ghouljams · 28 days
He's a freak. He's a freak. He's a freak.
He's master of his domain and Moon has wrongfully entered into it. She's walked into town like a lamb laying itself on the alter and Soap cannot resist her. If she weren't so damn pretty and pious maybe he wouldn't be nipping at her heels. It will be the ultimate proof that he's the new God if he can lead her to his bed. Why be a bride of christ when she could be his bride?
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4reology · 7 months
they feel your light...
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my take on the deleted sunflower scene 🌻
find me elsewhere 🔗 • buy me a coffee ☕
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sisterdivinium · 2 months
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wildstar25 · 17 days
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Warrior of Light
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fantomette22 · 9 months
Bloodborne girls appreciation post!!!!
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Bonus :
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& Good hunter girl and there's so many other too!
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ghouljams · 1 month
I can't get priest!Soap out of my mind. 😮‍💨 This charming fella running a catholic church in a small town meeting Nun when she volunteers for the church clean up and Soap feels the absolute need for a few hail Marys when she tries to take a break from the heat in a backroom by lifting up the skirt to get a little airflow.
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The Priest meets a nun at a bar, or more specifically at a prayer bar.
You kneel with your head bowed, eyes closed and lips pressed to your clasped hands, a rosary dangling from your fingers. The light that streams in through the stained glass casts devoted shadows over your face, and Soap has never seen a vision like you. You tip your head up your eyes lifting to the very glass that shines its rainbow on you, and he wants nothing more than to ruin you. Some demon must take hold of him, because he is filled with unholy visions of white painting your plush lips and staining those pretty cheeks. Would you flinch as the first drops hit your skin, flutter those sweeping lashes for him? Would you let him drag his thumb over the mess and feed it to you?
The priest crosses himself, and turns his gaze from you. Wretched thing, vision of temptation. You must be some foul seductress sent from God to tempt him. He goes to tend confession, eager to hide the growing hardness between his legs, and you're gone when he returns. Good.
One of the liturgists introduces you the next morning, just here to aid with the school while the usual teacher is on maternity. You extend your hand and he takes it, enjoys the feeling of your skin under his fingers for a moment longer than he's allowed. You tug your hand from his grip and squeeze your fingers into a fist by your side. Something burns in his chest when you won't meet his eyes after, he wants to tell you to look at him, to grab your face and force you to see the heat in his gaze. Instead he tells you:
"It's a pleasure to have you sister, ahm sure the town'll love ya."
And they do. The town is small, barely enough to fill the parish, but the people are good, genuine, godly. They welcome you with open arms, open hearts. You smile at them with all the warmth of the sun, kind in your deeds, gentle with your words to the little ones, polite. Soap is the only one who sees you scowl when the younger men in town make comments about your profession, when they ask you less godly questions. He watches you pray, watches you take your meals in blissful solitude, watches and waits.
"Bless me father, for I have sinned," You recite, devout in everything you do, from the other side of confessional. Anonymity is lost on you, Soap would pick your voice from a thousand, a million, there's nothing you could say he wouldn't hear. You haunt his every waking moment, and his unconscious ones you torment. You are sin on two legs, a beacon of his unholy thoughts. The devil could devour you and find his fill, because you must have been created to sate no one's appetite but his. "My last confession was," you pause, Soap can imagine the sweep of your lashes against your cheeks as you think, can see the dimple of your cheek as you bite it, if he can't know your body he'll know your soul(wicked though it might be), "my last confession was three weeks ago."
Before you came to his church then. Naughty thing. He can think of quite a few ways you could take your penitence. None of which would save your soul, and all of which would doom his own.
"I'm unsure where to begin father," you confess.
"Begin where ever you're comfortable," Soap tells you, though he aches to hear the worst you've done. What mortal sins might you have committed? Did you think of him in the late hours of the night like he did you? Did you ignore the ache between your legs, a good little nun to the core, or would you confess to being the wicked thing he knew you to be?
"I-" hesitance, Soap's fingers curl against his pant leg, again he finds himself wanting to command you (say it, he wants to grab you and shake), "I am ungrateful for my assignment, and too impatient to find joy in it." Soap's breathing stops, but your words continue. "I miss my home, and I find myself- I dislike some of the men in town, I find myself worrying over what they might do, suspecting the worst in them."
"We are all sinners," Soap says, though he's sure you must hear how he struggles for air. Not a wicked thing then, it's not your wickedness shining through, it's purity, piety, all the shining faith you hold in your heart that he wants to drag through the mud. "When did ye join the faith sister?" He asks. You're young, did you have a life before this? Were you-
"This is meant to be anonymous father," you chastise, and Soap presses his hand hard against the stiffness your tone inspires.
"My apologies." Visions filling his head. On your back with your legs spread, your fingers twisting against your lips as you try to hold back your moans. Tears budding in your eyes as his cock fills you, innocent for all the thorns you hide. Afraid of the men in town yet trusting him, the same sort of man that you confess your hatred for. Would you hold your mouth open so he could lick the penance off your tongue? When you take communion will he be able to hide his hard cock under his robes? "Continue."
You take your "Hail Mary" to go. Soap wastes his spend on his fingers. He knows now why masturbation is a sin, every inch of him, every drop of him, belongs inside of you. It's his divine right.
Soap reasons it must be the summer heat getting to him, driving him mad, driving him to sin. It must be. He's never experienced a heat like this before, a summer as aching and terrible. You take notice, ask him: "are you well father?" As if it isn't your doing.
He walks in on you airing your skirt. Your habit held up off your neck with one hand while the other sways the long fabric of your dress to circulate the air. Just a glimpse of your legs makes him want to drop to his knees. The length of your neck as your head tips with a sigh, the sheen of sweat that glows over your skin, makes his mouth water. The devil tempted Jesus with all manner of the flesh, but for Soap it seems only one is needed. Just one nun and a flash of skin before the door had closed and you'd hastily covered yourself.
The Lord have mercy on his soul, he cannot manage six months of this.
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4reology · 1 year
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sister beatrice (warrior nun) x assassin’s creed
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sisterdivinium · 7 months
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Warrior Nun x Amon Amarth "Vengeance is My Name"
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ghouljams · 1 month
EXCUSE ME. PRIEST SOAP? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US? That man couldn't be a priest, half the parishioners would be on their knees for a completely different ungodly reason. ✨️
I am... so in love with heretical priests and *this close* to making that man a cult leader masquerading as a catholic. Which really just makes it all the more tantalizing don't you thing? A good little nun comes to town not suspecting a thing, and the priest is so kind, such a pious man...
Who blames her for what he wants to do to her, for the wicked fascination he has with her body. It's not his fault that seeing you kneel in prayer makes him want to see you worshipping other things on your knees. It's not his fault that seeing you hold babies and wipe children's faces makes his cock ache. It's you. You and the devil that conjured you up to tempt him to sin. But how's he supposed to hold up to that? He's only a man after all. If he presses against you in the back of the church, if he plies you with communion wine, if his eyes linger on your tongue as he presses wafer against it, that's not him it's the devil working through him the same as it does any man.
Really if you want penance for your sins you should let him bend you over his lap. Maybe it will help him work out some of his frustrations to spank your poor bottom until it's red. Who needs self-flagellation when you're so willing to help out the priest. "Anything around the church" includes the rectory, doesn't it...
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4reology · 7 months
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WN Inktober | Day 5-8
dance, knives, sisters, church (except i didn't feel like doing church so i drew dance and knives twice instead to make up for it)
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sisterdivinium · 7 months
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wildstar25 · 3 months
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MiqoMarch Day 23 - Midnight
With their intended voyage into the void only a few days out, Arsay thought it the upmost importance that she steal her partner away to Kugane, that they might share one more fond memory together should things not turn out the way they plan in the thirteenth. It was as they crossed the very same bridge the miqo'te had once sat on together two years prior when Arsay gifted Y'shtola with a bracelet matching that of her own. A token of endearment which, Arsay confessed, she would have given to her fellow scion back then, had nerves not gotten the best of her. While their relationship has undoubtedly changed since the initial purchase of the jewellery, the sentiment remained the same. Y'shtola was someone who Arsay loved dearly and she will forever be grateful to have the seeker's life intertwined with her own. No matter where their free spirits took them, they would always hold each other in their hearts. A promise Y'shtola was more than willing to keep. She slipped the the string of beads around her wrist without a second thought. They were never to come off, not even when the two decided to delay their return to Radz-at-Han in favour of a private bath at the dead of night.
#miqomarch#miqomarch 2024#ffxiv#y'shtola rhul#y'shtola x wol#wolshtola#Arsay Nun#WOL posting#arsay nun lore#arshtola#thanks to nhaneh for the body mod#i had to do some insane fov to get the moon and them in the same shot so sorry for the distortion#forcing arshtola lore into this prompt since idk when Ill ever get around to gposing the actual scene#this is between 6.1 and 6.2!#endwalker patch spoilers#i had the idea that arsay bought the Dai-ryumyaku bracelets from a vendor between 4.3 n 4.4 when shtola is off to the doman enclave#and arsay is like hey wait you should let me show you around kugane on the way over!#a fun friend date that ends with shtola finally accepting she has a crush on arsay and its terminal#and arsay having a single moment where she starts reflecting on feelings & thinks maybe she missed hanging out w/shtola more than she shoul#only to quickly butt that idea out of her head and continue being super normal#arsay notices these matching bracelets with red and purple string and shes like oh they are so cute and they look like#they belong in a pair it would be so sad if they were ever split up unexpectedly#i know ill buy them and give one to shtola wouldnt that be fun!#so she does that and then cant bring herself to give yshtola the damn thing because she starts second guessing herself#so arsay stashes the bracelets away and she started wearing hers later under her glove#fast forward to two years later and arsay finds the other one in one of her bags#and now shes dating yshtola and they are about to go somewhere super dangerous#what better time to tell your gf how much they have always meant to you#and what better way to do it than with a gift and some words spoken from the heart?#it was a little unconventional since arsay didnt really have marriage on the mind but it was a proposal in a sense
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fiddleabout · 2 years
quietly losing my mind over the evolution of the “things change when you realize not everything is about you” thread because beatrice-- who became the most over-competent nun in existence as a way of making up for the fact that being gay was a disappointment to her parents-- absolutely meant it as the world and the mission matter more than any one person because it justifies giving up anything she wants for herself
but then fast forward to ava-- who spent most of her life laid out in a sickbed in an orphanage being treated like hot garbage not allowed to want or ask for anything for herself and then being murdered and resurrected accidentally as a chosen one and that’s her first chance at living a real life-- parroting the same line back at her as she goes off to sacrifice herself but it really means it’s not about me living, it’s about you not dying
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xenaisnumber1 · 6 months
All the hot girls' names end in "A"
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webdiggerxxx · 7 months
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