#question posts
keykid-questions · 14 days
Where was your keykid during the Keyblade War?
Were they chosen as a Dandelion and avoided it? Did they fight alongside their Union? Or perhaps something else entirely?
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abel-oc · 1 year
Ok micah time same questions as the ones I just did! ( This is the angel guy I haven't drawn much yet )
1. Are they happy with their body?
I don't think he really cares! He wouldn't change it I think. Not as focused on looks as the others
2. Do they have any secret piercings or tattoos?
I think just ears if anything and Abel probably makes him do that
3. Do they collect anything?
Probably books! Ones I would find boring
4. What is their favorite music genre?
Struggling to think of this. Maybe something bossa novaey . Cafe music
5. What music genre, if any, do they hate the most?
Metal. Headache
6. What is their phone background/lock screen?
Definitely default if he even has a phone. All settings default he only has contacts nothing else in there
7. What is their shoe size?
He's doing well . Sorry not progressive of me everyone's got a big dick. Heres real sizes Abel 7". Lyos 7.5" unless he feels like something else. Micah 6.5"
8. Do they have a favorite fabric or texture?
Doesn't care but light cottons, maybe chiffon or lawn
9. Do they have a favorite professional sport?
Maybe like fencing I don't think he'd get into ball sports
10. How do they decorate their living space?
Pretty minimalist I think, bookshelves mainly. Probably jewel toned accents
11. Are they messy, or do they clean up?
Clean, hates mess
12. What’s their preferred sleeping position?
His wings are in the way so if he's really tired he's gunna sleep flat on his face. He doesn't sleep well
13. Did they have a favorite comfort item as a child?
I don't know if he was ever a child either. Going back to this
14. Do they have a favorite period in history?
Pretty interested in all of them across the board! Likes studying it
15. Can they cook? What’s their favorite thing to make?
He's pretty good I think, doesn't have heaps of experience but can actually follow instructions
16. What food do they hate eating?
Prefers not eating meat
17. Do they have any allergies?
Would an angel made in God's visage have allergies. I can't think of any anyway
18. What was their worst injury?
He's cautious and doesn't get into fights so nothing much, Abel's probably marking him up a lot in bed pretty badly lol
19. What movie is most likely to make them cry?
He would rarely cry at movies it would have to be really sad !! Dunno which yet
20. What movie or book could they watch/read a hundred times and never get tired of?
I'm so sorry everyone for not watching movies or reading books. I will come back to this. Something historical
21. Can they dance? Do they like to?
No he doesn't want to! He's uncoordinated and lacks confidence so he looks a bit stupid. Abel probably tries to teach him but he's the worst at teaching
23. Which birthday do they look back on the most fondly?
Kind of ignoring this I havent worked out his backstory as much as this requires but he's really old. Like 25 ish looking but he's at least like 200
24. What kind of cake or birthday treat would they prefer?
The Australian in me says pavlova but he has no access to that. So maybe lemon cheesecake
25. What is their favorite animal?
Feels a kinship with birds, doesn't get along with cats for the same reason
26. Do they wear perfume/cologne? What is their favorite scent?
Likes florals and kind of fresh linen scents. Thinks Abel's perfume is a bit much
27. What smell do they hate the most?
Petrol, cigarettes
28. What sound do they hate the most?
Loud yelling from strangers
29. What video game would appeal to them the best?
He has no idea how to play videogames. He could probably manage Tetris or similar puzzles. He is the kind of person that fills in the puzzles in the newspaper
30. How would they relax on a day off/rainy day?
Go read in a cafe quietly, the movies if something is on. Doesn't actively seek out Abels company but ends up in it
31. Are they combative? What is their fighting style?
Avoids fights thinks they are pointless. Would try talking his way out of it ( he's generally right but this annoys people anyway )
32. Would they be the one to start an argument?
Never. If two people are in a fight he would leave even if one of them is important to him
33. What is their personal style? Favorite outfit?
Not that interested in fashion, likes looser more breathable clothes. But is stuck hiding his wings in coats a bit. They don't come off. So he's pretty uncomfortable
34. Do they have a dream job?
Something like a scholar! Might actually pick up part time work until he can get back to heaven
35. What do they do if they can’t fall asleep?
Reads or just goes about his day like normal. He never sleeps well
36. Do they wear makeup regularly? If they don’t, would they consider wearing any?
Not really! Thinks he's fine without it, doesn't know how to put it on
37. Do they prefer to be really cold or really warm?
Prefers to be slightly cold!
38. What recurring dream do they keep having?
He probably gets stress dreams about anything he has to finish. Has kind of a lot of work to do in heaven like an overworked salaryman
39. Can they drive? What vehicles are they licensed to operate?
Hasn't needed to but would probably learn to drive a car. Would rather go home than need to
40. Do they believe in true love? Have they experienced it?
Believes in it for others but thinks he has no time / need. Has been in love before but ages ago
41. Are they married? Do they want to be?
Would like to be, probably thinks about it more than he'd like to admit
42. If they have siblings, do they like any of them? Would they rather be an only child?
Only child! Would fuss over younger siblings though
43. What do they think is their worst quality? What is their actual worst quality?
Very hard on himself, thinks he needs to work harder and stop allowing temptations to distract him. His actual worst quality is how easy it is to toy with him
44. Do they lie often? Are they good at it?
Never, bad at it
45. Are they good at keeping secrets?
Very good, ur safe with him
46. How do others see them? How accurate is it to how they really are?
Others see him as polite but kind of strict and overly serious. This is accurate
47. What kind of first impression do they usually make?
Very polite and nice young man. Popular with older ladies and people who work at cafes etc he goes to
48. What are they most afraid of?
Losing sight of whats important to him, disapproval from higher ups
49. Would they ever kill anybody?
He says no and has not done it but Abel REALLY tests him on this sometimes
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tam--lin · 1 year
In light of increasing anti-trans and anti-abortion laws in the United States, I am once again humbly requesting you inform yourself about jury nullification, your ability as a juror to vote against convicting people being prosecuted under unjust laws. Nullification was instrumental in legalizing abortion in Canada - it informed jurors can use it to help protect healthcare workers and protesters in the US, too.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
have realized that while i am not a fan necessarily of "people meet and immediately fall in love" i am a fan of "people meet and are immediately obsessed with each other." the love can come later but the absolute fixation should be immediate
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sexhaver · 9 months
a good experience more people on this website should have is confidently bringing up some leftist talking point you picked up from tumblr around family members, only for them to ask extremely basic and predictable followup questions/rebuttals that you have no response to because you just internalized the three-paragraph post with 3k notes. this only needs to happen a few times for the lesson to stick and the sooner the better
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evasive-anon · 7 months
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Tim is out here fighting to hold this family together and fix Bruce’s mental health. Gotta respect the hustle of trying to accomplish not one but two completely impossible tasks.
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gothhabiba · 6 months
Hi, this is very ignorant. I'm trying to read as much as I can on Palestine and Zionism but there is one point I cannot find an answer for. Given that Zionism is not Judaism, given that at the beginning most Jewish people did not share this view and was actually supported by christians with antisemitic views, given that it was conceptualized as a colonial project that could only be actualized by ethnically cleanse Palestine, one thing I don't know how to disagree with Zionists is the idea that Jewish people do come from that land. Even if European jews are probably not genetically related to the Jewish people from there, I think Jewishness is something that can be constructed as related to that land. This of course does not mean that Palestinians are not natives too and they have every right to their land. However I don't really know how to answer when Jewish (Zionists) tell me that Jewish people fled that land during the diaspora. Other than "yeah but the people that stayed are native that underwent christianization before, arabization later, grew a sense of nationhood in the 19th century and are Palestinians now"
It's a fundamental misunderstanding of what "indigeneity" is to believe that it means "whoever has the oldest claim to the land." Rather, to describe a people as "indigenous" is a reference to their current relationship to the government and to the land—namely that they have been or are being dispossessed from that land in favour of other private owners (settlers); they have a separate, inferior status to settlers according to the law, explicitly; they are shut out of institutions created by the settler state, explicitly; they are targeted implicitly by the laws of the settler state (e.g. Israeli prohibitions against harvesting wild thyme or using donkeys or horses for transportation); the settler state does not punish violence against them; &c. &c.
It is a settler-colonialist state that creates indigeneity; without one, it is perfectly possible for immigrants to move to and live in a new location without becoming settlers, with the superior cultural and legal status and suppression of a legally inferior population that that entails.
If all that were going on were some Jewish people feeling a personal or religious connexion to this land and wanting to move there, accepting the existing people and culture and living with them, not expelling and killing local populations and creating a settler-colonialist state that privileges them at the expense of extant populations, that would be a completely different situation. But any assertion of the land's fundamental Jewish-ness (really they mean white or European Jewishness—the Jewish Arabs who were already in Palestine never seem to figure in these arguments) is a canard that distracts from the fundamental issue, which is a people's right to resist dispossession, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
Decolonize Palestine lays out some of the ethnic and cultural history of the region, but follows it up with:
So, what does this all mean for Palestine? Absolutely nothing. Although the argument has many ahistorical assumptions and claims, it is not these which form its greatest weakness. The whole argument is a trap. The basic implication of this line of argumentation is as follows: If the Jewish people were in Palestine before the Arabs, then the land belongs to them. Therefore, the creation of Israel would be justified. From my experience, whenever this argument is used, the automatic response of Palestinians is to say that their ancestors were there first. These ancestors being the Canaanites. The idea that Palestinians are the descendants of only one particular group in a region with mass migrations and dozens of different empires and peoples is not only ahistorical, but this line of thought indirectly legitimizes the original argument they are fighting against. This is because it implies that the only reason Israel’s creation is unjustified is because their Palestinian ancestors were there first. It implies that the problem with the argument lies in the details, not that the argument as a whole is absolute nonsense and shouldn’t even be entertained. The ethnic cleansing, massacres and colonialism needed to establish Israel can never be justified, regardless of who was there first. It’s a moot point. Even if we follow the argument that Palestinians have only been there for 1300 years, does this suddenly legitimize the expulsion of hundreds of thousands? Of course not. There is no possible scenario where it is excusable to ethnically cleanse a people and colonize their lands. Human rights apply to people universally, regardless of whether they have lived in an area for a year or ten thousand years. If we reject the “we were there first” argument, and not treat it as a legitimizing factor for Israel’s creation, then we can focus on the real history, without any ideological agendas. We could trace how our pasts intersected throughout the centuries. After all, there is indeed Jewish history in Palestine. This history forms a part of the Palestinian past and heritage, just like every other group, kingdom or empire that settled there does. We must stop viewing Palestinian and Jewish histories as competing, mutually exclusive entities, because for most of history they have not been. These positions can be maintained while simultaneously rejecting Zionism and its colonialism. After all, this ideologically driven impulse to imagine our ancestors as some closed, well defined, unchanging homogenous group having exclusive ownership over lands corresponding to modern day borders has nothing to do with the actual history of the area, and everything to do with modern notions of ethnic nationalism and colonialism.
I would also be careful about mentioning a sense of "nationhood" or "national identity" in this context, as it could seem to imply that people need a "national" identity (a very specific and very new idea) in order not to deserve genocide. Actually the idea that Palestinians lacked a national identity (of the kind that developed in 19th-century Europe) is commonly used to justify Zionism. Again from Decolonize Palestine:
This slogan ["A land without a people for a people without a land"] persists to this day because it was never meant to be literal, but colonial and ideological. This phrase is yet another formulation of the concept of Terra Nullius meaning “nobody’s land”. In one form or the other, this concept played a significant role in legitimizing the erasure of the native population in virtually every settler colony, and laying down the ‘legal’ and ‘moral’ basis for seizing native land. According to this principle, any lands not managed in a ‘modern’ fashion were considered empty by the colonists, and therefore up for grabs. Essentially, yes there are people there but no people that mattered or were worth considering. There is no doubt that Zionism is a settler colonial movement intent on replacing the natives. As a matter of fact, this was a point of pride for the early Zionists, as they saw the inhabitants of the land as backwards and barbaric, and that a positive aspect of Zionism would be the establishment of a modern nation state there to act as a bulwark against these ‘regressive’ forces in the east [You can read more about this here]. A characteristic feature of early Zionist political discourse is pretending that Palestinians exist only as individuals or sometimes communities, but never as constituting a people or a nation. This was accompanied by the typical arrogance and condescension towards the natives seen in virtually every settler colonial movement. That the early settlers interacted with the natives while simultaneously claiming the land was empty was not seen as contradictory to them. According to these colonists, even if some scattered, disorganized people did exist, they were not worthy of the land they inhabited. They were unable to transform the land into a modern functioning nation state, extract resources efficiently and contribute to ‘civilization’ through the free market, unlike the settlers. Patrick Wolfe’s scholarship on Australia illustrates this dynamic and how it was exploited to establish the settler colony.
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keykid-questions · 13 days
What happened to your keykid at the end of the game?
Did they sleep and allow Chirithy to transform and protect their heart? Did they allow their heart to follow the normal cycle? Or did something else happen?
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abel-oc · 1 year
Doing a questions post for Lyos so I can figure him out! I'll do Micah next. Who reads these I don't care this is for me ! 😈 Taken from blog jovishark
1. Are they happy with their body?
Yes! He can shape shift anyway as per standard incubus lore. But he likes how he looks how I've been drawing him most. He would give himself big boobs even though he's gay in succubus mode though
2. Do they have any secret piercings or tattoos?
Not secret but his ears and tounge are done! Maybe his belly button I'm deciding still. I am toying with the idea of womb markings but they are very stupid maybe a tramp stamp
3. Do they collect anything?
Not really as he doesn't have anywhere to put them, probably leaves knickknacks in Abel's house though ( he wouldn't like this )
4. What is their favorite music genre?
Rock / techno!
5. What music genre, if any, do they hate the most?
Pop and church choir music it's probably cringe to him
6. What is their phone background/lock screen?
No phone! But if he got one probably a selfie
7. What is their shoe size?
He can extend it if he wants .big
8. Do they have a favorite fabric or texture?
Not fussed but ended up with mainly leather
9. Do they have a favorite professional sport?
He probably gets into most of them he would watch sport on TV and get heated about it
10. How do they decorate their living space?
Male living spaces
11. Are they messy, or do they clean up?
Messy! Even without having stuff he manages
12. What’s their preferred sleeping position?
Big spoon
13. Did they have a favorite comfort item as a child?
I don't know if he ever WAS a child. Bigger question
14. Do they have a favorite period in history?
Thought humans used to dress super funny in the 1800s
15. Can they cook? What’s their favorite thing to make?
Doesn't really need to but probably tries, he's ok at best. Frozen pizza
16. What food do they hate eating?
Fish he's not used to it
17. Do they have any allergies?
Maybe like. Holy water
18. What was their worst injury?
Probably bent his dick doing reverse cowgirl or something
19. What movie is most likely to make them cry?
He cries easily I think. I haven't seen many movies LOL idk titanic was popular at the time of the setting
21. Can they dance? Do they like to?
He is probably just ok like he doesn't make a fool of himself but not much further than that
22. What was their favorite birthday gift?
Whatever Abel gives him for the first one they've met for is probably the first thing he's received for it
24. What kind of cake or birthday treat would they prefer?
Ice cream cake
25. What is their favorite animal?
Dogs! Big ones
26. Do they wear perfume/cologne? What is their favorite scent?
Doesn't wear it, thinks Abel's is nice. Likes food smells like bread or beer
27. What smell do they hate the most?
Fish as well
28. What sound do they hate the most?
Nails on chalkboard type noises
29. What video game would appeal to them the best?
If he had exposure to them probably FPS. I think he would like doom
30. How would they relax on a day off/rainy day?
Post coming to human world, would probably go bother Abel with whatever he's doing, maybe he's learning guitar he might play that too
31. Are they combative? What is their fighting style?
Yes, would punch people. Short fuse
32. Would they be the one to start an argument?
Yes. Would insinuate someone was chicken
33. What is their personal style? Favorite outfit?
Kind of bdsm ish punky clothes. Likes wearing as little as possible
34. Do they have a dream job?
No way! He does not dream of labour
35. What do they do if they can’t fall asleep?
Wank !!!
36. Do they wear makeup regularly? If they don’t, would they consider wearing any?
His red eyeliner is actually permanent I'm thinking he got someone to do it in hell like they must have body artists there / some kind of magic thing. He wouldn't put it on every day. Would wear it if Abel or someone else put it on him, wears lipstick in succubus mode if he has to
37. Do they prefer to be really cold or really warm?
Warm! He hates the cold but also won't wear extra clothes to avoid it
39. Can they drive? What vehicles are they licensed to operate?
He has not learnt, probably wants to ride a motorbike
40. Do they believe in true love? Have they experienced it?
He would but only if he was in love, that would be true love. No one elses would be. Has a somewhat warped perception of love though
41. Are they married? Do they want to be?
Would want to it seems fun as long as he can still sleep around
42. If they have siblings, do they like any of them? Would they rather be an only child?
I need to come back to this if he did they would be sort of distant
43. What do they think is their worst quality? What is their actual worst quality?
I think he knows he's too quick to start a fight. He's too easy to make mad in general
44. Do they lie often? Are they good at it?
Doesn't need to often, would be fine unless he forgot some intricacies like for a convoluted plan etc
45. Are they good at keeping secrets?
Probably not!
46. How do others see them? How accurate is it to how they really are?
I think they are pretty accurate he is very much the same outwardly as he is inside
47. What kind of first impression do they usually make?
Wow this guy is loud
48. What are they most afraid of?
He doesn't want to be alone or die hungry
49. Would they ever kill anybody?
Guarantee he has done this
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magicomens · 4 months
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Happy Merlin finale anniversary to those who celebrate :)
I'm taking a small break from the comic for the holidays, see you in late January with Part 8 and a new story arc!
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demigods-posts · 4 months
i'm curious to know how percy's invincibility affected him outside of the battlefield. like, was he taking pans out of the oven without the oven mitts? was he falling asleep in every other class period? was he banned from the capture the flag for the remainder of the summer?
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squishysnake · 1 year
got inspired to make a TF2 Mercenary Professionalism Tier List the other week, and decided to properly chart it
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lazylittledragon · 22 days
i refuse to believe that boycotting is hard. my favourite thing in the world is ordering maccies after a late night at work/a concert/getting drunk. yes i do miss it sometimes. but the other night i ordered from a small place near my house instead and it was the most orgasmic burger i've ever had in my life. i very rarely say this but fucking suck it up people are DEAD
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tumatawa · 15 days
Desktop Laios is finally finished… download (runs on Shimeji-ee)
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knifearo · 5 months
you can literally just be aromantic. it’s free and nobody’s stopping you :)
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t4tails · 9 months
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