#spoiler: we shall hope
smallfrenchstudyblr · 10 months
Camus may not have written "Shall I kill myself, or shall I have a cup of coffee"
but he said "Shall we die willingly, or shall we hope despite everything?"
which is just as good.
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knaccblog · 9 months
Aziraphale and "I Forgive You"
So after I watched the first season a few times however many years ago, I noticed something, wrote up a bit of a meta about it and then never posted it. I thought that it was either very obvious or very silly and either way, no one needed to see it. But now it's several years and another season later and again, I'm noticing the exact same thing so here it goes- I think the reason Aziraphale keeps saying that he forgives Crowley has overall very little to do with what Crowley has just done right before Aziraphale says it and much more to do with a secret Aziraphale hides deep within himself and has for thousands of years, a truth that he hates to acknowledge and is terrified to speak aloud: he thinks God is wrong to have not Forgiven Crowley.
Get settled in because this is gonna take a bit.
The first time I started noticing this really clearly is the Bandstand Breakup scene. Crowley starts by cussing God literally out- "For the record, great, pustulant, mangled bollocks to the Great blasted Plan." To which Aziraphale says, "May you be forgiven." And yes, Crowley has just sinned and Aziraphale is a stuffy angel but the way Aziraphale says it is like a hope, atleast to my ears. Like he's really wishing that God will see how good Crowley truly is and bring him back to Heaven even though he keeps doing stupid stuff like this
Anyway, Crowley then responds with, "I won't be forgiven. Not ever. Part of a demon's job description. Unforgivable. That's what I am." And Aziraphale responds again with a hopeful sounding, "You were an angel once." At this point, I was almost sure that he's talking about his personal wishes here. It sounds like he's saying, "Come on, Crowley. There's a chance." To which Crowley responds, "That was a long time ago," basically saying it's impossible and shutting that whole bit of the conversation down. And you can just watch Aziraphale's face fall at that, like it kills him for that to be true. 
The next time the topic of forgiveness and Crowley comes up is when Crowley shows up to beg Aziraphale to run away with him one last time. In this conversation, Aziraphale is very adamant that if he talks to the right people, they won't want the apocalypse and they'll stop it. He, of course, thinks this because his most core belief is that God is good and that even if we don't understand how what God is doing is good right now, it will lead to goodness eventually via the Rube Goldburg machine which is time and the universe etc aka God is ineffable. But even Aziraphale can't imagine how the ineffable Rube Goldburg machine could turn an event where everything on earth dies into a good one so therefore, he's certain that God doesn't want the Apocalypse.
Crowley responds to this hope with, "You're so clever. How can someone as clever as you be so stupid?" to which Aziraphale responds, "I forgive you" in a very gentle but sure tone. And now yes, while it is entirely possible that Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for calling him stupid, I've always felt like that would be a rather weighty response considering how mild an insult it is. It's also possible (and I feel slightly more likely) that Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for his lack of faith, his inability to believe in the goodness of God anymore. 
And that could definitely be it, but if we think about the way Aziraphale had talked about forgiveness at the Bandstand, the hope and desire that he seemed to put into the idea of forgiveness and Crowley and the fact that Crowley had dismissed it as entirely impossible for him to ever be forgiven, than a third read of Aziraphale's "I forgive you" emerges: one in which Aziraphale is saying, "While God might never forgive you, I do". It's "I might never see you again since you intend to run away to the stars but if this is the last time I ever see you, I want you to know that I think you are deserving of forgiveness. That I see the good in you even if God can't." It's a combination "I love you" and small rebellion against God, because while Aziraphale can't bring himself to give up on Her completely and run away with Crowley (even though a part of him clearly wants to), he is willing to say that She's done this one thing wrong and it's never forgiving Crowley, who Aziraphale can see clearly is more kind and good than any of the angels he knows.
So yeah, that was about where the idea rested at the end of the first season but now we have a bunch of new historical scenes and a new "I forgive you" following a very loaded conversation in which Aziraphale got extremely excited by the idea of Crowley being reinstated as an Angel and I felt like this idea has even more legs than before. 
To me, it's very clear that Aziraphale's pitch for Crowley to come back to Heaven isn't him hoping to "reset" Crowley to how he was before the Fall or him being incapable of loving Crowley as a Demon and instead was him being overjoyed to have this secret truth (Crowley is deserving of God's Forgiveness) that he's been observing for 6000ish years be acknowledged and have a chance to come to fruition. After all, as we saw this season (and honestly last season too but less pronounced), Crowley, current Demon Crowley, not the angel he knew over 6000 years ago, has proven over and over again just how truly good he is to Aziraphale.
For example, in the Job sequence, Crowley does a truly good thing that no Angel (beside Aziraphale) would do or even think that they should do and that is save Job's children. And through the entirety of this bit, Aziraphale basically always believes that he will. There are even two moments where Crowley tries his best to scare Aziraphale away, to play up being the bad guy (so as to better hide the con he's running and protect Aziraphale), but Aziraphale's faith in Crowley's goodness does not falter. At the end of the day, it seems clear that Aziraphale has more faith that Crowley will do the good thing, the correct thing than God. Conveniently for Aziraphale's faith in God though, not understanding how something horrible he hates will eventually lead to goodness in the long run is a foundational principle of said faith so his faith in God remains strong even after everything She and Heaven do to Job. 
But his faith in Crowley doesn't require such a complicated work around. He believes Crowley won't kill children and he is correct. Though unfortunately, this very simplicity leads to a new problem, a problem that we can see eventually solidify in Aziraphale's mind, becoming a running theme of their association and leading to the eventual "I forgive you"s.
Aziraphale can clearly see how kind and good Crowley is, how he does the right thing as best he can, even when he could (and sometimes does) get into immense trouble for it. But for some reason, despite repeated evidence that Crowley is everything that Aziraphale believes Angels are and should be, Crowley continues to be a Demon. And once you realize that Aziraphale has noticed this contradiction and that it most likely haunts him and is a constant challenge to his worldview, it colors a lot of what he says in a new light. Many of what seem like simple, self-righteous statements reveal themselves to be Aziraphale trying to protecting himself from a massive logical inconsistency he keeps stumbling across. 
"It must be bad, otherwise you wouldn't have tempted them into it," Aziraphale says, clearly not quite sure why it's bad actually. 
"You, I'm afraid, are evil," Aziraphale asserts, basically stating that Crowley is evil because he's evil. It's tauntological and therefore doesn't have to make sense. (He says this one shortly before Crowley saves Elsbeth from suicide, poverty and damnation.) 
"So this is all your demonic work? I should have known," Aziraphale says, thinking, "Aha, this time Crowley must have done the bad thing and therefore continues to deserve being Fallen." (Crowley has, in fact, not done the bad thing but shhhh, worry about that later.) 
Once you notice this self defensive habit, you can't unnotice it really, it's just so present in Aziraphale's logic and speech. Aziraphale even at one point says, "Still a demon, then?" after the Ark and Job and Jesus because on some level he probably doesn't want to actually evaluate, it makes no sense to him that Crowley is still a Demon, especially when he has also sinned in a few ways (lied to Gabriel, thwarted the will of God, technically gluttony etc) and nothing has happened to him, to say nothing for all the things Gabriel has done (or has just let passively happen without a thought to interfere).
So yes, I think the entire final argument plays out the way it does because Aziraphale thinks Crowley is good and deserves to be reinstated, to be forgiven by God more than anything. 
He comes into their final conversation nervous but excited, to the point where he stomps right over what Crowley is trying to say. "You see I... I have some incredible good news to give you." The good news is for Crowley, you see, because Crowley deserves this and clearly being forgiven like he so deserves should logically make Crowley happy. It will make Aziraphale happy after all. 
Aziraphale then starts to describe the conversation that he had with Metatron, stating that he thinks he might have misjudged him. And why would he think that he misjudged the angel who had told him point blank to his face that "The point is not to avoid the war, it is to win it" about the Apocalypse? Well, it's not because he's offered the job of Supreme Archangel, that's for sure. As we can see in the flashback, Aziraphale seems nervous and uninterested in the job at first. He says clearly that he doesn't want to go back to Heaven and even brings up a very half assed excuse to try and weasel out of it, a soft no of, "Where will I get my coffee?" 
No, instead, the clear, obvious point where Aziraphale changes his mind about the job and about the Metatron is when he offers to reinstate Crowley as an Angel. Metatron has, quite accidentally (I think? I don't think he actually knows Aziraphale's secret soul), just said one of the most faith affirming things he possibly could to Aziraphale, "We can correct that little error that's been bothering you. You are completely correct that Crowley deserves God's forgiveness." 
Given that, it's understandable that Aziraphale is absolutely bubbly about Crowley's reinstatement when he mentions it to him, like the best thing ever has just happened to him even though he's talking about something that will happen to Crowley and not him at all. "You could come back to heaven and- and everything. Like the old times, only even nicer." (Nicer because this time, they are in love. Nicer because they'll both be powerful enough to make a difference.)
Some other bits of Aziraphale's dialogue from this scene that make so much sense through this lens are:
After Crowley tries to reiterate his constant stance that both sides are bad actually, and mentions how he rejected Hell's offer to work with them again, Aziraphale misses his point completely and says, "But well, obviously you said no to Hell, you're the bad guys. But Heaven, it's the side of truth, of light, of good." Aziraphale's faith in the potential goodness of Heaven and the actual goodness of God is unflappable but so is his belief that good is what Crowley wants to be doing. Like of course a good soul like Crowley would reject working for Hell again but why would he reject a chance to do good like he's sneakily been doing all along? (Aziraphale here ignores the fact that he's also had to sneakily do good on the side sometimes even though he was always working for "the side of good" but that is very par for the course for him sadly.) 
The lines, "Come with me- to heaven. I'll run it, you can be my second in command. We can make a difference," are a particularly telling set.  Everything about these from the high position he's offering Crowley to the "We" scream that Aziraphale trusts Crowley, a Demon, to guide Heaven the correct way more than any angel already in Heaven.
Aziraphale's final, desperate argument also lines up well with this (as well as featuring Aziraphale more completely referencing how he wants him and Crowley to be together romantically). "Come back, to heaven. Work with me! We can be together. Angels... Doing good. I- I need you! I don't think you understand what I'm offering you." Like is the "I need you" here romantic? Definitely. But it's also Aziraphale again affirming that he trusts Crowley to lead him the correct way ie goodness, because, as it's been shown to us many times (and focused on particularly in this season), Crowley will do and always has been doing the correct thing as best he could while Aziraphale would dither and be locked into passivity (like in The Resurrectionists).
So yes, after many attempts to explain to Crowley how he should be in Heaven, doing good and Aziraphale needs his help and one last desperate kiss from Crowley, we reach the final dreaded, "l forgive you." And yes, maybe Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for not having faith that they can fix heaven, for abandoning him, for kissing him so suddenly. But I hope, after everything I've laid out here in this essay, you can also see why I think Aziraphale is saying, "Even as you reject God's forgiveness and leave me behind, I still see that you are good and know you deserve it so I will forgive you anyway." And maybe, even though it's still blasphemous to disagree with God, it's less scary for Aziraphale to say "I forgive you" one more time than tell Crowley that he loves him for the first time. He is very good at forgiveness after all.
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 9 months
Solomon/Timeline Theory??
Hi all! I wanted to share this mess of a thought that I had the other day, so here we are. Disclaimer, I have no doubt that there are holes in this theory/thought, so it's certainly not perfect. Just trying to piece some of the things we've been given thus far. It's all hypothetical and rough estimates, so it's probably a little flawed. I'd love to hear others' thoughts and whatnot, but please be nice when engaging, I'm in no place to deal with rude discourse. Thanks! :)
Warning: Spoilers for Nightbringer under the cut, so read at your own discretion!
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So, with all the lore we’ve been given throughout Nightbringer, I’ve had a spiral of thoughts. To start, there’s one thing I want to address. 
Solomon is not King Solomon the Wise. Yes, yes, I know. “But he called himself King Solomon the Wise.” Yes, he did. But honestly, I feel that it was nothing more than a foreshadowing attempt. It’s at the beginning of lesson 21 in SWD that he says this, yet it’s towards the end of season two (the same season) that MC finds out that Solomon is immortal. So truly, I believe that it was just foreshadowing. I mean…his backstory just doesn’t add up (living in the basement his entire childhood, the restrictive laws on magic use). That’s the thing, these characters are loosely based on these biblical figures. 
Now, with that out of the way, let’s talk about Solomon’s origin. When we speak to Thirteen, she mentions she met Solomon when he was a child. During this time, the world was a gloomy place, filled with disease. What disease is most infamously known? The Black Plague. 
I searched to find out if there were any known diseases around the time King Solomon would’ve ruled, and no, there’s not. Not any that I found.
The Black Plague began around 1346 and ended about 1353. So, that gives us a small window (no pun intended) of when Solomon might’ve been a child. He was already a child during the plague. So, I think we can assume he was born a little before 1346. Now, it’s hinted that he grew up in Jerusalem with the comment that he lived near the sea. Jerusalem is relatively close to the Dead Sea. And I did some digging, and found that the plague didn’t hit Jerusalem until 1348. 
For the sake of the argument, let’s say, hypothetically, Solomon was born 1340 (it’s an easy number to work with). That would mean Solomon was 7/8 when the plague came to Jerusalem. 
This is where my theory gets messy. So, please bear with me. Hang with me, y’all. It’s not perfect, as it’s just me estimating and taking shots in the dark to be honest. 
Let’s say that Solomon left his parents home/was still in the basement (we don’t know when he might’ve been let out yet, if at all) around the age of 20 (again, easy number). Could we assume that this was around the time when he lost control of his powers and caused mass destruction in the human realm? Was he still mortal? We know that Barbatos came to Solomon and took him into the Fountain of Knowledge after the incident. Would this have been the same time Solomon successfully summoned Barbatos, almost losing his life? If so, I like to think it might’ve been in desperation, but I digress. If this is true, that means this catastrophic event could’ve occurred around 1360.
Onto his pact with Asmo. He mentioned how he had been away from his hometown for a couple decades. So, hypothetically, we could say he left around 1360 after the incident, and came back sometime between 1380-1400. That means somewhere in that time, he met Asmo in his hometown and made a pact with him. We may be able to assume he gained his immortality somewhere between these years, as honestly, he looks like he’s eternally 30-ish to me. 
Satan seemed surprised by Solomon’s backstory in the book. We know he’s only a “year old” since he’s now his own person, and not a part of Lucifer. Perhaps this means the event is relatively recent. I mean, it takes a couple of years to get books published, and if this seemed to be news to Satan…it must be recent. Solomon also didn’t have a pact with Asmo yet in Nightbringer… So, could that mean that we were thrown back in time to around 1370-1380?
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Jay seemed more tired and confused than on the verge of a corruption arc, in my opinion. Here's to hoping he gets his villain arc in part two
But honestly it was just so awesome to see him :D
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brookheimer · 1 year
when are we allowed to start talking about roman and pills. it's been two episodes in a row now guys when does this become a thing we talk about
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avatarofcuriousity · 1 year
What is Beelzebub's Secret + What is Raphael Hiding? (Obey Me Nightbringer Mini Theory)
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You wanna listen to a random person stuck on Lesson 40 ramble about an out of pocket theory?
You've come to the right place.
And ironically enough, it all started with food! All I did was look up the names of all the food items in the Surprise Guest interactions, and something caught my eye that I don't think I've ever seen a single person mention.
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Yes, you figured it out by now by me just mentioning it and yes, obviously these belong to the newest 3 characters. In the exact order they were introduced on Instagram when they teased the characters. (Though that can easily be coincidence!)
Comfort Candy for Thirteen. (Purely based on vibes, she has a sweet tooth AND her sister is named Candy)
Black Coffee of Melancholy for Mephistopheles. (Vibes, he's a bitch, bitchy drink for bitchy boy, it's fancy)
So that leaves Backstabbing Sandwich for Raphael. (Vibes. The most "Celestial" looking of the three.)
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Am I assuming there's something up with Raphael? Yes.
Am I assuming he betrayed the brothers sometime during the Celestial War? Also yes.
For why? Because it makes sense and I hate his ass.
Now, for someone stuck on Lesson 40; I unfortunately have QUITE a bit of spoilers shown to me.
The first being Raphael practically abused all the brothers back in the Celestial Realm; particularly Beel.
The second being he has more plot relevance than any of the new characters. (His Wiki is literally longer than Thirteen's and Mephistopheles' combined)
The third being why did he get an entire cutscene in the Obey Me Nightbringer Trailer whereas Mephistopheles' and Thirteen didn't?
Because he's important. He's important to the plot and he's important to the war.
And possibly, he could've had a larger hand at starting it in the first place than we know.
What does this have to do with Beel?
... you expect me to have all the answers and connect everything? Yeah, maybe with another theorist, but I'm literally throwing the fishing line SO far out here.
Alright, alright, but I do have one...
That the brothers don't know Raphael betrayed them except Beel.
And again, this is just my shot in the dark!
The truly and only, only answer I have is that (to me at least) Beel's and Raphael's relationship seems off.
It's how it seems Beel is on edge with him, how it seems his treatment by Raphael in the Celestial Realm was worse out of everyone else's.
It's how there's something there that's not being said and aside from just the vibes™:
Beel is hiding something.
Raphael is hiding something.
And I think it's connected to the exact same thing.
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acaribeau · 1 year
Asmo's closet??? 👀👀👀
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fluffydisneyprincess · 11 months
L20 Afterparty (Spoilers)
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First. Full honesty: This made me laugh. Raphael just up and dipped. GOOD. BE GONE.
If you select Barbatos to escort you to the ball he says something like this which is so romantic
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This is so very vague and "as it should" is a very sussy way of phrasing that.
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... Fuck off Mephisto you're just jealous you couldn’t look half this good no matter how dolled up you were.
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We basically just got knighted as Devilsitter and if that isn't the funniest fucking thing I don't know what is.
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Wait hold on... emblem like... like the sigils the demon brothers have??? And THATS how you transfer it? YES PLS 🥺 I will take forehead kisses from all three of these men any day of the week.
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Solomon being a little greedy and sus when you choose him but... head kisses. Worth it.
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🥺🥺🥺 That's all I have for this. Just 🥺🥺🥺
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No fr I laughed out loud at this. It was a funny way to end the season and I love it. Oh Diavolo if you only knew
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sophfandoms53 · 11 months
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Having this caption in an episode that finally gives us some depth about Millie is so funny
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iced-souls · 6 months
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Alas we begin
D09 day Pt 1
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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cinnamon-bunni · 1 year
I feel like everyone needs to see Mammon playing soccer
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agent 4 in side order girlies how r we feeling 😔
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leijonzzz · 1 month
#im in gregminster at the end of the game rn and i love love loooovee being able to hear the upbeat town music just barely#beneath the melancholic wind sounds#suikoden ost you are everything to me no ost will ever top you#also i got all 108 stars babey B)#unfortunately got leon after doing the final army battle so i didnt get gremio revived which is APPARENTLY A THING THAT CAN HAPPEN???????#but i mean pahn died when he dueled my dad or whatever anyways so idk if id have been able to have gremio revived even if i had gotten leon#also the idea of him being revived kind of undersells the story tbh#maybe it works with how its executed idk i didnt get to see it happen lmao#also. i know i am RIGHTTT on top of the finale like i am so close to beating this game again but#i had to stop because of all the freaking guards jumping me every 2 seconds good lord#fight four guards take a step fight four more guards take another step fight five guards etcetc#ALSO#I ENDED UP GOING THRU THE NECLORD CASTLE LIKE. FOUR OR FIVE TIMES FOR REASONS#AND WHYYYYY COULDNT I USE AN ESCAPE TALISMAN THERE????#i beat the neclord months ago t-t#i dont mind the random encounters and stuff as a concept but when ur at the end game just tryna finish up some odds and ends.#they are so. frustrating#i think the frequency of them is the problem#esp since suikoden isnt a grindy game like it is so easy to level up characters super fast#which i love love loveeeee i love that ur actaully kind of able to play around with using a variety of ur. 100+ characters#but then its like. why so many random fights theyre just wasting my time#hoping suikoden 2 is a lil better in that regard but we shall see#reeeaally really hyped for suikoden 2!!#spoilers for a 30 yo old game lmao
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bogkeep · 10 months
[listening to a book that i saw recommended as having a really interesting romance in it] man i hope the protag is as aroace as her vibes indicate i just think that would be neat but maybe i shouldn't get my hopes up *gets my hopes up*
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
OK SO NOT TO BE EVEN MORE DELUSIONAL if Bees don’t happen tomorrow it’s fine literally I’m not even worried bc I know it will this volume BUT LET ME GET UP ON THIS STEPLADDER TO REACH FOR A MINUTE (also for context I am getting the episode numbers from crunch roll I think they might’ve been slightly different originally on YouTube but it’s fine I’m already reaching)
Volume 1 Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest is when Blake and Yang locked eyes and became partners BEFORE they even joined a team. So in a world where team rwby never happened they would still be partners on another team. Also could be argued Blake picked Yang on purpose bc we see her dart by in the foreground. You know. Also side note but Yang asking the Grimm if they’ve seen a girl in a red hood vs Ruby asking Little if they’ve seen a girl with long blonde hair. Sisters, your honor.
Volume 2 Chapter 6: Burning the Candle. DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY MORE? Some could say it’s one of the defining moments of early series Blake and Yang, it’s so good you can just say the title and the ones who get it get it. Highlights are the laser pointer which I found personally fun, early volume humor I love you, hugging your sleep deprived stressed girl best friend and then saying you’ll save her a dance. Also shout out to shirtless Ren??? Forgot about that and Nora in the background pretending not to listen to him and Jaune talk lol. Also early volume Renora my BELOVED
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Fall is when the fake out leg break happens with Mercury which isn’t a Bees moment but that later sparks the conversation all the girls have about believing Yang really saw him attack first and Blake bringing up how this reminds her of Adam but deciding to trust in Yang anyway. Volumes four and five don’t have Bee moments tied to their respective chapter sixes.
However the bees are thinking about each other while they are apart, with Blake seeing Yang in Sun’s place when he’s attacked by Ilia plus Sun literally calling out that Yang would want Blake to be with her even when things are bad. And Yang’s “what if I needed her here for me?” when she and Weiss have their little heart to heart in V5.
Volume 6 Chapter 6: Alone in the Woods: a personal favorite of mine in general. They are at the farm, they are above the Apathy, Qrow gets his first big wake up call in terms of his alcoholism and how it affects his family. Yang grabs Blake by the hand to lead her out of the house even though she doesn’t really Need to and Weiss gets to torch the place because she also has a parental figure who struggles with drinking and it affects her. Love this episode a true banger.
Volume 7 Chapter 6: A Night Off: Blake and Yang are going dancing. Neither are very good at it and it’s very cute. Featuring a hand on the shoulder as Blake does her makeup and Yang sitting like a lesbian on the bed behind her and smiling as she does said makeup. Also Blake’s giggle she laughs at whatever Yang does. I love mutually down bad couples. Also Weiss watching half of her team be gay dorks and deciding to go to the movies with Oscar and Jaune bc she refuses to be a third wheel for another second. Highlight for me personally is the beginning when everyone is training I love shots like that I think it’s cute and fun and. I miss when they could act like this before. The Horrors truly set it. Also the beginnings of Ren semblance evolution and the Rosegarden crumb haha. Also Yang chasing after Blake and her shadows as they are fishing was also cute.
Volume 8 Chapter 6 is Cinder’s backstory but V8 does have the bee reunion face cradle and forehead touch as well as Yang’s conversation with Jaune that he mistakenly thinks is about Ruby, as well as Blake’s conversation with Nora about needing to know who you are outside of your relationship and how They don’t have to be all You are.
WHICH BRINGS US NOW TO VOLUME 9 CHAPTER 6. Not every cute or significant Bee moment is tied to chapter six and they have more than one movement to talk and have moments in each volume. I just had a lil breakthrough and wanted to check when they became partners and what chapter burning the candle was and went down a rabbit hole.
Again IF there’s no confession in like 10 hours do Not let the bad faith haters get you down. We are coming off a wild episode and I personally missed my boy Jaune so much and want to know what happened to him. We will see how all that plays out. But the evidence is there and has been for years and has been pointed out in universe so if it doesn’t happen it’s ok to be disappointed but please trust that it Will happen.
But if it DOES? No bigger bottles will be popped. We win either way; it just depends on when. See y’all on the other side!
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All righty, getting that fic about my MC dealing with NB and SWD loaded into Ao3, posting it here and there before I start getting ready for tonight’s concert!
It’s technically tonight, I say at 3 am to myself lol
Update: It’s called “Diary of an Attendant/Friend/Stranger” find it on Ao3 and here
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