#small c
csuitebitches · 5 months
Do you think you speak too fast/ too slow?
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Here is what I learned from a speech coach.
warm up:
start this exercise by taking a deep breath and saying “aaaaah” - try to extend this to 30 seconds. Now if it doesn’t go till 30, that’s fine. Aim to work your way to that. If you can work it up to 30, go for 45/60 seconds. Do this 5 times.
next. Download an app called Metronome beats. It’s basically what singers/ musicians use for beats.
Settings: keep beats/bar as 1,
clicks/beats as 1
start at 90. It will start with a click sound and continue “beeping.”
Match your words to the beep. One beep = one word. Now slowly, increase the beat by 5 till you reach 110. Increase it at your own pace but try to spend at least 20 seconds on each number (90 for 20 seconds; 95 for 20; 100 for 20….) That’s when you stop.
either start by reading something out loud and matching the beat, or select a topic and speak freely.
do this every single day. This will help with your breath, if you’re speaking on a topic it will help you think better and improve over time. The best way to further complement this exercise is to improve your vocabulary. Try to learn 1-3 new words a day and incorporate it in your vocabulary.
This is a great tool to use when learning new languages too. You can practice your speaking skills and see how fast you can remember/ read words.
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pommegrantaire · 8 months
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well, heaven knows
that without you is how i disappear
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devourable · 8 months
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you swear to god that professor cygnus had it out for you. he’d always call you out for being distracted in his class, give you the harshest marks on your tests, pushed you the hardest during recital practice. things he never did to the other students.
it was like he had made it his mission to make your life awful, so long as he was in it.
you had enough one day. so just before classes started, you approached him to ask why. why did he treat you the way he did? what exactly did you do to deserve the treatment he was throwing your way? you thought you were a good student, and you were respectful enough, did you do something to upset him?
sterling tried, he really did. but he couldn't stand that look on your face. you really didn't know what you did to him? what you were doing to him now? he had to take it out on you. you needed to learn just how fucking crazy you made him.
you really didn’t expect to end up bent over his desk, desperately clutching at the edge of it, getting rutted into from behind so hard that you swore he was trying to fuck you through your clothes. you could feel every rock hard inch straining under his pants, forcefully pressed against your ass while one of his hands pushed you harder against the desktop, every movement sending stationary clattering to the ground.
you drove him crazy, he’d huff in your ear, it was your own fault. he had no choice but to be harder on you. you came to his class every day, acting all innocent, like you didn't know that he struggled to do his job with you around. and here you came, asking why he treated you the way he did?
he hated you, he hissed. he hated how he couldn't get you off his fucking mind.
you were lucky he had enough sense not to cross the line by fucking you senseless right on his desk. god, how he wanted but you knew this wouldn't be the end of it — he sent you off with a slap to your ass and a heated look in his eye just before the rest of his students began filing into the room, leaving you both hot and unsatisfied.
you left on shaky legs, shying away from the curious glances of your peers whilst professor c. returned right to his cool, unbreakable demeanor, hoping that the flush in his face and the hard-on he hid under his desk went unnoticed.
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eggsplice · 25 days
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whyd you have to do all that man
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markscherz · 6 months
In which my not-yet-two-year-old son catches a gecko for the first time, and I barely keep it together.
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rozugold · 3 months
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I love you…
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 5 months
make them... 👉👈 🥺 make them kiss 👉👈😳🥺❤️😌👉👈
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peculiarpinkpig · 11 months
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violet-sapphic · 9 months
sluttiest thing a butch can wear is a tight black tshirt
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after failing miserably the first go around, (crochet) Home's walls are complete! we're less than halfway there but hey! The Walls!
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krashlite · 3 months
Mmmmore roughs!
Insert coconut [dONK] sound effect here
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martyrbat · 11 months
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action comics #655
[ID: a photo of young Clark Kent getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He's using a stool to climb on top of the countertop and is looking over his shoulder with a shocked expression! The caption underneath the photo, written by Martha, reads: ‘Caught in the act!’ END ID]
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commander-goo · 4 months
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transgenbur · 1 year
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wedding bells
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
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cannot for the fucking life of me get his proportions right for some reason but i just want you all to know how small my second is compared to my stick!alan
also! alan is the only exception to the simple hollowheads rule since he's not really manmade or an outernet stick. he's just a freak of stick nature unfortunately
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aro-throughyourchest · 6 months
I actually love the fact that c!tommy is a little bastard but that doesn’t make him a bad person he needs to learn and grow but also he’s seventeen and kinda fucked
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