#tears of happiness
ryllen · 11 months
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My Mint
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thisthat-ortheother · 25 days
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shonwithnohope · 7 months
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. . . . .
I feel soo lucky today (TvT)
Beelzebub came home with my baby Zagan?!! I'm crying tears of happiness (TwT)
More to my baby Zagan has arrived. (Sorry, but Zagan currently is my favourite boy (-w-;))
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thehighpriestess22 · 1 year
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May your next tears be tears of joy 💕
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poppin-fandoms · 1 year
The day Byler becomes canon should be a national holiday honestly
Also when Mike finally realizes he’s gay
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pearlywritings · 8 months
i just want to let you know i adore all of your pieces the reader is so relatable and FUN and god i enjoy your diluc writings so much the way you write him is PERFECT!! it’s exactly how i envision him and you’ve truly spoiled me where it’s hard to read other people’s diluc writings because nothing compares to yours!! i’m looking forward to seeing more!!!
I am seriously gonna cry (from joy ofc)
I am extremely touched! Especially about Diluc, given that the majority of my content is about him, which is kinda funny, since I have many favs, but some of them have not yet been given their own separate fics (*cough* Alhaitham *cough*, also Neuvi and Wrio).
And you know, Diluc could've shown me some appreciation! I reached AR60 yesterday and you know what? STILL NO REDHEAD ON MY ACC.
As much as I love him he also makes me mad lmao
Still gonna write for him though. He'll probably have a forever place in my heart <3
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firecroft · 2 years
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Photo: Matti Bernitz
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foxmenbetter · 2 years
A crash, part 2
A/n So ... when i started writing this majority of the comments said artem ending so heres part 2 with artem, once again reader is not rosa
!Warnings!: Unrequited love, abuse of authority at a workplace, mentions of blood, mentions of reader getting sevearly hurt, mentions of murder
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After i suddenly woke up i looked around the what seemed like a hospital room with a massive headache, as my headache got more intense i started remembering what happanned and why i was there, surrounded by 'get well soon' ballons and cards along with my favorite flowers freshly placed on the table to my right and on the window board. When i registered all that happaned before i fell asleep and now that i woke up i tried to sit up properly but gave up on the idea when i felt that my neck was hurting too much and knew that was probably a sign for me to lay back dowm. So i didn't, and tried again only to hear the door opening and see a complete stranger with soft brown hair, an heir of pax, sir artem, doctor ritcher and rosa come through the door. Innitially, i was confused, and just stayed in my half sitting position before sir artem came to me, laid me back down and started scolding me on how reckless I was to be sitting up after such a violent crash how i should just lay down and keep resting.
Completly ignoring him i turned my head to the brown haired man and Marius Von Hagen, an heir of the Pax group, and tried to signal to rosa 'what are those two men that i never met in my life doing in my hospital room after my car crash???' while Rosa, as ussual was not able to decipher my messege i turned to vyn and gave him the same look while he just shrugged and started looking around the room, looking as if he hasn't yet visited, which i admit, hurt a litlle..
When i finnaly spoke up to first calm artem down and then greet the 'unexpected guests' in the room. "Sooo... What brings you here mr. Von Hagen and sir... uhm..?" I say while shifing my focus from sir Artem to mr. Von Hagen and to the mysterious stranger until someone else finnaly spoke up. "Ah! I apologise for being here, my name is Luke Pearce, no need to add sir to my name, Rosa's friends are my friends so you can just call me Luke-" "Rosa, why did you call so many people to 'visit' me?" I said sternly while looking at Rosa through a side eye showing her how annoyed i am at this whole situation.
While a certain someone started glaring at me (*cough* Luke *cough*) i kept waiting for a respons from now very figety Rosa. "Well- the the driver is involved with a case i am currently working on- and he had an accomplice in the police department- so if you maybe saw someone new among the policeme-" i cut her off whiee trying to keep my tone calm " Rosa, i went flying like 20 meters from the car and lost my vision, i could only hear some ringing voices up to the point when i was inside the ambulance vehicle. For future refferences, please do listen to the doctor about my condition before you ask me any questions." After i felt like i was clear enough with my intentions i saw a quivering rosa stand up, apologise and start heading out before i stopped her and started telling her about the bus cult like situation 'it may be related to something more sinister...' i thought while telling her the last of details.
After i was done a doctor came in to check on my physical well being while everyone in the room started leaving. "It seems like that brown haired sophisticated man really cares about you, he came to visit you here everyday, is he maybe your lover miss?" He said with an effort to distract me from the prick of a needle while he was taking my blood and the oressure in my arm while he measured my blood pressure. "Mr Wing? No we're not together, he is my boss and the last person i saw that day before i crashed so i am sure he visited solely out of guilt of not keeping me longer, as that would prevent the crash." After he finished with the check up he looked at me and said "Miss, if you aren't together i feel real bad for him, the first time he came looking for you here he was soaked from the sudden rain and looked like he wanted to kill someone! But when he got the the front desk he was so polite and had such a sinciere look in his eyes and made such an adorable face when the nurse asked if you two were together, you almost woudnt believe it was the same guy."
While i listened to him i remembered all the times artem went out of his way to be with me, to be closer to me. It was so obvious that i feel like an idiot thinking back at it! 'He liked me all this time?' I thought as the doctor left and artem came in again, but alone this time. He still looked so worried about me, it was quite adorable to see him frantically ask me so many questioms at the same time.. Yes adorable, adorable? I never thought of him that way- why am i-? oh, "i've finnaly come to terms with my fellings artem." I said while looking at him straight in the eyes while he tried to avoid me looking at him " Um what..? What feelings?". "Artem I- I'm in love with you! Will you please go out with me?" After saying that i didnt hear an answer from artem for some time, he was turned around so i couldnt see his face but he was sitting next to my bed so i sat up and went to anxciously face him.
"Artem! What wrong? Why are you crying??" I said when i finnally saw his face, he was crying but then he suddenly hugged me and whispered in my ear something that made me wanna cry too "I love you too, Y/n, im so glad you chose me to confess your feelings to out of everyone. I'm soo happy i'm crying tears of joy!"
That day, i finally came to tearms with my true feelings and realised it was never vyn, it was always artem. All the nights i stayed up to do others work i was doing it so that i could be considered as a partner for yet another case with Artem, and now that he's finally in my arms i couldn't be happier...
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cooked rice today, and this is the first time it has come out perfectly since coming to ireland. not too wet and sticky, not too dry and hard, just perfect :')
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veone · 9 months
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*how I be in public reading these post!!*
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analog945 · 1 year
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zonai-of-the-lost · 2 years
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catholicjinx · 2 years
I really like that your painting have fluidity and autonomy. And no, i won't tell you what that means AKJSDKAJSDKASJD
geri if u keep being nice to me im gonna cry
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maxidentscene · 2 years
they’re in australia plsplspls
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stregoni-benefici · 2 years
Congratulations to Brazil 🖤
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daffodi1 · 2 years
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