#silly fellows!!!
festering-bacteria · 2 years
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haven’t drawn anything miraculous related in a hot minute so here’s a half-assed shitpost so i can get my fanart mojo back
i thought the meme was very them :))
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
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i am unironically obsessed with adam west batman not only trying to be a good dad to robin, but actually succeeding. also love robin's insane energy levels and his ability to go from seething bloodlust to manic glee in record time. i think any superman worth his S would fit right into the family ^_^
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jeonsupershy · 2 months
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svt's pillar kim mingyu🐶🖤
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egophiliac · 7 months
Do yoy like their silly little dance
the inside of my brain at any given moment:
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cylindricalbear · 2 months
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Goofy fellow
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risariba · 3 months
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this is very important
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dalvs-wife · 3 months
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ohhhh they break me they break me .... /pos
(monster clover au by @howlonomy)
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halfa-failure · 2 months
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Who hit their head while getting off of the monkey bars??
I did
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dustykneed · 4 months
oh look at jim's nice lipstick! oh wait why is it smudged. oh waiiiit why are spock's lips so pink. ohhhh what could possibly have caused this i wonder...
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bones' hoodie isn't even his LMAO he nicked it from one of his roommate's hookups who forgot their jacket. his roommate locked him out of his dorm (another hookup. really.) and bones has ten thousand goddamn assignments due the next few days so he's just camping out next to the biggest party for the weekend for the lighting and the free food. insanely stressed and dressed in as many layers as it takes for him not to get cold trying to sit still and get shit done on a mid-spring friday night. and i just think it would be so fucking funny if spirk (both with a HELL of a reputation™) sees this sleep-deprived palpably anxious dressed like a middle-aged college professor med student and is instantly like. man. i NEED more of that guy. like wouldnt that be so funny. anyways
yeah im obsessed with this au in particular what about it <3333 idc
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detective-paranormal · 7 months
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avadaniels · 5 months
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1953 -> 1968 -> 1979 -> 1986 Fellow Travelers (2023)
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ivytea · 2 years
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merrymaker’s romp!
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regular-samdragon · 19 days
Look who I saw at the game store today!
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the-river-rix · 4 months
I love toxic queer characters I love queer characters who are allowed to do terrible things and be complex and fucked up I love queer characters who perpetuate abuse and trauma I love queer characters who contribute to cycles of abuse I love queer characters who are part of the systems that harm queer people I love queer characters who have internalized ideas that are harmful to or oppose queerness I love queer characters who make themselves a slave to their passion I love queer characters who force themselves into stereotypes and others ideas of being queer I love queer characters who are flawed and messy and problematic
I also love when queer characters have to reckon with their flaws I love when queer characters have to unlearn their own prejudice and hate to truly be liberated I love when queer characters are punished for their bad choices I love when queer characters work to change and make amends I love when queer characters break cycles of abuse I love when queer characters grow and learn I love when queer characters get to be complex and human and get to grow and heal and also cause harm because people and their life experiences aren’t perfect and linear and unproblematic and life is too complicated and all encompassing to make simple and clear and inherently good and moral
I love when queer characters aren’t denied the true multifaceted and all-encompassing and real reality of life
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jojo-schmo · 3 months
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Here we have two little creatures of unknown origin.
Their appearances are deceptively innocent, but they are not from this world. They seem to not remember everything about themselves, but their past hides some profound secrets. Perhaps even some powers of cosmic proportions....?
Their arrival to the world was sudden and mysterious. Meta Knight would call it suspicious. King Dedede just wants to make sure they're safe because they remind him of his own Waddle Dee subjects.
And so they have been accepted and cared for by the heroes of Dreamland. But these beings will always recognize that they are outsiders and it causes them some internal turmoil.
They share the ability of mimicry. They recall voices and sounds from their past, and communicate this way when words fail them. They specifically focus on sounding like a Waddle Dee, parroting their cries and mutters of "Wanyas."
But what will the future hold for these curious life forms, the land they now call home, and the unknown forces they are connected to......??! >:O
Roleswap Elfilis by me, Starstruck Dee by @starflungwaddledee
More thoughts below:
So for a while now, as Starflung has slowly revealed lore, the coincidental similarities between Roleswap Elfilis and Starstruck Dee have not been lost on me! ;D But I LOVE IT!!
I think it's actually super duper awesome how two characters written by different people and created at different times can have so much in common, but have very different stories and personal developments and obstacles! :D
So during my lunch break today, I thought that if Elfilis and Starstruck met, one of the first things that could happen is their mutual mimicry turning into a face-to-face echo chamber. Each one would point at the other in surprise and confusion, because this being is not a Waddle Dee, yet they sound just like one?! And why does physical contact with her make Elfilis feel strange and dizzy??!
After the initial shock, Elfilis would probably find her intriguing and curious. As he learns more about her, he'd find it comforting to be around someone in a similar situation as his. Plus I think he'd really enjoy exploring the wonder and whimsy of the world with someone like her. :3
Just a little something for fun and to show my admiration and respect for Starflung's art and writing, teehee. Hopefully I didn't get any of your lore too wrong! tell me if I did tho :0
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kitamars · 5 months
Hello. I would like to request either old soft ginhiji or desi / bollywood ginhiji. Though anything you draw is a blessing, so I will be happy with anything honestly, lol.
hello op i don’t think you realise the amount of brainrot your ask has inflicted upon me
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ive had desi gintama dormant in my brain for a while so thank you for unleashing my brainworms. More will come soon
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