#someday I'll make an edit with her though. I swear it.
Wait im sorry if like youve talked about this before but what is everyones roles in the fantasy au 👁️👁️ or jobs?
i've just Thought Aloud in bits and pieces but hey. i feel like talking today so i'll put it all in one place with Updated Thinkings
(i like to imagine that they all kinda Quit their initial jobs/lives to go adventuring with each other, either by choice or... not. except Howdy, who's a multitasking king). the Neighborhood party earns their wages by completing jobs/quests, though some of them have minor supplemental ways of adding to the coin collection
Wally, of course, didn't really have much of a Before. he didn't intend on becoming a warlock/wizard - that choice was kinda made for him by the circumstances of his existence. but Wally had to pretend to be a wizard for his own safety, and wizards have a sort of societal expectation to be Helpful and Magical and Wise and Existing For Public Service. so while Wally would have rather just been a painter, he's obligated to be a wizard - that's technically his role/job. within the Neighborhood party, he's a bit of a distance fighter/support! he doesn't really do the whole up-close / physical aspect of battle, though he technically knows how. He casts spells from afar, which tend to be widely benign. artsy little cantrips and inconveniences to make it harder for the enemy to fight. he's also a bit of a bloodhound - illusions don't trick him, he can "see" most magic, and he's really good at getting around unnoticed. if they're stuck somewhere, Wally can probably get them out
Barnaby's "job" before going adventuring with Wally - it started out as just the two of them! - was just working on the farm with Ms. Beagle, where he had been his entire life. Sure he'd sometimes do public performances/acts in town, which would earn him extra coin, but that was more of a paying hobby than anything (a paying hobby he will Continue) in the Neighborhood, he's... uh. their cheerleader? that's not entirely inaccurate! he's not big on combat or effort i'd reckon, so he prefers to just keep morale high. offer background music, funny commentary, jokes to lighten the mood, mediate tensions, etc. if necessary, he makes good backup - he has his illusions of course, and he Does pack a mighty punch if need be! he's also very helpful when retreating - he can grab the smaller party members and run
Wormie is the group mascot <3
Sally was a bit lost before joining the party - i like to think that she was constantly on the move as part of a traveling theater troupe, but she wasn't the star or director. she was just part of the group, uninspired and with a full well of untapped potential. one day she up and left (dramatically) to find her own inspiration/muse & path to stardom, which ended up being several years of wandering until she happened across the budding Neighborhood and went "this! this will be the source of my stories!" as for her role, she's a bit of an everyman. front lines fighter, entertainer, mediator, etc. she views herself as the party "leader", or rather, their Manager. she keeps the party entertained with stories, and bolsters their reputation in the same manner. in a battle she's a bit of a powerhouse - her light magic is useful both in combat and entertainment! she keeps a "book" of the Neighborhood's exploits (she swears it will be edited/published someday) holy shit she's moominpappa, and in their Extended downtime she writes and throws plays inspired by their adventures at their home base (town).
Eddie was still, originally, a mailman. or i suppose in a fantasy setting - a courier! until one day he saw a group of people being attacked by some bandits, managed to fight them off, and immediately got roped into helping rescue the folks' entire town from the bigger group of bandits. then they told others about Eddie's help, they wanted his help too, one thing after another and now he's got a full set of armor, a sword, a shield, and his whole thing is saving people. huh? how did that happen? he was delivering letters a month ago! if i had to give him a title... i'd say he's a Protector! he seems like the type! he always has his fellow adventurer's backs - i bet he has his hands full trying to cover everyone at once. outside of combat, he's still very helpful and does whatever is asked of him / needed. collecting firewood! pitching tents! stirring soup! getting Frank to remove a centipede from camp! in downtime he probably takes small bodyguarding gigs. he also is a minor healer - he took some sorta oath for some sorta god (or virtue) that he can't remember, but he has minor healing/cleansing powers. he's also good at sniffing out evil & dark magic! some would joke that he's the party's guard dog
Frank was raised in a monastery that believes in "using your body to fight for the greater good". this was not his job when they became old enough to actually Act on his training! nah they ran away in his mid teens because they wanted to fight things on his own terms. also they want to study bugs more than anything, which he does! for a long time! then they meet a certain princess, befriends her, and helps her run away. he only joins the Neighborhood because Julie wants to, and it's a good way to travel - read: study more arthropods - and earn coin. fighting is a bonus aspect Frank's role is... front line fighter, bookkeeper, and the Guy Who Knows Things! what monster are they dealing with? what are its strengths/weaknesses? Frank probably knows! can they afford a room or two at an Inn? Frank knows (no, they cannot)! who's throwing themself into direct mortal danger with gusto? it's Frank! no but really, Frank is like their resident nerd who can beat pretty much all of them in hand-to-hand. in downtime he probably has a garden purposefully full of plants that can be left alone for long periods of time... maybe they sell half the things grown for extra coin!
Julie, of course, was a princess! that was her whole job! it was incredibly boring and restricting, so she ran away with the help of a funny nerd. after that her whole life was just "avoid getting recognized while figuring out how to live in a world without the comforts/ease of castle life". i'd think she much prefers her new one! as a role, Julie joins Barn and Sally in the "entertainment category". while they entertain with humor/stories respectively, Julie goes straight for games and activities to fill the lull between action. keep the blood pumping, spirits high, and bonds Solid! camp games, road games, locked-in-a-dungeon games! in combat, she's on the front lines with her oversized sword. i think another fitting role would be "navigator" - she can ask plants for directions! technically Julie is a secret powerhouse. her flora magic is insanely powerful, though she prefers not to use it for several reasons
Poppy, i like to think, did indeed have a bakery. it was well-loved in her community, her staff were wonderful people, and it all burned down in a night due to raiders. luckily for Poppy and her town, Eddie was nearby and got on the case to get rid of their problem - maybe Poppy felt obligated to help in some shape or form, and Eddie wound up inspiring her to learn healing magic. She moved into the town that would become the not-yet-existing Neighborhood's HQ to try and restart her business, but it just wasn't the same, and she had gotten a taste of what it would be like to directly save/heal people Poppy is the party's cook, healer, and ultimate voice of caution! the most she'll do in battle is sprint into danger to drag an injured person to safety for healing - she doesn't have a combative bone in her body i'd guess! does she enjoy being in the Neighborhood? eh... it's stressful and terrifying, but she couldn't live with herself if she let them all brave the wild without an adequate healer OR an adequate cook. i like to think that she saw the state they were traveling in and went "oh no"
Howdy, of course, has his tavern! it's a popular hub for travelers, townsfolk, pretty much anyone and everyone. of course it helps that it's the only tavern in town! the only reason Barnaby managed to convince Howdy to join the Neighborhood on one of their jobs is because Howdy realized that he can widen his net & sell to new people On The Go. finally, a use for that magic backpack collecting dust in his room! Howdy got a taste for adventuring and joins the Neighborhood every once in a while, usually only for shorter jobs - he doesn't want to be away from his tavern for too long his roles are support, professional haggler, sarcastic commentary. he doesn't have a crumb of magic in him, but he's clever! he's learned how to make his own support items - including his fancy revolvers with magical crayonsbullets. Howdy rarely fights, choosing to watch over his pack, dole out items when needed, and listen to Barnaby's running commentary. when it is necessary that he join in on combat, he can usually clear the playing field in a matter of moments. he's skilled with both the revolvers and using his own items - he's a one man four armed army!
Home's job is "keep Wally upright and powered". they prefer to be an observer in all situations, even after their existence becomes common knowledge to the Neighborhood. the most Home will do is nudge Wally in the right direction or alert him to something important. Home's literally just hanging out behind Wally's eyes w/ a bucket of popcorn. unless something happens to his beloved little puppet, in which case Home becomes the biggest baddest bitch around and sends everyone else to the bench
tl;dr: Wally: support fighter, magic geiger counter, escape artist Barnaby: entertainer, backup Wormie: mascot Sally: storyteller, fighter, Manager Eddie: protector, minor healer, "paladin" Frank: bookkeeper, fighter, scholar Julie: activities director, navigator, fighter Poppy: cook, healer, overthinker Howdy: tavernkeeper, inventor, support Home: just keeping an eye out
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hippiegoth97 · 1 month
Be Kind, Rewind: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collage by Me :)
Master List
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
A/N: Hey, everybody! I've decided to start posting my Eddie Munson one-shots on here. This one is the first ever story I wrote, both for Eddie and fanfiction in general. It's been edited a couple of times, and may still be a bit rough compared to my current work. But I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Description: You work with Steve and Eddie in the video store while Robin is off at summer camp. You like Eddie a lot, but you've never pursued him out of fear. Lucky for you, he has other plans...
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: Smut, swearing, female reader, drug use, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, choking, praise/degradation
Word Count: 4k
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Divider by @strangergraphics-archive
Be Kind, Rewind
"Alright, for 3 rentals your total is $8.50." You say to the mother struggling to keep her child at bay at the register. He's squirming from her grasp, with a mysterious, sticky substance around his mouth. The woman lets him go in order to reach into her purse. He immediately runs around the corner, headed straight for the candy display. He almost rams directly into it before he's scooped up by your supervisor, Steve Harrington.
"Whoa there, little guy! Looks like you've had enough sugar today. Let's get you back to your mother." Steve walks over and plops the child down. He almost makes yet another run for it, but the transaction is through and the woman wraps her arm around her son to keep him close.
"Thank you, young man! He has just been a terror today. His father dropped him off this morning after letting him go ballistic on a Hershey bar."
"No problem at all, ma'am, have a good day!" Steve replies. And with that, the mother and son walk out the door.
"I see why you get labeled by your friends as 'the babysitter'. You're really good with kids. You'll be a great dad someday, I'm sure." You say with a semi-sarcastic tone. He fixes you with a glare.
"Yeah, whatever. Stop slacking and take these returns in the back to rewind. Eddie is no help, he's probably lighting up in there right now."
"Yes sir!" You salute, which earns you a middle finger from Steve. "I'll whip that freak into shape for you too. Fuck knows I hate pulling more than my fair share of the weight." But that isn't exactly true. You’ve always had a thing for Eddie, ever since you were in school with him. You had talked a few times over the years, but soon enough you were swept up in your own interests. He was running the Hellfire Club, and you were too focused on your studies to have any free time for fun. You found yourself staring at him at lunch though, and he'd always looked right back with a smirk on his handsome face. But you never did anything more. It seemed like you both were worlds apart, even though it was just the opposite end of the cafeteria. But in this job you were lucky enough to get, you are in close proximity to Eddie almost every day.
You still stare sometimes, and you are far from subtle. Neither of you go any further than looks or the occasional teasing remark or small conversation. You wish you had the courage to make a move, but despite his perceived interest in you, you’re afraid he’ll reject you if he knows your true feelings. Sure, he plays around and makes somewhat off-color remarks. But those don’t mean anything, right? Eddie does that with everybody. You're not special to him, right? You spend far too much time trying to convince yourself he doesn't mean anything by what he says around you, thinking it would be crazy for him to like you that way, or at all. It's just a game for him, you always tell yourself. It has to be. You sigh, trying to shake these thoughts away and focus on your task.
You grab the stack of returns, and walk from behind the counter to the back room. Before you open the door marked 'Employees Only', you notice the smell of weed and even see smoke peeking out the bottom of the door. You sigh, rolling your eyes at Eddie's usual antics and pushing the door open, struggling to keep hold on the videotapes. As you walk inside, you ram right into Eddie's chest, causing the tapes to crash onto the floor. "Shit." You mutter, and scramble to pick them back up.
"Oh, shit. Sorry Y/N. Lemme help." Eddie kneels down to gather some tapes. He also picks up the blunt he dropped in your collision, quickly putting it out and into his pocket.
"It's the least you can do, Munson. You know, it wouldn't kill you to do some actual work for once. But I see you have more important things to do." You're not really angry, you're more embarrassed for looking clumsy in front of him. You stand, putting yourself above him.
"Yeah, yeah, save it. I hear enough of that from Harrington already. I know you're not that much of a stickler for rules anyways. You sure do like to pretend though." He looks at you from the floor, reaching up to give you the last tape. A devilish smirk plays on his lips. He really enjoys teasing you, pushing your buttons. It's like he gets off on seeing your face scrunch in quick protest.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Once again, your face goes into that grumpy scrunch he finds so adorable. You cross your arms, acting annoyed.
"It means, Y/N, that you act like the perfect citizen. Good grades, never late, hardworking, blah blah blah." He stands now. Putting that final tape on the table next to the rewinding machine. "But we both know about the looks you liked to steal in the cafeteria at lunch. Those same looks you still like to take now. You are no innocent girl, Y/N."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." You lie, cheeks turning bright red. He takes note of your reaction, and presses further. He steps closer to you slowly with each word, eyes staring into yours, until his mouth is just centimeters away.
"Oh, come on, princess." You shiver at the nickname, which he also takes note of. "It's not polite to lie. I get it, you've lived a sheltered life. You feel like you can't waste any time on an asshole like me. Too many reasons not to. You have a bright future waiting for you, right?" He moves his head past yours to speak right into your ear, his hair brushing against your cheek. You freeze, how close he is to you sets your skin aflame. He then speaks quietly, "You wanna know what I think, darling? I think you don't like being a goody-goody at all. I think you're just waiting. Waiting for the right reason to come along for you to break all the rules." He pulls back to look in your eyes, still smirking.
You just stare back in shock, but you're also extremely turned on. You've always wanted to pursue something with Eddie. But he’s right. You don't have time. At least, you think you don't. After the summer, you’re off to college, the first in your family to make it out of this town. But what about before that? The summer has just begun, surely you've earned some fun after years of pounding knowledge into your brain. You’ve earned this, deserve it, even. And Eddie seems more than willing to give it to you.
"You're right." You say simply. His grin somehow gets even wider. You contemplate what to say next, not wanting to give in to him so easily. You're smarter than that. You keep your expression stern, playing a game."You are an asshole." His face falls, and it hurts to see him look like that. You immediately regret that decision.
"Sorry." He turns away from you, grabbing a tape to rewind in the machine. "I guess I read you all wrong. I won't do that again." His tone is soft, sad. He's disappointed, and it's now that you realize he truly likes you. You never really thought about it that way, he always comes off so smug. You just wanted to toy with him the way he seems to do so with you. You have to fix this and fast, otherwise you've blown your chance.
"Oh jesus fucking christ, Eddie! If I would've known you liked me back like that, I wouldn't have said that. I was just messing around, teasing you back. You just act so damn smug all the time, I didn't want to give you the satisfaction so easily." You walk to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He tenses for a moment, and then relaxes, sighing. He turns to you again, a smaller smile this time.
"You sneaky little shit. I ought to punish you for that." His hand comes up to hold yours. His ringed fingers rub gently over yours, the cool metal making you shiver again. He chuckles at your reaction.
"So do it then." You look into his eyes, you're the one smirking now. He just stares at you a moment, seemingly genuinely shocked to hear you say something like that. Then he once again starts grinning like an idiot.
"As you wish, princess." He says as he pulls you into him, smashing his lips onto yours. You kiss him back, biting his lip after a moment. He grunts slightly, letting you slip your tongue in his mouth. He guides you backwards until you're against the wall. His lips move to your neck. He licks a long stripe from your collar bone to below your jaw, making you moan. In response, he starts sucking and biting your neck, being spurred on further by any whimpers or whines you let out.
"Oh, Eddie." You moan out, causing him to stop a moment to look at you.
"I like when you say my name, darling." He resumes his work on your neck, on the other side this time. He also brings his hands up to grab your breasts. You are loving this, but you want more.
You push him away for a moment, and he looks at you, confused. "I just want to take this off." You say as you start to lift your top over your head. Eddie assists you, and strips himself of his own. You take a moment to look at his toned chest, his tattoos, and it makes you melt.
"Like what you see, princess?" You blush as he's caught you staring again. You snap out of your trance and pull him back to you, lips colliding again. You run your hands along his arms, up and down his chest. In turn he grabs your breasts again, massaging them gently. He reaches behind you to unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the floor. He breaks away to lean down to your breasts. He kisses them sloppily and takes one of your nipples in his mouth.
"Eddie!" You gasp, your hands going into his hair. He nips on your sensitive bud, making you whine, and then he moves onto the other one. Your hands travel down to his jeans, you can feel how hard he is for you. You palm him through the material, and his breath hitches slightly.
"Eager, are we?" He asks, slightly muffled against your chest. He lifts his head up, eyes meeting yours again. He takes a moment to look deep into them. He brings his right hand gently to your face, the thumb brushing across your cheek. His gaze makes you feel so exposed, nevermind the fact that you’re completely topless. This moment seems to last hours, but you could also stay like this forever. "I've always liked you, you know." He says finally.
"I can see that." You say jokingly, Eddie rolls his eyes. "I've always liked you, too. I wish we would've done this so much sooner." You look down, feeling even more exposed somehow. He lifts your chin to regain eye contact.
"Hey now, darling. Don't hide that pretty face from me. And technically speaking, we haven't started much of anything yet." His smile is light and kind this time. "And we don't have to rush into anything if you don't want to." He tries to search your face for an answer, as your mouth is stuck in place. "I'm gonna need you to use your words, Y/N. What do you want?"
You can't help but struggle to get the words out. "I want you, Eddie. All of you. Please?" You don't mean for that last part to sound so desperate, you know it just feeds his ego. But you can't help it. You've tasted Eddie and you want more.
"Then all of me you will get, dollface." He kisses you again, softer this time, slower. He moves you again, to the counter next to the rewinding machine, lifting you onto it. His tongue roams down your jaw, neck, chest, his body lowering with it. He's on his knees now,  his hands making quick work of unbuttoning your jeans. You lift yourself slightly so he can pull them down, along with your panties. "Well damn, princess. So wet for me already?" He gazes with wonder at your glistening pussy. You blush a bit at his words, almost reaching your hands up to hide your face. Eddie stops you, holding your wrists. "Don't try to hide from me, darling. Be a good girl for me." You felt yourself become wetter from his words, good girl. "You like when I call you that?" He looks up at you for confirmation.
"Yes, Eddie." You say, your voice is a little shaky.
"I'll keep that in mind." With that, he licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit.
"Oh, fuck, Eddie!" You cry out. Your hips buck slightly, but Eddie holds them down.
"I love hearing those beautiful noises from you, baby. But I don't think either of us want to get caught fucking on the job by Harrington, do we? Just try to stay quiet for me, okay?" You nod in agreement, biting your index finger to suppress your moans as Eddie resumes his work on your dripping cunt. He licks your entrance, occasionally inserting his tongue, moaning at how sweet you taste. You've had this done to you before, but that’s nothing compared to Eddie. He starts sucking on your clit, bringing you closer to the edge. His middle finger going inside you, pumping in and out at an agonizing pace. You moan and whine for him, and he's eating up every moment of it. He moans against your clit, the vibrations pushing you closer and closer. You're seeing stars when he puts in a second finger, curving and pumping them in and out expertly.
"Oh fuck, oh, Eddie!" You feel the knot inside you snap, and you release onto his face and fingers. You do your best to hold the scream back, your hand clasped tightly over your mouth. Your hips buck violently and your legs shake as you ride out your high. Eddie slides his fingers out of you, bringing them to his lips as he stands up. You watch as he shoves them fully into his mouth, sucking them clean. He keeps his eyes on yours the whole time, and you can't help but feel soaking wet for him again.
"Mmm, you taste delicious, Y/N. And you were such a good girl for me." He says as his fingers leave his mouth with a pop. He kisses you once again, and you taste yourself on his bruised lips. You take this as your signal to stroke Eddie's cock through his pants to give him a turn. He groans slightly, moving to your neck to suck harshly on your flesh. You’re sure to have marks before he’s done with you. You start fiddling with his belt, and he stops. He moves your hands and helps you out, undoing the belt and zipper clumsily. He pulls his jeans and boxers down, his cock springing free, hitting his stomach. Out of instinct, you slide off the counter and onto your knees. You grab the base of him, and take his head into your mouth. He groans again, and it’s quickly becoming your favorite sound.
"Mmm." You moan as you swirl your tongue around the head, your hand stroking the rest of him. You take him as deep as you can, surprising yourself when you fit him all the way in. He mutters curses under his breath as you bob your head on him, licking swirls around his length the whole time.
"Fuck, Y/N" He rasps. "Such a good girl for me." His praises make you more and more wet every time he utters them. You could hear them a million times, and be left wanting to hear them a million more. You can feel his balls tightening, he's so close to cumming. "Y/N, sweetheart. Stop or I'll cum." He says quietly. You remove yourself from him, standing up again. "You are a goddess at that, baby. But I have a feeling we'll both enjoy something else even more." He lifts you back onto the counter, slowly rubbing his cock against your clit and folds. You both moan quietly at this action, and he lays you down while kissing you. He pulls away, preparing to position himself. "Are you ready, darling?" He asks, seeming genuinely nervous about your answer. He truly wants to please you, but only if you let him.
"Yes, Eddie. Please, just fuck me already." Again, you sound so desperate, which you are. But you can't help but love the smirk he gives you in response.
"Anything for you, princess." And with that, he pushes into you, causing you both to groan at the sensation. He gives you a moment to adjust to his size, trying to keep himself together, despite how perfect you feel around his dick. You kiss him passionately to signal him to start moving. And when he does, he starts real slow. Carefully pumping in and out of you, teasing almost. He's in no rush, he just wants you to feel comfortable.
"As amazing as you feel right now, Eddie, I need you to go faster." You look in his eyes, practically begging him to make you unable to walk for a week.
"Your wish is my command, Y/N." He begins to snap his hips, plunging into you at a punishing pace. He hits your g-spot easily and expertly. You moan his name over and over, feeling the knot rapidly forming again. He moans too, your name and the phrase 'good girl' falling from his lips. "Is it okay if I try something?" He asks while thrusting at almost inhuman speed.
"Yes, Eddie. Do whatever you want to me. I want it all." You beg, and he brings his ringed hand to your throat. He wraps around it gently, squeezing ever so slightly, gauging your reaction. You moan loudly in response, looking at him with lust and hunger in your eyes. He smiles at you, loving how willingly you submit to him. He loosens his grip on you, moving to stroke your breasts instead. You stop him, bringing his hand back up to your throat. "More, please. It's so fucking hot." You say to him, almost whining for him to continue choking you.
"I knew you were a kinky little freak, princess. I fuckin’ love it." He puts pressure on your throat again, making you feel lightheaded. The knot is threatening to snap any second now. You can tell he’s close, too.
"I'm so close, Eddie. Fuck me harder." You can't believe the things coming out of your mouth, begging him to have any way with you he desired.
"I’m right there with you, sweetheart. I'll give you anything you want. You're such a good girl. Cum for me." He says with a groan, his thrusts becoming sloppy. Despite this, he tries to keep up the pace to bring you down with him. 
“Oh, fuck! Eddie!” You scream as your orgasm rips through you, the world around you exploding. Your walls clamp down onto him, and your thighs tremble outside of your control. 
“Shit.” Eddie grunts when his own high overtakes him. His load spills into you, his hips bucking wildly against you in his final thrusts. He collapses onto you a moment later, panting heavily. You both lie here for a moment, trying to catch your breath. Eddie plants some grateful kisses on your throat as you come down from your highs. When he finally pulls out of you, he looks down to see your mixed release oozing from your cunt. “Jesus christ.” He mutters, his softened cock twitching at the sight. He’s unable to resist the temptation, and kneels down to clean you up with his tongue.
"Fuck!" You're still sparking from your last orgasm, and his cleanup efforts swiftly cause you to cum yet again, screaming his name and tangling your hands in his hair. The stars subside and Eddie stands upright to kiss your lips.
"You're such a good girl for me, darling. Let's get you dressed before Harrington busts us in here." He helps you to your feet, but you stumble as your legs feel like jelly. "Take it easy. I'll help you." He gathers your clothing and gently helps you put everything back on. Only then does he start dressing himself again. You almost whine at the loss of looking at his naked body, but you keep the lust at bay for now.
"So, what does this mean, Eddie?" You feel stupid for asking, this could just be a one-time thing for him. Another notch in the bedpost for the famous Eddie Munson. You pick at your fingers, looking down at the floor.
"What do you want it to mean?" He lifts your chin with his finger, wanting you to meet his eyes.
"Well, I'd like to do this more often with you. And maybe more...if you want." You feel so naked and vulnerable again, even though you're now fully clothed.
"What? Like a date? You wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks, his hand moving to your cheek again. You can't help but feel like he thinks it's a joke. He's hard to read when he smirks like that all the time.
"Yes. If you want to." You reply, trembling slightly. You can’t help being so nervous. Maybe this was all a mistake. He just said things you wanted to hear to get in your pants, and now he's toying with you again. He uses his hands to try to calm you down, rubbing your shoulders gently. He looks into your eyes with sincere care and affection, making your heart melt.
"You need to stop overthinking in there." He taps on your temple with his finger. He smiles calmly. "Of course we can do that. I'd love that more than anything." You smile at his words, throwing your arms around him. Your lips meet again, soft and tender. You can't believe it, you just fucked the baddest guy in town and you get to be his girlfriend. You feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and Eddie feels like he won the lottery. You keep kissing for a while, not wanting to stop living in this moment.
"Alright, guys. I don't know how much pot you've smoked, but if all those tapes aren't rewound by now I'm gonna-" Steve barges in the door, and his jaw drops at the sight of you kissing and groping each other. "Oh, for fuck's sake, you guys! I mean, I saw you two hooking up coming from a mile away. Shit, a blind man could do that. But why must it be here? Where I have to see you?” Steve scolds, continuing on his rant. “And goddammit, it reeks of sex in here! I'll need to get more air freshener. Not like I don't use enough covering Eddie's weed smell. Congrats on being cute and disgusting at the same time. Dammit! Do I need to babysit you, too? Just get yourselves together and get those tapes rewound!" He storms out, but you can still hear him muttering things to himself on the other side of the door.
You and Eddie look at each other, mouths open in shock. And then you burst out laughing, Eddie falling to the floor in a fit of cackling. And all you can think is that this is going to be the best summer of your life.
The end.
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superbatson · 1 year
i saw fotg today and bc i'm still not of sound mind to write a proper review (for here or letterboxd), i'm gonna just do a dump of all my spoilery thoughts featuring stuff i loved about the movie:
the new theme is incredible and epic i love you mr. christophe beck i'm gonna make you one of my top spotify artists this year for sure. (for reference: the previous score composer made my top 5 artists back in 2019 bc of how often i streamed the first movie's score.)
FREDDY AND ANTHEA WERE SO CUTE! obviously i'm ride or die for freebat but like freddy has two hands so he can date anthea too. honestly i'm team anthea/freddy/billy/courtney polycule. make it canon!
DARLA AND THE KITTIES! SHE NAMED ONE OF THEM TAWNY!!! so basically cat tawny, as my freebat server invented, is now movie canon. boom. (no really i screamed, i hope somehow that kitten becomes actual tawny in the movies. we really need to see tawny someday)
freddy calling billy "captain everything jr" was so fucking funny to me. like ofc freddy would act all cocky as a hero and the boys would still argue over who's the sidekick. i love it so much
GAY PEDRO REAL! WE DID IT Y'ALL!!! that scene got such a good laugh in my theater, it made me so happy. and i love that jovan got to be the one to say it too rather than dj. 'cause i know internet gays go all gaga for dj but coming out can be such a sweet, pure thing sometimes so jovan really deserved to have that moment and i'm glad he did. (and now seeing the movie, i have more respect for the tie-in comics, since pedro's was all about him being into baseball. i get why now hehe)
also i know i'm jumping ahead here but AY WE GOT AN ELVIS REFERENCE! sure, it was just the end credit song, but hey, i'll take it. it's something. and it was the junkie xl edit of the song too, so naturally, i loved it even more.
speaking of, the movie had a decent amount of bvs parallels! well, more than one, at least. everyone's harped on the final battle with billy basically sacrificing himself just like clark did in bvs (i hope to see those parallel gifsets in the future!), but i also noticed some bvs nods during billy's fight with hespera. when she dragged him by the cape and lifted him over her head to slam him onto the ground... i swear that was just like the bathroom fight with bruce and clark. at least the cape drag. i'd have to go back and watch both movies to see exactly what shots are parallel to each other, but, yeah. sandberg's movies still feel like love letters to zack's and i adore that.
WAS ANYONE GONNA WARN ME THAT IT'S ASHER'S FACE WE SEE WHEN BILLY DIES???? i mean, i didn't want the spoiler anyway but oh my god, i was not emotionally prepared. oh god. i'm still thinking about it. and freddy's sobbing. god. speaking of bvs parallels--
that scene is gonna haunt me for the rest of my days. i'm gonna write and read so many fics about it. ahhhhhhhh
yeah the movie did have a good amount of freebat bless you sandberg & gayden (and now jack and asher are adults so i can justifiably enjoy the freebat-ness of jack & zach scenes here too. suck it, antis!)
but also the movie did have a severe lack of asher and that made me kinda sad. there's a shot from the tv spots he's in that i do Not recall seeing in the movie at all. (though i did run to the bathroom just before the final battle so maybe i missed it somehow? but i doubt it bc his outfit was from an earlier part of the film) but also i kinda wish it was asher who came out of the grave instead of zach. like in the context of the movie, i understand why it was zach, bc diana gave him his powers back, but they buried regular billy so i wish he was the one to emerge from the grave. but whatever, i'm just picky.
asher did kinda out-act zach in all his scenes, though. this boy needs to get more work PRONTO! (he only has one other project coming out this year, i think. some small true story movie. put him in more blockbusters! disney, get him for your tangled remake! just something, please!!!)
the diana cameo was actually amazing and anyone saying bad things about it needs to shut the fuck up. it was great and yeah billy had a crush on her but he's established to be crushing on her in the first film too, it's literally nothing new.
"taste the rainbow, motherfu--!" one of the best lines in the movie, hands down. skittles has the only valid in-movie marketing. i know the line kinda got spoiled in tv spots but it was still so funny in context.
also darla sorting out all the yellow skittles for hespera was so cute and i was kinda thinking autie vibes before she explained her reasoning for it. the whole shazamily is neurodivergent and i will die on that hill.
yeah that's all i can think of for now i really loved the movie, i also kinda wanted more from it but probably bc i felt like we didn't see enough of the family together. but that can be resolved in a third film, of course. (if we ever get one. i know the opening box office is disappointing but maybe the film can still turn a profit. the budget's basically the same as the first film so it only has to make like $300 mil again for wb to make their money back. and it could blow up on streaming afterwards. you never know. i just hope wb is patient and takes their time before deciding on the future of shazam, if this cast is truly out for the reboot.)
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dollarbin · 9 months
Dollar Bin #4:
Emmylou Harris's Angel Band
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I visited four different Iowa record stores while dropping my second born off at college last week and I have much to report. 
Yes, there are at least four record stores in the state.  The mystery is how they stay open. 
Emerson, Lake and Palmer records are deemed worthy of plastic protection in Iowa, and $25 Yes records come with handwritten stickers that say things like "Side 1 Skips!" followed by a frownie face.  These stores are convinced - convinced! - that newly printed Guns and Roses records deserve places of high honor up on the wall and that Jerry Jeff Walker belongs in folk rock. After all, the Country section is behind a wall of dangling beads and George Jones fills an entire crate. 
A rotund, nose-ringed salesdude nods when you enter, drops the store's diamond needle on Bad to the Bone, then ambles over to offer you a tour "of their whole set up" while bragging about the minty, clear vinyl, limited edition Blink 52 record they just scored for $75 even though it's worth $300, easy.
I was happy for the dude, I really was, but I shook them off, strode past a pickle barrel of still cellophaned tapes (4 for $5!) and found that their Neil Young section was - I swear to god - entirely empty.  
Is that even legal? I mean can you really own a record store and not have a single Neil Young record? And how, you ask, are such stores even in business?
I'll tell you how: at one of them I found, after 30 years of earnest hunting, my first ever copy of Henry the Human Fly (it was an original Reprise print no less, and even though I could really give a flying turd about such things - this is the Dollar Bin after all, not Nathan's VGG++ Nerd World - I was still pretty damn fired up and almost hugged the salesdude). Anyway, I snapped up that little blue number for the very non-Dollar Bin price of 37 bucks, thereby keeping that store in business long enough for them to blast George Thorogood for another glorious day. B-B-B-B-Bad!
All kidding aside, the people of Iowa are amazing. At stop signs drivers wave to one another! Please pack up all spare copies of your favorite records, drive to Iowa, and donate them to those lovely people.
I don't know about you, but every time I enter a new record store for the first time I head straight to Young, Neil and start judging the place.  I don't really expect to find anything by Neil that I don't already have - but please, God, please help me find a copy of Ragged Glory someday, and please make it cost less than $50; I don't ask for too much God but this one favor I do of you most humbly implore - but Neil's section is an easy and effective way to find out if the store is worth my time. Or yours. 
If there's nothing to be found other than a $22 copy of Comes a Time, or even worse, nothing but an already dusty, year-old copy of Noise and Flowers for $65, I know I'm better off at Chili's eating a bloomin onion alone; if they have nothing but copy after copy of Re-ac-tor, Time Fades Away and Journey Through the Past, I stay open minded - maybe ten minutes earlier they sold a crunchy old copy of On The Beach; and if they have Old Ways or Trans for $8-10 it's time to get excited and explore the store.
Stop #2 for me in any new record store is always Emmylou Harris. I submit for your consideration the following thesis: a good record store should have on stock most, if not all, of her records between Gliding Bird (1970) and Bluebird (89). We're talking about something like 15 titles between those bookends, and all of them should be in any good record store for under 8 bucks a piece.
Don't get me wrong: these records should not be cheap given their quality. I am hear to tell you that Emmylou Harris does not make bad, or even mediocre records. Like Paul Simon (well, there is Songs from The Capeman...), she only releases good albums. The same cannot be said for Neil or Bob, though I love them dearly. I defy even my famous brother to find an argument for Down in the Groove or The Monsanto Years.
(For those at home taking notes: I did indeed make the statement in an earlier post that Neil can do no wrong. I stand by that statement! Dylan and Young alike put out crap intentionally. It's what genius's do, people! Come to think of it, that's why some (maybe all!) of my posts are gonna suck. Neil, Bob and I are simply shaking off any fair weather fans.)
But back to Emmylou: why, you ask, should every record store worth its salt have all her records cheaply in stock?
A) between 75 and 89 she put out a record a year, all of them good, and sold them consistently to my mother and all my mother's friends and all my mother's friends' friends and... you get the idea: that's a lot of records;
B) all those women have, since they made those purchases, got a life. Unlike me. They don't need their records anymore and they've told their loser sons to put down their bongs and go out and do something with all their old vinyl in the hopes that the sons will learn entrepreneurship and decency in the process. Those loser sons have, in turn, not ignored their mother and listened to the Emmylou Harris records (like they should have!) but instead taken them to their local Treasured Vinyl and exchanged them for autographed copies of Roll the Bones, or some other comparable crap;
C) unlike her friend Dolly Parton, Emmylou has no amusement park to call home, nor any lifetime movies made in her honor; and, finally,
D) unlike Fleetwood Mac, no boyband applicant on a skateboard drinking juice has destroyed the internet with one of her songs as a soundtrack, thereby unleashing hoards of hipster kids to demand of all the local rotund record store dudes copies of Rumors.
Put all that together friends, apply a little supply and demand, and what do you get? Record stores should be full of cheap and outstanding Emmylou Harris records.
So let's focus in on one of my favorites and one that I bet none of you have ever listen to, Angel Band.
There's no getting around it, I have to tell you: Angel Band is a Jesus record.
Don't panic! You haven't been lured in here to be told that He Gets You. Instead, it's time for this entry's second thesis: Angel Band is The Best Jesus Record (by a white person, anyway).
That's right, it's better than Saved, Jesus Was a Capricorn, My Mother's Hymn Book and everything Van the 80's Jesus man ever put out. By far! Indeed, I'd even go so far as to argue that while listening to Angel Band you will forget altogether that the man from Galalee is even involved.
Before I preach the word of Emmylou, let's listen to the opening track.
I kinda feel like I could just end this entry right here. What can anyone possibly say other than Jesus Christ! The barely there but perfect band creates simple and delicious space around Harris' aching goddess of a voice. If some jerk doctor ever tells me I need to stop drinking beer (dear God, I'm back! Never mind my earnest appeal for Ragged Glory. Rather, God, please avert that hateful beerless future!), then I'm gonna have to listen to this album every day just to calm the hell down.
My prime hobby in life (good news everyone: as of this morning this blog is my day job because, thanks to my famous brother, I now have like 16 followers and surely that means cash money is coming my way, yes? Isn't that how the world wide web works? Siri, where's my paycheck?!) is teaching High School English and History; in that role I teach a four week block each year on The Holy Books.
The class is easy to teach even though I'm not a regular church goer; tell cool teens about Muhammad getting seized by the Angel Gabriel, back that up by showing them that Abraham is everyone's mythical great-grandad and they are all in. But, given the fact that Donald Trump and Samuel Alito continue to exist and threaten all our lives, Jesus is a tough sell to teens. (See that? Right there I'm not shaking off any new fair weather fans; I'm telling any Trump people reading this to go away and stop acting like shitheads.)
I do what I can in my Holy Books course to salvage Christianity: we get to the good stuff within the Sermon on Mount and St. John's Prelude and we separate St. Augustine's hateful nonsense from the essence of Christ. But the turning point, the moment when smart, open-minded kids realize that Jesus is about love without exception, not hate, often comes not through the texts or through my earnest lectures, but instead when I play them them The Stanley Brothers Angel Band or The Louvin Brothers I See A Bridge. No spiritual teaching that leads to such beauty could be altogether with merit, and kids get that.
Just about any song on Angel Band could win that same argument, including Harris' version of the title track. Covering a song that is perfect to begin with is either a brilliant move (see Dark End of the Street, originally by James Carr, and the versions by Linda Ronstadt and Richard and Linda Thompson), shrugable (Neil Young singing If You Could Read My Mind) or intolerable and gross (Stephen Stills' version of The Loner - I curse thee Stephen Stills!). But as far as I'm concerned Emmylou Harris could cover anything, from Will to Love to Love Shack, and make it great.
So get over your fear of Jesus, dive into your local dollar bin and relax while listening to Angel Band. God, if we are lucky, exists. And she sings just like Emmylou Harris.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
No Touching
[Ava Starr x Female!Reader]
Summary: Friend dates with Ava always brighten your day (and night). Tonight is more enlightening than brightening, though… 
Previous Masterlist Next
Word count: 1.7 words
Warning(s): 14+ | angst, gay panic, dolls, 1 (one) racist antique, Steven Segal movie, chronic pain, tears.
AN: No actually I didn't bother to edit this, not doing that anymore, I think too much as it is. As always, I write with a black reader in mind but feel free to read even if you aren't. 🖤
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You are eighty percent sure that you and Ava are dating.
85%... 78%... 81.5% sure.
It would probably be best if you cleared that up (but be cool about it though). You've started seeing each other more and more, and on purpose no less. Never a dull conversation, she's reluctant to share some of her life story but she's eager to know everything about you and you're more than happy to indulge. It's not like you know nothing about her; you just don't know the specifics of her past. 
Her parents died when she was young, she's ex-military (you think?), and she just came off of a huge life change and is getting used to what she calls 'real life.' You figure out she's a bit of a shut in and hates crowds, so you go out of your way to show her quiet places and introduce her to things she's never tried before. The bowl by your front door where you put your keys has 20 or 30 marbles from ramune bottles in it. You can't seem to ring her secret out of her, she just gives you this cryptic knowing smile and laughs at your attempts to sweet talk or annoy it out of her. 
You feel so close, growing closer still, she's quickly become the best part of your week, and you catch yourself thinking about her even when she's not with you. But you've never held hands. Hell, you've never even so much as brushed shoulders with her by accident. If you're dating, shouldn't you at least hug her goodbye? Is she even able to be into you like that?? 
You try not to let the panic set in as you stand outside of the antiques mall. You told her you liked old things and promised to show her your favorite pastime. God, how do you go about this? Should you just flirt with her and see how she reacts? Also how does one flirt? What if you’re fucking up and she really just wants to be friends? God knows you could use some friends right now. 
When she does appear, you do nothing. You continue to act relaxed and enjoy her presence, promising yourself you’ll ask about it afterwards. Ava’s wearing that grey jacket again made of a thin sports fabric and you make a mental note it might rain today. 
“Ava,” you stage whisper, waving her out of the jewelry section by the front desk and into the maze of vintage old clothes and furniture. “Back here, to the left.” 
Deep deep deep in a corner of the massive store, Ava stops dead in her tracks (you run into her but back away quickly) and stares. 
“This... is…” Ava covers her mouth with her hands to hold her laughter in, “ghastly.” 
The shelf is wide, with dark wood trimming and protective glass. The lights are almost fluorescent as they illuminate dozens of humanoid dolls. Some are cute, but some are also creepy, unnerving, down right scary. 
You point at the one with the Jonbenet Ramsey likeness and deep cracks in her porcelain face. It was overly large compared to the rest, having to have stuffed legs crossed like a sitting child. "I think I fear that one the most." 
You felt Ava shiver and didn't even realize you were standing that close. Her eyes darted from face to face, taking in every terrible and wonderful detail of them. You smelled coconut in her hair and tried to distance yourself a bit, missing the conversation. "Huh?" 
"I said they're haunted, aren't they?" 
"That one definitely is." You look over the other dolls. "I don't know, I think the rest are kinda cute. 'Cept that one: that one can fuck off straight to hell." 
Down on the second shelf where the light began to struggle in reach belied an offensive porcelain joke. The decoration portrayed an over animated child at play, with oil black skin, fat red lips, and bulbous eyes. This child was dressed in white rags and sucking on a wedge of fruit. Guess which one. Fucking guess, I dare you. 
"It's not even a fucking doll," Ava grumbled. "Why is it here?" 
You leaned in to whisper, "someday, I'm gonna buy that thing just to fucking smash it on the pavement." 
"Oh, what a lovely sound it would make." 
You hum. "I'm not gonna give nobody money for that trash. Can't steal it either, we'd never make it to the door." 
Ava looked over her shoulder with a cheeky smile. "We?" 
You simply tilt your head at her, and she huffs out a laugh. She nodded as if agreeing with you, then drifted away from the case like a wary woman. You toured through the rest of the store like a treasure trove of other people's memories, war memorabilia, ancient brand merchandise (why would anyone want a life size green m&m in their house? Who is this for?), and paintings from the dadeism era by unpopular artists. You ate lunch at the vendor shops in downtown and retired to your place for a movie. 
You must have fallen asleep at the beginning but you came to during some big shootout between Steven Segal and generic Latino drug dealer #7 when you accidentally dropped your hand into Ava's lap. Quickly, Ava withdrawals, thrusting herself to the other side of the couch as if in disgust. Your head jerks up in hurt and confusion, you hadn't even felt anything except a light tingling. You could barely hear the tv audio over the sound of blood rushing in your ears. 
"You can't touch me," Ava spat. "You just can't. Ever. Please…" 
"I'm sorry. Ava, I– I am so, so sorry I didn't mean to–" 
"It's not your fault and you didn't know," she mumbled and faltered, "it's just… you can't." 
You feel tears prick in the corner of your eyes as you try to swallow. "I'm sorry. Really. It won't happen again." 
Ava looked up at you guiltily and sighed. She folded her legs and eased herself off of the couch arm rest, hands tucked into her lap and unable to meet your eyes anymore. 
"It's not what you think it is," she explained. "I… I have a condition of sorts. And it… it hurts.” 
Her words put a hold on the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Like a… skin condition? Or nerves or something?” 
Ava nodded quickly. “Yes. yes, like a nerves thing. My um, my nervous system. It's chronic."
“Oh Ava,” you cover your heart with a breathy sigh, “of course! I wish I’d known I would have never–” 
“It’s not something I like to talk about.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m really glad you understand. Sorry I freaked out, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or anything.” 
You tried to blow a raspberry. “It’s whatever, didn’t hurt my feelings.” 
Yeah, you could hear the weakness of the lie, too. Still, Ava went and parked herself on the couch exactly where she was before– close but not too close. Warm but not quite touching. You were ready to let it slide and go right back to pretending to watch the movie when– 
“So what’s going on between us exactly? I like girls– I like you– and I don’t mean just in a friend sort of way– is it maybe sorta possible you might feel the same way about me?” 
Who said that? You? Honestly you’re feeling a little dizzy as you try and stare a hole in the tv screen. And Ava? Well at least she didn’t hold you in suspense for too long. She chuckled– and god you had to look. You had to know if she was laughing at you or with you. Your eyes snapped to her completely unmocking face. 
She blinked at you, bit her lip even. “Yes, I am.. Capable of liking girls. Might prefer them actually. And I definitely like you in a more-than-a-friend sort of way.” 
It takes a second to sink in. OK, it takes a hot minute to sink in. Like the movie ended and you walked Ava home and you slept in until 10 am and made omelettes for breakfast at noon and laid down on your floor staring at the ceiling until sundown. Yeah that kind of hot minute. And your lips curled into a soft smile because you had a girlfriend and she liked girls and you could not be happier than you are right now. 
Ava asked you to meet her on the corner by the antiques mall that night. You don’t know how but she got her grubby, thieving little mitts on that disgusting tar baby doll from the haunted doll shelf. You made her swear up and down she didn’t pay real money for it, then nearly pulled out your hair when you realized it meant she definitely stole it and– 
"How the ffffUCK do you just DO that?!" 
"Slight of hand," she mused. 
Fuck, and she was a geek. Yeah, you're definitely in love. She pushes the ugly thing into your hands and despite being cold porcelain it feels like it's burning. 
"Do the honors." 
There's no build up. No ceremony. You don't want to drag this out anymore. You take a swinging leap and spike that shit and watch it shatter into a hundred pieces with the most glorious sound you'll ever hear. You land in slow motion, already replaying the image of thick glass pieces cracking on the indigo pavement. You stand over your mess, triumphant. 
The quiet of the night time street drifts back to you, as does Ava. "I'll be honest I expected a big speech." 
You shrug. "I've been waiting too long to do that. Thank you, Ava. I mean it." 
"Oh believe me it was my pleasure." Ava swaggers closer to you and if you didnt know better you'd think she was going in for a kiss. "Tonight, the tar baby. Tomorrow, the world." 
You resist the urge to clap her on her shoulders and throw your hands in the air instead. "Sounds like a date!" 
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kimnamjooonz · 5 years
Blank Space - Chapter 15
New Romantics
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Songs Used In This Chapter:
New Romantics - Taylor Swift
I Want To Break Free - Queen
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen
'We are bored, we are so tired of everything, we wait for trains that just aren't coming. We show off or different scarlet letters, trust me, mine is better. We are young, but we're one the way to ruin, we play dumb but we know exactly what we're doing. We cry tears of mascara in the bathroom, honey, life is just a classroom.''
Los Angeles
Morgan's time in L.A went in a completely unexpected way as what she had imagined but for the better, and she was thrilled about it.
She and Taylor were on the terrace of a trendy coffee shop informing everything that had happened to an astounded Lucas.
''There was no audition. They literally went ahead and offered me the role. One of the casting directors basically begged me to do it.''
''And did you accept it?'' Lucas asked with eyes wide open.
''Of course! This is my dream come true, Lucas!''
He looked confused for a moment as he had no idea what dream role Morgan had got. And only God knew how many dream roles Morgan had.
''And may I know that dream role of yours you just got?''
''I can’t say it out loud.''
Lucas almost laughed. He knew it was not Morgan's fault. She was probably told not to say a word to any living soul. He wondered if she was cast to Game of Thrones or Marvel. Those guys were known to be secretive as hell. Or maybe she had landed a role in Star Wars or the DCEU.
''Who are you playing? Lord Voldemort? I swear that if you have Sebastian Stan as co star again, my head is going to snap in half.''
''Ha, ha, very funny'' she said with sarcasm. ''But I admit it'd be fun to play Voldemort. Okay, I can't say it out loud but I'm going to write it down.''
She grabbed a napkin and a pen that she had in her purse and started writing something. Taylor rolled her eyes at how silly Morgan could be.
''Here it is'' she handed the napkin to Lucas who read it, his face slowly turning from sarcasm to amazement.
''Oh. My. God. No wonder they are secretive.''
''Destroy the evidence.'' Morgan insisted, making Taylor laugh at how extra she was.
Lucas tore the napkin in little pieces.
''How did you got that role without even auditioning?''
''I don't really know.'' she was genuinely honest about that. ''But I'm not complaining. Well, we have two days for us in L.A. We have to do something.''
''First of all, there's something else...'' Taylor started and Morgan's spirits fell.
Maybe Sebastian was in L.A and she had to meet him for something she didn't know, completely ruining the 'let's be apart from each other challenge' Morgan had invented without his knowledge. And make him wonder where she was and what she was doing was giving results.
''If Damien wants to send Sebastian and I to go to Disneyland to kiss with fireworks at the background, he can save it because I'm not going to do it.''
''It's not that but it's admirable how fast you thought about Sebastian Stan.'' Taylor teased and Morgan rolled her eyes.
''Very funny. I'm used to his plots to get us together so nothing surprises me anymore.''
''Whatever'' Taylor rolled her eyes this time. ''It's not that what I wanted to tell you. IMG Models called me this morning.''
Morgan's face lit up.
''Please tell me that they want me to cover British Vogue.''
''Yes, they called me while you were in Toronto. I think I forgot to call you after everything that's happened.'' Morgan's face was really ridiculous at that moment. ''They want you to cover the January 2019 edition and they want you to be an snow angel or an snow queen for the photoshoot.'' Morgan looked elated, even though that wasn't what Taylor wanted to say to her. ''But... why they called was because apparently Victoria's Secret has been hearing your fans demands and now they want you to walk in the show.''
''WHAT?'' shouted Lucas, almost chocking with his coffee.
''Are they on drugs?'' asked Morgan. ''They are really going downhill if the want to hire an actress that doesn't know anything about walking on the runway, only for views.'' Morgan rolled her eyes, not taking the Victoria's Secret proposal really seriously.
''Well, they have Kendall Jenner who has less facial expressions than a rock. Without counting that you, me and Sebastian Stan in The Winter Soldier movie have better walks than her'' said Lucas with all honesty.
''And that's correct'' said Taylor who seemed to want Morgan to walk in that show. ''You should totally do this''
But Morgan had already taken a decision.
''No.'' she simply said.
''WHAT'' Lucas shouted again.
''Morgan, please'' begged Taylor.
''No. I don't want to. I'll have to work out and go on a diet and believe me, I don't want to do that.'' she bit the croissant that she was eating that was delicious. The thought of not eating them for a while made her heart ache. ''They should hire a real model instead of me. They are hundreds of them lining up to be the next Victoria's Secret angel.''
''PLEASE, MORGAN!'' shouted Lucas and Taylor at the same time.
''You can be the next Angel. Alessandra Ambrosio retired. Adriana Lima is retiring this year. Only Candice is left from the good old days. You can be the next iconic Angel because you have charisma, elegance and fierceness.'' said Lucas.
Morgan still looked impassive, eating her croissant with all the calm in the world.
''No.'' she simply said. ''Being a Victoria's Secret Angel was never among my dreams. But... maybe I'll do it next year, if I want and if they have Taylor Swift performing at the show.''
Taylor was desperate.
''I'm sure that if you say yes they'll get you Taylor Swift, the fantasy bra, the Swarowsky outfit, a crown, you opening and closing... anything you want. Morgan, please, just imagine Sebastian's reaction''.
Morgan almost choked with the croissant.
''And now I'm even more convinced that I shouldn't do this. You're dead wrong if you think I'm doing something only to please Sebastian.''
In a very bad temper, she stood up and left.
Annoyed, she walked towards the coffee shop's bar only to find non other than Chris Evans there. It was almost funny.
''How little is the world'' he mumbled when he saw her.
''In L.A do you find random celebrities in coffee shops?'' she asked with her eyebrows raised. ''Because in New York I haven't met any in a normal environment. Well, maybe Sebastian. But... I don't really want to mention Sebastian'' she sat beside him.
''Yes. You meet random celebrities in the streets here. Once I met James Franco in the bathroom of a McDonalds. But in my case I just left Dodger for a grooming at the vet in the front.'' he pointed to a vet shop at the front of the cafe. ''I'm just waiting for him and then I found you. And how are you? What are you doing in L.A?''
''I got offered a project. I can't tell you about it if I don't want to be fired from it''
''I know all about secret projects. You're talking to Captain America.'' Chris doubted if he should ask the next question but he did it anyway. ''And... how is Sebastian?''
Morgan just shrugged her shoulders.
''It's been messy, I'm not going to lie.'' she could talk to Chris with honesty as he knew that there was funny business between she and Sebastian. ''I'm sure for him this is pretty confusing to. I think I've messed up his world.''
''You totally did. And not only his world but the whole world''
Morgan had to admit that he was right. And she actually liked that. She was only scared that the whole fame think could backfire someday.
''Victoria's Secret contacted me to walk in their show'' she suddenly said.
Chris muttered a small 'wow'.
''And... what did you say?''
''No. I don't think I'd be any good. Not this year, at least. If they ask me again next year, which I doubt, maybe I'll think about it.''
''I think you'd be good. I watched that show a couple of years ago and the models were beautiful but the lacked charisma, something that you have in great quantities. And I think you'd enjoy it.''
''Really?'' Morgan was intrigued why Chris thought that she'd liked to walk around in underwear and a pair of wings.
''Yeah. People looking at you, the camera fixed on you, the flashes, the felling like you own the world... yeah, I associate these kind of stuff with you.''
''So, you're saying that I like attention?'' she asked with raised eyebrows but not at all offended.
''Yes. But you're not desperate for it. You like getting the attention you deserve. That's why you turned Victoria's Secret down. Because you think that a real model should have been called instead of you.''
''How are you so good at reading people?'' she asked. ''Do you have a superpower? Dammit.''
Chris laughed, with his typical movement of placing his hand on his chest that she had seen so many times before, in her fangirl days.
''No, but you're easy to read. Just like Sebastian. You two are soulmates, I'm not joking.''
Morgan rolled her eyes.
''I bet you are, Evans''
Chris was about to laugh when an alarm on his phone sounded.
''Gosh, I have to pick Dodger up. Will you come with me? Then we can just walk around, have some fun. What do you say?''
Morgan liked the idea but she was totally sure that they were going to be pictured together and dating rumous would fly. And she wasn't interested in being romantically linked with Chris Evans even though she knew it was inevitable if she wanted to spend some time with the guy.
And it was all fun and games to hide from Sebastian but being romantically linked to someone else wasn't the best idea. She wasn't interested in making Sebastian jealous as she knew that it was a stupid move.
Her brain was working at full speed and she almost jumped when she got the solution. She slowly caressed the chain of the necklace Sebastian had given to her. She always wore it under her shirt but this time she took it out to make visible to everyone to see.
It was inevitable that there were going to be pictures of her with Chris but she also wanted to send a message to Sebastian. Something like 'Hey, I'm wearing your necklace in public. You're the only one that I want.' She just hoped that Sebastian got the hint. If he didn't, he was an idiot.
''Let's go. To be honest, I don't really want to spend my evening with my team trying to talk me into walking at that goddamned fashion show. And I also want to meet Dodger.''
Chris opened the door for her and together they stepped outside.
New York
Sebastian was spending his evening
 with Florence and for once, it was actually being kind of fun. It was as if the absence of Morgan from New York had lifted a weight from his shoulders.
For Florence, it was as if the sun was shining again, without the stormy presence of that woman. She was praying that somehow Morgan fell in love with Los Angeles and decided to stay there forever. However, she still had some more months in New York, at least until she finished filming with Sebastian.
''I can't cook, so we should ask for take out.'' said Sebastian, who was rumbling into the almost empty cupboards of his kitchen. He seemed to only have bread, that looked as it was there since his Gossip Girl days, and a almost empty pot of Nutella. Classy.
''Chinese?'' she proposed.
''I was thinking about Italian.''
As none of them could agree in what to eat, they ended up eating some fast food from McDonalds.
For some reason that Sebastian didn't know, Morgan was back into his head. He was wondering what was she doing in L.A and even considering calling her. That was probably useless because she was not going to answer.
They were watching some random movie and that was the only thing that was interrupting the silence. However, none of them were very into the movie.
Sebastian was thinking about Morgan and Florence was glancing around Sebastian's living room with her eyes fixed on a picture of him sandwiched between Nicole Kidman and Morgan Llewellyn in the last Toronto Film Festival.
''Do you want tea? That's something I have and I know how to prepare''
Florence appreciated the enthusiasm with he was saying those words.
''Do you have honey? Or milk?''
The smile on Sebastian's face fell.
''Well... no... but I can do a quick shopping at the shop across the road.'' he kept fumbling in the cupboards. ''Hell, I don't even have sugar...just, please give me five minutes.''' and he left the apartment running.
Once Sebastian left, Florence was free to fulfill her own curiosity. She grabbed her phone and searched for Morgan's Instagram account. It wasn't as if she cared about her life but she needed to know to what extent she publicly cared about Sebastian.
It seemed that nothing at all. She scrolled throughout her feed only to find selfies, photoshoots and pictures with her famous friends. She had even cropped out Sebastian from almost all of the pictures taken in Toronto, except the one with him and Nicole Kidman, the same one that Sebastian had hung on his wall.
She couldn't resist talking a look at her tagged pictures and she didn't know how she ended up at the Morgan Llewellyn Updates account.
The first update was about Morgan being considered for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. What did the Victoria's Secret executives had in their minds at considering Morgan? Did they want to turn it into the Morgan Llewellyn Fashion Show? They basically wanted to sell their souls to the devil (Morgan) for views.
But Morgan had rejected the offer with the excuse of having 'scheduling conflicts'. However, she had left the door opened for next year. So, if the show's rating flopped, Morgan was still there.
Florence looked at the next update and almost dropped her phone to the floor. There she was, as beautiful as always, rocking a chill and simple outfit with high heels and walking round the streets of Los Angeles with no other than Chris Evans and his dog.
Florence wanted to sing and dance. She could swear that a victory song was playing in her head.
She was crossing fingers for Evans and Llewellyn to fall in love, get married and live happily ever after in his big Los Angeles home with her cat and his dog. They for sure made a beautiful couple.
But deep inside she knew that this was never going to happen. Morgan Llewellyn seemed to like ruining people's lives and she had many months ahead of filming with Sebastian. And the whole world was rooting for them to be together. And Morgan liked to please her people.
''Why do you look so happy?'' Sebastian asked when he got back with the groceries.
''Found some good news. You'll like them too.''
She handed Sebastian the phone with a big smile on her face.
It took Sebastian a couple of seconds to recognize the people on the picture, but when he did he felt a ugly sensation in his stomach, something that felt like a pang in his chest and for a moment he felt as if he was breathing shattered glass.
So Morgan and Chris, eh?
He just wanted to fly right then to L.A and interrupt this whole sham or at least call Chris to stop doing whatever he was doing with Morgan. But then he noted something he hadn't before. He zoomed on the picture and could clearly see the star necklace he had given to Morgan hanging from her neck.
He stated laughing, leaving Florence utterly confused. But Sebastian was just admiring Morgan and being thankful to Lucas Williams.
Morgan knew what she was doing. Yes, she was having fun with Evans but at the end of the day, she was wearing his necklace in public, and she knew perfectly well that it was going to mean a lot to Sebastian. It wasn't a coincidence. Maybe to the general public it was a little detail about Morgan Llewellyn having a necklace. For Sebastian the gesture shouted 'Hey, I'm with Evans now but, it doesn't mean anything.'' Or that was what he hoped.
''You minx'' he mumbled looking at the picture. ''I know exactly what you're doing and I love you for that''
''Excuse me?''
Sebastian had absolutely forgotten about Florence's presence.
''Ummm... this doesn't mean anything. It's just a bet between Morgan and I about who gets to sleep with Evans first''
He felt that somehow he was making things worse.
''It's just a joke'' he explained. ''We all know that Morgan is going to get it first.'' he prayed, with all his heart, to be wrong with his statement.
''So you want to sleep with Chris Evans?''
''Who doesn't...''
Sebastian was just absentmindedly answering because all his attention was on the comments of the picture.
He could read stuff like 'Chris and Morgan outsold.', 'I'm all about MorganStan but Chris and Morgan are also hot as hell', 'Chris, I love you but I need you to get away like right now', 'Chris Evans, stop making holes in my ship!', 'If Seb and Morgan become another case of Kate and Leo and they never date and she marries Evans instead I'm flying myself off a cliff' (same, girl, same, Sebastian thought), 'Why is everyone blaming Chris Evans for wanting to sink the MorganStan ship when Florence is literally right there', there was even a reply to that comment that went by the very harsh words of: 'Because Chris Evans is actually relevant.'
Those people were nuts but Sebastian found himself agreeing with many of them.
''So are you going to say something?'' Florence demanded.
''Don't worry, it's just a joke between actors, nothing serious, I was juts me... WHAT THE HELL''
''What now?''
But Sebastian wasn't listening anymore. If he though he had never worn that necklace in public... well, he was wrong. he was just finding out that he had let everyone see it at a Comic Con in Houston, not long ago. And someone else had noticed and posted his picture next to Morgan's with the caption 'If this is the same necklace I'm fainting.'
And people had got on board with it. 'Morgan and Seb wearing matching jewellery, I'm living for it.' and 'This reminds me of Taylor Swift and Harry Styles paper airplane necklace situation in 2013 and I'm having an stroke right now.'
Yeah, and he was too living for it. He sent a text to Morgan saying 'I got your message.' And for the first time in days Morgan replied with a simple winking emoji.
Los Angeles
Morgan and Chris had made it to his beautiful house without any inconvenience apart from a couple of paparazzis. She knew that the pictures were all over the Internet, thanks to Sebastian's message. She was happy that everything had worked out in the end.
''What do you want to eat?'' he asked her.
''If you're ordering food, always Italian.''
''I was planning to cook, but I guess I can make pasta.''
So he could cook too. And Chris Evans was right there demonstrating how much better than Sebastian he was. And Morgan was cursing herself because instead of choosing Chris, who was a dreamboat, she wanted Sebastian, who probably couldn't place a bowl of instant soup into the microwave.
''And I guess I'd sit there and watch because I can't cook.''
''I imagined that for some reason.'' he looked at her with a mischievous smile and she looked back at him with raised eyebrows. ''What I mean is that... I've been working with Sebastian for almost ten years and you're very similar to him. What is more, I've never meet anyone as similar to him as you are.''
''Really?'' Morgan looked at him with a confused expression.
''Yeah. I've seen that face before, believe me.''
It was not the first time that she heard that comparison. Taylor said it all the time (and she didn't see their similarities under a positive light) and even Damien Chazelle had mentioned it.
''Whatever you say'' she rolled her eyes playfully sat in the counter, facing Chris, who was taking the ingredients for the pasta from the cupboards. ''Let me put some music, please, to motivate you, so you can make a good pasta.''
''Believe me, Llewellyn. My pasta is the best.''
''We'll see.''
Queen was playing around the house and both of them were moving to the music. Chris almost burned himself for being way too into the song.
It was so incredibly domestic that Morgan was quite confused. They were dancing in the kitchen while he cooked (like in that awesome scene between Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson in Spiderman 3) and she could even see Dodger running in the backyard.
Morgan knew that she could have all of that if she wanted, with very little effort. But that was the thing, she didn't want to. She wanted the angry dumpster prince that couldn't cook to save his life, couldn't put his life together and had the special ability of making very dumb decisions.
Maybe it was because behind her beauty, talent and glamour, she was exactly the same. A hot mess.
Domestically numb? Check.
Didn't have a life plan apart from acting, being famous, popular and pretty? Double check.
Made stupid ass decisions that made no absolute sense? Triple check.
For a moment she was so caught in her own thoughts that she didn't notice that Chris was talking to her, thankfully about something that wasn't related to Sebastian in any way.
The day went by in a pretty easy going mood. Chris not only made really awesome pasta but he could also bake. He was a real life Prince Charming. And somehow Morgan still craved for Sebastian sassy remarks while eating pizza under a tree in a park wearing their expensive clothes. Why would she want that, it was a mystery. If Chris Evans couldn't take Sebastian out of her mind, she doubted that she could get over him someday.
They spent a very nice evening, talking about everything and everyone, eating cake and even playing with Dodger. It was perfect.
As the evening was turning into the night, they comfortably settled in Chris's comfortable sitting room, eating popcorn and watching Leonardo DiCaprio movies, with Dodger in the middle of them.
At some point while watching Titanic, that both of them had watched countless of times, they went back to the Sebastian topic. It had started with Chris commenting a funny anecdote on the set of The First Avenger.
''...I swear that he's the sweetest person on earth but that doesn't make him perfect'' said Chris. ''No one is, that's the truth. Sometimes he make that choices that leave anyone around him, speechless. Me included. Like dating that Florence girl for example... it's just... stupid. They have nothing in common. She's supposed of nice and everything but...' it seemed like Chris disagreed with Florence being nice. '...she's one of those persons that wants every person in the world to be nice to them, when we all know that life's not like that. She's the kind of person that complains to the manager when the Starbucks barista doesn't have pumpkin spice to her latte and ruining the poor kid's day''
Morgan wasn't even trying to hide her satisfaction. She had thought that Florence was a goody two shoes local like her sister in law Lila but no, she was one of those annoying persons who couldn't let other people live. No wonder Sebastian's fans disliked her, even though they didn't know what Chris had just told her. For now. She was going to find a way for them to know. Not directly, of course.
Yes, Morgan could be devious, selfish, a drama queen and even a snake, but she tried to treat people with kindness.
''That is... yikes.'' Morgan looked outraged and Chris smiled.
''Yeah. I met her twice and I didn't like her. And judging by your face, she's not your favourite person in the world and I sort of know the reason why.''
She didn't need to explain anything to Chris. She knew that he knew.
''Oh God, this is so messed up.'' he said. ''With this material I can write a romcom and you and Seb can act in it. Let's sum this up: you've loved him for five years without knowing him, then you meet him and you dislike him, then you love him again but this time you love the real person, but he has a girlfriend who you discovered just now that she's kind of asshat, and now, apparently he's in love with you too and if you two get together, the media storm may damage your careers. It's a mess.''
''When you say it like that, it sounds like chaos. Why is this happening? I don't understand.''
''Because both of you are chaotic. You are... well, you. And Sebastian relationship history is pitiful. If you two get together there will be even greater chaos or you two will finally settle down with each other. I'm quite inclined for the second option. I think you two are soulmates.''
That was the moment Dodger chose to get tired of the conversation and left the coach, leaving Chris and Morgan alone. If he could talk he would have cursed them.
''I'm going to get us more popcorn.''
While he was gone she had enough time to think about all the information Chris had given her. Her mind was already making plans. For a moment she had forgotten that she was relaxing on Chris Evans's wonderful sofa. It was like a dream.
''Earth to Morgan'' he suddenly said. ''I know you have a lot of information inside that head of yours but... calm down for a moment.'' he placed the popcorn bowl on her lap, leaving his hand resting on her arm. Morgan hadn't miss that detail, let alone when he placed his whole arm softy around her shoulders.
After an exhausting week, full of emotional turmoil and running away from the person she wanted the most to be near, she found herself craving this touch.
Yeah, it wasn't Sebastian (and to be honest, nothing compared to him) but... it was the best option after him, at least for the moment. Damn it, it was Chris Evans, prince charming in person, gorgeous and sexy as hell... but he also deserved better. He deserved someone with their head in its right place and that certainly wasn't Morgan.
''Are you up for a little distraction?'' he asked, with a cheeky smile but also blushing intensely.
Of course she was. Who wouldn't. But she needed to state the rules clearly before. Not for her sake but for his.
''I am. But only as a distraction.'' he smiled sadly at her words, perfectly understanding what she was trying to say. ''You don't deserve me, Chris. That's the sad truth. You deserve better than me. Someone who's not in love with your co-star, for example.''
With all the tenderness in the world, he traced her cheekbone with her thumb.
''You deserve the world. But... you don't want what you deserve. I don't know what will happen in the future with you and Seb, I totally understand that your heart is with him, and it will be there for a long time. I won't try to convince you otherwise. I'm just offering a distraction and some fun. Everyone needs it from time to time.''
His playful smile was really something else. And not even in her wildest dreams she had imagined that Chris Evans was, someday, going to offer himself so openly to her. She'd better take that goddamn chance.
New York
The day after the Chris Evans-Morgan storm, Sebastian was in a coffee shop, drinking a latte and reading the last number of Vogue, the one that Morgan had covered. A very old Taylor Swift song was playing in the background, back from the days when that girl sang country music. Wow, the past was weird. Back then hardly anyone knew him (people confused him with Chace all of the time), Marvel wasn't even a thing, Chris Evans was the last failed Human Torch, Morgan Llewellyn was a teenager who wanted to act, was stuck on a farm somewhere in Wales with another name and Taylor Swift sang country music.
Now the world was a crazy place. He was famous (even more than Chace), Marvel was the biggest franchise in the world, Chris Evans was Captain America and also a superstar, Morgan Llewellyn was everywhere, from covering Vogue to being the face of Chanel, and she was also getting a mysterious acting project. And she had shaken his world so hard that he doubted that he could ever be who he was before meeting her. And Taylor Swift sang pop.
He kept passing the pages of Vogue and reading some parts of Morgan's interview, the most interesting bits and the parts that he didn't know. And whoever that had shot the pictures had done a damn good job highlighting Morgan's spectacular eyes. Now every time he closed his eyes he had those purple-blue eyes engraved in his brain.
''Earth to Sebastian!'' it was his friend Charlie, the person he was waiting for and the only one of his friends who had agreed to meet him. Toby and Chace were working in some project he didn't know about, Will was tired of him after his latest Morgan related tantrum, Joe was in England having his superstar moment, Anthony was filming something somewhere and Chris was roaming the streets of L.A with Morgan Llewellyn.
''Sorry, I was... distracted.'' he didn't have enough time to push the magazine away from him.
''I can see that. She's pretty... distracting.''
''Wait, how do you know about Morgan? You've never met her.''
Charlie looked at him as if he was a five year old.
''Because, the only thing that everyone's talking about lately is her. Chace is his fan, Joe is about to tattoo her name on his forehead, Toby can't care less about you two and Will thinks that she's a life ruiner. Florence probably agrees with him.''
Sebastian knew all of that already. And, surprisingly, he didn't care about what his friends thought of Morgan.
''Who cares. She's just my co-star. Like any other co-star I had before.''
He didn't believe that himself and he knew that Charlie was not going to believe him.
''Wrong. You didn't fall in love with Margot Robbie or Nicole Kidman. Well, maybe with Chris Evans but... who wouldn't, man. That guy's a dreamboat.''
''I'm not in love with Morgan''
''And that is... wrong. Again.'' Sebastian blushed but didn't say anything. ''By the way, Toby texted me asking where we were. He says he has important news..''
''Wasn't he in Brooklyn auditioning to some mysterious project?''
''Ask him yourself...'' before he could say anything else, Toby was crossing the coffee shop, looking happy and full of life.
He was glowing for some reason Sebastian didn't know. And he was more surprised when he grabbed the Vogue magazine, that was still on the table, and kissed Morgan's picture.
''What the hell does this mean?'' Sebastian took the magazine from Toby's hands and looked at him with an angry frown.
''That your girl got me a role in a TV show''.
''What?'' Sebastian and Charlie asked at the same time.
They were both intrigued as to how Morgan had helped Toby and since when she cared about his acting career.
''Let me start... yesterday Morgan liked one of my pictures in Instagram because she follows me.'' he looked too cocky about that fact for someone that two days earlier wasn't very enthusiastic about her. ''So, today I showed up to the audition, I said my name and the Casting Director immediately asked me if I knew Morgan because she was liking my stuff on Insta. I said yes and they gave me the role, without having to do anything.''
That story didn't make any sense. The only thing Sebastian could recollect was that Toby had got the role only because she had met Morgan once.
''So you got the role only because you have met Morgan once and she follows you on Instagram?'' Sebastian questioned him and Toby just smiled, not ashamed at all. ''Nice display of your talent there. You could totally suck but they didn't care as long as you keep Morgan's follow.''
''Hey, I don't suck! And I'm also not a superstar like you are. I don't have Damien Chazelle offering me roles while I'm in the bathroom at the airport! If I can get roles thanks to Morgan, I'm going to do it.''
''Okay, that makes you a fame leech.''
Nor Charlie or Toby knew why Sebastian looked so mad.
''Stop, okay?'' Toby looked at him with a hard expression. ''No one is taking advantage of your girl. You can tell her what I did, if you want. She probably won't mind.''
''She's not my girl'' he groaned. ''And of course I'm going to tell her.''
Toby rolled her eyes and decided to change the topic.
''Have any of you heard about Joe lately?''
''Isn't he in London?'' asked Sebastian, who had been way too focused on himself and Morgan to care about his friend's whereabouts.
''Yes. Now he's hanging out with Rami Malek, who'll probably win an Oscar before you, Seb'' Charlie teased him. ''I think he changed us for Malek and some guys named Ben and Gwil or whatever is pronounced.''
''He'll be back when the buzz over his movie dies. And Malek may win an Oscar but at least I wasn't in Twilight like he was.''
''You're a pain in the ass today, Sebastian.'' Toby threw a napkin at Sebastian's face. ''I get that you're a bit cranky because your great friend Chris is probably having a very good time with Morgan right now. Or at least he had it last night, I'm sure of it.''
Charlie almost chocked with the muffin he was eating and Sebastian got so red that it looked as if he was going to catch fire at any moment.
''And I'm sure that what you just said didn't happen''.
Los Angeles.
Lucas and Morgan were eating some pizza in a simple Pizza Hut somewhere in L.A alone. This was not a conversation that they wanted to have in front of Taylor.
''Now, tell me because I swear I'm dying of the intrigue... did you slept with him or not?''
It wasn't hard to Lucas to draw that conclusion. Morgan had came back to the hotel at ten in the morning making a stupid excuse of staying at Chris's watching Titanic. Taylor believed her but Lucas didn't.
''Of course I did.'' she didn't even blush with that revelation. ''He was offering himself and I just said yes.''
''Just that? Are you two dating or something?''
''Of course not. He knows that... we're not for each other. He deserves better. At least someone who's not in love with Sebastian Stan. It was just a fun night, nothing else.''
Lucas was surprised that Morgan was speaking with such lightness. She had slept with bloody Captain America and she was acting like it was not a big deal at all.
''I'm tempted not to throw my diet coke at your face, Morgan. How can you? He's literally the perfect man, a hopeless romantic, a beauty, a generous, good man... and you're going to give him up for... what? Sebastian Stan? Who's not even single? Whose mind is literally a mess? Oh, please God, no. Tell me you're not doing this.''
''It seems like...I am.. Chris deserves better. I'm the worst thing that can happen to him at this point and he knows it. He really likes me as a friend but as a girlfriend he'd get tired of me in two months and I can't blame him. Sometimes I'm tired of myself too, believe me.''
Morgan looked sad for a couple of seconds but regained her composure.
''So, do you think that it will be different with Sebastian?''
''Who knows... but I'm beautiful trash and he's beautiful trash so... we kind of match. But now you have to help me investigate something that Chris told me about Florence.''
Lucas winced. That couldn't be good news.
''What are you planning to do now?''
''I'm going to tell the truth to the world.''
Lucas didn't know what Morgan really wanted but he was sure it was nothing good.
Graphic description of this episode:
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Tag list:  @iamsebastianstab @bloodyvalentine93 @void-imaginations@dmn-dmn @euphoricbuckys @bluewavesx @lamamery @morrocanlovey @korysdiops @galaxydragonxx @ridingthedevil@exotericbarnes @heartsbeatingfortheworld @stuckinthemiddlewithyou@carmsfiorenzanoc @superheroesaremytea @torntaltos @massati@lesbiiionest @naffeesaa @ming3015 @earthtodevon@imdiegohargreeves @heidi4499 @bluediamondsevie@randomandfandoms1967 @goldvirago @paz22 @peterpxrkerlove@derekxsammy @leonardo-capulet @bellaire312006 @awinterloveuniverse @silverreading @mkirby93 @becksly9 @emilie1993 @dmn-dmn @kmaydayy 
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saturniias · 2 years
A Thief's Curse
Apparently I never posted this???? I swear that I did omfg
Once again, I wrote this for class. This was the shortest I could condense this giant story to without losing important plot that fit the style of the assignment LMAO
I actually wrote this one in one sitting, and pulled an all nighter doing it cause I forgot to write it until the night before.
I was originally going to edit this to have the character's actual names cause as of putting together this post, I finally named them like 30 minutes ago. However I decided it better fits the vibe to keep it the way it is.
Though for the sake of tags since their names are in there, I'll list out their actual names.
Elian - Thief Edith - Mage Cylix - Soldier
Once upon a time, there was a thief. The thief had been out at sea for many years, he just took what he needed to survive, and never from those who needed it more than him. Despite his klepto tendencies being rather mild, he was still labelled a pirate by the public. Because he stole, and he travelled in a ship, of course he was a pirate. Who knew the bar was so low to become a pirate these days.
Thinking back to his outfit, it could be understandable why most would think he’s a pirate. He is in fact, wearing a large coat, puffy white sleeves, and leather boots. On top of it being an almost entirely black outfit, and it was doubtful his rather shaggy dark hair helped his case. But at least he didn’t have the hat, that would just be too much.
The thief, just before he started travelling, was cursed by a forest spirit. All he did was take fruit, which enraged the spirit who had claimed that all of it was hers. The thief had apologised profusely, but it wasn’t enough and she placed a lethal curse on him. The curse was a painful one, and would eventually kill him. He decided that if he was going to die someday soon, he wanted to make the most out of his remaining lifetime. He took the small stock of supplies he had, and stole a whole ship from the bay, throwing himself right into the jaws of adventure. The first thing he did? He created a huge bucket list of all the things he was determined to experience.
This curse of his manifested as a growing taint on his body. The skin would turn black, the colour reaching up his arm in frightening vein shapes further and further as time passed. Every time the taint grew, it was excruciating. The curse felt like a hot iron as it moved upwards a few centimetres, followed by a terrible headache that would last up to hours.
But it was ok. 
If death chasing his tail was what got him to finally go out and truly live, then it was for the best. While he may die in a few months, at least he could say that he lived without regret.
Regret. Out of all the things he had listed, the one he absolutely could not bear to regret, was never returning home. So he vowed to return home when he was nearing the end of his journey. The thief’s working theory about the curse is that it’ll finally claim his life when the taint reaches his heart. Now that it has reached just over his shoulders, he decided that now was the time to go back. 
His bordering ramshackle and poor excuse of a ship pulled into the docs of his home town. Well, town was an understatement. It was a rather large city, one of the largest in the country in fact. The first thing he noticed was the tall spire of a wizard's tower. It was much different than when he had left all those years ago, and he wondered if his old good friend the mage still resided there. His suspicions were soon shown to be truthful when the secret code to unlock the door was the same as he remembered.
Upon entering the room at the summit of the spire, the thief was met with the familiar sight of his best friend through his childhood. His auburn hair still styled messily in a bun just like he saw him last. The only thing he didn’t recognize was his new outfit, a rather simple combination of pants and a long sleeved shirt. The part of his outfit that stood out was the intricate cloak he wore, a gorgeous shade of green with golden patterning. He smiled wide, lightly knocking his knuckles against the door frame to get his attention.
“Knock knock”
The thief watched in amusement as the mage whipped around frantically, his round glasses threatening to fly off his face, startled by the sudden presence of another person. 
“Wh- How did you get in here-!” The mage stopped short, freezing when he saw who the voice belonged to. “It’s…you”
The mage nearly started bawling right then and there, he bolted towards the thief and grappled him into a tight hug.
“oOF-” The thief nearly fell over from the mage’s sudden embrace, but took no time in returning the gesture. “It’s me. I’m home” He held the mage’s head into his chest.
When the mage pulled away, he was surprised to see a rather angry face.
“You disappeared! What the hell is wrong with you, you had us worried sick! We thought you died!” He weakly hit the thief’s arm, he was staring straight into the thief’s eyes.
He didn’t know how to break it to his friend what had happened. “It’s… It’s a long story…”
“Well then you better get to explaining!”
The thief sighed, and told him everything. The forest spirit, the curse, the adventures, all the amazing things he’s seen. At the end of his tales, the mage stood up and marched over to his desk. He was rapidly flipping through papers, picking up and identifying objects, back and forth between the different parts of the room.
“What-” He jumped out of the way of the mage when he flipped a 180 to go to yet another stack of books. “What are you doing?”
“Looking for a cure, what else?” “What? No it’s fine, I’m fine” “No you’re not! You’re dying, what do you mean you're fine??” The mage was beyond furious at these words.
“So what? I’m gonna die eventually anyway, that’s just how life is”
“You are NOT dying NOW” The mage was much shorter than the thief, so to look him in the eyes he yanked down on the collar of his coat. “You aren’t going to die on me you- you absolute idiot. What, you’re just going to show up one day after disappearing for months and then tell me that when I finally have you back you’re going to die? I’m calling him up, maybe he can talk some damn sense into you”
The thief knew exactly who the mage was referring to, and that made him panic.
“No no no- We can NOT tell him!” The thief would do anything to avoid telling the soldier about his situation. “If we told him, you know what he’ll do. I can’t have him risking his life just because my death has been rescheduled for sooner rather than later. He’ll get himself killed, please” 
The pained look in the mage’s eyes was almost too much to bear, but he knew that he understood.
“...Fine. We won’t tell him” The mage leaned his back against the desk in defeat. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to help you. I will find a way to reverse this curse”
The thief opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the mage.
“No. If you won’t tell him, then I’m going to continue searching myself. Understood?”
The thief knew it was useless to argue any further, once the mage had made up his mind there was no way it was going to be changed. He was headstrong like that sometimes.
“...Understood-” The thief couldn’t finish his sentence, and doubled down in pain. The taint moved up again. His head was pounding, only clearing up slightly when the taint had finished its spreading. He hadn’t screamed from the pain in a long while, but it always left him heaving for a few moments as he recovered.
There was a horrified look on the mage’s face.
“It’s…” The thief’s voice was shaky. “It’s alright, I’m ok” “This is the exact OPPOSITE of ok” The mage couldn’t decide whether or not he should even approach him, not wanting to put him in further pain. When the thief had fully stood up, the mage gently guided him to the bed in the far corner of the room and forced him to lay down.
“Hey there’s no need I’m fin-” “If you say you’re fine one more time I’m going to give you a reason to finally say you’re not” The mage scowled at him, not understanding how he could think any of this was ok. “You are staying right here, you are going to let me take care of you. Tomorrow we can go see him, but for now you will rest…I don’t like seeing you in pain” That last part was almost too soft to hear.
The thief couldn’t find it in himself to argue, and relaxed in the bed he had been confined to. “I’m sorry for worrying you…”
The mage gently put his arms around the thief, who was now laying down. “I missed you so much, never do that again”
The two of them dozed off.
When the next morning had come, the mage had now dragged the thief to the soldier’s current place of residence. The thief may have casually gone up to the mage, but the soldier he was beyond anxious about reuniting with. He had been just as close to him as the mage, but he always felt nervous around him for a reason he could never pinpoint. The mage knocked on the door, rather harshly at that, and the thief felt his shoulders tense slightly when the door opened. 
The thief took in the sight of his other childhood friend. Unlike the mage, he had changed a lot since he last saw him. His blonde hair was much longer now, neatly tied back in a loose low ponytail. Just under the long bangs, he could just make out a rather large scar around his eye. It was a pretty nasty looking injury, but it didn’t seem to have caused any vision loss to his knowledge. The thief was used to seeing him in his guards uniform, so it was strange to see him in such domestic clothing.
The soldier could only stare, for a moment he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Just like the mage, his first instinct was to pull him into a death grip of a hug. He almost didn’t want to let go in fear he would disappear again. The soldier pulled away slightly, and his hands moved to cusp the thief’s face. 
“You’ve barely changed a day heh” He traced his thumb over a scar. “Oh come on now, what did I say about fights?” He teased the thief, luckily the scar didn’t look like it was that bad of an injury. Suddenly aware of how close he was holding him, the soldier let go and stepped back a bit. Recovering smoothly, he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow playfully.
“You know I can’t stay outta trouble” The thief laughed it off, though he’d be lying if he said the encounter didn’t leave him flustered.
The three of them were throwing jokes around left and right as they receded into the soldier’s home, and settled on the couches in the living room.
The thief recovered from his fit of laughter at the last joke and looked over to the soldier. “So, prized soldier, how’s the job going?” “Ah well, I can tell you it isn’t nearly as exhilarating anymore. You might as well just say I’m retired, all they ever do anymore is dress me up in ceremonials and parade me around” The soldier made a comical pout, nearly sending the other two into another raging fit of laughter. “Now come on, tell me where you’ve been. You disappeared for 5 years, we honestly thought you had died on us”
“Ah, well” The thief had pre prepared a lie, he couldn’t let him know about the curse. “I kinda got whisked away, for the past few years I’ve been out at sea. Thought while I was making my way back home, I might as well see what the world has to offer!” 
It wasn’t entirely a lie, some of it was true, he just left out some of the more concerning details. If the soldier had any suspicion, he couldn’t see it.
“Well it sure took you long enough!” The soldier gently punched him in the shoulder. “You’ve missed so much, so many things around here have changed”
“Well then maybe a stroll through the city is in order! Show me around the new stuff~” The thief wiggled his eyebrows at the soldier and the mage, who both laughed at the site.
“Maybe it is, haha!” The mage stood up, hands on his hips and fully ready to have an outing with his most cherished people in his life.
For the next few weeks, the three were constantly going out. The thief only recognised about half of the city as how it used to be, he was a little astonished at how much could change in 5 years. During these outings, the thief had many close calls regarding his curse and the soldier finding out. But he was just barely able to conceal it, he could tell the soldier was worried for him even if he didn’t know what was going on. During the night, the thief would stay with the mage in his spire.
The mage grimaced, the thief’s curse had once again started spreading. It pained him to see him suffering.
“We should ask him for help”
The thief didn’t respond immediately, still shakily taking deep breaths. “No, we aren’t going to tell him. Even if he wasn’t self destructive, I can’t ask him for this. Not after he’s done so much for me in the past already”
“You say that like he doesn’t want to help, I’m sure if you just-”
“That’s enough, I’m not telling him. That is final” The thief was still hunched over, but he lifted his head up enough to stare into the mage’s eyes to make sure he understood.
Unfortunately, the very next day when the three were lounging in the mage’s spire, the thief’s worst case scenario happened. 
He was hit with a pain worse than others he’s had before. He inhaled sharply, trying not to let out a cry. His eyes were watering, a few tears falling down his cheeks. He clutched at his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly. The soldier had rushed to his side and caught him as he started to fall to the ground.
“Hey! What’s going on? Are you alright-” The soldier was in a panic, sure he had his worries about the thief but he didn’t think it was this bad. He caught a glimpse of the taint beneath the thief’s shirt. The soldier reached to move the shirt so he could see it, but his hand was caught by one of the thief's.
“N-no, please don’t” His eyes were squeezed shut from the pain, and he was muttering pleas softly. 
“I’m sorry but I need to see what’s wrong. Let me look” His voice was gentle but firm.
“You can’t hide this anymore, let him help” The mage had knelt next to the other two, and was trying to help calm the thief down by running his hands through his hair.
The thief’s pleas stopped, and his grip on the soldier’s hand loosened allowing him to continue. He unbuttoned the top of the thief’s shirt, revealing the taint, only a few inches away from his heart. It was a dreadful sight. Eyes still squeezed shut, the thief was gently sobbing. The mage was still playing with his hair, and his unoccupied hand was being gripped tightly by the thief.
“What did this to you” His voice was rough, and almost sounded like a growl. The soldier was beyond angry. How long had the thief been suffering from this? And why didn’t he tell him? He was only answered with a pained whimper.
“A forest spirit. He took something not knowing it was hers” The mage answered for the thief, now that the cat was out of the bag he deemed it ok to tell the soldier. He looked at the thief with worry and added in a grumble. “He refused to ask you for help, stubborn idiot. Going on about how you’ve already done enough for him”
He looked down at the man in his arms and sighed. “There is never too much help one can receive, you don’t need to be afraid to ask for it. You can’t shoulder everything on your own, you must realise when it is time to ask for help” 
The soldier glanced around the room, spotting the bed in the corner. He as softly as he could picked up the bordering unconscious man into his arms, and set him on the bed.
The mage knew this tone all too well. This was the tone of voice the soldier used when he was about to do something out of pure rage. “Don’t. You are going to get yourself killed” Or, the mage worried silently. It’ll worsen the thief’s condition.
“Tell. Me. Where” The soldier was already halfway out the door, pausing and turning just his head back as he demanded a response.
“If you’re going then I’m going with you”
“Absolutely not. You’re staying here and watching over him” “And you just expect me to let you go alone to a forest spirit that could kill you?”
“And you expect me to just sit around and do NOTHING about…this?!?!” The soldier gestured wildly towards the thief, who had finally faded into sleep. “You are staying by his side and that’s final. Now tell me where” 
The mage groaned in disbelief. “Both of you are so damn STUBBORN” He furrowed his eyebrows before he finally broke. “She’s in the back part of the forest of…of the place we used to live as kids. You happy?”
The soldier didn’t reply, just simply turned around and started down the spire.
“You better not die, you hear me! I’ll-.. I’ll find a way to bring you back to life just to kill you again!” The mage’s hollow threat didn’t reach the soldier’s ears, the unbridled rage drowning out the sounds around him.
The soldier only detoured from his beeline to the forest spirit to visit his home, picking up his old armour and weapons. He hadn’t used any of this equipment in many years, and he was planning on breaking that streak today by slaying the creature that had cause the thief such agonising pain. 
The forest spirit was irritated at the presence of someone in her territory, but she wasn’t truly angry until the soldier had started yelling obscenities into the vast forest around him. He was demanding for her to show herself so he could face her.
“A foolish mortal, challenging a forest spirit? How cute”
The soldier stood in the center of a large clearing, whipping around to face any noises he heard. His sword was drawn, he gripped it tight in his hands as he searched around him.
The forest spirit was toying with him, circling the clearing in the shadows. “Do you wish to die? Why do you invade my territory”
“The only one dying around here is you foul creature!” 
With a roar the forest spirit appeared before him, taking a swipe at him with its vines that extended from her arms. The soldier rolled to the side to dodge, cutting a few away with his sword in the process. 
Being so far deep in the forest, no one was even close to being able to hear the cries of battle between the soldier and the forest spirit. After what had felt like ages, the soldier, heavily wounded and exhausted, had finally pinned down the spirit. He raised his sword up high, readying a forceful plunge of his sword directly into the heart of the spirit. Before he could lay the final blow, there was a yell and the pain of something ramming into his side.
When the soldier had finally come back to his senses, he realised that the thing that rammed into his side and had yelled, was the thief. Then, to his horror, the second thing he realised was that his skin was growing cold.
“What are you doing here?!” The soldier shifted both of their bodies, and he was now cradling the thief in his arms. Tears threatened to fall, his voice starting to crack. “You idiot, why did you do that”
“Someone has to stop you from pulling stupid stunts” He joked weakly.
The sound of rapid approaching footsteps cued them both to the arrival of the mage. He kneeled to the ground, sliding into place on the other side of the thief. 
“Well-” The thief let out a few violent coughs, one of them leaving blood dribbling on his lips. “It seems this is the end of the road for me”
“Shut up, don’t say that” The mage was in denial about his curse as per usual, in a way the thief found it endearing. The mage was once again running his hands through his hair, it seemed more like a way to calm himself than the thief though.
“Let me talk, com'on, hear a man's dying words?” He chuckled, what a time to make jokes. 
He only continued when both of them acknowledged his request.
“Listen, I know I disappeared. I got cursed and decided that, if I was going to die sooner than I thought, I needed to go out and live so I wouldn’t have regrets” He reached both of his arms up, placing one on the backs of each of the other two. “And to keep that promise to myself, the last thing I needed to cross off my list was to tell you both that I loved you. To finally reconnect for my last days I walked this plane, I wanted my last memories to be of you two”
The mage was leaning over his body slightly, failing to hold back the tears that had been forming. The soldier had grabbed the thief’s arm and was holding it, moving it from its previous position on his back.
Neither of them could even try to say a word.
“Both of you mean the world to me. These past 5 years I thought of you everyday.”
He turned his head to look at the mage.
“You are so smart, your intelligence is sharper than any sword. Please never give up on your aspirations, you are enough. And please never change your style, while it may look “strange” to some it is downright beautiful”
He then faced the soldier. “You don’t have to have a purpose to keep going, and you’re gorgeous in that ceremonial armour. You should take your own advice too, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You don’t have to shoulder everything on your own”
He closed his eyes, sensing the end was close.
“I love you both so so much” 
The thief waited for his consciousness to fade out, but to his confusion, it never came. In fact, he felt a little different if anything.
“Hm, kinda expected to die right there. Well this kinda ruins my whole dramatic exit” He jokingly pouted, which got disapproving looks from both the mage and the soldier.
“Wait…look!” The mage pulled the thief’s shirt down a little. They all watched as the taint slowly receded, moving away from his heart and back down his arms.
“What-But how? That curse was supposed to kill me”
“...I retracted your curse” The forest spirit spoke up, startling the three of them.
“Aww, did my love confession move you?” The thief sat up, giving her a goofy smile.
` “Absolutely not, that was sappy and gross. What a terrible way to confess. No, I retracted your curse because for some reason you stopped your lover from killing me. I don’t like owing people, so I retracted your curse” The spirit was no longer angry, but was still definitely irritated.
“O-oh” The thief had forgotten about that part. “T-thank you!”
“Now get out of my forest. If I see any of you three ever again I won’t hesitate to kill you on the spot” The forest spirit then disappeared into the trees, leaving the three alone.
The three sat there dumbfounded for a few moments, before the thief pulled them all into a tight group hug. “Guess I’m not going anywhere after all”
If this is where finally asking for help brought him, the only thing he wished was letting it happen sooner. He happily lay in the embrace of the two he loved most in the world.
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