#stay at home moms
katelyn-marie323 · 2 years
I think housedresses are a thing we need to bring back in a major way. Flowy, loose dresses are so comfortable and great for house chores. I also am of the opinion that if you take time for yourself to look good, you are more productive, happier, and confident. You also don't even need to do much to look put together, just wear a dress and put your hair in a ponytail and you look great. Also, almost all of my housedresses from the 50s-70s contain pockets.
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audrinawf · 7 months
stop encouraging your followers to have kids it’s fucking selfish. the world is shit we shouldn’t be bringing children into this it’s killing the environment. I’m sick of this breeders promoting family life when people can’t even afford to buy homes anymore. it’s irresponsible of you to tell women they should have kids.
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quit it with the dramatics. there’s always war and disaster happening it’s not something new. if people stopped having children during the dark ages cause it was “selfish” you wouldn’t be here right now. Y’all really want to act like we have it worse today than any other time.
It’s the same thing as people bitching about recycling and plastic straws when we really should be flaming the billionaires with their private planes and the big corporations ruining the environment.
what have you done to make this planet a better place? besides spreading negativity and trying to discourage people from having kids? (I’m only going this hard cause you’ve left SEVERAL hateful asks that I can see but I won’t address) you’re not saving this world by not having a child, or maybe you are cause there will be one less person like you but the point is that you need to open your eyes and think for yourself. the people telling you to not have kids cause “tHe wOrLD is bAd 🤯” don’t even adhere to those principles themselves. they just don’t want us normies to procreate but it’s fine if they do? they really got us believing we need to be multimillionaires to be allowed to procreate when procreation is most natural instinct for all species.
I see it like this. when you bring children to this world you create your own village, your own tribe and what matters is how much you love them and what you teach them. we need our own villages and communities more than ever today. these money hungry billionaires aren’t going to convince me that what’s truly going to make me happy is having all this free time to sit on TikTok and social media for the rest of my life with a crippling online shopping addiction to fill the void of not having a family.
of course I don’t think you should have kids if your facing homelessness or fighting a drug addiction but jeez we don’t need to be making 6848 million dollar annually to be allowed to bring children into this world.
also be so fr right now. the fact that you called me a breeder just proves that you don’t give af about kids and their well-being. it’s on thing to be child free but you anti family weirdos don’t give a shit about the environment or the kids born to irresponsible parents. y’all have deeper issues that y’all project on us instead of working them out. y’all just use the faux concern as a reason to be disagreeable. that’s all it is. cause why else do these child free people feel the need to have whole communities dedicated to hating on literal kids? why else do I see at least 5 videos a day of people like you feeling the need to prove something to us on TikTok, literally I just opened TikTok today and there was a woman making the most condescending video on the being like “lOok aT mE I dOnT hAvE KiDs” “I have so much free time to do “insert pretentious hobby” look at me I can drink during the day cause I don’t have kids. Look at me!!!!!! okay and? so drink your margarita then? it’s like y’all live to brag and perform. Just do your hobbies and drink your wine and leave us alone. but the thing is we don’t give af cause we are busy living our own lives but y’all are just waiting every day for us to look at y’all and regret our families and children? Like if you’re so happy in your child free lives then why do you need our validation so bad?
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kiwimamasblog · 1 year
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“what do you want in life”
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aqueencomplexx · 1 year
For the price of $0.00, I will physically fight anyone who disrespects stay at home parents
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youllbeonmysleeve · 1 year
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One day I realized I had whole bunch of random things collecting in an assortment of jewelry boxes and catch-all places so I just started gluing them on stuff I guess it's called mixed media of course everything has a name but I got really obsessed with that and taking pictures of inanimate objects that I had put all over my apartment anyway this is all stuff I made or photos I took myself.
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brokenlibrarygirl · 9 months
Unpopular thoughts as I grow older…
I am so sad that the smartest girls in my High School who went to elite colleges, that with my 80 percentile rank ass couldn’t get into, are either stay-at-home moms or are severely under-employed.
Again I will acknowledge that my suburban town was skewed to the evangelical religious right, but these girls had hopes and dreams. I’m just out here like….what happened?
I don’t have a problem with stay at home moms. They are elite level executive functioners. I worry about their identities, their work load, their dreams, their relationships, and their social circles. Like at some point the kids won’t need your daily supervision. What will you do then?
They will have this potential 20+ year gap. No additional training or education. No work experience. If their husband/partner were to lose their job, become unable to work, or die, they and their family ARE screwed.
One of them invited a bunch of us to brunch for a 30 year reunion thing…and like shit I’m the only single-no kids person involved . I noped out so fast. My bff was invited too, she didn’t get why I didn’t want to go.
I’m unable to small talk without getting socially drained after 5 minutes.
I can only fake interest in other people’s kids for so long.
It was most likely a dry brunch so no social lubricants would have helped.
I will have little to no conversational input unless they want to hear about my job and dog. I just want to remain prone on my couch and not question my life choices, is that too much to ask?
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nozomeigh · 1 year
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wildlife4life · 1 year
Being a stay at home mom is def a job and a half bestie. Idk if i could do it i cant even take care of myself most days
It is a true balance act that tips a different way each day. Honest to god if it weren’t for my fiancé and the support system I have, I wouldn’t have made it the first few months after becoming a mom. Post partum is a bitch. Tumblr is very nice escape though.
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loser-female · 11 months
Here is an awesome article from Zawn (so it's not a Man Having Radfem or a Childfree Spinster) about why you shouldn't be a stay at home mom.
Dear reader, if you are considering staying home, please know that I deeply respect your decision, and your desire to be with your children. I am not judging you. I am asking you to, for the safety of your children and for your own well-being, please consider the actual costs of stay-at-home parenthood. [...]
But stay-at-home parenthood presents many significant hidden costs. And if you can’t budget for these, then you can’t reasonably and safely become a stay-at-home parent. Ask yourself: Will my husband put money into a retirement fund for me each month? How much of our budget will we allocate for my continuing education, so that I can retain skills that enable me to eventually return to the workplace? What will my husband invest in my job search when and if I do eventually return to the workforce? What about the lost earnings I’ll face when I do return to the workforce? Is my husband prepared to compensate me for this? Will I have access to an emergency fund? Even feminist men can become abusive or develop addictions. How will you leave if this happens to you? [...]
Even if your marriage is rock solid, can you be 100% certain that your husband won’t weaponize the newfound power of being the sole breadwinner? No, you absolutely cannot.
The article is amazing and I really hope it helps a lot of people to gain more insight of the risks associated. I already discussed how society lies to women who are or want a relationship with a man - and this glorified martyrdom is one of these lies.
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katelyn-marie323 · 2 years
The beauty of motherhood cannot be understated. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and also the greatest. I have never felt such deep abject joy. Every milestone she passes, every smile, every giggle gives me such a level of love I never even knew existed or was possible.
It’s popular nowadays to downplay motherhood and to convince women that they’ll hate and regret having children. If you’re like me and always knew you wanted kids, you probably get a ton of, “Just you wait...”s. You probably start to feel as if your desire to be, “Just a mother,” is not enough.
As if being the creator and sustainer of life itself is somehow a lowly vocation and calling.
Motherhood is complete self-sacrifice and insanely difficult, but oh so extremely worth it. I’m so sorry if your dream to become a mother has been demeaned and trashed.
But I’m here to tell you today that motherhood is beautiful and is the kind of love that is impossible to describe in words. So keep that dream and don’t let others put you down for it 💕.
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audrinawf · 1 year
This is rude af take so don’t come at me I already know I’m a bitch for saying this but as a person who wants at least 4-5 kids it still rubs me the wrong way when people who didn’t plan their kids and had them too young, in this case I mean you had them when you weren’t stable or you didn’t finish ur degree or you didn’t have stable housing or whatever when they later on go on to tell young people that “my kid is the best thing that happened to me and I regret nothing”….like ofc that’s the best thing that happened cause nothing else happened for you since having kids stalled ur whole life but cmon people need to think before they say stuff like this cause it’s gonna fool people into thinking that they can have a good quality of life. Teen parents and irresponsible parents who did not fix their future and set their kids up BEFORE having them are irresponsible and they have nothing else to compare their life to so ofc they think they made the best choice.
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kindsoulbuddy · 1 year
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I’ve known many anti vaxxers in my years going to church and essential oils are held up as legit cure-alls.
I’ve also been in attendance at psychic Pokémon card burnings. Harry Potter was something I eventually read but I was an adult by then.
I’m in Hufflepuff btw.
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One time I thought a fellow mom wanted to be my friend. She invited me to Panera for lunch. I packed up my youngest and his diaper bag, got him a high chair at the table. It’s a lot of work taking your toddler out to a restaurant by yourself.
Anyway. She showed up and started trying to sell me essential oils. She gave me some samples and I pretended that I was very happy to receive them. She was part of an MLM of course.
I was a bit disappointed. I have to say also, not too surprised.
so many moms at church were selling essential oils, and Lularoe, and fair trade stuff, etc.. And I’m not even blaming these women for falling for it. I get it; it’s hard to figure out a way to earn income when you’re a stay at home mom with multiple children.
Sometimes I wonder how on earth I could work from home too.
I’m angry with the companies that prey on Moms and make them think they can be their own boss and earn as much as 6 figures, maybe not as much as their husbands because he’s ordained to be the breadwinner.
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mommapaytana · 1 year
Bedtime - my favorite time of day
When Pregnant Me told people I was going to quit my tech job to stay at home with the baby, the responses from those who knew me well weren't surprising.
"You'll be bored and back in no time!"
"It's not as fulfilling as you think it will be."
"You're going to really miss talking to adults. Work is an escape from your kid!"
Quite a few people told me to thank my husband which I can appreciate and agree with.
Pregnancy hormones were raging when I made this decision and I fully expected myself to miss corporate life by the time the fourth trimester was over. Seeing reddit posts and pinterest blogs about how un-glamorous and downright hard being a SAHM is just confirmed my bias.
So tell me why
I am more fulfilled now than I ever was at any job (& I have had jobs I LOVED). Caring for this baby - MY baby - sparks creativity, fuels my drive, and ushers in buckets full of joy multiple times a day.
I am shocked. I didn't expect this to be for me. If this job was a meal, pouring into this baby is the main dish that gives me purpose. Side dishes include finding ways to save money, all the chores, and having an immaculate, functional home basically 24/7. I love that I have the flexibility to support my husband in his career and his hobbies and have time to visit my grandmother in her old age.
Friends and family have checked in to see how I'm getting on and laugh when I tell them bedtime is my favorite time of day. Of course I tell them I love being home and I feel incredibly fortunate for the opportunity to do so, but how can I explain the sheer magic of my day? My baby is noticing more, playing more, and developing so rapidly that I look forward to bedtime because I know he still fits in my arms. My embrace is still his safe space where he gets the most peaceful sleep. My heart expands every time he peaks an eye open and smiles to check that I'm still holding him.
I just wanted to throw this into the internet for the person that's thinking about quitting corporate to raise children and reading what I was reading and hearing what I was hearing.
Why did no one tell me staying at home would make me magic?
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lyndaanneshop · 1 year
What Does It Mean To Be A Proverbs 31 Wife?
Photo by Caio on Pexels.com We are all too familiar with the Christian cry for women to be a “Proverbs 31 Wife.” But what exactly does that mean? Well, most today assume it means to be a traditional stay at home mom, a house wife. Being a housewife is a 24/7 job full of rewards, but that “traditional” notion is actually a 1950’s concept. The nuclear family did not exists until the suburban…
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tmartin0918 · 1 year
I wanna sit and ugly cry.
Not sit and quietly let the tears roll down my cheeks while my kid watches a show at 1am because he wont sleep again, but I wanna sit and sob and scream and let it wrack through my bones until I have nothing left to give.
My fiancé has turned out to be useless. We agreed to me being a stay at home because of our kid having developmental delays. He only works 8 hour days most days, 10 hours on Sundays. He comes home, makes food, and goes straight to playing video games with his friend.
He talks about his day, hardly listens to me about my day with the kid, and doesnt play nearly as much as he should with the little.
It is so bad, that if he goes to sleep at the same time as us, the little will fight sleep to the point of being overtired just so they can see their daddy. And then the whole bed time routine is fucking shot.
I do not get enough sleep when this happens. Which means my medication to keep my brain from screaming at me to off myself doesnt work.
He makes me feel ugly and worthless. My worth is in cleaning and child-rearing and Im so depressed I sit and cry while the kid safely plays in a play pen.
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sophiaforevs · 1 year
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