#please forgive me again
bladeweavedance · 3 months
More Ship Meme Details!
This one says car, and there's no cars in Faerun, so I changed it to carriage. Originally, I thought "Nah, neither of these guys know how to drive" but then I remembered Wyll has Animal Handling and given his nature as a hero, he's totally had a moment or two or three where there's been a run-away carriage, and he's swooped in like the dashing and daring hero he is to take the reins and stop the thing and the horses before anyone gets hurt. So… Yeah.
We all know Gale is the camp cook, and if Wyll's dialogue is anything to go by, it sounds like he's quite territorial about it. But Wyll can be pretty determined and insistent, and I headcanon that he's not a bad cook himself. He might have started out that way (as the duke's son, he probably didn't have to cook his own meals - so he had to start from scratch when he was kicked out of Baldur's Gate), but I think his years of surviving on his own - he might have learned a few thing about seasoning with wild herbs and whatever spices he could pick up along his way as well as experimenting with various ingredients.
PDA - While both Wyll and Gale are on the more modest side of things (especially Gale given his whole "I won't undress even in front of my tressym" thing and wearing full-on long-sleeved pajamas and Wyll seems at least willing to wear a crop top) - so I can't see them engaging in more, err, private activities - I can definitely see them doing things like praising each other in public, saying romantic things to each other in public, holding hands, kissing, a face caress, hugs. They're both very affectionate people who aren't afraid of showing affection.
Wyll, being the hero that he is, has a natural inclination towards protecting people and can be especially fierce when it comes to protecting the people he loves. This is also evidenced in his origin if you romance Gale and make Wyll the Blade of Frontiers (he talks about keeping an eye on Gale, and Gale is touched that Wyll is so protective of him). Given how deeply Gale loves and the fact that he's a powerful wizard, though… I imagine Gale ALSO has a protective streak towards the ones he loves as well (you see this in his trying to distance himself from his mother because he believes himself to be a danger to her, and if you play his Origin, he can give Tara a stern talking to for traveling outside of Waterdeep where it isn't safe). Wyll, of course, is plenty capable of protecting himself, but that won't stop Gale from unleashing all of his magical fury on anyone who might threaten his love.
Relationship experience! So, we know Gale has SOME relationship experience - there's his relationship with Mystra which likely lasted years, but he also mentioned having mortal lovers before that. There seems to be some inclination that he didn't have A LOT of lovers before Mystra, maybe just a couple or a few. So, he's got maybe a moderate amount of experience; though, I get the feeling very little long-term experience and his relationship with Mystra probably left a lot to be desired in terms of how a normal relationship is supposed to work. That being said, due to his age and some things Wyll has said (more on that in a moment) - He has a LOT more experience than Wyll.
So, now we come to Wyll, sweet Wyll. First, I'm going to point out that Wyll says to Astarion in the Blushing Mermaid that he didn't have his first kiss until he was 15 years old. It's important to remember that Wyll was kicked out of Baldur's Gate when he was 17. So, that leaves two years where he could've possibly had a relationship (or a few really short-term ones) before he's trekking the wilderness and saving the day and having to deal with Mizora on a regular basis (which likely put a dent on his seeking relationship prospects).
Next, in some banter with Halsin, Wyll suggests his romance (if you're romancing him) is his first love. In another banter with Shadowheart in Baldur's Gate, Wyll specifically says he's "tight-laced" and "never been the type to sow his wild oats." Add that to his insistence on a fairy tale romance, the fact that he proposes to his partner before even considering sex with them and well…
What I'm saying there is a VERY HIGH chance that Wyll is a virgin, so yeah he's very close to the No Relationship Experience side of things.
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sphor-art · 4 months
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ok yall im tentatively back
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myeagleexpert · 3 months
A story about the director and Grim, who are very close friends <3
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Translation from fan to fan, all credits go to the appropriate artist, see the source in the pin below:https://br.pinterest.com/pin/902690319055568233/
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Who else wants to see Grim's final form? but…. What cost would this have?
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dailyboatboys · 3 months
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[day 10] i would like to sincerely apologize to anybody who had to see this
based off this..
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chalkrub · 1 year
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do you think it’s a friendly wolf
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ms-all-sunday · 2 months
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who knew shed inspire such blind loyalty?
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chiropteracupola · 21 days
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c. 1540 CE: a young man from Chalco, and his dragon.
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onsomenewsht · 4 months
now playing: Don't Tell My Mom
< track 3 || track 5 >
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》 Alexia Putellas x Reader (past), María León x Reader (platonic), Leah Williamson x Reader (platonic)
》 words count: +1.5k
》 what you don't know won't hurt you, oh / Mama, I'll lie, just for you
As soon as your phone lights up with a Facetime call, you know. 
No warning message, no text just to make sure you’re free to talk. A cold Facetime request from María, one of your best friends but definitely someone who means trouble if calling like that.
Launching yourself on your sofa unceremoniously, you accept the call and your fate as Mapi’s grin appears on your broken screen. How can she be so smug even miles away goes beyond you.
“Who died?”
Not the most warm way to start a conversation.
“Hola a ti también, nena” (Hello to you too)
“You look awful”
She looks amazing, she’s practically glowing and you’re happy for her.
Also, you’re happy for yourself too. It’s a relief this is not the scolding call you’ve been waiting for quite some time. It’s coming, you can feel it, but Ingrid enters the frame and you immediately know this is good news.
“Tienes que ser buena conmigo” (You should be nicer to me)
Mapi really isn’t the type to tiptoe around something so you don’t get why she didn’t start this conversation by screaming the news. Or making the journey and knocking on your door directly.
You let her be, she probably wants to enjoy it.
“Why should I? I moved to another country just to avoid it”
“Nena”, she pauses and her smile dims for a moment.
She knows English better than she lets everyone believe, so she gets the quip - or your attempt to joke about it. You’re not sure if it’s because of what you said or something else entirely, the two of you have yet to talk about the reason why you’re single and in another country.
Your transfer was eventful, to say at least. The faded blonde didn’t handle it very well, having taken you under her wing when you first moved from a mid-table club in your home country to Barcelona Femení - after a couple of years on a loan in different leagues too.
María’s the one who welcomed you in the locker room with rapid words and contagious enthusiasm. She kept talking with you in Spanish, even if you needed an entire year to be able to hold a simple conversation in your third language, but she’s someone you relied on since the very beginning. 
María’s also the first one to realise something was growing between you and Alexia, the first - and the loudest - to cheer when you mindlessly kissed in front of the team mid night out, the first one to give you both a shovel talk.
Sometimes it’s way too easy to forget how many people you can hurt with a decision that’s just your own to make.
You feel the need to take the conversation back on track.
“When is the wedding?”
“¿Quién te lo dijo?!” (Who told you?!)
“Your stupid face”, thankfully the Spaniard gets her brightness back at your words, “And I can see that huge rock even from here!”
Ingrid is matching a beaming smile, moving her hand closer to the camera and you can’t hold back your own joy. They truly deserve the devotion and support they share with one another. If you have to be happy for someone else’s love, you’re glad it’s for them.
And that ring is impressive. 
The memory of a beautiful ring hidden in a shoe box in the back of a closet makes you shiver. Is it still there or she got rid of it as first thing after dropping you off at the airport? Does Mapi know about it?
“Show off, that’s worth my value”
“Tonterías!, no eres tan buena” (Bullshit, you’re not even that good!)
“You are, she’s just too proud to admit it”, at Ingrid’s first words you immediately remember why lately she’s the one you like the most of the two.
“Haz la maleta y no quiero excusas, volverás aquí” (Pack you beg and no excuses, you’re coming back here)
Mapi’s witty remark is not missed, she saw you growing up and developing your very own unhealthy coping mechanism. Maybe you have a tendency to avoid confrontation, what about that? She goes for any adrenalin rush activity available when in denial so she’s not in the position to judge. 
You shift uncomfortably under their gazes, sitting upright but hitting the back of the sofa with your head.
You may be in a different country and there may be a screen between you and the pair, but María is still like a big sister to you and the other girl is basically the only reason you’re still sane and survived throughout your friendship with the Spaniard.
However, you can’t let them know how broken you are, not when you regret nothing that led to this.
“Why not Norway?”, worth a shot.
“We’re basically going to celebrate in any corner of the world, I don’t think you can miss this”
“Then I can be anywhere else, Ingrid”
“Mapi’s family is gonna be here”, and you’re her family too it’s what she’s too considerate to say aloud but you all hear anyway.
“I don’t think is a good idea, no one want me there”
“That’s not true”
“Nena, por favor!”
The silence is deafening, when you find the gut to look at your friends it’s easy to remember the love, the support, and respect that bond your relationships.
A transfer to another country, all the attempts to hide from the consequences of your own choices, the hearts broken. None of those things are really able to cut those kinds of connections.
“I’m happy for you two”, you say with the biggest and most sincere smile in a while.
Mapi accepts your decision to keep the conversation light, focusing on this happy and long awaited news. 
She’s glowing and you really are happy for her, for them. The desire to celebrate their love, to be there when they will share such pure joy with all the people they care about, sweeps away your fears of being confronted by the human form of the consequences of your own choices.
When the call ends, the usual weight you feel between your ribs doesn’t make your breathing heavier and the familiar bitter taste of guilt doesn’t pervade your mouth. 
You book a ticket to Barcelona before it all comes back to you.
“Mapi and Ingrid are getting married”
“It’s a plague!”
Leah is unlacing her boots, the two of you the last ones in the changing room after an additional training session the blonde insisted you needed. 
You’re playing in a slightly different position here, but you feel like those extra hours are more for her sake than your own, scared that you will find a way to avoid your new teammates if not involved in any possible activity.
You indulge her, you’re used to demanding and perfectionist captains after all.
“I have to go back to Barcelona”
“I bet, she’s gonna drag you there personally otherwise”
“María is not that―”
“I’m talking about Engen”, she smirks and she is right, Ingrid is way more effective in her convincing methods.
Still sitting on the bench in your training gear, you let her understand you’re not ready to leave yet. Not the room nor the conversation.
“What’s the problem, trotter?”
She managed to give you the worst nickname possible, making fun both of your way to run on the pitch and the fact you spent the past ten years in five different countries - it’s probably also a quip about the circumstances that bring you here but you give her the benefit of the doubt.
“No problem at all, I’m happy for them”
“They’re really cute”
“They are”, you miss them.
You miss the familiar embrace and the easy banter you share with María, you miss the warm support and the nights out with Ingrid, you miss the silence and the comforting methods Keira always found to take your homesickness away, you miss the funny and the cheerful attitude you wrap yourself around with Jana, Claudia and Ona. You miss them all.
You miss Alexia.
You miss how she always finds time to walk her dog out, doesn’t matter the weather or her busy schedule. You miss the subtle way she turns the radio’ volume up when a song she knows you like is on, and the not-so-subtle way she pretends to hate them all just to sing with you on the first chorus. You miss her body fitting perfectly all over your life, when moving in your house like it’s built around her, or when she’s ideally positioned on the pitch to receive your pass, or even when her hands find yours despite everything and everywhere you are.
You miss Alexia but you don’t deserve to grieve something you killed yourself.
“Do you need a pep talk from Kim?”
“Don’t you dare!”
Last time Leah called on your team captain to put up with your somber mood, you ended on the bench for two games yet sent her a nice bouquet as an apology - and as a thanks for the help.
“Look, you can’t hide from her forever”
“I can definitely try”
The smile she directs to you is both amused and bushed.
“I just don’t think our closest friend’s wedding is the best occasion to meet her for the first time after… well, after everything”, you admit while repeatedly hitting the changing room’s wall with the back of your head.
“Maybe not, maybe we will have to face them in the next Champion League’s draw”
She jinxed it.
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cat-shouty-13 · 2 months
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and an important amendment suggested by my good friend @sleepnos
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junicult · 9 months
first, i am in absolute love with all ur posts and works—second, could you do headcannons of the bachelors when they get jealous?? could be smutty or sweet literally anything u give is amazing
!! how the bachelors act when they’re jealous
contains ; sfw! established relationships! farmer is noted to be outgoing / social. mostly fluff, but not intended to be fluff. majority of these take place in the city.
note ; i do love man that can get a little jealous. anon i love u ur gassing me up🤭
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- overthinker ™️
- he’s his own devil on his shoulder.
- no matter what, he’s secure in his relationship. he knows you love him, and he knows you’d never even think about cheating on him.
- he literally remembers every single compliment you give him. he’ll just randomly think of when you told him his mustache looked especially neat one day like months ago, and smile.
- but there’s always that little shadow of doubt that appears every now and then.
- it more commonly happens after you’ve had an argument of some sort.
- he’s not insecure in your very committed relationship by any means, i’m not saying that any little argument he’ll just believe you don’t love him anymore & want to be with someone else.
- i’m just saying there’s always that thought that crosses his mind, and manifests quicker then he can push it away.
- i feel like one of his worst habits is that he needs to be reassured quite often.
- doesn’t have to be major, just an “i love you” will suffice.
- so if you don’t clear the air right away, he accidentally gives himself time to 🥁🥁🥁overthink!
- “i need to finish working, we’ll talk about this later.”and you close the door before you have time to resolve it—it leaves those few hours to be a living hell for him.
- the jealousy doesn’t creep in unless he actually sees it, or hears about it.
- he’s too mature for that.
- his mind doesn’t automatically go to, “she’s cheating on me!” when you talk about another guy or whatever.
- it’s more or less if he hears about him a little too much, or sees the two of you alone together.
- but knowing him he’ll never bring it up.
- he’ll bottle it inside if he feels it’s not worth it.
- or unless he’s given an opportunity 😊
- you’re laughing, wrapping up your day as usual, just talking to each other, “oh, and he made the funniest joke the other day—“
- “he is funny. i didn’t realize you two were friends,” he laughs stiffly, keeping his eyes on the plate of food in front of him.
- “yeah, well, he needed advice on a couple plants he has in his shack, so i helped him out a bit.” you smile innocently, because it really was innocent.
- he pauses mid chew, shooting you a glance.
- “i see…you’ve been in his house?” he clears his throat a little.
- you just blink at him for a second, before you have to purse a smile. “only a couple times. haven’t you?”
- “…yeah. i guess so.”
- u could practically see the thoughts in his mind. he really does go to the worst case scenario.
- you giggle, gently kicking his shoe under the table and leaning in to hold his hand. “aw, don’t do that. you know you’re the only one for me.”
- now he’s able to look at you, even smile. because really that’s how easy it is to clear the air for him.
- well, he might need a kiss or two.
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- ignorance is bliss for this man.
- the longer you two have been together, the more and more oblivious he gets to affection from others.
- especially when u live in a town as small as this one😭😭
- if you two went out of town or something, let’s say for one of his concerts—he literally wouldn’t think the girl that’s flirting so hard with him was even flirting with him. he’d just think she was a rly big fan LMFAO
- which has been the cause of a couple arguments between you two dare i say, but he means well.
- he’s the most secure out of all of them i think.
- when you’re in town, his mind just kinda goes to ‘everyone knows we’re in love so they wouldn’t even try.’
- and he knows you wouldn’t either. it’s not even something he has worried about before.
- he really doesn’t get jealous i think. it’s so unbelievably rare it’d get to the point where he’s actually upset about it.
- he’ll doesn’t think twice when he leaves you and sebastian alone together.
- i think it’s really sweet how much he believes in the two of you.
- i feel like the only reason he’d ever get jealous, is because he finds you’re spending more time with someone else besides him.
- not even a another guy, just a person😭
- like let’s say you’ve just been around vincent a lot, especially since he’s grown so much of a liking to you.
- so every time you come over to see sam, you end up spending time with his little brother instead.
- not even intentionally, it’s just cute to see how excited he gets to see you, and you like hearing the things he has to say,
- “and penny’s teaching us cursive! cool, right?” he grins, showing his handwriting that definitely isn’t intelligible but you still smile and congratulate him instead.
- so you just end up preoccupied with vincent more then you even realize.
- because of this, you entirely miss the way sam’s all uncharacteristically quiet beside you, just watching his little brother take up your time together.
- although he loves to see how close you are with his family, he’s still pouting.
- it isn’t until vincent has to leave for school, or something other, when he’s finally able to get your attention.
- “so you finally have time for me, i see.” he hums, pettiness dripping from his tongue, arms crossed.
- you furrow your brows, mimicking his stance. “i’m sorry?”
- sam isn’t the type to pick a fight out of nowhere. i feel like, for him to actually get angry or upset at something, it’s have to be serious.
- and this just wasn’t serious enough for him to encourage a bad mood, so he merely gives you a side-eyed glance before he unfolds his arms.
- “you know…you’ve just…been a little busy…’tis all…” he looks down at his shirt like he’s all embarrassed.
- “please, are you upset that i was spending time with your brother?”
- “…well not anymore…”
- he can get over it fast. promise you, within minutes he’s all over you, kissing and hugging you like nothing even happened.
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- 😭😭
- similar to harvey in the sense that, he needs to be reassured a lot. (bold and italicized)
- tell him, kiss him, hug him, whatever it is. multiple times a day.
- he trusts you, but he doesn’t trust very many else.
- he knows the other bachelors let out a literal sigh on ur wedding day. he knows they all want u🤷‍♀️
- which, for the most part, makes him feel soooo cocky. he likes knowing the woman everyone wants fell in love with him of all people.
- during festivals, and gatherings at the saloon, he pretty much likes to stay attached at the hip.
- wraps his arm around you, resting at your waist while you’re both having two separate conversations (more like you’re talking and he’s just beside you).
- he gets a little clingy around the guys that he knows are into you.
- he’s gotta show them what they don’t have🤷‍♀️
- it’s kinda funny cus he’s not being subtle at all, and instead of outright bringing it up in front of other people, you’ll give him a slow glance, and he’s just smirking.
- that’s only because you’ve totally brought it up before in private.
- “you know we’re married, right?” you snort, going to tug on the pendant around his neck.
- “hey, that doesn’t stop some guys.”
- “well it stops me. i fell in love with you, not them.”
- he grins when he hears that. “s’true. but you’ve gotta see the way they look at you—“
- “and let them look. doesn’t mean they’ll get anything out of it.”
- he has to admit, he does kinda like knowing they can look but can’t touch—and he gets to do both.
- when he gets jealous, it’s all because someone is spending a little too much time talking to you.
- he’s a tad fragile.
- when he sees one of the guys talking with you, he’ll glance over a couple times, making sure the body language stays casual n stuff.
- last thing he’d want (for you) is to cause a scene.
- but if he were to look over, and you were still talking with the same guy for a while, that’s when he’d start to frown.
- what makes alex so interesting? what’s he got to talk about that’s better then shane?
- he is soooo fucking petty. to the guy that was hitting on you, and you.
- “miss your boyfriend?” after you’ve left and are you’re walking home.
- your expression turns to disgust. “what?”
- “oh i dunno…just, you and alex seemed to have a lot to talk about.”
- “don’t start.”
- “you’re being awfully dismissive—“
- those are the fights you have.
- immature😭😭
- if the argument gets heated, you’ll both probably limit each other to the silent treatment 💀💀
- no matter how stubborn he is, though, he hates not being able to joke with you more.
- eventually he’ll find it unbearable, and he’ll come up to you with a look only he gives you.
- eyes soft, pressing a kiss to your shoulder and resting his chin. “i’m sorry baby, i know i can get pretty jealous. i’ll work on it, okay?”
- he knows you’ve forgiven him when you turn to look him in the eyes, smiling at his affections. “good. you don’t have any reason to be, i promise.”
- and he’s suddenly the luckiest man in the world when you cup your hand around his jaw, pulling him in for a kiss he’ll never fail to melt into.
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- he gets jealous. lol.
- it’s definitely his worst trait, because yes he trusts you, but he still might think you’re doing the wrong.
- you’re way more social then him, that’s a fact.
- you talk to people every day that he hasn’t even spoken with in months. he’s always just a little on edge.
- that cloud of doubt always tells him you can do better, he doesn’t deserve you. but you’re good at reassuring him, so it makes it easier.
- not to say his jealousy doesn’t get a little annoying.
- at the start of your relationship, it probably made u roll ur eyes a little lmfao
- ur casually talking to sam, literally just listening to whatever he’s rambling about, and sebastian’s nearby with a frown on his face.
- “what were you guys talking about? should i be worried?” he crosses his arms when you walk towards him.
- as if sam would even think to do that to his best friend.
- honestly, the best way to get him to realize it would be to lay it on thick.
- “stop it, your overthinking is exhausting the both of us. you need to get better with that, or this won’t work out.”
- he might be a little upset at your bluntness, but pretty soon he’ll come around. you have a point, and he realizes that.
- so afterwards he’ll tone it down.
- he still has moments where he gets a little tense if you’re giving guys gifts, or talking to them for a while during festivals and things—but he knows it’s just your personality.
- you’re not even flirting, and if they would, you knew to shut it down.
- once he got better at controlling it, you guys thrived. cus really, that’s the only thing you guys would argue about.
- i don’t think he likes pda.
- like, at all.
- but you guys have a little routine when you’re in public to reassure him.
- if he’s standing next to you, not mingling because his social battery is out, & he doesn’t want to interrupt the conversation you’re having,
- it’s with a guy, but he’s been with you long enough to not get upset over the little things,
- you’ll just reach out, and give his hand a little squeeze to reassure him you’re still with him (if that makes sense.)
- like, yes you’re focused on the conversation you’re having, but you’re still thinking about him in the back of your mind, so you want to silently show that everything’s fine.
- after years of dating, and when ur married, his thoughts of jealousy pretty much go away.
- despite you being the only person he spends time with on a daily basis, he trusts you at this point. he should’ve from the very beginning, and he definitely feels guilty about it every once in a while.
- but now he understands you don’t give him any reason to feel jealous.
- just talking to someone doesn’t mean you’re intending to cheat on ur partner.
- he’s a bit stubborn, although i think it’s sweet to think he’s given you a heartfelt apology about it.
- “i’m sorry for not trusting you. i know you love me, and i love you too.” with a little kiss on the cheek.
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- he doesn’t really get jealous.
-…if anything, i feel like it’d be the other way around.
- his ego is skyrocketed😭😭 he thinks very highly of himself, and yes that’s a good thing, but omfg can it be so annoying.
- don’t get me wrong, he thinks very highly of you as well. sometimes he thinks you’re too good for him, honestly.
- but when you’re both out together, he kinda loves when he looks over to see some guy trying to talk you up.
- he’s not insecure in the slightest. he’d be devastated if you did cheat, but with his ego he just kinda thinks it’d be your loss LMFAO.
- what makes it even better is when you have a little scowl on your face, leaning away and dismissing the stranger to go find him.
- don’t get me wrong tho, he’ll always step in if he sees someone overstepping boundaries.
- anyways, when it comes to whenever you guys are together in town, he’s touchy.
- he does not fear pda😭😭
- he’ll be all up on you if you’d let him. he loves letting everyone know you’re in a relationship.
- so he’s not even given any opportunity to get jealous.
- i’m serious. if you guys go out somewhere together, for example a gridball game he invited you to, he’s not leaving your side in general.
- but while you’re still trying to find your seats, you end up sitting next to a guy that’s clearly checking you out.
- “is this seat taken?” you ask, purely out of politeness before sitting down, and it’s obvious that this stranger is excited you’re sitting next to him.
- and if alex sees the small smirk on his face, he’s instantly swinging his arm around you, speaking loud enough to turn a couple heads, “these are great seats babe! we can see everything!” and pressing a kiss to your temple.
- throughout the rest of the game, the stranger keeps finding chances to say a few things to you, all of which has alex involving himself in your conversations.
- trust me, he’s making a grand show of how you’re not single.
- leaving his arm around your shoulders the entire time, kissing you and your cheek.
- and after the team scores, he’s pulling you close after cheering, speaking loud enough for the guy to hear, “you’re their good luck charm, baby!”
- he’s full of one liners like that the entire night, each of which make you roll your eyes.
- “i know what you’re doing,” you tease, despite not doing / saying anything to stop him cus…honestly it’s so attractive how much he’ll fight for you.
- he just smirks, tossing a couple pieces of popcorn into his mouth, “oh, you love it.”
- and that you do.
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- he’s also not the type to get jealous.
- or well, he doesn’t let it get to his head.
- his communication is too perfect.
- he’s not fragile enough to pout if you’re just talking to another guy. i think what he likes most about you is how welcoming you are.
- you’ll talk to anyone and everyone, and he definitely admires that about you.
- which is why i don’t think he’d think twice if he saw you talking with one of the other bachelors. you’re just striking conversation, getting to know everyone a little more.
- even then, you always tell him about it when you’re recapping your day.
- “oh, and then i dropped off one of the items shane requested today, got a nice chunk of change for that—“
- there’s nothing he needs to be jealous about. you’ve made it clear, and so has he.
- now being protective…that’s another story.
- he’s the perfect amount of protective.
- in general, he doesn’t look very intimidating. but he tries his best to make you feel secure if you’re out in public, and a guy keeps hitting on you.
- he knows you can handle yourself…i mean, ur the one who carries around a sword the majority of the time lmfao.
- but if it ever gets to the point where you’ve repeatedly shown disinterest, yet the guy won’t let up, he can step in.
- he’s so casual about it, swooping in by your side, sliding his arm around your waist.
- “you ready to go, honey? i called us a cab,” and he won’t even address the guy at all.
- “hey, we were in the middle of a conversation?”
- then he turns to him, gives him a bored once-over, before shrugging, “i don’t really think she wanted to talk to you, anyways.”
- whether the guy wants to press further is his own problem, because he’s hardly paying attention to what he’s trying to say.
- once you’re out of earshot and he’s finally let you go, he tugs you closer.
- “i’m glad you’re okay. sorry he wouldn’t leave you alone.”
- he’s so sweet you can’t help but smile, “don’t worry about it. thank you.” and he’s kissing your cheek, before actually hailing a cab.
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maddyscrsideblog · 10 months
Having Kiki and Vax thoughts again this time about the more abstract idea of the champion of the goddess of death being in love with an almost immortal woman, the only way they can be reunited is by waiting a thousand years until her death and he will show up time and again to make sure she gets to live those thousand years, there is a woman that the embodiment of death is in love with and he ensures her immortality
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hunnystufff · 10 months
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Morning Starship
read from the beginning
< Pages 97-103 - 104-108 - Pages 109-118 >
Well- after not uploading here for a looong while I AM BACK! I had a huge load of work swallowing most of my days the last few months which lead to me prioritizing only Patreon and sometimes uploading on IG-
But now I have more time!! - I also want to accept less Design- and Webdesign Jobs and focus a bit more on my art! (If I can make that possible, that is - but I want to try!)
So if you want to support me with that:
I opened Pre-Orders for the second batch of "Morning Starship VOL 1" You'll be able to order it until the 01.12.23!
I also have a Patreon where you can support me!
I aaaalso accept Commissions from time to time, so just ask me if you are interested and I'll give you all the information! (Soon you'll even be able to book digital and also physical commissions directly in my shop!)
Uh yeah- enough of advertising myself :') I hope you all enjoy the new pages! ❤ More will follow soon, because I'm way ahead of posting pages on IG-
(And thank you all sm for still sharing my work and commenting on the old comic pages! ❤ That's honestly always such a huge motivation-boost!)
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kissdeficiency · 7 days
“mwah! 💋”
day two: forehead kiss ✨💗
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context if anyone is interested!:
stolas goes to give a sleepy blitz a good morning kiss on the cheek. but before he leaves, blitz quickly grabs his face and smooches him on the forehead—it’s only fair that stolas gets a kiss, too, to start his day.
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thirdeyeblue · 2 months
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The Doctor and Rose attend a Vitex gala
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rottengurlz · 4 months
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I don’t know why I bite
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sandwichedbread · 1 year
Jonathan the sims 3 reviewing the photos of (not)Sasha and her definitely very real boyfriend.
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he just happens to look a lot like a bunch of stock images
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