#tails is baffled btw
eggseabutter · 2 years
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Day 6: Vampire
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quibllyfish · 2 days
Hello! I was wondering if you might like to write either a set of hcs or small Drabbles for (pre-established relationship) Satan x MC? In which MC is shy, sensitive, quiet, likes helping around, maybe comes off as a pushover at times, gets flustered very quickly, and gets startled easily (or you can add/remove any of these if you’d prefer!). So a lot of the brothers think that MC wouldn’t even bat an eye towards Satan, yet on an Asmo night, while playing truth or dare, Asmo asks MC about their opinion on Satan. MC answers very bashfully saying he’s really admirable, he seems gentle and sweet. I’m very curious to see what the brothers think! You can add in any brothers you like for this Asmo night!
Have a lovely day!
౨ৎ﹒Satan x Reader : Late Nights With Strays.𝝑𝝔
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﹕ An unlikely relationship begins to bloom between a lovely human and the avatar of wrath / 1102 word count
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა:❝—I mightve went a little overboard with this ask, but I couldnt help it! I am a SUCKER for an opposites attract trope, okay? I will admit that I did take some creative liberties with the prompt. Please enjoy!! And BTW! I did not proofread this at all, I hope it's readable ꒱ . . ♡
From the first day you arrived in the devildom ALL of the brothers realized you had a bit of… A faint heart?
Despite your attempts to put on a brave face and take the reins of a challenging situation, it was a bit obvious you were way out of your comfort zone. Shaking hands, a wavering voice, averting eye contact; you weren't aware of any verbal agreements on the matter, but it was safe to assume the brothers collectively decided the best way to ease you into life in the devildom was to tone down their very.. vibrant personalities.. and try their best to hold themselves back for a bit.
This effort admittedly did include trying to minimize your interactions with Satan as much as possible.
It wasnt that he was bad!! No! Perhaps it was just that they didnt desire their sweet, skittish human to be forever traumatized from witnessing Satan attempt to rip another demon limb from limb.
Eventually, however, these attempts proved fruitless. Even though you were easily coaxed into following directions, it became obvious (and annoying) that you were being ushered from place to place, shielded from experiencing the full extent of this new realm. In a small act of rebellion, you stayed up until you were pretty sure the rest of the house was asleep.
Wandering through the home's many rooms, eventually you find your way out the front door. Something you see in the distance makes you genuinely question whether or not this is a dream; surely that's not a certain green-eyed demon attempting to coax a cat out of the house of lamentation's flower beds?
When Satan notices you approaching, he's instantly in the middle of contemplating whether he should turn tail and immediately leave or question why you're out so late. Before a decision can be made, you're sat down in the grass, tempting the feline by swaying a plucked flower in its line of vision. To his surprise, it not only entertains the hunt, but after one foul pounce it decides to find a comfortable perch atop your lap.
" It must be very lonely, being such a tough kitty and braving the devildom alone, " You coo, scritching the cat's chin, " You're not mean though, no, you're a big softie! "
Remembering Satan's standing behind you, you crane your head towards him, " Look! I made a new friend! "
Perhaps.. You had just made two.
After that night, going out after the sun fell past the horizon to spend time with strays (and Satan) became a regular occurance. The mystery of why so many feral cats began roaming the area of the HOL was baffling to most, but the two of you basked in knowing it most definitely was due to your habit of feeding them late night snacks. Each feline eventually got a name, many after book characters. These nights with strays eventually were followed by late night walks, and eventually the walks were followed by Satan reading aloud to you in the comforts of his room.
Sometimes—and these nights were your favorite—you would doze off, leaning your head on his shoulder as he read. Only to find yourself tucked snuggly into your own bed the next morning. Often there would be a note on your bedside table, summarizing where the story last left off. It might've just been a dream, but you could've swore he kissed your forehead while you were half asleep.
As for the other brothers, they were none the wiser of you two's after dark expeditions. This is why tonight's game of truth or dare became so interesting.
Each avatar of sin (excluding Lucifer, who had no patience for silly matters such as living room sleepovers) sat in a circle with you on the floor of the living room. The activity? Truth or dare. Giggles lingered over the hilarity of the last dare, as Mammon was forced to down a deadly concoction of every condiment inside the fridge mixed together. To be honest, it seemed to even rival the horrors of Solomon's cooking.
As the turn fell to Asmo, a giddy smile tugged at his lips. He twisted to face you, taking your hand in his own, " So! What will it be? Truth? Or, are you brave enough to pick dare? I pinky promise I'll go easy on you! "
Whilst you felt inclined to make Asmo's day by choosing the latter, you did not feel so inclined to subject yourself to any sort of embarrassment. Tapping a finger to your lips, you feigned being lost in thought.
" Hm.. I think... I'll pick truth! "
The avatar of lust let out a whine, " And I had the perfect dare too..! Well.. The truth can be just as entertaining! This'll be juicy- so, tell me… What do you think of Satan? "
For a moment, the entire room fell silent. To everyone else, this was an obvious attempt to stir up drama- perhaps, Satan, with a bruised ego, might storm out angrily. Or worse..
Mammon groaned, " Dont make em'- "
You tutted, interrupting your greedy guard dog before he could even finish that thought. Glancing in Satan's direction, you could tell he was eyeing you with curiosity. In a way, it might've been a bit entertaining for him; like you both were in on an inside joke that his brothers were none the wiser to.
" Satan is, " you smile, looking down at your hands, " Well! He's- how do I put this.. I think getting to know him has been one of my favorite parts of moving here. "
The room, quite literally, was too stunned to speak, but the sparkle of interest in Asmo's eyes told you he wanted to know more.
" That might sound silly! But I honestly think- you know, and I dont wanna embarrass you, Satan- but you're really sweet! And… And you always try to make sure I feel comfortable and safe when we spend time together! Honestly, I think the devildom feels more like home whenever we hang out? Thats- geez, that's a dorky thing to say, "
Before everyone can erupt with complaints, Asmodeus squeals like a school girl, " This is SO cute! Awwwhh! My favorite human- and my little brother! Friends! So so unexpected, but so so cute! How did I not notice?? "
You're instantly pulled into a hug as Asmo gushes about how adorable you are, but you swear that you saw out of the corner of your eye- Satan's flushed face, adorned with a soft smile.
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hazbinhotelie · 28 days
dude, did you know that on AliExpress there is set of ears and tail of Alastor for......
just damn 34,000 rubles! that's around 375 bucks btw
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“And… why would I be interested?” Alastor asked, giving the demon a look that said he was entirely uninterested and slightly confused. “I have my own ears and t- and I don’t think I need another set. I’m baffled as to why anyone would want them, anyway…”
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000marie198 · 9 months
prime bros headcanon- once Nine is exposed to fresh food like fruit and vegetables not from a can or dehydrated or whatever New Yoke had Nine is almost as ravenous as Mangey. Like he'll eat a tomato like an apple and not care, it's better than the crap back where he's from. His brother's find it a little weird at first until Nine brings something back from New yoke and make them try it.
(Love your prime bros stuff btw!)
As Nine is too used to everything being so so processed and artificial and not natural, fresh fruits and veggies are both heaven and hell. They taste delicious but the first time he overeats, it makes him sick because his body is not used to digesting this kind of diet.
Once the bros learn how the things in New Yoke were like, Tails suggest to start slow, like moving to tasty and good packaged snacks and foods and then gradually adding purely fresh things to Nine's diet.
Speaking from experience, a sudden start from packaged food to the fresh, non-packaged one is not that easy. Where we live, everyone uses milk being delivered fresh from the farms. I couldn't drink it (still can't without flavouring) because I was so used to the taste of packaged milk. That also includes every single milk product like yogurt and butter. While we used to buy them packaged before, we now make them at home. They are much more healthy and delicious but it took a while to get used to it. Thankfully we had fresh veggies and fruits and other meals instead of things always being canned or packaged.
Anyways, Nine would be unable to switch so suddenly but he loves it all the same. Besides, it's not like New Yoke's disgusting and dry diet; food and snacks is something he actually relishes now. Though, once he does get used to eating fresh food, you'll see him munching on the most random of things in the most random situation. The baffled, "Where did you get that?" moments are very amusing whenever it happens.
Similarly, Sails doesn't like things that aren't made of seafood or coconuts. The first things he actually likes from the land are chili dogs and fruits.
Mangey can... digest everything. Like a goat.
(Thanks! :D )
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i-simp-stobotnik · 1 year
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Lemme just sneak in another Stobotnik Mermay AU, okay? This time, they are both mers, yay!
Robotnik’s design is based on a clearfin lionfish. It has his colour scheme and the plethora of spikes in all his fins suit his personality of being very hostile towards outsiders. +At least the biggest spines on a lionfish’s back also have quite potent venom in them so hey, more “keep the f away from me” -energy for the angry fish man. :P Btw, the last three fins on his tail are meant to be see-through, but you know, paper is white and I couldn’t be arsed to do a bg for this reference sheet thing.
In this au, instead of being scientist who specialises on all things electronic, Robonik is an infamous sea sorcerer who’s mostly thought to be a myth or just a legend used to scare children but still his name or any sign of his magic will make even the bravest tremble in fear. No one knows where his hideout is or what he does, thus over time it was thought that he didn’t exist in the first place. In this au, instead of putting animals inside his Badnik machines to power them up, Robotnik corrupts other sea creatures with his magic and uses them to do his bidding. Stone is not like this, he joined Robotnik by his own choice which still baffles Rob to this day. I have not yet thought of their back story through but this is the set up. Robotnik has been increasing his powers, developing all sorts of nefarious spells for decades with the help of orca Stone until a bright blue sea urchin starts causing them trouble.
Side note: I’ve been working on the designs and some drawings this whole month until I realised this weekend that shit, May will end on Wednesday... I need to start posting stuff to actual have it be MerMay lol. I’ll post Stone soon.
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absolutely baffling just how bad minecraft's music situation has gotten in just the past few years. especially on bedrock edition. like, even if the intended music selection for each biome group made sense, even if the volume was consistent across biomes, the fact of the matter is that the bedrock team just fucking... forgot to update most of it?? for the entirety of 1.20???
like, i don't like that echo in the wind is supposedly supposed to play in the lush caves, but the bedrock team didn't even add it there anyway! a familiar room doesn't play anywhere but the title screen because they forgot to make it do that!! they didn't even update said title screen music until 1.20.30!!! trails and tails shipped on bedrock with the wild update title screen music!!!! what is going on in there???!!!
i just... idk. the music situation is bad. and it's only going to get worse for a very long time. those were just some of the notable, objective errors on bedrock edition specifically, but even the way it's supposed to work is still pretty bad....
imo, mojang already needs to just... completely rethink the way they add music to biomes. probably completely reshuffle everything. like, why does swamp music play in the forests, but not the jungles, which are actually wet? why do the trails and tails tracks play in such an unrelated set of biomes despite them all being wayyyyy more similar to each other than to anything else in the game?? why are trial chambers not going to have their own music tracklist, when not only are they the only notable new feature in their update, but also 'deeper', in a quote from the composer, in an official article hosted on the official website, is stated to be specifically written with the trial chambers in mind??!!
it's literally getting to the point where we're going to need to flat out start modding the game to make the music make any sense because mojang isn't giving resource pack artists the tools to do so!! and people don't even make bedrock mods any more!!!!!
btw, absolutely evil that music plays a lot more often in biomes with their own tracklists than in biomes without when those tracklists often have as little as SIX tracks in them!!!!
and don't even get me started on caves. no reason they should continue to inherit music from the surface when that surface is usually wildly different!! why am i hearing swamp music at Y -55?? it would take me days to mine back up to the swamp i'm under!!!
sorry this post is so all over the place. i thought i was less angry at the music situation but now i'm not so sure.
i would try to learn how to use the feedback site to make a suggestion on how i think music should play, because i definitely have ideas that don't involve scrapping all the new music (as you can imagine), but given mojang's recent track record, i'm not sure it'd be worth it.
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thebunniesgrim · 8 months
The fact that celebrity endorsement or partnerships work baffles me  
(Look at me screaming into the void) 
Like why would a celebrity make me want to buy something? I literally don't care about them. Like my relationship with famous people ends with movies, songs, or whatever media I consume. Like for the longest time I listed to a bunch of Talyor Swift songs and didn’t know they were her songs. Because I didn’t care I listened to the song, and she made money my amount of “give a care’ end there. Some people say it's disrespectful to not care about who makes the music I listen to or who voiced the character I like but like they still got paid at the end of the day and I still like the music and character. Do I give a rat's tail about who voiced bubbles form the Power Puff Girls? No. That voice will always be bubbles not her voice actor. I wish the voice actor love, but I still don’t care.
The fact that people see a celebrity on an ad and buy it whatever product they’re shilling or because some famous person is in a movie they’ll go see the movie. Like what? That doesn’t make any sense to me. Any time an alleged famous person is on tv using some product they obviously don’t use. I feel nothing. I cant even recognize celebrities sometimes and a lot of them look the same anyway. The fact that some random celebrity can be seen eating a sub from subway and people will go to subway and eat there. Or those celebrity meals at Mc Donalds? Why? I don’t care what they eat at Mc Donalds why would anyone care about that?  
Another thing that also ties into this is also people who keep up with celebrities like they are family. That’s so weird. People will be like “omg did see {famous person}’s Instagram they’re getting married!” or “omg she’s having a baby” like, ok? And? Why are you telling me this? Why do you care about that? You can tell me what some random celebrity ate at 4:36 on the 14th of October in 2015 but you can't tell me your mom's favorite color? Is that not unhealthy? Why do you care and why do you know that? Or on the rare occasion I actually know the celebrity and people expect me to care about it like hypothetically let's say Will Wood is having a baby with his partner and someone will tell me about it. What do you want me to say to that? Will it affect his music? No? Then I don’t care. Even if it did and he stopped making music I still wouldn’t care I could always find some other artist to listen to who makes the same genre of music and even still I could listen to his old songs. An artist or actors' personal life isn’t any of my business and I don’t care. People who are emotionally invested in famous people's personal lives are honestly a tad worrisome, no?  
Also, people who will defend and go to bat for influencers or famous people like they’re life depends on it. Like why are you this passionate about a person who doesn’t know or care about you. Or people who’ll get pissy and angry when someone ever so slightly says something negative about them ready to write full essays and dox someone just because they don’t think that person (or even a media) is that great. Like sure it's one thing to address bad faith stuff but like just genuine critique or just saying “yeah I don’t like them” then like huh?  
Btw I have the same feeling towards Youtubers. I am not a loyal viewer. If one youtuber stops making videos I can find like 5 other, youtubers who do that same thing and probably better. When youtubers start having kids and families I don’t care. Which is also why I don’t understand why people watch family channels or vloggers that are about their personal lives because why do you want to watch that?  
But at the end of the day, I'm some nobody who doesn’t like natural sunlight so even if you do find some enjoyment in this, I won't come at you with pitch forks, but I will judge you silently. Also, you scare me a little bit 
Peace and love fluffers  
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Oof, sorry i didnt speficy. Uhh how about Roguefort, Almond, Spinach, Knight, Chestnut and Walnut?
Thank you! ^^
Request: HCs for the cookies coming cross a peaceful human/witch
I really love this concept btw so if ya'll wanna see any more cookies let me know!
"What? A witch being peaceful?? That's like me losing interest in jewels! Simply nonsense." He scoffs.
Though when he meets you for real, he's shocked seeing that you were human and how nice you were.
But he quickly recovers, turning his charm back on as he asks what made you have a change of heart.
You just say "well I told my fellow witches that maybe we shouldn't torture cookies who are alive....apparently they didn't like that".
The goodness in your heart outweighed the evil and restored your humanity. And this impresses Rougefort and...sorta makes him question his own morals.
Alas he's too stubborn to change his way of life. Though you can understand he's but a simple cookie with admiration for jewels.
He heard rumors of a "peaceful" witch gaining the trust of other cookies.
Interesting, indeed. He had to see this for himself. So he tries gathering all the info he can about your location.
When he finally meets you, he's impressed seeing you were human, baking some cookies and setting them free instead of leaving them to die in the oven.
Of course, he's gonna interrogate you (since your kind committed heinous crimes against cookies, he'll treat you no differently).
But you could see his expression soften as you explain how you didn't want the cookies roaming your town to live in fear anymore.
Usually he's a tough almond to crack, but he's glad you abandoned your evil ways.
During her usual travels for fresh produce, she stumbles across a gardenful of ripe veggies.
But as eager as she is to take some for her market, she sees your witch hut beside it and freezes in fear.
"Oh dear, you can take some veggies. I don't mind." She hears your voice behind her and almost screams.
Though you gently reassure her that you won't eat her, but she's understandably hesitant to step in your garden.
So you pick the veggies yourself, asking her which ones she wanted and chopping them up to put in her basket.
Although still baffled by your kindness, she expresses her gratitude before leaving.
If any cookie asks where she got these veggies from, she'll keep it a secret.
"A witch!!! I do not fear you! En garde!"
It's natural for Knight to go on the offense when he sees your kind. But he's confused when you try explaining you have no plans to eat him.
Not wanting to be tricked, he has Dragon's Tail summon the fiery beast...only for you to calmly dispel it with your magic. Once again, you tell him you just wanna talk.
Finally, he bites. "Fine, Witch. Do you wish to form an alliance with us?"
"That's what I'm hoping to do."
"Even though you risk betraying your people?"
"Already doing that now. And I don't regret it."
If he meets you again, he'll still refer to you as "Witch" instead of your name. But with each visit he speaks less scornfully.
He saw you emerge from your hut while on his usual routes.
But as he wondered why you looked more human that witchy..
That's when he accidentally ran over a sharp rock and fell off his tricycle. His cries of pain alerted you to his presence.
He was obviously terrified when you approached him, but you reassured the young lad you weren't gonna hurt him, taking him and his broken tricycle back inside.
In no time at all you repaired it, while he sat in front of the fireplace, feeling happier and content.
While he never understood why you helped him, he was certain your name will appear in newspaper headlines pretty soon. He couldn't wait to pass them out.
Being the nosy cookie she is, Walnut heard about your existence and vowed to find you first.
This could be the case of the century! She can already see the headlines: "A Witch Shows Sweetness to Cookiekind!"
It doesn't take her long to find your hut, and when she does she's a bit scared but eager to learn more about you and why you're so kind to cookies.
Though your answer is rather mundane. You simply had good morals.
Yep. That's all it is.
But she smiles and takes notes anyways before heading back to town, excited to share her discovery with Almond.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
( you don't need to answer btw)
but.... I'm feeling evil and angsty.
Can u do one w/ floyd and jade where like they get separated like lumine and aether in genshin and like yuu is unknown god and one of them starts to like her but she's like "if you let me take ur brother "
pls and ty
I really love this request. YES- THIS IS GENIUS-
But I had to really put some thought on how this might play out. Also I'm making this gender neutral, so I hope you don't mind! ^^
It's taking place in the sea, not really in NRC anymore since I can't picture that happening in that setting.
****Warnings: Angst, The Leeches cry big time-
"Give my brother back!" (TWST Tweels x Reader)
Jade Leech
He expected nothing. Nothing to do with his brother about this. The Vice Dorm Leader of Octavinelle had fell in love with you like a regular guy who had fallen for a friend. No harm right?
It took quite awhile to capture the eel's attention, but he ended up getting dazed by how you seem to make him wonder what your next move will be, what you're thinking off, so many things from you that are unexpected.
And now, the truly unexpected will happen.
Through a simple, lighthearted confession, he was prepared for rejection or acceptance. But the look on your face had something he finds off, unreadable.
You told him with a solemn face, "If you give me your brother.
"..What?" Jade was surprised, but... not quite a pleasant one. He was baffled. "What do you mean..?"
"If you want to be with me, let me take your brother."
"That reason I will not say."
Jade swallowed the lump in his throat. What do you mean 'take his brother?' Floyd? What could you possibly want Floyd for?
"Well, would you?"
Jade paused, his blue lips slightly pursed. Well... perhaps it just means.... no. He doesn't even know what it means. But...
"..Yes.." The last minute hesitation from him made your eyes glint mysteriously under the reflection of the rippling waters, light reflection of the waves danced across your face, the enigma of you sparking, his eyes locked with you.
Everything seemed normal once you left. The next day, Jade had his dear brother's company safely in his hand. Safely for the last time.
Deserted and alone, just the two of them in the deep blue sea. You appeared again to Jade, as he sees you again.
You looked towards Floyd with an ominous stare, which made him awkward.
"Huh?~ Hey Y/N-" a whirl of a current flashed in swift and sudden motion, Floyd's body was dragged into the whirlpool, such forced that clawed his body like a beast dragging its hopeless and pitiful prey.
"FLOYD!" Jade cried. Forgetting about you, the poor eel tried to pull his brother out of the monstrous current, his tail fighting to swim out of it. He grunted in frustration, as Floyd hollered and tried to swim his way out as well. They fought with such strength, such determination... the power of the siblings was truly commendable.
But alas, to no avail, the current forces were too strong for one eel to take, and his hands have lost his grip, releasing his brother's hand as he watched helplessly as Floyd succumbed to the whirlpool, his mismatched olive green and golden eyes that stared at Jade with an unwavering look was the last thing Jade saw of his own brother.
The now stand alone Leech, fell back down in slow motion on the sea bed, he huffed, and looked at his own hands in disbelief.
Let me take your brother.
"Why... why..." Jade whispered in a hush tone, you stood before him with an emotionless figure and expression.
"You have given me your word, so I'll take your brother," you simply stated, as if you are giving him a simple explanation.
"Give... GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER!" He shouted, but he choked on his own tongue, the sea had carried his tears, it felt unfair that he couldn't even feel the warmth of his own, watery pearls to feel a little comforted.
But the bitterness of his tears, was not as bitter as the epiphany made that he had lost his brother.
All because he said "yes".
Floyd Leech
He didn't think of much, you were pretty "normal" in a sense that you never had done something weird to him.
Not saying that you didn't have some weird quirks, which made him fall for you in the first place, but you've never really shocked him to the extent of him being very confused.
Something about you always brings about new things that never leaves him bored!
And truly, now he wishes that from that day onwards, he wished you didn't change.
A simple, goofy confession from him, though unlike his brother, he never really thought of preparing himself for a rejection or acceptance.
But then the spark came, with that suddenly serious look on your face. "Then let me take your brother."
"Eh??" Floyd raised an eyebrow with a pout. Take his brother? Jade?
"What do ya wanna do with Jade??" Floyd asked, his baffled expression didn't waver you at all.
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that."
Floyd frowned. "Come on~ Pleeeeease?~" Floyd whined.
"I seriously can't Floyd."
The eel frowned, but he decided he wouldn't pry further.
"So, what's your answer."
Floyd had no idea what is going on, or what your question even mean. But... if you "take his brother", he'll be with you, right? Is this like accepting him in the relationship platonically? Or...
He trusted you, but he hesitated.
"..Sure..." Floyd muttered, but it sounded as if he was still in moments of deciding in what he should say.
Your eyes glinted mysteriously under the reflection of the rippling waters, light reflection of the waves danced across your face, the enigma of you sparking, his eyes locked with you. Floyd still wondering what on earth is up with you.
Everything seemed normal once you left. The next day, Floyd was with his brother again, laughing about how Azul was being super funny. The last time he'll share a laugh with Jade.
All alone, the two eels were swimming merrily in the deep blue sea with no one else watching them. You appeared out of the blue, eyes locking onto Floyd's.
"Hm? Y/N? Is there something you-" Jade's voice was cut off, a whirl of a current flashed across Floyd's eyes which consumed half of Jade's body, dragging him into it's mouth. Jade twist and turned, trying to pull himself out of the storm in the sea.
"JADE!" Floyd cried for his brother, swimming over to try and pull him out. He had completely forgotten you were there, only focusing on saving his brother from the sudden whirlpool that had violently tugged his brother. With all his might, Floyd fought with the currents, tail pushing and swimming against it, trying to pull his brother out. Jade struggled, but tried helping his brother reduce his strength while trying to swim out himself. The unbreakable force of the brothers was something not to be reckoned with.
But not anymore when Floyd and Jade had lost each other's grip, Jade being the one to let go of him first, as the forceful currents yanked him way from Floyd, the mismatched eyes of olive green and gold, the sad smile of his dear brother, all lost when the currents have engulfed him, Jade disappearing as if he was just a bubble that just popped out of existence, unseen and never to be seen again.
The now stand alone Leech, fell back down in slow motion on the sea bed, he huffed, and looked at his own hands in disbelief, whimpering and gasping for air. For his brother.
Let me take your brother. "This can't be real....." Floyd whimpered quietly, lips quivering as you stood before him with an emotionless figure and expression.
"You have given me your word, so I'll take your brother," you simply stated, as if you are giving him a simple explanation.
"GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER!" He shouted, but he choked on his tongue, Floyd could feel the million beads of pearly tears cascade down from his eyes, but were swept away by the water.
Oh how he wished he could taste those tears of his. It would have been sweeter than the guilt Floyd now has to live.
The guilt of knowing he had lost his brother.
Because of him.
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minzart · 3 years
Now I'm curious about the rest of the students who hopped on to the “our dear little host~” trend? (Leona? Jade&Floyd? Jamil? Lilia? Oh god what about Rook??) Also how would Arthuro act if he was on NRC Host (I headcannon that he's the person who sent the anonymous letter if he was in this AU xD)
He thinks it's how they are suposed to refer to Yuu for now on, it's a more endearing nick name than "radio host" that's for sure
He when after Malleus, the circle repeats this week, so you can imagine how he's confused, then apologised, but inside HE'S DIEING TO SEE THOSE CHEEKS FLUSH AGAIN PLEASEEEE YOU'RE SO CUTE
In the end he finishes gets out of the house and- you guessed it!
Riddle felling cheeky tonight: that was a very pleasant conversation Yuu! Thank you for inviting me again
Yuu: it was nothing! I'm sorry chat called you strawberry boys btw, but it is a cute nick name and they won't let you scape it, belive me I tried
Riddle: all is forgiven. And Yuu
Yuu: Yes?
Riddle: sleep well... my dear littlr host
Yuu implodes and Riddle is giggling the hole way back to Heartslabyul
Like Ace he joins in the bullying, YOU'RE JUST TOO CUTE WHEN EMBARASED XD
He's the mastermind behind the new #ourdearlittlehostmoments wich are compilations of all the times Yuu said embarrassing thing or acted baffled by something
He will tease Yuu one time per day in the chat and rise a wall of spam of DEAR LITTLE HOST DEAR LITTLE HOST DEAR LITTLE HOST! When Yuu is acting too serious
If Yuu visits Heartslabyul and stay too long alone with Trey, he'll be precise~ when he hear footsteps close enough
He's whispers in Yuu ear "I hope you appreciate this dessert... my dear little host"
Yuu will implode in a pink puff and people will walk in becoming extremely confused bc Yui is trying to compose themselfs while Trey is wearing his most innocent face
No shame at all call's Yuu much dear littel shot the hole time he's there, he usualy sends Rughie bc he's too lazy to go BUT THAT WAS A DECLARATION OF WAR, and a free chance to fluster Yuu is always welcome~
Literaly purrs the frase out you can se chat basicaly beting Who will snap first to initiate the kiss dear host or purring boy? "Just make out already!" Makes Leona laugh so hard he falls out of teh chair
Teases Yuu when in public spaces but is careful to only both hear it, loves their reaction so much, that his revenge for "donut boy"
He only uses it in the show, he doesn't tease Yuu with it during the day, but you can see his tail wagging when he got a reaction from Yuu during radio time
He joins in the #ourdearlittlegostmoments
Probably uses without thinking when he was forced by Ortho to participate in persson
Both are blushing messes by the end and chat found a new victim to mess with
He does not have the guts to use the name on purpose, he doe suse "our dear little host: but "my"? My is just too much for him. Chat had to donated to make him say "My deat dear little host" and his attempt is golden to this day, more flustered than Yuu
The most innocent one right with Kalim, he's just joining the fun! Prefect looks so happy and they said he's cute saying it too!
Somebody help Yuu, Rook is doing poetry with that nickname
Yuu knows very well who is sending that one ginormous post with flowery lenguage in the #ourdearlittlehost tag, they know it's you hunteroflove, honestly Rook can try to tease Yuu but Yuu has the ultimate weapon! NEIGE LEBLANC VOICE LINES
Yuu calls him Simp and chat loves it so much he's one of the faves just bc it's very easy to pick on him if you know what to use
Joing Ace and Deuce, he's adoring how easy Yuu is to fluster, gremling having a good time
Greats Yuu by My dear little host each time he has to pass by Hamshackle, ah the false of youth, look at those rosy cheeks
Had no Idea what the fuck was going on and uses bc he thinks is appropriate bc of Yuu's friend doing it ONLY TO MELT YUU OH SEVEN WHAT DID HE DO???
Does not uses it, and refuses to do so, but Acea, Deuce and Epel uses so often blows his vow once or twice
He's mad bc he didn't used "my" first, wished he knew who dear host was and how to participate in the radio, Yuu's voice is just so cute and their reactions even cuter~
He thanks the seven that he has a friend that discovered NRC radio station in it's early days, it's very useful to know what the other school's up to, and the tea ofcourse, his favorite was that one time someone spiked the teaches drinks and they all become rowdy kids, the students had to pursue them around the school, it was his best prank to this day~ and one of Yuu's best narratives too
Is over the moon when Ambrose asks him to participated he makes a show to pronounce "My~ dear little host" prefers not to say it was him who created the nick name, that's his little secret and guilty pleasure
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢
 @proseeuhn~aaah its okay if it takes a while! i honestly dont mind! my requests was… how would the dreamies react to their friend/crush who is usually unintentionally quite distant and intimidating being with soft with them and grabbing their hand out of nowhere to just play with it? if that makes sense?? like the friend/crush gets all soft and grabs the dreamies hand and plays with it djskks thank you in advance! ~ Thank you so much for your request (๑>◡<๑) , it was such a fun and original idea, i really enjoyed coming up with scenarios for this (requests are still open btw)
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Mark Lee
so mark may be just a tiny huge bit scared of you sometimes
but that’s mostly because babie doesn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of you  🥺
cuz your rbf gives him THE chills sometimes
you’re the definition of a ‘bruh’ person but somehow that’s a huge charm in mark’s eyes he’s royally whipped been there done that
and the one(1) way mark can fully relax and be in his element is when he’s playing the guitar i’d die to see/hear him
and even after he’s done you’re just ✨ vibing ✨ together in silence
until you suddenly reach out and grasp his hand in yours and bring it close to your face
mark.exe has unexpectedly crashed (((( ;°Д°))))
“woah your fingertips are so calloused from playing”
mark needs a cooler PRONTO (⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
he’s OVERHEATING FOR REAL and hyperaware of your warm breath fawning over his fingertips
and then you intertwine your hands and bring them into your lap as you brush your thumb against the exposed skin on his hand that you’re able to reach with a small smile on your lips (゚ ω゚//)
and mark is SHOOK with your casual display of affection and softness
he can’t help but stare at the soft curl of your lips, the light twinkle in your eyes, the fingers that grip his own so firmly yet so endearingly ♡‿♡
“you’re so beautiful” it just slips out 
0.0 pause, delete existence, rewind major PANIC
but to his immense surprise a faded hue of red paints your cheeks and ears (๑•́‧̫•̀๑)
“thanks, you’ll get there too eventually “ 
(ノT_T)ノ ^┻━┻  way to ruin a moment
but he does forgive you when he feels the index finger of your other hand trace a faint heart on the back of his hand (*>ω<*)
and mark would spend a lifetime playing his guitar if it meant he’d get to witness this unexpected but very welcomed side of you
Huang Renjun
renjun probably watches you like a hawk 
your distant demeanor sometimes baffles him poor baby
but he likes you too much to give up so easily whipped man ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
and he does everything he can to *subtly* hint about his tiny huge crush but without making you uncomfortable renjun best boi we been knew
but you don’t seem to get the gist AT ALL (>皿<)
and renjun is getting more and more concerned on your lack of affection towards him 
so babie gets lowkey sad (oꆤ︵ꆤo) not allowed in this household
until one blessed time you’re peeking over his shoulder as he inspects one of his unworldly amazing drawings
you hurriedly take a seat beside him and grab one of his hands in yours as you gush over his artwork
renjun’s brain and face is overheating
‘we…we’re holding ha-hands??!? and they called me best artist- wait ‘MY jun’??!?!!??!?!?’ (◎0◎)
and while he’s already shutting down, you decide enough isn’t enough and give  him THE FINAL BLOW
you run your fingers gently over the back of his right hand and you suddenly lean your head on his shoulder as your soft voice registers in his overworked brain
“your birthmark is so pretty, renjun, so unique” (♥ω♥*)
*please bring cold water, towels, a fan, the entire fridge, renjun is burning alive he hot that’s why* 
but renjun makes THE ULTIMATE POWER MOVE and brings your intertwined hands up to lay a *smooch* on your hand  🥺
get a room pls 
Lee Jeno
the members once said they also found jeno intimidating and cold before getting to know him 
so he’s certain that you only need to open up a lil
that’s why no matter how distant and icy you  act towards him 
he never NEVER gives up
just shoots you one of his ^‿^ smiles and carries on
and unconsciously, you start to soften up around him
and there a very specific moment when he started to realize that
you were helping him cut up some fruits and as he was about to grab another apple, you grabbed his hand, intently inspecting it
jeno having a heated internal debate : ‘chill man, don’t give them a reason to catch you off guard’  (ó﹏ò。)
“well i gotta admit lee jeno” 
“huh?” insert that cute confused sound he makes
“i’m really awestruck by you”
jeno puffing his chest internally : ‘well it’s damn time you noticed me senpai’ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
“you’ve really got the ugliest tan i’ve ever seen”
‘ASDFKAWDKSAIKAKJW- *passes out* ‘ X.X
jeno just snatches his hand away and grumbles about fruits and bicycles
he’s sulky the entire day but not because you hurt his ego no 
and as much as you love teasing jeno, your growing soft spot for him is acting up and your melted heart just *mush*
so you kick renjun off the couch in order to sit beside jeno renjun tries to protest but you shoot him *that look* and he retreats with his tail between his legs ミ●﹏☉ミ
jeno tries to keep up his deeply hurt act dramatic much
until he feels shy fingers brushing his as if hesitating, before they curl around his firmly
‘ASDFKAWDKSAIKAKJW- *passes out* ‘ x2 because the softness in his heart is just too much for him
later on it becomes a habit neither of you complains
Lee Donghyuck
it’s the 4th time in the past 2 hours
and yes, donghyuck has been keeping count for scientific purposes obv
nvm, it’s the 5th time your hand brushed against his 
and hyuck is  ✨  ABOUT TO LOSE HIS MARBLES  ✨
the demons on his shoulders are arguing by now 
‘this is an attempt to subtly hold your hand dumbass’ (-‸ლ)
‘no it’s not, they would never touch anyone, remember when they threatened to chop chop that guy’s balls for touching them?’
‘it’s not the same thing, you’d let the opportunity if holding your crush’s hand pass by like this?’
‘sure go ahead, and then watch y/n dip it in acid’   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
donghyuck shuddered at the thought
what he doesn’t know is that sure, while sticking a random guy’s hand up his ass for touching you is a ‘been there done that’ for you
hyuck isn’t just a random guy
you’d choke on an asparagus before admitting it, but he has grown on you
sure, he’s still an annoying brat sometimes 
but he’s so much more than that, he understood you in ways other couldn’t, he was patient with you and did his best to comfort and show you he cares in his own way  (。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
and you grew to care for him too
maybe a bit more than a friend should   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“hey hyuck!! my hand is cold, warm it up for me”
you acted on impulse before you could chicken out and before hyuck could answer and slipped your hand in his
demon on left shoulder : ‘ha told ya pay up BEACH’
“you only love me for my warmth” said donghyuck totally not blushing and fangirling on the inside
“pffft i don’t love you, i like tolerate you and just shut up human radiator” said y/n totally not swinging their hands back and forward like kids in love 
Na Jaemin
this man= W H I P P E D
y/n makes an edible omlet? jaemin : this is real taste, 5 star michelin right here!!  stream gods menu cowards
y/n squishes hyuck like a bug for waking them up? jaemin : yes babe whoop go off cutie!!! (•̀o•́)ง
y/n breathes? jaemin : PERFECTION!!!11!!!1!!1!!
so you went from ‘(•ิ_•ิ)? what is this person saying??’
to ‘ (。•́︿•̀。)why isn’t he saying anything’ whenever he omits cheering you 
but in a subtle way
you can’t have him catching on
so one day you’re sitting at the kitchen table and he’s feeding you pieces of fruit you whine about being able to feed yourself but nana knows you’re secretly enjoying it
when you suddenly snatch his other hand and one of renjun’s pencils left around and you  🥺 him
unfair if you ask him, how is he supposed to say no so he doesn’t
and you start doodling on his hand o(^◇^)o
he tries to peek at what you’re doing but you squeal softly and move to cover your drawing 
“nana! wait until i’m done!!!’ (`0´)
he *melts* at your cute reactions and resorts to watching your face expressions fondly as he occasionally prods your lips with fruit
you move away to let him see the cute dolphin you drew on the back of his hand and he gushes about the cuteness of your drawing
but then you shyly start fiddling with his fingers as you explain
“you know how a dolphin helped poseidon find his love? this will make sure you’ll always find me” (๑•́‧̫•̀๑)
jaemin, softly smiling in understanding, curls his own fingers over yours and brings them up to his chest 
“you don’t have to worry about that”
Zhong Chenle
chenle doesn’t seem a very affectionate person either
so he’s not really worried about your lack of affection social distancing
what he is worried about is that you’re also distant on an emotional level
because what if he misreads you?
what if you misunderstand him because of the lack of communication?
what if he isn’t there for you the one time you need him?
this baby just wants you to know he cares (◕⌓◕;)
but at the same time he doesn’t want to act in a different way around you read as doesn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of his crush
also you’re quite close
as friends for now (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
and as he does with all his close friends : he brings you to his home in china!!!!
and this boi has the surprise of his life when you obviously make an effort to open up to his family ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७
you smile and chat a lot with his mom and chenle also gets to talk a lot with you since he has to translate so who’s the real winner here
and you know that variety show(?) where chenle dances with his grandpa in the park? you go there too (∗´꒳`)
and while you’re both waiting on the side…
you!!!!grab!!!!his!!!!HAND!!!! and pull him towards the dance floor!!
chenle : Σ(゜ロ゜;) then looks at you being all : o(^◇^) and chenle turns to : (●♡∀♡)  whipped culture everyone
he barely even breathes until you settle for a comfortable dance pattern, one of your hands on his shoulder, one of his laying gingerly on your waist respectfully cuz he is a manners man 
but most importantly : hands clasped together at the side!!!!!!
and these minutes in which you just dance together without a worry, chenle gets to live his long forgotten childhood dreams 🥺  you know how in cinderella it’s the dance that starts everything? yeah that
chenle marks this date in his calendar and makes it a national day 
Park Jisung
lyin’ is a sin so we don’t do that in dis household
jisung is highly intimidated by you (⌣_⌣”)
as in he likes likes you but he doesn’t dare act on his feelings in any way
so renjun and haechan took it upon themselves to play cupid a horrible decision really
and it seems that their attempts at dr. love only ended up in disasters
locked you together in a rollercoaster together? jisung threw up on both your laps (✦థ ェ థ)ノ
ice skating together? jisung stumbled into you, knocking you over so you left the ring with a bruised chin and sore knees and jisung : (シ_ _)シ
arcade hangout? your competitive self almost made jisung cry you not only ignored him but also kicked his ass in every. single. game
so no one had any expectations when they arranged a horror movie night and invited you to sit beside jisung ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you were awfully quiet since the start of the movie which wasn’t necessarily unusual but ya know 
but the atmosphere was getting tenser and tenser and you just knew some kind of jumpscare was coming
and survival comes first!!!! so you clutch onto the nearest thing
jisung’s hand ding dong correct!!!!
and you also bury your face in his shoulder subtly (っ⇀⑃↼)っ
you, shitting your pants : not a word to the others
jisung, also shitting his pants : not one
but uh even though jisung is awkward and everything, he isn’t complaining!!
he finds comfort in your death grip and you’re also his crush so DOUBLE WIN!!!  !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
ofc the others notice but they don’t say a word because ✨ you’re cute ✨ so they leave the teasing for later thought you escaped? not a chance beach
and to make it all even more embarrassingly cute, you fall asleep like that
and you wake up the next morning tucked in jisung’s side with a sore neck, clammy hands and 200 notifs on your phone with pictures of you and jisung sleeping from every  possible angle (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
and with a soon-to-be boyfriend too
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badedramay · 2 years
hello back after my qualification exams stuff, i loved imlie walking away from him THREE TIMES in one episode, symbolism or symbolism yah? Aru walking away while imlie watches so it's both of their povs on that song? also good. i also thought narmada's points were really interesting bc that's the crux of all the issues with imlie imo, she's SO SUNSHINE WONDERFUL BALL OF DELIGHT SELFLESS SACRIFICIAL LAMB and its like guess what imlie you can love people without burning yourself to keep them warm!!!! [cue ARS motivational speech] btw i don't think they're getting married just yet, i think it's just promo shenanigans like the car out the window which i personally think they shot when they thought aryan might still be grey/villainlite but then everyone fell in love with him because fahmaan is so wonderful. also think atif calling adi as majnu puts him as the obsessive one now that he knows malini's truths and out of guilt wants to make things okay, and then layla/her husband who were married and then of course everyone died bc lol persian poets were living their best tortured lives so i'm really interested to see where this all goes.
If ITV FLs learned to love without burning themselves out then quite literally the entire foundation of the the industry will crumble xD Imlie didn't just walk away from Aditya, she made sure she expressed the disgust being around him, which I loved more than the walking away. Far too often we see FLs in our desi dramas forgiving their spouses for every bit of abuse they inflict on them so to see Imlie not being able to forget, let alone forgive, Aditya character shaming her and accusing of being an adulterer was just refreshing to watch. she thinks THAT to be his biggest crime. it's not 'my love, my devotion, my care' that she wants accountability for..it was simply, 'my character!' that has her questioning him just how could she ever be the same to him and for him after that was treated as suspicious?
Wedding promos are never fake so yeah, we're definitely getting that marriage. the circumstances around it are still unclear but unlike that car promo (which STILL baffles me because it made no head or tail) this promo is gonna about something that actually happens. Malini's track is all but over. Tripathis got their son back. Imlie too appears to have gotten her closure. it would be stupid for the makers to agaiiinnnn get Imlie involved in one more of Tripathis ka drama so I think yes, the next track is gonna focus on Imlie individually. and what better way to do that than MARRIAGE?! :)))))))
Atif's sneakpeeks from the promo have been hella cryptic. I just wish we get that darned thing officially released today :@
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cedar-glade · 4 years
My wild hyacinths got browsed last night :/ it happens but now the seed count is going to be severely reduced in the prairie restoration plot :( 
“Other floral-faunal relationships are poorly understood. White-tailed Deer occasionally chomp off the tops of the basal leaves. Both the foliage and bulbs are not known to be toxic to mammalian herbivores.” -https://www.lakeforest.edu/academics/programs/environmental/courses/es203/camassia_scilloides.php
Deer have lost their abillity to descern whats acceptable to eat in an urban environment and they have broused things that are conceptually inedible in my garden. :/ 
Right now they are one of two full sun forbes that I have available to pollinators and yet they were browsed over the lettuce relative Krigia biflora
I am baffled. there is going to be a lot of deer vomit in my neighborhood. 
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This is what they look like going off in a fire controlled woodland btw
Photo from: http://bluegrasswoodland.com/uploads/Camassia_scilloides__Beargrass_in_the_Bluegrass_.pdf
https://planobluestem.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-frankford-prairie.html?showComment=1554527726558 > is a good example of what prairie remnant graveyard plot looks like with them. 
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The bottom photos are from  a forest near my house that I collect seed from each year in order to increase my yards population size. I think that they must require mesic soils with open sunlight because not much has come up. 
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fractallogic · 4 years
okay listen, here’s how rough the brain days have been:
wondering if I’m bugging my neighbors in animal crossing if I talk to them more than once in a session
being too anxious about “messing up” to pick the next color to work on in my needlepoint project, which is ALMOST FINISHED BTW (like seriously it just needs like, one more evening of bingewatching and sewing)
also feeling deeply inadequate/self-loathing/generally negative about my ability to like, sit down and finish creative projects? I don’t even know why I feel like this, I’m just like wtf is wrong with you just sit down and knit while you watch TV instead of playing phone games you aren’t enjoying
getting a little teary and very guilty-feeling when I was tapping my toe and accidentally tapped it on the end of Artemis’ tail, which made her turn around, bite me, and walk away
the mental health is WEIRDLY bad yesterday and today and I am baffled as to why
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The Embraced
Summary: Amy has gone home with the wrong person, finding herself on a deadly situation. Will someone be able to save her?
Rating: M -  Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Explicit depiction of murder. Mentions of sexual intercourse. Reader discretion is highly advised.
Words: 2241
Notes: A Bloodbound fanfiction. I had this idea with me for a long while, I am a fan of Vampire: The Masquerade, and anyone who has had any contact with the series, should identify the plot as the prologue for Bloodlines.
A.K.A the best 90′s videogame.
Oh, and BTW, this is intended as a one-shot, I’m not sure I can take on any multichaptered fics right now, but if anyone feel inspired to tackle it, feel welcome to write it. I can help beta-ing or something, even.
On with the story.
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Amy could swear to the God above, she have never done anything like that before.
She has always been the quiet, cautious type. Staying on her own lane, never taking much risk, rarely going on bar bends Fridays at night, not drinking, least of all doing drugs.
Not going to second locations with handsome strangers. Not having sex with said strangers the night she met them.
There was something about Tristan that was… alluring, too intriguing to ignore, that drew her to him, that made her lower her guard and forget caution for a while, and it was great.
Indulgent people often forget how the smallest of permissible behaviour feels like when you are that repressed. For now, Amy was riding the sweet wave of release and she never wanted to get down.
Finishing washing her mouth after a hot session of love-making and some cuddling, she matted her hair on the places that stuck out from Tristan’s tugging and emerged from the bathroom, wearing nothing else but his shirt.
At the doorstep to the bedroom, she struck a sexy pose, smirking in mirth. “How do you like it?” She asked, in the best impression of a femme fatale she could muster.
Tristan chuckled heartily. “Sexy.”
He was a fine specimen of masculinity, being over 1,80 metres tall and having taut muscles, clear eyes and light hair. He had said he was twenty-two, like her, and was a day trader for a Spanish investment bank.
The young man did not say where he was from, only that he lived in Manhattan, on a studio apartment where he took her for their escapade, but she could notice a tint of accent and foreign manners on his demeanour.
She, then, crossed the distance between the door and the bed, made herself comfortable on his arms and kissed him on the mouth.
“Listen, bella,” He said, nuzzling her neck. “I want to show you something.”
“Stop! It tickles!” She chuckles, unable to control herself. “What do you want to show me?”
Then, he bites her neck, hard enough to draw blood. At first, the pain is strong enough that she cannot help but to scream loudly. Soon, however, the hurt ebbs away and is replaced by a sensation of pleasure.
A few minutes into it, and black spots start to form on the edges of her sight. She feels her consciousness slipping away, being taken with a desire to sleep, like if she had not laid her head in days.
Tristan moves his head away and something warm and metallic passes through her lips. A liquid, but not much, not enough for a full gulp.
“Dormís, bella.” She can hear him say, but could not make out what was actually being said. “Cuando vosotros despertáis, empezaréis una nueva vida.”
Amy woke up, breathless. She felt like she could not breathe, and a large intake of air is what signalled her regain of conscience.
It was a strange room, the drawers were drawn, but it did not make the place too dark. She could see perfect shapes, but it was all too colourless, and also very dusty, the flocks dancing in front of her eyes.
Her head was pounding and all her body ached. She also felt very cold, as if she had just fallen on an icy lake, rather stiff and dirty.
“Ah, bella,” A voice came from her left. “You’re awake, and you look fine, too. I am glad.”
She looked from where the voice came and could not recognize at first glance, even if the voice sounded familiar. Staring harder at the face, she could finally place it.
“Tristan!” She exclaims. “What is happening? What did you do to me?”
He looked regretful at her. “I am very sorry, bella, but it was what it had to be done. I couldn’t let you go, you see? So, I had to appeal to extreme methods.”
“What are you even saying?!” Her voice raised and she could feel the rage boiling her blood.
“You were so beautiful, your blood sang to me. I knew I had to make you mine, and yet you didn’t seem to be the least attracted to me when I came to your office.” The man remembers feverishly, as if he was somewhere else. “Hell, when I found you at the bar, you didn’t even remember we had already met.
“I had to do it, I had to compel you, I had to bring you here.” A pause, one which she could hear the sirens outside and people talking on the street. She was starting to freak out. “I had to turn you, so you would have to rely on me.”
“Turn me?” She asked confused. “Turn me into what?”
“Vampire.” Was the response.
Before either of them could say anything else, a banging was heard from the front door.
“It’s them!” He shouts, scared. “How could they know? I was so careful!”
The door was thrown off its hinges, as a few burly men came into the apartment and contained Tristan, who was struggling and shouting. They placed a gag on his mouth and a hood on his head.
Taking him away, they turned to her and repeated the process, but with remarkably ease if compared to her companion. Amy could feel they were strong, and despite fighting to the best of her capacity, it was to no use.
Soon after, with none the wiser, they were taken away into the dark and silence of the night.
Amy was still hooded and incapable of speaking due to the gag they tied tightly on her mouth. She was set on a kneeling position, around half an hour earlier, but oddly, she did not feel any pain or tiredness.
What she did feel, however, was a quenching thirst on the back of her throat, yet, when she thought about a nice, cold glass of water, her stomach made a sick turn, as if it was unnatural and disgusting.
Her mind came back again and again to Tristan’s statement, that he had turned her into a vampire, and it just did not make sense. There was no such thing as immortal, bloodsucking creatures living in the dark, it was preposterous under any circumstance.
Yet, there was this nagging feeling, something that hinted for something have happened to her that she could not quite identify but it was not anything ordinary.
Well, she considered, perhaps a thought exercise would help. If water made her disgusted, she tried thinking about the gory Japanese horror film her roommate forced her to watch some time ago.
Surely enough, the thought of flowing, spilt blood opened her appetite, and it scared her.
“Ugh. He always does that!” She could her a high-pitched, female voice bemoaning. “It’s way past midnight! He insists in making a big entrance like some stupid diva, and we have to sit on our tails, waiting!”
“I have more to lose with this and you don’t see me complaining, do you?” A male voice this time responds. “Just shut up and wait!”
The female ‘hmph’s and keeps her peace. They did not have to wait much longer, as soon after a man’s voice reverberates through the enclosed space.
“Brethren,” He says. “Excuse my lateness. Are we ready to begin?”
A few unamused ‘aye’s are heard, and then the hood is removed from Amy’s head.
They were on a cave, somewhere underground. That would explain the humidity and the echoes on the voices.
In front of her, there were five people looking emotionlessly at her, amongst them very familiar faces like the famous designer Priya Lacroix, who seemed particularly taken with a terrible case of ennui.
Tristan was kneeling next to her, looking desperate. Usually, she would feel compassion, but she was having a hard time feeling anything at all for him.
She could still hear pacing from behind her, but she feared looking back.
“My apologies for disrupting any business or interfering with prior engagements you may have had.” The voice from behind her speaks once more, and the pacing intensify. “It is unfortunate that the affair that gather us together here this evening is a troubling one.
“We are here because the laws that bind our society, that protects our way of living, have been broken. As the current president, I am within my duties to remind you all of the moratorium we, as a council, have imposed on further turnings, and the punishments assigned to those who do not comply to those orders.”
For the first time that night, Amy sees the face of the man who spoke with such authority, and it baffles her to see it was none other than Adam Vega, senator for the state of New York.
He continues with an unchanging tone of voice. “Due to the problem we have been facing with the Feral, and the ever-growing populace of clanless New York has amounted on all of our ninety-so years of existence, all turnings without the strict, express and unanimous authorization of the council has been deemed illegal, and I understand this particular case has not even been brought to attention of his own clan leader.”
“That is correct.” A tanned-skinned, chubby man on the corner of the cave said, forcefully, as if he wanted to ascertain his blamelessness in it all.
“Yes, thank you, Lester.” Adam says with a hint of annoyance and continues his tirade. “Those two were caught shortly after the termination of this youngling’s turning. It pains me to announce the sentence, as, up to this night, I have considered the accused a loyal and upstanding member of our society. However, as you all know, the punishment for this transgression is death.”
A string of ‘aye’s were heard through the cave.
“Know that I am no more a judicator than I am a servant to the laws that govern us all.” Adam says, and this elicits some very conspicuous eye-rolls from some of the spectators. “Let tonight’s proceedings serve as a reminder to all of our community we must adhere to what has been convened, lest we endanger our blood.”
Adam, then, kneels next to Tristan and says, as if trying to be indiscreetly discreet, “Forgive me.”
After that, the senator stands and, in a swift motion, beheads the other man, who promptly turns into dust.
“Which leads us to the fate of the ill-begotten progeny.” Adam says, turning to face Amy. “Without a sire, and more especially, without a clan, most of our kind are doomed to befell the monstrous hunger that condemn us all, to the point that all reason is consumed, leaving only a shadow of their former self, the personification of hunger.” Pause for dramatic effect. “A feral.”
“For that reason, upon great consideration, I have decided to spare her own suffering and especially those of her countless potential victims by executing her tonight.” The politician said, and seemed to motion for carrying out the sentence, when a voice contains him.
“Wait!” It said. “There is another way.”
Adam stares down at the man arguing. “What do you propose, Adrian? That we let her free? Without a clan, she will certainly become a feral.”
“No, of course not.” The man, Adrian, counters, seemed miffed with the mere suggestion. “However, it is to my knowledge some of us have vacancies on their clans. If she has a mark, if she is part of a clan, there is no need to execute her.”
“Perhaps, but you are with a full clan. You cannot be the one to take her in.” Adam argues. “But very well, this youngling is up for adoption. I cannot be the one to take responsibility, either, I also have a full clan, nor does the Baron.
“Lester!” The man calls. “You seem to have just gained an opening, and this girl is of your bloodline. Would you like to take her in?”
The brows of the fat man furrowed in distaste. “Of course not. You have just destroyed one of my most useful underlings. I will not replace him with some girl off the streets!”
“Very well.” Adam agreed. “Priya?”
The designer approached her, circling her and looking at her appraisingly, just like one would do to a horse. Finally, she decided, “Not cute enough.”
“We seem to have ran out of clans, Adrian.” Adam announces, with a sense of sadism. “If no one has any further objections, I now sentence this youngling to…”
Before he could deliver, he was interrupted once again, this time by a regal woman, sitting next to Adrian.
“I will take her.” She said.
“Kamilah?” He asks, confused and in awe. “You wish for this girl?”
“Yes, I have an opening. This should save me the bureaucracy of looking for a candidate and requesting permission.” She responded, unaffected.
It was terrifying, to have your life and death decided by people you do not know in front of you and not being able to weigh in.
Her whole life seemed to flash before her eyes, while the senator considered Kamilah’s position.
“Very well.” He concludes. “I will allow for you to brand her. All in favour?”
Priya, Adrian and Kamilah said ‘aye’, against ‘nay’s from Lester and an odd, grouch man she concludes to be the Baron.
“Four versus two, the motion passes.” Adam proclaims, helping Amy up and untying her. “Welcome to your new existence, youngling. You got very lucky.”
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fourteen--steps · 6 years
On big goldfish, and listening to each other
I apologize if the tone of this post is maybe a little more snippy than my usual ones. I’m usually very thoughtful with my words but I’ve had an incredibly rough physical and emotional week and I’m running low on spoons to devote to thinking things through properly. My frustration’s gonna bleed through here but I don’t want anyone to take it personal cause it’s really more me than you.
That said. 
Remember that whole trend a while ago of “don’t give advice on animals you haven’t kept or deeply researched?” What ever happened to that? What ever happened to respecting the expertise and hearing out the opinions of people who actually have it in that field vs demanding you’re right because you’ve read some care sheets and seen some photos of worst case scenarios?
My whole life and world has been immersed in goldfish for the last several years. Keeping multiple breeds of both single tail and fancy, reading, researching, joining everything from casual hobbyist groups to those of serious breeders and highly respected names. I’ve moderated, built, and eventually owned my own care forum. I’ve spent hours reading vet manuals and scientific articles, as well as conducting necropsies on every animal I lose to better understand their inner workings and what’s gone wrong. I had the wonderful experience last summer of raising a small batch of someone else’s fry. I’ve experimented with all different kinds of food and filtration and maintenance and decor and enrichment.
I don’t know everything, nobody can. I’m not perfect, nobody is. But I can say with confidence I know a lot about the care and keeping of goldfish overall, and that my information is overall very solid and thought out. 
So when someone comes in my inbox and asks my opinion on something goldfish related, my answer comes with all that experience and thought behind it. I often include caveats in my answers when I’m not 100% sure, or if I believe there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. I’m not so bigheaded as to believe that my way is absolutely always right and will work for every situation and every fish. But I answer in earnest and with confidence and reasoning. 
But then my posts get immediately doused with comments from people who to the best of my knowledge have little to no experience with the species. The ones who do have experience tend to be polite in their responses, if not a bit misguided, although even then their knowledge tends to bottom out at keeping some orandas in a 40B or having tended a garden pond. Often the other comments are far more cursory and involve varying amounts of dismissal of my opinion entirely, insults, condescension, and most frustratingly, wild misinformation (much of which I’ve only heard echoed back and forth within the microcosm of tumblr, and never from a reputable outside source)
Like I’ve read a fair amount about bettas now both on here and elsewhere just cause they’re such popular fish and I’m a nerd and I’m curious. But I’ve never kept one, and I’m not an expert, and I’d never go be snappy on the advice post of someone who I know has a lot more practical and academic knowledge with them than I do? At the very least I could politely ask a question or voice a dissenting opinion with some of my reasoning, possibly acknowledging the deficits in my experience, but diving straight in with the vitriol just baffles me. 
It’s come to my attention people are vagueing about me now and that’s just? So fucking childish and unnecessary. I’m also being accused of having stunted fish based on, among other things, the old eye proportion criteria, but btw that image of the ranchu that circulates as an example? Is heavily photoshopped and not a reliable catchall method to determine stunting.
For those who didn’t believe Zoom is as big as I said, I took this picture today. He’s not the most personable of my fish so he wouldn’t let me get him against a measuring tape but I measured my hand like that at about 4 inches, then pasted those identical bars on him (swear the blue bar is the same I just recolored so it’d stand out, not sure why it looks a little longer than the red). He’s just under 8 inches, nose to peduncle. Maybe even a tad longer cause he always curls a little when I flip him on his side (also why his side looks a little sunken here, he was getting ready to snap back and splash me in the face :P). When measuring goldfish you don’t include fins, by standard. If you wanna tack on the extra inch or so of tail go ahead and call him 9″
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I also weighed him, he’s 109 grams which is a tad less than I’d like but I’ve been having issues with one fish in the tank needing a specialized diet so they’ve all been getting a little less protein than usual lately. The fish with the diet issue is probably going to be going back to @finefeatheredfish​ soon and I can pick up with weekly Worm Nights as usual again. His body condition is still good though rounded from above without being bloated, muscular rather than fatty, with a nice smooth taper head to tail and a bit of a belly. He’s not a very tall fish, but that’s more cause he’s a badly bred feeder fish who doesn’t fit the perfect common genetic standard than anything. Height isn’t about health, that’s a genetic characteristic that some fish just won’t achieve. In fact many tall “humpy” commons are not actually properly tall, but have large fat deposits along the tops of their bodies particularly built up behind the head which are an indicator of poor diet and overfeeding. 
In fact if you want, here’s the US hibuna show standard! Take a look!
What about the eye thing? It’s huge compared to his head right? Well here’s a shubunkin posted by Gary Hater, currently one of the most well respected breeders in the US hobby, both for his fish quality and welfare standards. Who incidentally keeps most of his in aquariums and states that they normally reach 6-8″ indoors. This fish was from his “giants” tank, one of which he said was roughly 10 inches. This one in the video looked a little smaller than aforementioned Big Boy so I figure it’s around 8″ or so, like Zoom. and hey, look at that big googly eye! Almost like eye size can vary naturally in healthy goldfish and isn’t necessarily a sign of stunting without other important factors that are often much more subtle and far less textbook!
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The last think I want to bring up, is that this whole “goldfish are ALL large” and by extension “NEED to be large” to be “right” worries me for another reason. I’m concerned there’s a mounting pressure that goldfish should be reaching these enormous sizes that they aren’t meant to, in far too short of a time. Many of the fish that do reach these sizes in captivity, yes even the ones in ponds, reach them due to powerfeeding. Intentional or not, these fish are put on high protein, high filler, sometimes high fat diets, and often fed a lot of it. Outdoor fish also gorge themselves on algae, insects, worms, snails, aquatic plants, sometimes other small fish, anything they can get their greedy little mitts on. Then their owner will dump in a large cup of cheap high protein pond conditioning food and they scarf that down too. 
For aquarium fish, a nervous newbie keeper may see their young fish isn’t growing to the size they believe it’s supposed to and get a bigger tank, start feeding extra bloodworms, more meaty pellets, maybe turn the heater up a degree or two to boost their metabolism. They balance it out with lots of veggies so they think it’s okay, they just want their fish to be healthy and catch up to where it’s “supposed” to be! This leads to rapid and impressive growth, yes, but it comes with dangerous and potentially deadly consequences. 
Some of you may remember Queenie. She was the largest goldfish I’ve ever personally encountered, 10-11 inches and fat fat with it. Her original owner surrendered her to our LFS and @finefeatheredfish​ immediately bought her with the plan that she’d move into my 150 when it was set up. She was healthy at the time, some kind of long bodied fancy mix and drop dead gorgeous, though she needed to drop some weight for sure. Too young to be that massive and visibly overweight. She was unquestionably a powerfed pond fish.
Cw for euthanasia mention, pet death, graphic descriptions, next 3 paragraphs
But about a month into her QT she began getting sick, infection-like symptoms but antibiotics didn’t do anything. We worked on her another month, did our best to save her. We probably should have euthanized her earlier in hindsight but we wanted so bad to get her through and give her a happy home. She was just so amazing you know? I took her for the last week of her life to try some last ditch treatment, she died about 3 days after this photo was taken. 
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I did a necropsy on her afterwards. Her vital organs were layered in fat. There was so much of it around her swim bladder that I thought it was another organ at first and got confused. I’m shocked it was still functional. Her liver was unidentifiable mush, suggesting chronic disease, and her gallbladder had simply exploded and spilled bile all over the surrounding tissue. Her body cavity was full of blood and fluid. The cause of death appeared to be the rupture of her gallbladder or liver and the tearing of some important vessel in that area, she bled out internally. 
The chronic liver and gallbladder disease were entirely untreatable for home aquarists. What we thought was infectious dropsy was full on liver failure, she couldn’t balance the fluid and electrolytes in her body anymore which caused the swelling. Likely even if we had taken her to the vet there would have been little they could do. You can’t really remove a fish’s inflamed gallbladder, or transplant in a new liver to replace a failing one. Those conditions are linked to obesity in many species, and I have no doubt that Queen’s diet and obesity were the cause of the chronic conditions that lead to her slow death.
She was powerfed because someone wanted a large, impressive fish, and it killed her. She deserved so much better than that. 
CW over
Powerfeeding and its results are not always that extreme, and I can go into more on the other risks and issues if anyone is interested, but this is long enough already. I wanted to include Queenie as a cautionary tale, and because I’m still so sad she never got to meet the rest of my little school. She was such a sweetheart.
I have a genuine concern with this normalization of 12-14″+ fish as average, that people are going to start pushing their pets to meet that. Most goldfish are not genetically capable of that growth. I’d go so far as to say most goldfish should not reach that size, at least not in any appreciably quick period of time. 
Feed your fish well. Keep their water clean. Give them room to swim. They will grow on their own time, to their own size. 
And lastly. I’m open to talking about this stuff, really. I love to learn new things and hear new sides. Just please, be friendly and mature and let’s have a real conversation? We can disagree politely. It doesn’t have to be black and white, mortal enemies, I know fishblr’s environment these days isn’t very conducive to that, and that’s part of why I’d left a few weeks ago. But I’m trying to give it another chance cause this community used to be really welcoming and wonderful. I’d really love for us to be able to step away from all this polarizing distrust and be open and considerate again.
My responses may be spotty because of the terrible week I mentioned at the beginning of this post but I’ll try and check back.
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