#summertime au
Sugar, Baby
Three bros and an ice cream shop. That's it. That's the summary.
Warnings: Sex in public, oral (receiving), oral (giving), food play, smoochies and sexual tension
Feral: Half midnight and it's sweltering. Floors mopped. Chairs up. Moths fluttering around the street lamp. Shop's closed but he's got his feet up on one of the picnic table benches out front, elbows on his knees and a bar mop over the sleeve of his tank top. Vanilla dripping over his knuckles from the cone that's dripping. A quick tongue, but lazy to lick it up; not fast enough to catch every drop, but he's making eye contact while he enjoys it, half-smiling in that amber spotlight like the spot beside him is an invitation but you don't get the chance to sit. Five minutes and you're around back. Vanilla on your lips. Cold kisses between your thighs. Honeyed fingers pulling you closer. Your skirt up around your thighs. That slow tongue gives your clit the same treatment as the cone he was eating: like you're the sweetest thing he's ever tasted.
Savage: The apron doesn't fit him, and neither does the ridiculous paper hat perched jauntily between his horns. His thick arms. Those short sleeves. Little pinafore striping on everything. Those heavy thighs of his in shorts and flip-flops don't quit either. The big guy pulling scoops and making sundaes wears his uniform proudly, even when he's covered in chocolate sauce; even when you're on your knees beneath that silly little apron frothing whipped cream on his cock. The floors are immaculate, the tile cold under your knees, thank stars the air conditioner's still working because hard work like this gets you sweaty. With his hips against the bar, his clawed fingers gripping the edge, you count how many licks it takes to get to the center of this tootsie pop.
Maul: Works in back because he scares off the customers, churning the machines, making sure the deep freeze isn't too cold, keeping the proportions of sugar and cream and cherries perfect. Maul's Dark Side scoop is an exercise of passion: perfect ingredients, chilling timed to perfection. No one questions why he sneaks you in through the back door — you, the self-proclaimed taste tester — bent over one of the storage shelves, tasting his creations with tiny spoons while he watches and weighs your reaction when it turns rapturous. And him: more than indulgent. Devouring your expression. "This is good," you tell him — some dark chocolate and berry thing today. "Wait," he slows you, a thumb taking a smear off your chin, hovering in the moment where seconds pile together into tension. "Did you get it?" you ask him, but your gaze lingers on his lips, even as he leans in, smirking as he licks at the spot. "I did," Maul tells you, but the words are muffled against your kiss. He tastes like it too, you realize: currant and cherry and chocolate and sin.
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formsofcontinuity · 2 years
When the Light Leans Past Our Shadows (Chapter 2)
And it’s only been a little over a week! I’m sitting in a hotel room at 2am and should really get to sleep, but I just had to post this first.
~ ~ ~ ~
“Well, don’t you two look lovely together.” 
Kara startled at Lena’s voice, the slight jerk of her body causing Vermeer to spook. He sidestepped unexpectedly, a jarring motion at a canter. There was a suspended moment in time where she worried she might fall; Kara’s balance shifted dangerously to one side and the gravity of the sandy arena seemed to pull at her. Luckily, Vermeer recovered his footing quickly, and Kara was able to reseat herself, organizing the reins and straightening her posture, before soothing the horse with a palm on his neck. 
Kara brought Vermeer to a halt and then turned his head and her own body in the direction of the voice behind her. Lena, to her credit, looked absolutely mortified. Kara found herself smiling and waving away the other woman’s apology before she even started to issue it. 
“Oh my god. I am so sorry.”
“It’s fine, Lena. It’s fine.” 
Kara laughed, as she turned Vermeer fully and trotted over to Lena, who was standing at the far end of the arena, her hand over her heart. 
“Horses spook. It’s part of the package.”
Lena was shaking her head, flustered. “Well, I know better than to approach a horse from behind like that. I could have been a panther for all he knew.” 
Kara drew Vermeer to a stop at the fenceline, and Lena reached out a hand to stroke the horse’s nose in apology. Kara looked down at the heiress, dressed in what she supposed was what Lena considered casual: a tight-fitting pair of maroon pants, low-heeled boots, and a printed blouse. Lena’s hair was up in an elaborate, loose bun, her makeup delicate. She looked breathtakingly beautiful–but Kara quickly shook that thought from her mind before it had a chance to take hold.
She cleared her throat and Lena’s eyes, which had been lingering somewhere around Kara’s legs wrapped snugly around the saddle, snapped up to meet Kara’s gaze. Kara smirked, “You don’t look like a panther to me. I think we’re safe.” 
“It wouldn’t be the first time someone mistook me for predatory,” Lena quipped, before seeming to realize what she’d said. She took a step back from the fence, her tone shifting to something more practiced and careful.. “Don’t feel like you have to stop on my account.” She gestured expansively at the arena with one arm. “I just wanted to see how you were settling in, but I can come back later when you’re done, if that’s easier?” Lena started to back away from the arena to leave Kara to her own devices, which was exactly the opposite of what Kara wanted.
Read it on AO3!
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where-dreamers-go · 12 days
“Summertime” Leon S. Kennedy x Reader — Part Three
(A/N: Part one and two are up. We’re back with lifeguard Leon Kennedy! What happens after Reader and Leon’s date? Does Reader ever get his number? Does the Reader’s friend get to see the pairing they’ve been cheering for? Have you had water recently? The last part will be part four. Warnings: Mentions of sea creatures, fluff, romance, Leon being Leon with phrases, puns, and kissing. Word Count:  4,514 words)
Blue skies and happy vacationers made for a bright summer.
Thinking of the previous evening spent with a certain handsome lifeguard made the summer utterly delightful. It made getting out of bed in the morning easier.
You were happy; eager for a new day.
Within your wishes of the day, you hoped that Leon was also happy.
Being a lifeguard held huge responsibilities. Each day was different and Leon held his own while under pressure. He had dealt with people yelling in his face, rip tide, and lost children. That wasn’t including everything a lifeguard had to do either.
I hope today is a calm day for him, you thought. He definitely deserves it.
“Lifeguard duty again, I see.” Your friend stated from beside you.
The pair of you walked towards your preferred spot on the sandy beach. A little ways ahead of the lifeguard chair that was in clear view as you approached.
“Don’t be weird,” your friend added and zipped ahead.
“Sure, thanks.” You called after them. Shaking your head, you walked closer to the chair shaded by a red umbrella.
Sitting with an elevated view of the beach sat the very handsome man you had been crushing on for multiple vacations. One who happened to set out the lifeguard chair closer to the water and to where your friend always set up the towels. The larger lifeguard tower sat quietly behind it all, slightly off in the back, but not by much.
Just be casual. It’s fine.
“Hey Leon.” You grinned at him.
He leaned over the armrest and removed his sunglasses, a soft smile on his lips. “Hey you. Any adventures planned for today?”
“Might go swimming later.”
His smile widened. “Have fun. I’m here if you need me.”
“I appreciate that.” With a wave, you went to join your friend.
On the towels, your friend crossed their arms. “I’m going to need more salt in these chips to counteract you two and your sweetness.”
“Sure.” You stretched out on the towel, grinning unapologetically.
“I’m serious.”
“Oh, I know.” You chuckled and tilted your head back to take a peek at your favorite lifeguard.
Leon’s smile only grew upon meeting your gaze. After a tiny wave, he put his sunglasses back on.
Oh, that smile, you thought and brought your sights ahead of you once more.
What could that smile do to you?
If only you could see that smile of Leon’s more often.
Summertime held the perfect atmosphere for grilling, swimming, and sweet treats. Hot weather also brought a collection of clouds. Some of which caught attentive people’s notice.
Lunch time was around the corner and an offshore thunderstorm was quickly rolling in to meet it.
That’s a little too dark, you thought while eyeing the horizon.
Glancing over at Leon seat at his appointed chair, his gaze was focused on his phone. A rarity in his position. He nodded to himself before putting the device away.
Having locked with your gaze, Leon pointed out towards the water and said, “I’m going to start calling people in. The lightning is getting too close. You should get indoors for safety.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. You knew what lightning could do, especially the risk on a flat, sandy beach.
Together in record time, you and your friend packed up your belongings. The air around you had already felt different, charged and ready. The two of you scurried off of the long expanse of sand before the sky broke open into a downpour.
Much later, after thunderstorms and an early dinner, you headed to the gaming room. You were in dire need of entertainment. Checking the weather and hearing your friend repetitiously give critique on how you should talk to Leon more was enough to push you outdoors. The idea of playing in the arcade was rendered the preferable option.
Only a couple of minutes walk across wet concrete and various paths took up your time. Thunder still rolled in the distance, but the worst had passed, as you expected.
What you had not expected was to see Leon as you entered the gaming room. Well, his back, anyway; a clean white shirt and red swimming trunks. The man was leaning forward with full concentration over the pinball machine across from the main door.
Walking closer, you did your best not to startle him.
But who were you kidding? He was Leon.
“Checking on your high score?” Leon asked as you stepped up beside him.
“Maybe. Just curious.”
Risking a glance, Leon sent you a half-smile that weakened your knees.
How did you manage such strength the day before?
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
“I’m trying to put what I learned from you into practice.”
“And how’s that working out?” You watched the pinball ricochet through the middle section.
“I could use your professional guidance.”
“Yeah?” You peeked at his score, as his numbers had yet to put him in the top players.
Letting out a small grunt, Leon barely saved the pinball from dropping out of the game.
How should I do this? You thought, eyes flickering between his stance and the pinball itself.
“Would it help my case if I said, pretty, please?” Leon hit the side buttons repeatedly and unnecessarily. The newly placed pout on his lips made his attempts at pinball appear more desperate than initially seen.
“It wouldn’t help your timing,” you chuckled lightly and inched closer. “May I?” Your hands hovered over his on either side of the machine.
“Go for it.”
With most of your subconscious mind screaming, you proceeded to help Leon with his timing by placing your hands over his as he played. The small bit of logic in you hoped it would teach him to anticipate the pace of the game.
“Keeping the pinball in play for as long as possible,” you pressed his right fingers against the button, “is almost more important than getting the highest points on the board.”
“That sounds counterproductive.”
“I mean… If you’re only focused on getting the ball to those higher points, only, rather than keeping it in play, you’re going to lose out on more points in the long run.”
“Long term goals versus quick and big points. All right.”
As you two spoke, the pinball sped from one side of the board to the other. The traction leading it closer to following the loop towards the bottom.
“Okay. You can’t be too early because it’ll either fall in or you’ll be holding it there before trying to get the momentum back. It’s a tricky spot—so try avoiding that.”
The pinball was hit, its direction more favorable.
“Got it. Strategic not over zealous.”
“Exactly.” You kept your eyes trained on where the pinball traveled. A much more difficult task as Leon leaned closer to your level.
Goodness, you could smell him. It reminded you of vacation mornings and the baking aisle. Light and sweet backed with a quiet earthy scent. To be wrapped up in it for even an hour would be heavenly.
Focus. Focus. Fo— Crap.
Time ticked by without your attention on anything but the task set before you.
Spending one on one time teaching Leon ended up much more intimate than you imagined. He learned quick and not once did he downplay your own playing abilities.
The final pinball fell away. Lights and sounds ceased as a score was finalized.
Leon had gained a high score under your own. The illuminating numbers displayed for all to see.
Removing yourself from him quietly was a test of your composure. Your hands felt colder without his.
“Not bad.” He mused, eyeing the scoreboard. “Room for improvement, that’s for sure.”
Turning to you, Leon and yourself shared a smile as you gazed at each other. All warm and familiar.
“You did great.” You said softly.
“I had professional help.”
“Is it my turn?” A voice piped up from behind the two of you.
Startled, you both looked over to see a kid, no older than ten, waiting patiently and a tad confused at whatever he just witnessed.
Apologizing to the kid, the pair of you quickly sidestepped away from the pinball machine.
“Oops,” you covered up a laugh. “Good game though.”
“Thanks.” Reflexively, Leon checked his watch and his eyebrows rose. “Ah. Didn’t realize it was that late. I should head home.”
“Oh. Get home safely, okay?”
“I will.” Leon’s smile was small, but incredibly sweet. “May I call you some time?”
Flutters erupted in your stomach.
It’s happening.
“If that’s alright?”
“Yes— It’s…it’s fine. Uh.” You dug out your phone and he did the same.
In a blur of numbers and bashful laughter, you both exchanged numbers and bid one another a good night.
The following day, clouds were building higher in the sky. Still blue and exceedingly warm. A promise for a fun summer day.
You turned to see Leon jogging up to you. A minor interruption on your way back to the rented condo to give your friend their favorite snacks.
“Hey, Leon,” you greeted him happily.
“Hi…uh.” He pulled at his shirt. No lifeguard or safety symbol in sight. “Are you busy today?”
“I’m on vacation.”
“Right.” Leon rotated the watch on his wrist. “Are you all right with aquariums?”
“Sure. Depends on the aquarium, I guess.”
“Would you like to go with me as a date?”
You smiled.
“To the aquarium. There’s one in the town over. I can drive us there; it’s only about twenty minutes or so.”
“Today?” You asked.
“Yes. Today.”
“Right now?”
“Oh! We don’t have to go right now. Not if you don’t want to. We—”
“I’d love to.”
Leon’s shoulders visually relaxed.
“Let me just change shoes and we can go. If you’re ready?”
“I’m ready,” he said quickly. “I’ll wait here.”
You gave him another smile and discreetly rushed inside.
Your date had assured you that the aquarium was both a research and animal rehabilitation center. No catching creatures for show and profit. Only education and hopefully giving the animals better lives if they could not be released back into their home. A home so close.
Leon had picked you up and drove you out on about a twenty minute drive. The time spent in the vehicle held various music choices and comments of other people’s driving skills. It wasn’t necessarily awkward, just a new environment. Leon made it fun either way.
“So, which animals are you most excited to see?” He questioned after paying for your ticket.
“No hesitation.” He chuckled, walking beside you.
“Well, we can see the other animals too, obviously.”
“Yeah, but now I’m learning which is your favorite. All the shark’s teeth meant something, huh?”
Leon slipped his fingers along your palm and your hands effortlessly clasped together.
“It did.” You smiled to yourself. “And thank you again for helping.”
“Of course.”
Shades of blue and a wide spaced interior offered a calm atmosphere. Not crowded or loud. Out of the way, signs directed visitors towards specific exhibits and animals, colorfully spaced every so often. Nothing overwhelming to deter you from exploring.
Your date, delighted as he was to be in your company, eagerly and curiously walked with you towards a wall of thick glass. Beyond it, fish of all shapes and colors swam between their decorated environment.
“I heard they keep their octopi locked up pretty tight.”
“Octopuses.” You corrected.
He raised an eyebrow.
“It would be octopi if the word octopus was latin, but it’s not. It’s weird. I know. Sorry.”
“Knowing isn’t weird.” Leon gave your hand a squeeze. “Knowing is understanding more about the world.”
“And hopefully respecting it.”
“Yeah. Hopefully.”
In front of you both, a large fish with old scratch marks languidly swam by. Possibly an injury from propellers of a boat or netting. The fish was, without a doubt, not young and may have even been in a few scraps with others sea creatures.
The sea and the creatures within were a wonder. 
Swimming closer to the glass, the fish slowly passed.
“Okay,” you added. “That one was pretty big.”
“It could probably eat me whole.”
“No.” You hushed his outlandish thoughts.
“It could. You saw that thing, right?”
Walking along the tank, you said determinedly, “I’m not letting any fish eat you. Not on purpose and not on accident.”
At your words, Leon held himself higher and gave a satisfied look over to the fish. “Hear that? I’m off the menu. And not just because I’m on a date.”
You laugh came suddenly and short.
He’s a goof too, you thought while shaking your head in good humor.
Further inside the aquarium, after seemingly traveling through a tunnel with tanks on either side, you two spotted multiple pools in the center of an area. The small pools had numerous people gathered around them; even to the point of leaning against ‘Do Not Touch’ signs around the short exhibits.
Probably fish and stingrays, you thought. Not the delicate ones though.
“I’ve seen videos where fish keep circling back to get scratches.” You told your date as you two strolled passed.
“A dogfish?”
“No.” You bumped his arm lightly.
“A catfish?”
“Neither of those and I don’t remember what it was.”
Leon nodded and said in a serious tone, “Could definitely be related to a dogfish.”
Laughing quietly, you pulled him along towards the next exhibit of interest.
“Oh,” Leon exclaimed playfully. “I think I see where you want to go.”
“Hmm?” Following his line of sight gave way to a bright smile on your lips. “Oh, yeah.”
“Called it.”
Mutual delight added a skip to each step.
The pair of you headed toward an unobstructed view of another tank, taller than either of you could reach. Watery depths decorated with corals added more color to the shades of blue. One of the far sides were indistinguishable to its true distance as it kept a large environment for many fish; neither rectangular or perfectly round. An informational sign listed more than a dozen sea creatures in that tank alone.
Of all the fish, one caught your attention first. A hammerhead shark.
Hands intertwined, you and Leon observed the few visible hammerheads as they as almost swiveled through the water with their flattened head. It was peaceful. Everything there an ease to approach in order to learn and witness animals almost as if through a screen; close and mostly clear.
“When I was little, hammerheads were the first shark I liked.” You stated, wistfully thinking of a moment in your childhood. “No one ever told me they were scary or anything. I could just look at them without being fed terrifying tales.”
“Are they still your favorite?”
“I may be a little partial to great white sharks.”
“Movies didn’t scare you off?”
“Nope. I’ve watched too many nature documentaries for that.”
Softly, Leon’s thumb caressed the side of your hand. A soothing and comfortable gesture; touch that came naturally as if done a dozen times before.
“Nurse sharks are really nice too,” you said as you spotted one at the bottom of the tank. “They’re still cool even though people don’t get all crazy hype about them. They’re important too.”
“Important animals should be considered cool regardless. Or at least not badmouthed in groups. Do you know how many shark movies there are where the shark is the antagonist?”
“More every summer, I’m sure.”
“There’s always someone at the beach trying to scare people or asking if there are any sharks in the water.” Leon gestured widely with his free hand. “Technically, yeah, there are sharks in the water. It’s just a huge body of water. They’re likely not near shore depending on the time of day.”
“And time of year.”
“Yeah. I hope there’s not a new shark movie this year…”
“Nah. I think it’s romcoms and zombies.”
“Great.” Leon chuckled sarcastically.
Patting his bicep affectionately, you steered him around a curve of the tank to see more.
And more was seen amongst all blues and greens. Both of you enjoying the views full-heartedly. The large tank of sharks held true as a definite highlight.
Minutes turned into hours and comments lengthened into conversations. The pair of you went through almost every exhibit sharing facts about animals and memories of each other’s past.
A lovely date nearing its end.
Near one of the exits of the aquarium stood a well-lit gift shop. The two of you wandered into it with curious eyes. It was small, but stuffed full of merchandise.
You could easily be in there for half an hour glancing around.
Somewhere between souvenir cups and being distracted by detailed figurines, you did not see Leon’s movements. When you had peered over next, you found that Leon had disappeared from your side.
Huh. Where’d he go? You thought as you glanced around the shop. Did he find something?
Finally, you spotted him at the register being handed a bag.
He bought something. Okay… Not a big deal, but why’d he veer off so quickly?
Upon grabbing the bag, Leon turned away from the counter, eyes scanning the shop.
Raising a hand, you gave a tiny wave.
His bright smile greeted you once he found you. In a few strides, Leon returned to you with an air of excitement.
“Found something good?” You asked.
“I did. It’s for you.”
Seeing your smile, Leon grabbed your hand and lead you out of the shop.
“You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Wait ‘till you see it first.” Leon held open the bag for you to look inside.
Peering up at you was the grey and white face of a plush great white shark.
“Really?” You practically squealed in glee as you lifted the plush out of the confines of the bag.
“Yeah. All yours.”
“He needs a name.” You announced as you begun rotating the soft plush in your hands, checking every detail of cuteness.
Leon hummed in thought.
“Something that makes sense.”
He hummed again.
You turned the plushie at different angles before poking its nose.
“Finn?” You looked to Leon with an approving smile. “That’s so cute.”
“Well, he is yours.”
“I love it. And I love him too.” You gave the plush a light hug. “But… I didn’t buy you anything.” You glanced back at the gift shop.
“Trust me, giving you Finn is better than anything in there.”
A bubbling warmth filled you, eased you and made you smile continuously.
How is Leon real?
Another hot summer day and window shopping was on the agenda. You and your friend went exploring the local shops to your hearts content. Options wide and catered to tourists. The perfect opportunity for your friend to ask a hundred questions about your date from the day before. At least your friend and your own curiosity for artisan goods could be satisfied more directly. Just the two of you. A normality during and outside of vacations.
Late in the evening, back in the rented condo, your phone alerted you of a text.
It was from Leon, asking if you’d be up for a swim in the pool later. The pool at the beach club had lights and usually people were gone by nine o’clock the latest.
You informed your friend before they could ask.
“Go with him.” Your friend urged.
“But it’s already late.”
“You stay up late. What’s the difference?”
“I’m inside when I stay up late.” You stated.
They fell back onto their bed.
Hugging your little shark plushie closer, you said, “I’m just….a creature of habit.”
“Do you want to go swimming with a fun, kind, and super fine with-and-without-a-shirt man that saves lives for a living?”
“Yes.” You answered quietly.
“Then what’s stopping you from answering the man? He’s into you.” They pointed to Finn and then the shark teeth. “Very into you.”
Taking a few deep breaths, you replied to Leon.
Sounds fun. I haven’t been able to use the pool yet. :)
Then it’s a date? (crossed fingers)
Yes, I’ll have to leave Finn here then.
Break the news to him gently. Don’t need him tearing up the room (fish)
I’ll do my best. :D See you later!
Can’t wait. ;)
“He sent a winking emoji,” you exclaimed.
Bolting upright, your friend squealed, “Show me! Oh my god!”
“There.” You turned your phone.
A little exchange of enthused exclaims later followed before you went to freshen up and change into a swimsuit.
Folded towel held in the crook of your arm, you found your favorite lifeguard standing beside the pool chairs.
“Hey you.” Leon’s smile was infectious.
“You ready for a swim?” Tilting his head, Leon’s eyes held your gaze warmly.
“Yeah.” You set your towel on a lounge chair.
In one swift movement of flexed muscles, Leon had removed his shirt.
You swore that your brain malfunctioned for a whole five seconds.
Giving you a cheeky smile, Leon hopped into the pool. Water droplets sprinkled along the tile by the seating.
My brain really needs to catch up with me, you thought while regaining your sense of self amidst the small splash.
You knelt by the edge of the water as your date’s head breached the surface.
“Finn isn’t too mad at me for stealing time with you, is he?” Leon asked and shook his hair out of his eyes.
“A little, but I think he understands.”
Carefully, you slipped into the water. It was a comfortable temperature despite the late hour. You swam further out into the pool to join Leon.
“That’s a relief. Don’t need him bumping his nose into me when I least expect it.”
“Cant’ have that.” You smiled softly. “We’ll make it up to him.”
“How’s fish crackers and Jaws sound?”
“Fin-tastic.” The words left you before you could filter them out.
Bringing his hand up through the water, Leon splashed you. He laughed as soon as you retaliated. The two of you went back and forth until you were wiping water from your eyes.
Now is not the time for this. You internally scolded your eyes.
“Sorry about that. Does it sting?” Leon asked. His voice was incredibly close.
“I’m fine.” You opened your eyes, but squinted almost immediately.
Leon shook his head. “May I see?”
You nodded.
Gentle hands cradled your face as he inspected your eyes one at a time. His thumb prodding your skin only enough to nudge your eyelids to open more.
“They might get a little irritated from all the chlorine they put in here. You should rinse with some water when you get back to the room, but you’ll be alright.” His warm breath fanned over your face, sending a chill down your side. One of his thumbs rubbed across your cheek affectionately.
“Nothing serious?” You questioned quietly.
“No, you’re—” Leon’s voice caught in his throat as his gaze locked with your own.
The pool’s water settled. Sounds of the waves in the distance were mere whispers.
Leon’s hands remained in place as you lost yourself in the depths of his blue eyes. Neither of you shied away from the vulnerability.
How were you suppose to react when all you wanted was to know more?
Your attempts at steadying your breathing was near impossible.
Bravery had its moments and yours came as your fingertips ghosted over Leon’s biceps. His gaze flickered down to your lips. Just centimeters away from his own.
“Leon,” you whispered.
“May I?” He swallowed and added quietly, “Please?”
The questions melted your heart.
How could Leon be so….endearing?
Fingers curling around his arms, you answered softly, “Yes.”
Eyes fluttered shut as your lips were greeted by a light pressure. Tenderness seeped into your skin every second Leon kept you close. Everything else faded away.
All too soon or much later, you couldn’t tell, the kiss ended.
The beauty of it still shined in Leon’s eyes, more stunning than the night sky. His smile tickled every ounce of happiness into light. So genuine and sweet.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Leon asked softly.
“Like what?”
“Like…you discovered something. Like you’re looking at something for the first time.”
You ducked your head, smiling then. “In a way, I guess.”
“What?” He chuckled and lifted your head to look at him again. “You discovered that I don’t kiss weird?”
Grinning, you shook your head. “I’m happy with you.”
Steadily and all over, the humor on Leon fell away to reveal open gratefulness. Pure and fully content.
“I’m happy with you too. So happy.” Circling an arm around your waist, Leon brought you even closer. The warmth of your bodies very evident, arousing.
Something within you both clicked.
Lips met again, firmly and passionate in each minute movement. A series of affections on repeat between quick inhales for air.
A light bump to your back signaled that Leon had you both by the pool’s edge for support. One strong arm at the edge to keep you both afloat. His lips traveled along your jawline. Exciting and thorough. Your hands tangled into his wet hair and encouraged him to continue kissing down your neck.
You sighed blissfully. Letting one of your hands travel down his toned back.
At the junction between neck and shoulder, you felt his open-mouthed kiss slow. The warmth of Leon’s exhale raised chills down your back. He gave another kiss. Still the same spot, well heated from the intimacy.
But how much further would you two go? In a public pool, mind you.
“Leon.” You whispered.
In response, he hummed. A delightful vibration that made you almost change your mind.
“We should…slow down a little.”
Leon raised his head to see your face. “Are you okay?” His eyebrows knit together in concern.
“Yeah.” You breathed out. “Just…” Trailing off in words, you glanced around you at the few overhead pool lights and dark buildings.
He nodded.
Chills ran over your water droplet-covered skin as the night air touched you. A fair reminder of where you two were.
Ever the observant one, Leon nudged his forehead against yours and stated, “Why don’t we get you warm in a towel?”
You smiled and gave a small nod.
Taking ahold of your hips, Leon lifted you out of the pool to sit on its edge. He snuck in a kiss to your knee. It was healing nicely.
He’s so attentive, I might melt or…something.
Leon waited for you to stand before pulling himself out of the water. Another glorious view of his being.
After making sure your towel was securely around your form, Leon kissed your forehead.
“Let’s get you inside.”
The short distance walking you back to your rented condo was filled with lingering looks and one of his arms wrapped around you.
“Good night,” Leon kissed you on the lips tenderly.
“Good night.” You smiled as he bumped your nose affectionately and squeezed your hand one more time.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Leon Scott Kennedy Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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smittyforts · 1 month
summer time sadness, au masterlist
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— ⟡ ryan leonard x fem!oc
ryan leonard made a bet with one of his college teammates cutter gautheir that he would try to make his next door neighbor fall in love with him. After a few months of getting to know her he realized that this may be his biggest regret.
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⟡ extra!
➘ playlist
➘ taglist
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⟡ fics!
(coming soon!)
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⟡ blurbs!
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⟡ social media edits!
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— ⟡ all fics and ask will be under the hashtags #ryan x willow and #summertime sadness au
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domono08 · 10 days
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Just Blaze stirring her soda. Or summertime Blaze
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goldenhour-s · 8 months
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In The Summertime 3
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, power imbalance, grooming behaviour, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your father’s best friend gives you a job for the summer, but he’s not so interested in your work ethic.
Character: dbf!Helmut Zemo
Note: Onto my break. I'll still be around for any of your asks, etc.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Zemo’s temporary office is airier, cozier. The lender of the space has much more modern taste, photos of the world’s capitals framed all around with some obscure foreign films intermingled.  A large daybed looks out a bay window in the front and a desk sits before a wall of shelves, white and pristine unlike his own antique mahogany and walnut. 
There’s a sofa against the other wall and a minifridge in the corner, a kettle on top with a chest of tea bags and jar of instant coffee. Beside the daybed, a small square metal table with a dining chair set before it. He apologises at the impromptu set up as he deems it your own.
You set to unpacking his books on the shelf emptied for his occupation. He’s at the desk pulling open the drawers and shuffling through his things as he sorts them out. You glance along those things remaining in the other cubbies, a crystal bottle of pink perfume with a vintage style pump and dried roses. 
It must be a woman. That makes you wonder. It is a rather generous favour.
You carry on in the hazy silence of a high summer noon. A sudden crackle interrupts the lull and you turn to watch Zemo twist the knob on a small yellow radio, flicking the antenna to catch a signal.
Through the static, you hear the intro of radio jockeys and the low intro of the next song. He continues his efforts until the reception clears and you can make out the retro tones of The Police.
Inside him, there's longing This girl's an open page Book marking, she's so close now This girl is half his age…
You don't know the song very well. Your father listens to some of that band, mostly the one about a castaway. You're grateful for the music, it fills the tedium of your work and eases the underlying nervousness that piques now and again. It comes to you that rarely did you spend so much time alone with Zemo.
“Ah, what a tedious day,” Zemo remarks as he rubs his lower back, standing behind the desk with a swoop of hair hanging forward, a sheen of sweat across his brow.
“It’s not so bad,” you chime, “it’s a nice place.”
“Oh yes, wonderful. My companion did say I could have full use of the home. My late nights need not be spent sleeping in a chair,” he chuckles and sits heavily in the leather seat, “ah, but the heat reminds me of my age.”
You keep a hold of the book in your hand and come closer, “are you alright?”
“Ah, I am only dramatic,” he waves you off and unbuttons his collar. “What one is that?” 
He points and you look down to the novel in your hand. You bring it up and admire the tattered edges of the embossed cover; The Portrait of a Lady. You’ve never heard of it. It looks Victorian. You hold it out as you approach.
“Oh, yes, a classic. If not wildly unknown. I recommend it.”
You glance at it again and shrug. He chuckles and you look at him once more. He seems amused.
“First assignment, read it,” he taps the desk, “simple.”
“Oh yes, of course, it will aid you in our coming research,” he declares, “which I’m afraid I’ve not even shared my thesis with you. Hard to do prior to our delve into the literature. All I can say is we will be looking at a very common trope among writers, ancient, medieval, Victorian, near every era has had some fascination with the older man and the younger woman,” he pushes back his hair, trying to fix it as a stubborn strands sticks up at his crown, “it speaks often of the way of culture and society. The structural imbalances internalised by the author and characters alike.”
“Oh, wow,” you turn back with the book, “interesting.”
“It isn’t some new phenomenon or point of intrigue, but I shall explore it nonetheless. History is more than dates and boring wars,” he girds, “I always found the most interesting pieces to be the innately humanistic and what is more human than romance. Than what we perceive as love. Sex, at it’s basest, and companionship at its most genuine.”
“I never thought much of it, I guess,” you sit at the small table and lay the book down.
“But it is all around you. How many couples do you see pasted across tabloids and gossip blogs akin to Jane Eyre and her Rochester. A whole generation apart and yet they are lovers? How curious that we deify such a tale over and over.”
“Hmm,” you hum thoughtfully, cheeks touched with the warmth.
“As an older man, I suppose I notice it more often. Perhaps it is why it has stuck. I remain the eternal bachelor and can’t help but wonder at what element of youth draws these men so strongly to these women. It must be more than attraction, surely, but something deeper,” he puts his hands up as he explains his thoughts, “my preliminary assumption is that these stories are covert explorations of the male crises of middle age, countered in turn by the vulnerability of feminine youth and beauty.”
It sounds complicated but makes sense. While many would condemn an age difference so vast, there is a common fascination underlying these stories. Bronte is still regarded as romance, isn’t it? And you watched a few too many teen shows that presented similar gaps as forbidden love.
“I… yeah, I think I get it,” you say, “now that you say it.”
“Of course there is some reality to these tropes. Men’s worth as regarded in society has historically been economic, thus it lasts longer, whereas women were traditionally prized for their fertility and physical attributes. As muses, wives, mothers…” he seems to lose himself in a medley of racing thoughts, “and so we seek to bridge between fiction and fact.”
“Hmm, I never really considered it…” you shrug, “well, I’m young, I guess I just didn’t notice.”
“Ah, yes, naivete, another common theme to these stories. I’m afraid in this moment we are reenacting the most common steps of the dance; the young innocent enlightened by the weathered pessimist.” He laughs and claps his chest, “ugh, forgive me, I’ve some indigestion. A hair too much coffee.”
“Uh, yeah,” you open the cover and read the first page, printed with fading ink. You admire the intricate bold type of the title. “I suppose I should start reading?”
“At your leisure,” he stands, the chair lurching harshly. “We’ve only just got settled,” he walks across the room, close behind you as he stands by the daybed and peers out the tall window, “it is near lunchtime.”
“Is it?” You look over your shoulder.
“Are you hungry? I am a bit peckish. There is a bistro close by, me and the owner of this house frequent it when we argue about some dead philosopher or another.”
“Oh?” you let the book close as you put your hands in your lap. “I brought a sandwich–”
“Save it,” he insists, “let it be my treat. As a welcome and a show of appreciation for your hard work. I’ll admit, I think I was ambitious in packing. I likely won’t need all that we brought.”
You don’t argue. Your father says it often how once Zemo has an idea, he does not let it go. Besides, you won’t complain for a free meal.
“Alright,” you stand, careful not to hit him with the chair. You come close to him and smell the subtle tones of bergamot that cling to him, “what kind of food do they have?”
“Standard fare,” he looks at you, his dark eyes meeting yours before he inches back on his heels. He turns and clears his throat, “salad, sandwiches, soup. They have a cabbage soup which often runs out before I can even order.” 
He goes to his chair and takes his blazer from the back of it, shrugging it onto his shoulders, “and dessert.” He smirks, “I know you’ve a sweet tooth, dear.”
You laugh. You’re sure your father mentions how he can rarely get a single cookie before the sleeve is empty. You grab your purse and approach the door as he does too, nearly colliding.
“Careful,” he warns as he touches your arm and beckons you ahead of him, “ladies first.”
You take his direction, his word hanging over you. Ladies. In that moment, you feel quite mature.
You sit at the table. You have a glass of sparkling water with a spear of lime over the brim. It’s a lot fancier than the chain restaurants your dad adores. 
“A lot tamer than college, eh?” He asks as he pushes the lemon off the rim of his glass and watches it sink in the water.
“Oh, not really. I mostly studied.”
“You needn’t lie to me. I was a student once too. It is not all books and stuffy lectures. Well, I should know, I’ve accepted many a hangover as means for an extension,” he teases, “there is nothing wrong with indulging in the freedom of youth.”
“Really,” you say, “I didn’t really go out. My friends aren’t really into that scene. The most excitement I got was bubble soccer.”
“Oh, sounds… interesting.”
“It is. Kinda dangerous. You run around in these plastic bubbles and get bounced around trying to score a point,” you snort, “I was mostly on my back.”
“Adventurous,” he muses, “you made many friends?”
“A few. Classes are pretty big, it’s hard to know everyone.”
“Not like here,” he says, “and your professors? Did you like them?”
“Yeah, they were good. Well, except one, he was kind of… strict.”
“Ah yes, that type can drain the joy right out of the subject,” he tuts, “have you given any thought to what you’ll do after your degree? Another?”
“Uh, oh, no, I haven’t…” you sputter.
“Not to worry, you’ve time. But I warn you, it goes fast. Just look at me,” he plays with the streak of silver at his temple.
“Yeah,” you chew your lip.
“If you do consider a masters, you can always consider me,” he offers, “I take on assistants now and then. Of course, this year, I didn’t have any candidates. Better for it, I was abroad rather often.”
“Hmm, I’ll have to think about it,” you take a sip from your drink, “I’ll have to see what dad says. He is paying for all this.”
“He knows the importance of education. Even a man of craft can appreciate intellect,” he says, “even him.”
The waiter returns and sets down your plates. You thank him as your stomach growls at the smell of the grilled chicken wrap and fries. You notice that Zemo has opted only for a bowl of soup and crackers.
“Smells great,” you say as you carefully wiggle free the long toothpick, “thank you so much.”
“Not at all, it is my pleasure,” he picks up his spoon and stirs the soup, “lunch with a pretty young woman, I should thank you.”
“Uh, right” you murmur.
“You know I do tend to carry my shoe between my teeth with how often I put my foot in my mouth,” he kids, “my honesty does come off rather bluntly. I only mean, well, you’ve blossomed, yes? I can sense it in how you hold yourself, in how you take in the world around you. Curiosity is a very admirable quality.”
You don’t know what to say so you bite into your wrap. It’s a compliment, surely, but unlike any you’ve received before. Zemo’s way of talking, his demeanour, always keeps you on his toes. He’s eccentric but well-meaning. Your father always laughed whenever he blustered over his books vehemently. It was almost comical to think of the man as anything but a feckless scholar.
“There’s a lot to learn,” you swallow, “if college has taught me anything, it’s that.”
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the-eddvengers-au · 10 months
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Summertime Matt and Matlida
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namor-shuri · 1 year
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“ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴜᴘᴏɴ ᴀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ʙᴏʏ ᴡʜᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɢɪʀʟ, ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ʟᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ʜᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴘᴇɴᴅ ʜɪs ᴡʜᴏʟᴇ ʟɪғᴇ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀɪɴɢ.” x
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drechastory · 3 days
The Dreamer page 90.
First official page of the summertime! Come on!!😎😄
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“Five bucks says he won't come.” Ogasawara starts, pulling the cooler full of ice behind him. “Seven bucks says he shows up right before it ends,” Sasaki replies distractedly. Or; A drabble of sorts, centered around Oga and Sasaki on a walk for party snacks.
Finally finished this thing after getting distracted trying to tie it into other stuff, decided to gift it to you @dirtbra1n. Happy birthday to you again even though its the next day now!!
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the one time being from the south comes in handy up here lol
I get to introduce Eddie to (more) country music!
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lieblxng · 7 months
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a what-if situation for his vampire au,,,,,,, it was a shame i hadnt drawn anything for it until now
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superblysubpar · 5 months
Tis gross and cold and rainy today, hit me with some summertime magic? 🥺
Ask Me About My WIPs
It's like that here too! I'm sending all the summery vibes and also hot cocoa 💛
I just answered one about summertime magic here , but here is the teeniest sneak peek at part one of Eddie's story, June: You Need A Lipstick Stain On Your Whiskey Ice
(also you'll see, but the theater/arcade is actually gonna be called Newby's now and the waterpark in Steve's story is Holloway's - I just haven't got around to changing that)
📻Now Playing: No Sleep Till Brooklyn by Beastie Boys
“While you’re at the job working nine to five, The Beastie Boys at the Gard-”
Your finger slams the radio off, car plowing into a spot behind the old brick building and coming to an abrupt halt. 
Coffee burns as it rushes over your tongue and down your throat, your fingers adjusting the hem of your skirt as you slip your keys into your bag and jog up the steps and inside the cool AC that’s already humming in overtime. Fuck, it was gonna be a day. 
The dimly lit hallway of Newby’s is a labyrinth and no easy feat for a beginner. The lights are basically non-existent and your boss, Keith, unloads shipments there. The narrow space is already cramped, and with the foam cups spilling out, reels, chords for arcade games, it is a precise and intricate dance from the back door to the staff room. At this point, you can sway and skip your way around it with your eyes closed, but on a morning like today, you’re simply not inclined to care. 
Your tennis shoe kicks at a box of popcorn buckets, knee smacking into something that you’re fairly certain is a butter shipment, due to the stains on the side of the cardboard, and a sharp and loud ‘mother-fucker’ leaves your lips. 
His voice calls from down the hall, “You’re late.”
Unwilling to give an ounce of satisfaction to him, you roll your shoulders back and step into the staff room, the faint smell of burnt pizza from an unfortunate microwave incident last summer still lingers in the fabric of the threadbare carpet and cheap couch. You ignore the boy laying on said couch and open your locker. 
Eddie pretends not to look at you, but his eyes roam up the back of your exposed legs, to the hem of your skirt and he swallows. Ignoring the way the slight rise of your work polo lifting and revealing a part of your midriff makes his stomach twist up. It’s when you slam your locker closed, curl a piece of loose hair around your ear and take a sip of coffee that he sees it and remembers. 
He shakes his head and stands, walking out of the room, “Late night?”
Your body heats up but you just smile at his profile, “Jealous, Munson?”
Eddie’s in his usual outfit. The black polo for the first day of summer, the black, ripped at the knees jeans, dirty white sneakers. It’s only when he stops in the doorway, turning back around to face you, that you see his face fully for the first time since last summer and your fingers adjust on your coffee cup. 
He seems taller, his jaw a little more angular, and you detect a slight scruff over it. His hands land on the frame, ringed fingers curling around the wood as he smirks, nodding at your shirt, “Nope. But you might want to cover that up.”
As he leaves with a whistle of a song that stirs something familiar in your brain, you spin and look in the mirror, whispering, “Shit.” The faintest little hickey blooms on your neck and is totally, one hundred percent, visible. 
You were gonna kill Steve Harrington. 
But that was a problem for a different day, because as the faint sounds of popcorn popping and the stereo begins to harmonize with arcade buzzes and whirs, you have to start your first day of your summer job. 
Newby’s was the first of Hawkin’s newly renovated downtown, a town favorite and bustling place when the Indianna summer heat reached insane temperatures. Keith had already given you a spiel about how the new waterpark was going to affect business and you and Eddie needed to be on better behavior than normal - especially if you wanted the manager promotion. 
Which you honestly weren’t sure what he was referring to in terms of “better behavior than normal”. There had only been one bucket of popcorn dumped on a head last summer, one Icee to the face, and only like, five, unofficial parties. 
But despite hating your co-worker, you really did love the job. You enjoyed the cool temp of the building and the dim lighting to soothe many a summer hangover. Free snacks and plenty of downtime, with good hours that left you with ample free time most evenings. Now, with three summer’s under your belt, you were determined to become the manager, and were certain you’d do a better job than Munson. 
Three summer’s of knowing the exact way the popcorn machine could be coaxed into a few more kernels without burning. The bump of your hip in a very precise spot to get the coins the pac man machine would eat, loose. The perfect time to refill salt shakers and napkin holders and run the Icee machine in the lull that came like clockwork before a rush.
But most importantly, you know how to make Eddie Munson tick, even with just a simple piece of bubblegum in your mouth. And sure, maybe it was immature to place the gum in your mouth as you rounded the corner and began the opening duties with him. Maybe it was childish, unprofessional, and not manager material to try to get him amped up already, but you missed seeing his ears turn red and that look flash across his brown eyes. Missed the way your stomach sort of swooped when he swallowed and your faces got close together when you started yelling at each other and-
The bright pink bubble pops loudly as you clean the second popcorn machine, Eddie sighs somewhere behind your shoulder. You relish in the grunt that follows when you snap it loudly across your teeth. Alternating between bubble and snap for the last five minutes.
Early morning light filters in through the small window that runs across the top of the blacked out doors, the movie theater and arcade dim with warm lighting and neon flashes that trick you into thinking it's cooler outside than it is.The trailer for the new action thriller coming in July harmonizes with the whir of a pinball machine, the clatter and cheer from a fake audience in the racing game home screen.
As you close the glass panel of the popcorn machine and hit start on a second batch, you turn with another bubble ready to pop. A pencil in his outstretched hand pokes it.
The sad pink glob deflates over the yellow wood and he smirks at your pout. You release the gum, letting it dangle off the pencil as you hiss, "You could have poked my fucking eye out, Munson."
"Damn," he whistles, motioning with the gummy pencil towards your lips, "Read my mind sweetheart, put this back in there and I'll try again."
Your spine prickles with a familiar heat as you place your hands on your hips. “What the hell is your problem?”
Eddie laughs, gesturing to his chest with the pencil, “My problem? Princess, you showed up late on our first fucking day with a hickey from Harrington and you’re already starting your get under Eddie’s skin on purpose shit with the gum…” He blinks at you, trailing off as you tilt your head to the side with narrowed eyes, “What?”
Your arms cross over your chest. “How’d you know it was from Steve?”
Eddie’s cheeks start to turn pale pink and he chucks the pencil in the garbage, gum and all and turns towards the registers, “I-I uh-”
The double doors swing open forcefully, making you both squint against the harsh light as several voices start yelling over each other. 
“La, la, la, la, can’t hear you,” Dustin Henderson sings as he puts his hands over his ears, beelining towards the arcade. 
Mike Wheeler is fast on his heel, shouting about something you can’t quite make out. Will Byers and Lucas Sinclair head towards the two of you with smiles that tell you they’re already up to no good and it’s only the first day of summer. 
Eddie shakes his head, “No. I know what you’re about to ask, no.”
Lucas places his hands into a prayer in front of his chest, “Eddie, Mr. Munson, if I can just have a minute of your time to tell you our very reasonable request and walk you through an opportunity that you are for sure wanna hear about.”
“You’re not getting free Icee’s. You know what you did.” Eddie points towards the arcade without another word and the two boys’ shoulders fall, turning on their heels. He calls out after them, “And why aren’t you all working? Little old to spend your day in the arcade still, isn’t it boys?”
The four old teens flip him off and then convene around Dragon Slayer, groaning as they look at the screen then over at him. He salutes with two fingers and they all raise two hands, double flipping him off. 
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oh no..... had a thought about the au where tanjirou is giyuu and ayame is sabito.........
tanjirou and ayame face the hand oni, but they're both so unprepared for it. tanjirou's rib is broken, his forearm is probably fractured and he's been limping since they managed their escape. it's almost too dark for ayame to see where they're hiding in the cave, but she can feel the terrible tremors of the hand oni as it hunts for them.
the terrified expression on tanjirou's face is what makes her decision for her.
the hand oni said "sweet little fox".
maybe if he sees the fox mask and cloud jinbei and nothing else, then they might have a chance.
or, well, tanjirou might have a chance. urokodaki-san would be sad if he didn't return. urokodaki-san doesn't have anyone anymore.
ayame tears the jinbei off tanjirou's shoulders, replacing it with her kimono while he's still disoriented. she pulls it loose around her, then snatches the mask off his head.
"what - ayame, what - ?"
"stay here," she says quietly, her expression hidden behind the mask urokodaki-san carved for him. "i'll lead the oni away. don't make any noise, then make your way down to the wisteria trees as soon as the coast is clear."
"the mask - "
"tanjirou." her voice is solemn. "whatever happens... tell my shishou i was always grateful for everything."
she disappears from the cave before tanjirou can demand answers.
murata finds tanjirou and helps him through final selection. there is only one casualty for final selection that year.
kamado tanjirou is the water hashira, and he wears a dark blue seigaiha haori, the pattern dyed red. he's the water hashira, so no one wonders why he wears seigaiha. the charcoal half of his haori is hard to explain, but no one will ask.
when sabito is faced with the boulder, a girl in a fox mask appears before him. she holds himself the way a master swordsman does, and her strikes are swift and merciless. she knocks him out in ten seconds and doesn't bother to wait for him to wake up.
he begrudgingly admits that the way she moves is beautiful.
another girl, also with a fox mask, but with the mask resting against the side of his head, is the one who greets him when his eyes open.
"sorry about ayame-san," she says with a rueful chuckle. "she isn't very patient."
ayame-san, sabito learns early on, doesn't speak much if she can help it. she doesn't linger, even if sometimes he feels like he's being watched when he's alone. she continues to use a bokken while he wields a live sword, but it doesn't matter; she is always the one who deals out the first strike. often the last one as well.
"ayame-san doesn't want to show off too much," hikari says as she braids a flower crown. "she's a bit different from the rest of us, that's all. she doesn't stay for urokodaki-san after all."
"then who does she stay for?" asks sabito.
hikari's smile is secretive as she rests the daisy crown in her dark hair. "one of these days, you should ask her, sabito. you might be the only person she answers."
three months later, ayame stands before him with a steel katana at her hip. she draws it slowly - almost reverently. sabito notices that the curve of it is slightly different; it's steeper, the kissaki almost menacing.
"so," she says in a measured voice, "after six months, you can finally face me as a swordsman. hikari-san did well training you."
"you had just as much to do with it, ayame-san," hikari calls out from the side.
sabito snarls. it pulls the scar on his cheek, making him look more dangerous.
"today is the day i win," he declares, unsheathing his own blade.
ayame tilts her head. he wonders if her lips follow the same downward curl of her mask, or if she smirks at him like he always imagined she has.
"then you'd better hit me with everything you have, sabito."
time slows around him. his nose twitches, picking up a strange scent. it's metallic and sharp, like a freshly polished katana. it winds through the air, and he finds his blade following its arc.
for the first time since they met, his blade reaches ayame first.
there is a moment of stillness.
sabito can't believe his katana sliced downward first. her arms are still raised, and she doesn't move as her sleeves fall downwards, exposing the kumihimo cords she has wound around her left wrist.
the fox mask splits in half - sliced vertically in a perfect line. when the wood falls to her shoulders, sabito is shocked to meet shockingly blue eyes.
ayame's lips are parted in surprise. as he watches, her lips curl into a small smile. the slightest twitch of the corners of her lips is both happy and sad.
"sabito..." she murmurs.
sabito can never catch ayame's scent. for the first time, there's a hint of charcoal and something floral lingering in the air, muted by the scent of a summertime rain.
"you did great. remember what you just did, ne?" her voice lowers. "win, okay, sabito? beat that guy too."
sabito glances at hikari in disbelief. she smiles at him encouragingly.
"ayame," he hears himself say, "who do you stay for?"
surprise flits across her features.
"hey," she chuckles sadly, "next time you see tanjirou, be sure to say hi to him. he's so gloomy nowadays."
sabito glances at hikari, but she's disappeared. when he turns back to ayame, she's gone too.
the only thing left in the clearing was the boulder, sliced in half. exactly the same way he had sliced ayame's mask.
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bronzs-art · 2 years
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Harry found Severus' summer job.
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