them.
As much as I used to include them in my previous stories (especially with TF College), I won't generally do celebrity tf's anymore (i.e. stuff like "Turn me into Henry Cavill!") There may be a lot of very sexy celebrities around, and as hot as it may be to become them, I've had my fair share of writing those stories to the point where I'm done with them. Writing up original characters are more my thing these days - I'm a creative writing major, after all.
There is, of course, some flexibility with this, so if you have an idea but aren't completely sure, you can always ask me. If the idea is compelling enough -- and the guy hot enough -- maybe I'll make an exception. That's much better than getting rejected.
4. Payment & Delivery.
See, as much as I'm struggling right now, I'm not inconsiderate either - I know I'm not the only writer going through shit. I also know people aren't gonna dish out money to completely cover my life and instantly get me out of this hellish rut.
That said, I charge $0.04/word (for my British friends, £0.03/word). That's $40 (£30) per 1,000 words, or $20 (£15) for 500 words.
Payment is via PayPal. In full, up front. I will not begin writing until I've been paid.
When it comes to format of delivery, I will send you a pdf of the final story, provided you give me an email to send the pdf to (unless you' message me on Discord, for which I can just send the pdf to you directly).
5. Use of Images & Posting on Public.
The final say on any images included in these commissions are up to you. You're completely welcome to bring your own images to for me to write around, but if you don't have any, I'm happy to try and find some I feel fit the particular story if you'd like me to.
Then again, I can't make any promises. If I can't find image(s) that fit, or you don't like the ones I provide, I won't climb every mountain or cross every stream to find something. These are writing commissions in the end, so keep that in mind.
I'll also give you the final word on posting these commissions here on Tumblr. If you specifically don't want me to post yours, please say so during the process. If you say nothing, I may end up posting some of them after they've been delivered.
If you're okay for me to post the commission, but would like to remain anonymous (as in not get tagged on the post), make sure to let me know that too. This is an easy one to forget, so I'll be reaching out to you on posting after I've delivered it.
- Drew the Transformer
P.S. Don't forget, you can also tip me over on ko-fi, if you can't or don't want to commission! Seriously, any support during this very difficult time is always welcome, but I'll also understand if you can't.
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 6 Review
- Suletta needs to learn proper coping techniques fast. Just ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away. All that does is let it build up inside you until you snap. However, since the very beginning, Suletta has acted as a doormat, letting people walk all over her without speaking up for herself. She deserves to be sad, she deserves to be angry. Being a people-pleaser will only just tear her apart more. Luckily, both Chuchu and Eri realized this, and while Chuchu went about it the healthier way, it was good of Eri to finally cut off Suletta. She needs to establish a life outside of being Aerial’s pilot. It might have been what she was made for, but fuck destiny and parental expectations! Live your own life tanuki!
- Earth House claiming the best supporting character spots simply by recognizing what’s wrong with Suletta and actually acting on it, especially Chuchu. She pushes Suletta to express her true feelings and makes the plan to go see Miorine so she can explain herself. She’s grown up from the violent little doggy she was before. She uses her anger to push her forward, but she isn’t letting it take over her like Norea
- Poor Lauda is projecting his insecurities onto Suletta (though he isn’t really wrong.) He’s dedicated his life and self worth into supporting his brother, much like Suletta with Aerial, and now that Miorine’s the one by his side, he feels empty. He needs to come into his own as person and separate himself from his brother. I can only hope his adorable girlfriend Petra can help him through these times.
- Lauda and Felsi thanking Chuchu made me weak. They’re so honorable. But what shot me in the heart was Felsi’s smile and look back at Chuchu before she ran off. She loves that poofy girl so much. I’d love to see the two go to Earth and fight together
- I feel so bad for Martin. He did the right thing in reporting Nika because she never explained herself despite him giving her multiple chances, and he wanted to protect the rest of his friends. Dude’s carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders, but his little therapy session just made it worse.
- Girl created a whole catholic confession booth on the school to figure out the student’s dirty secrets. Interesting thing though, is that it’s Rouji’s Haro instead of the normal ones. The normal Haro’s are connected to the authorities and report everything but since Rouji’s is custom, it probably doesn’t have that feature. And is Secelia doing this just because she likes gossip or because she’s now taking her job seriously and wants to weed out any dangerous individuals? Or is the Burion House sort of like a secret police that monitors everyone?
- Shaddiq ONCE AGAIN is a total snake, but he’s definitely bit off more than he could chew by meeting with Prospera. If Shaddiq is two steps ahead of our main cast, Prospera is at the top of the stairs ready to push him down
- Peil House is the worst group of people I’ve ever seen in my life. They literally just let a computer decide the fates of orphaned children and pick out which ones they’ll experiment on. Elan Prime was lucky. He could have ended up another Enhanced Person if fate decided to be a dick. Which probably only makes El5n even more pissed. Like, he could have been the special one, but instead some computer decided he wasn’t important enough
- Speaking of El5n, my beloved, tight lips my ass. Bro just spilled the whole tea on Peil to two random fugitives. Shows just how much he hates them. But poor Nika wasn’t expecting to have to deal with all that and now she’s floundering. Maybe she’ll start working on Gundams that don’t kill people. Also El5n calling out Norea and pointing out the similarities between each other all while she’s trying to stab him is hot and I ship them so hard. Nika should ask Sabina for a separate room or she’ll be witness to their hatefucking
- Finally we see the Schwarzette! There’s been so much discussion about this suit, what it was or who would pilot it, and now we get to see it in all its glory. We’ll have to see if the AI will take on the Permet strain or if it’ll hurt the pilot.
- If this anime wasn’t political already, then we’re about to get sooooo political. Miorine is gonna have a hard time connecting with the rioters considering her position and personality. Maybe Guel will be able to help her navigate, and maybe even use his Dawn of Fold connections. Personally, if they want to help, I think setting up field hospitals would be the first best step but that’s just me
- The swole chad Kenanji has now joined the group and I’m so excited. Bro was hyped up in the prologue and then dropped off the face of the earth. But considering he’s on the same spaceship as Prospera, I don’t think he’ll be getting out of it alive
- Eri’s a savage. She allowed Suletta to come to her just to tell her she’s ditching her. Like, I know she’s trying to help, but she could have been gentler. And activating the Permet really didn’t help either.
- Prospera actually does something nice and stops using Suletta for her revenge. But she still doesn’t explain anything and this leaves Suletta a sobbing broken mess out in space. Truly the mother of the year. But the way she defers to Eri shows that ultimately, she’s a broken woman who just wants her daughter back. Everything she’s done is all so she can be with Eri again, ignoring the thousands of people she’s trampled
Next episode is gonna be painful as well. I don’t expect good things to happen on Earth, especially not since karma magnet Guel and warcrime MILF Prospera are there. Also since Shaddiq was the title vocalist, maybe we’ll get more of his backstory?
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ccrowsiie · 5 months
I've decided to explain what's been going on with me for the last few months. I figured I owe it to my mutuals since it's definitely going to affect my behavior going forward. I feel it's fair to say something now and maybe even apologize in advance.
In a nutshell: My best friend of 12 years ghosted (me and only me) for people he just met, destroying our relationship. In a coconut shell: One of the most important people in my life allowed our relationship to not just stagnate but actively die, willingly and knowingly breaking our social contract and my boundaries in favor of the adoration and attention from strangers and newer, fresher friends. The fallout sent me into a several months-long spiral that regressed my mental and physical health and led to the relapse of my most self-destructive addictions.
The full story, abridged (if you can believe it):
1/? CW, mentions of child abuse, drug use, mental health.
For clarity's sake, I'll be referring to him as 'Bestie'.
In the hierarchy of closeness, Bestie was right under my husband. Our relationship was 100% platonic but emotionally watertight. We had our disagreements like any pals would, but for the most part, we were siblings. We'd gone on vacations. We'd cooked meals together. We hung out for hours and hours over the many years of our friendship. It's safe to say that he was the closest thing I've ever had to an actual brother. …Because my real one totally sucks ass. I don't have a good relationship with my family. At. All. The majority of our interactions are made out of obligation. It was my dad's literal dying wish to at least try and reconcile with my mother after a lifetime of drugs and abuse. I've been trying my hardest, but dear God she makes it hard sometimes. My sister is alright, I tend to keep her at arm's length because she's a control freak (eldest daughter syndrome + history of abuse) but to say that my relationship with my brother is antagonistic would be a massive understatement. I usually say 'We don't get along' and keep it at that, but it goes deeper. We barely tolerate each other… for reasons I can't understand. I was born dead last in my family, the next oldest sibling is 13 years my senior. Despite the age gap, I may as well have been born the middle child, because bro didn't give up his youngest spot. Both he and my mother show signs of classic narcissism.
You may be thinking to yourself, "Crow, not everyone you dislike is a narc just because your personalities clash~' Save it, please. Don't speak on what you don't know. My mother and brother are a classic narcissistic binary star system. Mother and her golden child. They revolve around each other in a borderline emotionally incestuous way. They do drugs together. She coddles him to an insane degree. He did not move out or get his first job until his 40s. Mom didn't parent me so much as she let me live in her house so she could collect a check from my dad. When I wasn't being actively abused by her husband (won't go into detail here, but know that he was my primary abuser, as he was also her abuser and to a lesser extent my sister's) I was almost always being actively neglected, sometimes in favor of brother. Like, locked out of/into rooms or told to go away whenever she didn't need me for something. Especially in my formative years (age 5-10), when mom was still shooting dope and leaving me alone for days at a time or bringing me around the men she'd shoot up with. I almost lost her to drug-related violence and she almost lost me to the state a couple of times. Eventually, she found a way to have her cake (me, child support check generator) and eat it too (heroin and crack). While she gained sobriety from hard drugs just before I entered middle school, the neglect and other forms of abuse persisted through the remainder of my childhood, until I enlisted in the military out of desperation.
So with all of that boo hoo hoo shit out of the way, it's safe to say that I have a bit of a -thing- surrounding abandonment.
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cinamun · 8 months
"Someone mentioned that the reason Dira is sneaking and asking her bro to cover for her is because of the double standard Darren set for his daughters. She might feel like she has no other way to experience what DJ got to experience without being sneaky about it. Mind you, she's still salty that DJ basically got the green light to do it complete with instructions, however her dad wasn't so generous with his girls."
I thought about this aspect after I submitted, but in respect to, why does Dira want to have sex anyway? Is it because everybody else (siblings) is doing it and she doesn't want to be left out? Is it to spite the double standard? Is it because it seems like something she'd be into and she wants to try it out? Did Ryker come on the scene just in time to fill a need? Or does she want to do it because it's with him?
Endless meals aside, they don't seem that close so I don't think it's because she's in love with him. She's constantly putting him in his place. She might like him a whole lot, though, that's not actually a requirement for having sex with someone. Folks have all kinds of reasons for wanting to touch and be touched, what's hers?
But back to her reason for sneaking... It still comes back to maturity. Everything that follows is all predicated on the story contextually establishing that the decision to have sex is something that needs to be discussed with one or both of her parents***.
Dira doesn't seem to realize that she doesn't need her parents permission to have sex. It's helpful to have support when you make a mature decision, but permission is not required. The only thing that is required is that she understands that everything has consequences. And if she isn't mature enough in her sense of self to realize that, then she's not mature enough to deal with the consequences of even just deciding to have sex.
But lets say that the double standard is actually why she feels the need to sneak around. What is she afraid of? Being told no? If so, that would be the time to call her father on his shit. And if she can't do that, then, again, she's not mature enough to deal with the consequences of even just deciding to have sex.
Dira does not live in an abusive environment nor is she in a situation where the truth will get her killed (literally rather than figuratively), so there's no need to lie when the situation is set up to be open about it.
The double standard topic is already in the air and they know she has a boyfriend. Most couples have sex, did she think her parents thought she wouldn't?
In the DJ text convo she said "if they ask," does that mean she already told them that or that she can just be out like that and only needs to supply a reason if they ask?
If the former, she could have told them what she was planning to force the conversation about the double standard, just have it out and see where they land, but she chose to lie. Again, what is she afraid of? And if its the latter, she could have told them when they asked and then had the convo after the fact. But according to the DJ convo, she would have lied.
But with the situation as it is, when all is said and done, no matter what the outcome is, her parents will find out and their trust in her decision making abilities will be damaged regardless whether or not they buy into the idea that Dira felt she had no other choice. Putting the double standard aside for a moment, after this, she will definitely be told no. And not just about sex. Due to reasonable (not over-) protectiveness and due to trust issues she created. And as far as the double standard goes, it won't be fair, but the resulting situation will likely lead Darren to double down.
So, I understand that she might have felt the need to go about it the way she did, but if she can't see or think around that, she's simply not mature enough.
***DJ only discussed his plans with Darren. If Dira knew Indya's position and even had Hope on her side, why didn't she just go to the parent who would meet her where she was? From DJ's example, they only needed the support of one parent. So much drama could have been avoided, but here we are. And to be perfectly honest, I'm sooo excited about it! Don't just put me on the edge of my seat, make me fall off!
So, a couple things:
I don't think she's mature enough regardless of the hypotheticals because of that pesky prefrontal cortex. None of them were mature enough! Not Dj or Maya either. It's the consequences they don't get.
The other thing is, we have to think about Indya and Darren's parenting style. Dira would not have had to ask permission, however, Indya would have made sure that she was prepared, on birth control, knew what to expect, etc. Basically everything we saw her do with Hope she would do with Dira.
Last thing is the "if they ask" piece: now this is only my guess here, and you've made solid observations, I think she isn't under strict watch so she was maybe gonna tell them not to wait up and why, and making sure her brother knew the script just in case. She was probably planning to turn her phone off until the next morning...
Until of course Rahul hacked his way into the cockblocking hall of fame 🙄
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yellowhollyhock · 7 months
Raph and Mikey
Chaos gremlins banter bros trash talkers prank players. Oldest and youngest duo (yes I’m on my 2003 oldest Raph agenda again (still)). They have such a special bond.
No because listen these two both have special bonds with everyone, don’t they? Raph is Leo’s confidante, Mikey is his hero (and his baby). Donnie needs Raph’s strength like he needs Mikey’s smiles. These two both take such good care of their family.
And they are such jerks to each other lol
They sometimes have a difficult relationship, and I do think part of this is Raph low key trying to parent Mikey. The times when he smacks him? Usually when he’s just said something inappropriate (demonstrating a lack of awareness for someone’s feelings, bringing humor to a setting it doesn’t belong, etc). It is normal for a small teenager to say inappropriate things. It is also normal for a small teenager to be the worst ever at correcting those things in a way that’s, y’know. Appropriate.
And Mikey picks on Raph so much. If that isn’t the class clown sniffing out the authority figure and giving him heck I don’t know what is.
But all of this bickering is so deeply enmeshed in purposefully fun banter and the very sweetest moments. They are the frenemies ever and that’s so sibling of them. And when they grow up and both learn that it’s actually healthy and good to express love in a loving way? They aboutta give the whole family cavities.
This is a difficult dynamic to write because there is so much and so many emotions going on in any given interaction. The resentment and annoyance is so real (remember being fifteen with siblings, anyone? Remember how genuinely hard that was?), but the unconditional love runs deep and the enjoyment is real too (remember? Being fifteen? With siblings? Anyone?)
Also we have to remember that Mikey is Raph’s favorite no matter what he says. He admits it right at the start (“Even you, Mikey. Especially you”). And in Back to the Sewers (I’m sorry for bringing it up), when the boys are possessed, everyone else regains control through memories of Splinter. Raph gains control through memories of Mikey. In my heart I believe parentified Raph didn’t start with Rise. Raph who babies Mikey so much he accidentally drives him away a little didn’t come from nowhere. All of the Raphs have some level of this going on with Mikey, Rise is just a cuddlier presentation. And I guess some of the softest, strongest, most sensitive people I know who protect their loved ones like bears present a lot more like 03 Raph. Don’t get me wrong, openly sweet people are a blessing for everyone. We should all be more openly sweet. But don’t forget about the gruff little guys who don’t even realize they’re presenting as prickly because it’s such an instinctive natural armor to protect their golden core.
Anyway I love imagining these two grow up together. I love thinking about them helping each other process what they’ve been through and forcing Leo and Donnie to do the same. Love to daydream about them taking care of Master Splinter as he ages while Leo’s busy with ninja things and Donnie’s at work with April. Thinking about Raph helping Mikey process such a huge phase in their lives being over, what it means to grow up and who he’s supposed to be if his brothers are busy having their own lives. May or may not be planning a story where Mikey falls in love in his thirties and Raph, who coached him through their twenties, is so supportive, sappy, and secretly devastated because oh look, now he’s alone and he’s gonna find out if he actually believes what he kept telling Mikey about how they’d always be brothers, always be a team, even if they go their ways and don’t see each other as often. Love to imagine Mikey and his partner having an extra room for Raphie Boy because Mikey still needs him. Maybe they adopt and Uncle Raph teaches their angry little teenager about how their dad only teases because he cares, it’s okay to yell if you need to, kid, and never forget your family’s always here for you. Did I ever tell you about when your Pa became the Turtle Titan? No I don’t mean what he told you I mean how obnoxious he was about it, and how his ego finally came down a notch when he met a fan from the future. Sit down, kid. It’s story time.
So as you can tell I care them a normal amount
Favorite moments:
The Pipe Incident (ow)
Raph’s memories of Mikey bringing him back, mentioned above
Leo gives a little speech about family
Mikey: Leo, that was off the charts on the sap-o-meter
Raph, smacks him: Shut up, Mikey, Leo’s right. (yes Raph, Leo is Right, but do you see how you’re proving a point about how important family is to you by being mean to your brother. Do you see. Oh nevermind you’re fifteen)
In April’s artifact when Mikey keeps making fun of Raph for being scared of bugs, but then Raph gets stung and Mikey is horrified (Raphie! 😮 😢)
And in the same vein when Mikey hurts his ankle and Raph freaks out upon seeing him
Mikey: tell Raph he’s always been…
Raph: What? Mikey, I’m here
Mikey: A big cheesehead 😁
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aurik6 · 11 months
My silly hcs on phantom blood au 😮‍💨
Phantom Blood seems to fit in my top 3 fav parts since it has young Dio haha. That's the reason I'm so inspired to create smth in that timeline...
♡ So the relationships between Dio and Jonathan are kinda obvious in canon, but I'd like to see more of their interactions at the younger age when Dio's personality hasn't fully formed yet, so he'd probably be able to hesitate about his *evil* actions towards Jojo. Yeah, in canon he's been treating Jonathan badly from the very beginning, hasn't even hiding it, but according to his immaturity he could feel conflicted sometimes? Maybe thoughts like : "and what if I just leave this plan of destroying Joestars' lives and try to adapt to this new "better" family which surely gives me opportunities to reach high places or gain authority in the future???" Although then I'm missing Dio's maximalism.
If only who could have some thoughts of embracing new reality and Jojo as the brother? Jojo is the best option to u know.. comfort ppl? Literally, there are all conditions to make a gentle human being out of Dio, huh.
Also I just want to write more double-meaning situations between these two. When from Dio's side it's not obvious wether he's a pure evil creature (from his early teens) or he's just so traumatized that he acts violent unintentionally and is silent about seeking some help (because of pride or fear or stuff) from the outer world (aka Joestars family). And Jonathan who doesn't want to believe that Dio sincerely hates him but can't justify his actions and also hesitant to explicitly explain his step bro's behavior. The "dumbness" of Jorge Joestar is kinda fitting, since the trope of parent who devalue one of his children's words towards other child's wild actions is perfect. Haha.
So it works like a psychological horror because everything is unclear and weird
♡ The figure like a true-ally for Dio. We've seen Pucci as this type of faithful follower, in Diego's case it was Hot Pants, although she's more independent, but still. And Part 1 Dio had some... weird minions lol. So another Italian catholic person would fit in perfectly, tho it's better to make a reasonable circumstance why these two will work well together. At first I thought about Hot Pants alter-ego, still the reason behind this thing is meh. Love? Certainly big no, it's meaningless for both of them. A common aim? Well Dio's was to become the richest man in the entire world, destroy the Joestars, then denial of his own humanity. And hers, who's a religious person? What would that possibly be what also crosses Dio's interests? Idk. Maybe another pov on religion or Christianity itself and fanatism of Dio? Supporting him at this rate? Boring. I'll fuck this shit up immediately.
♡ Demons. Yes we have vampires there, yes some magic things like stands, hamon, saint corpse, those freaking arrows, the mask... Demons isn't something which isn't suitable 🤧.
So Dio's ancestors were dealing with demons, kings of Hell. And maybe Dario owes something to a greedy demon even after his death, so the debt goes to the son. I want to use the image of King Paimon (because I love Hereditary lol). And Dio learns some weird stuff from this demon before becoming a vampire, so this creature becomes his new ideal, since he didn't have any role models. Tho, Dario aka anti-role model. And here's this demonic great king of Hell huh. So they'll have some sort of contract, after their interactions Dio has ambitions of becoming as great as this demon. And also reject the humanity because of demon's influence. Also King Paimon will tell him about his own origins aka Heaven and this funny story how Lucifer and Paimon and other rebellions were banished from there. And THIS will be the motivation for Dio to think about reaching heaven himself, since you need to have almost a God power to reach it, although even the strongest creatures like Lucifer and Paimon (aka former high class angels) couldn't fight for it for a long time huh and were defeated by God's army.
♡ About King Paimon. Originally I wanted him to be a spiritual demon who chooses the body to reincarnate in Hot Pant's alter ego in Phantom Blood universe. And in this case it'll be her ancestors who were dealing with demons to become rich etc etc, so the girl tried to wash away her sins by praying to God, BUT it didn't help huh🧐. So King Paimon found her and made her his vessel. However he didn't like the body as it was female and the demon prefers to be in male one (stolen from Hereditary I don't even hide it.) So HP would be partially (?) possessed and somehow Paimon choose Dio as his male vessel — tho I didn't make up why Dio and how. If Paimon sees "evil origins" of Dio's soul it's too naive, huh. And then, since Paimon chose Dio's male body he'd like to stay with HE'S female head since he likes her feminine face. It's from description of Paimon – "he's a man woth effeminate face". That's funny and cooperates woth canon story where Dio's body was destroyed by Jonathan, so there was only his head. As the result, it turns out that Paimon is kinda faceless, because he prefers human's appearance.
But idk why I felt conflicted about it. So I manged to make him a proper look as a demon, his true appearance. Guess he'll be a tall young-looking man with greyish skintone, but he'd look more like middle eastern person and would wear some south eastern clothes. The main colours are black and golden, his eyes would be completely white and shining in his demon form – in human they'd be jet black to make his gaze soulless. Also dark lips and eerie smile. Most of the time he'd be calm. I'd like to imagine him and his dromedary are wearing crowns. Armenian ones are just perfect! Paimon would have dark long hair which are covered with his headdress. I don't want to show his hair much, it's like I want to define his face with headdressing and loose scarf around his neck. Also he'd wear a lot of golden eastern jewelry, the ones which look like coins on chains arounf the forehead. Also earrings and rings.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
w. what does codependent summer obkk mean. I get the ship but. is it an album is it an au is it even in summer pls talk about it I am very curious
bro we r in the same boat i ask myself these same things every time i think about it
*lil tw for implied painkiller addiction and also obito calls kakashi a slur once djsjajjd*
also disclaimer i’ve never actually engaged with writing/coming up with an au that isn’t wholesome and/or mythical so this is all new to me etc etc i’m so tired lmao
so it’s an au loooooosely based on the album how to be a human being by glass animals (i’m holding the album hostage in my brain i love it) and it takes place year-round (high school experience) but the vibes it gives me are simply summer vibes JSJAKAJD (also i see it happening southwest where it’s decently warm year-round anywayyy, so)
it’s mostly just bad decisions and treating each other like shit with a side of “i literally cannot live without you”
obito suffers from general chronic pain from a car wreck he was in where both his parents died. he lives with madara now who is kind of abusive mostly in the strict “be a man” way. emotional repression. that kinda stuff. but if u know me and u know my bc of obito, that doesn’t work for him because he is a Feelings Guy. so he and madara don’t get on very well.
his major area of pain is in his hip/leg/knee/etc and on bad days he’ll use a brace and crutches. on a good day he might not need either, but those are rare. usually he just goes with the crutches and pain meds. this all sucks bc he was a really good basketball player in middle school and definitely would’ve gotten a scholarship later if it weren’t for the injury (happened summer after ninth grade). this really bums him out and madara isn’t exactly happy either, hence depression and general mood swings, etc etc. also most of his emotion comes out in anger or making out with kakashi so. yeaj.
kakashi would be fine except sakumo is sick and he spends any time he has at home caring for him. but he also has to go to school and go to track practice because it’s his only hope of getting a scholarship and getting into college, sakumo’s one dream for him. he also has to work and pay for basically everything he might need because while sakumo can work from home, he often doesn’t have the energy and doesn’t get paid as much anymore (his boss, tsunade, is lenient with sick days because she understands, but she can’t be all forgiving).
he’s also asthmatic on top of this and frequently gets into near-fights with obito over his smoking problem (he doesn’t care if he smokes but he’s not going over to his house ever again and if he pulls out his pack near him kakashi will grab it and throw it as far as he can)
rin is also here, i haven’t figured out her backstory yet but she’s just as fucked up and i know that her parents don’t really care for her either, or like. they have too much lenience. she still wants to become a doctor and she has great grades and stuff, but she also spends any extra time outside of that with kakashi and obito which i’ll elaborate on later. she supports kakashi’s berating of obito’s smoking.
also considering her parents being constrictingly religious and her hating it and becoming a teenage rebel but like. not in the cute media way dsjsjdhsj
no plot outside of kakashi wants to get the hell out, obito’s pissed because he probably won’t be able to but he’s also a little emotionally stunted and can’t admit he’s in love with kakashi and doesn’t want him to leave, and rin just cannot wait to leave this town behind forever.
scenarios i have in mind are:
- obito cares a lot about his car. it’s a dinged up jeep that he bought practically dead, but has fixed up since then to be almost brand new. (still needs a paint job and new seats but it’s perfect otherwise). kakashi and rin steal it in the middle of the night and speed it down the highways outside of town, take it off roading a bit, etc. obito is pissed and almost beats the shit out of them the next day. the only reason he does not is because they run away. he can’t find it in him to hold a grudge since they didn’t actually do any damage to it, but he still gives kakashi a black eye for doing it lmao
- kakashi tries once to hold obito’s hand while they’re sitting on a bench late at night. obito calls him a faggot and kakashi flips him off. he then continues to do it over the next few weeks until obito finally gives up and lets him. he doesn’t not and will not admit that he likes it.
- they have a huge fight at the end of their senior year because kakashi’s leaving and obito’s fucking pissed. obito calls kakashi a whore and accuses him of only using him for gratification and other things he doesn’t mean (he is not entirely wrong), kakashi accuses obito of being an addict and a bunch of things he doesn’t really mean (he is not entirely wrong). they don’t talk to each other until kakashi barges into obito’s house the day before he leaves to start goodbye, and they forgive each other. but obito’s got shit to work through and kakashi admits he won’t be able to focus on obito as much as he should while he’s away. he’ll be back when he finishes.
- in the years following, obito spends most of his time with sakumo, helping him. he’s on an upward recovery, and becomes a better father figure to him that madara ever could be.
- lots of cliff jumping and making out, not necessarily at the same time (but also it can be ;)) nsfw if u want but i’m not gonna talk ab that lmao that’s up for interpretation
- if they do get with rin, it’s years later when they’re all like. healed and better.
- kakashi and obito and rin were great friends as kids and everything was a lot more wholesome before shit went down.
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abzulios · 2 years
Man.. it’s been forever.
So in my own little weird corner of the internet, I finally have a spot, I think. I finally moved, got out of the hell I was living in, stuff finally got better, but now.. I’m away from everyone I ever knew. God this is gonna be a long one, but I feel the need to scream into the endless void of the internet.  So, I know we aren’t exactly popular, this isn’t gonna reach that many people, or anything like that, and frankly, we don’t expect it to. I just hope some of the right people out there see it, and I hope it stays, just.. as a piece of me. I always liked reading other people’s words, even after they were long gone, so.. let me add to the pile.  We have been abused our whole life, by parents and adoptive parental figures alike. We have been abused and neglected by friends, family, everyone we could ever have reached out to. We’re finally out of it all, and we couldn’t be more happy. Even though we’re away from it all, we still feel it’s here, dragging us down.. the more and more we get back up, it’s like another brick’s been tossed on the pile. Oh well.. right? Get back up, keep walking. Being an adult is fun, being an adult is an utter living hell. Having to sort through every little legal issue is taxing, and it’s getting harder and harder to explain to the new people we have in our lives what it all means, or how we are. Hell, it’s getting harder and harder to meet these new people. We have to find people to care for and about us, we have to find partners.. friends.. new family even, being as the one we spawned with ditched us when the match started. Hell, we only have one friend still.. he’s the most amazing bro on the planet.. if ya ever meet him, give him a hug for us.. he needs one. Little tiny tea errors I suppose.. all the little problems just keep building up, sorting through them is hell, they’re all different from what we’re used to. Just a little mistake.. here and there.. adding up.. slowly we’re drowning in them.. Sure now we have internet that works, a decent PC, a lovely setup, some goddamned privacy.. but that’s.. all we have. It’s the little things that matter, magical internet. Remember that. Could save your life one day. Don’t ask me how, I don’t know.. but it could. The chance is never zero.  Onto some positives.. we finally feel like we belong somewhere! With the aforementioned privacy, we’ve been able to get things we needed to done rather easily, the internet access has made everything else easier, the music hasn’t killed us yet.. the partners we did have are still hanging around somewhere.. games are still fun.. writing has become a hobby again, instead of a labor-inducing chore. Reading is a hobby again.. model building is no longer a required coping mechanism.. music making too.. we only have to deal with the needed adult things.. we have free time that isn’t occupied by screaming fucktards.. it’s nice.  Maybe come get to know us a bit? I dunno.. we’re a bunch of unique fools stuck together... interesting taste in hobbies and music.. generally chill.. I personally get called a father figure a lot by my online friends.. I don’t know if this is a call for help and support.. or a rant into the void anymore.. and frankly I don’t think I need to care. No one’s ever going to see this, let alone read this far. If you did, I’m sorry I wasted your time.  I might post some of what I write on here.. Dev might as well.. maybe some art.. Who knows? Only you will! Nah.. I won’t be funny here.. this is kinda serious.  Show me how.. Show me how to breathe..  (For the record, we are a system, DID to be specific, if you’re curious as to why we’re using “we/we’re” pronouns.) 
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