#my little pony crop top
desirephim · 10 months
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my human fluttershy <3
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anauwhere · 1 year
It's a sad life if you think you're too old to enjoy things in your 20s, even sadder if you make someone else feel like that on your behalf.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
Media - The Maze Runner AU Character - Newt Couple - Newt X Reader Reader - Y/n (GF) Rating - Smut Word Count - 2412
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I walked through the thick trees and grass in my boots, my denim shorts and my hoodie, my Y/H/C hair in a braid pinned up around my head, my backpack over my shoulders starting to feel heavy already, and I did my best to control my breaths.
"Why... can't ... they ... pick ... a ... spot ... closer ... to ... the ... car ... park ..." Teresa gasped behind me, I turned to check on her as she walked in her cute purple athletics outfit of leggings and a crop top, her hair up in a high pony with her backpack but she was already struggling,
"Cause the boys, like an adventure in the woods." I sighed, "Plus less chance of getting busted."
"True..." she sighed,
"Come on Teresa, I believe in you," I told her taking her arm to help us keep at pace,
"How do people hike?"
"I don't know,"
"Why do people hike?"
"I also don't know," I answered, "Come on we're only five minutes from the cars,"
"I know," she sighed, "This is not like the gym,"
"It really isn't," I nodded, "You'll be okay, think of thomas."
"I'm gonna kick his dick."
"Fair enough," I nodded,
Soon enough we arrived at the clearing where four tents were set up around a campfire and the boys all stood around doing various tasks.
Gally was building the fire, thomas sat prepping food from his backpack, Newt stood hanging the last of the orange tent guidelines and Minho was lying on the airbed of the little blue tent watching everyone.
"Girls are here!" Minho called out,
"Girls!" Thomas perked up, "Sweetie!" He smiled but Teresa just went past him and lay in their purple tent so he petted her hair,
"Hi," I smiled,
Newt chuckled at me and opened his arms so I happily bolted over and jumped into his arms,
"Ummmm! Hello love!" He smiled as he squeezed me,
"Hi newt," I giggled, "How's the tent coming?"
"Good, a couple more lines and then we can set our bed up,"
"Alright," I smiled, "I'll unpack then,"
We shared a kiss before I started to unpack my bag into our little camp.
I sat by the fire enjoying a hotdog as I laid my head on Newt's shoulder, his arm around me tightly, I looked across the fire and saw thomas and Teresa cuddling up too looking ready for bed, Minho making another hot dog in the fire flames, gally sat feeding the fire with a few small sticks.
"Another drink?" gally asked,
"I'm good I'm ready for a dog," Minho shrugged taking his hot dog off the fire to add to his bun,
"you guys?" Gally asked,
"I'll take a beer," Thomas nodded so Gally threw him a beer,
"I'm good," Teresa shrugs,
"You two?" Gally asked,
"I'll take another beer," Newt nodded so Gally threw one other,
"I'm okay," I nodded,
"You guys wanna play another game?" Thomas offered,
"No, no more drinking games they only end badly," I laughed,
"How about a spooky story?" Minho laughed,
"Yeah!" Teresa nodded,
"No, you'll all be up all night unable to sleep," I remind everyone,
"Just a little spooky story?" Newt cooed,
"Fine one small spook," I warn,
"okay," Minho chuckled, "A long time ago on a night much like this..."
"Original," Gally glared,
"Don't comment on my story," Minho told him throwing a bun at him, "So a long time ago on a night much like this a word cutter was working on the edge of the woods, with his young daughter playing with the flowers."
"Why would you bring your daughter wood cutting? seems dangerous?" Newt spoke up,
"No comments," Minho complained throwing another bun at Newt,
"So, he is cutting wood on the edge of the forest with his young daughter,"
"At night?" I asked, but he just threw a bun at me, "Owww minho!"
"ANYWAY! The woodcutter is cutting wood on the edge of the woods with his young daughter playing one moment he turns and sees his daughter is gone, and he hears her screaming in the woods so he runs in after her he sees a woman carrying his little girl away so he chases after them with his axe in hand." he explained, "He hunts her down to the river where he axes her head right off!" he said,
"Not very scary Minho," Thomas spoke up but he too got a bun to the face,
"He saves his daughter but little did he know the woman was a WITCH! and she curses the woodcutter to never be able to leave the woods and curses him to have a deep hunger for human flesh!" he explained,
"Terrifying," I sighed,
"You know Minho scary stories are usually better than that," Teresa said,
"Well sorry I don't give you a story worthy of a booker prize," he glared, "But it's said he still haunts these woods..."
"Sure Minho," Gally nodded, "Now if you guys are all good I'm off to bed,
"Yeah we'll turn in too," Thomas nodded,
We all said our goodnights and headed into our tents Newt and I crawled into our little orange tent and zipped up the door laying on our airbed, quickly cuddling up for the evening,
"Ummm I love cuddling you love,"
"Aww, I love cuddling you to newt,"
We smiled and each shared a sweet little kiss before relaxing ready for bed,
"Yes, Newt?"
"You know... these sleeping bags do zip together? if you're interested?" He cooed,
"Ohh do they now?"
"They do, or if you want we could just huddle in one sleeping bag, for warmth?"
I chuckled and unzipped my sleeping bag he happily and egarly unzipped his own and came into mine zipping us ip inside together, "Just be quiet everyone is only just outside," I whispered,
"I'll be quiet love," He cooed pulling me into a kiss,
I laid ontop of him I immediately blushed but wrapped my legs around his hips as his arms wrapped around me making sure the blanket covered us both before pulling me into an intense lusty kiss, as we slowly pealed off one another's clothes even if we hadn't warn much to bed anyway in our little warm tent, we did our best not to moan even if we both desperately wanted too as our hands explored one another seductively but we made sure we made as little noise as possible as to not attract attention even if the sounds of our lips locking seemed so loud to me,
after a few minutes of our kisses he held my hips and gently rubbed his erection against me I smiled into the kiss and nodded, he growled a little and pulled me back to a kiss grabbing his bag from the side and sigging out a comdon as soon as he grabbed one he pulled away ripped it open with his teeth and quickly slipped it on,
we both gently shifted until I slipped down his erection luckily our kiss covering our groans as I reached the base we both pulled back gasping a little before we slowly began our movements making sure to be as slow and quiet as possible often having to stop, slow or eve cover our mouths to prevent Discovery but it got to the point neither of us cared if someone heard or if someone found out all we wanted was release moving fast and hard nuzzled up together as we both got closer and closer to the edge until after a few quick thrusts
I hit my wall biting his neck as I did to keep my quiet slowing almost to a stop with only really his guiding and thrusts keeping us moving as I felt the rush of pleasure thought my body causing me to shake which in turn drove him utterly crazy holding me tightly not thrusting mercliclessly desperate for his own which quickly came burying himself deep inside me as he hit his own moaning at first but quickly putting his hand over his mouth as he buried his inside me as deep as he could we both collapsed in his blankets exaughsted peppering little kisses on each other till we had some strength back.
He pulled out and I covered up and we shared a sweet kiss as he tied the condom and wrapped it in tissue to toss on the fire later when no one was looking,
As we cuddled and caught our breath we both perked up a little hearing rustling and moment outside the tent,
"AHHHHHHH!" Minho yelled,
We both grabbed our clothes and rushed out of the tent to see Gally, thomas and Teresa rushing out too, but Minho was gone.
"Minho! Minho!" We all called trying to find him but nothing he just disappeared,
Teresa began to hyperventilate and Newt grabbed hold me me in the tightest grip he could,
"What happened to Minho..." Thomas gulped,
"I don't know... maybe he uhh tripped on a log or-" Newt began,
"Or... something's out there," Gally said,
"You... you don't think..." Teresa began,
"The woodcutter." gally finished,
"That's just a stupid story Minho made up," I said,
"Yeah...and now he's gone missing," Gally said,
"This is stupid this is Minho we are talking about maybe he got up for a late-night run and tripped over a tree branch." Newt explained, "Besides it's dark anyway we should all just get to bed and if Minho still isn't here in the morning we go look for him at first light,"
"Good idea," Thomas nodded,
So we all went back to our tents a little tense newt and I cuddled up and got sleep for maybe an hour before we woke up to a loud screaming it was Gally, we both bolted out of the tent thomas and Teresa bolting too as we looked around and noticed gally was gone.
"Oh my god, oh my god... it's the woodcutter!" Teresa screamed,
"It would all be a -" newt began,
"It's the woodcutter he's come to eat us all!" She screamed,
"Teresa sweetie get a hold of yourself," Thomas began taking her in his arms,
"It's okay... it's all okay," Newt nodded, "We have... six more hours until sunrise..."
"To be honest newt I think we should act before then... if something has happened to them we should kinda call the cops," thomas spoke up,
"You're right thomas." I nodded grabbing my phone, "No signal,"
"Damn it." Teresa sighed
"Okay... I think we should all just sit by the fire and hope we hear anything from them," I said,
We sat by the fire for a while with no sign of Minho or Gally, thomas and Teresa had looks of worry but I just kept Y/n close to me kissing her head and squeezing her never letting her leave my arms.
"I hate to say this..." thomas sighed, "but I need to pee." as he got up,
"Nooooo! Thomas!" Teresa said hugging his legs, "You'll get gotted!"
"I'll be okay sweetie," he patted her hair,
"Just uhhh be careful thomas," Y/n told him,
"Thanks," he nodded, "Newt if I don't come back..."
"Delete your internet history and burn the box under your bed," I nodded,
"You're a good friend," He nodded before he kissed Teresa and he headed into the woods,
We all sat silently almost readying ourselves to hear a scream but he soon returned and sat back with her again so we all sighed in relief for a moment,
"AHHHHhhhH!" Y/n screamed gripping my shirt as she turned, I turned too and we all began to scream seeing a man standing with an axe over our camp he grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her from my grip into the woods seconds later a blood-curdling scream and then... silence.
"He's real! He's real!" Teresa cried,
"Newt... I am so sorry-" Thomas began,
I couldn't even process it, the idea Y/n could be...
I felt so guilty for not holding her closer and tighter, for not putting her in the tent where it was safe, I broke down and began crying hysterically calling out her name until my voice was horse, I saw the mallet used to put the tent pegs in, I grabbed it and held it tightly in my hand,
"Newt...." Thomas began,
"You guys can sit here shivering if you want. Until he comes and picks us off one by one... But I don't care. Either I find Y/n. Or I die with her." I answered getting to my feet and bolting across camp only to see him return I swung the mallet into his head knocking him to the ground,
"What!" I yelled,
Out of the trees came Frypan, Winston, and Zart,
"What the hell newt!" Fry complained,
"Wh- what are you guys doing here?!" Thomas complained,
"It was a prank!" Zart laughed,
"A pr-" I began unable to even form words right now,
"A Prank!?" Teresa complained, "What the hell guys!"
"Ohh we got you good," Winston laughed,
"Why... why would you do this!" Thomas asked,
"Fuck with ya," Fry laughed, "But what the hell newt you just threw a mallet at Ben!"
"That- that's Ben!" I yelled,
"Yes! You knocked him out!"
"How was I meant to know! he came at us! with an axe!" I complained, "After taking Y/n!"
"Okay know who I'm partnering with within a horror movie scenario," Zart laughed, "You have a real fight response,"
"My girlfriend was taken! I heard her scream! You do realize I was ready to kill all of you!"
"Awww newt that's so sweet," Y/n laughed as she emerged from the tree I dropped my mallet and hugged me as tight as I could giving her a billion kisses and telling her I loved her over and over and over, and she hugged me tightly too,
"We're okay too, not that anyone cares." Gally sighed as they came back to camp,
"I was an inside man," Minho laughed,
"Good, good to know it was nothing serious," Thomas sighed,
"We were gonna get all of you but you know Newt kinda went crazy" Winston explained,
"I still feel I was justified,"
"Come on everyone let's get some sleep," Teresa spoke up,
Everyone agreed the guys went home having to carry Ben with them, and we went back to our little camp I held Y/n in a death grip inside our tent,
"Newt it's okay-"
"I know, I know, but I got so scared... I couldn't ever think of losing you love,"
"I couldn't even think of losing you either newt, thank you for coming to save me I'd have done the same for you,"
"You would?"
"Of course I would I love you very much newt,"
"I love you more Y/n," I smiled giving her a sweet kiss before we drifted off into each other's arms,
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thebxghag · 10 months
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[ /Description: a watercolour style illustration of Azula wearing a long sleeved red crop top, blue jeans, and green sneakers, her hair pulled into a half pony-tail with the bangs left loose at the sides, sitting next to a red backpack on the tile floor of a school entrance, back leaning against a set of beige lockers. Her hands are draped at her sides palm up, and her expression suggests that she's at the end of her rope, utterly hopeless. Opposite her, the cup holder girl from the ATLA season 3 episode "Ember Island" stands wearing blue jeans, red all star style sneakers, a chunky brown cardigan, and an orange tee shirt with a green backpack over her shoulders. Her hair is pulled into a low pony tail secured with a red hair tie, and her expression is cheerful as she reaches out a hand to Azula in offer of assistance.
The illustration is overlaid with a watermark which says "do not repost" and includes the usernames associated with the illustration which are: tehraincoat, tehraincoatdraws, and thebxghag. The same names are repeated at the bottom of the illustration, as well as a signature stamp reading "MD 2023" grouped together in a square. /end description]
Posting day!
I hopped onto the ATLA Rarepair Big Bang ( @atlararepairbigbang ) a little late but I had SO MUCH FUN. I really want to do more in this style of illustration!
My piece is for "The Pocky Game", a story about losing everything and finding love instead.
tw for suicidal ideation, drug use, possible homelessness, loss of everything, depression, bullying. I may have missed some but these are the big ones off the top of my head.
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helsex · 3 months
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Working on like. 4 different exhels drawings. This one got done first
[I.D. The 'The bride and the ugly ass groom' my little pony meme redrawn with Ex drawn on top of Shining Armor and Lady Heels (Helsknight) drawn on top of Cadence. Heels is normal sized and drawn in my usual style, she is wearing a white dress and holding a bouquet of flowers. Ex is small and drawn in a more simplistic style with messy hair. END I.D.]
original meme below
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[I.D. A cropped screenshot of a tweet that reads 'The bride and the ugly ass groom'. Below the caption is a picture of Shining Armor and Cadence figurines from the show My Little Pony. Cadence is large with specially done hair and custom made wedding dress and veil meanwhile Shining Armor looks in worse condition with a thin and frayed mane. END I.D.]
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theflirtmeister · 6 months
Give me that dad bod adam. Pretty please with a cherry on top
sorry if u wanted porn, instead u got adam reflecting on getting older and being a dad
It takes a good ten minutes before Adam gives up and balls up his skinny jeans, tossing them into the growing pile of clothes to donate. There’s no way in hell that he will ever get back into these, not with all the diets or pound-of-flesh-traps in the world. 
He is officially too old for skinny jeans.
God. When did this happen? It feels like he blinked one day as a scrawny twenty-something, and woke up in an adult body, with wrinkles and hair growing in weird places and a shoulder that hurts in the winter. Who is that man, with laughter lines and eye creases? When did he get here? Adam never thought he’d make it past thirty.
“How is the wardrobe decluttering going?” Lawrence asks from the doorway.
He looks as handsome as ever, with hair slightly grey, which drives Adam completely crazy. Adam doesn’t know how Lawrence’s patients cope, he’d be throwing himself across the room at Dr Gordon, cancer or no cancer.
“I don’t fit into any of my clothes,” Adam says despondently, “I’m going to turn up to the new house in just my underwear.”
Lawrence steps into the room and wraps his arms around Adam, pressing a kiss to his temples. “A very nice image, however.” He says. “I’ll have to buy you a whole new wardrobe.”
“My sugar daddy,” Adam says, batting his eyelashes at Lawrence. “Can I have a pony too?”
“Whatever you want,” Lawrence promises. “I’ll even get you a Malibu Barbie.”
Adam fake gasps in delight, and they both end up snorting with laughter. Adam wriggles out of Lawrence’s grasp to pick up another shirt from the pile and hold it up against himself. It’s black, with a picture of a cat skeleton licking an ice cream that he thinks he may have shoplifted from Hot Topic. He doesn’t even know why he still has it. 
“Too short?” Adam asks, not even bothering to try it on.
“Diana seems to have cultivated a wardrobe entirely of crop tops.” Lawrence says in the voice of a man who has seen his little girl grow up before his eyes. “She’s refusing to get rid of any of them.”
“Are you scarred for life?” Adam teases, throwing the shirt onto the donate pile.
“She wants her belly button pierced.” Lawrence blurts out, sounding horrified. “Alison didn’t even blink when Diana brought it up in front of us - an actual piercing Adam.”
“She has her ears pierced,” Adam shrugs. “And I remember someone enjoying my tongue piercing when I still had it.”
“That’s different, and you know it,” Lawrence says warningly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I don’t want her doing anything like that to her body before she’s eighteen.”
“Why are you such a square?” Adam says, nudging Lawrence’s good leg with his foot. “You’ll just make her rebel and go to some dodgy guy's basement to get it done.”
Lawrence shudders. “Is that how you got your piercings?”
“You going to judge me if I did?” Adam quirks his eyebrow.
“Yes.” Lawrence says firmly, and Adam rolls his eyes.
“You’re such a Dad.” He says, picking up another shirt to try on, this one a baby blue button-up from Target. He thinks he might have bought it for one of Lawrence’s award ceremonies - can definitely remember Lawrence tearing it off him in the cab ride home. 
“Not to burst your bubble,” Lawrence says, watching as Adam pulls off his shirt, exposing the curve of his stomach, the dark hair of his happy trail. Adam feels like he should put on a show, hum some strip-tease music. “But you are also a Dad too.”
“Step Dad.” Adam corrects, then pauses. “Fuck. I’m a stepdad.”
“A handsome one at that,” Lawrence says, not looking at Adam’s face. “Seducing all the parents at school pick up.”
Adam places his hands on his hips and studies Lawrence. Lawrence is tracking Adam’s body with his eyes, carving him up like a piece of meat. It makes the back of Adam’s neck go hot, that they’re still into each other, that they still make each other’s hearts and other organs flutter.
They’re probably going to be fucking in the nursing home, sneaking into each other’s rooms with their Zimmer frames. Diana’s going to have a nightmare on her hands, Adam thinks to himself smugly. Serves her right for all the crop tops and piercings. 
“Parents can’t keep their hands off me,” Adam says, tossing the blue shirt back onto the pile. “Especially this really hot guy, with blonde hair and a prosthetic foot.”
“Oh yeah?” Lawrence says, finally looking up at Adam. “Thinking about having an affair?”
“He has no idea what’s coming to him,” Adam smirks. He steps forward, and Lawrence spreads his legs so that Adam can fit neatly between them. “Think he can handle it?”
“He’s had some practice,” Lawrence says, hooking his thumbs into Adam’s underwear. “Spent most of his forties sleeping with the most gorgeous man in the world.”
“Is that right?” Adam runs his hands through Lawrence’s hair. “Sounds like a good time to me.”
Lawrence tugs Adam closer, pressing a kiss to his stomach. His mouth tickles, making Adam shiver, so Lawrence repeats the actions until Adam is squirming. He might be too old to ever get ID’d again, but he's not so old that he doesn’t turn into a mess when Lawrence touches him. 
“Beautiful,” Lawrence whispers against his skin. “I’m so lucky.”
“Such a fucking idiot,” Adam says fondly, ducking his head down to kiss Lawrence. “God I love you.”
He wants this, forever. He wants to be old with Lawrence, wants to see how life spills out for them. He wants to get fat with Lawrence on good food and wine, and spends hours in bed together, re-acquainting their bodies. He wants to organise their pain medication in one of those fancy boxes that have the days of the week on them, and be lectured by Lawrence when he forgets to take his tablets.
“I love you too,” Lawrence grins, and drags Adam down on top of him, both of them giggling like teenagers.
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rinbowaman · 10 months
"Play Ball" - HHP Drabble/SMAU
inspired by the lovely @iamliacamila.
MDNI18+ only due to some of the language and verbiage relating to smut/smut acts.
Warnings: mostly hardcore fluff.
Parking the car, Heeseung effortlessly backs in his car into a single space as he steers with just one hand. Whistling a tune, he grabs his keys and phone, making his way out to meet up with Jake and H/n at the bleachers. It was an exciting night for him, all because the love of his life, his precious Y/N was slated to fill in a spot in the college's volleyball tournament since one of the girls had injured her ankle and couldn't play.
A ding comes in on his phone, checking the message, he sees that Jake had reserved his spot at the very front of the bleachers.
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"Hmph....atta boy." he smirks out as he texted back. It really was a shock to everyone the moment you announced that you were asked to fill in the spot after the volleyball captain had reviewed everyone's admissions packages and noticed that you had dabbled into playing volleyball as a side hobby. Who would have thought that they were sincerely ask you to try out and show them your moves, to which they were impressed enough to quickly ask you to join them.
"Hey babe, the volleyball captain asked me to fill in for them on their next game because one of their girls got injured."
".......You play volleyball?" he raises a brow and looks at you, slowly and subtly biting his lower lip, no doubt imagining you in uniform with a loose ponytail and sweaty strands of hair plastered all over your face and neck.
"I played a little bit during summer camps and just with friends....a little during high school. Nothing too serious."
"Ooooh...." he issued out in an intrigued tone as he held on to your waist.
"You wanna come watch me play? They told me the front bleachers are always reserved for the teams family and friends."
"I would LOVE to come watch you play."
"Okay! I invited H/n to bring Jake and come watch too."
"Sounds good baby."
It all did sound good.....except Heeseung had undermined the fact that you not only looked good in that uniform.....you looked out of this world.
"Hey Heeseung! We're right here!" Jake waves him down, to which Heeseung quickly glanced over and issued a quick nod but turned back to look over at you, the stunning beauty that stood out in the middle of the sand pit, to which he delightfully admired as he walks up to the front of the bleachers. He knew that you'd look good but he may have underestimated just how 'good' you would actually look.....considering he's seen you decked down with cocktail dresses and those little skirts with the matching tops that you wore in hot weather, or those beautiful form fitting summer dresses that he loves seeing you in. He swears that each time he thought you couldn't look any better....you would prove him wrong.....SO WRONG.
With the shorts riding up and showing off the bare curves of your rear cheeks, your supple round bottom looking so plump and firm and just begging for him to sink his teeth into. Not to mention the crop top that you adorned which.....was evident in displaying that you weren't wearing a bra.
He was too enamored to even get mad at the fact that you were showing off so much skin in front of a large crowd, your hair was in a somewhat high pony tail, with loose strands surrounding your face and adorning your neckline. The kneecap protectors wrapped around those knee high socks made your legs look even more delectable. Thoughts of him ramming into you with just those socks on was all he could see as he watched you stretched and rotate your joints, getting ready to play ball.
"Oh my fucking God....my fucking dick......I'm gonna fucking cu-"
"Hey bro! We're over here, come on!" Jake interrupts as he taps on Heeseung's shoulder, snapping the man out of his highly sexualized and zoned state.
Following his friend, Heeseung sits down and with both legs set in a man spread position, he places both hands on his face, sandwiching his nose as his fingers cover up his eyes. He leans back and takes in deep breaths and sighs, he looked as if he was struggling with a headache or perhaps was dehydrated. Noticing, H/N, while sitting in between Heeseung and Jake, reaches over for a bottled water and taps it over to Heeseung.
"You must be dehydrated, here drink some water. We brought a whole cooler."
"Thanks...." Heeseung merely speaks out as calm as ever, his lids heavy from the harsh rub of his finger tips as he leans back over with his head tilted towards the sky. Maybe he shouldn't have been sitting with his legs man-spreading so wide, since it was taking up so much sitting space, yet he didn't care.....he also didn't want to move. Not even for an inch...unless it was to take you away.
Setting his gaze at you once again, from under the hood of his cap, he twirls his tongue in his mouth, parting it slightly open as he scoffs out a quiet growl. It wasn't until you had stood upright, placed both legs together and bent over, straight legged, getting a good calf stretch out.
"FUCK YOU Y/N!!! OH MY GOD....."
Venting out, he reaches for his phone...
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Finally, the game starts. Everyone cheered, boo'd, and launched off a series of hyped up yells as they watched the teams go at it. Of course you would ignite the crowd with your impressive display of finesse and agility as you leaped and lunged, containing perfect form.....with that perfect body that Heeseung could not take his eyes off of. While everyone stood up and cheered, he remained seated and glared from under the shadows of his cap, his arms crossed with one hand propped up as he placed it over his mouth.
While it wasn't seen by anyone else, Jake, being the attentive best friend he was, noticed Heeseung's odd behavior.
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Stretching out his jaw, Heeseung stretched out his neck....
From left....
To right....
To back.....
and back to center....
Mouthing silently, Jake looks over to Heeseung's direction and mimic's the words "What are you doing???"
Raising his hands, Jake shakes his head as he starts noticing the other habit that Heeseung began displaying right after got over the jaw clenching and teeth gritting....
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Standing up, Heeseung shifted his body and began to take his steps away when both Jake and H/N grabbed on to him, pleading him to stay.
Fortunately the crowd was all standing and flaring their signs left to right, cheering your team on.
During a small time out called by the coach, you ran over to the team seats to grab some water before joining in on the huddle. When all of a sudden the players, and your coach started to remark the abrasive behavior of someone in the stands that was yelling back at two people.
Looking over, you saw Heeseung, seemingly looking as if he was being stopped by both Jake, and H/n. You didn't know what they were trying to stop him from doing, but it was adorable to see H/N on one side, grabbing on to Heeseung's hand as he would lift, having her small and petite frame dangle in mid air as she hangs on for dear life onto his strong forearms, while Jake was on the other side, where Heeseung was facing, with his arm around Heeseung's shoulder trying to calm him back down to his seat.
"Come on bro, just sit down. Take deep breaths man."
"Yeah! What Jake said! Oh my God i'm going to fall, hurry up and lower your arm Ethan! I'm barely able to hold on! Geez you mutant, how can you hold my body up in mid air for so long? Ah!"
With H/N's grip slipping from Heeseung's strong forearm, and Jake losing grip of Heeseung's shoulder, you smirked as you gulped down water from the bottle. Your players urge you to go and ease the man, knowing his reputation yet were too intimidated to confront him themselves, to include your coach.
Running up to the fence, you lean against it and call out to him.
"Heeseung! Heeseung baby, come to me, please."
Snapping his head over to the sound of your voice, his eyes were wide as his lips began to part ways, releasing a silent gasp.
"Pretty baby......she.....came to me......"
Jake and H/n's faces signaled expressions of distressed and exhaustion, yet were so relieved to see you nearby, ready to tame the beast.
Jake retracts his arm from Heeseung's shoulder, while the latter reaches over with his free arm and grabs H/N by the waist.
"Oh!" H/N gasps out as she feels her tiny frame being levitated by Heeseung's strong grip and his staggering height, holding onto her as if she was a teddy bear or a doll. Shifting towards his best friend, Heeseung hands her over to Jake, who takes her in his grip just the same and cradles her on his lap, feeling relieved that she was back down on ground level once more.
Leaping forward, Heeseung gets up to the low fence and leans his frame against it, reaching over the top to hold your hands in his. Admiring your face, he starts to move the loose strands that remained stuck to your skin from all the sweat.
"Baby.....you're really killing it out there....." cupping your cheek, he smirks out from under his cap as he gently wipes the excess sweat from your neck.
"I'm glad you think so." you chuckled. "Game wont be too long, will you stay here and continue to watch me play? You're like my good luck charm, I can't play well without your support." You smiled out.
".....Pretty baby......you need me....don't you?"
"I always need you Heeseung....you too Ethan."
Watching as his beady eyes slightly darken, you watch as his face shift to reflect "Heethan".
Reaching over, you gently caress his face, to which he slightly shifts over and takes your thumb into his mouth and gives a subtle nibble, along with a scoff as you both smiled to each other.
"My Heeseung....my Ethan."
"My Y/n....."
"Wait here for me?"
"I'll wait here for you......but when you're done....you're mine."
"Deal handsome."
Leaning over the fence, you place your hand on the back of his neck and gently pull him in for a kiss. To which he melted into the moment your lips touched.
"Come on Y/N, time out is up!"
Breaking the kiss, you looked into his eyes and bite your lip slightly.
"Try not to stare too hard....mmkay?" you playfully chuckled.
"No promises."
Turning away, you wave over to him as you ran back to your spot on the sand pit.
With a satisfied smile on his face, Heeseung nearly collapsed backwards onto the bleachers, with Jake and H/N gently catching his fall and helping him to a soft landing.
"Geez! What happens to him when he's around her babe?"
Jake merely shakes his head. "Too much babe.....too much..."
"Too much of what?"
Noticing the bewitched look on his friend's face, Jake begins to fan him as H/N grabs another bottle water.
Too much love.....for his darling y/n.
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mariekanker · 1 year
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probably a beaten horse but like . weather themed lesbian . cmon
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[IMAGE ID 1: Nami from One Piece sitting on top of Zeus, post time skip. She has her back to the viewer and is looking back at the viewer sadly. Her knees are curled up to her chest and she’s resting her hands on her knees. Zeus is smiling contently while raining. Text on the top and bottom read: Everytime you call Nami gay, it rains somewhere.” The background is light blue and all characters are colored light yellow with pink for shading. Nami is wearing jeans and a black bikini top. IMAGE 2: A two panel my little pony meme. In the first panel, a singular cloud is raining next to the text: “Everytime you call Rainbow Dash Lesbian...” In the second panel, Rainbow dash is revealed to be inside of the cloud, crying. Text above it reads: “it rains somewhere.” The very top and bottom of the image have been cropped out. /END ID]
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ephemeral-darkness · 3 months
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Sooo OC Time!
If you want to send me asks about any of them, please do!!! I really want to talk about my lil characters and I’m stuck inside ill rn.
I will add their names and a little description of them under the cut. Baring in mind there are quite a few! This is going to be a long one lmao. Please bare with me! If you want to know anything more, please ask!
Oh also, heights aren't transferable per sheet so I do apologise about scaling!
[ID start]
Albert Van’t Hoff. They/them pronouns- a white person with long brown hair. It is tied up and has blonde forelocks. They have blue and brown heterochromia and a pale skin patch on their forehead. They have beige hearing aids. They are wearing a dark green unzipped hoodie, a beige T-shirt with “Druid” on it, and dark blue jeans. They are also wearing yellow socks and pale green converse.
Fumnanya Okafor. She/He pronouns- a black person with short black hair. She has dark brown eyes and wrinkles at the corners as she is smiling. He is wearing a dark green denim jacket with various green coloured patches- on the lapels are two pronoun badges. One is blue and says "She/her" and the other is pink and says "He/him." She is wearing a ripped purple and pink jumper and a dark brown binder. He is also wearing pale blue jeans and black doc martens.
Alastair Dalton. He/Him pronouns- a white man with short dark magenta hair. He has many moles on his cheeks and has green eyes. He is supporting himself on two grey crutches as he is missing his left leg below the knee. He is wearing a grey Muse (band) shirt, blue shorts, and pale blue converse. On his residual limb, he is wearing an orange striped sock- similar to the one he is wearing under his shoes.
Bryn Seagrave. He/him pronouns- A white man with mid length blue hair. It is curled and holds a headband with two pastel purple horns on it. He has pale blue eyes, heart stickers on his cheeks, and snakebite piercings. He is wearing a pink dripping choker, a pastel pink crop top with "die" written in purple, black fishnets, pink and yellow split leg shorts, and thigh highs. The left is solid pink and is held up by a garter with studs and an eyeball charm- the right is purple with a stars and moons pattern. He is also wearing black Mary Jane shoes.
Zhou Jingyi. She/they pronouns- An east asian woman with chest length teal coloured hair tied in a pony tail. She has dark brown eyes and a mole under her bottom lip- she has several on her arms and stomach too. They are wearing a pastel purple crop top, baggy ripped jeans in blue, pastel pink socks, and black vans. She also is wearing a gold necklace and two pink festival-style bracelets.
Euan Buchanan. They/them pronouns- a white person with a shaved head; their stubble is ginger. They have pale blue eyes and stretched ears. They are wearing a grey pullover hoodie, a blue denim jacket, muted blue jeans, and red converse. On their jacket, they have a DID flag pin, a smiley face pin, and a non binary flag patch.
Ajay Carrenan. She/her pronouns- a black woman with mid length red curly hair. She has mid brown eyes, around which is red smokey eyeshadow and thick black eyeliner. She is wearing a black cropped bolero jacket- one sleeve is missing just above the left elbow, showing slightly her residual limb. She is also wearing a red and black striped corset, and a red and black layered bustle-type skirt. She is wearing platform strapped shoes.
Paige Yuan. She/her pronouns- an east asian woman with long brown hair. It has grey streaks in it and is tied up in a long plait. She is wearing a deep necked blouse- along the collar is orange flowers. She is also wearing a pair of coral loose trousers and black Mary Jane shoes.
Ignacia Muñoz- an afro-Latin person with shoulder length curly blue hair. She has broken eyes and snakebite piercings. They are wearing a pastel purple and pink colour block tshirt, pale blue ripped shorts, purple and yellow star patterned socks, and pastel pink vans. They have plasters on both knees (from hockey accidents). She is also wearing a pearl style bracelet.
Finn Aciel. They/It pronouns- a mixed race person with green curly hair. They have the sides shaved to mimic a mullet. It has dark brown eyes and pale vitiligo patches on both cheeks- going down onto its neck. They are wearing a black Cramps (band) hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. It also has a vitiligo patch on it's right hand and knee.
Orion Whitaker. He/him pronouns- a white person with jaw length blue hair. He has pale blue eyes, two nose bridge piercings, a septum piercing, 8 mouth piercings, 3 ear piercings, and large stretched ears. He is wearing a mesh Thrasher (magazine logo) shirt, black ripper short shorts, grey socks, and red converse. He has many scars on his left leg and right wrist. He also has a collarbone piercing on the right side.
Rowan Aboagye. They/them pronouns- a black person with red-pink locs. They have dark brown eyes half shut in a smile. They are wearing a white shirt, a pastel yellow and green unzipped hoodie, blue ripped jeans, grey socks, and red converse. They have scars on their right wrist. They are also wearing a dark grey beanie, a brown leather bracelet, black nail polish, and a gold necklace.
Motya Kozlowski. They/them pronouns- a white person with shoulder length ginger hair. They have pale blue eyes, moles on their cheeks, and a scar above their lip to their nose from cleft lip surgery. They are wearing a dark brown dress with a darker band, a beige cardigan, layered brown tights and socks, and a dark brown pair of combat boots. They are supporting themselves with a beige wooden walking cane.
Abeni Olumuyiwa. She/they/xe pronouns- a black person with dark brown hair pulled into an afro puff. She has dark brown eyes, a silver septum ring, and lots of ear chains connecting her lobe piercing and cartilage piercing. They are wearing a dark purple star patterned bra and sleeve set- it has a mesh panel going across their chest. Xe is also wearing a darker purple maxi length half skirt, black shorts, a purple belt with a moon buckle, and strapped black shoes. She also has black press on nails.
Carwyn Hughes. He/him- a white man with long blond hair. He has pale green eyes, snakebite piercings, and 4 laceration scars across his face- he also has multiple visible scars on his neck and arms. He is wearing a black Mayhem (band) shirt, black ripped jeans, and black converse.
Nick Coombe. He/him pronouns- a mixed race man with short black curly hair. He has dark brown eyes and is slightly frowning. He is wearing a blue button up shirt that is tucked into his beige chinos. He is also wearing black dress shoes with no socks.
Shinego Yui. She/He/They pronouns- an east asian person with long pink hair. She has dark brown eyes and stretched ears. He is wearing a black shirt, a black cropped denim jacket, fishnet tights, purple and black split leg shorts, black knee highs, and black calf high boots. They are also wearing a studded bracelet. She has a few scars on her left arm. On his jacket are 2 badges and 2 patches- the badges are an "any/all" pronoun pin, and a HIM (band) logo pin. The patches read "Care not cops" and "Protect trans kids.'
Abigail Brown. She/They/Star pronouns- a white person with long pink hair. She has purple eyes and pink heart stickers on her cheeks. They are wearing a frilly pink shirt, a darker pink long skirt, and pale pink strap shoes. Star also has black press on nails.
Flavien Panosyan. He/him pronouns- a west asian man with a deep green death hawk. He has dark brown eyes surrounded by smudged black eyeshadow and eyeliner. He also has snakebite piercings and large stretched ears. He is wearing a fishnet shirt, a black Bauhaus (band) shirt, a black leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and black platform boots. The right arm of his leather jacket is pinned up as he is missing an arm above the elbow.
Bastian Halle. They/he- an east asian person with a red coloured undercut. They have dark brown eyes and they are slightly smirking. He is wearing a pastel yellow cropped hoodie, pastel blue and muted blue split leg jeans, pastel yellow socks, and pink converse. On their jeans, there are multiple galaxy themed doodles on both legs and the word "star" written in bubble writing on the left leg.
Echo Barnett. She/They- a black woman with long black twists. She has dark brown eyes and she has vitiligo patches in the middle of her face-covering her mouth and nose. She is wearing a black and red romantic goth dress, fishnet tights, and calf high platform boots.
Eli Ossian. They/she- a mixed race person with short purple hair. They have dark brown eyes, multiple ear piercings, and snakebite piercings. She is wearing a white vest top, a dark green varsity type jacket, baggy ripped blue jeans, and teal converse. The left shoulder of their jacket is pulled down, showing off their top surgery scars.
Afra El-Amin. She/her pronouns- a central asian woman wearing a pastel pink hijab. She has dark brown eyes and is wearing black rimmed round glasses. She is also wearing a white jumper, a yellow and pink split denim jacket, blue jeans, and yellow converse.
Lindiwe Madlala. She/her pronouns- a black woman with long black braided hair. She has dark brown eyes, canine bite piercings, several ear piercings, and large stretched ears. She is wearing a white cropped top, a beige hoodie, khaki green jogging bottoms, and grey trainers.
Bellamy Frost. She/It pronouns- a mixed race person with brown and blonde ombre hair- it is in a high ponytail. She have dark brown eyes and is wearing a silver necklace. It is also wearing a beige shirt over a dark blue hoodie- on the shirt is a mountain silhouette on top of a sunset background- a pair of blue ripped jeans, and black converse. She has teal and yellow odd socks and a black backpack.
Hugo Lieffsson. He/him pronouns- a white person with a dark brown undercut. He has green eyes and heavy dark circles under his eyes (EDS gang). He is wearing a cropped and sleeveless black turtleneck shirt, a pastel purple cardigan, pale blue jeans, and red converse. He is propping himself up on a grey crutch and has a dark blue knee brace on his left leg.
Ink. They/them pronouns- a white person with fluffy pale blue hair- their brown roots are showing through the dye. They have blue eyes, a bridge piercing, a septum piercing, and 7 lip piercings. They are wearing a black shirt over a striped black and grey turtleneck, black and red split leg jeans, and black combat boots. They are also wearing a silver padlock necklace.
River Olumuyiwa. They/them pronouns- a black person with albinism and white hair pulled up into an afro puff. They have pink eyes and a neutral expression. They are wearing a purple and blue colour block tshirt, dark blue shorts, and black vans. They have two below the knee prosthetic legs and pink star patterned leg covers. They are also wearing a pink bead bracelet.
Amber Bennett. She/her- a white woman with slightly curled blonde hair. She has blue eyes and acne on her cheeks and forehead. She is wearing a magenta bustier style top, a pastel pink strawberry patterned cardigan, blue cuffed jeans, and white converse.
Eden Lovett. She/her pronouns- a white girl with pink long hair. She is wearing a pastel rainbow colour block hoodie, blue shorts, and blue and green trainers. She has a right above the knee prosthetic leg.
Jett. They/He/It pronouns- a black person with neon blue locs- they have a left shaved part. He has dark brown eyes, 2 eyebrow piercings, a bridge piercing, 7 lip piercings, a septum piercing, 6 ear piercings, and large stretched ears. It is sitting in a grey and black manual wheelchair- it has red half length spoke covers, with stickers on them. They are wearing a tie dye grey and black MCR shirt over a striped black jumper, black ripped jeans, grey socks, and black converse.
Deng Bowen. He/him pronouns- an east asian man with a dark brown undercut. He has dark brown eyes and wrinkles around his eyes. He is wearing a beige shirt, a dark brown unzipped hoodie, blue jeans, and mid brown combat boots.
Ellinor Nilsdottir. She/her pronouns- a white woman with jaw length split dyed green and teal hair. She has green eyes and moon dangly earrings. She is wearing a mesh shirt with stars and moons over a dark purple tank top, fishnet tights, black belted ripped shorts, purple striped knee highs, and black platform boots. She also has long black nails and has several rings.
Valerian Yeung. They/them pronouns- an east asian person with long reddish brown hair. They have dark brown eyes and are wearing in ear earphones. They are wearing a black hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black platform boots.
Amara Nasim. She/her pronouns- a central Asian woman who is wearing a deep purple niqab. She has dark brown eyes and she is smiling. She is also wearing a dark purple hoodie over the top, and a purple-pink gradient aabaya. She is also wearing black gloves.
Božidar Kóvačik. They/He pronouns- a white man with long dark brown-blond ombre hair. He has grey eyes, slight brown stubble, and a scar running from his lower right cheek. across his nose. They are wearing a brown jumper, a mid green varsity style jacket, pale blue ripped jeans, and dark green converse. On the jacket he has elbow patches and two badges- one is the 7 stripe gay flag, and the other is just coloured yellow.
Njord Lundvik. He/him pronouns- he is a white man with cheekbone length wavy blond hair. He has dark blue eyes and many freckles on his cheeks. He is wearing a muted coral jumper, mid blue ripped jeans, and dark blue converse. The left sleeve of his jumper is tied up just above the elbow.
Eugene Richards. He/him pronouns- a black man with mid length curly hair. He has dark brown eyes and a slight smile. He is wearing a colour block jumper in the primary colours- it says "be happy" on the front. He is also wearing pale blue shorts, a single rainbow sock, and odd converse in blue and yellow. He has a hinged leg brace on his left leg and a surgery scar across his knee. He is also wearing a beaded necklace with a large star charm.
Deng Chunhua. She/they pronouns- an east asian person with jaw length neon green hair. They have dark brown eyes, rounded glasses, a septum piercing, and 3 lip piercings. They also have quite a few freckles on their cheeks. They are wearing a white cropped shirt, a cropped leather jacket, black and purple tartan split leg jeans, and black combat boots. She has 3 badges on her jacket- a "she/they" pronoun pin, a bisexual flag pin, and a purple coloured pin. She has 3 patches on the black leg of her jeans- one that says "TERF killer," one that says Need More Coffee (her in universe band), and a yellow coloured one.
Oskar Balakrishnan. He/him pronouns- a south asian man with short curled brown hair. He has dark brown eyes and slight stubble on his chin and upper lip. He is wearing a pale blue Yale (university) jumper, blue and grey split leg joggers, and black converse.
Anwen Masters. She/her pronouns- a white woman with a red bat's nest (hairstyle). She has blue eyes surrounded by black eyeliner and eyeshadow, she is wearing full white foundation, and she has black lipstick. She is wearing a black cropped top, a leather skirt, a long leather trench coat, a ripped mesh shirt, fishnet tights, and platform boots.
Fennel Gbeho. They/She/He pronouns- a black person with short curly hair. They have brown eyes and square black rimmed glasses. She is wearing a white button up shirt, a green tie, a light brown waistcoat, beige chinos, a dark brown overcoat, and brown brogues.
Uriel Tamboli. He/him pronouns- a south Asian man who has short neon blue hair. He has dark brown eyes and snakebite piercings. He is wearing a purple hoodie, blue jeans, and dark blue converse. On his jeans, he has wave patterns in various colours and eyeball drawings.
Mars Douglass. Ze/zem pronouns- a black person with a cotton candy coloured high top hairstyle. Ze has dark brown eyes and round glasses. Ze is wearing a pastel green shirt, pale blue dungarees, and green converse. On zer dungarees, ze has a rainbow wave pattern and various flower patches. Ze is wearing a mushroom necklace, a hear dangly earring, and 2 beaded bracelets.
Fiore Ventimiglia. They/Ey/It/Ze pronouns- a white person with purple- pink ombre hair. They have grey eyes, 2 eyebrow piercings, 4 lip piercings, and a nasal feeding tube. Ey is sat in a green and black electric wheelchair, ey has a purple bag over the one arm rest. It is wearing a grey Black Flag (band) shirt, a cropped and sleeveless black leather jacket, a maxi skirt in black, and black creepers. Ze is also wearing black bracelets and a black spiked cuff. They have scars on their right wrist.
Vitalya Chernyshevskaya. She/They/Co pronouns- a white person with jaw length pastel green hair- half of it is pulled into space buns. She has blue eyes and slight brown stubble on her chin. They are wearing a white and green alien themed shirt, pink dungaree dress, pastel pink knee highs, and green converse. Co is also wearing a white beaded bracelet.
Azyan Nasim. She/They pronouns- a central Asian person in a pink hijab- she has a pink bow attached to this. She has dark brown eyes and has a pink heart on her cheek. They are wearing a pastel pink lolita dress- this is mostly frills and bows. She is also wearing knee high pink boots with white stars.
Syd Buchanan. They/She pronouns- a west Asian woman with long brown hair. They have brown eyes and their mouth is raised in a slight smile. She is wearing a beige shirt with a UFO design- it says "I don't believe in humans"- over a black cropped jumper. She is wearing muted pastel green jeans with multiple flower patches over each leg. They are also wearing dark brown converse with green socks.
Percy Arcimbault. He/they pronouns- a white man with brown curly hair. He has blue and green heterochromia and moles on his cheeks. They are wearing a yellow turtleneck, a beige teddy coat, pale blue jeans, and pastel orange converse.
Dante Ventimiglia. He/They/Xe pronouns- a white man with a blue undercut. He has brown eyes, a septum piercing, 3 lip piercings, and large stretched ears. They have a blackout neck and right arm tattoo also. Xe is wearing a black pullover hoodie- it reads "If you can read this, you're too close"- black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. He has scars on his left forearm.
Atticys Faulkner. They/them pronouns- a white person with black and white split dyed hair. You cannot see their eyes because of their fringe. They are wearing a white button up under a pink jumper- it has a pink heart pattern. They are also wearing a black and white paint drip skirt, fishnet tights, pastel purple thigh highs, and pink platform boots.
Viktor Lovett. He/They pronouns- a white person with long red hair, it is up in a high ponytail. He is wearing a pastel pink crop shirt with the word "peachy" on the chest, pale blue ripped shorts, blue socks, and red converse. They have blackout tattoos on their right arm, and various tattoos on their thighs. They have a Greco Roman broken head, a headless bust with top surgery scars, the word "love," and a laurel leaf with a red string around it on their left thigh. On their right, they have a wobbly smiley face, the polyamorous infinity heart, and two crossed coffin nails on their right thigh.
Sergio Benoit. They/Ey pronouns- a white person with pale pink hair. They have green eyes and acne on their cheeks and forehead. Ey is wearing a vest with rips resembling a skull in the front, underneath this their binder can be seen. They are also wearing black cuffed jeans, grey socks, and black converse.
Wren Adebayo. He/They/Xe pronouns- a black man with short purple hair. He has brown eyes and his face is neutral. They are wearing a mustard yellow pullover hoodie, dark blue jeans, and purple converse.
Teddy Vaśquez. He/him pronouns- a latino man with short brown curly hair. He has dark brown eyes and is wearing dark round sunglasses. He is wearing a purple shirt, a purple and gold brocade waistcoat, a chest harness over this, black dress trousers, and dark brown brogues. He is also poised with a marshmallow tip all white cane (as he lives in England).
Vinnie Van't Hoff. He/him pronouns- a white man with short brown hair, he has a blonde forelock. He has grey eyes and a pale patch of skin on his forehead, he is also using beige hearing aids. He is wearing a beige turtleneck, a dark brown overcoat, black dress trousers, and red converse.
Hieronymus Faulkner. He/They pronouns- they are a white person with black and white hair. He has blue and brown heterochromia and 2 ear piercings. He is wearing a black leather trench coat, a fishnet shirt, a black ripped Paralysed Age (band) shirt, a maxi length black skirt, and black platform boots. He is also wearing a bone necklace.
[End ID]
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pinkymattel · 1 year
Colby girls.- I
Sooo, turns out I kinda made a story after years of being inactive in... Well, everywhere.
Some Sashnetra and KerriColby/WillowPill even literally nobody asked for. This is pretty much inspired by Gilmore Girls because I needed some relationship between teenage moody Kerri and cool mom Sasha. I hope you like this, and let me know what you think! :)
- pinkymattel.
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The first thing the girls heard at dawn was the voice of Nicky Minaj singing Anaconda and making the dark-haired jump as usual, falling out of bed and making the owner of the room growl at the thought of being picked up so early. 
"Can you turn that thing off?" Willow asked from the floor, although she knew it would be useless to ask again when she heard snoring from the bed, so she decided to do it herself. The girl swore she didn't snore, but damn it, it looked like a fucking motorcycle going on, and although Willow could record to have evidence from the snoring princess, her kindness always ended up winning, "Keke, time to get up." 
She only received an even louder snore in response. 
"Kerri Elizabeth Colby, pick up your fat ass right now or we'll be late," yelled the girl with all her strength, including a slap on the butt of her best friend who got up just to throw the first pillow she hit. The trick didn't work for her because Willow was more agile and managed to take her by the arms to lift her before she could go to bed again, "Do we really have to do this every day?" 
"Why don't you give up once and for all and make things easier for both of us, Uh?" Kerri whined once she was up, with her hair made a mess. 
"Tell me that you want to miss seeing Daya and Jasmine fight at the English class debate today, and I'll let you go back to bed," Willow smiled with satisfaction to see the girl fall silent, "That's what I thought. I'll see you downstairs in ten minutes. It will be less if you don't want me to finish all the breakfast your mom made for us." 
Willow walked out of the room with all the security of the world, not realizing that Kerri was scanning her from head to toe, especially as she noticed that the over-sized shirt that she used as a pajama had been raised behind her, revealing her ass covered in my little pony panties. 
And Kerri definitely hadn't blushed as the bisexual teen in love with her best friend she was. 
No Sir. 
So after shaking her head, she decided it was time to start with her meticulous daily routine. She started by choosing the right outfit: low-rise jeans and a white crop top along with a pair of matching sneakers and then proceeded to do her makeup precisely to end up with her hair, although there really wasn't much to do because it was perfect by itself. Kerri aspired to maintain that impeccable Y2K aesthetic for which she was known, and if she had to be late for classes to look pretty, she wouldn't hesitate twice. 
Kerri Colby was a princess. Sue her.
She finally went downstairs after collecting her things to find what she considered her two best friends having breakfast while a plate of waffles without syrup waited patiently for her. Willow had told some stupid joke because her mother was laughing, and although she didn't want to admit it, it made her morning completely happy. 
"Well, aloha. Look who deigned to have breakfast with us," Sasha said once her laughter calmed down and they noticed the girl's presence. 
"Aloha, could you stop judging me? It will take me long to look this fabulous," The girl answered, starting to eat while Willow looked curiously at the simple way she ate her waffles like every morning, "You're going tonight, right?" she asked, referring to the football game she would be cheering at. 
"Maybe, only if Michelle lets me go out early. I can't promise anything, Keke," said the woman as she got up for more coffee for herself and orange juice for Willow, who just listened silently with her eyes wide open.
"Aw, I want you to meet the new coach, Ms. Padua is amazing. She let me go to the top of the pyramid this week, and the routines she has been putting in are finally challenging. I'm sure you're going to adore her," explained the brown-haired teen, and Willow was on her side, stating that indeed the new coach was great, "Oh! Mom, I think you could help her. She really needs a new hair dye. Well, a whole new look to be honest, don't you agree, Will?" 
"That was very shady, but yes, you're right," said the girl, making them laugh and climbing up to get ready while Kerri finished her breakfast. 
"Well, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to be able to come and see you tonight," Sasha smiled gently before getting off the table and beginning to collect all the dirty dishes. 
This allowed the younger Colby to look at her mother from head to toe. She looked as beautiful as ever, but that morning, she looked even younger than usual. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she had retouched her brown hair dye the night before in the hair salon where she worked or perhaps because she was wearing her daughter's high heels, "Keke, you're in the clouds again." 
Kerri shook her head clumsily, watching her mother laugh while listening to Willow's steps on the stairs going back and forth frantically. That happened every morning, but it was useless for Kerri to try to ask the dark-haired to have her things ready the night before. Willow was a mess by nature. 
"Kerri, I can't find my neon paintings!" the girl exclaimed in desperation. 
"Have you already checked under the bed? By the side of your yellow boots," Kerri replied calmly, knowing full well that they were there while she heard the horn of Bosco's black car, indicating that she was already there like every morning. 
"Yes! They aren't there. I swear to you that if you hide them, I will- Oh!" After a few seconds, the dark-haired climbed down the stairs quickly and found the Colby girls waiting for her at the entrance with a look not surprised at all, "I found them definitely not there." 
"Anyway, come on. It's getting late." 
The three girls rushed out, Kerri and Willow holding hands, to no one's surprise. Inside the black car, three girls were waiting for them: Bosco in the driver's seat while she sang a Diana Ross song at the top of her lungs, Jorgeous on her right side applying lip gloss as if she was paying for it, and Angeria was crawling in the back just existing. 
"Good morning, Sasha. Gorgeous as always!" Exclaimed Bosco with a smile when she noticed her presence while the others growled in her attempt to flirt with Kerri's mother 
"Good morning, girls. And Bosco, for god's sake, concentrate on the road and try not to kill them." 
"I'll try, but it's hard to do it while I think of your beautiful eyes," Sasha laughed outrageously at the horrified face of her daughter and her other friends. 
"Can we leave now? I need to arrive to put a restraining order on Bosco and then move to another continent," interrupted Kerri, dedicating a murderous smile to the driver and sending a kiss to her mother with the palm of her hand, "Take care. I'll see you later." 
"Until later, ku'uipo"
And with one last smile, they finally made their way to school. 
"I swear by god that if I hear you flirt with my mother again, I will scratch your car until my hand falls off," Kerri said with a threatening smile. 
"Aw, but she's so beautiful!" 
"It would be less disturbing if you tried to make a move to Kerri. I mean, at the end of the day, she's her living copy, and she's your age," said Angeria, smiling sweetly. And Kerri really must have been lost that morning to not notice that the other girls discreetly looked at Willow as she held her hand more tightly, "Or maybe not. I think it's better for everybody if you forget about the Colby girls for a while." 
Amid laughter and lost looks, the five girls finally made it to school. Everything was as chaotic as always, although that day it was even more so thanks to the football match that would take place that afternoon. Their school (much to the dislike of Willow and all the other art nerds) was known for its sporting spirit and for always coming out undefeated in games, as they had the best soccer team and cheerleaders in the state. 
Kerri didn't bother much, to be honest. Since she was a little girl, she had been unable to keep still and had tried everything: dance classes, gymnastics, jumping rope, and cheering. The girl liked everything and had been victorious in most of the tournaments she had attended, to nobody's surprise. Of course, it had a lot to do with the fact that her mother supported her in everything she wanted to try and was her fan number one.
"Are you nervous about tonight's match?" Willow asked as she waited for her to finish taking out her books so they could go together to their first class. 
"Not really. You and Mom will be there, so I have nothing to worry about." 
Kerri was willing to hold her hand and silently address her next class but was interrupted by a boy who clearly had no idea how society and personal space worked because he decided to take the girl from the waist as a form of greeting.
"Colby! You look beautiful today. Ready for tonight's match?" 
"Wow, hi, Calvin. Yes, I'm excited about the game," the girl replied as she quietly parted ways and watched Willow roll her eyes and take two steps forward so she would know she was there in case she needed it, "But we're late to science, and I'm really about to fail that class, so we'll see each other later." 
"Keke, wait!"
The brown-haired closed her eyes with frustration at hearing that nickname. She was determined to take Willow and flee there as soon as possible, but she knew it was useless, so she just decided to give up and became comfortable to see what was going to happen. 
"How did you call her?" Willow angrily asked as the boy repeated with confusion the nickname. It was an almost funny scene, like seeing a little mouse fighting a big lion, scared and confused, "Yeah, I thought I heard that. Look, Calvin, it turns out there are only two people in the world that we can call Kerri that way: her mother and I. If I'm in the mood, our friends too. But you're not on that list, so just call her Kerri, Colby, or better yet, don't call her."
And so, Kerri, still in shock, let the girl take her hand and drive her into the room where indeed, they were already late. 
"Um, hey. Kerri?" Willow asked shyly once they were in the back of the classroom while the teacher tried to explain something, but it was in vain. Everybody was a mess thanks to the excitement of the match. She looked almost fearful, and although Kerri was embarrassingly turned on just minutes ago at how she stood up to one of the toughest football players in school, now she was about to melt at those puppy eyes, "I'm sorry, I was a mess out there. I don't want to take down your chance with Calvin if you like him or something like that... I mean, you can have better than a stupid himbo who thinks football is the center of the universe because you're better than that, but whatever, you're my best friend, and I just want the best for you."
"Baby," whispered the cheerleader without thinking, making both blush at the nickname. Great, she was amazing at being subtle, "I think it was sweet that you did that. I don't want anyone else besides my two favorite people in the universe to call me that," Kerri bit her lip when she saw the smile form on the face of Willow. "Let's forget about Calvin. He doesn't matter anymore."
"Yeah, he doesn't matter," Willow tried while she took a lock of brown hair behind her friend's ear with a gaze full of devotion that made Kerri's heart beat fast, "Just you and I, right, Keke?"
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair that Kerri was such a mess for her best friend.
"Right, doll."
Willow smiled brightly at that and set her attention to the attempt of class they were having, encouraging Kerri to do the same.
Although it didn't make much difference, the brown-eyed cheerleader was already lost. She watched Willow quietly take notes as she played with one of her earrings and her nose scrunched when she didn't understand something, not knowing that this gesture seemed completely adorable to her best friend. 
It all started last summer. Or at least Kerri was aware up to that point.
The two had been inseparable since they met when they were eight years-old. Willow's aunt visited the beauty salon where Sasha worked, and they became best friends from the moment they met. They were opposite poles but complemented each other wonderfully. Kerri was the energy-filled bubble that read fashion magazines and was born as a sportswoman, while the dark-haired was rather a weirdo, art, and punk fanatic. One was outgoing and willing to do anything, while the other was more reserved and preferred to be in her secure zone. Both knew everything about each other, and although they had more friends they adored, the bond between them was unique. 
It was one night in the middle of a sleepover, when Sasha finally went to sleep and gave the girls a talk with the TV turned on. They had a deep conversation in which Willow told her how much she wanted to enter that art institute in New York and succeed in doing what she loved most in life. 
That night, as Kerri caressed her hair and listened to her talk with such passion, she knew she was in love with her best friend, and there was nothing she could do to change it. 
So yes, there was a secret that neither of her two best friends knew: Kerri Elizabeth Colby was completely and hopelessly in love with a punk nerd with pretty brown eyes. 
"Keke? Back in the clouds?" Willow said, pulling her out of her thoughts only to realize the class was finally over. 
"Uh, yeah, sorry." 
"It's okay. I'll hand you my notes tomorrow. I doubt you have the head for anything else but the match today," said the dark-haired girl with an adorable smile, making Kerri's heart rush pathetically. She couldn't help it, just seeing her smile, her eyes, her hair, and honestly, everything about Willow made her weak. 
"Yeah, I doubt I can concentrate on anything else." 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, there was a hair salon that was a mess that morning. 
Sasha Colby was trying to finish the pink hair dye that a teenager who was a frequent customer of the place had asked for, although she knew that no matter how well the girl turned out, she would end up crying as usual. Meanwhile, a migraine began to form as she listened to her workmates Israel and Jason (although everybody called them by their drag names: Mistress and Salina, rather than their birth names) made fun of her coworker Loosey like every morning as an excuse not to work while the song that came out of one of the twins' phones repeated over and over again and they performed a ridiculous dance in front of it. 
It was a crazy day, but at least the fact that she knew she was almost done and could take a break from all that mess encouraged her a little. 
"Hello, sash!" Sasha knew she was officially lost when the twins finally got bored recording TikToks and joined her workstation, "I love the color of your hair. Very trendy." 
"Thank you, Spice. You girls have no work to do?" 
"Not really, Sugar's appointment canceled, and I don't have one until an hour," answered the punk twin with a smile, unable to see the sigh Sasha let go of, knowing they would be there until she found her next victim, "How's Kerri?" 
"I can't wait for her to enter college! We will take her to all the iconic bars. Oh! She definitely has to come into our sisterhood. Right, Spice?" 
"Right, Sugar! She will look super adorable with the KPK shirt... Although she won't have it for long with the wet shirts contest and all that," Sasha opened her eyes like dishes before taking her blow dryer and watching the two girls talk about how they would steal her baby, her precious Kerri, to transform her into another Sugar or Spice. 
"You two are crazy if you think I'll let Kerri go with any of you," the woman said before turning on her dryer to avoid hearing the other two girls whining. 
By the time Sasha finished, the twins had finally become bored and had gone to mess with someone else, so after drying her client's tears because, according to her, 'it was the best pinkish hair dye in history,' she was finally able to take a break. Although, before that, she was asked to bring everyone's respective coffee orders. The cafeteria was relatively close by, so she decided to walk with the excuse of taking some fresh air before returning to the same chemical-filled room she worked in. 
Her morning had begun chaotically, but she definitely felt much better being able to walk silently with her thoughts alone. Sasha was thinking about the trip she had planned with Kerri and Willow as a graduation present. Her daughter wanted to travel to Hawaii to see where she had grown up, the sea where she had spent her entire childhood afternoons, and learn the culture of that place, but Sasha wasn't convinced. She hadn't come back home since that fight with her mother and family, where she cut ties with them, but at the same time, she didn't want to break her daughter's illusion. 
Sasha was capable of everything for her. 
"Uh, could you repeat the last order?" asked the confused barista. 
"Yeah, uh, it would be a strawberries and cream frappuccino, add vanilla bean powder and Java chips. Then add a whole banana and top with whipped cream and mocha drizzle, please," Officially, Sasha was dying of shame to see how there was a whole row behind her just because of the stupid infernal orders of the twins. She could swear that the woman behind her laughed a little after repeating it but decided to ignore it. She was probably paranoid. 
The brown-haired woman had to wait for six fucking coffees, so she decided to pay as soon as possible and step aside. She headed to the nearest table, about to check Instagram, when a strange voice pulled her out of her thoughts. 
"Are you planning to drink six sugar-filled coffees by yourself?" 
Sasha looked up only to find the most intimidating pair of eyes in the world. 
She was a blonde, almost white-silver-haired woman who wore sporting attire and expected an answer from her with a teasing smile. She was beautiful in a way she couldn't describe, almost mesmerizing with that naughty expression and the scar that started on her left eyebrow all the way down to below her eye. And now, Sasha had never believed in love at first sight, but damn, maybe she could be the exception. 
"Uh, they're for my coworkers, actually," she replied nervously. 
"I see. Can I wait here? There are no more tables available and my order goes after your diabetes feast," Sasha nodded with a smile, too lost in the beauty of the blonde to notice that there were five other tables available around her, "My name is Anetra," the girl officially introduced herself, extending her hand with a lovely smile. 
"Sasha, a pleasure," a mini cardiac arrest happened in the woman's chest when she shook her hand and was about to faint, but she was quickly composed. 
"Cute name, Sasha. You seem familiar to me, have I seen you somewhere before?" 
"Uh, I work at the hair salon 'Visage' a few streets here. Maybe you've been there once," although deep down, Sasha knew there was no way someone like Anetra would have passed her by. 
"Nah, clearly I haven't walked into a beauty salon in a long time," she mocked, referring to her blond hair unwashed, "But I have a friend working there, what a coincidence! Mistress. Or well, Israel really, Mistress Isabelle Brooks is her drag name, so I'm used to calling her that." 
Sasha's smile only grew bigger when she learned they had something in common. It didn't matter if Mistress mocked her for the rest of her days; at least she knew there was an excuse to see her again. 
"Sure, Mistress! She's a real bomb, I adore her." 
"Yeah, me too, although sometimes she can be too much," Yeah, Sasha knew what she meant, "We met in college. If you ever need material to threaten her, I have pictures of her in drag for the first time, I swear it's a wonder," said Anetra, smiling at the woman's laughter in front of her. 
"It will definitely be helpful, so I'll take the offer.'' The woman smiled gently and involuntarily took a lock of hair behind her ear as she did every time she was nervous. She could feel Anetra's green eyes studying each movement of her, so she decided to break the silence to distract herself a little, "What about you? Do you also work near here?" 
"I live in an apartment two blocks away. In fact, I was also getting ready for work. I'm going to need some caffeine, today is going to be a little bit insane," the blonde's penetrating look made Sasha nervous, but she was definitely enjoying whatever was going on. Being a single, openly lesbian mother, you could say she didn't get much attention from intensely beautiful women like the one in front of her unless she was alone. Besides, it isn't as if all that interaction was some kind of flirtation... Or so she thought, "Sasha, can I be completely honest with you?" Oh no, here it was. Something bad was about to happen. "I think you're fucking stunning, and I had to force the barista to have my order after yours to have the guts to approach you and talk to you." 
Officially, for the first time in a long time, Sasha Colby had run out of words. 
"Uh, is this some kind of joke?" Sasha wanted to pat herself on the forehead when she realized what she said, "Because there's no way someone like you wants to sit down and talk to someone like me because you thought I look pretty after spending hours in a room full of whining clients and bitchy coworkers." 
Anetra smiled and took her hand gently. She was about to say more, but the voice of the barista behind the counter said that their orders were readily interrupted that moment. 
"Why don't I take you back to work and prevent those six coffees from falling on you and ruining your cute purple dress? You look gorgeous in it. It would be a shame." 
Sasha agreed with a nervous smile and blushed cheeks. The girl's black car was waiting for them, and like a gentlewoman, the blonde opened the door. The heart of the hairdresser was beating quickly to see how hot Anetra was driving. It should be a crime to look so good doing something as simple as driving. I mean, it could distract the other drivers and cause an accident! 
"Uh, thank you so much for the ride," said the woman in a purple dress, unsure what she should do now, "I think I'll see you soon. You know, for Mistress." 
"Sasha, can I have your number?" asked the other girl, determined as Sasha watched her coworkers start looking at them through the big window in front. 
"Okay, call me crazy, but I think you and I should go on a date. You are beautiful and fascinating, and honestly, I must know more about you or I think I will have to move to another city to forget your beautiful eyes." 
The hairdresser's cheeks turned pink. It was funny how she just went for a coffee and ended up bumping into the most beautiful woman in town, asking for a date. Obviously, Sasha wanted to scream her yes, she wanted to give her her number and talk to her all night long, make plans for a date in that Italian restaurant where she could barely afford a glass of wine with her salary in the salon and she also wanted to kiss her when she took her back home. She knew there was a high probability that this would happen. 
But then what? 
What would happen when Anetra found out that she had a teenage daughter she adored with all her heart? Sasha couldn't afford to think selfishly, Kerri was her priority before all things, and besides, she was never good with one-night stands anyways. She knew she was unable to date the blonde, get to know her even more, and pretend that none of that happened when Anetra found out she was a single mother. 
"Anetra, I-" Sasha sighed heavily, wishing she could understand everything telepathically to avoid two broken hearts, "I also think you are fucking gorgeous and amazing, and I have no doubt you are someone interesting, but I can't do this," the smile on her face disappeared slowly, "I don't want to disappoint you."
"Honey, what are you talking about?" The blonde's sweet voice only made Sasha's heart weaker. Her gaze reflected despair. Anetra really wanted to take her on a date, and it was killing her, "Please, I doubt there is anything that could disappoint me. I just want to get to know you better and have a good time, sweetie." 
The brown-haired woman only smiled before looking into her eyes one last time. 
"Sorry, Anetra. I would love to be your friend, but only that," lied Sasha, unable to see her in the eyes while that came out of her mouth, "Thank you so much for bringing me. I hope to meet you again." 
And without giving her another chance to fight for her, Sasha cowardly walked out, trying to handle seven stupid coffees with a lump in her throat. When she opened the door, all her coworkers ran out like cockroaches, pretending they had seen nothing of what had happened outside. All except for Mistress, who was looking at her with a beaming smile ready to attack her, but after seeing her condition, she wiped out her smile altogether and instead, a gesture of concern took place. 
"It's the last time I offer to go for coffees!" the woman sentenced angrily. Although the feeling of sadness invaded her once again as she turned around and saw Anetra's black car begin to move away from the place, "Sugar, you owe me $20 for that stupid milkshake you call coffee." 
The rest of the afternoon was tense enough for someone to come to bother Sasha. After seeing the state in which she returned, no one was brave enough to speak to her and honestly, although the woman with expressive eyes felt guilty after the twins approached with puppies eyes to return her drinks money, she decided that she didn't want to make an effort to say a word either. 
She kept thinking about the blonde she had met and who had invited her out. She thought of her pretty green eyes and the scar she had, about her smile and her deep voice that sped up her heart. Anetra was the only thing on her mind, or at least it was until she received a message from Kerri asking her if she was able to attend the game so that Willow would take a place away from Bosco. 
Kerri was the only one who could pull a smile on her face that afternoon. 
So after pleading to Michelle, her boss, to let her go early, Sasha finally managed to put the green-eyed woman in the back of her mind to concentrate on the priority she loved so much. She arrived at school a little late because it was so full that it had been a difficult task to find a parking spot, but once she did, she ran as fast as she could to meet Willow and her daughter's other friends who were as excited about the game as the rest of the crowd. 
"Hello, Sash," greeted the dark-haired girl with a tired smile as she removed her things and freed up the space she had set aside. 
"Hello, Will," answered Sasha as she greeted the other girls with a smile and looked for Kerri. Apparently, the cheerleaders hadn't come out yet, but seeing the players already on the bench listening to their coach's directions indicated that they would appear soon, "How is our girl?" 
"She's fine, just a little bit nervous. Apparently, her coach had an argument with the captain in today's training, and things are a bit tense on the team." 
"Was Kerri involved?" Sasha's maternal senses were immediately activated, making Willow laugh at her paranoia. 
"Nah, she's Ms. Padua's protege. I think it's more likely that the sea will dry out before she's scolded," the girl explained as she took a pot of popcorn that one of her friends had given her and offered it to Sasha, whom she accepted as a courtesy. The food they sold at football matches wasn't something she was really interested in, "Oh! There they are!" 
Indeed, the cheerleaders came out in their blue uniforms and waved their pompoms back and forth while shouting the name of the team over and over again, encouraging people to get up from their seats and make even more noise than they already did. A smile formed on Sasha's face as Kerri looked for them, and when she finally did, she greeted them with the same enthusiasm as she had done in all her recitals since she was a kid.
"Ugh, she's the prettiest of the whole team. I don't understand why she's not up to the front," Willow said in frustration and immediately blushed when she realized what she had said. Sasha could only smile at that but decided not to say anything to shame her, "Also, the most talented! Not only is she pretty, I mean, the others are too, but Kerri deserves it more and- Oh! It's already beginning. We better watch the game; I love football!" 
Sasha had her suspicions that something was going on between the pair, but she preferred to wait for someone to say something about it. 
As expected, neither Willow nor Sasha had any idea what the hell was going on in the camp, so they just clapped when the others did it and took pictures of Kerri whenever the cheerleaders did something important. Both of them knew how significant it was for the other girl to be there to support her, and although they hated that environment, in the end, they couldn't help but celebrate that the team came out victorious. 
The whole place turned into a mess as soon as the match ended, so the girls decided to wait in the same place as always for Kerri and her friends. Sasha decided to spend some time alone with the teenagers, greeting from afar the mothers of Jorgeous and Camden, who were also waiting for their daughters, who were on the cheerleading team with Kerri. She had never been good at talking to the mothers of her daughter's friends, although she was always polite. Usually, women found her a little immature and weird because she had Kerri too young, and she knew they definitely talked about her background, so she was always left aside when it came to going out for coffee with the other mothers. It wasn't as if she really cared. Sasha was happy with her daughter and friends, who seemed to trust her. 
"Mom!" her smile only got bigger when she saw her daughter running into her arms. She had changed her uniform and now wore a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie with the school logo, but she was the prettiest in Sasha's eyes, "Did you like it?" 
"Keke, I was completely fascinated! Although I must admit it almost gives me a heart attack when they raised you at the top of the pyramid," Sasha joked as Willow joined them and hugged the brown-haired cheerleader. That pair definitely got something between hands, and Sasha was dyíng to know, "Well, are you ready to go home? I can order pizza to celebrate if you girls are in the mood," that seemed to put a smile on the girls faces, at least until the dark-haired girl realized something and her expression fell, making her separate a little uncomfortable. 
"Uh, I actually have to go back to with my aunt today, the social worker will go early tomorrow, and if I'm not there, they'll kill me," explained the girl with her head down. The Colby girls knew how much Willow hated going home, but they also knew how uncomfortable it made her when they brought it up, so Sasha jst hugged her, and Kerri took her hand with sweetness, "I'm sorry to miss our Friday girly-movie nights. But you aren't going to save of me next week; we'll watch Mars Attacks again!" 
Sasha and Kerri growled at the idea while the dark-haired was laughing. But they knew they would be able to watch that movie over and over again to make her happy. 
After a long farewell to Willow (as if they weren't going to see her the next day), mother and daughter were about to leave while joking about how Kerri's friends had tried to convince her to do a bring-it-on routine when they were interrupted by a strange voice calling the younger Colby. 
"Colby! You forgot this in the dressing rooms!" 
That deep voice became too familiar to Sasha, who felt her heart paralyzed for a few seconds before gathering courage and finally turning around. And indeed, there she was, the woman with green eyes who had been in her mind all afternoon. Anetra looked at her with her eyes wide open, unable to move, but after a few seconds where her gaze alternated with looking at Sasha and Kerri, something seemed to click inside her, and she could only smile mischievously. 
"Oh! Thank you, Mom would have killed me if I lost another one of these in less than a month," Kerri joked with a smile as she grabbed the pair of AirPods held by her trainer and dragged her mother, ready to introduce them. Sasha refused internally. She knew that if she approached and interacted again with that woman, she would fall at her feet without caring about anything else, "Ms. Padua, she's my mom, Sasha. Mom, she's my coach, Ms. Padua." 
"Anetra Padua, a pleasure," how the hell dared to take out the card of going crazy? And even more with that annoying, stupid smile as she scanned her from head to toe. Sasha was officially losing her head, "Kerri has talked a lot to me about you, Sasha Colby," Okay, now she was playing dirty by saying her name in that deep voice. 
"Uh, yeah. Same," the brown-haired hairdresser tried to hide her nervousness at seeing her daughter raising a brow conspiratorially. The last thing she needed was to have to explain to Kerri about her love life, "Good job over there, the girls really looked good today." 
"Yeah, I think the same. Not to boast, but I have the best team of cheerleaders in the state," replied the blonde without looking away from Sasha at least until she realized that one of her students was suspiciously observing them and had to cough uncomfortably to get out of her trance, "Well, I guess I'll see you girls later. Kerri, great job today," the girl smiled brilliantly at the words of her trainer, "Sasha, it was really a pleasure to meet you." 
And with one last handshake, Anetra and Sasha exchanged glances before the blonde disappeared into the crowd. 
"Well, that was strange," Kerri said to break the silence and force her mother back on her way to her car. 
But Sasha couldn't help but turn around every five seconds to see that the interaction wasn't a hallucination. Anetra was still in the middle of the parking lot as people kept coming out, and she was talking to a couple of teachers that Sasha recognized thanks to her daughter. However, the unexpected happened when out of nowhere, a blonde with a pretty smile came behind Anetra to surprise her by circling her waist and kissing her cheek. 
The hairdresser's heart sped up to see that scene. She felt disappointed, angry, empty, and many other things. Of course, Anetra was in a relationship! It was a crime for a woman like her to be single, but she couldn't help but feel stupid when she realized it had all been a joke. Those green eyes had tried to seduce her only to make fun of her. 
"Oh, I guess Angie was right after all. Ms. Padua and Ms. Marcia are in a relationship," Kerri said, looking in the direction where her mother had her eyes stuck. Those words only made Sasha feel worse, who just turned on the vehicle and ran away from it once and for all, being the bright smile of Anetra the last thing she saw of the place, "Mom, are you okay? You look a little pale." 
"I'm fine, just a little tired." 
"Oh, that means we'll leave our Friday's girly-movie night for next week?" asked Kerri in a disappointed tone. And as always, Sasha didn't have the heart to deny something to her best friend. 
"Nah. It's nothing a bowl of cereal and ice cream can't fix." 
Upon arriving home, Kerri ran at the speed of light to take off her shoes and turn on the TV while offering to collect everything needed for her girls' night so that Sasha could enter her room to become more comfortable. But Anetra couldn't get out of her memory, and although Sasha was trying to concentrate on following her skincare routine step by step, in her head, she repeated over and over again the way a much younger and prettier blonde had hugged her. The hairdresser wanted to be angry with the green-eyed woman for lying, but it was impossible. She just felt disappointed with life. 
Clearly, something as good as a woman like Anetra inviting her out couldn't happen to Sasha. 
She wasn't worthy of such a thing. 
"Hey, you took your time, huh? I had to start with the ice cream without you. I swear it's not an excuse," Sasha smiled when she saw the show in front of her. Kerri had made a fort with sheets and pillows, there were several VHS on the floor and a lot of junk food waiting for them. 
So Sasha decided that as long as her daughter existed, the rest didn't matter. 
"Well, what shall we watch tonight? Mean girls? 13 going 30? Aquamarine?" If Willow and Kerri had one thing in common, it was how predictable they were when choosing films. But the hairdresser didn't care much; she loved spending time with them, although it meant watching the same five movies all the time. 
"Actually, I thought about seeing something different today. I hope you don't mind." 
It was then that Sasha realized that the VHS tapes in front of her were home videos that she had filmed when she used to be a performer. 
She obviously agreed with a nostalgic smile. 
The first video was an empty nightclub in Manhattan, featuring a huge disco ball in the middle of the dancefloor as a song started to play in the distance before finally showing three drag queens ready to start the night with colorful wigs and dresses full of sequins. Sasha remembered them so fondly that she felt her heart pounding at their image. 
The three girls had helped her when she arrived in the big city after being kicked out by her mother. They were her family when she needed it most, the ones who wiped her tears in her worst moments and those who taught her to put on makeup and walk with heels. They were the ones who held Kerri in their arms for the first time and who started crying to rivers in her first Christmas recital when the little girl came out dressed as a reindeer, with her red nose and the most beautiful dress made by her chosen family. 
But now there was only the memory of those happy days, and that made Sasha jump when her daughter took her hand firmly and wiped away the tears she didn't know had come out. 
"I miss them too," Kerri admitted with a smile. She remembered her three aunties fondly and talked to them whenever she could, but she knew it wasn't the same. However, the Colby girls already had a home in that city, and that was something they loved more than anything else. 
Suddenly, a new video began, and Kerri gasped with excitement, releasing her mother's hand to sit as close to the TV as possible, even though she knew that video by heart, making Sasha laugh in the process.
The first notes of "Always on my mind" by the Pet Shop Boys flooded the room as a young Sasha Colby came on stage. The lights shone and made the sequins of the silver bodysuit she wore stand out even more, though, to be honest, there was nothing brighter to Kerri than her mother's smile in that video. She performed that song as if it had been written just for her. The way she moved her hips and swirled around on the stage, filling herself with cheerings, was magical to see. Kerri didn't even want to blink. That was her favorite performance of her mother; it was her favorite moment: seeing the passion and love she gave to the stage made her skin chill at every second. 
"You look so pretty," Kerri muttered with a smile, unable to look away from the TV. She wanted to remember every movement, every gesture, and smile of her mother as possible, "Someday, I will be like you." 
A knot formed in Sasha's throat when she heard those words, and her eyes fixed on the girl next to her. Kerri murmured the song and recreated the moves she had done that night, looked at the image with devotion, and smiled every time she did so. Sasha could remember everything that happened that day perfectly well: it was the day of her 20th birthday. The performance was after a call with her mother, where they broke her heart to hear how much shame she gave to her family. 
That night, Cassandra, the first drag queen she met when she arrived in the big city, wiped her tears and made her part of her family. She gave her the most fucking stunning bodysuit she had ever created and was at her side when Sasha performed that song, where she sang the lyrics just for herself: to show how much she was going to love herself from that moment on. 
But it wasn't until that night that Sasha realized that she hadn't only performed for herself: she had also performed for Kerri Colby. 
"Kerri," called her sweetly, but the girl was only able to turn to see her when she finished the song, and the smile on her face remained intact, "I don't need you to be anyone other than yourself."
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♡ ‧₊˚✧ SCENE !! ✧˚₊‧ ♡
Contents include: What scene is, The history, How to dress scene, scene music and the difference between scene and emo :3
Disclaimer: I only did this for fun so some stuff may be incorrect, please feel free to (politely) correct me if need be
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“What even IS scene anyway??”
I’m glad you asked!! Scene is a subculture that gained popularity during the early 2000’s in the USA, later spreading around the world. It was heavily influenced by the “emo” subculture and various different rock subgenres such as alternative and hardcore.
How to dress scene
It definitely isn't cheap to dress scene but holy woah is it fun. You can find scene stuff from brands and stores like:
☆ Hot Topic
☆ Spencers
☆ D-tox
☆ Whatever 21
☆ Cupcake Cult
☆ Drop Dead
☆ Newbreed Girl
You’ll also often find scene kids wearing a few different characters, franchises and fandoms such as:
☆ Sanrio (Hello Kitty And Friends)
☆ Monster High
☆ Gloomy Bear
☆ Skelanimals
☆ Nyan Cat
☆ Tokidoki
☆ My Little Pony
☆ Various “little kid shows”
☆ And most importantly Invader Zim, specifically the character “Gir”.
Now, onto the actual clothing:
☆ Puffy tutus
☆ Zip-up hoodies
☆ Skinny jeans
☆ Knee-high Converse
☆ Leggings
☆ Short jean shorts and skirts
☆ Layered clothes
☆ Graphic shirts
☆ Band t-shirts
☆ Tank tops
☆ Crop tops
☆ Hats
☆ Tiaras
☆ Bows
☆ Tights
☆ Studded belts
☆ Belts in general
☆ Spiked collars
☆ Dog collars (in some cases)
☆ Headbands and other various hair accessories
☆ Knee-high socks
☆ Gloves
☆ Big sunglasses
☆ Lots of necklaces
☆ Kandi bracelets/cuffs
☆ Basically fishnet everything
When it came down to makeup both scene boys and scene girls wear it :P
For girls they wear:
☆ Big black eyeliner
☆ Mascara
☆ False lashes
☆ Foundation
☆ Colourful and/or black eyeshadow
For guys, they keep it pretty simple with:
☆ Black eyeshadow
☆ Black eyeliner
☆ Foundation
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The genre of music scenesters listen to can be classified as many different things but the main ones are:
☆ Screamo
☆ Pop-punk
☆ Hyper-pop
☆ Crunkcore
☆ Deathcore
☆ Rave
☆ Techno
☆ Electropop
Mind you, these are only some of the many genres.
☆ 3OH!3
☆ Dot Dot Curve
☆ Panic! At the disco
☆ Avril Lavigne
☆ Fall Out Boy
☆ Hollywood Undead
☆ Suicide Silence
☆ Paramore
☆ Millionaires
☆ Falling in reverse
☆ Ghost town
☆ Pierce The Veil
☆ S3RL
☆ Set It Off
☆ Brokencyde
Scene VS Scenecore
☆ https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=695617
☆ https://aesthetics.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000029083#:~:text=Scene%20is%20more%20a%20music,not%20entirely%20a%20music%20genre.
☆ https://www.tumblr.com/hedphonwolfz30185/639870249496379392/yesso-sick-of-ppl-thinking-scenecore-is-the-same?source=share
☆ https://imgur.com/gallery/scene-vs-scenecore-Pwlw72F
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From what I’ve gathered, scenecore is just a more “modern” take on scene?? There’s no clear answer it seems.
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cishetlessfashion · 1 year
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Baggy creepy cute emo trans/nonbinary fashion with black, green, red, creepy/gorey plushies, and adventure time with no crop tops, skirts, or dresses for anon Creepy plushies pin set Bloody bat backpack Black and red striped studded fingerless gloves Zombie skull lollipop earrings Tiger striped nonbinary flag pride pins Hospital bunny sweatshirt Bunny cat plushies tote bag Olive green teddy bear hoodie Gloomy bear kandi necklace Broken doll pin BONUS: Custom zombie my little pony
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thebunniesgrim · 10 months
Ok so like part 1 go to part one for context
But they don't say alot about her to me it's just a crop top with Mickey Mouse buttons and torn pants. Also it's just plain black :/
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Lol her outfit is so black she camouflaged into the background of the wiki I nabbed these pictures from...
Anyway with Moxxie's outsit I looks professional and business ready he even looks like music conductor.
I'm not sure how I'd dress millie, but I think I'd make her outfit less black add more colors to compliment the red of her skin
you know?
I suppose the ripped pants show that she's rough
Maybe put her in practical clothes or she still wears clothes like how she did when she still lived with her family
But I honestly think viv is better at designing male characters they look awesome in they're outfits. See look
helluva boss characters
Male Female
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Idk about you but it seems like the Male character look more appealing and to me
The male characters get more detailed they're seen in brighter colors they just look better
And don't get me wrong Sally Mae and verosika are a definitely a slay and a bucket of paint but they're outfits are SO boring to me
Even fan fav loona her outfit is very boring to me it's just shorts and crop top... if she's so goth and rebellious why are her clothes so normal?
If Blitzo and Stolas were women how different do you think they'd be? Or would viv do what she did with Angel Dust and said step the female protag for the more popular male counter part maybe Moxxie or Fizzarolli (if introduced earlier) would be helluva's Angle Dust.
( I think Fizzarolli is already hellua's Angel Dust after the Fizzarolli eps for S2 are done I think alot of people are going to stop watching. )
Also is it just me or does viv use brid logic for her character designs?
Like male birds or colorful and female birds or dull and gray
Because most of the female characters in Helluva have like 2 or maybe 4 colors
Millie is mostly red and black. She also has buttons, a tooth gap and a tattoo. Also very few white spots with how violent and rough she is I'm surprised she doesn't have more
Moxxie has black, white, yellow and whatever off blackish blue color his suit jacket is. Moxxie also has freckles, his bow tie, his buttons. It's just more detailed
What I'm saying is male characters are just better designed even Vortex has way more detailed than loona... wait
You know what!?
Even Beelzebub!
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Bee and Loona have the same fucking outfit! Just different colors, and Loona's shorts has distress on the bottom and they're crop tops have different straps but other than that pretty much the same outsit to me!
Even the sinners! like lyel and loopty look way better than Mrs./Ms. Mayberry
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Mrs. Mayberry is just in the outfit she died in but her hair is a different color and her clothes torn this there's barely anything to her old job as teacher
And it's not like she didn't have time change clothes she was in hell long enough for Martha to recover with should have taken at least a while
And lyel and loopty just came with they're outfits and what I'm assuming is they're ship.
And this isn't just helluva boss it's hazbin as well vaggie and Charlie's outfits are so boring to me
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Official (I think)
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I even personally think Katie Killjoy, Tom Trench, Cherry Bomb, and Sir. pentious
are also victims of this lets be honest with each other Tom and Pentious have better designs that Katie and Cherry. (I mean with they're respective person like Tom and Katie and Pentious and cherry. I'd pick cherry over tom and so would Tom)
I mean come on Charlie's outfits is literally just bell hops uniform! Where's her glam! The spark?
Small character quirks!
Like how moxxie has that possum thing going
Or Stolas botany thing
Or Blitzo's horse thing
Or Blitzo breaking his phone
Or Blitzo being sleazy
Or blizto being mean
Don't mean make her like Apple Jack from my little pony where country is a part of her personality. I mean what she had a small smoking thing or she had a random thing about gum flavors. It seem only important characters get little hobbies or interests.
But yeah! That's just stuff I'd change or add to make Millie even better than she already is
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dragonmuse · 1 year
TheARTBoss made my day by realizing the pillow Pete was gifted on his 41st birthday was the one that he bemoans not having in Sing a New Song (then discovers Lucius remembered it).  I offered them a prompt and they asked for a time when Izzy and Stede have to  kiss (mainverse).  Also honestly I’m bumming myself out writing chapter 4 of Hymn, so weeee here we go.) 
“Heya!” Lucius leaned out the window. “That’ll be five dollars, hot stuff.” 
“I can kiss you for free whenever I want,” Izzy pointed out, even though he was already reaching for his wallet.
“Sure, but this is kind of like roleplay if you think about it,” Lucius grinned. “I can be the Sandy to your Danny.” 
“Great, just what I always wanted,” Izzy rolled his eyes and passed him the five. The buzz of Bonnet’s inane summer festival was growing louder. “How much have you made so far?” 
“Why? Jealous?” Lucius puckered his lips. “Get yours before you blow the moment.” 
Izzy kissed him perfunctorily. They were in public, after all. 
“Let down,” Lucius pouted. “Come around the back here and give me a real one, huh?” 
With the flimsy barrier of brightly painted plywood, Izzy did feel more comfortable and let Lucius give him a kiss that was definitely his money’s worth and more. 
“Mmm, that’s much better,” Lucius drew away slowly. “Thanks, goblin.” 
“Uh huh.” 
“Hey, could you do me a solid and watch the booth for a few minutes? I’ve got to go to the bathroom.” 
“Absolutely n-” 
“Great! Thanks, love you,” Lucius gave him another peck and then sped off. 
Izzy stepped up to the little window, already prepared to shoot anyone who so much as tried to pay him. Then he looked down and the flyer for the children’s cancer ward they were apparently raising money for looked back. Goddamnit. 
Luckily, he must’ve been a much less appealing prospect for potential kisses than Lucius and most people in the morning crowd skipped over the booth entirely. 
“I’m telling you, I saw him head for the bathroom. I asked him three times not to leave the booth empty. I swear he never listens to me.” Bonnet’s prattle reached Izzy before the vision of him did. He was dressed casually for him, probably readying for transformation into Leda.  
Eddy was beside him, her very short shorts were low-rise, her shirt a tube top. Izzy resigned himself to looking her solely in the eye and hoping to fuck she didn’t notice. She would, inevitably. And of course, they spotted him immediately, one of their top tier ‘oiooooooh interesting’ looks crawling over their face. 
“Iz,” they breathed out, eyes dancing. “Now how’d you get stuck here?” 
“Luc had to use the bathroom,” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Fuck off.” 
“Now now,” Bonnet was clearly also delighted. Fuck his entire life. “That’s no way to get kisses. Don’t you want to raise money for the children?” 
“What? Like you two are going to pony up?” Izzy rolled his eyes. “You don’t have the fucking balls and Eddy already gave it a permanent hard pass.” 
“Hey, the kisses weren’t the issue,” Eddy was holding back a laugh so hard that it was making her quiver a little. 
“What was the issue?” Bonnet asked and Izzy exhaled messily, trying to resist the urge to grab the man by his overpriced t-shirt and introduce his nose to Izzy’s knee. Repeatedly. 
“Uh, I please the fifth?” Eddy floated. “Anyway. It wasn’t the kisses. In fact-” 
“Fuck, please no,” Izzy groaned. “Don’t, you goddamn asshole.” 
Eddy fishes a twenty out of her crop top and flatted it onto the wood in front of him. 
“Fine,” he gritted out, “let me get your change.” 
He ducked down under the wood and considered staying down there. Childish? Yes. But if it would prevent him from the complete humiliation of having to kiss Eddy, he’d do it. 
“Having trouble?” Bonne asked lightly. “Five from twenty is fifteen. That’s five-” 
“Shut. Up.” Izzy slapped down three fives from the cash box, standing back up. “Let’s get this over with.” 
He looked expectantly at Eddy.  So did Bonnet. They grinned wider. 
“No,” he pointed at her, “Fuck. Off.” 
“I paid for you, my love!” Eddy plunged on regardless. “Go on! Enjoy!” 
“Honey,” Bonnet protested as Izzy whined, “Eddy, no.” 
“Well, if you don’t want the five dollars for the kids,” Eddy pouted, reaching for the cash. 
“There is no way you’re taking that back!” Bonnet protested. “Stop that right now.” 
“But I didn’t get what I paid for.” 
“Oh for the love of- you’re ridiculous, my love,” Bonnet huffed and then to Izzy’s unspeakable dismay, he rounded on Izzy. “You better have brushed your teeth today.” 
Bonnet’s lips were very soft. That was all that registered initially. That and a hand cupping his cheek, warm and tender as anything. The kiss lasted maybe three seconds or many three years. Out of pure reflex, Izzy had kissed back and they parted with a slightly damp ‘smack’ sound. 
There was applause. Eddy and the suddenly returned Lucius were giving a standing ovation. 
Izzy reached for the change he’d put out for Eddy and snatched it back. 
“Hey!” Eddy protested. 
“Emotional damages,” Izzy spat and tossed it into the cashbox. 
“No fair charging for service unrendered,” Eddy crossed her arms over her chest. Her biceps flexed. 
Izzy was truly being tested by some malignant entity. 
“You’re welcome to come and get it -” 
And then he was getting kissed again. It was a miracle he hadn’t punched anyone. 
Eddy’s kiss was different without the beard, he thought inanely. It was softer and certainly kinder that any she’d bestowed on him before. Unlike Bonnet, she kept her hands to herself. She parted with a sparkling grin, dancing back a few steps far out of his range. 
“Yeah, I think we got our money’s worth. C’mon, my love, got to get ready.” 
“Right,” Bonnet was staring at Izzy inscrutably. 
“Yes! Coming.” 
The two of them left in a hurry, leaving Izzy to blink after them. 
“Uh, did Izzy.exe suffer a fatal error?” Lucius asked, amused. “Do you need me to give you a hard restart?” 
“If that means knocking me unconscious, I’d fucking appreciate it.” 
“Aw,” Lucius came back around and swung an arm over his shoulders and bringing him in. “Were they mean to you? Want me to go rough ‘em up for you?” 
“No,” he gritted out. “It’s. Fine.” 
“Oh...oh!” Lucius got very serious. “I mean, if you want, I can help you take care of that too. It’s the kind of festival where no one would care if I did it in the middle of the street, but we do have this nice  bit of plywood...” 
“You’re not...upset?” 
“Uh, little bit, actually,” Lucius allowed, pressing a kiss to his temple. “But it’d be pretty awful of me to expect you to have no reaction. And it wasn’t like you went running after it. I do kind of want to blow you though, mostly to make a point which is a bad reason to have sex.”
“They paid for four and only took two,” Izzy considered. 
“So they did,” Lucius said slowly. “So?” 
“So,” Izzy turned to him and tilted his head up. “I think ten gets to use teeth.” 
It wasn’t quite enough to erase the singularly shivery feeling of being kissed by Stede Fucking Bonnet or to wipe away the jolt of electricity Eddy had shot through him, but it was enough that as the day wore on, he just had to press his finger into the spectacular forming bruise and be grounded back to what matter. 
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satellite-runner · 2 years
Talking about all the little details I put in my show pony design bc i like them a lot
A bracelet for everyone in their crew and their extended crew
(Right wrist bracelets) Brown and blue for Cherri. grey, black and white for Dr D. They separated them from the fab 4 bc their ponys immediate crew, while the fab 4 + The Girl are extended crew (still family but not aers immediate family yk)
(Left wrist bracelets) Dark and light blue for jet. Beaded bracelets for the venom siblings bc they believe the siblings are just fundamentally different then all other 'joys, matching red beads on both then yellow for kobra and pink for poison. Green and yellow for Ghoul and the whole rainbow for The Girl bc she couldn't choose just a few colors
Transneutal/transfem show pony my absolute beloved
Luck beads for the witch, destroya and the unamed sky god I made (I'm thinking maybe Aero? I think it being like the candy bar would be funny), their around aers neck bc they don't get into to many hand to hand fights so they don't have to worry about them getting ripped off
Xes snail trail and sideburns are the only body hair aer doesn't shave bc it feeds into their androgynous look
Silver jewellery kind of girl bc they like the shine better
Orange bandana on their left (hanky code, sorta nsfw warning if you look it up)
Aer is usually to lazy to lace up their skates properly so their half undone. Their lacecode is, purple to show their queer and pink for feminism
In my fanon, dying your hair the same color as someone else's is a Big Deal, showing that your dating and devoted to each other entirely
So xe dyed xer hair the same color as aer skates bc they love them so much
Black lipstick on only their upper lip bc they can't be bothered putting it on their bottom lip with aer piercings
They wear a crop top that resembles a binder to lesson their chest dysphoria
Baggy shorts to avoid hip + thigh + bulge dysphoria and to also keep em cool
Gender queer and omni (male lean) bc I said so
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welcometomyfloor · 2 years
Ridonculous Race Season 2, Team: The Rivalry Twins
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Okay, so it's been more than a month since I posted The Jocks' team info post but you'll ain't paying me to make this so... \/(-_-)\/
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And, once again, swimsuit sketch-ies because I wanted to.
(Also, I tried a new way of rendering after hating the way I did it the first two times and kinda like it. Idk, I'm currently on one of my "art style journey" kicks so I can't guarantee all these '#TDRR Season 2' pics will look cohesive with one another.)
Notes on the Original and Modified Character Designs:
I'm head-cannoning them both at 5'4" because it just makes sense to me.
I think their hair is naturally blonde and not bleached (not important, just an idea I had.)
Okay, so as you can see, neither Sammy or Amy are wearing their "cheer" uniforms (more on why I say "cheer" in the next bulletin point) and that's because I think it's weird that they wear them in Pahkitew. That being said, I spent much more time on Sammy's outfit than I did with Amy's, and I'm at peace with that.
Back to the "cheer" thing, I re-watched TDPI and checked the Total Drama Fan Wiki and (to my knowledge) nowhere where Amy and Sammy explicitly said to be cheerleaders. And, honesty, it was the Go-Go Boots that tipped me off to making this discovery. From both personal experience and some research, high school cheerleaders don't wear those. But, do you know who does wear Go-Go Boots and look similar to cheerleaders? The marching band front line. So, despite me putting them in different outfits anyways, I'm gonna say they're in flag line and not cheerleaders.
Our girl on the right hand side (for both the team picture and swimsuit sketch-ies) aka, the little lady with the pony tale.
First and foremost, lets be clear, we love and respect Sammy on this blog and will not be personally referring to her as 'Samey". (She will be tagged as that and some characters will call her that in the fic, but she will not be referred to as 'Samey" outside of that context.)
I generally just wanted to make her look like a semi-outcaste and possibly Sapphic athletic girl. So, her outfit is pretty basic, it's just a white crop top with colored stripes on the sleeves, some high-waisted jean shorts, and red sneakers. And, yes, I know wearing a black sports bra under a white shirt is a bad idea but I really liked the aesthetic of it so some practicality went out the window. It's my redesign, I can put whatever clothes I want on her.
I decided to make their swimsuits almost identical (hardy-har-har, I know) the most important difference for Sammy's outfit being that the bikini bottoms are tied in bows on the side. (Because... she's the nice twin... get it... she's the sweet one so she has bows... I will not apologize for being a genius. /hj)
If you didn't figure it out already, she's the one on the left (in both pictures) aka the one with her hair down.
I got rid of the mole because 1. I don't like it and 2. the blueberry thing was dumb and made me hate it more.
I was tempted to put Amy in a revised flag line uniform but four years of marching band has told me that she wouldn't be able to do that without getting seriously scolded. So, I just put her in an off the shoulder fitted red belly shirt and some black short-shorts. Definitely something that would get her sent home from school but I doubt Amy would care about that. I wanted to keep some semblance of her old design with the inclusion of the white pumps, and the necklaces are just there for fun. She's also wearing nylons because she's that kind of bitch.
Her bikini is a brighter, more obnoxious shade of red because she's the worst... enough said.
Team Dynamic and Background Information for Ridonculous Race Season 2:
It's been about a year since Pahkitew was recorded and the twins are now 17, going into their senior year of highschool. Life hasn't changed much since the show aired as their parents where already aware of Amy's toxic behavior and have done nothing about it. Sammy has invested most of her free-time into applying to whatever college gets her as far away from Amy as possible.
They're both come back with the intention of spending the money in regards to college, I'll be it in their own ways. Sammy wants to become a preschool teacher (again, it just feels right) and Amy wants to... not go to college and get a standard job. They come from an upper-middle class family but mommy and daddy have made it clear that they're not paying for their daughters' lifestyles after they graduate.
Their dynamic hasn't really changed much as Sammy has reverted back to coping with Amy's abuse by yielding to it (and therefore making herself less of a target.) However, the competition is going to strip Sammy of many of her "saving graces", those mostly being: alone time and contact with whatever allies she may have. Since she isn't going to have much of a break from her sister's constant bullying, it's only a matter of time until Sammy cracks under the pressure. At the same time, Amy isn't going to let Sammy quit or otherwise let Sammy hold her back from winning. Amy, despite her many faults, is a fierce competitor and above all, values being perceived as "the best".
(This ones for all of you who hated the fact that no-one, other than Jasmine, sided with Sammy, because so did I.) Anyways, as this is Ridonculous Race and not the normal Total Drama survivor inspired show, Don will obviously be hosting. And Don, unlike Chris, is a semi-rational human being with a working moral compass. So, if it's any consolation, Don will be calling Amy out for being a piece of shit to her sister (along with some other contestants). You're welcome.
Personal Life Head-Cannon Speed Round:
They are primarily of Dutch and Welsh decent.
Their parents got together when their mom was fresh out of highschool and their dad was entering the workforce after college. They married and had the girls relatively young, the father being a successful businessman and their mom acting as a house wife.
They go to a private all-girls Catholic school (not because their family is religious, but because it's a good school) and live in Victoria, Canada.
Full name is Samantha Lee Baker.
She's a lesbian (my source is literally "my brain said so" so take that as you will).
She is apart of her high school track-and-field and volleyball team, both of which she excels in far more than flag line.
Although she is not exactly popular, Sammy does maintain a social life with a small group of friends. I imagine them being fellow social rejects and closeted LGBTQ+ kids that all eat lunch in the bandroom together. Amy doesn't like when Sammy has sleepovers but thankfully she has that one no-nonsense friend that isn't afraid to tell Amy to "fuck off".
She doesn't actually have hard time making friends. What she really has a problem with is overthinking about whether people like her or not.
Full name is Amanda Rose Baker.
She's flag line captain and takes a lot of pride in it (even though some favoritism was definitely at play. It's the kind of thing everyone knows about but are too scared to speak up on.)
She also does both volleyball and track-and-field with Sammy, but is reluctant to admit to the latter since her sister is better at it. (The two are pretty well matched in the case of volleyball.)
She doesn't actually know what she wants to do with her life and instead defaults to an arrogant "I'm going to do it all" attitude when questioned about it.
She also doesn't have much of a life outside of her extracurricular activities, which is one of the main reasons she takes soo much pride in being flag line captain. Her friendships are primarily shallow as she is abusive to people in general and (naturally) has a hard time maintaining relationships in which she has exposed her true nature.
I'm not giving her a head-cannoned sexuality because I don't like her and I don't care.
What's Next for Ridonculous Race Season 2?
I will be moving this summer, July 16th actually, and getting a full-time job so I am going to be busy. I will try my best to post these as regularly as I can but, as I said in my last TDRR Season 2 post, I am just one person and this project is pretty big. Please be patient with me.
The next team should seem a bit familiar, I have posted concept sketches of them before. One of them is a preexisting canon character but has never competed on TD and may be someone you are not expecting. Regardless, I hope you like them, I think they're going to be very fun to write. :)
If you have ANY suggestions or ideas for this project, please feel free to share them with me. I would love to hear them and if I do end up using you're concepts, I will credit you.
Thank you to the people who have supported this project so far, it means soo much to me! I hope you all have a lovely day!
~Nessa Rose~
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