#my life is consumed by schitts creek now
diazley · 1 year
What I don't like about any of the relationships Buck and Eddie have had is the relationship their love interests have had with the other, that is, their best friend.
As someone who values their friendships a lot and see their best friends as platonic soulmates, if I did have a partner, I'd want my partner and best friend to not only get along, but be good friends as they're both important people in my life and both of them will have to see each other quite often since I will spend most of my time with them.
(The ideal relationship between a LI and best friend would be like the relationship Patrick and Alex from Schitt's Creek have, where they hang out without David, roast David together and just have a really fun time together with/without David.)
We haven't seen Chim and Karen hang out a lot, but they've known each other a long time and have known each other separately outside of Hen and Karen's relationship. He set them up because be knew Karen enough to know that her and Hen would make a good match. And we might not have seen them spend a lot of time together, but we have seen them get drunk together. Karen thought Hen was cheating on her and immediately went to Chim because she's close enough to him to talk about Hen and he knows Hen well. Hence we can assume they are very close and are good friends.
It can also be assumed that she is very close to the rest of the firefam with what we've seen in the show.
In Athena's case, just like in Karen's case like how she knew Chim before being in a relationship with his best friend, she knew and was friends with Hen before even meeting Bobby. And she's always had a close relationship with the firefam as a whole because of calls and of course because of Bobby, but we've also seen evidence that she's close to each and every single one of them (I think we've barely seen Chimney and Athena interact, if not at all, but Bobby and Athena literally host parties all the time and Athena visits the firehouse more often than not and by way of Hen, there's no way they're not close).
Now if we look at all of Buck and Eddie's romantic relationships, Abby and Taylor are the only ones who have even interacted with the firefam. Shannon, Ali and Ana most probably have interacted with them but we haven't seen any instances of them interacting with the firefam as a whole if I remember correctly (Shannon once stormed into the firehouse to see Eddie, I don't think we've ever since Ali talk to anyone in the firefam except Eddie, and we've seen Ana talk to Ravi that one time)
In Buck n Eddie case, their relationships to each other's partners have not been friendships but acquaintanceships
Eddie disliked Taylor for obvious reasons. Everybody did.
We've seen Eddie talking to Ali during the earthquake rescue but never after that. He could've talked to her offscreen but my point is they were not close. They were acquaintances at best.
Abby had a relationship with the firefam, wouldn't see a great one but they acknowledged her and they got along even though they didn't see her as an extended family member like they see Karen.
If they don't make Buddie canon, and they're planning on bringing new love interests in the future then I would like to see that kind of relationship play out.
It does not seem logical to introduce a new LI who will form a close relationship with the firefam even though it is possible and time consuming.
So Buddie IS the most logical way to go at this point of the show, but that's up to the writers and I'm not at all sure they'll go for it cuz I have trust issues (victim of the Supernatural Queerbait Destiel Disaster). But that's just me. So have faith, o ye Buddie fans, for all hope is not lost until the show has ended.
TL;DR: Biggest issue I've had with all of Buck and Eddie's romantic relationships is that their lovers have never had a close relationship with Eddie and Buck respectively and/or the firefam.
Also, as a side note, I really wanna see Maddie n Eddie interact.
And Maddie and Karen.
And Buck and Karen (have we ever seen them talk to each other? This is unforgivable!)
This was rather poorly written. I don't know how comprehensive it is because I was too lazy to edit it properly. So if you read this till the end, thank you so much. This is for you 🌹
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uncloseted · 2 years
i feel like so much of the media i consume is dark or disturbing or gruesome and it's not good for my mental health and can sometimes be triggering for me, do you know of any feel-good, positive, funny or uplifting piece of media like podcasts, tv shows, or youtubers?:)
I've got you! I pretty much only watch positive or feel-good content lately. The world is just too dark and I don't need to seek more darkness out. Here are a few suggestions I could think of off the top of my head. Everyone feel free to suggest others!
Ted Lasso- an optimistic, upbeat American football coach is hired to manage an English football team. Pretty much the most uplifting, funny, and positive show you could imagine.
Adventure Time- brothers Finn the Human and Jake the Dog battle evil in the fantasy land of Ooo. This show starts off very silly, but then becomes profound and life-affirming very quickly.
Community- a quirky sitcom about a study group at a community college. Hijinks ensue.
The Good Place- a woman wakes up in heaven only to realize she doesn't belong there. This show is hilarious but also has a really great message about what it means to live a good life.
Keep Your Hands off Eizouken- an anime in which a trio of schoolgirls start an anime production club. Even if you don't like anime, this show will convince you to love it. It's very uplifting and the girls' imagination and passion is contagious. This is one of my favorite shows ever to be made.
Schitt's Creek- a sitcom where a super rich family goes bankrupt and moves to a rural small town in Canada. Hilarious, but also very feel-good.
Derry Girls- a sitcom where the Derry Girls attempt to navigate teenage life in 1990s Derry, Northern Ireland. Given the setting it seems like this show couldn't possibly be funny or feel-good, but it's one of the few shows that consistently makes me laugh out loud. It has its tearjerker moments and it does those well. There have been episodes that have made me feel truly hopeful for the future of the world. But for the most part it's just fun.
Terrace House- a Japanese dating show where nothing happens. Three men and three women live in a house together, but then leave to go to work, hang out with their friends, and just do day to day things. It's somehow incredibly addictive and calming at the same time.
Space Dandy- an anime about the adventures of a "dandy guy in space who combs the galaxy like his pompadour on the hunt for aliens. Planet after planet he searches, discovering bizarre new creatures both friendly and not." This show is ridiculous in the best possible way.
Rilakkuma and Kaoru- a stop motion anime about Rilakkuma, a lazy stuffed bear, and Karou, an anxious human office worker. This show is very pure, sweet, and endearing.
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet- this is the book I'm reading right now. It follows a space crew of aliens on their journey across the galaxy. The vibes are very comforting and it's kind of about the meaning of family.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy- when Arthur Dent's home is destroyed to make way for an intergalactic highway, he unwillingly gets swept up on a search for the legendary planet of Magrathea. Hitchhiker's Guide is a classic series that's very funny and sometimes absurd.
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared- this is exactly what it sounds like it would be. Allan Karlsson is a hundred year old man who climbs out the window of his nursing home and disappears. It's a funny, passionate adventure about appreciating and enjoying life.
The House in the Cerulean Sea- Linus Baker is a depressed social worker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. When he is sent to evaluate the Marsyas orphanage for magical children, he discovers what's important in life. Very uplifting and life affirming.
Amelie- a quirky, socially awkward Parisian waitress secretly helps the people in her life while trying to work up the courage to talk to the man she's fallen in love with. It inspired me to want to do random acts of kindness for other people and it has great vibes.
Howl's Moving Castle- pretty much any Studio Ghibli movie has good vibes, but Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite. A woman cursed with rapid aging becomes a housekeeper to a narcissistic young magician. I would live in this movie if I could.
Night is Short, Walk on Girl- Night is Short follows Otome, a university student on a never-ending night out in Kyoto, and Senpai, the boy who is in love with her from afar. Before the night ends, they encounter criminal thugs, treacherous gods, and harebrained schemes, and drink a whole lot of alcohol. Whenever I'm feeling down, this is my go-to movie that I watch.
Purple Palace- Shayna is an American visual artist who lives in Paris. Her videos are inspiring and feel like hanging out with your most supportive friend.
Damon Dominique- a travel YouTuber. I don't watch him as much as I used to, but his videos often take a kind of philosophical or spiritual bend, and it's a lot of fun to see all the different places he visits.
ondo온도 - a super calming, low-key Korean lifestyle vlog channel
Mocha- a super calming, low-key Japanese lifestyle vlog channel
Goodnight Moon ASMR- if you don't like ASMR, this probably won't be for you, but this is my go-to ASMR channel for when I need a boost. Erin does an incredible job with props, costumes, sets, and storylines. I especially like her Valley Girl character, who manages to be hilarious and super calming at the same time.
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shelivesinhermind · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me, @emma-ofnormandy! 
1. BBC Merlin - This show will always and forever have a special place in my heart. I fangirled over this show so hard, when it was over, I went into a little depression. The characters and story just mean so much to me, I feel nostalgic every time I hear the opening credits. And I always have a pleasant time when I interact with the fandom. 
2. Vikings: Valhalla - I originally had no intention of watching this show when it dropped. I had watched the original Vikings series and really enjoyed it, but was in no hurry to watch a spin-off. That is until I saw a gif set of Emma and Canute (yes, you read that right) and the rest is history (quite literally). This show has come to mean so much to me in a short time, not only for my favorite couple, but the other characters grabbed me and didn’t let go as well. Plus, I have gotten to interact with some amazing folks in the fandom, which I am so grateful for :) 
3. Doctor Who -  Nothing will ever compare to the 10th doctor, my favorite, but this show was a place of escape for me for a long while. My brother and I looked forward to every Saturday when a new episode aired, kept up with it, who was cast next, and cried when David Tennant left. While my interaction with the show has fallen off in recent years (mostly because I don’t like the writing), I will always have fond memories. 
4. Downton Abbey - This was just such a comfort show for me and still is! I could say Downton Abbey is probably the reason I got into period dramas, though I loved historical things before this show. Downton Abbey was also about community for me, I loved chatting with friends  and older people alike who watched. 
5. Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - This show is just so much fun, with a wonderful female character at the center. What more could you ask for? This show is just so bright, entertaining, and the themes and main character are just *chefs kiss* I love Miriam, her quirkiness, tenacity, and drive are just wonderful. I need to catch up on this show now that the new season has dropped! 
6. Schitt’s Creek - Back in 2020 when the world was on hold and life felt meaningless, I was really struggling mentally and really needed something to pick me up. I had been wanting to watch Schitt’s Creek for a while, but the time never really felt right, until then. This show became a lifeline for me and a source of so much laughter. I love it. It is one of the greatest things made in my opinion. 
7. Daredevil (Netflix) - As a Marvel fan from an early age, I have pretty much consumed all the Marvel media (with the exception of recent releases, I kinda fell off keeping up with everything after Endgame), but this show will always stand out to me as one of the best. I love everything about it. 
8. The Walking Dead - I came for the zombies and stayed for the cast of characters. But seriously, I don’t fancy myself a fan of zombie media, and I am pretty sure The Walking Dead was my first interaction with a zombie story. To me this show becomes so much more than that and the actual zombies are like the background. I love the survival aspect the most about this show and all the characters that just grabbed me and stuck with me. 
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norskheks · 1 year
two tag games for the price of one
@froggierboy tagged me ages ago and I forgot til now lol 💕💕
sign: Leo... I looked up the minor ones once and promptly forgot, can you tell I'm not into astrology?
height: 5'2.5"
time: 15:34 as I'm answering, 15:52 as I'm posting
birthday: I'm not saying here but if you have timestamps enabled you can figure it out lol
fav band: The Beatles
last movie: I think it was The Banshees of Inisherin
last show: finally caught up with Sex Education
when I created this blog: 2011 I think? Whenever TeamCoco joined lol
what I post: fandom shit (mainly Schitt's Creek and OFMD), political shit and queer shit
do I get asks: rarely, and when I do they're usually those really nice "spread positivity to blogs you love!" ones that I appreciate but never pass on because I can't pick favorites
followers: 174
average hours of sleep: probably 7-8ish?
instruments: I played the trumpet for 10 years, and I'm starting again in a band this year!! I'm very excited. I also taught myself some guitar in high school, and I still have my guitar (no amp though), but no immediate plans to get back to it. Maybe when I get my own place.
what I’m wearing: a soft knit navy dress (with pockets ofc) and navy tights
dream job: psychophonological research but without the publishing complications of modern capitalist science
dream trip: Cần Thơ, Vietnam
favorite songs: "Imagine" by John Lennon is a permanent favorite, I don't really have one I'm obsessing over rn
3 ships: Gentlebeard, David/Patrick, PB&J
first ship ever: the pink and green(?) ranger in Might Morphin' Power Rangers
last film: see above
last song: I had All Things Must Pass on while falling asleep last night, and the last song I remember hearing was "What Is Life" (George Harrison)
currently reading: suchgreatheights' Gentlebeard AU WIPs
currently watching: nothing, I just finished Sex Education, and I'm thinking about starting Reservation Dogs next. Or maybe People of Earth.
currently consuming: this is very vague and I don't think I'm consuming anything I haven't already mentioned
currently craving: something crunchy. Like, chocolate covered pretzels. Crunchy, salty, sweet. I am very hungry right now.
tagging: I never tag anyone and I'm not about to start, if you feel like doing it, consider yourself tagged!!! 💕💕
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returntosaturn271995 · 5 months
December 20th-25th: Holiday Roundup
This year is a definite improvement over last year. For one thing I'm not crying over a break-up and a lost job. Lately, things have just had a lot of potential, and thanks to a well-placed Botox needle and my commitment to sunscreen and hydration: I have aged backward (I'm sure).
Reading: Finally finished "Shrines of Gaiety" - very Peaky Blinders with a dash of Agatha Christie and at 450 pages, not a small feat. I love ambiguous endings, happy or unhappy. I will definitely read more Kate Atkinson. I'm in the middle of "You Are More than You Think You Are" (daily meditations, meant to be consumed slowly), "Sapiens" (600 pages on all of human history, casual), and was gifted two more Samantha Irby essay collections from Zach and Natalie for Christmas. In order to hit my 50 book goal next year, I've got to get 5 down in January.
Writing: Before I'm out of this year, I am transferring all the written quotes from my well-worn journal into three places. The jokes are going into my tight ten, the stories are all getting dumped into a narrative doc, maybe even a Google Drive for organization, and my daily inspirational quotes I'll crib for the next notebook. Maybe I'll even write some of them hear and rank how great of advice I think it is in hindsight/how I can improve upon it. Also I have very much enjoyed how good I've been about Journaling this year, starting in March it got really consistent and that's where the progress got better too. That's the thing about journals: they have the side effect of turning your life into a narrative (even if it's a boring one) and then you can start to find a way to root for the main character. God forbid, you could even learn to improve her behavior (except for all the dirty stuff because let's face it, that's fun).
Cooking: Ugh. This one is brutal. I'm trying to order less takeout and it's like taking a banana away from a gorilla. Except I'm the gorilla and the banana taker. My likely insane goal is to not order takeout for the rest of the year, but how about we (me and the voices in my head) allow me to order it on the 27th? One more time for the day I'm least likely to have groceries/the will to grocery shop.
But also really Erin? You can't make it 9 days without ordering food.
I don't know. We'll have to see.
For the family's '70s-themed Christmas party, I made Dad's green bean casserole with potato chips as breadcrumbs. This was actually an unnaturally impressive feat as our kitchen was filled with people, dishes, incorrect ingredients (used buckwheat flour in a pinch) and the burners and oven were temperamental at best.
Political Awareness: Donald Trump is just fully quoting Hitler now. Abortion rights and regulations are cruel (and bigger in texas).
Loving Relationships: Mom and I spent a day together shopping at Stanford for Dad's present (a space-themed lego set because he is a child at heart). Dad and I watched Love Actually with George (giant German shepherd, settled between us as a very unlikely lap dog). We spent Christmas Eve at Barb and Jack's who are basically the godparents I never had. Lauren and Eric came over with Rosie who is just now starting to walk and talk and IS in fact the love of my life. Ash and Zach braved a visit from their Dad and Zach, Natalie, and I shared a joint on the porch. Got a Schitt's Creek Monopoly game and Chanel Perfume from the White Elephant and Dad respectively. Lots of family love. Lots of Mess.
Saw Nathan (from the Southwest flight) in Palo Alto and we ended up driving back to SF together and making out all night. His new place is gorgeous and weird like most San Francisco apartments. There's even a little rabbit in a hutch outside.
Getting Outside: Stanford is beautiful, Half Moon Bay is gorgeous, and I love the look of the Redwood trees. My goal is to go on a hike before I leave...but I leave in 2 days so that goal may have to take a backseat to me sitting and watching old seasons of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Dressing with Style: I rocked the '70s theme with high tops, acid-wash jeans, and a loud Apres Ski-style sweatshirt. There was also a delightfully tacky tree headband that lit up. Lauren also gave me a ton of her old clothes because the woman has a shopping addiction. Not that I'm complaining- I'm currently organizing and tallying everything. I'm going to have to ship some of this stuff separately.
Cleaning/Organization: This place is a zoo, but I've managed to keep my private space as neat as possible. Even making my bed even though the bed keeps changing because it's chaotic here. I've also managed to get mass amounts of laundry done and a set of dishes in the kitchen. Also in January, I'm going to have cleaners come in for the kitchen and bathroom (and maybe my room while they're there.) Organized spaces = organized mental states.
Yoga: My yoga has been on and off, but stretching is key. Even if it's only 10-15 minutes at a time. Even if it's only 3 minutes. My mat isn't here with me but I can groan over my hamstrings on the carpet- I assume. Haven't actually done it since I got on the plane.
Cardio: I walked barefoot on the treadmill to Christmas music for a mile and it was weirdly life-affirming. Any walk is a walk. And I also downloaded an app called TreeCard that plants a tree for every 10,000 steps you take. I'm currently at two tress because mama loves a walk. Also got reunited with my running shoes I left here last month and plan to purchase another pair in the new year.
Meditation: Kept up with it 5/7 days this week which isn't as amazing as I have been doing, but it's always a great reminder to drop vertically in the moment instead of constantly reaching for a distraction as a form of release. Meditation is healing and important. It stretches time.
Comedy: While I haven't really written any new stuff, I've definitely enjoyed watching a ton of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and general funny shit. I need to find a different angle in to incorporating it in to my routine.
Sleep/Hydration: I'm actually so impressed with how my sleep sorted itself out naturally with the new job/and how much tea throughout the day helps me feel physically and emotionally lighter.
Job: Looks like I'm getting a raise mothahfuckahs!
Good shit is coming. I am so so so so lucky.
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jentesomreiser · 11 months
The only media I’ve been consuming lately are workout routine vids from 3 yrs ago and the occasional Schitt’s Creek episode.
This has been my life for 2mos now outside of work
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my-nameless-bliss · 4 years
I've followed you for a while now (started for the shadowhunters stuff) but seeing you live your life and support yourself financially so you can go do all these cool things and have cats. Just being unabashedly into the things you are into is like so inspiring. Im getting ready to graduate college and i hope one day i am able to do the same kinds of things you are doing. Sorry if thats creepy or weird but your posts always give me a little bit of hope 💜💜💜
Thank you so much for sending this! I know my life is embarrassingly Extra these days, but I do deeply love it, so it means so much to me to hear that you’ve found some positivity from it! It took 25 years for me to get to this level of stability and freedom, and I’ve been loving and appreciating every moment of it so much. I know I’m incredibly fortunate to have this life, but I also work very, very hard for it, and I’m every bit as proud as I am grateful. 
I truly hope that you can build a comfortable, happy life for yourself once you’re out in the world. But please, don’t be too hard on yourself, don’t hold your life up against anyone else’s, and most importantly, please don’t put yourself into a timeline! I didn’t get the job that gave me this much financial security until over 6 years after I graduated college. Some things take time, and some things don’t work the way you plan them to, but there’s no wrong way to be an adult and live your life. Just remember that your life isn’t for anyone but yourself, and your happiness matters! 💜💜💜
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desi-lgbt-fest · 3 years
i understand the queercoding but as years go by and i grow older and see the younger lot figure out stuff on their own while completely giving up hopes of a proper representation in mainstream media, my heart breaks a little. as someone who grew up with giant movie franchise without any obviously portrayed lgbtq characters (Dumbledore doesn't count because JKR decided inclusivity is important AFTER all the movies came out and even today he's not canonically portrayed as a queer character in the prequels) I desperately want movies and shows revolving around queer characters without the centre plot being homophobia. We're underestimating the influence of bollywood, my family watched Schitts Creek once and now are somewhat more accepting of the community, imagine what a mainstream bollywood movie would do. It takes a bit of a risk ofc, because Aligarh was banned in a lot of places and Fire (Deepa Mehta) also faced backlash but hopefully times have changed a bit.
Yes of course. But you see people queer coding straight character shouldn't take away from them demanding more and better representation from newer media?
It's not like I can only take 100 queer characters and if I use up 90 as queer coded straight, I have space for only 10 actual gay representation.
In fact I would argue that daring to see straight characters in queer lens so publically is one of the signs that the young generation today, at least on internet, is demanding of more queer representation and is safe in doing so.
(cw: homophobic violence) Back in the 90s, the buddy cop movies were trending. Akshay Kumar and Said Ali Khan were a popular pairing. Ashok Row Kavi, the first openly gay man and a queer right activist made a remark that those movies had queer undertones. Saif Ali Khan, Kavi accused, beat him up for implying anything of that kind. For looking at queer coding.
The fact that you and I and others can so openly discuss these things, fact that I can make posts like Sonu and Titu are gay, all the Chak De India ladies are lesbian, is a sign of progress, or rather, Work In Progress. (Also, the fact that I do not have my real life identity attached is also telling. I would never make these posts from my insta account, for example.)
I do genuinely believe that on some level, the fans in the west who spent years creating gay fanfiction, fanart in secret, looking at canonically straight characters and making them gay, grew up and are now making the very queer media we consume. You think supernatural, albeit very homophobically, would've made Castiel queer had not for past 12 years, the fans looked at the 'canonical straight characters' and said 'yeah no, they're gay'?
Your point, as I said in the last response, is valid.
I do hope that one day, we don't have to look for queercoding. That one day, we have good queer representation across the spectrum. That one day, creators feel confident enough that they don't have to plant clues that hopefully, only the queer audience picks up while the straight remain blissfully oblivious. But until that, the act of looking at straight fictional characters and seeing queer characteristics in them, is an act of defiance.
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pineau-noir · 3 years
Ao3 tag game
Thank you so much for the tag @xanthippe74! This was really fun
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 36 if you count my unrevealed Fluff Fest fic
2. What is your total AO3 word count? 337,649
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Omg, let me count- 15...ish? Depending on if you count my crossovers as separate fandoms? But it's mostly Marvel and HP content. However I've written for several Marvel fandoms
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? In Love With the Ferret, A Soft Place to Land, Almost-but-not-quite, Steve Rogers Turns 100: A Life in Film, Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try! I jumped into fanfic purely as a reader and always got a thrill when an author responded back so I try and reply. That being said, I'm horribly late on so many and then my brain looks at it and is like "nope, this is more than one, we can't do this today!" So I certainly understand when other authors don't respond back to my comments. I just think it's a lovely system, either way and I try and do what works best for me personally, which is replying to comments like three months (or more) later
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oh! I was going to say none of them, but then Xan's answer reminded me that I did a sad microfic. It's for The Winner Takes it All by ABBA which absolutely gutted me. I'm actually really proud of it but then I did like, NO MORE MICROFICS!!!! Even though I love them
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? Omg yes! I love stealing plots!!!! heh Honestly, my first Drarry fest was LCD and it's become my favorite fest! I get to take other media that I love and turn it into Drarry? Yes please! Oh, I think my favorite one was turning Stucky into Dream Daddy for a Reverse Bang with the amazing @heyboydraws. The art is phenomenal and I had such a blast working with Heyboy.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not...really? I'm a small fry in the sea of like, huge Yukon gold potatoes and it has honestly given me a good bit of cover. If people don't know who you are they can't hate you (insert man taping his temple meme)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. I've written every type of two person, cis pairings (as a cis woman, I would need to do a lot more research and try and work with a sensitivity reader to write any sort of trans smut. I've read it and loved it, but I'm definitely not comfortable writing it without lots of work). I just kind of write things and fling them into the world and usually it works out fine?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? See #8
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Omg no but I want to! But right now, between my lack of time and motivation, it's all I can do to write fics for the fests I've signed up for. But I love to collaborate (I've done several Marvel bangs) and I would love to apply that feeling to writing together.
12. What’s your all time favorite ship? Omg that changes by the day. I get hyper-focused and the ship consumes me. Right now my faves are Newmann from PacRim, Jmart from TMA, and I always come back to Drarry.
13. What was the first fandom you write for? Stucky and good lord was it bad. It's on ao3 but it's REALLY bad! It's nice to see how much I've improved, but boy-howdy is it bad 😬
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Honestly, it's usually the last fic I've published? Which in this case is saying yes (instead of no), my Schitt's Creek LCD crossover. It's my favorite for a lot of reasons: it's recent, I feel like I did a good job writing it, I LOVE SC, I got to work with @static-abyss really closely and I adore them, I got to gift it to Ana because I adore them, I had so much fun adding Easter eggs, and I loved seeing how similar David Rose and Draco Malfoy are. It was so much fun to write and the feedback has been so lovely and it's great to convert people to the Draco is David mindset.
I'm going to tag @static-abyss @cibeewastaken @thusspoketrish @p1013 @ladderofyears @iero0 @glittering-git @evaeleanor and anyone else who wants to do this! There's literally no rhyme or reason to who I tag, beyond the user names I can remember off the top of my head.
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heymacy · 3 years
alright i wanna talk about fandom discourse + mental spirals for a moment. i’m the absolute worst when it comes to allowing my brain to latch on to one tiny thing, a line or a photo or a gif or something completely inconsequential, and letting it bounce around in my head until it’s bled in to all my other thoughts. i’m terrible about assuming the worst and being fearful of things i have zero control over. i’ve never been as involved in a fandom as i am with this one, with the exception being twilight back in 2007/2008 until about 2012/2013 (if y’all say a fuckin’ word i’ll knock you out). however, i’ve been casually involved in fandoms for a long ass time and let me share a few things i’ve learned:
1. a piece of media will never, ever satisfy you completely. it can try, and sometimes it comes really fucking close (see: schitt’s creek, parks and recreation, the finale of that 70s show, bones, and other shows that had great final seasons/finale episodes) BUT since everyone has different minds, experiences, perceptions, and beliefs, the same body of content will be interpreted differently by different individuals. even within a writer’s room, even in an objectively GOOD writer’s room, where things are approached collaboratively and with tact/sensitivity, there will still be differing interpretations of storylines based on people’s personal perceptions. someone with a personal history with mental illness will interpret the storyline of a character with a mental illness differently than someone who has never personally dealt with MI, either within themselves or by proxy with the people they love. we CANNOT underestimate the power and importance of personal perception when it comes to media.
2. the link between fictional characters and audiences is intense, and rightfully so. studies have shown that the connection the human brain can forge between itself and a character is as significant, important, and effectual as real-life relationships. therefore, the feelings you have as a viewer have the ability to surpass casual viewership and border on emotional codependency (see: comfort characters). now i’m not saying that this is a bad thing, because my hyperfixations on fictional characters and storylines have quite literally saved my life in the past (more on that another day), but just like most things in life, there IS truth behind the phrase “too much of a good thing”. the part of our brain that consumes and analyzes media is the same part of the brain that processes our real-life interactions/conversations/relationships. creating a disconnect between the two is difficult, sometimes impossible, which can leave those of us who already struggle with neurodivergency/mental illness/trauma spiraling over things that are, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential, but in our realties feel very, very heavy.
3. i joke all the time about “don’t mind me, just spiraling” and “here we go on a _______ spiral” and for the most part yes, it IS a joke, but my primary coping mechanism is humor, so there’s always a little grain of truth behind these jokes. mental spirals are one of the most debilitating aspects of mental illness because it literally feels like your brain is in complete control and you have no say in what you’re thinking about, talking about, or focusing on. and technically, your brain is always in control because you ARE your brain, and your brain is you, even the broken and flawed parts, and that can be difficult to reconcile. however, i’ve learned over the years that recognizing when you’re starting to spiral, noticing the little thoughts and feelings that signal that something is becoming too much, too quickly, can help to quell those feelings of helpless unease as your mind wanders and leaves you in the dust.
in my experience, we have very little control over those spiraling, worst-case-scenario, terrified-beyond-belief feelings that come with the territory of fandom interaction and discourse. we have very little control over how media is created and presented, and only mild control over how we, as individuals with unique experiences and circumstances, interpret said media, and how it makes us feel.
your fear, your concern, your utterly paralyzing terror is valid. your worry over the outcome of a series, a film, a piece of media of any sort is VALID.
you cannot allow the interpretations, opinions, and verbalized thoughts of others impede your ability to enjoy things.
nobody joins a fandom out of hate. nobody consumes a piece of media and enjoys it and thinks “hey, i’m going to make it my mission to present the worst possible takes and remind everyone of how we all have literally zero influence on the trajectory of this show/film/web series/comic, etc.”
if someone is bitter and upset about something, even tiny, inconsequential things, that’s THEIR issue. that’s THEIR interpretation based on THEIR experiences, not yours.
the beauty of fandom is not in conflict, in discourse, in meta-ing things to death. it’s not in the stress of managing our connections to fictional characters and storylines. it’s not even in the intense feelings of happiness, sadness, disappointment, regret, etc.
the beauty of fandom is in the joyful moments, the moments that first sparked that fire inside of you and made you go “i want to engage with this piece of media on more than just the surface level of viewership; i want to engage in a meaningful way because of how this show/film/etc impacted me.”
it’s easy to lose sight of WHY we engage, WHY we create, WHY we love the things we love and why we love them so, so deeply.
if we focus on why we love the things we love, and actively engage with those things, it makes it easier to process the things we don’t. it makes it easier to take these spirals, these unending cyclical thought patterns that consume us, with a grain of salt. it makes it easier to compartmentalize, to cope, to not allow the moments that we dislike, even hate, consume us in debilitating ways.
i guess the point that i’m trying to make here is this:
fandom is beautiful. it’s beautiful, it’s messy, and in some moments, it’s painful. there will be discourse, there will be meta posts you don’t agree with, there will be glorious and beautiful takes interspersed with takes that make you want to rip out your hair and shove it down the OP’s throat. this is a wholly indisputable fact.
existing within the confines of fandom does not mean that you are in any way obligated to experience things in the exact same way as everyone else. EVERYONE will have different takes. EVERYONE will have different interpretations based on personal experience and circumstance. there will ALWAYS be disagreements, big and small, consequential and inconsequential. we can argue about things until the cows come home, but do we really have the ability to influence the outcome of a piece of media and/or the fandom’s reaction and interpretation? no. we don’t. we may be powerful, wonderful, creative people, but none of us are god, and to delude ourselves in to thinking that we have the ability to change the perceptions of those with interpretations that differ from our own will drive you absolutely mad.
engage with the things you love. create things that bring you hope, happiness, and healing. seek out the joy that made you engage in the first place and cultivate that joy by whatever means necessary.
fandom is not a lifelong sentence for unhappiness and pain. fandom does not come with a hidden clause that states that you’re required to engage with content that does not align with your interpretations. being kind to yourself is one of the most important things in the world, especially in our current society that is hell-bent on profiting off of disdain and misery. fandom and happiness can co-exist. they DO co-exist. experiencing fandom firsthand, with a piece of media you adore, can be one of the most enlightening experiences if you let it. fandom transcends the surface level, transcends canon, transcends every bad take and poor interpretation, as well as the good ones. it’s about more than just content. it’s about how this piece of media makes you FEEL, the impact it has on you as an individual. 
that’s what’s important. that’s what we should focus on. it’s easier said than done, but keeping that concept in the forefront of our minds will keep us from losing them altogether.
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delilah-mcmuffin · 3 years
The Year I Thought I Wasted
Part 2: One Shots
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Room Six - This is the first instalment in the Sex Motel series. Some fellow Rosebuddies and I have put together a little collection, exploring the idea that the Sherwood Motel - the motel that Johnny and Roland eventually buy in season six (oops... spoiler alert if you’re not caught up in the most recent season) - is the motel David and Patrick have been using to connect before Patrick got his own apartment. My contribution kicks off the series, taking place just after Asbestos Fest. 
Published: 2020-02-29 Words: 5,049 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: E
The Same, But Different - "Now that we know about you and David, we need to know the details." 
"Mom!" Patrick moaned, scandalized. "Isn't it enough to know that I'm happy? You don't need the sordid details, do you?" 
"Well, maybe not the sordid ones," Marcy acquiesced, smiling at her son. 
Published: 2020-07-04 Words: 1,310 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: G
Are We Doing This? - They'd managed to make it through the drive to Elmdale and the ordering and consuming of their pizza while keeping their conversation flowing as it always had between them; light, fun, maybe a little flirty. But this was the first time either of them had brought up kissing since... well, since they'd kissed in the store that afternoon. And it made Patrick ache to do it again. And again. And again. 
Published: 2020-07-20 Words: 3,638 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
Creative Freedom - Patrick frowned and brought his hands up to cradle David’s jaw, thumbs grazing over his cheekbones. “It doesn’t sound like it's okay, David,” he said softly. David let out a quiet, keening noise. “You can tell me, you know. It’s okay to tell me when you don’t like something I’ve done.” 
Published: 2020-08-05 Words: 1,076 Chapters:1/1 Rated: G
He’s Not Coming Home (Because He’s Already There) - Cheek pinching aside, Marcy is right. Patrick does look good. Happy. Glowing, really. He looks relaxed and… settled. It’s a good look on him. And one that, not all that long ago, he and Marcy had given up all hope of ever seeing. 
Published: 2020-08-20 Words: 4,484 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: G
A Taste For the Finer Things in Life - co-written with @spiffymittens​ - David peeked around the door frame a split second later, sweeping the flashlight around the kitchen. There was no robber, no sign of any disturbance—wait, what was that? David whipped the light back to the kitchen island and the flashlight illuminated a paunchy raccoon calmly eating macaroni and cheese out of the garbage can. 
“The fuck you looking at?” 
Published: 2020-09-01 Words: 1,302 Chapters:1/1 Rated: T
It’s My (Christmas) Party and I’ll Panic if I Want To - written for Schitt’s Creek Frozen Over 2020 - It’s Christmas Eve and David wants nothing more than to spend the evening in Patrick’s room at Ray’s engaging in the kinds of activities that will get them on Santa’s Naughty List. But his dad has decided that he wants to throw a last minute Christmas party. And to top it all off, Patrick’s parents have shown up unexpectedly to surprise their son for the holidays. Oh, and in case that wasn’t enough, David discovers that Patrick has been keeping a pretty big secret.
Or: What happens when you take Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose and Meet the Parents and smoosh them together? Guess we’ll find out! 
Published: 2020-12-10 Words: 11,413 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
Follow this link to Part 1: Jukebox Prompt Fics
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orlaogden · 3 years
'3 things asks' 2, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 32, 37
Oh, so many! It's going to be fun. Thank you, love 💕
2. 3 movies you have rewatched many times
The Addams Family (my first fave film, and I'm still not bored of it)
Something's gotta give (I rewatched some scenes a million times, Diane is so good there).
Home alone (can easily watch it every December).
7. 3 fruits that you love the most
Bananas, mango, tangerins.
8. 3 tv shows that you never get bored of
Downton Abbey, Anne with an E, Schitt's Creek.
12. 3 apps you use the most
vk, tumblr, Google Chrome
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
"Every living being comes into this world to explore it. Not to try please everyone." Max Frei, The Master of Winds and Sundowns (my sloppy translation from Russian, haven't seen the English version).
"If you don't like something, offer an alternative" - Catherine O'Hara (it was about the creative process on SCTV, but I think that it also works in general).
"Make good art. I’m serious. Husband runs off with a politician? Make good art. Leg crushed and then eaten by mutated boa constrictor? Make good art. IRS on your trail? Make good art. Cat exploded? Make good art. Somebody on the Internet thinks what you do is stupid or evil or it’s all been done before? Make good art. Probably things will work out somehow, and eventually time will take the sting away, but that doesn’t matter. Do what only you do best. Make good art. Make it on the good days too", - Neil Gaiman.
(and here is a link to the whole essay, because it's great)
16. 3 drinks you consume the most
Tea. Tea. And tea. Black tea. Green tea. Herbal tea. All my life is tea. And some water. Maybe, coffee occasionally. With an almond syrop and cinnamon.
17. 3 tv couples you adore the most
Ugh, I'm a shipper with a looong trail of OTPs.
(some of The) most recent ones are:
Roman x Gerri (Succession)
Elsa x Massimo (AHS, Freak show)
Hope x Vernon (Virgin River)
18. 3 dream jobs you’ve had in your childhood
A cook, cos we liked to play like we own a cafe during our summers at the village. Then I wanted to be a scientist and invent things. And then I've found my biggest dream that is to become a writer - now I'm a translator, but I'm still working in this direction (and I write in my native language much better then in English, lol).
20. 3 adjectives that you’d use to describe yourself
Giggly, nerdy, yes, okay phone, you are suggesting needy, so be it (emotionaly).
25. 3 people you’d never get tired of
Well, I always get tired of people even if I love them very much, that's my introversion speaks, ahahaha.
But maybe my school teacher, cos she is cool and inspirational and I hear from her once in a blue moon - we talk like 5-30 minutes a year, so it's just never enough.
32. 3 months you enjoy the most
May, June, September.
37. 3 languages you would like to learn
Italian, my beautiful Italian! Maybe French/German. And also now I have an urge to learn some Polish, guess why 😂😂😂
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gra-sonas · 3 years
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Interesting interview with CW President Mark Pedowitz. Roswel, New Mexico is not mentioned, but he talks about programming decisions, straight to series orders, the next fall schedule etc. Another thing he mentions is, that he's happy that The CW will air a few more "family oriented" shows (like the Kung Fu and Walker reboots, and Superman & Lois). If you squint, RNM's very much a "(found) family oriented" show - with aliens. ;)
Pedowitz also mentions, that they have several slots to fill for the upcoming fall, and the 2022 spring schedule, but they haven't made all the decisions yet. While we might not hear about a S4 renewal very soon, this gives me a fairly good feeling tbh. RNM's an established show, it's comparatively "cheap" to make, they have great tax incentives in New Mexico, and the show is doing overall well enough in ratings and international sales.
Mark Pedowitz, broadcast's longest-tenured chief, has no regrets about delaying the start of The CW's fall season.
His network (like Fox), made the decision last summer to wait until the new year to bring back scripted originals like Riverdale and All American. The late start afforded productions more time to get used to filming during a pandemic, where episodes take longer (and cost more) to complete. It also.
While the January fall launch gives the network a backlog of originals to air without interruption (provided the pandemic doesn't have other plans), it also delayed decisions like the network's traditional mid-January slate of early renewals.
Now, as The CW prepares to formally launch its fall season on Sunday with the returns of Batwoman and All American, Pedowitz talks with The Hollywood Reporter about how the network is plotting a return to business as usual, including more straight to series orders, developing shows with heart and, yes, the future of all things DC.
Let's pretend we're at TCA: When will you bring Supernatural back?
If they boys want to come back, we're ready to have them. (Laughing.)
The CW traditionally hands out early renewals during this time of year. Where are you in those conversations, especially since your season doesn't formally start until Sunday with Batwoman.
I'm just getting into those discussions. I came from a studio background and understand the importance of early pickups — it allows for better preparation. We're a few weeks away but I need to finish up some internal discussions.
ABC, NBC and CBS all returned originals late last year. In hindsight, any regrets holding the season start to January
No. Once we said it, we felt it was the right thing to do. It would have been too patchworky. At this point, it gets longer and longer and you're waiting to get back into some form of what's your finished product going to look like? I have no regrets. I just wish it didn't take this long to happen.
How much has The CW's late start to the season — originals return next starting Sunday night — impacted the way you conduct business, both in terms of renewals and the negotiations for pilot orders, etc.?
We did this strategically and made choice in the summer because we were concerned with misleading affiliates, the consumer and the ad sales community that we were going to have a fall schedule in the fall and felt that wasn't the right thing. We found some successes with some of the acquisitions, like Stargirl, Coroner and World's Funniest Animals. Some of those are good linear, a lot of them were great on digital. Our digital presence was kept alive because of that. That said, our fall had Supernatural. And once that came back, we were doing [ratings] numbers we were doing pre-pandemic.
We are interested in seeing how people react. It's not just a covid issue right now; it's also the uncertainty in the country with news being as much of a viewing choice as anything else. We're going to have to see how it all plays. We're getting a little colder of a start than we would have if we rolled out of summer. On a digital basis, we're fine. On a linear basis, it's gotten harder.  On the development basis, nothing has really changed. I think straight to series [orders] will be done again this year — just for financial purposes so people can get going as quickly as possible — by the end of January. That could change because the surge could change. But there is a bit more flexibility to it. We're still on the same schedule: we have to talk to advertisers in some form in May about what things look like for the following fall. We're hoping that the following fall is closer to a normalized fall — like 2019 was. Do I think it will be completely that way? No. Do I think it will be much more that than not that? Yes.
So, you'll be focused largely on straight to series orders instead of pilot pickups this season?
We haven't seen a lot of development yet. Lost Boys and Maverick [ordered to pilot last year], because of what occurred, are back in contention as development, not because they got picked up to pilot last year. They're in the mix with many other things, including dramas from Ava DuVernay, Black Lightning spinoff Painkiller, Wonder Girl, PowerPuff Girls, The 4400. The scripts are coming in slowly. Right now, I've seen just a handful of scripts and I'm waiting for others to come in so I can make some decisions. They're in contention for how we pick up pilots or direct to series.
Last year, you went straight to series on Superman & Lois and Walker largely out of concerns that there could be a WGA strike. Why is this an attractive model for some development this year?
A lot of is dependent upon what we're dealing with in terms of production needs with ongoing series in a sense. The other is what's the economic impact. Bypassing pilots is short-term less money than going straight to series. We look at the economic impact and if we believe enough in these shows and that will determine the decision.
With two veteran shows — Supergirl and Black Lightning — ending, how much more room on the schedule do you anticipate you'll have? You're making straight to series decisions based on a slate that will have just gotten under way.
We'll have space for three or four shows for next season, 2021-22. We're sorry to see Supergirl and Black Lightning go, but we're happy to have Naomi, Wonder Girl and Painkiller in the hopper right now. From The CW-DC/Arrow-verse — whatever we're calling it these days! — I think we'll be OK for the next generation. The Flash is new leader with Arrow gone and we're hoping Superman & Lois and Batwoman step up there for a new grouping of shows.
How much more life is left in veterans like Flash and Legends as you develop the next wave of the Arrow-verse? Especially when you have Greg Berlanti doing a big-budget Green Lantern and DC world at HBO Max and J.J. Abrams doing Justice League Dark for the streamer?
And they have Matt Reeves' Gotham PD there, too. It always makes me feel good when we're copied. (Laughing.) There's a lot of life left. Greg and I speak quite frequently. I'm not that concerned.   You recently passed on Green Arrow and the Canaries. Why? Timing. We couldn't quite figure out a model similar to Stargirl and couldn't quite get there. We were hoping to have it start at HBO Max and take a second run on The CW, but we couldn't figure out how to do it and couldn't make it all work.   Last year's pilots Lost Boys and Maverick are back in the development stage. What's the status of The 100 prequel?The 100 prequel is still in discussions at the studio level. I'd like to see it happen. I'm comfortable with where the prequel spinoff episode we did this past season. It's not a pilot; the earliest that would happen would be probably summer 2022, if that happens. We may end up deciding that we can't put the pieces together and it won't happen.
Speaking of the studio level, Warner Bros. is in the midst of a massive change as Channing Dungey is replacing Peter Roth. How does the changeover at Warners — which co-owns The CW alongside CBS Studios — impact the network? What kind of conversations have you had with Channing about their content pipeline since Warners is your main supplier?
Peter and I had remarkable partnership and relationship, and that will be missed. Channing worked with me when I ran ABC Studios and we've known each other for a long time. She's very supportive of The CW and the shows that go on The CW. There are shows she'd like to keep there and get on the air there. Obviously, her priorities may be a little different than Peter's. We are all working toward the same goal.
How has the pandemic and our current state of the world changed the types of programs you're looking to make? Can you do a show like Maverick, set on a college campus, during a pandemic? Do you still make dystopian stuff, especially if it's expensive?
Maverick is still in contention. I just had this conversation with our development team. I've come to the point right now about hope. About safe havens and a place where you can just ease your tension a little bit. One of the nice things about Superman & Lois, Walker and Kung Fu is at the end of the day — despite all the superhero/genre and Texas Ranger stuff — all three shows are about family, which is an important aspect going forward. You'll see Superman in a way you've never seen him before. And you'll see Jared Padalecki in a way you've never seen before. After watching all eight of Wentworth, I switched to Bridgerton because I wanted something light and fluffy. And I found Ted Lasso a worthy successor to Schitt's Creek — it gave me a hug and made me feel good. It made me remember that the human condition is not always bleak. That's where my head's at these days and I'm hoping development is more hopeful than it is dark and dismal.
Have you considered keeping production on your scripted shows going through the summer given the current covid surge that's happening this winter and the uncertainty in terms of vaccinations and new, more contagious strains? 
We work with the studios on episodic orders and when the shows would end, when they can revert back to a normalized schedule — some can do more easily than others — so we could be there for next October with a more normal schedule. We've sat with the studios and our production partners and have figured this out. Barring catastrophe, we think we're in good shape.
The CW is a joint venture between Warner Bros. and CBS Studios. Since both studios have prioritized their own studios, how much longer does it make sense for them to operate a linear network?
That's a question for them. for the moment, both parent companies are happy with how this is set up. They recognize the value of The CW brand for selling their shows in digital aftermarket.
Interview edited for length and clarity.
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neighbourskid · 3 years
What a year, huh? Surely not anything anyone has expected to happen when we woke up on this day a year ago. I certainly haven’t. I’m not even sure, now, where to begin to sum up this year like I’ve done years prior. But then again... I may just as well just dive right into all the media I consumed this year, as I have done every year. I haven’t kept track as detailed as I have last year, but my year was definitely punctuated by pieces of entertainment that have come into my life.
Continuing on from 2019, my obsession with Good Omens was still going strong. Which was ideal, since I was gonna spend the first half of the year writing my Bachelor thesis on it. The intensity of the obsession may have waned a bit since, but I still love that show and book dearly and hold it close to my heart, and I don’t think that will ever stop. But while Good Omens was certainly an overall theme throughout my year, there were some other things that actually stood out.
With January came new episodes of Doctor Who, and having returned to that particular bandwagon the year prior, I was all about that. Jodie’s second season finally brought what I had longed for in her first--a darker kind of Doctor. She wasn’t quite as bubbly anymore, you could finally see some of the depths in the character that I loved so in the previous regenerations, which made me love Peter’s Doctor so incredibly much. In this season, I felt, Jodie was finally becoming the Doctor. Overall, that season catered to me personally every single episode. So many of the time periods they visited were of people I loved, and the introduction of Sacha Dhawan as the Master was absolutely....well, masterful. Sacha is brilliant in that role and I am utterly stunned by his talent. Although both John Simm and Michelle Gomez brought things to the Master that I liked, it’s Sacha’s completely unhinged take on it that made me finally like the character. He’s a madman and I love it.
The next major thing was The Good Place. I tend to have a talent of getting into shows just as they either ended their entire show, or the final season is just coming up. It’s happened quite a bit, and it was the same with this. I finally binged the show early in January and it would end its final season at the end of the month. True to form, I was completely obsessed with it for about a month, before I only occasionally thought about it again. But, thinking back now, I get this incredibly fond feeling for this show, and I remember that the finale absolutely wrecked me and I basically ugly sobbed through the entirety of it. Also very true to form, actually. I want to rewatch it again some time, but honestly preferably with someone who has never seen it before. Which, obviously, is a difficult thing to do given, well, everything.
Next up is something that surprised me a lot. In the middle of having to write my BA thesis, my procrastination thought it would be a great idea to rewatch and catch up on the entirety of Criminal Minds. And so I binged 15 seasons of that instead of writing my thesis. Which, coincidentally, had also just aired its final season not long before I started my binge in March. Rewatching this, I realised just how little I took in of the actual, like, stuff in the show when I first watched it as a teen. Although I mostly cared about the characters and their found family this time around--although I do find the cases really fascinating most of the time too--I noticed just how much I am not watching this for the fact that they are in the FBI. I was hyperaware of how often they shot at people before doing anything else, how many of the suspects died before ever being questioned or being brought in, and it made my skin crawl. I am aware how fucked up the criminal justice system is, and especially in the US, how the police functions and how incredibly glorified they are in the media. But rewatching this show, I realised how little I actually paid attention to anything when I was younger. Big yikes. Still, I remembered my love for these characters, and I really enjoyed that rewatch a whole lot. Found family will always get to me.
Once I finished writing my thesis and handed it in early in July, I then found my next momentary obsession: Community. The show had finally come to Netflix earlier in the year and a friend of mine had watched it then. I remember watching that pilot episode back then and being completely uninterested in watching it. The comedy felt like it wasn’t quite up my street, the characters were entirely unlikeable, and I especially disliked Jeff who the show was more or less centred around. I binged Criminal Minds instead, but then decided to give it another try. And, well, I watched it twice through without taking a break to watch something else in-between. Ironically, and maybe actually unsurprisingly, Jeff ended up being my favourite and I found myself relating a lot to him and his arc throughout the series. I even found myself writing some short ficlet-like things in the notes app on my phone. I made an attempt at starting a third watch, but I guess then the month was up, and my brain decided it was time for something else. My hyperfixations usually tend to die out after about a month. Which is why my complete devotion to Good Omens was a pleasant surprise. I did, however, end up watching quite a bit of Joel McHale and Ken Jeong’s The Darkest Timeline podcast throughout August. 
Early in September, while already preparing for the new term at uni, and my first semester in my Master’s studies, I then turned to New Girl. Friends of mine had seen it and recommended it, and I remember watching probably the entire first season on TV while I was in San Diego the first time around back in 2016. Or at least I think it was the entire first season. Either way, I binged that whole thing, realised through Nick Miller that the go-to character I am drawn to and tend to project on in any piece of media is usually what I like to call “the garbage man,” which Nick is a prime example of. And although I spent a month watching the show in-between starting university again and volunteering at a film festival, I didn’t spend much time afterward thinking about it and moved on to other things rather quickly. I enjoyed watching it, that much I remember, and I’m pretty sure I cried at the finale because it was done wonderfully, but seeing as another month was up, my brain was probably like “okay fine that’s enough”.
I then spent most of fall and early winter watching every single bad Christmas movie available on Netflix, which was quite fun. In that moment of festivity, I also watched a movie I found absolutely brilliant and fell in love with immediately. It’s a beautiful movie called Jingle Jangle, it has a magnificent soundtrack and is absolutely incredible. I had no idea Forest Whitaker could sing and he completely blew me away. If you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend it. It doesn’t matter that Christmas is already over, it’s beautiful either way.
By the time December finally rolled around, I was already over the whole Christmas thing, to be honest and I turned away from festive movies or shows, and eventually ended up finally picking up a gem I had heard much about and had been meaning to watch for a while. A show which, as it were, also aired its final season earlier this year. This little show is Schitt’s Creek. I will be going on about what this show means to me probably in another post at length, but for now just let me say: if you haven’t seen it, find some place to watch it, and put this beautiful show in your eyeballs. I am on my second run through already (although I’ve seen the second half of the show a second time already while watching it with a friend on their first run through), and it brings me so much fucking joy. It’s a gift, this show. And it will likely stay with me for a very, very long time.
That’s about it for the big things. I also watched a whole lot of other stuff, including entirely new things, or just newly released seasons of things I was already watching. Here’s what I can remember off the top of my head:
Charlie’s Angels (2020). The Night Manager. The Witcher. Dolittle (2020). The Librarians (rewatch). Harley Quinn (2020). Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). The Chef Show (S1 part 3, S2 part 1). Avenue 5. Money Heist (part 4). The Good Fight (S4). Brooklyn Nine-Nine (S7). DuckTales (2017 reboot). Frankenstein live. Staged (2020). Hamilton. Sense8. Julie and the Phantoms. The Boys in the Band. One Night in Miami. Enola Holmes. Supernova. His Dark Materials (S2). Happiest Season. The Great Canadian Baking Show.
I also got some reading done in-between what I had to read for my thesis in spring, and then for regular university courses in fall. Here’s some of what I can remember:
Anthony Horowitz, The House of Silk. Ramona Meisel, Sunblind. Donna Tartt, The Secret History. Good Omens novel and script book. Matt Forbeck, Leverage: The Con Job. Keith R.A. Decandido, Leverage: The Zoo Job. Greg Cox, Leverage: The Bestseller Job. Greg Cox, The Librarians and the Lost Lamp. Greg Cox, The Librarians and the Mother Goose Chase. Greg Cox, The Librarians and the Pot of Gold. Neil Gaiman, Marvel 1602. Christina Henry, The Lost Boy. Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology. John Green, An Abundance of Katherines. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh. Maria Konnikova, The Confidence Game. 
Having mulled over all this entertainment I consumed in 2020, there are also some non-tv or book things I need to point out. As many, many other people around the globe, I have also spent a large amount of time this year on my Nintendo Switch, playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is a game I have waited for since the Switch was first announced, and I fell in love with it from the moment the first trailer dropped. It has brought me great joy in this weird fucking year, and I have more or less consistently played it since it came out in March. I ended this year with the in-game New Year’s Eve celebration and I feel like that summed up this year quite neatly and appropriately.
This year also brought with it another game very close to my heart: Super Mario Sunshine. With their release of Super Mario 3D All-Stars in September, Nintendo finally brought my all-time favourite Mario game to my all-time favourite console, and I played the entire game through in the first week of owning it, in-between university courses and volunteering at the film festival. Also contained in that package was Super Mario Galaxy which I have also played through in its entirety since. All that’s left for me now is Super Mario 64, which I am excited to play through in the coming year.
And to round off my year of entertainment, there are two more things I would like to mention. First, David Tennant Does A Podcast With..., which released its second season this summer. It is one of the only, if not the only podcast I keep up to date with and listen to immediately whenever a new episode drops. I’ve loved the first season dearly, and David came back with some incredibly fantastic guests for the second season as well. I can’t wait for what the podcast will bring in the future, but I will wait patiently until it is time. I can highly recommend it for everyone who likes interesting conversations between lovely people who clearly adore each other a whole lot.
And finally, while this year brought a whole lot of bullshit with it, it also gave me something I never thought possible and did not even dare to imagine in my wildest dreams. My all-time favourite show announced that it would be rebooted with the same main cast (minus one), a new wonderful member, and involvement of the original creators, and even started filming already in summer. Leverage is coming back. I still cannot believe it. I hoped for a movie, always. That maybe one day, they might bring the gang back together, for one last job, just one more encore. But to get a whole new tv-show with Aldis, Christian, Gina and Beth returning? With the addition of Noah Wyle? I can’t wrap my head around it. I am so excited for this. I predict that I will ugly sob through the entirety of the pilot episode, if not the first season, and will have to rewatch every episode because of it, but I have no doubt that it will be brilliant and wonderful.
True to form, I have now gone on about tv shows and movies for far too long, and haven’t really said anything about this year at all. 2020 was fucking weird. And I don’t think 2021 will be much different quite yet. I wrote an entire BA thesis in 2020. I successfully finished by Bachelor’s degree and started my Master’s studies and even got some excellent first grades in as well. I was lucky enough to be able to see some friends and family throughout the year, and even celebrate my birthday with a small circle of friends. I’ve become closer with friends, shared experiences I wouldn’t trade for the world, and, I think, maybe also grown a bit as a person.
I started this year excited to finally be able to start taking testosterone in February, and to finish the first part of my studies by summer. Although I did both of these things, they didn’t happen quite how I imagined them, but I am glad that I could do these things nevertheless.
2020 was a hell year, for sure. But there were some moments in there that I wouldn’t want to lose.
I’ve tried very hard to not be optimistic about this upcoming year, and rather take a more realistic, even pessimistic approach. But I can’t help but be hopeful. Hopeful that this year will be kind to us, and if it isn’t, that at least, we’ll be kind to ourselves and each other. It won’t be easy, and not much will change, I think. But we have to approach the coming time with kindness and compassion. That’s where I’m at currently. And I think that’s all for now.
Be well, friends, and take care.
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mrssarablack · 3 years
1. What’s your sexual orientation?
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
Hmm, I really don't know. I have my usual things that would qualify but my "obsessions" but they don't often consume me to a high degree, so I have a hard time dubbing anything I like a full blown obsession. 
That being said, it's probably tiktok. The obsession of the moment, I find myself on the app entirely too much because it's just a fun party and oh the things that lead to little research dives are fascinating. Mostly it's the musicians that get me. I love creativity and am forever amazed by the collaborations and straight magic people make in the time allotted... but it takes up way too much of my time when it really shouldn't. I have better things I could be doing. 
3. Ever done any drugs?
4. What piercings do you want?
None. My ears are pierced to the degree I like and I don't really desire anything else to be pierced. 
5. How many people have you kissed?
6. Describe your dream home.
The house I live in outdoes anything I could possibly come up with. I'm very happy with my home, but I'd be happy most anywhere. If I'm honest, I'm a bit Aladdin-like when it comes to living arrangements. My dream home list, if I only considered myself, is the very low bar of a roof over my head  that has a beautiful view. Bonus it has a pool but it's not a requirement. 
Clearly, where I live outdoes that by a longshot and I'm very lucky to have the things I have. I'm not unaware of that fact. 
7. Who are you jealous of?
There is no way for this not to sound like a humble brag in my head, but no one. I've never been the jealous type. There's so much unnecessary energy in wanting what someone else has and jealousy is a negative you just don't need in your life. It's much better to focus on your own joy and not worry about what others are doing. 
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
Schitt's Creek
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9. Do you watch porn?
I have. 
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
No, I don't.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
I don't know, I'm good, but somewhere warm and with a beach, I guess?
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
I really only have one and that's of my mother apologizing for what she did. 
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I probably wouldn't. 
15. Are you in a relationship?
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
No, but I'm pretty sure some have followed me...🙄
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
My mother. It ebbs and flows between anger and indifference. Depends on the thoughts I'm having surrounding the why of it. 
18. What tattoos do you want?
I don't want any. 
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
Maybe? But probably not. I don't particularly like my name. It's kind of dull, if I'm honest, but at the same time it's my name and I don't have a replacement in my head for it. So, I'm Sara and I'll forever be Sara. It's alright. 
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
I already answered this, but I suppose my general obsession is pokemon. I like the games and the lore. The whole thing is fun and I enjoy it a lot. 
21. Describe your best friend.
She's like sunshine. She's bubbly and sweet. Anna has optimism for days. She can be a little naive but people also see naivety in what is actually her stubbornness. She won't give up on people even if she should. She sees good in almost everything but she isn't unaware that bad exists.
And because of this her kindness shines. She'd help a stranger without hesitation or a need for anything back. She very much is a person who would stick her neck out to save a life. She brings out the best in people and makes it look effortless. She is kind and caring but has a determination that can tackle damn near anything that becomes an obstacle. Anna's a force to reckon with and not many people realize this truth.
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
Did you really think I'd pick someone else? 
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
This list alternates with moods. I love so many bands and artists. But right now the top five are:
Nikolas Black
The Beatles
Ok One Rock
24. What are three places you want to travel?
I really am that person if given the chance to just pick a plane and go I'd probably take it. I just want to experience all the places so here are the first regions that came to mind...
Italy (like all of it) 
Spain/ Barcelona 
South of France 
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
It's getting warmer so, right now, it's an evening with Nikolas on our back patio. Fire up the grill and enjoy a meal outdoors. Maybe spend some time in the pool. End the evening with a warm blanket and a cuddle. 
26. What’s your favorite season?
Summer. My skin may take issue with the sun but I like it best when it's warm and sunny and being outside. 
27. What’s your pet peeve?
When I am listening to music… I probably don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone. I do not like when I'm interrupted when my music is on. 
Also, if I'm doing art or sewing … be aware I might get snippy if you choose to interrupt my flow. I like reaching stopping points before I'm asked to change gears. 
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
Probably Jakub. He's the king of one liners and his sass gets me. 
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
I'd say Avatar, was not impressed by space Pocahontas….
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
... um... I'm not really the shy type. If I wanna get to know someone.... I'm going to be friendly to them and start a conversation.
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
Paper books but I do register I read more electronic ones. The library system is nice in that format… when I actually finish a book. I don't read that fast so I have like 3 waitlisted at any given time three or four times over just so I can finish it … 😅 
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
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33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
I dislike questions that make me feel like I'm bragging. Or that could be seen as such but my wardrobe wouldn't really change because my boyfriend allows me to use his funds from time to time to have the nicer clothing items I like. Which sit right alongside my jeans I got from TJ Maxx. Legitimately, it probably wouldn't change at all.
34. What’s your coffee order?
Cold brew or if it's cold I typically, latte it's usually a hazelnut
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
I don't. Most of them were pretty shit people. So, yeah… nope, I don't think much on them at all really. 
37. Have any tattoos?
38. Do you drink?
39. Are you a virgin?
Heh… no.
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
41. How many followers do you have?
Um… I have no idea. Not many that's for sure.
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
I did this once. I'm not going to objectify him again. So instead:
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43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
True crime documentaries or horror movies. I do not watch them often. Nikolas isn't into it and I'm not going to be the ass that takes the tv and makes him watch something he doesn't like. So, I save it for when I am alone. 
44. Do you read erotica?
I have but I don't seek it out. Typically the erotica I have read has been tucked away in a romance novel and was far more than I expected it to go from the synopsis or anything before that point.
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
I have to go with the one where it was clear he asked me out as some sort of revenge date. His ex-girlfriend was at the location with friends and he kept looking over at her trying to see her reaction. It was bad and I dismissed myself as quickly as I could.
46. How many people do you follow?
Again, I don't know. I know it's mostly friends and artists or designers but I'm too lazy to look up the number because I don't care. 
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
This guy right here:
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48. Describe your ideal partner.
There's a theme here...
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49. Who do you text the most?
Anna? Our friend text line is usually an all day back and forth.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
Sunny and warm. Weather that screams "beach day"
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benkouji726 · 4 years
List which 5 TV shows make you feel better then tag 10 other blogs.
Tagged by the lovely @adiwriting and @a1kitkat. Sorry I’m so late, between the new semester, my kids going to school/kindergarten, and some health issues of my in-laws, I hardly had any time to do my own things. I’m still at episode 2 of The Boys S2, sigh. So thank you for tagging me, it’s always fun to remember the shows that cheer me up, especially in trying times like now.
Anyway, my five happy shows:
1. Leverage. Any time, any episode, it never failed to put a big smile on my face. I love the found family energy, the fighting for small guys concept and the OT3 that exceeds all of the OT3s imo. I can’t wait for the sequel!
2. Horrible Histories. Yes, I know it’s a kid show, and no, I’m not ashamed to admit that I first watched it when I was hitting 30 and I was instantly hooked. It’s ridiculously fun and highly educational, not to mention all the catchy songs and the six idiots that captured my heart with their insane talent and genuine friendship. Also, Mathew Baynton is a national treasure.
3. IT Crowd. It’s HILARIOUS. I watched it so many times that I almost memorized all of the lines, yet still, they made me laugh.
4. POI. What can I say. Every time Harold Finch appears on my screen, I smile, I listen, I sit up straighter, and I want to be better. He’s my all time favorite and POI will always hold a special place in my heart because it brought Harold Finch into the world.
5. Schitt’s Creek. It’s like, the ultimate perfect show for me. It gave me all the fuzzy and warm feelings, and most importantly, it let me believe life could be good.
RNM doesn’t make the list because it did not always make me feel better. If there’s a list of the shows that consume my life, it will sure be on it. 😂
Tagging @bella-monoxide @theviewofmylife @ravens-world @winged-fool @evanbuckleyed @emma-arthur @gaymacriot @doesthiscountastherapy if you haven’t already done it and are willing!
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