#stainless steel salad set
yourcoffeeguru · 5 months
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18/10 ehpse Stainless Steel Heavy Salad Serving Set Tableware || SWtradepost - ebay
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drunkinchicago · 6 months
coriolanus snow x lucy gray baird
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link: chapter 1, link: chapter 2
Chapter 3: fallen angel
Coriolanus is the name given to a Roman general after his military feats against the Volscians at Corioli. Following his success he seeks to be consul, but his disdain for the plebeians and mutual hostility with the tribunes lead to his banishment from Rome. In exile, he presents himself to the Volscians, then leads them against Rome. After he relents and agrees to a peace with Rome, he is killed by his previous Volscian allies.
In reference to Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus, (5th century BC)
"The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone."
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
Coriolanus did not revisit the conversation between himself and Dr. Gaul until much later, her words reverberating in his skull as he hung his coat. It’s known that the two of you didn’t sleep together; how distracted you’d be with that little songbird in your bedroom. He walked toward the dining room with his hands shaking. Bedroom. Songbird. Bedroom. Two of you, together. Sleep together. Lucy Gray, God, Lucy Gray.
An array of platters awaited him at the dinner table, each covered with a stainless steel cloche. Coriolanus stared at them blankly, noticing that only one setting was arranged. Tigris must have notified the staff that she would not be present, but then again, she rarely was. Coriolanus wasn’t sure where she spent the majority of her time anymore - he only knew that he was largely by his lonesome in the Snow penthouse. There wasn’t a financial need in Tigris continuing her employment, and she hadn’t a variety of acquaintances to stay with. The most he’d seen of his cousin recently was in the final days of Grandma’am’s life and her funeral, during which Tigris would often descend into nostalgic recollections of their childhood. Coriolanus refused to indulge them, struggling to remember much other than the sound of cockroaches scuttling along the rotting floors. He could tell that her opinion of him changed, and funnily enough, she hardly knew the half of it. Tigris had no way of knowing the reality of Sejanus’ death, and she didn’t ask for details about his life in Twelve. Only once had she asked about the end of his relationship with Lucy Gray, to which he bitterly responded:
“She left me.”
But that’s not the end, Coriolanus reminded himself as he removed the silver lid of the largest plate, revealing roasted duck and an endive salad. Dr. Gaul was going to find her. It was true that the Capitol had been taken with Lucy Gray - the public would be ecstatic at the return of their sweetheart. His sweetheart. There was much more advantage than disadvantage in obtaining her from wherever she was, shivering in a tattered dress. It’d been months since he’d seen her. Was she thinner, if possible? How was she surviving? He almost choked on his duck as he recalled the rage of losing her, eternally possessing a snakebite shaped scar to remind him of his stupidity. That fury was ebbing, though, making way for the notion of understanding - what they had before, they could find again, all the good parts of it. He planned to make her kiss that scar. Kiss it better, Lucy Gray, kiss me there first and everywhere after.
During his meals alone, he liked to remember the Games. Selfishly, Coriolanus found himself missing them dearly. At any time, he knew where she was and who she was with, and greatest of all, she needed him. Lucy Gray yearned for him so much then, her eyes coming to life when he approached her cage at the zoo. He desired nothing more than to be back in those moments of budding attraction, her skirt tearing on the concrete floor as she ate and drank only what he provided her with. With his hand on the enclosure bars and his eyes flickering toward her lips, it was then that he began to visualize what he wanted. He became acutely aware of it when they kissed the first time, feverishly and as though they could eat each other alive. Maybe he wanted to. He couldn’t imagine how good she’d taste.
When he’d given her that white rose at their first meeting, she’d locked eyes with him and opened her mouth wide, placing the petal she’d plucked on her tongue. “Tastes like bedtime,” she’d murmured. He loved that view, towering above her as their height difference permanently allowed. Lucy Gray had looked particularly innocent and intimate then, dirt grazing her soft cheeks, fingers in her mouth. One day he hoped to ask her to recreate that scene, to bathe her himself in rose petals and buttermilk. When she arrived, she would be allowed to have however many roses she wanted. He’d pluck the stems for her, place them behind her ear with his other hand around her neck, bringing her to the edge. That was just one of the many scenarios he envisioned, playing them on a loop.
She wouldn’t be getting the roses at first, though. Coriolanus knew he had to be strong and make her prove herself. Why did you leave me, Lucy Gray? Why did you leave me? He hoped she’d arrive at his doorstep in shackles even though the sight of her in chains had once deeply disquieted him. She had lessons to learn. He’d answer her questions, too, prove himself in the same light. It was going to be difficult not to ravage her. That would be the hardest part, keeping his hands to himself when Lucy Gray was before him. He’d never really gotten the post-Games reunion he’d envisioned, the one interrupted by his Peacekeeper sentencing. If only his cheating hadn’t been discovered! Coriolanus had been practically running through the halls, looking for his tribute, excited to see and feel all the ways she was going to thank him. He wanted it in the Capitol, and that’s how it was supposed to be. Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray Baird, winners of the 10th Annual Hunger Games - didn’t they deserve it? It was a moment they’d never be able to retrieve. He was just going to have to invent better.
Although he knew it was well-prepared, everything tasted sour in Coriolanus’ mouth. He tossed the plates to the side, slamming his hands on the table as he stood to signal to the maids that he was finished. They quietly entered the room just as he was leaving it, gathering the untouched feast. He wanted to be in his room - that’s where he could remember her best.
His quarters had been entirely transformed at the hands of the Plinths, resembling the likeness of a castle rather than its prior rat-infested, dilapidated state. Nightly he slept on a grand canopy bed with velvet drapes and silk sheets, sizable enough to fit several people. A hand-painted portrait of himself on his first day of University hung directly parallel to the room’s door, being the first thing anybody saw when they entered. His hair was shorter there than now, combed to one side. He preferred his curls despite their boyish cadence. This was how he looked when Lucy Gray met him after all, his hair falling in front of his face as they kissed. Isn’t that when she fell for him? He wanted to set the scene for her when they would inevitably reunite. Strabo Plinth had pointedly installed a fireplace on one end of the room, a massive one that cast an ominous red glow when lit. “For when Snow gets cold,” Strabo had joked, nudging Coriolanus as though he was actually his father. In response, Coriolanus simply forced a laugh.
Other furnishings in the bedroom included several bookcases equipped with countless historical texts, a dark wood loveseat in one corner, and an impressively sized desk covered with ink pens and writing paper. His brocade curtains allowed for utmost privacy, only a shade lighter than obsidian. They were frame-tall, setting off his curved windows like a picture. When they were open, he could see so much of the city, so much of what he wanted to own and control. The final detail was several imported Persian rugs, placed carefully to cover ancient stains. On occasion, Coriolanus would lay flat against them, welcoming their warmth and carefully woven texture. They were expensive, luxurious, and fit for a king. He couldn’t wait to show them to Lucy Gray, imagining her own body laying against one, her hair fanning out around her face. Perfect.
At least Lucy Gray would never see the penthouse how it used to be, dimly lit and falling in on itself. He wanted her to see him as a true Snow, and get the Snow experience as a result. She was bound to love it, the life of a victor. How could she not? She’d not known something this good, and he was going to show it to her, to what he owned. She’d fit right in with everything else that belonged to him.
As Coriolanus crawled into bed, he wondered how much longer he’d have to sleep in it alone. Dr. Gaul was right. They’d hadn’t slept with another, and it wasn’t because he hadn’t wanted to. Of course he did. He’d had the desire from the second he saw her on television on Reaping Day with her tight corset and doe eyes. There just hadn’t been the right setting for it to take place. Their run of things hadn’t been the easiest after all, but they still found room for kissing, for lots of it, for biting each other’s lips and holding one another’s faces. When he thought back to the sensation of kissing her, Coriolanus realized that he would kill for it. He would commit murder to touch her. Hadn’t he already?
Enjoy the show.
That damn voice, the automated welcome to the arena. It consumed him at night, reminded him of the wanting, the fear, the intensity, the power of it all.
Enjoy the show.
Holding her as they walked into the arena tour, the small intimacies in the dark, moving just as the cameras came into view.
Enjoy the show.
The club in his hand, up, down, up, down, crashing onto Bobbin’s face over and over and over and…
Enjoy the show.
“And last but least, District Twelve girl . . . she belongs to Coriolanus Snow.”
Enjoy the show.
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godesssiri · 1 year
Thrift first.
I’ve made a list of stuff I will always look for at the thrift store before I even think about looking to buy new. There is so much STUFF already existing in the world. We don’t need to buy everything new. Yes, there are things I know I’m unlikely to be able to thrift but there are also many many things that I know for certain that I will be able to walk into a thrift store and find something serviceable. When you need a thing try to thrift it before you buy it new. You won’t always be able to do this successfully but it’s much better for the environment and your pocket if you try.
One of the things I’ve often heard the Youtubers I watch talk about, and something I feel strongly about myself, is sustainability. I don’t mean never buy new stuff. If you can’t buy the thing you want/need at a thrift store, then by all means buy it new. But I thought I’d make a list of things I will always try to thrift first and that I usually find exactly what I’m looking for.
Serving bowls, platters, oven dishes. There are so many of them at the thrift store, you're pretty much guaranteed to find something that will suit your purposes. There’s always so much plain white so if you want an instant matching set, head for the white section. If you want a super fancy look for cheap then head for the clear glass, any table looks glam with glittering pressed glass. Or you can take your time and build up a collection. I’ve built up a collection of Blue Willow and get a thrill every time I find the perfect piece to add to my collection.
Baking equipment. I am not gonna shell out $20-$40 on a muffin pan and know that money is going into the profit margins of a retail giant when I know I can walk into a thrift store and find the same thing for a few bucks and the money is going to charity. There is ALWAYS baking equipment at thrift stores. I have a whole huge drawer in my kitchen filled to the brim with baking equipment and not a single piece of it was purchased new. Often the stuff at the thrift store is well used but better quality than what I could buy new. And if you only bake once in a blue moon and don’t have space to store cake tins etc then you could ‘rent’ one from the thrift store – pay a few bucks for one, use it for your special occasion then take it back to the thrift store and re-donate.
Cutlery. Vintage cutlery is so much better quality than modern. You can bend a modern ‘stainless steel’ spoon with your bare hands, trust me buy vintage. I’ve actually been able to pick up complete sets for myself and my mother, I’m on the lookout for a set to give my brother when he buys his first house. I found a full 16-piece setting of a pattern my parents were given as a wedding gift and I’ve been able to keep an eye out for that pattern and now have serving spoons, fruit spoons, sporks, salad servers, cocktail spoons and a cake server – it’s always fun to find some piece I haven’t already got (sets of teaspoons are practically impossible to find though, damn you children who take them to school to eat their tubs of yogurt then loose them - I was that child). Back in the days before gift registries cutlery was a popular wedding gift and people could end up with multiple sets in different patterns, they might use one and stick the others in a cupboard, those cupboards are now getting cleaned out as people downsize and those sets are going to the thrift stores. If you can’t find a complete set then choose some plain ones and make up a set yourself, most thrift stores will have baskets or boxes of loose cutlery you can rummage through. Also there are zillions of super cute teaspoons out there in the world, it’s really easy to build up a collection that makes you smile every time you make a hot drink and decide which one you’re gonna use.
Utensils. There are so many utensils at the thrift store. So many. If I need a spatula or a potato masher or a wooden spoon, there’s no point buying new. I’ve actually thrown out damaged/faulty utensils before going to the thrift store to find a replacement, so confident I would find something suitable that I wasn’t worried about being without if I tossed the one I had. I’ve also picked up really really high-quality ones that I would never buy new because they retail for some ridiculous price, I own a $80 potato masher that I paid $3 for. Kitchen tongs seem to be hard to find though, I’ve just had to break down and buy some new ones because I’ve been looking for weeks and was getting increasingly frustrated with the broken ones in my drawer – I supposed because they are the sort of thing that breaks so completely it has to be thrown out, so they rarely end up in a thrift store.
Small appliance for the kitchen. Specifically, specialty appliance that people buy thinking they’re going to use a lot but then never do. Mixers and blenders, cupcake or pie machines, popcorn makers. I’m increasingly seeing a lot of pod coffee machines turning up. Check the large thrift stores who have enough resources that they can get things electrical tested and, if possible, plug the machine in in-store and see if it works. My favorite local thrift store has a 1-month return for electrical items so it might be worth asking if the store you’re in has a policy like that. If you care a lot about specifications and buying something with good reviews, then you probably don’t want to go the second-hand route but if you just want a machine that does a thing then look in thrift stores first.
Drawers. My whole family has thrifted going back generations and I have never owned - and will never own - a set of flat-pack drawers. Every set of drawers I have ever had from childhood to now has been solid wood acquired second hand for cheap. I’ve actually still got the drawers that were in my childhood bedroom (that were bought 3rd hand from my grandparent’s neighbor), they’re in storage waiting for my brother to move into a house where he has room for them - and he can’t wait because his current ones are rickety flat pack and he despises them. The drawers I currently use in my bedroom belonged to my great uncle and his mother bought them cheap at auction. Furniture has become so disposable, but a good solid piece that is well looked after will last several lifetimes. Thrift stores always have drawers it’s just a matter of keeping your eye out for ones that fit your needs.
Storage furniture. I’ve singled out drawers above because they’re the basic piece of storage furniture that everyone has, but thrift stores have all kinds of storage furniture. Back in the day most storage was not built-in, so you’ll always find freestanding wardrobes, a good option if you have space in your bedroom but your built-in wardrobe is bursting. Formal dining rooms used to be more common, so sideboards, credenzas, hutches, and china cabinets are always turning up. These are great double duty pieces because they serve both as closed storage to put stuff in and a surface to put things on. And just because a piece was made to hold a specific type of thing doesn’t mean you can’t re-purpose it in any room of your house. I actually have a hutch out on my porch that serves as my potting bench, I’ve seen china cabinets repurposed to hold high heels or as bar cabinets, before I got rid of my tv I had a chifforobe (sort of a small armoire with drawers) for a tv cabinet – it is now in my cousin’s daughter’s room and holds toys.
Side chairs. You know the chairs that live around the edges of the room and only get pressed into service when you have too many guests and not enough seats. The ones that look good and fill a space but rarely actually have a butt in them, they mostly serve as a spot to drop your shopping or throw your clothes over so they don’t end up on the floor. Gorgeous chairs are one of those things that it’s way too easy to end up with an abundance of because when you thrift you come across so many. But if you do actually need occasional seating then look at the thrift store. And if you have an empty space that needs a something but you don't know what, stick a pretty chair there, it usually looks good and is useful if only as a place to drop your bag.
Basic tools. Both for handy-person purposes and for garden. My stepdad is really good at misplacing hammers when he helps me out around the house, so I own 5, all thrifted. Tools can be pricey so I always look at the thrift store first, it can take a lot of time and looking to build up a good set but it’s so much cheaper and you can often find good quality ones, like good solid drawers they’re a thing that can last several lifetimes if looked after. And sometimes it’s a good excuse to procrastinate a job – you want to thrift the tool you need for it – and when you actually find that tool then the endorphin rush motivates you to get the job done.
Mirrors*. Thrift stores always have mirrors and it’s almost too easy to end up with more of them than you need when you’re a thrifter because you’re constantly coming across gorgeous ones. If you want a beautiful and unique mirror, then look out at thrift stores. Also, if you want a plain mirror to do some DIY frame then try to thrift it first, they always have a pile of plain ones that need a bit of pizazz. *I will add the aside that if it’s an oversized mirror you want you may have to look for a new one. Really big mirrors rarely get donated and always sell quick. You might get lucky and find one on Marketplace, but oversized mirrors are a thrift unicorn so if you find one count your blessings, the thrift Gods have smiled on you.
Décor objects. Pretty things that sit on a shelf and don’t do anything but look nice and make you smile. Unless I absolutely fall in love with a new item and have to have it, then I will not buy new décor. I have a lot of décor, I'm a total Maximalist and I adore useless pretty things, but honestly the only things I buy new are crystals and taxidermy butterflies. There are so many gorgeous things that already exist out in the world, and you never know what you need in your life until you stumble across it in a thrift store – go forth and discover the pretties. It’s a cheap way to personalize your home.
A vibe. What’s that you say? How do you buy a vibe at the thrift store? Easy. You go in and buy whatever speaks to you. I’m mildly horrified by people who fill their homes with 100% new items because where’s the personality in that? Where’s the soul? You could carefully curate a home filled with 100% new items from all the best retailers and designers and it would still feel cookie-cutter at best and sterile at worst. Pre-loved items give a home warmth and individuality and a story. I’m currently looking at a shelf with several antique books, a glass trinket box filled with shells with a little Roman chariot carved from bone sitting on top, a chunk of amethyst propping open a book about beetles showing a gorgeous illustration (I open it to a new page to show off a new beetle every few months), a classical Grecian lady also carved from bone, a small porcelain cheetah and a lovely hand-painted Chinese ginger jar. It’s a vibe and the only thing I’ve purchased new was the amethyst.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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evilasiangenius · 11 months
The First (and Last) Night of the Rest of Their Lives
As Aziraphale studied the statue of two wrestling angels in the entry, Crowley was immediately ashamed and embarrassed to have suggested staying over. His flat, which had always seemed at the very leading and exceedingly sharp edge of luxury and taste now seemed cold and empty, as if no better than a stage set in a luxury home design catalog, but done in bare concrete as if the designers could not be bothered painting the walls or hanging up some proper art.
Compared to the bookshop, it felt like an empty warehouse.
Crowley scowled to himself, and felt a tiny bit of gratitude for Past Crowley who had at least had the decency to close the concealed entry to the office so that the angel could not see his massive gilt and velvet chair that had always reminded him of the thrones of Heaven, but now felt like a mortifying reminder of the Fall.
And then he remembered the fridge.
“Care for...erm. Supper? Soup perhaps? A fruit tart?” Crowley suggested, thinking up food on the fly. Whatever he fancied or suggested usually was in the fridge, chilled to perfection even if it had never quite been plugged in since he had bought it. In fact, the freezer tended to output hot foods too; he had had quite a tasty pizza more than once from the freezer, as hot and crisp as if it had come directly from a blazing wood-fired oven.
“That sounds lovely.”
That was the problem with bodies, Crowley thought as he walked to the kitchen, was that bodies had Needs and all of them were so mundane. Water, food...not that they really needed them, but it helped make things feel better inside, as if wearing a nice coat but in your interior. Then again the corporeal life was so much more interesting than the sullen grinding misery of Hell where it was always 4:45 PM on a miserable Friday afternoon in early January, but the work day was just never going to end.
Crowley began pulling things at random from the gleaming stainless-steel fridge. A bottle of Champagne whose temperature was the exact temperature of a chilly cave in Reims, not now of course, but the temperature at the time that the Roman salt quarry that had preceded the later champagne caves had been dug. A plate of soft and hard cheeses of varying provenance, some of them imaginary. A salad that was mostly edible flowers and rare local fruits that were never exported and only in season briefly in the very far south of the Southern Hemisphere, which meant that it was not in season now, anywhere. And from the bottom freezer drawer, a big steaming earthenware pot of Brandy Broth as it had been made in the late 19th century by a loving Welsh coal mining family in a lush green mountain valley whose lives were being threatened by modernity and a growing mountain of mining slag. The last because Crowley liked soup. And of course, the promised fruit tart.
Aziraphale watched with a curious eye.
“How dreadfully useful. Where did you get this? How does it work? How did you make that happen? Are these all miracles?”
“I don't know,” Crowley confessed. “I think it's a Hotpoint.”
It never took him very long to eat, but it was a delight to linger and watch the angel eat, who exclaimed at every new flavor and even at the familiar ones, who savored every bite as if it were the last.
Which it nearly was. And probably would be soon.
Crowley slumped back in his chair, and as his hand languidly reached for his espresso, it grew warm again and fresh. That too had been in the fridge, in the middle drawer in a carafe. As far as Crowley knew, coffee always came from a carafe, even if it was espresso. At least he took that black, like everything else.
The angel was relating a story, something about a dream or perhaps the story was about someone named Dream but it wasn't very clear and Crowley didn't mind the details, just letting the sound of Aziraphale's voice wash over him like the way a person listens to a favorite symphony, familiar and yet wandering, every note sending a pleasing thrill of pleasure through the heart.
“Well then. Thank you. That was lovely. We should have dinner in more often,” Aziraphale said, wiping his mouth fastidiously with a cloth napkin which he refolded and set down by his empty plate.
“Yes, of course. Not that there's more often left for us.” Crowley glared at the dishes, which did not dare stay dirty for long as they knew what happened to stragglers; immediately they were spotless.
“We might as well make the best of it while they're deciding what to do with us. Now what?”
It was summer, and night this high up on the Northern Hemisphere was a fleeting commodity. But time seemed to tick on slower than usual, and Crowley wondered if it had something to do with the young Antichrist. After all, warm summer evenings were the best for chasing after fireflies, for swimming in cool ponds, for hunting earthworms in the soft soil to go fishing the next day, and for lying in sweet meadows of flowers and grasses, your head pillowed in your arms, staring up at the sweep of stars in the vast expanse of the heavens and naming the constellations with your best friends by your side, making up names when you didn't remember what they were called.
“Cards. Books. Chess. CDs?” Crowley thought it over. “I have a television,” he admitted, saying it quietly as if hoping that the angel would not ask where it was. “What do you usually do in your shop?”
“Read. Listen to music. But you know, that's something to do by oneself; it's not the same when you're with a friend.”
Crowley felt his mouth twitch in three or four different directions at once. “I have a nice lounge with lots of plants where we could sit on the white leather...no wait. How about this, let me show you this thing that mortals enjoy.”
“Are you tempting me?” Aziraphale grinned; it was the angel's oldest and most favorite joke and Crowley had been on the receiving end of it since at least the Roman era. No, it was Sumeria, and that was sometime after the Flood. Except back then it wasn't called Sumeria yet and they had both briefly struggled over a wild young man named Enkidu and nearly discorporated each other in the process.
“Sure. Why not.”
“This is...nice.” Aziraphale's hands spread out, palms stroking the crisp clean linens. The comforter was folded down; Crowley knew in theory it was supposed to go over the body, but liked folding it into an ersatz bolster to kick his feet up on.
“The mortals call it 'Sleep'. But surely they do it now with more civility than they used to.”
“Oh heavens, remember when it was no more than little green bowers made out of leaves? Or when the cow was in the same room, and they'd just shovel the dried manure right into the fire to keep warm? Absolutely appalling.”
“Don't remind me of the 14th century; just don't.”
“It's so soft and cool to lie here.” Aziraphale folded his hands over his chest politely, staring at the blank concrete expanse of the ceiling. “And you just do this for a while?”
“Until I feel like getting up,” Crowley said, leaving his hands limp at his sides. He too stared at the ceiling but for different reasons than the angel, reasons that mostly involved jangled nerves and the proximity of the other. “Sometimes I close my eyes. Do some thinking. Shall I put on some music? I have some Soul Music that perhaps would be to your taste...”
“No, this is enough.” A breath and a pleased sigh; a wiggle that sent a tiny earthquake moving through the memory foam and spring and feather mattress. “Oh, that is nice. No wonder the humans like it.”
“Shifts all that gravity around the body. Redist... Redistri-boo. Gkh. You know what I mean.” Was that a lot of champagne with dinner? Crowley didn't know for certain but then the bottle never seemed to empty.
“Yes. I always do.”
The gentle press of another hand against his and this time Crowley felt his mouth moving in four or five directions at once. The angel had sharper senses than him when it came to peeping ethereals; if Aziraphale was doing this, it meant that no one was watching.
No one was watching.
Suddenly he gripped the angel's hand tight.
“Do you think this is a dream, angel?”
“Why do you say that?”
“Maybe the Apocalypse did happen? Because it seems that we've...died and gone to heaven?”
“Do you remember it? The Fall.” Crowley asked abruptly. It had been on his mind for quite some time but he had never dared asked the angel, though he came close once in Abydos, a long time ago.
“No, not really,” Aziraphale confessed. “It's strange isn't it? That you remember it so clearly and I don't. I'm not sure any of us do. By which I mean...”
“I know what you mean,” Crowley said, a little sharper than he meant it. “Sorry. Don't you think it's strange that you don't remember?”
“Sometimes I wonder if our memories of it were torn right out of us,” Aziraphale said. “It always seemed as if something was missing afterwards. One moment we're all together and the next...”
“Why do you think we all have a counterpart?” Crowley interrupted. “Mirror images staffing Heaven and Hell.”
“It seems as though you've put some thought into this.”
“Yes. Bit more than six thousand years worth of thought, if you can imagine.” Crowley's hand twitched, and he felt the warm press of the angel's hand against his, giving him a squeeze.
He continued to stare at the ceiling; that was better than seeing the gleaming heavens implied in the angel's bright eyes.
“I think that we were all one once,” Crowley said. “And the rebellious parts were split off and thrown away like cutting the bad part off of a pear.”
“I don't think I've ever had a bad pear.”
“Maybe pears are always good for you,” Crowley said, “Because they couldn't bear to to be otherwise.”
“Oh.” The angel was silent for a long moment; he had never considered that possibility.
“That. Was supposed to be funny. Or not. I don't know. Look. All that to say...maybe that's part of the design flaw and why we're here right now. Always seeking to return to that other half, as they say. Makes sense why we can't seem to stop running into each other. Canceling each other out. Et cetera.”
“You mean, like the Greeks?”
“Shut up,” Crowley said crossly.
“I think maybe you're right.” Aziraphale's voice seemed fractionally closer than it was before. Crowley finally glanced over and realized that the angel must have been looking at him the entire time.
“Maybe that's why I don't remember. I just...remember the announcement afterwards and feeling kind of...oddly still. Like. Like something was gone, but it was impossible that something was gone because how could it have ever? We have always been and we always will.”
“The Will of God,” Crowley said, and an old sadness fell over him, an old longing. And he sighed but when he did, it seemed as if something inside of him loosened.
A feeling crept over him, starting from the tips of his fingers, and for a moment he did not know what it was; he had never felt anything like this before. It was a closeness he had only fond and distant memories of, like the quiet and sweet intimacy that comes in the silent moments when two pairs of eyes meet in fondness, but it was something much more than that. Suddenly he was taken to the heights of the deepest understanding and knowledge and being, and he could feel his very soul embraced by that sensation. Denser than emotion, more profound than love, more intense than all the fires of Hell or all the glories of Heaven put together. It was like the first moment of oxygen after a long dive into the depths, a relief and closeness and togetherness that he had not felt in eons.
It flowed through him like a vast tide and he was caught up in the surge of feeling, a poor pitiful swimmer on the vast ocean, and for one brief moment it seemed that he could see it again, the tiny blue pearl of the earth as seen from the distant starry heavens, the sweet murmur of angelic voices all about him in celestial harmony, until suddenly when he opened his eyes and came to again, he was looking at himself.
“Oh my,” Aziraphale – no, Crowley said.
“I think that was...”
“A union of souls.” Aziraphale blushed, and Crowley felt weirdly hot seeing his own face look like that.
“You feel...” Crowley felt himself in Aziraphale's form, in the pleasing intimacy of all its curves and bumps and edges. It was like being in the direct warmth of sunlight streaming through dappled summer leaves, on a day so perfectly warm that it seemed that the air itself was wrapped in a toasty and comforting blanket around his whole body. It was the warmth of baking, of hugs, of sunny meadows, and plush toys, things that he had only seen depicted by mortals on the television and had never really experienced himself, not since...
“And you...” Aziraphale sighed, and it was the same sound the angel made when he had something breathtakingly delicious.
“Brisk? Chilly? Cold?”
“No. Not at all. Just...very much like you.” Aziraphale smiled from Crowley's body. He knew all the angel's expressions and it was not that indulgent smile that he liked to press onto mortals as if it would get the angel his way (though it often did), but a rare and genuine private smile, the kind that Aziraphale only made with his eyes and not quite his mouth as if realizing some particularly warm and peculiar emotion.
Something was wrong with this body's eyes; for a moment everything blurred but blinking more seemed to help refocus the lenses of the eyes. Crowley reached up as if to heaven, but it was to explore one hand with the other, feeling each joint of the fingers, the creased flesh of the knuckles, the cool golden crown of the ring, and to look at the fine pale hair that stood nearly invisible at the back of the hands.
And oh, the hands! He set them down, and they rested naturally on the soft expanse of a belly, the tips of the fingers of his left hand running past the golden watch fob that hung from the pale waistcoat.
“Oh, I wish you wouldn't do that,” Aziraphale exclaimed. “It's embarrassing to have such a round gut. Whereas you're all muscle under these clothes. That's rather amazing. I had suspected but had never quite known for sure.” Aziraphale patted the limbs of the borrowed body, surprised.
“You mean, like a snake. No, I rather like it this way. I mean you,” Crowley said. “Whoever told you otherwise is a fool that should be ignored. It's so very nice to be soft. Lovely warm feeling. Comfortable.” He said the word slowly, stretching out each syllable.
Aziraphale was silent for a long time. But then when he spoke, he sounded nervous. “Should we? We should, shouldn't we? Switch back that is. I mean, any moment now they could be looking in on us...”
“Naaaaah.” Crowley hugged himself, chafing his arms. It was a good sensation, warm and cozy, like a cup of hot coffee on a cold wet morning but without any of the bitterness. “Let's just stay like this. Spend the day in each other's shoes. I like how you feel. You feel good. So warm and cozy.”
“I think...” And Crowley felt himself tense, expecting the angel's outrage, expecting to be immediately evicted from the pleasing confines of this soft warm body. But then the angel surprised both of them. “I think I'd like that.” Aziraphale's voice seemed distant, and when Crowley looked over, his eyes were shut and he was well and truly asleep.
“Sleep well, my dear.” Even his voice sounded like Aziraphale's and that made Crowley smile with a wistfulness that his usual face did not often show. Leaning over, he saw that Aziraphale had fallen asleep the way Crowley often liked to, head tilted to one side and a palm pressed against his cheek, fingers dug into his thick dark hair.
Carefully, Crowley reached up and ran his fingers through his – well, Aziraphale's hair. It was as fine and as soft as he had imagined, perhaps finer and softer, and lying back down, Crowley let the body do as it wanted to do to relax. And oddly he was not surprised when found himself with his palm pressed against his cheek, feeling springing blond curls beneath his fingertips.
Though he didn't sleep, Crowley's thoughts drifted. However much longer they had together, whatever they had to face, this would have to be enough, he thought. Even if it were the end of this life, of this existence, it seemed that it would have all been worth it, just for this one fleeting night.
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worldstore · 1 month
Mueller Pro-Series 10-in-1, 8 Blade Vegetable Chopper, Onion Mincer, Cutter, Dicer, Egg Slicer with Container, French Fry Cutter Potatoe Slicer, Home Essentials & Kitchen Gadgets, Salad Chopper
The Original Pro Chopper Refined Since 2013 - Another well marketed lower quality white/black model claims to be the original. More restaurants use Mueller than all the others combined because of our quality.. Effortlessly chop, slice, and dice your ingredients with ease using our tough as nails chopper. It's simple to use, set up, and clean, saving you time and energy during meal preparation. Become a kitchen pro with this must-have kitchen tool.
8 Awesome Blades For the Price of 4 - Three different sized chopper blades and 5 interchangeable blades for slicing, julienne, grating & shredding offer the functionality of multiple kitchen tools in just one, highly versatile, kitchen gadget. The high-quality stainless-steel blades will create perfectly chopped onions, tomatoes, and peppers for salsa, or shred an entire cabbage for coleslaw in no time.
Unmatched Quality - Free-up countertop space with the Food Container. Use the Food Holder while cutting small vegetables and fruits. This prevents food from slipping while slicing it. It also makes it clean, safe, and easy to work with. No more hassles of washing and wiping. Dismantle it and just put it in dishwasher. Cleans easily in minutes with the complementary scrubbing fork. Its compact size allows you to store it almost anywhere.
Make Incredible Meals in Half the Time – Busy lifestyles make us fall into the fast-food trap. It can take a lot of time and effort to dice, chop and slice the ingredients of a desired dish. Do not despair. Our multi-functional tool makes this process less time-consuming making it easier to add vegetables to your meals. That being said, you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy options. From now on, enjoy having more time
#Krishna #amazon
#american #USA #England
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addierose444 · 5 months
My Kitchen Essentials 
One of my favorite things about having my own apartment has been having my own kitchen. Furnishing the rest of my apartment was an expensive and sort of stressful process. The kitchen however has been a lot more fun because I inherently find kitchen gear more interesting and had enough of the basics to get started without breaking the bank. Because I keep my meals simple and only work with ingredients that I enjoy, I genuinely love cooking for myself. I shared my peanut butter overnight oats and tofu rice bowl recipes in a post about Sunday meal prep a few months ago, but am hoping to share more of my go-to meals in a proper recipe format. 
The core essentials that I brought from home include a 10-inch cast iron pan, a 1.5-quart stainless steel pot, a small wooden cutting board, a pairing knife, a chef's knife, and a pair of scissors. I also brought a basic set of dry measuring cups (¼ cup, ⅓ cup, and ½ cup) and measuring spoons. While I haven’t done any baking here and don’t follow recipes when cooking for myself, the measuring cups have been really useful for cooking various grains. A few items that I brought but haven’t used include a lemon juicer, a garlic press, and a silicone pastry brush. As for non-cooking kitchen basics, I was fortunate enough to be handed down a set of both dishes and silverware and to be gifted a nice wooden salad bowl. I also brought a utensil crock, a mini teapot, two mugs, two glasses, and a few food storage containers from home. 
To further round out my setup, I picked up a sieve (which I use for rinsing rice), half and quarter-rimmed sheet pans (which I currently primarily use for baking tofu and green beans for my rice bowls), a wooden spatula, and a potholder. I love cheese, so a personal essential of mine is a grater. I use it to grate cheddar for my cheesy polenta (which I serve with chicken apple sausage and peppers), pecorino romano for carbonara, and parmesan for Caesar salads among other things. I may eventually add a box grater to my setup, but have thus far been happy with this paddle-style grater that I picked up on my first full day in Washington State. Another item that I bought immediately, but have not personally used is a pair of kitchen tongs. (They did come in handy though for a work picnic). While I don’t regret the purchase per se, this just goes to show the true value of starting with the bare minimum and slowly building out your setup as you discover the limitations through experience. Other kitchen essentials that I picked up but that aren’t directly used for cooking include an airtight container for my rice, a glass food storage container for my lunch, a dish drying mat, sponges, and dish soap. 
It’s not essential, but one fun recent addition to my kitchen is the rice cooker I got for Christmas. The resulting rice is notably better than my stovetop rice, but I will note that it doesn’t exactly save time as the rice is supposed to soak for 30 minutes, cook for 15, and steam for another 15. Another important note is that the measuring cup that comes with the cooker is only about ¾ cup. Thus, when I made my first batch of rice I was a bit thrown off and only had enough rice for three rice bowls instead of my usual four. I made a double batch the second time around which allowed me to create five rice bowls instead. 
While I’m not set up for baking or cooking for a crowd, I truly do have all that I need to cook for myself. Nonetheless, I’m excited to continue building out my kitchen! A few items that I’m considering adding at some point in the future include a kitchen scale, a larger pot, a mixing bowl, a meat thermometer, an immersion blender, and an ice cream maker. We’ll see though because I’m not yet convinced that these items would get regular enough use to justify the cost and space they’d take up in my small kitchen. 
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gross-text-adventures · 8 months
Karkat: Investigate cafeteria
Dessert menu
Karkat: Activate Dessert Menu
The buttons don't explain anything, but Karkat doesn't have the time to waste fucking around looking for one. The worst thing that can happen if he presses a button is that something explodes, so he decides he'll work upwards from there and just press one.
So he presses 'dessert', since he might as well have some optimism.
All at once, loud noises begin emitting from behind the serving window. Leaning around to poke his head through, he sees that he was half right; there's a corridor connecting the kitchen to the serving area, but it's only a small shaft, not fit for a person to move through.
Instead, the shaft is set up as some sort of food pipe, and within moments trays and tubs appear from out of the (completely unmanned, completely empty) kitchen. The entire bottom of the pipe moves, revealing itself to be a conveyor belt to ferry the food in; the stuff glides smoothly towards the serving window until the first one emerges into the better-lit space.
The first tub is filled to its lip with frozen ICE CREAM, as are the next few. A second conveyor belt slides the tubs across the window until they reach what seems to be their programmed position, at which point it nudges them forward to drop into the waiting slots where Karkat could, if he wanted to, reach them. By colour and consistency he can see some kind of chocolate chip flavour and something probably honey-flavoured, but there's a good half-dozen options in total.
Next are a pair of trays bearing two large CAKES. One is brown and one is white, and the differences spin out from there; the brown one is heavily decorated with sprinkles, frosting and toppings, while the white one is strikingly bare, its only defining trait being its three vertical layers, held together with some sort of jam and cream.
More treats come out - cupcakes, sweet fruit salad, eclairs, donuts, brownies, toffee… finally, when there's only a single slot left, a tray holding a large metal container slides out, looking like some kind of industrial tureen. It lands in its slot with a heavy thud, but the container doesn't wobble or slide an inch. There's a spout at the front, and above the spout Karkat can see words carved into the otherwise undecorated surface; HOT FUDGE.
Not a moment after the last tray is in position, an indentation in the wall opens with a deafening SHNK. Within it, Karkat finds a stack of smaller plastic trays, as well as a smaller pile of plates and bowls and glasses beside cups of cutlery. The dishes and glasses seem to also be plastic, and the cutlery stainless steel. When he tries to lift a whole cup of knives, he finds it seemingly welded to the ledge it sits on.
The message can't be clearer, as much as Karkat doubts its merits: help yourself.
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buffetlicious · 1 year
The last time I have been to Fosters Cafe in Holland Village was at end of 2019 just before the onslaught of COVID-19. They have since closed that business but reopened as a stall located within KAAAKIS, a food court in Yew Tee Point, which is a two-minute walk from Yew Tee MRT Station.
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Since it was lunch time, I ordered the Chicken Chop Pasta (S$9) in addition to the scones set. A large piece of pan-fried boneless chicken drenched in brown sauce occupied one half of the plastic plate. Salad and spaghetti took up the two corners on the other end. I really love that savoury wholesome sauce, using the chicken to mop the gravy up while rolling the noodles around the fork and alternate putting them in my mouth. The vegetables are crisp and fresh with the salad dressing imparting the flavours.
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Seem like the other food blogs on the internet neglected to confirm that the Devonshire Cream Tea Set is no more. In its place is the Two Scones with Tea Set (S$12) with clotted cream and jam. And worst, the set now consisted of only two scones and tea minus the butter, cake and sandwich. I was frankly disappointed when it came served in disposable plastic plate and cutlery. Not only did they serve less food, but the price is even higher than the plate of spaghetti. High tea is just not the same without the proper china, stainless steel cutlery and that pot of tea. :( Fortunately, the (now smaller) scones saved the day with their buttery and crumbly texture plus the top is so crunchy. Spread some clotted cream and fruit jam on a piece and send it into the mouth. Heavenly, as I sipped on the paper cup of earl grey tea.
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While they were once touted as the cheapest place for afternoon tea in Singapore. The place had lost it charm, offering less value set at higher price point. Tai tai (Chinese colloquial term for a lady of privileged means, with lots of leisure time and money to spend) won’t be caught dead sipping tea from paper cup or eating from disposable plastic plate and cutlery in a food court environment. Guess I will have to start making my own scones.
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greekcookingmadeeasy · 10 months
Octopus and Shrimp Skewers aka Souvlaki from Athos Monastery
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Octopus and Shrimp Skewers aka Souvlaki from Athos Monastery – Souvlakia me Htapodi kai Garides Agiou Orous BY: Greek Cooking Made Easy SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/greekcookingmadeeasy
Check my YouTube Video: HERE
Κοιτάξτε επίσης την συνταγή μου σε YouTube βίντεο, το λίνκ είναι: ΕΔΩ
SERVES  🍴⃒     PREP. TIME 🕔⃒     4 persons 20 min. COOK. TIME ♨  DIFFIC. LEVEL 👩‍🍳⃒ 12-15 min. Easy
I enjoy making all kinds of skewers especially in the Summer season. They are great and easy for a small alfresco gathering, either on the BBQ or on the grill. I found this recipe from an old book from the mount Athos monasteries and decided to try it. Why? Because I love octopus and shrimps and I thought combining them with vegetables on a skewer, grilling them together and pouring some of the renowned Ladolemono sauce would make a very appetizing Aegean synthesis. And boy was I right! Ready to find out how to make them as well and prove my point? Suitable for fasting.
INGREDIENTS: Ingredients for the skewers: • 400 gr. / 14 oz / 4 tentacles Octopus, boiled, cut in 20 thick pcs. (5 pcs per tentacle) • 180 gr. / 6.3 oz / 16 Shrimps, fresh, raw, cleaned and deveined • 8 Grape Tomatoes • 8 Green Pepper (capsicum) cubes • 8 square slices sweet Onion • Ground Salt and Pepper
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Ingredients for the sauce: • 1/3 cup / 90 ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil • 30 ml / 2 tbsp. Lemon Juice (about 1&1/2 lemon) • 1/4 bunch fresh Parsley • Ground Salt and Pepper
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METHOD: A. Make the skewers:
NOTE: Boil Octopus in a deep pot over low heat for 1 hour/Kg, in its own juices! DO NOT add any water, because it will harden it!
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When ready, strain the octopus and let it cool down completely, before cutting 4 of its tentacles in 5 thick pieces each. Keep the rest of the octopus to make Octopus salad.
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2. Bring all the ingredients near the wooden board where you will work together with 4 large, stainless steel skewers.
3. Start by piercing an octopus piece and then continue by piercing: a shrimp (in its middle), a green pepper cube and a grape tomato.
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4. Then continue with another piece of octopus, a shrimp, an onion, a pepper and a grape tomato alternately.
5. Per skewer you can use: 5 Octopus pcs, 4 Shrimps, 2 Peppers, 2 Onions, 2 Grape tomatoes.
6. You should end with a piece of octopus.
7. Place the skewer in a large tray.
8. Repeat for the rest of skewers and ingredients.
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B. Make the ladolemono (oil-lemon) sauce:
9. Pour 60 ml (1/4 cup) from the extra virgin olive oil in a food processor's container.
10. Then add the rest of ingredients and beat them together for about 1 min or until they are homogenized.
11. Pour sauce in a serving bowl. Reserve.
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12. Place the rest 2 tbsp. (30 ml) of Evoo in a very small bowl and season it with just a bit of salt and ground pepper. Blend them with a brush.
13. Use this simple marinade, to brush all over and around the skewers and on both open grill surfaces. It will help seafood stay moist and not get dehydrated during grilling.
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14. Skewers are now ready to be grilled.
C. Grilling instructions:
15. Turn on an open grill (electric toaster) on medium heat or the special setting for shellfish.
16. Tip #1: Alternatively, you could BBQ them, or use a griddle pan or cook under the oven grill.
17. Tip #2: Adjust grilling times! They may differ depending on where you grill the skewers and how strong your grill is!
18. When the oiled grill heats up, place the skewers on it.
19. Griddle the skewers for about 12'-15' in total, turning them gently every 3'-4' so that you’ll char each side and to ensure shrimps are grilled all around (octopus is already boiled).
20. With your spatula or meat tongs press the skewers gently on the grill to ensure equal grilling.
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21. When ready, remove skewers from the grill and place them on a board decorated with lettuce or lamb's lettuce.
D. Serving instructions and suggestions:
Serve the skewers immediately while still hot, drizzling on top some of the delectable ladolemono sauce and placing the rest next to the board (plus a couple lemon wedges on the side).
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So appealing! Serve them as meze with Tsipouro or Ouzo on the rocks or…
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...as dinner with Mount Athos Rice in Red Sauce and some grilled pita breads.
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All the saltiness of the Aegean Sea on your table!
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I hope you will enjoy these skewers as much as we have!! I bet you will!
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E. Storage info: Leftover skewers could be stored in the fridge, wrapped with parchment paper for up to 1 week.
Check my YouTube Video: HERE
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Σουβλάκια με Χταπόδι και Γαρίδες Αγίου Όρους BY: Greek Cooking Made Easy SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/greekcookingmadeeasy
ΜΕΡΙΔΕΣ🍴⃒ ΠΡΟΕΤΟΙΜΑΣΙΑ 🕔⃒ 4 20 min. ΜΑΓΕΙΡΕΜΑ ♨ ΒΑΘΜ. ΔΥΣΚΟΛΙΑΣ 👩‍🍳⃒ 12-15 min. Εύκολο
Μου αρέσει να φτιάχνω κάθε λογής σουβλάκια ειδικά την καλοκαιρινή σεζόν. Είναι υπέροχα και εύκολα στην ετοιμασία για μια μικρή συγκέντρωση στη βεράντα ή το κήπο, είτε στο μπάρμπεκιου ή στη σχάρα. Βρήκα αυτή τη συνταγή σ ένα παλιό βιβλίο από τα μοναστήρια του Αγίου Όρους και αποφάσισα να τη δοκιμάσω. Γιατί; Επειδή λατρεύω το χταπόδι και τις γαρίδες και σκέφτηκα να τα συνδυάσω με λαχανικά σε σουβλάκι, να τα ψήσω μαζί και να ρίξω λίγη από την αγαπημένη σάλτσα Λαδολέμονο για μια πεντανόστιμη Αιγαιοπελαγίτικη σύνθεση. Και βέβαια είχα δίκιο! Είστε έτοιμοι να μάθετε πώς να τα φτιάξετε κι εσείς και να τεστάρετε την άποψή μου; Κατάλληλα για νηστεία.
ΥΛΙΚΑ: Υλικά για τα σουβλάκια:
400 γρ. / 14 oz / 4 πλοκάμια από Χταπόδι βρασμένο, κομμένο σε 20 χοντρά κομμάτια (5 κομ. ανά πλοκάμι)
180 γρ. / 6,3 oz / 16 Γαρίδες, φρέσκες, ωμές, καθαρισμένες από το εντεράκι και αποφλοιωμένες
8 Ντοματάκια μακρόστενα
8 κύβοι πράσινη Πιπεριά
8 τετράγωνες φέτες γλυκό, ξερό Κρεμμύδι
Φρεσκοαλεσμένο αλάτι και πιπέρι
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Υλικά για τη σάλτσα:
1/3 φλ. / 90 ml Εξαιρετικό Παρθένο Ελαιόλαδο
30 ml / 2 κ.σ. Χυμός Λεμονιού (περίπου 1&1/2 λεμόνι)
1/4 ματσάκι φρέσκος Μαϊντανός
Φρεσκοαλεσμένο αλάτι και πιπέρι
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ΜΕΘΟΔΟΣ: Α. Φτιάξτε τα σουβλάκια:
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Βράστε το χταπόδι σε βαθιά κατσαρόλα σε χαμηλή φωτιά για 1 ώρα/Kg, στους δικούς του χυμούς! ΜΗΝ προσθέσετε καθόλου νερό γιατί θα σας σκληρύνει!
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Μόλις είναι έτοιμο, στραγγίστε το χταπόδι και αφήστε να κρυώσει εντελώς, πριν κόψετε 4 από τα πλοκάμια του σε 5 χοντρά κομμάτια το καθένα. Κρατήστε το υπόλοιπο χταπόδι για να φτιάξετε χταπόδι βραστό σαλάτα.
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2. Φέρτε όλα τα υλικά κοντά στην ξύλινη σανίδα όπου θα δουλέψετε, μαζί με 4 μεγάλες, ανοξείδωτες σούβλες.
3. Ξεκινήστε τρυπώντας ένα κομμάτι χταπόδι και μετά συνεχίστε τρυπώντας: μια γαρίδα (στη μέση της), έναν κύβο πράσινης πιπεριάς και ένα ντοματάκι.
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4. Έπειτα συνεχίστε με άλλο ένα κομμάτι χταπόδι, μια γαρίδα, ένα κρεμμύδι, μια πιπεριά και ένα ντοματάκι εναλλάξ.
5. Ανά σουβλάκι μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε: 5 κομ. χταπόδι, 4 γαρίδες, 2 πιπεριές, 2 κρεμμύδια, 2 ντοματάκια.
6. Θα πρέπει να τελειώσετε με ένα κομμάτι χταπόδι.
7. Τοποθετήστε το σουβλάκι σε ένα μεγάλο δίσκο.
8. Επαναλάβετε για τα υπόλοιπα σουβλάκια και τα υλικά.
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Β. Φτιάξτε τη σάλτσα λαδολέμονο:
9. Ρίξτε 60 ml (1/4 φλ.) από το έξτρα παρθένο ελαιόλαδο στο δοχείο του επεξεργαστή τροφίμων (μούλτι).
10. Στη συνέχεια προσθέστε τα υπόλοιπα υλικά και χτυπήστε τα μαζί για 1 λεπτό περίπου ή μέχρι να ομογενοποιηθούν.
11. Χύστε ��η σάλτσα σε ένα μπολ σερβιρίσματος. Βάλτε τη στην άκρη.
12. Βάλτε τις υπόλοιπες 2 κ.σ. (30 ml) ελαιόλαδο σε ένα πολύ μικρό μπολ και καρυκέψτε το με λίγο αλάτι και πιπέρι. Ανακατέψτε τα με ένα πινέλο.
13. Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτή την απλή μαρινάδα, για να βουρτσίσετε παντού γύρω από τα σουβλάκια και τις δύο επιφάνειες της γκριλιέρας σας. Θα βοηθήσει τα θαλασσινά να παραμείνουν υγρά και να μην αφυδατωθούν κατά τη διάρκεια του ψησίματος.
14. Τα σουβλάκια είναι τώρα έτοιμα για ψήσιμο.
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Γ. Οδηγίες ψησίματος:
15. Ανάψτε μια ανοιχτή γκριλιέρα (ηλεκτρική τοστιέρα) σε μέτρια φωτιά ή στην ειδική ρύθμιση για οστρακοειδή.
16. Συμβουλή #1: Εναλλακτικά, μπορείτε να τα ψήσετε στο μπάρμπεκιου ή να χρησιμοποιήσετε σχαροτήγανο ή να τα μαγειρέψετε στο γκρίλ του φούρνου.
17. Συμβουλή #2: Προσαρμόστε τους χρόνους ψησίματος! Μπορεί να διαφέρουν ανάλογα με το πού ψήνετε τα σουβλάκια και πόσο δυνατή είναι η σχάρα σας!
18. Μόλις ζεσταθεί η λαδωμένη γκριλιέρα/σχάρα, τοποθετήστε πάνω της τα σουβλάκια.
19. Ψήστε τα σουβλάκια για περίπου 12'-15' συνολικά, γυρίζοντάς τα προσεκτικά κάθε 3'-4', έτσι ώστε να ψηθεί κάθε πλευρά και για να εξασφαλίσετε ότι οι γαρίδες θα ψηθούν καλά (το χταπόδι είναι ήδη βρασμένο).
20. Με τη σπάτουλα σας ή τη λαβίδα κρέατος πιέστε τα σουβλάκια απαλά πάνω στις σχάρες για να εξασφαλίσετε ομοιόμορφο ψήσιμο.
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21. Όταν είναι έτοιμα, αφαιρέστε τα σουβλάκια από τη σχάρα και διακοσμήστε τα σε μια ξύλινη σανίδα στολισμένη με μαρούλι ή ή λυκοτρίβολο.
Δ. Οδηγίες και προτάσεις σερβιρίσματος:
22. Σερβίρετε τα σουβλάκια αμέσως όσο είναι ακόμα ζεστά, περιχύνοντας από πάνω τους λίγη από την απολαυστική σάλτσα λαδολέμονο και βάζοντας την υπόλοιπη δίπλα τους (συν μια δυο φέτες λεμονιού στο πλάι).
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Τόσο ελκυστικά! Τα σερβίρετε ως μεζέ με τσίπουρο ή ούζο με παγάκια ή…
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...σα δείπνο με αγιορείτικο ρύζι σε κόκκινη σάλτσα και μερικές ψητές πιτούλες.
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Όλη η αρμύρα του Αιγαίου στο τραπέζι σας!
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Ελπίζω να απολαύσετε αυτά τα σουβλάκια όσο εμείς!! Πάω στοίχημα!
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Ε. Πληροφορίες φύλαξης: Τα σουβλάκια που περίσσεψαν μπορούν να φυλαχτούν στο ψυγείο, τυλιγμένα με λαδόκολλα για έως και 1 εβδομάδα.
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aquaticjess · 1 year
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well i was productive for the beginning of the day! i got to the gym by 9 am (on a sunday before classes start so it was EMPTY) and was there for like 2 hour (bc why not). i feel a little stupid cause i finally tried out walmart for my groceries and i got so much food including greek yogurt, goat cheese, parm, chicken, beef, shrimp (all the expensive stuff) and it cost like half of what hannafords has been costing me 🤦🏼‍♀️ you live and you learn. i did not like the vibes in walmart it reminded me of grocery shopping at walmart in alabama however we are booling on a grad student budget and if i can get my healthy groceries for cheaper imma do it.
anyway this is runfasteatslow’s thai quinoa salad with some spicy coconut chicken thighs i sautéed. i made a very grown up purchase and bought a heavily discounted stainless steel cookware set and i am sooo in love. speaking of i am not buying anything “fun” until march. lol.
also also i see why people use sleep deprivation as torture because i feel straaaaaaange. fingers crossed i sleep well tonight 🤞🏼
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yourcoffeeguru · 3 months
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Glass with Gold Metal Trim Photo Picture Frame 
18/10 ehpse Stainless Steel Heavy Salad Serving Set
Vintage Antique Solid Brass Handmade Bottle Opener Elephant Head Handle
Jose Cuervo Tradicional 100% De Agave Tequila Shot Glass 10cmH
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
Best Silverware Set Reviewed
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Best Silverware Set Reviewed
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Silverware set, often called flatware or simply forks, knives, and spoons, are an essential part of any well-stocked kitchen. A good silverware set can be used to prepare dinner parties, formal dinner events, they must be, and just about any other kind of event you might need it for in your home life. Because it’s so versatile, you want to make sure that you choose the best silverware set possible before spending your money on it.
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Setting the Table
The different types of settings can confuse anyone, but they’re an important part of proper silverware etiquette. The formal place setting usually consists of a fork, knife, and spoon on either side of a plate with a napkin placed to its left. In informal meals, you may only have one fork and one knife, as well as a pork or similar utensil to eat those blended or heavier foods that require a spoon-knife hybrid.
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Although they may seem insignificant, spoons are one of the most important pieces in your set. You use them for nearly every type of food you can eat, so it’s imperative that they be comfortable and sturdy. The spoon is an essential part of every dinner party and every home kitchen. It’s so important that you should have a nice set of spoons to ensure they don’t end up getting lost or damaged. The best option for your needs is a classic wooden spoon with a medium-sized head that isn’t too large or too small for different tasks.
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Types of Spoon
Stainless steel spoons are some of the most common utensils in any kitchen. They’re typically made with 18/0, 18/8, or 18/10 stainless steel. Although they can be extremely durable, if cared for properly these tools are also quite delicate. The only way to get rid of rust is by using a special tool called a spoon scraper, which can be purchased at most kitchen shops. For extreme rust buildup, you may need to use a metal polish such as Brasso.
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Because kitchen knives are essential for just about any cooking you do, they need to be safe. That said, it’s also important that they are sharp. The best way to ensure your knives stay both of these things is by hand washing them immediately after using them and storing them in a knife block with slots for each blade.
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Types of Knives
No silverware set is complete without all of its necessary knives—that’s why we’ve reviewed several sets. It’s important to know what kind of knife you need for chopping vegetables, cutting meat, and even slicing bread. It is important to note that different kinds of silverware sets come with different kinds of knives. For example, if you’re buying a formal knife set for your dining room table, it would be wise to consider one that comes with just four knives: a dinner knife, a bread and butter knife, a carving knife, and a paring knife.
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Regardless of your dinnerware, be it melamine or porcelain, you’ll need silverware—and while four sets of knives, forks, and spoons are pretty standard, don’t overlook dessert utensils. These are often far smaller than their silver counterparts, so they won’t take up precious table space when you really need it. They also make a great gift for housewarmings! Or keep them on hand for special occasions like Valentine’s Day or birthdays.
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Types of Forks
There are three main types of forks. There are salad forks, dinner forks, and dessert forks. All these different kinds of eating utensils have different shapes and sizes to them, but they all have one important factor in common: each has a sharp end that is used for piercing food when you eat.
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Dinner Spoon
Having a set of spoons for each guest makes it easy to serve without any confusion or awkwardness. These sets are also great for everyday use since they are usually made from quality materials that won’t easily wear out. Dinner Spoons are typically 8-10 long, making them ideal for serving side dishes, salad, soup, and more. When purchasing these sets you can expect forks with tines at 3 different lengths to be included. This enables them to be used with various foods of different sizes. 
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Dessert Spoons
The dessert spoon is the smallest in a formal place setting. It may also be referred to as a teaspoon or tea stirrer, although these are slightly different in size and shape. Dessert spoons are used for eating lighter courses, such as fruit or sorbet. A teacup can also be used instead of a dessert spoon for small servings of liquid-based desserts.
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radhyaa58 · 8 days
Affordable Serveware Options for Budget-Friendly Entertaining
What is Serveware?
Serveware encompasses a wide variety of items used for serving food, including plates, bowls, trays, and platters. These pieces are not just functional; they also add a touch of elegance and style to your dining experience. High-quality serveware plays a crucial role in presenting food attractively, making meals more enjoyable for both you and your guests. The right selection of serveware can transform a meal, elevating the dining experience whether you're hosting a formal dinner, a festive celebration, or a casual get-together. By choosing serveware that complements your style and the occasion, you can create an inviting and aesthetically pleasing dining atmosphere that enhances every aspect of your meal.
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Types of Serveware
Plates and Bowls
Plates and bowls come in different shapes and sizes. They are used for serving individual portions of food. Plates are flat and come in various sizes, perfect for appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Bowls are deeper and are ideal for soups, salads, and desserts. They come in various sizes, from small dessert bowls to large serving bowls, making them versatile for different types of dishes.
Platters are large, flat dishes used for serving multiple servings of food. They are great for presenting appetizers, meats, main courses, and even desserts. Platters come in various shapes, including oval, round, and rectangular, each suited to different types of food presentations. They are essential for family-style meals where guests serve themselves.
Trays are used to carry and serve food and drinks. They often have handles and are useful for serving multiple items at once. Trays come in various materials like wood, metal, and plastic, and can be decorative or simple. They are particularly handy for breakfast in bed, tea parties, or outdoor gatherings where mobility is needed.
Serving Spoons and Forks
Serving spoons and forks are larger than regular cutlery. They are designed for scooping and serving food from communal dishes. Serving spoons are often used for soups, stews, and casseroles, while serving forks are great for meats and salads. They come in various designs and materials, complementing different styles of serveware.
Pitchers and Carafes
Pitchers and carafes are used for serving drinks. They come in various materials like glass, ceramic, and plastic. Pitchers are usually larger and have a handle and spout, making them ideal for serving water, juice, or iced tea. Carafes are often used for serving wine or coffee and add an elegant touch to the dining table.
Materials Used in Serveware
Ceramic serveware is popular for its durability and elegant appearance. It is often used for formal dining. Ceramic items can be found in various designs and colors, making it easy to match them with your dining décor. They are also microwave and oven-safe, adding to their versatility.
Glass serveware looks sophisticated and is great for showcasing the food. However, it is more fragile than other materials and requires careful handling. Glass items are perfect for displaying colorful salads, desserts, and beverages, adding a touch of elegance to your table.
Metal serveware, such as stainless steel or silver, is durable and often used for more formal settings. Stainless steel is easy to clean and resistant to stains and corrosion. Silver serveware, although requiring more maintenance to prevent tarnishing, adds a timeless and luxurious feel to any dining occasion.
Plastic serveware is lightweight and ideal for casual or outdoor dining. It is also easy to clean and maintain. Modern plastic serveware comes in stylish designs and vibrant colors, making it perfect for picnics, barbecues, and children's parties.
Choosing the Right Serveware
When choosing serveware benefits, consider the occasion and the type of food you will be serving. For formal events, ceramic or metal serveware may be more appropriate due to their elegant appearance and durability. For casual gatherings, plastic or glass serveware might be better, offering ease of use and vibrant aesthetics. Think about the practicality as well—will you need items that are microwave-safe or dishwasher-safe? Matching the serveware with your table setting and overall theme will also enhance the dining experience.
Care and Maintenance of Serveware
Proper care of your serveware will ensure it lasts longer. Most ceramic and glass serveware can be washed in a dishwasher, but metal and plastic items might need handwashing. Always check the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and care. For example, silver items may require polishing to maintain their shine, while certain plastic items may not be suitable for high temperatures. Storing serveware properly, with adequate padding for fragile items, will also prevent chips and cracks.
Serveware is a key element in dining, making the experience more enjoyable and stylish. By choosing the right serveware and taking good care of it, you can enhance your meals and impress your guests. Investing in quality serveware that suits your needs and style will not only make your meals more enjoyable but also create a welcoming atmosphere for your guests. Whether you're setting the table for a special occasion or a casual family dinner, the right serveware makes all the difference.This expanded content provides a more detailed overview of  https://radhyaa.com/ .its types, materials, and care, giving readers a comprehensive understanding of this essential dining element.
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restauranteetuys · 9 days
The Essential Guide to Commercial Prep Fridges
What is a Commercial Prep Fridge?
A commercial prep fridge, also known as a prep table refrigerator, is a refrigeration unit specifically designed for food preparation areas. It typically features a refrigerated base with drawers or doors for storage, and a countertop workspace that often includes a refrigerated section for storing ingredients within easy reach. This combination allows chefs and kitchen staff to prepare meals quickly and efficiently while keeping ingredients fresh and safe.
Key Features and Benefits
Temperature Control: Commercial prep fridges are equipped with advanced temperature control systems to ensure that food remains at safe temperatures. This is crucial in preventing bacterial growth and ensuring the quality and safety of perishable items.
Storage Solutions: These units offer various storage options, including drawers and shelves, which can be configured to suit the specific needs of a kitchen. This flexibility helps in organizing ingredients and reducing the time spent searching for items, thereby increasing overall kitchen efficiency.
Work Surface Integration: The integration of a prep table with a refrigerated base provides a seamless workspace for food preparation. Ingredients can be accessed quickly without the need to move between different stations, making the workflow more efficient.
Durability and Hygiene: Constructed from stainless steel or other durable materials, commercial prep fridges are designed to withstand the rigors of a busy kitchen environment. They are also easy to clean, which is essential for maintaining hygiene standards.
Energy Efficiency: Modern commercial prep fridges are designed with energy efficiency in mind. They use advanced insulation and refrigeration technology to minimize energy consumption, which can result in significant cost savings over time.
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Types of Commercial Prep Fridges
Pizza Prep Tables: Specifically designed for pizzerias, these units feature a large work surface with ample space for dough preparation and toppings. They typically include refrigerated condiment rails to keep ingredients fresh and within easy reach.
Sandwich/Salad Prep Tables: These units are ideal for delis and sandwich shops. They come with multiple compartments for different ingredients, making it easy to assemble sandwiches and salads quickly.
Mega Top Prep Tables: With extra storage capacity, mega top prep tables are perfect for kitchens that need to store a large variety of ingredients. They offer more compartments and larger work surfaces compared to standard prep tables.
Choosing the Right Commercial Prep Fridge
When selecting a commercial prep fridge, Commercial Freezer Machine consider the specific needs of your kitchen. Factors such as the type of food being prepared, the volume of ingredients, and the available space will influence your choice. Additionally, look for features such as adjustable shelving, easy-to-clean surfaces, and reliable temperature control systems.
Maintenance and Care
To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of a commercial prep fridge, regular maintenance is essential. This includes cleaning the unit thoroughly, checking and adjusting temperature settings, and inspecting components for wear and tear. Proper maintenance not only prolongs the life of the equipment but also ensures food safety.
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worldstore · 1 month
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5 posts!
Mueller Pro-Series 10-in-1, 8 Blade Vegetable Chopper, Onion Mincer, Cutter, Dicer, Egg Slicer with Container, French Fry Cutter Potatoe Slicer, Home Essentials & Kitchen Gadgets, Salad Chopper
The Original Pro Chopper Refined Since 2013 - Another well marketed lower quality white/black model claims to be the original. More restaurants use Mueller than all the others combined because of our quality.. Effortlessly chop, slice, and dice your ingredients with ease using our tough as nails chopper. It's simple to use, set up, and clean, saving you time and energy during meal preparation. Become a kitchen pro with this must-have kitchen tool.
8 Awesome Blades For the Price of 4 - Three different sized chopper blades and 5 interchangeable blades for slicing, julienne, grating & shredding offer the functionality of multiple kitchen tools in just one, highly versatile, kitchen gadget. The high-quality stainless-steel blades will create perfectly chopped onions, tomatoes, and peppers for salsa, or shred an entire cabbage for coleslaw in no time.
Unmatched Quality - Free-up countertop space with the Food Container. Use the Food Holder while cutting small vegetables and fruits. This prevents food from slipping while slicing it. It also makes it clean, safe, and easy to work with. No more hassles of washing and wiping. Dismantle it and just put it in dishwasher. Cleans easily in minutes with the complementary scrubbing fork. Its compact size allows you to store it almost anywhere.
Make Incredible Meals in Half the Time – Busy lifestyles make us fall into the fast-food trap. It can take a lot of time and effort to dice, chop and slice the ingredients of a desired dish. Do not despair. Our multi-functional tool makes this process less time-consuming making it easier to add vegetables to your meals. That being said, you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy options. From now on, enjoy having more time
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hikeslot · 17 days
Kaluns 50 PCS Silicone Kitchen Utensils Set Complete Kitchen Set - 800°F Heat Resistant Non-Stick Premium Silicone Cooking Utensils W Wooden Handles - Can Opener, Masher, Turner, Silicone Spatula Set
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description 1 High Quality Wood 2 Quality Stainless Steel 3 Silicone Heat Resistant Complete 50Pcs Set: The Kaluns utensil set includes everything you need for a complete cooking experience. You’ll receive: slotted turner, ladle, salad spoon, solid turner, solid spoon, pasta server, slotted spoon, skimmer, spatula, utensil rest, can opener, egg separator, small…
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