#simple fallout requests are open to all!
typosandtea · 2 months
Draw nick….with your non-dominant hand
I AM FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!
Had to sit on my hand bc I kept touching the screen agh lmao. No eraser either we die strong 💀
Genuinely though: Thanks for such a fun request! It’s great to do extra silly stuff like this and laugh at myself ahaha (I love silly!!)
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[ID: A sketchy digital drawing. Done with the artist’s non dominant hand so the whole drawing is shaky and imprecise. The colouring in is messy and outside of the lines often. Nick valentine from fallout 4 is pictured from the thighs up and facing slightly to the left of the image. He is in his usual worn detective attire with his skeletal metal right hand shrugging with fingers stretched wide open, and his left arm is missing above the elbow and red, blue, yellow electrical wires are pictured arcing, and a black wire is not arcing. He is grimacing in pain with his teeth bared. He is saying “can anyone lend me a hand please!” The text is shaky and on a yellow background. To the right. Of nick’s head is the text “ow :(“. The background of the image is maroon. In the bottom left corner is the artist signature in navy blue saying “ typos & tea (left handed)” left handed is in capitals, and the text is very shaky. End ID]
Typo’s Simple Fallout Requests post link here :)
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 12 days
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You and Bucky deal with the fallout of the undercover mission.
Word count 3.3k
Warnings: reader coming to terms with Bucky's decision, trying to move forwards, betrayal, more miscommunication, anger, Bucky Barnes acting like a giant tool, Daisy Johnson and Melinda May make an appearance
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The next morning you woke early, determined to carry out your plan. Slipping out of the compound, you drove out of the parking garage in one of the convertibles with the top down and wind blowing through your hair. It was freezing cold and you knew it was reckless because it looked like the heavens would open at any minute, but you didn’t care. You arrived at Coulson Academy just as several large raindrops started to fall, and you sniffed slightly from the cold air. Putting the top up, you got out of the car and ran for shelter under the large awning of the Academy entrance.
"Ugh!" You stopped to flick off the water from your jacket.
"Subtle entrance." Melinda May’s voice startled you.
You jumped out of your skin. "Jeez, May! Why do you always have to lurk around?"
"Wasn’t lurking. Just waiting for you."
"How did you know I was coming?"
"I heard about what happened."
"Steve?" you asked.
Of course it had been Nat. She knew everything that happened, she knew exactly what you would do. Maybe you ought to have talked to her before leaving.
"Why didn’t you stop me?" you asked.
"Because I knew you needed to make this decision on your own," May replied calmly. "And I knew you would come here eventually."
You sighed, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. "I don’t know if I’m making the right choice."
May placed a hand on your shoulder. "There is no right choice here. You need to take care of yourself for once, instead of putting everyone else’s needs before yours. Teaching at the Academy is something you would be good at. You have so much to offer, and… I believe in you."
You looked up at her, grateful for her support. She wasn’t one for heart to heart conversations, preferring to ignore her emotions altogether. "Thank you, May. I just wish it didn’t have to end this way with Bucky."
May gave you a knowing look, she knew exactly how you felt without you having to explain it to her. "Sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I'll be there to help you every step of the way."
"Can I stay with you for a while?"
May rolled her eyes, "fine."
You wrapped your arms around her in a quick hug. "You’re the best. I love you."
Natasha was waiting for you when you returned, lounging across the hood of one of the Porches, filing her nails.
"Tony won’t be best pleased if he sees you like that."
"I’m not too worried about Tony. I have more important things on my mind."
"Yeah?" you asked, knowing full well where the conversation was going.
"What happened last night?"
"Didn’t Steve tell you?"
"Rogers?" she scoffed. "He has no idea what he’s talking about half the time."
You looked around for signs of anyone nearby. The risk of having someone overhear your conversation was making you feel very uncomfortable. Natasha pulled you into a secluded corner with a view of the rest of the garage and gave you a very pointed look requesting that you spilled the beans. But somehow the words you wanted to choose made the problem seem trivial. So instead of telling her about all the events that had transpired, you kept it simple.
"He chose her. Apparently there isn't enough room in his life for both of us," you shrugged.
"Steve told me what she did." Your gaze snapped to Nat’s face, but her returning expression was angry. "I don’t understand why you didn’t tell him."
"It’s my word against hers, Nat. I have no proof that she took my idea. What am I supposed to say? His reaction last night proves that he doesn’t trust me." You sighed dismally.
"Do you need me to beat some sense into him?"
You smiled sadly at your friend.
"Sweetie, you need to tell him how you feel," she continued.
"I think it’s too late for that. I’ve made my decision."
"I can’t do anything to change your mind?"
"Please Nat," you pleaded. "This is hard enough."
She put her arms around your neck, leaning her forehead against yours. "But I’ll miss you."
"I’ll miss you too." You wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her into a tight hug, trying not to let the tears start falling again. Eventually you pulled away, steeling yourself for the next step; telling Steve and Tony about your resignation.
As you made your way back into the compound, you caught sight of your best friend in the gym. He was pummeling a punching bag like he wanted to murder it.
You gathered every ounce of courage within you and approached Bucky, desperate to reconcile and recapture the bond you once shared. But as you reached out to touch his arm, he recoiled, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and hurt.
"Bucky, please. I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way-"
"I thought I knew you, but I feel like I don’t know you anymore," he said, his voice laced with sorrow. "I know how you feel about Priya-"
"I can see it in your face. But I never thought you could be so spiteful."
Your heart, already shattered, fractured further still, and the tears you had held back cascaded down your cheeks. Your friendship, once unbreakable, seemed irretrievable. Bucky turned his back on you, leaving you broken, lost in a sea of regret and longing.
After drying your tears, you found Tony and Steve in the common area, deep in conversation. Taking a breath, you approached them, your voice steady but filled with emotion. "Tony, Steve, I need to talk to you both."
Tony looked up, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong, Cricket?"
You hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I... I need to resign from the Avengers."
Tony's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why?"
You took a moment to gather your thoughts before explaining. "I could make up some logistical excuse but you'll both know it's a lie. It's... it's because of Bucky. I can't continue to work alongside him knowing how I feel and knowing that he's with someone else. It's too painful for me."
Tony and Steve exchanged a knowing look before Steve spoke up. "We understand Cricket. We've seen how hard this has been for you. But are you sure this is what you want?"
You nodded, tears threatening to spill over. "I can't stay here and pretend everything is okay when it's not. I need to take a step back and figure things out."
Steve placed a comforting hand on your shoulder but he looked like he was at a loss for words. So he took the professional route of comfort. "You're a valuable member of the team."
"Stay, we can find you another partner." Tony stood up, coming over to you. "I can’t just let you go without a fight."
You smiled weakly, grateful for their understanding. "Thank you, Steve. And thank you, Tony. But I just need some time to myself."
As you turned to leave, Tony called out to you. "Hey Sport, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for you."
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. It was time to focus on yourself and your own happiness, even if it meant leaving behind the life you had known as an Avenger. And maybe, just maybe, you would find a way to move on from Bucky and find your own path to happiness.
You'd barely taken three steps out of the common room before Steve caught up with you. "Have you spoken to him?"
"If you call ‘him telling me he doesn't even know who I am and then storming off’ speaking, then yes. I don't understand how this happened, Steve. I thought nothing could get between us."
"He loves you." Steve stopped in front of you. 
"Not anymore. He hates me."
Steve couldn't help but feel frustrated by how his two best friends could be so oblivious. 
"Look Steve, I'm sorry, I know Bucky’s your best friend. You don't need to hear me bad mouthing him." You stepped around him, making your way back to your room.
"Cricket, you're my friend too." Steve chased after you.
"Then will you help me pack?"
Steve sighed, he would never refuse anyone’s request for help. "Of course."
It hadn’t taken you long to pack your things into boxes. Your clothes weren’t difficult to shove into suitcases. Your wardrobe wasn’t extensive, having learned to live out of small spaces for many years, material things weren’t quite on your list of necessities. You had let Tony decorate your walls to his taste and you’d been pleasantly surprised at how good he was at guessing your tastes. However, you’d decided not to take these things with you when you left. It was time for you to make your own home. It was going to be a new challenge, you’d been involved with large institutions ever since you’d left home, and had never had to create a home for yourself before.
You turned to face Steve, Sam, and Nat, who were all standing in your room, looking at you with concern in their eyes.
"Come on, sugar cakes. Isn’t there any way we can convince you to stay?" Sam asked.
"I appreciate the sentiment, guys, but I need to do this," you said, zipping up your suitcase.
"Cricket, you’re too valuable a member of the team," Steve said, stepping forward.
"You know that’s just not true, but thank you for saying that. But I just can’t stay here knowing that Bucky’s mad at me," you replied, feeling a sting in your chest at the thought of leaving your best friend behind.
"Bucky will come around, he always does," Sam chimed in, trying to reassure you.
"I don’t think so, not this time. He’s really upset with me," you said, feeling tears welling up in your eyes.
Nat walked over to you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Cricket, you can’t just leave because of this. You’re stronger than that."
You shook your head, wiping away a tear. "I can’t stay here, Nat. It’s too painful."
"We understand, but we don’t want you to go," Steve said, his voice filled with emotion.
"I know, but I have to do this. Please, don’t tell Bucky I’m leaving. I need to do this on my own terms," you pleaded, wondering if Bucky would even notice your absence.
The three of them exchanged a look before nodding in agreement. "Okay, we won’t tell him. But promise us you’ll keep in touch," Sam said.
You nodded, feeling grateful for their understanding. "I promise. Thank you, guys. I’ll miss you all."
You were the last to leave your room, the others had carried your things to the van you were borrowing from the garage. You sighed, you would miss the luxury and convenience that came with being a member of the Avengers Initiative. There were only a few things left in your room; the wolf plushie Steve had won you at Coney Island, you later realized that it reminded you of Bucky, and the still wrapped gift you had bought for Bucky, the card you’d written him still stuck to the top. There was no reason to take those things with you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to throw them away. You decided to leave them on your bed. The next owner of the room could decide what to do with them.
On your way out, you ambled past the hangar bay, spotting Bucky in full tactical gear prepping for a mission. You had no idea that he had been assigned to something. 
"You have a mission?" you blurted out, causing Bucky to turn to you.
"Yes." His voice was monosyllabic.
"No, with me." Sharon materialized suddenly.
"Oh, hey Sharon. I hope you guys are safe out there."
Bucky looked back at you, a fleeting look of regret crossed his face, before he turned and walked away. He didn’t waste any time requesting a new partner, you thought. Just when you thought he couldn’t hurt you anymore. At least he would be safe with her; Sharon was a good agent, she would watch his back, that’s what mattered the most.
As you walked out of the compound, you felt a mix of sadness and relief. It was time to start a new chapter in your life, even if it meant leaving behind the Avengers and the man you loved. You knew it wouldn’t be easy, but you were determined to make it work. And maybe, just maybe, one day Bucky would understand why you had to go.
Your friend, Daisy Johnson stopped by for a visit just after you had moved into your new apartment. You hadn’t seen her for a few years, since she had decided to travel the stars with her sister, Kora and now boyfriend, Daniel Sousa. She had insisted on coming over to your place, since May had insisted that you find your independence.
"So tell me, what’s the deal with your love life?" Daisy enquired after her third glass of wine.
"What love life?" you asked, sarcastically.
She laughed, "oh come on! You’ve been living in a building with all those Avengers! You can’t tell me that it’s all completely innocent!"
"Hey, just because you fell in love with your first S.O.!"
"Ouch! That’s a low blow! It’s not my fault Ward turned out to be a HYDRA psychopath!"
"No, he was out of this world."
Both of you laughed, despite the pain that was associated with the memories of the parasitic inhuman who had infested and possessed the corpse of your dead traitorous colleague and used his body to control other inhumans. Sometimes there was nothing else to do but laugh.
"So, are you telling me that you haven’t gotten any sex since you moved in there?"
You shrugged.
"Not even Bucky Barnes? Like have you seen him?" Daisy had always expressed her attraction to your favorite super soldier, but she stopped as she noticed the change in your expression. "What is it? Did something happen with him?"
"No," you shook your head.
"Then why did you leave?"
You shrugged.
"Come on, spill. May wouldn’t tell me. But it’s got something to do with him, right?" Daisy scrutinized your face, coming to sit beside you. "Did he hurt yo-?"
"NO!" you responded before she had the chance to finish. "Not like that."
"But he did something."
"Bucky’s my best friend." You said, not being able to muster enough enthusiasm into your words for them to be believable.
"We just clicked, you know? Right from the start. It was like we were made to be partners. We could share everything with each other, we knew what the other person was going to do in the field without even discussing it. But outside of that too, I felt like I could share anything with him. I even told him about…"
You didn’t have to explain yourself further, Daisy Johnson was the only other living person in the world who knew about the sexual abuse you had suffered as a teen. You had never told a soul when you had been an adolescent, fearing that you wouldn’t be believed, which had led to a lifetime of shame and a stigma of being seen as broken. But secrets often come out, whether you want them to or not. And during a mission, the man who had been responsible for your trauma was involved. Eventually your secrets had surfaced, no matter how deep you buried them, but Daisy had been there for you.
"But I thought there might be something more between us, something… as hard as I tried… I couldn't deny - I was… am in love with him."
"You are?"
"I never told him how I felt. I was afraid of ruining our friendship. But it feels like fate had other plans and he started dating Priya. I was happy for him, of course, but deep down, I couldn't help but feel … jealous.
"And as his relationship with Priya went on, I just found myself feeling more and more envious. I couldn't stand the thought of someone else being with him, especially when I knew how I felt. But I kept my feelings to myself, not wanting to cause any trouble." You sighed.
"What changed? What made you leave?"
"Bucky's birthday. I spent weeks planning the perfect gift for him, something that would show him how much he meant to me. But before I could give it to him, Priya just swooped in and stole my idea, presenting it to Bucky as if she had come up with it on her own.
"Bucky was thrilled with the gift, but when he turned to me expecting something from me, I- I didn’t know what to do. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that Priya had taken my idea, so I stayed silent. Daisy, he was so angry and hurt, thinking that I didn't care enough about him to get him a gift.
"In the end, he chose Priya over me, believing that she cared for him more. He said he loved her based on something I came up with! And I tried to apologize and explain, but he didn't … doesn’t want to hear it. He said felt like he never knew me, like our friendship had been a lie. Now he doesn’t even want me in his life!"
Daisy put her arms around your neck, pulling your head onto her shoulder. The wine had loosened your tongue and talking through what had happened was helping you to truly understand what had happened.
"I can’t believe this bitch!" Daisy muttered in your ear. "Want me to quake her for you?"
You let out a watery chuckle. "I just feel so alone. I know that it’s my own doing, I could have told him how I felt. I could hardly blame her at first, she had no idea. But now…I fucking hate Priya for coming between us, for stealing my chance at happiness with Bucky." You scoffed at your own words. "You know, deep down, I knew that it was my own fear and jealousy that had drove us apart in the first place. I let my feelings get in the way of our friendship, and now I’ve lost the one person who means the world to me." Talking to Daisy had given you time to take stock and really process what you had lost.
"So what’re you going to do now?" Daisy asked.
"What am I supposed to do, Daisy?"
"Let him cool off and try again!"
"And say what exactly? Take me back as your friend? I’m in love with you? He clearly doesn’t feel the same way, so what am I achieving other than getting hurt watching him being happy with someone else?"
"You could come with me, Kora and Daniel. We’re heading back off-world next week."
"And watch you and Daniel making those lovey-dovey faces at each other all day? Thanks, but I think I’ll pass."
"So you’re just going to teach? With May?"
"Yeah," you shrugged. "Teach and wallow about my sad, loveless life."
"You know I love you, right?" Daisy pouted at you.
You laughed, "yeah, I love you too."
Once Daisy left, you continued to think about Bucky. You missed the easy camaraderie you once shared with him, the way you could finish each other’s sentences and laugh until your sides hurt. But now, there was a distance between you that seemed insurmountable. Bucky had made his choice and you were left to pick up the shattered pieces of your friendship. You wondered if he ever truly understood how much you cared for him, how much he meant to you.
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khuzena · 7 months
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| Michael Kaiser x g/n!reader
summary: everyone in life comes and goes, but sometimes he wishes you stayed; but it's too big of a request to ask.
Warning: toxic rs,no happy ending, cry bitches. Angst, Angst, Angst. (Cheating again because this man is the reddest, crimson flag ever)
A/n: was writing this in school, no activities for the entire day so i was writing this. (This is so cringe oh my god i swear I'll write fluff next time what character do you guys want as long as it aint barou because idk how to write him..)
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It sometimes gets too hard to breathe at night.
There are times where he'd find solace in your embrace, you've made home in his heart and you know.
The cupid to your psyche, the romeo to his juliet. So tempting yet so dangerous.
Trust, such a simple thing yet so hard to keep and attain. Something he's won from you years ago yet he lost instantly.
A prodigy as he, the loyal man he used to be.
Rainy days like these you'd find yourself in his well-sculpted arms, inhaling his scent and his kisses marking you his.
Two weeks before the fallout, he's been a distant man, eyes filled with disdain for you and you don't know why. Just a month ago there were flowers on your doorstep, a genuine compliment through text and light kisses pressed on your forehead here and there.
Though recently, he's been looking at you with such hate in his eyes, like you ruined his life— like you're the reason you brought pain and suffering in his world. Why?
There you were, sitting at the marble kitchen island and eating some fresh fruits while watching a boring show on your phone.
Kaiser walked past you as he grabbed an energy drink from the fridge, not even sparing you a single glance.
"Hey, love." You said smiling, nervously fidgeting your fingers under the table.
Kaiser rolled his eyes before looking at you with such disgust. Was your hair really that unkempt? Did your acne come back again? Was he no longer attracted to you? Or was it because he's found someone else. You don't know but these questions spiral in your brain, wondering, asking where you went wrong.
"Hey." He replied, the irritation in his voice was too obvious.
"Can we talk?"
If anyone could see you right now they would compare you to a homeless man asking for scraps or spare change. But at least a hobo has more dignity than you.
Like a broke man begging for money and food to survive, you're pleading, throwing away all your dignity— if you even had any left; begging for a tiny speck of his attention. Some answer, some closure for why he's been treating you like this.
"I don't have time for that and you know it, I have a game again next week in france. Let's talk next time when I have the time"
Confusion and anger boiling in you at this point, what do you mean he has no time for a simple conversation? When he has all the time in the world to do stupid shit without you when he's actually free.
"What the fuck? You barely have any fucking time for me."
He stared down at you with a blanm expression, it was irritating how he wasn't even taking you seriously.
He didn't say a word before walking away to the comfort of his room.
A week later he came home.
It was 12:59 am.
A knock on your door disturbed the peace in the living room, you made your way to the main door. Sighing with relief that it was him, that he got home safely from whatever team party he attended.
"'M sorry…"
Your eyes widened, the moment you opened the door he lunged himself at you; his grip as he hugged you not loosening.
"What happened to you, micha?..."
The smell of alcohol getting on you, the red lipstick stains on his blouse and how pathetically dishevelled that man was.
The sight took your ability to speak away for a moment. You've never expected this, he told you earlier that he'd just be drinking with his team but to go as far as this?
"Don't touch me."
Kaiser tightened his grip, the shame on his face says it all. He's never cried this hard before as his tears soaked your shirt, "Liebling.."
"I said go away." Venom dripped from your voice, causing him to flinch in his very drunk state.
A loud thud can be heard throughout the house as he fell on his knees, like the shameless bastard he is, he cried, "I still love you", "I won't do it again I promise", "You're everything, please, schatz"
The next day, he was lying on the couch. His bags being too dark one could mistake him for a panda.
Even though his stomach is growling loudly, vomit bubbling in his throat or face dried with tears he couldn't help but just wail.
Hands trembling as he looked to the alarm clock to his left, 12:59 pm. Kaiser's legs wobbled as he checked every room, looking for a sign you were there but no.
"Liebling! Please, please. Where are you?"
His voice echoed in the walls of his apartment but there was no one who answered back.
Kaiser's lost you and it's all his fault yet he wailed pathetically on the floor, holding on to the railings of his stairs like someone took you away from him.
As time passed by, he's lost count of the days he's skipped training. His hunger being his least concern even though he barely eats nowadays as he spends most of his time staring at the ceiling.
Wishing for a miracle, wishing that god hears his prayer for one last time.
In this time of deep depression his spotify playlist has become his friend, his pillow being the tissue for his tears and the sheets crumpled from his thrashing around the bed.
kaiser: please come abck
kaiser: back***
kaiser: please
kaiser: please
kaiser: i love you
kaiser: liebling
kaiser: liebling lets talk
kaiser: please.
It's hopeless.
No matter how many times he blew up your phone with calls and texts you never answered. Though you never even blocked him too.
It was that time again, he called you again. Screen stained with tears as his eyes sparkled with hope when you finally picked up.
"Liebling, im sorry, im sorry."
The call was still on but he could only hear your heavy breathing, his breath hitched as he shakily held his phone to his ear.
"I know my sorrys won't change anything, but I still love you."
"I can't live without you"
"You're my everything."
Still not a single word from you, he plopped down on his bed as he stared into nothing again in his empty room.
"Michael, stop."
He clutched his phone to his chest as he sobbed quietly, making sure you didn't hear him.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Stop apologising, Michael," you let out a sigh, "let's break up"
"Yeah, sure. Good night"
The call ended right then and there.
Kaiser kept replaying your voicemails over and over again. His nerves calmed down for a bit until the reality set in, he'd never hear your voice again.
There will no longer be any you standing outside the door with your arms wide open to congratulate him on his win or a lover he'd call his. The person he vowed to love and protect forever, gone.
And it's all his fault.
For one last time, he checked his phone as he saw a notification on his lock screen. The bright light almost blinded him.
love: i know you're still awake
love: go to sleep
*sent 12:59 am*
He sighed, putting away his phone and staring at the clock.
"Yeah, maybe it is getting late"
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Note: we js had a halloween party 2 days ago, cosplayed as krul, had so much fun. °^°>🍦. I'll stop writing for kaiser i swear im js obsessed w him :((( (this fic not proofread m sorryyy)
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chocodile · 2 months
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Answering this in TWO PARTS because I have a lot of thoughts! CLICK HERE FOR PART 1.
PART 2: FALLOUT 'VERSE (Frank's default setting)
Warning that this one gets a little weird (gross) at the end (maybe more than a little).
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The one scenario where I could see them interacting at length would be Fallout AU. I've talked about Fallout AU Hyden before, but to sum him up, he's a pre-war scientist turned brain in a jar remote controlling a synth body. Unfortunately, hundreds of years of deteriorating hardware and brain-meat have degraded the connection to the point where his synth body is basically completely numb. In this setting, he wouldn't have the luxury of being picky about allies (especially since he's double-crossed half the groups in the wasteland during his artificially long life). So I could see him grubbing around with someone like Frank under this circumstance. Frank is a scavenger, after all. He can help Hyden find materials he needs to repair his system and can be paid in food--something Hyden has limited use for. That makes him useful. (Also he couldn't smell Frank with his senses numbed, which would improve their relationship.)
Fallout AU Frank would think this brain-in-a-jar guy is weird as heck. Frank considers pre-war people "good", so Hyden would have that point in his favor, but is distrustful of non-humans, including synths. He'd probably have some trouble understanding exactly what Hyden is. He'd start to get it after watching Hyden "die" and come back with a new synth body a few times. He'd think that was extremely untrustworthy behavior, though. Things are supposed to die when you kill them. Not doing that is… wrong.
But Frank is a simple creature, and can be convinced to look the other way on moral failings like being a weird unkillable robot clone (or something) if you grease his palms… or rather, his mouth. If Hyden proved himself to be a reliable quest-giving NPC who rewarded him with man-dog treats for delivering scrap metal and computer components, he could come to be at ease around him, even if he still thought he was weird and sketchy. And he'll even agree to some of Hyden's more perplexing requests, like when he wants to sit there awkwardly watching him eat macaroni for an hour and interrupting him every few bites asking what the macaroni "feels" like. Frank doesn't get it, but hey, a free dinner's a free dinner. Maybe that's just what it's like being friends with a robot.
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…Though, I did some googling, and… great news! Apparently synths are made of lab-grown meat and CAN be eaten with the cannibal perk! That… certainly opens up some INCREDIBLY dysfunctional paths for this relationship to take! Two morally bankrupt, empathy deficient weirdos, one of which is an obedient, social-cue-blind cannibal and one of which is an unkillable completely off the rails masochist. Good lord. Here's an alternate version of that last image with very offcolor joke (I mean it).
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
The previous convos about sensitivity readers and purity culture in booktwit types definitely feels familiar. I'll never forget when I was querying agents a few years ago with a novel I wrote, and I was told my writing "caused discomfort," was "problematic" and could be seen as racist/anti-black and having a lot of instances of queerphobia and misogynoir. The novel was a horror-fantasy story that actually was based on the transatlantic slave trade but on a different planet (So, yes, I would hope that this kind of story would be disturbing and cause discomfort in the reader. Mission accomplished). The plot covered several generations of the captured aliens who were enslaved (a la A Hundred Years of Solitude), the fallout of their enslavement, and the mistreatment of the enslaved people as a result. Most of the agents who requested the full manuscript said they liked the story, but I was met with many intrusive questions about my identity, race, gender, and sexuality and urges to work with a sensitivity reader should we progress forward as agent and writer. I am a Black, femme nonbinary, bisexual person. This was all fine and dandy with them, so they wanted to make this information about my identity public for consumers to appease the Twitter crowd and dissuade callout posts from the functionally illiterate. I wanted to maintain my dignity and not disclose any personal information. (They assumed it was because I was in the closet or something. I was not then and am not now. My identity just isn't anyone's business if they want to read a book, simple as that. This was also especially because there are mentions of sexual assault of some characters, and that kind of information definitely isn't anyone's business to know about an author. Period.) I also didn't want to hire a sensitivity reader because they were advertised to me as someone who performed outrage at works for a living (It also didn't help that I was linked to a few sensitivity readers who were very vocal on YA book Twitter and SFF Twitter. No thank you.). This was, apparently, a problem. That was when I decided publishing may not be for me, at least traditional publishing.
Yeah, sadly, I feel there is an audience for that book, but you're going to have to find it yourself. Anything YA adjacent is too outrage-driven without the necessary nuance, but a lot of more oldschool SFF circles are too full of the kind of sensitive, delicate white guys who wouldn't get this book either. Maybe an indie black press? Somewhere with a more literary bent that thrives on controversial books? Depending on how horror-y it is, maybe there's an avenue to pursue there. Horror fans do include a lot of manbabies too, but those circles can be more open to actually dark stuff.
At least self publishing is easy now, but self publishing and then getting a significant number of people to buy and read the book is hard.
I promise that decent sensitivity readers exist, but the ones that crowd is going to send you to are... not equipped to deal with dark horror fantasy, in my opinion.
And as a writer, I wouldn't work with anyone I didn't know pretty well anyway. How are you supposed to evaluate the feedback of a rando? What if they fundamentally don't get your genre?
If you do decide to press on, I think I'd look for like-minded fellow writers to begin with. Start a club. Serialize your stuff in the same place. IDK. There are plenty of grown-ass adults who buy books and who like nuance. There's got to be some way to find your audience.
It would be a pity to give up just because publishing is full of cowards.
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firewoodwander · 8 months
Hi, I'm loving your Kiss prompt fics so much :D You're making me FEEL things 🥰. If you're still taking Kiss Prompts, how about: Fives/Tup: 39. Kissing tears from the other’s face. Thank you
Thank you so much for your request & your patience, finally I can write now that I can hear my own thoughts again!
Kiss prompts
Fives feels like he’s been walking around in a daze since it happened. The medstation hallways are empty and echoic—different to Kamino in that the walls and rooms are grey and free from blaster scoring, and sometimes have a brightness that comes from the stars, but similar in enough ways to trigger the familiar feeling of being hunted.
Fives slipped himself into the crew and visiting quarters as soon as the medics signed his discharge. Technically with a clean bill of health he should probably be going back to the 501st, but no one has asked any questions yet and no one has kicked him out. The medics don’t mind him as long as he stays out of the way, and the droids only complain if his visits coincide with their rounds.
The days have been long, monotonous cycles of staring at white sheets and IV tubes and listening to heart monitors. The warfront is a long way from here. At least half of the Jedi Council has come and gone since they arrived. Tup has slept through all of it.
So, reasonably, Fives notices the second Tup so much as breathes differently. His fingers and hands start making flinching little movements almost a two weeks ago, and the muscles in his face began to twitch a day or so after. When he first opened his eyes he can’t have been fully conscious, but he’d smiled when he’d seen Fives, and that had been enough to finally abate the gnawing pit of horror rooted firmly in Fives’ chest.
Today Tup is sitting up and fully cognisant when Fives turns up at his bedside. Fives already commed Rex since the fallout to keep him updated, but he feels the urge to vent all of the pent-up anxieties to him just as keenly now.
“Hey,” Tup greets. His voice is gentle where intermittent screaming and disuse has made it brittle, but he smiles in the way he always has when he felt he needed to comfort a brother. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” Fives echoes. “You’re looking bright.”
His body doesn’t feel quite like his own as he moves the three feet across the room to Tup’s bedside. He ignores the chair he’s spent too many nights in and perches himself right on the edge of Tup’s bed.
Tup is tired, visibly unwell and what’s left of his hair left limp, unwashed. But Fives thinks he looks strong, right now, intelligent, and defiant. He picks his words with care and follows the shape of each of them with his lips, slowly, and Fives thinks he’s incredible.
“Healer Falle sends her regards. She says… she is impressed with my responses.”
Fives lets his gaze trail the drip line up to the bag like it’s a compulsion to check it. “I’m glad. They didn’t know if you’d be able to speak at all.”
“I’m lucky,” Tup agrees. And then he frowns at Fives, or something in the middle distance. “You’re too far.”
He turns over his palm in his lap. Fives isn’t going to deny him anything right now, and especially not this; he dutifully shuffles closer and slides his fingers over Tup’s palm, folding away the deep ache in his chest to examine later, smiling even wider when Tup’s hand squeezes his and tugs him even closer.
“Hey,” he chuckles, “any more and I’ll be on top of you.”
Tup smiles, and Fives is desperately hoping the burning sensation behind his eyes isn’t showing on his face. It feels like acid on the back of his throat and nose and his breathing has gone all wonky, the way it never did when their ARC instructors dragged them through frustration and anger until they felt what it was like to crumble.
Tup sits forward, resting weight through their joined hands, and tips his forehead to meet Fives’ brow. If Fives hadn’t been a goner before—the simple pressure and warmth has ruined him, now.
“These are good?”
Fives doesn’t really know his response to that, but Tup doesn’t seem to be waiting. He lifts his free hand and wipes (carefully, for all that’s he’s wobbly he’s so patiently careful) at the tears clinging to the inner corner of Fives’ eye with a thumb. Fives wants to laugh, but all that comes out is a kind of ragged huff, and Tup tilts his face and kisses his other cheek, right over the tacky tear-trail.
“I think we’ve got this backwards,” Fives points out shakily. He clutches at Tup’s hand, though, braces his shoulder to keep him closer.
“It’s okay,” Tup tells him. And it is. Or it will be. It has to be. There’s a spool of iron wire sitting behind Fives’ ribs that’s slowly unwinding itself from its tense, impenetrable tangle with every one of Tup’s breaths across his lips. “We’re okay.”
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genderliquid-witch · 2 months
Since my wallet has a couple of flies buzzing around it and I need to pay for OC art somehow, I've decided to start doing fanfic commissions since it is quite literally my ONLY marketable skill. That and a willingness to do most basic manual labour, but there's not much of a market for that online.
I accept payment through PayPal, so no brown envelopes stuffed full of cash.
I write both SFW and NSFW content and am open to writing most (but not all) fetishes, though forgive me if I have to do some research beforehand.
Message me here on Tumblr if you want to commission, or on Twitter and Discord (I'm @appl_cider on both of those).
All of my writing can be found on my ao3 account (LINK), so go there if you need examples.
I charge €0.01 p/word for SFW pieces and €0.015 p/word for NSFW pieces, with a min. word count of 1,500 words per comm. NSFW has a 50% mark-up because it's just harder to write and can often involve a bit more research.
When making a request, specify your pairing (Can be F/M, M/M, F/F, F/F/M, I don't care) and describe to me what you're looking for as well as a desired word count so that we can settle on a price.
For NSFW comms, specify specific fetishes and whatnot, and which character you want blowing who, and yada yada. I'm open to writing most anything, though certain topics are off limits, including but not limited to: underage, non-con, A/B/O, race play, intense gore.
After we've agreed on the details, I'll send you an invoice via PayPal for half of the agreed payment, and then another upon completing the work. If I go a little over the agreed word count, I won't charge extra.
I'm pretty fast when it comes to writing, so most comms I can expect to get done within a week, but please forgive me if I take a little longer as I'm quite a busy person irl lol. If I don't think I'll be able to complete your comm I'll refund all the money right away.
Upon completion, I'll let you decide if I post the work publicly on my ao3. If you'd rather the comm remain private, I can either keep you anonymous or simply send you a PDF file with the writing, simple as.
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Why yes, I am gay, what gave it away?
Here are a couple of the fandoms I can write for. If there's one that isn't on this list that you'd be interested in, just message me about it and I'll see what I can do.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Baldur's Gate 3
Bottoms (2023)
Cyberpunk 2077
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Disco Elysium
Fallout: New Vegas
Fantasy High (Dimension 20)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Monster Prom/Camp/Roadtrip
Spider-Man: Into/Across the Spider-Verse
Stardew Valley
Team Fortress 2
Telltale's The Walking Dead
The Owl House
Like I said there are much, much more, these are just the ones I decided to list lol. Anyways, hopefully this is enough to catch your interest and I hope I can work with you at some point <3
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gilbirda · 2 years
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 11
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
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Saturday was supposed to be Barbara’s day to relax, or at least, to relax as much as one could when following a major Arkham breakout and the city was under complete chaos.
Twenty four hours ago Oracle found out about the escape and this was the first time she stopped to rest since that. Real rest, since the other times she just took bathroom breaks and went to microwave an ‘emergency food’ tupperware Alfred always left for her for when she had a bad day and couldn’t cook. Bless that man.
Barbara could say she had a restless sleep, which made sense given the circumstances; what didn’t make sense were the screams she clearly remembered, asking her to stop, asking her to look again, asking her to-
She rushed back into her wheelchair and then to her Oracle set up, waking up the computers she didn’t turn off before going to sleep, and running to open a folder she had created and abandoned when it didn’t become a priority.
The Fentons. For some reason, the name was on the tip of her tongue when she awoke, reminding her that she had promised to look more into their research but never got around to actually doing it.
What stood out to her was how unusual it was - you had scientists debunking magicians, you had magicians obsessed with their craft, you had occultists interested in what lies beyond and real life necromancers with grimoires on how to reanimate the dead.
But all in one? That promised, at least, to be a fun read.
Since she had cleared Jason’s girlfriend's background and she had more pressing stuff to look into, Barbara pushed it aside and simply left a note to check it out later. Something she never did.
The universe, or maybe a higher power, wanted her to look into it now.
So she did.
Starting with the easy and accessible part, she went back to the research she already did almost a month ago. They had a presence on the internet - an official ‘Fentonworks’ site existed, but it was outdated and not very user friendly; but gave her a starting point, and this time she was focusing on the parents instead of Jasmine.
Ecto scientists were how they called themselves, despite nobody else was seriously working in that field. Humble origins, Madeline from a small family of farmers in the countryside, Jackson from a family of self proclaimed witch-hunters (no notes on the family name, Fenton-Nightingale, in any of the Justice League Dark records). One college friend, Vlad Masters, had a fallout with the couple after an accident during an experiment and then a prolonged hospitalization.
While any records of the children had been… worryingly escarce, Barbara had easily found every paper they published during their early career, their proposals for funding, their entries for science competitions.
Surprisingly, and funny enough, Barbara found a request for funding to Wayne Enterprises, dated fifteen years ago. The project, from what she could gather even if practical electronics wasn’t her forte, consisted of some kind of… portal? To what they assured was the dimension ghosts came from. It was nonsense, so it was rejected immediately.
Now that she knew what to look for, she found out they did get the funding - from LexCorp.
Barbara frowned, taking note of this.
From there on she found more projects Lex funded, stopping when his brief stint as President happened. Every project was more worrying than the one before: weapons, methods of containment, investigation on new materials that ghosts couldn’t phase through.
A new billionaire took up the task of funding this trainwreck: DALV Co. Barbara rolled her eyes at the name, laughing when she guessed it was Vlad Masters’ doing. Why would a long lost friend who hadn’t contacted them in twenty years suddenly siphon millions into this madness?
Her answer was simple: the portal was a success.
She found articles, papers, personal email - piles upon piles of documentation about a successful kick start of the Ghost Zone portal project.
By the dates, Jasmine must have been around seventeen and Daniel fourteen or fifteen. But there was nothing about them. Just a worrying footnote in Jack’s email to their ‘mysterious’ benefactor about taking a brief break because they had to take his son to the doctor after a ‘nasty shock back at the lab’.
Barbara took note of this. Mainly because there was nothing else since then about the kids in either their personal emails or official photos. If she didn’t already know these two had family she wouldn’t have guessed going by their online footprint only.
The woman shook her head. She already knew about the neglect, there was no need for wasting time feeling sad for a stranger.
So Barbara kept digging and digging, the sun outside the Clocktower going down and the night creeping back in.
It was about time she got some food into her body, so she went and did it. Sometimes, stepping back helped get the bigger picture, something she tried to beat into Dick’s head when he came by moping about a case.
Once she came back feeling a bit fresher and sharper, she stopped her wheelchair in front of the computer, but didn’t reach her keyboard just yet. The multiple screens showed everything she got so far in her research, and while it was plenty, she had this feeling she was missing important information. Something told her the puzzle had pieces missing and it didn’t matter how much she tried to put what she had together, it would always be an incomplete image.
Missing pieces…
She looked at the dates, making a timeline in her head. There were periods of time that the Fenton elders didn’t publish anything or made any big purchases for science projects or for the house, not even evidence of a vacation - nothing that justified the downtime.
Oracle pulled up the research on the Fenton kids. Nothing of note here. There were gaps here as well, especially after they finished high school, but gap years weren’t that unusual so she didn’t take note of that in her initial research.
Gaps. So many gaps.
And they fit with each other.
Every time the parents vanished from the face of Earth, the kids did too. Now that she noticed, it rubbed her the wrong way.
She launched herself now into investigating these gaps and what they were doing in these months. Years of one-to-two month long gaps, paced out enough to fool the untrained eye.
Jasmine’s online college application was in one of the periods of time she could find information easily, but apart from an average performance in her courses, there was nothing of note about her studies. Good grades, but no extra courses or voluntary work, like she did in highschool.
Daniel never applied for college, now that she was paying attention. There was nothing about him, online or otherwise. After the first hospital visit - nasty shock indeed, he had electrical burns in his left arm, probable nerve damage -, there were no follow ups, no check ups, no nothing.
This went beyond neglect. Barbara was starting to suspect that the Fenton kids had decided to help their parents’ endeavors in these ‘gaps’, in these probable top secret projects, so they had too many reasons to not attract unnecessary attention.
If someone took the time to erase this after leaving all the shady stuff the Fenton elders did for LexCorp, she feared what she could find.
It was Sunday morning when she finally made a breakthrough.
Her morning coffee went back up her throat, and Barbara was glad that she hadn’t eaten anything else since last night.
Videos. Reports. Autopsies. Dissections. Records upon records of atrocities committed by these two ‘scientists’ in the name of progress, their names proudly written down next to yet another mysterious benefactor - the Ghost Investigation Ward.
Oracle swallowed her discomfort and went back into the fray with renewed determination. She dug up anything she could find on these GIW people. Where they came from, who they worked for, what they wanted. Level of threat against the world. She started drafting an official report for the Justice League, just in case, since this sounded like something they should be aware of.
Government, it said in the official records, but there was nothing she could see that wasn’t smoke and mirrors to sound big and important. Private money, probably Lex, funded the whole operation - and they hid it well, since she couldn’t find actual proof that backed her suspicions.
It was way past Sunday midnight, maybe already Monday morning, when Oracle decided she had collected enough incriminating evidence on the GIW, the Fenton parents and, sadly, the Fenton children.
She found non-official records of data on Jasmine and Daniel, something about ‘ecto contamination’ and ‘liminality’, from around the same time Jack and Maddie signed on a report about the same topic for the GIW.
What sickened her more was that the kids - Jasmine and Daniel, they were not children by this point, were very into the idea. Comments and jokes filled the non-official reports, quips about the process, silly dares to their sibling to see who could analyze the data faster.
Jason was going to be so heartbroken. And it was her damn fault for not being thorough.
Worst part of all this dumpster fire? It was totally legal. Lex passed some stupid laws about ‘ecto entities’ that basically gave free reign to cut open these ghost-people without repercussions.
Barbara felt her eyes start to water as she opened the direct channel with the Batcave.
Jason was going to kill her. He had been right about suspecting Jasmine and she had dismissed his worries because they looked good together.
“Hey, O!” Tim answered. Weird, Bruce must have been back already from the League mission. “Glad to see you are alive.”
“I’ve been kind of distracted,” she chose not to raise the alarm for the moment. “Is B around there?”
Tim actually laughed. “He’s moping because Jazz found out about Hood’s secret identity and she kind of beat his ass, but I think-”
“I need to talk to him.” Barbara didn’t mean to be so harsh, but if the Fenton woman knew about the family secret by now then it was a worse than bad situation.
Bless his soul, Tim got the urgent tone in her voice. “Got it. Let me connect the call with his phone, he must be having lunch by now.”
Lunch? Barbara looked at the clock in her computer. It was afternoon. Monday afternoon. Already.
“Oracle.” Bruce didn’t do pleasantries, even less when she called and even less when she called his personal phone.
“Bruce, we have a situation.”
“... I’m listening.”
Saturday afternoon.
Was it Saturday afternoon already? It was too early, if you asked Jason. He felt like he had been run over by a truck, and the shower and sleep didn’t help ease the feeling at all.
He wanted to be with Jazz. She usually made everything better by just being there.
Also, he totally stood her up. They had a date and he stood her up. Was ‘I’m trying to wrangle all the crazies of this city back to Arkham and not die in the process’ a valid excuse to give to a girlfriend you totally stood up?
She was going to be furious.
Or maybe not?
Jason checked his chat with her and she hadn’t said anything that suggested she was mad at him. The cute message about sleeping well and thinking about him that morning meant that she wasn’t mad, right?
He smiled at the screen, letting himself bask in the idea that he didn’t fuck this up before it even had a chance to develop.
Scrolling up, he found again the selfie with his dumb brother and the purple gremlin. He zoomed on her smiling face, wondering if he could just… have this. If he could wake up to silly messages after a night of patrol, if he could stop worrying about excuses and rescheduling dates, if he didn’t need to tell her lies or half truths over text when he needed to rush because of an emergency.
Maybe - Maybe her knowing wasn’t a bad idea.
Maybe she already knew, too.
Last night she looked like she already knew, unfazed by the chaos of Tim breaking into her apartment, bleeding and needing stitches, of a fight about to break out, of his literal bloodied hands on hers.
“I’d take the secret to my grave.” She had said with a little frown. Determined, decided, completely serious.
He believed her. After all, she had kept her own secret, whatever that was, for so long. Maybe if he came clean about the Red Hood thing she would tell him? Should he say he knew she was hiding something, or would that frighten her more?
He didn’t want to make her feel scared. Ever.
Let’s say she knows… How much does she know? How much did she believe about the legends? Had she created a watered down version that is easy to digest? He refused to believe nothing would change between them after coming clean about it.
Not that he was really trying to hide anymore. He was a coward by not telling her directly, by waiting for her to say it first, and then calling her pet names.
It really was a mess. He only needed to tell her and it all would be fine. Why was it so hard to just say the words?
“Salagadoola mechicka boola, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.”
The heck?
“Put them together and what have you got, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!”
That was -
Was Jazz signing? Singing Disney? Was she really blasting Disney songs so loud that he could hear from his room?
“Yes, salagadoola means, mechicka booleroo, but the thing-a-mabob that does the job is bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!”
Something heavy was moved around, her voice rising above the music coming from the speakers as she did whatever she was doing. What was she doing? Chores? It was such a chores song.
He could just ask.
He could just go over there and ask and maybe join her and talk about rescheduling that date. Could it really be that easy?
Jason chuckled as he finally got out of bed, the smile not leaving his face as he listened to her giving her all singing Disney songs, a little bit off key, but not enough to make it at all unpleasant.
Okay, maybe he was biased. Sue him.
She was starting a rendition of “You are Welcome” as he finished getting dressed and went to the door of his apartment. Out on the hallway the music was somehow louder, and Jason was glad there were no other people on this floor to come out and complain about the music, letting him have this moment to himself.
He rang the doorbell, realizing after he did that there was no way she could hear it with the noise-
The door opened.
She was radiant. A big smile stretched her lips as she saw it was him at the door, her eyes shining with emotions he wasn’t sure he could decipher. She was happy, excited, and definitely not angry at him for ditching their date.
“Jay!” She pulled her phone from her shorts pocket and taped the screen. The music stopped. “Hi. Sorry, did I wake you up?”
Did she guess he had slept in today? She had left messages that morning, but nothing that said she knew he wouldn’t respond or why.
“Nah, I was already moving around.”
She nodded and moved aside to let him in.
Jason has been there not long ago, but the blood on the floor and the kitchen table had been already cleaned. Good. Blood stains were hard to clean if left alone for too long. Smart girl.
“What’s up?” She closed the door behind her and went back to wiping the counters in the kitchen. “Sorry, I’m just in the zone right now. If I stop cleaning I won’t want to get back to it, but I’m listening!”
“Everything okay? Why are you cleaning all of the sudden?”
Jazz scoffed and glanced at him over her shoulder. “You won’t believe what happened to me last night!”
“Oh?” He walked closer, resisting the urge to hug her from behind and choosing to lean on the wall as she did her thing. “What happened?”
“Red Robin crashed through my window, injured, and asked me to help him! Can you believe it?”
It sounded fake that Timbo asked with actual words, but he accepted her comment. “Did you help him?”
“Of course,” she huffed, “I wouldn’t let people be hurt if I can do something to help. But the thing is he bled all over the place and I knew I needed to clean it all before it stained, and then I started organizing the kitchen and I couldn’t stop since.”
He watched carefully as she talked, stepping on the tip of her toes trying to reach the highest cabinets. Taking pity on her, he took the cloth from her hands and started wiping the parts she couldn’t reach.
“I had another visitor.” She smiled at him.
“Is that so?” He didn’t smile, he couldn’t smile back. Would be too obvious.
“Hm-hm. Red Hood swung by as well to check on me.”
“How nice of him.”
He felt her eyes fixed on him, waiting. He wondered if he had been too obvious last night -
(Of course he was, he deliberately called her ‘darling’ for fucks sake)
- and if she had enough evidence to make the jump and ask.
Like a coward, he decided to change the topic.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you.” Finally he looked back at her, having finished busying himself with wiping the cabinets. “About the date.”
“Yeah?” Still, she didn’t look mad. Curious, maybe.
“Sorry for canceling at the last minute,” her lips twitched with a little smile, but she didn’t interrupt him. “Want to reschedule?”
“Sure. Dinner tonight?” He must have made a face as he opened his mouth to bullshit an excuse for why he couldn’t that night, because she tilted her head and said: “Tomorrow for lunch?”
It was really that easy, huh? He felt a pressure leave his chest, his shoulders relaxing immediately.
“Lunch sounds lovely.”
Jazz placed a hand on his cheek, smiling up to him. She did the same thing last night - was it on purpose? Was it her way to tell him she knew?
“Then it’s a date,” her lips curved in a teasing smile, “darling.”
He felt his cheeks burn a little.
She knew. She knew and she was messing with him. All thoughts about how much exactly she knew and if Jazz was actually aware of his criminal activities left his mind. If she knew enough and still looked at him like that, then it wasn’t unreasonable to think she’d want him still if - when she learned the ugly parts too.
He wanted this, he wanted to feel like this, so at peace, forever.
Just like last night, he put his hand over hers on his cheek. She giggled, recognition shining in her eyes. But unlike last night, he leaned down and kissed her like he wanted to before Oracle interrupted them.
This time there were no nosy siblings, no puddles of blood, no emergencies; just the sounds of the deceivingly calm city coming from the opened window and the touch of her lips on his.
When they parted, he couldn’t stop smiling. He didn’t want to, actually.
“It’s a date.”
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coryomockinjj · 7 months
The Hunger Games is a big trilogy, and so was Star Wars before 1999. The Hunger Games mastermind villain in President Coriolanus Snow, and the infamous Star Wars villain is Darth Vader, aka Anakin Skywalker. Both have prequels about their origin story, and they were not always bad.
Coriolanus Snow's turn to villainy was his eye opening experiences in District 12, with Sejanus Plinth. Coriolanus described Sejanus as a "rebel sympathizer" when he wanted to do what was correct and not evil. The downfall of their "friendship" is when Coriolanus is responsible for the hanging of Sejanus Plinth, so he no longer has guidance to subconsciously talk sense into his evil and twisted mind.
Before Coriolanus's deployment as a Peacekeeper, he had an interesting conversation with Dean Casca Highbottom. Dean Highbottom was a good friend of Coriolanus's father, Crassus Xanthos Snow before their fallout. He continues to still hold that grudge over Coriolanus. That explains the reasoning of his misfortune over the Tenth Hunger Games, with Lucy Gray Baird being the female tribute from District 12.
Dean Highbottom says Coriolanus is like his cold respectable late father. Coriolanus is quick to simply disagree, arguing that he is more similar to his sweet, kind, forgiving late mother. After Coriolanus becomes an Officer, he returns to the Capitol because of a request to have him sent to University under the funcing protection of the Plinth Prize. He again converses with Dean Highbottom, and he agrees with the claim that Coriolanus is related his is father, Crassus Xanthos Snow.
He abandoned all humanity after being the cause for several misfortunate lives ending, and now he studies under the inhumane Dr. Gaul.
Why did Coriolanus Snow turn evil?
His friend was not their to guide him, so he eventually fell down to darkness.
Anakin Skywalker's turn was a little bit more... complicated. But to put it into simple terms, he only wanted to save his wife from certain death. Palpatine was that inhumane parental teaching figure in his life, similar to Coriolanus Snow and Dr. Volumia Gaul. Anakin's master, Obi-Wan Kenobi was not there for his in his most vulnerable time. He was on another planet, Utapua, fighting General Grievous, leader of the Separatist Droid Army. Anakin Skywalker was left open to mind controlling.
Anakin has always been this powerful force being, with over 20,000 midni-chlorians, which is a higher count that Master Yoda. He always strived for more, and he "wants more, but he knows he shouldn't." The Jedi Council did not trust him, and he complained about that time and time again. Most Jedi are taken as a baby, with no connection to their parents or families, to young to remember and really fell love for them. Anakin was taken at nine years old, where he had a deep connection to his mother, Shmi Skywalker. Later, he goes on to marry Padme Amidala, who he would also share a deep marital bond with.
Anakin only wanted to save her, his wife, Padme Amidala, and Obi-Wan Kenobi was not present to stop him. His past experiences of how he failed his mother drove him to the state of madness, deepening his longing to save her from certain death. His mentor figure was not there to stop him, so he trusted someone who has been disguised as his positive role model for ten years. Thus, leading to Palpatine/Sidious's ultimate goal, to have the most powerful force being (Anakin) on a leash. Therefore, the execution of Order 66 began. Killings all of the Jedi until there was no one else to stop the vastly growing empire.
Why did Anakin Skywalker turn evil?
His friend was not their to guide him, so he eventually fell down to darkness.
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I'm putting together the Skyrim info dump and something short but fluffy. Yeah, I do have to finish the Fallout one lol. But I want like every detail about the Lavender Lounge. E V E R Y T H I N G. From the most minor detail of the building itself to the location (I think I'm misremembering the actual location). If there's anything about the outside of the building that stands out and all you can tell me about the inside.
Oh dear okay it's been a minute since I talked about the Lounge. So it's original location was out near Morthal however once Uth ascended it became this sorta summonable tardis like thing. It is capable of moving as needed or requested magically, the inside a near infinite space to house its many many patrons. The interior is a low lit tavern when you first enter, tables, booths, all decorated with various flowers and soft pillows. The bar itself a well stocked wall of bottles, anything you want can be found and even things of Uthorims own design. Moving upstairs is where it's infinite space really shows itself, long hallways of endless doors all marked with various symbols. The room you've been assigned always finding its way to you as you reach out towards the handle. If you have no room however you must be careful not to get lost, the Lounge doesn't like intruders and one may become trapped wandering the halls. We'll if they don't open the wrong door first that is. The rooms come standard with a simple run of what you'd imagine comes in a hotel type room. Everything is of a higher quality however, most royalty have only seen the things Uthorim stocks the rooms with. Fancy furs, soft plush beds, etc. The longer one stays and trust is formed, the more one can customize their space. Some patrons even call the Lounge home given its vow to protect those who enter its doors. The outside of the Lounge itself makes it appear somewhat unassuming. It's main feature is the Lavender that it derives its name from that grows and roots itself throughout the outer walls helping keep the structure together.
(I'm sure there's more but brain is sick, feel free to ask specifics! <3)
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typosandtea · 2 months
(Closed sorry)
If the Boop-a-pawcalypse has shown me one thing:
It’s that this webbed site is so much more fun when you’re slapping hanging out with people!
What better way to chill with other fallout people than to create! So I thought I’d try something new for me: I’m opening simple fallout drawing requests, Pop an ask through if you’d like!
Also this is open to anyone not just mutuals :)
Please be patient though I am quite a slow drawer!
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[ID: A simple digital drawing with information about fallout themed drawing requests, it’s mostly handwritten text. In the bottom left corner is a person wearing a navy blue T51 power armour helmet and dark grey t-shirt. The person is the same navy blue colour as the helmet. The helmet has orange hoses and a dark green visor. Their eyes are visible and happy behind the visor, they are looking at the title. Their left hand is raised towards the text open palm facing forward, and their right hand at in front of them and is holding an Apple Pencil. The title text is “Typos & Tea’s Simple Fallout Drawing Requests!” ‘Typos & Tea’ is dark pink, and ‘fallout’ is the fallout 4 logo font, with dark green edges and neon green body. The background of the title is pale blue. Below the title and to the right of the person is “how it works: send me an ask with a description of your request! -> OC’s require a visual ref. Please!”. ‘How it works:’ is bolder than the rest of the paragraph. ‘Ask’ is in a box with the same pale blue background as the title. Below this is 2 boxes of text with the titles “I will draw (tick)” and “I won’t draw (cross)” both in all capitals, the tick is in the same greens as the fallout text, and the cross is dark maroon outline with red inside. In the ‘I will draw’ box is “character, OC’s, Power Armour, Weapons, Creatures”. The ‘will’ box is shaded the same green as the fallout text. In the ‘I won’t draw’ box is “NSFW, heavy gore, furries, drugs”. The ‘won’t’ box is shaded with maroon. End ID]
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Come and Trick or Treat! Open all year :] tags updated Nov. 28
Howdy!!! Pronouns —> she/he/they (no preference)
Wolfy (wolf character I doodle sometimes) is my blog mascot. Unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifs don’t show up- so if you need me uhhhh keep yelling until I notice? Hdfjhfg..
I love drawing, listening to game playthroughs, and looking at cute animals! Feel free to send an ask about anything.
Art tag: wolfys art
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
Art months stuff (all of them!! general tag): Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth): little wastrels
second fallout au (island, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
Misc fandom tags (unreliably tagged but I will start now): qsmp, good omens, fallout, bg3, whump stuff, starfield, doctor who
important/tagged consistently: psa, boost (urgent news), reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), flashing images, bright colors
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Minor misc tags: drawing tips, writing tips, cooking tips, fave,
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls/zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive (no explicit things here), bugs and spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps
Unimportant ramblings v
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Time stamp: Jul 15? Heeeeey. Hello. So I did take a break from art till like last week, but uh, the health has been a roller coaster-
I kinda cleaned the whole house compulsively multiple times. I dunno what to say about that. Went from the compulsion to be Always Drawing to Always Doing Chores, so it wasn’t really a break? It felt amazing for a little while, but I am so stressed inside ahagfhkhdf. Anywayssssss.
I realized that promising to do the art requests Later is just me returning to old behavior, like just... keeping it on the line so I /nobody gets a direct answer *when* it will be done. That makes my brain think it’s in the clear while the other artists are worried and unsure what’d happen. Andddd even though I did have the motivation to do animated group projects for a little while, a small thing completely knocked me into dropping everything else.
I know I *could* try to join more projects or do more requests, I’m not in a safe headspace where I wouldn’t be set off, and nobody should risk their project’s deadline for that-
TLDR I’m going to Try and fix things up on my end and stop myself from joining anything (that depends on Every artists effort). Even if I feel alright *now* I know there’s a lot of risk for *later*- just don’t let me in anything big and important even if I ask, please- for at least a year-
—— Timestamp: Slightly Before August
Gonna Try Ink Demonth this year- I’ll limit myself and not do something too detailed again hsdkfjzhk.
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Timestamp: August 17
[cackles evilly] Ink Demonth Ink Demothhhhh- this is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in an art prompt month ever! ...even though I’m technically not on theme (Fallout instead of Batim). Trying to pace myself by alternating between a simple and detailed style. Hrrrh the yeehawgust prompts (cowboy theme!) look so cool but I won’t double up- but I will try to participate in the September AI-less-Whump month. (gore and dark subjects! I’ll tag everything properly of course.)
Also I’ve come to a realization- A dream of mine has been becoming famous for my art/animations, but uh- One, it isn’t realistic, and Two, posts getting like 200 notes freaks me out cfjhxfgh- Well, doing stuff for friends and others is just as cool. Y’all are awesome ^w^
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Timestamp: Aughust ninteen
Wait actually I don’t need a reason to block people. I don’t need to tell you either. It’s been getting a bit too chummy around here (reference)
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Timestamp: September 4
I didn’t finish the art month, but I got to day twenty! That’s pretty good. I’ll finish it up this month. I also gotta work on some ref sheet, finish a birthday gift, andddd clear the askbox.
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Timestamp: September 29
Oeghhhh.... too many ideas, not enough time. So many comic ideas. And I gotta tamp down my love of angst dvhkdfbnsf, make sure it makes sense first!! Decided to keep the aus separate. Normal Game Stuff is happening in the Badlands mainland, uh, I don’t know what ending we’d go with but anyways. ....hm. Maybe there’s no sosu and the factions are not making any progress. But probably’d lean towards Institute ending if I had to choose now.
Hm. Well. Maybe I did not think. Uh well in the other au Kiley’s with the Minutemen, and Nate’s with the BoS, so... well I’m not sure how this is gonna go- I’ll keep drawing memes till I think of something cool.
Timestamp: October 24
Well uhhhh. I dropped the October art challenge pretty quick, unfortunately. I’ll continue in December maybe? I said I’d do a few days of Halltober, and I don’t want to go back on what I said.
I keep continuing and dropping the au stuff, but that just proves I can continue a project! Maybe!! Maybe. It’ssss a comedy, so uh I’m not worried about making a Deep Story or anything. It’ll be fiiiiine. Just little slice of life stuff.
I wwwwwill get caught up on requests and gifts-
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abyssswvlker · 8 months
Hello there, wanderers of the Abyss.
I'm Ace/Ghost, or you can call me by my sona's name Polar. Pronouns might change a lot but I always mainly go by he/him. Mostly unlabled but I'm transmasc, poly, & pansexual.
Commissions are open! Do YOU, yeah you, want any and all of your little blorbos drawn??? IVE GOT YOU COVERED! Find all my info here -> https://1ntotheabyss.carrd.co
Anyways, I'm just here to post my silly little doodles of my fandoms & interests. My main fandoms/fixations are:
Warframe, Fallout, Titanfall 1/2, Armored core, Dorohedoro, Bloodborne + Dark souls, Gundam, & Halo. I have a Team Fortress side blog, hypocriticalloath. Might make more in the future
‼️Simple rules/dni stuff below ⬇️ (Please read before following/interacting)‼️
❗️This page'll be 17+ to follow, this is more of a personal place than my twitter & otherwise(which is why im writing this in the first place), & I might post more suggestive or gory work- I probably won't ever post explicit/NSFW things but if ever I do it will always be Fully tagged, hidden, and CW'd per usual. If you just randomly see a post of mine in the tags and wanna rb/like it, & ur under 17, it's fine
Tagging RBs as kin is ok, but please no self ship- nothing personal, just past experiences make me weary/uncomfy of the subject. Tagging things as general ships usually is fine, but if I dont want it on a post I'll tag it.
❗️Do NOT repost/distribute, reuse, or use my art without my permission. Ever. For clarification I do not mean like posting links to my art/page.
❗️Please do not interact with me or follow me if you label yourself as "Proship" "Problematic" or otherwise. You will be blocked if you do.
No weird fucking hateposts about characters I post about on my art. Esp no whack shit like "RAGH I WANNA FUCKIN KILL X-" or whatever. It's weird, get a life.
Requests & asks will be open! Please don't ask/req anything super gory or nsfw, there's a little lenience if I know you.
DMs are open but I'm rather anxious/shy so sorry if I don't talk much lol
That's all!! Hope you guys enjoy my dumb page :]
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polarizationvision · 1 year
Blog Prompt #1
I live in a zoo. We do not have government funding, cotton candy and pretzel stands, or a sign outside welcoming visitors to gawk at the animals on display. We do not have any particularly large or exotic animals. We do not carefully replicate the native environments of these animals over acres of carefully manicures land. We do, however, have 23 animals living under the same roof.
(3/23) Starting with our rowdiest exhibit: three adult dogs. Pawsta, a golden retriever overwhelming in his cuteness and ability to rupture your eardrums with his barks ; Princess, an protective and territorial blue pit bull; and G*psy (I prefer to call her dipstick), an 18 year old dust bunny of a dog that was named after a slur by my landlords ex- husband. These animals are a part of our facilities petting zoo, as they love (though require might be a better word) attention.
(7/23) Our next exhibit is my personal favorite: the four cats. The oldest and wisest of the cats in Saphira. She is a skittish and obese short haired tabby who is likely smarter than us all. The next oldest is Bum (short for Solembum). Emetophobics beware, because this long haired tuxedo loves to eat too quickly and throw up on any available surface. The naughty middle child of the group is another short haired tabby named Momo. Her hobbies include drinking from the toilet, opening closed doors, and demanding cuddles. The youngest child has a special place in my heart. This black short haired kitten is named Irradiated Cockroach a.k.a. Radroach a.k.a. Roachie a.k.a. Roach. I bought this affectionate kitten when I moved up here from Baltimore. She is named after an enemy in my favorite post-apocalyptic video game franchise: Fallout.
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Roach is loud and codependent and I would gladly take a bullet for her.
(13/23) We also house 6 ferrets. They are in an enclosure that is larger than most dorm rooms. They are named River, Scooby, Mink, Sea, Granger, and Luna. Did you know that ferrets can clear their entire digestive tract in 3 hours and will die without 24/7 access to kibble? I sure didn't until I had to house sit and take care of them.
(15/23) There are two sisters at the house. They are a pair of elderly rats names Mars and Po. They are a vital component of the house as they eat our fruit and veggie scraps as well as our leftover toilet paper rolls. One of them recently had surgery and made sure to let her anger over the situation be known. As the Smashing Pumpkins once eloquently stated: "Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage".
(18/23) There are three frogs that do not have names. It is also likely that I do not know their names. I also do not know what kinds of frogs they are, but they live in the same humid enclosure and eat crickets.
(19/23) Our most elusive animal is a terrapin. One of her favorite tricks is escaping her enclosure and being found hours later across the house in the kitchen.
(20/23) Other than the aptly name Roach, I have contributed one other animal to this zoo. He is a juvenile pink toed tarantula. He accompanied me on my trip from Maryland to Massachusetts. He was a fantastic travel companion on my road trip. Since he has shjown himself to be responsible in the past, he was in charge of the music, the snacks, and the directions.
(23/23) Our final exhibit is three ethically captured graduate students. My two roommates and I thrive off of simple enrichment (watching television), regular walks (cardio at the local YMCA), and balanced meals (sometimes salads, sometimes a plate of pizza rolls). Despite requiring separate enclosures for nesting and sleeping, we all get along quite well.
Tickets to this zoo are available upon request.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Biden administration is preparing to host dozens of African leaders in Washington for a summit next month, and it is already catching flak for who is invited and who isn’t.
Among those who have made the invite list for the upcoming U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, according to multiple current and former officials and congressional aides familiar with the matter: at least three heads of state accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity, the foreign minister of an autocratic country whose security services stalked and harassed senior U.S. congressional staffers earlier this year, and top officials from a military junta that took power last year.
The U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, scheduled for Dec. 13-15, is one of President Joe Biden’s top foreign-policy priorities in the coming months. It is the first opportunity for his administration to showcase how it views the future of U.S.-Africa relations on its home turf amid increased geopolitical tension with Russia and China and efforts to reset U.S.-Africa relations after the Trump era. But extending invites to autocrats and leaders with checkered rights records has opened the administration to criticism from lawmakers and human rights advocates and exposed contradictions in Biden’s pledges to revive democratic values and human rights abroad.
“When you partner with bad actors, nondemocratic leaders, you’re sending a clear message to the people in those countries … and giving these leaders more power and legitimacy on the world stage,” said Nicole Widdersheim of the Human Rights Watch advocacy organization.
The summit comes at a crucial juncture in U.S.-Africa relations as the continent seeks to recover from the global coronavirus pandemic and faces new economic and political pressures amid fallout from the war in Ukraine. “The war in Ukraine, but also the pandemic, all these tremendously important changes have created a new geopolitical order,” said Rama Yade, senior director for the Africa Center at the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based think tank. (Yade said the Atlantic Council is partnering with the Biden administration on some events during the summit.)
The Biden administration, current and former officials say, sought to strike a careful balance of inviting as many leaders as possible without opening it up to criticism on arbitrarily blocking some countries from attending. To do so, they used a simple metric: Top leaders from all countries in good standing with the African Union, the primary political bloc overseeing the continent, got an invite.
Administration officials wanted to avoid a diplomatic snafu similar to what the White House experienced earlier this year, when the leaders of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala refused to attend the U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas, after Biden refused to send invitations to three autocrats in the region. Those four countries sent lower-level representatives to the summit, but the ordeal exposed rifts in U.S. relations with Central American countries and overshadowed the summit’s main policy agenda.
For the Africa summit, the metric of who got an invitation and who didn’t means they could avoid that type of thorny political minefield. It also means that autocrats and leaders whose governments have been accused of war crimes now get a chance to come to Washington and potentially burnish their credentials on the world stage.
“It avoids any offense on the African side, but on the U.S. side it looks like a betrayal of our values and our policies,” said Cameron Hudson, a former U.S. diplomat and senior associate for the Africa Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank.
The White House National Security Council did not respond to requests for comment.
Three African leaders who have been invited run governments that stand accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir, and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
William Ruto, the recently elected president of Kenya, is also expected to attend the summit in Washington. Ruto faced charges of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his alleged role in fomenting a wave of violence following Kenya’s 2007 elections that led to the deaths of some 1,200 people. The ICC in 2016 dismissed his case for lack of evidence, but refused to acquit him.
Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Frederick Shava is also expected to come, officials and congressional aides said, despite Zimbabwe’s government overseeing a violent and sweeping crackdown on political dissent and being accused of dispatching its security services to stalk and harass U.S. congressional staffers during an official visit to the country earlier this year.
Due to a series of coups in West Africa in recent years, most coup leaders don’t have a ticket to come to Washington: Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea have all been suspended from the AU and didn’t get an invite. But one coup leader apparently did.
Chad is still in good standing with the AU (at least on paper), despite Mahamat Déby taking power last year and deploying his military junta’s security forces to violently crack down on pro-democracy protests in recent weeks. Déby’s government got an invite, several current and former officials said.
In Ethiopia, Ahmed’s government has been waging a bloody conflict against rebels in the country’s northern Tigray region for two years. An estimated 500,000 have died in the conflict, and all sides have been accused of grave human rights violations and war crimes. Ethiopia and Tigrayan representatives signed a peace deal earlier this month to end the conflict, but U.S. officials worry the deal is fragile and at risk of collapsing, particularly if forces from neighboring Eritrea do not withdraw from the conflict zone.
Some experts were skeptical that inviting autocratic leaders in Africa to the upcoming summit in Washington would net the Biden administration any wins on the human rights front. They point to Egypt, where Sisi has continued a wave of political repression and crackdowns on dissent despite multiple face-to-face meetings with Biden where U.S. officials said the U.S. president pressed him on human rights issues.
“It seems that the Biden administration is following a policy from the top of engagement with any actor, good, bad, or otherwise,” Widdersheim said. “If we saw substantial changes from engaging with bad actors, like Sisi, maybe engaging with all these leaders would be useful. But we just don’t see these changes.”
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skyseoroundtable · 2 years
How Do I Fix My Credit Score?
Having your debts end up in collections can do horrible things to your credit score. If you live in New York, you have options to help start repairing your credit.
Why is a Good Credit Score Important?
Most people know that having a good credit score is important when getting a loan. The higher your score the lower your interest rate. Two people financing the same car for the same price in the same timeframe can have dramatically different monthly costs. With a bad credit score, you can end up paying hundreds of dollars a month more.
If you are a renter, many landlords will run a credit check as part of their background screening of potential tenants. Landlords tend to view low credit scores as a red flag and a sign that the renter is a financial risk.
Depending on where in New York you live, employers may run a credit report on you as part of the hiring process (except for some jobs, this is now considered illegal in New York City). A bad credit report may end up costing you a job you really want or need.
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Who Creates the Credit Reports and Where Do They Get Their Information?
The three main credit reporting companies are TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. These credit bureaus get their information directly from your creditors and from public records. This information is then entered into your credit reports, and this is where mistakes can be made.
One in three Americans find errors on their credit reports. There are primarily three types of major red flags to look for:
Wrong Account information – closed accounts marked open, late payments when there were none, wrong credit limits…
Mistaken Personal Information –if you have a common name, someone else’s debts can end up on your record.
Fraud and Identity Theft – someone could have gotten a loan or credit card under your name
This is why it’s so important to check your credit reports on a regular basis. Because there are three credit reporting companies, you need to check all three reports. You have a right to review your credit reports for free every 12 months. You can contact each company individually, or you can use this site to request all three – https://www.annualcreditreport.com/index.action
Why Should I Hire a Lawyer Instead of a Credit Repair Company?
This really depends on the damaging information. Some simple mistakes can be cleared up by calling the credit reporting companies directly. But for some of the errors on your report, you may need the help of a debt attorneythat specializes in credit repair.
It’s easy to point out a mistake in your credit report – but what do you do if the lender who reported it refuses to fix the mistake? Your debt attorney can sue and bring the matter to the attention of the courts. Even the threat of legal action can get things fixed.
Sometimes the business that reported damaging information to the credit bureaus is no longer around, and your debt is with a collection agency. Your debt attorney can then either negotiate or possibly litigate to get the information off your credit report.
Short of litigation, your debt attorney can also bring your case to multiple government agencies that oversee credit reporting lapses.
And if you have damaging information on the report that is accurate (such as late or missing payments, debts that have been sent to collections, etc…), your debt attorney can help negotiate with your lenders to settle any open issues and have them removed from the reports.
Lawyers are trained to use “mitigating” language, so your debt attorney can help change or improve the wording of your damaging information to make it appear less damaging.
Your debt attorney can also help you deal with the fallout of identity theft. If the damaging information on your credit report can be identified as fraudulent, your debt lawyer can have the false information removed. Your attorney can also better handle dealing with the various authorities, government agencies, credit card providers, and police.
To counteract any lasting damaging information, your debt lawyer can also reach out to “friendly” accounts that may have not reported your positive information. Multiple positive statements on your reports can lessen the harm of one or two entries of damaging information.
If your credit report is just one damaging information claim after another, your debt attorney may recommend bankruptcy and can help guide you through the process. This will eventually clear out all your existing debt and let you start again with a clean slate.
To learn more about repairing your credit, click here.
What to Do Next
If you are struggling with the effects of a low credit score and/or have found damaging information on your credit reports, you need to take action. Reach out to New York debt attorney Ronald D. Weiss, P.C. for a free consultation. He can guide you through the available options for your specific needs. Ron can get the process started and will be at your side the whole time. Call 631-250-4120 and take the first step to a fresh start.
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Contact the Law Office of Ronald D. Weiss, P.C.
📞 : (631) 271-3737
🌎 : https://www.ny-bankruptcy.com/
📍 : 734 Walt Whitman Rd #203, Melville, NY 11747
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