#so overall it doesnt bother me too much
luna7822 · 15 days
congradulations assholes
u all finally got that stupid ass victory that u ppl so lovingly beg for absolutely no reason other than just to find more petty excuses to boost ur ego and outright splat any other ppl from different teams on site as if any of u dont know how to play like fair for once in ur pathetic fucking life and admittingly i do feel bad for shiver too since she actually had smth that i could agree with for once (vanilla aside) and that u assholes pretty much decided to be absolute jerks throughout the whole damn thing all cuz im on her team as if splatfests and final/seasonalfests in general were never meant to be taken srsly in the first place and overall to any stupid ass stans/spawn campers out there i wish u all a very happy go fuck urself for basically never giving me a fair fucking chance for once whatsoever and for honestly being the worst fucking idol f**base to ever exist in general so yeah
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#lunas rambles and shit :3#splatoon 3#yeah of fucking couse im adding this tag just so those assholes can know wtf im taking abt for once since all they ever do nowdays#is bitch and whine over the most ridicuous shit imaginable all cuz other teams want to win too and that ur stupid ass fav idol or some shit#doesnt have to win every damn time since u already won before but apparently u assholes decided that wasnt enough for some reason and#basically went as far as to blame handshake for winning fair and square as if u cant do anything beyond counting stacks instead of the#actual numbers and also proceed to splat any member of any opposing team u come across without even having the decency to let them have fun#and do their thing for once which is overall the main fucking reason why i really#fucking despise frye stans so fucking much to the point where i sinseraly hope u idiots lose the finalfest too since its basically what u#pieces of fucking shits deserve for having so called “”“”good sportship“”“” towards shiver and big man teams and#not even being fucking bothered to actually have a good time for once regardless if u win or not since u all missed the whole point#of splatfests in general and piss me off sm to the point where i just fucking hope u all lose every other splatfest from here on out and#continously bitch and whine over the most minor thing possible while ur fucking at it since its all u really care abt anymore atp instead#of actually having fun like a normal human person for once#and even tho that scene after the results was admittingly wholesome too i still feel bad for shiver anyways since i dont really care abt the#latter options all that much and that this is just a fun silly what if scenario anyways so yeah#im gonna start posting this now and dw ill be sure to block any stupid ass annoying frye stans on site anyways since theyre basically just#the absolute worst f**base of pretty much any splatoon idol in general if u ask me
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nowendil · 5 months
thinking about. womanhood again
#been thinking about how much of the way i have let some kind of womanhood in as a fragment of my identity is infleunced by me thinking that#'well people are going to gender me as a woman anyway so might as well accept it'#and i think that's a part of it (not a thought i overall enjoy. feels somehow defeatist or like i'm giving in or whatever.)#(which i dont think it is but it's a kneejerk reaction)#i do also think that the way i have been actively trying to unpack some of my internalized misogyny has a part in it#i'm not proud to say that i did grow up as a girl who thought womanhood (as it was presented to me at the time)#sounds stupid and way too much effort and unrelatable#but now that my view of the different ways to experience and relate to womanhood have broadened#i can say that i do feel some connection to it. even if i dont usually really claim it as wholly mine#and that acceptance has made it easier to be perceived as a woman in my day to day life#i'm not saying it never stings but. isk it's a bit different#i have said it before but the main thing that bothers me is being seen always and only as a woman.#like i can be a little bit of a woman and Kind Of Like a woman or a close approximate of a woman#but if Woman is all people see my gender as that stingsss#just like being seen solely as a man stings too#(this doesnt happen often so usually it feels more like a fun gender sprinkled in.#or like. it affirms my gender by telling me that i can confuse people)#like. i'm not really a woman i'm not really a man but those are the two options currently recognized by most of society#so a mix of both feels like the best case scenario for me personally genderwise#because gender neutral terms dont always just. hit the same for me as mixing gendered ones does. this varies greatly though#but also i would like to. hm. how to say this. not make that into a rule for myself? i dont want to overthink it#(<- says a guy who has never not overthought anything)#like i have been finding a lot of joy in dressing a bit more masculine in the last year which is wonderful#but sometimes i find myself stressing that if i look 'too masc' people are going to misread my identity more often#because i have a masc leaning chosen name and all#but i try to remind myself that. bitch people are going to misread and misunderstand your gender no matter what you do. relax#but idk. anyway abolish gender so i can start stressing over something else#nowe talks#gender
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irl-ichi · 1 year
my eyes are gonna be all puffy for first day of class tomorrow -_-
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
hello! i saw your requests were open and you write for saiki k ! 😁 I was wondering if i can request general dating hcs for saiki?
my first saiki request! exciting! also ive been so active??? hopefully i can keep this up, ive been working to clear out my inbox so i can open it again!
i miss watching saiki k i need to rewatch for the thousandth time 
general kusuo saiki dating headcanons
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-for saiki, dating was never something of interest to him, especially considering the nature of his supernatural abilities
-even he’s uncertain how he managed to fall in love with you in his hectic everyday life, but he did, and to his surprise, you liked him back! So boom boom you two are dating!
-dating saiki isn’t a secret thing, but a private thing, you get what i mean? He doesn’t go out of his way to hide the fact you two are seeing each other but he definitely doesn’t initiate pda or outright tell people the two of you are dating just for the sake of telling
-saiki isnt completely reserved as most people may think though. I mean hes in a relationship for a reason. If he didnt want to take on the responsibilities of being a boyfriend then he wouldnt be in a relationship. Simple!
-pda is an absolute no no most of the time, but in private, he doesnt mind being more physical
-by physical i mean bothering the shit out of him
-maybe the two of you will be reading on his couch, opposite end of each other, and out of nowhere you just stretch your legs onto his lap
-he shoots you a glare and you stick your tongue out, and thats pretty much it. He doesnt push you off, just continues reading and letting you relax
-maybe you’ll both be watching tv in the dark late at night and you’ll lean into his side and again, he wont move. Hell, he might rest his arm on the cushion behind you!
-dating saiki means youre probably the more talkative one, but there are plenty of times where saiki just loves to rant to you about his annoyances
-”ah look, nuisances A and B.” “kusuo thats rude” “dont pretend to be all nice”
-he brings you everywhere with him. As he already almost constantly gets dragged into something he doesnt want to do by his friends, he’s dragging you along with him so you can suffer too (cough he can tolerate his friends a bit more)
-youre a bit of a translator for him, usually the one who excuses his rudeness sometimes and he’ll go “don’t speak for me”
-his friends are shocked when he finds out about you to say the least. But they adore you!!
-sooo super nice because of course. eventually as you all continue to get closer and they notice the subtle change in saikis demeanor when hes around you, the soft smiles and attentiveness, theyre genuinely so happy for the two of you
-you have to beg him for homework answers that he typically refuses to give you, saying you need to take responsibility for your work
-you do know about his powers; you have to if youre his partner
-and sometimes you cant help yourself by asking questions or asking him to show off sometimes
-but other than that youre respectful of his boundaries and leave him alone about it
-but maaaaybe sometimes he’ll be nice. like if you accidentally misplaced something of yours, he’ll use clairvoyance to find it and silently leave in somewhere you’ll find later
-cafe dates! Purposely makes sure to steer clear of places his classmates would visit to avoid attention
-surprise him with a sweet he likes (bonus points if its to cheer him up after his friends put him in a foul mood) and he’ll give you a brief kiss on your cheek <3
-his parents love you which he doesnt know if its a good or bad thing, because theyre constantly all over you, his dad teasing him all the time
-you’re always welcome in their house!
-something you wouldve never expected was saiki getting protective, but when it comes down to his brother, he cant help but be a little nervous, so he keeps you a lot closer when hes visiting or his family visits him and invites you to come along
-overall being in a relationship with saiki is surprisingly exciting, and though he isnt very vocal about it, its through his little actions that you can tell he appreciates having you in his life
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h4ndwr1tten · 2 years
jjk men on your period
note - wrote this bc im currently on mine and it sucks.
cw - afab!reader, reader has their period, mentions of food/eating, use of the word kill (it's nothing serious), a few suggestive themes in gojo's part. let me know if i miss any.
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nanami kento
this man knows all about periods somehow. maybe his mother taught him or maybe he learned elsewhere, but the man knows.
he'll quickly realize when you get it or when you're on it.
he'll notice the changes in your mood and the sudden cravings for food.
he'll be pretty straight up when asking, he'd say something like -
"hon, are you on your period?", "did you get your period, angel?", "is it that time of month, my love?"
omg the pet names im crying
will do anything you ask and get you anything you want/need
(as if he doesn't already)
will also cook for you if you crave anything
cramps? no problem. this man will cuddle you and rub the pain away. will also kiss anywhere that's hurting.
if tummy rubs don't help, he'll warm up the heating pad for you. would also bring you some painkillers.
he would most definitely massage you if you were sore anywhere. lower back pain? he's got you covered.
knows the exact period products you use. he knows the exact brand of pads/tampons and the exact size/absorbency. he knows.
if you ever stain the bed, he would clean it up for you. he would reassure you that it's fine and remind you that bleeding through is normal, then tell you to go get cleaned up. won't ever use these situations against you and would never even dream of embarrassing you with them.
would 100% understand your mood swings.
"darling, why are you crying? did something go wrong?" "there was an ant crawling on me, so i tried to flick it off but when i did i accidentally killed it! i'm such a terrible person!" "oh, i see, i've been there. come here, shh, now, it's alright."
he memorizes how many days you bleed, how many days pass between your period days, what your usual symptoms are and even how heavy your flow is.
on the days where your flow is heavier than usual, he'll become a little worried and aware. you're losing a lot of blood, he doesn't want anything bad happening.
overall nanami would just be the best and most understanding person when it comes to your period. he would be there for you as much as possible and do anything to make you feel a little less miserable.
gojo satoru
at first, this man knows very little about periods.
he knows you'll bleed for a while, but won't understand why.
gojo doesnt bother finding out why until you get your period for the first time with him.
he will do as much research as humanly possible and in 3 hours, a full day at most, he will have every fact memorized.
search history would look like, "what is the reason for periods?" "what are period symptoms?" "what helps you feel better when you're on your period?" "how to make my partner feel comfortable during their period."
you're both luck and unlucky that gojo has a sweet tooth.
if you ask him for dark chocolate or any other sweet, he will either already have it or stock up on it. he'll buy at least 3 packs.
it's a sweet thing, but most of the time, he's the one eating them.
"toru, have you seen the kikifuku?"
gojo, whose cheeks would be full and dusted with powder, with the empty box in his lap, would answer, "no, where did you put it last?"
you'll pout when you find out he ate it all. but not to worry, he'll immediately buy 20 more packs to make up for it.
stocks up on period products too. will probably pull something like, "babe, i'm gonna buy some pads, but i need to know the size of your pussy. care to show me?"
(you'll smack him upside the head for it)
would most definitely use your period as an excuse to cuddle with you. but will also cuddle if you want/need to, how could he turn you down?
when you tell him you have cramps, at first he forgets what to do. he remembers something about a heating pad, but when you take his hand and rub it gently across your lower abdomen and your body relaxes, he realizes this would be a great option too.
would suggest period sex as a joke. he leaves out the part where he's kidding until you grab a pillow and start hitting him with it. it's really funny.
gojo satoru may not know much about this cycle at first, but after you he learns everything. he will help you in every possible way he can think of, though there will be a lot of teasing to come with it. sometimes you'll have to guide him or point out some things to him, but he'll gladly listen and learn, just for you.
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enjoyed? give a like, maybe even a follow <3
m. list
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barbatusart · 5 months
Do you have a recommendation for a specific book of your work for folks who showed up for your Bg3 stuff? (Also if you read the parts out of order would that be an issue?)
welcome aboard!!! thank you so much for checking my bg3 stuff out, it's a pleasure to have you
as i said in my other post over here, im predominantly an extreme horror artist! i 100% decline to call myself an eroguro artist because personally i dont find the kind of gore & horror i do particularly erotic, but im super fascinated with the horrors of the body & the darkness of the general human experience, so thats the kind of stuff i tend to make. it isnt the worst most heinous Ever you'll find out there, but im fully aware that it's A Lot, so everything i make with @meanbossart is thoroughly warned for so nobody goes into our body of work unaware & gets a nasty shock.
bg3 in particular goes some pretty dark routes (some bits in a dark urge run even made me kinda reel back and go "jesus"), so id say for people coming in from bg3 your mileage may heavily vary. if torture & really extreme body horror doesnt bother you, you may be OK with SAD SACK (sus.space/sadsack) and its current wip sequel SORTIE (sus.space/sortie), but i would still recommend reading each book's individual content warnings thoroughly before choosing to spend any money. (everything is paywalled to further deter minors.) if you're on the fence about how much horror content is too much for you, or if you're curious about these titles but find the content warnings to be concerning, my DMs on tumblr+twitter and my IMs are always open if you have any questions about particular CWs or even need specific page numbers so you can either skip that bit of gore or be informed enough to approach the page number(s), take a Deep breath, and proceed when youre ready! for these 2 titles in particular, unfortunately they do have a linear story, so to fully grasp what's going on requires reading the books in order. again if it's something youre curious to the point of wanting to try but on the fence about, i am always welcoming of inquiring DMs to help make the experience thrilling + chilling but Not genuinely upsetting.
if you're OK with a little violence and body horror but not as splatterfest as these titles, im currently chipping away at the preliminaries for my giant project LOVOS4017 (lovos4017.the-comic.org) which is a love letter to TNG scifi and 80s cyberpunk anime. im currently on pause with the roughs since last year due to COVID frontline burnout, but ive by no means abandoned it; this IP is my baby that ive been workshopping the show bible for for over a decade & i want to see it through to the end B)
finally if you would like to read our work but want to avoid gore and extreme violence entirely, we do have some stuff that is violence-free! [email protected] (suscomics.itch.io/pooppix) is a comic with a really bonkers premise but no violence and no visible onscreen poop i promise about finding genuine human connection over unusual shared interests on the internet. ATTACK DOG (suscomics.itch.io/attackdog) is also a short solo comic i did myself about sex, quasi-submission fetish, & the requirements of true love (theres some mild gooey body weirdness but no gore i promise)
overall i thank you for showing interest in what @meanbossart & i do! we tend towards strange & unusual premises and presentations, but i hope that you find something within our body of work that entertains you. if you every have any questions about anything, please please please feel free to DM me at any time; my goal in life is to entertain & provoke thought!
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Hiii I have a request and I’m sorry if I sent it in before and forgot I have a bad memory. Can I have head cannons for The Grabber, Rz or Og Michael Myers, Otis Driftwood and Vincent Sinclair with an s/o who covers their mouth when they laugh or smile because they’re insecure about how their smile looks? Kinda specific I know but I just wanted to request it. Thank you
you didn't so dont sweat it, and i love this!! i had braces when i was younger & getting retainers affected my smile sm, was very conscious about what i looked like, so this is def comforting to write smh
requests r open, masterlist is up!
Slasher x ( Self Conscious ) Gn Reader Hcs!!
Warnings: Language, Comforting ( ish ) Slasher Bfs
The Grabber
he took you, he wants all of what you have to offer
he believes he has the right to see every part of you, the more about you he learns, the more he falls for you
it takes him a few days to notice, you could be spending time w him in the basement & let out a laugh, and when he goes to see your gorgeous smile he notices you instinctively went to cover it
confused, but maybe it was a reflex?
he wants to see you when he makes you happy, he loves the validation, so he picks up the next few times your smile is blocked
eventually he figures it out, and of course is very confrontational
"Why do you hide your little smile around me?"
he will sit down in front of you and hold your shoulder, doing his best to be comforting
of course it may come off intimidating with the masks but he does his best for you
if you choose to open up about it, he shakes his head and cups your jaw, whispering to you everything he loves about you and how youre nothing short of glorious to him
his compliments and praises may be odd, he is a very peculiar man so expect some abnormal yet concerned words of affirmation
he will do his best to say how he loves what you look like after youve told him, he wants to see what youve got to offer
overall 9/10, he loves you in his own way, definitely odd but thats fine because he means every word
"It's not perfect, I don't want you to think any less of me."
"But I think it's perfect, and that's the only thing that matters."
Og Michael Myers
unlike the grabber, it may take a bit longer than a few days to notice when you aren't showing your smile or laugh
he is constantly on the move, so when he slows down to spend time with you, youll most likely be talking or watching a movie together, getting in the quality time
whenever a funny scene comes up he can hear your laughter, but when he looks to your direction he doesnt see the normal look, he sees your hand covering your mouth
the first time he doesnt think too much about it, you dont question him when he does his stuff, why bother you and your stuff
however, he starts to pick up on it more after noticing it once, even if he doesnt show it he likes your presence, he wants to see your range of feelings because it makes him content
after a while, he becomes his version of concerned, lingering around you longer, staring at you, he knows somethings off
eventually the next time you go to cover your mouth, he firmly ( but safely ) grasps your hand, preventing you from hiding your laughter or smile
he doesnt need a reason that you hide it, but if youd like to tell him you can
hes firm in the sense that he wants to see you when you two are together
isnt very physically affectionate initiating wise, but this is one of the few things that if your insecure about, will let you know he does not care
he couldnt care less about what you look like, he still cares for you the same
overall 7/10, a but strange in the ways he cares but still efficient
Otis Driftwood
lord he picks up on it right away
"What the fuck 'er ya doing? Let me see those pearly whites."
he loves to hear you laugh and your smile makes him slyly grin, so hes snarky when you hide it
he doesnt understand why youd want to hide something be sees as perfect
will swat your hand away to see you
if you choose to tell him why youre hiding it, he will say that 'thats bullshit' and how you dont need to worry around him or the family
if a victim says anything about it for any reason, whether you knew it or not, he would make the remaining life they have torture
if his family ever did say anything, he would yell or curse them out, scolding them if they didnt know
the family loves you a lot so i wouldn't worry abt it
otis himself praises you from time to time, reminding you of how good you look, and you will start receiving comments on your smile
overall 8/10, his comments will definitely be a mix of sexual & non sexual but he loves you at the end of the day, and your smile still warms his heart
"Sexy, do me a favor and move your fuckin' hand so I can see that gorgeous smile of yours!"
Vincent Sinclair
a man of few words has a great sense of observation
he loves to have you around while he works, so there may be an old radio around, or a book youre reading ( to yourself or to him, he enjoys your company )
you mightve found yourself admiring his art, or just him in general, seeing him attentive to you even as hes got work
he glances over to you to see why youve stopped reading, and he sees your hand over your fave as you just adore him, and the first time he thinks its just more comfortable that way, he feels loved that youre content with just being in silence
but whenever you two are out ( occasionally ) or sharing moments, he sees you shield your mouth a lot, and he tries to put two and two together
he may be nervous that something is seriously wrong, or that hes done something, but after discussing it with his brothers, he starts to suspect something else
he loves to look at you, he considers you art by how extravagant you are
the next time you go to hide your laughter, he gives you a concerned look & asks in asl if youre alright
you may be reluctant to tell him at first, but he is the most comforting & patient man youll ever meet
he nods and listens excellently as you work through it
he knows how to comfort you well, if youre alright with it and youve been together a while, he will hold you and let you confine in him
he knows solace well, and if its his s/o whose distressed, he will put aside work just to comfort you
knows what it feels like to be conscious about your face / self, he listens to what you may need
overall 10/10, excellent excellent experience and you two grow closer after it, amazing boyfriend fr
i love writing hcs sm, and i love a refreshing variety of slashers to cleanse myself, theyre all so good :)
requests r open, masterlist is up!
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nightdustfallen · 4 months
Finally made a ref sheet lol if any of ya'll needed a bit more of a full view to draw em here it is, as well as the accurate non-shadowed colors By the way, you can use the tag "nightly.art" to see all of my art if you dont want to dig thru all of the other art (of lovely and talented people) that i regularly reblog
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Which i suppose also segways into an introductory pinned post? perhaps
Well im Nightdust!! my main fursona is this guy above me, he is called Nightdust Fallen, he is a breed of a husky and a wolf, making him extremely fluffy and puffy! The reason for his name is by the fact that (in my head canon or lore) he came from a bunch of fallen space star dust, hence why he likes space so much and staring at the stars, he also has some sort of ice magic i havent fully fleshed out yet, one thing i can say tho is that when he sneezes, he does it softly and he puffs out small ice snowflakes and can freeze things he touches he is also supposed to wear glasses like me but i suck at drawing those and forgot to include them here anyway so
He is very shy, doesnt talk much but is very protective of his very close friends and would do anything to protect them and make sure they're safe, he is a femboy (of course), enjoys listening to calm relaxing music and high octane electronic music at times, is a gamer, likes cuddling up in bed and i think that's it
It also doubles up as a self description of myself so yeah lol Still tho feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or anything, with that said onwards to more personal stuff
I enjoy drawing obviously, but i also enjoy cooking stuff and origami, i play a lot of roblox usually to pass time but a game i really got into is "Voices of the Void" i really recommend but it's not for everyone, i like the game's concept and how detailed the space is there. For some reason, a lot of the time i am cold, my hands, feet, nose and limbs overall are very cold which is why i thought about giving my oc some ice magic thing. I am taken, in a relationship with my cutie bunny bf, and my sexuality is bisexual. As said before i do not talk much since im not the social type and usually freeze up or dont know what to say, hence why sometimes i take a long time to respond to something or my response is "dry" or not full of much emotion since i dont really know what to say or feel like im annoying if i talk too much. If you read thru all of that and get here then reply with the word bean so i know you're a true one hehe. I also often wait for others to start the conversation rather than me starting since i again, feel like i would bother the other person or like i could distract them if they are doing something
Anyways i believe that is pretty much it, thank for reading all of this if you did, and i probably didnt mention lots of details i should have but they arent coming to my mind right now
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roseworth · 7 months
hey <3 heres what i think of every scene that rosenberg has written with rose
disclaimer: most of this is me being very nitpicky. rose was a side character for all of these appearances so obv i understand that its not gonna be perfect characterization. but i rly like talking about rose characterization so this is just me pulling apart her appearances for fun <3
ok lets go
i LOVE the jason & rose dynamic. im not much of a jayrose fan but since its happening im glad that its like this. i love that its so much "rose is excessively horny and jason is giving her nothing" bc its so in character for both of them. shes fucking with him and he does not know how to reciprocate. they r so sillies
HOWEVER. rose would not just hang around him like shes doing. as much as i like that dynamic i feel like he also has to at least sometimes show that hes. you know. interested in having her around. shes just kinda tagging along and i wish there was a reason why she would put up with him never giving her anything, especially since she has a tendency to leave at the first sign of not being wanted
on a completely different note, im a little disappointed that shes wearing her old costume instead of the new one she has in btbatb/kt ravager. i appreciate that shes still drawn like an adult but i rly like her new costume so im sad that she doesnt have it
man who stopped laughing #9
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STRONG start. beats up a bunch of cops, then right after she appears she does her stupid flirting thing then immediately says that she doesnt want to associate with the batfamily. queen.
not to mention right before this is my fav failgirl moment where she goes through her whole plan to crash the car and break jason out of prison. then just goes up and knocks on the door
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flips the car over then walks up and says "hey its the fire department. open up" and not a single person believes her. i love her
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lesbian rose crumbs <3 i still choose to believe shes talking about cass here idc. shes so silly and this was a cute lil panel
so yeah. she was on one page of this issue but that one page was great and i love her
mwsl #10
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shes so lame <3 i talked about this moment a lot when this issue first released but i love it. "somebody had all the fun without us" upon finding a body, then realizing someone else was there and just. starts shooting. she doesnt hit anything. she doesnt even know where the other person is.
my big problem here is that she does not carry a gun and pretty much never uses guns. honestly now that im thinking about it this is one of the only times shes ever used a gun on panel (the other times i can think of being: shooting wade off a cliff after her mom died, shooting starfire in n52 outlaws (but new 52 rose barely even counts as rose), and using deathstroke's gun when she was pretending to be him in deathstroke 2016)
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shes not anti-gun or anything but it still bothers me just a little that suddenly she has a gun (hence why i fully believe she stole jasons gun <3)
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if i want to nitpick, kate should not have been able to hit her. rose should've seen she was coming wayyy before (bc precog) and she wouldnt be knocked down from one hit. i fear we are headed down a path of her becoming jasons incompetent girlfriend but i wont be too dramatic about her getting hit one (1) time
but other than that i thought this was a fun moment of rose getting hit then jason immediately fighting the person that hit her. toxic girlbesties fr
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then also her needing to be held back after she gets up so she doesnt start attacking the person thats helping them <3 i love her
mwsl #11
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this is a nice issue for her just because in true rose tradition she LOVES to have homoerotic fights with every other female character she interacts with. the kate & rose dynamic was soooo fun i love it when shes mean to people for no reason <3
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i did not like this part though. i feel like there are a lot of implications about rose here that are unfair to her character & her place in the dcu. i'll meet the book on its own terms and say that we're only talking about post-52 rose (blah blah everything's canon rn but this book is very clearly not using pre-52 rose lore) but even then? theres no real reason for her to be ducking superheroes or for superheroes to keep an eye on her. shes not a villain or even much of a killer, the fact that shes "staying off the radars" of good guys doesnt make much sense. and the fact that kate knows her and "studies" her (fellas is it gay to study another woman despite never meeting her) implies that rose is like. a threat. shes just kind of around there is no reason kate should know her like that
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cute moment! but also it bothers me. i think its fun that she refused to go since its not her fight and she doesnt want to get into a joker mess. HOWEVER. when has she ever in her life passed up an opportunity to get involved in someone elses problem. to me she wouldnt have even delivered the list of addresses without a fight if she wasnt gonna go along
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other than her using a gun again (where the hell did she even get that) i like this <3 her showing up and saving manhunter after she said she didnt care what happened is so her. also i just like the fact that she shot joker
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gay gay homosexual gay
the rest of this issue is fun <3 just kate & rose fighting together then getting blown up together <3 this was a nice issue for her despite the problems i had with it
gotham war red hood #2
gotham war break!!!
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okay first of all i LOVE that he took her along. there was no reason for rose to be here but jason was told to meet someone and said "ok ill go but my weird friend comes with me" its so funny
ive seen a lot of people complain about the "you're my only friend" line but i LOVE it. not necessarily because she doesnt have any friends but because she would not in a million years ADMIT that she has friends. she would rather be shot in the head than say that she actually likes the people that she hangs out with.
but to be fair.... she also doesnt have friends. "what about the lazarus island gang?" the only person she actually liked there and showed any friendship toward was damian, and they ARE friends but she considers him more of a little brother than a friend. "what about the teen titans??" a) she would NEVER admit that she is friends with any of them b) its technically.... not really canon that she was ever on the same team as them. like i said before, im meeting this book on its terms, and rose being a teen titan hasnt been mentioned since flashpoint :( i wont go on a whole tangent about her friends but given that she hasnt really made a friend in years and never talks to anyone else, i think its fair for her to say that she has no friends
so yeah all this to say: she has friends, but it is 100% in character for her to say that she has no friends. i stand by this line
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i dont have much to say here i just think shes so cute <3 i also love the fact that jason jumped straight to "rose is robbing a dead person" instead of "rose is inspecting the body"
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but im OBSESSED with the fact that she DOES rob him. i feel like we're not talking about this enough. she saw a dead body and took his money. im not even mad about it because its so fucking funny to me
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im sorry jay/rose fans this makes me want to vomit. this feels too "earnest emotions" for both of them. the rest of this scene was fine but this panel specifically feels so :/
"i just need help" "always" and "please take care of yourself" and "meet at our spot" "promise?" "i promise" does not feel like them at all. its a very sweet and genuine moment but they would NOT have sweet and genuine moments! neither of them would ever express their feelings and they would not have this conversation
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this does not feel like rose at all idk who this is. where is the rage!!!!!! where is the anger!!!!!!! why did she stand there for hours just. worried about him. why isnt she lashing out
comparing this to the scene in tt03 where she's worried about eddie:
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she gets angry! shes worried about him and starts yelling at everyone around her because hes hurt and she doesnt know whats happening. i would have LOVED this energy in this book and its sooooo disappointing that she just. stands there like 🥺 when she doesnt know what happened to jason
mwsl #12
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i rly liked this part fhdkjfhakjdfd i thought her pretending to be him just to get batman out of the way was so good and so real. shes helping out AND fucking with batman
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very minor complaint here but this isnt even true . she DOES try to run into him in ds16 when slade kidnaps damian and rose gives bruce the ransom terms. also i feel like this line is vaguely implying that she HAS found him (/he found her) on accident before which is also not true given that their only interactions are in ds16 and being in the same general area in shadow war. and also reiterating that shes not a villain so batman has no reason to track her down or cause problems for her but. whatever. this is entirely just me jumping to conclusions about what this one throwaway line means and then getting mad about it
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LOVE this. she inserted herself into the situation then complains about it. this isnt her business and shes making sure that jason knows it. but also she completely volunteered for most of this
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BOOOOOOOO she would not fucking say that. "sorry about that whole chase" no she would not apologize. "please dont kick my ass" she would NOT say that!!!!! first of all given that this is after gotham war she would probably kick his ass just for what he did to jason. even besides that she would not be afraid of him even a little. comparing their convo in ds16 #5 to this is so sad bc </3 why is she afraid of him instead of being a huge bitch and yelling at him
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this ending is really good for her though. she absolutely would dive into the water with joker gas, trash, and dead bodies just to save her friend <3
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this is more like it!!!!!!!! shes worried for him and takes initiative to save him by jumping in the water despite it being a very dangerous decision and then insults him while she saves his life <3333 its a tiny bit more of her being mean to express worry which is nice <3 its not perfect but its closer
in conclusion: there are many good moments. there are many parts i like about it. but there are just so many things that dont feel like rose </3 most of the broad strokes are there but it just doesnt feel like her when shes not full of rage and going out of her way to piss people off
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Slenderman partaking in S/O's interests/hobbies
Trying to diversify my stuff since a lotta my recent CRP stuff has been very eyeless jack centric
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Typically he wouldn't be too keen on exploring the interests and hobbies of others... but then again he doesn't typically harbor romantic feelings for people, and yet here you were.... so clearly to him, you were an exception.
He starts out with simply watching and observing you, trying to work out what you enjoy about it and all that. But eventually he attempts to join in.
Drawing, music, knitting, gaming, singing... and so on
Watching him try to figure out video games would be interesting... some games he understands, other games he doesn't. Bonus if you show him any of the slender games... he'd be... vaguely interested in seeing how others percieve him. He won't be too bothered regardless of his representation, though, he's seen it all given how ancient he is.
The man was completely unphased when he inevitably saw the.... spicier.... fanart of him
Singing is also interesting, as he doesn't speak much... at least not verbally. Usually sticks with mind stuff... it was quite jarring hearing him sing out loud for the first time, and hearing his voice not... bounce around inside your skull...
When he listens to music with you, he'll occasionally hum along to it. He likes classical, but he doesn't mind other genres or types!
He'd enjoy art, I think! Likes painting! Loads of paintings of nature and quick sketches of you
He enjoys knitting and is oddly proficient in it; it's almost hypnotic watching his nimble fingers work... plus this is a headcannon I already have for him! When you live in a remote manor in the woods you gotta learn to keep things in decent condition!
Another headcannon interest he has is playing instruments; specifically the piano! This is because I read this old slenderman x oc fic years back that stuck with me, and this was a detail with the authors representation of him and it just. Phased into my own headcanons for him-
He likes playing for you, but doesn't mind if you join in! Doesnt matter if its sharing the piano, or you have your own instrument
Overall, he doesn't judge what your hobbies are, and these are just a few examples. Again, this man has seen a lot, so you could be doing something fairly niche and he wouldn't think you were odd for it.... though he also doesnt bat an eye if it happens to be something that puts you at risk.. he does step in if he sees youre in over your head, though!
Also a great listener! Will let you rant and ramble on for hours! Sometimes even looks deeper into it to help deepen the conversation and connection
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yourbpdgf · 2 years
yes yes yesssss! im gonna have fun w this one! these are just randoms hcs that came to my mind since you didnt specify what you wanted 🤷��♀️. s/os can be interpreted as a pasta in this seeing as theyre friends with other pastas and are implied to live in slender mansion.
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poly jeff tk and eyeless jack hcs!
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• you guys whole dynamic is chaos ☠️.
• its literally ej and jeff on your top all the time and you messing w them 😭.
• jeffs not TOO bad hes just a little very jealous...
• like if you and ej even TRY to do something without him hes gonna be bothered. it could literally be something as small as grocery shopping.
• "you guys are going grocery shopping? without me? wow i thought this was a three person relationship, i guess you two dont care about me, huh?"
• he doesnt mean it, hes just really dramatic.
• dont even get me started on when you hang out with jane. hes so jealous. hell do his best to sabotage your day.
• hes ESPECIALLY pissed when ej goes to hang out with liu. hes scared jack will like his brother more than him.
• dw he gets over fast tho just give him a quick hug and kiss.
• now onto our beloved ej.
• jack just has the need to know exactly where the both of you are at all times. like he doesnt care if you do something just you and jeff, he couldnt care less, but what he does need to know is where you are.
• because what happens if someone kidnaps you? what happens if you get lost? what happens if what happened to him happens to you? what if-
• jacks never really been a relationship before so hes extremely paranoid. he just loves the both of you though he doesnt want jeff to know that so much and he cant stand the thought of losing you.
• when jeff doesnt remember to tell ej when hes going on a long mission or something he loses his shit.
• ej may be a sweetheart to you two but when hes mad? hes a fucking demon, literally.
• he does not care about anything. he goes to slenderman demanding to know where jeff is. he interrogates everyone at scalpel point until he finds out.
• and when he does find out? he goes to check and lovingly whoop jeffs ass.
• people get pissed at you and jeff for making them go through jacks wrath. jeff does it on purpose sometimes, just to fw them. you do too your just not as obvious as jeff.
• your a completely different story though.
•if you go somewhere and "forget" to tell ej he will still go bother everyone but when he finds you he doesnt do the same things he does to jeff.
• when ej finds you because he needs to confirm that people werent lying to him about where you are so he'll check everywhere until he finds you hell calm down. he might even be more clingy to make sure hes with you at all times to protect you.
• jeff and ej both are simps for you, too. anything you want them to do? its done. like anything you could ever want is yours.
• liu tries to use this to his advantage and hangs out with ej alot so jeff gets mad. jane does the same with you.
• liu and jane proudly say fuck jeff and that theyre team ej x y/n even though youre all together. they just want jeff to be mad.
• ben and tobi try to get things off of jeff and ej through you. ben'll be like, "heyy y/n! were friends, arent we? you should definetely get jeff to do the dishes for me <3."
• or tobi will say "y...y/n can you as...k jack to do this mi...mission for me?"
• ofc you say no. youre not trying to give your bfs extra work.
• but sometimes you hang out with jane, liu and ej without jeff to get him mad.
• and maybe sometimes youll go to the corner store without ej knowing every once in a while, so he can panic a little.
• overall jeff is kinda jealous, ejs protective and you like messing w them but you all love eachother <3.
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im so stuck w my other writings so i just decided to have a little fun and make this. here u go 🤲🏼
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orionsangel86 · 24 days
Are there anythings that you would have changed about The Sandman?
The show or the comic?
Plenty of things I'd change about the comic. As great as the story is, it is a product of its time and there are some underlying messages whether intentional or not that are inappropriate and fucked up and don't really belong such as:
The racism towards black women implied to be cursed to die violently when linked to Morpheus in some way following the Nada situation.
In fact the whole Nada story is pretty gross. When she thinks that by cutting her hymen she'll remove her virginity to put Dream off her, but then its stated that healing her hyman doesnt restore her lost virginity... like first of all. No. Second of all - shoving a rock up your vag does NOT remove your virginity lets not spread the message that it does.
The way Dream comes across a bit rapey in the Nada story overall and its not made clear how much influence Desire has in that.
The inherent misogyny which is typical of 80s/90s comics but in particular the violence towards women and overt sexualisation of women. Whether for shock value or not, its just not necessary.
The implied message that depressed and suicidal people should just kill themselves and everything will be better once they are gone.
The idea that a person who is depressed can be replaced by a better good version of themselves and even their family and friends will just treat that person as the new them. The implication that the depressed person isnt valued and must instead conform to the responsibilities and burdens of the system they are trapped in - rather than changing the system.
The concept that the moon is inherently transphobic and that witchcraft is transphobic just irks me as a pagan person- like yeah there are huuuuge problems in the community and the whole divine feminine and fucking womb magic bullshit is all over it but I really really hate how Sandman perpetuates that myth and indicates its the goddess that encourages that view and not asshole closed minded people. The moon isnt fucking transphobic FFS.
Everything about Gwen and Hobs relationship in Sunday Mourning. Its problematic AF and I hope I don't need to explain why.
Not a fan of the portrayal of Loki and Sigyn. Its too black and white for such a complex myth.
That fucking awful reaping joke in Collectors which I loathe with every fibre of my being.
Even with all these points I want to caveat this by saying that I love these comics. I KNOW that a lot of this is subjective and open to interpretation. These things have many shades of grey to them. I adore the comics in so many ways but that doesn't mean they dont have their issues. I know people are emotionally connected to these comics and this criticism isnt meant as an attack on them.
For the show, well tbh I think its practically perfect, but a couple of niggles:
That fucking awful reaping joke in Collectors - can't BELIEVE they kept that in. I mute my TV at that moment so I don't have to hear it every time.
Hob's slave trade ties - They needed clarity here and should have kept the regret in 1889 more obvious. I understand why they changed it but I think that topic should have been thought through better.
There were complaints I read about how black characters and black men in particular seem to disproportionately suffer violent deaths. I know this was unintentional and a simple matter of open casting for extras and minor characters which is a GOOD thing, but sometimes casting should be less blind, and more considered where minorities are concerned.
Some of the dialogue in Johanna Constantine's episode is clunky - but that only bothers me because I've watched it 284929294787 times and have it memorised.
Despair was handled poorly. It wasnt great rep for fat bodies (like me) and she comes across so weak and submissive to Desire. Which she just isn't at all in the comic. Thankfully it looks like they really did take that criticism to heart and made positive changes in Dead Boy Detectives. She was fabulous in her cameo in that.
Not enough gay sex. The 1 star homophobic reviews really overexaggerated on that and left me disappointed. There should have been at least 1 gay or lesbian sex scene in every episode. Do better season 2. Do better. (For legal reasons this one is a joke - Sandman is a goldmine of queer rep and should be on every queer fans watch list 100 times over)
There you go. No piece of media is perfect. There can always be changes and improvements, but the Sandman is a story that really does fit the description of masterpiece. I think my ideas of things that need to change are generally matters of framing. I dont think the comic story should be drastically changed in the show, I don't think it should be given a different ending. Its a tragedy after all, but tragedy can come in many forms and perhaps the story can be adjusted so the tragedy isnt so harsh. But anyway. This is all just my opinion and as with all things i'm sure there will be plenty of people who disagree with me.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
YOUR PREDATOR HEADCANONS ARE SO GOOD!!! I really love em sm! May I request maybe hcs of fugitive, jungle hunter, assasin and city hunter with a mate or s/o that likes to overwork themselves out of boredom? Maybe their mate usually goes on duo hunting missions with them but they start to notice they also take solo missions even if they just finished one?? they tend to forget that their human and humans need rest smh-- I am very sorry if this is too specific and you can ignore this if you want-- Make sure to rest and take your time in writing other more requests, I hope all goes well for you and overall take care of yourself!!!
(Almost forgot to mention the gender but gender neutral is a-ok to me)
      PREDATOR x gn human reader
    『 fugitive ,, jungle hunter ,, AP ,, city hunter ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> predators w/ a gn human s/o who overworks themselves out of boredom
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, comfort ,, slight tw for bad health behaviors
  — ahhh tysm !! 🥹🤲❤️ im so glad you like my writing 😭😭🤲 ill do your request np ! <33 tysm for requesting too btw !! so far its all been okay ,, been more sleepy then usual but thats bc of school 🙄🙄 tho i was half asleep on the bus tryna write this so there might be some spelling errors 😭
fugitive ::
• he worries over you often when you do this ,, as there are many dangers out in the universe and you’re so fragile 😭❤️
• he at least insists that you let him tag along ,, just to make sure he can at least protect you from something that might happen
• he makes sure you at least rest too ,, he knows the capabilities and limits of humans’ bodies ,, especially if its you
• he does nag a bit but other then that hes just worried over your safety <33
jungle hunter ::
• the moment he sees you taking hunts ,, hes puffing his chest in pride at how strong his mate is ,, look how awesome they are !
• but when he learns of the fact that youre taking them more often then you should without regarding your health ,, he thinks to himself about the situation
• the moment you get back from a hunt ,, hes standing there with his arms crossed and a huff ready to be puffed out his mouth
• hes equivalent to a mom scolding her kids ,, except hes scolding you for disregarding your needs before he decides to spend more time for the rest of the day with you
ap ::
• he wont notice ,, hes busy as ever and doesnt have much time to bother wasting ,, so he wouldnt be aware of your habit
• until hes free for once that is ,, looking all over the place for you and getting grumpy about the fact he cant find you
• he definitely wouldnt admit it ,, but he did think you were stolen from other yautjas or another alien species out there
• not until he notices you coming back from a ship with other yautja who go on hunts does he catch wind of whats been happening
• like jungle hunter ,, hes gonna be there to complain and fuss about it ,, not so much as a ‘i was worried’ sort of way but more of a ‘you dare leave me to myself without notifying me of where you go?’ sort of way
city hunter ::
• hes like jungle hunter at first ,, proud of you but he’s definitely gonna make fun of you and discourage you from hunts
• saying youre too weak and puny and fragile to take on hunts ,, that you should leave those to actual yautja and not to your little human self
• he finally shuts up about it when you come back from back to back hunts ,, tapping his foot as he watches you make your way towards him
• hes definitely a karen about it ,, leaving him for multiple hunts for too long without even a kiss or hug or goodbye or at least mentioning how strong he is 😤😤
• hes gonna give you the silent treatment before he decides youve been punished enough and immediately asks for affection in the worst way possible 💀
• aka this mf grabs you and drags you to your room to just lay in bed and cuddle ,, and maybe eat all your snacks whilst hes at it yknow
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flowerflowerflo · 4 months
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ྀི ୨ embarrassment ୧ ྀི
...is a social construct designed to make us feel bad by those who cant handle their own mistakes & or shortcomings.
seriously. like. it baffles me how people are still living in the mindset where they let embarrassment become anything more for them than a concept.
୨୧ embarrassment
- a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.
embarrassment is perfectly normal. it happens to everyone because we all make mistakes. but some people let embarrassment and the fear of embarrassment consume them and the choices they make far too much, far too often.
♡ which leads me onto my first point; it is completely normal. everybody makes mistakes. this is our first time in this life and we are all learning & growing with our every choice, every action, every decision <3 remember that the next time youre panicking and freaking out because you made a mistake.
♡ its never that deep. i like to try be gentle w this stuff but lemme tell u straight no one actually cares . im serious,, like babes no one gives a shit honestly 😭😭 and your mentality should be the same. people remember this stuff n laugh for 5 mins and then theyre back to their life. and if they hang on to it for longer then theyre the one who should be embarrassed.. get a life pls??
♡ similar to what i said a moment ago , its. never. that. deep. laugh it off !!!!! giggle !!!!!! laugh about it !!!!!!!! nobody cares !!!!!! this shows that it doesnt faze you and this shows how confident you are within yourself that you dont let silly little mistakes bother you because they do not matter.
♡ when it comes to your interests, please never be embarrassed about these. this is something ive struggled with since i was little but never never never be embarassed of the things that bring you joy. if they arent hurting anyone and are perfectly okay you should never be embarrassed ab that. it makes you happy. why should you be ashamed of that for someone else???🩷
♡ has someone ever said something to you? made u doubt urself? then you get embarrassed ab it???? dont. do not even go there. i ws so insecure before (i know😭😭) and couldnt hold a single opinion for myself but when you know who tf you are you wont be doubting yourself for anyone ml.
♡ so... you wanna pursue your dreams but ur too embarrassed. ur too embarrassed and worried "what if this doesnt work" "what if it doesnt happen" n whatever other dumb shit ur worried abt and scared to outgrow your surroundings and evolve. wow. you know how silly that sounds? so.. like.. let me get this straight... youre telling me... that youre not doing what you love... for the sake of someone else or some silly little doubts????wow. you get one life n youre doing that. GET IT TOGETHER BABES. GET REAL. WHY WOULD U SABOTAGE URSELF LIKE THAT????? YOURE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT LIKE 😭😭🩷🩷🩷🩷
♡ understand that peoples perceptions of you are often reflections of themselves just like your perceptions of others are often reflections of yourself. they think its embarrassing because they know for a fact deep down that theyd be too embarrassed and self conscious to do it themselves.
♡ and then watch the way they'll all come crawling back apologising and grovelling the moment you're rich and successful and got everything you ever wanted.. all because you had the confidence to trust in yourself and pursue what you wanted without listening to their self doubts. <3
♡ reverse psychology. "why r u doing that" "thats so cringey" why r u so wrapped up in my business? thats so cringey
♡ overall, confidence, strong self concept & trusting in your ability to bounce back from anything are the three main things that will never let you wallow in this silly little emotion again. embarrassment is like a pitiful, more insignificant, ridiculous version of fear. if ur gonna be scared then b scared of something worth ur time babe ur more than that <33
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dervampireprince · 3 months
"i wonder if when people see the artwork thumbnails they think the drawings are of fandom characters? and so they don't click because they don't recognise what fandom it is?"
For me personally, I'd never heard of several of the existing fandoms you've done audios for, and have been introduced to them that way, but I'd listened to quite a few of your OCs prior to that. (Maybe that's just me, though? I'll often listen to whatever piques my curiosity at a given moment.) I can say I found your channel while searching for Sebastian ASMRs, and liked yours so much, I looked at what else you had and quickly saw Erik (I've been into PotO for almost 30 years now, so that was something I jumped at), which I played next. However, Dmitri was an immediate third, then Ambrose, then Arden. So I guess the subjects appeal to me more, but maybe I'm weird? Regardless, I hope more people will listen to the OCs with art, as they will not be disappointed in the least! 💜 /pos
I don't think it's weird.
When I first started listening to audio roleplays I can think of a couple instances where I did listen to characters I didn't know. I really liked, and still like, KinkRadio's audios and back when he was first voicing Guzma from Pokemon I didn't know who Guzma was but got into those audios, and I listen to his Witcher audios despite never having watched the show (yes I know I've made audios of Jaskier, I've only ever watched one episode, I like the characters but I overall didn't like the show and didn't want to watch the rest, if my Jaskier is in character it's because of episode 1, fanfics, and K's audios).
However nowadays I wouldn't listen to an audio unless I knew the character. I don't do it so I wouldn't have expected other people too.
I do listen to other people's OCs though so I don't know. Maybe they don't think it's a fandom character but instead just don't like my artstyle or... Well...
Most art in ASMR audios on Youtube is stolen art. Most don't credit the artist who's work they've taken, some credit Pintrest reposts, and even if they do credit the artist properly it doesn't matter because you can't use someone's art (especially their own original characters and use that as a design for your own OC) in your own audios without their permission. Even more so when the video is monetised and you're making money off someone else's art without paying them. And this includes Picrews. Picrews are still someone's art. Some Picrews are public domain / creative commons 0 meaning you can use them, but those that aren't? Don't. Not without the artists permission.
My point of bringing that up is I notice the videos with art that get the most views... tent do be stolen lewd or cropped explicit art. And I have no interest in drawing my own lewd art for my thumbnails because that's not really allowed? But they get the views.
Of course that's not to say all VAs on Youtube do this. And it's not to say that no VAs with artwork do well. People who's OCs I like and either make their own art or commission artists to make their art are: KinkRadio, Dark and Twisted Whisper, YuuriVoice. Though with Yuuri and Dark they both have only artwork in their thumbnails not lots of text so idk if that doesnt better? I'm not too bothered. Maybe one day I'll try and cosplay my own OCs just to take photos for their thumbnails and see if they do better than the artwork ones as an experiment.
Wow sorry I didn't meant to ramble here. I have no current plans to change up my thumbnails but it would be interesting to do eg a Satin audio with a photo and see how that does compared to the artwork ones just as a little test.
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tenderperversion · 21 days
hello!! i just started the kuroshitsuji school arc anime as a looooong time black butler obsessed girl and literally the first thing that came to my mind was "mh. what does tumblr user tenderperversion think about it."
so here i am asking. thoughts and feelings?👀
you can of course message me about it if you don't feel like answering publicly/if you prefer talking about it one on one !
HI ... i love ranting about kuro publicly no worries. 💘
to be honest. i dont love it. but it has to be said that this arc was my least favourite in the manga too so it could mean nothing. the (lack of interesting) story line aside i think the animation style is really not doing it justice, sure, the old anime was kind of funny-looking in that typical old anime way but it felt more ensouled ? more sensual somehow. whereas here it seems like spent their whole budget on the hyperrealistic backgrounds and then designed the characters in five minutes. as if the viewers cared about how the fucking tea is rendered. i didnt think sexless estrogen sebastian and weird eyelashes ciel would bother me this much but unfortunately they just do. its ugly plain and simple! in my opinion. i could complain about the details of the visuals all day so lets just stop here.
of course this doesnt mean im not having fun with it, all things considered im satisfied with how they did the yaoi moments + most importantly it made people interested in kuro again which is GREAT for me because every morning i wake up to beautiful fan art on twitter dot com. but yeah overall this arc is not interesting to me at all (i just dont care about these school twinks) and i wish the studio would stop with the 3D thing. 💔
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