#star wars hot take
skygirlstars · 3 months
every time someone says “Anakin wouldn’t have turned to the dark side if Ahsoka hadn’t left the Order” an angel loses its wings
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jedimasterbailey · 7 months
filoni stans just don't quit huh?
"people are mad sabine has force powers because it's badly hidden misogyny-"
oh here we go again as if many people haven't already explained in depth how she's been character assassinated.
heads up everyone, if we don't like filoni's stupid ass decisions and contrived writing it must always be because of sexism, racism and whichever excuse stans use to deflect criticism. this is what happens when we spoil their fun. some of them are sounding like last jedi stans who screamed misogyny and racism when fans rightfully pointed out the badly written script, the way kylo almost took over rey's story and the way poc were mistreated. love how they yell sexism while glossing over how filoni made ahsoka's importance all about a man in this show.
sabine was already a good character in rebels without needing to be force sensitive. she had her own cultural identity as a mandalorian. guess none of that matters now, she gets to follow a rote padawan story that makes no sense for her and wasn't even properly developed. all because filoni is far up his own ass about his special mando jedi ocs while disrespecting established jedi characters. good lord, i'm glad this season is over.
NO THEY DO NOT ANON!!!! And that’s the thing that drives me crazy about Feloni Stan’s is I think his project promote bad behavior. There is so much racism and sexism in these projects that everyone is more than happy to turn a blind eye too. I, on the other hand, cannot condone any of it and I refuse to make excuses for it and I will say exactly what’s on my mind even if others are afraid to because this is ridiculous. There are so many talented writers and minds out there who can continue the Star Wars legacy without going low and create inspiring content that can generate hope in future generations to come but nope we’re still gonna keep ignorant people in high places and produce more crap.
And yes Sabine should have stayed true to who she was. There was no need for this Jedi nonsense.
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cavanscott · 1 year
Do you have a favorite member of the max rebo band (and if so why is it max rebo /s)
I love Max, really I do, but my favourite has always been Droopy McCool.
This is mainly due to the fact that he has the most awesome stage name in the Galaxy.
Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go look at Droopy McCool action figures on eBay when I should be working.
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peterparkersnose · 1 year
post christmas star wars hot take
(i can bet you someone has said this already) rey shouldn’t have been the jedi. finn all along. better character, i personally couldn’t stand rey. she was very unlikeable for me. sure her thing with kylo was cute but come on. the story line with finn being a storm trooper (maybe could have added some suspicion in with kylo bc he could sense his presence or something within the force) and then he escapes and trains and is basically a huge fuck you to the first order
finn is such a sweet character that i liked a lot, he deserved more than he received in those movies
then again if rey wasn’t the jedi then we wouldn’t have gotten that ridiculously necessary scene of kylo in the pants
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also she’s not a skywalker she’s a palpatine
happy holidays! (sorry not sorry)
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x-sapphicpirate-x · 2 years
Maybe it’s too early in my days as a tumblr to post something like this, but I have always thought that people HATED the Martez sisters not because they are “flat, boring, or poorly written” as they claim but simply because they are 1. women
2. have queer coded/alternative haircuts
3. are really realistic characters for star wars
That is all.
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glaobobotalrynn · 1 month
I actually like The Force Awakens
But none of the other sequel trilogy movies. I had the fortune of reading Before The Awakening, a book that's sorta a prologue to the movie, and so I feel like I have a better time on rewatches because it explains who the trooper who dies in the beginning is, and why Rey can fly a spaceship with no actual training. Not a fan of needing to read a book to understand a movie/game(HELLO NEIGHBOR) but in this case the book definitely enhanced my experience.
If you wanna read it, it's "Before the Awakening" by Greg Rucka, could be nostalgia clouds but I remember it being really good and rereading it a few times.
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alyssoid · 1 year
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comebackali · 1 year
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Obi-wan immediately after he and Siri rescue Ferus from being kidnapped: Why doesn't Ferus smile at me when I walk in a room like Anakin does? Why doesn't Ferus tease me and make snarky quips like Anakin does? I miss Anakin so much, I need to find him right now immediately, I sure do hate being separated from him.
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marymunchkiin · 3 months
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EDIT: Ok I just had a look at the clone assassin armor as others have pointed out and yes it definitely does not specifically imply that this character is Tech based solely on the armor design 😆 however I am still worried about how they pinpointed Pabu 😳 there are so many possibilities!
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jedi-starbird · 26 days
I don't care what the hatman says I firmly believe Ahsoka is not describing Anakin as anything other than the most cringefail jedi ever.
When she finds out Anakin is Darth Vader? The same Vader she's been fighting against for a decade? The same Vader who's crimes she's had a front row seat for in the rebellion? Who killed all the friends and family she grew up with and is now also killing the new friends and family she's managed to scrape together in the ashes of everything she ever knew? Who puppets around the 501st, her and Rex's brothers, the men who trusted him with their lives, as nothing more than mindless murderers? Ohoho she wants him dead sooo bad. She takes 3 business days to process then comes back with full murderous rage unlocked. She's outside his evil lair banging pots and pans together telling him to square the fuck up, Master. Her Cain instinct is fully activated. Move outta the way old man, Ahsoka's going to do what she must and she's actually going to follow through with her words.
Obi-Wan's got the cornerstone on depression, Ahsoka's got rage covered, together they almost form one healthy grief response. (I'm imagining them both living at the same rebel base post O66 and the twins going between them for wildly contrasting takes on their dad lmao)
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st4r-t3ars · 1 day
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stargirl230 · 10 months
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Starstruck ✨
My chromebook finally gave out (rip) so I got a long-awaited hardware update!! This was a test on my new ipad :D
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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mearchy · 2 months
a mundane and probably well-established observation to make atp, but i really do like that they didn't cast some chiselled young superhero type actor as din, because that would've been very easy, conventional and satisfying for mainstream audiences. there was no awestruck face reveal where he takes the helmet off and he's a captain america esque action figure with an artistically badass scar or something. he's literally just a dude. like, i can't express the extent to which din djarin is just a guy. he's got scruff and helmet hair and absolutely terrified, uncomfortable eyes as he violates every boundary he has in this act of desperation to save his child. it's not a hotshot-revealed movie moment and that gives it so much more weight. that moment was not a victory, it was a sacrifice.
also we just straight up need more aging protagonists in our action and fantasy media and anytime we get fed well i'm glad. no more mcu under-forty club more scifi senior citizen center.
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clonememesfrikyeah · 28 days
Give Alpha-17 a pair of brass knuckles
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iph1s · 22 days
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chaotic-kitty · 1 month
I've been seeing people talk about the new episode, when it comes to Phee and her line about Tech.....I feel some people are misinterpreting it a bit? Or at least singling her out.
Yes, sure, the name drop was a bit weird. But it was no more weird than the other tech name drops.
The air surrounding Techs death has been weird and dismissive in some ways by the show as a whole. All of the characters have been acting like it didn't happen, until they drop a line and give a pout and then carry on with the conversation. That's been something that *all* the characters have done, not just Phee. Singling her out feels unfair.
And when it comes to what her line was, the context. I don't think she was acting like she was all of a sudden incapable without Tech. I think it was more acknowledging the fact that they probably wouldn't have had to turn to Phee to find that information if Tech was still alive. Tech was well versed in these subjects, I half expected him to pop out with the answer when they first asked about the M-count. So I don't think she was doing anything other than acknowledging Techs abilities. Because they don't have that anymore. They don't have someone with a well of knowledge that can give them an answer then and there or with a couple of taps on his data pad. They have to go to other people, use other resources.
With her tone about the whole thing though? We don't know much about Phee. Different people grieve in different ways. I'm sure if she had shown more sadness at it people would've also had something to say. And it's not necessarily like she lost a long term lover, so, while there was chemistry, the reaction may not be what you might expect from her. And I mean....they were in the middle of an important conversation and she was clearly pressed for time anyways.
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