#mr. ‘You Look So Beautiful Tonight after i chopped your arm off the other day’ like huh
marmalade-mir · 3 years
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dream smp relationships as dms between me & my super cool and awesome and sexy gamer gf (pt. 1) (EDIT: pt. 2 here)
(also if u couldn’t tell, all of these messages are Very Much Jokes hhh ^^)
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jeromesxreader16 · 3 years
Such a Joker (54)
Part 53 Here!
"Who are you?" Bruce's voice booms through the study. He stares at his newly crafted parents with confusion, and shock. His mind must be going in circles. "Well, look who decided to join us," Martha speaks to her boy. "Hello, champ." Thomas follows.
"Master Bruce!" Alfred pops in with a tray of tea and biscuits. Bruce looks at his friend in shock. "Alfred, how did you..."
"Look at the state of you. What have I told you about rolling around in the muck?" Bruce stares at everyone, Jeremiah and I hide away watching for the time being.
"Alfred, what's going on? Who are these people?"
"Whatever do you mean, Bruce?"
"We're your parents." Silence from the billionaire boy Bruce Wayne.
"Right. Well, let's get you spruced up. After all, we have guests."
Jeremiah pulls us both out with smiles. His hand around my waist and his other raising a glass. "Welcome home, Bruce."
"Jeremiah. You're alive." Bruce's eyes travel to mine.
"Well, you didn't think Selina could kill me so easily, did you? Or that I'd ever leave my wife and my unborn sprees? I just had to put you off my scent until I could finalize my... project." Jeremiah pinches Martha's cheek. Bruce lunges for him before Alfred stops him. "Manners, Master Bruce. Let's not be rude to our guests."
I look to Bruce with a slight smile. If I play along I might be able to stay safer if I play the victim. I smile kissing Jer's cheek. "Especially when we come bearing gifts." I present the bomb to them all on the table. "Oh, Mrs. Valaska. A cake. How exceedingly kind of you. Is it Italian meringue?" I look back at Jeremiah with a smile, about to burst into laughter. He shrugs his shoulder. "Sure." Bruce strides towards me with fury, until Jeremiah pulls out the trigger.
"Now, now, Bruce, you come any closer and I blow up Wayne Manor, with all of us inside of it. I have a dozen more of these, uh, Italian meringues sprinkled throughout the house." Bruce glares at me with ill intent. "What did you do to Alfred? And who are these people?" I roll my eyes leaving Jerimiah's side and plopping on the couch. "Ah, glad you asked. Come."
Jer strolls over to look at Wayne's personalized smiles with Bruce. "Mommy and Daddy dearest were just an innocent couple I kidnapped based on... bone structure and, um... build. Just a touch of plastic surgery, and voila... Waynes. Alfred, I nabbed in the Green Zone." Bruce waves his hand in front of their faces, connecting the dots.
"They're hypnotized."
"Well, I'm afraid there was no room for improv in our script. Today is a... very important day, Bruce. Just look at the way they're dressed." I walk around Martha, admiring her pearls. "I like these, J." He hum. "I'll get you some just like it, love, but these ones are important for tonight." I giggle and kiss his cheek.
"It's the night my parents were killed," Bruce says with sadness.
"And I'm giving you the chance to experience it all over again."
"Isn't it obvious? Bruce... this...this was the most important day of your life. And I didn't get to be a part of it. We didn't get to comfort you on your big day. We need to rectify that." I stretch my arms out, planting them on my swollen belly. "Alfred, is dinner done? I'm hungry."
Jeremiah nods looking at Alfred. "Chop-chop. We're on a very tight schedule. My wife needs to eat." Alfred bows his head. "Of course, Mr. Jeremiah."
Jeremiah pulls out a chair for me in the dining area. Very comfortable and quaint! Jeremiah passes me a plate full of fruits and toast. "Alfred told me such great tidbits about your childhood. Any jam, darling?" Jer paused to ask me. I shake my head, kissing his cheek. "No love."
He nods, "Anyways, yes, How you used to eat here, in the kitchen, when it was just you and the family. My, how... homey and intimate. That's exactly how I'm raising my children."
Alfred walks over with Jer's food. "Grilled cheese and Branston pickle sandwich, Mr. Jeremiah. Master Bruce's favorite. My influence, though Thomas did add a dash of aioli for extra flair." Jer looks at Bruce with judgemental eyes. "Oh. Come on, Bruce. That's a weird favorite food for a 12-year-old."
"I'm playing your game," Bruce says smacking the plate off the table. "Now let Alfred and these people go. They're innocent."
"I'm sorry, Bruce, it's just... it's very important to me that I get every detail exactly right. Speaking of which... the final touch. What was it like... losing your parents that night? I lost my family, too, Bruce. The wound still hasn't healed. I... think about it often." Jeremiah falls into his thoughts, trailing off.
"None of this is real. You're trying to manipulate me. It will never be real." Jer smirks seeing the despair and sadness on Bruce's face. "But you are thinking about that night. That's all I need. I just want to be connected to you. I offered for you to be my best friend! You could've been the godfather to my children. But I've realized if we... can't be friends... then we can be connected in other ways."
"How?" Bruce asks frightened.
"You'll see. In time." Jeremiah looks at his watch humming. "I'm sorry to cut tonight short... but... your parents and I have a very important date ...with destiny." He laughs as we stand up and disappear with the Waynes. "You might want to find your faithful butler and leave. Quickly." as we rush out of the home Bruce struggles to find his butler.
Jeremiah runs through the tunnels, dragging me behind. "Exhilarating. Isn't it love?" I grab the wall as we near the end. "I... I need to slow down." His face smooths and he presses his hand to my back. "Aw, my love, I'm sorry. Giving you a hard time today?" His hand comes to my stomach and the twins kick excessively. "When you're around." I laugh leaning onto the soft fabric of his blazer. Jer looks down at me with sad eyes. "This is dangerous. You shouldn't be here." I furrow my brows. "You brought me along!" "And it was foolish of me. Gents, for the rest of the night, keep my wife safe. At safe blast range."
"Jeremiah!" Bruce calls in the theater. "Show yourself!"
The screen starts running a film. "Ol?! Hola, Bruce." Jeremiah swings in the frame on the big screen. "Well, here we are, the theater where your mommy and daddy took you to see The Mark of Zorro. Ha-ha! I had heard you were obsessed with this man as a child. I wonder what was it
that intrigued you so? Was it the fact that he struck fear into the hearts of his enemy?" Jeremiah in his costume fights off his enemies on the screen.
"En garde! Take that, you villain."
Jer looks into the screen. "Perhaps the movie was a bit too effective. Isn't this the part where you became frightened? When you asked your parents to leave? I wonder what would have happened if you hadn't done that. If you had conquered your fear. Maybe your parents would still be alive."
"Well, on to the last and final stop down memory lane."
Bruce runs out of the theater in a sprint. He stops in his tracks when he sees Jerimiah and I. "Stop! Stop! That's far enough, Bruce."
"Jeremiah. You don't have to do this."
"But I... I do. You see, I-I came to this realization. I realized that no matter what I did to bond us, some random gunman in an alley would be the man who you were tied to the most. The man you saw when you closed your eyes. I want to be the star of the show! Jeremiah says dramatically. "So if I can't have you as a brother bonded by love, then we'll just have to be bonded by hatred." Bruce huffs at him in anger. "And you think killing two people that look like my parents will do that? It won't."
Jer tightens his grip on me. "Well, then it's a good thing I already put a bullet in both of their fraudulent skulls." I look up at him with furrowed brows. "You said-" "Oh, you're both confused. How sweet." I look back to the couple with their backs facing us. "Jer, who is that?"
"You're wondering if I already shot them, then who's this lovely couple?" I jerk away from Jerimiah in an attempt to see the two. "No."
"Thomas, Martha...why don't you turn around?" Tears well in my eyes. "Jer, why?" He looks down at me with venom. "It's always been a roadblock, darling. Even for Jerome. With Jim in the way. No family of ours will survive. So why not have some fun with it, huh?" He winks at me. "No! You- you can't. These kids need him." "They need me," Jerimiah says with a smirk. "And so do you, doll."
"See, Bruce throughout our little adventure, fate brought to me James Gordon and Leslie Thompkins, and I thought to myself, why not... why not kill the man who you think of as your second father figure? And your dear, dear, dear friend Lee Thompkins. And when I do, finally, you and I will be bound together. Because you see...reunification with the mainland hangs on by a thread. Those fireworks go off and toxic chemicals rain down onto the city, and the government...cuts us adrift for good." I let a tear fall. "Jeremiah, please. Don't" He hold me tighter, never letting go of his hold.
Jer pulls me to the car, shoveling me in. "Dad!" I scream over his shoulder.
"I had Jervis Tetch hypnotize them so that they'll wake up the moment these beautiful pearls hit the ground. I want you to see them realize what I've done to them as life drains from their bodies. Never forget, this is all for you, Bruce." Jerimiah hops into the car with me, closing the door as we speed off. I stay silent. Sitting alone. "Aw, darling. Come on now. You know I had to. A wife can never live a life with two sides. You'll understand one day." He kisses my cheek while looking out the windows at his destruction.
"You know... I always liked him." I look up across from me to see Jerome. "He got on my nerves, but he always kept it interesting, didn't he, doll?" I push a smile out on my lips, nodding. Jerome leans over and kisses my forehead. "Cheer up love. Look down, look at our kids. Give them a laugh for me. Keep that one in check." He winks before setting back and vanishing.
I shake my head pushing all the nerves back in my mind. "Jerimiah, love? Where are we going?" He smiles grabbing my hand. "To the finale." Rounding a corner I see the big illuminated letters of ACE Chemicals. The inside reeking of strong odors.
"Jeremiah! Face me!" Bruce's echoed scream bounced through the factory. "Here, Bruce," Jer calls loudly. I stay behind pipes, hidden away safely as Bruce runs after my mad husband.
"Jeremiah! This ends. Tonight."
Both gentlemen on the metal walkway above the vats of acid. Bruce hits Jerimaih making him stumble against the railing. "No, Bruce. Now it begins." Bruce kicks Jerimaih down the catwalk, towering him. "You feel it.
The connection between us. You do. Don't you? Bruce, you feel it." Bruce punches Jeremiah as he continues. "Tell me you feel it."
"You mean nothing to me."
Jerimiah's head butts Bruce before getting to his feet again. "Why don't you understand?" Jer grabs Bruce pushing him against the railing, causing it to bend. "You need me. I'm the answer to your life's question! Without me, you're just a joke...without a punch-" Jerimiah throws his hand at Bruce, but Bruce moves at the right time causing Jer to miss. His arm follows through in the wind, his body hitting the railing hard causing it to break and Jerimiah to fall into the vat. "NO!" I scream running over. Bruce tugs me back as I try to reach down into the vat. "(y/n), no!" I cry holding to the broken railing. "No... no..." I lower my head into my hands. They're both gone. I'm all alone now.
An ambulance rolls up fishing out Jerimiaha's body from the vat. "Miss." I continue to watch as Jerimiah's body is laid on a table and carried away. "Miss." I look up to see a nurse with worry-filled eyes. "I need you to come with me. You've been surrounded by hazardous chemicals. We need to make your child is okay." I nod numbly. Passing Bruce, keeping my head down. "(Y/n)," Bruce calls. "Let me follow." I nod without a word.
"Well, Mrs. Valeska. You're set. Two healthy twins." I nod standing. "Where is-" "Room 204. He's unconscious." "I don't care." I stand walking to the locked room, two guards on each side. "I'm his wife," I say before entering. In the bed, Jerimiah lays still, wrapped up in bandages from head to toe. I feel my tears well up with tears. "He did it to himself, doll. Nothing you could've done." Jerome kisses my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. The ghostly feeling so comforting. I lay hand hands on his feeling the cold skin. "I wish you were here." "I know, but someone else is." The door opens and none other than my father walks in. "Dad." "Oh, my god." He covers his mouth, tears welling up, as he wraps me in his arms. "You're okay." I cry into his shoulder.
Selina and Bruce arrive in the room. "I can't believe he's still alive," Selina says with hatred, but I can't blame her. "They've been doing scans, and he has no brain activity," I say never taking my eyes away from Jer. "So, he's no longer a threat to you. To anyone." I turn around walking away from the room. "(Y/n)," Dad calls out. "Come home with me, honey. You need to be-" "Okay. I'll meet you there." I continue to walk out the doors into the dark night of Gotham, a quiet night. 
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inforapound · 3 years
The Devil Inside  -  Part 1
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This was written to celebrate @fuchsiagrasshopper​​ 200 followers. Congrats to you. This is not high literature, just a tiny-bop reader insert style romance. 
Warnings -  sexually explicit, hints of dub/con, possessiveness, love
Pairing - Ivar x Reader            Prompt in bold.
There they were. The same unimpressed brilliant blue eyes. It was the second time that week you had seen them in the back parking lot at school.
The student car park was behind the main building where all those who either drove or smoked cigarettes congregated at lunch to sit in their cars, pump music, and yak. You didn’t smoke but had a car so hung out all the same. Students from neighbouring schools occasionally pulled in to visit, always staying in their cars and keeping a distance as these types of schools were full of rules and someone was always watching. That is where he fits it. The dark-haired guy with the cold eyes and the nice flat-black Camaro. Whether or not he was putting on airs, he looked dubious and the kids always hanging about his car were the shadier bunch in the school.
He had been coming around for a couple of months now and you had locked eyes with him once or twice. Maybe more. He always broke the contact first as if looking at you had been in error. Probably dealt drugs or something similar but honestly, you didn’t know. What you did know, with your sharp eighteen-year-old senses, was to keep to your side of the lot. Maintaining your flawless grades was your first priority with socializing a not to distant second. Plus, you had been single for less than six weeks so boys were not exactly a draw.
So… you thought nothing of it when Mark Hasting approached your locker when the end-of-the-day bell rang. Standing with your closest friends, Kim and Amanda, you were deciding on whose house to meet at after supper. Mark was one of those smoking-out-back-leather-jacket-wearing types but he was friendly with everyone so it wasn’t that out of the blue for him to stop by your locker and chat.
“What’s up ladies,” he smiled, looking rather fit for a guy who had never played sports. “Any plans tonight?”
Kim carried on loading her binders into her locker and Amanda gave a breezy ‘not sure’ shrug so you spoke up as Mark was a nice guy.
“Might meet up with some of the others at the beach by my place after dark. What are you up to?”
“Me and some of the guys are going to meet behind Macdonald’s at 9 pm. Go from there. Some boys from Claremont are coming. You should join?”
“Clairemont, eh?”
It was the other private school in the district, prestigious like yours but with the reputation for being wild. Amanda’s brother had transferred there a few years back for their higher-profile basketball program and she had bitched that her parents were playing favourites ever since.
“Yeah, okay, maybe,” you answered not sounding convinced.
“You gonna be driving?” he asked which surprised you as you were the only one with a car. Kim had one that she supposedly shared with her brother but you had maybe seen her with it twice.
“Well, I won’t be getting a driver’s license in the next 6 hours,” Amanda laughed.
“Fair enough,” Mark smiled. “So maybe see you there?”
Hmm. That was interesting and you wondered if Mark or one of the other outbackers were interested in one of your friends. The crowd you ran with were the popular sort; the academics, preps, and jocks. Not the smokers who hit the bong on the weekends but at your school the cliques mixed well. Unlikely hookups weren’t that out of the ordinary but you certainly weren't interested. Hell no.
The evening air was a bit sharp so you were glad you wore your white denim coat and blue jeans. It was nearly dark and you were with a group of eight or ten of your friends standing between parked cars at the playground not far from your school. The closest street lamp was out so the only light came from the radios playing in the cars lined up in a row. The music was just loud enough to hear but not grab the attention of the tidy homes across the street.
If you were being honest, you were bored and the night was shaping up to look like the previous few weekends. Deciding to have a drink, you grabbed a cider from the full box in your trunk, passing your keys and responsibility over to Kim. ‘No problem’ was her reply that came in the form of a quick nod. You had been driving her around for years so she didn’t mind.
The headlights of two vehicles rolling past and pulling in made you all turn and look and you immediately recognized both. It was Mark’s white van and the low-slung Camaro tailing close behind. Blue eyes was in there. He had to be and it wasn’t immediately apparent but you had some reaction, nerves maybe or just feeling a bit on the spot for brushing off Mark’s earlier invitation.
“Guess nothing was happening at Macdonald’s,” Kim laughed.
“Shocking,” Amanda added sarcastically, taking a drag of her cigarette and blowing the smoke in the opposite direction.
“Cause hanging out beside the jungle gym is so much cooler,” you droned, squinting at the now parked cars, noticing that the Camaro looked full of people.
Not letting your sights linger, you turned back to your friends, taking a few long pulls of your drink, and heard car doors open and close. The sound of footsteps crunching over gravel came towards you.
“It’s Amanda, right?” a girl’s voice called and in unison, you all spun around.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Amanda answered, in her overly cheerful voice.
Before you was a tall blonde girl, a little older than you with very distinct features; a small narrow nose and the largest eyes you had ever seen.
“I graduated with Lani last year at Claremont,” she explained.
Lani was Amanda’s older brother, a year and half older, popular but a total prick unless he needed something.
“I’m Torvi,” she smiled and you all nodded your hellos.
“Hey, we are headed to my boyfriend’s if you want to come? Have some drinks. Can’t blow the doors wide but you girls are welcome to come.”
“Yeah, sure, okay,” Kim and Amanda’s mixed replies came at the same time.
Knowing the plan was set, you took a few more drinks of your cider, finishing it off, wondering who exactly was in that car.
The tall blonde turned and began to head back but stopped and looked in your direction.
“You’re not driving, I take it?” she glanced at the empty you were returning to the box in your open trunk.
“For once, no,” you replied quietly.
“Ride with us,” she jerked her head in the direction of the Camaro. “The girls can follow,” she smiled and you felt caught-off-guard.
“That’s okay,” you smiled back. “We’ll see you there.”
“No,” her smile widened and she took a step closer, offering her arm for you to link up. “I insist.”
The Camaro was nice. Really nice. Classic with a black leather interior. It had the faintest smell of cigarettes, beer, and leather. A total guy car and not the BMW SUV’s you were used to. You like it far more than those. But the atmosphere was anything but nice. For you at least. A tall, rather serious guy had opened the door, folding the seat forward for you and Torvi to climb in. Her boyfriend, you assumed, by the way he smacked her ass when she slid past.
Mr. Blue-Eyes was the driver and when you settled back in the seat, you realized those nerves earlier had nothing to do with running into Mark. It was him. As your mom would say, ‘trouble with a capital T’ and being that close to him made you feel.....funny.
The ride was quick and the house you were heading to turned out to be only a few minutes away but it felt like a different neighborhood. They were mansions; the original estates in the area before it was all chopped up into lots and sold. The gates on the driveway were open and you drove up a long driveway to a beautiful Tudor style home set well back from the road. It looked about 10,000 square feet from the driveway and if it hadn’t have been for those cold blue eyes glancing up at you in the rearview mirror, you would have turned around to make sure your friends were still following.
Inside the house was equally as amazing; soaring ceilings and a gracious front entry, an incredible kitchen with a large family room off to one side. You settled with Torvi on a large leather couch and from where you were sitting, you saw that the French doors on the other side of the pool table led out to a massive back-lit pool. Homes like this weren’t that uncommon in your world but you still appreciated its elegance.
There wasn’t a parent in sight and no mention of one which struck you as normal. It was always the wealthy and unsupervised doing the most scandalous things. But no one there was doing anything scandalous. You were just there for drinks. Right?
Torvi handed you some type of boozy beverage and you were unsure as to why, yet relieved, that she had taken you under her wing.
Entering the room and walking with the help of some customized crutch, the Camaro driver headed straight for the leather chair on the far side of Torvi. He didn’t make eye contact with you or anyone else but you still felt noticed. The way he hustled made you think that you shouldn’t watch and you wondered if that crutch was the reason he always stayed in his car at school.
Dropping it onto the hardwood floor, he sank into the seat, immediately raising his hand and accepting a bottle from Torvi’s boyfriend who walked in behind, carrying a case of beer.
“I haven't introduced you,” Torvi raised her hand. “This is my boyfriend, Ubbe, and his brother Ivar,” your eyes flitted over to your driver but he was gazing at something, nothing, off in the kitchen. “And their other brother, Hvitserk is just outside having a smoke with his girlfriend, Margrethe.
Your eyes shifted to the French doors and you could see the outlines of two people kissing on the patio.
Okay, realization struck you. They were the Lothbroks! You had heard of them. Definitely. Just couldn’t recall what but you knew it wasn’t good and you probably shouldn’t be there. Where were your friends and why hadn’t Torvi told them your name? As if on cue, Amanda and Kim and the long-lost Mark Hasting strolled in, cheerful and boisterous and thankfully taking the pressure off you from having to talk.  
Someone had turned on music and the other brother and his blonde-haired girlfriend came inside to join. A game of pool begun and you stayed on the couch with your friends and Torvi. Ivar remained slumped in his chair, giving the impression he would have preferred to be anywhere but there.
It was awkward. Torvi and your friends gabbed about the differences in schools and universities and you quietly finished your drink but, in a flash, it was replaced with another.
As always Mark was the most animated in the room, and Ubbe, who then seemed far more at ease, was listening intently to the details of how Mark’s father made so much money selling appliances. Kim was a good sport despite not drinking and joined in the conversation knowing many of the same people as Torvi.
You could have sworn Ivar scoffed when you rolled your eyes at Amanda who went outside to smoke weed with Mark and Hvitserk but when you glanced over, he was back to staring in the opposite direction and picking the label off his beer. It felt strange….. sitting in a room with lively people and you and he were the only ones not joining in. You weren’t anti-social but for whatever reason that night, or in that house, the atmosphere felt… heavy. It wasn’t the alcohol though; you were almost sure it was him. Ivar. Every bit of your focus seemed to be spent on ignoring him and for some strange reason, you felt he was doing the same.
“Whereabouts is the washroom?” you whispered to Torvi and she raised her hand to point down the hall.
“It's just down the...”
“I need another beer,” Ivar interrupted, his voice so much different than what you expected. It was smoother somehow, breathier. “I’ll show her,” his eyes flicked over to you as he grabbed his crutch and pushed himself up out of the chair.
Your instincts from before seemed right as his body language told you he did not enjoy people walking behind him. He moved with a distinct limp but it was still agile in a way, his crutch obviously an extension of his body. But his mood seemed troubled.
Christ, you thought, as you followed, he could have just told you where it was.
Through the kitchen, he moved down a long hallway lined with closed doors and you were almost certain one of them had to have been a bathroom. Just as your feet slowed assessing where you were going, he glanced back and jerked his head for you to keep moving. Ohh-kay……
Opening the door at the very end, he walked in, not looking behind. Stopping on the threshold you surveyed the room and there was no question it was his. It had the same dark wood floors and wood trim, a neatly made bed with navy linens, large windows, fitted with wooden blinds, bordered by matching navy curtains. The room was lined with furniture; a dresser, desk, shelves loaded with books but it was the framed picture hanging above his bed that held your attention. Behind glass was a charcoal drawing of a scraggly, long-haired, bearded man who seemed to be missing an eye. Nice room, you thought, but the art was a touch dramatic.
As he dropped down onto a couch and stretched his legs out onto a low coffee table, he pointed at an open door which you assumed was his private bathroom. Ohh-kay…. you thought as you tiptoed past him and into the bathroom, closing the door.  Again, it struck you how clean everything was, even smelt good like some faint cologne and you hoped the thick wood door with muffle the sound of you peeing.
After washing your hands, and a lip gloss touch-up, you opened the door, not sure he would still be there. He was…. lounging on the couch, watching the tv on the adjacent wall. There was no acknowledgment when you re-emerged so you mumbled some sort of ‘thanks’ and crossed the room, heading for the door.  
“Are you afraid of me?’ he spoke at your back making you stop and turn around. Aside from the glances in the rear-view mirror, it was the first time he had looked at you directly. And holy shit, was it ever direct.
“No,” you lied trying not to sneak a peek at his tight white shirt stretched over his muscular chest and arms. You definitely didn’t want to be caught staring at his perfect hair, styled in that ‘perfect hot guy way.’ Holy god, he was striking, incredibly hot with his square jaw and smooth tanned skin. You hadn’t fully taken it in until then…. when his piercing blue eyes held you frozen in place.
The angle of his chin shifted just slightly, and he subtly squinted making you think he was somehow pleased with himself. A sweep of goosebumps spread over your skin and you crossed your arms as if suddenly feeling a breeze. Was your stomach suddenly upset? Or, maybe it was your nerves clawing out your insides.
“Then sit,” he said casually, as he looked away and you detected the slightest hint of a dare in his tone.
Why? You wanted to ask but didn’t, wondering if he was trying to intimate you. One thing you did suspect was that his aloofness was only to draw you in. Funny, you thought. Wouldn’t work. You had to get back to your friends….
“Okay,” you instead answered and walked over, slowly sitting down, your body sensing the two inches of space between you. Great, it was a love seat.  
Like the force of nature he felt like, he somehow read your thoughts.
“Get me a beer,” he said, nodding in the direction of the bar fridge next to the tv. What teenager had a bar fridge in their bedroom, you wondered, only realizing then that he had ordered you instead of asking.
If your eyes hadn’t scanned his crossed legs extended out on the coffee table, his crutch on the floor below, you might have told him to get his own…. but…you didn’t. Did he not want to get up? Was he in pain? Was it his legs or his back that hurt him? Maybe a knee? Was it from sports? Or, had he been in an accident with his car? The blank one. It looked fast and he looked like he drove fast too.
Slowly but with no attempt to conceal it, he let out a long sigh, snapping you out of your analysis and you realized that perhaps you were a bit drunk. But out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk.
“Get a beer for yourself,” he chimed as if offering a token reward for your obedience.
That was likely the extent of his chivalry anyway. Returning with two beers you handed him one not expecting and not getting any sort of thanks. His eyes stayed glued on the tv.
“Do you even like beer?” he asked, and it somehow felt like a dig.
“Yeah,” you answered taking a small sip.
God, you hated beer.
For a few minutes, you both stared at a music video, some ethereal, whining song, about a hunter in the night sung by an emo looking guy. It suited Ivar perfectly and the longer you listened the more uncomfortable you felt being there… alone in his room……essentially two strangers.
Mentally, you cleared your thought. “My name is…”
“I know your name,” he cut you off sounding annoyed.
It was getting even stranger and you wondered if your friends would eventually come find you….
   “Pray to your god, open your heart, whatever you do, don’t be afraid of the dark.”
…the song played on and it felt like the tension was building but what could you say? You didn’t know him and weren’t going to make small talk. Just as the air seemed to be getting sucked out of the room, you shifted on your seat making him look over at you.
“What?” you said sounding defensive.
Without a word, he just stared at you. The skin on your cheeks began to warm and you felt embarrassed.
“Well, this was fun,” you pushed your hands down into the couch to get up but he grabbed your forearm. Gasping, your eyes locked with his blue ones, his brows pinched and his eyes narrowed.
“I thought you weren’t afraid of me,” he whispered and you noticed how much closer he was all of a sudden. Jesus, those eyes…. they were clear and cold yet somehow dark and felt bottomless. You just stared back as if hypnotized but it was the quick flutter of his lashes and a look of uncertainty that flashed across his face that had you come back to the surface.
“My. Arm. Please,” you articulated through clenched teeth, and you knew you sounded scared.
Tilting his head, his lids blinked again and he began to chuckle, flashing a forced smile and releasing your arm. Smoothly, casually, he leaned forward and grabbed the TV remote off the table as if picking it up had been his plan all along. Slamming your beer down, you stood and rushed for the door. You were fucking done with Ivar Lothbrok.
“See you at school, beautiful,” he called in a patronizing voice.
As you rounded the corner, the volume of the tv rose and the last words of the song felt foreboding.
   “Cover your eyes, the devil’s inside.”
Next chapter
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
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Just a sucky imagine that I’ve had saved for months. It mentions a bunch of my favorite people
Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Jules Vaughn" I say.
"Hi I'm- (y/n) you are not Jules" Hunter says and I start laughing.
"I didn't think you would catch it" I say laughing harder.
"Come on be professional" she says whining as she leans her head on my shoulder.
"Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Nessa on Zendaya's new HBO show, euphoria" I say and she starts laughing, wheezing as she does.
"I hate you so much" she says leaning on me as she laughs.
"Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Nessa on HBO's new show called euphoria" I say.
"That's Tom Holland to you" hunter screams jumping up from behind me and I laugh squinting at her.
"And take 14"
"Hi I'm (Y/n) Holland and I play Nessa on HBO's new show Euphoria" I say.
"Hi and I'm Hunter Schafer and I play Jules Vaughn" she says wiggling her eyebrows before she jumps on me.
"One crazy story from filming Euphoria. Go" she says pointing to me and I think.
"Quickly! Quickly! Quickly!" She shouts rushing me and I just say the first thing.
"When we first started filming euphoria I was on live on set and I made a joke about Zendaya only being my friend because of who my brother is and all of her fans sent me hate saying that's the only reason why anyone likes me" I say laughing and Hunter starts cracking up.
"Well they aren't lying."
"What's your favorite thing about me?" I ask. "Everything" she says laughing.
"But if I had to pick just one, it would be how giving you are because you will give your all wanting nothing in return and that's so amazing" she says kissing my cheek and I squeeze both of her cheeks.
“I love you so much for that” I say and she kisses my head.
“I love you too baby girl” she says wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were trying to get into my pants” I say giggling and she shrugs.
“I’ll let you know by tonight” she says grabbing a question.
"Euphoria is so different from any of your previous work. How hard was it to make that transition?" She asks smiling at me.
"When I first went into acting I promised myself that I wouldn't do any work that I wouldn't feel comfortable watching with my parents are younger brothers but then Euphoria jumped out at me and I knew I had to do it. The switch wasn't that hard at all. I just feel like it matured me in a lot of different areas if I'm being completely honest" I say and she smiles at me.
"What personality trait do you and Jules share?" I ask throwing the piece of paper to the side of us and she kicks it before it hits the ground, sending it even further.
"Probably the free spirit, I'm not nearly as cool as Jules so I only have half of the free spirit she has" she says and I shake my head quickly.
"I completely disagree. I feel like you, Hunter are way cooler than Jules. You walk around with this carefree attitude and you are so kick ass that even though this is your acting debut I look up to you so much, a lot of us do because you came out and ruled it" I say and she awe’s squishing my face.
"How does that one song go?" She asks looking at me.
"Stranger. Still don't know my name" I sing and she nods laughing.
"You still don't know my name and I would die your slave" she sings and I dance to it cheering her on and she starts laughing.
"You're so stupid" she says laughing and I smile at her.
"I forgot we were in the middle of an interview, hunter pay attention" I say grabbing another question out the bucket.
"Joe Keery" she says laughing and I laugh with her.
"Is that all it says?" I ask and she nods.
"Joe keery is my baby" I say and she starts giggling.
"Joe is my fiancé, he also plays Steve Harrington on Netflix’s hit show stranger things" I say but Hunter cuts me off.
"And if we let her, she'll talk about him all day" she says covering my mouth and I laugh.
"My dear Hunter. My honey bunches of oats, my little love, princess, baby doll" I say and she shakes her head.
"What?" She asks pretending to be annoyed.
"What's the reaction you want the fans to have after watching every episode?" I ask and she looks deep in thought.
"I want them to be as shook as possible. I want them to want the next episode the second they finish the one they are on because then that's how you know you have a good show. Actually scratch that, I want them to want the next episode in the middle of the one they are on" she says.
"One can dream of a show that good" I say.
"There is one" she says.
"Euphoria" she says at the same time I say "stranger things" and they crew starts laughing as we stare each other down.
"Future Mrs. Schafer?" she asks.
"Yes honey?" I ask and we both start laughing. "Another Joe Keery one" she says reading it to herself.
"What's it like being with Joe and does he love your friends as much as you?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows and I laugh.
"Being with him is amazing" I start and she groans pretending to vomit and I shove her.
"He's great and I'm glad that I get to soon spend the rest of my life with someone so loving, caring, selfless and beautiful" I say laughing.
"He really is beautiful, especially his hair" Hunter says smirking at the camera.
"And to answer the second part of that question he sure does, I think he loves them a little more if I'm being honest."
"What's your favorite memory with the cast?" I ask bawling up the paper and throwing it at her and she karate chops it.
"Easy. The one time me, you, Barbie, Ze and Storm were all in your car making the drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco and it was just filled with laughter, music and some good food" she says and I smile thinking back to that day.
"Favorite song that's been on euphoria?" She asks.
"There's so many great ones, but I'm going to have to go with that unreleased Labrinth song. The one that goes oh oh oh oh" I say doing it and she starts cracking up.
"You know, that one" I say smiling at the camera.
"I have to admit all the music he wrote for the show is amazing" she says.
"Yeah, it really captures the vibe of drugs" I say laughing and she shakes her head giving a look to the camera.
“Last message your sent to me and last message you sent in general” she reads tossing the paper away.
“To you” I say pulling out my phone and I go to my messages scrolling to her name and I start laughing.
“I said I’m showered and fed now it’s time for some head” I say and we both start laughing super hard.
“To which I responded go get it girl with a bunch of hand clapping emoji’s” she says reading off of my phone.
“That was two weeks ago” I say.
“(Y/n) and I don’t really text, we FaceTime more than anything so if you want to hear those conversations” she says laughing and I go to my last sent message.
“My last sent message is to my sibling groupchat and my baby brother paddy asked when we’d all be home next and Harry said he doesn’t know where home is and I told him good because we didn’t want him there anyway with two devils” I say and hunter laughs shaking her head.
“My last text was to my sister Hannah and she told me to tell (y/n) to follow her and I responded with I guess that’s all I’m good for now. Not even a hello” she says and I laugh.
“Now I have to follow her” I say going on Instagram and finding her so I can follow her.
“And done” I say and she shakes her head laughing.
"It's been fun guys" I say wrapping my arm around Hunter's shoulder "this was (Y/n) and Hunter answering random questions thrown into a bowl" Hunter says bowing and I turn to her and she turns to me "I love you" acting like I don't know the camera is still rolling and she grabs my face making it look like we started making out.
"I just want to apologize in advance because I know this editing process is going to be hell" I say going to grab my coat.
"They knew when they sent us" Hunter says laughing as she puts her coat on.
"See you later babe" she says grabbing and squeezing my hand before walking out so she can head to her next interview.
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creepyalienghost · 3 years
From D-class to researcher. 
Sammy laid on top of his bed they gave him, hugging the pillow to his chest. He was in pain, scared and alone. It’s been almost three months and almost died four times by these test they gave him, the latest had that beats chopped at his leg. Luckily the pill they gave him healed him. This foundation was dark. He hates the researchers here. These people were evil for testing on humans like this. Not everyone on d class is a criminal. Some of them were innocent and d class were children they got at orphanages.
He wonders where the others are. Norman, Susie, jack and the rest. We’re they also d class? Used for testing or cleaning. We’re they even alive still? What horrors have they seen? What hell have they been though? He tries not to think about them but it was hard when you were locked in a small cell for most of your day. Only being let out for two hours for “fun” or leaving to be tested on.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of the boots of the guards thumping down the hallway as they come towards this way. Sammy wonders if they will pass or if they will l stop in front of his cell. He listened for a moment until they stopped. It was his cell.
Sammy sat up in the bed as the cell door mechanically opened and the main guard stepping inside. “D-68923, get up and come with us.” He ordered.
Sammy followed there instructions, following the main one. The other two followed behind to make sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid. Sammy wondered what horrible test they’d put him though this time but those questions stopped when they turned the opposite way of the scps. They were taking him someplace else. Now the questions were why? And what for? We’re they going to kill him? He hopped not. He had been obeying every order the guards gave him! It wasn’t his fault he kept almost dying. It was the sick researchers!
The three guards lead the D class subject down hallway after hallway and though a check point to The entrance zone. This zone was more cheerful then the one D-class stay at. The walls were yellow and white and the floors were clearer and shiny. The vibe was more peaceful here. But that didn’t stop Sammy from fearing what’s about to happen.
They lead him down another hallway and finally a small room with a plain table and two chairs on ether side. “Sit there” the guard ordered as he pointed to one. Sammy walked over and sat there as the Guard left the small room and closing the door, locking it.
It wasn’t long before a female agent walked in. “Hello. Mr. Lawrence.” She greeted as she sat her briefcase on the table and sat down in the empty seat.
Sammy’s ears perked at his name. It has been a long time since somebody called him by his name and not a number. It felt nice to feel like a human again. “Hello ma’am.” He spoke.
“I bet your wondering what your doing here, right?” She ask as she flipped open her briefcase then turned her attention on him.
Sammy nodded in response. “Yes ma’am. I am.” He replied then waited to explain the situation.
The agent pulled out a file from her briefcase. “We lost a lot of staff members at one of our sites do to...well. Let’s just say miss fortunes over the last few days.” She explains as Sammy listened closely. “We’re low on researchers. And judging by your file-“she flipped it open. “you were apart of a cult that was into studying these kinds of...things.” She looked up at Sammy.
His mouth was dropped open do to shook. He had long since changed his mind on working here. He wanted to leave this hell of a place. “And if I say no?”
The agent gave him a warning glance. “Then you stay as D class for the remainder of the year. and be eliminated after, Mr. Lawrence.” She replied. “You are not allowed in the real world anymore. None of you are. You are dead to them and we can not let the people know about this place.” She informed. “Besides. You are a criminal. So pick your poison. Stay here and be a lab rat. Or get promoted to researcher.” She leans back and crosses her arms, waiting for him to chose.
Sammy sighs, looking down then nodded. “Fine. I’ll choose researcher”
“Vary wise, Mr. Lawrence” she replied, pulling out a few test packets. “First we need to test your knowledge on these subjects.” She explained. “To see where you are.”
It was a long process and seven different packets from Algebra to Physics and even some history and English thrown in to them. Over all Sammy did vary well. She gave him a few documents for him to sign them she lead him out of the room and to the roof of this foundation, where a helicopter was waiting for them. The two got in and headed off to a different foundation.
Sammy was allowed to watch the Beautiful scenery below which he found magnificent. He come to realize he’d haven’t seen the outside in months and was very grateful. The water, the sun and the Mountain were all gorgeous now.
Once their helicopter landed at the new location, Sammy was escorted out after the agent by a new group of guards. One of them seems to be watching them closely as he followed the agent inside. Sammy figures they’d must of got the information about his pass crimes.
When they got inside the process began. They took his photo after letting him clean up for his level 2 ID. He wouldn’t be a full researcher for a while. They told him he’d have to learn things around here first as a Junior researcher. They also set up his computer access and gave him a new home in the living quarters.
When he got to his living quarter he was amazed at how huge it was. It was nothing like he cell when he was D class. This came with a kitchen, living room and office downstairs and a room, office and a bathroom upstairs. They were trying to get him on their side. “If you need or want anything from the outside world you’d have to ask for it. Other wise you can order it here.” The agent told him. “I’ll let you get settled in, Mr. Lawrence. Your mentor will meet with you tonight.” With that she left him
Later that night, Sammy was led down to the researchers section of the foundation, were he meet his mentor and other researchers. “Hello. I’m Dr. Cliff. Your mentor.” The older man held out his hand for him to shake. But Sammy could tell that he and the others didn’t like him. He noticed others stare with judgement in their eyes. He could hear whispers about him. This was going to be hell.
But he cooperated and shook the man’s hand. “Hello. I’m Sammy Lawrence, sir.” He replied.
His Mentor nodded and pointed at a clipped bored on a desk nearby. “Gather your things and follow me. we have a few task tonight.”
Sammy picked up his clip bored and followed his mentor down to Heavy containment. He read the information on the first sheet on the clip bored. There was a list of scps to test and interview. He was a bit afraid to study these entities but he remembered he wasn’t a d- boy anymore. He was on the other side of the glass. He was the one to bring d-boys to get tested on. It made him feel better but also guilty.
The first few ones went by quickly. Sammy watched as the D- class that was chosen got badly injured or died in the process. He felt bad for each of them but he couldn’t help them. He tried to forced his mind and on the thought that they were really bad people and deserved thIs.
By around 9 o’clock they were on their last task of the day. An interview with an scp by the number of 049. Sammy followed Dr. Cliff down the hall to an elevator with a sign of its number and an Arrow pointing down. Dr. Cliff pushed the button for the elevator at the same time as his pager went off. He grabbed it and read it. “Shit...” he said then he turned to Sammy. “Sammy. I have an emergency to take care of. I need you to interview him alone.” He instructed. “Make sure this is recording and here’s a questions to ask him.” He handed Sammy an Recording device and a sheet of paper with the questions on it. “Oh and do not let him touch you.” He warned before running off, leaving Sammy alone.
Sammy wondered what he meant by -do not let him touch you.- as he sighed and stepped into the elevator, pushing the button down. It only took a minute for it lower down and the doors opening down to a darker hallway. Another armed guard was position next to the Elevator as he stepped out. The guard looked down at him sharply and asked for his ID. Sammy showed it to him before being head down the hall and into the cell of 049. Sammy was shocked by how he looked. It reminded him of the grim reaper coming to Collect souls. The ..being looked to be examining of a dead woman’s insides, even the brain was showing.
“Ah. I wasn’t aware we had a new face here.” The being spoke as he wiped his hands with a cloth and sat down at the table. Sammy found his voice to be so calming and charming to hear. How can that be with the way he looked.
Sammy clears his throat to try to match his town. “Y-Yes. I-I am new...” he replied. “I’m Mr. Lawrence.” He held out his hand before remembering he shouldn’t let him touch him, then he pulled his hand back. “Let’s get started..”
Sammy sat the Recording Devicet on the table, between them and pushed the Recording button then he read off the sheet. “This is interview Number....”he stopped and wondered if he should go with interview amount by him or Dr. cliff. He quickly chose him “number one with me, Sammy Lawrence. Junior researcher. Dr. Cliff had an emergency meeting so he asked me to interview the subject SCP -049”
Sammy looked at the entity across from him then back at the piece of paper for the first question. “It says you study something called the pestilence. What is it exactly?”
The entity tilted his head in a curious why. “you don’t know? The pestilence is the scourge! A nasty disease that I strive to cure. But as of yet. I haven’t Been successful.”
Sammy didn’t understand what he meant by curing and what the pestilence was. He didn’t even understand what 049 is. “A-Alright...” he stuttered. “On the the next question.” He again looked at the sheep of paper to read the next question but 049 spoke first.
“Are you nervous, Mr. Lawrence.” He asked in his calm and charming voice. “You seem nervous.”
Sammy looked up at him and shook his had no. “I’m not nervous. I’m just...” he shrugged. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
The doctor leaned in a bit closer. “You can tell me, Mr. Lawrence. I am a doctor after all. Helping is what I do.”
Sammy thought about it then shook his head. “It’s nothing. Let’s continue the interview.” He stated. The doctor didn’t assist any farther and cooperated with Sammy as he interviewed him.
Over the months of working at the foundation he’d come to hate it here more and more. He’s coworkers would spit in his food and sabotage his work for being a d class before. He found out they feed kids to an scp here and was sicken by it. What’s worst was that he found out Norman works here with him as a guard but he doesn’t believe him that they would do this horrible stuff to people. He believes the foundation is good. It hurts him but he doesn’t really talk to Norman much from it.
He got to interview with 049 twice a week though. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Dr. Cliff. He learned 049s background and what the pestilence was as well as what 049 does with the body’s they give him. He also learned about his friendship with 035. An scp he hadn’t test on or herd about. Just as 049 learned how much Sammy hated the foundation and missed his friends. He and Sammy would talk for a few minutes each time off Record about what they were capable off and how evil this place was. It even slipped out once that they were forcing Sammy to be here and how cruel they were to him. 049 pitied him and Even came to care for the man.
He didn’t ask Sammy until the official interview was over and Sammy had stop the recording. “Do you desire to be free, Mr. Lawrence.” He ask before Sammy lefted
Sammy stopped what he was doing and gave him a long look before nodding. “I wish I could be free. See the outside again.” He sighed.
The doctor approached closely to him for the first time. “You can.” He stated before adding. “We both can. But first you need to trust me like I need to trust you.” He said. “Do you trust me Mr. Lawrence?”
Sammy slowly nodded after a minute. “I trust you.” He admits
“Good” the doctor replied before telling him
The plan he’d come up with. Sammy listened to the whole thing and agreed to it. They both choose to acted it out tomorrow night. But he had to ack 079 for a favor tonight.
The first step he had to do was get his hands on the highest level card. A level five. The doctor told him it would let him in anywhere in the whole foundation building. He knew that the department overseer was the only person to have that level card here. He had to still it before tonight for there plan to work.
It wasn’t that hard to get. Sammy knew where he had it was hiding in the the office. He quickly went in without no
one seeing him, when the overseer was on break and picked the lock on his desk. He grabbed the red level five card from its place and locking back the the drawer then leaving unseen. Step one was done. Step two was next.
Step two was easier since he doesn’t eat with the rest of them. He acted like he was going to eat at his desk again like always but instead he went below to the war head. No one was their protecting it. No searchers and no MTFs. He went over to the edge to look at the warhead and was amazed by how huge and deadly this was. Then he went to the switch and flipped it off before going to his desk for lunch. No he waits for step three. The favor.
As he waited for the night to approach, he did his Normal rounds. Helping Dr. cliff Test D- class on scps like 008 or 096 and interviewing other scps like 030 or D class and doing The reports. He knew it was time when the alarms went off and a voice came on the speaker. “We’re experiencing multiple Euclid and ketter breaches! Get to a shelter immediately!”
Sammy grabbed the level five card and ran out of the office he was In. It was a mad house. Researchers running everywhere, screaming. D class cells began opening and scp were running ramped. MTFs were shooting at the scps and d class or running for their lives from scps. Sammy saw scp 096 chasing someone down and looked around away fast. He had to go quickly for there plan to work.
He ran down the hall after hall to the elevators leading down to 049 cell and got in, pushing the down button. He came face to face with 049 who waiting right in front of the elevator doors when they opened. Sammy could see the fate of the MTFs behind them. Their skin rotting off and their eyes glazed. The site of the “cured” still made him uneasy. “We should go before we miss our chance Mr. Lawrence” he reminded hi
Sammy nodded, getting back on track with the plan. “Right... Let’s go.” He nodded stepping aside for 049 to step it and pushed the button up once he’s in. Sammy waited anxiously as the elevator road up towards the commotion going on.
The elevator reaches the floor and opens its doors but this time Sammy was faced with the end of a gun. His eyes widen in fear, looking straight at the end, ready for the blast. But it never came. Instead the MTF holding the gun lowered it and took off their helmet, revealing their face.
“Sammy...” Norman said in surprised. Them in confusion once he saw 049 next to him. “What’s going on?...” he ask looking between Sammy and 049. “Sam. Is he making you do something?”
Sammy shakes his head. “No. It’s nothing like that norn-“
Norman raised an eyebrow in question. “So what’s going on then?..” He asked Sammy. Sammy didn’t know how to explain it to him. He knew Norman liked it here and didn’t believe him. So he kept his mouth shut and looked at the floor. “Your escaping aren’t you?” Norman ask. “With this monster!”
“Norman his not a monster-“ Sammy tried to explain to him but Norman wouldn’t listen to him.
Instead Norman pointed the gun back at Sammy’s face and placed his finger on the trigger. “If you wanna join the monsters then fine! Prepare to be treated like one!” Norman warned. But he saw the fear in those blue eyes. The same fear their old boss caused him. What was he doing? Why was he doing this to the one he swore to protect first? It was Sammy before he took an oath for the foundation.
Sammy watched his face hard in thought. Was he going to kill him? Was he really thinking about that? Sammy watched in fear Until a man in a mask leaking black liquid from its mouth and eyes came up behind Norman and knocked him out. “Your friend?” Sammy ask 049.
“Ah. Yes, indeed!” 049 replied with a nod.
Sammy knelt down to Norman as the two scp were greeting each other in this mess he created and checked Norman. Thank the gods he was still alive and breathing, just out cold. “We should go now. More MTFs are coming” the guy with the mask informed them both. Sammy nodded then kisses Norman on the cheek, taking his gun and leaving with them.
All three of them were successful in their escape, with little interference from other scps and MTF. But it wasn’t long before the foundation tracked them again after reports of zombies, missing people and a blonde short man being seen near houses of those missing people.
They were found in a month later living in an abandoned apartment. When the foundation arrived there they all Surrendered easily. The foundation had decided to split the two scp from each other. 049 went back to site 19 but 035 went to an undisclosed location. Sammy was spit from 049 as well. However they sent Sammy to a location to be brainwashed for there use. However the ride never made it to that location. When the foundation went to investigate they found everyone dead. But no Sammy.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter thirteen: a special skeleton
“i stand right next to a mountain, and i chop it down with the side of my hand!" -"voodoo child", jimi hendrix
Sam pressed the button on the other side of the tape recorder. She had filled the cassette full, and even though she hadn't really known all of the songs during the Cherry Suicides' set list, she knew that it would serve as a good example to send in to Aurora and eventually the label. The roar of the audience in front of her served as her work soundtrack, as she took the cassette out of its space and stuck it inside of the casing.
She held onto the casing as if it was about to get away from her, and she ducked back into the backstage area right as the four of them scurried back to their dressing room for the night. She hung there for a moment to make sure she had put her pen away in her purse and Zelda breezed past her with those big taped boots still on her feet.
“Good show tonight!” she exclaimed, even though the subdued applause behind them told a different story.
“I know, right?” Sam said with her arms out before either side of her. “You guys were so tight and so on top of it all!” They did a high five as Morgan and Minerva skipped past them.
“Look at them!” Zelda pointed after them. “Look at 'em skipping! I've never seen them skip!”
Sam clapped her hands and then she held up the cassette. “Where's Aurora, I gotta hand this to her—”
“I think she's down the hall here—” Zelda nodded up the corridor towards Anthrax's dressing room. “I saw her up there when I came back here.”
“Alright, I'll be right back.”
Sam bowed up the corridor towards that dressing room; she adjusted the strap on her purse with her free hand all the while. The door hung wide open and she heard Aurora's gentle laughter from the inside there. She leaned in to find her before Frank and Dan, both of whom were still cooling off after their set earlier that evening. Frank nodded in Sam's direction, and Aurora turned around for a look at her and her face lit up.
Sam showed her the cassette tape.
“You got it!” she exclaimed.
“Hit play the very second they took to the stage and filled the whole thing up,” Sam replied and she stepped inside there. “There were a handful of songs I wasn't familiar with so you'll have to help me out with the track names on the listing part.” She handed Aurora the tape and she looked over the white label on the inside there.
“That's okay! I'll listen through it and write them down for Jon and hopefully—just hopefully—we'll see the Cherry Suicides on record store shelves at some point.”
Sam turned her attention to Frank and Dan with their backs to the wall behind them, and Aurora followed suit.
“Man, they went kinda long tonight, didn't they?” Frank remarked.
“Long and kind of thrashy, too,” Dan added. “Think Chuck's boots might be doing something to Zelda a bit. Chuck's boots with Greg's duct tape.”
“Yeah, they did have more of an edge tonight, didn't they?” Aurora grinned at them.
“It's all the hanging out with all the metal boys they've been doing lately,” Sam pointed out. “Happens in art all the time.”
“Did either of you two girls see where Joey ran off to?” Dan asked them, and they both shook their heads; Sam had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and she hoped that Joey would keep his other promise and abstain from the booze. Dan hopped off of the shelf and he strode past them to the doorway; Sam then returned to Aurora and bowed her head a bit.
“By the way, I've been meaning to ask you this,” she started in a low voice, “do you and Emile have any other plans besides moving in together?”
“Like what?”
“Oh, I dunno. But do you care to share, though? We are best friends after all.”
Aurora squinted her eyes at her.
“We're not having kids,” she scoffed with a shake of her head. “No way I'm putting him through that, either. After the difficulty my parents had raising me with the North Korean threat looming over their heads most of their adult lives? No way.”
“You've got too much of a work ethic, anyway,” Sam pointed out. “There's no way a kid can interrupt you at this point in your life.”
“Right?” Aurora chuckled at that.
“You girls talkin' 'bout me?” Frank cracked.
“Not everything be about you, Frankie,” Sam retorted, and Aurora laughed at that. The rumble of a bass pounded through the wooden floor behind them; the pop of a snare drum followed.
“Sounds like Testament is about to take center stage next,” Aurora declared. There was that swirling riff once again, the one that Sam and Joey had heard in the venue before.
“Yeah, that's definitely them,” Sam remarked. “I'm part of their fan club after all. Let's go see them.”
“I have to listen to this, though,” Aurora halted her.
“Oh, yeah, that's right—”
Sam returned to the corridor, where Zelda had changed out of her top and into nothing more than that spattered sports bra. She flashed her an excited grin.
“The other boys are about to get on it next,” she said to Sam.
“It's a cherry sandwich!” she joked, and that brought a big bold laugh out of Zelda. Indeed, the kick drums started up in a steady metronome of a rhythm and the people out in the audience began clapping in sync with it. The two of them gathered by the edge of the curtain, from the same spot which Sam and Chuck had watched Anthrax earlier that evening.
Louie to their right, as he took his seat behind his kit: he flashed the two of them a pretty little wave and Sam returned the favor to him. Greg slung his bass over his shoulder, and Alex and Eric entered in from the other side of the stage. Chuck rounded out the quintet with his own handheld microphone.
“I see the dudes from Death Angel,” Zelda pointed out. Sam looked out to the sea of heads out in the audience.
“Right in front of us. I recognize Osegueda right there—you see him? Mr. Dread locks?”
Sam lowered her gaze to the man with the full head of fledgling dread locks right near the edge of the stage.
“Oh, yeah!”
“How ya doin', Boston!” Chuck declared into his microphone. “We are Testament—straight out of the Bay Area, California. Big ol' thank you to the Cherry Suicides—we love those girls, man. We've got some big shoes to fill after their set. This song is called 'Burnt Offerings'!”
“Oh, this song rules!” Zelda shouted, and Louie glanced over his shoulder with his tongue out at her. He hammered away at his drums, and Sam thought about what he had said to her the night before. He pounded away so hard at them that his kick drums made the floor shake and the snare sounded like a gunshot. Chuck leaned to the side a bit and let his hair fly about like a bullwhip. Greg did the same as his bass thundered forth, strong and powerful. Eric built an entire wall of sound with his guitar. But something was missing.
Chuck's voice seared through the room, with that big razor sharp snarl to it. Sam peered past Louie's drum kit and the back of Greg's head and she spotted Alex over his pedal board. She couldn't see what he was doing.
Several guys near the front of the stage stared on at Alex as he prepared for his solo. One frowned at him as he stepped forward. He strummed high up on the neck and set his foot on the pedal. Hardly any sound came out of his amp.
Sam's heart skipped a few beats at the lack of sound. He took a step closer to it, and feedback bled out from it rather than melodic notes.
“What's going on with Alex?” Zelda wondered aloud.
“I don't know,” Sam confessed. There was another noise out there.
“Are they booing him!” Zelda demanded.
It was a soft hum over the thunder of Greg's bass and Eric's rhythm, but Sam knew it from the second she heard it.
“They are!” she declared with her mouth agape. “They're booing him!”
They glanced at one another, stunned.
“I don't think we ever got booed,” Zelda confessed. “Always yelled at or told to get off the stage you stupid whores, but never booed.”
Alex stooped down to adjust a dial but it was useless. He kept on with the wall of feedback. He held still with his fingers on the fret board: Sam couldn't see him but he appeared to be making use of it. A long loud whine and a blare that sounded as though it came through a tube, and yet even with that, he managed to change the notes. A slow, painful drone.
“What's he doing?” she asked Zelda, who shook her head.
“He's doing a Hendrix!” Louie shouted over his shoulder, and his voice drowned out against the feedback.
“Huh?” Zelda leaned in closer to him.
“He's doing a Jimi Hendrix!” he repeated, that time with his eyes closed. Zelda returned to Sam.
“He's doing what Jimi Hendrix did! Using the feedback for a solo!”
But the tone sounded as though his guitar was dying in utter agony: the way in which he plucked and moved his hand about the guitar neck was something to counter it. An ugly noise and yet he made it oddly beautiful in a way. Sam thought back to that day in the hole in the wall, when he talked about watching Miles Davis on TV one time.
He was improvising.
And yet no one in the crowd seemed to like it. Alex finally shook his head and turned away to let Chuck sing some more. He had his back to the audience so Sam could see the look of frustration on his round face. It kept on going for the rest of Testament's set, such that he shook his head when he left the stage, and he seemed more withdrawn than usual afterwards.
All five of them were silent as the audience out on the floor; Sam and Zelda caught up with the five of them.
“What happened?” Sam asked them, concerned.
“Swings and roundabouts, I guess,” Chuck said with a shrug of his shoulders, and yet Sam could see the look of disappointment on his face. “Sometimes you have a bad night. We've been doing good lately, so that was—that was something.”
“Let's get back to the room, though,” Eric insisted as he picked up his guitar case; Alex stayed knelt down on the floor next to him. Sam then turned to Zelda.
“See you tomorrow?” she asked her.
“See you tomorrow,” Zelda replied with a twinkle in her eye and they threw their arms around each other. If nothing else, at least the Cherry Suicides were on their way into a new chapter of their career. But at the same time, Sam couldn't help but think about how the crowd sounded when she recorded them. Their reaction to the four girls on the stage was lukewarm at best: it just took a malfunction and a misfire for them to give Alex an unwonted bad reaction. As she walked with the five of them back to their little room, she thought back to Anthrax's set. That had a very minimal reaction as well.
Not just a bad night for the other quintet, but for the crowd as well.
They filed into the cool, welcoming room once again, and Sam returned to her spot on the bed in the far corner of the room. Alex had lingered behind them all the way back; when he came in last, he shut the door behind him and ran his fingers through that jet black hair. He was silent as he made his way over to the spot on the floor before the bathroom door.
“Jesus, that crowd fucking sucked,” Greg lamented.
“Yeah, they sure did,” Chuck agreed.
“I mean, they booed our lead guitarist!” Louie exclaimed as he plopped down on the edge of the bed. Meanwhile, Alex just sat there on the blow up mattress with his back to the wall and with an empty look on his face. He didn't look stern, but rather as if his mind was elsewhere. “And he did what he could, too. And they still got all up in arms about it.”
“Need anything, Alex?” Chuck offered him, and he shook his head.
“They couldn't be bothered by the girls, either,” Sam added. “And they were on fire tonight!”
“Oh, yeah, they were crazy tonight!” Eric exclaimed, but he kept his eye on Alex, who looked as though he had mentally checked out from everything. If only she could tell him that it wasn't his fault, she would. But he seemed uninterested in everything else that night that he lay down on the mattress and rolled over onto his side. He fell asleep within a matter of seconds, and then Greg lay in the opposite direction next to him.
Louie took the spot next to Sam and that time around, he lay flat on his back. Eric turned out the light and the darkness swept over the six of them. Even in the dim light, Sam made out the sight of Louie's eyes still wide open despite it being late at night.
“Are you feeling okay?” she whispered to him.
Louie sighed through his nose and then he rolled his head over the pillow for a better look at her. He gazed on at her through the darkness. Even shrouded in shadow, she could make out the anxious look on his face. Alex was long gone at that point, and Chuck and Eric had fallen asleep next to them; but he still looked nervous to her. He sighed through his nose again.
“Can you keep a secret?” he whispered back to her, and she swallowed.
“Yes,” she replied. “Especially if it's that dire.”
“It is.”
“Okay. Go ahead.”
He sighed through his nose a third time.
“I had an affair,” he whispered, and Sam raised her eyebrows at him.
“What,” she sputtered, “do you mean, you had an affair? With Zelda?”
“No. I mean—Zelda was the affair.”
She gaped at him.
“Louie,” she breathed. He rolled his head back on top of the pillow so he gazed up at the ceiling overhead.
“I had a girlfriend before I met Zelda,” he explained, “—I even had a baby with her. But I never told Zelda about it when we were together. That's why I took a year off from Legacy, besides—living with Zelda. I had a baby—”
“But your heart was elsewhere,” she whispered back to him.
Louie pursed his lips and then he shook his head again: Sam could see he was disappointed in himself.
“Zelda was my release,” he continued. “I wasn't happy at home, and I told Eric and Zetro that I needed some time off to be with my daughter. But I wasn't happy. I met Zelda and all of a sudden, all bets were off.”
“Back up, you told Eric and Zetro that you were having a baby and they knew about Zelda, too?”
“They thought Zelda was the mother,” he clarified. “That's why they love her so much. They think she's that tough because she pushed a watermelon through a straw. No, she's just tough because she's a tough punk chick from Rhode Island. I've been living a lie this whole time.” He then returned to her. “But now I have someone to tell it to.”
Sam swallowed and she shifted her weight in her spot there next to him.
“Promise you won't tell anyone,” he whispered, and she nodded her head.
“I just have one question,” she started.
“What's that?”
“Does Zelda know?”
And he shook his head.
“Nope. Never told her about my baby or my baby mama, and I don't think it even crossed her mind for a second. At least, that's my assumption.”
He closed his eyes and brought his gaze back to the ceiling overhead. Sam fetched up a sigh and she lay there in silence for a second, unsure of what to believe. On one hand, it all made sense as to why Louie always seemed so distant to her. Add to this, he dropped this on her as if it was nothing. But then again, it raised more questions for her, in particular why didn't anyone ask Zelda about a kid one time before, or why no one questioned her behavior before. There were too many holes and too many layers to unravel, and Sam herself was too tired to even so much as consider any of it for herself.
She fell asleep right next to him once more.
The mysterious man in her dreams appeared above her that time, and that time, he drifted in closer to her body. He lay on top of her, and he ran his fingers down her chest. The streak in his hair was high and bright despite the darkness that surrounded them: his eyes seared right into her soul as he felt her up and all over her body. Her nipples tightened and her stomach sank inward. His tongue slithered out from his mouth, right onto her lips.
“You know you—” he whispered to her. “You know—”
“I don't,” she confessed back.
“Let's—” he insisted, and he held onto her hands and led the way. He slithered and writhed all about her body like that of a snake. He was cold and dark, like a thick jet black curl on the crown of a head. He was between her legs. His movement caused her chest to seize and her breathing to quicken. Right there. Right next to Louie and with the whole world watching.
And yet she felt nothing from him. Absolutely nothing.
Sam jarred herself awake. She still lay there next to Louie, who had rolled over onto his side, away from her. The man was gone: in fact, he never even touched her.
She let out a sigh of relief and she decided it would be best to find herself a cup of coffee and some breakfast, and then bring it back for the five of them.
Careful not to wake Louie or Greg, she climbed out of bed and slipped her shoes back onto her feet: her travel bag was still in the back of Dan's car. She ducked out of that cool hotel room and softly closed the door behind her. The marine layer hadn't come in overnight and thus she stood in a column of bright, slightly warm golden sunlight courtesy of the low apartment buildings across the street from there.
She adjusted the strap on her purse and began up towards the street corner, alone. She stood there for a second when she swore she heard someone call her name. She peered about the street for any signs of life, but then she glanced down the block and there was Anthrax and their little dumpy white van. She recognized Scott and Frank from all the way up the street; she held onto her purse and hurried down the sidewalk towards them with the morning sun at her back. With a quick glance about the place, she hurried towards them there at the curb; Frank held two cups of coffee in hand and he had a twinkle in his eye as if someone had just told him a dirty joke.
“Hey, there's our girl,” he proclaimed once she came within earshot.
Dan poked his head out from the back doors of the van right then.
“Hey, it's li'l Sam!” He then pointed up the street. “My car is parked right up the block here so if you want to get your things, you can just run up there and swipe them.”
“I'll probably be hitching a ride with you anyways,” she confessed. “I just got to hanging out with Testament because they needed to be hung out with.”
“Right?” Scott chuckled at that; he took a sip of his coffee and then nodded with his tongue out from his mouth like that of a dog. “Spectacular.”
“What, you got coffee and didn't get any for me?” Sam joked with him, complete with a false hurt look on her face.
“I'd give it to ya any time of the week, sweet heart,” he retorted to her, and Frank whistled at that.
“Damn!” Joey poked his head out from the back of the van alongside Dan.
“Hey, you!” Sam exclaimed.
“Hey, you!” he echoed her with a raise of his eyebrows. She made her way over to him, and Dan sank back behind him to give them a bit of privacy. Joey had a little twinkle in his eye, and the wet curls on his forehead only accentuated it.
“You were amazing last night!” she declared, and he flashed her that lopsided grin once again.
“You thought I did good last night?” He nodded at her. “With the feather headdress all about my head?” He gestured about the crown of his head.
“The feathers sealed the deal! And—” She leaned in closer to him. “—thank you for keeping your promise, too.” To which he shrugged.
“Just doin' what I do best,” he assured her. His brown eyes seemed a lot more clear than normal, which meant he had stayed away from the alcohol overnight.
“Speaking of Testament, what was going on with them last night?” Frank joined in out of the blue.
“Like what was going on with Alex's guitar?” Sam knew that the very mention of Alex would undo everything Joey had done for himself at that point, but she had to fill in for those five guys.
“I dunno. He seemed to be having some kind of technical trouble.” Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Joey bowing his head a bit, away from the conversation.
“But then he did that feedback thing and made good use of it,” Scott recalled. “That was genius, if you ask me. I wouldn't know what to do if it were me.”
“Me, neither.” Sam shook her head, and she adjusted the strap on her purse once more. “You guys know where I can get coffee and breakfast from around here?”
“We got our coffee from across the street,” Frank pointed to the cafe across the way. “But I haven't seen a donut shop for blocks, though. Maybe when we get going we'll find something.”
“'Cause I was thinking of getting coffee and breakfast for those guys when I got up earlier,” she confessed.
“Aw, that's sweet of you!”
“They had a rough night last night—I wanna do something nice for them.”
“Could at least get coffee,” Scott advised her. “'Cause we plan on leaving in about forty minutes so—better hustle.”
“Okay.” She then returned to Joey, who pursed his lips at the mere mention of them. He held the coffee cup close to his lips, but he never took a sip. She had to keep up the streak. The streak.
“Can I ask you something?” she began in a low voice to him, and he lifted his gaze to her without a turn of his head.
“I really liked those feathers,” she said.
“I do, too,” he replied, and that smirk returned much to her relief. “And to be honest, I think that's gonna be a regular thing—I really like singing that song, too.”
“Well, and they were kinda... hot, too,” she continued, to which Joey showed her a smirk. She thought about that dream she had had, and how she felt nothing as the mysterious man was on top of her and feeling up her entire body. But she was sincere when she said that, and she knew that there had to be something more between her and Joey from that point on.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
How A Girl Must Live Ch 1
Ch1: A place for singles
Ch 2: Popular, Ch 3 Opening Up  ch 4: Dating Ch 5:Family
 Ch 6 Violence begets Violence Ch 7 Love Birds Ch 8 The Big Fight
ch 9: The Flash back
  Notes: AU Willard Russel. In this story he still went off to the war. Instead of going home, one of the other soldiers offered him a job at a resort in the Catskills Mountains in New York. He has been there five years when the story starts. So, it makes him about twenty-five. The ages of those that come into the resort are 18-21 for females, 18-25 for males. The only warning I could put on this chapter is that it is 1950s so there were some rules for women that most of us would think of as ridiculous now. Our main female character sure thinks they are, but she was raised to go along with society, for the most part. No smut until the last few chapters.
taging: @super-pink-a-palouza @luciferreads @glasglowgrin @loomiz @princessloveme123 @hornyhetero @taintedglass @bohemian-brian​ @maryan028 @optimisticwagoneagleparty @scxrsgxrd ,@waywardtigersandwich @theskarsgardcult @babyboy-cody @bskarsgardlove92​ @bill-skarsgard-owns-my-ass @shenevertricks1831
  Thank you so much for the moodboard to start this off @flowers-in-your-hayr​
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It was spring break 1950 when Samantha Davenport’s father insisted, she needed to find a man. There had already been talk about her amongst his friends that something might not be right about his daughter since she was about to turn 19 and had no male companion. No suiters at the door vying for her attention. So, he sent her to a resort that was known for putting people together. Some even ended up married at the resort surrounded by friends and family.  
“Mother, why is Father sending me away like I did something wrong?” Samantha pouted with her arm flung over her chaise lounge dramatically. “I am perfectly happy being single. My friend Tami has a dotting husband and three kids. She ain’t no happier than me.”
“Is not happier.” Her Mother corrected. “I do hope they encourage proper grammar at this resort for young people.”
Samantha rolled her eyes while her Mother’s back was turned. “Won’t I learn that at that God-awful finishing school that starts in the Fall?”
“Do not take the lords name in vain like that young lady,” She slammed the pink suitcase closed. “Your Father knows what is best for this family. Until you are blessed with a husband to help you make correct decisions, you will listen to your Father. Let us get you to the car. Your Father is waiting.”
Samantha huffed and stomped to the car. Her Father was waiting with his legs crossed at the ankles. He tipped his hat to his Ladies. Then he moved around the car to open the front door. “Mother.”
“Thank you, Father,” his wife smiled politely as she got in the car.
He opened the back door. “My beautiful free-spirited little girl.”
“Thank you, Father.” She felt deflated as she got in the car.
The car was quiet, other than the radio playing Elvis, The Platters, Pat Boone, Dean Martin, and other popular crooners of the time. It was a six-hour drive from Summerland, Ohio to the Mountain Lake Resort in Catskills, New York. As she listened to the music she glanced through the brochure for the place.  
The rooms looked nice enough. Four girls would room together. Friendships were expected. The boys were roomed in a different part of the building. An elegant dining area was found between the girls' and boys' areas. There was a lake and pool where daily activity would be held. Hiking, crafts, and board games were also organized to have something to interest all guests. The young people had to get involved with a minimum of three events per day. No smoking or drinking by any of the young ladies. The young men would have dedicated times when they would learn to drink and smoke casually.  
It seemed unfair having to take part in dumb activities. And the rules were worse than home. Her Father let her go shopping with her girlfriends and drive her own car without a man beside her. At the resort there always had to be a man to escort the ladies on the premises. They were to wait in the morning for a knock on the door at 6am. An escort would be there to bring them to breakfast. They could only speak when spoken to.  
A girl would not deny a gentleman's advances. Dating was strongly encouraged. Samantha thought it was absurd to have to entertain morons just so they did not feel bad about themselves. She would not be forced into a relationship to appease her parents. The idea of the man of her dreams being at some camp to get young people married off was ridiculous.  
When they pull up to the main building young gentlemen line the walkway. They are all dressed in impressive suits of grey, navy or black with ties. One of them rushes to open the back door. “Welcome to the resort Miss.” He tilted his hat with a smile.
“Sam.” She said with a smirk.
Her Father got out of the car to get her suitcase out of the trunk. “Have an enjoyable time Samantha.”  
“I’ll take her suitcase, Sir.” The young man stuck out his hand.  
Her Father handed the suitcase over happily. Her Mother waved to her from the car. She had a huge proud smile on her face as if dropping her daughter off at such a place as this was a huge accomplishment.  
“Follow me Miss Samantha.” The young man started walking and she followed as instructed. He took her into a communal area. Boys at the tables on the right. Girls at the tables on the left. There were some windows at the far end where she could see tables for two and four set up. “Have a seat, Miss Samantha. This is Miss Pamala, Miss Missy and Miss Flora. They will be your roommates. I will take your suitcase to your room.”
“Thank you,” She croaked softly as she sat down.  
The girls in unison giggled as they greeted her with a, “Hello, Samantha.” They all seemed just giddy to be there.
“I can hardly wait to be paired with my future Husband.” Missy squealed.
Pamala chided her. “Now Missy you should date many boys here to find the right one. You date some even more than once to make sure you are compatible.” She giggled.
“What is your strategy for finding a perfect husband, Samantha?”  Flora asked. “I am going to play hard to get with all the boys until I choose who I want. Of course, I will make him think he chose me.” She laughs with the rest of them.
“I have no plan.” Samantha’s voice was dull compared to the manic girls around her. “My parents think I can find my heart's desire here. I very much doubt that. But good luck to you three.”
“Just look at all of them over there.” Missy giggled. “The odds are in our favor.”
Samantha rolled her eyes. A couple in their late forties stepped out between the young men and young girls. The man tipped his fedora to the crowd before taking it off to hold to his chest with one hand. His other hand held his wife’s hand. He kissed it politely before letting it go. She curtsied to the room.  
“Good evening young people,” The man looked around the room making eye contact with some. “We are the Jones. You may call my wife Mrs. Sally. Please refer to me as Mr. Jones. Ladies are always to be called by their first names with Mrs. In front of it if they are married and Miss before that. All gentlemen here will be referred to as Mr. with their last name after. We do this so our ladies soon to be Wives and Mother’s we hope, will know the name they are to take. And the gentlemen should always know the first name of his possible wife when he is introduced to her.”
His wife kept a smile on her face. She looked at him in adoration as he spoke. She said nothing. She waited for him to allow her to speak.  
“We have a few rules.” The room groaned. “There are not many. They are not difficult to follow. You will all be dress in your finest daily. That is suit and tie for the boys. And dresses for the girls. Petticoats are optional but highly recommended. No slang words or curses here. You will always talk properly. Ladies will always be accompanied by a gentleman. My lovely wife will now talk to you about meals.”
“Good evening everyone.” His wife curtsied to everyone again. “Tonight, I helped Chef Joseph cook a chopped steak with baked potatoes for the boys and garden salads for our girls. Well, Mr. Joseph grilled the steaks and potatoes. I just threw together a salad he told me how to make. After tonight's dinner, I know you will all need some rest.
The boys room numbers coincide with the number on their table. Our young ladies will be escorted to their room by one of our male staff members. In the morning at six, girls you will start hearing a knock at the door. You will be ready to come down to breakfast prompting with the young man we send for you. Maybe he will be the one.” She was as giddy as some of the young girls about that comment.  
Samantha was already annoyed. It increased when Tab soft drinks were set on her table. She had no problem with her shape and the other girls at the table were varied sizes but that did not mean they all did not deserve a hamburger, fries, and a Milkshake like she would normal have when hanging out with friends. She never drank diet soda like Tab. Her Mother ate salads often. She did sometimes. But usually they all had meat, potatoes, and vegetables.  
“I’m sorry, I was babbling on so.” Mrs. Sally apologized looking at her husband. “Is there anything else you need to address, Sir?”
“You did as good as I expected Mrs. Sally.” He gave her shoulder a little squeeze that elated her. “All young girls are not to smoke or drink. It is not lady like. If your husband chooses to let you that is between you and him. Here you will not partake in such things. After the girls are in their rooms to get their beauty sleep any boys who want to partake in an after-dinner smoke and drink may do so under our supervision. That is the only time you will be allowed to do such things. Does everyone understand?”
“Yes Mr. Jones.” The room howled.  
“Good, now let’s enjoy our dinner.” He clapped. Women brought out the food on large platters for the young men and bowls for the girls. Samantha was starving. When she took large bites of her salad, the other girls just looked at her like she was insane. They all took small bites. Missy even used a knife to cute hers up. The others followed her lead.  
“Do you want your future husband to see you eating like such, such a heathen.” Miss Missy whispered.
Samantha’s mouth hung open for a second. “I down cheeseburgers in front of boys all the time. This is just salad and I am starving. “
“Well, maybe that is the reason you are not happily married by now.” Miss Pamala guessed with a snideness to the remark.
“If the men here only care about how I eat instead of who I am, then I guess I won’t meet anyone this way.” Samantha laughed before taking another huge bite just to annoy the other girls.
When a man was sent to the table to escort Samantha to her room, she went willingly just to get away from the girls she was sitting with for a few minutes. The young man who escorted her walked with his chin up looking ahead without conversing with her at all. She was fine with that. It took her roommates another half hour to finish eating before joining her. She pretended to be asleep in the twin bed on the right of the room closest to the window.
Samantha was restless laying in the bed. Her stomach was growling also. The other girls were sleeping dreaming of their wedding days. She decided to tiptoe to the kitchen to see what she could find. She did not know where the kitchen was, but it had to be somewhere behind the double doors the food was brought from at the dinner.  
She walked slow and steady down to the stairwell. She thought the elevator bell would alert someone to her late-night snack walk. She glanced both ways when she opened the stairway door to the main floor. No one was insight. She headed to the dining area thinking she would be free and clear but there were voices from the room.
“One more hand, boys.” A deep voice echoed. “No wilds. Treat your cards like a Lady. Respect them. Gaze at them lovingly. And make sure no one else thinks theirs are better than yours.”
Samantha snuck around them in the shadows as the boys laughed. The voices get muted as she slides into the double doors catching them, so they do not shut loud in the darkness. The kitchen was a sterile silver with a ceiling light in the center. She reached up to pull the string to turn it on. The area only illuminated slightly. There was a window at the fair end so she could she how the lighting would be fine once the sun shone in on the room.  
On her toes she reached to open a cupboard to find a snack, a glass or both. She found juice glasses. Then she opened the refrigerator to find more vegetables for salads which she had enough of already. But there was also freshly squeezed orange juice ready for the morning. She poured herself a glass. When she walked out after putting away the juice and shutting the light off, she stopped to hear the guys chatting, smoking cigars, and playing poker.  
“I will marry a beautiful girl to make my parents happy,” The one boy was saying. “Then it is off to the army for me to defend this great country.”
“I don’t suggest that young man,” The deeper voiced guy suggested. “You don’t want to see the things I saw. You do not want to be part of that messed up world unless you have to, you dig? I saw a man skinned alive. You do not want to see that kid. I don’t want you to see that.” His voice sounded haunted by the memory.
“Well, I’m going to keep my girl in line just like my Dad does.” Another younger voice chimed in. “Just smack her right in the chops if she sasses, disobeys or...”
Samantha heard a bang on the table that made her gasp audibly and drop her glass shattering it on the floor.
“You should never treat a woman like that,” The deeper voice seethed. “If I see or hear of you laying one hand on these ladies you will be out of here. And If I ever see you or your Father lay a hand on a Lady in my presence that moment will come back to haunt you three-fold.” He gets up. Straightens his tie and turns towards toward the noise. He softens his face smiling. “I’m sorry Miss. I did not mean to startle you. I was just teaching these fellas a few things. Hopefully, they listened.”
She nodded slowly scared she was in much more trouble than the boy he threatened since she broke a rule. “I’m, I just needed a drink. I’ll be going back to my room after cleaning up the glass.”
“The boys will clean up the glass.” He rose out of the chair towering over her.  
“Yes, Sir.” She glanced up his entire frame noticing his broad shoulders to his large bright green eyes that caught hers. Then she quickly looked down.  
“Isn’t that women’s work.” One of the men complained  
The tall slender man glared at the boys, “If a woman is frightened, we help her even if it means cleaning up a mess once in a while.” He looked to Samantha holding out his hand. “I will escort you back to your room Miss.”  
“I’m Sam, well Samantha.” She took his hand nervously.  
Samantha and the tall guy started walking away as the boys found a broom to sweep up the mess. It took them a few minutes. They also cleaned up the card game and empty beer bottles and the ashtray.
“I’m Mr. Russel.” the tall guy said as he pushed the elevator button. “Willard Russel. Do not worry, I will not say anything about you being out without an escort. You seem like a perfectly capable young lady to get a drink on her own. But please forgive my behavior with Mr. Goodland. I despise those that do not treat women with respect. What floor?”
“Seven.” She murmured. “I’m glad there are more men than my Father that believe that hitting women are wrong, Mr. Russel.”
“You just come to me if any of our boys get out of hand.” He put his arm out for her to get off the elevator first and walked her to her door. “I hope you find an absolutely true love here.” His face lit up when he really smiled.  
“Thank you, kindly Mr. Russel,” She smiled back barely realizing she was doing it.  
He opened the door she stopped at. She went inside and he closed it quietly behind her.
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okeymakeydude · 4 years
"Better late than never, right?" (Sniper x reader)
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(Gif not mine)
"We're finally here! Yay!"
As soon as the van stopped, you got out quickly, and stretched out your arms and legs. A smile was adorning your face. You only came here once and really missed coming back.
You looked at him.
"I already want to see your parents!"
Yes, this is the second time Sniper has invited you to visit his loved ones. No hesitate to accept.
You both started walking towards the house that was just a few steps away. You took a look around to appreciate a different image than usual, you have always been a city person and never interested in being on a farm, until now.
You waved at the horses before got to the door.
"I didn't know we had a visitor today." A female voice was heard inside the house when Sniper knocked. "Who is it?"
"Mum... it's me. Mundy"
You couldn't help but smile when you heard his nickname but nothing made you happier when saw her face when she opened the door.
"Mumu! It's you!" She went to hug him and turned around. "Honey, look who's here, our son!"
"Mum, please... there's someone else."
He said shamefully as he covered the face with his hand. You laughed and that got his mother's attention, who looked at you. At once your cheeks were kissed.
"Long time no see! I'm so glad ya came!"
"My pleasure, Mrs. Mundy."
"No need to be so polite, my dear. My house is yours!"
"Bloody hell, the crazed gunman and his mate have come..." His father was resting his back on the frame, his seriousness was removed when he smiled and his eyes were on you. " How are you goin'?"
"Great, thanks!"
That's when the fun started. Once you both entered inside and sat down on the couch, started to tell all the feats and adventures you two or the team had lived during all this time. His mother was excited, while his father, well, did not admit that his son was a sniper but listened.
You took the opportunity to appreciate how beautiful the house was despite how old it looked.
"And here he is at the age of seven with his first bicycle!" His mother said as she showed you a photo album. Her eyes looked at you. "Isn't he cute?"
"Ma', please..."
"Of course he is, look at those cheeks!" You said with a smile while you were pointing it out. Sniper crossed his arms. "Okey okey i stop, sorry haha."
And when you could, you achieved what you'd been missing for so long, riding a horse. Nervous the first time, but after the experience, wanted to do it again. You and Sniper took a ride on the land his parents had, which was huge, could stay a whole day to see it all.
In a moment you were alone with Mrs. Mundy, son and the father left to chop wood, and you wanted to help, but you were their guest. Like they said.
"Don't know how happy I am to see ya... again." The last word was more remarkable and that got your attention. It didn't take long to explain. "Oh, darling, don't take it wrong. Let's just say you're the first person he's brought home."
"What? The first one?"
"He's never been confident enough to brin' people and it's not like he had a lot of friends he could trust." She says in a soft, almost broken voice. It sounded like she was about to cry. "And see that he's invited you a second time... he must really love ya. Just looking in his eyes."
You looked at your hands touching each other all the time because she was right. You knew you had reached a very important point for their son and yet neither of you took the first step. You wanted to do it.
"And i do too, but, i can't find the perfect moment." You responded with some fear. "I do love him, ma'am. I didn't want to look like I was using him or any--"
"Oh no! Don't say that! I didn't mean that!" She interrupted moving her arms frantically. "We've only seen you twice and the first time was enough to know that ya were the one for him! He needs someone outgoing in his life."
You and Sniper were like oil and water. Somehow you fit together perfectly.
"Thanks so much... I appreciate it."
"We won't always be there for him and knowin' that he won't be alone is very important to us and...--"
The knock on the door as it closed shut him up, the work was done, Sniper came with a pile of wood in his arms and then left it on the table. He looked at you and couldn't help himself, he smiled and you did the same.
It was time to pick up the bags for the night.
The problem came when you opened the trunk and saw Sniper's but not yours.
"Mundy? I think we forgot sooomethiiing." You said while were biting your lip, before he asked, you went on. "My suitcases."
That's when you saw Sniper hit his head on the hood, embarrassed and guilty. He was the one who was going to pick up the bags. You weren't upset or angry, it was okay, we all make mistakes, don't we?
"I-I'm sorry, roo, i dunno how..."
You laughed.
"Oh, c'mon! I'm not gonna die for this!" You didn't want to worry him. "We can go now or...--"
"But it's too late, sweetheart! I can lend ya one of my pajamas." His mother burst in, walking towards you. "But I think it's goin' to be a bit small."
"Oh no no, it's okay! I can comfortable with this."
"I can lend you my shirt to sleep." Sniper coughed looking away. "If ya want."
And you were about to politely refuse, until you noticed the look on Mrs. Mundy's face, she was looking at you, you looked at her, twice, then she winked as she made a gesture to her son.
You finally accepted his offer.
"...Oh, that'd be great, thanks!"
"And by the way, it's gonna be very cold. Heat is essential for survival!"
Both you and Sniper were looking at each other for what she said out of the blue. You guys agreed on something, this was getting weird.
"I suggest ya sleep together tonight."
"What the bloody hell, ma'!?"
"It's just an advice!"
Mrs. Mundy smiled innocently while her son was covering his face, his cheeks were red just like yours. Yet you realized she was helping you. You couldn't pass up this opportunity.
"I don't think..."
"We've been taking naps together, dude! That's nothing." You exclaimed to get his attention, you grabbed his arm to get him to look at you. You did it. "Only... if you want."
And well, now you were lying in bed next to him, back to back, and you couldn't sleep for a while. Because you wanted to say it now but didn't dare. It doesn't have to be that hard, It's just three words.
He was almost asleep, could take advantage of this chance. You turned around and wrapped the arm around him.
"Sometimes it's better late than never, right?"
But in some ways it's better now than later.
"Welp, i love you!" Then you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good night!"
"Love ya too."
And you turned around again. Satisfied and the good thing is, he didn't notice. You smiled and closed your eyes, ready to sleep.
Until your ear heard his voice.
"What'd you say?"
"Nothin' "
"Ooh, roo, c'mon." Now he was the one hugging and made you look at him. "Say it again."
"I dunno what you meaan." Even in the dark you could see his beautiful eyes. You got closer to him and couldn't help but smile. "Okay, okay, you win! I love you."
Both were looking at each other for a few seconds, seemed like forever, you were happy but at the same time nervous about how he was going to react. At least you already confessed.
However, you were surprised when he kissed your forehead.
"Bub, i'm sorry. I should have been the one to take the first step and...--"
"What? No! Why do you think that?"
"Not only I invite you to see my parents, I thought that, being in a place that gives me confidence. It would help me." He whispered in a soft but dry voice, you liked it that way, scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I even asked 'em for help."
"What!?" You screamed, not because you were angry but because It caught you off guard, you realized something. "So your mother was actually helping you! Not me!"
Suddenly there were several laughs behind the door, outside the room, you had been heard all along. Sniper raised half his body to his surprise.
"How long have ya two been there!?"
"I want grandkids, son!"
"What the... dad!"
Never in your life you laughed so hard at a comment, you'd swear you were about to fall out of bed, gave a look at him once more and into those eyes he has, you held him tighter making him lie down and you both crossed your legs.
These days were going to be interesting.
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Request by @x-efflorescence-x (@tf2butgay )
Hope you all like it!
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princessthotty · 4 years
Catch Me (Villa Dell’amore Series)
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Catch Me
Ravn x (y/n)
Rated: M for later chapters
Chapter 2 “What Was That?”
"So cute" You replayed the words over and over in your mind. 
The extremely attractive young man you made a complete fool of yourself in front of called you cute. YoungJo. Ravn. Even his name was cool. It was enough to make anyone's heart flutter. 
You're standing in the kitchen roughly chopping vegetables with the stupidest grin on your face.
"Ew, why is she making that face " came the disgusted remark from KeonHee, who sat at the kitchen table behind you flipping through a magazine. "Is she having a stroke or something?” DongJu snickered next to him at the table, helping you peel potatoes for dinner.
Sending a half hearted glare over at the two, you turn back around and rub your cheeks that were sore from smiling so much. Even you knew your expression was disturbing, but you couldn't help it. It had been such a long time since anyone has made you feel all soft and bubbly inside, you couldn't help but savor the moment for as long as possible.
"Besides," You thought, continuing to chop what was in front of you. "The way he said that was way too smooth, he probably talks to everyone like that." Though that didn’t seem to help ease your thoughts.
The staircase creaked loudly under the sudden weight as three young men barreled down into the kitchen. "(y/n)," SeoHo called, one of his stunning smiles spreading across his face as he entered. “Is it your turn to cook dinner tonight?” He came over and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, curious on what you were doing.
You playfully pushed him off of you. "Yes, and if you don't wanna end up becoming part of the meal, you better be careful when someone has a knife." You waved the knife exaggeratedly in the air away from you both, not wanting to actually injure either of you.
A gentle hand grasped your wrist, removing what is potentially, in your clumsy hands, a deadly weapon. "That's enough of that. For such a good cook, I'm surprised at how clumsy you can be." Leedo sighed, placing the knife down on the counter.
Everyone snickered at the young man's comment, including yourself knowing how correct this was. Though it had only been a week or so since you had moved in, all of you had become very comfortable around one another almost instantly. They all felt like the older, and younger, brothers you had never been able to experience growing up.
Through the voices, an unfamiliar yet sweet laugh caught your attention. You whipped your head around to see YoungJo nonchalantly leaning against the door way, his laugh filling the room with a sweet sound. A small blush spread across your cheeks watching him laugh, his beautiful lips curled into a smile and his eyes that are staring directly into yours-
You immediately turn your head away, not realizing you had been staring straight at him, and he straight back at you. Heart beating out your chest, you felt yourself nervously sweat hoping no one noticed how incredibly weird you were being.
"Wow, you're so lucky Ravn, your first night back and you already get to taste the best cooking you've ever had!" Seoho bragged for you, feigning tears from how delicious your food was. You rolled your eyes pretending to ignore his praise, though you were still trying to calm your hot blush.
"Oh, Ravn already met (y/n)?" Dongju innocently asked, looking between the two.
Your eyes wide with panic you look over to see Ravn stifling a small laugh. "Ahem," he cleared his throat, attempting to compose himself as you send him wild pleading looks to not disclose the nature of your first meeting. "Of course, it would be rude not to introduce myself to our new house mate." He said coolly. If anyone knew how relentless they could be with teasing, it was Ravn, and it was also something he did not want to deal with.
"Oh thank god," You mentally cried, a sigh of relief leaving your lips.
"Oh, I know what happened!" Keonhee suddenly shouted.
You both instantly froze.
Keonhee pointed at the older man. "Ravn must have hit on (y/n), that player." He sat back down, a self indulgent smirk across his face.
Leedo walked over and put a hand on his shoulder sadly. "Good try." Everyone burst out once again as the room filled with loud talking and laughter, the whole conversation totally forgotten.
You slightly slumped over the counter, exhausted. It felt as if three years had been taken off your life.
Supper was a rousing success if you did say so yourself. About the time everyone was getting rouddy after Keonhee's daring comment, Hwanwoong came home and stumbled straight into whatever craziness was happening. Hwanwoong, being Hwanwoong, joined in without any hesitation but as soon as the food was ready, everyone immediately scarfed down every bite of food.  Everyone who lived at the Villa took turns with cooking and housework, and you learned very quickly that quantity was more important than presentation with a house full of very active university students. Especially with one of them being a sports scholarship student and one a dance major. Any dish that yielded large portions and was filling always went over well. It didn't hurt that you fancied yourself a pretty damn good cook too.
You lay in your small single bed, slightly regretting that second helping, mind attempting to process everything that happened today. In less than a day, you fell into the arms of a half naked man embarrassing yourself, had said man flirt(?) with you, acted totally weird once again, and the only saving grace of the night was you were able to escape upstairs while the others took care of clearing the kitchen. 
"uuuugh" you groaned into your pillow kicking your legs against the mattress. If this was only the first night with Mr. Confident around, how were you gonna last the next x-amount of time you would be staying here?
You turned your head to face the wall that connected both of your rooms.
"The walls between rooms are pretty thin, so be careful about being too loud or anything." You furrowed your brow, remembering his implicating words and suggestive wink. You knew he was just messing with you, but you couldn't help the tight feeling that appeared in your chest. It was annoying how much this was affecting you.
A Light knock on your room door brought you back to reality. "Come iiin," you called out, still frowning at the wall.
You figured it was just Hwanwoong or Xion coming to get you for your recently started nightly ritual of watching your favorite drama series. It was quickly started as soon as you moved in once you found out you were in love with the same series.
Unfortunately, it was not Hwanwoong or Xion, but rather a very surprising guest. The door quickly closed behind Ravn as he stood in the entryway of your small room. It took you a moment to realize who it was, but with a quiet gasp you quickly moved from the bed to stand face to face with him attempting to straighten your clothes.
"Uh, h-hi," You stammered. "Do you ne- what's-... Hi." The ability to speak suddenly seeming to have disappeared, you shyly looked up at the other silently standing in front of you.
Ravn, not quite understanding why he was there himself, one hand rubbed the back of his neck unsure, he took a step towards you. "Well, since classes start tomorrow," he started, taking another step forward causing you to step back unconsciously.
"I just wanted to say good night,"
Another step.
"And wish you good luck,"
Another step.
"In case we don't see a lot of each other."
You felt the wall press against your back, the young man but a foot apart from you. This wasn't the first time you had been this close, but it was the first time you were able to properly look at the others face. With what little courage he had left, YoungJo placed a firm hand against the wall next to you and leaned in bringing his face to eye level with his own. You swallowed hard as a lump formed in your throat, staring into the dark, round eyes a mere inches from you.
"So, good night," he whispered, his warm breath tickling your cheek.
"G-Good night..." Your voice trailed off, almost a whisper.
Lingering for a moment longer, the man pushed off the wall and quickly left your room, gently closing the door behind himself. Once you heard the door to his room click close you slid down the wall to sit on the floor finally able to breath. You clasped your hands over your hot face, the sound of your heart beating in your ears deafening. What had just happened? Why did he suddenly…
A million thoughts were flying through your mind, attempting to understand what could have possibly prompted this sort of action from him. What’s worse, was how much you wished he kissed you in that moment.
"Oh no," You muttered, grimacing. "I think I'm in love"
Wow, I’m kind of surprised I actually made it to chapter 2, and now I’ve left it on this huge weird cliff hanger so I now HAVE to write chapter 3 which I may or may not have already started lol. I’m glad people are enjoying it, this makes me want to go and finish my forgotten fics. Thanks for the support <3
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cozywritings · 4 years
Stitches ch6: Bruises
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Today was a huge day. It was the day that you went in for your first session with Dr. Hendrix. After careful consideration, and the help of Shawn’s notes, you decided she was the one for you. You were pretty nervous, but you knew afterwards, you’d feel so much better.
Having only spoken to her on the phone, she seemed extremely sweet and youthful. And when she walked out and called for you, she was almost exactly like you pictured. She was very young, her naturally red hair chopped in a cute pixie cut, and her smile was completely genuine.
“So..” She started as you settled into the plush grey couch “Why don’t you start by telling be what your goals are with your treatment.”
You took a deep breath before answering. “Well, recently I found out that my sexually and mentally abusive ex boyfriend attends campus. And that’s a huge trigger for me, but also I have a new boyfriend now, and I want to be comfortable again. So I guess my overall goal is to be able to actually invest myself into this relationship and not be so scared. While still working on feeling safe around my ex.”
As you spoke, Dr. Hendrix, or Jess as she told you to call her, wrote notes into a notebook. “Well first off, I think it’s very brave of you to come forth and want to take control of this. I know you mentioned some recent panic attacks.” You nodded, telling her about everything, and ypur past experience.
You spent the next 45 minutes talking about ways to cope and how important communication is in your relationship with Shawn. Already, you were feeling a lot better just getting your feelings off your chest and talking about Shawn in a safe environment. Sure you had Emily, but here you could get tips on how to better yourself and your relationship.
“Well, it’s safe to say that we should see each other every week. But as long as you practice the things we talked about today and will discuss in future sessions, you should be perfectly fine in a few months.” You stood up, giving her a smile and a wave. “Oh, and dear, Shawn knows what he’s doing in terms of taking care of you. He asked me about ways to act around you. So just know that you’re loved.” And with that you walked out of the building, feeling a lot more at ease.
Turning the corner to make your way to Prof Comm., you saw your favorite head of curls standing against the front of the building. His back was to you as he talked to some guys from the dorm. Jay, one of the few guys you remember from that first night, saw you, so you put your finger to you lips as a silent plea for him to pretend he didn’t. Smiling up at Shawn, you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing an open mouthed kiss to his clothed back, biting down gently.
“Awww Brian, come on. You know that’s not for the public.” He said, knowing full and well it was you. You laughed, swatting his stomach before he turned to look at you, a small bouquet of sunflowers in his hands. “For you, my love.” He smiled, handing you the parchment paper wrapped flowers.
“Oh Shawn, these are beautiful. Thank you! What are they for?” With a kiss to your head he simply said “happy Thursday.” Before turning back to say his goodbye to the guys so you could make your way to class.
You took your usual places in the lecture hall, setting your flowers on the desk. “So, how did things go this morning?” Shawn asked, writing down the notes on the board.
“Good. I’m gonna see her every week until I’m comfortable enough to end the sessions. But I know that she’s a good match.” Before you could say anything else, Mrs. Moultry turned down the lights.
“Okay guys, today we are going to watch a TedTalk video. You can take notes, if you think it’s interesting, but it’s not a grade or anything. I just decided you should all see this. When the video is over, you’re all free to go for the day. But don’t forget your journals are due on Tuesday!” And with that she started the video, walking around and plopping into her chair.
“Pssst.” You heard from behind you, but you ignored it, resting your head on Shawn’s bicep and listeingint to the presenter talk. “Psssst.” You heard it again, this time accompanied by a straw wrapper being blown at the back of your head. Groaning, you turned around expecting to see one of the freshmen that gawked over Shawn, or Katy asking about the notes from accounting because she missed it yesterday since she wasn’t feeling well.
However, you lost your breath when sitting right behind you was Josh, that stupid red hoodie he cherished so much wrapped around his shoulders. “Can I talk to you?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You scoffed “Um. No. What the fuck would I wanna talk to you for?” Your forehead in a not so cute crease.
“Because I just wanna talk. After class?” He asked, looking at you with that same puppy face he used to get you to do things you didn’t want to do.
You rolled your eyes. “I have nothing to say to you. Go back your hooligans.”
That’s when Shawn turned around, his hand instantly gripping your thigh in a comforting manner. “Babe, you okay?” He whispered, and you you nodded.
“Jack off back there wants to talk after class. I’m not interested.” Shawn nodded, rubbing his thumb along your thigh and pressing a kiss to your temple.
Mumbling against your skin he suggested. “If you want, I’ll talk to him and see what he wants.” You nodded, turning back to Josh. “We will talk.” You said motioning to Shawn.
“Fine.” he barked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
Standing outside the academics building you could feel your heartbeat racing, ringing in your ears. “Shawn, I can't do this. I- I don’t know..” you were cut off when he kissed you softly. “We can leave. You don’t have to talk to him. Just go back to the dorm and I’ll see what he wants and maybe rough him up a little bit and come right back to you.” You giggled, suddenly calm. “Can you talk, and I just stand here?” you asked, dreading what he was going to say.
“Yes, we can do that. And after, how about we go lay out by the pool at the dorm. I’m a little pale and the sun is out.” Nodding, you took his arm, flowers in your free hand, and watched as Josh walked up to you. “What do you want?” Shawn asked, instantly taking a protective stance.
“Well, I was gonna ask my ex girlfriend something but instead, I’ll just ask you.” He said, eyes boring into your soul, causing you to shiver. “So, hot shot doctor-to-be, have you successfully done a full anatomy check? Make sure your goods aren’t damaged? Ya know, just wanna know I’m still the only one that’s made that ass mine.”
You dropped to the ground, your whole body giving out. You thought Shawn would catch you, but he was too occupied to help you up. You watched as he ran towards Josh, his fist colliding loudly with his nose. You flinched at each hit, your palms and knees stinging from their collision with the pebbled concrete, but you forced yourself up.
“Shawn. Shawn baby it’s not worth it. He’s not worth it. Please!” You yelled, reaching for his arm. The second your fingertips touched him he stopped, his face pale at the realization of what just happened.
He was quick to pull you away, looking at your now bleeding scrapes. “Fuck. Baby I... I’ve never- are you okay?” He stammered, inspecting your bleeding knees and hands.
“We can clean me up later. Let’s go. I knew this was a bad idea.” Your voice shaking as you spoke, Josh’s words ringing in your ears.
Before you could walk off, Shawn turned around, “She was never yours.” He spat before picking you up, placing your flowers in your lap and carrying you back to his room.
“I’ve never. Ever. Been violent in my entire life, I am I so fucking sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you baby.” He looked down, defeated. Honestly you felt terrible for what happened.
You just shook your head. “That’s not what scared me. It was what he said that got to me. Let me see your hand.” You stated, holding your hand palm up for him to place his own hand in. He rested his bruising and swelling hand on your fingers, being mindful of the scraps you had yet to clean off.
You leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You didn’t scare me, okay?” Your voice soft as you curled up in his lap, an ace bandage in your hand. “Now I’m not medically inclined, so you’ve gotta teach me how to do this properly.” You said, wrapping his hand gently.
As you did, Shawn leaned his head on your shoulder, his cheek squished agaisnt your skin as he watched. “You’re doing perfect babe.”
When you finished, you kissed his hand. “For extra healing.” He smiled, flexing his fingers and grabbing the first aid kit next to you.
“Okay, now it’s your turn.” He smiled, pulling the bandages from first aid kit into your lap. “So, cleaning them is gonna sting for a second. But after that I’ll get you all bandaged up and then you’ll be on the way to healing.” Right before he pressed the cleaning pad to your knees, he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Fuck that does hurt.” You laughed, trying not to think about the slight sting. You watched as he wrapped some ace gauze around each knee.
He looked up at you, laughing at your confused expression. “I know it’s easier to put on a bandaid but this will be less painful to take off” he said, answering your unasked question. He did the same thing for your palms, finishing everything with a kiss to each scrape and then to your lips. “Wanna still go lay by the pool?”
You pulled way, looking at your knees. “And get a fucked up tan line? I’m gonna pass.” He laughed again, nodding in acceptance.
“Fair point. We can go get ice cream from the place just off campus? Brian is having a party tonight. We could go that, and just rest until then?” As nice as ice cream sounded, you were exhausted from earlier.
You’d much rather just cuddle with your knight in shining armor. “How about we lay here and go to the party. What time is it?”
He checked his phone, “party starts at 8, it’s only 2 right now.”
Your eyes widened, realizing that while you were done for the day, Shawn wasn’t. “Shawn you have a class!”
He shook his head. “Not going today. I’ve gotta take care of my injured girlfriend.” His smirk telling you that there was no changing his mind.
“Okay fighter, I’ve gotta go get changed for this party.” He let out a low whine, your fingers no longer dancing across his back or raking through his hair.
“It’s only 6:30, why so early.” His voice high pitched and dragging.
You giggled, sweeping your hand over your scraped jeans and mess of hair. “Because I’d like to look decent, and I’ve cried off all my makeup.” You states matter of fact-ly.
There was a hesitation on Shawn’s part before he rolled off of you, letting you crawl out of his bed and grab your things. Your flowers desperately needing to be placed in a real vase of water and not propped up against the wall in a coffee mug. “So, I’m going to assume that Brian isn’t throwing a dinner party. Would jeans be fine, or should I go for a classic LBD?”
At your question, Shawn’s face twisted. “The fuck is an LBD.” Trying to control your laughter, you took a deep breath.
“Jeans or a black dress, Shawn.” Finally realising what you meant, he rolled his eyes.
“Unless you’d prefer beer spills on a cute dress I’m sure you paid a lot of money for. I’d go with jeans. I like those black ones you wore the other day.” You nodded, pressing a kiss to his pouty lips before going to your room to get ready.
The drive to Brian’s was filled with lots of Taylor Swift. “I didn’t peg you as a Taylor fan.” You laughed as he bopped his head along to “You Belong With Me” he just smiled and parked the jeep, running over to open your door for you.
“Ready my dear?” you nodded excitedly, hopping out of the car and leaning forward for a kiss.
The inside of Brian’s apartment was full of people, loud music, and alcohol. “Hey babe, I’m gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?” Shawn asked, his mouth practically on your neck.
You bit your lip as you thought, “Vodka cranberry?” you asked, watching as he smiled down at you.
He let out a groan “A woman after my heart.” And with that he was off to the kitchen, leaving you in the living room with the crowd of sweaty dancing college students.
You decided to join a group of girls dancing to the overly played rap song, rolling your hips to the beat. Even though you were in heeled boots, the heel was thick enough to keep you stable as you turned around to dance back to back with the blonde girl that was in your accounting class. But a hand on your hip made you turn your head, sighing in relief when you saw Shawn holding out a solo cup for you. “Thanks babe!”
He smiled, cutting between you and the girl to pull you back against him, your hips rolling against his “You seem to be having fun.” His lips on your neck as he spoke.
“Mhmmm, just what I needed after today.” Your words slight muffled as you took a sip. His hands rested on your hips as you pushed up against him.
It was nearing 3am when the house cleared out, Brian allowing you and Shawn to stay in the guest room since neither of you chose to stay sober. “Okay man, I’m gonna get her into bed, thanks for letting us stay.” Shawn said, walking towards your half asleep frame on the sofa. “Hey there gorgeous, you ready to go up to bed so you don’t have to sleep on the couch full of cups?”
You mumbled something, not even you were sure what you said. “Haha okay, come on.” He smiled, picking you up and carrying you down the hall to the bedroom, shutting off the lights in the process. The cleaning to be left for the morning, when you were hungover and waiting for the advil to kick in.
Unlike your dorms, the bed in Brian’s guest room was a queen and not a twin, so the two of you could fit in it perfectly. “Let’s get undressed, you’ve got drink spills all over your clothes.” “Mmmm too sleepy.” You mumbled, your social fuel tank was empty, and you were so drained, that he didn’t even blame you. He was surprised you even decided to come in the first place. So after discarding his jeans and tee, he moved to carefully pull off your shoes, jeans and top, fully prepared to slip you into one of Brian’s shirts he’d lent you for the night.
“No. Wanna sleep like this.” You groaned, tugging off your bra and settling into the grey sheets.
He just stared at you, jaw slightly lower at you all curled up in the sheets practically naked. “Honey are you sure? Is it okay with you that I sleep next to you like this?” You nodded, tugging his hand closer to you
“I may still be a little drunk, but I want this. Just come cuddle me, please.” you opened your eyes to look at him and smile.
So he crawled in behind you, his warm chest pressed to your back as he curled around you in a blanket of warmth. “Shawn?” He hummed, prompting you to continue, “thank you for not pushing anything on me. It means a lot to me that you respect me.”
He smiled against the back of your neck, “Of course babe. Anything for you.” A smirk pulled at your lips.
“Anything?” He nodded. “Even a quick makeout session?”
“Babe, you’re drunk, and I know I won’t be able to control myself because you’re so gorgeous.” But you had already rolled over, throwing your leg up and over his hip.
“Shawn, look at me. I want this.” You looked ay him, your eyes telling him you were serious.
He shook his head. “Let’s go to bed, if you still want to in the morning. I promise I won’t deny you want you want.” He stated, pressing a quick, but sensual kiss to your lips.
You woke up to Shawn nuzzling into your chest. Not in a sexual way, but more of the way you’d nuzzle a pillow while trying to get comfortable. “Morning there bubs.” You groaned, his eyes flicking up to look at you.
“Good morning sleeping beauty.” His lips leaving a trail along your collarbone.
You let him continue his half asleep loving for a fre more minutes before you spoke, “About last night...” You smiled “I meant it. I want this, Shawn. Not sex just yet, but something. Just, I don’t know, work our way up to it?”
As you spoke, he watched you intently, making sure you weren’t lying. “I’m ready if you are.” You nodded, grabbing his unbandaged hand and guiding it to your right breast. He held it there for a second while he captured your lips in a heated kiss. But you grew impatient with his lack of movement. You knew he was just being careful as not to trigger anything, but you wanted to experience this. And with someone you could finally trust.
“Shawn, I promise I’m calm. Please do something.” you whimpered. That was all he needed to hear before his lips moved down your neck, his left thumb gently rolling your nipple before his lips enclosed on the other one. You’d never felt something like that before, and your back arched harshly, pressing yourself further into him. But before too long, he was switching sides, causing you to moan into his hair as you rolled your hips against his abdomen. “Babe, babe stop.”
He instantly pulled away with a pop. “Did I do something wrong?”
You shook your head, “No, but if you keep going I’m going to want to go a lot further than I’m ready for.”
He let out a soft chuckle “Okay babe, but you’re gonna have to let me go take care of myself okay?”
Biting your lip for a second, you started thinking. “Or maybe, maybe we could keep going? You’ll stop if I need you to?”
“No honey, really it’s okay. Don’t feel obligated to do anything. I can just go take a quick shower and I’ll be right back to cuddle you.”
With a deep kiss, you rolled on top of him, grinding your hips into his and earning a low whine from the back of your throat. “Shawn, I want to, please. I- I really need to. If I want to stop I’ll say so.”  Through hooded eyes, you watched as he flipped you back over and propped himself up, sliding a hand down your stomach, circling your clit through your panties.
Your whimpers turned to moans as he continued, the fabric of your panties creating a heavenly friction.
As amazing as this felt, you knew he wasn’t getting anything out of this, so you started to reach for his boxers. “No babe, I’m already so close just from getting you off. I’ve got it. Do you mind?” He asked, moving his hand and rubbing himself against you, his bulge running over your clit with each movement of his hips. “Mhm. That’s okay. Please Shawn I’m so close.”
With a few more movements and some marks being made on each other’s skin, Shawn had ruined his boxers, the heavy pants coming from the two of you making the room hot.
“You okay sweetheart?” He asked after a few minutes, leaving kisses to your shoulder.
“Yeah. I’m okay. Just let me have a few minutes?” He pressed a final kiss to your skin before getting out of bed.
“Of course. I know that was a big step for you. I’m going to go get cleaned up okay, do you need anything?” You shook your head, watching as he walked out of the room and down the hall.
“What the fuck do you mean you need to borrow my boxers Mendes?! Should make your ass go commando for the day!” You let out a loud laugh as you heard Brian’s voice echo down the hallway.
Shawn ran back into the room, face red as he laughed. “So um... I'm in charge of cleaning the house now. Let’s wash our clothes while I do that, and you can just stay in bed.” You couldn’t help the giggles that erupted from your chest as you hid your face in the comforter. You knew you could trust letting down your guard for him.
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dreamycastaway · 5 years
Opposites Attract
Gardener!Aziraphale x Nanny!Crowley for @nim-lock!! Thank you for the prompt!!
“They were almost exact opposites of each other,” Warlock began, and, knowing that his friends would probably take this to mean that his Nanny was thin and all angles, while his gardener was soft and round, or that she was stern and he was gentle, immediately clarified his statement: “and not just in the way you’re thinking of. I mean, she literally told me I would ‘rule when Earth’s destroyed’ and he told me I ‘must never destroy the Earth.’” He shook his head. “Why would you say either of those things to a child?”
It was eleven years and change since the apocalypse was narrowly averted by four eleven year olds, with a bit of help from two lovers who wouldn’t admit it, two people who were remarkably bad at their jobs, and two people who found themselves in the midst of something they rather would not have been dragged into. For the most part, everyone had gotten on with their lives, either being in the know concerning what had not happened and breathing a sigh of relief that it had not, or not being in the know about anything, and being remarkably unaffected by how close they had come to Rapture. Only one person could not be sorted neatly into one of these two categories: Warlock Dowling.
Warlock Dowling, now a young man, had done relatively well for himself in the second half of his life. He had done relatively well in the first half of his life, too, but he had not done it for himself. Warlock would later recall that on his eleventh birthday, it was as if a switch had flipped inside him and he decided he wanted to stop being such a menace. On both counts, Warlock Dowling was wrong. What Warlock had realized was that the world ought to be cherished and that he ought to embrace being human, and he had realized this some days after his eleventh birthday. But the human mind is fickle and overly dependent upon heuristics, and the mind of a child all the more so.
It was now eleven years and one day since Warlock Dowling had somehow come to the realization that, in no uncertain terms, he didn’t want to be a brat anymore. This decision had served him well thus far with everyone but his parents and their ilk, whose misplaced disappointment in this son began with his decision at eleven and change to not be a brat anymore, and was then compounded by his decision at sixteen to tell them he was bisexual, his decision at eighteen to go to Oxford instead of West Point, and his decision at twenty to become a vegetarian and announce that he considered himself a pacifist. His parents’ disappointment upset him, but he had accepted it with as much grace as a twenty-two-year-old was able.
It was all of these monumental decisions plus several hundred smaller ones that had brought Warlock Dowling to where he was now: crammed in with six friends at a small table in the King’s Arms pub, celebrating his belated birthday over pints and pies. They had been there for a while now, as made obvious by the empty glasses, the red faces, and the wide smiles that would make their mouths sore in the morning. As is typical on the eve of a graduation, they had spent the last several hours reminiscing. Having run out of stories about their college years, but still trapped in the sticky embrace of nostalgia, the young adults had turned to childhood stories.
“Oh, Warlock, tell them about that nanny of yours.” Warlock looked across the table to see his best friend of four years sipping the last bit of her drink, incredulity already starting to take hold on her face as she remembered all the ridiculous stories Warlock had told her their first year.
“Yeah, alright,” he smiled. “But I’ve got to tell them all about Brother Francis too. He’s half of why it was all so weird.”
“How could I forget about Francis! Was he even a monk?” She flashed Warlock the type of grin exchanged between old friends who are proud to know each other well.
“Honestly, I … don’t think so. And I think “Nanny” might actually have been, like, a drag persona or something.”
Even with the storytelling chops of a young man who had read everything he could get his hands on even before he decided to study English Literature at Oxford, and had written quite a bit besides, it was still difficult to get the story started. How do you manage to capture a childhood defined by the constant presence of two of the strangest people you’d ever met, while keeping it short enough to tell your friends over drinks?
“They were almost exact opposites of each other,” he began, and, knowing that his friends would probably take this to mean that his Nanny was thin and all angles, while his gardener was soft and round, or that she was stern and he was gentle, immediately clarified his statement: “and notjust in the way you’re thinking of. I mean, she literally told me I would ‘rule when Earth’s destroyed’ and he told me I ‘must never destroy the Earth.’” He shook his head. “Why would you say either of those things to a child?”
“Jeez. They must have hated each other even worse than your parents.”
Warlock grimaced a little at the jab, but quickly decided he wasn’t going to let his parents get in the way of enjoying his birthday party. “You’d think, right? But I actually think they were … in love?”
His friends snorted and giggled.
“No, really! Like, okay, I had this plant when I was six, right? And …”
As the storytelling got underway, the young Mr. Dowling felt as if he were back in his six-year-old body, toddling through the gardens in his soon-to-be-unpolished little loafers, his ridiculous-for-a-six-year-old American flag lapel pin reflecting sunlight in a rather obnoxious way. He was holding something close to his chest, in a way that clearly was more for his own comfort than the object’s safety.
“Brother Francis!” he yelled, a few tears starting to stream down his face. “Brother Francis!” He called out again as he approached the kind old man, rather more sobbing than yelling at this point.
“Young Master Warlock!” Brother Francis turned around, gray eyes twinkling as they always did. “Why, what’s wrong?”
“It’s Anthony,” Warlock cried. “I think … I think he’s dead.”
A moment of panic passed over Brother Francis’ face, for reasons incredibly obvious to anyone knowing who Brother Francis really was. Luckily, it went unnoticed by the inconsolable child, who was far more concerned with wiping the tears off his face and shoving the object he had been clutching towards the gardener than he was with parsing the micro-expressions of the much older man.
The object, as it turned out, was a half-dead Venus Fly Trap in an all-black terracotta pot.
“Oh, Anthony!” Brother Francis said, recalling the plant he had given to Warlock earlier this week. “Yes, Anthony, of course.” He looked at the plant, pretending to know anything about plants, praying that what he said next would be true. “Anthony’s going to be just fine, Master Warlock.”
“Really?” Warlock said through blubbering tears.
“Yes. Why don’t I look after him tonight, hmm?”
“Go ahead and tell him you’ll be back for him tomorrow afternoon, hmm?” The gardener paused, and patted Warlock reassuringly on the back. “And then go enjoy this beautiful Saturday and I’ll watch over him until tonight, when I can take him to the plant doctor.”
Warlock nodded resolutely, imagining that this is how “the troops” his father talked about so often must feel when they cross the threshold into field hospitals, bearing their wounded comrades. He leaned down to whisper some reassuring words to Anthony, hugged the gardener, and ran off into the Saturday afternoon.
Unbeknownst to anyone besides the two of them, Nanny and Brother Francis met every other Saturday night, under the pretense of discussing how they felt their plan was coming along. Frequently, there were other, unspoken agenda items, of varying degrees of excitement. Tonight, the first thing on the docket was Anthony.
Nanny was circling Brother Francis in a way that would have rather reminded the in-the-know onlooker of the demon Crowley. “You … gave him a plant named Anthony?” Nanny asked, trying desperately to keep any tone out of her tone of voice. She mostly succeeded at seeming neutral, helped immeasurably by her dark glasses.
A smirk that looked as if it would be more at home on the face of the angel Aziraphale began to play on Brother Francis’ lips. “Yes. You can imagine how horrified I was when he told me Anthony was dead.”
“But … Anthony is my name.”
“Yes, well. I told you I’d get used to it. I guess I’ve grown rather too fond of it.”
Nanny had stopped her serpentine walking, and was now standing across from the gardener with Anthony on the table between them. “Why a Fly Trap?”
“I read in a parenting column that teaching children to raise plants can help instill a sense of responsibility and care. And I figured, what with him liking dinosaurs and their teeth so much …” Neither being could stifle their chuckle. The Almighty’s little joke about a race of giant lizards ruling the planet got funnier with every passing year, and every passing human that believed it. “Besides, I know how Dagon and Beelzebub hate these things … I thought you might get quite a kick out of it.” This earned him an uproarious laugh from Nanny, who found herself almost doubled over by the thought of Beelzebub’s face if they knew the Anti-Christ was raising a Fly Trap.
Nanny feigned wiping a tear from below her glasses, and the old man across from her looked at her expectantly. “So?”
“So … what?”
The gardener exhaled, irritated at being put in the position of explaining something so obvious. “So, can you heal this plant?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Warlock told me you were going to ‘take him to the plant doctor,’” Nanny teased. “Besides … healing is rather too ‘good’ a thing for me to do, isn’t it?”
Brother Francis’ face had not been built to express annoyance, but it was trying its hardest nonetheless. He knew that Nanny had quite a green thumb, and he wasn’t sure why this particular task was seeming to drag on like a live reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses. He opened his mouth with the intention of expressing his aggravation, but thought better of it at the last minute, deciding to take the high road. “Please.”
“Fine.” She looked at the pot, well aware that what she was about to do would not be a hellish influence on the boy’s life. “Never was able to say ‘no’ to you,” she mumbled. The second half of her thought: though it seems to be much of what you say to me lingered on her mind as she leaned down towards the plant.
Given the other similarities between Nanny and the demon Crowley, one would have expected her to start yelling at the Fly Trap, screaming at it that she knew it could do better. Unfortunately, shouting threats at plants was a rather unsuitable gardening technique for a clandestine meeting in the middle of the night, and Nanny was forced to resort to softly, but sternly, telling Anthony the Fly Trap that she wasn’t angry, she was just disappointed.
She pushed the Fly Trap back towards the gardener. “I think it’ll shape up now.” She paused. “But it does need more sunlight. You can tell Warlock it’s doctor’s orders.”
Relief that he had not lied to the child about the plant being alright spread across Brother Francis’ face. He looked down on the already perkier Fly Trap. “Oh, thank you! You know, sometimes I think you should have been the gardener.”
Nanny and Brother Francis were opposites in a great many ways, but perhaps one of their most difficult differences was that Brother Francis tended to say things without thinking when he was overjoyed, and Nanny tended to say things without thinking when she was angry. Brother Francis had not been thinking when he suggested that Nanny should have been a gardener, and as he watched her purse her already thin lips into an even tighter line, he knew he had made a mistake. He took in a deep breath and blinked slowly, waiting for the sound of Nanny screaming or the greenhouse door slamming behind her. Instead, he heard one small, stifled sob.
A quiet “oh” escaped his lips, full of sadness, and he quickly stepped around the table to embrace his companion. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he said over and over again as she stood limp in his arms, crying softly.
No one else on the face of the Earth could have understood that long before this being had been Nanny or Crowley, he had once been a gardener, in the first and finest Garden there had ever been. It had been his apple tree that had been so powerful that the Almighty had deemed it forbidden. He had been so proud of his tree, the Tree of Everything. It was by praising his horticultural chops that Lucifer had convinced the Gardener to hear him out in the first place. The rest, of course, is history – the beginning of his sauntering vaguely downwards.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the muttering continued, Brother Francis’ voice breaking as he tried to contain his own tears. He knew better than to ask for forgiveness, to use that word his friend hated so much. He was almost certain that this would be, at the very least, the end of their colleagueship in the Dowling home. He was deeply worried that that would certainly foreshadow the end of the world. He would not allow himself to give in to the fear that this may be the end of their friendship.
As Brother Francis teetered on the edge of panic, he heard his companion take a shuddering breath. He stepped back a few inches, holding his breath as he waited for Nanny’s verdict.
“It’s okay, Angel.” She said, the first time she had called him that since they had arrived here. “It’s okay,” she repeated, and the two of them let the tension fall away from their shoulders. “I’m just glad no one else was here to see that.”
What neither Nanny or Brother Francis had realized was that someone else had been there to see it – none other than young Warlock, who had snuck out of bed in hopes of catching a glimpse of the mysterious plant doctor.
Luckily for the nanny and the gardener, he had not understood most of what he had observed. The boy tiptoed back towards the house, carrying the weight of the exciting new secret that his Nanny was apparently moonlighting as a plant doctor named Anthony. And that his Nanny and his gardener were somehow, despite all their differences, deeply and unchangeably in love.
“So … what happened to them?” The question from across the table pulled Warlock out of his hazy reminiscence and back to the cramped pub table.
He shrugged. “They just both … disappeared one day.”
His friends stared back at him in stunned silence. “Did you look for them?”
“I guess, but I was eleven. The fact they hadn’t told anyone I asked that they were leaving basically put a stop to my detective work.”
“Did you ever see them again?”
“I … don’t know. I don’t think so.”
“Oh, he ‘doesn’t think so’. You hear that lads? Warlock’s life is so damn weird, he’s not sure if he’s run into the weirdest two people I’ve ever heard of, who happened to disappear under mysterious circumstances.” His friends laughed. “Maybe you’ve had enough to drink, Warlock.” Warlock looked down at his several empty beer glasses, and agreed that he probably had had enough to drink.
As the conversation moved on to other people’s much more typical nannies and babysitters, Warlock remembered the odd second-hand bookstore he had stumbled into a few months ago. It had seemed to him to be owned by a husband and husband team – one of whom was thin and all angles, one of whom was soft and round. They had been helping each other into their coats and chattering about what the lunch special at the Ritz might be this time of year when he walked in. This normally wouldn’t have stood out to him much – secondhand bookstores tended to contain all sorts of people.
What had stood out to the young man was that while his back was turned to the till as he browsed, he had been almost certain he heard the shorter of the two say softly to the taller “Look, Anthony, Sweetheart, it’s Warlock Dowling. He’s all grown up.”
Warlock spun around, his mouth forming the question before he even knew what he was asking. “Brother Francis?” But the shop was empty. On the register was a small, handwritten note: “Out to lunch. May return later.”
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azritesx3 · 4 years
“A Devil’s Love” Chapter 2: Show Me All I Don’t Know
Description: Chloe’s best friend is back, and Lucifer’s charm can’t seem to affect her either. Is she also a miracle child? Or something…more? [Story starts during S2 Ep4, Female Reader Insert]
AN: Updated March 14, 2020 - Grammar AN: Updated July 14, 2020 - Grammar/Minor changes
Rating: Teen Warning[s]: Swearing
Show Timeline: Season 2 Episode 9
Spotify Playlist /// AO3 Fanfiction Net Wattpad DeviantArt
Tag List: @ayanna-wild​, @anushay1998, @emiwrites3reads​, @i-am-canada-13​, @heart-of-pots-and-pans​, @tinyybiceps, @jessicarene99​, @lucifersnipnips​, @givemebooksorgivemedeath​, @sailor-earth-1
To say your first couple months back home was a walk in the park would be a big fat lie.
Nothing bad really happened. Well, except when your BFF got in that bad car accident and you swore up and down it had something to do with you, but she pushes you away and says she's fine and can't stand you and Lucifer taking the blame.
Why would Lucifer be taking the blame, you thought. So, you ask him. Like any sane person would do who was overprotective of their friends. If you ended up being wrong about this guy being “good” and “nice”, you had to get him away from Chloe.
But no. He's not bad. Just crazy. What with continuing with his “Devil” shtick and claiming it was one of his “Angel” brothers trying to take what his father, aka “God”, gave him in exchange for a favor.
And you thought you were crazy before, but it wasn't true for you, so why would it be true for him?
Oh, and after that whole fiasco poor Chloe finds out that her real father’s killer has been free all this time. No reprimanding, no worries. Just a cop killer who got to continue his life freely. Turns out the killer was Warden Perry Smith, and he was responsible for many set up kills. You remember the failure you felt when Smith managed to destroy his scent from your hounds. The bastard didn’t get far, though. Maze managed to easily capture him, and from then on became the LAPD’s number one bounty hunter.
But, with all that bad came a lot of good. Not easily, of course. It's hard work trying to find a suitable building in the perfect location for your next veterinarian hospital. You, with the help of your trusty sidekick Alice, managed to find just that though.
Next, while you sorted out the building paperwork and searched for a good construction company, you had to find a place to live. That, thankfully, went much quicker than finding the next “Circle of Life Veterinary Clinic” building.
Chloe kept trying to convince you to move in with her instead of Maze, but you politely declined. You didn't want to be the one who made that badass fighter homeless. Besides, you like having your own space.
And to top all that off, you got your old job back as the Captain of the K9 division of the LAPD. You missed training your dogs & officers, plus having that paycheck, the paycheck from the “COL VC” in New York, and the future paycheck of the next “COL VC” building allowed you to not stress financially.
Currently, you are standing in “COL VC #2” watching the progress come along. You smile as you see how well, and fast, things are going. If this keeps up, you'll be able to open up within the month.
Which means you and Alice need to start hiring people.
You sigh to yourself and rub your forehead, closing your eyes. First things first, you had to find some way to properly thank Lucifer for giving you the name of this construction company.
“They are a fantastic company! Did very fine work in my club. Why not come see for yourself tonight?” Lucifer looked at you like he looked at Alice the first day.
“Not a chance.” You smiled at him and crossed your arms, building up a barrier.
“Oooh, playing hard to get are we?” He licked his lips and looked you up and down, “I like it!”
“Ok. This was obviously a bad idea.” You huffed and started to leave Chloe’s desk.
“Wait, K9!” You stopped and turned back towards him, “I’m sorry, truly.” he looked sincere and placed his right hand over his heart, “Here.” He grabbed the yellow sticky notes and a pen from Chloe’s desk and began to write.
“Just tell the owner that you’re with me.” He handed you the note and smiled, “He'll give you a large discount, I'm sure.”
You looked down at the note and couldn't help the thought of how beautiful Lucifer’s handwriting was, “Thank you, Lucifer.” You looked up at him and smiled, a genuine one this time.
“You’re quite welcome, my dear.” He gave you a genuine smile back, then turned flirtatious again, “Though I would like you to come to my club, so you can see what those constructors are really capable of. It’s so sad their talents will be wasted on an animal clinic.”
“Uh-huh.” You shook your head, still smiling, and walked away.
Your phone’s ringtone knocks you back to the present. The call says it’s Chloe, but when you answer it-
“SOME DADDY KILLER BOY IS GOING TO MAKE ME HOMELESS!” Lucifer’s voice blares through your phone so loud that the workers around turn towards you and you swear your ear is bleeding.
“Sooo, you think the perfect way to stop this ‘Daddy Killer Boy’ is to make me go deaf? Well, you’re doing very well so far.” You bring your phone to your none deaf ear and rub the now deaf one.
“The Detective won’t help me-” you can hear Chloe yelling at him in the background saying to give back her phone. You hear a bit of a scuffle, and can imagine Chloe shaking her head as she gets her phone.
“Sorry about that, Earth. Calling you is the only way I can think of to help Lucifer.” You can tell Chloe is saying that last part to him directly, and can just imagine his eye roll.
“What’s going on?”
“Our new case victim is Dean Cooper.”
“That LA real-estate tycoon guy?”
“Yup. It looks like he died having dinner with his possible killer. The killer looks to have shattered a champagne glass and stuck a shard in Dean's throat.”
“Ella’s still at the crime scene trying to piece the glass back together in order to get fingerprints.”
“Oh, Ella.” You smile and shake your head, “What a good little scientist.”
“Agreed, if a bit crazy.” Chloe holds in a laugh, “Well, Mr. Cooper was the one who owned the block that Lucifer’s nightclub is on and it seems like Mr. Eric Cooper, Dean's son, is pretty quick in reclaiming his father’s properties.”
“I see…So I’m guessing he’s suspect numero uno?”
“Yes, but this is why I’m calling you,” Chloe gives an audible stressful sigh, “I just...I can’t seem to keep my mind on this case with the court on Perry Smith right around the corner. Plus, with my mom flying in tonight and Dan being busy with a bomb case-”
“You don’t need to say anymore, Chlo. I’ll take care of this. Just send me the address to the crime scene and I’ll take over.”
“Thank you, Earth.” You can just hear the weight lift off your BFF’s shoulder, “I’ll text you the details right now. I owe you one.”
“This is what friends do for each other, Chloe. You should know that by now.” Before you hang up you can hear Lucifer in the background, “Hurry along, K9! Every minute I get closer to homelessness!”
“Proper thank you, here I come.”
As you pull up to the crime scene you see the medics carrying away a body bag, aka Dean Cooper. So there will be no need to worry about seeing a dead man, but there is an angry British man heading straight towards you.
“Finally! Does my homelessness mean nothing to you?” Lucifer says, but despite being upset he still opens your car door and helps you out.
“Lucifer you’re, like, a zillionaire or whatever.” You nod your thanks and you both head inside the dead man's house, “I highly doubt you’d let yourself be ‘homeless’ for more than an hour, at most.”
“But this is LUX, K9.” You try to ignore Lucifer’s desperation and come up beside Ella, who was just about to complete the champagne glass puzzle.
“Annnd, that’s how we do it!” Ella manages to place the last piece perfectly, stands up and shoves her fist in front of your face, “Ta’vonlu!”
“A puzzle solver and a Trekkie?” You laugh and smile, “Ella, I’m liking you more and more each day.”
“Woohoo! Fellow Trekkie!” Ella’s hand goes from a fist to the Vulcan greeting and you return it. Lucifer’s eye roll is incredibly loud.
Ella gets back to work on scanning the glass for fingerprints and in the meantime, an officer hands you a folder of all info found about Dean Cooper. As you skim through the words you become disappointed, and impressed. It was amazing that a shark like Cooper had no record whatsoever.
“So, can we go to this baby shark now to arrest him and get my home back?” Lucifer stands in front of you, hands intertwined together in front of him.
“We don’t have any proof with which to arrest Eric.” You look at him as you hand the folder back to the officer.
“He has motive. That's all the proof you need!”
“Actually, you may have more than that!” Ella calls out and you go to her. She points to her laptop screen where it clearly states that Eric Cooper’s fingerprints were on the glass that killed his father.
“There you go! Come on chop chop!” Lucifer pushes you by the small of your back out the door and to your car, “We’ve got a baby shark to arrest!”
You barley park and shut off the engine before Lucifer is out and heading towards the Cooper building, “Lucifer wait!”
“You know, you drive just as slow as the Detective?” Lucifer stops and waits for you to catch up.
“If by slow you mean ‘following traffic laws’ then yeah.” Lucifer just scoffs, “Look, Lucifer.” he looks at you with a bit of interest, he’s never heard you sound serious before.
“I understand how you’re feeling right now, I do,” you lightly touch his arm, “but Chloe has told me how you get sometimes and let me tell you: threatening to tear this guy up or torture him is not going to help you get LUX back, or this case.”
“Very well.” He returns his hand to your lower back and guides you, “I solemnly promise that the man will remain unthreatened and unharmed.”
The sound of a crash and a car alarm blaring causes you both to stop and turn around.
Eric Cooper lays on top of some poor civilian’s car. His body bleeding from almost every pore.
“Not me.” Lucifer holds up his hands in fake surrender.
“Well, shit.”
You did miss solving cases. Really, you did.
But this one was turning into a real sack of ass.
Eric Cooper was hospitalized for a full twenty-four hours before the hospital allowed his wife, Christi Cooper, to take him home.
A whole twenty-four hours closer to Lucifer's homelessness, and he would not shut up about it.
You and Lucifer arrive at the Cooper house to question Eric and Christi, but all you two got was another real estate shark’s name, Eleanor Bloom. Plus an extra case of nausea for both of you at the sappy love between Eric and Christi.
Eleanor, it turns out, was a real shark. Making sure Eric wasted no time in selling her that property that his father had been sitting on. That property in question was LUX, and even with Lucifer’s charm she was not giving up that land.
Which pissed Lucifer enough to abandon you with this case. Chloe offered to help, but with her father’s killer’s court so close there was no way you were going to burden her even more. You already swore you would solve this case for her, and you meant it.
You follow up on Eleanor's lead, alone, about some shady numbers found in her accountant's books that looked like someone was hiding money. Turns out that money went to some private investigator Dean had hired to investigate someone, but the man wouldn't tell you who. You had a hunch though.
Your hunch had to be put on hold though as one of your officers comes up to you. He says they got a call about an illegal party happening at a building that was supposed to be abandoned by now.
Of course he would.
You stand before the “supposed to be abandoned” LUX nightclub with an entourage of your officers, and just sigh.
Here we go.
You have your men walk in first with you close behind, and you can hear the music cut off and people booing as soon as they see your men.
“Awww!” You hear Lucifer’s voice clearly over the crowd, “Stormtroopers have arrived, everyone! Don’t worry I’ll deal with the boys in blue.” Lucifer walks towards the officers, “You are the boys in blue, yes? The fun boys in blue aren’t due for another hour.” He chuckles and shows a wad of cash in front of your main guy, Officer Miller.
Miller just gives Lucifer a side smile and looks to his side. Lucifer follows his eye movement and his smile disappears as you walk up.
“I know him, Miller. I got it from here.” You ignore Lucifer and look to your officer.
“You’re sure ma’am?”
“Oh yeah.” Now you look at Lucifer as you pat Miller on the shoulder, “He’s harmless.” You don’t speak again until all the officers have left, “I got to say Lucifer, I’m disappointed.”
You think your eyes might be deceiving you, but Lucifer Morningstar actually looks ashamed. You don't know why, but you actually can’t stand to see him like that.
“I mean,” you throw your hands up and turn around a full 360, “this is the first time I come to your club and you’ve got no music playing, and no one dancing around with no worries?”
You smile at him, cross your arms and raise a brow, “Tisk tisk. I may have to leave a one-star review afterall.”
“Oh ho ho!” Lucifer's light returns in him, “Well, I can’t have that now can I?” He’s smiling ear to ear now, “TURN IT UP!”
The crowd cheers as the music comes back full blast. Everyone resumes their dancing, drinking, laughing, and you can’t help but laugh right along with them.
“K9!” You turn to Lucifer who gives you that beautiful smile, “I didn't know you had it in you!”
“There’s a lot you don't know about me, Lucifer.” You smile back at him.
“Evidently! Come on,” Lucifer grabs your arm and pulls you to the dance floor.
“Oh no, I really shou-”
“Come on, K9!” Lucifer laughs and drags you to the dance floor, “Show me all I don't know!”
“Oh, now that’s interesting.” Linda watches you and Lucifer dance away together.
“What is?” Mrs. Charlotte Richards, well actually the body of Charlotte Richards that now belongs to the Goddess of all Creation [aka God’s ex-wife and Lucifer’s mother], looks down at the tiny doctor.
“Oh, nothing much.” Linda looks at her and gives a small smile before turning her attention back on you two, “I just thought of something I have to ask a patient of mine about.”
As Linda drinks her martini the Goddess follows her eye line sight and stares at you dancing with her son. Her eye twitches.
“My son was right about you, Doctor.” The Goddess smiles wickedly, “You are incredibly insightful.”
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Escape- pt 15
pt 1. pt 2. pt 3. pt 4. pt 5. pt 6. pt 7. pt 8. pt 9. pt 10. pt 11. pt 12. pt 13. pt 14.
Jane Seymour has stayed with Henry long enough. Cue Catherine of Aragon and the rest of the girls to save her (Aramour)
The girls are well on their way to their new house, but first they have to stop at the Seymour household. Total fluff chapter.
Midway through the night, Jane had woken up and taken over driving for an hour before Catherine insisted on driving the rest of the way.
“Just until eight or nine, or whenever you wake up. I can handle it,” Catherine promised her.
Around eight, Jane’s phone began to ring, Margaret’s name appearing.
“It’s Cath. She’s asleep.”
“Oh. Well, how are things? How is she holding up? How are you holding up?”
“She’s okay. I’m doing my best not to rush anything. You have no idea how much your daughter really means to me.”
“I think I have an idea. Just keep in mind, I’ve seen how you acted and looked around her for the past ten years. You look at her in ways Henry never could. Jim, he sees it too.”
“It's nothing to be embarrassed about. We’ve, even when she was with Henry, John and I wanted you two to-”
“Well,” Catherine began to stutter.
“Who’s on the phone?” Jane shifted in her seat as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
“It’s your mom.”
“Oh hi Mom,” Jane yawned.
“Well, I’ll let you get going. Sending much love to you three angels.”
“Bye mom. I love you.”
“I love you too Jane. Cath, we’ll talk later.” Margaret hung up.
“Ready for some breakfast?”
“You’re talking to someone who is seven months pregnant. Of course I’m ready for breakfast you fool.”
“I’m a fool that loves you.” Catherine kissed Jane’s hand. “Let me just tell the others.
“Marge! Where are you?” John called from their bedroom.
“Terrace. Just got off the phone with Catherine.”
“Oh, how are they?”
“I couldn’t get them to admit if they’re together or not.”
“Dammit. Just, here.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill.
“Wow.” Margaret stood shocked but didn't take the bill. “I’ve never seen you just give into something so easily before.”
“This is so stupid. We share all of our money anyway,” John grumbled.
“Yes, but a bet is a bet.”
“Did you tell her?” Jane questioned Catherine as the two got out of the car.
“No, but I’m willing to bet that she knows something is up. You know your mother isn’t that stupid. And with the other four coming with us, one of them is bound to slip if we don't. Probably Boleyn.”
“Hey!” Anne called from her car. “I can keep a secret if I want to!”
“Yeah right,” Kat muttered from the passenger seat.
As the six sat down at the table, Jane laid down the rules. Any food that Margaret was to offer them, they were to accept. It would be foolish not too. In the words of the blonde, “If you think my cooking is good, my mother’s cooking is heavenly.” The biggest rule, as Catherine would say was “Do not let it slip that Jane and I are dating. I know they wouldn’t care and are actually probably rooting for us to get together, but we aren’t ready to tell them. At least not yet.”
The six ate rather quickly and began to get back into the cars.
“Jane’s parents are about twenty minutes away. We can lead if you want?” Catherine informed the others who agreed quickly.
“Are you ready to see your parents?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course I do! Can I drive?”
“You’re so spoiled.” Catherine patted her butt on the way out.
“Lina!” She squeaked. “We’re in public!”
“Yeah, I know. I just really love that we’re together.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Yeah yeah. Here,” Catherine laughed as she handed Jane the keys. “Get moving.” Jane started to walk, but Catherine hung back a few seconds.
“Get to the car you perv!” Jane yelled over her shoulder. “I can feel your staring!”
“I’m sorry. I just really love you.” Catherine jogged to where Jane had stopped.
“She’s not sorry!” Anne called out from her car.
“Who the hell could that be?” John was woken from his nap on the couch.
“I’ll get it. Stay here.” Margaret pushed herself up from her husband’s lap. “John!” Margaret gasped when she opened the door.
“Daddy!” Jane ran to her father.
“Babe! Oh my gosh! You look beautiful!”
“Hey Marge,” Catherine gave the older Seymour a hug.
“Hey John.” The hispanic leaded in to hug her girlfriend’s father.
“Janey, I know you’re a daddy’s girl, but I’m really feeling like chopped liver over here,” Margaret teased.
“Mom! Oh my gosh!” Jane flew into her mother’s warm arms before pulling away. “I have some friends I’d like you to meet.”
“Oh yes! You must all be the friends I’ve heard so much about!”
“This is Anne.” Jane gestured to the young woman with her hair in space buns.
“Pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Seymour.” She stuck out her hand.
“No no, we don’t do formalities here. It’s Margaret and John.” John shook the woman’s hand, but Margaret pulled her into a tight hug.
“I’m Anna.” Margaret also pulled her into a hug, and Cleves awkwardly patted her on the back. “Sorry, I’m not really used to the whole hug thing.”
“Oh dear, if it made you uncomfortable, I won’t do it again.”
“It’s not a problem. I’ll just have to adjust.” Anna smiled softly at the woman.
“I’m Catherine, but you can call me Cathy.”
“Ah yes, the writer. I’ve read some of your work. Very smart woman you are,” John spoke up.
“And you must be Kat.” Margaret smiled warmly at the pink haired woman slightly hiding behind Anna. “Jane’s told me so much about you.”
“Oh?” Kat hummed. “Uhm, nice to meet you. Jane’s told me a lot about you guys too, and uh, you did a great job raising her. She’s honestly the kindest woman I know.”
“Hey!” Anne whined. “I thought that was me.”
“No need to bicker girls. I’ve told my parents about all of you,” Jane sighed before the two cousins could get into it.
“She really is a good kid, isn’t she?” Margaret prided herself on raising Jane right.
“So, I heard you’re a good cook,” Anna grinned.
“Oh, is Janey talking about my cooking again?”
“She said, ‘If you think my cooking is good, my mother’s cooking is heavenly.’”
“Oh she’s so silly. But I do have a pie baking in the oven. How long are you guys planning on sticking around? It’s almost done, and then it just has to cool. In the meantime, I can whip something up.”
“I’m not sure, but probably long enough to have some pie.”
“Okay well girls, make yourselves at home. You must all be exhausted after driving all night. If anyone needs to take a nap, Jane’s room is the first door upstairs on the right, and the guest room is across the hall from her room.”
“I will take you up on that.” Anne dragged Katherine to Jane’s room while Anna and Cathy made their way to the guest room.
“Mom, oh my god I have so much to-”
“We know,” Margaret cut her off.
“You know what?” Jane looked at her mother questioningly.
“You and Cath?”
“Uhm, no? I was going to tell you about the baby.”
“Oh. Oh my gosh. I’m really sorry honey,” Margaret fumbled over her words.
“Well, this is our cue to grab a beet.” John kissed his wife’s temple and motioned for Catherine to follow him to the garage. Jane leaned up and kissed Catherine’s cheek before the hispanic followed her father.
“So, I’m sorry for Marge. She really thought that’s why you guys were here I guess.” John rubbed his palm against his face.
“It’s alright. It’s uh, hopefully all falling into place. If she wants sir-”
“Cath, what have we talked about with the formalities?”
“Sorry John. Uhm, if Jane wants, if everything falls into place, one day would it be okay if I asked her to-” Catherine cut herself off. She was about to give their relationship away. “Nevermind. I’m getting ahead of myself.”
“No, I know what you’re going to say. You’re not getting ahead of yourself. You know you have Margaret’s and my blessing. We trust you. Stick with her. My Janey deserves a love like mine and my wife’s.”
“That’s the plan. Just don’t tell Marge. I just know she’d end up saying something.” Catherine shook her head in a light manner.
“She would. You’re right. I got it hun.”
Meanwhile, the mother and daughter were seated in the living room.
“I think it’s going to be a boy, but Lina insists it’s going to be a girl. The other girls all think it’s a girl too, so we have a bet going. I bet 15, Lina bet 40, and the other girls all bet 25 each. If I win, they all owe me the money they bet, and if they win, I owe them 15 each. It’s kinda stupid, but it’s fun.”
“It’s a girl!” Catherine called as she walked up from the garage to the kitchen. The older woman walked into the living room and embraced the blonde for a second before remembering they weren’t supposed to be giving themselves away. “I had to, uh, get another beer. And Jane looked cold.” She quickly left, feeling the mother eyeing the two of them.
“Jane. do you have something to tell me?”
“Nothing is there! She’s just- Lina. You know?”
“Whatever you say dear. Are you guys staying for dinner? It’s not a problem, I would just have to go to the store to get some more things.”
“I don’t think so. We’re hoping to get to the new house by dark. It’s a cute place. I looked it up on the way here.”
“That’s nice.”
“Hey honey?” John called.
“Yes love?”
“I need your help. I’m sending Cath up.”
“Okay, I’m coming.” She turned her attention to Jane. “Your father is so needy.”
“Hey you,” Catherine emerged.
“Hi,” she laughed.
“Just kiss me,” the hispanic whispered, desperation in her voice.
“You’re lucky I love you.” She pecked the other woman’s lips. “Just sit with me. We need to leave before dinner if we want to make it there by tonight.”
“Okay, you got it.” Catherine lifted the blonde into her lap.
“You goof.” Jane shifted herself off her girlfriend’s lap and faced her. “I’m fat. Don’t do that.”
“You’re beautiful; that’s what you are.” Catherine lifted her feet and started to massage them.
“Best girlfriend ever,” she sighed as she relaxed into the couch.
“You get anything out of Cath?”
“Not really,” John lied.
“John! Come on,” Margaret groaned.
“Did you?”
“Oh shush it.”
“And I’m still being yelled at? Unbelievable.”
“I hate you so much.” Margaret’s smirk revealed the love in her eyes for her husband.
“Let’s get back.” John lifted his wife over his shoulder.
“John!” she laughed as she swatted at him. “We’re too-”
“We are not too old! You just think we are!” He walked up the stairs with his wife draped over his shoulder. “Hey kids! Look at what the old man can still do!” John laughed hysterically as he gently placed Margaret on the couch next to Jane.
“Are you sure you should do that Dad?”
“I do what I want.” He looked over to see Margaret shooting daggers at him. “So long as your mother is okay with it,” he quickly added on.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’re lucky.” Margaret shot her husband a wink.
“Mom!” Jane yelled out in disgust. “Keep it to yourself!”
“Oh please.”
Once the others woke up and had a taste of Margaret’s pie, they begged the couple to stay. The six stayed for dinner, the older Seymour’s very happy to ensure that they were all sent away with a meal made with love in their stomachs. Each of the girls left with an extra plate full of food.
“You all deserve a good home cooked meal,” Margaret said as she forced the plates of food into their hands.
“What you do with food Margaret,” Anna complimented.
“Thank you so much for having us and welcoming us into your home,” Cathy thanked the two as they were running out the door.
“Any friends of Jane are family to us dear. You’re all welcome anytime,” Margaret meant what she said.
“Hey Cathy?” John called after her. When the young woman froze, he spoke, “If you decide to put out any work any time soon, send them my way.” Cathy nodded and continued to shoo Anne, Anna, and Kat out the door.
“We’ll be back once everything settles down hopefully.” Jane pulled her mother into a hug.
“You better! I love you honey, and I love you too Cath.” Margaret kissed each of the girls’ cheeks.
“You too Marge.”
“I’ll see you around, kid.” John clapped his hand on Catherine’s shoulder. “Bye princess.” He pulled his daughter into a hug. After making sure Margaret was busy fussing over Catherine, he whispered, “I know you’re dating. Mom doesn’t. I love you.”
“I love you too Daddy,” she sniffled. “Okay, let’s go before I start.” Jane pushed Catherine out the door and into the car.
“Dad knows. What did you say?”
“Nothing. Let’s head out.” The three cars pulled out of the driveway, and they continued on their way to their new retreat.
“I love you Jane. You have no idea how much I love you.”
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19th Century Literary Misfits Go Vampire Hunting Because Van Helsing Said So
(Yeah, I wrote more. I can’t help it! There’s so much potential in their individual stories for wacky crossovers! Anyway, I hope you enjoy, my fellow 19th century literature nerds! If you want to know what this is all about, here’s the first story and the companion piece to that.)
(Characters include Van Helsing from Dracula, Moreau from The Island of Doctor Moreau, Griffin from The Invisible Man, Frankenstein from Frankenstein, Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray, Hyde from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Moriarty from one of the Sherlock Holmes stories, and Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment.)
(Note: When you see “<...>,” someone’s speaking Russian.)
(Warnings: Blood, violence, killing (not of a human), mentions of murdering innocents, nudity (Griffin gets naked but he’s, you know, invisible...))
A breeze swept through the night air, stirring the branches of nearby trees and causing old buildings to groan. Mist shrouded the city and dampened the ground, hanging on dew laden leaves. Every noise seemed mysterious and alien. A soft clicking joined the night sounds. It intensified as the cold winds brushed past an unseen shape, sending the coat it wore waving.
“C-Can we go b-back now?” The clicking stopped momentarily as a disgruntled voice arose. The arms of the coat wrapped themselves tightly about the invisible shape.
“Not yet, Griffin,” Van Helsing said, not taking his eyes from the open patch of ground in front of them where a lone man stood, “She’ll be here any moment.”
“Then c-can I go back?” The invisible man’s teeth chattered even harder.
“No, your invisibility may be of use to us.”
“For what? You s-said these things can smell blood!”
“You may still surprise her.”
“You only let me w-wear a coat! I’m freezing! And besides, w-we brought H-Hyde for all that fighting n-nonsense!”
Hyde lay concealed beside them. He looked up as they mentioned his name, “Is she here?” he asked excitedly.
“Not yet, but soon.” Van Helsing assured.
Hyde bounced up and down where he crouched, a devilish smile plastered to his face. When Van Helsing had enlisted his housemates’ aid in taking down one of the blood-sucking monsters he always went on about, Hyde had been the first to volunteer. Everyone had ended up going, though, under threat of eviction.
Moreau was the only one who’d also wanted to come; a being that could turn from human to bat was most certainly one he wished to study. The vivisectionist peeked with rapt attention out from behind the bushes they were concealed in.
Van Helsing had asked for a volunteer beforehand to lure the “vampire,” as he called it, in. Frankenstein had shrugged and offered himself as bait. For once, everyone was glad of the scientist’s morose attitude.
“What have I got to lose?” he’d said before trekking out into the open.
Now they all lay in wait. The vampire had been seen in this part of town over the past few days, so there was no reason to suspect it wouldn’t strike again tonight.
Moriarty sat further back from the rest, a blanket he’d brought keeping him from touching the filthy ground, “How much longer must we wait for an imaginary phantom?” he sighed, resting his hands primly on his knees.
Van Helsing turned to glare at him, “It is not imaginary. I have seen plenty of vampires in my time. We must deal with it before it has the chance to move on and turn some poor soul into one of its kind.”
“Let me get this straight,” Gray spoke up with a yawn, “some lady dies from, and I’m quoting you, ‘being drained of her blood by a bat each night,’ which means she must have become one of these vampires when she died, so we’ve got to reel her in, stake her heart, chop off her head, and stuff it with garlic?”
“Yes,” Van Helsing nodded, then froze, “Where is the garlic necklace I gave you?”
“I threw it into an alley somewhere back there,” Gray pointed vaguely back the way they came, “It smelled awful.”
“That garlic could very well have saved your life!” Van Helsing exclaimed angrily, “Now you have no protection!”
“We need no protection from phantasms, professor.” Moriarty scoffed.
Van Helsing glanced at him and sagged, “I see you got rid of your necklace as well!”
“I tossed it aside before Mr Gray did.”
The old man sighed in deep irritation and squinted into the shadows to the left of him, “<Rodion Romanovich, please tell me you kept your garlic.>”
Raskolnikov held the chain of vegetables up into the moonlight for Van Helsing to see. The old man sighed in relief.
“Dr Moreau? Did you dispose of your garlic?”
“No! I’m not an idiot like these two!” the vivisectionist shook his head, “I actually read up on vampires.”
So saying, he shook the garlic around his neck and returned to keeping watch.
Hyde looked at them all with surprise, “How come you guys didn’t eat yours?”
Everyone turned to stare at the crouched man, noting the cloves that had spilled on the ground around him and the empty twine still draped over his neck.
“You… ate yours?” Van Helsing said slowly with an eerie calmness belying his fury.
“Sure did!” Hyde affirmed, grinning.
The coat lying beside him jerked away suddenly, “Yeah, he did! I can smell it in his breath.”
“What’s the matter, air head?” Hyde asked, “Not a fan of garlic?”
He breathed out in Griffin’s direction and the scientist sputtered and crawled away, making Hyde giggle maniacally.
The invisible man gave an angry sigh and threw aside the garlic necklace around his neck, “Forget this! I’m going home!”
“You can’t! She might catch you!” Van Helsing protested.
“Anything’s better than this idiot!” Griffin said and stood to his full height.
Suddenly a pale woman was leaping from out of nowhere and tackling the unsuspecting scientist. Griffin fell to the ground with a cry of alarm and rolled out from the bushes.
“It’s the vampire!” Van Helsing had jumped to his feet the second he saw the creature descending and raised his stake of wood, “Attack!”
The vampire looked up as she saw there were others with Griffin. She dragged him back and lifted him by his coat. Confusion flashed across her face as she found no evidence of a neck.
This brief hesitation was all Hyde needed to spring on top of her, eliciting a surprised screech. Griffin shrugged out of his coat as her hold slackened and stumbled away, his trail marked by imprints in the damp grass.
Moreau and Raskolnikov followed Van Helsing’s lead while Gray and Moriarty hung back, utterly flabbergasted by the events unfolding before them. Then they were both diving for the remnants of garlic Hyde had left behind.
Frankenstein turned around as he heard the sounds of struggle behind him, to see Van Helsing, Hyde, and Moreau confronting a pallid woman of unearthly beauty who was snarling viciously. Raskolnikov dashed up, withdrawing his ax from a loop in his coat, once again holding it the wrong way. The vampire threw Hyde to the side just as Raskolnikov neared and pounced on the Russian, sending his ax tumbling into the short grass. Frankenstein snapped out of his daze and sprinted forward just as Van Helsing leveled his stake at the monster and Moreau lunged with another stake in hand.
Then the woman was changing, her limbs shrinking, ears growing, wings extending.
“She’s turning into a bat!” Van Helsing shouted as the vampire started to take flight, hissing at the garlic around Raskolnikov’s neck.
“Incredible!” Moreau cried, dropping his stake, eyes alight with joy as he watched the vampire ascend, “She’s marvelous!”
“Not now, Doctor!” Van Helsing yelled, though the situation was already well in hand.
Hyde hadn’t wasted a second and launched himself right off the ground. He grabbed the vampire by her wings and she shrieked in anger as they began to descend. The two landed with a crash back in the bushes. Moriarty and Gray scattered immediately with what little garlic they had collected.
The vampire rounded on Hyde and dove for his neck. Hyde opened his mouth and let out a long exhale right into her furry face. She choked and shrank away with a small scream, giving Van Helsing enough time to race over and stab the beast straight through its small chest. The screaming stopped instantly.
“<Quick, Rodion Romanovich!>” At the old man’s summons, Raskolnikov rolled to his feet, retrieved his ax, and brought it down on the bat’s neck, narrowly missing Hyde’s hand. Frankenstein proceeded to grab up the garlic still around the Russian’s neck and shove it into the severed head. Then they all sat back and stared.
Moreau pushed past them and knelt by the creature. He ran a finger along its limp wing.
He looked up after a few moments, “That was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen! To change from human to bat like that is… wow! I need to study the body!”
Van Helsing gestured tiredly, “Be my guest.”
Moreau gave a small, almost childish squeal and gathered up the vampire pieces.
“I agree with with the doc!” Hyde said. He had twigs stuck in his long hair and scratches across his face, though none of it detracted from his smile of triumph, “Let’s do that again!”
“Where’d everyone else go?” Frankenstein interrupted, glancing around.
“They all ran off, apparently.” Van Helsing replied.
“Not everyone.” The four gathered all looked about them, seeing no one.
The discarded coat lifted itself off the ground and slowly filled out as Griffin put it back on. “I’d yell at you for nearly getting me killed or vampire-ized but I’m freezing c-cold so can we go home now?”
“Yes, Griffin, we can go home.” Van Helsing said and struggled to stand up from the grass he was seated in. Raskolnikov bounced to his feet and offered a hand. Smiling, the professor accepted the help.
The six of them trudged back to their house. Only Moreau seemed to have a spring in his step, eager to return to his lab. Frankenstein glanced over the other scientist’s shoulder, clearly interested. He forcefully drew his gaze away, though; he felt tremendous guilt any time he had any sort of scientific curiosity and wouldn’t tell anyone why.
Van Helsing glanced at the ax in Raskolnikov’s grip, “<That ax of yours has been handy to us on more than one occasion, but I must ask, why do you have it?>”
Raskolnikov was suddenly very pale. His shoulders tensed and he lowered his gaze, then lifted it with new resolve and a wan smile, “<You never know when you might need it.>”
Van Helsing nodded, “<Right.>”
Raskolnikov gave a small, spasmodic laugh and hurried forward.
They met up with Moriarty and Gray back at the house. Both tried to appear calm and collected, though there was obvious fear in their eyes.
“You, er, disposed of it, then?” Moriarty asked, eyeing the dead bat spilling blood on Moreau’s hands.
“Yeah, now move!” Griffin shoved past the professor and threw himself beside the fireplace, flinging his damp coat away.
“Do you believe me now, gentlemen?” Van Helsing asked, just a touch smugly.
“Guess so…” Gray murmured.
Moriarty shifted uneasily, “In light of the new evidence, it would be foolish to say no.”
Moreau sprinted past them and up the stairs, slamming his bedroom door shut. Frankenstein watched wistfully after him and walked slowly to his own quarters. Moriarty and Gray made hasty excuses and retired. Raskolnikov seemed to have suddenly become ill and moved jerkily to his room, bidding a faint “<Good night>” as he left.
Hyde brushed off his hat and moved back toward the door, “Well, I’m off! The night is young and there’s a whole world of mischief to explore!”
“Please don’t kill anyone!” Van Helsing implored, “It’s getting harder to calm the mobs!”
“Don’t you worry your big head, professor! I won’t kill anyone-”
“Maybe some homeless vagabond or lowly shop owner. Or perhaps a baby! Just kidding! I’m not that much of a monster. Or am I? I’ll see when I get there!”
He threw open the door and started hopping away before Van Helsing could protest, “See ya tomorrow maybe!”
Van Helsing heaved a deep sigh, “Please be Jekyll tomorrow…”
“He’s usually Jekyll in the daytime so I wouldn’t worry.”
Van Helsing jumped and spun toward the fireplace, “Oh, Griffin! I didn’t…” he trailed off.
There was a short pause before Griffin spoke again, in a quiet, intense voice.
“Didn’t what?”
Van Helsing glanced sheepishly at the floor.
“Say it.” Griffin prompted.
Van Helsing looked up to where he figured the voice had come from, “... see you.”
“That’s what I thought.” There was a shuffling as Griffin got to his feet, “Good night.”
Van Helsing winced, berating himself for his slip up. The stairs creaked as Griffin went up them, leaving the professor alone. Or maybe not; Griffin was known to pretend to go upstairs only to remain on the first floor to spy on everyone else.
With that thought in mind, Van Helsing shivered and retreated to the study for some reading before bed, closing the door behind him.
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iamknicole · 5 years
House Party
Bloodline Family Series
Parties were pretty much an every weekend thing for Eli, Koda and Milo. Sometimes during the week too. But they never had their own. For almost a month, the cousins planned their party. Trinity and Jimmy were going to be out of town about an hour away, all their siblings were going to be with Grandpa King and Nana. Koda and Milo weren't sure where their parents would be but they knew they'd take the alone time.
"You're really gonna use Auntie Trin's glass punch bowl? Didn't we buy one from the store?" Milo asked walking into the kitchen.
Eli shrugged. "It was cracked. This is good, she never uses it anyway."
Milo shrugged emptying the snacks into the other party bowls they'd brought. Koda was lining sodas up on the counter.
"I found the beer your dad hid in the garage," Koda laughed.
"Cool, he won't even realize they're gone. Is ya friend still gonna dj, Lo?"
Milo nodded going to throw his trash away.
"Yeah, he should be here in a few. Did you remember to lock the doors upstairs?"
"Ummm, yeah, I think I did. I'll check in a few."
The furniture was moved out of the way, the dj was set up, snacks and drinks were out and the boys were dressed. Fortunately for them, their parents had actually called them to check on them so they didn't have to worry about that being a problem.
A couple hours later, Eli's house and backyard was full of people, classmates, friends from other schools and a lot of people they didn't know. They were enjoying themselves much more since it was their party.
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While his cousins danced Koda was by the dj area, taking pictures and videos of them. The more Milo danced the harder he laughed. Going over to them he joined in on their vibe, it was contagious.
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Eli continued to dance and looked around the party feeling eyes on him. When he caught the eyes of the girl watching him, he smiled then tapped his cousins.
"I'll be back, I think i spotted my situation for tonight," Eli said staring at the girl.
Koda laughed, "Handle your business, cuz."
"Hoe ass boy," Milo joked.
After slapping hands with his cousins, Eli crossed the party to get to his girl. He snuck up behind her putting his hands on her hips.
"What's up, beautiful? I don't think we've met." He whispered in her ear.
The girl turned around and smiled at him. "We haven't but I know who you are."
"Is that right?" Eli smirked.
"That's right, Eli. I'm Suzy. Now that we're acquainted I wanna see if what I heard is true."
Licking his lips, Eli looked around the room for a moment them back down at Suzy. "Damn you don't waste time but if that's what you want. Follow me."
Milo hit Koda's arm and pointed to Eli, who was climbing the stairs with Suzy behind him. Koda watched them, he couldn't help but laugh.
"That's your hoe ass cousin, Lo." Koda joked.
While the cousins enjoyed their party, Trinity was waiting on the hotel bed for Jimmy to get out of his shower after their date. They decided to take a two day trip to Tampa just because. Trinity checked her texts, her emails then the vivint app. It kept sending her notifications from the doorbell camera. She had been ignoring it figuring Eli and his cousins were going somewhere but it was over 50 plus notifications.
As she looked through the stills from the camera her anger boiled over. She knew these boys were into doing some bad shit but to have a party was something new.
Jimmy came from the bathroom immediately noticing his wife's frown.
"Damn, did I take too long?" He asked jokingly.
"I think," she paused taking a deep breath, "No. Your son and his cousins are having a party."
Jimmy sat on the bed beside her laughing, "They always go to parties. No big deal."
Dropping her phone in her lap, Trinity turned to look at her husband. "No, fool. Your son and his cousins are having a party in our house."
"The hell you mean he having a party? In my house? I known you playin."
Trinity tossed her phone to him, "Look at the pictures. All those kids going in our house with bottles and shit. What does that look like to you?"
Taking the phone, Jimmy looked through the stills his jaw clenching after every picture. He gave her the phone back then went to put his clothes and shoes on.
"Get dressed and packed, we goin back. Ima kill his ass and his damn cousins too," he huffed loudly.
Once the couple got on the road, they called the other two couples to let them know what their kids were up to. They were going to wait for Trinity and Jimmy to get back in town before going to confront their kids.
Meeting up two houses down, the parents stood together fussing about their children. They could hear the loud ass music from where they were standing and it only pissed them off more. Meanwhile inside the house, Eli was still upstairs, Koda was dancing with Parker and Milo in the backyard with Aunni and their other friends.
"Okay, I'm over waiting. Can we go snatch these lil bad asses up or what?" Apryl complained.
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"I'm sayin," Kandice agreed, "That lil slow ass boy is gon wish he took his ass to that farm when I'm done."
The men followed their wives to the house and inside, Apryl was in front pushing the teenagers out of her way, Trinity and Jandoce glaring at any of them who looked like they wanted to say something back.
One of the girls stopped dancing and smiled at the parents. "Mrs, Reigns," she screamed over the music. "I didnt know you guys were coming!"
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"Girl, get out my way," Kandice demanded pushing the girl out the way.
Jey saw where the DJ was and headed over to him. Roman spotted Koda while Jimmy looked around for Eli and found him leaving against the banister on the second floor talking to a girl. Apryl eyed the party goers, Kandice and Trinity went to the kitchen.
Roman grabbed Koda by the back of his shirt, yanking him away from Parker. Koda snatched away prepared to fight whoever it was, his face softened realizing it was his father.
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"Fuck," Koda mumbled not taking his eyes off Roman.
Jey slammed the laptop the DJ was using closed and glared at the young boy daring him to say something. When the music stopped everyone looked to set what the problem was except Koda, he didn't move. Noticing the issue, Eli started to descend the stairs stopping in the middle when he saw Jimmy staring at him.
The teenagers started to complain about their being no music which angered the parents especially Apryl, who still hadn't found her son.
"Shut up! Where is Adrian?" Apryl yelled. They. stood dumbfounded staring at her making her suck her teeth. "Where the hell is Milo?"
Again, nothing.
Apryl nodded, "Oh so nobody knows where his light bright ass is? That's fine, so since no one knows I guess I'll start beating ass till someone talks."
About ten of the kids blurted out that he was outside prompting Jey to head that way. Jimmy and Roman continued to stare at their sons.
"Get yall asses out now and off anything is missin out of this house, I'll visit each of you personally until I find it." Apryl threatened loudly.
Kandice came out of the kitchen to stand beside her cousin. "Leave, now!"
The teens rushed out of the house as quickly as they could, trying to avoid getting too close to the parents. Eli tried to scoot pass his dad but Jimmy stepped on front of him. The ones in the backyard were long gone when they saw Jey. A few minutes later after the house was clear, Jey came walking back in the house with Milo behind him.
Trinity rushed out of the kitchen towards her son and snapped the back of his head making him flinch. "Not only did you have a damn party but you used my good dish! And one of your lil friend broke it!"
Eli moved back from her with his hands up. "My bad, I ain't think it would get broken."
Sliding her sandal off, Trinity started to hit her son with it, gushing with each hit. "These bad ass kids in my house tearing my damn house up."
Koda took a step back, Roman took a step forward. Koda did it again and Roman followed.
"Boy, if you take one more step away from your daddy it better be to run," Kandice spat.
"Why the hell would you participate in this, Adrian? You know my elevator don't go all the way up and neither does your daddy's." Apryl said moving closer to her frightened son. "Look at this mess, Adrian. Trash everywhere, shit is broken and is that beer and weed I smell on you?"
"No!" All three boys answered.
"We had a beer or two but we wasn't smoking, Auntie," Eli spoke up.
"Shut. Up." Trinity said through gritted teeth. "She wasn't talking to you."
Jimmy folded his arms across his chest, "How the he would you know what they did? You had your ass upstairs laid up with somebody daughter."
"Whose idea was this party?" Kandice asked.
"Who was it?" Roman barked.
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The boys jumped and all three started to talk away the same time.
"Okay, okay, okay," Kandice yelled. "One at a time."
"Me and Koda," Eli said looking down.
"No," Apryl said shaking her head, "No, it wasn't. Try that again. Who?"
Koda nodded scratching his arm. "It was us, Auntie. It was me and Eli."
"Stop that lyin, Makai," Kandice warned in a low voice.
"I'm not lying," Koda stressed.
Roman eyed his son, "Do you really wanna piss me off more than I already am, Koda? Is that what you really wanna do?"
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"N-no, sir. But I," Koda stuttered.
"It wasn't your idea or Eli's," Jey added. "It was Milo. Wasn't it, Milo?"
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"Yes, sir." He mumbled quietly.
Apryl laughed to herself. "Its almost 3 in the morning and we're tired. We're gonna go upstairs and go to bed. You three stay down here, we'll finish this in the morning."
Eli raised his hand a bit, "But my room is up there."
"Not tonight it isn't," Trinity said smartly.
"Why are we stayin down here," Koda asked quickly.
"Cause you're gonna clean this house up before we get up. Don't even think about napping or going to sleep before this house is spotless," Kandice warned looked at all three boys.
Koda sucked his teeth and quickly regretted it, feeling his father chop his chest.
"Don't try me, Koda. You know better," Roman told him.
The parents went upstairs leaving their kids without a second glance. The boys didn't move right away until they heard the bedroom doors slam. They knew they going to have a long night and day.
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