#scott is a really good cook in my au
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mike is so gay for scott
sorry about mike had to rush him in my au scott cooks for his family sense he is the oldest one he has 8 siblings and has only one mother his dad died at the age of 11 his dad told in his death bed to look after his family for him and that he is the man of the house and he does have a house he has a barn next to it he was cooking for mike :D sorry if my this is long but yeah hope you like it im really new to this :D
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navybrat817 · 11 months
It's a Ginger Thing
Pairing: Soft Dark!Nick Fowler x Female Reader Summary: Feeling a bit stir crazy from your daily routine, you share an idea with Nick that may be good for the other wives. Word Count: Over 1.5k Warnings: Implied smut, noncon/dubcon elements (you have been warned), gaps in memory, gaslighting, coercion, creepy vibes, Nick Fowler (yep, he's a warning) A/N: Nick and Ginger's Intro for my Disturbia AU! ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby, but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Nick took you to the gym at the same time each day before he went to work. Exercising was your favorite part of your daily routine. It gave you a chance to get out of the house, stay in shape, and have some time with your husband before he went on his way and you got to work on your chores. It was also a good way to get some of your frustrations out of your system, which you could only do so much through cleaning.
A good wife keeps a tidy home for her husband.
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you stopped in mid stretch. It was difficult to pinpoint why you weren’t overly fond of cleaning. It wasn’t that you didn’t like a put together home and you would never look down on anyone who thrived on being a stay-at-home spouse. But it wasn’t a way for you to flourish. It was as if one day you just decided to give up on your wants without a second thought.
What did I want to do before we moved to The Haven? I had goals, didn’t I? Ambition?
You sometimes liked to imagine that you wanted something more beyond the duties of a housewife. Something exciting or a job that could help people in some way. It was possible to support Nick in the ways he needed while having something of our own. Was that too much to ask?
Yes. Because Nick helps so many with his job, along with taking care of me. Supporting him should be enough.
“What’s wrong?” Nick asked when you quickly finished stretching.
“Nothing,” you said, putting your hands on your hips as his bright blue eyes focused on you. Seeing him in his workout clothes, the taut muscles defined through the fabric, made it difficult to concentrate. “Just don’t really think I’m up for doing any housework today.”
“Your head bothering you?” he asked, taking a sip of water with an unwavering gaze.
Nick was a little different from some of the men you knew in the neighborhood. From what you observed, Steve ruled his home with an iron fist and he expected Cherry to fall in line. You had to bite back a retort more than once when you saw how he treated her, especially since she was so kind. Scott was one of the nicest guys on the block, but traditional in that he expected Rose to find fulfillment as a homemaker and future mother. Andy and Ruby, you still weren’t quite sure how they fit together, but they at least seemed happy.
But Nick? It didn’t bother him if you skipped cooking one night to order takeout or if you let laundry go for a day. The last time you snapped at him to put his own plate in the dishwasher, he laughed and bent you over the kitchen table until you were a drooling mess. All while telling you he loved the fire inside you. Because at the end of the day, he wanted you by his side and in his bed.
That was the only true rule he enforced: Don’t ever leave him.
And why would I? Nick Fowler is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.
“I think you went away there for a second,” he said.
“Sorry. Guess my head is bothering me,” you replied, graciously accepting the other bottle as he handed it over.
You never expected to crave fruit infused water, but it soothed the aches in your body. You once asked if he put muscle relaxers or something in your drinks since you always seemed to feel better once you had them. He said “yes” with the most serious expression before he winked. And you promptly dumped your drink out. He had to make them in front of you for a week straight before you took them again without question. It didn’t matter that it was a joke to him because you took it seriously.
Nick wouldn’t hurt me though. He loves me with his entire being.
“So, I was thinking,” you began, pausing to take a large sip.
“That can’t be good,” he joked, chuckling when you grabbed his towel to toss it at him. “Kidding! I was kidding. What’s going on in that beautiful brain of yours?”
I don’t know half the time and that scares me.
“I was thinking that it might be good if I taught the girls a little bit of self-defense. Maybe we can rent out a spot here? Or I can even teach it in our backyard?” You told him, giving him a pleading smile. “What do you think?”
“Why would you want to do that?” he asked, motioning for you to follow him to one of the sparring mats.
Where Nick goes, I’ll follow him.
“It would be good for me to break up my routine a little bit. I love our time here at the gym and it’s fun hanging out with the girls, but I think it might be good for all of us. I know that we live in a safe neighborhood, but you never know what'll happen.”
“I'm sure Ruby can defend herself just fine,” he joked, running a hand through his short hair. You could tell he was trying to get your attention on him and not the topic at hand.
“And what about Cherry and Rose?” you asked. “And didn’t you say someone is living with Bucky now? What about her?”
“Plum. We haven’t met her yet,” Nick shrugged a little. “I understand that you don’t want to stay home all the time, but I really don't see the need for a self-defense class. The others will probably feel the same way.”
“Of course, you don't see the need for it,” you snapped before you could stop yourself. “You know why? Because you're not here. Day in and day out, you get to leave and go to work. The other husbands get to leave. And the wives? We’re stuck here. It’s enough to drive me crazy.”
Don’t raise your voice at your husband.
A shuddering breath left your lungs when Nick clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes. It reminded you of a nightmare you had before you moved into the neighborhood. Of him chasing you down and catching you with that same terrifying look before he fucked you into submission. There was an ache between your thighs when you woke up, but he assured you it was nothing more than a vivid, terrible dream.
You felt so bad about it that you ended up apologizing to him.
A good wife knows when to concede to her husband and chooses her battles wisely.
“Whatever it is that you're feeling, you don't need to take it out on me. I'm on your side,” he reminded you before he took a deep breath. “Look. I can’t make any promises that anyone will be okay with a self-defense class, but I’ll at least ask.”
“You will?” you asked in a softer voice, bringing your water to your lips and deflating a bit as the cool liquid flowed through your body.
“I will,” he promised, taking the drink away from you when you gave a smile. “May I offer a compromise in case they say no? An aerobics class? This way you can still get quality time with the girls here.”
That didn’t seem like a fair compromise to you. How would aerobics help the girls, besides staying in shape? But the smile Nick gave you was enough to back down the rising words in your throat.
Nick knows the best course of action.
“I’ll consider that,” you said, gasping when he kicked your feet out from under you. Luckily, you didn’t get the wind knocked out of you as you landed on your back. “Nick!”
“Always be aware of your surroundings, Ginger,” he smirked, joining you on the ground. He easily caught your wrists and pinned them above your head. The position left you vulnerable. “If you’re going to help these girls, you need to be able to help yourself.”
“I can,” you said through your teeth.
I’m not weak. I’m stronger than he thinks I am.
“Yeah? Then get out from under me or stay there and let me get you off,” he said, bending down to brush his lips against yours. “Or maybe I should leave you hanging for snapping at me.”
You moaned when he dipped his hips against yours. Was it the control he had that made him hard or the fact that anyone could walk into the gym and catch you? It wouldn’t be the first time. He liked it when others caught him fucking you.
He’s a proud husband and there’s nothing wrong with that.
“Sorry I snapped,” you whispered, arching your back when he tightened his grip on your wrists.
“Why don’t you let your pussy show me how sorry you are? Then I’ll believe you.”
Whatever Nick wants, he gets. And I’ll be happy to give it to him.
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Good life with Nick, right? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Nick Fowler Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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New Girl [04]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
(slow burn, endgame, as in you’ll be seeing some short term pairings here and then as well)
Word count: 3,512
Warning: cursing, a little self-doubt, not much else really
Summary:  Life threw you a curve ball when you walked in on  your long term  boyfriend making out with someone who definitely wasn’t  you. Since  living with him was no longer an option, you’ve ventured out  at the  advice of a work friend and found the absolute perfect loft to  reside  in. The only issue?
You suddenly have four very odd roommates.
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[04]: BE NICE
It was late when you got home from your fourth date with Pietro. So far, Scott Lang was two for two because you really liked the quick witted man he gave your number to. Pietro was funny, made you feel seen, lighthearted, charismatic, and, by God, was he handsome. Enough so that you thought you might be ready to invite him to the loft. That was a good fifth date, right? A home cooked meal? Now, you just had to learn how to make a home cooked meal.
As you tiptoed further into the loft, Bucky suddenly sat up from where he was lying on the couch. You tilted your head curiously. He was in his pajamas and had bed head, but he was not in his bed. You pointed at him, “Aw, are you and Sam fighting again? Haven’t you heard? You’re not supposed to go to bed angry with each other.”
“Funny.” Bucky groaned and rubbed his face. You came over to sit on the couch beside him, forcing him to pull his legs in so you didn’t land on them. “How was the date?”
“Dreamy and perfect and amazing.” You gushed with a sigh, flopping over to lean onto him. Bucky just chuckled and lightly pushed you back into a seated position. You motioned to his room, “If you’re out here then I assume Sam’s date went super good too?”
Bucky nodded, “Yeah, they’re in there.”
“Have I mentioned that it’s super weird that any time one of you brings a girl home the other has to sleep on the couch like some sort of vagabond?”
You continued on as if there hadn’t been an interruption, “I mean, at our age, this should not be an issue we run into. That you run into, I should say.”
“Sam runs into the issue too.” He argued.
You scrunched your nose at him, “For as long as I’ve lived here, I’ve only seen you on the couch, Buck. Which is fine! You just want to take it slow and find someone with an emotional connection. I get that.”
Bucky shook his head, “Nuh uh. No, I’m not looking for an emotional connection. I hook up with girls!” You tilted your head and he pointed at you. “I hook up with girls, [Name].”
“Okie dokie, Buckaroo.” You chirped and he audibly groaned at the nickname. You gave his leg a couple pats, “You wanna come sleep in my room with me?”
Bucky blinked in surprise, then leaned back a little, “Sleep…in your room… with you?”
You rolled your eyes, “God, you’re such a boy. I have a king-sized bed, idiot. We can share.”
“I am a man.” Bucky said firmly and when you shot him a skeptical look he glared at you. “I am a man, and a man cannot sleep in a bed with a woman that he hasn’t had sex with before.”
You nodded, “Okay, we can have sex first if it helps.”
“Aw, would you do that for me?” Bucky cooed.
“I would.” You replied. “I would suffer through that for your sake. I’m a good friend like that.”
Bucky chuckled, “I’m so honored.” He pointed to the hall. “Speaking of favors, I took a look at the closet door in there for you.”
“Really?” You asked. “Did you fix it?”
“No. It can’t be fixed.” Bucky replied dryly. “You’re gonna have to live with the door just sticking.”
You scoffed, “What do you mean??”
“It’s the gear itself. We’d have to replace the entire thing.”
“Well, then fine.” You shrugged. “I’ll email the landlord and have him—”
Bucky reached forward to press his hand against your mouth to stop you from talking, “No, no, no. No, emailing the landlord.” You tried to talk through his hand, but he interrupted you again. “Doll, I’m serious. Do not email that asshat Zemo. Don’t do it.”
You licked his hand and he yanked it back with a groan of disgust. He rubbed his hand against the blanket covering him. You ignored his complaining, “Why not? This is his job. Upkeep of the apartment. He should hire sometime to replace the closet for us.”
“Don’t email Zemo.” Bucky warned you again.
He gave you a hardened look and you sighed, “Fine. I am going to invite Pietro to family dinner though by the way.”
“What??” Bucky asked in surprise. “You can’t do that.”
“You’re bossing me around a lot tonight.”
“It’s family dinner.” He said firmly. “As in loft family.”
You scoffed, “I want Pietro to be family. Does that count?” Bucky shook his head, and you narrowed your eyes at him. “Well, I’m calling a loft vote on that in the morning.”
“You think you can win over the boys on this?” Bucky grinned.
“Yes, because I’ll tell them that if they let me invite Pietro then I’ll also invite Natasha.” You smirked.
Bucky’s smile faltered, “Fuck.”
You rose from the couch with a victorious grin and moved to head towards your room. You glanced over your shoulder and motioned forward, “You coming?”
“Nah.” Bucky gave you a small smile. “Me and the couch are good friends.”
“Aw.” You cooed. “You’re an adorable little husband. Sam should be so proud.”
Bucky flipped you off as he fell back onto the couch. You chuckled again, wished him a good night, and then left to go get ready for bed.
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It was kind of adorable that all the guys had started this family dinner thing. The premise was that they’d get to sit down and catch up with one another at least once a month. Such a sweet meeting to plan out. The only thing was that you and the boys definitely saw each other nearly every single day and night. Not just as passing roommates either. There was no need to catch up with any of them because you knew every single little thing going on with them and vice versa. Still, the idea of it was cute.
“They’re really…” You tried to think of a word to describe your boys as the elevator doors opened to your floor. “They’re family. Yeah.”
Pietro chuckled from beside you, “From what you’ve told me, they sound incredible.”
“Also, if Clint starts talking to you about waterfront property, just say no.” You stopped outside your apartment door. “And if Peter asks if you want to sponsor his band, again just say no. And if—”
“[Name].” Pietro set his hand on your lower back and gave you a charming smile that made your stomach flip. God, he was cute. His white-gray shaggy hair gave him a boyish look that you found endearing and you loved that when he smiled it showed in his blue eyes. Plus, his Sokovian accent made you a little weak in the knees. “I am very excited to meet them.”
You nodded and opened the door nervously. This was the first guy you’d dated since John which was stressful enough, and now it was the first guy you were bringing home to your boys. When you stepped in, you noticed Natasha was already here. You couldn’t see her, but Peter was standing in the living room, holding a beer, staring into the kitchen with wide, dazed eyes. Also in the living room were Sam and Bucky. Both men were sitting on the couch with drinks of their own. You assumed that meant Clint was in the kitchen with Natasha. He tended to linger around her like a lost puppy.
All eyes drifted over to the two of you, and you raised a hand in greeting, “Hey, guys! This is Pietro. Pietro, this is Peter, Bucky, Sam, and…” As Clint and Natasha walked out of the kitchen, you introduced them as well, “Natasha and Clint.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you.” Pietro added.
Peter pointed at him, “You from England or something dude?”
“Does he sound British, idiot?” Sam scoffed.
Natasha gave Pietro a smile and offered to get him a drink, dragging him to the kitchen, and you shot her a thankful look before snapping your gaze to the boys. You pointed down the hall with a hiss, “Loft meeting now.”
The boys followed you to the bathroom and when they all entered, you whipped around to glare at them. Peter shook his head, “This is your second loft meeting in one week. You need to pace yourself.”
“Be nice to Pietro.” You said, “No mean jokes, no ‘are you british’ bullshit—”
“It was a legitimate question!” Peter argued.”
Sam gave you a small smile, “I promise, we’ll be good.”
“Yeah. Scout’s honor.” Clint held a hand over his heart with a wide grin.
You gave them thankful smiles and they began to file out. As Bucky tried to leave though, you shot your hand out to stop him. Bucky gave you a curious look and you gave him a hard one, “I’m serious. I know you didn’t want him here for family dinner, but please be nice.”
“I’m so nice!”
“Just—Just don’t do that thing with the staring.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at you in a light glare, “What staring thing?”
“You stare at people sometimes and it makes them uncomfortable!”
“This is the first I’m hearing of this.” Bucky argued.
You pointed at him, “I’ve literally seen Sam yell at you about this before.”
“Yeah, but that’s just Sam. No one listens to Sam.”
“You don’t listen to Sam.” You retorted. “But today you should, and you should listen to me too. Please, Bucky, I am begging you.”
“Okay!” Bucky cried in exasperation. “I’ll be nice to him, [Name]. Relax.”
You twisted your lips in minor distrust while Bucky just held his hands up in mock surrender while backpedaling out of the room. Bucky had somehow wormed his way into your dumb heart. Natasha was your best friend forever and ever, but Bucky was getting there. You had never had a best guy friend before, and you really liked it. You loved all the boys, obviously, but you and Bucky had just managed to click.
It’d kill you if your new best guy friend didn’t like your new boyfriend. You had never been the kind to need external approval like this, but after everything that happened with John you didn’t fully trust yourself yet.
After your talk with the boys, they had gotten better. Enough so that you felt like you could let your guard down a little and just enjoy the night. Natasha had pulled you aside at one point to tell you she approved and thought he was a good guy for you, Peter immediately decided to like him the moment Pietro mentioned he had actually seen the Guardians play once a while back and thought they were great and thought it didn’t seem like Sam and Clint clicked with Pietro on a personal level they were still being civil. Bucky, on the other hand, was just silent. Wearing that stupid look of boredom that you wanted to smack off his face.
“Your friends are great.” Pietro mumbled to you as he walked over to help you grab dessert from the kitchen. He set a hand on your lower back and you beamed at him. Pietro tilted his head a little, “I don’t think Bucky’s my biggest fan, but…”
“Bucky’s just…a grumpy old man.” You grumbled.
“Isn’t he only a couple years older than us?”
“It’s a mentality.” You replied. The two of you went back to the table setting down the cake Natasha had brought with her. You sat down in your seat with a shrug, “So, Pietro is actually a bit of a beer guru. He’s been to all the local breweries.” You reached over to squeeze Pietro’s forearm, “Bucky’s a bartender, you know? At a local place called the Red Star.”
Pietro nodded with a grin, “Oh, yes, I know of it. My friends speak highly of it.”
“What’s your favorite brewery?” Bucky asked.
Pietro’s eyes widened at being asked a question from him and you settled in your seat happily. You knew alcohol was a sure-fire way to get your friend talking. Your date chuckled, “Torch & Crown is one of my favorites.”
“Oh, nice.” Bucky nodded, then shrugged, “I mean, they serve pretentious swill water but—”
You slammed your hands on the table and pushed to stand up, “Hey, Bucky, there’s a thing I wanna show you out in the hallway.”
Bucky rolled his eyes but set down his beer and stood to follow you out the front door. You heard Clint awkwardly clear his throat and lift a plate, “So, cake, huh?”
The moment Bucky was clear of the doorway, you slammed the front door shut nearly catching his heels. He let out a complaint, but it didn’t faze you at all. You lightly shoved at his chest, “You said you wouldn’t be mean tonight!”
“I’m not being mean!” Bucky argued.
“You haven’t said a word all night except when you were being an ass about his favorite brewery!”
“Well, I’m sorry your boyfriend has shit taste in beer.” Bucky shrugged. “And Steve says if I don’t have something nice to say then I shouldn’t say anything at all. I was doing you a favor.”
Bucky had mentioned his friend Steve in the past, but you had yet to meet the man. You scoffed at his excuse though and crossed your arms in frustration, “Why don’t you like him?? Why are you being so rude?”
“Rude?” Bucky scoffed. “I haven’t even brought up the fact that his cool gray hair doesn’t match his dumb eyebrows—”
“Or the fact that he’s a blogger/bike messenger—”
“Oh my God!”
“I’m being so damn nice!”
You threw your hands out in frustration, “I just want the two of you to get along, Buck, is that so much to ask?”
“And I thought you said you were gonna try!”
Bucky shook his head, “Why does it matter?? [Name], do you like him?”
“Yeah!” You snapped. “I like him a lot! He’s the first guy since John that I’m even interested in.” Bucky’s lips pressed together tightly. “I think he’s nice and funny and I like his face and you know what? I wanna have sex with him. That’s right! You heard it here first! I wanna make sweet, sweet love to that hot piece of man.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “And you know what I just decided? I don’t give a damn if you don’t like him, Bucky!”
“Oh yeah?” Bucky challenged.
Bucky scoffed, “Then why do you care so damn much if I’m nice to him??”
You opened our mouth to find that you had nothing to say. Slowly, you closed your mouth again, clenching your jaw, and you watched as Bucky’s gaze softened. He let out a sigh, but before he could speak again the door swung open. You both turned to see Sam leaning in the doorway.
“Hey, guys.” Sam greeted. “Couple things, we saved you both a piece of cake, and also we can hear everything you’re saying.” Sam’s eyes darted to you and widened a bit. “Everything.” There was an awkward beat then he nodded his head. “Alright, continue.”
Sam closed the door again and you wondered if it would be better to just turn around and fall down the elevator shaft. You buried your face in your hands in embarrassment, “Why am I so bad at this?”
“You’re not bad at this, doll.” Bucky sighed. He pulled your hands away from your face then motioned to the door. “Come on.” He pushed the door open and dragged you back inside. Awkwardly you took your seat beside Pietro, and Bucky sat back down across from you. Bucky broke the silence, “Have you been to Brooklyn Brewery, Pietro?”
“Uh…” Pietro shook off the shock then nodded, “Yeah. I have it’s really great. Their Bel Air Sour is amazing.”
Bucky nodded, “Yeah, you gotta try their Brooklyn Black Ops. It’s limited, but life changing. Clint chugged nine this one time we went, and we found him passed out in the back alley half hanging out of a dumpster.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Clint jumped in, eyes darting to Natasha in embarrassment, “There is so much more to that story!”
“Like?” Sam chuckled.
“Like it was a bet, and I totally won that bet.” Clint argued.
Just like that the awkward air was broken and comfortable conversation surrounded the table. As Pietro laughed as a story Sam was telling about another misadventure Clint had at a different brewery, you glanced at Bucky and gave him a thankful smile. Bucky winked once and lifted his beer a bit before taking a sip.
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“This was a lot of fun. We should do it again soon!” Pietro said as he called out his good-byes. You walked him towards the door and Sam pushed off the couch to walk over.
“I’ll text you about our next show!” Peter called out from the kitchen.
Bucky walked out from the kitchen and stood by Sam and the lovebirds. Sam held his hand out, “We’ll walk Pietro to the elevator, [Name]. I think Nat was looking for you.”
“Oh. Okay.” You said skeptically. You turned to Pietro, “So…”
“I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch?” Pietro asked with a smile.
You nodded happily. The boy leaned down to press a quick kiss to your lips and from behind them on the couch Clint began to whistle. You whipped around to discreetly flip him off before saying one more quick goodbye. Bucky opened the front door and motioned for them to go first. Sam cleared his throat, “It was great to meet you, kid.”
“Yes. Likewise.” Pietro agreed as they got to the elevator. “She told me her friends were great, and I can see it was the truth. She cares about you all dearly.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” Sam clapped him on the shoulder.
Bucky gave him a small smile, arms crossed, “What he said. You know, we should go out one night. Hit a brewery.”
Pietro’s eyes widened with a grin, “That’d be great!”
“Yeah, it’ll be good to have you around.” Bucky reached out and clapped him on the shoulder as the doors dinged open. Rather than clap him and release though, Bucky squeezed down on his shoulder hard enough for the kid to flinch a bit. Bucky gave him a menacing grin, “It’s good to call you a friend, Maximoff. Here’s the thing though, you hurt [Name] and the cops will not find your body. Got me?”
Sam gave the kid his own grin while nodding in agreement. Bucky lightly shoved him into the elevator and Pietro was still trying to find a response when the doors shut. Sam laughed to himself as they turned to head back to the loft, “You’re a scary son of a bitch when you wanna be, you know?”
“I’m aware.” Bucky replied. “He seemed like a good guy though and [Name] seems happy.” He tilted his head a bit. “Wish the kid wasn’t so scrawny though.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, it’d make me feel better if she was going out with a guy that didn’t look like the wind could blow him away.” Bucky scoffed.
Sam smirked, “You want someone who can protect her?” Bucky nodded. “Someone kind of thick and well built? Can throw a punch if need be?”
“Exactly.” Bucky replied with a shake of his head as he slipped into the loft. Sam chuckled to himself again. His old friend was a scary son of bitch sometimes, but he was an oblivious son of bitch all the time when it came to anything emotional.
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sincerely-nines · 3 months
I had a dungeon meshi and dr.stone inspired ranchers au... I called it delicacies and dungeon masters (its jimmy, Jimmy is the delicacy)
Jimmy was a young aspiring chef from the cuisine guild who just got his license to open his own restaurant, but just buying the rundown burnt down building for it cost him everything, so he gets his ingredients through hunting and foraging...
Except hes just a little tasty avian with not adventuring or monster hunting experience and so he gets his butt kicked and almost eaten by scary monsters...
Until he finds a little fire freak with terrifyingly sharp teeth passed out in the woods and gives him his food. They get attacked by skeletons, Tango kills them, and Jimmy makes a tasty dinner of their marrow and the fungus that animates them, and it's the tastiest thing Tango's ever eaten because the man does not eat anything but burnt porkchops.
Anyways, Tango declares his undying loyalty to Jimmy and promises to make him all the cool equipment and work at his restaurant and help him hunt monsters in exchange for being fed tasty meals.
Also he has a pet ravager and he can turn blue and did he mention he was the dungeon master of that evil castle looking over the entire region? No? No. He didn't and he keeps forgetting to. Jimmy has thr BBEG making him a refrigerator and he doesn't know it. Also he keeps almost chomping on Jimmy and has to save him from being eaten by the monsters they hunt while using him as bait.
There is also a tavern and brewery run by dwarf impulse, gem, and oli, a high class fancy restaurant run by scott, pearl, and cleo, a street vendor run by scar, and a guild quality ensurer/food critic in avian Grian who always gives restaurants terrible reviews (who def does not completely cave if given a slab of mixed seed suet)
Came up with a bunch of recipes using minecrafts mobs
Really it was about Jimmy waking up with Tango's shark teeth too close to his through.
THIS IS SO GOOD OH MY GOD!! i have been meaning to check out Dungeon Meshi and my brother has been bugging me to watch Dr. Stone so this might be the final push. I also just. REALLY love fantasy food a lot, i spend a lot of time in games just cooking food lol. im really curious on the recipes youve come up with. I also love that. Jimmy is just so tasty that he's used as bait. (Tango would know) And yes, housewife Jimmy and his husband, the BBEG. This is MY definition of domestic fluff.
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landslided · 6 months
Sorry if it's boring, but continuing with LawRusso AU Johnny princess, I really like the "enchanted" movie and I can't stop thinking about Johnny being Giselle singing to the rats and cockroaches to clean Daniel and Sam's house lol
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as a rule of thumb it is NEVER boring to send me asks, especially ones like these where i can have fun and think of AUs! and you picked a movie i love so this is just a win win for me!!
let’s get into it:
lawrusso enchanted AU is such a good idea im almost jealous i didn’t think of it myself!!
i think daniel and amanda got divorced amicably a few years ago and she still lives in los angeles but daniel moved back to jersey to be closer to lucille and he took sam with him (im imagining this as a story without anthony because it fits better, sorry anthony).
daniel still works as a divorce lawyer because that is just funny to me and it’s canon to the movie and he has this perpetual look of "im one shirt sleeve caught on a door handle away from snapping" look because being a single father is hard work and yeah, he and amanda co-parent but sam is with him most of the time and by moving here he’s always made himself more prone to special lucille larusso mother attacks of "you never visit even now that you’re so close" "you’re so skinny, do you cook actual food or just eat take out?" "are you coming for christmas? all your cousins will be there and also that nice girl you liked when you were a kid, judy? maybe it’s time to get back into dating, daniel!"
amanda has planned to come into the city to spend the holidays with her daughter and ex-husband and i see her as a platonic nancy role.
sam is in her full princess era and she’s making both her parents crazy with all the singing and dancing (and kicking furniture because she’s a karate princess)
meanwhile, in andalasia, johnny who is both prince(ss) and hero dreams of finding his one true love and sighs at his window. he’s been locked away in a tower by his evil step-dad kreese and he’s waiting for someone to come and save him (or at least just open the door of his magically locked tower because he can surely save himself).
carmen who happens to be a princess and hero herself has gone on a quest to save the lost prince of andalasia and with her help, johnny manages to escape the tower, defeat a forest troll and take back his throne from kreese’s claws. he and carmen tentatively get together (but deep down both feel this might not be the right fit for each other) and as johnny makes his way to his own royal wedding he’s sent to Real Life New Jersey and meets daniel and sam.
i kind of see giselle’s wedding dress for him but with pants for a more Realistic outfit but… screw realism i want johnny lawrence in that EXACT outfit!
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also imagine scott mccall the equalizer soft mullet with a tiara, it’s just too good. ALSO imagine carmen IN THIS!!!!
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you KNOW she would rock this!!
oh and yeeees, johnny summoning rats and insects in daniel’s apartment to clean and sam is SOOOOO excited because that’s a real life prince(ss) who also happens to be a great fighter and they do karate moves while also talking about johnny’s best friend, a chipmunk called bobby.
sam and johnny going on a shopping spree and buying a bunch of stuff and eating ice cream. johnny going to the hairdresser and having his hair cut to look more traditionally masculine (daniel doesn’t want to look into why it makes him sad) because he he keeps getting looks from people in the street for his dress and long hair.
johnny making clothes out of daniel’s curtains and daniel is all you could just ASK me for MY clothes you are not THAT much bigger than i am. johnny making a gi for sam out of pastel pink flower fabric from an old blanket and daniel is like okay… i have to admit that’s pretty adorable.
johnny in the park singing to daniel, who has been wondering if he should take his mom’s advice and try to get back with amanda, hoooow dooooes she knooooow you loooove heeeer (johnny stop, people are looking at us) and johnny has that giselle/animated princess innocence but there is still very much an edge of assholery to him where every time he can he embarrasses daniel as much as possible.
(carmen running around new jersey trying to find her prince(ss) and being like i kind of hate this i wish this was more sunny, also why do i keep getting questions about being on broadway what is a broad a way)
daniel and johnny fighting because johnny keeps saying carmen will come get him and daniel is so fed up with it ("no, johnny, it’s just not gonna happen." "no? is that the only word you know, larusso? no?! oh my god you make me so, so so!!!" "so what?" "so angry!" cue sparring in the living room because that’s how they deal with emotions )
kreese coming to new jersey to finish the job, daniel and johnny going to the ball and daniel giving johnny a true love’s kiss, kreese turning into a dragon and kidnapping daniel, johnny chasing them on the roof with carmen’s sword in his hand and finally getting rid of his evil step-father to save his one true love!!
"is this an habit of yours, daniel? falling off of stuff?"
"only when you’re there to catch me."
lawrusso new jersey happy ending and carmanda los angeles happy ending because amanda wouldn’t go to andalasia when sam is there and hey! carmen would love a break from being a fairytale hero! she wants to go to the beach!
daniel quits his job because it makes him miserable and he and johnny open a dojo together which sam is very excited about and lucille is so happy that her son has found someone and seems to be happier than ever.
they all go to andalasia once in a while to visit bobby and the other three chipmunks (you know who they are) and they all live happily ever after.
the end!
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jennilah · 4 months
So I haven't watched Saw, I never want to watch Saw, but thankfully enjoy the tumblr experience of "person I follow has become obsessed with something I have no connection with". But I have watched all 154 episodes of Gilmore Girls a bunch of times in the past 20 years, and it is really quite something to see Scott Patterson in a very different light now.
LMFAOOO one of my best friends literally is having the same experience with me and i think it’s the funniest thing
Gilmore Girls is the thing I will likely never watch, but occasionally get small nuggets of because of the various shared actors in it over a few fandoms of mine, funnily enough
and gifs and edits from Gilmore Girls always circle around to my fandoms in what-if scenarios and wholesome, domestic AUs right?
i’ve got a pretty good feeling the Gilmore Girls fandom isn’t exactly cooking up gif sets of an alternate universe where this Luke guy is screaming and drowning and being crushed to death lmaooo
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andydrysdalerogers · 8 months
Sliding Into Home ~ A Bump In The Road
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: The Next Adventure
Sliding Into Home Master List Main Masterlist
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The essential nectar to start any day.  
Goes great with a day off and starting the morning slow with a naked woman in his bed.  
At least, Frank thinks so as he carries two mugs up to his room. Abby is still flat out on her pillow, and he can’t help but smile. She’s beautiful and his. But the next big step was still to come.  He places a mug on her side before doing the same on his and climbing back in. He pulled out his phone and dialed his lawyer.  
“Good Morning, Barber and Associates, how may I direct your call?” 
“Andy Barber please.” 
“May I ask who is calling?” 
“Frank Adler.”  
“Just a moment.”  The line moved to hold music as Frank ran his fingers through Abby’s hair.  He heard a click before he heard, “Morning Frank. Kinda early for you.” 
Frank chuckled. “Kinda but not for you. How are you, Andy?” 
“I’m good Frank, just getting my day started.”  
“Same. But I did call with a purpose.”  
“And what is that?” 
“I want to know what the adoption process would be.  To adopt Mary.”   
The line was silent for a beat. “Just you or...” 
“No, Abby and I want to formally adopt Mary, but I wanted to know the steps, know any obstacles that we may have.”  
“No problem.” Frank could hear Andy scratching on something. “Let me look into the original custody agreement and see if we file this in Massachusetts or in California.”  He stopped.  “I’m happy for you, Frank.”  
“Thanks Andy.  We’re gonna tell Mary today.”  
“Shouldn’t be a problem but I’ll get back two you soon.  Give my love to Abby.”  
“Will do.  Thanks Andy.”  He hung up the phone and looked down to see his bride looking up at him. “Morning Cricket.”  
“Morning love. How’s Andy?” 
“Good. Sends his love.” Frank sipped his coffee.  “Asked him to investigate the adoption process. He’s gonna look at the custody agreement and let us know the easiest way and if we have any obstacles. Might take a couple of days.”  
Abby sat up.  “Really?” 
“I told you; I want this and I'm gonna make it happen.”  
Abby giggled as she threw herself into Frank’s arms.  He adjusted her onto his lap so she could straddle him. She took his face in her hands. “We’ll be a proper family?” 
“We already are the day you took me back Cricket. I don’t need paperwork for that, but I want the world to know that Mary is ours.”  
She leaned in and kissed him hard. “I think today is a pancake day.”  
“Its not Saturday.”  
“No, but it’s the first day of the rest of our lives.”  
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Mary bounced down the stairs, Dodger always close on her heels when she smelled it.  “Pancakes!” She races down the last steps to see Abby and Frank cooking in the kitchen.  She scrambled onto a high top at the counter.  “Pancakes!” she said again. 
“Good morning to you too Nugget,” Frank said.  
“Sorry, good morning!” she chirped. “It’s not Saturday.”  
“I know, love, just felt like having a special day,” Abby said as she flipped a pancake.  
Frank set the table with fresh berries, juice and coffee and they sat with Scott joining them.  They chatted and ate, their family unit enjoying time together.  As they were finishing. Frank cleared his throat. “Nugget, we wanted to talk to you about something.”  Scott made a move to leave but Frank shook his head.  “I called Uncle Andy this morning.”  
“Is something wrong?” Mary looked back and forth with her adults.  
“No, honey, nothing is wrong.  I wanted to get some information about changing our living arrangements.”  
“What does that mean?” 
Frank looked at Abby and gave a small wink.  Abby smiled and took a deep breath.  “What do you think of us asking the court to official adopt you?” 
Mary froze. The tension in the room was palpable. “Adopt me?” she whispered.  
“Yes, adopt you,” Frank said. “Make me and Abby your parents, officially.” No other noise was heard.  Even Dodger knew to stay quiet. Frank watched Mary’s face to see if he could read what she was feeling.  When he saw a single, fat tear run down her cheek, he moved from his seat to kneel before her. “Mary?” 
“You want to be my daddy?” she whispered.  
“Baby, I already am. This is just to make it official.” He cupped her cheek, “I told you before, you’re my girl and now I want the whole world to recognize it. I love you, my sweet girl, my Nugget.”  
May threw herself into Frank’s arms and held him tight, sobbing. Frank soothed her, speaking soft words and rubbing her back.  As soon as she was calm enough, she launched herself at Abby. “Oh, my sweet girl.”  
“Momma, promise you won’t leave again.”  
Abby choked. Momma. That one word shifted her axis. “No, Mary, momma won’t leave you again.” She hugged her tighter as Frank wrapped his arms around both of his girl.  Scott snapped a photo of the moment.  
Where three people became one family.  
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A couple of weeks went by.  Andy had called back the same day and announced that as Diane had waived her rights as a parent and no father was listed, it should be smooth sailing to petition for adoption.  “The only thing that may come up is that the natural father can submit a DNA test to prove paternity and contest,” Andy said. “But since Mike is in the wind, it’s unlikely he’ll do this.  I’m confident that the adoption would go through without issue.”  
The family decided that they would wait to the end of the season to pursue the adoption to allow Frank to concentrate on getting the Dodgers to the playoffs.  
Abby was sitting in her office at the stadium when her phone rang. She answered without looking at her phone. “Hello?” 
“May I speak to Dr. Hernandez please?” 
“Dr. Hernandez, it’s Detective Diskant in Boston.”  Abby snapped her head in attention. 
“Hi, Detective. Is something wrong?” 
“No, ma’am, just wanted to let you know that we have Diane Adler in custody here in Boston.”  
Abby sucked in a breath. “She’s in Boston?” 
“Yes.  We have admitted her to the psychiatric ward of the hospital. She is not a danger to herself but since she was wanted for assault and acting strange when detained, the doctor on duty found it would be in her best interest.”  
“Wow, ok. Umm, do we, I mean, does Frank have to do anything? As her next of kin?” 
“No, we have gotten in touch with her mother, who is fine with everything.  Since you are the victim, we wanted to give you a heads up.”  
“I appreciate that Detective.  I’ll let Frank know.” Abby hesitated. “Do I – do I have to see her?” 
She heard the detective sigh.  “If we go to trial, yes. But I will be there with you every step of the way. She won’t get to you.”  
“Thank you, Detective. I’m at work, so I should go.”  
“If it’s any consolation Doc, she’s getting the help she needs.”  
“I know. Still doesn’t stop the hurt that my best friend did this to me.”  
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A couple of hours later, Frank was waiting but the entrance for Abby so they could go home.  When 20 minutes went by, he went up to the offices.  He found her in her office, sitting in her chair, staring out the window. “Cricket?”  She jumped at the sound of his voice.  “Whoa, hey, baby, it’s me.”  
“Frankie, shit I’m sorry, I was a million miles away.”  
“I can see that. Everything ok?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” She went back to staring out the window.  
“Cricket, love, what’s wrong?” Frank went to kneel in front of her. When a tear rolled down her cheek, he frowned, wiping it away. “Abby?” 
“Detective Diskant called earlier. They found Diane. She’s being held in the psych ward.” Abby wiped the tears on her face furiously.  “I don’t even know why I’m crying.  She put us through hell.” 
���But she was your best friend. Basically, your sister.” Frank tucked Abby’s hair from her face and behind her ear. “Fifteen years of friendship just doesn’t go away.”  
“I know that. At least I thought I knew that. But,” Abby huffed, “I’m just so angry at her.  I’m angry she left Mary. She just threw her away.  Who does that? I mean, I want my girl, but I just don’t understand.  And then she was with Mike and not with Mike or whatever their messed-up friendship is. And now I’m angry at myself for letting myself be with him.”  
“No Frank, it’s not ok. They did all of this bad stuff to us, and we lost five years because of them. Why? Why did this happen? Why can’t we just have a normal life?” She cried into Frank’s shoulder, sobs racking her body.  
All Frank could do was hold his wife. She wasn’t wrong; this entire situation was messed up, but he wouldn’t change it because it gave him Abby and Mary. As she calmed, Frank turned over an idea in his head. “Baby, why don’t you meet with her?” 
“What?” Abby pulled back.  “Meet with her? Why would I do that?” 
Frank shrugged. “Get some closure? Air out all these feelings that you are having and direct them to the person who needs to hear them.”  She sat quietly for a few moments.  “Look, Cricket, maybe it helps, maybe it doesn’t. But you can’t hang onto these feelings.  It will eat you alive.  And for the record,” he sighed, “if I had the option, I would ask Mike the same questions.  He was my best friend, and he did all of this.”  
“Can I think about it?” 
“Of course, love.” He kissed her forehead.  “Ready to head home? We promised Nugget burgers tonight and Scott has a date.”  
“Ooh, with the guy again?” 
Frank chuckled.  “Yeah, I think so. Let me take you home, my love.” 
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A couple of days later, Abby is pacing nervously, waiting for Susie to show. “I’m here, sorry I’m here,” Susie says walking into Abby’s home office.  “Ready to do this?” 
“Yeah, just nervous.  I mean Frank said that it would give me closure but just the thought of asking if I can, just makes me want to vomit.”  
Susie wrapped an arm around her.  “Its ok.  I know it’s tough with Frank on the road but it’s only a couple more months of games before their home.  Well, unless the make a playoff run.”  
Abby rolled her eyes.  “Don’t remind me.  That first one, with Mary only being a year or so, was brutal. But whatever.  Ok, here I go.”  She pulled out the card and dialed.  
“Boston Metropolitan Police, how may I direct your call?” 
“Detective Paul Diskant, please.”  
“One moment.”  Annoying hold music came on before she heard, “Diskant.”  
“Hello Detective, this is Abby Adler.”  
“Dr. Hernandez, how can I help you?” 
“First, it’s now Adler, had it changed a few days ago.”  
“Noted. How may I help you Dr. Adler?” 
“I was wondering if there was a way to meet with Diane.”  
“Can I ask why?” 
Abby chewed her lip. “I need answers. Detective, you have to understand…” 
He cut her off. “That she is your sister-in-law and former friend.” She hears his sigh. “Look Dr. Adler, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” 
“Paul,” she took a chance on his name. “I need to find closure and a trial won’t do that. I just need to get this off my chest so I can move forward in my life.”  She took a breath; “I need to be back in Boston in a couple of weeks. Can you at least consider it?” 
There was a beat before she heard him again. “How does your husband say no to you?” 
“He doesn’t.” 
Paul chuckled. “Fair enough. I’ll make arrangements for you to see her when you’re back. Just let me know the details.  Here’s my cell.” He rattles off a phone number. “Is someone coming with you?” 
“I might ask my brother to come with me.”  
“Abby, just so you know, I’m letting you use my first name. But you make a good argument. I’ll see you when you are back in town.”  
“Thanks Detective.” She hung up and turned back to Susie. “He’ll do it.” She stood up and blanched.  
“Great.” Susie frowned. “Abby? You look pale.” Abby swayed a little. “Oh my… Marco!” Abby would have to hurt her head had Susie not caught her head.  Her brother ran into the room.  
“Susie, what the… Abby!” He ran to her side. “Baby, get the car!” Susie ran out the door as Marco scooped up Abby in his arms.  “Abby, c’mon princessa, wake up.”  Susie drove as they took her to the hospital.  
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A couple of hours later, Abby blinked her eyes against the harsh light. When she could finally open her eyes, she saw Marco and Susie sitting next to her.  “Marco? Susie?” 
“Hey Abby girl,” he took her hands. “How are you feeling?” 
“Tired. And thirsty.” She tried to sit up but laid back down. “What happened?” 
“Doctors say you’re dehydrated. They’ve had an IV in for a couple of hours to give you fluids and some vitamins.  What’s going on sis? You know better than this.”  
Abby was confused. When was the last time she had anything to drink?  The stress of Diane and Mike had clouded her mind. “I don’t know, Marco, I’ve just…” 
“Hey, its ok. I’ve called Frank and told him to stay on the road for now. He’s waiting for your call.” A knock on the door turned his head, “oh hey Doc.” 
“Mr. Hernandez, Dr. Hernandez, how are you feeling?” 
“A little lightheaded and thirsty.” She smiled weakly.  
“As expected, given how dehydrated you are. Is it ok to go over your blood results with you and your husband?” 
“Oh, Marco isn’t my husband, he’s my brother.” She giggled as Marco grimaced. “Susie is his girlfriend but feel free to discuss.”  
“Sorry,” the doctor said sheepishly. “Well, everything looks good besides the lower level of electrolytes, which is expected with the dehydration.  But I’m guessing it just boils down to the first stages of your pregnancy.”  
The world stopped.  
“Want to run that by me again?” 
"You’re pregnant.  I’m guessing just a couple of weeks, no more than five.  You probably haven’t noticed the symptoms yet. But it would have shown on a pregnancy test…” he trailed off. “You haven’t yet, did you?” 
“No,” Abby’s lip was trembling.  
“I’m sorry. Yes, you’re pregnant. We can do an intravaginal sonogram to check the progress. But for now, I’ll let you finish this IV bag and then rest and hydrate at home.”  The doctor moved to leave. “Again, I’m sorry for how I announced it but congratulations.”  
As soon as the doctor left, Abby looked at Marco and Susie.  “Not a word.” She took a moment. “Oh my god. I’m pregnant.”  
“We’re you guys trying?” Susie asked gently.  
“No but we weren’t stopping it either. We wanted to wait until the adoption went through. How am I going to tell him?” 
“We’ll think of something,” Marco said. “Making me an uncle again.” He hugged his sister.  
“Not a word to Frank. For now.” Abby smiled. “He’s going to be so happy.”  
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 months
My media this week (10-16 Mar 2024)
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🥰 Art Thief, Heart Thief (odetteandodile) - 58K, stucky white collar inspired AU - enjoyed how author took the WC set up (fbi art agent, criminal consultant) and made it theirs & perfect for stucky
💖💖 +195K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Midlife Crisis (profoundalpacakitten) - MCU: stucky, 7K - reread, forever fave - the quiet, piercing, understated tenderness in this fic is unmatched
Progredi (justanotherStonyfan) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 37K - the next installment in the fabulous Honey Honey series
Pistachios and Rose Water (goldsaffron) - The Old Guard: kaysanova, 15K - J&N spend 10 years putting down roots, building a home & collecting a found family as Nicky learns to express his love through food
Consensual Catfishing (foresthearts) - Stranger Things: steddie, 32K - modern AU, told via social media - delightful story! adored these characters & their voices and using all different sorts of SM to tell it. brilliant idea, adeptly executed. the art is also pretty great
they're going to send us to prison for jerks (greatunironic) - Stranger Things: steddie, 16K - another really fun modern steddie with a strong social media AU premise
Os Impurum (the_deep_magic) - The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth: Marcus Flavius Aquila/Esca Mac CunovalMarcus/Esca, 18K - solidly good fic about marcus/esca post canon, esp marcus discovering some new things about himself 😉
Ghosts (US) - s3, e5
Game Changer - s6, e3
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "For the Hoard!" (s7, e15)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Treachery at Gramercy" (s7, e16)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 1)" (s7, e17)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 2)" (s7, e18)
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e12-16
Um, Actually - s9, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Cursed Out" (s21, e10)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Cool Ranch Communion" (s16, e10)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Big Little Crimes" (s4, e1)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Chicanery at Shoeby's Casino" (s4, e2)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Scheming and Scoring Fairy Dust" (s4, e3)
Agatha Christie's Marple - "The Secret of Chimneys" (s5, e2) [shout out to @leupagus for this rec; they were not wrong about the acting choices made here 🤩]
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep001 The Open Door
What Next: TBD - Instagram’s Pedophile Problem
Desert Island Discs - Cillian Murphy, actor
WikiHole - Lenny Kravitz (with Paul F. Tompkins, Drew Tarver, and Heléne Yorke)
This Cultural Life - Andrew Scott
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Our 2024 Oscars Recap
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Grave of XYZ
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Morgan Parker
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Fear of Dolphins (with Kumail Nanjiani, Emily Gordon, and Jonah Ray)
The Allusionist - 190. Craters
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Tetris (with Adam Pally, Jon Gabrus and Blair Socci)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Lighthouse Keeper
⭐ Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Afeef Nessouli
Short Wave - What We Know About Long COVID, From Brain Fog to Fatigue
⭐ Decoder Ring - Why Stylists Rule the Red Carpet
⭐ 99% Invisible #573 - Toyetic
You Are Good - My Best Friend's Wedding w. Sam Sanders
If Books Could Kill - Lean In
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Law of the Tongue
Imaginary Worlds - The Nine Lives of Red Dwarf
Today, Explained - Lip gloss, gum, and the Pill
Dear Prudence - My Ex Had Sex With My Brother. Help!
What Next: TBD - Is TikTok Cooked This Time?
Short Wave - Are We On The Brink Of A Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Love Lies Bleeding And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - The Music Man, Part 1
Welcome to Night Vale #244 - A Multiplicity of Kevin
Today, Explained - Hollywood’s still not back
99% Invisible - The Power Broker #03: David Sims
Off Menu - Ep 233: Frankie Boyle (Live in Glasgow)
⭐ Hit Parade - Gotcha Covered Edition
The Donnas
Smooth Rockabilly
Respect: '60s Iconic Women
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dustymagpie · 1 year
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Meet the blorbos!
Esme Richards, Alvin "V" Richards, Seraphim Reed, Wembley, Richard "Dick" Ripper, and Scott Dodd.
This already needs an update!
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Esme Richards
Former nomad. Only daughter with four brothers, one of which is V.
Partner of Viktor Vektor.
Loves driving in open stretches of road where she can just put her foot down.
Smokes too much, but is cutting down.
AU 1 (semi-retired): Works as a sales rep for Kiroshi Optics.
AU 2: She is a ripperdoc who becomes a rival of Viktor’s. #rival ripper AU
There is also a vampire AU (#vimpire AU) and a showgirl AU (#the crooner and the showgirl), plus an “evil” AU (#evil esme #villainous vik)
Terrible cook – She never really improves, she can do enough not to starve (just about)
Alvin Richards
My V!
Former nomad. Youngest of five, Esme is his older Sister.
Bi/grey ace.
An incident when he was little left him in a coma with fluid on the brain and a badly damaged arm. It was touch and go for a while. It happened while trailing after the older kids in the clan, he slipped and fell off a cliff edge, he doesn’t remember a thing.
Was in a relationship with Jackie and Misty. He is still very good friends with Misty, they tried to make it work between them after Jackie, but without him, they were just not compatable romantically. Is currently with River (Misty has tretened River that if he ever hurts Alvin...).
Is generally quite chill but has a fierce temper on him (Jackie has literally had to pull him off a scav before).
A big hugger (You have been warned!)
Richards Ripper
Militech brat from a prominent Militech family.
Severe PTSD and memory loss. Cannot remember his childhood or how he came to be in Night City.
Insomniac – has nightmare/night terrors due to what happened in his time with Militech.
Former BD star, part retired high class escort, model, philanthropist and teacher. He likes to keep himself busy and he had found that with teaching. He covers topics from basic sex acts to more advanced ones to sex without any of these via online classes on the NC equivalent of only fans and with in-person classes.
Lover of old B-movies
Current boo, Cillian Moran
Seraphim "Sera" Reed
Pink! Trashy! Trashy and pink!
Artist, fashion designer, entrepreneur. She hopes to one day own her own boutique one day selling the clothes she designed.
With Muamar "El Capitán" Reyes. They eventually have a very unplanned child together. All healthy but she has a very hard time during and after.
Wembley’s younger sister. Sera helps him with customising clothes and outfits to help express what he was trying to convey when he was exploring gender and it sparked Sera's love of fashion.
Argumentative, she loves a good “spirited” debate.
Tall and rarely seen without heels of some sort.
Hairdresser and fixer informant – Always remember to tip your hairdresser!
Spent a large part of his childhood trying to find a gender, pronouns and name that he felt fitted him. His family were always supportive (although his mom was miffed that he didn’t pick one of the names she had put on the list of new names for him). He eventually settled in he/him pronouns but even then, they don’t fell 100% right.
Has slept with Muamar. He occasionally like to sleep with his clients and Muamar was one of them, happened long before Sera met him. (She thinks it’s funny AF!)
Hates body hair (on him) the full body tattoo covers any hint of it. But he did concede that a bit of facial hair suits him.
Friends with Richard (he cuts his hair and Richard is a big tipper *wink wink*) he was there for Richard during the grey hair meltdown. Best friend, lover, enemy of Scott. He hates his face.
Scott Dodd
Gets into lot of fights, partially because of his resting bitch face, partially because he runs his mouth off a lot.
Has had his face jewellery ripped out a few too many times, so he replaced his earlobes and sections of his lips with chrome to stop it happening again, (one time was by Wembley).
FWB with Mateo.
Best friend, lover, enemy of Wembley. He used to bully him when they were younger.
A big softy really!
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divas-night-guards · 3 months
Hi everyone!!! This is my blog for my au or retelling-ish of those 2015 nightguards!! Neat!!! Character rundown and rules bellow the drawing
Tumblr media
Character rundown!!
Mike (the bald one)
Mike, the sarcastic, dry protagonist of the bunch, was hired a long while ago as a day shift security guard. He just now was promoted! Welcome to the night shift, Mike!!! Some background lore includes:
Mike was the bite victim of 83,
Mike has a wife (Doll)!
Just reminding you.
Doll (Mike’s wife)
Doll Schmidt, the loving wife of Mike Schmidt. Owns and works at her own little pastry shop up the street from Freddy fazbear’s! Doll occasionally visits to bring Mike and the rest of the gang pastries and snacks to make it through the night. Background lore includes:
Mike was a regular patron of the cafe for a long time and they started talking, years later they got married (awww)
Doll and Fritz are close friends! they both share an interest in cooking and food.
Fritz (glasses)
Fritz smith, the cheekiest of the gang! Applied for his love of animatronics and machinery, Fritz smith was hired for the night shift (being a college student, he wouldn’t be able to take the day shift.) Fritz is quite social, making friendship bracelets for almost everyone in the night shift, everyone except Vincent. Some additional facts:
Fritz is good at coding and mechanics, thus being able to fix the animatronics if there were any mechanical issues, Boss likes Fritz for this, due to it being much cheaper than hiring an actual mechanic. Cheap bastard.
Vincent (purple guy!)
Vincent Bishop, the head of the night guards! Everyone’s (not mine) favorite flamboyant purple and I mean REALLY purple guard! Known for making everyone in the office just a little uncomfortable (which is why you don’t get a friendship bracelet broh.) Vincent loves posing his authority and eeriness to everyone, threatening the other night guards. And when he’s not doing that, he’s being a deranged psychopath with a trigger-happy aura.
He loves toast <3
He’s DEATHLY and irrationally afraid of needles
BOSS (cigar dude)
Our noir, New Jersey accented cheap money-grubbing RECENTLY DIVORCED- (ahem) boss man is…yeah. Just a boss. A cheap boss man. Yup.
Recently divorced
Favorite activity is blowing cigar smoke in his subordinates faces
Used to be a detective
Flirts with doll (“hey bbg I’m so much better than Mike” Headass)
Phone guy (self explanatory)
Security guard that works both day and night shifts, in charge of handling phone calls, etc. super nice with a heart of gold and an amazing hard-working team player persona. Vincent often flirts with phone guy (or “Scott”), yet Scott is very, very uninterested.
Likes drinking tea more than coffee
Has black hair, the phone is just a hat thing that he wears because he doesn’t like doing his hair. And it’s fun looking
Jeremy (question mark)
Jeremy fitzgerald, the newest hire of the night watch. Jeremy is often shy and timid when it comes to socializing, and unfortunately isn’t the best at his job. but with the help from his peers (hopefully) he’ll have nothing to worry about!
Friends with Fritz, who really tries to get him out of his comfort zone a bit
Vincent tries to scare him by jumping at him when he’s walking down hallways, pranking him, etc. because it’s “funny”
Kind of a people pleaser, often changing his opinion for others out of fear <\3
Self conscious about his stutter (💔)
Have fun bro 💖
There are no real rules LMAO, just have lots of fun, be as “cringe” as you want, go ahead!!!!!! :D
Oh nvm nothing offensive
Yeah don’t be a jerk and have fun!!!!! Byeeeee🗣️🔥
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flammelikeshookdust · 4 months
Damn who is the new blorbo, share with the class. He sounds interesting.
Aaaah sorry or the late reply, didn't get the ask notification on mobile 🙄
Now, about this new blorbo *cracks knuckles* Like I was saying on that other post, I recently rewatched the 10th Kingdom, a kinda obscure 5 parts mini series that I'd watched once as a kid when it aired on tv, and asolutely adored. I then spent the next two decades desperately searching for a piece of media that would make me feel the exact same way that this show had at the time. Also could not for the life of me remember the title, and I had half convinced myself that this whole series was a fever dream and that it didn't actually exist. Skip to a couple of weeks ago, where I saw a random tumblr post mentioning this series, awakening all my memories of it, then I found that all 5 parts of it were available for free on youtube. Thus began my obsession with the 10th Kingdom again, and more specifically with Wolf. My best friend. My pal. My homeboy. My rotten soldier. My sweet cheese. My good time boy. Wolf is the love interest of our main girl. He's also a werewolf. Half-wolf. I don't know. He's got a tail. He sometimes grows fangs. His eyes can change colors. He howls when he's sad, he growls when he's angry/horny, he scratches his head, he tries to cook grandmothers, he says "huff puff". He's basically the big bad wolf from fairy tales but played by a normal looking guy. Yeah cause I haven't mentioned it yet, but the 10th Kingdom is just a seven hours long love letter/parody of fairy tales. Think similar to Shrek. Or Once Upon a Time. With over the top acting, terrible special effects, and a plot that's either very dumb and silly, or rips your heart out, there is no inbetween. Also it's very horny. Again especially with Wolf. I cannot overstate how not subtle the show is with this, from the acting to the dialogue. When I watched it as a kid, these parts completely flew over my head though, so I still consider it a family friendly show. Anyway, this show also has prolematic elements (my main beef with it is that the only POC actors we see in it play trolls. The trolls are very cool though), and just in general, it's very much a product of its time. However, I still love it, and I think it's worth giving it a try, especially since it's all on youtube for free. Sorry, this ended up being more of a propaganda post for the 10th Kingdom in general 😅 But yeah, Scott Cohen as Wolf really did a great job making him a compelling and likeable character. He manages to be creepy and funny and touching, and you can tell he was having a lot of fun in this role. I lowkey wish I could draw a hookdust 10th Kingdom au but the vibes are so different, I don't think it would work. I guess Wolf and James are both tormented guys with a dark and destructive side to them. But James is a manipulative prick, whereas Wolf is completely unable to pretend.
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Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
Food and cooking. I don't know that I ever started out planning on food/cooking being in my fanfics - it certainly didn't show up in the early stuff, the pre-Marvel stuff, but once I wandered into the X-Men/Avenger traffic lanes, I found it trickling in. Bobby eating strawberry ice cream (a lot - seems to be his preferred - even in X2 in the dickfruit scene with Logan, he's eating ice cream right out of the carton, and if you look really closely, it's Baskin-Robbins strawberry) and popsicles. Logan eating the WORST things when he's got pregnancy (it wasn't mpreg - it was Emma's telepathy because Logan pissed her off, he wasn't actually pregnant) cravings or when he's got no taste because his soulmate connection with Scott hasn't kicked in. Tony trying Logan's pregnancy cravings in the fic where Thor tries peanut butter for the first time and reacts to it like a golden lab getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth and freaking out and thinking Loki's cursed the peanut butter. I have a whole bakery AU fic that I went bonkers out of my way describing pie and bread and cookies and pastries. Big Sandwich Night is all about constructing a giant sandwich as a holiday tradition. Bonding over food is HUGE - either ordering massive amounts of take-out or cooking big meals together, the food is important as a symbol of feeding the found family's comfort with each other. In another, Tony learns that his college roommate Loki knows how to cook, and he gets to help in the kitchen over Yule when Loki and Frigga fix a meal together. Restaurants are thoroughly researched - I know where so many good-sounding (and sometimes really fuck off expensive but not always) restaurants are in so many cities, and I've seen their menus, and choosing those places and the meals are just as important to my fics as the actual characters.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
Ones I tend to use a lot are "[Character name] needs a hug" and "[Character name] is a good friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife." I don't know if I have a favorite tag I use, but those are pretty regular ones.
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I LOVE reader interaction - IF the readers who are commenting are being encouraging, positive, kind, enthusiastic, emoji-laden, key-smash excited, and if they tell me actual things in the fics themselves that really got them laughing, crying, screaming. If the readers want to comment with hate bullshit or con crit or to tell me how I'm not using punctuation to *their* standards, nah, they can pass me by. But the people who just want to love on the fic I post for free will be given free unconditional love and a metaphoric kitten. I'm always open to receiving questions about my fics! Sometimes it makes me think of things in a way I hadn't and will open the door to more creative brain moments in the future.
Thank you for your asks!!!!!
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
oh my god Grian. I am BEGGING the three of them to work out their feelings GRIAN IS MAKING A NEST. COME ON. And then the BAKING TOGETHER the cooking and the baking. The fact that they only really get into cookking and baking together because Scar got bored and did something with a guaranteed failure [stacking a mug on top of a bag of powdered sugar come ON scar. And then the peppers and the entire process of both making the omelet and the bread and the banter and the fact that i can so clearly picture the veggie grumbot and jellie. It is so clear in my mind. Everything about that scene is so soft im,,,, emotional. Them. The fact that this is probably the first homemade meal theyve had recently that didn't suck ass tbh. GOD
THE BRACE SCENE IS MAKING ME INSANE BTW,,, I wont like. go into it in your ask box unless you want me to but I have this whole thing about how disability is inherently intimate and your relationships with your loved ones are inherently closer because you depend on them for help and DFLGKJHFSG THE BRAAAAAAAACE IT LEANS IN TO THE WORLDVIEW I HOLD SO NEAR AND DEAR TO MY CHEST!!!!! Mumbo wants to heeeeeeeelp. AND THEY'RE DANCING, AND SCAR IS ABLE TO SUPPORT HIS WEIGHT AND SLKDFGHASDFLKHSAKHLGH I am emotional about disabled scar. I am in my emotions. I'm. god i just want them to REALIZE THEIR EMOTIONS PLEASE AND THANK YOU OH MY GODDDDDDD. I AM RATTLING IN A CAGE LOOKING AT THIS LIKE. NO. IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE ROMANTIC. BUT GODDDDDD. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Mumbo getting to use his engineering skills to make a mobility aid for this man that he loves all because he wants to help im QAQ I AM IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION
everyone is having complicated emotions about everyone else and im so hear for it but im also RATTLING ALL OF THEM TO JUST SIT DOWN AND TALK IT OUT I KNOW THATS NOT HOW HUMANS WORK AND THEYLL GET THERE BUT AAAAAAAAAAAAAH
oh my god and the brief little scene we get at the Tailors is so. I am so. I am feeling so normal about it. I know you're reading rift au rn so you've seen the tailor scene in that but i have Feelings about people buying custom clothes for their loved ones its so ENDEARING AUGH. bring back tailors.
Let 👏Bdubs👏Drive👏 hes a perfectly good driver they all made it there in one piece idk what anyone has to complain about 😤Its so in character for him to be a bad driver thats so funny tbh.
GOD AND THEN EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SCENE. Like yeah Pearls there, her and grian get a reunion. JIMMYS THERE- THEY WANT TO HELP! The way Scott takes his job as a journalist so seriously is so endearing im YEEEES. The fact that he respects Mumbo's boundary that he doesnt want to talk to the press and then mumbo decides 'no actually i want to help my,,,,,friend'. THE RELENTLESS TEASING FROM PEARL. THE FACT THAT SHE ATTACKS SCAR WHEN HE COMES INTO THE ROOM. I LOVE PEARL SHES NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG IN HER LIFE. The health potion thing making a comeback. Can you tell my thoughts about this scene are very scrambled i am feeling MANY THINGS in regards to this im LFHKSDFHKL. LOOK AT THEM YOUR HONOR. JUST. WAVES HANDS I AM IN MY EMOTIONS. I am on the edge of my SEAT to see how the general public reacts to the message. I want them to take down the HA im on mumbo and scar's side here but GRIAN BEING EMOTIONAL ABOUT THINKING ABOUT KIDS LOOKING UP TO HIM IM. YEEEEEEEES. RATTLING HIM AROUND.
jimmy timmy jimmy timmy jimmy tim- i love them. I just always love their dynamic tbh. And Pearl and Grian preening each other - the fact that Mumbo doesnt actually know how importnat it is, the fact that pearl bullies it OUT of mumbo that he HAS preened Grian, the fact that pearl keeps teasing grian about his very evident crushes im. THIS CHAPTER IS SO GOOOOD
AUGH god. I love gihasm so much just look at all the character interaction it is So Good.
BELLE!!!!!! HI BELLE HI!!! i am so excited for this
ayy you captured my one sentence about him making a nest! hehehe i didn't want to emphasize it bc i think grian wouldn't want to think too hard on why he had to sleep between two pillows, but yep, he was basically building a little nest.
i made a post about this but honestly food needs to be a love language onto its own: its gift giving, its quality time, its acts of service, its love. slowly but surely grian is seeing a new side of scar :)
PLEASE GO ON ABOUT THAT DUDE!!! literally please go on. i probably wont go into it but scar in my au doesnt like his wheelchair, its why he goes on a crutch so often despite having both options. so he appreciates mumbo's help and warm hands ;) I had made a post thinking about them dancing and originally i was going to save it just for the party but i thought this would be sweeter, more intimate to just dance in your socks in your home with one of the two loves of your life, yknow?
yknow, i added "slowburn" a few months ago to gihasm. you cant blame me, i warned yall!!! <3 but yeah theyll get there :) i just gotta figure out what feels natural to them.
oh belle. you don't know what i have planned for next chapter with their clothes :)
i just. love the idea that scar is a literal criminal, but wont break traffic laws by driving without a license. he just lets bdubs drive and pays people off when he gets into an accident (couldn't he just get himself a license as mayor? he hasnt thought that far)
journalism is really important to me bc one of my undergrad degrees basically trained me as a background/ tech production person for news stations. Journalists have a very important job as the fourth estate, and i never want to play into bad stereotypes. investigative journalism gets people killed-- scott is putting himself in danger by taking on this mission, but he knows that its important that people have all the facts to have an informed opinion. anyways SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM!!!!
timmy :) i made a whole post about how i see scott and jimmys relationship a while ago and its funny that i keep having to say this but him and jimmy arent dating either. but theyre emotionally very involved with each other. Theyre exactly like scar/grian/mumbo, except they know they like each other. i love writing complicated relationships. they have the best communication between all three main/side relationships though, considering theyve talked about dating but cant, given the circumstances my guide to writing pearl:
>bullies grian
anywayanywaysanyways, aaaa belle you always make me so happy with your long essays, a double TRIPLE thank you for reading the chapter before i published it and reassuring me. i love ya!!! <3 <3 <3
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busyralph · 1 year
Dearest Ralphie Boy,
I do apologize for the delayed reply, it’s easy to get distracted on here. A lot of pretty pictures around. You’ll soon find out.
….that shouldn’t work. That is such an old fashioned joke, Ralph! Made me laugh, though, so good on you.
Oh, really! I’m on team Gif. Because that is the correct one. The CORRECT. ONE.
And I see…. Then television is probably not the way to go. Musi—mm…no, that’s a minefield. Oh! Cooking? I’ve heard you got into cooking a bit! I’m currently cooking myself, baked chicken with barbecue sauce. Because I’m American like that. What’s your favorite go to dish?
Dear Yve,
Oh, would you look at that! You're writing your letters just as I do now! I suppose this is what they mean when they say that all of this "social media" makes you an "influencer". How exhilarating!
...Well, since my, um, I suppose I can't really call it a "secret" when so many of you know about it, can I? But yes, now that the cat is well and truly out of the bag here, I must say that I am shocked that someone as sharp-witted as you would expect anything of me other than being old fashioned! I am honoured to have made you laugh, though.
I must say that I am inclined to agree with you based on what I have learned of the etymology of the word, but Scott has a certain facial expression when he's challenged with a stare that you can feel pierce through your very being. So I tend to keep quiet around him a lot.
Ah! You're American! I have a friend who's American! Perhaps the two of you know each other? I shall have to ask him the next time I see him if he knows of my new friend Yve! I am long overdue a trip to see my good friend Charlotte, anyway, oh, how exciting this will be!
I do enjoy cooking now that I know how to reduce the risk of committing accidental arson! My favourite dish to make, well of course, my dear, is purely circumstantial. When I am hosting, I must say I make a mean coq au vin, oh, it is to die for! Although for a more intimate meal, I do rather prefer making a steak dinner. There's just something about that extra personal touch of taking another person's preferences into account, and something so poetic about two people with differing tastes still being able to enjoy the same meal in their individual ways. All of that being said, if I am just eating for one, I could sit and forever chow down on an endless supply of macaroni with cheese.
Oh gracious, look at how I've rambled on about food, without letting you get a word in edgeways! Please accept my most humble apologies. What do you like to cook? I shall ask my American friend to teach me some of his native dishes for you!
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ketchup-monthly · 1 year
🎶 and ✅️ for the fanfic ask meme? :)
hehehe! into the fray i go again! thank you!!
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
-i dont necessarily listen to music when i write, like maybe i'll have some music going in the background because i need at least a low level of noise at all times or i'll go insane, but i know rn i'm listening to jazz radio on pandora because my brother put it on like 7 hours ago and its still going. i'm a huge fan of the classical composer Holst and his suite The Planets, and i'll listen to that when im writing or need to focus on whatever it is that i'm doing (Jupiter was my school song in high school and is actually one of my favorite classical songs because it's very lovely)(link here bc i have to share it)(this is a link to a playlist of the rest of the suite)
-i mostly just have the tv on if im writing at home, and then i'll usually put something like s1 of Lois and Clark, Green Lantern: the Animated Series, Tanked, some random cooking show, or Mysteries at the Museum. or whatever my youtube recommends. depends on how im feeling each day and how much i'll need to actually focus on my fic.
-i do listen to music when im driving for work, and currently im working my way through The Crane Wives and The Orion Experience's albums (i already finished Waterparks)
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
-Hal and Barry's cat, Goose. she's an orange kitten and Wally is allergic to her.
-kissies. lots of halbarry kissies
-guy gardner is really good with kids and also he has a dog named shark who is a retired k9 unit. also he watches soap operas and romance movies even tho hes totally aroace
-idk if its something that people even notice in my halbarry fics, but hal is jewish. tbh i think i mean to include it more but totally forget
-kryptonians are fucked up. so are speedsters. so are lanterns.
-hal is old-man core. he just is. its amazing and i love him. he also has a bad leg and has to use a cane sometimes bc he got an injury that healed very wrong when he was a young lantern
-also wally and kyle are basically always like...9 and 7 respectively in my fics about the halbarry family because idk. fun ages. theyre still little but they can talk and think. idk when they'll get older
-this is more in my aus that i haven't written but hopefully will eventually, but giving bruce's kids to literally anyone else. i have an au where the only kids bruce keeps are dick and damian and maybe duke. i have another where duke is trained/fostered by alan scott and his husband, and another where duke is trained/fostered by midnighter and eventually apollo. the au where the only kids bruce gets are dick and dami and duke is the same one where all the other batkids are taken in by various gotham rogues. i have aus where tim is trained/taken in by dinah lance and her mom dinah drake, kon is adopted by alan scott, roy is adopted by dinah and his her sidekick instead of olivers, billy is adopted by lex luthor, kon stays with lex luthor and is raised by him along with lexs daughter who is kons half twin, billy is adopted by clark and hal and sorta guy and the rest of the red lanterns that i like, clark is found by the gls when hes a baby and is raised by kilowog, etc etc etc. bestie i have so many aus and i could talk about them for ages (edit: i also have one where jason is adopted by john constantine and etrigan the demon without jason bloods knowledge)
-sorry most of those were about halbarry and their family lol. im writing a lot of that this year
thanks for the ask!!! <3
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c2x17 tick tick tick...
RC: ask me why I’m here KB: I ask myself that every day
Ryan’s jacket again looks like one Dirk Gently (or my gay uncle who lives in australia) would wear
She’s so right, it is not her, but since it was Heavily based on her she Should get a say in who plays her. My family has discussed this many times. 
This was one of the first episodes I had seen. Actually, it was the last one I’d seen before never watching castle again because we only had four episodes on our TV. Then we got the DVD set & FINALLY I got to see the second part. Yay for two-part episodes...
MR: “you are not another man, besides, I trained you!” (so true bestie) (also, another point for the “rick castle is trans” AUs)
RC: they spell something,, they spell... Kinki :}
I love music sm. I know a fiddle song called calliope house that I can play in four keys & on any string.
Second intro ^-^ I am going to keep this post I think.
Oh right the fbi. I mean cooperation & acab & gizmos & all that good stuff.
He’s like a kid. Excited. Playing with this stuff.  Girl it is BETTER to have a machine to do the work, it is faster, it doesn’t matter.  Rick, ew, you have Nikki Heat & someone called “Rook” (which will get you killed in a chess club if you call it a “castle”) & it’s literally just RPF & you make em have sex. Come on bro, you know the BS she already deals with as a female cop in the early 00s? (& IG 2010s)
Yeah bud the animation sure works like that & it’s just that easy
Agent Shaw & Castle really are a lot like beckett & castle.
She could have said “I will come with one person as backup, I cannot come alone, but I will somewhat respect your wishes” maybe?
I like shaw. We have more people than you do, our goal is to catch the killer. You need to get some rest, I’m a mom, I know that.
“Aha, one of your old wedding videos” he says, about martha rodgers the actress fighting with a guy in a monster costume
OH NO I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PART, DOES HE DROP THE BODY OUTSIDE THE DOOR? no wait I think it’s castle. She keeps her gun in a drawer? In Canada you need to have guns locked up, on the farm we would actually keep the gun but lock up the bullets. She doesn’t have it on her, she doesn’t have it locked up, she has it halfway in between?
Yeah data & gadgets are so cool & like... Granted, she does envy that he listens to shaw.
“I will have you know that I sleep with a gun” IS SHE OK? how do you even do that? Is it like bed knife from markiplier?
I like how he just made himself at home & went through her cupboards & all that. Though I’m sad she mostly orders in. It is not /so/ hard to meal prep on sundays,, at least for lunches & then you could order dinner... or maybe you make supper every night (that you are free) & take leftovers to lunch daily. It surprises me how much people don’t cook...
“there’s a body out there I need to find” comedic timing
Ryan how is that relevant??? XD XD ryan chill “what time did you & mr castle go to bed last night?”
Lanie (& literally everyone): So cute the way you do that
It’s neat seeing castle wearing normal clothing instead of his usual style
JS: Ok sweetie, Mommy has got to go arrest somebody now, I’ll be home for dinner. I love you, bye. So cute ^u^
Spoilers for the next episode: Ok but even after watching this I don’t understand. He shot the gun, where did the bullet go? The gunshot is what told the fbi to go in, & he definitely did shoot the gun, but how would it work? Ben conrad had to have been dead on the ground & set up before Scott shot. Once scott fired, he ran & hid in the hidey hole & let the pigs find the body. Where did he shoot?
two-floor apartments are so weird to me. I once stayed in a penthouse mansion in japan four times as big as the floors below, but... it was the entire floor, not double-leveled. 
Ok but this trigenerational household is so great!
No but listen. When you shoot a gun or loose an arrow, you usually use the hand that correlates to your dominant eye. I’m left-eye dominant (ish) but right-handed, I learned to shoot with my right hand, & I Really Really Suck. Ben Conrad might have been mixed handed in that way, writing with his left, shooting with his right. Except for them seeing him in the window that is.
Ooh I love a landline -u-
Sure bestie cuz that’s how it worked.
I actually just remembered, I DID see another episode after this on network TV, but it was way in the future & beckett said “I still don’t have a house” & I’m like ‘so she did survive & her home did get blown up, huh’
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