#schneekos knight
howlingday · 1 year
Nora: So the moral of this complex, drawn-out tale of deceit, unrequittance, and tragedy is if Pyrrha, Jaune, and Weiss were all just honest about their feelings and entered a mutually-supportive relationship, we could've called it a "poly-armory".
Nora: Thank you, and good night!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
Blake: It's the Frosted Empress! One of the sentinels!
Frosted Empress: Indeed I am, but- *removing her veil*
Weiss: I prefer 'Weiss'
Blake: How didi you get so old?!?!
Ruby: Are you alright?
Weiss: Please give me a moment to respond!
Weiss: Me and Jaune are both down here. We fell, we traveled through time because of ... magic, I suppose is the simplest answer, and We waited. For you. We know how to leave, but we still have things we must do - Jaune, Pyrrha and I have been waiting for a long Time.
Ruby: Wait- Pyrrha? You- you said Pyrrha, Right?
Weiss: Yes? Why are y- *realization* YES! YES I Did! She's here! We found her- we don't know why or how, but she is- She's the Tarnished Spartan! One moment-
Weiss sends up a Flare using her semblance and some material from around the place
Weiss: Now come on! *Summons Grimm* Hop on, We've got Ground to cover!
Weiss: Jaune? JAUNE!
The Rusted Knight: Weiss- TEAM RWBY!
Jaune: What, did Weiss forget to mention that? Gods- It's been so long!
Yang: Hey! It's your Steed!
Jaune: Yep! Juniper- Even if Pyrrha's here I still needed the rest of my team with me- Has she told you about Pyrrha?
Yang: Only a Little bit! You found her in here? How have you been? What happened?
Jaune: We'll explain what we can on the way- We've got food at the cabin, Pyrrha will get back to us soon after, and we can all explain the situation at once, so none of us forget anything.
Weiss: *Walks up to Jaune, grabbing his chestplate*
Jaune: Kisses?
Weiss: Yes.
Ruby: Wait, hold on, When did that happen?
Jaune: A couples years after we got here, Come on! Back to the Cabin!
Yang: Dang, never thought I'd be jealous of Vomit b- Well, Vomit Man now.
Blake: *Leaning in Close* And just why are you jealous of Him?
Yang: *Blushing* No reason! Let's go!
Blake: *Snickers*
Pyrrha: I'm back! I didn't find-
R_BY: ...
Pyrrha: ... Team RWBY?
Yang: The- The rest of us, Yeah ...
Blake: Pyrrha ... I- You look ...
Ruby: So you really are alive ...
Pyrrha: Yes. I- I believe I am at least. That or one of us has completely lost our minds.
Ruby: ...
Pyrrha: I heard that, uh, you managed to put the hurt on Cinder after she ... You know ... Killed me.
Ruby: I- Y-yeah.
Pyrrha: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: I think we should all have a seat now. Weiss, Pyrrha and I will tell you about what all has happened here, and we'll get you something to eat.
Weiss: C'mon honey. Let's get you out of that armor.
Pyrrha: Thank you Weiss. *Smooch*
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novankenn · 5 months
You Don't OWN ME!
Jacques Schnee had come to Beacon on a mission. The being a huntress foolishness of Weiss was going to end, and he was here to bring her back to Atlas, back to the SDC. It was time for her to be the figure head of the family's company. Stepping off his private bullhead, he saw Weiss standing a little distance off, obviously waiting for his arrival.
Jacques: Weiss.
Weiss: Father? Wh... what are you doing here?
Jacques: Don't stutter, it is unbecoming of one of your station.
Weiss: My apologies father.
Jacques: As for why I am here. I have come to fetch you. There has been enough of this Huntress foolishness.
Weiss: Excuse me?
Jacques: Go pack you things. You are coming with me back to Atlas.
Weiss: Excuse me?
Jacques: I will not be repeating myself. Now hurry.
Weiss: Ah... no.
Jacques: What did you just say?
Weiss: I said no. I am staying here, I am staying with my friends, and I am continuing with my training.
Jacques: I SAID you are coming back to Atlas There is NO discussion!
Weiss: I said no.
Jacques: You are my child, and you will do as you are told!
Weiss: No.
As Weiss was standing her ground a public bullhead landed, allowing Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos to disembark. The pair saw Weiss, and proceeded to walk over to see what was going on.
Jacques: This is the LAST time I am telling you. Go and pack. You are returning to Atlas with me.
Weiss: No I am not. I am staying here.
Jaune: Weiss is everything okay?
Pyrrha: Is this man bothering you?
Jacques: This is a family matter. It is of no concern of either of you.
Weiss: Yes it does concern them.
Jacques: It does not. Now, go get your things, or we will be leaving without them.
Weiss: You don't own me...
Jacques: You are my...
Weiss: They OWN me!
Jacques chokes on his own spit as Weiss grabs Jaune and Pyrrha's hands. Weiss: (Giving her father a sinister grin) Father... this is Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune Arc... my fiancees
Jacques: (Choking) WH...WH... WHAT!?!
Weiss: Don't stutter father, it's unbecoming. Oh, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Yes?
Weiss: I think it's time.
Pyrrha: Really? This soon?
Jaune: Time? Time for what?
Weiss: You think we can do it?
Pyrrha: Between the pair of us, easily.
Jaune: What are you guys going on about?
Jacques: En... Enough of these games! Weiss...
Weiss: Oh this is not a game... father...
Jaune: I'm confused.
Pyrrha: (Kissing Jaune's cheek) Don't you worry, sweetie... it'll all make sense when we start.
Jaune: Now I'm even more confused.
Weiss: I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing, father... but if you had BOTHERED to contact me you would have found out that I am going to stop training as a huntress...
Jacques/ Jaune: Huh?
Weiss: And become a full time stay at home mom.
Jaune: WHAT?!?
Jacques: Urk... (grabs at his chest and grows pale)
Pyrrha: Let's go back to the dorm Jaune... we have a record to break.
Jaune: Oh god...
Weiss: Should we just break it together... or...
Pyrrha: Or?
Weiss: Each do it separately?
Pyrrha: Ohhhh.... I like that idea!
Jacques: Urk... Ack... Ahh... gaa... (collapses to the ground)
Pyrrha moves around to Jaune's other side, and with Weiss they start dragging Jaune away.
Jaune: God help me!
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
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With that out of the way. BEHOLD! Ship of Theseus!
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epic-arc · 1 year
Weiss and yang would be in the same dorm but weiss would be sharing his bed with jaune and the two would be playing some game but yang notices a hickey on jaune. Yang: Hey jaune is that a hickey on your neck ? Jaune: No is just a mosquito bite.
Yang: Hm weird just noticed that these bites are only happening to you and weiss.
Weiss: Well the mosquito have good taste! Weiss would speak with a smile until pyrrha enters the room. Pyrrha: Hi guys what are you doing ?
Yang: Hey mosquito came to get your dinner?
Yang and pyrrha start laughing at the joke and jaune and weiss just had a red face trying to concentrate on the game.
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gelstertherealgel · 2 years
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Arc-Sunny Rose 9: Dinner Affair
Weiss: *Walking back into her team's dorm room*
Ren: Have you figured out a solution to your problem yet Weiss?
Weiss: I believe so.
Pyrrha: *Walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower* What problem?
Weiss: Oh nothing. Just a simple matter that I need to attend to.
Nora: Then why aren't you making out with-
Ren: *Covers Nora's mouth with his hand*
Ren: Continue.
Pyrrha: ???
Weiss: I would also like to tell you all that we've been invited to a dinner with the Arc and Xiao Long matriarchs.
Nora: What?
Ren: Yang and Jaune's mom are going to take us out to dinner.
Nora: Oooh, cool.
Pyrrha: Sounds fun.
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Guardian Angels - Part 1
Written with permission from @danurso
Jaune and Weiss had been feeling unhappy. It may have had something to do with the heat of the Vecchian desert, but they both were sure there was more to it than that.
It had been years since they first met - not many, truth be told - but now nearly into their mid-twenties, the two wished they could have started out differently.
For themselves.
For the people they were before.
And for everyone else too.
But their chief regrets lay in how they first treated each other.
Jaune wished he hadn't been such a pest to Weiss, while she wished she hadn’t been so mean to him. The two had made up and moved on since meeting again in Mistral; it only happened a few times at Beacon after all, but still they wished to see it done.
Now, thanks to Ozpin, they finally had a way, and preparations were made. It took some time, but at last, everything was ready. Unfortunately, due to their personal timelines, they could only go one after the other.
Jaune insisted he go first.
Weiss was content with that. She had a lot to think about before trying this herself. More importantly, if his time shepherding children in Mantle was anything to go by, Jaune was a natural with them.
Their friends were a little concerned.
"Uhm." Ruby raised her hand, "Are you sure this is safe?"
"Of course we are." Flounced Weiss, "Oscar said that Ozpin said he's tried this before, so we ought to be fine."
"Yeah, but he also said nothing he did worked out for him." Blake pointed out.
Weiss had to admit, that couldn't be ignored.
"We're not just doing this for ourselves, though." Countered Jaune, "We're doing this for each other."
Blake and Yang exchanged glances.
Now, why did that sound familiar?
"Besides," He continued, "We've got timers set on our scrolls. That way, we'll know when we can't stick around in the past anymore."
"We just want you guys to come back." Nora didn't look very happy,
"It was pretty bad the last time." Added Ren.
Neither Jaune nor Team RWBY needed to be reminded. It had been a painful experience for Oscar, Nora, Ren, and Emerald when they believed their friends had gotten stuck in the Central Location. Although it hadn't been long for them, it had still been more than enough.
The relief they felt when they saw their friends enter the academy was enormous, and they all promised never to leave anyone behind again.
"Okay, fine, but," Ventured Jaune, "This time is way safer."
"He's right." Agreed Weiss, "Ozma isn't bound by the same rules as Ambrosius. So he can make a few changes if he needs to."
"That's also true." Conceded Yang, "But Ambrosius was from a God-made relic, so he can do a lot more. Ozma only has his magic powers, and he told us it was dwindling back at Haven."
"Oh, fine!" Weiss nearly threw her arms up, "So our plan is a little flawed, when have any of us ever made a perfect one anyways?"
"Every strategy has risks." Nodded Jaune, "And I find these ones acceptable. Besides, I'm going first."
Everyone stared at him.
"And that's a good thing how?" Demanded Nora,
"If it doesn't work, we'll know." Jaune shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing.
"Well, now I definitely don't want you to freaking go!" And she threw her arms around him,
"Oh, come on!" Laughed Jaune, "It's just a joke-"
Nora slapped the back of Jaune's head before he could finish.
"Ow." Jaune winced, "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!"
"Not funny, dude." She had grabbed his face and was now stretching his cheeks open and shut.
Jaune blubbered as Nora kept on flapping his cheeks. The noise it made had Yang, Emerald, and even Blake giggling uncontrollably.
"Alright Nora," Ren soothed her, "that's enough."
And he carefully pried Nora's hands away from Jaune's face.
"Now then, if that's everything?" Weiss wrung her hands, ready to carry out the new mission,
"You're really set on this, aren't you?" Ozpin asked through Oscar,
"I'm afraid so." Nodded Weiss, "Perhaps, if we do this right, it'll make for a better future on Remnant."
"But you won't get to see it." Ozpin didn't much like where this was going, "Time travel doesn't work the way you'd prefer."
"That's as well may be," agreed Weiss, "but we'll at least do something. Maybe we'll even right a few wrongs we never got to before Beacon. Perhaps even well before then, for that matter."
Ozpin wasn't convinced, but there was little else he could do. So he simply let it go.
"Then, if you're sure." He sounded very solemn,
"We are." Chorused Jaune and Weiss.
Ozpin nodded and headed to a private room.
"We'll be back soon." Promised Jaune,
"I hope you're being honest." Ruby poked him in the chest plate, "Agh-"
"He is." Insisted Weiss, "We'll both be back very soon."
And quickly hugging their friends, Jaune and Weiss headed into the private room with Oscar. When they walked in, a great, bright swirling of light stopped them in their tracks.
"That's bigger than I thought it'd be." Remarked Weiss,
"Phrasing." Grunted Ozpin,
"Welp, here I go." Jaune cracked his neck, "Trip of my life."
"Be careful there." Weiss gently took his hand,
"You know it." Jaune gave her that classic smile of his.
Weiss's heart swelled, and she squeezed his hand a little tighter. Jaune smiled at her, and when she let go, he headed into the portal.
"See you soon." He gave her a two-fingered salute.
Weiss simply waved him goodbye and turned back to the desk she saw in the corner. She pulled out a pen and a little notebook and started to write.
She had to think of what she should say when her turn came.
Fourteen years ago . . .
She had just turned ten years old.
Big tears dripped from her face and dotted the open rug space between her feet. She had come to a stop in front of the door to her father's study.
Father was angry.
She didn't know who, or what upset him now.
Nor did she want to.
All she knew was that he was.
And it scared her.
. . .
. . .
Jacques Schnee.
Her father.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Schnee Dust Company.
He and mother were fighting.
She heard a loud slap ring out from the study.
"We did not marry because I love you!" He snapped, "I only married you for the money, half-wit wench! I never loved you! I never loved the children! I never loved any of it!"
There came a horrified gasp.
"I don't understand why we even had so many children," He added, "I never wanted any to begin with!"
Those words stung.
Mother burst out the door and ran away, crying.
Weiss stayed where she was, too afraid to move.
If father was telling the truth, then what had he ever loved?
Would he ever love?
. . .
. . .
Could he ever?
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . . Could she . . .?
. . .
. . .
. . .
Should she?
. . .
Was love even real?
. . .
. . .
Could she even feel it if no one loved her?
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Father was storming back to his office . . .
. . .
He'd forgotten . . .
. . .
Mother had disappeared . . .
. . .
Did she remember?
. . .
Winter was gone . . .
. . .
She hadn't called . . .
. . .
Whitley wouldn't understand . . .
. . .
Would he ever?
. . .
"Well, brat?" Jacques' voice cut hot through the air.
Weiss jumped and looked up, trembling.
"F- Father-" She wanted to speak,
"If you wish to stain my expensive carpets," But he wouldn't let her, "You'll have to pay for them."
Weiss gulped.
"But- but-!" Her tears blurred her sight,
"Go to your room." Jacques said sternly, pointing the direction he faced.
Weiss still didn't move.
"I said go to your room!" Jacques raised his hand.
Weiss flinched, and shutting her eyes she braced herself.
"Hammer of silence!"
A blow landed.
. . .
But not on her. Weiss opened her eyes, and stared in wonderment. Standing ahead of her, was a tall man.
He wore plate armour on his chest, shoulders, forearms, and knees; his whole set was painted a pearly white and accented by polished brass.
His shirt was black, his pants were brown, as were the spats over his black boots. A red sash was tied around his waist, under a black leather utility belt, which stood out prominently thanks to the brass buckle on it.
A handsome sword hung from his hip and seemed to chill the air around it; the guard and pommel were a shining, silvery steel, and the grip was wrapped in black cotton. It reminded Weiss of the Knights of Yore. Her grandfather once showed her pictures from old books, and she still loved to pore them over.
Then, throwing his fist forward, the tall man buried it in Jacques' stomach. A globule of saliva sprayed from his mouth as he stumbled backward. He coughed and spluttered, but he wouldn't get to breathe yet.
The man hooked his arm under Jacques' and hefted him up over his shoulders
"Throw-Down of Shut-Up!" He growled.
And with an easy effort, Jacques was sent tumbling through the air and broke through the wall ahead with a crash.
He wouldn't get up for a while after.
"That takes care of that." The tall man clapped his hands together, wiping them clean, "Serves you right, frosty blowhard."
Then, he turned around.
Weiss could hardly believe her eyes.
'. . . He's so pretty . . .' She thought.
Truly, this man looked exactly how Weiss expected all Knights to look beneath their helmets. His skin was fair, his eyes were a deep, captivating blue, and his soft, luxurious blonde hair bounced with every bob of his head.
He looked like one of the boys Winter liked, from that one band with the really catchy music
'What was it called again? No Direction?' Weiss didn't remember.
This was much better though!
The man saw her, smiled, and knelt down to look her in the eye.
"Heya." His voice was soft, and so was his smile, "Are you okay?"
"Uh- . . . Uh-huh . . ." Weiss could only nod.
The motion shook the tears from her eyes. The man saw this and quickly raised his hand. Weiss gasped and flinched again.
"Hey, hey!" His voice was still soft, "It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise."
Weiss said nothing. The man very carefully wiped away her tears, and brushed a few strands of her hair out of her face.
Weiss felt amazed. Clearly, this man was very strong, but still so gentle. She hardly felt his fingertips brushing against her face.
"There." His eyes crinkled, "That better?"
". . . Yeah." Weiss's voice returned, "Thank you, Sir . . ."
"No prob, Snow Angel." The man assured her.
Well, there was a new name for her.
It sent her heart aflutter. No one had called her something like that before.
"Who are you?" Weiss wanted to know,
"Me?" The man pointed to himself, "Oh, y'know. I'm everyone's favourite."
"No, I don't." Weiss shook her head, "I'd remember you if you were my favourite."
If the man was offended, he didn't show it. He just smirked.
"I'm your one and only knight in shining armour." He declared, and struck a proud pose.
Weiss's eyes went wide.
"M- My knight-?" She was surprised.
"That's right." His smile widened, "I'm your knight. So I'mlike your guardian angel."
Her eyes shone.
"A-Are you really a knight?" Weiss was excited,
"Of course I am." The Knight insisted, and pointed to himself, "Look at my armour, only the best knights ever will dress like this!"
"Woww . . ." Weiss's eyes sparkled as it all sank in, "I have my very own knight in shining armour! This is the best day ever!"
She was so excited, she started bouncing up and down. Weiss didn't care if it was unladylike, or unsightly. Today had turned from the worst day, to the best day, and she was happy.
Her knight chuckled as he watched her happy little dance.
"Hey listen," He quickly called her attention back,
"Uh-?" Weiss stopped dancing,
"What's today's date?" He asked,
"September-" Weiss stopped and blinked, "September fifth . . ."
"And that means . . ." The Knight's smile grew, "Today's your birthday."
Weiss stared up at him.
"How did you know?" She quizzed,
"How do you think?" He quizzed back.
Weiss thought for a moment. Then it came to her.
"You're my birthday present, aren't you?" If it was possible, her eyes widened even more.
Her Knight said nothing. He just nodded. Weiss couldn't contain herself, and she squealed with delighted glee.
"Alright, come on, birthday girl." The Knight clapped his hands, "What do you wanna do today?"
Weiss stopped.
What did she want to do?
"Umm . . ." Weiss tried to think, but she was too excited, "I don't know! There's so much I'd love to do today!"
Her Knight understood.
"Then why don't we go outside and have some fun?" He suggested, "There's a few places I think you'll love out there."
That was as good an idea as any to Weiss.
"Ooh, yes please!" She chimed,
"Then that's what we'll do!" The Knight stood up, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am!" Weiss nodded,
"Then let's go!" And taking her hand in his, they headed to the front door.
But before they could reach the lobby, they were stopped.
"Ahh- 'scuse me?" Called a guard,
"Yes sir?" The Knight faced him,
"What are you doing with her?" The Guard asked,
"Oh, I'm taking the Little Snow Angel out for her birthday!" He said easily.
The guard, although trying his best to do his job, seemed a rather hapless man. But he didn't seem like he cared too much just then.
"Well, I can't let you out." He said, "Not unless I know she'll be safe."
"Oh, come on." The Knight, "We won't be too long."
He turned to Weiss.
"Will we, Snow Angel?"
Weiss looked between her Knight and the guard, and smiling bravely, she shook her head.
"No sir!" She chirped, "We won't be too long at all."
The guard sighed, that seemed to help.
"Okay . . ." He checked his pockets, "Well, I'll need some identification."
"Oh, sure." The Knight pulled a card from a pouch on his belt, "How's this?"
Weiss couldn't read backwards, it was up too high and the letters seemed all jumbled. It then occurred to her that she never asked her Knight for his name. Now she felt a little silly.
She also spotted on his other hip, a pistol with a long muzzle. She had never seen one like that before, but it very much reminded her of the ones Major Ironwood wore.
"Huh." Grunted the guard, "Looks like everything checks out. You're free to go."
"Thank you!" Smiled The Knight,
"At least be sure to come back before five o'clock!" He called,
"We will!" Weiss and the Knight hollered back together.
A black Limousin awaited them, quietly idling in front of the fountain in the loop. Her Knight drew ahead, and opened the door for her. The driver was relaxing in his seat, but sat up completely straight when he heard the doors open.
"Where to, m'dears?" He asked sweetly,
"Sky Mall, please sir." The Knight told him, just as sweet, "I'll be guarding the little lady while she's out for her special day."
The Driver nodded and cruised smoothly away from the Manor.
"Um, excuse me, sir, but what's your name?" Weiss finally asked him,
"My name?" The Knight blinked at her,
"I was so excited to meet you," She said and looked down at her lap, " I guess I forgot. I'm sorry."
Her Knight clicked his tongue.
"No, don't be!" He patted her shoulder, "Today is for you! I don't mind if you didn't ask."
"But it's still rude . . ." Weiss didn't smile.
Etiquette training was a must among the upper class citizens in Atlas. To neglect it was to imply you were poorly brought up, and Weiss did not want to make her family look bad.
But her Knight understood.
"Ani." He said.
Weiss looked up.
"Pardon?" She asked,
"Ani." The Knight said again, "My name is Ani."
Weiss giggled.
"But that's a girl's name." She pointed out.
Her Knight was nonplussed.
"It's short for Anakin." He clarified,
"Anakin . . ." Weiss murmured, then she frowned, "That sounds made up."
"It means warrior." Anakin explained.
"I don't think it suits you." Weiss still didn't really buy it,
"Well, what do you think my name should be then?" The Knight played along with.
Weiss thought for a moment, and realised she couldn't think of a better name herself.
". . . May I still call you 'Mister Knight'?" She asked.
Her Knight didn't tease her, he just nodded.
"Of course, Little Snow Angel." He allowed.
And that was that.
The two had a lovely day. They went for a treat from the bakery, had a drive through the suburban landscape, and even drove past the army barracks as well.
Weiss liked going there, sometimes, it meant a chance to see Winter. Unfortunately, she wasn't there, so Her Knight took her for ice cream instead. They even bought some for the driver. That made Weiss feel a little better, but she still wished to see the better members of her family.
And last of all, they returned to the Manor, and had a walk around the grounds. Jacques wasn't there when they returned, which everyone thought was just as well. It cheered Weiss up a lot. Although the house was cold, both inside and out, it was her home. And she was happy to have a friendly face with her.
The sun was going down, and bathed the snowy land in a warm, clementine glow.
Soon they reached the flowerbeds her mother always tended to with the gardeners. After passing through it, her Knight checked his watch.
"Ugh." He groaned, and stopped walking.
Weiss stopped too when she heard him.
"What's wrong?" She wanted to know,
"I haven't got much time left," The Knight shook his head, "I've got to go soon."
'Go?' Weiss didn't understand,
". . . You're not staying?" Her heart sank like a stone,
"I'm afraid I can't." The Knight looked sorry, "I have to get back to where I came from-"
"But you can't leave!" Weiss darted forward and hugged his leg, "You have to stay!"
The Knight stammered, for only a moment.
"You know I'd love to." He said honestly, "But I don't think your dad would like that very much. I did put him through a wall."
"But I don't care about that!" Insisted Weiss, "You said he deserved it!"
Her Knight winced, he clearly forgot she had heard.
"I did say that." He admitted, "But I didn't come here to stay with you."
"But why not?!" Weiss was very upset now, "You said you're my knight in shining armour!"
"I am." The Knight promised, "And I always will be! But I can't stay here. This isn't where I'm meant to be."
Weiss began to cry. It didn't make any sense. And now it had gone back to being the worst day all over again.
"Then why did you come?" She looked away.
Her Knight knelt down, put his thumb on her chin and guided her gaze back to him.
"Well, first." He explained, "I wanted to punch your dad. And I did, so I'm happy."
Weiss tried not to smile.
'So he did deserve it.' She thought,
"But second, and wayy more important." He added, "I came to see you."
"To see me?" Weiss tilted her head,
"Uh-huh." Smiled the Knight, "Because you needed someone to help you smile again."
He brushed her tears away once more.
"He," He gestured with his head to the mansion, "he's not very smart. He's just a big, blue dummy!"
That made Weiss giggle through her tears.
"But he's not blue." She wrinkled her nose,
"Yeah, not yet." The Knight winked.
"Are you going to turn him blue?" Weiss thought that would be a hilarious trick.
Her Knight considered.
"Well," He tried, as if weighing his options, "I mean, I'd like to."
"Then why not?" Weiss pouted, through a little smile,
"I get the feeling someone will take care of that for us." The Knight told her.
Although Weiss didn't believe it, she hoped it would happen soon.
"He doesn't know how incredible you are." He moved his hand to her cheek, massaging it, "How amazing you'll be, when he's not being a meanie to you."
Weiss stared up at him.
"Me?" She couldn't believe her ears, "Me? Amazing? Really?"
"Yeah." His smile became serious, "it'll take a while for you to get there, but you will. Because you are that amazing."
He ruffled her hair.
"Then again, I guess your dad is always being mean, so maybe he'll never get it." The Knight's smile returned, "But there will be people who do. And those people? They'll be the best ones you'll ever meet."
Weiss blushed and looked at her feet. Her grandfather would do this to her and Winter when they felt down.
"How do you know so much?" She wanted to know, taking his enormous hand in her's,
"Because I can see it." The Knight didn't miss a beat, "In your eyes. And in your face. You're a strong girl, and I know you'll grow into someone even stronger than you are now."
"I'm strong now?" Such a thought never occurred to her,
"Psh-yeah, you are!" Chuckled the Knight, "I bet Ol' Nicky'd be proud if he could see you now."
Weiss's little heart took off and soared.
"Do you mean it?" Her eyes sparkled with hope, "You can see all of that just by looking at me?"
"Of course I do." The Knight ruffled her hair again, "And yeah, I can see it. You're a regular, little Snow Angel!"
Weiss felt happier than she had since as far back as she could remember.
"Oh." She choked, "Oh, thank you, Mister Knight!"
She threw her arms around him. Her Knight shook his head and picked her up, and standing to his full height, he gave her a squeeze.
"Anytime Snow Angel." He whispered, "Any time."
The two of them stayed like that for a moment. Jacques groaned from his gurney at the hospital, quickly being tended to byt the staff. Suddenly, a faint beeping went off behind Weiss's head.
"What's that?" Weiss pulled back.
Her Knight checked a flashing green device on the back of his left wrist.
"Agh," He grunted, "we're cutting it really close."
He knelt down and put her back on her feet.
"Listen, my time here is almost up." The Knight showed her the device on his wrist, "I have to go now.
Weiss's face fell.
"Okay, I guess." She said, flat as a slate,
"Come on," He nudged her shoulder, "Don't be like that."
"But, but-" Weiss couldn't stop sniffling, "But we'll never see each other again."
"Yes we will." Insisted the Knight, "It might be a few years from now, but we will meet again."
Weiss raised her head.
"You promise?" She asked him doubtfully.
Her Knight gave a reassuring smile.
"I promise." He nodded.
Then, as if on queue to Weiss, he stuck out his pinky.
"Swear on it?" He asked for her.
Weiss's eyes widened again.
He knew she would want to.
If this knight was a present from her grandfather, then by the Gods, had he chosen well.
All she could do was nod. And they linked their pinkies together.
"Now, it's official." The Knight punctuated the promise with every word and their digits unlinked.
A loud rumbling roared behind them. Weiss peered behind him to look. A bright, swirl of energy twisted to life behind them.
"Wow . . ." She marvelled, "What's that?"
"That's where I came from." The Knight told her,
"Where is it?" Weiss was needed to know,
"You'll see it someday." The Knight patted her cheek and stood up, "Now I really have to go."
Weiss sighed.
"Okay." She said sadly, and hugged him again,
"Don't be so sad." He said softly, hugging her back, "You know I'll always be with you."
"Will you?" Weiss was desperate,
"I will." He nodded.
Letting her go, he saw now that she wasn't as sad anymore. She was smiling a little bit.
"Atta girl." He smiled, "Just keep your Rusty-the-Rusted-Knight-stuffie close, and you'll never be alone."
Weiss perked up.
"How'd you-" She tried to ask.
But before she could, her Knight turned around and headed for the bright swirling.
"OH!" The Knight stopped short and whirled around, "I almost forgot to tell you."
"What's that?" Weiss stepped closer,
"I know you're thinking of going to a school called Beacon, am I right?" He tilted his head,
"Um, yes?" Weiss hadn't given it too much thought just yet,
"Well, if and when you do go there," He told her, "you're probably gonna meet a really dorky blonde kid."
"I will?" Now Weiss was very perplexed,
"Yeah, probably." Nodded the Knight, "I'm just gonna ask you to be nice and go easy on him. He's a good kid, and he's honest too, but he's kinda goofy. He won't know how to express himself properly."
Weiss nodded. She wasn't sure what to make of this.
"Uh, alright . . . yes . . . I can do that . . ." She frowned a little.
This didn't make sense, either.
"D'ah," He waved it off, "you'll get it when you see him. Again, just don't think too badly of the kid, okay?"
Weiss nodded again.
"Okay," She was more resolute, "I promise!"
"That's all I'll ask." He smiled happily, and stepped towards the swirl, "Ooh, wait one more thing!"
Her Knight turned back around to face her.
"Also, when you go to Beacon," He added, "You're probably gonna meet this really pretty girl with red hair and green eyes."
"Mm-hm?" Weiss nodded,
"Just try to be her friend as well." He told her, "She hasn't had it easy either, and she would love to have real, true friends in her life."
"She won't have any when I meet her?" Weiss frowned,
"I'm sorry, but no." He shook his head, "She won't."
That sounded awful. Weiss made her decision.
"Okay!" She promised, "I'll be good to them both!"
"You've got a heart of gold." The Knight patted her head again, and finally he turned away, walked up to the swirl, and stepped into it, "Bye-bye, Snow Angel, I'll see you again someday!"
"Goodbye, Mister Knight!" Weiss called out, "I love you!"
Her Knight said nothing. But he turned back a little, giving her a kind, broad smile. Weiss smiled back when she saw it. And with a deep humming and droning, he stepped through the swirl, and it disappeared.
By the end of that day, Weiss felt better than she had in years. She found a note pad and a pencil in her room, and jotted down her promise to Her Knight.
She would keep it.
No matter what.
That night, as Klein the butler tucked her into bed, he saw how she was smiling - he'd been at a different part of the Manor all day, and was secretly upset to have missed his 'Little Snowflake' on her biggest day yet.
"Oh my dear," He covered his mouth and yawned, "Oh, excuse me. You look very happy."
"I am Klein." Weiss gratefully snuggled her Rusty-stuffie when he handed it to her, "Today was the best birthday I can remember!"
Klein's eyes turned yellow.
"Oh bother, was it?" He asked excitedly, and clicked his tongue, "Oh, and I've missed it."
"Well," Weiss fidgeted, "I don't think you would've liked how it started . . ."
Klein's eyes turned violet.
"Um?" He felt wary,
"Father said he didn't love any of us." Weiss told him,
"No!" He gasped,
"Mm-hm!" Nodded Weiss, "He shouted it out really loudly, right in mother's face!"
That made the butler very angry, and his eyes flashed red.
"Why, that insolent, frosty blowhard!" He snapped, then remembering he was in front of Weiss, he quickly recovered, "ATISHOOO! Oh, my! I'm so sorry, my Little Snowflake. Something came over me-"
"That's what he called him!" Weiss's eyes shone like the northern lights.
Klein paused.
"What who said?" He asked her,
"My knight in shining armour!" Weiss recounted, "Ooh, you should've seen it, Klein! He threw Father through a wall, and he didn't get back up until after the other staff had him taken away!"
Brunhilde, one of the maids, told Weiss everything after her Knight left.
The butler stared.
". . . Is that why the Master wasn't at home this afternoon?" He asked.
Secretly, Klein wished he'd gotten to see that himself.
"Yes!" Weiss nodded, bouncing up and down in her bed, "I was so sad and scared when Father started yelling again, but then he swooped in and shut him up!"
Klein was so overjoyed, his eyes turned back to yellow.
"Oh, how wonderful!" He was delighted, "This knight of yours sounds like just the sort of man we need around here!"
Both Klein and Weiss knew they really shouldn't be excited about something like this, but as Jacques was still in the hospital, there wasn't anyone around to tell on them. Another worrying thought came to him, however, and his eyes went back to violet.
"Um, beg Pardon, my Little Snowflake," He asked, "But where is this knight of yours now?"
Weiss shook her head.
"I don't know." She sighed, "He said grandfather got him as a present just for me. He came here to tell me that I'm going to be amazing when I grow up, but then he walked into a big glittery-shaped-thing and left."
The butler frowned. He could understand now why Weiss was so upset about it.
"Oh, please, do cheer up, my dear?" Klein patted her head, "I'm sure you'll see him again someday."
Weiss nodded again, mutely.
"He promised we would." She remembered, "I just wish I could see him now . . ."
"Well, what if we tried to find him?" Offered Klein, his eyes turning brown, "I'm sure we could do that. What did he look like?"
Weiss thought for a moment.
"He had golden hair," she recalled, "and his eyes were like the ocean."
"Ooh, go on." Klein was rapt with attention,
"He was tall too!" Added Weiss, "As tall as Grandfather! He wore armour like his, with the big chest-part, and knee-pads and shoulder-pads."
She paused and pulled her knees up.
"He was really pretty . . ." She finally said,
"Mm-hmm . . ." Klein nodded thoughtfully, "I see then . . ."
His eyes turned back to yellow again.
"This knight of yours sounds truly wonderful." Klein assured her, "I'll send word out to a few of our contacts and see about finding this knight of yours."
". . . Okay, Klein." That helped her a little, "Thank you."
She peeled out of bed and gave him a tight, warm hug. Klein felt startled at first, but hugged her all the same.
"Do you think I will get to see him again?" She wondered, still holding onto him.
Against his better judgment, Klein answered.
"I'm sure I know you will." He promised.
He gently laid her back down, and drew the covers up.
"Good night and happy birthday, my sweet Little Snowflake." He wished her, "Sleep well, and pleasant dreams."
"Good night, Klein." Weiss wished him back, "You too, a-and the others as well."
Klein nodded with a smile and left the room, shutting the door behind him. Weiss shuffled further down beneath her covers and snuggled her Rusty-stuffie again.
"Good night, Mister Knight." She breathed, "I hope I get to see you again soon."
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howlingday · 2 years
Setting - Jaune and Weiss are just married, and visit Argus, where his old friends Pyrrha and Neptune live. They welcome him back with open arms! Weiss on the other hand...
Pyrrha: Jaune!
Neptune: Welcome back, man!
Jaune: Hey, guys! Long time, no see!
Weiss: Hello. It is very nice to meet you. My name is Weiss-
Pyrrha: Look at you! (Groping his bicep) You're so big now! And handsome, too.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Thanks!
Weiss: (Eye twitches, Ahems)
Pyrrha: Oh, hello! Are you Jaune's sister?
Weiss: No, actually, I'm his newlywedded wife. We were passing through on our way to our honeymoon at the Argent Coast hot springs, and-
Pyrrha: (Grabs Jaune's hand) Come on, Jaune! Everyone in Argus will be so excited to see you!
Jaune: (Chuckles) Okay!
Weiss: (Glaring)
Pyrrha: The hot springs are a popular spot for couples to relax and enjoy themselves. It's perfect for honeymooners.
Weiss: That was the intention when I searched for it. Jaune and I have been so busy, we weren't able to get a honeymoon right away.
Pyrrha: Well, Neptune and I can join you there!
Weiss: That won't be necessary. Really!
Pyrrha: I insist! What do you think, Jaune?
Jaune: Sure! The more, the merrier!
Pyrrha: Great!
Weiss: Great...
Owner: Welcome! Oh! Pyrrha, it's you! Why didn't you tell me you found a handsome young man? You look like such a lovely couple!
Jaune: Oh, no! We're not together!
Pyrrha: This is my friend, Jaune. We're just looking for a room to check in for a few nights.
Owner: Oh, I see! Unfortunately, I only have one room available. It's a bit snug, but I'm sure you'll manage.
Weiss: What?! A-Are you sure you don't have more rooms?
Owner: I'm sorry, miss, but all of our rooms are occupied except one. You four will just have to share.
Weiss: Sh-Share?!
Pyrrha: I'm so glad you're here, Weiss. I feel like I can really open up to you, you know?
Weiss: Oh, r-really? Oh, that's very sweet of you.
Pyrrha: Like about my breasts! I swear, they get bigger and bigger every time I wake up! Sometimes they feel so havy and full, I can't help but feel like they are a burden on me. You know?
Weiss: (Scowling) How awful for you...
In the hot springs...
Jaune: Aaah~! This is nice!
Pyrrha: Do you mind if I join you?
Jaune: Oh, hey, Pyrrha! Uh, can girls be on this side?
Pyrrha: It's a shared unisex hot springs. It's meant for couples, you know? (Sits next to him) I still can't believe you're married now... Are you and Weiss happily married?
Jaune: Yeah! It's great!
Weiss: Yes, Jaune and I are VERY happy together. You don't have to worry about us! Where's Neptune, Pyrrha? I thought you two would be keeping each other company.
Jaune: Oh, no! Neptune hates water! Never understood why.
Pyrrha: He's deathly afraid of even a drizzle forecast. (Notices Weiss staring) Oh, Weiss! And in front of your husband?
Weiss: (Huffs) I have no idea what you're talking about.
Pyrrha: I must have imagined. (Stretches, Breasts bounce) Ah, I love visiting this time of year~! The hot water just makes my whole body glow.
Weiss: Hmph! (Stretches) I agree! It feels that way for me, too! (Looks to Pyrrha)
Pyrrha: (Sitting next to Jaune) So Jaune, what have you been up to all these years? Knowing you, I bet you had a ton of adventures!
Weiss: (Seething)
Jaune: Oh, yeah! Tons of 'em!
Weiss: Well, if you ask me, the greatest adventure anyone could ever have is with someone you love... (Bumps Pyrrha away with her booty) Oops! Pardon me~! (Sits next to Jaune) In fact, I'd say our marriage has already been quite the adventure. Right, Jaune?
Jaune: Uh, I guess. It's definitely different than being alone.
Weiss: But being with your lovely wife is so much better because you can do things together that you can't do alone.
Jaune: Oh! I know what you're talking about! Ever since Weiss and I got married, we've been doing this thing called "sex"! It's really exciting!
Weiss: !!!
Jaune: She says we should be expecting any day now, but I don't really know what the mail has to do with us having-
Weiss: JAUNE!
Jaune: Eep! W-Was it something I said?
Pyrrha: Oh my! I forgot how easily Jaune speaks out his thoughts. I didn't expect to hear something so private. You have my sympathies, Weiss. To think, a woman in this day and age being unable to conceive a child.
Weiss: HOW DID YOU JUMP TO THAT CONCLUSION?! (Looks away) It's just... Jaune and I have to try harder. We just might not be concieving at the right time.
Meanwhile, In An Alternate Alternate Universe...
Pyrrha: Bitch, don't bring that fried pan fire hick shit here. I'll fucking cut you!
Weiss: (Punches Pyrrha skyward)
And Now, Back To This Alternate Universe...
Pyrrha: (Leans close) Are you sure? You two got married a while ago, right? You should have had some luck by now. Perhaps you're not doing it the right way?
Weiss: Hmph! As if an unmarried woman would know anything about that!
Pyrrha: (Giggles) It's true that I'm not married yet, but the older wives say that these waters are blessed by the divines of fertility. It's been told around here for generations, and from what I can tell, it really works!
Weiss: I don't know. It sounds like an old wives tale to me.
Pyrrha: (Leans closer) But it's true! Jaune's sister even came here one night with her wife, and the two were blessed not long after. The key is to relax your mind, body, and soul. (Places her hands on Weiss' shoulders) If you'd like, I can show you and Jaune how-
Weiss: JAUNE?! (Gets in Pyrrha's face) I don't know what you're planning, but you're not doing ANYTHING with MY husband!
Pyrrha: Relax, Weiss~. You're so tense~. (Rubs Weiss' arms) I'm here to help~. You want children, don't you~?
Weiss: I-I do, but...
Pyrrha: Then just relax with me~. (Rubs Weiss' sides) Just let the heat of the springs soothe you to your very being~. (Slips hands to behind Weiss, Whispers) Everywhere~.
Weiss: W-What are you doing? I-Isn't this a little inappropriate?
Pyrrha: (Rubs along her back) It's just a massage to help relax your muscles~. There's no harm in it~.
Jaune: Uh... What are you guys doing?
Pyrrha: (Gives Jaune a sultry look)
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If you have seen the Justice League RWBY crossover, Jessica Cruz has become smitten with Remnant’s resident blond knight. Now she must stake her claim before one of the many beautiful women that surround him on a daily basis does. Only one problem, she has never been in a relationship and doesn’t know how to flirt or what to do.
I Haven't seen the Movie, But I'll try my best to get Her Right.
Jessica: (Internally) How could I ever compete with all of these Women! I'm not Lithe and Graceful like Weiss or and Amazon like Pyrrha ...
Weiss: (handing Pyrrha a Flower) You look lovely today Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: Thank you very much Weiss. Though, you are a far prettier picture than this flower, I will cherish it greatly.
Jessica: I'm not cute and innocent like Ruby ...
Ruby: (Holding Hands with Penny)
Jessica: I'm not wild and cool like Nora ...
Nora: 337 ... 338 ... 339 ... 340!
Ren: (Getting Bench pressed by Nora) Good Job, Nora.
Jessica: I'm far from having the kind of Body Blake and Yang have ...
Blake and Yang: (Actively Making Out)
Jaune: Hey Jess, what're you thinking about?
Jessica: *sigh* How do I ask Jaune out on a date ...
Jaune: ... You want to go on a date with me?
Jessica:(Deep Red) .... Ah. Y-yes ....
Jaune: ... When do you wanna go out?
Jessica: Is Now Fine!?!
Jaune: ... Yeah?
Jessica: LET'S GO! (She Grabs Jaune and flies away with him on a streak of Green)
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novankenn · 6 months
That is.... IT!
Pyrrha was sitting in the cafeteria along with Nora, Ren and all of team RWBY aside from Weiss Schnee, who was currently standing near the doors, poking Jaune Arc in the chest while verbally eviscerating him. Clenched in her hand a simple fork, that was mystically twisting in upon itself.
Ren: (Noticing the fork) Pyrrha, no.
Pyrrha: I won't... I won't...
Nora: (Leans in and whispers) Pyrrha, yes.
RWBY for their part just lean back and attempt to stay out of the line of fire. As they watch a fuming Pyrrha rise from her seat like Godzilla from the sea.
Ren: (Reaching up to use his semblance) Pyrrha, No!
Nora: (slapping Ren's hand away) Pyrrha... YES!
The rest of the cafeteria grows deathly silent as they watch in rapt fascination as the Mistral Champion, THE Invincible Girl stalked her way towards the SDC Heiress and... well Jaune.
Weiss: And ANOTHER thing, you utter uncouth doltish buffoon of a neanderthal! I will not nor would I ever consider... (Stops talking when an ominous shadow looms over her)
Jaune: Oh, hey Pyr. Is there something you need?
Pyrrha: Yes... Yes there is...
Weiss swallows nervously as she feels Pyrrha's hand on the back of her neck. Jaune for his part looks at Pyrrha as he feels her hand on the back of his neck.
Jaune / Weiss : Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: I have had enough of this... It is going to stop... and it stops right now... okay?
Jaune / Weiss: Yes?
Pyrrha: Good.... good... now you know what to do...
Jaune / Weiss: Huh?
There is a shocked gasp as Pyrrha uses her ungodly strength to force Jaune and Weiss into a tight and extensive lip lock that the two attempt to resist... at least for three seconds. The kiss continues for about a minute before Pyrrha separates the pair.
Pyrrha: Good boy... Good Girl... it's more fun to play nice isn't it?
Jaune / Weiss: (Dreamily) Yes...
Pyrrha: Now that that is settled... Ren! Nora!
Nora: Yes Pyr?
Pyrrha: You camping with RWBY tonight...
Nora: Aye! Aye!
Jaune / Weiss: Huh?
Pyrrha: Let's go... Mommy needs some special attention
Keeping hold of them by their collars Pyrrha walks out into the hall dragging a stunned Weiss and Jaune with her...
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(Credit : Original Image Artist Zephylyne)
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
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Team RASP[berry]
Jaune: I have never been more physically and emotionally exhausted in my entire life.
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toasterdrake · 1 year
hastily made edit in honour of the girl of all time <3 bisexual disaster weiss schnee is real in my heart henceforth
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epic-arc · 1 year
*Team RBY and team RN was in cafeteria eating waiting for they members and then jaune come and sit next do nora* Nora: Hey jaune what took you so long? got lost around in beacon?
Jaune:  I was doing a couple of things and got distracted hehe sorry. Yang: And ''Couple of things'' means staying longer in bed or talking to your champion girlfriend hehe~
*Jaunes listen to that and his face start to blush but then weiss and pyrrha come out of they bedsroom using they beacon uniforms and sits next to they teamates*
Pyrrha: Well me and weiss were listening to what you said yang and just to you know i was the ''Couple of things'' and weiss was the ''got distracted''~
*She was with a smug smile while saying that and both jaune and weiss was with a red face of blusing and yang and ruby was laughing at jaune and weiss faces while blake takes a notebook and start to write somethings.*
Nora: Hmm i always knew it but try not be louder next time ok? Me and ren sleep in the same room you know!
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superiorsturgeon · 2 years
Schnarkos part 3:
Weiss: How could you do this to me?!
Pyrrha: Weiss, please calm down!
Weiss: I’m going to die!! 😭
Jaune: Weiss, sweetie, it’s going to be okay!
Weiss: Easy for you to say! You don’t have to carry a huge Arc/Nikos baby inside you! You two giants are responsible for this!
Pyrrha: We’re sorry! But wasn’t it your idea to fool around even though it wasn’t a safe day?
Weiss: I didn’t think I would swell up like a whale this quickly! My feet won’t fit in my heels anymore!! 🥺
Jaune: *makes eye contact with Pyrrha over Weiss’s head* 🤨
Pyrrha: *nods and puts her hands on Weiss’s shoulders* 😉
Pyrrha: *gently steers Weiss to a reclining chair*
Jaune: Would it help if I gave you a foot rub while Pyrrha ordered take-out from your favorite restaurant?
Weiss: …yes, yes it would…
Pyrrha: *kisses Weiss on the cheek and helps her lay back in comfy chair*
Jaune: *assumes the position and begins massaging*
Weiss: …but I’m not carrying our next baby! I’ll take every precaution!
Pyrrha: *smiles and kisses tiny wife’s hair* If you say so, dear.
Jaune: *rubbing Weiss’s feet* We’ll see if you feel the same in nine months, or if you want me to finish inside again.
Weiss: Horny me can’t be trusted! That bitch has no self-control!
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
More Schnarkos Fluff. Jaune, having an extensive amount of experience thanks to his sisters, does Pyrrha's hair for her in the morning. Weiss finds this out and is very shy on asking for a turn to have her hair done
Weiss tried not to fidget, something she thought she was good at! But she couldn't help but worry a little as she felt the unfamiliar hands rummage through her hair. Though her eyes were deadset on the mirror in front of her, she couldn't stop the nervousness getting the better of her. Her heart skipped a few beats when she felt a hand gently press down onto the top of hers. Her soft sky blue eyes quickly scanning the woman next to her.
With the reassuring smile that Pyrrha gleamed her way, she knew that everything was going to be alright.
"Alright, and done."
Finally she could move again, it had felt like literal hours, though it had only been a few minutes. Though, as she stood up, and turned around. She couldn't help but feel... rather pleasantly surprised! The braid that Jaune had given her was... "Oh wow." It was tight, it was firm, and it was well implemented. "Thank you."
"Of course!" Jaune gave her a genuine smile, one that caused her cheeks to flush slightly.
"Still, I can't believe you do this every day."
"Yeah well." He began to do his nervous tick, scratching the back of his head. "Having seven sisters made skills like these a necessity to survive." He gave her a smile, before stretching his neck.
"Yes! I really do appreciate how often you're able to do this for me Jaune." Pyrrha smiled brightly, putting the morning sun to shame as she took a seat next to the blonde boy who began to blush from head to toe.
"Oh uhm, no problem Pyr."
Though of course, Pyrrha didn't give in so easily, especially as she nuzzled into Jaune, who simply gave in and did the same. Feeling a little awkward, Weiss only moved when they both looked at her. With a hop and a skip she sat herself upon their shared laps.
"This is nice."
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