#scoop anon
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Fritz stimboard! Themes of Blue, water, dry ice/fog, fish....wonder what they even like.
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🔵.🔵.🔵 🌫️.🐠.🌫️ 🔵.🔵.🔵
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scooped michael afton gives me gender envy . i need his gender Now.
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Michael Afton, the epitome of gender
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princessbrunette · 2 months
which reader would most likely work at a cutesy little ice cream shop?
puppy!!!!!! maybe she quit the pet shop after a while because she keeps getting attached to the animals and coming home in tears to john b begging him every week to let her adopt a new dog and they just decide it’s for the best she works somewhere else 😭 she enjoys working at the icecream shop sooo much always bringing samples for the pogues and having fun making the scoops look all pretty
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scoops-aboy86 · 3 months
I don’t know if it would be up your alley but I’ve been obsessed with the idea of a meet cute between a very petite Steve and (tall) Eddie. What do you think? #steddie
I could make it up my alley, if you don’t mind Eddie being a little bit soft and prone to wearing boots that add a few extra inches. 
Let’s say Steve has been dragged to a metal concert by Dustin and Mike. (Mike doesn’t like Steve because Steve used to date his sister; Steve doesn’t like Mike because Mike is rude and had the audacity to grow up to be taller than him, the little punk [and yes he does call budding metalhead Mike Wheeler a punk whenever he’s been particularly annoying].) They needed a chaperone to appease their parents and he is the designated babysitter, so… fuck his eardrums, he guesses. 
But he gets separated from his charges and is kind of a little bit losing his mind about it. Standing on the outskirts of the crowd near the bar, on the off chance one of them will have the dumbass idea to try underage drinking and he can find them that way. He’s running his hands through his hair, scanning the crowd, trying to decide if he even remembers what they’re wearing correctly, gripping handfuls of his hair in frustration…
Then Eddie strolls by, pauses, and is like, “Dude, are you okay? You need a safe space to come down or something? Because I have a van.”
Which is not terribly reassuring to Steve, that apparently people go around metal concerts offering to take people who might be in a vulnerable state to get in a stranger’s van. Whole new fear unlocked. He word vomits just enough of this line of thought for Eddie to snort and concede that yeah, maybe not his most well thought out attempt at being helpful, but is there anything he can do?
And Eddie is tall, so Steve gives him a brief description of the boys. Remembers halfway through that he has a picture of himself and the party in his wallet and pulls that out, points them out. Eddie asks if they might be in the mosh pit and Steve is like, “I don’t know what that is, but they were really excited about this concert, the little assholes…”
Eddie laughs and goes and finds them, hauling them out by their collars and frog marching them back towards their babysitter with a smirking, “You really had Steve worried losing him in the crowd like that, you little shitbirds, so when we get to him I’d better see you apologize and treat him with some respect, got that?” And they’re so equal parts intimidated and impressed by this guy that they do. 
The rest of the concert goes smoothly, Eddie helping Steve keep an eye on “your easily lost little sheepies,” and at the end of the night Eddie writes his phone number on Steve’s arm in permanent marker with a wink. 
Steve has never been interested in a guy before, but there is no way he’s not going to call that number. 
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I very often think about how Saeyoung could easily pick me up in spite of my heavier body type. Growing up as the "fat kid" and then being lifted up like it's nothing would be an emotional trip.
Ik he'd be so playful about it, too. 😭
Saeyoung loves you. He adores you. What more could he want out of life than to hoist you into his arms and laugh as you shriek, giggle, or groan at his antics. If he ever, and I mean EVER, hears you lament at the fact that "nobody will ever want to be pick me up", he'll stop what he's doing and immediately scoop you into his arms. He will not have you feel like you're not deserving of your romantic dreams because a cruel beauty standard made you feel like you were undeserving of the thing you want most.
"Hey, hey, hey, who told you that you couldn't be lifted? If my lover wants to be lifted and shaken like a rag-doll, I'll make it happen so fast, your head will spin! If you want to carried around the house for the rest of the day, I'll make that happen, too! You tell me when you want to be lifted, and I'll carry you into the sunset, babe! I'd say I'll do it without asking, but I'd rather you feel comfortable first, y'know? So, you set the precedent. What do you want? Other than to stare into my eyes, but you're doing a good job at that."
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plistommy · 1 month
billy and eddie taking steve to paris?…OR eddie getting bold while he’s high and just straight up telling steve to suck his cock OR steve looking to donate some of his clothes comes across his Scoops uniform and decides to surprise eddie OR billy jerking off fantasising about steve and eddie going to bone town with each other.
”You won’t believe what I just found.”
Eddie was face deep on Corroded Coffin’s new songs notes that he had been scrambling with Gareth for the last two weeks - Jeff and Freak not wanting to be a part of it this time - that he hadn’t even noticed Steve walking into the room.
”Huh?” Eddie answered, thumb resting firmly on top of his bottom lip as he rewrote view lyrics, making them rhyme better together and it was finally looking pretty good.
He let out a groan as he leaned back, satisfied with the lyrics and looked up to the doorway where he knew his boyfriends voice came from.
His eyes snapped wide.
Steve was standing there, hands on hips and a small grin on his face, but that wasn’t what got him shocked. No.
It was what he had on.
Which was the tight little Scoops Ahoy uniform Eddie saw him wearing in that ridiculous commercial for the now burned down Starcourt Mall.
He had been too much of a pussy to set foot in the ice cream parlor that summer when he knew Steve was working there and he never got to see the goods in real life before shit had gone down.
Until now.
And fuck was Steve wearing it well.
It fit like a glove on him and those tiny shorts were already killing him as it had his boyfriend's long beautiful legs on display.
He needed for Steve to turn around so he could see—
”Ahoy!” Steve exclaimed suddenly, voice high and sweet as it pulled Eddie away from his thoughts.
Eddie immediately felt his cock getting hard from just that.
Steve was the fucking death of him.
”Holy shit…” he murmured, mouth gaping and Steve laughed at him as he walked next to the couch where Eddie was sitting. He leaned down to kiss his boyfriend's shocked expression, still giggling when Eddie didn’t react.
”You like it? I think it’s ridiculous, but I had to try it on when I found it from my closet. I can’t believe it’s been like, three years and it still fits. I’m not even sure if anyone would want this…”
Eddie was just nodding along as he slowly took Steve in, now so much closer than before that he had to get his hands on him.
He slowly tugged the shorts and snapped them against Steve’s bare thigh which made the younger boy groan.
”Eddie, what are-?”
”So this is the famous little outfit you worked in?” Eddie moved his hands up to Steve’s waist, tugging the hem of the blue shirt which made Steve huff.
”I wouldn't say ’famous’, but yeah… I looked so stupid, man. Like, I even had a hat, but I lost it. The only good part was that these shorts fit really well even though they’re really tight.”
Eddie had to bite back a groan as Steve mentioned the shorts. They were indeed very tight, but just in the right places that Eddie had to mentally thank the person who came up with these uniforms.
”Turn around.”
”I said turn around, baby.”
Steve didn’t need to hear it for the third time as he slowly turned around, Eddie’s hand guiding him and stopping him when he needed him to.
Now he really let out a groan.
Steve’s ass looked fucking amazing. Don’t get him wrong, his boyfriend’s ass always looks amazing, round and perfect, but something about the way these tiny little shorts hugged his ass was fucking sinful.
Now Eddie really cursed at himself for not having enough courage to go and order some damn ice cream back then so he would’ve seen Steve like this.
He would’ve ordered something real special so Steve would’ve had to bend over to get it and Eddie would have that image of his perfect ass to jerk off to every night.
Or maybe he would’ve just taken him there. Ripped those shorts apart and bended him over the counter as he fucked him silly just to see his ass giggle with every hard and deep thrust he’d—
”Eddie? Hey, Eddie!”
Steve was looking down at him from behind his shoulder, eyes big as he questioned Eddie, ”What is it?”
Eddie glanced up at him and down to the ass in front of him before a sly grin pulled its way into his face.
He squeezed Steve’s ass softly before pulling the other down to sit on his lap, arms wrapping around Steve’s body.
Steve let out a soft gasp, but relaxed into his arms as Eddie kissed his neck.
”You’re really something, sweetheart.”
Steve wiggled on top of him, a clear blush creeping up onto his face. He loved when Eddie called him pet names.
”And what’s that?”
Steve loved to challenge Eddie even if he knew he’d always lose.
”You come to me…” Eddie started, hands roaming on Steve’s body until they stopped on top of his bare thighs, ”in this tiny little uniform, acting all sweet and innocent, knowing how it would make me feel.”
A laugh. Steve’s laugh.
”I wouldn't know that. I just wanted to show you this…” Steve said, voice soft like honey as he slowly rubbed Eddie’s arm that was holding him in his place.
”Oh, you wouldn't?” Eddie chuckled and grinded his hips against Steve’s ass, making sure the other knew just how hard he was under his jeans.
Steve let out a soft moan out of surprise and immediately started to meet his movements, but Eddie stopped him.
”Is this how you serve your customers?”
Steve whined and pouted like a brat. He tried to wiggle around, but he knew it wouldn’t get him anywhere when Eddie wasn’t budging.
Not even a please would help him this time.
So, he pulled his best smile and turned to look at Eddie, eyes glossy with need, ”Ahoy, sir! Welcome to Scoops Ahoy! What would you like to order? W-we have banana split, popsicles, shakes—”
”Mm, that all sounds very delicious, but I think I’ll just get a regular ball, a chocolate one with a cherry on top. And…”
”And?” Steve grits out, voice heavy.
”And stuff it with cream. I want it full of it so it’s dripping down from the sides.”
He saw the way Steve swallowed back a moan and he took that as a big fucking win.
”G-great! That will be 4 dollars and 50 cents!”
”Here you go, darling.” Eddie purred into his ear and Steve closed his eyes tightly. He was really trying to control himself that it almost made Eddie feel bad.
”Thank you! Here’s your ice cream with the e-extra cream and cherry. Have a n-nice day!”
Eddie finally let go of the hold he was having over Steve and Steve immediately went into action. He turned around on Eddie’s lap, hands finding their way into the other’s long dark brown hair as he tugged it back.
”You’re mean.”
Eddie grinned and squeezed Steve’s hips.
”You love it, sailor. Now…” He slowly tugged Steve’s shorts down and gave a little lick to his bottom lip.
”Can I fuck you in this ridiculously hot uniform? It’s killing me.”
”Oh you are feeling desperate, huh?” Steve pouted as he looked down at Eddie, ”How about how you made me act two minutes ago?”
”Baby, c’mon. You know I wanted to know what it was like to be served by you.”
Steve rolled his eyes.
”You could've just come when I was actually serving.”
”I was too shy.” Eddie confessed, not caring about it because he knew Steve would never judge him for anything. And he didn’t wanna lie, not to Steve. Even if it was kind of embarrassing.
Steve's face softened, so did his hold on Eddie’s hair and he gave him this soft smile, ”Oh yeah?”
A nod, ”Yeah.”
Steve leaned down and soon soft lips were on his and Eddie just melted into the kiss. He loved to kiss his boyfriend, it was his favorite thing ever.
”What would you have done if you came and saw me like this back then?” Steve whispered against his lips once he pulled back.
He had this hopeful gleam in his eyes that made Eddie feel all sorts of emotions. Good ones, of course.
”Honestly? Freaked the shit out…” Eddie answered and Steve laughed, ”but, if we’re talking about what I would’ve wanted to do… I would’ve bend you over the counter, right were the ice creams are and fucked you in front of all the customers. I would’ve made them know who owned you and who gets to touch you instead of them.”
If the loud cry from Steve wasn’t obvious, the boy on top of him was getting really worked up again. And Eddie was loving every second of it.
”Fuck, Eds, ah- you need to fuck me right now.” Steve whined out, grinding his ass down to Eddie’s dick once more and like Eddie had said before…
Steve and his stupid slutty Scoops Ahoy uniform was going to be the death of him.
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clarissasbakery · 1 year
please tell me abt ur vibecky exes agenda .....
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first of all anon i know vibecky is what you can technically call becktoria but when i first saw this i thought u were talking about violet and becky 😭
but anyways yes. victoria and becky are exes in my future au!! they date in high school, probably as freshman to juniors, and break up during prom cus i like drama. what about?? not yet disclosed >:) so they’re bitter exes, it’s very dramatic. becky ofc moves on w her resident nerd, but maybe tori stays bitter over it….
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This is pretty self indulgent for an ask but how would FL react of reader had like some sort of physical condition/disability where they sometimes cant stand up or walk and like move properly? Like their legs just lock up and they tremble and fall on the ground and the first time it happens moth is PANIC MODE but then starts realizing it whenever it’s about to happen so in a rush he just scoops reader up in his arms and is all concerned bcs he wants them to be safe?
don't worry anon sometimes we just gotta be self-indulgent nothing wrong with that
Foul Legacy would DEFINITELY panic the first time your legs give out, rushing over and chittering frantically as he tugs you to your feet, but you simply pat his arm reassuringly. it happens sometimes- that's all you say, shrugging it off like it's nothing. Foul Legacy chirps with worry, because it isn't nothing! not to him! you fell so suddenly and hit the ground and it looked like it hurt and- hey, is this why you always have bruises on your knees? well, no matter. Legacy quickly scoops you into his arms, nudging your hand until you point in the direction you need to go. he'll carry you there! if you can't walk at the moment, there's no reason why he can't be your legs. he pampers you for the rest of the day, keeping a careful eye on you until he's sure you can stand on your own, upon which he proudly nuzzles your neck and purrs
he quickly learns to anticipate when your legs are going to suddenly freeze- it always begins with a stumble before you fall, or you simply can't stand from your sitting position. if you fall, Legacy is quick to catch and sweep you into his arms, looking down at you with a curious chitter, his way of saying "where to?", and if you can't get up he's more than willing to bring you anything you need. he really doesn't mind carrying you places or fetching things for you, as long as you're not in pain- if your legs ache when they're seized up, he'll gently knead them with his claws, bumping his forehead against yours to distract you. apart from that he treats you as he usually does, because Legacy always watches you closely!! he doesn't want you to be in pain in any way- he's very happy when the bruises on your legs begin to heal due to him catching you and preventing you from smacking your knees on the pavement :)
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listenupcupcakes · 2 months
You can put Zhanna on your shoulder so you can both enjoy the view
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Kingsly Stimboard!~ Themes are flowers, Warm colors (yellow, orange, red), purple, and blueberrys! (his favorite <3) 🌻 .🫐. 🌹 🪻 .🥺. 🪻 🌹 .🫐. 🌻
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
happy wednesday!!! one scoop of mafia boys please
WIP Wednesday (5/8) | Mafia Front Restaurant AU (Part 155)
Since Jean and Kevin returned, there’s been music coming from the kitchen that Neil vaguely recognizes. He hums along to a song he knows Jean has sung before and places a few cards down. He and Andrew have been neck and neck the whole game, but Neil’s about to win. He’s so close he can taste it.
“Remind me who’s winning,” Andrew says, flicking his fingers at the napkin Neil’s been scribbling points on. He’s got a handful of cards left and looks pissed about it.
“Me. I’ve got 475, you’re at 470.”
“Mm,” Andrew hums and clicks his tongue. “And you said the first to 500 wins.”
Andrew nods, then smirks before snatching up the entire discard pile— to Neil’s confusion, doubling his hand. The goalie organizes his new cards in a flash and makes four different runs on his side of the table before dropping his very last card down beside the deck, effectively ending the game. Neil’s mouth drops open into a gape that probably makes him look like an imbecile, but he can’t help it. 
“What the fuck? How did—” Neil looks over Andrew’s plays to find that they’re all legal. He’s been beaten. Neil slaps his remaining cards against the table, but Andrew merely props his chin on his hand.
“Oh how the table turns.” Andrew says. “In a circle I mean. Since I was winning at the start.”
Neil bites the inside of his cheek. Damn it, this is worse than losing to Jean.
“Would you like to play Go Fish instead?” Andrew says, the taunt making Neil’s nostrils flare. “I also know Old Maid, if that would be easier for you.”
“Fuck you.” Neil grits out, counting their points and discovering that Andrew hadn’t just beat him. He annihilated him with that last hand, winning with 540 points to Neil’s paltry 490.
“I know a few other games that aren’t for children, but they might be too advanced for you.”
“Shut up.” Neil says. Then, “What other games?”
Andrew shrugs. “Spit, Poker, Egyptian Rat Screw—”
“Wait,” Neil holds up a hand. “What was that last one?”
“Egyptian Rat Screw,” Andrew repeats. “I learned it in juvie.”
Neil blinks. “In juvie? What did you do?”
“None of your business.” Andrew smiles sweetly. “Oh, do you know how to play war? It’s the simplest card game I know. Maybe you could win at that if I hold your hand—”
“I know war,” Neil spits. “Just deal the damn cards. For rummy. I’m winning the next one.”
Andrew gives the tiniest of smiles. “If you say so.”
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scoops-aboy86 · 4 months
literally so happy to hear you have wide open asks.... I LOVE the idea you brought up about Steve gaining weight just kinda slowly and steadily because he loves to eat and is tired of denying himself....... and how might Eddie respond to this newly relaxed and bigger Steve?
Hi, hello! Yeah, Steve needs a break, man. Those regularly unscheduled beatings take a toll, he’s just tired. I read something once that referred to him gaining weight after the Upside Down stuff is done for good as his “peace body” and that lives in my brain rent free. 
I hope this answers your question because I kind of got carried away:
Eddie loves relaxed Steve, especially as he unlearns some of his own “jacks bad nerds good” and “popular bad outcast good” dichotomies that he’s built up as part of his armor over the years. Steve, he realizes, is not just a good dude, but a chill dude too. 
Sure, he’s a little fussy about his hair, and sometimes his clothes—complains a little when his polos start not quite fitting the way they used to, although Eddie personally can’t see any problem with that. Steve is just hot, okay? He was hot in gym class in those little green shorts, in basketball games in those little white shorts, and he’s just as hot (if not even prettier) lounging back with a joint in one hand, a soda in the other, and a little sliver of belly peeking out the bottom of his shirt. Because he’s happier now. Cozy. Eddie takes any opportunity he can get to lay his head on Steve’s lap because he has just the best thighs. 
Meanwhile, Steve—who’s only fussing because he’s had a thing for Eddie ever since “dontcha, big boy” launched him into a sexuality crisis last March, and he’s used to getting dates because he looks good, so he wants to look good—just sort of melts any time Eddie leans or lays on him. This has occasionally made him late for work or picking up Robin or the kids, but more often it just means that he asks “Can you get me…” a lot. Which is difficult for him to do! Because he’s used to the idea that he can take care of himself, and he can take care of other people, but why should other people have to take care of him? But he can and has sat still for hours if it means that Eddie gets in a decent nap, or is enjoying the movie that’s on, or whatever. If he has to go to the bathroom, he’ll hold it. Robin teases him that her dad is the same way about the family cat… which kind of indirectly leads to Steve learning that Eddie loves head scritches. (He totally white lies to her and says that Eddie asked him to do that, but actually he did it one time without thinking and Eddie asked him in a slightly hoarse voice to do that again. And then got up shortly afterwards to go to the bathroom, allowing Steve to stretch his legs and take a bathroom break of his own.)
And it’s only a matter of time, what with the gradually waning nightmares as it finally sinks in that the danger is over, the not being on alert all the time, the fact that Steve is no longer a teenager or on any sports teams, the recreational smoking, the metalhead lapcat… Only a matter of time before Eddie settles into place and feels where Steve’s tummy is starting to encroach on his spot. 
It’s after a small party (just the older UD crew) when everyone else but Robin has already gone home, and he’s just high and sleepy and a little tipsy enough to roll over and snuggle in without thinking about it, nuzzling that sliver of tan skin and chest hair and just breathing Steve in with a happy sigh. His body feels floaty enough that he vaguely thinks that Steve must have carried him upstairs to his bedroom, and this is Steve’s pillow or something. 
Steve is frozen in place, eyes absolutely huge, staring across the living room to where Robin is watching this happen from the kitchen doorway with an amused smirk on her face. When Eddie brings his hand up to hug the “pillow” closer, Steve mouths “Help me” at her. 
She shrugs and spreads her hands like, “What do you want me to do?”
He tries to use eyebrow movements and hand gestures to remind her that of the three of them she’s smoked and drank the least, so she should have the functioning brain cell right now, not him. Because he’s pretty crossfaded too, and fairly full after getting the munchies and going to town on the pizza they’d ordered for the party, and now there’s a cute dude cuddling his belly and it feels good and he’s going to have a reaction soon—
“I don’t need to know about that,” Robin shout-whispers vehemently, and backs into the kitchen mouthing “la-la-la-lesbian” and “I can’t hear you.” Steve vows to write her out of his will. Not that he has one, but still.
Eddie rouses a moment later because his brain is starting to catch up to the fact that it’s not fabric he’s drooling on here. When he half sits up he’s face to face with a very flustered Steve, who is chewing on his plush bottom lip and Eddie wants to, like, help him with that. And then he looks down, and probably part of what woke him up, and his nuzzling has pushed Steve’s shirt up a little more than usual, and slo yep, that’s a boner.
They make eye contact. 
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie blurts out, because he definitely wants to and he thinks, based on the boner and the fact that Steve hasn’t shoved him away yet, that maybe Steve does too. 
“You’d better,” Steve blurts back, cheeks flaming, because he already has Eddie’s spit drying on his skin. He’s totally flustered and doesn’t even have time to run a hand through his hair before Eddie is straddling his lap, cradling his face gently in both hands, and drawing him into a clumsy but earnest kiss.
They spend the rest of the night kissing and cuddling and talking on the couch, still a little giggly from their highs and Eddie snagging more things for Steve to eat whenever Steve seems even the tiniest bit hungry, because he just looks so happy whenever he’s relaxed and enjoying his food. And if he sneaks some belly rubs in there too, no one else has to know.
Permanent tag list: @hotluncheddie
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princessbrunette · 20 days
I FINALLY GOT A FUN AND CUTE LITTLE ICE CREAM SCOOPING JOB which one of the girls would have this job😋
puppy i think !! she’d be messy and kinda bad at it but it would be her favourite job in the world ^_^
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waiterlamoree · 1 month
I have a little question for the waiter here...
What is your relationship with rats? :)
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Ohhh oh!!! I love rats actually
Their little faces are so cute...
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If I ever had the money to afford one— like that's gonna happen anytime soon— I'd Definitely have one as a pet
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clarissasbakery · 1 year
Wait in your future AU are Todd and Violet both trans? Bc I think it’s funny that they kinda just. Took each others genders. They traded!!
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yess violet is a transmasc demiboy and scoops is transfem and gender-fluid!! scoops yoinked her friends genders
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danggirlronpa · 3 months
Not the Pekoshima anon who originally talked about the ship, but I am so Invested in pekoshima my god, I have to talk about it. Okay so - with both Ultimate Despair's we see (discounting DR3 because. I don't like it), Nagito and Mikan, I find them very interesting. Mikan in chapter 3 obviously isn't behaving well - murder and all - but she also seems to recognize for possibly the first time ever that how people treated her was wrong (questioning why they treated her this way, acknowledging it wasn't fair, even calling the cast a bunch of bullies in scorn). Which is... such interesting characterization! It's one of the reasons I can't exactly buy how Junkan is presented in DR3 - in her FTEs, how people treated Mikan was normal to her, and she didn't seem to fully realize it was wrong. In the third trial, Mikan talks as if she knows how she was treated was wrong, and singles out Junko as being different, having forgiven her. In her final FTE, she says that Hajime has forgiven her too, implying to me that Junko did the same thing as Hajime did during their FTEs together, just with malicious intent (strengthening the Hajime/Izuru and Ryouko/Junko parallels and solitifying both Chiaki and Hajime in SDR2 as "the kindness the remnants never had" - kindness that ultimately leads to them triumphing over Junko this time). So in DR3, it didn't make much sense to me that Junko treated Mikan just as everyone else in Mikan's life has. Kicking her and berating her. Of course, with brainwashing she didn't need to be kind, but before DR3 came out, I always thought Junko operated more like... she would make you go one step forward, and two steps back. She would present herself as if solving your problems and helping you, but that was just to her own ends. We see this in Nagito too - when he's in DR:AE as a remnant of despair, his ideals have changed drastically from SDR2, and I'd go so far as to say what he preaches in DR:AE to be a better philosophy - though how far he's willing to go for it, still bad. So, the conclusion I reached was that every remnant would have some sort of ironic twist - something they improved upon, only for their other behaviors to be worse, like Nagito and Mikan.
So Hiyoko wouldn't be bully - but maybe it would be too much in the other direction, where she was obedient to a fault. Never talking without permission, sitting still like a doll, only doing what she was told.
Kaizuchi, perhaps, would no longer be obsessed with Sonia, someone who didn't like him back, and instead fixate on Junko, who welcomed his obsession...
And Peko, who used to think she was a tool... perhaps she would finally realize she was human. Perhaps she would realize this, and despair at such a fact.
Because it would mean she failed. She failed to become a tool for Fuyuhiko, and suddenly everything done to her wasn't "training a tool" but a tragedy. Her life was a tragedy. The very fact that she is human is despair, but that despair itself proves she is human. I imagine she could get very twisty and turny in her thoughts about this.
I also have the headcanon that Peko and Fuyuhiko during the despair times switches roles. Fuyuhiko always took on too much responsibility, and hey, here's your old pal Junko here to set you straight! You don't need to take so much onto yourself! It's painful, isn't it? Taking the burden of making choices. Being human. Who wants that responsibility? Why not give it to someone else? Oh hey, look at that, it's your old pal Peko! She'll take the brunt of responsibility from now on! From now on, Peko is the master and Fuyuhiko is the tool!
I just love the idea of Junko doing these ironic little twists. Helping them in some way only to fuck them over in others. Junko makes Peko realize she's human, and because of that, Peko cannot help but both love and resent her. Real toxic yuri shit going on.
(TW this gets a lil gory at the end)
This is a really good take on Junko's strategy!! My Junko analysis is similar but not quite the same. I've always viewed Junko as a monkey's paw. Whoever you are, she gives you exactly what you want, in its totality - but at the expense of your happiness.
Mikan's desire for someone to care for her becomes excessive dependency and blind devotion. Ryota's desire to become a successful animator who doesn't have to think about talking to others or existing in the real world becomes the complete destruction of that world, and his animated work as the most influential to ever exist. Nagito's desire to become a force which others can step on to find hope becomes Nagito ensuring the legacy of the greatest despair he possibly can, so that no 'fake' hopes can bypass his rigorous test - only a True Ultimate Hope can overcome and finally lead the world to victory.
Despair - for Junko - is the knowledge that you have succeeded, and everything is even worse than if you hadn't. Because Junko is Always succeeding, and she's Always in despair. Nothing challenges her. The only thing that she can't predict is pure dumb luck, which Makoto leverages against her both in THH and SDR2 to enable her defeat. Junko, like Izuru, is one of the most successful people to ever exist, and it SUCKS. So of course she is dragging people down the exact same way she herself is dragged down. Of course she shows people obvious, glowing success, in such a way that it tears down the entire world they once knew. Because this way - if one day unimaginably, they break their bonds - they will never, ever experience true hope again. Because their hopes are what destroyed them. Their hope brings about despair.
So from that perspective, I think you're dead on the money with Fuyuhiko, who loathes his position and wants to be free of the burden of responsibility (wouldn't it be easier, to be a tool, too? Aren't you tired of telling people to die? Shouldn't you take responsibility yourself, if there's killing to be done?). But Peko's desire is to be a tool. Rather than teaching Peko how to become her own person, I personally think that Junko would put Peko through the paces of both physical and psychological torture to turn her into a complete unfeeling instrument, exactly like Peko wanted. Once you've been in a 1-foot cell with no other people for a week, once you've been given Pavlovian training to receive an endorphin rush when holding your own spilling viscera in your hands - affection, agency, memory all fade away. There's just the next order. Exactly like Peko wanted.
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