#like not amazing but pretty good
dreamlegend · 2 years
Can’t believe Big Man Sweep is real, certainly not thanks to me I lost almost all of my matches and didn’t win a single tricolor match (but I did win one 10x match)
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hatsunevita · 13 days
this is literally one of my favorite panels of the war arc.
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i am OBSESSED with deku’s perception of romance and how it’s probably based off popular melodramas and his peers’ stories about their dates.
because you can’t argue with me that that’s the reason why he will have no idea his and katsuki’s relationship is so close to romantic. i’m so sure he’s gonna be the last one to realise his feelings for katsuki aren’t purely friendly and platonic. the guy will be like “oh yeah we’re really close and i care about him deeply and i hate the very thought of him being hurt and i wanna spend the rest of my life next to kacchan but haha that’s just our friendship! we’re not holding hands and sharing crepes so there are no romantic feelings involved🥰”
bro is gonna be so shocked when kacchan finally confesses his true feelings.
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venompinks · 2 months
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nats-uvi · 3 months
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Angst time :D👍
You can read my rambling about her in the tags
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valerieautumn111 · 2 months
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I’m back 🥰🥰🥰😈😈😈😂 I know you missed me 😇
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meownotgood · 4 months
he's here....
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rebouks · 5 months
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Wren: What’s that one? Ivan: You tell me… Wren: An octopoop. Ivan: [snorts] Close enough. Wren: That one’s weird. Ivan: That ain’t a tattoo, it’s a scar. Wren: From what? Ivan: Ohh, I don’t remember now-.. prolly chickenpox or somethin’. Wren: [giggles] I gave Ava chickenpox. … Jude: It’s like she doesn’t even listen to me sometimes, n’ her stupid boyfriend doesn’t help. [Robin clung to his pool noodle, ears ringing painfully. He knew too much already; he didn’t want to know more but it was impossible to tune out-.. like being forced to watch a gruesome car crash] Jude: Who wants to go to some snooty grammar school, anyway? There’s even a test to get i-.. hey, are you okay? Robin: Uh y-yeah, I’m fine… Jude: Maybe we should get out, you don’t look so good. [Collective noises of disgust – frantic splashing] Oscar: It’s a rite of passage to hurl in a public swimming pool, bud.. don’t worry about it. [Robin trudged after his father, hot with embarrassment. Disjointed memories weren’t quite enough to paint the entire picture of Oscar and Ivan’s past, but he’d seen enough to know it was bad-.. very bad]
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alevolpe · 2 months
Since I ranked the senshi as parents the other day, I figured I'd rank their parents as well.
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In case you need a guide:
Kino family (Mako's parents) (deceased)
Ikuko Tsukino (Usagi's mother)
Kenji Tsukino (Usagi's father)
Risa Hino (Rei's mother) (deceased)
Saeko Mizuno (Ami's mother) (divorced)
Mr. Aino (Minako's father)
Mrs. Aino (Minako's mother)
Mr. Mizuno (Ami's father) (divorced)
Souichi Tomoe (Hotaru's father) (complicated)
Takashi Hino (Rei's father)
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akascow · 23 days
george rexstrew is fantastic at wailing in a heartbreaking way like wtf
including but not limited to:
getting bullied, then offed by a demon
getting scared by the two dragons sneaking up behind him in ep5
getting got by a spider demon screaming CHARLESSSS as hes dragged to hell
once again getting got by a spider demon screaming CHARLESSSSSS
and like literally the entire last episode (rest in peace niko)
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saytrrose · 4 months
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May I get a round of applause for my little sister Natalie she said she wants to draw like me and I think I wept real tears
(She later broke my Apple Pencil tip drawing the first one bc she was pressing too hard 💔)
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
It’s ALL TADC so be prepared *cracks knuckles* I also made sure I drew all the cast, Pomni and Kaufmo I already drew so they don’t count BUT I did add them in some sketches- (Mostly Kaufmo-💀)
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Took me a while- BUT DID IT!!!
Pretty proud of myself since I say they all look pretty solid 💪💪 Favorite ones were Ragatha, and Caine 💗💗 (But mostly cuz I LOVE their designs 💥💥💥💥
But if anything, can you tell who’s my absolute favorite?…Pretty hard to guess not gonna lie- 🧐🤔🤨
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illdragyoudownwithme · 4 months
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ehehe 4 arm raph,,, with glasses,,,
anyway hes made projections with 4 arms,,, so now he has 4 arms
The birth of a raphsona??? perhaps???
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the first time i drew raph ,,,,,, and that was using a shit ton of refs. nice to see a lil improvement :] this uses no refs except for the pose cause I'm an obsessed sdfjkasgj this is my drug,,,, think I fucked up the legs tho,, wanted to crop em out but eh. made em too big lol
someone give me drawing ideas I'm on a fukin roll
ps I literally only draw raph like u see people who either don't draw raph or draw everyone
I don't know how to draw anyone but raph ok and im fine with that all I need is raph
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elemental-plane · 6 months
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gina darling as madam glask appreciation post
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da-janela-lateral · 5 days
I changed my mind about Serizawa's Brazilian voice actor. What were they thinking when they made Felipe Zilse voice Teruki???????
Why is his voice so deep. Puberty hit him like a train
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ducktracy · 1 month
Does it ever feel pressuring (no pun intended) to work on a show with such a legacy and history as SpongeBob?
VERY much so, but in a good way, if such a thing exists! one of our mantras on our little storyboard plussing team is “pressure makes diamonds” and it is a very applicable saying
when i first started, i was TEEEEERRRIFIED! i really felt like i had no idea what i was doing, and there have been so many times where i’ve turned in a section and genuinely thought “oh my god they’re gonna fire me for this it’s so bad.” working in animation is frazzling enough! but not only are we working on a cultural mecca, with not only the kids of today to entertain, impress and inspire, but to maintain the integrity of the series and entertain/impress/inspire the kids like us who grew up with the show, we are also working with literal animation legends and animation veterans!! it’s pretty surreal to be working on the same show as someone like Bob Camp, who’s been in the industry for 40+ years… and even more surreal when he says he’s a big fan of your work 😵‍💫‼️‼️‼️‼️
THANKFULLY, i’ve made a lot of strides in curbing some of my storyboarding stage fright. it used to be really bad when i started, like genuinely panic attack inducing! the constant patience and guidance and encouragement of my peers and consistent practice from these past three years have really allowed me to grow and blossom. now, when i feel a bit claustrophobic in remembering the pure scale of what we’re doing, i weaponize it for good!!
i think of how inspired and amazed and obsessed with SpongeBob i was as a kid. how it inspired me to draw, how i remember drawing along to episodes and commercial breaks. my brother and his wife are both elementary school teachers and routinely update me about how their kids are still crazy for SB (and they both brag about me to their kids heheh). i think of all the kids watching, all the kids realizing that getting to draw these characters and interact with them and live in their world is something you indeed can do, all the kids who religiously catch each new episode like i once did… it just fills me with so much confidence and hope and love, and that motivates me to deliver and do my best and try to do what i can to help make each episode be better and more fun than the last
SpongeBob is for everyone, obviously! that’s one of the great things i love about working on it: i get just as much enjoyment watching our finished episodes as our target audience. but i do bring up the kids particularly often because, at the end of the day, that is who we are doing it for and i also just can’t help but think back to how my SpongeBob obsessed self as a kid would have had her world rocked to know i’m doing what i’m doing. i want to give those kids, who i used to be and still essentially am, the same joy and spark and all consuming inspiration i felt and still do
there are definitely some days where the gravity of what we’re doing hits harder than others! some days are a lot more difficult than others. this is an absolute dream job, i’m not just saying that, i always fantasized about maybe one day being able to work my way up to working on SpongeBob and now it’s my first animation job—but it is very easy to get overwhelmed by just how big of a legacy we’re carrying on our shoulders! how many other mega talented people work on this show! there’s a lot to juggle. but we juggle it well. there is so much love and heart and care poured into this show. we do everything we can to maintain the integrity of the characters and the show’s core, and it just makes me love what i do all the more and makes me more determined to do it
TLDR: YES! but i’m much better off for it, because it reminds me of why we’re working so hard to begin with. we all want this show to be the best it can—to maintain its core 25 years later, but still have fun doing it. i mentioned this on Twitter, but when i met Bill Fagerbakke last month he was saying how cool it is that fans who grew up with the show are now able to work on it and i couldn’t agree more. it’s the greatest honor imaginable being able to carry such a monumental torch, and i hope i’m able to keep at it for a long, long time.
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coconut530 · 5 days
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