pocket-soulmates · 7 months
Pocket Soulmate Masterpost
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A Special Thank You
Pocket Soulmates are a Soulmate AU inspired by @awrubyblue's Pocket Steve art series.
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Original Fic
The Pocket Guide to Pockets by cthulu_hoops (@bucky-boychik-barnes)
honey you're familiar (like my mirror years ago) by cthulu_hoops (@bucky-boychik-barnes)
Captain America (MCU)
Pocket Full of Sunshine by subluxate
Pop Goes the Weasel by subluxate and cthulu_hoops (@bucky-boychik-barnes)
Teen Wolf
The Little Things by seikaze (@mirrorthoughts)
Young Justice
i'm all yours but you're all mine by @suzukiblu
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Captain America (MCU)
Steeb and Booky by @chaos-and-ink
Booky by @chaos-and-ink
Steve, Bucky, Booky, and Steeb by @chaos-and-ink
The Adventures of Bucky and Steeb by @chaos-and-ink
Young Justice
Tim Drake and Pocket Kon by @jube-art
Kon-El and the Pockets Tim, Cassie, and Bart by @jube-art
'i'm all yours but you're all mine' Character Studies by @breakingthespacetimewall
Cassie Sandsmark and Pocket Kon by @breakingthespacetimewall
Tim Drake and Pocket Kon by @breakingthespacetimewall
Superboy and his Pockets by @breakingthespacetimewall
Nightwing and his Pockets by @breakingthespacetimewall
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Young Justice
'i'm all yours but you're all mine' Chapter 1 excerpt by @breakingthespacetimewall
'i'm all yours but you're all mine' Chapter 2 excerpt by @breakingthespacetimewall
'i'm all yours but you're all mine' Chapter 2 excerpt by @breakingthespacetimewall
Breaking out their boyfriend by @breakingthespacetimewall
More to come!
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kicktwine · 5 months
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two blind cats go observe architecture more at 10
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justaminnow · 13 days
I think I misunderstood the song because my leg bone is NOT connected to my hip bone.
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theecrybaby · 9 months
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I made dis
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
"I'll just write in bed," is the Devil talking and I know it but that never stops me from taking my laptop to bed, fully intending to do work, then being surprised when my brain starts suggesting we take a little nap.
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Any hEDS folk got any tips for subluxation?
I’ve never dislocated anything but just got told that I likely have hEDS and am realising a few things.
Sometimes my joints make a click sounds and hurt like a bitch and feel really weird. Kinda floppy but sometimes stiff depending on where it is. I didn’t even realise subluxation was a thing. Is this subluxation??
Usually I just wiggle the joint around a bit and wait for it to click back. If it’s causing loads of pain then I just ignore it and wait for it to go away, which is usually does when I accidentally move weirdly and then it clicks back where it’s supposed to.
I have a feeling that that’s not how you’re supposed to deal with it but don’t know any alternatives.
Any help?
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leonisdumbasallhell · 8 months
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Achey Jill >0<
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crimeronan · 1 month
did NOT get in trouble at PT today. like, At All. arguably i got in the opposite of trouble fjsjdj my physical therapist was like "wow i Wish all of my patients reported progress like this, my mental health would be so much better." then he told me the reason we've been starting off slow is because autoimmune disease and exercise can be such a dangerous combo, but said it seems like i know my body and limitations really well (true) and can sense when to stop if i'm in danger of flaring (true). so he set up a plan to add sets + resistance bands + a new exercise, & was like i want you to add these incrementally n stop Immediately if it feels bad. but based on your progress so far this seems like a possible upper goal to reach.
also i had a moment of being like "oh man, i can walk for miles now, i'm able-bodied again and taking up PT space that real disabled people could use??"
......up until he did a couple strength + walking + balance tests n was like. ok. you are leaps and bounds ahead of where i expected. you are also So Crippled,
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milkweedman · 14 days
Too sick to do pretty much anything but also bored as hell. Been spinning the southdown flax blend on my espinner cause why not, nobody has ordered any and I can make more if they did.
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It's a very interesting spin. I spun a sample before I put it up for sale to make sure it wasn't awful, which it's not; but it is difficult. Not sure I would have been able to spin it before I learnt how to spin flax. You gotta keep an eye on both components as you work, making sure you're not leaving the southdown behind or letting the flax bunch up. It's easy once you are used to it, but still different.
The espinner I got working a little better by seating the drive band correctly. Still not a fan of the fact that I'm not directly in control of the speed... on a wheel or spindle I often want to slow down or stop but it's a pain on the espinner and it leads to uneven yarn. These things are weird.
Anyway. Dont know what I'll do with it but it's nice to spin again. Have been having trouble using my supported spindles bc of my shoulders. I know there's a way to lay down where you can spin supported without shoulder pain; the issue is I can't lay in one position for very long bc then everything else hurts. And of course supported is what i switched to after wheel spinning was too painful, which i got into because drop spindling was too painful. Can you tell how upset I am that spinning is being slowly taken from me. Haha. Anyway. Glad for the espinner in this regard.
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tumble-tv · 7 months
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chaos-and-ink · 8 days
EDS is so funny because I'll be stretching my elbow and then it'll suddenly POP and collapse backwards and I'm like oops, lemme just fix that-- Meanwhile all of my peers are staring with horror in their eyes as I test my elbow out to see if it's back to normal.
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Do able-bodied people daydream about using a wheelchair
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spooniestrong · 3 months
Subluxed my thumb opening a bottle of water last night. 😑
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wormonastringtheory · 2 months
hey fuckers who cursed my bones and tissues to be all wobbly
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saintsenara · 1 month
I’m obsessed with your Percy/Rodolphus fic, so I just wanted to get some more of your thoughts on who you think the Lestrange brothers are/what they’re like. They’re often overlooked in this fandom but I personally love them. (PS your answer to my Frank/Rabastan question was amazing. Thank you!)
thank you so much, anon! this is a lovely ask and i'm so thrilled you've enjoyed subluxation.
i've been joking quite a lot while writing it that it’s tricked me into finding rodolphus and rabastan lestrange fascinating, having never cared about them before. but this is - it’s time to come clean - not strictly true... obviously, as a bellamort shipper, poor cuckolded roddy has had to take up some space in my brain, but also the family appears in quite a lot of my other writing and i have quite a lot of headcanon lore i appear to have ascribed to them…
most of this - unsurprisingly - surrounds the family’s relationship with voldemort. while the evidence of canon is that the malfoys are voldemort’s favourite accomplices - at least until lucius falls from grace after failing to retrieve the prophecy - i am much fonder of the idea that the lestranges are the dark lord’s most important death eaters and that the family has been in voldemort’s orbit since the second he arrived at hogwarts.
i do not - however - think that the lestrange originally ensnared is either rodolphus or rabastan. i know many people choose to interpret the mention in half-blood prince of a lestrange in the slug club alongside tom riddle as referring to rodolphus - and i do see the interesting things which can be done both with the idea of him as voldemort’s oldest friend [and, therefore, fully aware of his real name, appearance, and background, while his wife is not] and the idea of him as much older than bellatrix. but i much prefer the idea of voldemort having an impact which is distinct across three separate generations: you have the knights of walpurgis, who become the first death eaters, who know the proto-voldemort of the 1940s and 1950s, with all his messy human characteristics; then you have these men’s sons, who know the unassailable paramilitary kingpin of the 1970s, who seems to be a force of pure magic; then you have these men’s sons, who know the paranoid, monstrous voldemort of the 1990s and his single-minded obsession with harry potter. or, in other words, you have abraxas malfoy - then lucius malfoy - then draco malfoy, each trying to square the voldemort that’s in front of them with the voldemort they once knew.
hence my favourite original character: rodolphus and rabastan’s father, romulus augustulus lestrange. named for the last - and worst - roman emperor.
i am - as any good tomarry shipper - obsessed with the parallels between harry and voldemort, and i originally came up with romulus in order to provide voldemort with his very own ron weasley. the two meet on the hogwarts express when romulus sits in tom’s compartment, it’s romulus who acts as the insider to the magical world who helps tom adjust to his new life in the castle, and it’s romulus who convinces tom while they’re heading north that the only house worth being in is slytherin. i like him then remaining tom’s ride-or-die even through his teen edgelord days, his depressed retail-worker days, and his long sojourn on the continent.
[although readers of my tomarry wip one year in every ten will be aware that his relationship with the young voldemort is not entirely a happy one…]
i write rodolphus and rabastan as being born in 1949 and 1953 respectively and as having some sort of acquaintance with voldemort as children - indeed, one headcanon i use, if the story fits it, is that voldemort is both brothers’ godfather. this means that, when voldemort returns from albania in 1966, both are in their teens and - rodolphus especially - are all too susceptible to the revolutionary miracle voldemort is promising. i imagine that rodolphus - in conjunction with lucius malfoy - is the dark lord’s best recruiter of young pureblood men in the later 1960s and early 1970s, and that these men are much more interested in open violence than their fathers, who support voldemort as a political leader within the wizarding world’s established framework, rather than as a terrorist.
which means, of course, that i think that rodolphus is the person who recruits bellatrix.
while i like the potential of bellatrix and rodolphus’ canon vibe being caused by the gulf of a large age gap, i really like them as a clear illustration of the way in which pureblood society’s rigid gender roles stifle potential - and, therefore, think that they marry the second bellatrix finishes school, in an arranged marriage they both go through with because it’s what they think they ought to do [and i think that voldemort’s affair with her starts almost simultaneously - i think it’s important, when thinking about bellatrix’s radicalisation, that all the evidence of canon is that she’s groomed to be a terrorist when she’s barely out of her teens by a man old enough to be her father, and voldemort - who, when she’s 19, is 44 - being her only proper experience of a romantic or sexual relationship is quite a key part of that]. i am wedded to the idea that the marriage is profoundly unhappy - but not abusive or toxic - because neither bellatrix nor rodolphus really like each other - they get along cordially enough, but there’s no real passion or affection between them.
the only exception to this is their passion for voldemort and his terrorist organisation. the implication of canon is that bellatrix is the more zealous of the two - and that she is the ringleader of their attack on the longbottoms, while rodolphus and rabastan are just doing as they’re told - but i don’t buy it. i think rodolphus is a hardcore death eater, that he is entrusted with high-level missions throughout the 1970s, and that voldemort values him incredibly highly prior to 1996, when our evidence is that he’s also sent to azkaban having been caught in the department of mysteries alongside lucius malfoy.
[and one high-level thing i think he’s entrusted with is the knowledge of what - exactly - is in his vault…]
which means, i think, that he is probably slightly more disillusioned than bellatrix once he’s broken out of prison for a second time in july 1997. i am now convinced that the role he plays in subluxation - essentially pius thicknesse’s childminder - is one he agrees to because he thinks it’ll keep him safer than being at voldemort’s side as he grows more and more volatile - and i am also convinced [because, i hate to say, i’m a delphini truther] that he flees the battle of hogwarts the second harry springs out of hagrid’s arms and goes on the run with his dead wife and dead master’s lovechild.
rabastan - on the other hand - gets given up by lucius malfoy as part of his plea deal and shuffled off for life in azkaban.
indeed, i really like rabastan as… a bit of a flop. whereas i think rodolphus has a genuine capacity for sadism, i prefer rabastan in what we might call the draco malfoy vein - someone who is profoundly unpleasant and who believes wholeheartedly in blood-supremacy, but who doesn’t have the stomach to actually follow this through with violence. i like the idea of him as someone voldemort finds quite unimpressive, and i also like the idea that rodolphus - since awful people are never wholly awful, nor good ones wholly good - puts himself in considerable danger to protect his younger brother from the dark lord’s anger by fixing his mistakes and covering for his fuck-ups.
and i am now really, really into the concept of rabastan and frank longbottom!
the only other headcanons that i am absolutely set on when it comes to the lestranges are that their ancestral home is in brancaster, in norfolk [a very beautiful, but not not desolate place], and that romulus has a great love of flying horses which is passed down to both of his sons.
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