#may the queue be kind and let me do this fight at what will be like 4-6am in Europe Server Time.
snow-system-wol · 3 months
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I wonder exactly what goes on in S'ria's head whenever he hears stuff that is so unintentionally relevant to him. I'm sure that phrasing is very much something, given he did quite literally do the Exact thing mentioned here when he was a teenager.
Actually, odd situational retroactive foreshadowing, given how soon it is! One of the earliest things written in Snowverse is the aftermath of the Royal Menagerie trial with Zenos, in which Fray makes a brief attempt at tearing his throat open but it sets off a flashback of the previously mentioned event (and they decide they'd rather not actually go through with that. Or perhaps are genuinely unable to.)
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The gate is blown open and it's time to go in.
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sakuralovespossums · 2 months
JJK Teachers x Autistic Student Reader (Platonic)
Satoru Gojo 🩵
It’s obvious that jujutsu society still lives by old fashioned and bigoted ideals (ie. hating women and non-sorcerers) so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were also ableist.
As a result, it can be pretty challenging being a neurodivergent sorcerer student without options for accommodations or counseling, as if being a sorcerer student itself wasn’t hard enough.
Still, you tried your best to mask your autism and keep up with your peers the best you could.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Gojo though (the guy sees through everything, c’mon)
He would quickly take notice of your behavior and habits (stimming, disassociation, difficulty grasping social queues)
He suspects that you may be on the spectrum and looks into your student files to confirm. Once he’s proven right, he decides to do some research on it himself so that he can better understand and help you.
One day after class, Gojo calls you to stay for a minute so you guys can talk.
“Hey y/n! Mind if we chat for a bit? It’ll only be a minute!”
You feel nervous as you walk towards him, hoping you didn’t do anything wrong.
“Listen, I know we’re not exactly in the same boat, but I know what it’s like to mask around others all the time.” He says while pulling his eye mask.
He tells you he gets feeling different from everyone and having to put on a persona to make them like you.
“Just know that you don’t have to wear it around me. I’m your teacher and I wanna get to know the real y/n. Course, it’s up to you though. I’m not pushing.”
He then tells you that he’ll make the accommodations you need to help make your classroom experience less stressful.
And if any of those old geazers complain about it, they’ll have to take it to him.
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he hands you a napkin with your favorite character printed on it.
It’s a gift he got for you from his recent mission.
You happily accept it and wipe your tears away before embracing him in a tight hug. He returns the hug with one arm as he looks down at you with a genuine smile.
He’s glad he could reach out to you and make you feel safe around him.
Since then, Gojo takes more note of your autism and accommodates to it however he can.
You’d think he wouldn’t care with how……insensitive he can be, but he does acknowledge the impact mental health can have on people. He couldn’t be there for Suguru, but he’ll try to be there for you.
He asks you what kind of foods you like/don’t like before he leaves for his missions, so that he knows what kind of snacks to bring back for you.
Makes sure you understand the instructions and materials in class. He’ll check on you privately, just in case you don’t want him asking you in front of the other students.
Will still make you the butt of some of his jokes (but it’s never to make fun of your autism).
He just finds your difficulty with grasping his sarcastic humor too good an opportunity to not poke fun at.
Can still come off as insensitive sometimes (it’s Gojo) but is trying his best. Just let him know when he’s said/done something to upset you and he’ll stop.
Sometimes when it’s just you two, he’ll listen to you explain your current special interests.
Imagine him listening to you talk about your favorite show on the phone while fighting a special grade curse.
“Mmhmm, yeah? Hold on a sec y/n.” He finishes killing off the giant curse in front of him. “Sorry about that, you were saying?”
He knows what it’s like to be easily overstimulated since his six eyes enhance all his senses. He also gets migraines a lot because of it, just like you.
If you have/had a Digimon hyper fixation, you’re his #1 student now. He will test you on your Digimon knowledge. You’ll both get lost in back-and-forth conversations about the lore, show, and games. If he deems you a worthy fan, he’ll even let you play his old Digimon games.
The highest form of honor you could receive from him.
When you and your class are out in town and enter a crowded area, if you feel extremely overwhelmed, Gojo will teleport you out of there to a place with less people.
Either that or he’ll grab you and turn on his infinity, giving you space from the bumping crowd of bodies around you.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be away from people for a bit, he’ll understand and probably leave a candy outside your door.
He knows you need extra help and accommodations with your disability, but he never treats you differently from his other students and knows you’re tough enough to handle whatever’s thrown at you.
You are a sorcerer, after all.
He wants to guide the next generation of stronger sorcerers where no one gets left behind, including those like you.
“Gojo-sensei, why are you staring at that corner?”
“Just trying to figure out why you’re always staring at it during class. What makes it more interesting than me?”
Nanami Kento 🥖
He also quickly notices your autism and makes sure you feel comfortable unmasking around him.
He does NOT tolerate discrimination/unfair treatment of any kind towards people based on their disabilities.
I imagine one of his coworkers at his old accounting job was on the spectrum and understood how challenging it could be for them. So he would try to help them however he could.
Because of this, he has more personal experience under his belt to better understand how to work with you.
He thinks it’s shit how a lot of society and the education system (both in and out of jujutsu society) are so unaccommodating to people with physical/mental health needs.
If you have a hyper fixation with bread and/or cooking, he’ll gladly listen to you talk about it however long you want while donning his usual stoic expression.
Don’t worry, he’s not bored or annoyed. As a fellow culinary lover himself, he’s genuinely interested in listening to you talk and will engage in the conversation.
The way you enthusiastically talk about your interests reminds him a bit of Haibara.
He admires your attention to detail and strong sense of empathy towards people, animals, and inanimate objects.
His low voice is very calming to you.
If you follow a specific schedule and/or organized, he’ll admire that too since he also hates falling behind schedule.
If you are spacing out during an important briefing about a mission, he’ll say your name to get your attention or gently pat your shoulder.
“Oh, sorry!”
“That’s alright. Do you want me to repeat what I just said?”
If you’re in a dissociative episode, he’ll calmly ask you what’s bothering you and help you work through it however he can.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be alone for a while, he’ll understand and give you as much space as you need.
He might knock on your door to give you a small packaged pastry. He hopes it helps.
He understands you may have some internalized ableism, so he makes sure to speak positively of your autism to help you build your confidence.
“L/n-san, why do you have a coat with you when it’s March?”
“Oh, well it was pretty cold this morning. And…well…it’s not anymore but…..”
“I see. That’s a rather smart decision on your part.”
“It means you’re always well prepared for anything. That’s an important skill to have as a sorcerer.”
“Thanks, Nanami-sensei.”
“………………….so can I try on your gogg—”
120 notes · View notes
kanmom51 · 1 year
Firstly, I wanted to say I love your page and appreciate your honest perspective when it comes to BTS and jikook in particular. I am an “older” Army and can appreciate the viewpoint of someone who’s lived life a little and has seen many types of relationships. It’s very hard to not realize there’s something between JK and Jimin when you’ve seen examples of it time and time again in your own life or those around you. So thank you for making me feel less crazy!
I haven’t followed your page for very long and realize you may have touched on this in the past, but I was wondering what your thoughts are on this: Could V sometimes bringing up Jungkook/Jimin together or separately (usually Jungkook…let’s be real) and mentioning that they’ve hung out with him or seemingly being “encouraging” of a certain ship, possibly be his odd way of trying to distract from the real relationship he knows exists between jikook? Like in his own special Teahyung way be trying to help? For a long time, there has always been something that didn’t quite sit right with me when it came to V. I think it was his constant need for attention….don’t get me wrong, I love many things about him as well and know he can’t be very sweet and thoughtful and funny and endearing. I love them all very much. But am wondering what you think about V sounding like he sometimes encourages a taekook ship (ie, the last surprise live at JKs house or the live where he mentioned gaming with JK) because maybe in his own special way, he’s trying to protect? He does tend to do things in a very unique way. I don’t know! Let me know what you think!
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Hey @sweetbslm108, welcome and thank you.
And hi @nut2019 😊
Now, I know both of these asks are kind of on the different sides of the spectrum, but I kind of felt like they can be answered together, because of the one communality, and that's, but of course, Tae THE MAN.
Also, before starting I need to say this is all my opinion. Take it or leave it.
I think I kinda talked about this here a bit too:
Let me just clarify what Tae shared in his IG story yesterday @nut 2019. It was a photo and a clip taken on the night after the movie premiere that JK and Tae went to, which was the 24-25 April 2023 - which as of today is 3 weeks ago. It's clearly that night and it's also clear it's not a date or an outing of the two alone, but a group outing with Tae and his friends (a couple from the Wooga squad and a couple I personally do not recognize). Yes, he posted it on Yellow day, but clearly has zero to do with that day.
I don't think Tae is encouraging the ship, but as an agent of chaos, he might be enjoying the aftermath of his handy work, maybe a little too much, lol.
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Look, let's get serious here for a sec.
I love Tae to bits. I think it was even in one of the comments to the post I linked that someone mentioned thinking he's neuro divergent, and I was going "YES, FINALLY", because I've been saying this since forever. I'm no psychiatrist, so obviously I won't be handing out a diagnosis here, but, that said, his behavior, his quirkiness, his lack of understanding social queues and others emotions at times. The way he just says what pops to head, no matter if it has anything to do with the subject, and no matter what the consequences might be (take his 2015 radio interview fiasco literally outing JM on live air).
Tae is who he is. Always has been. And we all need to remember that the others all love him. All of them (including those we tend to champion). They might be frustrated with him at times. Angry with him. Might want to end him at times (from what JK spilled about the dumpling fight I kind of feel that was one of those times, lol), but you know, we all have those days with our loved ones too, so yeah.
In any case, whatever it may be, since the hiatus Tae has started to move in a certain recognized pattern that many Jikookers aren't happy with.
I understand the frustration that not only Jikookers have with him when it comes to that (and I'm saying that Tae stans are also feeling it). It feels like he lacks the energy to give to the fandom, interact with them, and maybe he feels that by dropping JK's name or posting a pic or clip with him he's making them happy (obviously aware of how much JK is loved), all while he obviously also is well aware of the chaos he's creating by doing so (claiming that he doesn't is a little naïve). It's kind of a minimum work maximum impact situation.
You are right @sweetbslm108 about Tae's mind being different to ours, it feels like his thought process is on a different parallel level. It's not by chance that JM called him his alien, lol. But saying that, I really don't think that this is his twisted way of going about protecting Jikook. I, personally, have no issues with him mentioning JK if it's part of the natural development of the conversation, kind of like he did during his live a few weeks back in the car. Doing so while talking about this and that, maybe also mentioning the others. They are good friends and clearly have gotten closer over the last few months (I'd say them being left for last and JM being MIA for JK did that), and it's natural they spend time together and it's great if he let's us know about it. But why only JK lately? That's what I keep asking myself, because he's not the only member he's in touch with or spent time with in the past few months. And coming live for a few minutes and dropping JK's name for what seems so purposeful, so much so that I've seen several Tae stans complaining about it. Because it doesn't feel natural. It doesn't feel like he's coming to talk to army or update them.
And I feel like it's ok to criticize him, criticize his behavior.
JK himself (there I go name dropping) said they are only human, which they are.
I keep saying it too, human beings with feelings and wants and needs, not 2 dimensional characters like many fans see them as.
And as such, they are not infallible. And they are definitely not beyond reproach.
And saying out loud, sounding said criticism, it doesn't make you a hater.
We criticize our loved ones, reprimand them when we feel they are doing wrong, and we do it out of love. So what's the difference here?
It should be part of the open discussion. Those who think it's wrong, those who don't, all respectful, no hate.
We don't do hate!!!
We love all 7 members.
We might feel more of an emotional connection with some rather than others, but we love them all, each in their own way.
And if I wasn't clear about it, then that includes Tae, even if sometimes he does things that might be infuriating.
My daughters can infuriate me at times, doesn't make me love them any less. Also doesn't stop me from letting them know I don't agree with their behavior.
I will end this by saying that we are all different people, we come from different backgrounds, different places in the world, different professions or schooling, different upbringings, different cultures, different life experiences, just different. All those are our baselines. The things that make us who we are, what we think, what we do.
And being different, all gathering here, voicing our opinions, talking to each other, hearing each other out, that will, at the end of the day make us better people. I do believe that. Being able to listen to one another and at times allow ourselves to be convinced one way or another, that makes us better.
Bottom line:
Tae is an agent of chaos. We love him, even when said chaos he is causing can be infuriating (and the thing is, all he's doing is mentioning his friend or posting a pic of them together, but it's what transpires from that due to mainly I-army that irks us so much).
We are also allowed to call him out on it.
No hate. Period.
Have a civil discussion.
You can voice your opinions here, as long as it's respectful and without hate. Not towards the members and not towards each other.
141 notes · View notes
Two Blank Faces: Part 2.
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This is rather out of the way, isn't it?
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Based on my calculations, this is the most effective way to avoid anyone else interrupting our conversation...And also the most effective environment should this escalate into a fight.
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Yes...I calculate the same thing..,
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Ok you intellectuals, let's just get to the point already.
*Matta leads Izuru and Chiaki through a passageway outside of the factory. They keep walking until they finally come into a quiet clearing in the forest, with all the fighting heard far off in the distance. Once they come into an open, quiet clearing, he stops and turns around.
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I want you to be honest with me...Do you have any idea why it is I've called you out here?
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Actually...I don't.
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You don't? But...can't you just predict things with your fortune teller or analysis talent?
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It's true. I have superhuman analytical abilities and intuition thanks to my powers, which enable me to make startlingly accurate predictions with remarkable speed. I can also judge a person just from a glance.
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However, this situation is different. There are no visible queues or ticks on this gentleman, and the mask certainly doesn't help. And there's something about his aura...
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Like he exists to be unpredictable...unreadable...Like a...paradox...
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Paradox? I-I don't get it...But if you can't see what he's going to do, isn't that bad?
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Not particularly...The unknown excites me.
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Ah yes...Ultimate Hope...The power to do anything and everything you put your mind to with ease...What a sickening power that is...
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And how sickening it is to see you have fallen...Driven down by everything around you being so obsolete and boring...Your life would have been so much better
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I would argue that I'm living quite comfortably right now.
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...But for how long?
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You have no motivation...So how long will it be before you eventually get bored of the life you're living, and move on. Before you fall back into that old pattern?
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I'd give it a few years...personally speaking...Well, maybe NOT so personally...
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...I'm not sure I really get what you're talking about.
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Yeah, me neither.
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What I'm about to say won't be pleasant for you to hear.
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Back when you first became...this...It must have been absolutely thrilling to wake up to that kind of power...But quickly you discovered that it wasn't all it was cut out to be.
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Instead of a blessing of power, it was more like a curse. Even if you accomplished everything you set your mind to, you would still be unhappy with life BECAUSE everything would go exactly as planned for you. You had no sense of satisfaction or pride because you didn't need to think...
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And then...Junko Enoshima came along.
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She may have initially tried to kill you because of your reputation as the Ultimate Hope, but her real goal was to attack you because she knew she couldn't prevail and wanted to demonstrate how erratic Despair can be. How...unpredictable it was, even for both of your ever-powerful analytical prowess.
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And like a rat with cheese on a mousetrap, you fell for it...
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In the end, she persuaded you that a world of hope was boring and a world of despair was too unpredictable for even an Ultimate Analyst, which made life much more exciting. She did this by forcing the Hope's Peak student council to kill one another and by framing you to demonstrate what despair looked like.
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Partners in crime...That's what you were in the end...and the world suffered for it.
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zydrateacademy · 9 months
Current Activities in Baldur's Gate #4
Somewhat minor, teammate based spoilers to come. No big story moment, just... a mistake.
So today I spent on a new version of Sinji (my bard/rogue golden gal) specifically for multiplayer so my brother and I could play. He's got his own solo venture, I have my... dozen or so. So we're just experiencing the game together. He basically just got started and it didn't take us long to exceed his own experience. He's an "along for the ride" kind of people, just following me along and not really going off to do his own thing. He's not ruining any story beats but just letting my high charisma bard/rogue go through most situations with some exceptions.
Like knowing what was in the... 'barn'. You know the one. There's an interrupt there specific to barbarians that to my own knowledge is the only way to end the encounter without combat. Thought it was funny. He's also the one that took down the door at Waukeen's Rest when Karlach failed her roll.
Anyway my point is he's just on a rollercoaster as I fulfull a sort of order of operations in act 1 given some of my meta knowledge of events. My order is usually: 1) Get Shadowheart. 2) Get Astarion. 3) Get Lae'zel/Gale, choose my mid-term term from there. 4) Go get Withers. 5) Do the grove entry combat encounter. 5a) Do some basic puddling around the grove, sell junk, get money. 6) Respec one partymember to fulfill a proper roll. 7) Send Wyll to camp. 8) Get Karlach
And that's when my priorities can splinter a bit depending on the kind of character I'm doing. Most of the time it's clearing out gnolls, playing nice with that thieves guild so I can go buy those sleight of hand advantage gloves. My future spellcasters may not prioritize that as much.
Even all this time I've spent in the first act I've still discovered new things, like a dapper little bard hat on the beach not far from where you pick Shadowheart up.
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Yeah, that's a completely new item to me.
Anyway, my method of playing has put a lot of typical scenes on long rest in a fairly long queue. Wyll/Karlach after TWO long rests still haven't had their scene together so Wyll can reconcile with her and subsequently get punished for it.
Anyway there's a sequence that was in Early Access, and probably still is there. When Astarion tries to bite you for the first time and you can kind of choose what to do. Feed him, fight him, tell him he can stay but not become his juicebox. Anyway I wanted to see my character shake his stick at him again like I remember because it was funny... but I passed the skill check and instead of fighting him off she went for an immediate staking. Blood and all, he just falls over and that's the fucking end of him.
My brother and I were so goddamn shocked. Withers doesn't have the option to bring him back for some reason. Got a unique sequence of using Speak With Dead on him. It was so insane, did not expect immediate staking.
I didn't necessarily plan on using him in the party, my bard/rogue takes the party's role as the rogue so I wasn't worried about that aspect. I was so shocked at the events I completely forgot there was a roll at all, I was so distracted. I was expecting the stick-shakey scene!
My brother will just have to explore Astarion's plotline on his own save. Big whoops!
Sorry dude!
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continentcakeshop · 1 year
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We posted 171 times in 2022
6 posts created (4%)
165 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs we reblogged the most:
We tagged 161 of the posts in 2022
Only 6% of the posts had no tags
#cake shop recs - 63 posts
#cake shop rec - 62 posts
#cake shop art - 37 posts
#eskel - 35 posts
#everything i do is for queue - 34 posts
#cakeshopart - 29 posts
#cake shop fics - 28 posts
#cakeshoprec - 25 posts
#cake shop fic - 24 posts
#lambert - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#i will share this everywhere you cannot stop me
OurTop Posts in 2022:
See the full post
10 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Happy Birthday, Cake Shop!
Today the Continent Cake Shop is 2 years old. Two years of togetherness, of storytelling. Of support and kindness and friendship. We're a very small server, focused more on the stories we want to tell than a specific fandom. We've built a sense of camaraderie and trust in these last few years. There's love and more importantly, communication. We celebrate each other's successes, support each other's stumbles. We've known loss, as much of the world has, and made new friends. Welcomed new family. Celebrated milestones together. Written and arted for an ever growing variety of fandoms. This past year, past two years, have been a beautiful experience of friendship. I wish the members of the Cake Shop another year of love and care, and I wish the wider tumblr audience the benefit and joy of a friendship built not on affability, but on the trust in being seen as you are and loved. Happy Birthday, Cake Shop.
16 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
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May 17th is the anniversary of the founding of the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW), the organization that owns and runs and fights for archiveofourown.org (AO3). So for the whole month of May, we want to celebrate with a multi-fandom, multi-creative, multi-media collection inspired by what the OTW/AO3 means to you. Major themes include transformation, protection, creativity, & community - but really, the door is as wide open as your imagination.Want to write an AU where your fav characters are all fanfic writers discussing their blorbos? Maybe art about them being super-powered defenders of free speech? Pen a poem, scribble a songfic, or cross-stitch an OC - wherever your heart takes you - we want to see it all! This is not a fandom-specific event! If you tag the Cake Shop with your fic (tagged in your post, please, with appropriate content warnings/ratings) we'll reblog it! Let us show our appreciation to this bastion of free speech, creativity, and community. Details and Link to the Collection below the cut:
Rules: - 50* - 10k words - posted to the collection final & complete between May 1st - May 31st, 2022 - ALL WORKS MUST BY RATED/TAGGED APPROPRIATELY
* Yes, 50 (fifty) words. For art, please describe your work for screen readers
161 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
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It's Twosday!
February 22, 2022! I was informed that this is also "Cat Day" in Japan, because of language puns! Write about a Cat today! Which Cat(s) Have you written about? Write a drabble! Write a chapter! Have some fun!
For your perusal, Cat Witchers below the cut!
Adela (Hexer, Unknown School)
See the full post
162 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A Summer of Eskel-pades (2022)
A celebration of game, gwent and book Eskel.
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Start date: 1st June 2022 / End Date: 31st August 2022.
AO3 Collection: Summer of Eskel-pades 2022
Tumblr Tag: #summereskelpades
Rules: Eskel should be book, gwent, or game inspired; any pairings; any rating; tag appropriately.
With thanks to @skaldingrayne for the graphic design, and @cylin-aka-ankamo, @round--robin and @eyesofshinigami for assistance with the prompts.
192 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aceiestartist · 1 year
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I posted 2,334 times in 2022
23 posts created (1%)
2,311 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,121 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#queue it - 2,077 posts
#submas - 50 posts
#a classic - 19 posts
#i draw things - 17 posts
#cat - 14 posts
#star trek - 11 posts
#hollow knight - 11 posts
#pokemon - 11 posts
#splatoon - 10 posts
#outer wilds - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#y'all that grew up in the western us just think the appalachians are unimpressive b/c your mountains are jagged babies
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Last bit of Art Fight for this year; posting these separately b/c I’m especially proud of them. Lumafly for Lumaberrycream, and Empty Fool for @torturecube.
53 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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Hello, Submas fandom. I have been dragged into your depths kicking and screaming and now the Train Men have taken over my brain. Please enjoy my humble contributions.
70 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
So I saw a Reddit post about 5 years ago that refitted every weapon from DS3 into D&D 5e, and was inspired to do so myself. Now that it’s finally finished, I am releasing it into the internet. Note that I am not an experienced homebrew maker, so if there’s some glaring flaw I missed somewhere, please let me know so I can fix it. Feel free to take these and run with them, or tweak them for your own purposes. Also please let me know if you use them; I’d love to hear about player reactions to them or what kinds of nonsense they cause when in actual play.
102 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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I have been rotating the fic Curse of the Fuzzy by @thoughtfuldollia in my brain for days on end, so have some sketches.
116 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Been rewatching some streams of Ghost Trick and doodled some kittens. I love this cat whose name I’m not allowed to say. He is a very good boy.
746 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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silkystims · 4 months
Pinned Post
Request Guidelines
I will do;
Any characters from any fandoms (including ones I'm not in, though You should note that I will ignore requests at my own discretion if the fandom or character makes me uncomfortable so if Your request is ignored that might be why and it isn't a big deal)
Ship boards (including rarepairs but no proships or anything similar; again I will ignore requests at my own discretion)
Oc boards
Fake gore (sfx, digital models, animation, etc)
Characters/ships I've already made boards for
I will not do;
Proshipping requests
Real-life gore
Non-character/ship themed boards (I'm really only interested in making boards based on characters and ships)
NSFW/Sexual themes
Anything I'm uncomfortable with in general, or just don't feel like doing lol
Things To Note When Requesting
Please be sure to include anything You definitely wouldn't want to see on the board (e.g. phobias, stuff that just doesn't itch Your brain right, squicks, etc)
Likewise, if there's anything specific You want included besides the character (such as themes, specific types of stim You like, anything really) let me know what You're after
You can request as many boards as You like, and You're welcome to request multiple different boards at a time. You can even request the same character multiple times
For oc boards, please let me know some stuff about the oc, if there's not enough info I may not be able to do the board/do it very accurately; definitely send in an image of them too if You have one
Your request is never guaranteed to be accepted, I do requests on a "when and if I feel like it" kind of basis because they aren't a priority and I really feel no obligation towards them
Although, just because I'm taking a long time to get to it, it doesn't mean I've ignored the request for sure; I may just take a while if I'm doing other things (There's even a chance it's just buried in the queue, though I'll try to put requests at the top of it so they're posted asap)
Fandoms I'm In That I May Post For Often/Favour Requests Of
Outlast (All games + comics)
House Of Wax (2005)
Fight Club
Our Flag Means Death
Good Omens
My Little Pony (Gen 4 only)
Slaughterhouse Rulez
Saw (all movies)
General sensitive content (gore, blood, flashing images, suicidal themes, body horror, etc) will be tagged but I don't mind anyone asking me to tag specific things for them either, I'll always do my best to remember if it's asked of me (and do be sure to let me know if I haven't tagged something that needs it, whether general sensitive content or a requested tag)
If You want to block any and all sensitive content I may post completely, I will have the tag #silkycw on every post that needs any general cws (requested cws will not have #silkycw on them, just the specifically requested cw)
This post may be updated in the future as needed
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aureatescars · 1 year
ABOUT THIS RP BLOG & THE MUN: • you can call me vii • mun/muse over 21 • mun is not a native speaker of English • replies may take a bit since I have work and uni • i also absolutely suck at reaching out first because I'm awkward af but I do try! > also once we break the ice you're not getting rid of me again :D IN GENERAL: • selective & private > I will only write threads with mutuals, but you may send in rp-memes regardless. • literate/descriptive/multi-para-style • open to asks from anyone, but not terribly quick about answering them • canon typical violence • plotlines of any kind are welcome, adventure, romance, crack, fluff, angst hit me up we’ll probably find some common ground •  I don’t queue replies, only aesthetic posts and so on > if I owe you I want you to get that reply as soon as possible • general warning: NSFW will occassionally occur and will be tagged #nsfw CONCERNING ALEXANDER’s PORTRAYAL •  I do not write him as a villain, nor do I intend to in the future. In my opinion in his canon verse he was a civilian forced into a war by grief and an overwhelming need for revenge for his fiancée’s death. He did not join the resistance for glory, out of patriotism or because he believed in the cause, even though he used these reasons as a front to hide from his grief and the guilt he felt for everything he did during the war. > that does not mean your muse may not perceive him as a villain if they know/or learn about who he is and what he has done before/ or during the plot of RE:Damnation. • This is more of a headsup - but since Alexander’s mother tongue is not English, yet I personally do not speak Russian, I handle him speaking Russian in threads either without outright dialogue by simply stating he tells someone something in Russian or by marking his dialogue with [ ] instead of the usual quotation marks to indicate that he is currently not speaking English. ABOUT RP-MEMES: • I don’t care how long ago I reblogged something - send the meme • I don’t care if our muses met before - send the meme • I don’t care if we follow each other - send the meme • I don’t care if we never interacted before - send the meme • I don’t care if you already send 52849412 memes - send the meme • I don’t care if we have 20 threads already - send the meme • SEND. THE. MEME. ABOUT ROMANTIC SHIPS: • multi-ship, but will not ship with multiples of the same muse. • I love ships and chances are I already ship our characters. So, lets go! • I mostly ship chemistry. meaning I’d like to see how our muses interact on a base level before jumping right into a ship, but if we’re mutuals feel free to send in shippy memes or random shippy asks regardless - just know that they will likely not immediately turn into threads with a fully established romantic relationship in threads if we’ve never interacted before. • I also headcanon Sasha as demisexual, therefore it will take him forming a deep bond with your muse first to actually consider a romantic relationship in any case. However he does perceive himself as straight initially, since he never even considered being anything other than that even after his fiancée died. SMUT: • won’t write smut with minors • it will be tagged nsfw • I’m game for rping most things, just ask, I won’t judge • BUT please refrain from writing: > spanking > your muse calling mine babe or baby in a context that isn’t crack. just. no. > other pet names are circumstancial and might need discussion since I often find them ending up feeling too ooc. VERSES: • canon verse and slight divergences preferred > meaning: I follow canon by default and it will take some serious plotting and just me vibing with you ooc for any plot to happen outside the canon/ or canon-adjacent universes TRIGGERS: • I don’t have any triggers • mention of torture will be tagged with “tw: torture” • mention of death will be tagged “tw: death” • also I’m not a fan of gore so please keep fights and injuries reasonable THINGS I WILL NOT RP: • scat/watersports • vore • explicit torture
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scribblermish · 2 years
17th October 2022
8:02 P.M.
"Day 88"
Heard 2 very sad and shocking news today...am not able to share..names... but regarding to 2 deaths....🙏Om shanti..🙏...may god bless their souls..may their souls rest in peace.🙏
One case is suicidal...I don't know what a person actually feels or is going through when this kind of brutal step is being taken...but still no...much more can be done... obviously the one going through tough times..has completely different mindset..tough... circumstances..but....we have to...have to and have to be strong at any...any...any cost because many things could be done...try to seek help from right people... counselors... parents...if no one is there...then also believe...that we ourself is always with us always.... believe in almighty...this nature...trust me if we believe...in not giving up...this time will pass soon...
I think we all should prepare ourselves before the tough time comes in life...how??....but preparing ourselves not to gave up at any cost...listen good people...people who failed a lot of times in their life...still standing with their chin up....people who are still struggling each and every day in life...look at the workers working in a building construction site..people who are homeless in freezing winters...no clothes...no food still smiling...still have a hope....still surviving....how brutal the life can be...but they accepted it and are ready to fight back...like a warrior...
Today I want to share a story of my very close relative...names cannot be disclosed so...let the name be A...so A..is somewhere around 44...A has no permanent job...no home... living on a rented one....no parents alive...other relatives left A alone....not married yet.. want to...but because has no bank balance so nobody wants to marry A...A is not that attractive...also age is increasing...but...
A is still fighting...still living...obviously A not looks so happy because...a lot of problems are there when we are completely alone and A is struggling each and every day...but what do you think?...A can easily gave up...but A did not...A is still fighting... struggling... with hope...that this time shall too pass... believe me or not it will...it will betuuuuu..true...just never gave up...may almighty bless A and help A to come out from these tough times...and bring a lot of prosperity and happiness in A's life..🙏🙌...
Am sharing names of some true warriors and winners of life... hopefully we can learn something from them...
Amitabh Bachchan sir
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam sir
Sandeep Maheshwari sir
Shah Rukh Khan sir
Narendra Damodardas Modi sir... queue is long... that's it for today betuuuuu 💖...and never ever gave up....
And if ever future me is reading this only for me.....In the highly.. highly..worst scenario if I have nothing na...or lost everything..everyone....then also..... Manisha Mehta always remember I am Manisha Mehta....and teaching under the tree....in open....a bunch of cute kids....in maybe any temple or Gurudwara or village is not actually that bad...and reading Bhagwad Geetaji.... preaching Shlokas is also feels like woww...wowww...wowww...yes or no..??🧐🤔🤗🥰🥰
Sometimes I actually wanted to say that....I am amaaazinggggg......yeahh.....I am...🤭✨🙌🙏🙏💫💖💖💖💖.......
Hope you'll get what is correct for you in life ❤️💫..
Best wishes & Regards 🤗
Manisha Mehta
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wannabeelf · 2 years
Since Final Fantasy XIV lets you play all the classes on one character I’ve set myself the arbitrary goal of getting all of the base game classes to level 50 (base game max) before I hit expansion content. Last night I was working on leveling Summoner. For those who don’t know, Summoner is a DPS class, but it does have one healing spell and the ability to res.
I was doing duty roulette over and over because I find it to be the fastest and least boring way to level up. I had my level somewhere between 35 and 45 when I wound up with a random party running The Sunken Temple of Qarn. We start out and it goes fine for a while; but I’m only paying like 75% attention because I’ve been at it for like 6 hours already and I’m starting to lose focus.
Suddenly, before we’ve made it to the first boss, I notice that I’m pulling aggro so I glance over at the party status doodad and see that the tank is down. I honestly don’t remember what was going on with the healer at that point; I ran so many duties last night that it all blends together. Anyway, I started desperately trying to res the tank, but I was taking too many hits and I went down as well.
At that point, the healer (who was playing a Sage), apologizes to us and tells us that they’re new to their class and still trying to figure it out. The tank says it’s fine. I tend not to talk in chat while on a duty because that’s just one thing too many for my brain to handle, but I also thought it was fine. I mean, I was also playing a class that I don’t main and am not super good at, so... Whatever. It happens.
Anyway, we go again and make it to the first boss. I THINK the tank and healer both went down towards the end of that fight, but I may be confusing it with one of the other times I ran Temple of Qarn last night. Whether losing both the tank and the healer happened in the run I’m talking about or a different one, the other DPS managed to stay up and hold aggro while I got them both up.
Back to events that I’m sure happened on this crazy run. We made it through the the first boss and started heading toward the second. Then the thing that happened before the first boss happened again. Tank goes down, I start desperately trying to get them up, I go down. AT THIS point, the healer goes, “man, I suck at this. i think you’ll have an easier time without me,” and leaves the party.
So now it’s just me, the tank, and the other DPS. We go into the queue for a new healer and press on. I start out trying to do my normal killing shit thing, but I’m keeping a close eye on the party status doodad. I noticed the tank’s HP getting below half, so I stopped dealing damage and started making heavy use of my one (1) healing spell. Then the other DPS was getting low, so I healed them. And so on. Our pace was slower than it would have been with a proper healer, but I think we did okay. Right as we got to the entrance to the next boss, we got a new healer. Thank The Twelve! Now I can go back to ignoring the HP!
I went down in that fight. The tank went down again on the journey to the final boss. But we made it through and eventually finished the duty.
So that was my first experience as a “healer” in any MMO ever. I’m not sure how I feel about leveling White Mage now. I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, but now I’m kind of dreading it. I’m still going to do it, though.
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boozeforblues · 2 years
What Doesn't Kill You Usually Succeeds In The Second Attempt
The masculine urge to disappear like vapor to see if anyone would even notice We're six weeks away from payday, so could you float us A loan, take this barely beating heart as collateral Showing us up and serving misery by the platter full Slow decay, I wouldn't have it any other way And I don't have the nerve to leave the house today Blustering with the best of them, I'm easy to flummox Poisoning my mind, make me sick to my stomach Unable to process the self-imposed imagery If I ever told you what's gnawing at me, I'd do so timidly Driving myself to madness, subsisting on dejection Growing weary of vying for your affection Fruitlessly sifting through volumes of text to find the predicate Putting myself in untenable situations, I'm told it's bad etiquette To spill your guts to those unwilling to listen We've got babies to kiss and boats to christen
What started as a whisper in my mind is now a fucking drumbeat A crescendo of all my worst impulses, at least the rum's sweet Numb my senses enough to leave me snug in my skin Looks like depression is back in town and it's brought its twin I guess I'm taking these two for a night on the town Let's get these old friends fitted for a tiara or crown I can't blame you for keeping your distance, even I don't want to be around me I tried to drown my sorrows but instead they drowned me Seeking a safety I'm sure I'll never find As petty as can be, responding in like kind To words unsaid, tell me all of the things I lack "I can only blame myself when I fight with your photographs and they seem to fight right back"
Grammatical or methodical, separating us from we May as well lock me up and throw away the key Appealing to governing bodies, we've got executions to stay Working up the guts to pretend to be okay But those eyes always pry into this timorous soul Fishing out the truth, refining diamonds from so much coal All this blackness and still your light shines through Feelings of confusion jumping into the fray, I'll add them to the queue Hunted down and tormented, not even sleep provides an escape Courageous and heroic, rejections awash in red tape Running myself ragged, a nervous system that refuses to abide Fatigued and beat down, with a cough that just won't subside Hopes dashed in an instant, foolish of me to allow them in the first place Immediately leaping to scenarios of the worst case Recurring stress dreams about sweat and semen In lieu of best wishes, just send an army of unfed demons
Front and center to watch me take a fucking nosedive Right off the edge, my own thoughts eating me alive…
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Okay but what do you think the brother's reaction would be to you already having dark circles under your eyes before you even spend any significant time in devildom?
Brothers When MC Already Had Dark Circles Before The Devildom (Headcanons)
Are you having trouble sleeping? He knows tea that’ll help you fall asleep if you need it.
He’s actually really worried about it. Are you sick? What causes dark circles under the eyes in a human? Is it always lack of sleep? What else could it be?
Won’t openly show how worried he is, that just isn’t in his nature. He will start doing subtle things like making you that special blend of tea to help you fall asleep.
He’ll also enforce bedtimes, and he’ll come up to your room to check to see if you’re actually sleeping or not. This is a big deal to him, but to everyone else he’s become like… weird strict house dad.
Doesn’t even care that his brothers are mocking him and the rules, as long as you’re getting a good night's rest.
Will casually glance over every morning to see if the dark circles are fading. If they’re not, he’ll just try something else. If they are fading though… Big pride boost. Essentially, he did that. He helped.
Did you get in a fight with someone in the human realm?! Not that he cares… or at least he doesn’t outwardly show that he cares. If he does find out that someone laid their hands on you they’re dead. Not that you’ll ever know about it. They just moved away…
He’ll ask about them a lot, not to be rude, he just wants to know why you have them. The only other person that he knows with dark circles is Belphie.
If you tell him it’s because of lack of sleep… he’s still confused. How does someone not sleep? Is there a reason why you can’t sleep? He could usually pass out pretty easily. Humans are strange.
Starts having “sleepovers” in your room to make sure you fall asleep, although it’s kind of hard to fall asleep with him staring at you the entire time, so he’ll just lay awake and stare at the ceiling for hours until he knows you’re sleeping. Usually he’ll fall asleep before you though… oops. He’s trying his best.
He’ll let you use his pillow because “it’s the best pillow obviously” and he’ll let you use his blanket because “it’s the softest blanket obviously”. He’ll even let you start wearing his pajamas because… you guessed it “they’re the best pajamas… obviously”. Not quite sure if he’s doing it so his things smell like you or if he just genuinely thinks his things will help you sleep better.
Will feel like a complete failure if those dark circles don’t start fading after at least a week of you using his things.
Doesn’t mean to stare and he’s not trying to be rude, but he’s looking.
You don’t look tired, and usually dark circles are from a lack of sleep… right? That’s what he heard at least.
He’s super shy, and so nervous, and he doesn’t feel like he’d have the best advice to give on things like this considering he stays up all night playing video games, but he will recommend things to you that he thinks might help.
Of course his first recommendation is sleeping in a bathtub… that’s where he sleeps and to him it’s very comfortable. Whether you actually want to try that… well… bathtubs aren’t the most comfortable places to sleep and it’s kind of strange how he’s able to fall asleep at an angle like that.
Next recommendations if the tub thing doesn’t work out would be Ruri-Chan eye covers because they’re soft and they have Ruri-Chan on them. How could you not fall asleep with images of Ruri-Chan floating through your head when you fall asleep. Also maybe some soft ocean noises, those are always helpful.
He really hopes his recommendations work, and if they do he’ll be so happy. If they don’t work, he probably will wonder why Ruri-Chan didn’t help you like she helped him. Why do you not like dreaming of Ruri-Chan?
If there’s anyone who knows about dark circles it’s him. He’s got books on literally everything, he’s had to have read at least one book on what causes them.
He’ll pull you aside randomly and sit you down to ask about them, ask about your blood type, your health, your schedule, literally everything. He’s a doctor now, at least he thinks he is.
Makes sure that you drink enough water and that you don’t stare into any computer screens or your phone screen too long. Luckily the Devildom doesn’t have a sun, so overexposure to that isn’t a problem. He’s monitoring everything… in the name of your health and getting rid of those dark circles.
He’ll also wake you up after you’ve gotten a good 8 hours of sleep because oversleeping is bad too. He is on top of everything. He’s got you covered.
If they start fading, which he’s really really sure that they will, he’ll be so proud of himself, but not too proud, because being too prideful would make him like Lucifer and that’s not good. If they don’t start fading, he’ll read through other books, any other book that he has to try to find out how to get rid of them.
But seriously, why wouldn’t they fade? The book said specifically what the causes were and he helped you avoid those causes. The books don’t lie!
He has so many hacks to cover them up or get rid of them, and he will go through each and every one with you.
He can now officially call you his beauty buddy because he constantly has you in his room testing out different methods of getting rid of the dark circles. He’s having a good time with it too.
He thinks you’re beautiful no matter what, but he does worry that it might mean you’re sick or unhealthy which would not be good, mainly because he doesn’t want you to feel bad while you’re down in the Devildom. You should be having fun, with him mostly.
His entire room becomes a spa every time you’re in there. Relaxation is key, and he wants you to feel as relaxed as possible. Aroma therapy, massages, face masks, eye masks, and the strangely sensual instrumental music that he usually has playing in the background.
He will not let up, not at all. But he also refuses to cover them with concealer or any kind of makeup because even if he can’t find a way to make them fade or go away completely, they’re a part of you, and you’re special to him.
But if those under eye masks do not work even a little he is calling the manufacturer and telling them that their product is a lie.
It’s not that he doesn’t notice them, he just doesn’t think they’re a big deal. Belphie has dark circles and he’s alright, so that means you’re alright too… right?
He’ll start thinking about it more the more he sees you and he’ll slowly start to worry about it. He’ll actually go to Satan to ask about it, queue Doctor Satan informing Beel of what may cause it.
Now he’s worried about you and Belphie. He really is just trying to be a good guy and help you both out, so when he barges into the room a little too early because he doesn’t want you to oversleep… please don’t be mad. He thinks he’s helping.
He’ll also literally carry you to bed at your “bed time” that he just came up with. Sure, it might be kind of unreasonable and going to bed at 6 in the evening is just a little early, but he looks so happy when he lays you down, you can’t even argue with him. Yeah, you might stay up a little longer, but when he checks up on you, you pretend to be asleep to make him feel like he’s really doing a good job.
Dehydration and/or allergies? Not on his watch. He’s got water bottles stacked and ready for you. If one runs out, he’s bringing you another one immediately. Allergies… he doesn’t know if you actually have any, but just in case, he did some research with the help of Satan, and now he’s got you covered in case you’re allergic to something in the Devildom.
He really just wants to help you. Please let him help you. He’s worried and he wants to make sure you’re okay. Even if the dark circles don’t fade or go away, he’ll know that he’s doing his best to help as much as he can.
Samesies! His dark circles are due to him sleeping so much, but he doesn’t know why you have them.
He immediately assumes it’s because you’re not getting enough sleep, so he’s going to help you with that. He will have you knocked out in seconds, as soon as you lay down. He’ll make sure your dreams are happy too, just so there’s no chance of you waking up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare or anything.
He’ll watch you closely during the day, probably recommend taking naps constantly just to speed up the process of getting rid of the dark circles. (That’s not how it works, and someone should tell him that)
Bedtime is all the time, at least with him. He does keep water in the attic for you just in case you do wake up. It probably doesn’t feel like he’s trying as much as the other brothers would, but all he really knows is sleep, so to him this is the best advice he can give you.
He does take your phone away if you’re on it too much though, not even accrediting the dark circles to being on your phone or looking at it too long, it’s more of a “pay attention to me now” thing… but it’s actually helping.
He’s doing his best, he’s just not good at showing that he cares a lot and that this is his best. You both will probably continue having the dark circles, which he doesn’t actually mind. As long as you’re not sick and you’re close to him, he doesn’t even notice them actually. Just keep napping with him.
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oliviajdjarin · 3 years
Chapter 1: a tug
Warnings: PTSD, sadness, depression, panic attack, mentions of violence
Author’s note: this is part one of my series called “Burning Red.” This is kind of boring because it is a set up for the main storyline, but I hope you enjoy it! Any constructive criticism and support is greatly appreciated. And if I missed a warning, please let me know!!
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After everything you’ve seen, everything you’ve done, everyone you’ve hurt, it felt good to just lay low.
A mechanic on tatooine was not what you imagined, but it did the trick.
No one saw you for who you truly were, and that made you happy.
Well, except for Peli.
You came to her sick and angry and alone, and she nursed you back to health. You would be rotting in the desert if it wasn’t for her, and you felt you owed her a little something.
So, you used your “uncommon” set of abilities to help her with her mechanics in any way she needed.
This included: cooking, cleaning, repairing, negotiating, and most importantly, defending.
Peli was no dummy. She knew you had more experience in that field than she did. So she recruited you, and paid you back with whatever she had laying around. A new outfit once and a while, a warm bed, a hot dinner, and a couple of credits so you could go shopping and get out of her hair.
You couldn’t blame her. You were a hell of a lot of trouble to be around.
Constant nightmares, paranoia, and regret surrounded your aura like a fog. Any normal person wouldn’t notice, but someone like Peli could. And it pissed her off a good majority of the time.
“Stop moping and help me clean this oil off my droid,” and sentences like this one, were said pretty frequently around your place.
Was it even your place? All you did was survive. Is that enough to say you lived there instead of just survived there?
You really liked Peli. She gave you a base. A “home” of sorts, and for that you were forever indebted.
But something in you always called you back to your real home, and that scared you more than Peli’s tough love. More than you could even describe.
It was a pretty normal day on Tatooine. The wind howled, the sand covered everything in its wake, and the heat. You would never get used to it.
You were eating your breakfast when a ship landed on the landing pad, and you could already tell it was a doosey just by the way the left engine was sputtering.
If this ship explodes, we better get a damn good pay, you think to yourself.
The ramp starts to open and you take that as your queue to start the walk to your makeshift room. It was really a storage room, but you didn’t mind.
When you get there, you squat down to the ground behind your door and grab your apron and set of tools. You knew Peli would need some help with this ship.
You hear the ship’s ramp hit he ground and you feel it.
A tug.
Not even a tug, a lurch. It felt like a rope had been tied to your soul and pulled you back into your old self.
This was a tug you hadn’t felt in so long. So long, it almost knocks you off your feet.
I closed myself off from this, you think. I shouldn’t feel this. I don’t want to feel this.
You already feel a headache coming on from the shock and ache in your bones, so you start walking back to the landing pad to tell Peli you aren’t feeling too well.
If I get recognized, we are both dead.
You’d rather get a scolding from Peli than a scolding hot gun wound in your chest.
“Hey,” you hear Peli shout at the client, and you pick up your pace. Your heart is hammering in your chest and you feel the panic ooz through your body.
It’s been so long since you’ve felt this, but you hate how it makes you feel alive.
You finally make it to Peli and you see her speaking very loudly (she doesn’t like to use the word “yelling”) at what seems to be your client.
But this is no ordinary client. This is a Mandalorian.
A very broad Mandalorian who, no offense to Peli, could knock her out in his sleep.
You had heard legends of their kind. But worst of all, you had fought them. And damn were they good.
You hadn’t seen any since the purge. You had heard rumors of them hiding under ground, but they had always been peaceful people. You hated how they got dragged into a war.
“You damage one of my droids, you’ll pay for it,” Peli says, and you really wish she would use a more peaceful tone.
The last thing you want to do right now is fight a very impressive looking Mandalorian covered entirely in beskar while your entire body is tingling.
Is he the one who is force sensitive?
“Just keep them away from my ship” he says, and you are surprised at how well he is taking Peli’s annoyance.
“Yeah? You think that’s a good idea?” Peli responds in a tone dripping with sarcasm and you take this as your moment to try to sneak away.
This however, was unsuccessful.
“Come on y/n. Let’s take a look at his ship,” she says and the Mandalorian turns his helmet towards you.
You probably look like an absolute mess. Your chest is heaving, you are sweating, and you are not at all prepared to do any sort of repairs. You are basically in your pajamas. The Mandalorian’s gaze has you nervous enough, but this familiar feeling in your stomach has you dizzy and nauseous.
Just hold on......
You start to follow Peli to the ship while still looking at the Mandalorian. You learned very early on in your life to never take your eyes off a predator. He follows your form and you try your best to mask his incredibly strong force connection gripping your chest.
This man isn’t even trying to hide it? It’s almost as if he is reaching for me?
You make it to Peli where you finally take your eyes off of him. You can see why Peli was so mad now.
“Oof! Look at that,” she says as she scans the ship with her eyes. “You’ve got a lot of cabron scoring up top. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in a shoot out.”
Oh my God, he was in a shoot out.
This is really not good. This man could have been followed and you could be surrounded at this very moment. You were a skilled fighter, but those kinds of odds were almost unbeatable. Especially when you were still trying to hide your identity.
You are so tense you feel like you could snap. You still feel his eyes on you, and you are praying to whatever is out there that you can just stay alive. That’s the only thing you’re good at.
“Name’s Peli Motto. That’s y/n,” she says as she points to you with her wrench.
She did not just tell him your NAME.
“This is my operation. You’re not gonna find a better mechanic on the planet,” she says as she leaned in closer to the engine.
“Yeah, I’m gonna have to rotate that. You’ve got a fuel leak. Look at this, this is a mess. How did you even land?”
All you wanted to do was scream.
He is a MANDALORIAN who was just in a SHOOT OUT. He is probably being FOLLOWED and we could be dead because of ME.
“That’s gonna set you back,” she says.
She is concerned about MONEY right now?
Peli is a smart woman, but she was walking you into a trap. You didn’t want her blood on your hands. You didn’t need any more of that.
All of this is happening while you are still on the verge of a panic attack.
This Mandalorian is strong with the force. It is squeezing your lungs and your feet and your hands and your brain. All rational thinking is out the window. You had to get out of here before he manages to suffocate you.
God you hate this feeling. A few years ago you lived with this constantly. It became a part of you. Something you enjoyed. But now...
“I’ve got five hundred imperial credits,” the Mandalorian says.
Imperial credits. Great. How did he get his hands on those?
“That’s all you got? Well..” she says and looks back at you.
“What do you think,” she asks in a teasing tone.
You try to plead to her with your eyes. You are sweating beyond belief and your brain is about to explode.
She tightens her brows in confusion at your state, but continues to bargain.
“That should at least cover the hanger,” she says and you feel your jaw almost drop to the floor.
How can she not see it?
“I’ll get you your money,” the Mandalorian mumbles and you try to take a deep breath. Passing out in front of one of the fiercest warriors in the galaxy who may be here to kill you would rip off the last bit of pride you had left. If you are going down, you are going down with a fight.
“I’ve heard that before,” Peli responds and looks at you in a joking way. Like she was trying to coax you into laughing with her.
You try to chuckle back, but it just comes out in a low breath.
You sound insane.
“Just remember—,” the Mandalorian starts
“No droids. I heard ya,” Peli finishes.
“Why do you think I keep this girl around,” she says chuckling with a pat on your back.
You muster up the strength to smile and feel holes burning in your head from the Mandalorian’s gaze.
He really knows how to stare.
The Mandalorian leaves the hanger, and it takes everything in you not to pass out right there.
You thought with him leaving it would die down, but it’s only getting worse.
“Are you ok,” Peli asks and helps you lower yourself to the ground.
You are breathing frantically now and your hands are clutched to your chest.
“He has it,” you say and you know Peli knows what you mean.
She looks at you with wide eyes and you see the realization on her face.
“Oh my god.... he was in a shootout,” she says.
“Uh huh,” you breathe out. The desperate force connection is starting to fade and you feel your lungs fill up with air once more.
“He could have been followed! Or he could be here to—“
“Kill us,” you say. Peli hates when you finish her sentences, but there was no point in caring right now.
“Ok. Get inside. If I need you I will call for you,” she says and you nod, slowly getting to your feet.
You start to walk back to your room, with Peli’s arms guiding you, while taking deep breaths, but you freeze when you sense something else coming out of the ship and you snap your head to the ramp.
“What,” Peli says as she follows your gaze.
Your heart flutters. The force is slowly starting to ease its nasty grip on you.
If you didn’t sense the creature, you would miss it.
A little green baby, wrapped in what looked like a potato sack, was strolling down the ramp, looking directly at you.
“It’s him,” you say.
“He has it.”
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skellebonez · 3 years
Tumblr Messed Up Fill #1
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So Tumblr did a BIG OLD OOPS and published a bunch of my unfinished drafts that I left in my queue at 1 PM... when I set it to 1 AM and intended to finish a couple and then change the time again.
LUCKILY I DIDN’T HAVE THE ENTIRE FILLS IN THE QUEUE AND JUST BITS I ADDED IN TO HOLD SPACE. So... I guess this is how we’re doing this! @winterpower98​ here’s some Mentor Swap AU Shadowpeach!
How did you get that scar?/That is not a good hiding spot.
It had been scheduled far in advance and Wukong should have remembered that this was going to happen. The Weather Station needed to let it rain sometimes! It was good for the environment! Good for nature! But Wukong was Wukong and when he trained with Xiaotian for as long as he did he had a tendency to forget the unimportant things like “scheduled downpours” and “when training is actually supposed to end”.
So by the time he managed to crash land a foot away from Mei’s front door after pogo sticking his way off of Mount Huaguo he looked like he’d been dropped into the ocean.
“Cold-cold, cold and wet!” He yelped, shoving the staff back into his ear and trying to hold his jacket over his head as best he could, which did just as much good as it did during the ride. Which was “barely anything”. “Ah shit, it’s cold why can’t they make the rain not COLD!?”
He continued into the building, shuddering as he felt rain water seeping through every bit of fabric he wore, even his shoes the traitors. He immediately started ripping off his shirt, at the very least wanting to get some of the drenched clothing off him, and he froze when he heard a yelp from the other side of what should have been a very empty entry way given Mei was supposed to be out of the house.
A very familiar yelp.
“Why aren’t you are your own house!?” The voice yelled, and as Wukong pulled his shirt over his head he found the voice’s own staring at him with wide eyes alight with a mix of confusion and horror.
“UH, I think I should ask you that, Macaque!” He accused, turning sideways and walking backwards into the building with a raised eyebrow. “Why are you in Mei’s house? Are you hiding in Mei's house!? That is not a good hiding spot!"
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Monkey Boy?” Macaque said snarkily with a smirk.
“Monkie KID, and yeah, that’s why I asked,” Wukong snarked right back, holding his shirt and jacket out in front of him with a frown. “Also, you’re a monkey so...”
“Oh shut up.”
"And you look like you nearly drowned," Wukong chuckled, ringing his shirt out and pointedly not mentioning the blush he saw forming on the other's face. Yet. "It's raining cats and dogs and I’m pretty bad to, but you shouldn't be that bad."
"... don't laugh," Macaque grumbled, doing much the same to his scarf. "I was trying to get here when the rain was getting really bad and I... fell. Off the docks."
Wukong immediately burst into cackles.
“I told you not to laugh you asshole!” Macaque snapped, baring his teeth and trying to puff up his fur in annoyance but failing miserably with the sheer amount of water weighing him down. If anything it probably just made him look... adorably sad. Like a puppy. But a human sized monkey.
“I-I’m sorry!” Wukong held his sides, trying his very best to stop laughing. He also failed miserably, if not even more so than Macaque. “It’s just imagining you, YOU, falling off the docks? Just! You’re practically an acrobat! You’re usually way cooler than that!”
As Wukong continued to fail Macaque’s face softened as he stopped barring his teeth in warning and stared at the other young man.
“... you think I’m cool?” He asked softly, attempting to smooth down his fur and brush the water out of it.
“Kinda?” Wukong said with a half snicker, finally having himself under control. “Cool enough I guess.”
Macaque hummed, giving up on his attempts to dry off with a sigh. It was pointless to try to dry off with his fur like this, not without some kind of towel or brush. And he would be damned if he let Wukong let himself shake dry! That was not going to happen.
So instead he turned to the other, watching as he laid out his tip layers on his arm and turned around.
And something caught his eye.
Multiple somethings.
“How did you get that scar?”
Wukong tensed, not enough for him to stop moving but more than enough for Macaque to notice that he was walking away much slower than he needed to.
"Depends on which one you mean," he answered eventually. He reached up to pull on his hair, frowning as it dripped more water on him.  "Hold that thought until I come back."
And so he did. Macaque watched the other leave and stood in the open room, awkward and dripping sea and rain water all over Mei's floor.
He debated leaving. Just walking out the door and avoiding the awkward conversation that was sure to be leveled in his direction when the human returned, but before he could even make the decision to decide on an option something brought and green was lobbed at his head and wrapped around his face.
“Towel off before Mei gets angry we both tracked in water,” Wukong said, mischievous chuckle resounding through the air before Macaque managed to unwrap the towel from his face. “I’ve got something else that’ll help out after.”
Macaque was going to ask what that something was before the words died in his throat, the sight before him making him pause in confusion and barely held back amusement.
“You have Monkey King themed PJs?” He asked, toweling off his head first. “At Mei’s?”
“Sometimes I stay over.” Was all Wukong said, shrugging as if it was nothing. “Considering you’re here and I don’t see signs of a break in I assume those plum PJs in the same closet are yours.”
“I DON’T HAVE PAJAMAS HERE I DON’T STAY THAT OFTEN!” Macaque snapped, and his face flushed a deep red in embarrassment before he saw Wukong’s victory smirk. “... you made that up to make me slip that I’ve been here before.”
“And you took it hook, line, and sinker,” Wukong said playfully, grabbing the monkey demon’s arm and using a second towel he had to dry it off. “I wasn’t kidding about the PJs though.”
“O-oh...” was all Macaque could reply with as the information slowly sunk in before he ripped his arm away. “I can do that myself!”
“Then do it and come inside!”
Macaque was... mostly dry after a couple minutes, enough for Wukong to drag him into the bathroom and instruct him to change and use the blow dryer he has shoved into his hands while he mopped the floor. And as much as Macaque disliked the noise... he couldn’t argue that the warm air of the device was a welcome change from the icy seawater against him.
He may have looked like an extra puffed up fur ball when he was done and refused to come out until he at least had the PJs (short sleeved and indeed covered in plums) on to hide the worst of it.
Didn’t stop Wukong from devolving into cackles at his expense once again.
“Hold on, let me do something,” Wukong offered, and guided him to sit down on the couch sideways, situating behind him with the other pulled against his chest and a comb in hand. “At least I can help with your hair... if it counts as hair.”
“... I don’t know if it does,” Macaque replied, finding himself at a loss for what to do and say in this situation.
They were enemies, right?
Shouldn’t Wukong... be chasing him out of the building?
Now sitting him down to- OH NO!
Macaque froze as Wukong’s fingers brushed against his scalp and the teeth of the comb brushed through his hair, far more gentle than Macaque could remember anyone touching his hair before, and he went limp in Wukong’s arms like putty.
“Knew that’d get ya,” he felt Wukong say as much as he heard him say it, and the hands and comb continued through his hair and fur and he couldn’t even muster up any coherent words to snark back at him. Just a frustrated grumble. “Xiaotian does this to me a lot. And to his monkeys. So I figured this would be... ya know, nice for you.”
They stayed like that for a good while, Wukong brushing his fingers and the comb through puffed up fur and pulling out tangles Macaque didn’t even know he had on the back of his neck. It felt... strange. To trust someone that you spent so much of your time fighting against, flirting with awkwardly in the midst of battle, never thinking that the two of you would just sit and do anything calmly together.
But here they were. On Mei’s couch. Macaque feeling a purr rumble up in his chest as Wukong groomed through his hair and fur in a gesture he clearly admitted he knew the implications of.
“They’re from before,” Wukong said after a while, after he rested his head on Macaque’s shoulder and started working through the fur on his arms. “Before Red took me in... back before I had the staff to fight with.”
And as much as Macaque wanted to ask, and if he really tried he knew he probably could, he chose not to push it when he heard the way Wukong’s tone changed. Something equally nostalgic and melancholy.
“I think they make you look cool too,” was what he said instead.
“... We’re both pretty cool.”
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hangekitty · 3 years
I love that Er*n is in your no no rules- lmao.
Also may i request some soft Miche headcanons where he's comforting a female reader please? I've been very stressed from life recently and would really appreciate a bit of love and comfort from my fav character, smut is optional although i am above 18. Thank you so much in advance💛
Oh my gosh my first request thank you! And what a lovely way to start things out, I hope this brings comfort to you as I know how hard things are in life right now! And yes, we don’t accept Er*n in this house no thank you ~ 🌸
Did I listen to Bubble Gum by Clairo on loop because of the vibes? Maybe. Did I get upset writing this because I am touch starved? Also maybe 😌
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Miche comforting his S/O after a bad day
Genre: fluff, NSFW 18+
Warnings: mentions of having a bad day, mental health, smut, swearing
Universe: canonverse
NSFW below the ‘read more’
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Although Miche is a man of few words, he definitely knows how to show you how much he cares.
This man is a master of being able to sense whenever you’ve had a bad day, you wouldn’t even need to tell him; I suppose its because of his immaculate sense of smell, or that he takes good care to be finely in tune with your emotions.
Most of your worries and stresses stem from expeditions, having to fight off titans and watching your comrades fall certainly took a toll on your mental health; this at least was a stress you could share with Miche.
Miche’s love language is touch, so although he isn’t much of a talker, he would still want you to know that he is there for you all the same. This may look like hugs from behind, forehead kisses and holding you close to him whenever he can.
If you’re both standing, he will most definitely be the kind of guy to cuddle you and gently rock you - not quite a dance, but something that helps calm you down.
There is 110% chance that if he starts rocking you, he will rest his head on yours and hum a tune to you
Will ask Levi for your favourite kind of tea, another love language of his is acts of service. So bringing you tea, tidying your room or even cleaning your clothes without asking is a way of him showing how much he cares about you; the last thing you want to do is chores so he would run you a bath (if baths are available) and he would do the smaller things that would usually be too much effort.
Just because he is very quiet, doesn’t mean he won’t talk to you. He is more of a listener, but if you need words of affirmation or advice Miche is on it and usually says the right things. All this time of him being quiet, he has every opportunity of thinking up something to say.
Are you prone to nightmares? Miche has your back. Quite literally, he will roll over and hold you close to him. He is definitely the big spoon and will make sure to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible.
In public, if Miche notices you tensing or begin to fluster out of stress or anger, he will hold your hand. He isn’t much for PDA, however he will push himself in situations where you need him. He would often take you out of a situation or to another room and hold your hands close to his chest, rubbing your hands with his thumbs and looking in your eyes.
Bedtime is the best time for cuddles, here he will give you the maximum affection of kisses, hugs and tickling sessions.
He will stroke your hair until you fall asleep, even if he is in an uncomfortable position, once he knows you are asleep he won’t budge.
Miche has a habit of holding you close to him when you are stressed and smelling your hair or rubbing his stubble on your exposed neck. You can’t help but giggle, even when sometimes you wanna be angry, this man never fails to make you smile.
If you suffer with panic attacks, Miche knows exactly what to do to help you. Whether grounding helps, giving you space or words of affirmations this man has it together and will do whatever he can to help. At first he might of been a nervous wreck, anxious to make sure he gets it right, but as you trust him, you tell him how he can help in that situation and Miche learns it and etches it into his brain.
“There’s my girl”
Bunny kisses! Lots of bunny kisses!
Random modern day AU head canon: this dude would turn on his LED lights and put on soft LoFi tunes on to calm you down!
Sometimes when you are stressed, you require other means of ‘letting go’
Miche knows exactly what to do, but will wait for your social queues to make the first move
It’ll start off as giving you massages, touching you in all of your sensitive, aching areas.
You will most likely make some remarks that are passive aggressive (and suggestive) which makes Miche kinda /ZING/
He is the kind of guy who would come up behind you and lift your breasts up and claim “these are heavy, let me help you carry them” or some shit, even though you are clearly frustrated, this usually earns an annoyed giggle or two.
He will let you take control, if you have a particularly stressful day and all you want to do is have angry sex, he will let you take the reins or call all the shots. Honestly, any other time he would let you take control anyway, seeing you be so passionate is a real turn on; but given such a stressful day its sort of expected - unless you just want him to fuck you silly, he will happily oblige.
I don’t care what anyone else says but this man is canon a master of oral. With a nose like that, you could not convince me he wouldn’t use it to his full advantage okay??
He is more a giver than a receiver, so Miche would be in his personal heaven whilst giving you head. He particularly likes it when you’ve had a bad day to surprise you and lower you onto his face, you will probably squirm out of embarrassment but as soon as you’d gain your confidence he would go in hard; enjoying every bit of view he has.
If you are feeling particularly low due to a bad day, he will set up the bed with lots of pillows/blankets and have you lay down, legs open and him laying between them, licking at your pussy.
Miche is a thigh guy, a man of taste. Will leave kisses up and around your thighs before going anywhere near your pussy. He probably enjoys the smell whilst he’s down there, admiring your soft flesh and kissing every inch of you.
If you want to be in control, lets say you have a frustrating day, you would ride him. Heck, he wouldn’t even mind if you wanted to peg him. This man is up for anything and would do anything to please you.
If you want him to be in control, you’ve definitely unleashed an animal. As I’ve mentioned before, he is a giver and if he knows you’ve had a bad day, oh boy this man will do all he can to help you forget your troubles. Rough but steady is his strategy.
I promise you after a night with him in control, you won’t even remember what stress feels like.
Expect some marks, this man is a sucker and a nibbler, especially on your neck and breasts.
King of aftercare, lots of hugs and kisses; will also clean you up after any messes made.
If Miche is not a man of many words, he has them all for you in that moment. Telling you he loves you, how much you mean to him and how sorry he is that you had a bad day. “Today might have been hard, but tomorrow is another day my love”
“I’ll be right here”
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I hope you enjoyed! Thanks so much for the request 🌸
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