#orange because it also represents happiness
kuichihimei · 8 months
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thelien-art · 6 months
December; the 21
Yule day 1: The Golden Lady of the Golden Woods, and her Silver Lord
Count the fruits and the flowers
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Moonflower; Moonflowers symbolize romance, mystery, and femininity. As they bloom in the darkness they also symbolize hope and beauty to emerge in dark times; Fun fact they have been used in different places and times in rituals honoring women as well as seen as a deity guide for the spirit, and used to see the future.
Orange; The orange has been known throughout a lot of time to represent the nobility as well as thought to bring wealth and happiness. It is ambitions and luxury and sometimes adventure.
And now I personally begin celebrating the dark days and the lights return, happy first Yule day! (yes I know it´s first tm, because winter solstice moved a day this year but it usually starts the 21, let me dream)
I think she fits so well to the day, especially since it´s the first and the lightest of them!!
Dark version under;
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poetrysmackdown · 11 months
welcome to the 2023 tumblr poetry smackdown
tumblr has developed something of a canon of poetry over the past couple years, and i figured others might enjoy getting a chance to voice their opinions on a few of those poems! poems i chose for the poetry smackdown had to be more or less widely read on tumblr (generally 10k+ notes, most with more or spread across compilations), and relatively short so as to make voting easier. they also had to be complete—there are a lot of popular lines floating around on tumblr that are excerpted from very long poems and/or poems that are inaccessible via internet, and those aren't included here. a handful of poets are represented here twice reflecting my sense of their popularity, but i arranged the bracket in such a way that it won't be able to stay that way past round 2 at the latest. if i missed a poem that is super popular i'm sorry, that said the bracket is staying as is because this was a shit ton of work to put together and i don't want to. ty.
you can get to the polls by following the links below or going to the #round1 tag on my blog. you can also send me propaganda if you want via ask and i'll post it/add it to the next round's post if the poem wins.
happy voting!
sincerely amelia @poetriarchy :)
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ROUND 1: ENDS JULY 17 at 6pm EDT
"The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin vs. "Butter Dish" by Leonard Cohen (cow poems)
"Poem" by Langston Hughes vs. "A Meeting" by Wendell Berry
"Miss you. Would like to grab that chilled tofu we love." by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. "My Sister, Who Died Young, Takes Up The Task" by Jon Pineda
"Hammond B3 Organ Cistern" by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. "Hong Kong" by Sue Zhao
"someone will remember us" (fragment by Sappho trans. Anne Carson) vs. "Wait" by Faraj Bou al-Isha trans. Khaled Mattawa
"The Quiet World" by Jeffrey McDaniel vs "Invisible Fish" by Joy Harjo
"Want" by Joan Larkin vs. "Come, and Be My Baby" by Maya Angelou
"Swan" by Mary Oliver vs. "How I Go to the Woods" by Mary Oliver
"The Orange" by Wendy Cope vs. "The Tenor of Your Yes" by Mary Ruefle
"Here There Are Blueberries" by Mary Syzbist vs. "Instructions on Not Giving Up" by Ada Limón
"To The Young Who Want to Die" by Gwendolyn Brooks vs. "A Litany for Survival" by Audre Lorde
"Night Walk" by Franz Wright vs. "Meditations in an Emergency" by Cameron Awkward-Rich
"Summer Was Forever" by Chen Chen vs. "I'm not a religious person but" by Chen Chen
"How to Be a Dog" by Andrew Kane vs. "Scheherazade" by Richard Siken
"I'm going to Minnesota where sadness makes sense" by Danez Smith vs. "Dream Song 29" by John Berryman
"Having a Coke with You" by Frank O'Hara vs. "Having 'Having a Coke with You' with You" by Mark Leidner
ADDENDUM: at 6pm on July 17th (or possibly a day earlier if there's already a clear sweep), I will be releasing a one-day poll that will give voters the option to sub in "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver for the winner of matchup #8: "Swan" vs. "How I Go to the Woods". this is to help correct my significant oversight when I was remembering which two Oliver poems I've seen most on tumblr, and it's the only time I'm doing this kind of thing, so don't suggest it for any other poems after this please. that said, a sincere ty to @darkcomedies for first bringing its absence to my attention! and keep an eye out for this extra poll which i am calling ROUND 1.5: A HAIL MARY (OLIVER)
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sharkdoughnutz · 2 months
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it might've taken me over 3 months, but i've finally finished my own designs for the mane 6
my main thought process for designing them was to use a color from the rainbow! i had to look up colors and their meanings to determine which color should go to which pony
rainbow dash is red because she's the most fierce and bold. sidenote: her mane and tail color is actually white but she finds that boring so she dyes it, not her tail because i didnt like how it looked there
fluttershy is green because of nature and animals, pretty basic i know lol. also her pelt pattern is supposed to look like a deer's
applejack is blue only because i felt orange would fit rarity better, and yellow and purple were going to the other two remaining girls, so apple got stuck with blue but i tried my best to make it work for her. i think blue also means like maturity or smth similar so it works out anyways
pinkie pie is yellow because she's like the embodiment of happiness and joy so it made sense (also i had to use the pink color cuz there is no yellow color for the font)
twilight is staying purple mainly because of her previous life surrounded by royalty and the such, and also because purple is a main color in a twilight sky - orange is secondary so thats why she now has orange too
and finally, rarity is orange because of her creativeness, especially when it comes to fashion design; i think her design is my personal favorite.
i also tried to come up with creative cutie mark designs and i think i passed. though, the only one that isnt super obvious what its trying to represent is probably twilight's. basically i was going for a six pointed star (each point representing each girl) then it comes together in the middle by the white part to symbolize they all need each other or smth like that
i might get around to celestia and luna because i feel like they'll be fun to redesign, and maybe even spike or the cmc
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pseudokap · 11 months
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Family Reunion My second artwork for the Apotheosis Zine! (account here) (art rambling + mild apotheosis spoilers below)
(i wrote this out on a google doc) Ohohoho i have a lot to say for this piece! It’s is inspired by the fight between Thanatos and his siblings: Yuri, Arboth (on the left) and Ranar (on the right) from episode 9 I took inspiration from the painting that saved Yuri, which was described as depicting a lone sunflower on a hill. The composition frames Yuri as the sunflower itself with the orange rectangle representing the frame of a painting. The sunflower shape circles her head like a halo (because holy family y’know). There are also petal-like patterns in her hair, which I thought looked nice. Also the sunflower forms the pupil of an eye, which can be interpreted as either Exandroth (and his sort of familial relation to Thanny as his creator) or the other gods Arboth and Ranar’s eyes are red, for possession by the blights. Or something. Also Yuri is crying because, well I’d be sad if I had to fight my brother because I got possessed by a god. There really was still a part of her in there, even if she was just a vessel. I took some creative liberties on my Thanatos design because it looked cool and I also couldn’t figure out some of his armor in the official design:( well, the armor has feather-like components now. I guess. Everything is scratched because he’s fought A Lot and there’s no way the armor is Not Absolutely Wrecked to an extent. I actually had a ton of fun shading his armor! Other neat things: - The contrast of the holy family’s white clothing (typically representing good) vs Thanatos’s black armor (typically representing evil). Obviously Thanatos is one of the protagonists in this story, so in this case we’re going against the “typical” - Pure white is only used in Thanatos and Yuri’s eyes, intended to draw attention to their faces I’m very happy with this piece, especially Thanatos’s armor and axe! There’s a lot of ways to interpret this and parts that I can’t find the words to explain.
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marriedtobigfoot · 1 year
A lot of people love to talk about teacher!Steve and I've seen people speculate about him teaching History, or English or Gym. But hear me out...Art Teacher.
Steve Harrington, who took art as an elective in highschool thinking it would be an easy grade, but who ends up actually really enjoying it. He likes the satisfaction of making something and the methodical process of doing it. Later in life he knows he wants to work with kids, but he doesn't think he would be happy trying to teach any of the core subjects like math or English, he never cared for them much himself, and even the classes he liked he wasn't super skilled in. Then he thinks back to that art class, remembers how much he enjoyed himself, and he finds himself taking classes towards a teaching degree a few months later.
After a while, Steve finds himself with a job teaching art at a local middle school. He loves it. He loves working with the kids, even though most of them are little assholes. Apparently, that isn't unique to the party. All young kids are kind of assholes. But they're also funny, and they put thought into the projects he gives them. He always gives them a lot of wiggle-room creatively, giving assignments that focus on certain techniques like painting or working with clay, but allowing them to choose the subject matter themselves. He works alongside them, making his own little projects. He isn't VanGogh by any means, but he kind of likes that. It helps show his students that they can have fun with the art and really make something they can be proud of without worrying about it being perfect or looking like something they would see in a museum. His students adore him. They tease him and make fun of him, but at the end of the day, almost every student who takes his class ends up raving about it to their friends. Parents he meets on occasion love him too. And only partially because he looks hot as hell with his glasses and his paint-stained apron.
At the end of a project, he has everyone go around and talk about what they made. He isn't picky. They can talk about their favorite part of making it, the story behind it, why they chose certain colors, and parts they struggled with. Any little bit of extra information about the project is enough to get the points. He wasn't expecting them to rope him into it when he first started. Now, he fully expects the questions they ask whenever he shows off a project with them.
The first project is charcoal drawings, and Steve draws a weird looking bat with a crazy mouth and no eyes. He tells the class that a bunch of his family play DND, and they have really vivid imaginations. It isn't a lie.
Next they do sand-art and Steve makes a set of patterns comprised of bright, vivid colors. Oranges and pinks and greens. He tells the class it represents his best friend, who is one of his favorite people in the world. A week later he tells the class that he showed her the sand art and she declared it the ugliest thing she had ever seen, then proceeded to hang it in her room with a bright smile on her face.
During the sculpting unit, he makes a homemade mug, with little fish carved on the side. He tells the class his father-in-law collects mugs, and this one is going to be a birthday gift.
The class seemed to like sculpting, so he does a unit on wire-art. He makes a small wire guitar and a wire ring. The class ask, with shit eating grins, if he's got somebody he's planning on proposing to. He happily tells them he already proposed, this ring is just for fun, since his partner loves to wear them.
Steve's small apartment fills up over the years with tons of art projects gifted to him by his students, paintings and drawings hanging on the walls, and a whole bookshelf dedicated to the 3D work. He remembers that first part class he took sometimes, back when he was just a sad kid who's friends were all assholes, he was a bit of an asshole himself, who didn't know that horrible things existed just under his feet. He thinks back on it fondly enough, but he couldn't be happier that he isn't that kid anymore. He's pretty damn pleased being the teacher now.
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carpkoinobori · 1 month
[❣︎] casual — huh yunjin x reader
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[𖤐] 0.5/3 [next] [please be aware this is all fiction! none of this is real and idols behavior is not accurately represented.]
song(s): casual - chappel roan | runaway runaway - mars argo | HOT TO GO - chappel roan |
summary: you and your best friend made it to produce 48 together— what led up to the fallout? who is it you’re singing about? what do you do when the stress boils over?
pairing(s): trainee!huh yunjin x trainee!fem!reader
tags: angst, imagined unrequited love, eventual happy ending
wc: 1.1k
cw: implied sexual content, internalized homophobia, period typical homophobia, mentions of dieting.
ex: 135 notes.. thank you all so much!! i didn’t expect anyone to really like it. i hope you enjoy this backstory :-)
also, this is an au, not following real events— y/n and yunjin are 18 and 19 in produce48, yunjin debuts three years later at 22, and y/n at 21.
(not beta read 😭)
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you didn’t expect a survival show to be so stressful- now, you were well aware how difficult it’d be, you knew you would have to practice, and sing, and dance, and diet- but, you didn’t expect the constant stress of the possibility of being eliminated every day.
but, you chose this, right? all for her, all for your sun.
“y/n! Come on, let’s practice this final part, yeah? I think I figured out the footwork-“ yunjin mumbled, rambling about something or other. you were distracted by her face, she was soo pretty-
“y/n, are you even listening to me?” she said, grinning. your face turned a pretty shade of red, and you spluttered. “What? No, no! I was totally paying attention, I swear— something about.. footwork?” You guessed, desperately.
“it’s fine, just, come here- I’ll teach you,” she smiled, and it took all you had to not just fall right there.
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after one particularly harsh judge had humiliated yunjin, she slammed the door of the room you shared with about two other contestants. they weren’t there, at the moment.
yunjin angrily began to rummage through her things, and you sat up. “jen? What’s wrong? I mean, I know what the judge said was mean but- you know that’s not true, right?” you began, getting up and starting to walk over to her before she whipped her head around, glaring at you.
“It IS fucking true, y/n, just because they always let you fuck up ‘cause the fans love you doesn’t mean you’re suddenly qualified to give advice-” she spat, standing up from her spot on the floor, her fists clenched as she jabbed her finger into your chest harshly. “You probably think you’re so much better than me, don’t you? I bet-” you cut her off, cupping her face in your hands. “jen- jen, I don’t think that, and you do not get to talk to me like that just because you’re mad,” you began, words steady and stern, and when you watched your best friends eyes glaze over, a bit, felt her gaze flicker down to your lips, felt your face flush and felt her lean in—
well, it was all you could do to tug her closer, kissing her, tasting the stupid citrus lip balm she’s used for years, that you’ve thought about every single day of your waking life—
and if someone asked, was it all worth it? the pain, the exhaustion, the work, just for this?
“well,” you’d reply, “oranges were always my favorite fruit.”
you cupped her face with one hand, threading your fingers in her hair with the other, pushing her onto your bed, and it was all teeth, you biting her lip, you moving your hands down, her speaking incoherently.
“please,” she’d breathe out, the words just whispers on the wind. and you’d always been the one under her mercy, begging her to love you- and now here she was, begging for you to touch her. you’d always dreamed of touching the sun. you’d always think of Icarus, in these moments. your wings were yet to melt from the heat and warmth, though, so you figured it was fine.
and, well, the fall would hurt, but it was all you could do, to fall into eachother, again, and again.
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waking up was always worse. your dorm mates still weren’t back, they had a penchant to pass out in the practice room. you kinda thanked them, for that.
sometimes you’d wake up in the middle of the night, just so you could see her sleeping. just so you could see her before she would leave in the morning.
yeah, you lived together, but come 8 in the morning, she’d be gone. except for the first time. except for before you fell asleep.
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“..y/n?” she asked quietly, voice barely above a whisper.
“mhm?” you hummed, half asleep in your bed.
“this didn’t mean anything, right? im not mad at you, im sorry. i was just stressed, and frustrated- and- we can still be friends, right? it won’t change?” she whispered, and it was the only time you’ve ever seen her this nervous around you. the first time she had really been vulnerable since you both got on this stupid show.
what changed? was it the having to compete against each other? yeah. it was probably that.
“yeah,” you mumbled, feeling your chest constrict, your heart fracture, tears stinging your eyes, and you were so glad she couldn’t see your face. “yeah, jen- it’s casual. we’re still best friends,” you reassured, giving a smile that didn’t reach your eyes. why were you smiling, anyway? she couldn’t see you. she’s never seen you. “okay, y/n. good night. i love you,” she mumbled, turning to the wall.
“goodnight, jen. i love you,” you whispered, turning your back to her, and staring at the empty bed across the room. wasn’t it poetic that she was in your bed, and you’d never be in hers? you laughed inwardly, no humor in it. you were so, so bitter.
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this stupid game kept up, you kept giving in to it, and you kept losing- atleast it gave you writing material, right?
“y/n,” your dorm mate- chaewon, you think? “you should stop,” she murmured. you stared at her through tired eyes. “stop what?” you said, playing dumb. “you know. I think- I think it’s.. it’s not good for you,” she mumbled, uncomfortable. “I appreciate it, but I’m fine,” you assured, giving a well-practiced smile. “Thanks for caring,” you nodded, slipping out of the chair you’ve been sitting in for an hour and a half— instead of sleeping, you’d either be with your “best friend”, or writing about her- god, you were such a lovesick fool. Crumpled paper took up the majority of your desk, and you left it all splayed out, in front of Chaewon, slipping away to go practice till you dropped. The trainee life, you’d think.
“you said/ we’re not together/so now when we kiss/ I have anger issues,”
chaewon stared at the paper, vaguely. she couldn’t read english, obviously, and was half tempted to put it in a translator, but she just turned around, leaving the room as well to go practice.
“and I try to be the chill girl/that holds her tongue and gives you space/i try to be the chill girl/but honestly/im not,”
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and then she got eliminated. and you broke down. and you lived in that practice room. and your roommates would stare at you in pity, and you hated it, you hated being something pitiable.
you hated loving your best friend. your fall hurt like hell, your stupid wax wings broke. you didn’t fall into her, no— you fell into the sea, cold, salty, rough— you hated the cold. but maybe you’d get used to it.
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hundreds of texts unsent:
“jen, I love you,” [delete]
“jen, I miss you,” [delete]
“jen, did you love me? do you miss me?” [delete]
“I’m so sorry,” [sent]
“are you okay?” [sent]
“will it be okay?” [delete]
“will you catch me?” [delete]
“why won’t you talk to me?” [sent]
[reply] “I need some space,”
[reply] “I can’t take the reminder,”
“okay, I’m sorry. I love you,” [sent]
[you can not reply to this conversation. message unable to send]
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and nearly 7000 miles away, there is a girl crying in New York City. because she loves her best friend. and her best friend said she didn’t mean it.
and nearly 7000 miles back, there is a girl crying in Seoul, because she loves her best friend. and her best friend (will) not love her back.
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hi! backstory to good luck babe. i hope you all enjoy this, I wasn’t expecting so many notes on the last post… thank you all for reading! please feel free to send anons or reqs or just tell me about your day.. hope your day is great! :3
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crystal-moon-101 · 2 months
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A while ago I had made up a Zak for each day of the week to match Zak Saturday and Monday for fun, and because I wanted to give Zak some more AU similar to how Ben gets a lot of them. So not only do they all have different last names, but each have their own backstories and colour theming! So I hope you enjoy my little AU concepts.
-Zak Saturday-
Classic original Zak. I decided to draw them all when they're 11, start of the series vibes. So that's why he doesn't look like the ways I normally draw him currently, since those are when he's 14. Nothing different with his design here, beyond still giving him those vivid orange eyes.
-Zak Sunday-
Also known as Zak Argost, having been taken in by the man after he had a certain encounter with Zak's parents, resulting in their deaths. When Argost found the young toddler, seeing the start of Zak's power, he was happy enough to take the child with him and use his powers to his benefit. Due to being taken when he was very young, Zak doesn't remember his parents at all, fully believing in anything Argost tells him, the only family he has. So he happily helps his guardian in keeping cryptids tamed during Weird World shows, or during trips to learn about them, even if Argost puts Zak in more danger than he should. Due to his appearances on Weird World, Zak is a celebrity of sorts, even if he doesn't get to go out often. Argost also gives him a lot of gifts, keeping the child in a positive mood to keep him under his thumb. So Zak truly believes that Argost cares about him.
Though things start to turn when Argost finally decides it's time to hunt down Kur and take his powers, hiring Van Rook and Doyle on the mission. This leads to Zak and Doyle getting to know each other, with Doyle feeling protective over this random kid for some reason. Eventually this leads to him taking Zak away when this whole Kur business gets out of hand. While Doyle can't seem to convince Zak that Argost doesn't care about him, the pair do at least agree to try and find Kur first, Zak worried that even Argost shouldn't handle such powers. However, only time will tell if the pair discover the truth behind their unknown family history.
-Zak Monday-
The good old twisted gremlin of a child, Zak Monday and his family were a result of the smoke mirror. They come from a world that twists the very nature of people, a poor reflection of their negative aspects. If you're naive, then your mirror self is incredible dumb. If you're a bit of a perfectionist, then your mirror self is a control freak. And Zak Monday represents the twisted doubts of Zak feeling like a monster, so why have any doubts when you can be the monster?
I decided to change Zak Monday a bit to have the green eyes and green shirt with his own logo, cause I liked the idea that after his first appearance, they switch back to what they're suppose to look like. But other than that I kept the concept of him looking just like Zak, minus the inverted hair colour.
-Zak Tuesday-
The young naga is the son of Rani Nagi. Born solely to have Kur's soul enter and be a host, but whoops! Looks like Kur's memories aren't there, but that wasn't going to stop Rani Nagi, who thinks if she keeps at her plans, eventually her son will become the old cryptid king she once knew. Even going as far as to solely call her child Kur, who secretly calls himself Zak due to him often watching humans in the shadow, curious about them and wanting a name for himself. Zak Tuesday has a lot of identity issues, not helped by his mother's teachings towards him, ignoring all his dreams and personal thoughts. Eventually he just got really good at lying rather than convincing Rani Nagi.
However, the young cryptid prince is suddenly kidnapped by Argost one day, as he figured out where Kur's soul was currently living. Zak knew he would have died that day if not for Drew and Doc recusing him, having been chasing Argost over this Kur situation. Though they're a little surprise that upon meeting the new Kur, they find it's just a young naga who really doesn't know who he is. At first Doc and Drew didn't know what to do with him, but Zak begged them to not send him back home, and let him stay at their place until he could figure things out. He wasn't foolish, he knew the nagas were planning a war, and he wasn't keen on being the face of it all. So now the Tuesdays just have a snake living around the house, but they can't exactly complain as he is a well mannered guest at least. And perhaps the house doesn't feel so lonely with him around either.
-Zak Wednesday-
Some of you might recognize this one, but this Zak is from my old Zur AU, where Kur was reborn via the Kur Stone due to it being an egg, and Zak is a dragon that shapes between human form and dragon form. I decided to update him, making him Zak Wednesday now, with a pink theme! I also decided that instead of Kur being reborn, I wanted to shake things up a bit and have it that Zak was directly Kur's son. His mother is unknown, and as Kur saw how the world was at the time, he put Zak's egg into a stasis situation until it was discovered again. After saving it from Argost, the egg hatched among the secret scientist, leading to them chasing the child of Kur. But upon using his shapeshifting abilities to look like a child of Drew and Doc, they just couldn't help but adopt him on the spot, siting there was no sense in blaming Kur's son over what happened years ago.
The growing dragon is very playful with a cheeky personality. He exhibits a lot of draconic behaviors, with a wild and free spirit. He is aware of his family history, but he doesn't like to think about it, unsure in how to view his father based on the stories he's heard. Besides, Doc and Drew are his parents, and that's all that matter to him. Though perhaps this sudden appearance by Argost, claiming he was going to far Zak's father, has been a bit rattling to deal with.
-Zak Thursday-
When Kur knew he was going to die, and also knew his soul wasn't able to live the mortal realm, he made plans to make it so his reborn self would both be born in hopefully a better time, and be without his memories. It was better that way, so that his new self could live a lovely life without the sins from his past. But that didn't exactly pan out properly, as Kur was reborn and sadly remembers everything. It took him a while to understand this growing up, his young human mind not processing it until he was roughly 7-8, and even then he needed time to think about it. And now he's a depressed 11 year old who now has to be stuck with the fact his plan didn't work, unable to run away from the person he once was. Doc and Drew found out the truth when Zak tried running away one day, their son sitting them down and telling them the truth in hopes they'd just leave him, it would be better that way. But to his surprise they disagreed, as he was still their son, Kur or Zak, and it would be too dangerous to leave him alone.
So now Zak lives with his parents? Are they really his parents? The family keeping this dark secret to themself, even from the other scientists. Doc and Drew still reach out to their son, doing their best to connect with him, but he can't help but push them away. He doesn't deserve this, and they deserve better. However, their secret might come out after Argost stole the Kur Stone and now hunts for Kur, not realizing the truth right in front of him. So now the family tries to get the stones back, wanting to protecting Zak/Kur from others finding out. Doesn't help that he has to go through being a child again with such dark memories lingering in his head, feeling tired and overwhelmed with the world. Hasn't he suffered enough?
-Zak Friday -
In a world where Kur and cryptids successfully wiped out humans, the king ruled the lands for a while after, before one day he mysteriously vanished. Many concluded that he had died somehow, the details unknown, but this lead to a prophecy that one day their king would return, leading to many claiming to be him, or praying that they will be him for the power and wealth. In this universe, Zak and his family are all cryptids, with Zak being a a Chuvash Dragon, Drew and Doyle are Epimeliads, and Doc is a Gargoyle (Other characters are also cryptids in this timeline). Zak is a serpent like dragon that breathes fire, as a very twistable body, and can freely shapeshift. He's heard about the legend of Kur returning, but frankly he thinks they don't need him, even if the cryptid world has been shattered without a king for years now.
But when a yeti named Argost claims that Kur is back, being backed up by the Nagas, everyone starts to gossip and run around trying to figure out who the new Kur is. So maybe it's best that Zak doesn't tell the whole world about his sudden new powers to control and communicate any fellow cryptid is walks by.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
Thinking about this some more, I don't think that Ed systematically dismembering Izzy is entirely centered on Stede, but on what Stede represented as well, and what has been done to Ed himself, independent of Stede.
(Please note, I'm not casting a moral judgment on characters' actions here, but trying to explain what it seems to mean to the narrative and the character arcs and development, both literally as well as figuratively.)
When we first meet Ed, he's already tired and bored, to the point that he says that the only adventure left will be death. The alternative that Stede represents isn't just the man himself, and the love that Ed develops for him, but the possibility that life can be more than being "just Blackbeard."
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There's a lot of discussion of Ed being allowed to be "just Ed," but in a lot of ways the things that Ed is are a whole combination of personas and realities. Blackbeard is a persona, yes, and it's also a part of him - it enables him to survive, it protects him, and it ultimately comes to protect the people he loves, including Stede. The problem is that Blackbeard has so completely taken over Ed—in large part due to Izzy, but also due to Ed's fears about his identity—that he doesn't know who he is outside of the persona.
Stede gives him space and encouragement to explore who he is, just as he does with the rest of the Revenge crew. He sees Ed as Ed first, he listens to Ed's complaints about how he's depicted in the caricature, and he encourages Ed to try different things, from going to a fancy party to going on a treasure hunt, finding excitement in the discovery of a petrified orange, storytime with the crew, enjoying good brandy, putting on a fun show.
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None of it is prescriptive—most of the things they do are up to Ed whether or not to participate in, and many are proposed by Ed himself. Stede never condescends. It's not Stede remaking Ed in his own image, but lending him support in what he wants to try, and protecting him when he's hurt. Stede barely seems aware that he's doing it. He sees no reason not to encourage Ed in what makes Ed happy - and what winds up making Ed happy is Stede himself.
So Izzy's constant threats against Stede are more than just threats against the man Ed loves, but the entire process of Ed discovering his own identity. Izzy is fully invested in maintaining who Blackbeard is—and he makes it clear that "Blackbeard" is indeed that violent caricature—and there is no flexibility outside of that. So the more Ed becomes an independent person, the harder Izzy pushes back and the more he threatens the existence of the man who "did something to my boss's brain."
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When Stede leaves, as many have pointed out, Ed doesn't suddenly go back to being Blackbeard. It's the combination of very deep grief and self-loathing and the violence committed by Izzy as he insists Ed become Blackbeard rather than "whatever this thing you've become" that result in the Kraken. Ed's breakdown is catalyzed in the stripping away of pieces of himself—all the happiness, all the fun, all the things that were building on repressed desires and needs, severed from his soul. He does this emotionally and psychologically, but also physically—throwing out books, slashing up paintings, removing all traces of softness and gentleness.
Izzy announces that "Blackbeard is himself again," as though this identity, the caricature of violence, is all that Ed is, and the joy and softness that Stede helped Ed find in himself was never real (an echo, in some ways, of Ed's mother telling him that "we're just not those kinds of people," though this time emanating from a monstrous father).
Ed is aware of what is being killed inside him, and specifically what role Izzy plays in his self-murder, because Ed has been dying bit by bit for years. He externalizes his suffering and the monstrosity that has been forced upon him and starts, almost immediately, cutting away pieces of Izzy's body, bit by bit. The final taking of the leg is the physical manifestation of Izzy severing Stede, and all the softness and gentleness, and love, he represented, from Ed's soul.
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Nearing the end of that scene, Ed turns his back on Izzy and spreads his arms. Izzy starts laughing hysterically, telling him "clean up your own fucking mess, I'm not doing it, I've been doing it all my fucking life." Izzy still doesn't understand, though Ed has once more told him, fairly explicitly, exactly why he no longer has a leg. And Ed is resigned—he'll go and die a different way, knowing that Izzy still doesn't understand what he did to him.
Because at that moment, Ed’s fully convinced that Izzy has indeed killed Edward Teach - that all that is left is the monstrosity of the Kraken, with the softness finally cut away. That's not the end, of course, because Ed isn't the Kraken, but it will never be Izzy who helps him to see that and embrace life again. It will be Ed himself, who works through his hatred of himself, then hears a voice begging him to live and decides that he wants to.
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morallyinept · 5 months
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I mentioned on a previous Ask that I used to be a florist, (man, do I miss that job...) and lovely @doughmonkey suggested I should match the Pedro Boys with flowers... so, here you are! 🪻🌷🌻
Enjoy! 🖤
Jett's Pedro Boy Rambles Masterlist
Flora & Fauna Masterlist
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The sunniest flower for our sunniest Pedro Boy, Javi. Sunflowers often represent the sun and Javi just beams like it, doesn't he? Sunflowers also bring good fortune, and represent a long life and lasting happiness. It is often seen as a symbol of faith and devotion, radiating positivity and hope. In some Eastern religions, such as Buddhism, sunflowers are considered sacred and represent spiritual enlightenment. Or, divine inspiration, as Javi would say...
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Sweet Peas represent goodbyes and yearning. In Victorian England, for example, sweet peas were often given as a sign of departure or goodbye to a loved one. Considering Joel has lost Sarah, I'd say a Sweet Pea would be a good representation of a flower for Joel. Sweet Peas also can mean blissful pleasure, friendship and gratitude. They come in all sorts of colours too, such as shades of white, pink, coral, red, violet and blue, and some combining two colours.
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More subtle than the bold traditional red rose, pink roses typically symbolise admiration, happiness, and love. Pink roses also symbolise sweetness, femininity, appreciation, and admiration - all traits that this handsome agent showers in abundance towards his love interest. I think receiving a bunch of beautiful pink, velvety roses from Marcus Pike would totally sweep you off your feet and totally convince you to go to Washington DC with him.
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Red poppies are worn as a symbol of support for the Armed Forces community, and to remember our fallen military personnel. The poppy is a common symbol that has been used to represent everything from peace to death, and even simply sleep. Seeing as Frankie worked in the forces, he would probably tuck a red poppy flower behind your ear then kiss you sweetly, as he walks hand-in-hand with you through the local Veteran Day Parade.
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In the language of flowers, wild heliotrope symbolises devotion and an everlasting love, which when you think about Whiskey losing his sweetheart and baby boy, this flower couldn't be more perfect for him. It has a delicious scent and the flowers follow the sun as it tracks across a winters day, hence the name "Heliotrope" which is derived from the Greek Helios meaning sun and tropos meaning 'turn' or 'direction'. Everlasting love is a journey that you rarely falter from the path, so I imagine Whiskey would choose this flower to place on the grave of his sweetheart and baby boy.
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Passion flowers, not only look a little alien in their bloom, they also have healing properties, which Ezra could do with in abundance, right? Roman Catholic priests of the late 1500's named it for the Passion (suffering and death) of Jesus Christ. And Kevva, has this prospector suffered... Passion Flower can incite love and passion and help you attract companionship. A perfect flower to represent my main man Ezra, I think...
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Colourful, fun and a little kooky looking, gerbera daisies are just flowers that make me smile in abundance. And so does Dieter Bravo. Yellow gerbera daisies tend to symbolize cheerfulness and celebration. Orange gerberas convey that the person you present it to is the sunshine of your life. Red gerberas represent an unconscious love or to be fully immersed in love. White gerberas symbolise innocence and purity. Pink gerberas are a symbol of admiration, adoration, or high esteem for someone. I imagine Dieter would love these because he would be attracted to the variety of colours and they would make him smile, even when high...
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Black dahlias aren't truly black, but rather a very deep shade of crimson that appear black. They symbolise betrayal and sadness, so shouldn't be gifted lightly. It also represents inner strength, likely due to the plant's ability to tolerate such harsh conditions. Although a stunning flower to behold, the symbolism doesn't come without it's notoriety; they're associated with the infamous murder of Elizabeth Short (The Black Dahlia Murder) in 1947 in Los Angeles. Black dahlias and Dave York? Nuff' said.
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A flower with a bite, just like Max. A carnivorous plant, this flower eats insects. They have simple nodding flowers and leaves modified as hollow pitchers, which function to passively trap insects, luring them with nectar, then digesting them or drowning them with fluids, later to be absorbed by the plant. So, although it looks pretty and alluring on the outside, beware whats hidden underneath - just like our feisty vampire, Max. Nom.
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Anemones are my most favourite flower. It was believed that the flower sprang from the blood of the slain Adonis, who was a lover of the goddess Aphrodite. As such, anemones are often seen as a symbol of love and passion. And there's no-one more passionate a lover than Javi P, right? Anemone flowers are available in many colors with each symbolizing a different meaning. White anemone flowers symbolize sincerity due to their delicate appearance. Red and pink anemone flowers symbolize death or forsaken love. Purple anemone flowers symbolize protection from evil. I think Javi would be a purple anemone, due to the job he has... he'd definitely protect you.
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With their vibrant orange, yellow and red petals, naturally marigolds are symbols of positive emotions, like joy and excitement. Marigolds also represent energy, good luck, warmth, creativity, prosperity and passion. Oberyn exudes passion in abundance so this flower would be prefect for him. Their vibrant colors and strong fragrance make them an essential part of various traditions, festivals, and rituals worldwide, such as Día de Los Muertos. A perfect flower to represent Oberyn, in both life and death.
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The Ghost Orchid earned its name due to its ghostly white petals and the illusion of floating in mid-air when attached to trees, with no visible roots or leaves. The Ghost Orchid is considered one of the most elusive orchids in existence. Its scarcity and remote habitat have contributed to its mythical status among plant enthusiasts. Due to its unique growth habits and specific environmental requirements, sightings of the Ghost Orchid in the wild are extremely rare. A little like our Mandalorian here in the sense you never see his face, he, like the flower, is elusive and a rare specimen indeed. And when you do get an eventual glimpse of it, it is absolutely breathtaking...
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Holding on to their shape and color long after being cut, strawflowers are said to symbolize immortality and are commonly known as 'Everlasting' flowers. Their endurance and strength is notable and we can compare this to our resident hero of the Pedro Boys, Marcus Moreno. Everlasting flowers symbolize eternal love, hope, and remembrance. They are often used in wedding bouquets, funeral arrangements, and other special occasions to express enduring sentiments and commemorate cherished memories. Considering Marcus is also a widower, this flower is a great choice to represent him.
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The bird of paradise flower symbolizes joyfulness, freedom, anticipation, and excitement. Furthermore, it represents faithfulness, love and thoughtfulness while being the official flower of the ninth wedding anniversary. As someone who is often bogged down in the the dark gloom of investigations, a colourful, peppy flower such as this would brighten Tim's mood instantly after coming home from a long day of work.
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Tiger lilies represent courage, strength, and confidence. The main red tiger lily meaning is passion. White tiger lily meaning can be described as purity. Pero would be of the red variety, considering he wields such strength, courage and confidence on the battlefield. Tiger lilies also have healing properties and the lance leaf tiger lily is native to China. Apt considering Pero fights there...
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Giving someone one of these small blossoms is a pledge that you will never forget them and that you will think of them often. For this reason, they're also considered a symbol of fidelity and faithfulness. Forget-me-nots represent true love and giving someone this flower means you truly love and respect this person. Similarly to making a wish, if Max gifts you with these flowers, he's not likely to forget you in a hurry.
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The most classic of them all, a red rose is a perfect choice for a significant other. This stunning shade most popularly stands for passion and communicates love. It's the rose of romance and deep feelings, but can also relay desire, beauty, victory, harmony, joy, luck, pride and martyrdom. Which if you're familiar with Silva and his traits, this flower is the perfect choice for him.
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A flower that is not very common, Petunias display feelings of deep resentment and anger. Despite their amazingly striking appearance, they take people by surprise because of their shocking underlying meanings. And if you know a thing or two about Veracruz, you know he's just like a Petunia - beautiful on the outside, but sinister and resentful on the inside...
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replaycamera2 · 11 months
Flowers I Associate With Redacted Characters
Davey - Honeysuckle The canon choice. His mom’s honeysuckle are a core memory for him. They mean “devoted affection” for the person you love. In addition, honeysuckle flowers are commonly planted near the home to evoke feelings of nostalgia and honor those who have gone before you, and draw happiness and positive energy into your life.
Ash - Daffodil Sunflower is a little too big for Asher’s character. Daffodils are smaller, but no less energetic with their bright orange and yellow colours. They symbolize hope, joy, good luck, and new beginnings. Daffodils are the March birth flower and are associated with the coming of spring, thus optimism, positivity, and vibrancy.
Milo - Rose I toyed with the idea of something more representative of self-sacrifice like poppies but they didn’t feel like they represented Milo’s entire character, that’s just one tiny facet of him. I went with rose because that’s absolutely how Casanova sees himself. Deep red roses in particular represent not only love and passion, but also deeply held commitment to a romantic partner.
Sam - Blue Hydrangea Blue hydrangeas specifically symbolize feelings of remorse and apologies. I thought that was fitting given Sam’s role in Frederick’s turning having not been paying attention that night. But they also signify feelings of deep understanding, gratitude, and sincere emotion which he’s found in Darlin’ in that they both have similar backgrounds of abusive partners and understand one another deeply on that level.
Vincent - Rain Lily These tiny, delicate flowers only bloom in the rain. Contrary to what one might expect, they can also survive periods of drought, though they won’t bloom until it rains. They represent the cycle of life, death, and rebirth: they bloom, die, then come back with the rain. They also remind us that even in a storm, growth is possible.
Gavin - Iris In Greek, the word Iris means Rainbow. This has come to represent diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and inclusivity in modern times. Traditionally, the Iris also represents courage and faith.
Damien - Ixora A lesser known tropical flower with many tiny red flowers making a larger head, these flowers hold a meaning of burning passion (and that includes the bedroom). They’re also known as “the flame of the woods”.
Hux - Sunflower Tall and huge, these well-known flowers not only represent happiness, but red sunflowers specifically represent strength and positivity. Sunflowers are known to always look at the sun as it crosses the sky throughout the day.
Lasko - Pansy Ignoring the negative connotations of the word, pansies represent love, both romantic and platonic. The French word “pensee” means “to think” which Lasko does a lot of (a little too much at lighting speeds lol) and so pansies are also associated with thoughtfulness, consideration, and free-thinking. They are also linked to feelings of nostalgia and remembrance. Blue pansies specifically symbolize devotion, honesty and loyalty.
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
Mario Bros Official Frog Prince AU Design!
With an official set for Luigi and Mario's designs because the brothers are also here! (Stop yer complains they're both part of the story-)
Cheers to the gay frogs from us FrogiPan Trios @shygirl4991 @alianarepasa !
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Certain catchy details:
Luigi's Wedding Outfit for Best Man attire-
Pink sash resembles "Thankfulness" from SMG3
He wears a purple colored sock, for a message that he's thankful to have SMG3 as a brother
Mario's Casual Outfit 1
Theres too much patches that've been put into his overalls, a symbol of mushrooms. These are put together by him and his loveable Mother, Rosea.
With Mario not liking any other 'fine plain' suits for him, he loves to put his red and blue signature as his "style" with him also putting the meatball color above and below his shoulder area.
Mario's Casual², Royal, and Wedding Outfit
If you noticed the sock colors, there is a sock color of green that represents Luigi's color signature.
The two outfits in where both socks are purple, you guessed it. SMG3. He loves his brother even tho he's adopted, just like Luigi's he's very happy to also have three as a brother.
The necktie of orange highlights the color of Confidence and Excitement. (Bringing Optimism and a bright color of energy from Weddings)
And maybe because he's hungry for more Spaghettis- (when theres weddings, theres free foods)
I have finally finished the outfit designs (I'm sweatin like I'm exercisin-)
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sakurangelll · 1 year
intuitive channeled reading: Which Disney character represents your future spouse?
it is the first time that i do a reading/message about future spouses so i am super excited!!! the energies of each pile are so wonderfully beautiful. remember that it's a general message so take what resonates and what doesn't just let it go
it would be a pleasure for me if you let me know if the reading/message resonated with you so do not hesitate to send me a message, comment or reblog, it will make me immensely happy
choose the image with which you feel most connected/attracted
Pile 1… 2… 3…
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♡ pile 1
the energy of your fs is like that of a child in love, your future spouse reminds me a lot of milo thatch. they will respect every decision of yours, they will not be able to believe that someone like you exists. i don't know if your fs believes in god or in a divine source but they thank the universe for having met you. i see them laughing with you for anything, even if you think your jokes are bad they will laugh and believe that those are the best jokes in the world. i see them looking at you admiring your beauty but in a philosophical, historical and spiritual way? they admires every inch of your face, your fs is madly in love with you. they will love to kiss you on the cheek, your future spouse will love to hold your hand, your fs will love to give you letters with his favorite poems or poems made by themselves. they will like to give you rose petals, daisies and dandelions, your fs will love picnic and dinner dates.
i feel that you are going to know them through your friends, it is as if one of them told you "a friend is coming with us, you don't know them but i don't feel that you will like them, is a bit serious/introverted" and then it will be like BOOM “we are a couple” haha.
in their eyes you are someone out of this world, they see you as a super kind person, people turn to you to listen to them because they feel that you understand them and that will fascinate your fs, you are perfect in their eyes. i feel that you are a person who transmits a lot of peace, your energy is like the energy of a siren, you hypnotize everyone with your presence and i don't think you realize that.
physically your fs looks a lot like milo thatch, they is a very cute person but them intellect makes them so damn sexy. your fs will not only be your fs but will also be your best friend.
angel numbers of this pile:
1023. tells you that your intuition has a role to play in your life.
8. this number strongly resonates with the concept of karma. everything you put on in this world will definitely come back to you in a form or another.
111. try to choose love more often and stay away from low vibration feelings and emotions such as jealousy, anger, sadness, loneliness.
songs that have the same energy of this relationship:
cariño by the marias
fireproof by one direction
swing by danny ocean
what makes you beautiful by one direction
love of my life by harry styles
lover by taylor swift
cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant
channelled stuff of this pile:
round glasses . italian/european vibes . orange . green . feminine and masculine energy very well balanced . libra . cancer . gemini . blue as favorite color . pear-shaped body . straight and bleached hair . ethereal . sea . cave with water . geography . dress with white and beige . blonde hair with waves . compass . anthropology . egypt
thanks for your time pile 1 <3
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♡ pile 2
i can't get your future spouse out of my head making the same face as flynn haha. your fs is so damn sarcastic. i really feel that your future spouse is a man since this person has a very strong masculine energy and visually i see a man, but remember that this is a general reading so i will refer to your fs as they.
i recently did an intuitive reading of who your spirit guide is and what they wants to tell you in this new year 2023, the pile 2 of that reading can resonate a loooot with you, if it catches your attention you can check it here: X. i really feel that it is the same person from that reading and i say that because i can smell the same perfume as when i did that reading. they smells so good. your fs will be so kind and respectful with all the members of your family, your mother will be fascinated that this person is your spouse.
they gives me a lot of sugar daddy vibes buuut i don't think they is much older than you, i see 2-5 years of age gap. they is going to want to have a lot of dates with you before being an official couple (and of course they will also love dating you after being an official couple). your fs is going to try to get your attention a lot without being invasive. they will treat you like a princess and will want to help you in everything they can, in your work, in your school projects, they will want to pick you up from work or wherever you are. your fs will love to dance with you. i just heard "that's my girl" they will be so proud of you. you two are so alike. they will love to tease you but when you do it they will be very shy and nervous, they will not accept it but they will love it. you two will be a successful and luxurious couple, they will love to spoil you, your fs will love to give you gifts and let me tell you that their gifts to you will be so expensive. the dates that they will love to have with you are going to eat at a fancy restaurant and drink champagne, dates on a yacht? i repeat it to you one more time, they are so wealthy.
without a doubt you two are soulmates and i would venture to say that you are probably twin flames, but not that kind of chaotic twin flames. i feel that you two individually have reached such a high point of healing and spirituality that the only word to describe your connection is peace, and you will only come together to enjoy each other's company and spend the rest of your lives in such a peaceful and happy way.
angel numbers of this pile:
1122. is all about striking out on a new life path with the knowledge that you will be fully supported and assisted by your angels and spiritual protectors.
321. this number comes your way to remind about the importance of rest. yes, work is good, and you need to work hard. but, ever so often, you need to take a step back to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. working too hard without rest is a sure way to burn out.
1111. seeing this number is a clear message from the universe that it is time to find your own truth and align it with your life, your thoughts and your actions.
songs that have the same energy of this relationship:
suga suga by baby bash, frankie j
the boy is mine by brandy
into you by ariana grande
34+35 by ariana grande
finesse by bruno mars, cardi b
that’s my girl by fifth harmony
love me harder by ariana grande, the weekend
channelled stuff of this pile:
taurus . sagittarius . gemini . north of italy. business . lawyer . black suit . white and flowery dress . honey . very well worked masculine energy
thanks for your time pile 2 <3
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♡ pile 3
i feel that you can be a person who does not believe in love? or you think it's something silly and that it doesn't exist? but inside you know well that your soul deeply desires to find your true love. if you do not identify with what i just said then those may be the thoughts of your future partner. am i channeling a twin flame connection?😯😳🤭
this energy is so chaotically beautiful, the same soul that is in two different bodies that all they want is to learn from each other in order to heal each other to their maximum level. i turned to look at the clock and it's 12:21, literally you are each other's mirror.
the energy/idea that your FS has of love is exactly like the song that megara sings "i won't say i am in love" but not from the perfective of negation, they see love from a sad perfective. they believe that love exists but it does not exist for them, they do not feel worthy of being loved and believe that if they are loved, no one will love them as they wish but then you will come into their life, making them known that there is someone in this world who loves them exactly as they wish. i must say that no one else is going to be able to heal you more than yourself, but in this case you will be that "healing" part and above all you will help them to open their knowledge related to love.
from your point of view, you see love from a perspective of teaching, companionship and growth. when you meet your fs your soul will be so happy to find who you always wanted to have as a spouse, you will not see any negative part in your fs but it will be hard for them because they will believe that they are not worthy of this love, this phase of the relationship reminds me a lot of steve lacy’s song called dark red, having a constant fear that your partner could replace you, that's what you fs is going to think although that replacement thought will never pass through your head. this person is your dream come true.
but don't worry, that phase of the relationship is just a point of learning and healing, after this everything will be fine. your fs will understand that they is worthy of this love that you will give them and they will be able to see life and especially love from a point of view of happiness. you love each other from the soul, your love was written in the stars. i must admit it, this pile 3 is my favorite.
angel numbers of this pile:
1203. take care of your partner. through words and actions, let them know that you don’t take them for granted. love is a beautiful thing; a special gift from heaven. your angels are asking you to appreciate this special gift.
1221. the journey of twin flames is not always a smooth one. it is laden with hardships and difficulties, and only the very strong can withstand the kind of challenges it presents. angel number 1221 encourages you to devote yourself to this journey because it could be just what you need to make your life better and more fulfilling. your connection with your twin flame will be stronger than it has ever been.
6. this message might represent your desires to have your own family, to have a child or something related to your home or family that needs your attention.
songs that have the same energy of this relationship:
505 by arctic monkeys
don’t give up on us by journey
another love by tom odell
fine line by harry styles
what is love? by twice
i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys
give you the world by steve lacy
channelled stuff of this pile:
curly hair . south of asia . glasses . phone in hands . “they love me or they don't love me”. one is taller than the other . hugging while walking . "i'm proud of you" . "i want to marry you" . ring . strong feminine energy . arab
thanks for your time pile 3 <3
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hanafubukki · 10 months
Lost in the Book with Stitch Flower Language:
General meaning: You are perfect, delicate beauty, youth, fame, joy, happiness, and personal glory. Hawaii’s state flower.
Pink: rare beauty, love and care, more of platonic love.
Red: love, desire, passion, youth, beautiful. In hinduism, can represent the goddess Kali, who represents life, time, death, and change.
Yellow: cheerfulness, positive self-image, self empowerment.
White: enlightenment, I respect you,  you belong here, healing progression, belonging.
Orange: spirituality, purity, enlightenment, and divine grace. Promotes emotional balance, calmness, and physical healing.
Purple (??? not sure on this one, it could be a darker shade of pink but included anyways): wealth, royalty, wisdom, and knowledge.
Fun Facts bout the Hibiscus: 
Greek mythology:  Adonis would turn into the hibiscus flower to stop the quarrel between Aphrodite and Persephone.
Orange Hibiscus in a Dream: represents creative energy, growth, and passion. It is a reminder that you have the power to create your own life. Dreaming of an orange hibiscus indicates you might be undergoing a spiritual awakening or that you need to pay attention to the guidance and signs of the universe. Can also indicate a sense of joy, positivity, and optimism. Additionally, it can also express confidence and empowerment in your personal and professional endeavors. (This is literally book 7 in a flower).
Orange Hibiscus symbolism: Some culture, it represents the Sun God and represents the energy and vitality of the of the life-giving sun. (Funny because Lilia has been in a lot of Sun events 😂).
Medicine: Teas using this can interfere with blood pressure and diabetic meds. Which is interesting because Silver chose Foxglove in the Bunny Event, which helps with cardiac output.
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teamoon7 · 4 months
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🇺🇸: So, I was still a little unsure about my original ladybug redesign, so I tried to make some alternatives with other changes and options.
In the second Image, there are 6 different items that I'm not sure which options I should pick: shirt (purple), sleeve length (orange), 'belly'/torso (green), gloves (blue) (connect or not to the arm, like 1 and 4), shorts (yellow) and boots (red). Which one do you prefer from each of these items? (Ps.: the already "built up" combinations are not variations I already "estabilished"! I just put some options together at random so it was easier to visualize them, but you can say any combination you want. I'm also not sure if I'm keeping the sleeves of the shirts and shorts with the golden details, but I'm already certain I'll keep the parts that show the sewing). (Ps.2: I didn't include the cape just so it was easier to see all the different parts, but I didn't remove it from the costume, it's still there).
The first pic is my favorite combination, but I also like shirt 5, belly/torso 3 and glove 1...
My main problems with the first version were mainly the upper part of the body (shirt and torso), but I also wasn't very happy neither with the original boots, nor with the way the shorts were "glued" to the costume. About the gloves, although I like the og black and simple gloves (to represent a ladybug's paws), I saw someone (unfortunately forgot who it was :/ ) saying that they found it important for ladybug to have red hands because of the scenes of her and chat doing "pound it", since is has focus on their hands, I thought it was an interesting concept and tried to change a little bit so I could keep the gloves, but with red details on them. (Ps.: the gloves are not exactly above the spots in the arms, so please ignore the glove position because it will not cover the spots). Although I like the gloves with darker shades of red, I don't think it is an 'harmonious' choice if that's the only part of the clothes that has that shade (if I don't choose torso 5).
Anyway, if you want you can also suggest any other changes (like "I like glove 1, but without the golden accents) in general!! Also, even if I decide my favorite parts in this one I'll definitely do at least a third redesign hahaha (since there's a specific element I want to include on the costume in general, but I'm still unsure of how I'm doing/including it)
🇧🇷: Então, eu ainda tava um pouco incerta sobre meu redesign original da Ladybug, então pensei em fazer algumas alternativas com outras mudanças.
Na segunda imagem, tem 6 itens diferentes que eu estou em dúvida entre quais opções escolher: blusa (roxo), tamanho da manga (laranja), 'barriga'/torso (verde), luva (azul) (Modelo com ou sem relevo), short (amarelo) e bota (vermelho). Quais vocês preferem de cada um desses itens? (Obs: os trajes "montados" não são as variações que eu já estabeleci! Só coloquei algumas opções juntas aleatoriamente pra ficar mais fácil de visualizar, porém podem falar qualquer combinação que vocês quiserem. Também não tenho certeza se vou manter as "mangas" das blusas e shorts com os detalhes dourados, mas a costura é de certeza que vou manter).(Obs2: só não coloquei a capa pra ficar mais fácil de visualizar, mas ela ainda está na roupa).
A primeira imagem é minha combinação favorita, mas também gosto da blusa 5, da barriga 3 e da luva 1...
Meus problemas principais eram principalmente na blusa de cima e na parte superior do torço, mas também não fiquei tão satisfeita com a bota original e nem com a forma como o short era "colado" na roupa. Sobre a luva, por mais que eu goste das luvas simples pretas (pra representar as patas de uma joaninha), vi uma pessoa comentando que acha importante as mãos da ladybug serem vermelhas por causa das cenas dela e do chat noir fazendo o "zerou" que têm foco nas mãos deles (infelizmente esqueci quem foi que falou isso :/ ), achei um conceito interessante e tentei mudar um pouco pra manter as luvas porém com detalhes vermelhos nelas. (Obs: as luvas não estão realmente grudadas nas bolinhas do braço, então ignorem as luvas posicionadas em cima das bolinhas). Por mais que goste das luvas com tons mais escuros de vermelho, não sei se fica muito harmônico aquele ser o único local da roupa com aquele tom de vermelho se não for escolher a opção 5 de barriga/torso.
Enfim, se quiserem também podem sugerir qualquer outra mudança (como "gosto da luva 1 porém sem o dourado") no geral!! Mesmo que eu decida minhas favoritas nesse aqui eu com certeza ainda vou no mínimo fazer um terceiro redesign hashushs (até porque tem um elemento específico que quero incluir nas roupas num geral mas que ainda não decidi como fazer)
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miumiumanzo · 5 months
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Designing Beelzebub's kimono based on @the_graceful_dahlia 's fic I also posted the timelapse to this on toktok
More about the kimono under the cut
To summarise; Gabriel and Beelzebub went off on a honeymoon in Kyoto and Gabriel miracled them kimonos to wear -- consciously putting Bee in a tomesode, a type of kimono reserved to a married woman noticeable by its shorter sleeves with patterns appearing only below the obi. The black tomesode, or the kurotomesode is considered the formalest out of modern kimono, usually bearing family crests and it's typically worn by married women in an important family events such as weddings.
Essentially; Gabriel miracled Bee a clothing that indicates this particular demon is married. To him specifically. This lil' bit fries my brain.
As suggested by the fic, Bee wears a kurotomesode with purple and gold adornments. I take this as a symbol of Gabriel becoming an important part of Beelzebub's life (also to match Gabriel's own lavender kimono). I take some flower patterns often appearing in kimono to represent both Gabriel and his love for Beelzebub. Peony (botan) for grace, beauty, and honour (pretty much what Gabriel is), Chrysanthemum (kiku) to represent Gabriel's status as a prince of heaven, and Bellflower (kikyo) for his undying and loyal love for Beelzebub. There's also bits of Wisteria (fuji) which signifies love and nobility as well. I added geometrical pattern like shippo; for harmony and good relationship, tatewaku; another pattern that indicates high status (supreme archangel and prince of hell and whatnot), and kikko... because I just feel like it. Last but not least; there are two cranes which symbolise a happy marriage.
Bee wears a burnt orange obi -- their sash colour, which I added higanbana to it to signify they're a creature of hell and there's also a subtle river patter to symbolise the river of hell -- according to most myth (but since this is Japan, so it incorporates Shinto and Japanese Budddhism underworld myth), there is a river in hell, so there goes a river in Bee's obi.
Pretty much what goes to my thought process designing this. My plan is actually to draw proper illustrations of said fic, most likely featuring both Gabriel and Beelzebub strolling in their kimono 🥰
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